From 872f4032ffccf33be81a88de241b7360f49eed08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 11:56:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Update translations [skip ci] (#7337) Co-authored-by: 4ian <> --- newIDE/app/src/locales/LocalesMetadata.js | 4 ++-- newIDE/app/src/locales/pl_PL/messages.js | 2 +- newIDE/app/src/locales/pt_BR/messages.js | 2 +- 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/newIDE/app/src/locales/LocalesMetadata.js b/newIDE/app/src/locales/LocalesMetadata.js index 5ed9c49ffa88..e5fe70dea9de 100644 --- a/newIDE/app/src/locales/LocalesMetadata.js +++ b/newIDE/app/src/locales/LocalesMetadata.js @@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ module.exports = [ "languageCode": "pl_PL", "languageName": "Polish", "languageNativeName": "Polski", - "translationRatio": 0.9760862243179522 + "translationRatio": 0.9763107668126193 }, { "languageCode": "pseudo_LOCALE", @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ module.exports = [ "languageCode": "pt_BR", "languageName": "Brazilian Portuguese", "languageNativeName": "Português brasileiro", - "translationRatio": 0.8630290782530594 + "translationRatio": 0.8639272482317278 }, { "languageCode": "pt_PT", diff --git a/newIDE/app/src/locales/pl_PL/messages.js b/newIDE/app/src/locales/pl_PL/messages.js index 259be6fa38c9..f190eb51e640 100644 --- a/newIDE/app/src/locales/pl_PL/messages.js +++ b/newIDE/app/src/locales/pl_PL/messages.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -/* eslint-disable */module.exports={languageData:{"plurals":function(n,ord){var s=String(n).split("."),i=s[0],v0=!s[1],i10=i.slice(-1),i100=i.slice(-2);if(ord)return"other";return n==1&&v0?"one":v0&&i10>=2&&i10<=4&&(i100<12||i100>14)?"few":v0&&i!=1&&(i10==0||i10==1)||v0&&i10>=5&&i10<=9||v0&&i100>=12&&i100<=14?"many":"other"}},messages:{"\"{0}\" will be the new build of this game published on Continue?":function(a){return["\"",a("0"),"\" b\u0119dzie now\u0105 wersj\u0105 tej gry opublikowan\u0105 na Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"\"{0}\" will be unpublished on Continue?":function(a){return[a("0")," nie zostanie opublikowany na Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"% of parent":"% macierzystej","% of total":"% ca\u0142o\u015Bci","(Events)":"(Zdarzenia)","(Object)":"(Obiekt)","(deleted)":"(usuni\u0119te)","(or paste actions)":"(lub kopiuj akcje)","(or paste conditions)":"(lub wklej kondycje)","(yet!)":"(jeszcze!)","* (multiply by)":"* (pomn\xF3\u017C przez)","**{0}**/{maxLength} characters. You'll receive your answer by email.":function(a){return["**",a("0"),"**/",a("maxLength")," znak\xF3w. Otrzymasz odpowied\u017A e-mailem."]},"+ (add)":"+ (dodaj)","+ {0} tag(s)":function(a){return["+ ",a("0")," tag\xF3w"]},", objects /*{parameterObjects}*/":function(a){return[", obiekty /*",a("parameterObjects"),"*/"]},"- (subtract)":"- (odejmij)","/ (divide by)":"/ (podziel przez)","/* Click here to choose objects to pass to JavaScript */":"/* Kliknij tutaj, aby wybra\u0107 obiekty do przekazania do JavaScript */","0,date":"0,data","0,date,date0":"0,data,data0","0,number,number0":"0,liczba,numer0","1 child":"1 dziecko","1 day ago":"1 dzie\u0144 temu","1 hour ago":"Godzin\u0119 temu","1 minute":"1 minuta","1 new feedback":"1 nowa opinia","1 review":"1 recenzja","1) Create a Certificate Signing Request and a Certificate":"1) Utworzenie \u017C\u0105dania podpisania certyfikatu","100% (Default)":"100% (domy\u015Blnie)","100+ exports created":"Utworzono ponad 100 eksport\xF3w","10th":"10.","1st":"1.","1st secondary editor":"Pierwszy edytor drugorz\u0119dny","2 previews in 2 windows":"2 podgl\u0105dy w 2 oknach","2) Upload the Certificate generated by Apple":"2) Prze\u015Blij certyfikat wygenerowany przez Apple","200%":"200%","2D effects":"Efekty 2D","2D object":"Obiekt 2D","2nd":"2.","2nd secondary editor":"Drugi edytor drugorz\u0119dny","3 previews in 3 windows":"3 podgl\u0105dy w 3 oknach","3) Upload one or more Mobile Provisioning Profiles":"3) Prze\u015Blij jeden lub wi\u0119cej profili zaopatrzenia mobilnego","3-part tutorial to creating and publishing a game from scratch.":"3-cz\u0119\u015Bciowy samouczek tworzenia i publikowania gry od zera.","300%":"300%","3D effects":"Efekty 3D","3D model":"Model 3D","3D models":"Modele 3D","3D object":"Obiekt 3D","3D particle emitter":"Emitor cz\u0105steczek 3D","3D platforms":"Platformy 3D","3D settings":"Ustawienia 3D","3D sprite":"Sprite 3D","3D text":"Tekst 3D","3rd":"3.","3rd secondary editor":"Trzeci edytor drugorz\u0119dny","4 previews in 4 windows":"4 podgl\u0105dy w 4 oknach","400%":"400%","4th":"4.","500%":"500%","5th":"5.","600%":"600%","6th":"6.","700%":"700%","7th":"7.","800%":"800%","8th":"8.","9th":"9.","< (less than)":"< (mniejsze)","<0>For every child in<1><2/>{0}, store the child in variable<3><4/>{1}, the child name in<5><6/>{2}and do:":function(a){return["<0>Dla ka\u017Cdego dziecka w<1><2/>",a("0"),", zapisz dziecko w zmiennej<3><4/>",a("1"),", imi\u0119 dziecka w<5><6/>",a("2"),"i zr\xF3b:"]},"<0>Share your game and start collecting data from your players to better understand them.":"<0>Udost\u0119pnij swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 i zacznij zbiera\u0107 dane od swoich graczy by ich lepiej zrozumie\u0107.","":"","":"","":"","":""," (optional)":" (opcjonalnie)","":"","":"","= (equal to)":"= (r\xF3wne)","= (set to)":"= (ustaw na)","> (greater than)":"> (wi\u0119ksze ni\u017C)","A bar that represents a resource in the game (health, mana, ammo, etc).":"Pasek reprezentuj\u0105cy ilo\u015B\u0107 danego zasobu w grze (np. zdrowia, amunicji...).","A condition that can be used in other events sheet. You can define the condition parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Warunek, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty w innym arkuszu zdarze\u0144. Mo\u017Cna zdefiniowa\u0107 parametry warunk\xF3w: obiekty, teksty, liczby, warstwy itp...","A condition that can be used on objects with the behavior. You can define the condition parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Warunek, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 u\u017Cyty na obiekcie z zachowaniem. Mo\u017Cna zdefiniowa\u0107 parametry warunk\xF3w: obiekty, teksty, liczby, warstwy, itp...","A condition that can be used on the object. You can define the condition parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Warunek, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Cna zastosowa\u0107 na obiekcie. Mo\u017Cesz zdefiniowa\u0107 parametry warunku: obiekty, teksty, liczby, warstwy itp...","A critical error occurred in the {componentTitle}.":function(a){return["Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 krytyczny b\u0142\u0105d w ",a("componentTitle"),"."]},"A functioning save has been found!":"Znaleziono dzia\u0142aj\u0105cy zapis!","A game to publish":"Gra do opublikowania","A global object with this name already exists. Please change the group name before setting it as a global group":"Globalny obiekt o tej nazwie ju\u017C istnieje. Prosz\u0119 zmie\u0144 nazw\u0119 grupy przed ustawieniem jej jako grupa globalna","A global object with this name already exists. Please change the object name before setting it as a global object":"Globalny obiekt o tej nazwie ju\u017C istnieje. Prosz\u0119, zmie\u0144 nazw\u0119 obiektu przed ustawieniem go jako obiekt globalny","A lighting layer was created. Lights will be placed on it automatically. You can change the ambient light color in the properties of this layer":"Utworzono warstw\u0119 o\u015Bwietlenia. \u015Awiat\u0142a zostan\u0105 na nim umieszczone automatycznie. We w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach tej warstwy mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107 kolor \u015Bwiat\u0142a otoczenia","A link or file will be created but the game will not be registered.":"Link lub Plik zostanie stworzony, ale twoja gra nie.","A new physics engine (Physics Engine 2.0) is now available. You should prefer using it for new game. For existing games, note that the two behaviors are not compatible, so you should only use one of them with your objects.":"Nowy silnik fizyki (Physics Engine 2.0) jest ju\u017C dost\u0119pny. Powiniene\u015B u\u017Cywa\u0107 go do nowej gry. W przypadku istniej\u0105cych gier zwr\xF3\u0107 uwag\u0119, \u017Ce te dwa zachowania nie s\u0105 kompatybilne, wi\u0119c powiniene\u015B u\u017Cywa\u0107 tylko jednego z nich w swoich obiektach.","A new secure window will open to complete the purchase.":"Nowe bezpieczne okno zostanie otwarte, aby zako\u0144czy\u0107 zakup.","A new update is available!":"Nowa aktualizacja jest dost\u0119pna!","A new update is being downloaded...":"Pobieranie nowej aktualizacji...","A new update will be installed after you quit and relaunch GDevelop":"Nowa aktualizacja zostanie zainstalowana po zamkni\u0119ciu i ponownym uruchomieniu GDevelop","A new window":"Nowe okno","A scale under 1 on a Bitmap text object can downgrade the quality text, prefer to remake a bitmap font smaller in the external bmFont editor.":"Skala poni\u017Cej 1 na obiekcie tekstowym Bitmapy mo\u017Ce obni\u017Cy\u0107 jako\u015B tekstu, lepiej stworzy\u0107 mniejsz\u0105 czcionk\u0119 w edytorze bmFont i j\u0105 zaaplikowa\u0107.","A student account cannot be an admin of your team.":"Student nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 administratorem twojego zespo\u0142u.","A temporary image to help you visualize the shape/polygon":"Tymczasowy obraz, kt\xF3ry pomo\u017Ce ci wizualizowa\u0107 kszta\u0142t / wielok\u0105t","A toggle switch that users can click or touch.":"Prze\u0142\u0105cznik, kt\xF3ry gracze mog\u0105 dotkn\u0105\u0107 lub klikn\u0105\u0107.","API Issuer ID: {0}":function(a){return["ID wystawcy API: ",a("0")]},"API Issuer given by Apple":"Wydawanie API przez Apple","API key given by Apple":"Klucz API przyznany przez Apple","API key: {0}":function(a){return["Klucz API: ",a("0")]},"APK (for testing on device or sharing outside Google Play)":"APK (do testowania na urz\u0105dzeniu lub udost\u0119pniania poza Sklepem Play)","Abandon":"Porzu\u0107","About GDevelop":"O GDevelop","About dialog":"Okno informacyjne","About education plan":"O planie edukacyjnym","Accept":"Akceptuj","Access GDevelop\u2019s resources for teaching game development and promote careers in technology.":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A dost\u0119p do Zasob\xF3w GDevelo'p aby nauczy\u0107 si\u0119 tworzenia gier i promowa\u0107 karier\u0119 w dziedzinie technologi","Access project history, name saves, restore older versions.<0/>Upgrade to a Pro plan to get started!":"Uzyskaj dost\u0119p do historii projektu, zapisane nazwy, przywr\xF3\u0107 starsze wersje.<0/>Uaktualnij do planu Pro, aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107!","Access public profile":"Wy\u015Bwietl profil publiczny","Achievements":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119cia","Action":"Akcja","Action with operator":"Dzia\u0142anie z operatorem","Actions":"Akcje","Activated":"Aktywowano","Active":"Aktywny","Active until {0}":function(a){return["Aktywne do ",a("0")]},"Active, we will get in touch to get the campaign up!":"Aktywny, skontaktujemy si\u0119 z Tob\u0105, aby uruchomi\u0107 kampani\u0119!","Ad revenue sharing off":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz podzia\u0142 przychod\xF3w z reklam","Ad revenue sharing on":"W\u0142\u0105cz podzia\u0142 przychod\xF3w z reklam","Adapt automatically":"Dostosuj automatycznie","Adapt collision mask?":"Dostosowa\u0107 mask\u0119 kolizji?","Add":"Dodaj","Add a 2D effect":"Dodaj efekt 2D","Add a 3D effect":"Dodaj efekt 3D","Add a Long Description":"Dodaj D\u0142ugi Opis","Add a New Extension":"Dodaj nowe rozszerzenie","Add a behavior":"Dodaj zachowanie","Add a certificate/profile first":"Najpierw dodaj certyfikat/profil","Add a collaborator":"Dodaj wsp\xF3\u0142pracownika","Add a comment":"Dodaj komentarz","Add a folder":"Dodaj folder","Add a function":"Dodaj funkcj\u0119","Add a health bar to this jumping character, losing health when hitting spikes.":"Dodaj pasek zdrowia dla tej skacz\u0105cej postaci, kt\xF3ra traci zdrowie po zetkni\u0119ciu z kolcami.","Add a layer":"Dodaj warstw\u0119","Add a link to your donation page. It will be displayed on your profile and game pages.":"Dodaj link do swojej strony, gdzie zbierzesz dotacje. Zostanie on wy\u015Bwietlony na Twoim profilu i stronach gier.","Add a local variable":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 lokaln\u0105","Add a local variable to the selected event":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 lokaln\u0105 do wybranego zdarzenia","Add a new behavior to the object":"Dodaj nowe zachowanie do obiektu","Add a new empty event":"Dodaj nowe puste zdarzenie","Add a new event":"Dodaj nowe zdarzenie","Add a new folder":"Dodaj nowy folder","Add a new group":"Dodaj now\u0105 grup\u0119","Add a new group...":"Dodaj now\u0105 grup\u0119...","Add a new object":"Dodaj nowy obiekt","Add a new option":"Dodaj now\u0105 opcj\u0119","Add a parameter":"Dodaj parametr","Add a parameter below":"Dodaj parametr poni\u017Cej","Add a point":"Dodaj punkt","Add a property":"Dodaj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107","Add a property below":"Dodaj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 poni\u017Cej","Add a scene":"Dodaj scen\u0119","Add a sprite":"Dodaj nowy Sprite","Add a sub-condition":"Dodaj podwarunek","Add a sub-event to the selected event":"Dodaj podzdarzenie do wybranego zdarzenia","Add a teacher":"Dodaj nauczyciela","Add a time attack mode, where you have to reach the end as fast as possible.":"Dodaj tryb Time Attack, w kt\xF3rym musisz dotrze\u0107 do ko\u0144ca tak szybko, jak to mo\u017Cliwe.","Add a variable":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105","Add a vertex":"Dodaj wierzcho\u0142ek","Add action":"Dodaj akcj\u0119","Add again":"Dodaj ponownie","Add an Auth Key first":"Najpierw dodaj klucz autoryzacji","Add an animation":"Dodaj animacj\u0119","Add an event":"Dodaj zdarzenie","Add an external layout":"Dodaj uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny","Add an object":"Dodaj obiekt","Add any object variable to the group":"Dodaj dowoln\u0105 zmienn\u0105 obiektu do grupy","Add asset":"Dodaj zas\xF3b","Add child":"Dodaj dziecko","Add collaborator":"Dodaj wsp\xF3\u0142pracownika","Add collision mask":"Dodaj mask\u0119 kolizji","Add condition":"Dodaj warunek","Add external events":"Dodaj zdarzenia zewn\u0119trze","Add instance to the scene":"Dodaj instancj\u0119 do sceny","Add leaderboards to your online Game":"Dodaj tablice wynik\xF3w do swojej gry online","Add lighting layer":"Dodaj warstw\u0119 o\u015Bwietlenia","Add new":"Dodaj nowy","Add or edit":"Dodaj lub edytuj","Add or edit variables...":"\"Dodaj lub edytuj zmienne\"...","Add personality to your game and publish it online.":"Nadaj charakter swojej grze i opublikuj j\u0105 online.","Add player logins to your game and add a leaderboard.":"Dodaj system logowania si\u0119 przez graczy oraz tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w.","Add student":"Dodaj ucznia","Add teacher":"Dodaj nauczyciela","Add the assets":"Dodaj zasoby","Add these assets to my scene":"Dodaj te assety do swojego projektu","Add these assets to the project":"Dodaj te assety do swojego projektu","Add this asset to my scene":"Dodaj te assety do swojego projektu","Add this asset to the project":"Dodaj ten asset do swojego projektu","Add to project":"Dodaj do projektu","Add to the scene":"Dodaj do sceny","Add variable":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105","Add your Discord username to get access to a dedicated channel if you have a Gold or Pro subscription! Join the [GDevelop Discord](":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika Discord, aby uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do dedykowanego kana\u0142u, je\u015Bli masz subskrypcj\u0119 Gold lub Pro! Do\u0142\u0105cz do [Discord](","Add your Discord username to get access to a dedicated channel! Join the [GDevelop Discord](":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika Discord, aby uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do dedykowanego kana\u0142u! Do\u0142\u0105cz do [GDevelop Discord](","Add your first animation":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 pierwsz\u0105 animacj\u0119","Add your first behavior":"Dodaj swoje pierwsze zachowanie","Add your first characters to the scene and throw your first objects.":"Dodaj swoje pierwsze postacie do sceny oraz stw\xF3rz pierwsze obiekty w grze.","Add your first effect":"Dodaj sw\xF3j pierwszy efekt","Add your first event":"Dodaj swoje pierwsze zdarzenie","Add your first global variable":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 pierwsz\u0105 zmienn\u0105 globaln\u0105","Add your first instance variable":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 pierwsz\u0105 instancj\u0119","Add your first object group variable":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 pierwsz\u0105 zmienn\u0105 grupy obiekt\xF3w","Add your first object variable":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 pierwsz\u0105 zmienn\u0105 obiektu","Add your first parameter":"Dodaj sw\xF3j pierwszy parametr","Add your first property":"Dodaj sw\xF3j pierwszy obiekt","Add your first scene variable":"Dodaj swoj\u0105 pierwsz\u0105 zmienn\u0105 sceny","Add...":"Dodaj...","Adding...":"Dodawanie...","Additive rendering":"Renderowanie addytywne","Adjust height to fill screen (extend or crop)":"Dostosuj wysoko\u015B\u0107, aby wype\u0142ni\u0107 ekran (rozszerz lub przytnij)","Adjust width to fill screen (extend or crop)":"Dostosuj szeroko\u015B\u0107, aby wype\u0142ni\u0107 ekran (rozszerz lub przytnij)","Ads":"Reklamy","Advanced":"Zaawansowane","Advanced course":"Zaawansowany kurs","Advanced options":"Opcje zaawansowane","Advanced properties":"Zaawansowane w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Adventure":"Przygoda","All":"Wszystko","All asset packs":"Wszystkie paczki zasob\xF3w","All behaviors being directly referenced in the events:":"Wszystkie zachowania odnosz\u0105ce si\u0119 bezpo\u015Brednio do wydarze\u0144:","All builds":"Wszystkie kompilacje","All categories":"Wszystkie Kategorie","All current entries will be deleted, are you sure you want to reset this leaderboard? This can't be undone.":"Wszystkie bie\u017C\u0105ce wpisy zostan\u0105 usuni\u0119te, czy na pewno chcesz zresetowa\u0107 t\u0119 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w? Tej operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","All entries":"Wszystkie wpisy","All entries are displayed.":"Wszystkie wpisy s\u0105 wy\u015Bwietlane.","All exports":"Wszystkie eksporty","All feedbacks processed":"Wszystkie opinie przetworzone","All game templates":"Wszystkie szablony gier","All objects potentially used in events: {0}":function(a){return["Wszystkie obiekty potencjalnie u\u017Cywane w zdarzeniach: ",a("0")]},"All the entries of {0} will be deleted too. This can't be undone.":function(a){return["Wszystkie wpisy ",a("0")," zostan\u0105 usuni\u0119te. Tej operacji nie da si\u0119 cofn\u0105\u0107."]},"All your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to cancel?":"Wszelkie niezapisane zmiany zostan\u0105 utracone. Czy na pewno chcesz anulowa\u0107?","All your games were played more than {0} times in total!":function(a){return["We wszystkie twoje gry zagrano \u0142\u0105cznie wi\u0119cej ni\u017C ",a("0")," razy!"]},"Allow players to join after the game has started":"Pozw\xF3l graczom do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 po rozpocz\u0119ciu gry","Allow to display advertisements on the game page on":"Zezw\xF3l na wy\u015Bwietlanie si\u0119 reklam na stronie gry na","Almost done...":"Prawie gotowe...","Alpha":"Alpha","Alphabet":"Alfabet","Already a member?":"Czy jeste\u015B ju\u017C U\u017Cytkownikiem?","Already added":"Ju\u017C dodano","Already cancelled - will expire in the future":"Ju\u017C anulowane \u2014 wyga\u015Bnie w przysz\u0142o\u015Bci","Already in project":"Ju\u017C w projekcie","Already installed":"Ju\u017C zainstalowany","Alright let's see what we have for you...":"W porz\u0105dku, zobaczmy, co mamy dla ciebie...","Always":"Zawsze","Always display the preview window on top of the editor":"Zawsze wy\u015Bwietlaj podgl\u0105d na wierzchu edytora","Always visible":"Zawsze widoczne","Ambient light color":"\nKolor \u015Bwiat\u0142a otoczenia","An action that can be used in other events sheet. You can define the action parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Akcja, kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta w innym arkuszu zdarze\u0144. Mo\u017Cesz zdefiniowa\u0107 parametry dzia\u0142ania: obiekty, teksty, liczby, warstwy itp...","An action that can be used on objects with the behavior. You can define the action parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Akcja, kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 u\u017Cyta na obiekcie z zachowaniem. Mo\u017Cna zdefiniowa\u0107 parametry warunk\xF3w: obiekty, teksty, liczby, warstwy, itp...","An action that can be used on the object. You can define the action parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Akcja, kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta na obiekcie. Mo\u017Cesz zdefiniowa\u0107 parametry dzia\u0142ania: obiekty, teksty, liczby, warstwy itp...","An animated sprite in 3D.":"Animowany sprite w 3D.","An error happened":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d","An error happened when retrieving the game's configuration. Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania konfiguracji gry. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error happened while cashing out. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wyp\u0142aty. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error happened while loading the certificates.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania certyfikat\xF3w.","An error happened while loading this extension. Please check that it is a proper extension file and compatible with this version of GDevelop":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania tego rozszerzenia. Sprawd\u017A, czy jest to w\u0142a\u015Bciwy plik rozszerzenia i czy jest zgodny z t\u0105 wersj\u0105 GDevelop","An error happened while purchasing this product. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas zakupu tego produktu. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error happened while registering the game. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas rejestracji gry. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error happened while removing the collaborator. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas usuwania wsp\xF3\u0142pracownika. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error happened while sending your question. Please verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wysy\u0142ania zapytania. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error happened while transferring your credits. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas przenoszenia kredyt\xF3w. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error happened while unregistering the game. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wyrejestrowania gry. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error has occurred during functions generation. If GDevelop is installed, verify that nothing is preventing GDevelop from writing on disk. If you're running GDevelop online, verify your internet connection and refresh functions from the Project Manager.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d w trakcie generowania funkcji. Je\u015Bli GDevelop jest zainstalowany, upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce nic nie blokuje GDevelop przed zapisem na dysku. Je\u015Bli korzystasz z GDevelop online, sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i od\u015Bwie\u017C funkcje z mened\u017Cera projektu.","An error has occurred in functions. Click to reload them.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d w funkcjach. Kliknij, aby je prze\u0142adowa\u0107.","An error occured while generating the certificate.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas generowania certyfikatu.","An error occured while storing the auth key.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas zapisywania klucza autoryzacji.","An error occured while storing the provisioning profile.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas zapisywania profilu udost\u0119pniania.","An error occurred in the {componentTitle}.":function(a){return["Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d w ",a("componentTitle"),"."]},"An error occurred when creating a new leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when deleting the entry, please try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas usuwania wpisu, spr\xF3buj ponownie.","An error occurred when deleting the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when deleting the project. Please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas usuwania b\u0142\u0119du. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred when downloading the tutorials.":"Podczas pobierania program\xF3w wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d.","An error occurred when fetching the entries of the leaderboard, please try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania wpis\xF3w z tablicy wynik\xF3w, spr\xF3buj ponownie.","An error occurred when fetching the leaderboards, please close the dialog and reopen it.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when fetching the store content. Please try again later.":"Podczas pobierania zawarto\u015Bci sklepu z assetami wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d. Prosz\u0119 spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred when opening or saving the project. Try again later or choose another location to save the project to.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas otwierania lub zapisywania projektu. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej lub wybierz inn\u0105 lokalizacj\u0119, w kt\xF3rej chcesz zapisa\u0107 projekt.","An error occurred when opening the project. Check that your internet connection is working and that your browser allows the use of cookies.":"Podczas otwierania projektu wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d. Sprawd\u017A, czy dzia\u0142a Twoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i czy Twoja przegl\u0105darka zezwala na u\u017Cywanie plik\xF3w cookies.","An error occurred when resetting the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when retrieving leaderboards, please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas usuwania bonusu, spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred when saving the project, please verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas zapisywania projektu, sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred when saving the project. Please try again by choosing another location.":"Podczas zapisywania projektu wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d. Prosz\u0119 spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie, wybieraj\u0105c inn\u0105 lokalizacj\u0119.","An error occurred when saving the project. Please try again later.":"Podczas zapisywania projektu wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred when sending the form, please verify your internet connection and try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wysy\u0142ania formularza, sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred when setting the leaderboard as default, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas ustawiania tablicy wynik\xF3w jako domy\u015Bln\u0105, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 okno, wr\xF3ci\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when updating the appearance of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas aktualizowania tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamknij okno, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","An error occurred when updating the display choice of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when updating the name of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when updating the sort direction of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred when updating the visibility of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia nowej tablicy wynik\xF3w, prosz\u0119 zamkn\u0105\u0107 dialog, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie.","An error occurred while changing the password. Please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas zmiany has\u0142a. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred while creating the accounts.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia kont.","An error occurred while creating the group. Please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia grupy. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred while exporting your game. Verify your internet connection and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas eksportowania gry. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","An error occurred while generating some icons. Verify that the image is valid and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas generowania niekt\xF3rych ikon. Sprawd\u017A, czy obraz jest prawid\u0142owy i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","An error occurred while loading audio resources.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania zasob\xF3w audio.","An error occurred while loading fonts.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania czcionek.","An error occurred while loading your builds. Verify your internet connection and try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania twoich kompilacji. Zweryfikuj po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","An error occurred while renaming the group name. Please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas zmiany nazwy grupy. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred while retrieving feedbacks for this game.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania opinii dla tej gry.","An error occurred while searching for a result. Please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wyszukiwania wyniku. Prosz\u0119 spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred while trying to recover your project last versions. Please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas pr\xF3by odzyskania ostatnich wersji twojego projektu. Prosz\u0119 spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred, please try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An error occurred.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d.","An error occurred. Please try again.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d. Spr\xF3buj ponownie.","An expression that can be used in formulas. Can either return a number or a string, and take some parameters.":"Wyra\u017Cenie, kt\xF3re mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte w wzorze. Mo\u017Ce zwraca\u0107 liczb\u0119 lub ci\u0105g znak\xF3w i przyjmowa\u0107 par\u0119 parametr\xF3w.","An expression that can be used on objects with the behavior. Can either return a number or a string, and take some parameters.":"Wyra\u017Cenie, kt\xF3re mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte na obiekcie z zachowaniem. Mo\u017Ce zwraca\u0107 liczb\u0119 lub ci\u0105g znak\xF3w i przyjmowa\u0107 wiele parametr\xF3w.","An expression that can be used on the object. Can either return a number or a string, and take some parameters.":"Wyra\u017Cenie, kt\xF3re mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte we wzorze. Mo\u017Ce zwraca\u0107 liczb\u0119 lub ci\u0105g znak\xF3w i przyjmowa\u0107 kilka parametr\xF3w.","An extension with this name already exists in the project. Importing this extension will replace it: are you sure you want to continue?":"Rozszerzenie z t\u0105 nazw\u0105 ju\u017C istnieje w projekcie. Pobranie tego rozszerzenia zast\u0105pi plik. Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?","An external editor is opened.":"Zewn\u0119trzny edytor jest otwarty.","An internet connection is required to administrate your game's leaderboards.":"Aby zarz\u0105dza\u0107 liderami gry, wymagane jest po\u0142\u0105czenie z Internetem.","An object that can be moved, rotated and scaled in 2D.":"Obiekt, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 poruszany, obracany i skalowany w 2D.","An object that can be moved, rotated and scaled in 3D.":"Obiekt, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 poruszany, obracany i skalowany w 3D.","An unexpected error happened. Please contact us for more details.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 nieoczekiwany b\u0142\u0105d. Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami po wi\u0119cej informacji.","An unexpected error happened. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 nieoczekiwany b\u0142\u0105d. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","An unknown error happened, ensure your password is entered correctly.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 nieznany b\u0142\u0105d, upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce has\u0142o zosta\u0142o wprowadzone poprawnie.","An unknown error happened.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 nieznany b\u0142\u0105d.","An update is installing.":"Trwa instalacja aktualizacji.","An update is ready to be installed. Close ALL GDevelop apps or tabs in your browser, then open it again.":"Aktualizacja jest gotowa do zainstalowania. Zamknij WSZYSTKIE aplikacje GDevelop lub karty w przegl\u0105darce, a nast\u0119pnie otw\xF3rz je ponownie.","Analytics":"Analityka","Analyze Objects Used in this Event":"Analizuj obiekty u\u017Cywane w tym wydarzeniu","And others...":"I inne...","And {remainingResultsCount} more results.":function(a){return["I ",a("remainingResultsCount")," wi\u0119cej wynik\xF3w."]},"Android":"Android","Android App Bundle (for publishing on Google Play)":"Pakiet Aplikacji Android (do publikacji na Sklepie Play)","Android Build":"Kompilacja dla Android","Android builds":"Kompilacje Android","Android icons and Android 12+ splashscreen":"Ikony i ekran powitalny dla Androida 12+","Android mobile devices (Google Play, Amazon)":"Urz\u0105dzenia mobilne Android (Google Play, Amazon)","Angle":"K\u0105t","Animation":"Animacja","Animation #{animationIndex}":function(a){return["Animacja #",a("animationIndex")]},"Animation #{i} {0}":function(a){return["Animacja #",a("i")," ",a("0")]},"Animations":"Animacje","Animations are a sequence of images.":"Animacje s\u0105 sekwencj\u0105 obraz\xF3w.","Anonymous":"Anonimowy","Anonymous players":"Anonimowi gracze","Another personal website, page, etc.":"Kolejna osobista strona internetowa, strona, itp.","Answer":"Odpowied\u017A","Answer a 1-minute survey to personalize your \u201CGet started\u201D content.":"Odpowiedz na 1-minutow\u0105 ankiet\u0119, aby spersonalizowa\u0107 zawarto\u015B\u0107 \"Rozpocznij\".","Anti-aliasing":"Wyg\u0142adzanie kraw\u0119dzi","Antialising for 3D":"Antyaliasing dla 3D","Any additional properties will appear here if you add behaviors to objects, like Physics behavior.":"Wszystkie dodatkowe w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci pojawi\u0105 si\u0119 tutaj, je\u015Bli dodasz do obiekt\xF3w zachowania, np. \"Physics Behavior\" (zachowanie fizyczne).","Any object":"Dowolny obiekt","Any submitted score that is higher than the set value will not be saved in the leaderboard.":"Ka\u017Cdy wys\u0142any wynik wy\u017Cszy ni\u017C ustawiona warto\u015B\u0107 nie zostanie zapisany w tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Any submitted score that is lower than the set value will not be saved in the leaderboard.":"Ka\u017Cdy wys\u0142any wynik ni\u017Cszy ni\u017C ustawiona warto\u015B\u0107 nie zostanie zapisany w tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Any unsaved changes in the project will be lost.":"Wszelkie niezapisane zmiany w projekcie zostan\u0105 utracone.","Anyone can access it.":"Ka\u017Cdy mo\u017Ce to zobaczy\u0107.","Anyone with the link can see it, but it is not listed in your game's leaderboards.":"Ka\u017Cdy z linkiem mo\u017Ce go zobaczy\u0107, ale nie jest on wymieniony w tablicy wynik\xF3w Twojej gry.","App or tool":"Aplikacja lub narz\u0119dzie","Appearance":"Wygl\u0105d","Apple":"Apple","Apple App Store":"Aplikacja Apple Store","Apple Certificates & Profiles":"Certyfikaty i profile Apple","Apple mobile devices (App Store)":"Urz\u0105dzenia mobilne Apple (App Store)","Apply":"Zastosuj","Apply changes":"Zatwierd\u017A zmiany","Apply changes to preview":"Zastosuj zmiany do podgl\u0105du","Apply changes to the running preview":"Zastosuj zmiany do uruchomionego podgl\u0105du","Archive accounts":"Archiwizuj konta","Archive {0} accounts":function(a){return["Archiwizuj ",a("0")," konta"]},"Archive {0} accounts?":function(a){return["Archiwizowa\u0107 ",a("0")," konta?"]},"Archived accounts":"Zarchiwizowane konta","Are you sure you want to change your plan? Your next payment will be pro-rated.":"Czy na pewno chcesz zmieni\u0107 plan? Twoja nast\u0119pna p\u0142atno\u015B\u0107 b\u0119dzie zredukowana zgodnie ze zmianami planu.","Are you sure you want to delete this entry? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 t\u0105 cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107? Operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to quit GDevelop?":"Czy na pewno chcesz zamkn\u0105\u0107 GDevelop?","Are you sure you want to remove these external events? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 te zewn\u0119trzne zdarzenia? Tego nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to remove this animation?":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 t\u0119 animacj\u0119?","Are you sure you want to remove this animation? You will lose the custom collision mask you have set for this object.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 t\u0119 animacj\u0119? Niestandardowa maska kolizji ustawiona dla tego obiektu zostanie utracona.","Are you sure you want to remove this behavior? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 to rozszerzenie? Tego nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to remove this extension? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 to rozszerzenie? Tego nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to remove this external layout? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 ten uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny? Tego nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to remove this folder and all its content (objects {0})? This can't be undone.":function(a){return["Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 ten folder i ca\u0142\u0105 jego zawarto\u015B\u0107 (obiekty ",a("0"),")? Tej operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107."]},"Are you sure you want to remove this folder and with it the object {0}? This can't be undone.":function(a){return["Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 ten folder i ca\u0142\u0105 jego zawarto\u015B\u0107 (obiekty ",a("0"),")? Tej operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107."]},"Are you sure you want to remove this function? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 to rozszerzenie? Tego nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to remove this group? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 t\u0119 grup\u0119? Nie mo\u017Cna tego cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to remove this object? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 ten obiekt? Tego nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to remove this scene? This can't be undone.":"Czy na pewno chcesz usun\u0105\u0107 t\u0119 scen\u0119? Tego nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Are you sure you want to reset all shortcuts to their default values?":"Czy jeste\u015B pewien, \u017Ce chcesz przywr\xF3ci\u0107 wszystkim skr\xF3tom ich warto\u015Bci domy\u015Blne?","Are you sure you want to unregister this game?{0}If you haven't saved it, it will disappear from your games dashboard and you won't get access to player services, unless you register it again.":function(a){return["Czy na pewno chcesz wyrejestrowa\u0107 gr\u0119?",a("0"),"Je\u017Celi gra nie by\u0142a zapisana, to zostanie usuni\u0119ta z panelu gier i nie b\u0119dziesz mie\u0107 dost\u0119pu do us\u0142ug graczy, chyba \u017Ce znowu zostanie zarejestrowana."]},"Are you teaching or learning game development?":"Uczysz si\u0119 lub uczy\u0142e\u015B/a\u015B si\u0119 tworzenia gier?","Around 1 or 2 months":"Oko\u0142o 1 lub 2 miesi\u0105ce","Around 3 to 5 months":"Oko\u0142o 3 do 5 miesi\u0119cy","Array":"Tablica","As a percent of the game width.":"Jako procent szeroko\u015Bci gry.","As a teacher, you will use one seat in the plan so make sure to include yourself!":"Jako nauczyciel u\u017Cyjesz jednego miejsca w planie, wi\u0119c upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce w\u0142\u0105czysz siebie!","Ask a question":"Zadaj pytanie","Ask any question":"Zadaj pytanie","Ask any question, get an answer":"Zadaj pytanie, uzyskaj odpowied\u017A","Ask every time":"Pytaj za ka\u017Cdym razem","Ask your questions to the community":"Zadaj pytania spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci","Asset Store":"Sklep z zasobami","Asset pack not found":"Nie znaleziono pakietu zasob\xF3w","Asset pack not found - An error occurred, please try again later.":"Zas\xF3b nieznaleziony - wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d, spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Asset packs will be linked to your user account and available for all your projects. Log-in or sign-up to purchase this pack (or restore your existing purchase).":"Pakiety zasob\xF3w zostan\u0105 po\u0142\u0105czone z Twoim kontem u\u017Cytkownika i dost\u0119pne dla wszystkich Twoich projekt\xF3w. Zaloguj si\u0119 lub zarejestruj, aby kupi\u0107 ten pakiet.","Asset store dialog":"Okno sklepu z zasobami","Assets":"Zasoby","Assets (coming soon!)":"Assety (wkr\xF3tce!)","Associated resource name":"Powi\u0105zana nazwa zasobu","Asynchronous":"Asynchroniczny","Atlas":"Atlas","Atlas resource":"Zasoby d\u017Awi\u0119kowe","Attached object":"Do\u0142\u0105czony obiekt","Audio":"D\u017Awi\u0119k","Audio resource":"Zasoby d\u017Awi\u0119kowe","Audio type":"Rodzaj audio","Audios":"D\u017Awi\u0119ki","Auth Key (App Store upload)":"Klucz autoryzacji (przes\u0142anie App Store upload)","Auth Key for upload to App Store Connect":"Klucz uwierzytelniania do przes\u0142ania do App Store Connect","Authors":"Autorzy","Auto download and install updates (recommended)":"Automatycznie pobieraj i instaluj aktualizacje (zalecane)","Auto-save project on preview":"Automatyczne zapisywanie projektu w podgl\u0105dzie","Automated":"Automatyczny","Automatic collision mask activated. Click on the button to replace it with a custom one.":"Automatyczna maska kolizji zosta\u0142a aktywowana. Kliknij na przycisk, by zast\u0105pi\u0107 j\u0105 niestandardow\u0105.","Automatic creation of lighting layer":"Automatyczne tworzenie warstwy \u015Bwietlnej","Automatically follow the base layer.":"Automatycznie pod\u0105\u017Caj za warstw\u0105 podstawow\u0105.","Automatically log in as a player in preview":"Automatycznie zaloguj si\u0119 jako gracz w podgl\u0105dzie","Automatically open the diagnostic report at preview":"Automatycznie otw\xF3rz raport diagnostyczny w podgl\u0105dzie","Automatically re-open the project edited during last session":"Automatycznie otwieraj ponownie projekt edytowany podczas ostatniej sesji","Automatically take a screenshot in game previews":"Automatycznie wykonaj zrzut ekranu w podgl\u0105dzie gry","Average user feedback":"\u015Arednia opinia u\u017Cytkownika","Back":"Powr\xF3t","Back (Additional button, typically the Browser Back button)":"Powr\xF3t (Dodatkowy przycisk, zwykle przycisk \u201EWstecz\u201D w przegl\u0105darce)","Back face":"Tylna powierzchnia","Back to discover":"Powr\xF3\u0107 do odkrywania","Back to {0}":function(a){return["Wr\xF3\u0107 do ",a("0")]},"Background":"T\u0142o","Background and cameras":"T\u0142o i kamery","Background color":"Kolor t\u0142a","Background color:":"Kolor t\u0142a:","Background fade in duration (in seconds)":"Czas zanikania t\u0142a (w sekundach)","Background image":"Zdj\u0119cie w tle","Backgrounds":"T\u0142o","Base layer":"Podstawowa warstwa","Base layer properties":"Edytuj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci warstwy","Be careful with this action, you may have problems exiting the preview if you don't add a way to toggle it back.":"B\u0105d\u017A ostro\u017Cny z t\u0105 akcj\u0105, mo\u017Cesz mie\u0107 problemy z wyj\u015Bciem z podgl\u0105du, je\u015Bli nie dodasz sposobu na jego ponowne w\u0142\u0105czenie.","Before installing this asset, it's strongly recommended to update these extensions{0}Do you want to update it now ?":function(a){return["Przed zainstalowaniem tego zasobu, zdecydowanie zaleca si\u0119 aktualizacj\u0119 tych rozszerze\u0144",a("0"),"Czy chcesz je teraz zaktualizowa\u0107?"]},"Before you go, make sure that you've unpublished all your games on Otherwise they will stay visible to the community. Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone.":"Zanim przejdziesz, upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce nie opublikowa\u0142e\u015B wszystkich swoich gier na gd.grach. W przeciwnym razie b\u0119d\u0105 one widoczne dla spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci. Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usun\u0105\u0107 swoje konto? Tej czynno\u015Bci nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107.","Before you go...":"Zanim przejdziesz...","Beginner course":"Kurs dla pocz\u0105tkuj\u0105cych","Behavior":"Zachowanie","Behavior (for the previous object)":"Zachowanie (Dla poprzedniego obiektu)","Behavior Configuration":"Konfiguracja funkcji","Behavior name":"Nazwa zachowania","Behavior properties":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci zachowania","Behavior type":"Typ zachowania","Behaviors":"Zachowanie","Behaviors add features to objects in a matter of clicks.":"Zachowania dodaj\u0105 funkcje do obiekt\xF3w za pomoc\u0105 klikni\u0119\u0107.","Behaviors are attached to objects and make them alive. The rules of the game can be created using behaviors and events.":"Zachowanie jest do\u0142\u0105czone do obiekt\xF3w i je o\u017Cywia. Regu\u0142y gry mog\u0105 by\u0107 tworzone za pomoc\u0105 zachowa\u0144 i zdarze\u0144.","Behaviors of {objectOrGroupName}: {0} ;":function(a){return["Zachowanie dla ",a("objectOrGroupName"),": ",a("0")," ;"]},"Bio":"Bio","Bitmap Font":"Czcionka bitmap","Bitmap font resource":"Zas\xF3b czcionki bitmapowej","Blocked on GDevelop?":"Zablokowano na GDevelop?","Blur radius":"Promie\u0144 rozmycia","Bold":"Pogrubienie","Boolean":"Warto\u015B\u0107 logiczna","Boolean (checkbox)":"Zerojedynkowe (pole wyboru)","Bottom":"D\xF3\u0142","Bottom bound":"Dolna granica","Bottom bound should be greater than right bound":"Dolna granica powinna by\u0107 wi\u0119ksza ni\u017C prawa granica","Bottom center (on Y axis)":"Dolny \u015Brodek (na osi Y)","Bottom center (on Z axis)":"Dolny \u015Brodek (na osi Z)","Bottom face":"Dolna powierzchnia","Bottom left corner":"Dolny lewy r\xF3g","Bottom margin":"Margines dolny","Bottom right corner":"Dolny prawy r\xF3g","Bounce rate":"Wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik odrzuce\u0144","Box":"Pude\u0142ko","Branding":"Marka","Branding and Loading screen":"Ekran marki i \u0142adowania","Bring to front":"Przesu\u0144 na wierzch","Browse":"Wyszukaj","Browse all":"Przegl\u0105daj wszystko","Browse all templates":"Przegl\u0105daj wszystkie szablony","Browse assets":"Przegl\u0105daj zasoby","Browser":"Przegl\u0105darka","Build and download":"Kompiluj i pobieraj ","Build could not start or errored. Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"Kompilacja nie mo\u017Ce si\u0119 uruchomi\u0107 lub zosta\u0142a b\u0142\u0119dna. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Build game mechanics":"Tworzenie mechaniki gry","Build is starting...":"Rozpoczynanie budowy...","Build open for feedbacks":"Build otwarty do ocen","Build started!":"Budowa rozpocz\u0119ta!","Building":"Budynek","Bundles":"Pakiety","Buy GDevelop goodies and swag":"Kup gad\u017Cety do GDevelop","Buy for {0} credits":function(a){return["Kup za kredyty ",a("0")]},"Buy for {formattedProductPriceText}":function(a){return["Kup za ",a("formattedProductPriceText")]},"By canceling your subscription, you will lose all your premium features at the end of the period you already paid for. Continue?":"Anuluj\u0105c subskrypcj\u0119, stracisz wszystkie swoje funkcje premium na koniec okresu, za kt\xF3ry ju\u017C zap\u0142aci\u0142e\u015B. Kontynuowa\u0107?","By creating an account and using GDevelop, you agree to the [Terms and Conditions](":"Tworz\u0105c konto i korzystaj\u0105c z GDevelop, zgadzasz si\u0119 na [Warunki u\u017Cytkowania](","Calibrating sensors":"Kalibracja czujnik\xF3w","Camera":"Kamera","Camera positioning":"Po\u0142o\u017Cenie kamery","Camera type":"Typ kamery","Can't check if the game is registered online.":"Nie mo\u017Cna sprawdzi\u0107, czy gra jest zarejestrowana online.","Can't load the announcements. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 wynik\xF3w. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Can't load the credits packages. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 pakiet\xF3w kredyt\xF3w. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Can't load the extension registry. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 rozszerzenia rejestru. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem lub spr\xF3buj p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Can't load the games. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 gier. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem lub spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Can't load the licenses. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 licencji. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Can't load the profile. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 profilu. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej","Can't load the results. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 wynik\xF3w. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Can't load the tutorials. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 przyk\u0142adu. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Can't load your game earnings. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna wczyta\u0107 zarobk\xF3w. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie po\u017Aniej.","Can't properly export the game.":"Nie mo\u017Cna prawid\u0142owo wyeksportowa\u0107 gry.","Can't upload your game to the build service.":"Nie mo\u017Cna przes\u0142a\u0107 Twojej gry do us\u0142ugi kompilacji.","Cancel":"Anuluj","Cancel and close":"Anuluj i zamknij ","Cancel and upgrade my subscription":"Anuluj i ulepsz m\xF3j pakiet subskrypcji","Cancel anytime":"Anuluj w dowolnej chwili","Cancel changes":"Anuluj zmiany","Cancel editing":"Anulowanie edycji","Cancel edition":"Anuluj edycj\u0119","Cancel subscription":"Anuluj subskrypcj\u0119","Cancel your changes?":"Anulowa\u0107 Twoje zmiany?","Cancel your subscription":"Anuluj subskrypcj\u0119","Cancel your subscription?":"Anulowa\u0107 subskrypcj\u0119?","Cannot filter on both asset packs and assets at the same time. Try clearing one of the filters!":"Nie mo\u017Cna filtrowa\u0107 jednocze\u015Bnie pakiet\xF3w zasob\xF3w oraz zasob\xF3w. Spr\xF3buj wyczy\u015Bci\u0107 jeden z filtr\xF3w!","Cannot see the exports":"Nie mo\u017Cna zobaczy\u0107 eksportu","Cannot update thumbnail":"Nie mo\u017Cna zaktualizowa\u0107 miniaturki","Capsule":"Kapsu\u0142a","Case insensitive":"Niewra\u017Cliwe na wielko\u015B\u0107 liter","Cash out":"Wyp\u0142a\u0107","Category (shown in the editor)":"Kategoria (wy\u015Bwietlana w edytorze)","Cell height (in pixels)":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 kafelka (w pikselach)","Cell width (in pixels)":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 kafelka (w pikselach)","Center":"\u015Arodek","Certificate and provisioning profile":"Certyfikat i profil udost\u0119pniania","Certificate type: {0}":function(a){return["Typ certyfikatu: ",a("0")]},"Change editor zoom":"Zmie\u0144 powi\u0119kszenie edytora ","Change my email":"Zmie\u0144 m\xF3j email","Change the name in the project properties.":"Zmie\u0144 nazw\u0119 we w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach projektu.","Change the package name in the game properties.":"Zmie\u0144 nazw\u0119 pakietu we w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach gry.","Change thumbnail":"Zmie\u0144 miniaturk\u0119","Change your email":"Zmie\u0144 adres e-mail","Changes saved":"Zapisane zmiany","Chapter":"Rozdzia\u0142","Chapter materials":"Materia\u0142y rozdzia\u0142u","Characters":"Postacie","Check again for new updates":"Sprawd\u017A ponownie dost\u0119pno\u015B\u0107 aktualizacji","Check out":"Sprawd\u017A","Check that the file exists, that this file is a proper game created with GDevelop and that you have the authorization to open it.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nie ma brakuj\u0105cych plik\xF3w, czy jest to gra stworzona za pomoc\u0105 silnika GDevelop i czy masz uprawnienia do jej otwarcia.","Check that you don't have any blocked popup (if so, allow them and retry) and that you have the authorization for reading the file you're trying to access.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nie masz zablokowanego wyskakuj\u0105cego okienka (je\u015Bli tak, zezw\xF3l i spr\xF3buj ponownie) i czy masz uprawnienia do odczytu pliku, do kt\xF3rego pr\xF3bujesz uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p.","Check the logs to see if there is an explanation about what went wrong, or try again later.":"Sprawd\u017A logi, aby sprawdzi\u0107, czy nie ma wyja\u015Bnienia, co posz\u0142o nie tak, lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Checking for update...":"Sprawdzanie aktualizacji...","Checking tools":"Sprawdzanie narz\u0119dzi","Choose":"Wybierz","Choose GDevelop language":"Wybierz j\u0119zyk GDevelop","Choose a Auth Key":"Wybierz klucz uwierzytelniania","Choose a file":"Wybierz plik","Choose a folder for the new game":"Wybierz folder dla nowej gry","Choose a font":"Wybierz czcionk\u0119","Choose a function, or a function of a behavior, to edit its events.":"Wybierz funkcj\u0119, lub funkcj\u0119 z zachowania, by edytowa\u0107 jej zdarzenia.","Choose a function, or a function of a behavior, to set the parameters that it accepts.":"Wybierz funkcj\u0119, lub funkcj\u0119 z zachowania, by ustawi\u0107 parametry kt\xF3re akceptuje.","Choose a key":"Wybierz klawisz","Choose a layer":"Wybierz warstw\u0119","Choose a leaderboard":"Wybierz tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Choose a leaderboard (optional)":"Wybierz tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w (opcjonalnie)","Choose a mouse button":"Wybierz klawisz myszy","Choose a new behavior function (\"method\")":"Wybierz now\u0105 funkcj\u0119 zachowania (\"metod\u0119\")","Choose a new extension function":"Wybierz now\u0105 funkcj\u0119 rozszerzenia","Choose a new object function (\"method\")":"Wybierz now\u0105 funkcj\u0119 obiektu (\"metod\u0119\")","Choose a new object type":"Wybierz nowy typ obiektu","Choose a parameter":"Wybierz parametr","Choose a provisioning profile":"Wybierz profil udost\u0119pniania","Choose a scene":"Wybierz scen\u0119","Choose a subscription":"Wybierz subskrypcj\u0119","Choose a subscription to enjoy the best of game creation.":"Wybierz subskrypcj\u0119, aby cieszy\u0107 si\u0119 tworzeniem gier na najwy\u017Cszym poziomie.","Choose a value":"Wybierz warto\u015B\u0107","Choose a workspace folder":"Wybierz folder obszaru roboczego","Choose an animation":"Wybierz animacj\u0119","Choose an animation and frame to edit the collision masks":"Wybierz animacj\u0119 i klatk\u0119, aby edytowa\u0107 maski kolizji","Choose an animation and frame to edit the points":"Wybierz animacj\u0119 i klatk\u0119, aby edytowa\u0107 punkty","Choose an effect":"Wybierz efekt","Choose an element to inspect in the list":"Wybierz element do sprawdzenia na li\u015Bcie","Choose an export folder":"Wybierz plik eksportu","Choose an external layout":"Wybierz uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny","Choose an icon for the extension":"Wybierz ikon\u0119 dla rozszerzenia","Choose an object":"Wybierz obiekt","Choose an object to add to the group":"Wybierz obiekt, kt\xF3ry chcesz doda\u0107 do grupy","Choose an operator":"Wybierz operatora","Choose an option":"Wybierz opcj\u0119","Choose and add an event":"Wybierz i dodaj wydarzenie","Choose and add an event...":"Wybierz i dodaj wydarzenie...","Choose and enter a package name in the game properties.":"Wybierz i wpisz nazw\u0119 pakietu w ustawieniach gry.","Choose another location":"Wybierz inn\u0105 lokalizacj\u0119","Choose file":"Wybierz plik","Choose folder":"Wybierz folder","Choose from asset store":"Wybierz ze sklepu asset\xF3w","Choose one or more files":"Wybierz jeden lub wi\u0119cej plik\xF3w","Choose the 3D model file (.glb) to use":"Wybierze plik modelu 3D (.glb) do u\u017Cycia","Choose the JSON/LDtk file to use":"Wybierz plik JSON lub LDtk, kt\xF3rego chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107","Choose the associated scene:":"Wybierz powi\u0105zan\u0105 scen\u0119:","Choose the atlas file (.atlas) to use":"Wybierz plik atlas (.atlas) do u\u017Cycia","Choose the audio file to use":"Wybierz plik audio do u\u017Cycia","Choose the bitmap font file (.fnt, .xml) to use":"Wybierz plik czcionki bitmapowej (.fnt, .xml) do u\u017Cycia","Choose the effect to apply":"Wybierz efekt do zastosowania","Choose the font file to use":"Wybierz plik z czcionk\u0105 do u\u017Cycia","Choose the image file to use":"Wybierz plik obrazu do u\u017Cycia","Choose the json file to use":"Wybierz plik json, kt\xF3rego chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107","Choose the scene":"Wybierz scen\u0119","Choose the spine json file to use":"Wybierz plik json, kt\xF3rego chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107","Choose the tileset to use":"Wybierz tileset, kt\xF3rego chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107","Choose the upload key to use to identify your Android App Bundle. In most cases you don't need to change this. Use the \"Old upload key\" if you used to publish your game as an APK and you activated Play App Signing before switching to Android App Bundle.":"Wybierz klucz przesy\u0142ania, kt\xF3rego chcesz u\u017Cywa\u0107 do identyfikowania pakietu aplikacji na Androida. W wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci przypadk\xF3w nie musisz tego zmienia\u0107. U\u017Cyj \u201Estarego klucza przesy\u0142ania\u201D, je\u015Bli publikowa\u0142e\u015B gr\u0119 jako plik APK i aktywowa\u0142e\u015B podpisywanie aplikacji Play przed przej\u015Bciem na pakiet aplikacji na Androida.","Choose the video file to use":"Wybierz plik wideo, kt\xF3rego chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107","Choose this plan":"Wybierz ten plan","Choose where to add the assets:":"Wybierz gdzie chcesz doda\u0107 assety:","Choose where to create the game":"Wybierz gdzie utworzy\u0107 gr\u0119","Choose where to create your projects":"Wybierz gdzie zapisa\u0107 projekt","Choose where to export the game":"Wybierz, gdzie chcesz wyeksportowa\u0107 gr\u0119","Choose where to load the project from":"Wybierz, sk\u0105d za\u0142adowa\u0107 projekt","Choose where to save the project to":"Wybierz, gdzie zapisa\u0107 projekt","Choose your game art":"Wybierz styl gry","Circle":"Okr\u0105g","Claim":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A","Claim this pack":"Odbierz ten pakiet","Classrooms":"Klasy","Clear all filters":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 wszystkie filtry","Clear the rendered image between each frame":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 renderowany obraz pomi\u0119dzy ka\u017Cd\u0105 klatk\u0105","Click here to test the link.":"Kliknij tutaj, aby przetestowa\u0107 link.","Click on an instance on the canvas or an object in the list to display their properties.":"Kliknij w instancj\u0119 na p\u0142\xF3tnie lub obiekt na li\u015Bcie, aby wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 ich w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci.","Click on the tilemap grid to activate or deactivate hit boxes.":"Kliknij w siatk\u0119 tafli, aby w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 lub wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 hitboxy.","Close":"Zamknij","Close GDevelop":"Zamknij GDevelop","Close Instances List Panel":"Zamknij panel listy wyst\u0105pie\u0144","Close Layers Panel":"Zamknij panel warstw","Close Object Groups Panel":"Zamknij panel grup obiekt\xF3w","Close Objects Panel":"Zamknij panel obiekt\xF3w","Close Project":"Zamknij Projekt","Close Properties Panel":"Zamknij panel w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Close all":"Zamknij wszystko","Close all tasks":"Zamknij wszystkie zadania","Close and launch a new preview":"Zamknij i uruchom nowy podgl\u0105d","Close others":"Zamknij pozosta\u0142e","Close project":"Zamknij projekt","Close the project? Any changes that have not been saved will be lost.":"Zamkn\u0105\u0107 projekt? Wszelkie zmiany, kt\xF3re nie zosta\u0142y zapisane, zostan\u0105 utracone.","Co-op Multiplayer":"Kooperacja wieloosobowa","Code editor Theme":"Motyw edytora kodu","Collaborators":"Wsp\xF3\u0142pracownicy","Collapse All":"Zwi\u0144 wszystko","Collect at least {0} USD to cash out your earnings":function(a){return["Zbierz co najmniej ",a("0")," USD, aby wyp\u0142aci\u0107 swoje zyski"]},"Collect feedback from players":"Zbieraj opinie od graczy","Collect game feedback":"Zbieraj opinie o grze","Collisions handling with the Physics engine":"Kolizje z Silnikiem Fizyki","Color":"Kolor","Color (text)":"Kolor (tekst)","Color:":"Kolor:","Column title":"Tytu\u0142 kolumny","Come back to latest version":"Powr\xF3t do najnowszej wersji","Coming in {0}":function(a){return["Dost\u0119pne za/w ",a("0")]},"Coming soon":"Dost\u0119pne wkr\xF3tce","Command palette keyboard shortcut":"Skr\xF3t klawiaturowy palety polece\u0144","Comment":"Komentarz","Community Discord Chat":"Czat spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci","Community Forums":"Forum spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci","Community extension":"Rozszerzenie od spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci","Community helper":"Pomocnik spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci","Community-made":"Stworzone przez spo\u0142eczno\u015B\u0107","Companies, studios and agencies":"Przedsi\u0119biorstwa, studia i agencje","Company name or full name":"Nazwa firmy lub pe\u0142ne imi\u0119 i nazwisko","Compare all the advantages of the different plans in this <0>big feature comparison table.":"Por\xF3wnaj wszystkie zalety r\xF3\u017Cnych plan\xF3w w tej <0>tabeli por\xF3wnawczej du\u017Cych funkcji.","Complete your payment on the web browser":"Doko\u0144cz p\u0142atno\u015B\u0107 w przegl\u0105darce internetowej","Complete your purchase with the app store.":"Doko\u0144cz zakup w sklepie z aplikacjami.","Completely alone":"Ca\u0142kowicie samodzielnie","Compressing before upload...":"Kompresowanie przed wys\u0142aniem...","Condition":"Warunek","Conditions":"Warunki","Configuration":"Konfiguracja","Configure the external events":"Konfiguruj zewn\u0119trzne zdarzenia","Configure the external layout":"Konfiguruj zewn\u0119trzny uk\u0142ad","Configure tile\u2019s hit boxes":"Konfiguruj hitboxy tafli","Confirm":"Potwierd\u017A","Confirm the opening":"Potwierd\u017A otwarcie","Confirm your email":"Potwierd\u017A sw\xF3j adres e-mail","Confirming your subscription":"Potwierdzi\u0107 subskrypcj\u0119","Congratulations on completing this selection of guided lessons! Find all lessons in the Learn section.":"Gratulujemy uko\u0144czenia tej serii lekcji z przewodnikiem! Znajd\u017A wszystkie lekcje w sekcji Nauka.","Congratulations! You've finished this tutorial!":"Gratulacje! Uko\u0144czy\u0142e\u015B ten samouczek!","Connected players":"Pod\u0142\u0105czeni gracze","Console":"Konsola","Consoles":"Konsola","Contact us for more information.":"Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami, aby uzyska\u0107 wi\u0119cej informacji.","Contact:":"Kontakt:","Contains text":"Zawiera tekst","Content":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107","Content for Teachers":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107 dla nauczycieli","Continue":"Kontynuuj","Continue anyway":"Kontynuuj mimo to","Continue editing":"Kontynuuj edycj\u0119","Continue with Apple":"Kontynuuj z kontem Apple","Continue with Github":"Kontynuuj z kontem GitHub","Continue with Google":"Kontynuuj z kontem Google","Contribute to GDevelop":"Wesprzyj GDevelop","Contributions":"Kontrybucje","Contributor options":"Opcje kontrybutor\xF3w","Contributors":"Wsp\xF3\u0142tw\xF3rcy","Contributors, in no particular order:":"Wsp\xF3\u0142tw\xF3rcy, bez szczeg\xF3lnej kolejno\u015Bci:","Control your spaceship with a joystick, while avoiding asteroids.":"Steruj statkiem kosmicznym za pomoc\u0105 joysticka, unikaj\u0105c asteroid.","Convert":"Konwertuj","Copied to clipboard!":"Skopiowano do schowka!","Copy":"Kopiuj","Copy active credentials":"Skopiuj aktywne referencje","Copy all":"Skopiuj wszystko","Copy all behaviors":"Kopiuj wszystkie zachowania","Copy all effects":"Kopiuj wszystkie efekty","Copy build link":"Skopiuj link do kompilacji","Copy email address":"Kopiuj adres e-mail","Copy file path":"Kopiuj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 pliku","Copy them into the project folder":"Skopiuj je do folderu projektu","Copy {0} credentials":function(a){return["Skopiuj ",a("0")," referencje"]},"Cordova":"Cordova","Could not cancel your subscription":"Nie mo\u017Cna by\u0142o anulowa\u0107 twojej subskrypcji","Could not cash out":"Nie mo\u017Cna wyp\u0142aci\u0107","Could not create the object":"Nie uda\u0142o si\u0119 utworzy\u0107 obiektu","Could not delete the build. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie uda\u0142o si\u0119 za\u0142adowa\u0107 kompilacji. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Could not install the asset":"Nie mo\u017Cna importowa\u0107 plik asset","Could not launch the preview":"Nie mo\u017Cna uruchomi\u0107 podgl\u0105du","Could not load the project versions. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 wersji projektu. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Could not purchase this product":"Zakup produktu niemo\u017Cliwy","Could not swap asset":"Nie mo\u017Cna podmieni\u0107 zasobu","Could not transfer your credits":"Nie mo\u017Cna przenie\u015B\u0107 twoich kredyt\xF3w","Could not update the build name. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie uda\u0142o si\u0119 za\u0142adowa\u0107 nazwy kompilacji. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Couldn't find a subscription matching your account. Please get in touch with us to fix this issue.":"Nie mo\u017Cna znale\u017A\u0107 subskrypcji pasuj\u0105cej do Twojego konta. Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami w celu rozwi\u0105zania tego problemu.","Couldn't find a subscription price matching your account. Please get in touch with us to fix this issue.":"Nie mo\u017Cna znale\u017A\u0107 ceny subskrypcji pasuj\u0105cej do Twojego konta. Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami w celu rozwi\u0105zania tego problemu.","Country name":"Nazwa kraju","Courses":"Kursy szkoleniowe","Create":"Utw\xF3rz","Create Extensions for GDevelop":"Utw\xF3rz rozszerzenia dla GDevelop","Create a GDevelop account to continue":"Utw\xF3rz konto GDevelop aby kontynuowa\u0107","Create a GDevelop account to save your changes and keep personalizing your game":"Utw\xF3rz konto GDevelop, aby zapisa\u0107 zmiany i personalizowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119","Create a certificate signing request that will be asked by Apple to generate a full certificate.":"Utw\xF3rz \u017C\u0105danie podpisania certyfikatu, kt\xF3re zostanie poproszone przez Apple o wygenerowanie pe\u0142nego certyfikatu.","Create a game":"Utw\xF3rz gr\u0119","Create a leaderboard":"Stw\xF3rz tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Create a new extension":"Stw\xF3rz nowe rozszerzenie","Create a new game":"Utw\xF3rz now\u0105 gr\u0119","Create a new group":"Utw\xF3rz now\u0105 grup\u0119","Create a new instance on the scene (will be at position 0;0):":"Utw\xF3rz now\u0105 instancj\u0119 na scenie (b\u0119dzie na pozycji 0;0):","Create a new project":"Utw\xF3rz nowy projekt","Create a new room":"Utw\xF3rz nowy pok\xF3j","Create a project first to add assets from the asset store":"Stw\xF3rz najpierw projekt, aby doda\u0107 zasoby ze sklepu asset\xF3w","Create a project first to add this asset":"Najpierw utw\xF3rz projekt, aby doda\u0107 ten zas\xF3b","Create a room and drag and drop members in it.":"Utw\xF3rz pok\xF3j i przeci\u0105gnij do niego cz\u0142onk\xF3w.","Create a signing request":"Utw\xF3rz wniosek o podpisanie","Create account":"Utw\xF3rz konto","Create accounts":"Utw\xF3rz konta","Create an API key on the [App Store Connect API page]( Give it a name and **administrator** rights. Download the \"Auth Key\" file and upload it here along with the required information you can find on the page.":"Utw\xF3rz klucz API na [stronie App Store Connect API]( Nadaj mu uprawnienia **administratorowi**. Pobierz plik \"Auth Key\" i prze\u015Blij go tutaj wraz z wymaganymi informacjami, kt\xF3re mo\u017Cesz znale\u017A\u0107 na stronie.","Create an Account":"Utw\xF3rz konto","Create an account":"Utw\xF3rz konto","Create an account first to send your question.":"Najpierw za\u0142\xF3\u017C konto, aby wys\u0142a\u0107 pytanie.","Create an account or login first to export your game using online services.":"Utw\xF3rz konto lub zaloguj si\u0119, aby wyeksportowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 za pomoc\u0105 us\u0142ug online.","Create an account to get started with GDevelop and access to cloud projects, cloud builds, game analytics, leaderboards and more.":"Utw\xF3rz konto, aby zacz\u0105\u0107 korzysta\u0107 z GDevelop i uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do projekt\xF3w w chmurze, kompilacji w chmurze, analiz gier, tablic wynik\xF3w i innych.","Create an account to register your games and to get access to metrics collected anonymously, like the number of daily players and retention of the players after a few days.":"Utw\xF3rz konto, aby zarejestrowa\u0107 swoje gry i uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do danych metrycznych zbieranych anonimowo, takie jak liczba codziennych graczy i zachowanie graczy po kilku dniach.","Create an account to store your project online.":"Utw\xF3rz konto, aby przechowywa\u0107 sw\xF3j projekt online.","Create and Publish a Fling game":"Utw\xF3rz i opublikuj gr\u0119 Fling","Create game":"Utw\xF3rz gr\u0119","Create iOS certificate":"Utw\xF3rz certyfikat iOS","Create installation file":"Utw\xF3rz plik instalacyjny","Create my account":"Utw\xF3rz moje konto","Create new folder...":"Utw\xF3rz nowy folder...","Create new game":"Utw\xF3rz now\u0105 gr\u0119","Create new leaderboards now":"Stw\xF3rz now\u0105 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Create or search for new extensions":"Utw\xF3rz lub wyszukaj nowe rozszerzenia","Create package for Android":"Utw\xF3rz pakiet dla Androida","Create package for iOS":"Utw\xF3rz pakiet dla iOS","Create section":"Utw\xF3rz sekcj\u0119","Create with Jfxr":"Utw\xF3rz z Jfxr","Create with Piskel":"Utw\xF3rz z Piskel","Create with Yarn":"Utw\xF3rz z Yarn","Create your Apple certificate for iOS":"Utw\xF3rz sw\xF3j certyfikat Apple dla iOS","Create your Auth Key to send your game to App Store Connect":"Utw\xF3rz sw\xF3j klucz uwierzytelniaj\u0105cy, aby wys\u0142a\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 do App Store Connect","Create your certificate and \"provisioning profile\" thanks to your Apple Developer account. We'll guide you with a step by step process.":"Utw\xF3rz sw\xF3j certyfikat i \u201Eprofil udost\u0119pniania\u201D dzi\u0119ki swojemu kontu programisty Apple. Poprowadzimy Ci\u0119 krok po kroku przez proces.","Create your first project using one of our templates or start from scratch.":"Utw\xF3rz sw\xF3j pierwszy projekt za pomoc\u0105 jednego z naszych szablon\xF3w lub zacznij od nowa.","Create your game's first leaderboard":"Stw\xF3rz pierwsz\u0105 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w gry","Created objects":"Stworzono przedmioty","Created on {0}":function(a){return["Utworzono ",a("0")]},"Creating new project":"Tworzenie nowego projektu","Creator profile":"Kreator Profili","Credit out":"Wyp\u0142ata","Credits available: {0}":function(a){return["Dost\u0119pne \u015Brodki: ",a("0")]},"Credits given":"Wykorzystane materia\u0142y od","Credits will be linked to your user account. Log-in or sign-up to purchase them!":"Kredyty zostan\u0105 powi\u0105zane z Twoim kontem u\u017Cytkownika. Zaloguj si\u0119 lub zarejestruj, aby je kupi\u0107!","Current build online":"Aktualna kompilacja online","Custom CSS":"Niestandardowy CSS","Custom css value cannot exceed {LEADERBOARD_APPEARANCE_CUSTOM_CSS_MAX_LENGTH} characters.":function(a){return["Niestandardowa warto\u015B\u0107 css nie mo\u017Ce przekracza\u0107 ",a("LEADERBOARD_APPEARANCE_CUSTOM_CSS_MAX_LENGTH")," znak\xF3w."]},"Custom display":"Niestandardowy wy\u015Bwietlacz","Custom object name":"Nazwa niestandardowego obiektu","Custom objects can't contain both 2D or 3D.<0/>Please select either 2D instances or 3D instances.":"Niestandardowe obiekty nie mog\u0105 zawiera\u0107 zar\xF3wno 2D, jak i 3D.<0/> Wybierz instancj\u0119 2D lub 3D.","Custom size":"Rozmiar niestandardowy","Custom upload key (not available yet)":"Niestandardowy klucz przesy\u0142ania (jeszcze niedost\u0119pny)","Cut":"Wytnij","Cylinder":"Cylinder","Dark (colored)":"Ciemny (kolorowy)","Dark (plain)":"Ciemny (zwyk\u0142y)","Date":"Data","Date from which entries are taken into account: {0}":function(a){return["Data od kt\xF3rej wpisy s\u0105 brane pod uwag\u0119: ",a("0")]},"Dealing with data integration from external sources":"Uwzgl\u0119dnianie integracji danych ze \u017Ar\xF3de\u0142 zewn\u0119trznych","Debugger":"Debugger","Debugger is starting...":"Debugger jest uruchamiany...","Declare <0><1/>{variableName} as <2><3/>{0} with <4>{1}":function(a){return["Zadeklaruj <0><1/>",a("variableName")," jako <2><3/>",a("0")," z <4>",a("1"),""]},"Declare your app on App Store Connect and then register a key so that your game can be automatically uploaded when built. It's perfect to try your game with testers on Apple TestFlight.":"Zadeklaruj swoj\u0105 aplikacj\u0119 w App Store Connect, a nast\u0119pnie zarejestruj klucz, aby Twoja gra mog\u0142a zosta\u0107 automatycznie przes\u0142ana po zbudowaniu. To idealne rozwi\u0105zanie, aby wypr\xF3bowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 z testerami w Apple TestFlight.","Default":"Domy\u015Blne","Default (visible)":"Domy\u015Blnie (widoczne)","Default camera behavior":"Domy\u015Blne zachowanie kamery","Default height (in pixels)":"Domy\u015Blna wysoko\u015B\u0107 (w pikselach)","Default name for created objects":"Domy\u015Blna nazwa utworzonych obiekt\xF3w","Default orientation":"Domy\u015Blna orientacja","Default size":"Domy\u015Blny rozmiar","Default upload key (recommended)":"Domy\u015Blny przycisk dla eksportowania danych (rekomendowane)","Default value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 domy\u015Blna","Default visibility":"Domy\u015Blna widoczno\u015B\u0107","Default width (in pixels)":"Domy\u015Blna szeroko\u015B\u0107 (w pikselach)","Define custom password":"Zdefiniuj w\u0142asne has\u0142o","Delete":"Usu\u0144","Delete Entry":"Usu\u0144 Wpis","Delete Leaderboard":"Usu\u0144 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Delete account":"Usu\u0144 konto","Delete build":"Usu\u0144 kompilacj\u0119","Delete collision mask":"Usu\u0144 mask\u0119 kolizji","Delete game":"Usu\u0144 gr\u0119","Delete my account":"Usu\u0144 moje konto","Delete object":"Usu\u0144 obiekt","Delete option":"Usu\u0144 opcje","Delete project":"Usu\u0144 projekty","Delete score {0} from {1}":function(a){return["Usu\u0144 wynik ",a("0")," z ",a("1")]},"Delete selection":"Usu\u0144 zaznaczone","Delete the layer":"Usu\u0144 warstw\u0119","Delete the selected event(s)":"Usu\u0144 zaznaczone wydarzenia","Delete the selected instances from the scene":"Usu\u0144 wybrane instancje ze sceny","Delete the selected resource":"Usu\u0144 zaznaczony zas\xF3b","Delete when out of particles":"Usu\u0144, gdy nie ma cz\u0105stek","Dependencies":"Zale\u017Cno\u015Bci","Dependencies allow to add additional libraries in the exported games. NPM dependencies will be included for Electron builds (Windows, macOS, Linux) and Cordova dependencies will be included for Cordova builds (Android, iOS). Note that this is intended for usage in JavaScript events only. If you are only using standard events, you should not worry about this.":"Zale\u017Cno\u015Bci pozwalaj\u0105 na dodanie dodatkowych bibliotek w eksportowanych grach. Zale\u017Cno\u015Bci NPM zostan\u0105 uwzgl\u0119dnione dla wersji Electron (Windows, macOS, Linux) i Cordova dla wersji Cordova (Android, iOS). Pami\u0119taj, \u017Ce jest to przeznaczone do u\u017Cycia tylko w wydarzeniach JavaScript. Je\u015Bli u\u017Cywasz tylko standardowych wydarze\u0144, nie powiniene\u015B si\u0119 tym martwi\u0107.","Dependency type":"Typ zale\u017Cno\u015Bci","Deprecated":"Przestarza\u0142e","Deprecated action":"Przestarza\u0142e dzia\u0142anie","Deprecated condition":"Przestarza\u0142y warunek","Depth":"G\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107","Description":"Opis","Description (markdown supported)":"Opis (formatowanie tekstu wspierane)","Description, displayed in editor":"Opis, wy\u015Bwietlany w edytorze","Description, displayed in editor (automatically prefixed by \"Compare\" or \"Return\")":"Opis, wy\u015Bwietlany w edytorze (automatycznie poprzedzony przez \"Por\xF3wnanie\" lub \"Zwrot\")","Desktop":"Pulpit","Desktop & Mobile landscape":"Orientacja desktopowa i mobilna","Desktop (Windows, macOS and Linux) icon":"Ikona dla komputer\xF3w (Windows, macOS i Linux)","Desktop Full HD":"Pulpit Full HD","Desktop builds":"Kompilacje pulpitu","Details":"Szczeg\xF3\u0142y","Developer options":"Opcje programisty","Development (debugging & testing on a registered iPhone/iPad)":"Rozw\xF3j (debugowanie i testowanie na zarejestrowanym iPhone/iPad)","Development tools required":"Narz\u0119dzia programistyczne wymagane","Device orientation (for mobile)":"Orientacja urz\u0105dzenia (dla urz\u0105dze\u0144 mobilnych)","Diagnostic report":"Raport diagnostyczny","Dialog backdrop click behavior":"Zachowanie klikni\u0119cia t\u0142a dialogowego","Dialogs":"Dialogi","Did you forget your password?":"Zapomnia\u0142e\u015B has\u0142a?","Different objects":"R\xF3\u017Cne obiekty","Direction":"Kierunek","Direction #{i}":function(a){return["Kierunek #",a("i")]},"Disable GDevelop splash at startup":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz splash GDevelop przy starcie","Disable login buttons in leaderboard":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz przyciski logowania w rankingu","Discard changes and open events":"Odrzu\u0107 zmiany i otw\xF3rz panel zdarze\u0144","Discord":"Discord","Discord server, e.g:":"Serwer Discorda, np.:","Discord user not found":"Nie znaleziono u\u017Cytkownika Discorda","Discord username":"Nazwa u\u017Cytkownika w Discord","Discord username sync failed":"Synchronizacja nazwy u\u017Cytkownika w programie Discord nie powiod\u0142a si\u0119","Discover the ecosystem":"Odkryj ekosystem","Display GDevelop logo at startup (in exported game)":"Wy\u015Bwietlaj logo GDevelop przy starcie (w wyeksportowanej grze)","Display GDevelop watermark after the game is loaded (in exported game)":"Wy\u015Bwietl znak wodny GDevelop po za\u0142adowaniu gry (w wyeksportowanej grze)","Display What's New when a new version is launched (recommended)":"Wy\u015Bwietlaj Co nowego po uruchomieniu nowej wersji (zalecane)","Display a text in 3D.":"Wy\u015Bwietl tekst w 3D.","Display as time":"Wy\u015Bwietl jako czas","Display assignment operators in Events Sheets":"Wy\u015Bwietl operator\xF3w przydzia\u0142\xF3w w arkuszach zdarze\u0144","Display both 2D and 3D objects (default)":"Wy\u015Bwietl obiekty 2D i 3D (domy\u015Blnie)","Display object thumbnails in Events Sheets":"Wy\u015Bwietl miniatury obiekt\xF3w w arkuszach zdarze\u0144","Display profiling information in scene editor":"Wy\u015Bwietlaj informacje profilowe w edytorze sceny","Display save reminder after significant changes in project":"Wy\u015Bwietl przypomnienie o zapisaniu projektu po znacz\u0105cych zmianach","Displayed score":"Wy\u015Bwietlony wynik","Displays a large number of particles to create visual effects.":"Wy\u015Bwietla du\u017C\u0105 liczb\u0119 ma\u0142ych cz\u0105stek do tworzenia efekt\xF3w wizualnych.","Distance":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107","Do nothing":"Nie r\xF3b nic","Do you have a Patreon? Ko-fi? Paypal?":"Posiadasz konto na Patronie, Ko-Fi lub PayPalu?","Do you have game development experience?":"Masz do\u015Bwiadczenie w tworzeniu gry?","Do you need any help?":"Potrzebujesz pomocy?","Do you really want to permanently delete your account?":"Czy na pewno chcesz trwale usun\u0105\u0107 swoje konto?","Do you want to continue?":"Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?","Do you want to quit the customization? All your changes will be lost.":"Czy chcesz zako\u0144czy\u0107 dostosowywanie? Wszystkie zmiany zostan\u0105 utracone.","Do you want to refactor your project?":"Czy chcesz przekszta\u0142ci\u0107 element swojego projektu?","Do you wish to continue?":"Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?","Documentation":"Dokumentacja","Don't have an account yet?":"Nie masz jeszcze konta?","Don't play the animation when the object is far from the camera or hidden (recommended for performance)":"Nie odtwarzaj animacji kiedy obiekt jest z daleka od kamery lub ukryty (zalecane dla wydajno\u015Bci)","Don't save this project now":"Nie zapisuj tego projektu","Don't show this screen on next startup":"Nie pokazuj tego ekranu przy nast\u0119pnym uruchomieniu","Donate link":"Link do darowizny","Done":"Gotowe","Done!":"Gotowe!","Download":"Pobierz","Download (APK)":"Pobierz (APK)","Download (Android App Bundle)":"Pobierz (Pakiet Aplikacji Android)","Download GDevelop desktop version":"Pobierz wersj\u0119 komputerow\u0105 GDevelop","Download a copy":"Pobierz kopi\u0119","Download log files":"Pobierz plik dziennika","Download pack sounds":"Pobierz d\u017Awi\u0119ki pakiet\xF3w","Download the Instant Game archive":"Pobierz Natychmiastowe archiwum gier","Download the certificate file (.cer) generated by Apple and upload it here. GDevelop will keep it securely stored.":"Pobierz plik certyfikatu (.cer) wygenerowany przez Apple i prze\u015Blij go tutaj. GDevelop przechowuje go bezpiecznie.","Download the compressed game and resources":"Pobierz skompresowan\u0105 gr\u0119 i zasoby","Download the exported game":"Pobierz wyeksportowan\u0105 gr\u0119","Download the latest version of GDevelop to check out this example!":"Pobierz najnowsz\u0105 wersj\u0119 programu GDevelop, aby zobaczy\u0107 ten przyk\u0142ad!","Download the request file":"Pobierz plik","Downloading game resources...":"Pobieranie zasob\xF3w gry...","Draft created:":"Szkic utworzony:","Draw":"Rysuj","Draw the shapes relative to the object position on the scene":"Narysuj kszta\u0142ty wzgl\u0119dem pozycji obiektu na scenie","Duplicate":"Duplikuj","Duplicate selection":"Duplikuj zaznaczone","Duration":"Czas trwania","Dynamic":"Dynamiczne","Each character, player, obstacle, background, item, etc. is an object. Objects are the building blocks of your game.":"Ka\u017Cda posta\u0107, gracz, przeszkoda, t\u0142o, przedmiot itp. jest obiektem. Obiekty s\u0105 blokami tworz\u0105cymi Twoj\u0105 gr\u0119.","Earn an exclusive badge":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A ekskluzywn\u0105 odznak\u0119","Ease of use":"\u0141atwo\u015B\u0107 u\u017Cytkowania","Easiest":"Prostszy","Edge":"Kraw\u0119d\u017A","Edit":"Edycja","Edit Grid Options":"Opcje siatki","Edit Object Variables":"Edytuj zmienne obiektu","Edit behaviors":"Edytuj zachowania","Edit build name":"Edytuj nazw\u0119 kompilacji","Edit children":"Edytuj podrz\u0119dne","Edit collision masks":"Edytuj mask\u0119 kolizji","Edit comment":"Edytuj komentarz","Edit details":"Edytuj szczeg\xF3\u0142y","Edit effects":"Edytuj efekty","Edit effects ({effectsCount})":function(a){return["Edytuj efekty (",a("effectsCount"),")"]},"Edit global variables":"Edytuj zmienne globalne","Edit group":"Edytuj grup\u0119","Edit layer effects...":"Edytuj efekty warstwy...","Edit layer...":"Edytuj warstw\u0119...","Edit lighting properties":"Edytuj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci o\u015Bwietlenia","Edit loading screen":"Edytuj ekran \u0142adowania","Edit my profile":"Edytuj m\xF3j profil","Edit name":"Edytuj nazwe","Edit object":"Edytuj obiekt","Edit object behaviors...":"Edytuj zachowanie obiektu...","Edit object effects...":"Edytuj efekty obiektu...","Edit object group...":"Edytuj grup\u0119 obiekt\xF3w...","Edit object variables":"Edytuj zmienne obiektu","Edit object variables...":"Edytuj zmienne obiektu...","Edit object {0}":function(a){return["Edytuj obiekt ",a("0")]},"Edit object...":"Edytuj obiekt...","Edit points":"Edytuj punkty","Edit properties":"Edytuj W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Edit scene properties":"Edytuj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci sceny","Edit scene variables":"Edytuj zmienne sceny","Edit this action events":"Edytuj te zdarzenia akcji","Edit this behavior":"Edytuj to zachowanie","Edit this condition events":"Edytuj zdarzenia warunkowe","Edit with Jfxr":"Edytuj z Jfxr","Edit with Piskel":"Edytuj z Piskel","Edit with Yarn":"Edytuj z Yarn","Edit your GDevelop profile":"Edytuj tw\xF3j Gdevelop profil","Edit your profile to pick a username!":"Edytuj sw\xF3j profil, aby wybra\u0107 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika!","Edit {0}":function(a){return["Edytuj ",a("0")]},"Edit {objectName}":function(a){return["Edytuj ",a("objectName")]},"Editor":"Edytor","Editor without transitions":"Edytor bez przej\u015Bcia","Education curriculum and resources":"Program nauczania i zasoby edukacyjne","Educational":"Edukacyjny","Effect name:":"Nazwa efektu:","Effects":"Efekty","Effects cannot have empty names":"Efekty nie mog\u0105 mie\u0107 pustych nazw","Effects create visual changes to the object.":"Efekty tworz\u0105 wizualne zmiany w obiekcie.","Either this game is not registered or you are not its owner, so you cannot see its builds.":"Ta gra nie jest zarejestrowana lub nie jeste\u015B jej w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem, wi\u0119c nie mo\u017Cesz zobaczy\u0107 jej budowy.","Email":"E-mail","Email sent to {0}, waiting for validation...":function(a){return["E-mail zosta\u0142 wys\u0142any do ",a("0"),", oczekiwanie na weryfikacj\u0119..."]},"Email verified":"Email zweryfikowany","Embedded file name":"Nazwa pliku wbudowanego","Embedded help and tutorials":"Wbudowana pomoc i samouczki","Emit all ambient light":"Emituj wszystkie \u015Bwiat\u0142o otoczenia","Empty free text":"Pusty tekst","Empty project":"Pusty projekt","Enable \"Close project\" shortcut ( {0} ) to close preview window":function(a){return["W\u0142\u0105cz skr\xF3t \"Zamknij projekt\" ( ",a("0")," ) aby zamkn\u0105\u0107 okno podgl\u0105du"]},"Enable ads and revenue sharing on the game page":"W\u0142\u0105cz udost\u0119pnianie reklam i przychod\xF3w na stronie gry","Enabled":"Aktywny","End of Google Drive support":"Koniec wsparcia dla Dysku Google","End of jam":"Koniec Jamu","End opacity (0-255)":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 ko\u0144cowa (0-255)","Enforce only auto-generated player names":"Wymu\u015B tylko automatycznie generowane nazwy graczy","Ensure that you are connected to internet and that the URL used is correct, then try again.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce jeste\u015B pod\u0142\u0105czony do Internetu i \u017Ce u\u017Cyty adres URL jest poprawny, a nast\u0119pnie spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Ensure this scene has the same objects, behaviors and variables as the ones used in these events.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce ta scena posiada te same obiekty, zachowania i zmienne, co te u\u017Cyte w tych zdarzeniach.","Ensure you don't have any typo in your username and that you have joined the GDevelop Discord server.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce nie masz \u017Cadnych liter\xF3wek w swojej nazwie u\u017Cytkownika i \u017Ce do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142e\u015B do serwera GDevelop Discord.","Enter a version in the game properties.":"Wprowad\u017A wersj\u0119 gry w ustawieniach.","Enter the effect name":"Wprowad\u017A nazw\u0119 efektu","Enter the expression parameters":"Wprowad\u017A parametry wyra\u017Cenia","Enter the leaderboard id":"Wprowad\u017A identyfikator tablicy wynik\xF3w","Enter the leaderboard id as a text or an expression":"Wprowad\u017A identyfikator tablicy wynik\xF3w jako tekst lub wyra\u017Cenie","Enter the name of an object.":"Podaj nazw\u0119 obiektu.","Enter the name of the object":"Podaj nazw\u0119 obiektu","Enter the parameter name (mandatory)":"Wprowad\u017A nazw\u0119 parametru (obowi\u0105zkowo)","Enter the property name":"Podaj nazw\u0119 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Enter the sentence that will be displayed in the events sheet":"Wprowad\u017A zdanie, kt\xF3re b\u0119dzie wy\u015Bwietlane w arkuszu wydarze\u0144","Enter the text to be displayed":"Wprowad\u017A tekst do wy\u015Bwietlenia","Enter the text to be displayed by the object":"Wprowad\u017A tekst do wy\u015Bwietlenia przez obiekt","Enter your Discord username":"Wprowad\u017A nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika Discorda","Enter your code here":"Wprowad\u017A tutaj sw\xF3j kod","Entire games":"Ca\u0142e gry","Erase":"Usu\u0144","Error":"B\u0142\u0105d","Error loading Auth Keys.":"B\u0142\u0105d \u0142adowania kluczy uwierzytelniania.","Error loading certificates.":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania certyfikat\xF3w.","Error retrieving the examples":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania przyk\u0142ad\xF3w","Error retrieving the extensions":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania rozszerze\u0144","Error when claiming asset pack":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania paczki zasob\xF3w","Error when sending survey.":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas wysy\u0142ania ankiety.","Error while building of the game. Check the logs of the build for more details.":"B\u0142\u0105d budowania gry. Sprawd\u017A log budowy, \u017Ceby otrzyma\u0107 wi\u0119cej informacji.","Error while building the game. Check the logs of the build for more details.":"B\u0142\u0105d budowania gry. Sprawd\u017A log budowy, \u017Ceby otrzyma\u0107 wi\u0119cej informacji.","Error while building the game. Try again later. Your internet connection may be slow or one of your resources may be corrupted.":"B\u0142\u0105d budowania gry. Spr\xF3buj ponownie. Brak internetu albo zniszczony plik.","Error while checking update":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas sprawdzania aktualizacji","Error while compressing the game.":"B\u0142\u0105d kompresowania gry.","Error while downloading the game resources. Check your internet connection and that all resources of the game are valid in the Resources editor.":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania zasob\xF3w gry. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i czy wszystkie zasoby gry s\u0105 prawid\u0142owe w edytorze Zasob\xF3w.","Error while exporting the game.":"B\u0142\u0105d budowania gry.","Error while loading builds":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas wczytywania budowy","Error while loading the Spine Texture Atlas resource ( {0} ).":function(a){return["B\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania zasobu Atlas Tekstury Spine ( ",a("0"),")."]