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Unsupported. The suggestions can be retrieved only by source and target or via direct link, see the single entry and search method below.
GET api/integration/suggestions/<:suggestion-id>
It returns the data from one suggestion. The suggestion-id is a String generated by the source, as it must be unique for source, target and identified object to be imported it is usually represented by a combination of such elements
sample for a suggestion /api/integration/suggestions/openaire:gf3d657-9d6d-4a87-b905-fef0f8cae26:24694772
"id": "reciter:gf3d657-9d6d-4a87-b905-fef0f8cae26:24694772",
"display": "publication one",
"source": "reciter",
"score": "62.7",
"externalSourceUri": "",
"evidences": {
"AuthorNamesScorer" : {
"score" : "100.00",
"notes" : "The author Andrea Bollini at position 2 in the authors list matches the name Andrea Bollini in the researcher profile"
"DateScorer" : {
"score" : "0.00",
"notes" : "No assumption was possible about the publication year range. Please consider to set a min/max date in the profile, specify the birthday or education achievements"
"acceptedRejectedEvidence": {
"score": "2.7",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"authorNameEvidence": {
"score": "0",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"journalCategoryEvidence": {
"score": "6",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"affiliationEvidence": {
"score": "23.7",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"relationshipEvidence": {
"score": "9",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"educationYearEvidence": {
"score": "3.6",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"personTypeEvidence": {
"score": "4",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"articleCountEvidence": {
"score": "6.7",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"averageClusteringEvidence": {
"score": "7",
"notes": "some notes, eventually empty or null"
"metadata": {
"dc.identifier.uri": [
"value": "https://publication/0000-0003-3681-2038",
"language": null,
"authority": null,
"confidence": -1,
"place": -1
"dc.title" : [
"value" : "publication one",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1
"" : [
"value" : "2010-11-03",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1
"type": "suggestion",
"uniqueType": "integration.suggestion",
"_links": {
"target": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
It returns the list of suggestions and corresponding evidence from a specific source for the requested individual/target
The supported parameters are:
- page, size see pagination. Data can be sorted by trust desc (default) or asc. Please note that the sort parameter must use the word trust instead than score for the sorting as score have a reserved meaning
- target: mandatory, the uuid associated with your target profile
- source: mandatory, the key of the source that you want to query for suggestion
Return codes:
- 200 OK - if the operation succeed
- 400 Bad Request - if the uuid parameter is missing or invalid
sample for a search /api/integration/suggestions/search/findByTargetAndSource?sort=trust,DESC&target=bbb7feb2-7099-44cd-a896-1d47305a6a44&source=openaire
"_embedded" : {
"suggestions" : [ {
"id" : "openaire:bbb7feb2-7099-44cd-a896-1d47305a6a44:doi_________::29c72e9c2c3b4a0d730ece3ddbdec059",
"display" : "Enhanced Submission & Workflow",
"source" : "openaire",
"externalSourceUri" : "",
"score" : "100.00",
"evidences" : {
"AuthorNamesScorer" : {
"score" : "100.00",
"notes" : "The author Andrea Bollini at position 2 in the authors list matches the name Andrea Bollini in the researcher profile"
"DateScorer" : {
"score" : "0.00",
"notes" : "No assumption was possible about the publication year range. Please consider to set a min/max date in the profile, specify the birthday or education achievements"
"metadata" : {
"" : [ {
"value" : "Giuseppe Digilio",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1,
"place" : -1
}, {
"value" : "Andrea Bollini",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1,
"place" : -1
}, {
"value" : "Claudio Cortese",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1,
"place" : -1
} ],
"" : [ {
"value" : "2021-06-10",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1,
"place" : -1
} ],
"dc.description.abstract" : [ {
"value" : "<p>Presentation at Open Repository 2021</p>",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1,
"place" : -1
} ],
"dc.source" : [ {
"value" : "ZENODO",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1,
"place" : -1
} ],
"dc.title" : [ {
"value" : "Enhanced Submission & Workflow",
"language" : null,
"authority" : null,
"confidence" : -1,
"place" : -1
} ]
"type" : "suggestion",
"uniqueType": "integration.suggestion",
"_links" : {
"target" : {
"href" : ""
"self" : {
"href" : ""
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : ",DESC&target=bbb7feb2-7099-44cd-a896-1d47305a6a44&source=openaire"
"page" : {
"size" : 20,
"totalElements" : 10,
"totalPages" : 1,
"number" : 0
See the WorkspaceItem endpoint for details on how to import a suggestion
DELETE api/integration/suggestions/<:suggestion-id>
This discard the given suggestion. The endpoint is restricted to owners of the suggestion target and administrators
Status codes:
- 204 No content - if the operation succeed
- 401 Unauthorized - if you are not authenticated
- 403 Forbidden - if you are not logged in with sufficient permissions
- 404 Not found - if the suggestion doesn't exist (or was already discarded)