All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
4.0.0 (2021-12-12)
- ava: revert require-extension-hooks-vue for fixing peer dep error on vue-template-compiler (4b6247d)
- axios: avoid hard-coded base URL localhost:3000, fixes #641 (#830) (93297e5)
- deps: add nuxt required deps to root for avoiding hosting issue (ca5e6b4)
- husky: revert stdin tty workaround of #766 for npm (#825) (1520453)
- nightwatch: use correct css selector (f19bc15)
- primevue: fix primevue nuxt module name (c12c1ee)
- stylelint: unknown word on scss file (9461143)
- vuetify: update @nuxtjs/vuetify for using sass-loader v10 (c897e1a)
- add lintfix and prettier scripts (#829) (f3e61cd), closes #827
- add primevue ui framework (#859) (0fa8a67)
- cli: add user-friendly exit for unknown options (#854) (b734105)
- frameworks: remove framevuerk (#904) (c54809d)
- minimum node version is 12
3.7.1 (2021-06-29)
3.7.0 (2021-06-27)
- cli: rephrase not empty directory error message (#778) (8186168)
- cna-template: use npx to invoke locally installed binaries (#774) (a9844ee)
- husky: stdin is not a tty in git bash (#766) (807546d)
- jest: jest 27 changed the default test environment to node (8c27b44)
- template: nodemismatch error in ios safari (#770) (41463d1)
- template: update vant template demo (#776) (de45005)
- templates: remove not being maintained vuesax (#795) (e7211b3)
- templates: remove not recommended eslint-plugin-prettier (#797) (5d8c498)
- templates: use PascalCase component names in single-file components (ed17e67)
- add vuetify to dependencies (#787) (3610d12)
- create-nuxt-app: add --overwrite-dir flag (#799) (e45bdbb)
- update design (#792) (b7d2db9)
- template: update to husky v6 (#715) (5ee3feb)
3.6.0 (2021-03-19)
- prompts: change JAMstack to Jamstack (#742) (904a26f)
- Oruga packagePatterns in renovate.json (#734) (236a5e0)
- ts: remove @nuxt/typescript-runtime (#721) (cbd58dc)
- ui: add index page for vant (cf2461b)
- vuesax: add boxicons (#722) (d121169)
- update sao link (#707) (3f548e5)
- Add CircleCI and Travis CI (#737) (1cfe0d4)
- Add nuxt windicss. (#753) (a0da946)
- add vant ui framework (#710) (37bfea3)
- update @nuxtjs/tailwindcss to v4 (#751) (691bd8a)
- update iview to viewui (#714) (43da555)
- upgrade @oruga-ui/oruga to version 0.3.3 (#717) (77f948c)
3.5.2 (2021-01-28)
Note: Version bump only for package create-nuxt-app
3.5.1 (2021-01-28)
3.5.0 (2021-01-17)
- link: add eslint-plugin-vue to devDependency (7cef146)
- lint: use double quotes for glob syntax (#684) (2e1aff8)
- template: htmlAttrs typo (af72313)
- types: add nuxt content support for typescript (#688) (ecbc960)
- e2e tests are configured with project's nuxt.config (#670) (be14839)
- add BalmUI to UI framework (#636) (d57c992)
- pwa: add default language to nuxt.config (#653) (31dd1a3)
- add Nightwatch.js as test framework option (#572) (75985e4)
- add Oruga as UI framework option (#635) (b6facaf)
- add route page and content fetch (#632) (d045b20)
- don't install @nuxtjs/eslint-config and @nuxtjs/eslint-config-typescript together (#633) (60795d1)
3.4.0 (2020-10-06)
3.3.0 (2020-09-17)
- template: bump typescript packages versions (#599) (b00e836)
- eslint issue with ava (#595) (f77d6bd)
- updated layout to be in par with vuetify 2.x (#597) (4d404ff)
- add commitlint as linting tools option (#592) (33817a8)
- add support for dependabot (#604) (80e04e9)
- prompt for git (#596) (ec431e8)
- use
by default (#594) (146a312)
3.2.0 (2020-07-27)
- template: fix package.json dev script for typescript (#568) (1f64e5a)
- show up an appropriate warning if the target path exists and is non-empty (#570) (21d6729)
- vuetify: v-content is deprecated (f547654)
3.1.0 (2020-06-22)
3.0.0 (2020-06-18)
- ava: expect vm truthy as vue instance assertion (46594db)
- jest: downgrate vue-jest to v3 (8a75b51)
- prettier: add stylelint-config-prettier (50aa285)
2.16.0 (2020-05-18)
- update snapshots (b5fd723)
- lint: disable eslint nuxt.config.js extend line (#491) (a7d3142)
- update prompts to add static in universal (#462) (71d84b1)
- update snapshots (2b26088)
- ava: e2e test hangs until timeout (8393524)
- lint-staged: run eslint only for staged files (9133954)
- vuetify footer fixed attribute toggling (dae1734)
- add WebdriverIO as test framework option (#528) (9a1497f)
- deps: update eslint to v7 (916f288)
- lint: add stylelint-config-standard and separate lint scripts (#493) (8034d68)
- server: upgrade fastify to v2 (952230b)
- template: remove author and description from prompt (#466) (1d7d0c4)
- templates: deprecate server templates (#501) (c60f39e)
- migrate to monorepo (#458) (64991bb)
- minimum required nodejs version is 10.20.0 (33fbf49)
- template: support package.json and handler (#467) (ff37dc8)