},"Error while loading the Spine resource ( {0} ).":function(a){return["B\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania zasobu Spine ( ",a("0"),")."]},"Error while loading the asset. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania zasobu. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Error while loading the collaborators. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania kabolatoru. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Error while loading the marketing plans. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania plan\xF3w marketingowych. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Error while uploading the game. Check your internet connection or try again later.":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas wys\u0142ania gry. Sprawd\u017A dost\u0119pno\u015B\u0107 internetu lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Escape key behavior when editing an parameter inline":"Zachowanie klawisza Escape podczas edytowania parametru inline","Events":"Zdarzenia","Events Sheet":"Arkusz Wydarze\u0144","Events analysis":"Analiza zdarze\u0144","Events define the rules of a game.":"Zdarzenia okre\u015Blaj\u0105 regu\u0142y gry.","Events functions extension":"Rozszerzenie funkcji zdarze\u0144","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), after the events from the events sheet of the scene.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane w ka\u017Cdej ramce (oko\u0142o 60 razy na sekund\u0119), po wydarzeniach z arkusza wydarze\u0144 sceny.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), before the events from the events sheet of the scene.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane w ka\u017Cdej ramce (oko\u0142o 60 razy na sekund\u0119), przed wydarzeniami z arkusza zdarze\u0144 sceny.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), for every object that has the behavior attached, after the events from the events sheet.":"Zdarzenie, kt\xF3re b\u0119dzie uruchamiane z ka\u017Cd\u0105 klatk\u0105 (oko\u0142o 60 razy na sekund\u0119), dla ka\u017Cdego obiektu, kt\xF3ry ma do\u0142\u0105czone zachowanie, po wydarzeniach z arkusza zdarze\u0144.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), for every object that has the behavior attached, before the events from the events sheet are launched.":"Zdarzenie, kt\xF3re b\u0119dzie uruchamiane z ka\u017Cd\u0105 klatk\u0105 (oko\u0142o 60 razy na sekund\u0119), dla ka\u017Cdego obiektu, kt\xF3ry ma do\u0142\u0105czone zachowanie, przed wydarzeniami z arkusza zdarze\u0144 ju\u017C uruchomionymi.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), for every object, after the events from the events sheet.":"Zdarzenie, kt\xF3re b\u0119dzie uruchamiane z ka\u017Cd\u0105 klatk\u0105 (oko\u0142o 60 razy na sekund\u0119), dla ka\u017Cdego obiektu, kt\xF3ry ma do\u0142\u0105czone zachowanie, po wydarzeniach z arkusza zdarze\u0144.","Events that will be run once when a scene is about to be unloaded from memory. The previous scene that was paused will be resumed after this.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane raz, gdy scena ma zosta\u0107 roz\u0142adowana od pami\u0119ci. Poprzednia scena, kt\xF3ra zosta\u0142a wstrzymana, zostanie wznowiona po tej dacie.","Events that will be run once when a scene is paused (another scene is run on top of it).":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane raz po zatrzymaniu sceny (inna scena jest uruchomiona na jej podstawie).","Events that will be run once when a scene is resumed (after it was previously paused).":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane raz po wznowieniu sceny (po wcze\u015Bniejszym wstrzymaniu).","Events that will be run once when a scene of the game is loaded, before the scene events.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re zostan\u0105 uruchomione raz, gdy scena gry zostanie za\u0142adowana, przed wydarzeniami sceny.","Events that will be run once when the behavior is deactivated on an object (step events won't be run until the behavior is activated again).":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane raz po dezaktywacji zachowania na obiekcie (zdarzenia kroku nie zostan\u0105 uruchomione, dop\xF3ki zachowanie nie zostanie ponownie aktywowane).","Events that will be run once when the behavior is re-activated on an object (after it was previously deactivated).":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane raz po ponownym w\u0142\u0105czeniu zachowania na obiekcie (po uprzedniej dezaktywacji).","Events that will be run once when the first scene of the game is loaded, before any other events.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane raz po za\u0142adowaniu pierwszej sceny gry, przed innymi wydarzeniami.","Events that will be run once, after the object is removed from the scene and before it is entirely removed from memory.":"Zdarzenie, kt\xF3re b\u0119dzie uruchamiane raz, po usuni\u0119ciu obiektu ze sceny i przed jego ca\u0142kowitym usuni\u0119ciem z pami\u0119ci.","Events that will be run once, when an object is created with this behavior being attached to it.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane raz, gdy zostanie utworzony obiekt z do\u0142\u0105czonym do niego zachowaniem.","Events that will be run once, when an object is created.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re zostan\u0105 uruchomione, kiedy obiekt zostanie stworzony.","Events that will be run when the preview is being hot-reloaded.":"Zdarzenia, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 uruchamiane, gdy podgl\u0105d jest prze\u0142adowany na gor\u0105co.","Every animation from the GLB file is already in the list.":"Ka\u017Cda animacja z pliku GLB jest ju\u017C na li\u015Bcie.","Every animation from the Spine file is already in the list.":"Ka\u017Cda animacja z pliku Spine jest ju\u017C na li\u015Bcie.","Ex: $":"Ex: $","Ex: coins":"Ex: monety","Example: Check if the object is flashing.":"Przyk\u0142ad: Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest flashuje.","Example: Equipped shield name":"Przyk\u0142ad: Wyposa\u017Cona nazwa tarczy","Example: Flash the object":"Przyk\u0142ad: Wgraj obiekt","Example: Is flashing":"Przygk\u0142ad: miga","Example: Make the object flash for 5 seconds.":"Migaj obiektem przez 5 sekund.","Example: Remaining life":"Przyk\u0142ad: Pozosta\u0142o \u017Cycia","Example: Return the name of the shield equipped by the player.":"Przyk\u0142ad: Zwr\xF3\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 dla nazwy os\u0142ony, w kt\xF3r\u0105 gracz jest zaopatrzony.","Example: Return the number of remaining lives for the player.":"Przyk\u0142ad: Zwr\xF3\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 dla pozosta\u0142ej liczby \u017Cycia gracza.","Examples ({0})":function(a){return["Przyk\u0142ady (",a("0"),")"]},"Exchange your earnings with GDevelop credits, and use them on the GDevelop store":"Wymie\u0144 swoje zyski na kredyty GDevelop, i u\u017Cyj ich w sklepie GDevelop","Exclude attribution requirements":"Wyklucz wymagania dotycz\u0105ce atrybucji","Existing behaviors":"Istniej\u0105ce dzia\u0142ania","Existing effects":"Istniej\u0105ce efekty","Existing parameters":"Istniej\u0105ce parametry","Existing properties":"Istniej\u0105ce w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Exit without saving":"Wyjd\u017A bez zapisywania","Expand All to Level":"Rozwi\u0144 dla wszystkich poziom\xF3w","Expand all sub folders":"Rozwi\u0144 wszystkie pod foldery","Expand inner area with parent":"Rozszerz wewn\u0119trzny obszar razem z elementem nadrz\u0119dnym","Experiment with the leaderboard colors using the playground":"Eksperymentuj z kolorami tablicy lider\xF3w, korzystaj\u0105c z panelu sterowania","Expert":"Ekspert","Explain and give some examples of what can be achieved with this extension.":"Wyja\u015Bnij i podaj kilka przyk\u0142ad\xF3w tego, co mo\u017Cna osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 dzi\u0119ki temu rozszerzeniu.","Explain what the behavior is doing to the object. Start with a verb when possible.":"Wyja\u015Bnij, co dane zachowanie robi z obiektem. Zacznij od zlecenia, gdy jest to mo\u017Cliwe.","Explanation after an object is installed from the store":"Wyja\u015Bnienie po zainstalowaniu obiektu ze sklepu","Explore by category":"Przegl\u0105daj wed\u0142ug kategorii","Export (web, iOS, Android)...":"Eksport (web, iOS, Android)...","Export as a HTML5 game":"Eksportuj jako gr\u0119 HTML5","Export as a pack":"Eksportuj jako pakiet","Export as assets":"Eksportuj jako paczka zasob\xF3w","Export extension":"Eksportuj rozszerzenie","Export game":"Eksportuj gr\u0119","Export in progress...":"Eksportowanie w toku...","Export name":"Nazwa do eksportu","Export the scene objects to a file and learn more about the submission process in the documentation.":"Eksportuj obiekty sceny do pliku i dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej o procesie przesy\u0142ania w dokumentacji.","Export to a file":"Eksport do pliku","Export your game":"Eksportuj swoj\u0105 gr\u0119","Export {0} assets":function(a){return["Eksportuj ",a("0")," zasoby"]},"Exporting...":"Eksportowanie...","Exports":"Eksporty","Expression":"Wyra\u017Cenie","Expression and condition":"Wyra\u017Cenie i warunek","Extend":"Przed\u0142u\u017C","Extend Featuring":"Rozszerz cech\u0119","Extend width or height to fill screen (without cropping the game area)":"Dostosuj szeroko\u015B\u0107 lub wysoko\u015B\u0107, aby wype\u0142ni\u0107 ekran (bez przycinania obszaru gry)","Extension":"Rozszerzenie","Extension (storing the custom object)":"Rozszerzenie (przechowywanie obiektu niestandardowego)","Extension (storing the function)":"Rozszerzenie (przechowywanie funkcji)","Extension global variables":"Zmienne globalne rozszerzenia","Extension scene variables":"Zmienne sceny rozszerzenia","Extension update":"Aktualizacja rozszerzenia","Extension variables":"Zmienne rozszerzenia","Extensions":"Rozszerzenia","Extensions ({0})":function(a){return["Rozszerzenia (",a("0"),")"]},"Extensions search":"Wyszukiwanie rozszerze\u0144","External events":"Zdarzenia zewn\u0119trzne","External layout":"Zewn\u0119trzny uk\u0142ad","External layout name":"Nazwa uk\u0142adu zewn\u0119trznego","External layouts":"Uk\u0142ady zewn\u0119trzne","Extra source files (experimental)":"Dodatkowe pliki \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142owe (eksperymentalne)","Extract":"Wyodr\u0119bnij","Extract Events to a Function":"Wyodr\u0119bnij zdarzenia do funkcji","Extract as a custom object":"Wyodr\u0119bnij jako obiekt niestandardowy","Extract as an external layout":"Wyodr\u0119bnij jako uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny","Extract the events in a function":"Wyodr\u0119bnij zdarzenia w funkcji","Extreme score must be equal or higher than {extremeAllowedScoreMin}.":function(a){return["Wynik ko\u0144cowy musi by\u0107 r\xF3wny lub wy\u017Cszy ni\u017C ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMin"),"."]},"Extreme score must be lower than {extremeAllowedScoreMax}.":function(a){return["Wynik ko\u0144cowy musi by\u0107 ni\u017Cszy od ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMin"),"."]},"FPS:":"FPS:","Facebook":"Facebook","Facebook Games":"Facebook Games","Facebook Instant Games":"Instant Games dla Facebook","False":"Fa\u0142sz","False (not checked)":"Fa\u0142sz (nie zaznaczono)","Far plane distance":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 od p\u0142aszczyzny poziomej","Featuring already active":"Pokazywane ju\u017C aktywne","Feedbacks":"Opinie","Field of view (in degrees)":"Pole widzenia (w stopniach)","File":"Plik","File history":"Historia pliku","File name":"Nazwa pliku","File(s) from your device":"Plik(i) z urz\u0105dzenia","Fill automatically":"Wype\u0142nij automatycznie","Fill color":"Kolor wype\u0142nienia","Fill opacity (0-255)":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 wype\u0142nienia (0-255)","Filter the logs by group":"Filtruj logi wed\u0142ug grupy","Filters":"Filtry","Find how to implement the most common game mechanics and more":"Dowiedz si\u0119, jak zaimplementowa\u0107 najcz\u0119\u015Bciej spotykane mechaniki gry i nie tylko","Find the complete documentation on everything":"Znajd\u017A pe\u0142n\u0105 dokumentacj\u0119 wszystkiego","Find your finished game on the \u201CBuild\u201D section. Or restart the tutorial by clicking on the card.":"Swoj\u0105 sko\u0144czon\u0105 gre znajdziesz w sekcji \"Build\" , lub zrestartuj tutorial poprzez klikni\u0119cie na kart\u0119","Finish and close":"Zako\u0144cz i zamknij","Finished":"Zako\u0144czono","Fire a Bullet":"Wystrzel pocisk","Fire bullets in this Asteroids game. Get ready for a Star Wars show.":"Wystrzel pociski w tej grze Asteroids. Przygotuj si\u0119 na spektakl rodem z Gwiezdnych Wojen.","First (before other files)":"Pierwsze (przed innymi plikami)","First editor":"Pierwszy edytor","First name":"Imi\u0119","Fit content to window":"Dopasuj zawarto\u015B\u0107 do okna","Fit to content":"Dopasuj do zawarto\u015Bci","Fix those issues to get the campaign up!":"Napraw te problemy, aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107 kampani\u0119!","Flip along Z axis":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 wzd\u0142u\u017C osi Z","Flip horizontally":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 poziomo","Flip vertically":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 pionowo","Flow of particles (particles/seconds)":"Przep\u0142yw cz\u0105stek (cz\u0105stki / sekundy)","Folders":"Foldery","Follow":"Obserwuj","Follow this Castlevania-type chraracter with the camera, while the background scrolls.":"\u015Aled\u017A kamer\u0105 t\u0119 posta\u0107 w stylu Castlevanii, podczas gdy t\u0142o przewija si\u0119.","Font":"Czcionka","Font resource":"Zas\xF3b czcionki","Fonts":"Czcionki","For Education":"Dla cel\xF3w edukacyjnych","For Individuals":"Dla os\xF3b indywidualnych","For Teams":"Dla zespo\u0142\xF3w","For a given video resource, only one video will be played in memory and displayed. If you put this object multiple times on the scene, all the instances will be displaying the exact same video (with the same timing and paused/played/stopped state).":"W przypadku danego zasobu wideo tylko jedno wideo b\u0119dzie odtwarzane w pami\u0119ci i wy\u015Bwietlane. Je\u015Bli umie\u015Bcisz ten obiekt wiele razy na scenie, wszystkie instancje b\u0119d\u0105 wy\u015Bwietla\u0107 dok\u0142adnie ten sam film (z tym samym czasem i stanem wstrzymania / odtwarzania / zatrzymania).","For a pixel type font, you must disable the Smooth checkbox related to your texture in the game resources to disable anti-aliasing.":"Dla czcionki pixelowej musisz wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 pole wyboru Smooth zwi\u0105zane z Twoj\u0105 tekstur\u0105 w zasobach gry aby wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 antyaliasowanie.","For most games, the default automatic loading of resources will be fine. This action should only be used when trying to avoid loading screens from appearing between scenes.":"Dla wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci gier, domy\u015Blne automatyczne \u0142adowanie zasob\xF3w b\u0119dzie dobre. Ta akcja powinna by\u0107 u\u017Cywana tylko przy pr\xF3bie omijania ekran\xF3w \u0142adowania pomi\u0119dzy scenami.","For teachers and educators having the GDevelop Education subscription. Ready to use resources for teaching.":"Dla nauczycieli i os\xF3b ucz\u0105cych posiadaj\u0105cych subskrypcj\u0119 GDevelop Education. Gotowe do wykorzystana zasoby do nauczania.","For the 3D change to take effect, close and reopen all currently opened scenes.":"Aby zmiana 3D sta\u0142a si\u0119 skuteczna, zamknij i ponownie otw\xF3rz wszystkie aktualnie otwarte sceny.","For the lifecycle functions to be executed, you need the extension to be used in the game, either by having at least one action, condition or expression used, or a behavior of the extension added to an object. Otherwise, the extension won't be included in the game.":"Dla prawid\u0142owego dzia\u0142ania i wykonywania funkcji, niezb\u0119dne jest u\u017Cycie rozszerzenia poprzez dodanie przynajmniej jednej akcji, warunku lub wyra\u017Cenia zwi\u0105zanego z funkcj\u0105 dla przynajmniej jednego obiektu. W przeciwnym wypadku funkcja z dodatku nie zostanie za\u0142adowana do gry.","For universities, extra curricular classes and summer camps.":"Dla uniwersytet\xF3w dodatkowe programy nauczania i obozy letnie.","Force display both 2D and 3D objects":"Wy\u015Bwietlaj obiekty 2D, jak i obiekty 3D","Force display only 2D objects":"Wy\u015Bwietlaj jedynie obiekty 2D","Force display only 3D objects":"Wy\u015Bwietlaj jedynie obiekty 3D","Form sent with success. You should receive an email in the next minutes.":"Formularz zosta\u0142 wys\u0142any. Otrzymasz e-maila zwrotnego w ci\u0105gu paru minut.","Forums":"Fora","Forward (Additional button, typically the Browser Forward button)":"Wprz\xF3d (Dodatkowy przycisk, zwykle przycisk \u201EWprz\xF3d\u201D w przegl\u0105darce)","Frame":"Klatka","Frame #{i}":function(a){return["Ramka #",a("i")]},"Free":"Za darmo","Free instance":"Swobodna instancja","From the same author":"Od tego samego autora","Front face":"Przednia powierzchnia","Full Game Asset Packs":"Paczki zasob\xF3w dla pe\u0142nej gry","Full name displayed in editor":"Pe\u0142na nazwa wy\u015Bwietlana w edytorze","Fun":"Zabawa","Function Configuration":"Konfiguracja funkcji","Function name":"Nazwa funkcji","Function type":"Funkcja","Functions":"Funkcje","GDevelop 5":"GDevelop","GDevelop Cloud":"Chmura GDevelop","GDevelop Website":"Strona GDevelop","GDevelop app":"Aplikacja GDevelop","GDevelop auto-save":"Automatyczne zapisywanie GDevelop","GDevelop automatically saved a newer version of this project on {0}. This new version might differ from the one that you manually saved. Which version would you like to open?":function(a){return["GDevelop automatycznie zapisa\u0142 nowsz\u0105 wersj\u0119 pliku w ",a("0"),". Nowsza wersja mo\u017Ce r\xF3\u017Cni\u0107 si\u0119 od wersji, kt\xF3r\u0105 zapisa\u0142e\u015B r\u0119cznie. Kt\xF3r\u0105 wersj\u0119 chcia\u0142by\u015B otworzy\u0107?"]},"GDevelop credits":"Kredyty GDevelop","GDevelop games on":"Gry stworzone w GDevelop na","GDevelop is a full-featured, open-source game engine. Build and publish games for any mobile, desktop or web game store. It's super fast, easy to learn and powered by a community making it better every day.":"GDevelop to pe\u0142nowymiarowy otwarto\u017Ar\xF3d\u0142owy silnik gier. Buduj i publikuj gry dla dowolnej przegl\u0105darki internetowej lub urz\u0105dze\u0144 mobilnych czy stacjonarnych. Jest bardzo szybki, \u0142atwy do nauczenia i nap\u0119dzany przez spo\u0142eczno\u015B\u0107, dzi\u0119ki czemu codziennie staje si\u0119 coraz lepszy.","GDevelop logo style":"Styl logo GDevelop","GDevelop was created by Florian \"4ian\" Rival.":"GDevelop zosta\u0142o stworzone przez Florian \"4ian\" Rival.","GDevelop was upgraded to a new version! Check out the changes.":"GDevelop zosta\u0142o ulepszone do nowej wersji! Sprawd\u017A zmiany.","GDevelop watermark placement":"Umieszczanie znaku wodnego w GDevelop","GDevelop website":"Strona GDevelop","GDevelop will save your progress, so you can take a break if you need.":"GDevelop zapisze Twoje post\u0119py, wi\u0119c mo\u017Cesz zrobi\u0107 sobie przerw\u0119, je\u015Bli potrzebujesz.","GDevelop's Business plan":"Pakiet Biznesowy GDevelop","GDevelop's Education plan":"Pakiet Edukacyjny GDevelop","GDevelop's Gold plan":"Pakiet Z\u0142oty GDevelop","GDevelop's Silver plan":"Pakiet Srebrny GDevelop","GDevelop's Startup plan":"Pakiet Startowy GDevelop","GLB animation name":"Nazwa animacji GLB","Game Dashboard":"Panel gry","Game Info":"Informacje o Grze","Game Scenes":"Sceny gry","Game already registered":"Gra jest ju\u017C zarejestrowana","Game background":"T\u0142o gry","Game configuration has been saved":"Konfiguracja gry zosta\u0142a zapisana","Game description":"Opis gry","Game earnings":"Zyski z gry","Game export":"Eksportuj gr\u0119","Game for teaching or learning":"Gra do nauczania lub uczenia si\u0119","Game leaderboards":"Tablice wynik\xF3w gry","Game mechanic":"Mechaniki gry","Game name":"Nazwa gry","Game name in the game URL":"Nazwa gry w URL gry","Game not found":"Nie znaleziono gry","Game personalisation":"Personalizacja gry","Game preview #{id}":function(a){return["Podgl\u0105d gry #",a("id")]},"Game properties":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci gry","Game resolution height":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 okna gry","Game resolution resize mode (fullscreen or window)":"Tryb wy\u015Bwietlania (pe\u0142ny ekran lub w oknie)","Game resolution width":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 okna gry","Game scene size":"Rozmiar sceny gry","Game settings":"Ustawienia gry","Game template not found":"Nie znaleziono szablonu gry","Game template not found - An error occurred, please try again later.":"Nie znaleziono szablonu gry \u2014 wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d, spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Game templates will be linked to your user account and available for all your projects. Log-in or sign-up to purchase this game template. (or restore your existing purchase).":"Szablony gier zostan\u0105 po\u0142\u0105czone z twoim kontem i b\u0119d\u0105 dost\u0119pne dla wszystkich projekt\xF3w. Zaloguj si\u0119 lub zarejestruj, aby zakupi\u0107 ten szablon gry (lub przywr\xF3ci\u0107 istniej\u0105ce zakupy).","Gamepad":"Gamepad","Games":"Gry","Games to learn or teach something":"Gry do nauki lub nauczania czego\u015B","Gaming portals (, Poki, Facebook...)":"Portale gier (, Poki, Facebook...)","General":"G\u0142\xF3wne","General:":"Og\xF3lne:","Generate a link":"Wygeneruj link","Generate a new link":"Wygeneruj nowy link","Generate a shareable link to your game.":"Wygeneruj link do udost\u0119pnienia swojej gry.","Generate all your icons from 1 file":"Wygeneruj wszystkie ikony z jednego pliku","Generate expression and action":"Generuj wyra\u017Cenie i dzia\u0142anie","Generate random name":"Wygeneruj losow\u0105 nazw\u0119","Generate random prompt":"Generuj losowy prompt","Generate report at each preview":"Generuj raport przy ka\u017Cdym podgl\u0105dzie","Generating your student\u2019s accounts...":"Generowanie twojego konta ucznia...","Genres":"Gatunki","Get Featuring":"Uzyskaj wyr\xF3\u017Cnienia","Get GDevelop Premium":"Przejd\u017A na GDevelop Premium","Get Premium":"Wykup Premium","Get Started":"Wprowadzenie","Get a GDevelop subscription to increase the limits.":"Uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119 GDevelop, aby zwi\u0119kszy\u0107 limity.","Get a Gold or Pro subscription to claim your role on the [GDevelop Discord](":"Uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119 Z\u0142ot\u0105 lub Pro, aby zyska\u0107 rol\u0119 na kanale [GDevelop Discord](","Get a Sub":"Uzyskaj Sub","Get a pro subscription to get full leaderboard customization.":"Uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119 Pro, aby uzyska\u0107 pe\u0142n\u0105 mo\u017Cliwo\u015B\u0107 personalizacji tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Get a pro subscription to unlock custom CSS.":"Uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119 Pro, aby odblokowa\u0107 niestandardowy CSS.","Get a sample in your email":"Otrzymaj pr\xF3bk\u0119 w wiadomo\u015Bci e-mail","Get a silver or gold subscription to disable GDevelop branding.":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A srebrn\u0105 lub z\u0142ot\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119, aby wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 mark\u0119 GDevelop.","Get a silver or gold subscription to unlock color customization.":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A srebrn\u0105 lub z\u0142ot\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119, aby odblokowa\u0107 dostosowywanie kolor\xF3w.","Get a startup subscription to invite collaborators into your project.":"Uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119 Startow\u0105, aby zaprosi\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w do projektu.","Get a subscription":"Uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119","Get a subscription to unlock this packaging.":"Uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119, aby odblokowa\u0107 ten pakiet.","Get a yearly subscription and enjoy discounts up to {0}%!":function(a){return["Uzyskaj roczn\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119 i ciesz si\u0119 zni\u017Ckami do ",a("0"),"%!"]},"Get access":"Uzyskaj dost\u0119p","Get credit packs":"Uzyskaj paczki kredytowe","Get lesson with Edu":"Pobierz lekcj\u0119 z Edu","Get more leaderboards":"Uzyskaj wi\u0119cej ranking\xF3w","Get more players":"Uzyskaj wi\u0119cej graczy","Get more players on your game":"Przyci\u0105gnij wi\u0119cej graczy do swojej gry","Get our teaching resources":"Uzyskaj nasze zasoby dydaktyczne","Get perks and cloud benefits when getting closer to your game launch. <0>Learn more":"Uzyskaj dodatki i korzy\u015Bci z chmury, gdy zbli\u017Casz si\u0119 do premiery gry. <0>Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej","Get premium":"Kup premium","Get started section":"Sekcja startowa","Get started with game creation":"Rozpocznij tworzenie gier","Get the app":"Pobierz aplikacj\u0119","Get the most out of GDevelop and get your games out in no time.":"Wykorzystaj GDevelop w pe\u0142ni i tw\xF3rz gry w mgnieniu oka.","Get {0}!":function(a){return["Otrzymaj ",a("0"),"!"]},"GitHub repository":"Repozytorium GitHub","Github":"Github","Give feedback on a game!":"Podziel si\u0119 opini\u0105 na temat gry!","Global Groups":"Grupy globalne","Global Objects":"Obiekty globalne","Global elements help to manage objects across multiple scenes and it is recommended for the most used objects. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to set as global group?":"Elementy globalne pomagaj\u0105 zarz\u0105dza\u0107 obiektami w wielu scenach i s\u0105 zalecane dla najcz\u0119\u015Bciej u\u017Cywanych obiekt\xF3w. Tej akcji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107. Czy chcesz ustawi\u0107 jako grup\u0119 globaln\u0105?","Global elements help to manage objects across multiple scenes and it is recommended for the most used objects. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to set as global object?":"Elementy globalne pomagaj\u0105 zarz\u0105dza\u0107 obiektami w wielu scenach i s\u0105 zalecane dla najcz\u0119\u015Bciej u\u017Cywanych obiekt\xF3w. Tej akcji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107. Czy chcesz ustawi\u0107 jako obiekt globalny?","Global groups":"Grupy globalne","Global objects":"Obiekty globalne","Global objects in the project":"Globalne obiekty w projekcie","Global variable":"Zmienna globalna","Global variables":"Zmienne globalne","Go back":"Powr\xF3t","Go back to {translatedExpectedEditor}{sceneMention} to keep creating your game.":function(a){return["Wr\xF3\u0107 do ",a("translatedExpectedEditor"),a("sceneMention"),", aby tworzy\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119."]},"Go to [Apple Developer Certificates list]( and click on the + button. Choose **Apple Distribution** (for app store) or **Apple Development** (for testing on device). When requested, upload the request file you downloaded.":"Przejd\u017A do [listy certyfikat\xF3w programist\xF3w Apple]( i kliknij przycisk +. Wybierz **Apple Distribution** (dla sklepu aplikacji) lub **Apple Development** (dla test\xF3w na urz\u0105dzeniu). Na \u017C\u0105danie wgraj pobrany plik \u017C\u0105dania.","Go to [Apple Developer Profiles list]( and click on the + button. Choose **App Store Connect** or **iOS App Development**. Then, choose *Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID*, then the certificate you created earlier. For development, you can choose [the devices you registered]( Finish by downloading the generated file and upload it here so it can be stored securely by GDevelop.":"Przejd\u017A do [listy profili programist\xF3w Apple]( i kliknij przycisk +. Wybierz **App Store Connect** lub **iOS App Development**. Nast\u0119pnie wybierz *Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID*, a nast\u0119pnie certyfikat kt\xF3ry zosta\u0142 stworzony wcze\u015Bniej. Do rozwoju mo\u017Cesz wybra\u0107 [urz\u0105dzenia, kt\xF3re masz zarejestrowane]( Zako\u0144cz pobieraj\u0105c wygenerowany plik i prze\u015Blij go tutaj, aby m\xF3g\u0142 by\u0107 bezpiecznie przechowywany przez GDevelop.","Go to first page":"Przejd\u017A do pierwszej strony","Google":"Google","Google Drive":"Dysk Google","Google Drive could not be loaded. Check that you are not offline and have a proper internet connection, then try again.":"Nie mo\u017Cna by\u0142o za\u0142adowa\u0107 us\u0142ugi Dysk Google. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Google Drive support will be dropped on January 31st.<0/>Save your project in the GDevelop Cloud to make sure you can access it past this date.":"Wsparcie dla Dysku Google zostanie zako\u0144czone 31 stycznia.<0/>Zapisz projekt w chmurze GDevelop, aby mie\u0107 do niego dost\u0119p po tej dacie.","Google Play (or other stores)":"Google Play (lub inne sklepy)","Got it":"Rozumiem","Gravity on particles on X axis":"Grawitacja cz\u0105steczek na osi X","Gravity on particles on Y axis":"Grawitacja cz\u0105steczek na osi Y","Group name":"Nazwa grupy","Group name cannot be empty.":"Nazwa grupy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 pusta.","Group: {0}":function(a){return["Grupa: ",a("0")]},"Groups":"Grupy","Guided lessons":"Poradniki","Guides and tutorials":"Poradniki i samouczki","HTML5":"HTML5","HTML5 (external websites)":"HTML5 (strony zewn\u0119trzne)","Has animations":"Posiada animacje","Have you changed your usage of GDevelop?":"Czy twoje zastosowanie GDevelop uleg\u0142o zmianie?","Having the same collision masks for all animations will erase and reset all the other animations collision masks. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these collision masks amongst all the animations of the object?":"Posiadanie tych samych masek kolizji dla wszystkich animacji usunie i zresetuje wszystkie inne maski kolizji animacji. Tej operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107. Czy na pewno chcesz udost\u0119pni\u0107 te maski kolizji we wszystkich animacjach obiektu?","Having the same collision masks for all frames will erase and reset all the other frames collision masks. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these collision masks amongst all the frames of the animation?":"Posiadaj\u0105c te same maski kolizji dla wszystkich klatek, usunie i zresetuje wszystkie pozosta\u0142e maski kolizji zapisanych klatek. Tej operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107. Czy na pewno chcesz udost\u0119pni\u0107 te maski kolizji pomi\u0119dzy wszystkimi klatkami animacji?","Having the same points for all animations will erase and reset all the other animations points. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these points amongst all the animations of the object?":"Posiadanie tych samych punkt\xF3w dla wszystkich animacji spowoduje usuni\u0119cie i zresetowanie wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych punkt\xF3w animacji. Tej operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107. Czy na pewno chcesz udost\u0119pni\u0107 te punkty we wszystkich animacjach obiektu?","Having the same points for all frames will erase and reset all the other frames points. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these points amongst all the frames of the animation?":"Posiadanie tych samych punkt\xF3w dla wszystkich klatek spowoduje usuni\u0119cie i zresetowanie wszystkich pozosta\u0142ych klatek. Tej operacji nie mo\u017Cna cofn\u0105\u0107. Czy na pewno chcesz udost\u0119pni\u0107 te punkty we wszystkich klatkach animacji?","Health bar":"Pasek \u017Cycia","Height":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107","Help":"Pomoc","Help for this action":"Pomoc dla tej akcji","Help for this condition":"Pomoc dla tego warunku","Help page URL":"URL strony pomocy","Help to Translate GDevelop":"Pom\xF3\u017C nam przet\u0142umaczy\u0107 GDevelop","Hidden":"Ukryty","Hidden on":"Ukryte na","Hide community behaviors (not officially reviewed)":"Ukryj zachowania spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci (nieweryfikowane)","Hide deprecated behaviors (prefer not to use anymore)":"Ukryj przestarza\u0142e zachowania (wi\u0119cej nie u\u017Cywaj)","Hide details":"Ukryj szczeg\xF3\u0142y","Hide layer":"Ukryj warstw\u0119","Hide lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Ukryj wa\u017Cne funkcje (zaawansowane)","Hide other lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Ukryj inne wa\u017Cne funkcje (zaawansowane)","Hide the layer":"Ukryj warstw\u0119","Hide the leaderboard":"Ukryj tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Hide the menu bar in the preview window":"Ukryj pasek menu w oknie podgl\u0105du","High quality":"Wysoka jako\u015B\u0107","Higher is better":"Wy\u017Cej jest lepiej","Higher is better (max: {formattedScore})":function(a){return["Wy\u017Cszy jest lepszy (maks.: ",a("formattedScore"),")"]},"Highlight background color":"Kolor t\u0142a pod\u015Bwietlenia","Highlight text color":"Kolor pod\u015Bwietlonego tekstu","Hobbyists and indie devs":" Hobby\u015Bci i deweloperzy indie","Home page":"Strona g\u0142\xF3wna","Horizontal flip":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 w poziomie","Horror":"Horror","How are you learning game dev?":"Jak uczysz si\u0119 tworzenia gier?","How are you working on your projects?":"Jak pracujesz nad swoim projektem?","Huge":"Olbrzymi","I am learning game development":"Ucz\u0119 si\u0119 rozwoju gry","I am teaching game development":"Nauczam rozwoju gry","I don\u2019t have a specific deadline":"Nie posiadam okre\u015Blonego terminu","I have encountered bugs or performance problems":"Napotykam b\u0142\u0119dy lub problemy z wydajno\u015Bci\u0105","I want to receive the GDevelop Newsletter":"Chc\u0119 otrzymywa\u0107 newsletter GDevelop","I want to receive weekly stats about my games":"Chc\u0119 otrzymywa\u0107 tygodniowe statystyki dotycz\u0105ce moich gier","I'll do it later":"Zrobi\u0119 to p\xF3\u017Aniej","I'm building a video game or app":"Tworz\u0119 gr\u0119 wideo lub aplikacj\u0119","I'm learning or teaching game development":"Ucz\u0119 si\u0119 lub nauczam rozwoju gry","I'm struggling to create what I want":"Mam problem w stworzeniu tego, co chc\u0119","I've stopped using GDevelop":"Nie u\u017Cywam ju\u017C GDevelop","IDE":"IDE","IPA for App Store":"IPA dla App Store","IPA for testing on registered devices":"IPA dla test\xF3w na zarejestrowanych urz\u0105dzeniach","Icon URL":"Adres URL ikony","Icons":"Ikony","Identifier":"Identyfikator","Identifier (text)":"Identyfikator (tekst)","Identifier name":"Nazwa identyfikatora","If activated, players won't be able to log in and claim a score just sent without being already logged in to the game.":"Je\u015Bli aktywne, gracze nie b\u0119d\u0105 mogli si\u0119 zalogowa\u0107 i odebra\u0107 wyniku, kt\xF3ry zosta\u0142 wys\u0142any, je\u015Bli nie byli wcze\u015Bniej zalogowani do gry.","If checked, player names will always be auto-generated, even if the game sent a custom name. Helpful if you're having a leaderboard where you want full anonymity.":"Je\u015Bli zaznaczone, nazwy graczy b\u0119d\u0105 zawsze automatycznie generowane, nawet je\u015Bli gra wys\u0142a\u0142a niestandardow\u0105 nazw\u0119. Pomocne, je\u015Bli masz tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w, gdzie chcesz pe\u0142nej anonimowo\u015Bci.","If no previous condition or action used the specified object(s), the picked instances count will be 0.":"Je\u015Bli poprzedni warunek lub akcja nie u\u017Cy\u0142a okre\u015Blonych obiekt(\xF3w), wybrane instancje b\u0119d\u0105 r\xF3wne 0.","If the parameter is a string or a number, you probably want to use the expressions \"GetArgumentAsString\" or \"GetArgumentAsNumber\", along with the conditions \"Compare two strings\" or \"Compare two numbers\".":"Je\u015Bli parametr jest tekstem lub liczb\u0105, prawdopodobnie chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107 wyra\u017Cenia \"GetArgumentAsString\" lub \"GetArgumentAsNumber\", wraz z warunkiem \"Por\xF3wnaj dwa teksty\" lub \"Por\xF3wnaj dwie liczby\".","If you close this window while the build is being done, you can see its progress and download the game later by clicking on See All My Builds below.":"Je\u015Bli zamkniesz to okno podczas kompilacji, mo\u017Cesz zobaczy\u0107 jego post\u0119p i pobra\u0107 gr\u0119 p\xF3\u017Aniej, klikaj\u0105c poni\u017Cej: Zobacz wszystkie moje kompilacje.","If you don't have access to it, restart GDevelop. If you still can't access it, please contact us.":"Je\u017Celi nie masz dost\u0119pu, zrestartuj GDevelop. Je\u017Celi nadal nie b\u0119dzie dost\u0119pu to skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami.","If you have a popup blocker interrupting the opening, allow the popups and try a second time to open the project.":"Je\u015Bli masz w\u0142\u0105czon\u0105 blokad\u0119 wyskakuj\u0105cych okienek, kt\xF3ra przerywa dzia\u0142anie projektu, w\u0142\u0105cz wyskakuj\u0105ce okienka i spr\xF3buj ponownie otworzy\u0107 projekt.","If you skip this step, you can still do it manually later from the leaderboards panel in your Games Dashboard.":"Je\u015Bli pominiesz ten krok, mo\u017Cesz to zrobi\u0107 r\u0119cznie p\xF3\u017Aniej z poziomu panelu rankingowego w Panelu Gier.","Ignore and continue":"Ignoruj i kontynuuj","Image":"Obraz","Image resource":"Zas\xF3b obrazu","Implementing in-project monetization":"Wdra\u017Canie monetyzacji w ramach projektu","Import":"Importuj","Import extension":"Importuje rozszerzenia","Import images":"Importuj obrazy","Import one or more animations that are available in this Spine file.":"Importuj jedn\u0105 lub wi\u0119cej animacji dost\u0119pnych w tym pliku Spine.","Importing project resources":"Importowanie zasob\xF3w projektu","Importing resources outside from the project folder":"Importowanie zasob\xF3w poza folderem projektu","Improve and publish your Game":"Udoskonal i opublikuj swoj\u0105 gr\u0119","In around a year":"Za oko\u0142o rok","In order to purchase a marketing boost, log-in and select a game in your dashboard.":"Aby wykupi\u0107 wsparcie marketingowe, zaloguj si\u0119 i wybierz gr\u0119 w panelu nawigacyjnym.","In order to see your objects in the scene, you need to add an action \"Create objects from external layout\" in your events sheet.":"Aby zobaczy\u0107 swoje obiekty na scenie, musisz doda\u0107 akcj\u0119 \"Utw\xF3rz obiekty z zewn\u0119trznego uk\u0142adu\" w arkuszu zdarze\u0144.","In order to use these external events, you still need to add a \"Link\" event in the events sheet of the corresponding scene":"Aby u\u017Cy\u0107 tych zewn\u0119trznych wydarze\u0144, nadal musisz doda\u0107 zdarzenie \"Link\" w arkuszu wydarze\u0144 odpowiedniej sceny","In pixels.":"W pikselach.","In pixels. 0 to ignore.":"W pikselach. 0 ignorowa\u0107.","In this tutorial you will learn:":"W tym samouczku nauczysz si\u0119:","In-game obstacles":"Przeszkody w grze","Include events from":"Uwzgl\u0119dnij wydarzenia z","Included in this bundle":"Zawarte w tym pakiecie","Incompatible with the object":"Niekompatybilne z tym obiektem","Increase version number to {0}":function(a){return["Zwi\u0119ksz numer wersji do ",a("0")]},"Indent Scale in Events Sheet":"Skala wci\u0119cia w arkuszu zdarze\u0144","Initial text of the variable":"Pocz\u0105tkowy tekst zmiennej","Initial text to display":"Tekst do wy\u015Bwietlenia na pocz\u0105tku","Input":"Wej\u015Bcie","Insert new...":"Wprowad\u017A nowe...","Inspectors":"Inspektorzy","Instagram":"Instagram","Install again":"Zainstaluj ponownie","Install all the assets":"Zainstaluj wszystkie zasoby","Install font":"Instaluj czcionk\u0119","Install in project":"Zainstaluj w projekcie","Install the missing assets":"Zainstaluj brakuj\u0105ce zasoby","Installed as an app. No updates available.":"Zainstalowane jako aplikacja. Brak dost\u0119pnych aktualizacji.","Installing assets...":"Trwa instalowanie zasob\xF3w...","Instance":"Instancja","Instance Variables":"Zmienne instancji","Instance properties":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci instancji","Instance variables":"Zmienne instancji","Instance variables overwrite the default values of the variables of the object.":"Zmienne instancji nadpisuj\u0105 domy\u015Blne warto\u015Bci zmiennych obiektu.","Instance variables:":"Zmienne instancji:","Instances":"Instancje","Instances List":"Lista Instancji","Instances editor":"Edytor instancji","Instances editor rendering":"Edytor instancji renderowania","Instances editor.":"Edytor instancji.","Instances list":"Lista instancji","Instant":"Natychmiast","Instant Games":"Natychmiastowe gry","Instant or permanent force":"Si\u0142a natychmiastowa lub sta\u0142a","Instead of <0>{0}":function(a){return["Zamiast <0>",a("0"),""]},"Instruction editor":"Edytor instrukcji","Interactive content":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107 interaktywna","Intermediate course":"Kurs \u015Bredniozaawansowany","Internal Name":"Nazwa internetowa","Invalid email address":"Nieprawid\u0142owy adres e-mail","Invalid email address.":"Niepoprawny adres e-mail.","Invalid file":"Nieprawid\u0142owy plik","Invert Condition":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 warunek","Invert condition":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 warunek","Invite":"Zapro\u015B","Invite collaborators":"Zapro\u015B wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w","Is there anything that you struggle with while working on your projects?":"Czy jest co\u015B, z czym si\u0119 zmagasz podczas pracy nad swoimi projektami?","Isometric":"Izometryczny","It is included in the bundle {0}.":function(a){return["Jest zawarte w pakiecie ",a("0"),"."]},"It is now choosing objects from the asset store...":"Wybieranie obiekt\xF3w ze sklepu z zasobami...","It is now placing everything in the scene...":"Umieszczanie wszystkiego na scenie...","It looks like the build has timed out, please try again.":"Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce kompilacja przekroczy\u0142a limit czasu, spr\xF3buj ponownie.","It seems you entered a name with a quote. Variable names should not be quoted.":"Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce wpisa\u0142e\u015B nazw\u0119 z cytatem. Nazwy zmiennych nie powinny by\u0107 cytowane.","It's missing a feature (please specify)":"Brakuje funkcji (prosz\u0119 okre\u015Bli\u0107)","It's probably tired.":"Prawdopodobnie zm\u0119czone.","Italic":"Kursywa",", Poki, CrazyGames...":", Poki, CrazyGames...","JSON resource":"Zas\xF3b JSON","JavaScript file":"Pliki JavaScript","JavaScript files are imported as is (no compilation and not available in JavaScript code block autocompletions). Make sure your extension is used by the game (at least one action/condition used in a scene), otherwise the files won't be imported.":"Pliki JavaScript s\u0105 importowane w oryginalnej postaci (bez kompilacji i bez autouzupe\u0142niania w blokach kodu JavaScript). Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce twoje rozszerzenie jest u\u017Cywane w grze (przynajmniej jedna akcja/warunek jest u\u017Cywany w scenie), w przeciwnym razie pliki nie zostan\u0105 zaimportowane.","JavaScript files must be imported by an extension - by choosing it the extension properties. Otherwise, it won't be loaded by the game.":"Pliki JavaScript musz\u0105 by\u0107 importowane przez rozszerzenie \u2014 wybieraj\u0105c je w w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach rozszerzenia. W przeciwnym razie nie zostan\u0105 za\u0142adowane przez gr\u0119.","Join the discussion":"Do\u0142\u0105cz do dyskusji","Joystick controls":"Sterowanie joystickiem","Joystick for touchscreens.":"Joystick dla ekran\xF3w dotykowych.","Json":"Json","Jump forward in time on creation (in seconds)":"Przeskocz do przodu w czasie tworzenia (w sekundach)","Just now":"Przed chwil\u0105","Just one second please...":"Prosz\u0119, poczekaj sekundk\u0119...","Keep centered (best for game content)":"Zachowaj wy\u015Brodkowane (zalecane dla tre\u015Bci gry)","Keep learning":"Kontynuuj nauk\u0119","Keep model material":"Zachowaj materia\u0142 modelu","Keep ratio":"Zachowaj stosunek","Keep subscription":"Zachowaj subskrypcj\u0119","Keep the new project linked to this game":"Zachowaj po\u0142\u0105czenie nowego projektu z t\u0105 gr\u0105","Keep their original location":"Zachowaj pierwotn\u0105 lokalizacj\u0119","Keep top-left corner fixed (best for content that can extend)":"Zachowaj g\xF3rny-lewy r\xF3g(zalecane dla tre\u015Bci, kt\xF3r\u0105 mo\u017Cna rozszerzy\u0107)","Keyboard":"Klawiatura","Keyboard Key (deprecated)":"Klawisz klawiatury (przestarza\u0142y)","Keyboard Key (text)":"Klawisz klawiatury (tekst)","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Skr\xF3ty klawiszowe","Keyboard key":"Klawisz klawiatury","Keyboard key (text)":"Klawisz klawiatury (tekst)","Kinematic":"Kinematyczne","Label":"Etykieta","Lack of Graphics & Animation":"Niedob\xF3r grafiki i animacji","Lack of Marketing & Publicity":"Niedob\xF3r marketingu i reklamy","Lack of Music & Sound":"Niedob\xF3r muzyki i d\u017Awi\u0119ku","Landscape":"Horyzontalna","Language":"J\u0119zyk","Last (after other files)":"Ostatni (po innych plikach)","Last edited":"Ostatnio edytowano","Last edited:":"Ostatnio edytowano:","Last modified":"Ostatnio zmodyfikowano","Last name":"Nazwisko","Last run collected on {0} frames.":function(a){return["Ostatni przebieg zbierany w ramkach ",a("0"),"."]