Get-NetDomain -Domain moneycorp.local
(Get-DomainPolicy)."system access"
(Get-DomainPolicy -domain moneycorp.local)."system access"
(Get-DomainPolicy -domain moneycorp.local)."kerberos policy"
(Get-DomainPolicy -domain moneycorp.local)."Privilege Rights"
# OR
(Get-DomainPolicy)."KerberosPolicy" #Kerberos tickets info(MaxServiceAge)
(Get-DomainPolicy)."SystemAccess" #Password policy
(Get-DomainPolicy).PrivilegeRights #Check your privileges
Keep note of the kerberos policy as it will be required while making Golden Tickets with mimikats with the same offsets else it will get blocked by the defenders
Get-NetDomainController -Domain moneycorp.local
Get-NetUser -Username student1
Get-UserProperty -Properties pwdlastset,logoncount,badpwdcount
Get-UserProperty -Properties logoncount
Get-UserProperty -Properties badpwdcount
If the logon count and the bad password count of a user is tending to 0 it might be a decoy account. If the password last set of a user was also long back it might be a decoy account
Find-UserField -SearchField Description -SearchTerm "built"
Get-NetComputer -OperatingSystem "*Server 2016*"
Get-NetComputer -Ping
Get-NetComputer -FullData
Any computer administrator can create a computer object in the domain which is not an actual computer/Virtual-Machine but its object type is a computer
Get-NetGroup -Domain <targetdomain>
Get-NetGroup -FullData
Get-NetComputer -Domain
Get-NetGroup *admin*
Get-NetGroup -GroupName *admin*
Get-NetGroup *admin* -FullData
Get-NetGroup -GroupName *admin* -Doamin moneycorp.local
Groups like "Enterprise Admins","Enterprise Key Admins",etc will not be displayed in the above commands unless the domain is not specified because it is only available on the domain controllers of the forest root
Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "Domain Admins" -Recurse
#test the below command
#Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "Domain Admins" -Properties * | select DistinguishedName,GroupCategory,GroupScope,Name,Members
Make sure to check the RID which is the last few charachters of the SID of the member-user as the name of the member-user might be different/changed but the RID is unique. For example : It might be an Administrator account having a differnt/changed member-name but if you check the RID and it is "500" then it is an Administrator account
Get-NetGroup -UserName "student1"
Get-NetLocalGroup -ComputerName dcorp-dc.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local -ListGroups
Get-NetLocalGroup -ComputerName dcorp-dc.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local -Recurse
Get-NetLoggedon -ComputerName dcorp-dc.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local
Get locally logged users on a computer (needs remote registry on the target - started by-default on server OS)
Get-LoggedonLocal -ComputerName dcorp-dc.dollarcorp.moneycorp.local
Get the last logged user on a computer (needs administrative rights and remote registry on the target)
Get-LastLoggedon -ComputerName <servername>
Invoke-ShareFinder -Verbose
Invoke-FileFinder -Verbose