},"Latest save":"Ostatni zapis","Launch network preview over WiFi/LAN":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d sieci przez WiFi/LAN","Launch new preview":"Uruchom nowy podgl\u0105d","Launch preview in...":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d w...","Launch preview with debugger and profiler":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d za pomoc\u0105 debugera i profilera","Launch preview with diagnostic report":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d z raportem diagnostycznym","Layer":"Warstwa","Layer (text)":"Warstwa (tekst)","Layer effect (text)":"Efekt warstwy (tekst)","Layer effect name":"Nazwa efektu warstwy","Layer effect property (text)":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 efektu warstwy (tekst)","Layer effect property name":"Nazwa w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci efektu warstwy","Layer where instances are added by default":"Warstwa, w kt\xF3rej instancje s\u0105 domy\u015Blnie dodawane","Layers":"Warstwy","Layers list":"Lista warstw","Layers:":"Warstwy:","Layouts":"Warstwy","Leaderboard":"Tablica wynik\xF3w","Leaderboard (text)":"Tablica wynik\xF3w (tekst)","Leaderboard appearance":"Wygl\u0105d tablicy wynik\xF3w","Leaderboard name":"Nazwa tablicy wynik\xF3w","Leaderboard options":"Opcje tabeli wynik\xF3w","Leaderboards":"Tablice wynik\xF3w","Leaderboards help retain your players":"Tablice wynik\xF3w pomog\u0105 utrzyma\u0107 graczy","Learn":"Nauka","Learn More":"Czytaj wi\u0119cej","Learn about revenue on":"Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej o przychodach z gier na","Learn all the game-building mechanics of GDevelop":"Ucz si\u0119 wszystkich mechanik budowy gier w GDevelop","Learn by doing":"Ucz si\u0119 przez praktyk\u0119","Learn everything about GDevelop from the ground up":"Ucz si\u0119 wszystkiego o GDevelop od podstaw","Learn game making":"Ucz si\u0119 tworzenia gier","Learn how to make <0>multiplayer games with GDevelop.":"Dowiedz si\u0119, jak stworzy\u0107 <0>gry wieloosobowe w Gdevelop.","Learn how to use <0>leaderboards on GDevelop.":"Dowiedz si\u0119, jak korzysta\u0107 z <0>tablic wynik\xF3w w GDevelop.","Learn more":"Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej","Learn more about Instant Games publication":"Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej o publikacji Instant Games","Learn more about manual builds":"Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej o kompilacji manualnej","Learn more about publishing to platforms":"Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej o wydawaniu na platformy","Learn section":"Sekcja nauki","Learn the fundamental principles of GDevelop":"Ucz si\u0119 podstawowych zasad GDevelop","Leave":"Opu\u015B\u0107","Leave and lose all changes":"Opu\u015B\u0107 i utra\u0107 wszystkie zmiany","Leave it empty to use the default group":"Pozostaw puste, aby u\u017Cy\u0107 domy\u015Blnej grupy.","Leave it empty to use the default group for this extension.":"Pozostaw puste, aby u\u017Cy\u0107 domy\u015Blnej grupy dla tego rozszerzenia.","Leave the customization?":"Zako\u0144czy\u0107 dostosowanie?","Leave the tutorial":"Opu\u015B\u0107 samouczek","Left (primary)":"Lewy(domy\u015Blny)","Left bound":"Lewa granica","Left bound should be smaller than right bound":"Lewa granica powinna by\u0107 mniejsza ni\u017C prawa granica","Left face":"Lewa powierzchnia","Left margin":"Margines lewy","Length":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107","Less than a month":"Mniej ni\u017C miesi\u0105c","Let the user select":"Pozw\xF3l u\u017Cytkownikowi wybra\u0107","Let users select a numerical value by dragging a slider.":"Pozwala graczowi wybra\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107, przesuwaj\u0105c suwak.","Let's finish your game, shall we?":"Doko\u0144czmy twoj\u0105 gr\u0119, dobrze?","Let's go":"Do dzie\u0142a","Level {0}":function(a){return["Poziom ",a("0")]},"License":"Licencja","Licensing":"Licencjonowanie","Lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Wa\u017Cne funkcje (zaawansowane)","Lifecycle functions only included when extension used":"Funkcje uwzgl\u0119dniane tylko przy wykorzystaniu rozszerzenia","Lifecycle methods":"Metody cyklu \u017Cycia","Light (colored)":"Jasny (kolorowy)","Light (plain)":"Jasny (zwyk\u0142y)","Light object automatically put in lighting layer":"\u015Bwiec\u0105cy obiekt automatycznie umieszczany w warstwie o\u015Bwietleniowej","Lighting settings":"Ustawienia \u015Bwiat\u0142a","Limit cannot be empty, uncheck or fill a value between {extremeAllowedScoreMin} and {extremeAllowedScoreMax}.":function(a){return["Limit nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 pusty, odznacz lub wype\u0142nij warto\u015B\u0107 pomi\u0119dzy ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMin")," i ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMax"),"."]},"Limit scores":"Ogranicz wyniki","Line":"Linia","Line color":"Kolor linii","Linear (antialiased rendering, good for most games)":"Liniowe (renderowanie z antialiasingiem, dobre dla wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci gier)","Lines length":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 linii","Lines thickness":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 linii","Links can't be used outside of a scene.":"Linki nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017Cywane poza scen\u0105.","Linux (AppImage)":"Linux (ikona)","Live preview (apply changes to the running preview)":"Podgl\u0105d na \u017Cywo (stosuj zmiany do uruchomionego podgl\u0105du)","Load autosave":"Wczytaj autozapis","Load local lesson":"Wczytaj lokaln\u0105 lekcj\u0119","Load more...":"Wczytaj wi\u0119cej...","Loading Position":"Wczytywanie pozycji","Loading screen":"\u0141adowanie ekranu","Loading the game link...":"Wczytywanie odno\u015Bnika do gry...","Loading the game...":"Wczytywanie gry...","Loading your profile...":"\u0141adowanie Twojego profilu...","Loading...":"\u0141adowanie...","Lobby":"Poczekalnia","Lobby configuration":"Konfiguracja poczekalni (lobby)","Local Variable":"Zmienna lokalna","Local variables":"Zmienne lokalne","Locate file":"Zlokalizuj plik","Location":"Lokalizacja","Lock layer":"Zablokuj warstw\u0119","Lock position/angle in the editor":"Zablokuj pozycj\u0119 / k\u0105t w edytorze","Locked":"Zablokowana","Log in":"Zaloguj si\u0119","Log in to enter a prompt":"Zaloguj si\u0119, aby wprowadzi\u0107 zapytanie","Log in to your account":"Zaloguj si\u0119 do swojego konta","Log-in to purchase these credits":"Zaloguj si\u0119, aby zakupi\u0107 te kredyty","Log-in to purchase this item":"Zaloguj si\u0119, aby kupi\u0107 ten przedmiot","Login":"Zaloguj si\u0119","Login now":"Zaloguj si\u0119 teraz","Login with GDevelop":"Zaloguj si\u0119 z GDevelop","Logo and progress fade in delay (in seconds)":"Logo i post\u0119p op\xF3\u017Aniaj\u0105 si\u0119 (w sekundach)","Logo and progress fade in duration (in seconds)":"Logo i post\u0119p znikaj\u0105 w czasie (w sekundach) (szarik kr\xF3l:) pozdrawiam tygrys#9788","Logout":"Wyloguj si\u0119","Long":"D\u0142ugie","Long description":"Opis szczeg\xF3\u0142owy","Long press for more events":"Przytrzymaj, aby wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 wi\u0119cej wydarze\u0144","Long press for quick menu":"D\u0142ugie naci\u015Bni\u0119cie dla szybkiego menu","Looks like the AI service is not available. Please try again later or create a project without a prompt.":"Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce us\u0142uga AI nie jest dost\u0119pna. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej lub utw\xF3rz projekt nie z sugestii.","Looks like your project isn't there!{0}Your project must be stored on your computer.":function(a){return["Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce tam nie ma twojego projektu!",a("0"),"Tw\xF3j projekt musi by\u0107 przechowywany na komputerze."]},"Loop":"P\u0119tla","Low quality":"Niska jako\u015B\u0107","Lower is better":"Ni\u017Cszy jest lepszy","Lower is better (min: {formattedScore})":function(a){return["Ni\u017Cszy jest lepszy (min: ",a("formattedScore"),")"]},"Make a character move like in a retro Pokemon game.":"Spraw, aby posta\u0107 porusza\u0142a si\u0119 jak w grze retro Pokemon.","Make a knight jump and run in this platformer game.":"Spraw, aby rycerz m\xF3g\u0142 skaka\u0107 i biega\u0107 w tej grze platformowej.","Make asynchronous":"Zr\xF3b asynchroniczny","Make complete games step by step":"Wykonaj uko\u0144czone gry krok po kroku","Make private":"Ustaw jako prywatny","Make public":"Opublikuj","Make sure to set up a light in the effects of the layer or chose \"No lighting effect\" - otherwise the object will appear black.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce ustawiono \u015Bwiat\u0142o w efektach warstwy lub wybrano \"Brak efektu o\u015Bwietlenia\" - w przeciwnym razie obiekt b\u0119dzie czarny.","Make sure to verify all your events creating objects, and optionally add an action to set the Z order back to 0 if it's important for your game. Do you want to continue (recommended)?":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce zweryfikuj wszystkie wydarzenia tworz\u0105ce obiekty, i opcjonalnie dodaj akcj\u0119, aby ustawi\u0107 zam\xF3wienie Z powrotem na 0, je\u015Bli jest to wa\u017Cne dla Twojej gry. Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107 (zalecane)?","Make sure you create your GitHub account, star the repository called 4ian/GDevelop, enter your username here and try again.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce posiadasz utworzone konto GitHub, nadaj gwiazdk\u0119 repozytorium o nazwie 4ian/GDevelop, wpisz tutaj swoj\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Make sure you follow the GDevelop account and try again.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce obserwujesz konto GDevelop i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Make sure you have a proper internet connection or try again later.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce masz po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Make sure you star the repository called 4ian/GDevelop with your GitHub user and try again.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce na twoim koncie GitHub zosta\u0142a nadana gwiazdka w repozytorium 4ian/GDevelop i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Make sure you're online, have a proper internet connection and try again. If you download and use GDevelop desktop application, you can also run previews without any internet connection.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce jeste\u015B online, masz po\u0142\u0105czenie z Internetem i spr\xF3buj ponownie. Je\u015Bli u\u017Cywasz aplikacji GDevelop w wersji na komputer, mo\u017Cesz uruchomi\u0107 podgl\u0105d bez po\u0142\u0105czenia z Internetem.","Make sure your username is correct, follow the GDevelop account and try again.":"Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce twoja nazwa u\u017Cytkownika jest poprawna, obserwujesz konto GDevelop i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Make synchronous":"Ustaw synchroniczny","Make the leaderboard public":"Upublicznij tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Make the purpose of the property easy to understand":"Uczy\u0144 cel nieruchomo\u015Bci \u0142atwym do zrozumienia","Make your game title":"Nadaj tytu\u0142 swojej grze","Make your game visible to the GDevelop community and to the world with <0>Marketing Boosts.":"Spraw, aby twoja gra by\u0142a widoczna dla spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci GDevelop i ca\u0142ego \u015Bwiata dzi\u0119ki <0>pakietom marketingowym.","Make your game visible to the GDevelop community and to the world with Marketing Boosts.":"Spraw, aby twoja gra by\u0142a widoczna dla spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci GDevelop i ca\u0142ego \u015Bwiata dzi\u0119ki pakietom marketingowym.","Make your game visible to the GDevelop community and to the world with Marketing Boosts. <0>Read more about how they increase your views.":"Spraw, aby twoja gra by\u0142a widoczna dla spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci GDevelop i ca\u0142ego \u015Bwiata dzi\u0119ki pakietom marketingowym. <0>Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej, jak to wp\u0142ywa na wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Making \"{objectOrGroupName}\" global would conflict with the following scenes that have a group or an object with the same name:{0}Continue only if you know what you're doing.":function(a){return["Utworzenie \"",a("objectOrGroupName"),"\" globalne by\u0142oby sprzeczne z nast\u0119puj\u0105cymi scenami, kt\xF3re maj\u0105 grup\u0119 lub obiekt o tej samej nazwie:",a("0"),"Kontynuuj tylko wtedy, gdy wiesz, co robisz."]},"Manage":"Zarz\u0105dzanie","Manage game online":"Zarz\u0105dzaj gr\u0105 online","Manage leaderboards":"Zarz\u0105dzaj tablicami wynik\xF3w","Manage payments":"Zarz\u0105dzanie p\u0142atno\u015Bciami","Manage seats":"Zarz\u0105dzaj miejscami","Manage subscription":"Zarz\u0105dzaj subskrypcj\u0105","Manual build":"Kompilacja manualna","Mark all as read":"Oznacz wszystkie jako przeczytane","Mark all as solved":"Oznacz wszystkie jako rozwi\u0105zane","Mark as read":"Oznacz jako przeczytane","Mark as unread":"Oznacz jako nieprzeczytane","Marketing campaigns":"Kampanie marketingowe","Maximum FPS (0 for unlimited)":"Maksymalna liczba klatek na sekund\u0119 (0 jako niesko\u0144czono\u015B\u0107)","Maximum Fps is too low":"Maksymalna warto\u015B\u0107 Fps jest zbyt niska","Maximum emitter force applied on particles":"Maksymalna si\u0142a emitera nadana cz\u0105steczkom","Maximum number of particles displayed":"Maksymalna wy\u015Bwietlana liczba cz\u0105steczek","Maximum number of players per lobby":"Maksymalna liczba graczy w poczekalni","Maximum score":"Maksymalny wynik","Maybe later":"Mo\u017Ce p\xF3\u017Aniej","Me":"Ja","Mean played time":"\u015Aredni czas gry","Measurement unit":"Jednostka miary","Medium":"\u015Aredni","Medium quality":"\u015Arednia jako\u015B\u0107","Menu":"Menu","Middle (Auxiliary button, usually the wheel button)":"\u015Arodkowy (zazwyczaj k\xF3\u0142ko myszy)","Minimize":"Minimalizuj","Minimum FPS":"Minimalna ilo\u015B\u0107 FPS","Minimum Fps is too low":"Minimalna warto\u015B\u0107 Fps jest zbyt niska","Minimum duration of the screen (in seconds)":"Minimalny czas trwania ekranu (w sekundach)","Minimum emitter force applied on particles":"Minimalna si\u0142a emitera nadana cz\u0105steczkom","Minimum number of players to start the lobby":"Minimalna liczba graczy do uruchomienia lobby","Minimum score":"Minimalny wynik","Missing behaviors for object \"{objectName}\"":function(a){return["Brakuj\u0105ce zachowania dla obiektu \"",a("objectName"),"\""]},"Missing objects":"Brakuj\u0105ce obiekty","Missing scene variables":"Brakuj\u0105ce zmienne sceny","Missing some contributions? If you are the author, create a Pull Request on the corresponding GitHub repository after adding your username in the authors of the example or the extension - or directly ask the original author to add your username.":"Brakuje kontrybucji? Je\u017Celi jeste\u015B autorem, stw\xF3rz pro\u015Bb\u0119 Pull na odpowiednim repozytorium GitHuba po dodanie swojej nazwy do listy autor\xF3w przyk\u0142adu lub rozszerzenia - lub spytaj si\u0119 bezpo\u015Brednio oryginalnego autora, aby doda\u0142 twoj\u0105 nazw\u0119.","Missing texture atlas name in the Spine file.":"Brakuje nazwy tekstury atlasu w pliku Spine.","Missing texture for an atlas in the Spine file.":" Brakuje tekstury dla atlasu w pliku Spine.","Missing variables for object \"{objectName}\"":function(a){return["Brakuj\u0105ce zmienne dla obiektu \"",a("objectName"),"\""]},"Mixed":"Mieszane","Mixed values":"Warto\u015Bci mieszane","Mobile":"Urz\u0105dzenie mobilne","Mobile portrait":"Kom\xF3rka pionowa","Model origin":"Pochodzenie wzoru","Modifying":"Modyfikowanie","Month":"Miesi\u0105c","Monthly":"Miesi\u0119cznie","Monthly, {0}":function(a){return["Miesi\u0119cznie, ",a("0")]},"Monthly, {0} per seat":function(a){return["Miesi\u0119cznie, ",a("0")," za miejsce"]},"More than 6 months":"Wi\u0119cej ni\u017C 6 miesi\u0119cy","Most browsers will require the user to have interacted with your game before allowing any video to play. Make sure that the player click/touch the screen at the beginning of the game before starting any video.":"Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 przegl\u0105darek b\u0119dzie wymaga\u0107 interakcji u\u017Cytkownika z gr\u0105 przed zezwoleniem na odtwarzanie dowolnego wideo. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce gracz kliknie / dotknie ekranu na pocz\u0105tku gry przed rozpocz\u0119ciem dowolnego filmu.","Most monitors have a refresh rate of 60 FPS. Setting a maximum number of FPS under 60 will force the game to skip frames, and the real number of FPS will be way below 60, making the game laggy and impacting the gameplay negatively. Consider putting 60 or more for the maximum number or FPS, or disable it by setting 0.":"Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 monitor\xF3w ma cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 od\u015Bwie\u017Cania 60 FPS. Ustawienie maksymalnej liczby FPS poni\u017Cej 60 zmusi gr\u0119 do pomini\u0119cia klatek, a rzeczywista liczba FPS b\u0119dzie poni\u017Cej 60, co sprawi, \u017Ce gra b\u0119dzie op\xF3\u017Aniona i negatywnie wp\u0142ynie na rozgrywk\u0119. Rozwa\u017C umieszczenie 60 lub wi\u0119cej dla maksymalnej liczby lub FPS lub wy\u0142\u0105cz j\u0105, ustawiaj\u0105c 0.","Most sessions (all time)":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 sesji (wszystkie)","Most sessions (past 7 days)":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 sesji (ostatnie 7 dni)","Mouse button":"Przycisk myszy","Mouse button (deprecated)":"Przycisk myszy (przestarza\u0142y)","Mouse button (text)":"Przycisk myszy (tekst)","Move Events into a Group":"Przenie\u015B wydarzenia do grupy","Move down":"Przenie\u015B w d\xF3\u0142","Move events into a new group":"Przenie\u015B wydarzenia do nowej grupy","Move instances":"Przenie\u015B instancje","Move objects":"Przenie\u015B obiekty","Move objects from layer {0} to:":function(a){return["Przenie\u015B obiekt do warstwy ",a("0")," na:"]},"Move to bottom":"Przenie\u015B na d\xF3\u0142","Move to folder":"Przenie\u015B do folderu","Move to position {index}":function(a){return["Przenie\u015B na pozycj\u0119 ",a("index")]},"Move to top":"Przenie\u015B na g\xF3r\u0119","Move up":"Przenie\u015B w g\xF3r\u0119","Movement":"Ruch","Multiplayer":"Tryb wieloosobowy","Multiplayer lobbies":"Poczekalnie wieloosobowe","Multiple files, saved in folder next to the main file":"Wiele plik\xF3w zapisanych w folderze obok g\u0142\xF3wnego pliku","Multiple frames":"Wiele klatek","Multiple states":"Wiele stan\xF3w","Multitouch Joystick":"Wielodotykowy joystick","Music":"Muzyka","Musics will only be played if the user has interacted with the game before (by clicking/touching it or pressing a key on the keyboard). This is due to browser limitations. Make sure to have the user interact with the game before using this action.":"Muzyka b\u0119dzie odtwarzana tylko wtedy, gdy u\u017Cytkownik wcze\u015Bniej wchodzi\u0142 w gr\u0119 (klikaj\u0105c / dotykaj\u0105c lub naciskaj\u0105c klawisz na klawiaturze). Wynika to z ogranicze\u0144 przegl\u0105darki. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce u\u017Cytkownik korzysta z gry przed u\u017Cyciem tej akcji.","My Profile":"M\xF3j profil","My manual save":"M\xF3j zapis r\u0119czny","My profile":"M\xF3j profil","MyObject":"MyObject","NPM":"NPM","Name":"Nazwa","Name (optional)":"Nazwa (opcjonalnie)","Name displayed in editor":"Nazwa wy\u015Bwietlana w edytorze","Name of the external layout":"Nazwa uk\u0142adu zewn\u0119trznego","Name version":"Nazwa wersji","Near plane distance":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 w pobli\u017Cu p\u0142aszczyzny","Nearest (no antialiasing, good for pixel perfect games)":"Najbli\u017Cszy (bez antialiasingu, dobre dla gier \"pixel perfect\")","Network":"Sie\u0107","Never":"Nigdy","New":"Nowe","New Apple Certificate/Profile":"Nowy certyfikat Apple/Profil","New Auth Key (App Store upload)":"Nowy klucz autoryzacji (App Store upload)","New Event Below":"Nowe zdarzenie poni\u017Cej","New Object dialog":"Okno dialogowe nowego obiektu","New extension name":"Nowa nazwa rozbudowy","New group name":"Nowa nazwa grupy","New interactive services for clients":"Nowe interaktywne us\u0142ugi dla klient\xF3w","New lesson every month with the Education subscription":"Nowa lekcja ka\u017Cdego miesi\u0105ca z subskrypcj\u0105 edukacyjn\u0105","New object":"Nowy obiekt","New object from scratch":"Nowy obiekt od podstaw","New resource":"Nowy zas\xF3b","Next":"Dalej","Next actions (and sub-events) will wait for this action to be finished before running.":"Nast\u0119pne akcje (i podrz\u0119dne zdarzenia) poczekaj\u0105, a\u017C ta akcja zostanie zako\u0144czona przed uruchomieniem.","Next page":"Nast\u0119pna strona","Next: Game logo":"Nast\u0119pne: Logo gry","Next: Tweak Gameplay":"Nast\u0119pnie: Dostosuj rozgrywk\u0119","No":"Nie","No GDevelop user with this email can be found.":" Nie znaleziono u\u017Cytkownika GDevelop z tym adresem e-mail.","No atlas image configured.":"Brak skonfigurowanego obrazu atlasu.","No bio defined.":"Nie zdefiniowano bio.","No changes to the game size":"Bez zmian dla rozmiaru gry","No children":"Brak dzieci w drzewie zmiennych","No data to show yet. Share your game creator profile with more people to get more players!":"Brak danych do wy\u015Bwietlenia. Podziel si\u0119 profilem tw\xF3rcy gry z wi\u0119ksz\u0105 liczb\u0105 os\xF3b, aby zdoby\u0107 wi\u0119cej graczy!","No discord username defined. Add it and get a Gold, Pro or Education subscription to claim your role on the [GDevelop Discord](":"Nie zdefiniowano nazwy u\u017Cytkownika Discord. Dodaj go i zdob\u0105d\u017A subskrypcj\u0119 Z\u0142ot\u0105, Pro lub Edukacyjn\u0105 oraz rol\u0119 na kanale [Discord GDevelop](","No discord username defined. Add it to claim your role on the [GDevelop Discord](":"Nie zdefiniowano nazwy u\u017Cytkownika Discord. Dodaj j\u0105, aby otrzyma\u0107 rol\u0119 na kanale [GDevelop Discord](","No entries":"Brak wpis\xF3w","No experience at all":"Brak jakiegokolwiek do\u015Bwiadczenia","No game matching your search.":"Nie znaleziono gier pasuj\u0105cych do wyszukiwania.","No information about available updates.":"Brak informacji o dost\u0119pnych aktualizacjach.","No inspector, choose another element in the list or toggle the raw data view.":"Brak inspektora, wybierz inny element z listy lub w\u0142\u0105cz widok danych.","No leaderboard chosen":"Nie wybrano tablicy wynik\xF3w","No leaderboards":"Brak ranking\xF3w","No lighting effect":"Brak efektu o\u015Bwietlenia","No link defined.":"Nie zdefiniowano linku.","No new animation":"Brak nowej animacji","No options":"Brak opcji","No preview running. Run a preview and you will be able to inspect it with the debugger":"Podgl\u0105d nie jest uruchomiony. Uruchom podgl\u0105d i sprawd\u017A go z pomoc\u0105 debuggera","No project to open":"Brak projektu do otwarcia","No projects found for this game. Open manually a local project to have it added to the game dashboard.":"Nie znaleziono projekt\xF3w dla tej gry. Otw\xF3rz projekt lokalnie, aby doda\u0107 go do panelu gry.","No projects yet.":"Brak projekt\xF3w.","No recent project":"Brak ostatnich projekt\xF3w","No result":"Brak wynik\xF3w","No results":"Brak wynik\xF3w","No results found. The search is only available in English at the moment.":"Nie znaleziono wynik\xF3w. Wyszukiwanie jest dost\u0119pne tylko w j\u0119zyku angielskim.","No results returned for your search. Try something else or typing at least 2 characters.":"Brak wynik\xF3w dla wyszukiwania. Spr\xF3buj co\u015B innego lub wpisz co najmniej 2 znaki.","No results returned for your search. Try something else!":"Brak wynik\xF3w wyszukiwania. Spr\xF3buj czego\u015B innego!","No results returned for your search. Try something else, browse the categories or create your object from scratch!":"Brak rezultat\xF3w wyszukiwania. Wypr\xF3buj co\u015B innego, przejrzyj kategoria lub stw\xF3rz sw\xF3j obiekt od zera!","No shortcut":"Brak skr\xF3tu","No similar asset was found.":"Nie znaleziono podobnego zasobu.","No thumbnail":"Brak miniaturki","No thumbnail for your game, you can update it in your Game Dashboard!":"Twoja gra nie posiada miniatury, mo\u017Cesz j\u0105 zaktualizowa\u0107 w panelu gry!","No update available. You're using the latest version!":"Brak dost\u0119pnych aktualizacji. Posiadasz najnowsz\u0105 wersj\u0119!","No, close project":"Nie, zamknij projekt","None":"\u017Badne","Not compatible":"Niekompatybilny","Not installed as an app. No updates available.":"Nie zainstalowano jako aplikacja. Brak dost\u0119pnych aktualizacji.","Not now, thanks!":"Nie teraz, dzi\u0119ki!","Not on mobile":"Niedost\u0119pne na urz\u0105dzenia mobilne","Not published":"Nieopublikowane","Not set":"Nie wybrano","Not stored":"Nieprzechowywane","Not sure how many credits you need? Check <0>this guide to help you decide.":"Nie wiesz, ile kredyt\xF3w potrzebujesz? Sprawd\u017A <0>ten poradnik, by podj\u0105\u0107 decyzj\u0119.","Not visible":"Niewidoczny","Note that the distinction between what is a mobile device and what is not is becoming blurry (with devices like iPad pro and other \"desktop-class\" tablets). If you use this for mobile controls, prefer to check if the device has touchscreen support.":"Zauwa\u017C \u017Ce r\xF3\u017Cnica mi\u0119dzy urz\u0105dzeniem mobilnym a komputerem b\u0119dzie taka \u017Ce b\u0119dzie ona rozmazana (z urz\u0105dzeniami jak iPad pro i inne \"klasy-pulpit\" tablet\xF3w). Je\u015Bli u\u017Cywasz tego dla mobilnego sterowania, sprawd\u017A czy urz\u0105dzenie posiada obs\u0142ug\u0119 ekranu dotykowego.","Note that this option will only have an effect when saving your project on your computer's filesystem from the desktop app. Read about [using Git or GitHub with projects in multiple files](":"Pami\u0119taj, \u017Ce ta opcja b\u0119dzie mia\u0142a efekt podczas zapisywania projektu na komputerze z aplikacji desktopowej. Przeczytaj o [u\u017Cyciu Git lub GitHub z projektami w wielu plikach](","Note: write _PARAMx_ for parameters, e.g: Flash _PARAM1_ for 5 seconds":"Uwaga: napisz _PARAMx_ dla przypisania parametr\xF3w, na przyk\u0142ad: Flash _PARAM1_ for 5 seconds","Nothing corresponding to your search. Choose an object first or browse the list of actions/conditions.":"Nic nie odpowiada twojemu wyszukiwaniu. Najpierw wybierz obiekt lub przejrzyj list\u0119 akcji / warunk\xF3w.","Nothing corresponding to your search. Try browsing the list instead.":"Nic nie odpowiada twojemu wyszukiwaniu. Zamiast tego spr\xF3buj przejrze\u0107 list\u0119.","Nothing to configure for this behavior.":"Brak konfiguracji dla tego zachowania.","Notifications":"Powiadomienia","Number":"Liczba","Number between 0 and 1":"Liczba mi\u0119dzy 0 a 1","Number of entries to display":"Liczba wpis\xF3w do wy\u015Bwietlenia","Number of particles in tank (-1 for infinite)":"Generowana ilo\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek (-1 to niesko\u0144czono\u015B\u0107)","Number of seats":"Liczba miejsc","Number of students":"Liczba uczni\xF3w","OK":"Ok","OWNED":"POSIADANE","Object":"Obiekt","Object Configuration":"Konfiguracja obiektu","Object Groups":"Grupy obiekt\xF3w","Object Name":"Nazwa obiektu","Object Variables":"Zmienne obiektu","Object animation (text)":"Animacja obiektu (tekst)","Object animation name":"Nazwa animacji obiektu","Object center":"\u015Arodek obiektu","Object editor":"Edytor obiekt\xF3w","Object effect (text)":"Efekt obiektu (tekst)","Object effect name":"Nazwa efektu obiektu","Object effect property (text)":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci efektu obiektu (tekst)","Object effect property name":"Nazwa w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci efektu obiektu","Object filters":"Filtry objektu","Object groups":"Grupy obiekt\xF3w","Object groups list":"Lista grup obiekt\xF3w","Object name":"Nazwa obiektu","Object on which this behavior can be used":"Obiekt z bym zachowaniem mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty","Object point (text)":"Punkt obiektu (tekst)","Object point name":"Nazwa punktu obiektu","Object properties":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci obiektu","Object type":"Typ obiektu","Object variable":"Zmienna obiektu","Object's children":"Podrz\u0119dne obiekty","Object's children groups":"Grupy podrz\u0119dnych obiekt\xF3w","Object's groups":"Grupy obiekt\xF3w","Objects":"Obiekty","Objects and characters":"Obiekty i postacie","Objects created using events on this layer will be given a \"Z order\" of {0}, so that they appear in front of all objects of this layer. You can change this using the action to change an object Z order, after using an action to create it.":function(a){return["Obiekty utworzone za pomoc\u0105 zdarze\u0144 na tej warstwie otrzymaj\u0105 \"kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z\" o warto\u015Bci ",a("0"),", tak aby pojawia\u0142y si\u0119 przed wszystkimi obiektami tej warstwy. Mo\u017Cna to zmieni\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 akcji zmiany kolejno\u015Bci Z obiektu, po u\u017Cyciu akcji do jego utworzenia."]},"Objects groups":"Grupy obiekt\xF3w","Objects list":"Lista obiekt\xF3w","Objects on {0}":function(a){return["Obiekty na ",a("0")]},"Objects or groups being directly referenced in the events: {0}":function(a){return["Obiekty lub grupy, do kt\xF3rych bezpo\u015Brednio odwo\u0142uje si\u0119 w zdarzeniach: ",a("0")]},"Objects used with wrong actions or conditions":"Obiekty u\u017Cyte z niew\u0142a\u015Bciwymi akcjami lub warunkami","Oh no! Your subscription from the redemption code has expired. You can renew it by redeeming a new code or getting a new subscription.":"O nie! Twoja subskrypcja z kodu wykupu wygas\u0142a. Mo\u017Cesz j\u0105 odnowi\u0107 poprzez wykupienie nowego kodu lub wykupienie nowej subskrypcji.","Oh. We lost contact with the AI.":"Oh. Stracili\u015Bmy kontakt z SI.","Ok":"Ok","Old, legacy upload key (only if you used to publish your game as an APK and already activated Play App Signing)":"Stary, starszy klucz przesy\u0142ania (tylko je\u015Bli u\u017Cywa\u0142e\u015B publikacji gry jako APK i ju\u017C aktywowa\u0142e\u015B aplikacj\u0119 Play Signing)","Omit":"Pomi\u0144","On Itch and/or Newgrounds":"Na Itch i/lub Newgrounds","On Poki and/or CrazyGames":"Na Poki i/lub CrazyGames","On Steam and/or Epic Games":"Na Steam i/lub Epic Games","On game page only":"Tylko na stronie gry","On my own":"Na w\u0142asn\u0105 r\u0119k\u0119","Once removed, you'll need to generate a new certificate. Provisioning profiles will also be removed.":"Po usuni\u0119ciu b\u0119dzie trzeba wygenerowa\u0107 nowy certyfikat. Profile konfiguracyjne r\xF3wnie\u017C zostan\u0105 usuni\u0119te.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and the assets will be added to your account automatically.":"Kiedy sko\u0144czysz, wr\xF3\u0107 do GDevelop, aby zasoby zosta\u0142y automatycznie dodane do Twojego konta.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and the credits will be added to your account automatically.":"Kiedy sko\u0144czysz, wr\xF3\u0107 do GDevelop i kredyty zostan\u0105 automatycznie dodane do twojego konta.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and the game template will be added to your account automatically.":"Kiedy sko\u0144czysz, wr\xF3\u0107 do GDevelop i szablon gry zostanie automatycznie dodany do twojego konta.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and your account will be upgraded automatically, unlocking the extra exports and online services.":"Po zako\u0144czeniu wr\xF3\u0107 do GDevelop, a Twoje konto zostanie automatycznie zaktualizowane o dodatkowe opcje eksportu i dost\u0119p do us\u0142ug online.","Once you're done, start adding some functions to the behavior. Then, test the behavior by adding it to an object in a scene.":"Kiedy sko\u0144czysz, zacznij dodawa\u0107 jakie\u015B funkcje do zachowania. Nast\u0119pnie przetestuj zachowanie poprzez przypisanie go do obiektu na scenie.","One project at a time \u2014 Upgrade for more":"Jeden projekt na raz \u2014 ulepsz, aby uzyska\u0107 wi\u0119cej","One-click packaging":"Automatyczne pakowanie","Only PNG, JPEG and WEBP files are supported.":"Obs\u0142ugiwane s\u0105 tylko formaty PNG, JPEG i WEBP.","Only best entry":"Tylko najlepszy wpis","Only cloud projects can be displayed here. If the user has created local projects, they need to be saved as cloud projects to be visible.":"Tylko projekty z chmury mog\u0105 by\u0107 tutaj wy\u015Bwietlone. Je\u017Celi u\u017Cytkownik stworzy\u0142 projekt lokalnie, to ten projekt musi zosta\u0107 zapisany jako projekt w chmurze, aby by\u0142 tutaj widoczny.","Only player's best entries are displayed.":"Wy\u015Bwietlane s\u0105 tylko najlepsze wpisy gracza.","Oops! Looks like this game has no logo set up, you can continue to the next step.":"Ups! Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce ta gra nie ma ustawionego logo, mo\u017Cesz przej\u015B\u0107 do nast\u0119pnego kroku.","Opacity":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107","Opacity (0 - 255)":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 (0-255)","Open":"Otw\xF3rz","Open Apple Developer":"Otw\xF3rz Apple Developer","Open Debugger":"Otw\xF3rz Debugger","Open Game dashboard":"Otw\xF3rz panel gier","Open Instances List Panel":"Otw\xF3rz panel Lista Instancji","Open Layers Panel":"Otw\xF3rz panel warstw","Open My Profile":"Otw\xF3rz m\xF3j profil","Open Object Groups Panel":"Otw\xF3rz panel Grupy obiekt\xF3w","Open Objects Panel":"Otw\xF3rz panel obiekt\xF3w","Open Properties Panel":"Otw\xF3rz panel w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Open Recent":"Ostatnio otwierane","Open a new project? Any changes that have not been saved will be lost.":"Otworzy\u0107 nowy projekt? Wszelkie zmiany, kt\xF3re nie zosta\u0142y zapisane, zostan\u0105 utracone.","Open a project":"Otw\xF3rz projekt","Open advanced settings":"Otw\xF3rz ustawienia zaawansowane","Open all tasks":"Otw\xF3rz wszystkie zadania","Open build link":"Otw\xF3rz link do kompilacji","Open command palette":"Otw\xF3rz palet\u0119 polece\u0144","Open events sheet":"Otw\xF3rz arkusz zdarze\u0144","Open extension settings":"Otw\xF3rz ustawienia rozszerzenia","Open extension...":"Otw\xF3rz rozszerzenie...","Open external events...":"Otw\xF3rz zdarzenia zewn\u0119trzne...","Open external layout...":"Otw\xF3rz uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny...","Open file":"Otw\xF3rz plik","Open folder":"Otw\xF3rz folder","Open game for player feedback":"Otw\xF3rz gr\u0119 na opini\u0119 gracza","Open in Store":"Otw\xF3rz w sklepie","Open in a larger editor":"Otw\xF3rz w wi\u0119kszym edytorze","Open in editor":"Otw\xF3rz w edytorze","Open lesson":"Otw\xF3rz lekcj\u0119","Open project":"Otw\xF3rz projekt","Open project icons":"Otw\xF3rz ikony projektu","Open project manager":"Otw\xF3rz mened\u017Cer projektu","Open project properties":"Otw\xF3rz w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci projektu","Open project resources":"Otw\xF3rz zasoby projektu","Open quick customization":"Otw\xF3rz szybkie dostosowywanie","Open recent project...":"Otw\xF3rz ostatni projekt...","Open resource in browser":"Otw\xF3rz zas\xF3b w przegl\u0105darce","Open scene editor":"Otw\xF3rz edytor sceny","Open scene events":"Otw\xF3rz wydarzenia sceny","Open scene properties":"Otw\xF3rz w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci sceny","Open scene variables":"Otw\xF3rz zmienne sceny","Open scene...":"Otw\xF3rz scen\u0119...","Open settings":"Otw\xF3rz ustawienia","Open template":"Otw\xF3rz szablon","Open the console":"Otw\xF3rz konsol\u0119","Open the exported game folder":"Otw\xF3rz folder z wyeksportowan\u0105 gr\u0105","Open the performance profiler":"Otw\xF3rz profil wydajno\u015Bci","Open the project":"Otw\xF3rz projekt","Open the project folder":"Otw\xF3rz folder projektu","Open the properties panel":"Otw\xF3rz panel w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Open version":"Otw\xF3rz wersj\u0119","Open version history":"Otw\xF3rz histori\u0119 wersji","Open visual editor":"Otw\xF3rz edytor wizualny","Open visual editor for the object":"Otw\xF3rz edytor wizualny dla obiektu","Open...":"Otw\xF3rz...","Opening latest save...":"Otwieranie najnowszego zapisu...","Opening older version...":"Otwieranie starszej wersji...","Opening portal":"Portal otwieraj\u0105cy","Operation not allowed":"Nie dozwolona operacja","Operator":"Operator","Optimize for Pixel Art":"Optymalizuj pod k\u0105tem Pixel Art","Optional animation name":"Opcjonalna nazwa animacji","Optionally, explain the purpose of the property in more details":"Opcjonalnie, wyja\u015Bnij bardziej szczeg\xF3\u0142owo przeznaczenie obiektu","Options":"Opcje","Or flash this QR code:":"Lub zeskanuj ten kod QR:","Origin":"\u015Arodek","Orthographic camera":"Kamera ortograficzna","Other":"Inne","Other actions":"Inne akcje","Other conditions":"Inne warunki","Other lifecycle methods":"Inna metoda cyklu \u017Cycia","Other reason (please specify)":"Inny pow\xF3d (prosz\u0119 okre\u015Bli\u0107)","Outdated extension":"Nieaktualne rozszerzenie","Outline":"Kontur","Outline color":"Kolor konturu","Outline opacity (0-255)":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 konturu (0-255)","Outline size (in pixels)":"Rozmiar konturu (w pikselach)","Override children configuration":"Zast\u0105p konfiguracj\u0119 podrz\u0119dnych","Overriding the ID may have unwanted consequences, such as blocking the ability to connect to any peer. Do not use this feature unless you really know what you are doing.":"Nadpisanie ID mo\u017Ce mie\u0107 niepo\u017C\u0105dane konsekwencje, takie jak blokowanie mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci pod\u0142\u0105czenia si\u0119 do dowolnego z nich. Nie u\u017Cywaj tej funkcji, chyba \u017Ce naprawd\u0119 wiesz, co robisz.","Overwrite":"Zast\u0105p","Owned":"Posiadane","Owned by another scene":"Posiadane przez inn\u0105 scen\u0119","Owner":"W\u0142a\u015Bciciel","Owners":"W\u0142a\u015Bciciele","P2P is merely a peer-to-peer networking solution. It only handles the connection to another player, and the exchange of messages. Higher-level tasks, such as synchronizing the game state, are left to by implemented by you. Use the THNK Framework if you seek an easy, performant and flexible higher-level solution.":"P2P to jedynie rozwi\u0105zanie sieciowe typu peer-to-peer. Obs\u0142uguje jedynie po\u0142\u0105czenie z innym graczem i wymian\u0119 wiadomo\u015Bci. Zadania wy\u017Cszego poziomu, takie jak synchronizacja stanu gry, musisz zaimplementowa\u0107 samodzielnie. Je\u015Bli szukasz \u0142atwego, wydajnego i elastycznego rozwi\u0105zania wy\u017Cszego poziomu, u\u017Cyj THNK Framework.","Pack sounds":"Paczka d\u017Awi\u0119k\xF3w","Pack type":"Rodzaj paczki","Package game files":"Pakiet plik\xF3w gry","Package name (for iOS and Android)":"Nazwa pakietu (dla iOS i Androida)","Package the game for iOS, using your Apple Developer account.":"Spakuj gr\u0119 na iOS, u\u017Cywaj\u0105c swojego konta Apple Developer.","Packaging":"Pakowanie","Packaging your game for Android will create an APK file that can be installed on Android phones or an Android App Bundle that can be published to Google Play.":"Eksportowanie twojej gry na Androida utworzy plik APK, kt\xF3ry b\u0119dzie mo\u017Cna zainstalowa\u0107 na telefonach z Androidem, lub Pakiet Aplikacji Android, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 opublikowany do Sklepu Play.","Packaging...":"Pakowanie...","Paint":"Maluj","Paint a Level with Tiles":"Rysuj poziom przy u\u017Cyciu Tiles","Panel sprite":"Duszek panelowy","Panel sprite button":"Przycisk","Panel sprites":"Duszki panelowe","Parameter #{0} :":function(a){return["Parametr #",a("0"),":"]},"Parameter name":"Nazwa parametru","Parameters":"Parametry","Parameters allow function users to give data.":"Parametry pozwalaj\u0105 u\u017Cytkownikom funkcji na przekazywanie danych.","Parameters can't have children.":"Parametry nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 podrz\u0119dne.","Particle emitters":"Emiter cz\u0105steczek","Particle end size (in percents)":"Ko\u0144cowy rozmiar cz\u0105steczek (w procentach)","Particle maximum lifetime (in seconds)":"Maksymalna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 istnienia cz\u0105steczek (w sekundach)","Particle maximum rotation speed (degrees/second)":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 rotacji cz\u0105steczek (stopnie/sekund\u0119)","Particle minimum lifetime (in seconds)":"Minimalna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 istnienia cz\u0105steczek (w sekundach)","Particle minimum rotation speed (degrees/second)":"Minimalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 rotacji cz\u0105steczek (stopnie/sekund\u0119)","Particle start size (in percents)":"Startowa wielko\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek (w procentach)","Particle type":"Rodzaj cz\u0105stki","Particles end color":"Ko\u0144cowy kolor cz\u0105stek","Particles start color":"Pocz\u0105tkowy kolor cz\u0105stek","Particles start height":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkowa cz\u0105stek","Particles start width":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkowa cz\u0105stek","Password":"Has\u0142o","Password cannot be empty":"Has\u0142o nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 puste","Paste":"Wklej","Paste action(s)":"Wklej akcj\u0119(e)","Paste and Match Style":"Wklej i dopasuj styl","Paste condition(s)":"Wklej warunki","Paste {clipboardObjectName}":function(a){return["Wklej ",a("clipboardObjectName")]},"Paste {clipboardObjectName} as a Global Object":function(a){return["Wklej ",a("clipboardObjectName")," jako obiekt globalny"]},"Paste {clipboardObjectName} as a Global Object inside folder":function(a){return["Wklej ",a("clipboardObjectName")," jako obiekt globalny wewn\u0105trz folderu"]},"Paste {clipboardObjectName} inside folder":function(a){return["Wklej ",a("clipboardObjectName")," wewn\u0105trz folderu"]},"Pause":"Pauza","Pause the game (from the toolbar) or hit refresh (on the left) to inspect the game":"Wstrzymaj gr\u0119 (z paska narz\u0119dzi) lub naci\u015Bnij od\u015Bwie\u017C (po lewej), aby skontrolowa\u0107 gr\u0119","Pay {0} credits":function(a){return["Zap\u0142a\u0107 ",a("0")," kredyt\xF3w"]},"Paypal secure":"Bezpiecze\u0144stwo PayPal","Peer to peer IP address leak warning/THNK recommendation":"Ostrze\u017Cenie o wycieku adresu IP w trybie peer to peer/zalecenie THNK","Peer to peer data-loss notice":"Powiadomienie o utracie danych peer to peer","Permanent":"Sta\u0142y","Permanently delete the leaderboard?":"Czy trwale usun\u0105\u0107 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w?","Permanently delete the project?":"Czy trwale usun\u0105\u0107 projekt?","Personal license for claim with Gold or Pro subscription":"Osobista licencja do zg\u0142oszenia z subskrypcj\u0105 Z\u0142ot\u0105 lub Pro","Personal or company website":"Strona osobista lub firmowa","Personal website, page, etc.":"Osobista strona internetowa, strona, itp.","Personalize your suggested content":"Spersonalizuj swoje sugerowane tre\u015Bci","Perspective camera":"Kamera perspektywiczna","Pixel size":"Rozmiar pikseli","Place 3D platforms in this 2D platformer, creating a path to the end.":"Umie\u015B\u0107 platformy 3D w tej grze platformowej 2D, tworz\u0105c \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do mety.","Platform default":"Platforma domy\u015Blna","Platformer":"Platform\xF3wka","Play":"Gry","Play a game":"Zagraj w gr\u0119","Play game":"Zagraj w gr\u0119","Play section":"Sekcja gry","Played > 10 minutes":"Graj > 10 minut","Played > 15 minutes":"Graj > 15 minut","Played > 3 minutes":"Graj > 3 minut","Played > 5 minutes":"Graj > 5 minut","Played time":"Czas na gr\u0119","Player":"Gracz","Player best entry":"Najlepszy wpis gracza","Player feedback off":"Opinia graczy wy\u0142\u0105czona","Player feedback on":"Opinia graczy w\u0142\u0105czona","Player name prefix (for auto-generated player names)":"Prefiks nazwy gracza (dla automatycznie generowanych nazw graczy)","Player services":"Us\u0142ugi gracza","Player {0} left a feedback message on {1}: \"{2}...\"":function(a){return["Gracz ",a("0")," wystawi\u0142 opini\u0119 o ",a("1"),": \"",a("2"),"...\""]},"Players":"Gracze","Playground":"Obszar testowy","Please <0>backup your game file and save your game to ensure that you don't lose anything. You can try to reload this panel or restart GDevelop.":"Prosz\u0119 <0>utworzy\u0107 kopi\u0119 zapasow\u0105 swojego pliku gry i zapisa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119, by upewni\u0107 si\u0119, \u017Ce nic nie zostanie utracone. Mo\u017Cesz spr\xF3bowa\u0107 od\u015Bwie\u017Cy\u0107 ten panel b\u0105d\u017A uruchomi\u0107 program GDevelop ponownie.","Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Please double check online the changes to make sure that you are aware of anything new in this version that would require you to adapt your project.":"Prosz\u0119 zwr\xF3ci\u0107 uwag\u0119 na zmiany w tej wersji GDevelop, mog\u0105 one wymaga\u0107 dostosowania twojego projektu do nowej wersji.","Please enter a name for your project.":"Podaj nazw\u0119 twojego nowego projektu.","Please enter a name that is at least one character long and 50 at most.":"Wprowad\u017A nazw\u0119, kt\xF3ra ma co najmniej jeden znak d\u0142ugo\u015Bci i nie wi\u0119cej ni\u017C 50.","Please enter a valid URL, starting with https://":"Prosz\u0119 wpisa\u0107 poprawny adres URL, zaczynaj\u0105c od https://","Please enter a valid URL, starting with https://discord":"Prosz\u0119 wpisa\u0107 poprawny adres URL, zaczynaj\u0105c od https://discord","Please enter an email address.":"Wprowad\u017A adres e-mail.","Please explain your use of GDevelop.":"Wyja\u015Bnij swoje u\u017Cycie GDevelop.","Please fill out every field.":"Wype\u0142nij ka\u017Cde pole.","Please get in touch with us to find a solution.":"Prosz\u0119 skontaktowa\u0107 si\u0119 z nami, aby znale\u017A\u0107 rozwi\u0105zanie.","Please log out and log in again to verify your identify, then change your email.":"Wyloguj si\u0119 i zaloguj ponownie, aby zweryfikowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 to\u017Csamo\u015B\u0107, a nast\u0119pnie zmie\u0144 sw\xF3j adres e-mail.","Please login to access free samples of the Education plan resources.":"Zaloguj si\u0119, aby uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do bezp\u0142atnych pr\xF3bek zasob\xF3w pakietu Edukacyjnego.","Please note that your device should be connected on the same network as this computer.":"Pami\u0119taj, \u017Ce twoje urz\u0105dzenie powinno by\u0107 pod\u0142\u0105czone do tej samej sieci, co ten komputer.","Please pick a short username with only alphanumeric characters as well as _ and -":"Prosz\u0119 wybra\u0107 kr\xF3tk\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika tylko ze znakami alfanumerycznymi, jak r\xF3wnie\u017C _ i -","Please prefer using the new action \"Enforce camera boundaries\" which is more flexible.":"Prosz\u0119 wybra\u0107 now\u0105 akcj\u0119 \"Wymu\u015B granice kamery\", kt\xF3r\u0105 \u0142atwiej zmienia\u0107.","Please tell us more":"Powiedz nam wi\u0119cej","Please wait":"Poczekaj","Please wait while we scan your project to find a solution.":"Prosz\u0119 poczeka\u0107, skanujemy Tw\xF3j projekt, by znale\u017A\u0107 rozwi\u0105zanie.","Please wait...":"Prosz\u0119 czeka\u0107...","Point name":"Nazwa punktu","Points":"Punkty","Polygon":"Wielok\u0105t","Polygon is not convex!":"Polygon nie jest wypuk\u0142y!","Polygon with {verticesCount} vertices":function(a){return["Wielok\u0105t z ",a("verticesCount")," wierzcho\u0142kami"]},"Portrait":"Wertykalna","Prefabs (Ready-to-use Objects)":"Prefaby (gotowe do u\u017Cycia obiekty)","Preferences":"Preferencje","Prefix":"Przedrostek","Premium":"Premium","Prepare your game for Facebook Instant Games so that it can be play on Facebook Messenger. GDevelop will create a compressed file that you can upload on your Facebook Developer account.":"Zbuduj dystrybucj\u0119 gry dla Facebook Instant Games. Mo\u017Cna go uruchomi\u0107 w oknie Facebook Messenger. GDevelop utworzy skompresowany plik, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Cesz przes\u0142a\u0107 na konto programisty Facebooka.","Preparing the leaderboard for your game...":"Przygotowywanie tablicy wynik\xF3w do Twojej gry...","Press a shortcut combination...":"Naci\u015Bnij kombinacj\u0119 skr\xF3t\xF3w...","Prevent selection in the editor":"Zapobiegaj selekcji w edytorze","Preview":"Podgl\u0105d","Preview over wifi":"Podgl\u0105d przez wifi","Preview {animationName}":function(a){return["Podgl\u0105d ",a("animationName")]},"Previous page":"Poprzednia strona","Private":"Prywatne","Profile":"Profil","Profiler":"Profiler","Progress bar":"Pasek post\u0119pu","Progress bar color":"Kolor paska post\u0119pu","Progress bar fade in delay and duration will be applied to GDevelop logo.":"Op\xF3\u017Anienie i czas trwania paska post\u0119pu zostan\u0105 zastosowane do logo GDevelop.","Progress bar height":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 paska post\u0119pu","Progress bar maximum width":"Maksymalna szeroko\u015B\u0107 paska post\u0119pu","Progress bar minimum width":"Minimalna szeroko\u015B\u0107 paska post\u0119pu","Progress bar width":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 paska post\u0119pu","Progress fade in delay (in seconds)":"Op\xF3\u017Anienie zanikania (w sekundach)","Progress fade in duration (in seconds)":"Czas trwania zanikania (w sekundach)","Project":"Projekt","Project file list":"Lista plik\xF3w projektu","Project file type":"Typ pliku projektu","Project files":"Pliki projektu","Project icons":"Ikony projektu","Project is opened":"Projekt jest otwarty","Project manager":"Mened\u017Cer projektu","Project name":"Nazwa projektu","Project name cannot be empty.":"Nazwa projektu nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 pusta.","Project name changed":"Nazwa projektu zosta\u0142a zmieniona","Project not found":"Nie znaleziono projektu","Project not saved":"Projekt nie zapisany","Project package names should not begin with com.example":"Nazwy plik\xF3w projektu nie mog\u0105 zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 od com.example","Project properly saved":"Projekt prawid\u0142owo zapisany","Project properties":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci projektu","Project saved":"Projekt zosta\u0142 zapisany!","Project was modified":"Projekt zosta\u0142 zmodyfikowany","Project {projectName} will be deleted. You will no longer be able to access it.":function(a){return["Projekt ",a("projectName")," zostanie usuni\u0119ty. Dost\u0119p do niego zostanie utracony."]},"Projects":"Projekty","Projects in disabled accounts will not be deleted. All disabled accounts can be reactivated after 15 days.":"Projekty w kontach nieaktywnych nie zostan\u0105 usuni\u0119te. Wszystkie konta nieaktywne mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 aktywowane ponownie po 15 dniach.","Promoting your game to the community":"Promowanie swojej gry do spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci","Promotions + Earn credits":"Promocje + zdobywaj kredyty","Properties":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Properties & Icons":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci i ikony","Properties can't have children.":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 podrz\u0119dne.","Properties store data inside behaviors.":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci przechowuj\u0105 dane wewn\u0105trz zachowa\u0144.","Properties store data inside objects.":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci przechowuj\u0105 dane wewn\u0105trz obiekt\xF3w.","Property name in events: `{parameterName}`":function(a){return["Nazwa w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci w zdarzeniach `",a("parameterName"),"`"]},"Props":"Rekwizyty","Provisioning profiles":"Profile udost\u0119pniania","Public":"Publiczna","Public on":"Publiczne na","Publish":"Opublikuj","Publish game":"Opublikuj gr\u0119","Publish game on":"Opublikuj gr\u0119 na","Publish new version":"Opublikuj now\u0105 wersj\u0119","Publish on":"Opublikuj na","Publish on to let players try your game":"Opublikuj na, aby umo\u017Cliwi\u0107 graczom wypr\xF3bowanie gry","Publish this build on":"Publikuj t\u0119 kompilacj\u0119 na","Publish to Android, iOS, unlock more cloud projects, leaderboards, collaboration features and more online services. <0>Learn more":"Publikuj na Android, iOS, odblokuj wi\u0119cej projekt\xF3w w chmurze, tablic wynik\xF3w, funkcji wsp\xF3\u0142pracy i wi\u0119cej us\u0142ug online. <0>Dowiedz si\u0119 wi\u0119cej","Publisher name":"Nazwa wydawcy","Publishing on":"Publikowanie na","Publishing to, the GDevelop gaming platform. Games can be played from any device.":"Publikowanie na, platformie do gier GDevelop. Gry mog\u0105 by\u0107 uruchamiane z dowolnego urz\u0105dzenia.","Purchase":"Kup","Purchase Spine":"Kup Spine","Purchase credits":"Kup kredyty","Purchase seats":"Kup miejsca","Purchase the Education subscription":"Kup subskrypcj\u0119 edukacyjn\u0105","Purchase with {usageCreditPrice} credits":function(a){return["Kup za ",a("usageCreditPrice")," kredyt\xF3w"]},"Purchase {0}":function(a){return["Kup ",a("0")]},"Puzzle":"Uk\u0142adanka","Quadrilateral":"Czworok\u0105t","Quick Customization settings":"Szybkie ustawienia dostosowania","Quick Customization: Behavior properties":"Szybkie dostosowywanie: W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci zachowania","Quit tutorial":"Zako\u0144cz samouczek","R;G;B, like 100;200;180":"R;G;B, np. 100;200;180","RPG":"RPG","Racing":"Wy\u015Bcigi","Radius":"Promie\u0144","Radius of the emitter":"Promie\u0144 emitera","Rank this comment as bad":"Oce\u0144 ten komentarz jako z\u0142y","Rank this comment as good":"Oce\u0144 ten komentarz jako dobry","Rank this comment as great":"Oce\u0144 ten komentarz jako \u015Bwietny","Re-install":"Zainstaluj ponownie","React to lights":"Reaguj na \u015Bwiat\u0142a","Read":"Odczyt","Read & Write":"Odczyt i zapis","Read only":"Tylko do odczytu","Read the doc":"Przeczytaj dok.","Read the wiki page for more info about the dataloss mode.":"Przeczytaj stron\u0119 wiki, aby uzyska\u0107 wi\u0119cej informacji o trybie dataloss.","Read tutorial":"Czytaj samouczek","Ready-made games":"Gotowe gry","Receive a copy of GDevelop\u2019s teaching resources:<0>Extract of our ready-to-teach Curriculum<1>Poster with GDevelop's core concepts to use in your classroom<2>\u201CGame Development as an Educational wonder\u201D PDF":"Otrzymaj kopi\u0119 zasob\xF3w dydaktycznych GDevelop:<0>Wyci\u0105g z naszego programu nauczania gotowego do nauczania<1>Plakat z podstawowymi koncepcjami GDevelop, kt\xF3re b\u0119d\u0105 u\u017Cywane w Twojej klasie<2>PDF \"Rozw\xF3j gry jako edukacyjny cud\"","Receive weekly stats about your game by email":"Otrzymuj tygodniowe statystyki na emaila o swojej grze","Recharge your account to purchase this item.":"Do\u0142aduj swoje konto, aby zakupi\u0107 ten pakiet.","Recommendations":"Polecane","Recommended":"Polecane","Recommended for you":"Polecane dla Ciebie","Recovering older version...":"Przywracanie starszej wersji...","Red and Green heroes running side by side carrying their diamonds":"Czerwoni i zieloni bohaterowie biegn\u0105cy rami\u0119 w rami\u0119 z diamentami","Red hero sharing knowledge with pink cloud students":"Czerwony bohater dziel\u0105cy si\u0119 wiedz\u0105 z r\xF3\u017Cowymi studentami chmury","Red hero taking care of their diamond":"Czerwony bohater opiekuj\u0105cy si\u0119 swoim diamentem","Reddit":"Reddit","Redeem":"Zrealizuj","Redeem a code":"Zrealizuj kod","Redemption code":"Kod realizacji","Redo":"Pon\xF3w","Redo the last changes":"Przywr\xF3\u0107 ostatnie zmiany","Redo the survey":"Powt\xF3rz ankiet\u0119","Refine your search with more specific keywords.":"Uzupe\u0142nij wyszukiwanie o bardziej szczeg\xF3\u0142owe s\u0142owa kluczowe.","Refresh":"Od\u015Bwie\u017C","Refresh dashboard":"Od\u015Bwie\u017C panel","Refresh games":"Od\u015Bwie\u017C gry","Register or publish your game first to see its exports.":"Zarejestruj lub opublikuj swoj\u0105 gr\u0119, aby zobaczy\u0107 opcje eksportu.","Register the project":"Zarejestruj projekt","Related expression and condition":"Powi\u0105zane wyra\u017Cenie i warunek","Relational operator":"Operator relacji","Remember that your access to this resource is exclusive to your account.":"Pami\u0119taj, \u017Ce dost\u0119p do tego zasobu jest wy\u0142\u0105cznie dla twojego konta.","Remix a game in 2 minutes":"Przer\xF3b gr\u0119 w 2 minuty","Remix an existing game":"Przer\xF3b istniej\u0105c\u0105 gr\u0119","Remove":"Usu\u0144","Remove behavior":"Usu\u0144 zachowanie","Remove certificate":"Usu\u0144 certyfikat","Remove collaborator":"Usu\u0144 wsp\xF3\u0142pracownika","Remove entry":"Usu\u0144 wpis","Remove folder and object":"Usu\u0144 folder i obiekt","Remove folder and objects":"Usu\u0144 folder i obiekty","Remove from list":"Usu\u0144 z listy","Remove function":"Usu\u0144 funkcj\u0119","Remove group":"Usu\u0144 grup\u0119","Remove object":"Usu\u0144 obiekt","Remove objects":"Usu\u0144 obiekty","Remove objects from the scene list":"Usu\u0144 obiekty z listy scen","Remove project from list":"Usu\u0144 projekt z listy","Remove resources with invalid path":"Usu\u0144 zasoby z nieprawid\u0142ow\u0105 \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0105","Remove shortcut":"Usu\u0144 skr\xF3t","Remove the Long Description":"Usu\u0144 szczeg\xF3\u0142owy opis","Remove the animation":"Usu\u0144 animacj\u0119","Remove the sprite":"Usu\u0144 grafik\u0119 (sprite)","Remove this Auth Key":"Usu\u0144 ten klucz uwierzytelnienia","Remove this certificate":"Usu\u0144 ten certyfikat","Remove this certificate?":"Usun\u0105\u0107 ten certyfikat?","Remove unlimited":"Usu\u0144 nieograniczono\u015B\u0107","Remove unused...":"Usu\u0144 nieu\u017Cywane...","Rename":"Zmie\u0144 nazw\u0119","Rendering type":"Rodzaj renderowania","Repeat <0>{0} times:":function(a){return["Powt\xF3rz <0>",a("0"),":"]},"Repeat borders and center textures (instead of stretching them)":"Powt\xF3rz obramowania i wy\u015Brodkuj tekstury (zamiast ich rozci\u0105gania)","Repeat for each instance of<0>{0}:":function(a){return["Powtarzaj dla ka\u017Cdej instancji <0>",a("0"),":"]},"Repeat these:":"Powt\xF3rz te:","Replace":"Zamie\u0144","Replace existing extension":"Zast\u0105p istniej\u0105ce rozszerzenie","Replay":"Powt\xF3rz","Report a wrong translation":"Zg\u0142o\u015B b\u0142\u0105d w t\u0142umaczeniu","Report an issue":"Zg\u0142o\u015B problem","Report anyway":"Raportuj mimo to","Report this comment as abusive, harmful or spam":"Zg\u0142o\u015B ten komentarz jako obra\u017Aliwy, szkodliwy lub spam","Required behavior":"Wymagane zachowanie","Reset":"Reset","Reset Debugger layout":"Resetuj warstw\u0119 debugera","Reset Extension Editor layout":"Resetuj warstw\u0119 edytora rozszerze\u0144","Reset Resource Editor layout":"Zresetuj warstw\u0119 edytora zasob\xF3w","Reset Scene Editor (small window) layout":"Zresetuj warstw\u0119 edytora scen (ma\u0142e okno)","Reset Scene Editor layout":"Zresetuj warstw\u0119 edytora scen","Reset all shortcuts to default":"Resetuj wszystkie skr\xF3ty do domy\u015Blnych","Reset and hide children configuration":"Resetuj i ukryj konfiguracj\u0119 podrz\u0119dnych","Reset hidden announcements":"Zresetuj ukryte og\u0142oszenia","Reset hidden embedded explanations":"Zresetuj ukryte wyja\u015Bnienia","Reset hidden embedded tutorials":"Zresetuj ukryte samouczki","Reset leaderboard":"Zresetuj tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Reset leaderboard {0}":function(a){return["Resetuj tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w ",a("0")]},"Reset password":"Resetuj has\u0142o","Reset requested the {0} . Please wait a few minutes...":function(a){return["Resetowanie ",a("0"),". Prosz\u0119 poczeka\u0107 kilka minut..."]},"Reset to automatic collision mask":"Przywr\xF3\u0107 automatyczn\u0105 mask\u0119 kolizji","Reset to default":"Resetuj do domy\u015Blnych","Reset your password":"Zresetuj swoje has\u0142o","Resizable button with text customization.":"Przycisk z mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci\u0105 zmiany rozmiaru i dostosowywania tekstu.","Resolution and rendering":"Rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 i renderowanie","Resource (JavaScript only)":"Zas\xF3b (tylko JavaScript)","Resource URL":"URL zasobu","Resource bar (continuous)":"Pasek zasob\xF3w (ci\u0105g\u0142y)","Resource bar (separated units)":"Pasek zasob\xF3w (oddzielne jednostki)","Resource file path copied to clipboard":"\u015Acie\u017Cka pliku zasobu skopiowana do schowka","Resource name":"Nazwa zasobu","Resource type":"Rodzaj zasobu","Resource(s) URL(s) (one per line)":"Adres(y) URL zasobu(-\xF3w) (jeden na wiersz)","Resources":"Zasoby","Resources (any kind)":"Zasoby (dowolne)","Resources are automatically added to your project whenever you add an image, a font or a video to an object or when you choose an audio file in events. Choose a resource to display its properties.":"Zasoby s\u0105 automatycznie dodawane do projektu za ka\u017Cdym razem, gdy dodajesz obraz, czcionk\u0119 lub wideo do obiektu lub gdy wybierzesz plik audio w zdarzeniach. Wybierz zas\xF3b, aby wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 jego w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci.","Restart":"Restartuj","Restart the Tutorial":"Uruchom ponownie samouczek","Restart tutorial":"Pon\xF3w samouczek","Restarting the preview from scratch is required":"Wymagane jest ponowne uruchomienie podgl\u0105du od pocz\u0105tku","Restore a previous purchase":"Przywr\xF3\u0107 poprzedni zakup","Restore accounts":"Przywr\xF3\u0107 konto","Restore this version":"Przywr\xF3\u0107 t\u0119 wersj\u0119","Retry":"Pon\xF3w pr\xF3b\u0119","Rework the game":"Przer\xF3b gr\u0119","Right (secondary)":"Prawy (pomocniczy)","Right bound":"Prawa granica","Right bound should be greater than left bound":"Prawa granica powinna by\u0107 wi\u0119ksza ni\u017C lewa granica","Right face":"Prawa twarz","Right margin":"Margines prawy","Right-click for more events":"Kliknij prawy przycisk myszy, aby wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 wi\u0119cej zdarze\u0144","Right-click for quick menu":"Kliknij prawy przycisk myszy, aby wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 szybkie menu","Room: {0}":function(a){return["Pok\xF3j: ",a("0")]},"Rooms":"Pokoje","Root folder":"Folder g\u0142\xF3wny","Rotation":"Obr\xF3t","Rotation (X)":"Obr\xF3t (o\u015B X)","Rotation (Y)":"Obr\xF3t (o\u015B Y)","Rotation (Z)":"Obr\xF3t (o\u015B Z)","Round pixels when rendering, useful for pixel perfect games.":"Zaokr\u0105glaj piksele podczas renderowania, przydatne dla gier pixel perfect.","Round to X decimal point":"Zaokr\u0105glij do X miejsca dziesi\u0119tnego","Run a preview":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d","Run a preview (with loading & branding)":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d (z ekranem \u0142adowania i brandingiem)","Run a preview and you will be able to inspect it with the debugger.":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d, a b\u0119dziesz m\xF3g\u0142 go sprawdzi\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 debuggera.","Run on this computer":"Uruchom na tym komputerze","Save":"Zapisz","Save Project":"Zapisz projekt","Save and continue":"Zapisz i kontynuuj","Save as main version":"Zapisz jako g\u0142\xF3wna wersja","Save as...":"Zapisz jako...","Save in the \"Downloads\" folder":"Zapisz w folderze \"Pobrane\"","Save project":"Zapisz projekt","Save project as":"Zapisz projekt jako","Save project as...":"Zapisz projekt jako...","Save your changes or close the external editor to continue.":"Zapisz zmiany lub zamknij zewn\u0119trzny edytor, aby kontynuowa\u0107.","Save your game":"Zapisz swoj\u0105 gr\u0119","Save your project":"Zapisz sw\xF3j projekt","Save your project before using the version history.":"Zapisz projekt przed u\u017Cyciem historii wersji.","Saving project":"Zapisywanie projektu...","Saving...":"Zapisywanie...","Scale mode (also called \"Sampling\")":"Tryb skalowania (zwany r\xF3wnie\u017C \"pr\xF3bkowaniem\")","Scaling factor":"Wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik skalowania","Scaling factor to apply to the default dimensions":"Wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik skalowania dla domy\u015Blnych wymiar\xF3w","Scan in the project folder for...":"Skanuj katalog projektu dla...","Scan missing animations":"Szukaj brakuj\u0105cych animacji","Scene":"Scena","Scene Groups":"Grupy scen","Scene Objects":"Obiekty sceny","Scene background color":"Kolor t\u0142a sceny","Scene groups":"Grupy scen","Scene name":"Nazwa sceny","Scene name (text)":"Nazwa sceny (tekst)","Scene objects":"Obiekty scen","Scene properties":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci sceny","Scene variable":"Zmienna sceny","Scene variable (deprecated)":"Zmienna sceny (przestarza\u0142a)","Scene variables":"Zmienne sceny","Scenes":"Sceny","Scope":"Zakres","Score":"Wynik","Score column settings":"Ustawienia kolumny wynik\xF3w","Score display":"Wy\u015Bwietlanie wynik\xF3w","Score multiplier":"Mno\u017Cnik wyniku","Scores sort order":"Kolejno\u015B\u0107 sortowania wynik\xF3w","Search":"Szukaj","Search GDevelop wiki":"Szukaj w wiki GDevelop","Search and replace in parameters":"Wyszukaj i zamie\u0144 w parametrach","Search assets":"Szukaj zasob\xF3w","Search behaviors":"Szukaj nowych zachowa\u0144","Search by name":"Szukaj po nazwie","Search examples":"Szukaj przyk\u0142ad\xF3w","Search extensions":"Szukaj rozszerze\u0144","Search for New Extensions":"Szukaj nowych rozszerze\u0144","Search for new actions in extensions":"Wyszukaj nowych akcji w rozszerzeniach","Search for new conditions in extensions":"Wyszukaj nowych warunk\xF3w w rozszerzeniach","Search functions":"Szukaj funkcji","Search in event sentences":"Szukaj w zdaniach wydarze\u0144","Search in events":"Szukaj w zdarzeniach","Search in project":"Szukaj w projekcie","Search in:":"Szukaj w:","Search instances":"Szukaj instancji","Search object groups":"Szukaj grup obiekt\xF3w","Search objects":"Szukaj obiekt\xF3w","Search objects or actions":"Szukaj obiekt\xF3w lub akcji","Search objects or conditions":"Szukaj obiekt\xF3w lub warunk\xF3w","Search panel":"Panel wyszukiwania","Search properties":"Szukaj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Search resources":"Szukaj zasob\xF3w","Search results":"Wyniki wyszukiwania","Search the shop":"Przeszukaj sklep","Search variables":"Szukaj zmiennych","Search {searchPlaceholderObjectName} actions":function(a){return["Wyszukaj akcje ",a("searchPlaceholderObjectName")]},"Search {searchPlaceholderObjectName} conditions":function(a){return["Wyszukaj warunki ",a("searchPlaceholderObjectName")]},"Search/import extensions":"Szukaj/importuj rozszerzenia","Seats":"Miejsca","Seats available:":"Dost\u0119pne miejsca:","Section name":"Nazwa sekcji","Secure Checkout:":"Bezpieczna p\u0142atno\u015B\u0107:","See Marketing Boosts":"Zobacz pakiety marketingowe","See all":"Poka\u017C wszystko","See all exports":"Zobacz wszystkie eksporty","See all in the game dashboard":"Zobacz wszystko w panelu gry","See all projects":"Zobacz wszystkie projekty","See all release notes":"Zobacz wszystkie informacje o wydaniu","See all the release notes":"Zobacz wszystkie informacje o wydaniu","See more":"Zobacz wi\u0119cej","See plans":"Zobacz oferty","See projects":"Zobacz projekty","See resources":"Zobacz zasoby","See the releases notes online":"Zobacz informacje wyda\u0144 online","See this bundle":"Zobacz ten pakiet","See yearly subs":"Zobacz roczne subskrypcje","Select All":"Zaznacz wszystko","Select a game":"Wybierz gr\u0119","Select a genre":"Wybierz gatunek","Select a key":"Wybierz przycisk","Select a layer":"Wybierz warstw\u0119","Select a mouse button":"Wybierz przycisk myszy","Select a scene":"Wybierz scen\u0119","Select a thumbnail":"Wybierz miniaturk\u0119","Select a value":"Wybierz warto\u015B\u0107","Select all active":"Zaznacz wszystkie aktywne","Select an animation":"Wybierz animacj\u0119","Select an author":"Wybierz autora","Select an effect":"Wybierz efekt","Select an effect property":"Wybierz w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 efektu","Select an external layout":"Wybierz uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny","Select an image":"Wybierz obraz","Select an owner":"Wybierz w\u0142a\u015Bciciela","Select instances on scene ({instanceCountOnScene})":function(a){return["Wybierz instancje na scenie (",a("instanceCountOnScene"),")"]},"Select log groups to display":"Wybierz grupy log\xF3w do wy\u015Bwietlenia","Select the controls that apply:":"Wybierz sterowanie do zastosowania:","Select the leaderboard from a list":"Wybierz tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w z listy","Select the usernames of the authors of this project. They will be displayed in the selected order, if you publish this game as an example or in the community.":"Wybierz nazwy autor\xF3w tego projektu. B\u0119d\u0105 wy\u015Bwietlane w wybranej kolejno\u015Bci, je\u015Bli opublikujesz t\u0119 gr\u0119 jako przyk\u0142ad lub w spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci.","Select the usernames of the contributors to this extension. They will be displayed in the order selected. Do not see your name? Go to the Profile section and create an account!":"Wybierz nazwy wsp\xF3\u0142tw\xF3rc\xF3w tego rozszerzenia. B\u0119d\u0105 one wy\u015Bwietlane w wybranej kolejno\u015Bci. Nie widzisz swojego imienia? Przejd\u017A do sekcji Profil i utw\xF3rz konto!","Select the usernames of the owners of this project to let them manage this game builds. Be aware that owners can revoke your ownership.":"Wybierz nazwy w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli tego projektu, aby mogli zarz\u0105dza\u0107 t\u0105 wersj\u0105 gry. Pami\u0119taj, \u017Ce w\u0142a\u015Bciciele mog\u0105 cofn\u0105\u0107 swoj\u0105 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107.","Select up to 3 genres for the game to be visible on's categories pages!":"Wybierz do 3 gatunk\xF3w, aby gra by\u0142a widoczna na stronach kategorii!","Selected instances will be moved to a new custom object.":"Wybrane instancje zostan\u0105 przeniesione do nowego obiektu niestandardowego.","Selected instances will be moved to a new external layout.":"Wybrane instancje zostan\u0105 przeniesione do nowego uk\u0142adu zewn\u0119trznego.","Send":"Wy\u015Blij","Send a new form":"Wy\u015Blij nowy formularz","Send crash reports during previews to GDevelop":"Zg\u0142aszaj awarie podczas podgl\u0105du do GDevelop","Send it again":"Wy\u015Blij link ponownie","Send the Auth Key":"Wy\u015Blij klucz uwierzytelniania","Send the question":"Wy\u015Blij pytanie","Send to back":"Wy\u015Blij wstecz","Sentence in Events Sheet":"Lista wydarze\u0144","Sentence in Events Sheet (automatically suffixed by \"of _PARAM0_\")":"Zdanie w arkuszu zdarze\u0144 (automatycznie z przyrostkiem \"of _PARAM0_\")","Serial: {0}":function(a){return["Numer seryjny: ",a("0")]},"Service seems to be unavailable, please try again later.":"Us\u0142uga wydaje si\u0119 niedost\u0119pna, spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Sessions":"Sesje","Set as default":"Ustaw jako domy\u015Blne","Set as global":"Ustaw jako globalne","Set as global group":"Ustaw jako grup\u0119 globaln\u0105","Set as global object":"Ustaw jako obiekt globalny","Set as start scene":"Ustaw jako scen\u0119 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105","Set shortcut":"Ustaw Skr\xF3t","Set to false":"Ustaw na fa\u0142szywe","Set to true":"Ustaw na prawdziwe","Set to unlimited":"Ustaw nieograniczono\u015B\u0107","Set up new leaderboards for this game":"Ustaw now\u0105 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w dla tej gry","Setting the minimum number of FPS below 20 will increase a lot the time that is allowed between the simulation of two frames of the game. If case of a sudden slowdown, or on slow computers, this can create buggy behaviors like objects passing beyond a wall. Consider setting 20 as the minimum FPS.":"Ustawienie minimalnej liczby klatek na sekund\u0119 poni\u017Cej 20 zwi\u0119kszy si\u0119 znacznie w czasie dozwolonym mi\u0119dzy symulacj\u0105 dw\xF3ch klatek gry. W przypadku nag\u0142ego spowolnienia lub na wolnych komputerach, mo\u017Ce to prowadzi\u0107 do b\u0142\u0119dnych zachowa\u0144, takich jak obiekty przechodz\u0105ce przez \u015Bcian\u0119. Rozwa\u017C ustawienie 20 jako minimum FPS.","Settings":"Ustawienia","Setup grid":"Ustaw siatk\u0119","Shadow":"Cie\u0144","Share":"Udost\u0119pnij","Share dialog":"Okno udost\u0119pniania","Share same collision masks for all animations":"U\u017Cywaj tej samej powierzchni kolizji dla wszystkich animacji","Share same collision masks for all sprites of this animation":"U\u017Cywaj tej samej powierzchni kolizji dla wszystkich sprite'\xF3w tej animacji","Share same points for all animations":"U\u017Cywaj tych samych punkt\xF3w dla wszystkich animacji","Share same points for all sprites of this animation":"U\u017Cywaj tych samych punkt\xF3w dla wszystkich sprite'\xF3w tej animacji","Share your game":"Udost\u0119pnij swoj\u0105 gr\u0119","Share your game on and collect players feedback about your game.":"Udost\u0119pnij swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 na i zbieraj opinie graczy na jej temat.","Share your game with your friends or teammates.":"Udost\u0119pnij swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 znajomym lub zespo\u0142owi.","Sharing online":"Udost\u0119pnianie online","Sharing the final file with the client":"Udost\u0119pnienie klientowi pliku ko\u0144cowego","Shooter":"Strzelanka","Shop":"Sklep","Shop section":"Sekcja sklepu","Short":"Kr\xF3tkie","Short description":"Kr\xF3tki opis","Short label":"Kr\xF3tka etykieta","Should finish soon.":"Powinno zako\u0144czy\u0107 si\u0119 w nied\u0142ugo.","Show":"Poka\u017C","Show Home":"Poka\u017C stron\u0119 g\u0142\xF3wn\u0105","Show Mask":"Poka\u017C mask\u0119","Show Project Manager":"Otw\xF3rz Mened\u017Cer Projektu","Show Properties Names":"Poka\u017C nazwy w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Show a warning on deprecated actions and conditions":"Poka\u017C ostrze\u017Cenia o przestarza\u0142ych akcjach i warunkach","Show advanced import options":"Poka\u017C zaawansowane opcje importowania","Show all feedbacks":"Poka\u017C wszystkie opinie","Show button to load guided lesson from file and test it.":"Poka\u017C przycisk, aby wczyta\u0107 lekcj\u0119 z pliku i przetestowa\u0107 j\u0105.","Show community (non reviewed) extensions in the list of extensions":"Poka\u017C rozszerzenia spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci na li\u015Bcie rozszerze\u0144 (niezweryfikowane)","Show community behaviors (not officially reviewed)":"Poka\u017C zachowania spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci (niezweryfikowane)","Show community extensions (not officially reviewed)":"Poka\u017C rozszerzenia od spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci (nieprzejrzane oficjalnie)","Show deprecated behaviors (prefer not to use anymore)":"Poka\u017C przestarza\u0142e zachowania (zalecane, by nie u\u017Cywa\u0107)","Show deprecated options":"Poka\u017C przestarza\u0142e opcje","Show details":"Poka\u017C szczeg\xF3\u0142y","Show grid":"Poka\u017C siatk\u0119","Show in local folder":"Poka\u017C w folderze lokalnym","Show internal":"Poka\u017C wewn\u0119trzne","Show layer":"Poka\u017C warstw\u0119","Show less":"Poka\u017C mniej","Show lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Poka\u017C wa\u017Cne funkcje (zaawansowane)","Show live assets":"Poka\u017C aktywne zasoby","Show more":"Poka\u017C wi\u0119cej","Show next assets":"Poka\u017C nast\u0119pne zasoby","Show objects in 3D in the scene editor":"Poka\u017C obiekty w 3D w edytorze sceny","Show older":"Poka\u017C starsze","Show other lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Poka\u017C inne wa\u017Cne funkcje (zaawansowane)","Show previous assets":"Poka\u017C poprzednie zasoby","Show progress bar":"Wy\u015Bwietl pasek post\u0119pu","Show staging assets":"Poka\u017C zasoby oczekuj\u0105ce","Show unread feedback only":"Poka\u017C tylko nieprzeczytane opinie","Show version history":"Poka\u017C histori\u0119 wersji","Show/Hide instance properties":"Poka\u017C/Ukryj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci instancji","Showcase":"Prezentacja","Showing {0} of {resultsCount}":function(a){return["Wy\u015Bwietlono ",a("0")," z ",a("resultsCount")]},"Side view":"Widok z boku","Sign up":"Rejestracja","Signing Credentials":"Dane uwierzytelniaj\u0105ce","Signing options":"Opcje podpisywania","Simple":"Proste","Simulation":"Symulacja","Single commercial use license for claim with Gold or Pro subscription":"Licencja jednorazowego u\u017Cytku komercyjnego z abonamentem Z\u0142otym lub Pro","Single file (default)":"Pojedy\u0144czy plik (domy\u015Blne)","Size":"Rozmiar","Size:":"Rozmiar:","Skip and create from scratch":"Pomi\u0144 i utw\xF3rz od zera","Skip the update":"Pomi\u0144 aktualizacj\u0119","Slider":"Suwak","Socials":"Socjalne","Some code experience":"Jakie\u015B do\u015Bwiadczenie z kodem","Some icons could not be generated.":"Niekt\xF3re ikony nie mog\u0142y zosta\u0107 wygenerowane.","Some no-code experience":"Jakie\u015B do\u015Bwiadczenie bez kodowania","Something went wrong":"Co\u015B posz\u0142o nie tak","Something went wrong while swapping the asset. Please try again.":"Co\u015B posz\u0142o nie tak podczas podmiany zasobu. Spr\xF3buj ponownie.","Something went wrong while syncing your Discord username. Please try again later.":"Co\u015B posz\u0142o nie tak podczas synchronizacji nazwy u\u017Cytkownika Discord. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Something wrong happened :(":"Co\u015B posz\u0142o nie tak :(","Something wrong happened when claiming the asset pack. Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"Co\u015B posz\u0142o nie tak podczas pobierania pakietu zasob\xF3w. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Sorry":"Przepraszam","Sort by most recent":"Sortuj wg najnowszych","Sort order":"Kolejno\u015B\u0107 sortowania","Sound":"D\u017Awi\u0119k","Sounds and musics":"D\u017Awi\u0119ki i muzyka","Source file":"Plik \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142owy","Specific game mechanics":"Konkretne mechaniki gier","Speech":"Rozmowa","Sphere":"Kula","Spine Json":"Spine Json","Spine animation name":"Nazwa animacji Spine","Spine json resource":"Zas\xF3b Spine json","Sport":"Sport","Spray cone angle (in degrees)":"K\u0105t sto\u017Cka (w stopniach)","Sprite":"Duszek","Sprites":"Duszki","Star GDevelop":"Daj gwiazdk\u0119 GDevelop","Start Network Preview (Preview over WiFi/LAN)":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d sieci (Podgl\u0105d przez WiFi/LAN)","Start Preview and Debugger":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d i debugger","Start a new game from this project":"Utw\xF3rz now\u0105 gr\u0119 na podstawie tego projektu","Start a preview to generate a thumbnail!":"Uruchom podgl\u0105d, aby wygenerowa\u0107 miniatur\u0119!","Start all previews from external layout {0}":function(a){return["Uruchom wszystkie podgl\u0105dy z zewn\u0119trznego uk\u0142adu ",a("0")]},"Start all previews from scene {0}":function(a){return["Rozpocznij wszystkie podgl\u0105dy ze sceny ",a("0")]},"Start build with credits":"Zacznij tworzenie z kredytami","Start by adding a new behavior.":"Zacznij od dodania nowego zachowania.","Start by adding a new external layout.":"Dodaj nowy uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny.","Start by adding a new function.":"Dodaj now\u0105 funkcj\u0119.","Start by adding a new group.":"Zacznij od dodania nowej grupy.","Start by adding a new object.":"Zacznij od dodania nowego obiektu.","Start by adding a new scene.":"Dodaj now\u0105 scen\u0119.","Start by adding new external events.":"Dodaj nowe zdarzenie zewn\u0119trzne.","Start by creating their accounts":"Zacznij od utworzenia kont","Start from a template":"Zacznij od szablonu","Start learning":"Rozpocznij nauk\u0119","Start next chapter":"Zacznij nast\u0119pny rozdzia\u0142","Start opacity (0-255)":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczki (0-255)","Start preview with diagnostic report":"Rozpocznij podgl\u0105d z raportem diagnostycznym","Start profiling":"Zacznij profilowanie","Start profiling and then stop it after a few seconds to see the results.":"Zacznij profilowanie i zatrzymaj je po kilku sekundach by zobaczy\u0107 wyniki.","Start the survey!":"Rozpocznij ankiet\u0119!","Start typing a command or searching something...":"Wpisz polecenie lub czego szukasz...","Start typing a username":"Rozpocznij wprowadzaj\u0105c nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika","Start your game":"Rozpocznij swoj\u0105 gr\u0119","Starting engine":"Uruchamianie silnika","Static":"Statyczny","Stay there":"Zosta\u0144 tam","Stop music and sounds at the beginning of this scene":"Zatrzymaj muzyk\u0119 i d\u017Awi\u0119ki na pocz\u0105tku tej sceny","Stop profiling":"Zatrzymaj profilowanie","Store password":"Zachowaj has\u0142o","Story-Rich":"Bogate fabularnie","Strategy":"Strategia","String":"Ci\u0105g znak\xF3w","String (text)":"\u0141a\u0144cuch znak\xF3w (tekst)","String from a list of options (text)":"String z listy opcji (tekst)","Stripe secure":"Pasek zabezpieczaj\u0105cy","Structure":"Struktura","Student":"Ucze\u0144","Student accounts":"Konta uczni\xF3w","Sub Event":"Podzdarzenie","Submit a free pack":"Wy\u015Blij darmow\u0105 paczk\u0119","Submit a paid pack":"Wy\u015Blij p\u0142atn\u0105 paczk\u0119","Submit a tutorial":"Prze\u015Blij samouczek","Submit a tutorial translated in your language":"Prze\u015Blij samouczek przet\u0142umaczony na tw\xF3j j\u0119zyk","Submit an example":"Prze\u015Blij przyk\u0142ad","Submit and cancel":"Prze\u015Blij i anuluj","Submit to the community":"Prze\u015Blij do spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci","Submit your project as an example":"Prze\u015Blij sw\xF3j projekt jako przyk\u0142ad","Subscribe to Edu":"Subskrybuj Edu","Subscription outside the app store":"Subskrypcja poza sklepem aplikacji","Subscription with the Apple App store or Google Play store":"Subskrypcja ze sklepu Apple App Store lub sklepu Google Play","Subscriptions":"Subskrypcje","Suffix":"Przyrostek","Support What You Love":"Wesprzyj to, co kochasz","Supported files":"Obs\u0142ugiwane pliki","Survival":"Survival","Swap":"Podmie\u0144","Swap assets":"Podmie\u0144 zasoby","Swap {0} with another asset":function(a){return["Zamie\u0144 ",a("0")," na inny zas\xF3b"]},"Switch to create objects with the highest Z order of the layer":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz na tworzenie obiekt\xF3w z najwy\u017Csz\u0105 warto\u015Bci\u0105 Z","Switch to monthly pricing":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz na miesi\u0119czne ceny","Switch to yearly pricing":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz na roczne ceny","Sync your role on GDevelop's Discord server":"Synchronizuj swoj\u0105 rol\u0119 na serwerze Discord Gdevelop","Table settings":"Ustawienia tabeli","Tags (comma separated)":"Tagi (oddzielaj przecinkami)","Taking your game further":"Rozwijaj swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 dalej","Talking to the AI... beep boop beep boop...":"Rozmawiam z AI... bip bip...","Tasks":"Zadania","Teach":"Nauczaj","Teacher accounts":"Konta nauczycieli","Teachers, courses and universities":"Nauczyciele, kursy i uniwersytety","Team section":"Sekcja zespo\u0142u","Tell us more!...":"Powiedz nam wi\u0119cej!...","Template":"Szablon","Test it out!":"Wypr\xF3buj!","Test value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 testowa","Test value (in second)":"Warto\u015B\u0107 testowa (w sekundach)","Text":"Tekst","Text color":"Kolor tekstu","Text color:":"Kolor tekstu:","Text to replace in parameters":"Tekst do zast\u0105pienia w parametrach","Text to search in event sentences":"Tekst do wyszukiwania w zdaniach zdarze\u0144","Text to search in parameters":"Tekst do wyszukania w parametrach","Text-based content directly from GDevelop\u2019s site and Wiki.":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107 tekstowa bezpo\u015Brednio ze strony GDevelop i Wiki.","Texts":"Teksty","Thank you for supporting GDevelop. Credits were added to your account as a thank you.":"Dzi\u0119kujemy za wsparcie GDevelop. Kredyty zosta\u0142y dodane do twojego konta jako podzi\u0119kowanie.","Thank you for supporting the GDevelop open-source community. Credits were added to your account as a thank you.":"Dzi\u0119kujemy za wsparcie spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci GDevelop. Kredyty zosta\u0142y dodane do twojego konta jako podzi\u0119kowanie.","Thank you for your feedback":"Dzi\u0119kujemy za opini\u0119","Thanks for following GDevelop. We added credits to your account as a thank you gift.":"Dzi\u0119kujemy za obserwowanie GDevelop. Dodali\u015Bmy kredyty do twojego konta jako prezent podzi\u0119kowania.","Thanks for getting a subscription and supporting GDevelop!":"Dzi\u0119kujemy za subskrypcj\u0119 i wspieranie GDevelop!","Thanks for starring GDevelop repository. We added credits to your account as a thank you gift.":"Dzi\u0119kujemy za dodanie gwiazdki do repozytorium GDevelop. Dodali\u015Bmy kredyty do twojego konta jako prezent podzi\u0119kowania.","Thanks for trying GDevelop! Unlock more projects, publishing, multiplayer, courses and much more by upgrading.":"Dzi\u0119ki za wypr\xF3bowanie GDevelop! Odblokuj wi\u0119cej projekt\xF3w, publikacji, opcji wieloosobowych, kurs\xF3w i wiele wi\u0119cej dzi\u0119ki ulepszeniu.","Thanks to all users of GDevelop! There must be missing tons of people, please send your name if you've contributed and you're not listed.":"Dzi\u0119kujemy wszystkim u\u017Cytkownikom GDevelolp! Zapewne brakuje tutaj mn\xF3stwa os\xF3b, prosz\u0119 prze\u015Blij swoje imi\u0119, je\u015Bli wspar\u0142e\u015B rozw\xF3j, a nie jeste\u015B wymieniony.","Thanks to the redemption code you've used, you have this subscription enabled until {0}.":function(a){return["Dzi\u0119ki u\u017Cytemu kodowi, subskrypcja jest w\u0142\u0105czona do ",a("0"),"."]},"That's a lot of unsuccessful login attempts! Wait a bit before trying again or reset your password.":"To jest mn\xF3stwo nieudanych pr\xF3b logowania! Poczekaj chwil\u0119 przed ponown\u0105 pr\xF3b\u0105 lub zresetuj has\u0142o.","The \"{0}\" effect can only be applied once.":function(a){return["Efekt \"",a("0"),"\" mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zastosowany tylko raz."]},"The AI has accepted your request. It is now thinking about the best way to create your game...":"AI zaakceptowa\u0142o twoj\u0105 pro\u015Bb\u0119. Teraz analizuje najlepszy spos\xF3b na stworzenie twojej gry...","The Atlas embedded in the Spine fine can't be located.":"Atlas osadzony w tym Spine nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zlokalizowany.","The Education subscription gives access to GDevelop's Game Development curriculum. Co-created with teachers and institutions, it\u2019s a ready-to-use, proven way to implement STEM in your classroom.":"Subskrypcja edukacyjna umo\u017Cliwia dost\u0119p do programu rozwoju gier GDevelop. Wsp\xF3\u0142tworzona z nauczycielami i instytucjami, gotowa do u\u017Cycia, sprawdzony spos\xF3b na wdro\u017Cenie STEM w twojej klasie.","The GDevelop project is open-source, powered by passion and community. Your membership helps the GDevelop company maintain servers, build new features, develop commercial offerings and keep the open-source project thriving. Our goal: make game development fast, fun and accessible to all.":"Projekt GDevelop jest open-source, nap\u0119dzany pasj\u0105 i spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci\u0105. Twoje cz\u0142onkostwo wspiera firm\u0119 GDevelop w utrzymywaniu serwer\xF3w, tworzeniu nowych funkcji, rozwijaniu oferty komercyjnej i utrzymaniu projektu open-source w rozkwicie. Nasz cel: uczyni\u0107 tworzenie gier szybkim, przyjemnym i dost\u0119pnym dla wszystkich.","The URLs must be public and stay accessible while you work on this project - they won't be stored inside the project file. When exporting a game, the resources pointed by these URLs will be downloaded and stored inside the game.":"Adresy URL musz\u0105 by\u0107 publiczne i dost\u0119pne podczas pracy nad tym projektem - nie b\u0119d\u0105 przechowywane w pliku projektu. Podczas eksportowania gry, zasoby wskazane przez te adresy URL b\u0119d\u0105 pobierane i przechowywane wewn\u0105trz gry.","The animation name {newName} is already taken":function(a){return["Nazwa animacji ",a("newName")," jest ju\u017C zaj\u0119ta"]},"The asset pack {0} is now available, go claim it in the shop!":function(a){return["Paczka zasob\xF3w ",a("0")," jest ju\u017C dost\u0119pna, zobacz w sklepie!"]},"The asset pack {0} will be linked to your account {1}.":function(a){return["Paczka zasob\xF3w ",a("0")," zostanie powi\u0105zana z twoim kontem ",a("1"),"."]},"The atlas image is smaller than the tile size.":"Obraz atlasu jest mniejszy ni\u017C rozmiar tafli.","The auth key {lastUploadedApiKey} was properly stored. It can now be used to automatically upload your app to the app store - verify you've declared an app for it.":function(a){return["Klucz autoryzacji ",a("lastUploadedApiKey")," zosta\u0142 poprawnie zapisany. Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 teraz u\u017Cywany do automatycznego przesy\u0142ania aplikacji do sklepu z aplikacjami \u2014 upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce aplikacja zosta\u0142a zadeklarowana."]},"The behavior is not attached to this object. Please select another object or add this behavior: {0}":function(a){return["Zachowanie nie jest do\u0142\u0105czone do tego obiektu. Wybierz inny obiekt lub dodaj to zachowanie: ",a("0")]},"The bounding box is an imaginary rectangle surrounding the object collision mask. Even if the object X and Y positions are not changed, this rectangle can change if the object is rotated or if an animation is being played. Usually you should use actions and conditions related to the object position or center, but the bounding box can be useful to deal with the area of the object.":"Obwiednia to wyimaginowany prostok\u0105t otaczaj\u0105cy mask\u0119 kolizji obiektu. Nawet je\u015Bli pozycje X i Y obiektu nie zostan\u0105 zmienione, prostok\u0105t ten mo\u017Ce si\u0119 zmieni\u0107, je\u015Bli obiekt zostanie obr\xF3cony lub je\u015Bli odtwarzana jest animacja. Zwykle stosuje si\u0119 akcje i warunki zwi\u0105zane z pozycj\u0105 obiektu lub jego \u015Brodkiem, ale obwiednia mo\u017Ce by\u0107 przydatna do zarz\u0105dzania obszarem obiektu.","The certificate was properly generated. Don't forget to create and upload a provisioning profile associated to it.":"Certyfikat zosta\u0142 poprawnie wygenerowany. Nie zapomnij utworzy\u0107 i przes\u0142a\u0107 powi\u0105zanego z nim profilu rezerwacji.","The description of the object should explain what the object is doing, and, briefly, how to use it.":"Opis obiektu powinien wyja\u015Bnia\u0107, co obiekt robi i kr\xF3tko, jak go u\u017Cywa\u0107.","The effect name {newName} is already taken":function(a){return["Nazwa efektu ",a("newName")," jest ju\u017C zaj\u0119ta"]},"The email you provided already has a subscription with GDevelop. Please ask them to cancel it before defining them as teacher in your team.":"Podany e-mail ma ju\u017C subskrypcj\u0119 GDevelop. Popro\u015B go o anulowanie przed zdefiniowaniem go jako nauczyciela w zespole.","The email you provided could not be found.":"Podany adres e-mail nie zosta\u0142 znaleziony.","The email you provided is already an admin in your team.":"Podany adres e-mail jest ju\u017C adminem w twoim zespole.","The email you provided is not an admin in your team.":"Podany adres e-mail nie jest administratorem w twoim zespole.","The extension installed in this project is not up to date. Consider upgrading it before reporting any issue.":"Rozszerzenie zainstalowane w tym projekcie nie jest aktualne. Rozwa\u017C uaktualnienie go przed zg\u0142oszeniem jakichkolwiek problem\xF3w.","The extension was added to the project. You can now use it in the list of actions/conditions and, if it's a behavior, in the list of behaviors for an object.":"Rozszerzenie zosta\u0142o dodane do projektu. Mo\u017Cesz go teraz u\u017Cy\u0107 na li\u015Bcie akcji/warunk\xF3w i, je\u015Bli to jest zachowanie, na li\u015Bcie zachowa\u0144 dla obiektu.","The far plane distance must be greater than the near plan distance.":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 p\u0142aszczyzny dalekiej musi by\u0107 wi\u0119ksza ni\u017C odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 p\u0142aszczyzny bliskiej.","The field of view cannot be lower than 0\xB0 or greater than 180\xB0.":"Pole widzenia nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 mniejsze ni\u017C 0\xB0 lub wi\u0119ksze ni\u017C 180\xB0.","The file {0} is invalid.":function(a){return["Plik ",a("0")," jest nieprawid\u0142owy."]},"The file {0} is too large. Use files that are smaller for your game: each must be less than {1} MB.":function(a){return["Plik ",a("0")," jest zbyt du\u017Cy. U\u017Cyj plik\xF3w, kt\xF3re s\u0105 mniejsze dla Twojej gry: ka\u017Cdy z nich musi by\u0107 mniejszy ni\u017C ",a("1")," MB."]},"The following file(s) cannot be used for this kind of object: {0}":function(a){return["Nast\u0119puj\u0105ce pliki nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017Cyte dla tego rodzaju obiektu: ",a("0")]},"The font size is stored directly inside the font. If you want to change it, export again your font using an external editor like bmFont. Click on the help button to learn more.":"Rozmiar czcionki jest przechowywany bezpo\u015Brednio wewn\u0105trz czcionki. Je\u015Bli chcesz to zmieni\u0107, eksportuj czcionk\u0119 ponownie za pomoc\u0105 zewn\u0119trznego edytora takiego jak bmFont. Kliknij przycisk pomocy, aby dowiedzie\u0107 si\u0119 wi\u0119cej.","The force will only push the object during the time of one frame. Typically used in an event with no conditions or with conditions that stay valid for a certain amount of time.":"Nadana si\u0142a b\u0119dzie przemieszcza\u0142a obiekt przez czas jednej klatki. Zazwyczaj u\u017Cywane w zdarzeniach bez warunk\xF3w b\u0105d\u017A takich, kt\xF3re s\u0105 wykonywane przez jaki\u015B czas.","The force will push the object forever, unless you use the action \"Stop the object\". Typically used in an event with conditions that are only true once, or with a \"Trigger Once\" condition.":"Nadana si\u0142a b\u0119dzie przemieszcza\u0142a obiekt ca\u0142y czas, dop\xF3ki nie u\u017Cyjesz akcji \"Zatrzymaj obiekt\". Zazwyczaj u\u017Cywane w zdarzeniach, kt\xF3re s\u0105 wykonywane raz.","The free version is enough for me":"Wersja darmowa jest dla mnie wystarczaj\u0105ca","The game template {0} will be linked to your account {1}.":function(a){return["Szablon gry ",a("0")," zostanie po\u0142\u0105czony z twoim kontem ",a("1"),"."]},"The game was properly exported. You can now use Electron Builder (you need Node.js installed and to use the command-line on your computer to run it) to create an executable.":"Gra zosta\u0142a poprawnie wyeksportowana. Aby utworzy\u0107 plik exe u\u017Cyj Electron Builder (wymagany zainstalowany Node.js). U\u017Cyj Wiersza Polece\u0144 na komputerze do jego uruchomienia.","The game you're trying to open is not registered online. Open the project file, then register it before continuing.":"Gra, kt\xF3r\u0105 pr\xF3bujesz otworzy\u0107, nie jest zarejestrowana online. Otw\xF3rz plik projektu, a nast\u0119pnie zarejestruj go przed kontynuowaniem.","The icing on the cake":"Wisienka na torcie","The image should be at least 864x864px, and the logo must fit [within a circle of 576px]( Transparent borders are automatically added when generated to help ensuring":"Obraz powinien mie\u0107 co najmniej 864x864 px, a logo musi mie\u015Bci\u0107 si\u0119 [w okr\u0119gu o \u015Brednicy 576 px] ( Przezroczyste obramowanie jest dodawane automatycznie podczas generowania, aby pom\xF3c w zapewnieniu odpowiedniego dopasowania","The latest save of \"{cloudProjectName}\" is corrupt and cannot be opened.":function(a){return["Ostatni zapis projektu \"",a("cloudProjectName"),"\" jest uszkodzony i nie mo\u017Cna go otworzy\u0107..."]},"The latest save of this project is corrupt and cannot be opened.":"Najnowszy zapis tego projektu jest uszkodzony i nie mo\u017Cna go otworzy\u0107...","The layer {0} does not contain any object instances. Continue?":function(a){return["Warstwa ",a("0")," nie zawiera \u017Cadnych instancji obiekt\xF3w. Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"The light object was automatically placed on the Lighting layer.":"Obiekt \u015Bwiat\u0142a zosta\u0142 automatycznie umieszczony na warstwie \u015Bwiat\u0142a.","The lighting layer renders an ambient light on the scene. All lights should be placed on this layer so that shadows are properly rendered. By default, the layer follows the base layer camera. Uncheck this if you want to manually move the camera using events.":"Warstwa o\u015Bwietlenia odtwarza na scenie \u015Bwiat\u0142o otoczenia. Wszystkie \u015Bwiat\u0142a powinny by\u0107 umieszczone na tej warstwie, aby cienie by\u0142y prawid\u0142owo renderowane. Domy\u015Blnie warstwa pod\u0105\u017Ca za kamer\u0105 warstwy podstawowej. Odznacz t\u0119 opcj\u0119, je\u015Bli chcesz r\u0119cznie przesuwa\u0107 kamer\u0119 za pomoc\u0105 zdarze\u0144.","The link to the asset pack you've followed seems outdated. Why not take a look at the other packs in the asset store?":"Link do paczki zasob\xF3w, kt\xF3ry obserwujesz, wydaje si\u0119 nieaktualny. Mo\u017Ce warto spojrze\u0107 na inne paczki zasob\xF3w w sklepie?","The link to the game template you've followed seems outdated. Why not take a look at the other templates in the store?":"Link do szablonu gry, kt\xF3ry obserwujesz, wydaje si\u0119 nieaktualny. Mo\u017Ce warto spojrze\u0107 na inne szablony w sklepie?","The main account of the Education plan cannot be modified.":"G\u0142\xF3wne konto planu edukacyjnego nie mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 zmienione.","The monthly free asset pack perk was not part of your plan at the time you got your subscription to GDevelop. To enjoy this perk, please purchase a new subscription.":"Miesi\u0119czny darmowy pakiet zasob\xF3w nie by\u0142 cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 twojego planu subskrypcji w momencie jej zakupu. Aby skorzysta\u0107 z tego dodatku, prosz\u0119 wykupi\u0107 now\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119.","The more descriptive you are, the better we can match the content we\u2019ll recommend.":"Im wi\u0119cej szczeg\xF3\u0142\xF3w napiszesz o sobie, tym lepiej mo\u017Cemy dopasowa\u0107 polecane przez nas tre\u015Bci.","The name of your game is empty":"Nazwa gry jest pusta","The name {newName} is already taken":function(a){return["Nazwa ",a("newName")," jest ju\u017C zaj\u0119ta"]},"The near plane distance must be strictly greater than 0 and lower than the far plan distance.":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 p\u0142aszczyzny bliskiej musi by\u0107 \u015Bci\u015Ble wi\u0119ksza ni\u017C 0 i mniejsza ni\u017C odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 p\u0142aszczyzny dalekiej.","The number of decimal places must be a whole value between {precisionMinValue} and {precisionMaxValue}":function(a){return["Liczba miejsc po przecinku musi by\u0107 liczb\u0105 ca\u0142kowit\u0105 mi\u0119dzy ",a("precisionMinValue")," a ",a("precisionMaxValue")]},"The number of displayed entries must be a whole value between {displayedEntriesMinNumber} and {displayedEntriesMaxNumber}":function(a){return["Liczba wy\u015Bwietlanych wpis\xF3w musi by\u0107 liczb\u0105 ca\u0142kowit\u0105 pomi\u0119dzy ",a("displayedEntriesMinNumber")," i ",a("displayedEntriesMaxNumber")]},"The object does not exist or can't be used here.":"Obiekt nie istnieje lub nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 tutaj u\u017Cyty.","The package name begins with com.example, make sure you replace it with an unique one to be able to publish your game on app stores.":"Nazwa pakietu zaczyna si\u0119 od com.example, upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce zamieni\u0142e\u015B j\u0105 na unikaln\u0105 aby m\xF3c opublikowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 w sklepach z aplikacjami.","The package name begins with com.example, make sure you replace it with an unique one, else installing your game might overwrite other games.":"Nazwa pakietu zaczyna si\u0119 od com.example, upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce zamieni\u0142e\u015B j\u0105 na unikatowy, w przeciwnym razie instalacja Twojej gry mo\u017Ce zast\u0105pi\u0107 inne gry.","The package name is containing invalid characters or not following the convention \"xxx.yyy.zzz\" (numbers allowed after a letter only).":"Nazwa pakietu zawiera nieprawid\u0142owe znaki lub jest niezgodna z konwencj\u0105 \u201Exxx.yyy.zzz\u201D (cyfry dozwolone s\u0105 tylko po literze).","The package name is empty.":"Nazwa paczki jest pusta.","The package name is too long.":"Nazwa paczki jest zbyt d\u0142uga.","The password is invalid.":"Has\u0142o jest nieprawid\u0142owe!","The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.":"Wprowadzone has\u0142o jest nieprawid\u0142owe. Spr\xF3buj ponownie.","The polygon is not convex":"Wielok\u0105t nie jest wypuk\u0142y","The polygon is not convex. Ensure it is, otherwise the collision mask won't work.":"Wielok\u0105t nie jest wypuk\u0142y. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce tak jest, w przeciwnym razie maska kolizji nie zadzia\u0142a.","The preview could not be launched because an error happened: {0}.":function(a){return["Podgl\u0105d nie mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 uruchomiony, poniewa\u017C wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d: ",a("0"),"."]},"The preview could not be launched because you're offline.":"Podgl\u0105d nie mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 uruchomiony, poniewa\u017C jeste\u015B offline.","The project could not be saved. Please try again later.":"Projekt nie m\xF3g\u0142 zosta\u0107 zapisany. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","The project currently opened is not registered online. Register it now to get access to leaderboards, player accounts, analytics and more!":"Otwarty projekt nie jest zarejestrowany online. Zarejestruj go teraz, aby uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do tablic wynik\xF3w, kont graczy, statystyk i wielu wi\u0119cej!","The project currently opened is registered online but you don't have access to it. A link or file will be created but the game will not be registered.":"Otwarty projekt jest zarejestrowany online, ale nie masz do niego dost\u0119pu. Zostanie utworzony link lub plik, ale gra nie zostanie zarejestrowana.","The project file appears to be corrupted, but an autosave file exists (backup made automatically by GDevelop on {0}). Would you like to try to load it instead?":function(a){return["Plik projektu wydaje si\u0119 by\u0107 uszkodzony, ale istnieje plik (automatyczna kopia zapasowa wykonana przez GDevelop w ",a("0"),"). Czy spr\xF3bowa\u0107 wczyta\u0107 t\u0119 kopi\u0119?"]},"The provisioning profile was properly stored ( {lastUploadedProvisioningProfileName}). If you properly uploaded the certificate before, it can now be used.":function(a){return["Profil zaopatrzenia zosta\u0142 poprawnie zapisany (",a("lastUploadedProvisioningProfileName"),"). Je\u017Celi certyfikat zosta\u0142 wcze\u015Bniej pomy\u015Blnie przes\u0142any, to mo\u017Cna go teraz u\u017Cy\u0107."]},"The purchase will be linked to your account once done.":"Zakup zostanie po\u0142\u0105czony z twoim kontem po jego zako\u0144czeniu.","The request could not reach the servers, ensure you are connected to internet.":"\u017B\u0105danie nie mog\u0142o dotrze\u0107 do serwer\xF3w, upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce masz po\u0142\u0105czenie z internetem.","The resource has been downloaded":"Zas\xF3b zosta\u0142 pobrany","The selected resource is not a proper Spine resource.":"Wybrany zas\xF3b nie jest odpowiednim zasobem Spine.","The sentence displays one or more wrongs parameters:":"Zdanie wy\u015Bwietla jeden lub wi\u0119cej b\u0142\u0119dnych parametr\xF3w:","The sentence is probably missing this/these parameter(s):":"W zdaniu brakuje prawdopodobnie tego / tych parametru(\xF3w):","The shape used in the Physics behavior is independent from the collision mask of the object. Be sure to use the \"Collision\" condition provided by the Physics behavior in the events. The usual \"Collision\" condition won't take into account the shape that you've set up here.":"Kszta\u0142t u\u017Cywany w Silniku Fizyki jest niezale\u017Cny od maski kolizji obiektu. Pami\u0119taj, aby u\u017Cy\u0107 warunku \"Kolizja\" dost\u0119pnego w wydarzeniach Silniku Fizyki. Zwyk\u0142y warunek \"Kolizja\" nie b\u0119dzie uwzgl\u0119dnia\u0142 kszta\u0142tu, kt\xF3ry tutaj ustawi\u0142e\u015B.","The specified external events do not exist in the game. Be sure that the name is correctly spelled or create them using the project manager.":"Okre\u015Blone zdarzenia zewn\u0119trzne nie istniej\u0105 w grze. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce nazwa jest poprawnie napisana lub utw\xF3rz je za pomoc\u0105 mened\u017Cera projektu.","The subscription of this account comes from outside the app store. Connect with your account on from your web-browser to manage it.":"Subskrypcja tego konta pochodzi spoza sklepu z aplikacjami. Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z kontem na z przegl\u0105darki internetowej, aby nim zarz\u0105dza\u0107.","The subscription of this account was done using Apple or Google Play. Connect on your account on your Apple or Google device to manage it.":"Subskrypcja tego konta zosta\u0142a wykonana przy u\u017Cyciu Apple lub Google Play. Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z kontem na swoim urz\u0105dzeniu Apple lub Google, aby nim zarz\u0105dza\u0107.","The text input will be always shown on top of all other objects in the game - this is a limitation that can't be changed. According to the platform/device or browser running the game, the appearance can also slightly change.":"Wprowadzanie tekstu b\u0119dzie zawsze wy\u015Bwietlane na g\xF3rze wszystkich innych obiekt\xF3w w grze - jest to ograniczenie, kt\xF3rego nie mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107. Zgodnie z platform\u0105/urz\u0105dzeniem lub przegl\u0105dark\u0105 obs\u0142uguj\u0105c\u0105 gr\u0119, wygl\u0105d r\xF3wnie\u017C mo\u017Ce si\u0119 nieco zmieni\u0107.","The tilemap must be designed in a separated program, Tiled, that can be downloaded on Save your map as a JSON file, then select here the Atlas image that you used and the Tile map JSON file.":"Mapa kafelka musi by\u0107 zaprojektowana w oddzielnym programie np Tiled i mo\u017Ce by\u0107 pobrana na Zapisz map\u0119 jako plik JSON, a nast\u0119pnie wybierz obrazek Atlas, kt\xF3ry u\u017Cy\u0142e\u015B i plik JSON mapy kafelka.","The usage of a number or expression is deprecated. Please now use only \"Permanent\" or \"Instant\" for configuring forces.":"U\u017Cywanie liczny lub wyra\u017Cenia jest przestarza\u0142e. Prosz\u0119 teraz u\u017Cywa\u0107 tylko \"Trwa\u0142e\" lub \"B\u0142yskawiczne\" do konfigurowania si\u0142.","The variable name contains a space - this is not recommended. Prefer to use underscores or uppercase letters to separate words.":"Nazwa zmiennej zawiera spacj\u0119 - nie jest to zalecane. U\u017Cyj podkre\u015Blenia lub wielkich liter do oddzielania s\u0142\xF3w.","The variable name looks like you're building an expression or a formula. You can only use this for structure or arrays. For example: Score[3].":"Nazwa zmiennej sugeruje, \u017Ce budujesz wyra\u017Cenie lub formu\u0142\u0119. Mo\u017Cesz u\u017Cywa\u0107 tego tylko do struktur lub tablic. Na przyk\u0142ad: Wynik[3].","The version history is available for cloud projects only.":"Historia wersji jest dost\u0119pna tylko dla projekt\xF3w w chmurze.","The version that you've set for the game is invalid.":"Ustawiona wersja gry jest nieprawid\u0142owa.","There are currently no leaderboards created for this game. Open the leaderboards manager to create one.":"Obecnie nie ma \u017Cadnych tablic wynik\xF3w dla tej gry. Otw\xF3rz mened\u017Cera tablic wynik\xF3w, aby j\u0105 utworzy\u0107.","There are no <0>behaviors on this object.":"Ten obiekt nie posiada <0>zachowa\u0144.","There are no <0>effects on this object.":"Ten obiekt nie posiada <0>efekt\xF3w.","There are no <0>variables on this object.":"Ten obiekt nie posiada <0>zmiennych.","There are no objects. Objects will appear if you add some as parameter or add children to the object.":"Brak obiekt\xF3w. Obiekty pojawi\u0105 si\u0119, je\u015Bli dodasz je jako parametry lub dodasz podrz\u0119dne obiekty.","There are no objects. Objects will appear if you add some as parameters.":"Brak obiekt\xF3w. Obiekty pojawi\u0105 si\u0119, je\u015Bli dodasz niekt\xF3re jako parametry.","There are no provisioning profile created for this certificate. Create one in the Apple Developer interface and add it here.":"Nie utworzono profili zaopatrzenia dla tego certyfikatu. Utw\xF3rz jeden w interfejsie Apple Developer i dodaj go tutaj.","There are no variables on this instance.":"Ta instancja nie posiada zmiennych.","There are unsaved changes":"Istniej\u0105 niezapisane zmiany","There are variables used in events but not declared in this list: {0}.":function(a){return["Istniej\u0105 zmienne u\u017Cywane w zdarzeniach, ale nie s\u0105 zadeklarowane na tej li\u015Bcie: ",a("0"),"."]},"There are {instancesCountInLayout} object instances on this layer. Should they be moved to another layer?":function(a){return["Na tej warstwie znajduje si\u0119 ",a("instancesCountInLayout")," instancji obiekt\xF3w. Czy powinny zosta\u0107 przeniesione na inn\u0105 warstw\u0119?"]},"There are {instancesCount} instances of objects on this layer.":function(a){return["Na tej warstwie znajduje si\u0119 ",a("instancesCount")," instancji obiekt\xF3w."]},"There is no <0>global object yet.":"Nie ma jeszcze <0>obiektu globalnego.","There is no global group yet.":"Nie ma jeszcze grupy globalnej.","There is no object in your game or in this scene. Start by adding an new object in the scene editor, using the objects list.":"W tej grze lub w tej scenie nie ma \u017Cadnego obiektu. Zacznij od dodania nowego obiektu w edytorze scen, korzystaj\u0105c z listy obiekt\xF3w.","There is nothing to configure for this behavior. You can still use events to interact with the object and this behavior.":"Nie ma nic do konfigurowania w tym dzia\u0142aniu. Mo\u017Cesz nadal u\u017Cywa\u0107 zdarze\u0144, by wchodzi\u0107 w interakcje z obiektem i tym dzia\u0142aniem.","There is nothing to configure for this object. You can still use events to interact with the object.":"Nie ma nic do konfigurowania w tym obiekcie. Nadal mo\u017Cesz u\u017Cywa\u0107 zdarze\u0144 by wchodzi\u0107 w interakcje z tym obiektem.","There is nothing to configure.":"Nie ma tu nic do skonfigurowania.","There was an error verifying the URL(s). Please check they are correct.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas weryfikacji adresu(-\xF3w) URL. Sprawd\u017A czy s\u0105 poprawne.","There was an error while canceling your subscription. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas anulowania subskrypcji. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","There was an error while creating the object \"{0}\". Verify your internet connection or try again later.":function(a){return["Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas tworzenia obiektu \"",a("0"),"\". Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej."]},"There was an error while installing the asset \"{0}\". Verify your internet connection or try again later.":function(a){return["Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas instalacji zasobu \"",a("0"),"\". Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej."]},"There was an error while making an auto-save of the project. Verify that you have permissions to write in the project folder.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas automatycznego zapisywania projektu. Sprawd\u017A, czy masz uprawnienia do zapisu w folderze projektu.","There was an error while updating the game's thumbnail on Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas aktualizacji miniaturki gry na Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","There was an error while uploading some resources. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas przesy\u0142ania niekt\xF3rych zasob\xF3w. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","There was an issue getting the game analytics.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 problem z otrzymaniem analizy gry.","There was an unknown error when trying to apply the code. Double check the code, try again later or contact us if this persists.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 nieznany b\u0142\u0105d podczas pr\xF3by zastosowania kodu. Sprawd\u017A dwukrotnie kod, spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej lub skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami, je\u017Celi b\u0119dzie si\u0119 to powtarza\u0142o.","There were errors when importing resources for the project. You can retry (recommended) or continue despite the errors. In this case, the project might be missing some resources.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142y b\u0142\u0119dy podczas importowania zasob\xF3w projektu. Mo\u017Cesz spr\xF3bowa\u0107 ponownie (zalecane) lub kontynuowa\u0107 pomimo b\u0142\u0119d\xF3w. W takim przypadku projekt mo\u017Ce nie zawiera\u0107 pewnych zasob\xF3w.","There were errors when preparing new leaderboards for the project.":"Podczas przygotowywania nowych tablic wynik\xF3w dla projektu wyst\u0105pi\u0142y b\u0142\u0119dy.","These are behaviors":"To s\u0105 zachowania","These are objects":"To s\u0105 obiekty","These behaviors are already attached to the object:{0}Do you want to replace their property values?":function(a){return["Te zachowania s\u0105 ju\u017C do\u0142\u0105czone do obiektu:",a("0")," Czy chcesz zast\u0105pi\u0107 warto\u015Bci ich w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci?"]},"These effects already exist:{0}Do you want to replace them?":function(a){return["Te efekty ju\u017C istniej\u0105:",a("0")," Czy chcesz je zast\u0105pi\u0107?"]},"These parameters already exist:{0}Do you want to replace them?":function(a){return["Te parametry ju\u017C istniej\u0105:",a("0")," Czy chcesz je zast\u0105pi\u0107?"]},"These properties already exist:{0}Do you want to replace them?":function(a){return["Te w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci ju\u017C istniej\u0105:",a("0")," Czy chcesz je zast\u0105pi\u0107?"]},"These variables hold additional information and are available on all objects of the group.":"Zmienne te zawieraj\u0105 dodatkow\u0105 informacj\u0119 i s\u0105 dost\u0119pne na wszystkich obiektach grupy.","These variables hold additional information on a project.":"Zmienne te przechowuj\u0105 dodatkowe informacje o projekcie.","These variables hold additional information on a scene.":"Zmienne te przechowuj\u0105 dodatkowe informacje o scenie.","These variables hold additional information on an object.":"Zmienne te przechowuj\u0105 dodatkowe informacje o obiekcie.","Thickness":"Grubo\u015B\u0107","Third editor":"Trzeci edytor","Third-party":"Osoba trzecia","This Auth Key was not sent or is not ready to be used.":"Ten klucz uwierzytelniania nie zosta\u0142 wys\u0142any lub nie jest gotowy do u\u017Cycia.","This account has been deactivated or deleted.":"To konto zosta\u0142o wy\u0142\u0105czone lub usuni\u0119te.","This action cannot be undone.":"Ta czynno\u015B\u0107 nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 cofni\u0119ta.","This action is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Instead, use for all your objects the behavior called \"Physics2\" and the associated actions (in this case, all objects must be set up to use Physics2, you can't mix the behaviors).":"Ta akcja jest przestarza\u0142a i nie powinna by\u0107 ju\u017C u\u017Cywana. Zamiast tego u\u017Cyj dla wszystkich obiekt\xF3w zachowania o nazwie \u201EFizyka2\u201D i powi\u0105zanych z nim akcji (w tym przypadku wszystkie obiekty musz\u0105 by\u0107 skonfigurowane do korzystania z Fizyki2, nie mo\u017Cna miesza\u0107 zachowa\u0144).","This action is not automatic yet, we will get in touch to gather your bank details.":"Ta akcja nie jest jeszcze automatyczna, skontaktujemy si\u0119 z Tob\u0105, aby otrzyma\u0107 Twoje dane bankowe.","This action will create a new texture and re-render the text each time it is called, which is expensive and can reduce performances. Prefer to avoid changing a lot the character size of a text.":"Ta akcja spowoduje utworzenie nowej tekstury i ponowne renderowanie tekstu przy ka\u017Cdym wywo\u0142aniu, co jest kosztowne i mo\u017Ce zmniejszy\u0107 wydajno\u015B\u0107. Wolisz unika\u0107 zmiany wielko\u015Bci znak\xF3w tekstu.","This behavior is being used by multiple types of objects. Thus, you can't restrict its usage to any particular object type. All the object types using this behavior are listed here: {0}":function(a){return["To zachowanie jest u\u017Cywane przez wiele typ\xF3w obiekt\xF3w. Dlatego nie mo\u017Cna ograniczy\u0107 jego u\u017Cycia do \u017Cadnego konkretnego typu obiektu. Wszystkie typy obiekt\xF3w u\u017Cywaj\u0105ce tego zachowania s\u0105 wymienione tutaj: ",a("0")]},"This behavior is unknown. It might be a behavior that was defined in an extension and that was later removed. You should delete it.":"To zachowanie jest nieznane. Mo\u017Ce to by\u0107 zachowanie, kt\xF3re zosta\u0142o zdefiniowane w rozszerzeniu i kt\xF3re zosta\u0142o p\xF3\u017Aniej usuni\u0119te. Powiniene\u015B je usun\u0105\u0107.","This behavior needs an extension update. You may have to do some adaptations to make sure your game still works.{0}Do you want to update it now ?":function(a){return["To zachowanie wymaga aktualizacji rozszerzenia. Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 konieczne dokonanie pewnych dostosowa\u0144, aby upewni\u0107 si\u0119, \u017Ce gra nadal dzia\u0142a.",a("0")," Czy chcesz teraz zaktualizowa\u0107 rozszerzenie?"]},"This behavior will be visible in the scene and events editors.":"To zachowanie b\u0119dzie widoczne w edytorze scen i zdarze\u0144.","This behavior won't be visible in the scene and events editors.":"To zachowanie nie b\u0119dzie widoczne w edytorze scen i zdarze\u0144.","This build is old and the generated games can't be downloaded anymore.":"Ta wersja jest przestarza\u0142a i wyeksportowane gry nie mog\u0105 zosta\u0107 ju\u017C pobrane.","This can either be a URL to a web page, or a path starting with a slash that will be opened in the GDevelop wiki. Leave empty if there is no help page, although it's recommended you eventually write one if you distribute the extension.":"Mo\u017Ce to by\u0107 adres URL do strony internetowej lub \u015Bcie\u017Cka zaczynaj\u0105ca si\u0119 od uko\u015Bnika, kt\xF3ra zostanie otwarta w wiki GDevelop. Pozostaw puste, je\u015Bli nie ma strony pomocy, chocia\u017C zaleca si\u0119 w ko\u0144cu napisa\u0107 j\u0105 je\u015Bli rozprowadzasz rozszerzenie.","This certificate has an unknown type and is probably unable to be used by GDevelop.":"Ten certyfikat posiada niewiadomy rodzaj i prawdopodobnie nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty w GDevelop.","This certificate type is unknown and might not work when building the app. Are you sure you want to continue?":"Ten rodzaj certyfikatu jest nieznany i mo\u017Ce nie dzia\u0142a\u0107 podczas kompilacji projektu. Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?","This certificate was not sent or is not ready to be used.":"Ten certyfikat nie zosta\u0142 wys\u0142any lub nie jest gotowy do u\u017Cycia.","This code is not valid - verify you've entered it properly.":"Ten kod jest nieprawid\u0142owy \u2014 sprawd\u017A, czy zosta\u0142 wprowadzony poprawnie.","This code was valid but can't be redeemed anymore. If this is unexpected, contact us or the code provider.":"Ten kod by\u0142 wa\u017Cny, ale nie mo\u017Cna go ju\u017C zrealizowa\u0107. Je\u017Celi to jest niespodziewane, skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami lub z dostawc\u0105 kodu.","This condition may have unexpected results when the object is on different floors at the same time, due to the fact that the engine only considers the first floor the object comes into contact with.":"Ten warunek mo\u017Ce mie\u0107 niespodziewane wyniki, gdy obiekt znajduje si\u0119 na r\xF3\u017Cnych pod\u0142ogach w tym samym czasie, ze wzgl\u0119du na fakt, \u017Ce silnik bierze pod uwag\u0119 tylko pierwsz\u0105 pod\u0142og\u0119, z kt\xF3r\u0105 dany przedmiot wchodzi w kontakt.","This course has subtitles in multiple languages. Find yours in the setting of each video.":"Kurs posiada napisy w wielu j\u0119zykach. Znajd\u017A sw\xF3j w ustawieniach ka\u017Cdego wideo.","This email is invalid.":"Adres e-mail jest nieprawid\u0142owy!","This email was already used for another account.":"Ten adres e-mail jest u\u017Cywany dla innego konta.","This file is an extension file for GDevelop 5. You should instead import it, using the window to add a new extension to your project.":"Ten plik jest plikiem rozszerzenia dla GDevelop 5. Powiniene\u015B go zaimportowa\u0107, u\u017Cywaj\u0105c okna aby doda\u0107 nowe rozszerzenie do projektu.","This file is corrupt":"Ten plik jest uszkodzony","This file is not recognized as a GDevelop 5 project. Be sure to open a file that was saved using GDevelop.":"Ten plik nie jest rozpoznany jako projekt GDevelop 5. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce otworzysz plik, kt\xF3ry zosta\u0142 zapisany przy u\u017Cyciu GDevelop.","This function calls itself (it is \"recursive\"). Ensure this is expected and there is a proper condition to stop it if necessary.":"Ta funkcja sama si\u0119 wywo\u0142uje (jest \"rekurencyjna\"). Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce tak ma by\u0107 i \u017Ce istnieje w\u0142a\u015Bciwy warunek na zatrzymanie.","This function is asynchronous - it will only allow subsequent events to run after calling the action \"End asynchronous task\" within the function.":"Ta funkcja jest asynchroniczna \u2014 pozwoli to na uruchamianie kolejnych zdarze\u0144 tylko po wywo\u0142aniu akcji \"Zako\u0144cz asynchroniczne zadanie\" w ramach funkcji.","This function will be visible in the events editor.":"Ta funkcja b\u0119dzie widoczna w edytorze zdarze\u0144.","This function will have a lot of parameters. Consider creating groups or functions for a smaller set of objects so that the function is easier to reuse.":"Ta funkcja b\u0119dzie mia\u0142a wiele parametr\xF3w. Rozwa\u017C utworzenie grup lub funkcji dla mniejszego zestawu obiekt\xF3w, aby funkcja by\u0142a \u0142atwiejsza do ponownego u\u017Cycia.","This function won't be visible in the events editor.":"Ta funkcja nie b\u0119dzie widoczna w edytorze zdarze\u0144.","This game is not registered online. Do you want to register it to access the online features?":"Ta gra nie jest zarejestrowana online. Czy chcesz j\u0105 zarejestrowa\u0107, aby uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do funkcji online?","This game is registered online but you don't have access to it. Ask the owner of the game to add your account to the list of owners to be able to manage it.":"Ta gra jest zarejestrowana online, ale nie masz do niej dost\u0119pu. Popro\u015B w\u0142a\u015Bciciela gry, aby doda\u0142 twoje konto do listy w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli, aby mo\u017Cna by\u0142o nim zarz\u0105dza\u0107.","This game is using leaderboards. GDevelop will create new leaderboards for this game in your account, so that the game is ready to be played and players can send their scores.":"Ta gra u\u017Cywa tablic wynik\xF3w. GDevelop stworzy nowe tablice wynik\xF3w dla tej gry na Twoim koncie, aby gra by\u0142a gotowa do gry i gracze mogli wys\u0142a\u0107 swoje wyniki.","This group contains objects of different kinds. You'll only be able to use actions and conditions common to all objects with this group.":"Grupa ta zawiera obiekty r\xF3\u017Cnego rodzaju. Mo\u017Cliwe b\u0119dzie u\u017Cywanie tylko akcji i warunk\xF3w wsp\xF3lnych dla wszystkich obiekt\xF3w z t\u0105 grup\u0105.","This group contains objects of the same kind ({type}). You can use actions and conditions related to this kind of objects in events with this group.":function(a){return["Grupa ta zawiera obiekty tego samego rodzaju (",a("type"),"). Mo\u017Cna u\u017Cy\u0107 akcji i warunk\xF3w zwi\u0105zanych z tego rodzaju obiektami w wydarzeniach z t\u0105 grup\u0105."]},"This is a \"lifecycle function\". It will be called automatically by the game engine. It has no parameters.":"To jest \"funkcja cyklu \u017Cycia\". Zostanie wywo\u0142ana automatycznie przez silnik gry i nie przyjmuje \u017Cadnych parametr\xF3w.","This is a \"lifecycle method\". It will be called automatically by the game engine for each instance living on the scene having the behavior.":"To jest \"metoda cyklu \u017Cycia\". B\u0119dzie ona wywo\u0142ywana automatycznie przez silnik gry dla ka\u017Cdej \u017Cyj\u0105cej instancji sceny kt\xF3ra posiada to zachowanie.","This is a \"lifecycle method\". It will be called automatically by the game engine for each instance living on the scene.":"To jest \"metoda cyklu \u017Cycia\". B\u0119dzie ona wywo\u0142ywana automatycznie przez silnik gry dla ka\u017Cdej instancji \u017Cyj\u0105cej na scenie.","This is a multichapter tutorial. GDevelop will save your progress so you can take a break when you need it.":"To jest wielorozdzia\u0142owy samouczek. GDevelop zapisuje post\u0119p, dzi\u0119ki czemu mo\u017Cna zrobi\u0107 przerw\u0119 w dowolnym momencie.","This is a relative path that will open in the GDevelop wiki.":"Jest to \u015Bcie\u017Cka wzgl\u0119dna, kt\xF3ra zostanie otwarta w wiki GDevelop.","This is all the feedback received on {0} coming from":function(a){return["Wszystkie opinie otrzymane na temat ",a("0")," pochodz\u0105ca z"]},"This is an asynchronous action, meaning that the actions and sub-events following it will wait for it to end. Don't forget to use the action \"End asynchronous function\" to mark the end of the action.":"Akcja ta jest asynchroniczna, oznacza to, \u017Ce kolejne akcje, jak i zdarzenia podrz\u0119dne b\u0119d\u0105 czeka\u0142y na zako\u0144czenie tej akcji. Nie zapomnij u\u017Cy\u0107 \"Koniec funkcji asynchronicznej\", aby oznaczy\u0107 koniec dzia\u0142ania.","This is an extension made by a community member \u2014 but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. It could also not be compatible with older GDevelop versions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.":"To rozszerzenie zosta\u0142o wykonane przez cz\u0142onka spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci, ale nie zosta\u0142o zweryfikowane przez zesp\xF3\u0142 rozszerze\u0144 GDevelop. W zwi\u0105zku z tym nie mo\u017Cemy zagwarantowa\u0107, \u017Ce spe\u0142nia wszystkie standardy jako\u015Bci oficjalnych rozszerze\u0144. Mo\u017Ce r\xF3wnie\u017C nie by\u0107 kompatybilne ze starszymi wersjami GDevelop. W razie w\u0105tpliwo\u015Bci skontaktuj si\u0119 z autorem, aby uzyska\u0107 wi\u0119cej informacji o funkcjonalno\u015Bci rozszerzenia lub sprawd\u017A jego zawarto\u015B\u0107 przed u\u017Cyciem.","This is link to a webpage.":"To jest link do strony internetowej.","This is not a URL starting with \"http://\" or \"https://\".":"To nie jest adres URL zaczynaj\u0105cy si\u0119 od \"http://\" lub \"https://\".","This is recommended as this allows you to earn money from your games. If you disable this, your game will not show any advertisement.":"Opcja zalecana, poniewa\u017C pozwala Ci zarabia\u0107 na Twoich grach. Je\u017Celi j\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105czysz, Twoja gra nie b\u0119dzie wy\u015Bwietla\u0107 \u017Cadnych reklam.","This is taking longer than expected... We might have lost contact with the AI.":"To trwa d\u0142u\u017Cej, ni\u017C oczekiwano... By\u0107 mo\u017Ce stracili\u015Bmy kontakt z AI.","This is the configuration of your behavior. Make sure to choose a proper internal name as it's hard to change it later. Enter a description explaining what the behavior is doing to the object.":"To jest konfiguracja twojego zachowania. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce wybra\u0142e\u015B odpowiedni\u0105 nazw\u0119 wewn\u0119trzn\u0105, poniewa\u017C p\xF3\u017Aniej trudno j\u0105 zmieni\u0107. Wprowad\u017A opis wyja\u015Bniaj\u0105cy, co zachowanie robi z obiektem.","This is the configuration of your object. Make sure to choose a proper internal name as it's hard to change it later.":"To jest konfiguracja dla twojego obiektu. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce wybrano prawid\u0142ow\u0105 nazw\u0119 wewn\u0119trzn\u0105, poniewa\u017C p\xF3\u017Aniej jest j\u0105 trudno zmieni\u0107.","This is the end of the version history.":"To jest koniec historii wersji.","This is the list of builds that you've done for this game. <0/>Note that builds for mobile and desktop are available for 7 days, after which they are removed.":"Lista kompilacji wykonanych dla tego projektu.<0/>\nUwaga: Kompilacje dla urz\u0105dze\u0144 mobilnych i stacjonarnych s\u0105 dost\u0119pne przez 7 dni, po tym czasie s\u0105 usuwane.","This leaderboard is already resetting, please wait a bit, close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ta tablica wynik\xF3w jest ju\u017C resetowana, zamknij dialog, poczekaj chwil\u0119, wr\xF3\u0107 i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","This link is private. You can share it with collaborators, friends or testers.<0/>When you're ready, go to the Game Dashboard and publish it on":"Ten link jest prywatny. Mo\u017Cesz go udost\u0119pni\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142pracownikom, znajomym lub testerom.<0/> Gdy wszystko b\u0119dzie gotowe, przejd\u017A do panelu gier i opublikuj j\u0105 na","This month":"Ten miesi\u0105c","This name is already taken by another extension.":"Ta nazwa jest ju\u017C zaj\u0119ta dla innej rozbudowy.","This name is already taken by another function. Choose another name.":"Ta nazwa jest ju\u017C w u\u017Cyciu, wybierz inn\u0105 nazwe.","This name is not valid. Only use alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z) and underscores.":"Ta nazwa jest nieprawid\u0142owa. U\u017Cywaj tylko znak\xF3w alfanumerycznych (0-9, a-z) i podkre\u015Ble\u0144.","This object does not have any specific configuration. Add it on the scene and use events to interact with it.":"Ten obiekt nie zawiera \u017Cadnej szczeg\xF3lnej konfiguracji. Dodaj go do sceny i u\u017Cyj zdarze\u0144 by wchodzi\u0107 z nim w dzia\u0142ania.","This object exists, but can't be used here.":"Ten obiekt istnieje, ale nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 tutaj u\u017Cyty.","This object has no behaviors: please add this behavior to the object first.":"Ten obiekt nie ma \u017Cadnych zachowa\u0144: prosz\u0119 najpierw doda\u0107 to zachowanie do tego obiektu.","This object has no properties.":"Ten obiekt nie posiada w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci.","This object misses some behaviors: {0}":function(a){return["Temu obiektowi brakuje kilku zachowa\u0144: ",a("0")]},"This object will be visible in the scene and events editors.":"Ten obiekt b\u0119dzie widoczny w edytorze scen i zdarze\u0144.","This object won't be visible in the scene and events editors.":"Ten obiekt nie b\u0119dzie widoczny w edytorze scen i zdarze\u0144.","This pack is included in this bundle for {0} !":function(a){return["Ta paczka jest zawarta w pakiecie dla ",a("0")," !"]},"This password is too weak: please use more letters and digits.":"To has\u0142o jest zbyt s\u0142abe: u\u017Cyj wi\u0119cej liter i cyfr.","This project cannot be opened":"Nie mo\u017Cna otworzy\u0107 tego projektu","This project has an auto-saved version":"Ten projekt ma automatycznie zapisan\u0105 wersj\u0119","This project was modified by someone else on the {formattedDate} at {formattedTime}. Do you want to overwrite their changes?":function(a){return["Projekt zosta\u0142 zmodyfikowany przez kogo\u015B innego w ",a("formattedDate")," o ",a("formattedTime"),". Czy chcesz nadpisa\u0107 te zmiany?"]},"This project was modified by {lastUsernameWhoModifiedProject} on the {formattedDate} at {formattedTime}. Do you want to overwrite their changes?":function(a){return["Projekt zosta\u0142 zmodyfikowany przez ",a("lastUsernameWhoModifiedProject")," dnia ",a("formattedDate")," o ",a("formattedTime"),". Czy chcesz nadpisa\u0107 te zmiany?"]},"This resource does not exist in the game":"Ten zas\xF3b nie istnieje w grze","This scene will be used as the start scene.":"Ta scena b\u0119dzie u\u017Cywana jako scena pocz\u0105tkowa.","This setting changes the visibility of the entire layer. Objects on the layer will not be treated as \"hidden\" for event conditions or actions.":"To ustawienie zmienia widoczno\u015B\u0107 ca\u0142ej warstwy. Obiekty na warstwie nie b\u0119d\u0105 traktowane jako \"ukryte\" dla warunk\xF3w zdarzenia lub dzia\u0142a\u0144.","This shortcut clashes with another action.":"Ten skr\xF3t uderza si\u0119 z inn\u0105 akcj\u0105.","This sprite uses a rectangle that is as large as the sprite for its collision mask.":"Grafika (Sprite) u\u017Cywa prostok\u0105ta, kt\xF3ry jest tak du\u017Cy jak Sprite dla jego maski kolizji.","This template is included in this bundle for {0} !":function(a){return["Ten szablon jest zawarty w pakiecie dla ",a("0")," !"]},"This tutorial must be unlocked to be accessed.":"Samouczek musi zosta\u0107 odblokowany, aby mie\u0107 do niego dost\u0119p.","This user does not have projects yet.":"Ten u\u017Cytkownik nie ma jeszcze projekt\xF3w.","This user is already a collaborator.":"Ten u\u017Cytkownik jest ju\u017C wsp\xF3\u0142pracownikiem.","This user was not found: have you created your account?":"Ten u\u017Cytkownik nie zosta\u0142 znaleziony: czy utworzy\u0142e\u015B swoje konto?","This username is already used, please pick another one.":"Ta nazwa u\u017Cytkownika jest ju\u017C zaj\u0119ta, wybierz inn\u0105.","This variable does not exist. <0>Click to add it.":"Ta zmienna nie istnieje. <0>Kliknij, aby j\u0105 doda\u0107.","This variable has the same name as an object. Consider renaming one or the other.":"Ta zmienna ma t\u0119 sam\u0105 nazw\u0119 co obiekt. Rozwa\u017C zmian\u0119 nazwy jednego lub drugiego.","This variable is not declared. It's recommended to use the *variables editor* to add it.":"Ta zmienna nie zosta\u0142a zadeklarowana. Zalecane jest u\u017Cycie *edytora zmiennych*, aby j\u0105 doda\u0107.","This version of GDevelop is:":"Ta wersja GDevelop to:","This week":"Ten tydzie\u0144","This will be used when packaging and submitting your application to the stores.":"To b\u0119dzie u\u017Cywane podczas pakowania i przesy\u0142ania aplikacji do sklep\xF3w.","This will export your game as a Cordova project. Cordova is a technology that enables HTML5 games to be packaged for iOS and Android.":"Spowoduje to wyeksportowanie Twojej gry jako projektu Cordova. Cordova to technologia, kt\xF3ra umo\u017Cliwia archiwizowanie gier HTML5 na iOS i Android.","This will export your game so that you can package it for Windows, macOS or Linux. You will need to install third-party tools (Node.js, Electron Builder) to package your game.":"Wyeksportuj twoj\u0105 gr\u0119 jako archiwum dla systemu Windows, macOS lub Linux. By archiwizowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 samemu b\u0119dziesz musia\u0142 zainstalowa\u0107 zewn\u0119trzne narz\u0119dzia (Node.js, Electron Builder).","This will export your game to a folder. You can then upload it on a website/game hosting service and share it on marketplaces and gaming portals like CrazyGames, Poki, Game Jolt,, Newgrounds...":"Spowoduje to wyeksportowanie Twojej gry do folderu. Nast\u0119pnie mo\u017Cesz przes\u0142a\u0107 go do strony internetowej/serwisu hostingu gry i udost\u0119pnia\u0107 go w serwisach marketingowych i portalach gier takich jak CrazyGames, Poki, Game Jolt,, Newgrounds...","This year":"Ten rok","This/these file(s) are outside the project folder. Would you like to make a copy of them in your project folder first (recommended)?":"Ten plik / te pliki s\u0105 poza folderem projektu. Czy chcesz najpierw utworzy\u0107 ich kopi\u0119 w folderze projektu (zalecane)?","Through a teacher":"Przez nauczyciela","Throwing physics":"Fizyka rzucania","TikTok":"TikTok","Tile Map":"Tile Map (Mapa tafli)","Tile Set":"Tile Set (zestaw tafli)","Tile map resource":"Zas\xF3b mapy tafli","Tile size":"Rozmiar tafli","Tiled sprite":"Kafelkowy duszek","Tiled sprites":"Kafelkowe duszki","Tilemap":"Tilemap","Tilemap painter":"Malarz tilemap","Tilemaps":"Tilemaps","Time (ms)":"Czas (ms)","Time between frames":"Czas pomi\u0119dzy klatkami","Time format":"Format czasu","Time score":"Wynik czasowy","Timers":"Stopery","Timers:":"Stopery:","Timestamp: {0}":function(a){return["Znacznik czasu: ",a("0")]},"Tiny":"Ma\u0142y","Title cannot be empty.":"Tytu\u0142 nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 pusty.","To avoid flickering on objects followed by the camera, use sprites with even dimensions.":"Aby unikn\u0105\u0107 migotania na obiektach obserwowanych przez kamer\u0119, u\u017Cyj sprite'\xF3w o r\xF3wnych wymiarach.","To begin, open or create a new project.":"Aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107, otw\xF3rz lub utw\xF3rz nowy projekt.","To confirm, type \"{translatedConfirmText}\"":function(a){return["Aby potwierdzi\u0107, wpisz \"",a("translatedConfirmText"),"\""]},"To edit the external events, choose the scene in which it will be included":"Aby edytowa\u0107 zdarzenia zewn\u0119trzne, wybierz scen\u0119, w kt\xF3rej b\u0119d\u0105 one zastosowane","To edit the external layout, choose the scene in which it will be included":"Aby edytowa\u0107 uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny, wybierz scen\u0119, w kt\xF3rej b\u0119dzie on zastosowany","To get this new subscription, we need to stop your existing one before you can pay for the new one. The change will be immediate. You will also lose your redeemed code.":"Aby uzyska\u0107 t\u0119 now\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119, konieczne b\u0119dzie zatrzymanie istniej\u0105cej, zanim b\u0119dzie mo\u017Cna zap\u0142aci\u0107 za now\u0105. Zmiana b\u0119dzie natychmiastowa. Stracisz r\xF3wnie\u017C sw\xF3j wykorzystany kod.","To get this new subscription, we need to stop your existing one before you can pay for the new one. This is immediate but your payment will NOT be pro-rated (you will pay the full price for the new subscription). You won't lose any project, game or other data.":"Aby uzyska\u0107 t\u0119 now\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119, konieczne b\u0119dzie zatrzymanie istniej\u0105cej, zanim b\u0119dzie mo\u017Cna zap\u0142aci\u0107 za now\u0105. Operacja ta jest natychmiastowa, ale twoja p\u0142atno\u015B\u0107 NIE ZOSTANIE roz\u0142o\u017Cona proporcjonalnie (zap\u0142acisz pe\u0142n\u0105 cen\u0119 za now\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119). Nie utracisz \u017Cadnych projekt\xF3w, gier ani innych danych.","To keep using GDevelop cloud, consider deleting old, unused projects.":"Aby nadal korzysta\u0107 z chmury GDevelop, mo\u017Cesz rozwa\u017Cy\u0107 usuni\u0119cie starych, nieu\u017Cywanych projekt\xF3w.","To keep using GDevelop leaderboards, consider deleting old, unused leaderboards.":"Aby nadal korzysta\u0107 z tablic wynik\xF3w GDevelop, rozwa\u017C usuni\u0119cie starych, nieu\u017Cywanych ju\u017C tablic.","To obtain the best pixel-perfect effect possible, go in the resources editor and disable the Smoothing for all images of your game. It will be done automatically for new images added from now.":"By uzyska\u0107 najlepszy mo\u017Cliwy efekt precyzji, wejd\u017A w edytor zasob\xF3w i wy\u0142\u0105cz Wyg\u0142adzanie dla wszystkich obrazk\xF3w w twojej grze. Ten atrybut b\u0119dzie ustawiamy automatycznie dla wssystkich obrazk\xF3w dodanych od teraz.","To preview the shape that the Physics engine will use for this object, choose first a temporary image to use for the preview.":"Aby wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 podgl\u0105d kszta\u0142tu, kt\xF3ry silnik Fizyki b\u0119dzie u\u017Cywany dla tego obiektu, najpierw wybierz tymczasowy obrazek do podgl\u0105du.","To start a timer, don't forget to use the action \"Start (or reset) a scene timer\" in another event.":"Aby uruchomi\u0107 stoper, nie zapomnij u\u017Cy\u0107 akcji \"Rozpocznij (lub zresetuj) stoper sceny\" w innym wydarzeniu.","To start a timer, don't forget to use the action \"Start (or reset) an object timer\" in another event.":"Aby uruchomi\u0107 stoper, nie zapomnij u\u017Cy\u0107 akcji \"Rozpocznij (lub zresetuj) stoper obiektu\" w innym wydarzeniu.","To use this formatting, you must send a score expressed in seconds":"Aby u\u017Cy\u0107 tego formatowania, musisz wys\u0142a\u0107 wynik wyra\u017Cony w sekundach","Today":"Dzi\u015B","Toggle Developer Tools":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz narz\u0119dzia dewelopera","Toggle Disabled":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz wy\u0142\u0105czenie","Toggle Fullscreen":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz tryb pe\u0142noekranowy","Toggle Instances List Panel":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz panel listy wyst\u0105pie\u0144","Toggle Layers Panel":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz panel warstw","Toggle Object Groups Panel":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz panel grup obiekt\xF3w","Toggle Objects Panel":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz panel obiekt\xF3w","Toggle Properties Panel":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz panel w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Toggle Wait the Action to End":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz oczekiwanie na zako\u0144czenie akcji","Toggle disabled event":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz wy\u0142\u0105czone zdarzenie","Toggle grid":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz siatk\u0119","Toggle inverted condition":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz odwr\xF3cony warunek","Toggle mask":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz mask\u0119","Toggle switch":"Prze\u0142\u0105cznik","Toggle/edit grid":"W\u0142\u0105cz / Wy\u0142\u0105cz siatk\u0119 edycji","Top":"G\xF3ra","Top bound":"G\xF3rna granica","Top bound should be smaller than bottom bound":"G\xF3rna granica powinna by\u0107 mniejsza ni\u017C dolna granica","Top face":"G\xF3rna twarz","Top left corner":"G\xF3rny lewy r\xF3g","Top margin":"Margines g\xF3rny","Top right corner":"G\xF3rny prawy r\xF3g","Top-Down RPG Pixel Perfect":"Top-Down RPG Pixel Perfect","Top-Left":"Lewy g\xF3rny r\xF3g","Top-down":"G\xF3ra-d\xF3\u0142","Top-left corner":"G\xF3rny-lewy r\xF3g","Touch (mobile)":"Dotyk (telefony)","Transform this Plinko game with collectibles that multiply your score.":"Przekszta\u0142\u0107 t\u0119 gr\u0119 Plinko, dodaj\u0105c znajd\u017Aki, kt\xF3re pomno\u017C\u0105 twoje punkty.","Transform this platformer into a co-op game, where two players can play together.":"Przekszta\u0142\u0107 t\u0119 platform\xF3wk\u0119 w gr\u0119 kooperacyjn\u0105, w kt\xF3rej dw\xF3ch graczy mo\u017Ce gra\u0107 razem.","Triangle":"Tr\xF3jk\u0105t","True":"Prawda","True (checked)":"Prawda (sprawdzony)","True or False":"Prawda lub fa\u0142sz","True or False (boolean)":"Prawda lub Fa\u0142sz (boolean)","Try again":"Spr\xF3buj ponownie","Try installing it from the extension store.":"Spr\xF3buj zainstalowa\u0107 to ze sklepu rozszerze\u0144.","Try it online":"Wypr\xF3buj online","Try making your prompt more specific.":"Spr\xF3buj sprawi\u0107 by Tw\xF3j prompt by\u0142 bardziej konkretny.","Try something else, browse the packs or create your object from scratch!":"Wypr\xF3buj co\u015B innego, przejrzyj paczki lub utw\xF3rz sw\xF3j obiekt od zera!","Try your game":"Wypr\xF3buj swoj\u0105 gr\u0119","Tutorial":"Szkolenie","Tweak gameplay":"Dostosuj rozgrywk\u0119","Twitter":"Twitter","Type":"Typ","Type a prompt":"Wpisz zapytanie","Type a prompt or generate one":"Wprowad\u017A zapytanie lub wygeneruj","Type of License: <0>{0}":function(a){return["Rodzaj licencji: <0>",a("0"),""]},"Type of License: {0}":function(a){return["Rodzaj licencji: ",a("0")]},"Type of objects":"Rodzaj obiekt\xF3w","Type your email address to delete your account:":"Wpisz sw\xF3j adres e-mail, aby usun\u0105\u0107 swoje konto:","Type your email to confirm":"Wpisz sw\xF3j adres e-mail, aby potwierdzi\u0107","Type:":"Typ:","UI Theme":"Motyw UI","UI/Interface":"UI/Interfejs","URL":"Adres ARL","Unable to change feedback for this game":"Nie mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107 opinii dla tej gry","Unable to change quality rating of feedback.":"Nie mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107 oceny jako\u015Bci opinii.","Unable to change read status of feedback.":"Nie mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107 statusu odczytu opinii.","Unable to change your email preferences":"Nie mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107 preferencji e-mail","Unable to create a new project for the course chapter. Try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna utworzy\u0107 nowego projektu dla rozdzia\u0142u kursu. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to create a new project for the tutorial. Try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna utworzy\u0107 nowego projektu dla samouczka. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to create the project":"Nie mo\u017Cna utworzy\u0107 projektu","Unable to delete the project":"Nie mo\u017Cna usun\u0105\u0107 projektu.","Unable to download and install the extension. Verify that your internet connection is working or try again later.":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas pobierania i instalacji dodatku. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to download the icon. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna pobra\u0107 ikony. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to fetch leaderboards as you are offline.":"Nie mo\u017Cna pobra\u0107 tablicy wynik\xF3w, poniewa\u017C jeste\u015B offline.","Unable to fetch the example.":"Nie mo\u017Cna uzyska\u0107 przyk\u0142adu.","Unable to find the price for this asset pack. Please try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna znale\u017A\u0107 ceny dla tej paczki zasob\xF3w. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to find the price for this game template. Please try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna znale\u017A\u0107 ceny dla tego szablonu gry. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to generate project":"Nie mo\u017Cna wygenerowa\u0107 projektu","Unable to get the checkout URL. Please try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna uzyska\u0107 adresu URL zam\xF3wienia. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to load the code editor":"Nie mo\u017Cna wczyta\u0107 edytora kodu","Unable to load the image":"Nie mo\u017Cna wczyta\u0107 obrazu","Unable to load the information about the latest GDevelop releases. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna za\u0142adowa\u0107 informacji o najnowszych wersjach GDevelop. Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to load the profile, please verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna wczyta\u0107 profilu, sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Unable to load the tutorial. Please try again later or contact us if the problem persists.":"Nie mo\u017Cna wczyta\u0107 samouczka. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej lub skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami, je\u015Bli problem b\u0119dzie si\u0119 powtarza\u0142.","Unable to mark one of the feedback as read.":"Nie mo\u017Cna oznaczy\u0107 jednej z opinii jako przeczytanej.","Unable to open the project":"Nie mo\u017Cna otworzy\u0107 projektu","Unable to open the project because this provider is unknown: {storageProviderName}. Try to open the project again from another location.":function(a){return["Nie mo\u017Cna otworzy\u0107 projektu, poniewa\u017C ten dostawca jest nieznany: ",a("storageProviderName"),". Spr\xF3buj otworzy\u0107 projekt ponownie z innej lokalizacji."]},"Unable to open the project.":"Nie mo\u017Cna wczyta\u0107 projektu.","Unable to open this file.":"Nie mo\u017Cna otworzy\u0107 tego pliku.","Unable to register the game":"Nie mo\u017Cna zarejestrowa\u0107 gry","Unable to remove collaborator":"Nie mo\u017Cna usun\u0105\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142pracownika","Unable to save the project":"Nie mo\u017Cna zapisa\u0107 projektu","Unable to start the debugger server! Make sure that you are authorized to run servers on this computer.":"Nie mo\u017Cna uruchomi\u0107 serwera debuggera! Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce posiadasz autoryzacj\u0119 do uruchamiania serwer\xF3w na tym komputerze","Unable to start the server for the preview! Make sure that you are authorized to run servers on this computer. Otherwise, use classic preview to test your game.":"Nie mo\u017Cna uruchomi\u0107 serwera do podgl\u0105du! Upewnij si\u0119, czy jeste\u015B upowa\u017Cniony by hostowa\u0107 serwer na tym komputerze. W przeciwnym razie u\u017Cyj zwyk\u0142ego podgl\u0105du do testowania gry.","Unable to unregister the game":"Nie mo\u017Cna wyrejestrowa\u0107 gry","Unable to update game.":"Nie mo\u017Cna zaktualizowa\u0107 gry.","Unable to update the game details.":"Nie mo\u017Cna zaktualizowa\u0107 szczeg\xF3\u0142\xF3w gry.","Unable to update the game owners or authors. Have you removed yourself from the owners?":"Nie mo\u017Cna zaktualizowa\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli lub autor\xF3w gry. Czy twoja nazwa u\u017Cytkownika zosta\u0142a usuni\u0119ta z listy w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli?","Unable to update the game slug. A slug must be 6 to 30 characters long and only contains letters, digits or dashes.":"Nie mo\u017Cna zaktualizowa\u0107 adresu SLUG gry. Slug musi mie\u0107 od 6 do 30 znak\xF3w d\u0142ugo\u015Bci i zawiera\u0107 tylko litery, cyfry lub my\u015Blniki.","Unable to verify URLs {0} . Please check they are correct.":function(a){return["Nie mo\u017Cna zweryfikowa\u0107 adres\xF3w URL ",a("0"),". Sprawd\u017A, czy s\u0105 poprawne."]},"Understood, I'll check my Apple or Google account":"Rozumiem, sprawdz\u0119 swoje konto Apple lub Google","Undo":"Cofnij","Undo the last changes":"Cofnij ostatni\u0105 zmian\u0119","Unexpected error":"Niespodziewany b\u0142\u0105d","Unfortunately, this extension requires a newer version of GDevelop to work. Update GDevelop to be able to use this extension in your project.":"Niestety, to rozszerzenie wymaga nowszej wersji programu GDevelop. Zaktualizuj program GDevelop, aby m\xF3c u\u017Cy\u0107 tego rozszerzenia w swoim projekcie.","Unknown behavior":"Nieznane zachowanie","Unknown certificate type":"Nieznany rodzaj certyfikatu","Unknown game":"Nieznana gra","Unknown status":"Nieznany status","Unknown status.":"Nieznany status.","Unlimited":"Bez limitu","Unlimited commercial use license for claim with Gold or Pro subscription":"Nieograniczona licencja komercyjna razem z subskrypcj\u0105 Z\u0142ot\u0105 lub Pro","Unlock GDevelop's features to build more and faster.":"Odblokuj funkcje GDevelop, aby tworzy\u0107 wi\u0119cej i szybciej.","Unlock full access to GDevelop to create without limits!":"Odblokuj pe\u0142ny dost\u0119p do GDevelop by tworzy\u0107 bez ogranicze\u0144!","Unlock layer":"Odblokuj warstw\u0119","Unlock this lesson to finish the course":"Odblokuj lekcj\u0119, aby zako\u0144czy\u0107 kurs","Unlock with {0} credits":function(a){return["Odblokuj za ",a("0")," kredyt\xF3w"]},"Unnamed":"Bez nazwy","Unregister game":"Wyrejestruj gr\u0119","Unsaved changes":"Niezapisane zmiany","Untitled external events":"Wydarzenia zewn\u0119trzne bez tytu\u0142u","Untitled external layout":"Uk\u0142ad zewn\u0119trzny bez tytu\u0142u","Untitled scene":"Scena bez tytu\u0142u","UntitledExtension":"Rozszerzenie bez tytu\u0142u","Up to {0}% discount":function(a){return["Obni\u017Cka do ",a("0"),"%"]},"Update":"Aktualizuj","Update (could break the project)":"Aktualizuj (mo\u017Ce uszkodzi\u0107 projekt)","Update GDevelop to latest version":"Zaktualizuj GDevelop do najnowszej wersji","Update game page":"Aktualizuj stron\u0119 gry","Update my subscription":"Zaktualizuj moj\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119","Update resolution during the game to fit the screen or window size":"Zaktualizuj rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 podczas gry, aby dopasowa\u0107 ekran lub rozmiar okna","Update the extension":"Zaktualizuj rozszerzenie","Update your subscription":"Zaktualizuj swoj\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119","Updates":"Aktualizacje","Updating...":"Aktualizowanie...","Upgrade":"Ulepsz","Upgrade to GDevelop Premium":"Przejd\u017A na GDevelop Premium","Upgrade to GDevelop Premium to get more leaderboards, storage, and one-click packagings!":"Ulepsz do GDevelop Premium, aby uzyska\u0107 wi\u0119cej tablic wynik\xF3w, miejsca oraz pakiet\xF3w automatycznego pakowania!","Upgrade to get more cloud projects, publishing, multiplayer, courses and credits every month with GDevelop Premium.":"Ulepsz, aby uzyska\u0107 wi\u0119cej projekt\xF3w w chmurze, publikacji, opcji wieloosobowej, kurs\xF3w i kredyt\xF3w ka\u017Cdego miesi\u0105ca z GDevelop Premium.","Upgrade your GDevelop subscription to unlock this packaging.":"Ulepsz subskrypcj\u0119 GDevelop, aby odblokowa\u0107 ten pakiet.","Upgrade your Premium Plan":"Ulepsz sw\xF3j plan Premium","Upgrade your subscription":"Ulepsz swoj\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119","Upload to build service":"Prze\u015Blij do us\u0142ugi Budowy Serwisu","Uploading your game...":"Przesy\u0142anie twojej gry...","Use 3D rendering":"U\u017Cyj renderowania 3D","Use GDevelop credits or get a subscription to increase the limits.":"U\u017Cyj kredyt\xF3w GDevelop lub wykup subskrypcj\u0119, aby zwi\u0119kszy\u0107 limity.","Use GDevelop credits or upgrade your subscription to increase the limits.":"U\u017Cyj kredyt\xF3w GDevelop lub ulepsz subskrypcj\u0119, aby zwi\u0119kszy\u0107 limity.","Use GDevelop credits to start an export.":"U\u017Cyj kredyt\xF3w GDevelop, aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107 eksport.","Use a Tilemap to build a level and change it dynamically during the game.":"U\u017Cyj Tilemap, aby budowa\u0107 poziom i zmienia\u0107 go dynamicznie podczas gry.","Use a custom collision mask":"U\u017Cyj w\u0142asnej siatki kolizji","Use a public URL":"U\u017Cyj publicznego adresu URL","Use an expression":"U\u017Cyj wyra\u017Cenia","Use as...":"U\u017Cyj jako...","Use custom CSS for the leaderboard":"U\u017Cyj niestandardowego CSS dla tablicy wynik\xF3w","Use full image as collision mask":"U\u017Cyj ca\u0142ego obrazu jako maska kolizji","Use icon":"U\u017Cyj ikony","Use legacy renderer":"U\u017Cyj starszego renderowania","Use same collision mask":"U\u017Cyj tej samej maski kolizji","Use same collision mask for all animations?":"U\u017Cy\u0107 tej samej maski kolizji dla wszystkich animacji?","Use same collision mask for all frames?":"U\u017Cy\u0107 tej samej maski kolizji dla wszystkich klatek?","Use same points":"U\u017Cyj tych samych punkt\xF3w","Use same points for all animations?":"U\u017Cy\u0107 tych samych punkt\xF3w dla wszystkich animacji?","Use same points for all frames?":"U\u017Cy\u0107 tych samych punkt\xF3w dla wszystkich klatek?","Use this external layout inside this scene to start all previews":"U\u017Cyj tego uk\u0142adu zewn\u0119trznego wewn\u0105trz tej sceny aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107 wszystkie podgl\u0105dy","Use this scene to start all previews":"U\u017Cyj tej sceny, aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107 wszystkie podgl\u0105dy","Use your GDevelop credits to purchase lessons in this course; or get a subscription to get them for free.":"U\u017Cyj kredyt\xF3w GDevelop, aby zakupi\u0107 lekcje w tym kursie; lub zdob\u0105d\u017A subskrypcj\u0119, aby otrzyma\u0107 je za darmo.","Use your email":"U\u017Cyj adresu e-mail","User interface":"Interfejs u\u017Cytkownika","User name in the game URL":"Nazwa u\u017Cytkownika w URL gry","Username":"Nazwa u\u017Cytkownika","Usernames are required to choose a custom game URL.":"Nazwy u\u017Cytkownik\xF3w s\u0105 wymagane, aby wybra\u0107 niestandardowy adres URL gry.","Users can chose to see only players' best entries or not.":"U\u017Cytkownicy mog\u0105 zobaczy\u0107 od graczy tylko najlepsze wpisy lub nie mog\u0105.","Using Nearest Scale Mode":"U\u017Cywanie trybu najbli\u017Cszej skali","Using a lot of effects can have a severe negative impact on the rendering performance, especially on low-end or mobile devices. Consider using less effects if possible. You can also disable and re-enable effects as needed using events.":"Zastosowanie wielu efekt\xF3w mo\u017Ce mie\u0107 bardzo negatywny wp\u0142yw na wydajno\u015B\u0107 renderowania, zw\u0142aszcza na urz\u0105dzeniach niskiej klasy lub urz\u0105dzeniach przeno\u015Bnych. Rozwa\u017C u\u017Cycie mniejszej ilo\u015Bci efekt\xF3w, je\u015Bli to mo\u017Cliwe. Mo\u017Cesz r\xF3wnie\u017C wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 i ponownie w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 efekty w razie potrzeby za pomoc\u0105 zdarze\u0144.","Using effects":"U\u017Cywanie efekt\xF3w","Using empty events based behavior":"U\u017Cywanie pustych zachowa\u0144 opartych na zdarzeniach","Using empty events based object":"U\u017Cywanie pustego obiektu opartego na zdarzeniach","Using events based behavior":"U\u017Cywanie zachowa\u0144 opartych na zdarzeniach","Using events based object":"U\u017Cywanie obiektu opartego na zdarzeniach","Using function extractor":"U\u017Cywanie ekstraktora funkcji","Using lighting layer":"Korzystanie z warstwy o\u015Bwietlenia","Using non smoothed textures":"U\u017Cywanie niewyg\u0142adzonych tekstur","Using pixel rounding":"U\u017Cywanie zaokr\u0105glenia pikseli","Using the resource properties panel":"U\u017Cywanie panelu w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci zasob\xF3w","Using too much effects":"Za du\u017Co efekt\xF3w","Validate these parameters":"Sprawd\u017A poprawno\u015B\u0107 tych parametr\xF3w","Variable":"Zmienna","Variables":"Zmienne","Variables declared in all objects of the group will be visible in event expressions.":"Zmienne zadeklarowane we wszystkich obiektach grupy b\u0119d\u0105 widoczne w wyra\u017Ceniach zdarze\u0144.","Variables list":"Lista zmiennych","Verify that you have the authorization for reading the file you're trying to access.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy masz autoryzacj\u0119 do odczytu pliku, do kt\xF3rego pr\xF3bujesz uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p.","Verify your internet connection and try again later.":"Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe i spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Verify your internet connection to access your personalized content.":"Sprawd\u017A swoje po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe, aby uzyska\u0107 dost\u0119p do spersonalizowanych tre\u015Bci.","Version":"Wersja","Version number (X.Y.Z)":"Numer wersji (X.Y.Z)","Version {0}":function(a){return["Wersja ",a("0")]},"Version {0} ({1} available)":function(a){return["Wersja ",a("0")," (dost\u0119pna ",a("1"),")"]},"Vertical flip":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 w pionie","Video":"Wideo","Video format supported can vary according to devices and browsers. For maximum compatibility, use H.264/mp4 file format (and AAC for audio).":"Obs\u0142ugiwany format wideo mo\u017Ce si\u0119 r\xF3\u017Cni\u0107 w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od urz\u0105dze\u0144 i przegl\u0105darek. Aby uzyska\u0107 maksymaln\u0105 kompatybilno\u015B\u0107, u\u017Cyj formatu pliku H.264 / mp4 (i AAC dla audio).","Video game":"Gra wideo","Video resource":"Zas\xF3b wideo","View":"Widok","Viewers":"Widzowie","Viewpoint":"Punkt widzenia","Visibility":"Widoczno\u015B\u0107","Visibility and instances ordering":"Widoczno\u015B\u0107 i kolejno\u015B\u0107 instancji","Visibility in quick customization dialog":"Widoczno\u015B\u0107 w oknie dialogowym szybkiego dostosowania","Visible":"Widoczne","Visible in editor":"Widoczne w edytorze","Visible in the search and your profile":"Widoczne dla wyszukiwarek i twojego profilu","Visual Effects":"Efekty wizualne","Visual appearance":"Wygl\u0105d wizualny","Visual appearance (advanced)":"Wygl\u0105d wizualny (zaawansowany)","Visual effect":"Efekt wizualny","Visuals":"Wygl\u0105d","Wait for the action to end before executing the actions (and subevents) following it":"Czekaj na zako\u0144czenie akcji, zanim wykonasz kolejne akcje (i zdarzenia podrz\u0119dne) wyst\u0119puj\u0105ce po nich","Waiting for the purchase confirmation...":"Oczekiwanie na potwierdzenie zakupu...","Waiting for the subscription confirmation...":"Oczekiwanie na potwierdzenie subskrypcji...","Wallet":"Portfel","Warning":"Ostrze\u017Cenie","Watch changes in game engine (GDJS) sources and auto import them (dev only)":"Obserwuj zmiany \u017Ar\xF3de\u0142 silnika gry (GDJS) i automatycznie je importuj (dla deweloper\xF3w)","Watch the project folder for file changes in order to refresh the resources used in the editor (images, 3D models, fonts, etc.)":"Przegl\u0105daj folder projektu w celu zmiany plik\xF3w, aby od\u015Bwie\u017Cy\u0107 zasoby u\u017Cywane w edytorze (obrazy, modele 3D, czcionki itp.)","Watch tutorial":"Obejrzyj poradnik","We could not check your follow":"Nie znaleziono twojej obserwacji","We could not find your GitHub star":"Nie znaleziono twojej gwiazdki na GitHub","We could not find your GitHub user and star":"Nie znaleziono twojego u\u017Cytkownika GitHub i gwiazdki","We could not find your user":"Nie znaleziono twojego u\u017Cytkownika","We couldn't find a version to go back to.":"Nie znaleziono wersji, do kt\xF3rej mo\u017Cna wr\xF3ci\u0107.","We couldn't find your project.{0}If your project is stored on a different computer, launch GDevelop on that computer.{1}Otherwise, use the \"Open project\" button and find it in your filesystem.":function(a){return["Nie mogli\u015Bmy znale\u017A\u0107 twojego projektu.",a("0")," Je\u017Celi tw\xF3j projekt jest przechowywany na innym komputerze, uruchom GDvelop na tamtym komputerze.",a("1"),"W przeciwnym razie, u\u017Cyj przycisku \"Otw\xF3rz projekt\" i znajd\u017A go w swoich plikach."]},"We couldn't load your cloud projects. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Nie mo\u017Cna wczyta\u0107 twoich projekt\xF3w z chmury. Sprawd\u017A po\u0142\u0105czenie internetowe lub spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","We have found a non-corrupt save from {0} available for modification.":function(a){return["Znaleziono nieuszkodzony zapis z ",a("0")," dost\u0119pny do modyfikacji."]},"Web":"Gra internetowa","Web Build":"Kompilacja internetowa","Web builds":"Kompilacje internetowe","Welcome back!":"Witamy ponownie!","Welcome to GDevelop!":"Witaj w GDevelop!","What are you using GDevelop for?":"Po co u\u017Cywasz GDevelop?","What is your goal with GDevelop?":"Jaki jest tw\xF3j cel z GDevelop?","What kind of projects are you building?":"Jakiego rodzaju projekty tworzysz?","What kind of projects do you want to build with GDevelop?":"Jakiego rodzaju projekty chcesz tworzy\u0107 z GDevelop?","What would you like to do with this uncorrupted version of your project?":"Co chcesz zrobi\u0107 z t\u0105 nieuszkodzon\u0105 wersj\u0105 projektu?","What's new in GDevelop?":"Co nowego w GDevelop?","What's new?":"Co nowego?","When checked, will only display the best score of each player (only for the display below).":"Gdy zaznaczone, wy\u015Bwietli tylko najlepszy wynik ka\u017Cdego gracza (tylko dla wy\u015Bwietlacza poni\u017Cej).","When do you plan to finish or release your projects?":"Kiedy planujesz zako\u0144czy\u0107 lub udost\u0119pni\u0107 swoje projekty?","When previewing the game in the editor, this duration is ignored (the game preview starts as soon as possible).":"Podczas testowania gry w edytorze, ten czas trwania jest ignorowany (test gry rozpoczyna si\u0119 tak szybko, jak to mo\u017Cliwe).","When you create an object using an action, GDevelop now sets the Z order of the object to the maximum value that was found when starting the scene for each layer. This allow to make sure that objects that you create are in front of others. This game was created before this change, so GDevelop maintains the old behavior: newly created objects Z order is set to 0. It's recommended that you switch to the new behavior by clicking the following button.":"Kiedy tworzysz obiekt za pomoc\u0105 akcji, GDevelop ustawia teraz kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z obiektu na maksymaln\u0105 warto\u015B\u0107, kt\xF3ra zosta\u0142a znaleziona podczas uruchamiania sceny dla ka\u017Cdej warstwy. Pozwala to upewni\u0107 si\u0119, \u017Ce obiekty kt\xF3re tworzysz znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 przed innymi. Ta gra zosta\u0142a utworzona przed t\u0105 zmian\u0105, wi\u0119c GDevelop zachowuje stare zachowanie: nowo utworzone obiekty Z kolejno\u015B\u0107 jest ustawiona na 0. Zaleca si\u0119, aby prze\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 si\u0119 na nowe zachowanie klikaj\u0105c poni\u017Cszy przycisk.","Where are you planing to publish your project(s)?":"Gdzie planujesz opublikowa\u0107 swoje projekty?","Where to store this project":"Gdzie przechowywa\u0107 ten projekt","While these conditions are true:":"Kiedy te warunki s\u0105 prawdziwe:","Width":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107","Window":"Okno","Window title":"Tytu\u0142 okna","Windows (auto-installer file)":"Windows (plik instalacyjny)","Windows (exe)":"Windows (exe)","Windows (zip file)":"Windows (plik zip)","Windows (zip)":"Windows (zip)","Windows, MacOS and Linux":"Windows, MacOS i Linux","Windows, MacOS, Linux (Steam, MS Store...)":"Windows, MacOS, Linux (Steam, MS Store\u2026)","Windows, macOS & Linux":"Windows, macOS i Linux","Windows/macOS/Linux (manual)":"Windows/macOS/Linux (r\u0119cznie)","Windows/macOS/Linux Build":"Kompilacja dla Windows/macOS/Linux","With an established team of people during the whole project":"Z do\u015Bwiadczonym zespo\u0142em ludzi przez ca\u0142y projekt","With at least one other person":"Z co najmniej jedn\u0105 inn\u0105 osob\u0105","Would you like to describe your projects?":"Czy chcesz opisa\u0107 swoje projekty?","Would you like to open the non-corrupt version instead?":"Czy zamiast tego otworzy\u0107 nieuszkodzon\u0105 wersj\u0119?","Write your question as precisely as possible. Tell where you're blocked or what you want to do.":"Napisz swoje pytanie tak dok\u0142adnie, jak to mo\u017Cliwe. Powiedz, gdzie wyst\u0119puje blokada lub co chcesz zrobi\u0107.","X":"X","X offset (in pixels)":"Odst\u0119p w osi X (w pikselach)","Y":"Y","Y offset (in pixels)":"Odst\u0119p w osi Y (w pikselach)","Year":"Rok","Yearly":"Rocznie","Yearly, {0}":function(a){return["Rocznie, ",a("0")]},"Yearly, {0} per seat":function(a){return["Rocznie, ",a("0")," za miejsce"]},"Yes":"Tak","Yes or No":"Tak lub nie","Yes or No (boolean)":"Tak lub nie (warto\u015B\u0107 logiczna)","Yes, discard my changes":"Tak, odrzu\u0107 zmiany","Yesterday":"Wczoraj","You already have an account for this email address with a different provider (Google, Apple or GitHub). Please try with one of those.":"Masz ju\u017C konto dla tego adresu e-mail z innym dostawc\u0105 (Google, Apple lub GitHub). Spr\xF3buj z jednym z nich.","You already have an active {translatedName} featuring for your game {0}. Check your emails or discord, we will get in touch with you to get the campaign up!":function(a){return["Masz ju\u017C aktywn\u0105 ",a("translatedName")," zawieraj\u0105c\u0105 twoj\u0105 gr\u0119 ",a("0"),". Sprawd\u017A swojego e-maila lub discorda, skontaktujemy si\u0119 z Tob\u0105, aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107 kampani\u0119!"]},"You already have these {0} assets installed, do you want to add them again?":function(a){return["Dane zasoby ",a("0")," s\u0105 ju\u017C zainstalowane, czy chcesz je doda\u0107 ponownie?"]},"You already have {0} asset(s) in your scene. Do you want to add the remaining {1} one(s)?":function(a){return["Dane zasoby ",a("0")," s\u0105 ju\u017C w scenie. Czy chcesz doda\u0107 pozosta\u0142e ",a("1"),"?"]},"You already own this pack!":"Ju\u017C posiadasz t\u0119 paczk\u0119!","You already own this product":"Ju\u017C posiadasz ten produkt","You already own this template!":"Ju\u017C posiadasz ten szablon!","You already used this code - you can't reuse a code multiple times.":"Ten kod zosta\u0142 u\u017Cyty \u2014 nie mo\u017Cna u\u017Cywa\u0107 tego kodu wielokrotnie.","You are about to delete an object":"Zamierzasz usun\u0105\u0107 obiekt","You are about to delete the project {projectName}, which is currently opened. If you proceed, the project will be closed and you will lose any unsaved changes. Do you want to proceed?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz usun\u0105\u0107 projekt ",a("projectName"),", kt\xF3ry jest aktualnie otwarty. Je\u015Bli kontynuujesz, projekt zostanie zamkni\u0119ty i stracisz wszystkie niezapisane zmiany. Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to quit the tutorial.":"Zamierzasz opu\u015Bci\u0107 samouczek.","You are about to remove \"{0}\" from the list of your projects.{1}It will not delete it from your disk and you can always re-open it later. Do you want to proceed?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz usun\u0105\u0107 \"",a("0"),"\" z listy Twoich projekt\xF3w.",a("1"),"Operacja ta nie usunie go z dysku i zawsze mo\u017Cesz go ponownie otworzy\u0107 p\xF3\u017Aniej. Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to remove the last sprite of this object, which has a custom collision mask. The custom collision mask will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?":"Zamierzasz usun\u0105\u0107 ostatni\u0105 grafik\u0119 (sprite) tego obiektu, kt\xF3ry posiada niestandardow\u0105 mask\u0119 kolizji. Niestandardowa maska kolizji zostanie utracona. Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?","You are about to remove {0}{1} from the list of collaborators. Are you sure?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz usun\u0105\u0107 ",a("0"),a("1")," z listy wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w. Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to use {assetPackCreditsAmount} credits to purchase the asset pack {0}. Continue?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz u\u017Cy\u0107 ",a("assetPackCreditsAmount")," kredyt\xF3w do zakupu paczki zasob\xF3w ",a("0"),". Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to use {creditsAmount} credits to purchase the chapter \"{0}\". Continue?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz u\u017Cy\u0107 ",a("creditsAmount")," kredyt\xF3w, aby zakupi\u0107 rozdzia\u0142 \"",a("0"),"\". Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to use {gameTemplateCreditsAmount} credits to purchase the game template {0}. Continue?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz u\u017Cy\u0107 ",a("gameTemplateCreditsAmount")," kredyt\xF3w do zakupu szablonu gry ",a("0"),". Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to use {planCreditsAmount} credits to extend the game featuring {translatedName} for your game {0} and push it to the top of Continue?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz u\u017Cy\u0107 ",a("planCreditsAmount")," kredyt\xF3w, by wprowadzi\u0107 rozszerzenie ",a("translatedName")," dla swojej gry ",a("0")," i wypromowa\u0107 j\u0105 na Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to use {planCreditsAmount} credits to purchase the game featuring {translatedName} for your game {0}. Continue?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz u\u017Cy\u0107 ",a("planCreditsAmount")," kredyt\xF3w, by kupi\u0107 gr\u0119 z ",a("translatedName")," dla swojej gry ",a("0"),". Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are about to use {usageCreditPrice} credits to start this build. Continue?":function(a){return["Zamierzasz u\u017Cy\u0107 ",a("usageCreditPrice")," kredyt\xF3w do rozpocz\u0119cia tej kompilacji. Kontynuowa\u0107?"]},"You are in raw mode. You can edit the fields, but be aware that this can lead to unexpected results or even crash the debugged game!":"Jeste\u015B w eksperymentalnym trybie. Mo\u017Cesz edytowa\u0107 pola, ale wiedz, \u017Ce mo\u017Ce to doprowadzi\u0107 do nieoczekiwanych rezultat\xF3w lub nawet zcrashowa\u0107 debugowan\u0105 gr\u0119!","You are missing out on asset store discounts and other benefits! Verify your email address. Didn't receive it?":"Tracisz wiele rabat\xF3w w sklepie z zasobami i inne korzy\u015Bci! Zweryfikuj sw\xF3j adres e-mail. Czy weryfikacja nie dotar\u0142a do ciebie?","You are not connected. Create an account to build your game for Android, Windows, macOS and Linux in one click, and get access to metrics for your game.":"Nie jeste\u015B po\u0142\u0105czony. Utw\xF3rz konto, aby zbudowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 na Androida, Windows, macOS i Linux jednym klikni\u0119ciem i uzyskaj dost\u0119p do metryk dla swojej gry.","You are not owner of this project, so you cannot invite collaborators.":"Nie jeste\u015B w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem tego projektu, wi\u0119c nie mo\u017Cesz zaprosi\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w.","You are not the owner of this game, ask the owner to add you as an owner to see its exports.":"Nie jeste\u015B w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem tej gry, popro\u015B w\u0142a\u015Bciciela, aby ci\u0119 doda\u0142 do listy w\u0142a\u015Bcicieli, aby zobaczy\u0107 opcje eksportu.","You can <0>help to translate GDevelop in your language.":"Mo\u017Cesz pom\xF3c w <0>t\u0142umaczeniu tej aplikacji na sw\xF3j j\u0119zyk.","You can also ask your question on <0>the forum, on <1>the GDevelop Discord server or <2>book fast professional support.":"Dodatkowo mo\u017Cesz zada\u0107 pytanie na <0>forum, na <1>kanale Discord GDevelop, lub <2>zarezerwowa\u0107 szybkie wsparcie profesjonalne.","You can also launch a preview from this external layout, but remember that it will still create objects from the scene, as well as trigger its events. Make sure to disable any action loading the external layout before doing so to avoid having duplicate objects!":"Mo\u017Cesz tak\u017Ce uruchomi\u0107 podgl\u0105d z tego zewn\u0119trznego uk\u0142adu, ale pami\u0119taj, \u017Ce nadal b\u0119dzie on tworzy\u0142 obiekty ze sceny oraz uruchamia\u0142 jej zdarzenia. Upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce wy\u0142\u0105czysz wszystkie akcje \u0142aduj\u0105ce zewn\u0119trzny uk\u0142ad, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 powielania obiekt\xF3w!","You can configure the following properties and they will be applied as soon as you share your game with an export to":"Mo\u017Cesz skonfigurowa\u0107 nast\u0119puj\u0105ce w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci, kt\xF3re zostan\u0105 zastosowane, gdy udost\u0119pnisz swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 poprzez eksport do","You can contribute and <0>create your own themes.":"Mo\u017Cesz do\u0142o\u017Cy\u0107 swoj\u0105 cegie\u0142k\u0119 i <0>stworzy\u0107 w\u0142asne motywy.","You can download the file of your game to continue working on it using the full GDevelop version:":"Mo\u017Cesz pobra\u0107 plik swojej gry, by kontynuowac prac\u0119 nad nim u\u017Cywaj\u0105c pe\u0142nej wersji GDevelop:","You can export the extension to a file to easily import it in another project. If your extension is providing useful and reusable functions or behaviors, consider sharing it with the GDevelop community!":"Mo\u017Cesz wyeksportowa\u0107 rozszerzenie do pliku aby \u0142atwo je zaimportowa\u0107 do innego projektu. Je\u015Bli twoje rozszerzenie dostarcza przydatne i uniwersalne funkcj\u0119 lub zachowania, zastan\xF3w si\u0119 nad podzieleniem si\u0119 nim ze spo\u0142eczno\u015Bci\u0105 GDevelop!","You can find your cloud projects in the Build section of the homepage.":"Projekty w chmurze mo\u017Cesz znale\u017A\u0107 w sekcji kompilacje na stronie g\u0142\xF3wnej.","You can now compile the game by yourself using Cordova command-line tool to iOS (XCode is required) or Android (Android SDK is required).":"Teraz mo\u017Cesz samodzielnie skompilowa\u0107 gr\u0119 za pomoc\u0105 narz\u0119dzia wiersza polece\u0144 Cordova dla systemu iOS (wymagany XCode) lub Androida (wymagany zestaw narz\u0119dzi Android SDK).","You can now create a game on Facebook Instant Games, if not already done, and upload the generated archive.":"Je\u015Bli jeszcze tego nie zrobi\u0142e\u015B to teraz mo\u017Cesz stworzy\u0107 gr\u0119 na Facebooku w sekcji Instant Games i przes\u0142a\u0107 utworzone archiwum.","You can now go back to the asset store to use the assets in your games.":"Mo\u017Cesz teraz wr\xF3ci\u0107 do sklepu zasob\xF3w, aby korzysta\u0107 z zasob\xF3w w swoich grach.","You can now go back to the store to use your new game template.":"Mo\u017Cesz teraz wr\xF3ci\u0107 do sklepu, aby u\u017Cy\u0107 nowego szablonu gry.","You can now upload the game to a web hosting service to play it.":"Mo\u017Cesz teraz przes\u0142a\u0107 gr\u0119 na serwis hostingowy, aby w ni\u0105 zagra\u0107.","You can now use them across the app!":"Mo\u017Cesz teraz ich u\u017Cywa\u0107 w ca\u0142ej aplikacji!","You can only install up to {MAX_ASSETS_TO_INSTALL} assets at once. Try filtering the assets you would like to install, or install them one by one.":function(a){return["Mo\u017Cesz zainstalowa\u0107 tylko ",a("MAX_ASSETS_TO_INSTALL")," zasob\xF3w na raz. Spr\xF3buj filtrowa\u0107 zasoby, kt\xF3re chcesz zainstalowa\u0107, lub instaluj je pojedynczo."]},"You can open the command palette by pressing {commandPaletteShortcut}.":function(a){return["Mo\u017Cesz otworzy\u0107 palet\u0119 polece\u0144, naciskaj\u0105c ",a("commandPaletteShortcut"),"."]},"You can save your project to come back to it later. What do you want to do?":"Mo\u017Cesz zapisa\u0107 sw\xF3j projekt, aby do niego p\xF3\u017Aniej wr\xF3ci\u0107. Co chcesz zrobi\u0107?","You can select more than one.":"Mo\u017Cesz wybra\u0107 wi\u0119cej ni\u017C jeden.","You can use credits to feature a game or purchase asset packs and game templates in the store!":"Mo\u017Cesz u\u017Cy\u0107 kredyt\xF3w, aby wyr\xF3\u017Cni\u0107 gr\u0119 lub zakupi\u0107 paczki zasob\xF3w i szablony gier w sklepie!","You can wait a bit more, or try refining your prompt.":"Mo\u017Cesz poczeka\u0107 troch\u0119, lub spr\xF3bowa\u0107 dopracowa\u0107 swoj\u0105 sugesti\u0119.","You can't delete your account while you have an active subscription. Please cancel your subscription first.":"Nie mo\u017Cesz usun\u0105\u0107 swojego konta, gdy masz aktywn\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119. Najpierw anuluj subskrypcj\u0119.","You cannot add yourself as a collaborator.":"Nie mo\u017Cesz doda\u0107 siebie jako wsp\xF3\u0142pracownika.","You cannot do this.":"Nie mo\u017Cesz tego zrobi\u0107.","You cannot unregister a game that has active leaderboards. To delete them, access the player services, and delete them one by one.":"Nie mo\u017Cesz wyrejestrowa\u0107 gry, kt\xF3ra ma aktywne tablice wynik\xF3w. Aby je usun\u0105\u0107, przejd\u017A do zak\u0142adki ranking\xF3w i usu\u0144 je jeden po drugim.","You currently have a subscription, applied thanks to a redemption code, valid until {0}. If you redeem another code, your existing subscription will be canceled and not redeemable anymore!":function(a){return["Obecnie posiadasz subskrypcj\u0119, aktywowan\u0105 dzi\u0119ki kodowi wykupu, wa\u017Cn\u0105 do ",a("0"),". Je\u017Celi wykupisz inny kod, twoja istniej\u0105ca subskrypcja zostanie anulowana i nie b\u0119dzie ju\u017C wymienialna!"]},"You currently have a subscription. If you redeem a code, the existing subscription will be cancelled and replaced by the one given by the code.":"Obecnie posiadasz subskrypcj\u0119. Je\u017Celi wykupisz kod, obecna subskrypcja zostanie anulowana i zast\u0105piona przez podany kod.","You don't have a thumbnail":"Nie masz miniatury","You don't have any Android builds for this game.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych wersji Androida dla tej gry.","You don't have any builds for this game.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych kompilacji dla tej gry.","You don't have any desktop builds for this game.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych kompilacji dla komputer\xF3w tej gry.","You don't have any feedback for this export.":"Nie ma \u017Cadnej opinii dla tego eksportu.","You don't have any feedback for this game.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych opinii dotycz\u0105cych tej gry.","You don't have any iOS builds for this game.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych wersji iOS dla tej gry.","You don't have any students yet.":"Nie masz jeszcze \u017Cadnych uczni\xF3w.","You don't have any unread feedback for this export.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych nieprzeczytanych opinii dla tego eksportu.","You don't have any unread feedback for this game.":"Nie masz nieprzeczytanych opinii dla tej gry.","You don't have any web builds for this game.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych kompilacji internetowych tej gry.","You don't have enough available seats to restore those accounts.":"Nie masz wystarczaj\u0105cej liczby dost\u0119pnych miejsc, aby przywr\xF3ci\u0107 te konta.","You don't have enough rights to add a new admin.":"Nie masz wystarczaj\u0105cych uprawnie\u0144, aby doda\u0107 nowego administratora.","You don't have enough rights to manage those accounts.":"Nie masz wystarczaj\u0105cych uprawnie\u0144 do zarz\u0105dzania tymi kontami.","You don't have permissions to add collaborators.":"Nie masz uprawnie\u0144 do dodawania wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w.","You don't have permissions to delete this project.":"Nie masz uprawnie\u0144 do usuni\u0119cia tego projektu.","You don't have permissions to save this project. Please choose another location.":"Nie masz uprawnie\u0144 do zapisania tego projektu. Wybierz inn\u0105 lokalizacj\u0119.","You don't need to add the @ in your username":"Nie musisz dodawa\u0107 @ do twojej nazwy u\u017Cytkownika","You don't own any pack yet!":"Nie posiadasz jeszcze paczek!","You don\u2019t have any feedback about your game. Share your game and start collecting player feedback.":"Nie masz \u017Cadnych opinii na temat swojej gry. Podziel si\u0119 ni\u0105 i zacznij zbiera\u0107 opinie graczy.","You have 0 notifications.":"Masz 0 powiadomie\u0144.","You have <0>{remainingBuilds} build remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 24h.":function(a){return["Posiadasz <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," kompilacje - u\u017Cyto ",a("usageRatio")," w ci\u0105gu ostatnich 24 godzin."]},"You have <0>{remainingBuilds} build remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 30 days.":function(a){return["Posiadasz <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," kompilacje - u\u017Cyto ",a("usageRatio")," w ci\u0105gu ostatnich 30 dni."]},"You have <0>{remainingBuilds} builds remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 24h.":function(a){return["Posiadasz <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," kompilacji - u\u017Cyto ",a("usageRatio")," w ci\u0105gu ostatnich 24 godzin."]},"You have <0>{remainingBuilds} builds remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 30 days.":function(a){return["Posiadasz <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," kompilacji - u\u017Cyto ",a("usageRatio")," w ci\u0105gu ostatnich 30 dni."]},"You have a build currently running, you can see its progress via the exports button at the bottom of this dialog.":"Aktualnie trwa kompilacja, mo\u017Cesz zobaczy\u0107 jej post\u0119p za pomoc\u0105 przycisku eksportu na dole tego okna.","You have an active subscription":"Posiadasz aktywn\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119","You have reached the maximum number of games you can register! You can unregister games in your Games Dashboard.":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119to maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 gier, jak\u0105 mo\u017Cesz zarejestrowa\u0107! Mo\u017Cesz wyrejestrowa\u0107 gry w panelu gier.","You have reached the maximum number of guest collaborators for your subscription. Ask this user to get a Startup subscription!":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119to maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 zaproszonych wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w w ramach twojej subskrypcji. Popro\u015B tego u\u017Cytkownika o za\u0142o\u017Cenie subskrypcji startowej!","You have to wait {0} days before you can reactivate an archived account.":function(a){return["Musisz odczeka\u0107 ",a("0")," dni, zanim b\u0119dzie mo\u017Cna ponownie aktywowa\u0107 zarchiwizowane konto."]},"You have unlocked full access to GDevelop to create without limits!":"Odblokowano pe\u0142ny dost\u0119p do GDevelop, aby tworzy\u0107 bez ogranicze\u0144!","You have unsaved changes in your project.":"Masz niezapisane zmiany w projekcie.","You haven't contributed any examples":"Nie udost\u0119pni\u0142e\u015B \u017Cadnych przyk\u0142ad\xF3w","You haven't contributed any extensions":"Nie udost\u0119pni\u0142e\u015B \u017Cadnych rozszerze\u0144","You just added an instance to a hidden layer (\"{0}\"). Open the layer panel to make it visible.":function(a){return["Dodano instancj\u0119 do ukrytej warstwy (\"",a("0"),"\"). Otw\xF3rz panel warstw, aby sta\u0142a si\u0119 widoczna."]},"You might like":"Mo\u017Cesz polubi\u0107","You must be connected to use online export services.":"Po\u0142\u0105czenie jest wymagane, aby korzysta\u0107 z us\u0142ug eksportu online.","You must be logged in to invite collaborators.":"Nale\u017Cy si\u0119 zalogowa\u0107, aby zaprosi\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w.","You must own a Spine license to publish a game with a Spine object.":"Musisz posiada\u0107 licencj\u0119 na Spine aby opublikowa\u0107 gr\u0119 z obiektem Spine.","You must select a key.":"Musisz wybra\u0107 klucz.","You must select a valid key. \"{0}\" is not valid.":function(a){return["Nale\u017Cy wybra\u0107 poprawny klawisz. \"",a("0"),"\" nie jest prawid\u0142owy."]},"You must select a valid key. \"{value}\" is not valid.":function(a){return["Musisz wybra\u0107 prawid\u0142owy klucz. \"",a("value"),"\" nie jest prawid\u0142owy."]},"You must select a valid value. \"{value}\" is not valid.":function(a){return["Nale\u017Cy wybra\u0107 poprawn\u0105 warto\u015B\u0107. \"",a("value"),"\" nie jest prawid\u0142owe."]},"You must select a value.":"Musisz wybra\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107.","You must select at least one user to be the author of the game.":"Musisz wybra\u0107 przynajmniej jednego u\u017Cytkownika jako autora gry.","You must select at least one user to be the owner of the game.":"Musisz wybra\u0107 co najmniej jednego u\u017Cytkownika, aby ten by\u0142 w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem gry.","You need a Apple Developer account to create a certificate.":"Potrzebujesz konta Apple Developer, aby utworzy\u0107 certyfikat.","You need a Apple Developer account to create an API key that will automatically publish your app.":"Potrzebujesz konta Apple Developer, aby utworzy\u0107 klucz API, kt\xF3ry automatycznie opublikuje twoj\u0105 aplikacj\u0119.","You need to first save your project to the cloud to invite collaborators.":"Musisz najpierw zapisa\u0107 sw\xF3j projekt w chmurze, aby zaprosi\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w.","You need to login first to see your builds.":"Musisz si\u0119 najpierw zalogowa\u0107, aby zobaczy\u0107 swoje kompilacje.","You need to login first to see your game feedbacks.":"Musisz si\u0119 zalogowa\u0107, aby zobaczy\u0107 opinie o grze.","You need to save this project as a cloud project to install premium assets. Please save your project and try again.":"Musisz zapisa\u0107 ten projekt w chmurze, aby zainstalowa\u0107 zasoby premium. Zapisz sw\xF3j projekt i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","You need to save this project as a cloud project to install this asset. Please save your project and try again.":"Musisz zapisa\u0107 ten projekt w chmurze, aby zainstalowa\u0107 te zasoby. Zapisz sw\xF3j projekt i spr\xF3buj ponownie.","You received {0} credits thanks to your subscription":function(a){return["Otrzymano ",a("0")," kredyt\xF3w dzi\u0119ki subskrypcji"]},"You seem to be offline":"Wygl\u0105da na to, \u017Ce jeste\u015B offline","You should have received an email containing instructions to reset and set a new password. Once it's done, you can use your new password in GDevelop.":"Powiniene\u015B otrzyma\u0107 maila z instrukcjami jak zresetowa\u0107 i ustawi\u0107 nowe has\u0142o. Gdy wszystko b\u0119dzie gotowe, mo\u017Cesz u\u017Cywa\u0107 swojego nowego has\u0142a w GDevelop.","You will get access to special discounts on the GDevelop asset store, as well as weekly stats about your games.":"Otrzymasz dost\u0119p do specjalnych rabat\xF3w w sklepie GDevelop, oraz tygodniowe statystyki dotycz\u0105ce twoich gier.","You will lose all custom collision masks. Do you want to continue?":"Stracisz wszystkie niestandardowe maski kolizji. Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?","You will lose any progress made with the external editor. Do you wish to cancel?":"Wszelki post\u0119p wykonany w edytorze zewn\u0119trznym zostanie utracony. Czy chcesz anulowa\u0107?","You'll convert {0} USD to {1} credits.":function(a){return["Przekonwertujesz ",a("0")," USD na ",a("1")," kredyt\xF3w."]},"You're about to add 1 asset.":"Zamierzasz doda\u0107 1 zas\xF3b.","You're about to add {0} assets.":function(a){return["Zamierzasz doda\u0107 ",a("0")," zasob\xF3w."]},"You're about to cash out {0} USD.":function(a){return["Zamierzasz wyp\u0142aci\u0107 ",a("0")," USD."]},"You're about to open (or re-open) a project. Click on \"Open the Project\" to continue.":"Zamierzasz otworzy\u0107 (lub ponownie otworzy\u0107) projekt. Kliknij \"Otw\xF3rz projekt\", aby kontynuowa\u0107.","You're about to restart this multichapter guided lesson.":"Zamierzasz zrestartowa\u0107 wielorozdzia\u0142ow\u0105 lekcj\u0119.","You're awesome!":"Jeste\u015B super!","You're leaving the game tutorial":"Opuszczasz samouczek w grze","You're now logged out":"Poprawnie wylogowano","You're trying to save changes made to a previous version of your project. If you continue, it will be used as the new latest version.":"Pr\xF3bujesz zapisa\u0107 zmiany wprowadzone do poprzedniej wersji projektu. Je\u017Celi kontynuujesz, zmiany zostan\u0105 u\u017Cyte jako nowa wersja.","You're {missingCredits} credits short.":function(a){return["Brakuje ",a("missingCredits")," kredyt\xF3w."]},"You've made some changes here. Are you sure you want to discard them and open the behavior events?":"Dokonano tutaj zmian. Czy na pewno chcesz je odrzuci\u0107 i otworzy\u0107 zdarzenia zachowania?","You've made some changes here. Are you sure you want to discard them and open the function?":"Dokona\u0142e\u015B tutaj zmian. Czy na pewno chcesz je odrzuci\u0107 i otworzy\u0107 t\u0119 funkcj\u0119?","You've reached the limit of cloud projects you can have. Delete some existing cloud projects of yours before trying again.":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119to limit projekt\xF3w w chmurze, jaki mo\u017Cesz posiada\u0107. Usu\u0144 niekt\xF3re istniej\u0105ce projekty w chmurze przed ponown\u0105 pr\xF3b\u0105.","You've reached your limit":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119to limit","You've reached your limit of questions. Wait a bit and try again tomorrow, or get a subscription to unlock more questions!":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119to limit pyta\u0144. Poczekaj chwil\u0119 i spr\xF3buj ponownie jutro lub uzyskaj subskrypcj\u0119, aby odblokowa\u0107 wi\u0119cej pyta\u0144!","You've reached your maximum of {0} leaderboards for your game":function(a){return["Osi\u0105gni\u0119to maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 ",a("0")," tablic wynik\xF3w dla twojej gry"]},"You've reached your maximum storage of {maximumCount} cloud projects":function(a){return["Osi\u0105gni\u0119to maksymaln\u0105 pojemno\u015B\u0107 dla ",a("maximumCount")," projekt\xF3w w chmurze"]},"You've used all your daily pre-made AI scenes! Generate as many as you want with a subscription.":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119to limit dla dziennych gotowych scen AI! Generuj tyle ile potrzeba razem z subskrypcj\u0105.","YouTube channel (tutorials and more)":"Kana\u0142 YouTube (samouczki i wi\u0119cej)","Your Discord username":"Twoja nazwa u\u017Cytkownika Discord","Your account has been deleted!":"Twoje konto zosta\u0142o usuni\u0119te!","Your account is upgraded, with the extra exports and online services. If you wish to change later, come back to your profile and choose another plan.":"Twoje konto zosta\u0142o zaktualizowane o dodatkow\u0105 us\u0142ug\u0119 eksportu i us\u0142ug online. Je\u015Bli zechcesz zmieni\u0107 p\xF3\u017Aniej ustawienia konta, wr\xF3\u0107 do swojego profilu i wybierz inny abonament.","Your browser will now open to enter your payment details.":"Twoja przegl\u0105darka zostanie otwarta, aby wprowadzi\u0107 dane p\u0142atno\u015Bci.","Your computer":"Tw\xF3j komputer","Your feedback is valuable to help us improve our premium services. Why are you canceling your subscription?":"Twoja opinia jest wa\u017Cna, aby pom\xF3c nam w ulepszaniu jako\u015Bci us\u0142ugi premium. Dlaczego anulujesz swoj\u0105 subskrypcj\u0119?","Your free trial will expire in {0} hours.":function(a){return["Bezp\u0142atna wersja pr\xF3bna wyga\u015Bnie za ",a("0")," godzin."]},"Your game has some invalid elements, please fix these before continuing:":"Twoja gra posiada nieprawid\u0142owe elementy, napraw je przed kontynuowaniem:","Your game is hidden on":"Twoja gra jest ukryta na","Your game is not published on":"Twoja gra nie jest opublikowana na","Your game may not be registered, create one in the leaderboard manager.":"Twoja gra mo\u017Ce nie by\u0107 zarejestrowana, utw\xF3rz j\u0105 w mened\u017Cerze tablic wynik\xF3w.","Your game will be deleted. This action is irreversible. Do you want to continue?":"Twoja gra zostanie usuni\u0119ta. Ta akcja jest nieodwracalna. Czy chcesz kontynuowa\u0107?","Your game will be exported and packaged online as a stand-alone game for Windows, Linux and/or macOS.":"Twoja gra zostanie wyeksportowana i zapakowana online jako samodzielna gra dla Windows, Linux i/lub macOS.","Your game won't work if you open the index.html file on your computer. You must upload it to a web hosting platform (, Poki, CrazyGames etc...) or a web server to run it.":"Twoja gra nie zadzia\u0142a, je\u017Celi otworzysz plik index.html na swoim komputerze. Musisz wgra\u0107 go na serwis hostingowy (np., Poki, CrazyGames itp.) lub serwer internetowy, aby go uruchomi\u0107.","Your game {0} received a feedback message: \"{1}...\"":function(a){return["Twoja gra ",a("0")," otrzyma\u0142a opini\u0119: \"",a("1"),"\u2026\""]},"Your game {0} received {1} feedback messages":function(a){return["Twoja gra ",a("0")," otrzyma\u0142a ",a("1")," opinii"]},"Your game {0} was played more than {1} times!":function(a){return["Twoja gra ",a("0")," by\u0142a grana wi\u0119cej ni\u017C ",a("1")," razy!"]},"Your latest changes could not be applied to the preview(s) being run. You should start a new preview instead to make sure that all your changes are reflected in the game.":"Twoje ostatnie zmiany nie mog\u0142y zosta\u0107 zastosowane do uruchomionego podgl\u0105du/podgl\u0105d\xF3w. Powiniene\u015B rozpocz\u0105\u0107 nowy podgl\u0105d, aby upewni\u0107 si\u0119, \u017Ce wszystkie zmiany s\u0105 odzwierciedlone w grze.","Your membership helps the GDevelop company maintain servers, build new features and keep the open-source project thriving. Our goal: make game development fast, fun and accessible to all.":"Twoje cz\u0142onkostwo wspiera firm\u0119 GDevelop w utrzymywaniu serwer\xF3w, tworzeniu nowych funkcji i utrzymaniu projektu open-source w rozkwicie. Nasz cel: uczyni\u0107 tworzenie gier szybkim, przyjemnym i dost\u0119pnym dla wszystkich.","Your name":"Twoja nazwa","Your need to first create your account, or login, to upload your own resources.":"Musisz najpierw utworzy\u0107 swoje konto lub zalogowa\u0107 si\u0119, aby przes\u0142a\u0107 w\u0142asne zasoby.","Your need to first save your game on GDevelop Cloud to upload your own resources.":"Najpierw musisz zapisa\u0107 swoj\u0105 gr\u0119 w chmurze GDevelop, aby przes\u0142a\u0107 w\u0142asne zasoby.","Your new plan is now activated.":"Nowy pakiet zosta\u0142 aktywowany.","Your password must be between 8 and 30 characters long.":"Twoje has\u0142o musi zawiera\u0107 od 8 do 30 znak\xF3w.","Your plan:":"Tw\xF3j plan:","Your preview is ready! On your mobile or tablet, open your browser and enter in the address bar:":"Podgl\u0105d jest gotowy! Na urz\u0105dzeniu mobilnym, otw\xF3rz przegl\u0105dark\u0119 i wpisz w pasku adresu:","Your project is saved in the same folder as the application. This folder will be deleted when the application is updated. Please choose another location if you don't want to lose your project.":"Projekt jest zapisany w tym samym folderze co program. Ten folder zostanie usuni\u0119ty po aktualizacji programu. Wybierz inn\u0105 lokalizacj\u0119, je\u017Celi nie chcesz utraci\u0107 projektu.","Your project name has changed, this will also save the whole project, continue?":"Twoja nazwa projektu uleg\u0142a zmianie, co r\xF3wnie\u017C zapisze ca\u0142y projekt. Kontynuowa\u0107?","Your purchase has been processed!":"Zakup przebieg\u0142 pomy\u015Blnie!","Your question":"Twoje pytanie","Your question has been sent! You'll receive your answer by email.":"Twoje pytanie zosta\u0142o wys\u0142ane! Odpowied\u017A otrzymasz e-mailem.","Your question is too short":"Twoje pytanie jest za kr\xF3tkie","Your question must be at least {minLength} characters long.":function(a){return["Twoje pytanie musi mie\u0107 co najmniej ",a("minLength")," znak\xF3w."]},"Your search and filters did not return any result.":"Twoje wyszukiwanie i filtry nie zwr\xF3ci\u0142y \u017Cadnych wynik\xF3w.","Your search and filters did not return any result.<0/>If you need support for a specific language, please contact us.":"Twoje wyszukiwanie i filtry nie zwr\xF3ci\u0142y \u017Cadnych wynik\xF3w.<0/> Je\u017Celi potrzebujesz wsparcia dla okre\u015Blonego j\u0119zyka, skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami.","Your subscription could not be cancelled. Please try again later!":"Twoja subskrypcja nie mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 anulowana. Spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej!","Your subscription has been canceled":"Subskrypcja zosta\u0142a anulowana","Your subscription is being cancelled: you will lose the benefits at the end of the period you already paid for.":"Subskrypcja zostanie anulowana: utracisz korzy\u015Bci pod koniec okresu, kt\xF3ry zosta\u0142 ju\u017C op\u0142acony.","Your team does not have enough seats for a new admin.":"Twoja dru\u017Cyna nie ma wystarczaj\u0105cej liczby miejsc dla nowego administratora.","You\u2019re about to permanently delete your GDevelop account You will no longer be able to log into the app with this email address.":"Zamierzasz trwale usun\u0105\u0107 swoje konto u\u017Cytkownika GDevelop Nie b\u0119dzie mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci logowania do aplikacji przy pomocy tego adresu e-mail.","You\u2019ve reached the maximum amount of available seats. <0>Increase the number of seats on your subscription to invite more students and collaborators.":"Osi\u0105gni\u0119to maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 dost\u0119pnych miejsc. <0>Zwi\u0119ksz liczb\u0119 miejsc na swojej subskrypcji, aby zaprosi\u0107 wi\u0119cej uczni\xF3w i wsp\xF3\u0142pracownik\xF3w.","Z":"Z","Z Order":"Kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z","Z Order of objects created from events":"Kolejno\u015B\u0107 obiekt\xF3w Z utworzonych z wydarze\u0144","Z max bound":"Maksymalna granica Z","Z max bound should be greater than Z min bound":"Maksymalna granica Z powinna by\u0107 wi\u0119ksza ni\u017C minimalna granica Z","Z min bound":"Minimalna granica Z","Z min bound should be smaller than Z max bound":"Minimalna granica Z powinna by\u0107 mniejsza ni\u017C maksymalna granica Z","Zoom In":"Przybli\u017C","Zoom Out":"Oddal","Zoom in":"Powi\u0119ksz","Zoom in (you can also use Ctrl + Mouse wheel)":"Przybli\u017C widok (mo\u017Cesz tak\u017Ce u\u017Cy\u0107 skr\xF3tu Ctrl + k\xF3\u0142ko myszy)","Zoom out":"Pomniejsz","Zoom out (you can also use Ctrl + Mouse wheel)":"Oddal widok (mo\u017Cesz tak\u017Ce u\u017Cy\u0107 skr\xF3tu Ctrl + k\xF3\u0142ko myszy)","Zoom to fit content":"Powi\u0119ksz aby dopasowa\u0107 zawarto\u015B\u0107","Zoom to fit selection":"Powi\u0119ksz aby dopasowa\u0107 zaznaczenie","Zoom to initial position":"Powi\u0119ksz do pocz\u0105tkowej pozycji","[Follow GDevelop]( and enter your TikTok username here to get {rewardValueInCredits} free credits as a thank you!":function(a){return["[Obserwuj GDevelop]( i wpisz tutaj swoj\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika TikTok, aby otrzyma\u0107 ",a("rewardValueInCredits")," darmowych kredyt\xF3w jako podzi\u0119kowanie!"]},"[Follow GDevelop]( and enter your Twitter username here to get {rewardValueInCredits} free credits as a thank you!":function(a){return["[Obserwuj GDevelop]( i wpisz tutaj swoj\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika Twitter, aby otrzyma\u0107 ",a("rewardValueInCredits")," darmowych kredyt\xF3w jako podzi\u0119kowanie!"]},"[Star the GDevelop repository]( and add your GitHub username here to get {rewardValueInCredits} free credits as a 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",a("functionNode")," z rozszerzenia ",a("extensionNode"),"."]},"{functionNode} condition on behavior {behaviorNode} from {extensionNode} extension is missing.":function(a){return["Brakuje warunku ",a("functionNode")," na zachowaniu ",a("behaviorNode")," od rozszerzenia ",a("extensionNode"),"."]},"{gameCount} of your games were played more than {0} times in total!":function(a){return[a("gameCount")," z twoich gier by\u0142y grane wi\u0119cej ni\u017C ",a("0")," razy!"]},"{hoursAgo} hours ago":function(a){return[a("hoursAgo")," godzin temu"]},"{minutesAgo} minutes ago":function(a){return[a("minutesAgo")," minut(y) temu"]},"{objectName} variables":function(a){return[a("objectName")," zmienne"]},"{planCreditsAmount} credits":function(a){return[a("planCreditsAmount")," kredyt\xF3w"]},"{price} every {0} months":function(a){return[a("price")," co ",a("0")," miesi\u0105ce"]},"{price} every {0} weeks":function(a){return[a("price")," co ",a("0")," tygodnie"]},"{price} every {0} 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minut."]},"\u201CPlayer feedback\u201D is off, turn it on to start collecting feedback on your game.":"\"Opinia gracza\" jest wy\u0142\u0105czona, w\u0142\u0105cz j\u0105, aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107 zbieranie opinii o grze.","\u201CStart\u201D screen":"Ekran startowy","\u201CYou win\u201D message":"Wiadomo\u015B\u0107 \"Wygrana\"","\u2260 (not equal to)":"\u2260 (r\xF3\u017Cne od)","\u2264 (less or equal to)":"\u2264 (mniejsze lub r\xF3wne)","\u2265 (greater or equal to)":"\u2265 (wi\u0119ksze lub r\xF3wne)","\u274C Game configuration could not be saved, please try again later.":"\u274C Konfiguracja gry nie mog\u0142a zosta\u0107 zapisana, spr\xF3buj ponownie p\xF3\u017Aniej.","\uD83C\uDF89 Congrats on getting the {translatedName} featuring for your game {0}!":function(a){return["\uD83C\uDF89 Gratulacje z otrzymania ",a("translatedName")," w twojej grze ",a("0"),"!"]},"\uD83C\uDF89 You can now follow your new chapter!":"\uD83C\uDF89 Teraz mo\u017Cesz obserwowa\u0107 sw\xF3j nowy rozdzia\u0142!","\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your assets!":"\uD83C\uDF89 Mo\u017Cesz teraz u\u017Cywa\u0107 swoich zasob\xF3w!","\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your credits!":"\uD83C\uDF89 Mo\u017Cesz teraz u\u017Cywa\u0107 swoich kredyt\xF3w!","\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your template!":"\uD83C\uDF89 Mo\u017Cesz teraz u\u017Cy\u0107 szablonu!","\uD83C\uDF89 Your request has been saved. Lay back, we'll contact you shortly.":"\uD83C\uDF89 Twoje zg\u0142oszenie zosta\u0142o zapisane. Odpocznij, skontaktujemy si\u0119 z Tob\u0105 wkr\xF3tce.","\uD83D\uDC4B Good to see you {username}!":function(a){return["\uD83D\uDC4B Dobrze ci\u0119 widzie\u0107 ",a("username"),"!"]},"\uD83D\uDC4B Good to see you!":"\uD83D\uDC4B Dobrze ci\u0119 widzie\u0107!","\uD83D\uDC4B Welcome to GDevelop {username}!":function(a){return["\uD83D\uDC4B Witamy w GDevelop ",a("username"),"!"]},"\uD83D\uDC4B Welcome to GDevelop!":"\uD83D\uDC4B Witamy w GDevelop!","Change the width of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","the width":"szeroko\u015B\u0107","Change the height of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","the height":"wysoko\u015B\u0107","Scale":"Skala","Modify the scale of the specified object.":"Zmie\u0144 skal\u0119 podanego obiektu.","the scale":"skala","Scale on X axis":"Skaluj na osi X","the width's scale of an object":"skala szeroko\u015Bci obiektu","the width's scale":"skala szeroko\u015Bci","Scale on Y axis":"Skaluj na osi Y","the height's scale of an object":"skala wysoko\u015Bci obiektu","the height's scale":"skala wysoko\u015Bci","Flip the object horizontally":"Przerzucenie obiektu w poziomie","Flip horizontally _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 w poziomie _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Activate flipping":"Aktywuj przerzucenie","Flip the object vertically":"Przerzu\u0107 obiekt pionowo","Flip vertically _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 wertykalnie _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Horizontally flipped":"Poziome przerzucenie","Check if the object is horizontally flipped":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest odwr\xF3cony poziomo","_PARAM0_ is horizontally flipped":"_PARAM0_ odwr\xF3cone w poziomie","Vertically flipped":"Pionowe przerzucenie","Check if the object is vertically flipped":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest odwr\xF3cony pionowo","_PARAM0_ is vertically flipped":"_PARAM0_ odwr\xF3cone pionowo","the opacity of an object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque)":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obiektu, mi\u0119dzy 0 (przezroczyste) a 255 (nieprzezroczyste)","the opacity":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107","Change ":"Zmie\u0144 ","Check the property value for .":"Sprawd\u017A warto\u015B\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci .","Property of _PARAM0_ is true":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 z _PARAM0_ jest prawdziwa","Update the property value for .":"Aktualizuj warto\u015B\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci dla .","Set property value for of _PARAM0_ to ":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci z _PARAM0_ na ","New value to set":"Nowa warto\u015B\u0107","Toggle":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz","Toggle the property value for .\nIf it was true, it will become false, and if it was false it will become true.":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz warto\u015B\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci .\nJe\u017Celi prawdziwe, prze\u0142\u0105czy si\u0119 na fa\u0142szywe i na odwr\xF3t.","Toggle property of _PARAM0_":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 z _PARAM0_","the property value for ":"warto\u015B\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci dla "," property":"w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 "," shared property":"wsp\xF3lna w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 ","Center of rotation":"\u015Arodek obrotu","Change the center of rotation of an object relatively to the object origin.":"Zmie\u0144 \u015Brodek obrotu obiektu w stosunku do pocz\u0105tku obiektu.","Change the center of rotation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_":"Zmie\u0144 \u015Brodek obrotu _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_ ; _ PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_","X position":"pozycja X","Y position":"pozycja Y","Z position":"Pozycja na osi Z","Change the center of rotation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_":"Zmie\u0144 \u015Brodek obrotu _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_ ; _ PARAM2_","Unable to write ":"Nie mo\u017Cna zapisa\u0107 ","Error during exporting! Unable to export events:\n":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas eksportowania! Nie mo\u017Cna wyeksportowa\u0107 zdarzenia: \n","Error during export:\n":"B\u0142\u0105d podczas eksportu: \n","Consider objects touching each other, but not overlapping, as in collision (default: no)":"We\u017A pod uwag\u0119 obiekty dotykaj\u0105ce si\u0119, ale nie pokrywaj\u0105ce si\u0119 w ca\u0142o\u015Bci, tak jak w kolizji (domy\u015Blnie: nie)","Javascript code":"Kod JavaScript","Insert some Javascript code into events":"Wprowad\u017A jaki\u015B kod Javascript dla zdarzenia","HTML5 (Web and Android games)":"HTML5 (Gry na WWW i Androida)","HTML5 and javascript based games for web browsers.":"Gry przegl\u0105darkowe opart\u0119 na HTML5 i JavaScript.","Enables the creation of 2D games that can be played in web browsers. These can also be exported to Android with third-party tools.":"Umo\u017Cliwia tworzenie gier 2D, kt\xF3re mog\u0105 by\u0107 odtwarzane w przegl\u0105darce internetowej. Te za pomoc\u0105 dodatkowych narz\u0119dzi mog\u0105 by\u0107 eksportowane na platform\u0119 Android.","Spine json":"Spine Json","Window left":"Lewe Okno","Window right":"Prawe Okno","Proportional":"Proporcjonalny","Window center":"\u015Arodek okna","No anchor":"Brak zaczepienia","Window top":"G\xF3rne Okno","Window bottom":"Dolne Okno","relativeToOriginalWindowSize":"adsds","Anchor relatively to original window size":"W stosunku do oryginalnego rozmiaru okna","otherwise, objects are anchored according to the window size when the object is created.":"w przeciwnym razie obiekty s\u0105 zablokowane zgodnie z rozmiarem okna podczas tworzenia obiektu.","Left edge":"Lewa kraw\u0119d\u017A","Anchor the left edge of the object on X axis.":"Zakotwicz lew\u0105 kraw\u0119d\u017A obiektu na osi X.","Right edge":"Prawa kraw\u0119d\u017A","Anchor the right edge of the object on X axis.":"Zakotwicz praw\u0105 kraw\u0119d\u017A obiektu na osi X.","Top edge":"G\xF3rna kraw\u0119d\u017A","Anchor the top edge of the object on Y axis.":"Zakotwicz g\xF3rn\u0105 kraw\u0119d\u017A obiektu na osi Y.","Bottom edge":"Dolna kraw\u0119d\u017A","Anchor the bottom edge of the object on Y axis.":"Zakotwicz doln\u0105 kraw\u0119d\u017A obiektu na osi Y.","Stretch object when anchoring right or bottom edge (deprecated, it's recommended to leave this unchecked and anchor both sides if you want Sprite to stretch instead.)":"Rozci\u0105gnij obiekt podczas kotwiczenia prawej dolnej kraw\u0119dzi (zawieszona opcja, zaleca si\u0119 pozostawienie tej opcji nie zaznaczonej, aby zakotwiczy\u0107 obie strony, je\u015Bli chcesz rozci\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 obiekt Sprite)","Anchor":"Zaczep","Anchor objects to the window's bounds.":"Zaczep obiekty do granic okien.","Allows diagonals":"Pozw\xF3l na przek\u0105tn\u0105","Path smoothing":"Wyg\u0142adzanie \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Acceleration":"Przyspieszenie","Max. speed":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Rotation speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obrotu","Rotate object":"Rotacja obiektu","Angle offset":"K\u0105t przesuni\u0119cia","Cell width":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rki","Virtual Grid":"Wirtualna siatka","Cell height":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rki","X offset":"Przesuni\u0119cie X","Y offset":"Przesuni\u0119cie Y","Extra border size":"Dodatkowy rozmiar kraw\u0119dzi","Collision":"Kolizja","Smoothing max cell gap":"Wyg\u0142adzanie maksymalnej szczeliny","It's recommended to leave a max gap of 1 cell. Setting it to 0 disable the smoothing.":"Zalecane jest pozostawienie maksymalnej przerwy 1 kom\xF3rki. Ustawienie jej na 0 wy\u0142\u0105cza wyg\u0142adzanie.","Pathfinding behavior":"\u015Aledzenie \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Pathfinding":"Wyszukiwanie trasy","Move objects to a target while avoiding all objects that are flagged as obstacles.":"Przenie\u015B obiekty do celu, unikaj\u0105c wszystkich obiekt\xF3w oznaczonych jako przeszkody.","Move to a position":"Przejd\u017A na pozycj\u0119","Move the object to a position":"Przesu\u0144 obiekt na pozycj\u0119","Move _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Przenie\u015B _PARAM0_ na _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_","Movement on the path":"Poruszanie si\u0119 na szcie\u017Cce","Destination X position":"Docelowa pozycja X","Destination Y position":"Docelowa pozycja Y","Path found":"Znaleziono \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119","Check if a path has been found.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 prawd\u0119 je\u017Celi \u015Bcie\u017Cka zosta\u0142a znaleziona.","A path has been found for _PARAM0_":"\u015Acie\u017Cka zosta\u0142a znaleziona dla _PARAM0_","Destination reached":"Cel osi\u0105gni\u0119ty","Check if the destination was reached.":"Zwraca warto\u015B\u0107 true, je\u015Bli cel zosta\u0142 osi\u0105gni\u0119ty.","_PARAM0_ reached its destination":"_PARAM0_ osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0142 cel","Width of the cells":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rek","Change the width of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Zmie\u0144 szeroko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rek siatki.","the width of the virtual cells":"szeroko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rek wirtualnych","Virtual grid":"Wirtualna siatka","Width of the virtual grid":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 siatki wirtualnej","Compare the width of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Por\xF3wnanie szeroko\u015Bci wirtualnych kom\xF3rek siatki.","Height of the cells":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rek","Change the height of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Zmie\u0144 wysoko\u015B\u0107 wirtualnych kom\xF3rek siatki.","the height of the virtual cells":"wysoko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rek wirtualnych","Height of the virtual grid":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 siatki wirtualnej","Compare the height of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Por\xF3wnanie wysoko\u015Bci wirtualnych kom\xF3rek siatki.","Change the acceleration when moving the object":"Zmie\u0144 przyspieszenie podczas przesuwania obiektu","the acceleration on the path":"przy\u015Bpieszenie na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Pathfinding configuration":"Konfiguracja \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Compare the acceleration when moving the object":"Por\xF3wnanie przyspieszenia przy przesuwaniu obiektu","the acceleration":"przyspieszenie","Maximum speed":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Change the maximum speed when moving the object":"Zmie\u0144 maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 podczas przesuwania obiektu","the max. speed on the path":"maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Max speed (in pixels per second)":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Compare the maximum speed when moving the object":"Por\xF3wnywanie maksymalnej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci podczas przesuwania obiektu","the max. speed":"maks. pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Max speed to compare to (in pixels per second)":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Change the speed of the object on the path":"Zmie\u0144 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","the speed on the path":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ruchu na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Speed (in pixels per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Speed on its path":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Compare the speed of the object on its path.":"Por\xF3wnaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu na jego \u015Bcie\u017Cce.","the speed":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Speed to compare to (in pixels per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Angle of movement on its path":"K\u0105t ruchu na jego \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Compare the angle of movement of an object on its path.":"Por\xF3wnaj k\u0105t ruchu obiektu na jego \u015Bcie\u017Cce.","Angle of movement of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_ \xB1 _PARAM3_\xB0":"K\u0105t ruchu _PARAM0_ wynosi _PARAM2_ \xB1 _PARAM3_\xB0","Angle, in degrees":"K\u0105t, w stopniach","Tolerance, in degrees":"Tolerancja, w stopniach","Angular maximum speed":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa","Change the maximum angular speed when moving the object":"Zmiana maksymalnej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci k\u0105towej, gdy obiekt si\u0119 porusza","the max. angular speed on the path":"maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa na drodze","Max angular speed (in degrees per second)":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa (w stopniach na sekund\u0119)","Compare the maximum angular speed when moving the object":"Por\xF3wnanie maksymalnej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci k\u0105towej podczas ruchu obiektu","the max. angular speed":"maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa","Max angular speed to compare to (in degrees per second)":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa do por\xF3wnania (w stopniach na sekund\u0119)","Rotation offset":"Przyrost rotacji","Change the rotation offset applied when moving the object":"Zmie\u0144 ruch obrotowy podczas przesuwania obiektu","the rotation offset on the path":"przesuni\u0119cie obrotu na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Angle (in degrees)":"K\u0105t (w stopniach)","Compare the rotation offset when moving the object":"Ocenia przesuni\u0119cie k\u0105ta obiektu na trasie","the rotation offset":"przesuni\u0119cie obrotu","Angle to compare to (in degrees)":"Warto\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania (w stopniach)","Extra border":"Dodatkowe obramowanie","Change the size of the extra border applied to the object when planning a path":"Zmie\u0144 rozmiar okre\u015Blonych granic zastosowanych do obiektu podczas planowania \u015Bcie\u017Cki","the size of the extra border on the path":"rozmiar dodatkowego konturu na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Compare the size of the extra border applied to the object when planning a path":"Por\xF3wnaj rozmiar konkretnych granic zastosowanych do obiektu podczas planowania \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Diagonal movement":"Ruch po przek\u0105tnej","Allow or restrict diagonal movement on the path":"Umo\u017Cliwia lub ogranicza przek\u0105tne ruchy na trasie","Allow diagonal movement for _PARAM0_ on the path: _PARAM2_":"Zezwalaj na ruchy uko\u015Bne dla _PARAM0_ na trasie: _PARAM2_","Allow?":"Zezwoli\u0107?","Check if the object is allowed to move diagonally on the path":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt mo\u017Ce porusza\u0107 si\u0119 na skos na swojej \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Diagonal moves allowed for _PARAM0_":"Ruchy po przek\u0105tnej dozwolone dla _PARAM0_","Rotate the object":"Obr\xF3\u0107 obiektem","Enable or disable rotation of the object on the path":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz rotacj\u0119 obiektu na \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Enable rotation of _PARAM0_ on the path: _PARAM2_":"W\u0142\u0105cz rotacj\u0119 _PARAM0_ na \u015Bcie\u017Cce: _PARAM2_","Rotate object?":"Obr\xF3ci\u0107 obiekt?","Object rotated":"Obiekt obr\xF3cony","Check if the object is rotated when traveling on its path.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest obracany podczas poruszania si\u0119 po \u015Bcie\u017Cce.","_PARAM0_ is rotated when traveling on its path":"_PARAM0_ obraca si\u0119, gdy porusza si\u0119 po swojej \u015Bcie\u017Cce","Get a waypoint X position":"Pozycja X punktu kontrolnego","Get next waypoint X position":"Pozycja X nast\u0119pnego punktu kontrolnego","Node index (start at 0!)":"Indeks w\u0119z\u0142\xF3w (start od 0!)","Get a waypoint Y position":"Pozycja Y punktu kontrolnego","Get next waypoint Y position":"Pozycja Y nast\u0119pnego punktu kontrolnego","Index of the next waypoint":"Indeks nast\u0119pnego punktu kontrolnego","Get the index of the next waypoint to reach":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A indeks nast\u0119pnego punktu kontrolnego, kt\xF3ry chcesz osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107","Waypoint count":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 punkt\xF3w \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Get the number of waypoints on the path":"Uzyskaj liczb\u0119 punkt\xF3w kontrolnych na trasie","Last waypoint X position":"X pozycja ostatniego punktu kontrolnego","Last waypoint Y position":"Pozycja Y ostatniego punktu kontrolnego","Acceleration of the object on the path":"Przyspieszenie obiektu na trasie","Maximum speed of the object on the path":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu na trasie","Speed of the object on the path":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu na trasie","Angular maximum speed of the object on the path":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa obiektu na trasie","Rotation offset applied the object on the path":"Przesuni\u0119cie k\u0105ta zastosowanego do obiektu na trasie","Extra border applied the object on the path":"Specjalne granice zastosowane do obiektu na drodze","Width of a cell":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rki","Height of a cell":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 kom\xF3rki","Grid X offset":"\"offset\" siatki X","X offset of the virtual grid":"\"offset X\" wirtualnej siatki","Grid Y offset":"\"offset\" siatki Y","Y offset of the virtual grid":"\"offset Y\" wirtualnej siatki","Obstacle for pathfinding":"Przeszkoda w odnajdywaniu drogi","Flag objects as being obstacles for pathfinding.":"Oznacz obiekty jako przeszkody dla znalezienia \u015Bcie\u017Cki.","Cost":"Koszt","Change the cost of going through the object.":"Zmodyfikuj trudno\u015B\u0107 przej\u015Bcia przez obiekt.","the cost":"koszt","Obstacles":"Przeszkody","Compare the cost of going through the object":"Oce\u0144 trudno\u015B\u0107 przej\u015Bcia przez obiekt","Should object be impassable":"Obiekt powinien by\u0107 nieprzejezdny","Decide if the object is an impassable obstacle.":"Zdecyduj, czy obiekt jest nie do omini\u0119cia.","Set _PARAM0_ as an impassable obstacle: _PARAM2_":"Ustaw _PARAM0_ jako nieprzekraczalna przeszkoda: _PARAM2_","Impassable":"Nie do omini\u0119cia","Impassable obstacle":"Nieprzepuszczalna przeszkoda","Check if the obstacle is impassable.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy przeszkoda jest nie do omini\u0119cia.","_PARAM0_ is impassable":"_PARAM0_ nieprzejezdny","Obstacle cost":"Z\u0142o\u017Cono\u015B\u0107 przechodzenia przez obiekt","Cost (if not impassable)":"Trudno\u015B\u0107 przej\u015Bcia","System information":"Informacje o systemie","Get information about the system and device running the game.":"Uzyskaj informacje o systemie i urz\u0105dzeniu u\u017Cywaj\u0105cym gry.","Is a mobile device":"Jest urz\u0105dzeniem mobilnym","Check if the device running the game is a mobile device (phone or tablet on iOS, Android or other mobile devices). The game itself might be a web game or distributed as a native mobile app (to check this precisely, use other conditions).":"Sprawd\u017A, czy urz\u0105dzenie jest urz\u0105dzeniem mobilnym (telefon lub tablet na iOS, Androidzie lub inne urz\u0105dzenia mobilne). Sama gra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 gr\u0105 przegl\u0105darkow\u0105 lub by\u0107 rozpowszechniana jako gra mobilne (\u017Ceby dok\u0142adnie to sprawdzi\u0107, u\u017Cyj innych warunk\xF3w).","The device is a mobile device":"Urz\u0105dzenie jest urz\u0105dzeniem mobilnym","Is a native mobile app":"Jest aplikacj\u0105 mobiln\u0105","Check if the game is running as a native mobile app (iOS or Android app).":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gra jest uruchomiona jako aplikacja mobilna (aplikacja na iOS lub Androida).","The game is running as a native mobile app":"Gra jest uruchomiona jako aplikacja mobilna","Is a native desktop app":"Jest aplikacj\u0105 komputerow\u0105","Check if the game is running as a native desktop app.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gra jest uruchomiona jako aplikacja komputerowa.","The game is running as a native desktop app":"Gra jest uruchomiona jako aplikacja komputerowa","Is WebGL supported":"Czy WebGL jest obs\u0142ugiwany","Check if GPU accelerated WebGL is supported on the target device.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy akceleracja GPU jest obs\u0142ugiwana na urz\u0105dzeniu docelowym.","WebGL is available":"WebGL jest dost\u0119pny","Is the game running as a preview":"Czy gra jest uruchomiona jako podgl\u0105d","Check if the game is currently being previewed in the editor. This can be used to enable a \"Debug mode\" or do some work only in previews.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gra jest obecnie przegl\u0105dana w edytorze. To mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte do w\u0142\u0105czenia \"Trybu debugowania\" lub do pracy tylko w podgl\u0105dzie.","The game is being previewed in the editor":"Gra jest przegl\u0105dana w edytorze","Device has a touchscreen":"Urz\u0105dzenie ma ekran dotykowy","Check if the device running the game has a touchscreen (typically Android phones, iPhones, iPads, but also some laptops).":"Sprawd\u017A, czy urz\u0105dzenie uruchamiaj\u0105ce gr\u0119 ma ekran dotykowy (zazwyczaj s\u0105 to telefony z Androidem, iPhone'y, iPad'y, ale tak\u017Ce niekt\xF3re laptopy).","The device has a touchscreen":"Urz\u0105dzenie ma ekran dotykowy","Text object":"Obiekt tekstowy","An object that can be used to display any text on the screen: remaining life counter, some indicators, menu buttons, dialogues...":"Obiekt, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty do wy\u015Bwietlania dowolnego tekstu na ekranie: licznik pozosta\u0142ego \u017Cycia, niekt\xF3re wska\u017Aniki, przyciski menu, dialogi...","Displays a text on the screen.":"Wy\u015Bwietla tekst na ekranie.","Change the font of the text.":"Zmie\u0144 czcionk\u0119 tekstu.","Change font of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 czcionk\u0119 _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Font resource name":"Nazwa zasobu czcionki","Change the color of the text. The color is white by default.":"Zmie\u0144 kolor tekstu. Domy\u015Blnym jest bia\u0142y.","Change color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Gradient":"Gradient","Change the gradient of the text.":"Zmie\u0144 gradient tekstu.","Change gradient of _PARAM0_ to colors _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ _PARAM5_, type _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 gradient _PARAM0_ na typ _PARAM5_ o kolorach _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_, _PARAM3_ i _PARAM4_","Gradient type":"Typ gradientu","First Color":"Pierwszy kolor","Second Color":"Drugi kolor","Third Color":"Trzeci kolor","Fourth Color":"Czwarty kolor","Change the outline of the text. A thickness of 0 disables the outline.":"Zmie\u0144 kontur tekstu. Grubo\u015B\u0107 0 wy\u0142\u0105cza zarys.","Change outline of _PARAM0_ to color _PARAM1_ with thickness _PARAM2_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor zarysu _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_ z grubo\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM2_","Enable outline":"W\u0142\u0105cz obrys","Enable or disable the outline of the text.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz obrys tekstu.","Enable the outline of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"W\u0142\u0105cz obrys _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Outline enabled":"Obrys w\u0142\u0105czony","Check if the text outline is enabled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obrys tekstu jest w\u0142\u0105czony.","The outline of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"Obrys _PARAM0_ jest w\u0142\u0105czony","Change the outline color of the text.":"Zmie\u0144 kolor obrysu tekstu.","Change the text outline color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor obrysu tekstu _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Outline thickness":"Grubo\u015B\u0107 obrysu","the outline thickness of the text":"grubo\u015B\u0107 obrysu tekstu","the text outline thickness":"grubo\u015B\u0107 tekstowego obrysu","Text shadow":"Cie\u0144 czcionki","Change the shadow of the text.":"Zmie\u0144 cie\u0144 tekstu.","Change the shadow of _PARAM0_ to color _PARAM1_ distance _PARAM2_ blur _PARAM3_ angle _PARAM4_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor cienia _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_ dystans _PARAM2_ rozmycie _PARAM3_ k\u0105t _PARAM4_","Blur":"Rozmycie","Enable shadow":"W\u0142\u0105cz cie\u0144","Enable or disable the shadow of the text.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz cie\u0144 tekstu.","Enable the shadow of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"W\u0142\u0105cz cie\u0144 _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Show the shadow":"Poka\u017C cie\u0144","Shadow enabled":"w\u0142\u0105czona cie\u0144","Check if the text shadow is enabled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy cie\u0144 tekstu jest w\u0142\u0105czony.","The shadow of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"Cie\u0144 _PARAM0_ jest w\u0142\u0105czony","Shadow color":"Kolor cienia","Change the shadow color of the text.":"Zmie\u0144 kolor cienia tekstu.","Change the shadow color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor cienia _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Shadow opacity":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cienia","the shadow opacity of the text":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cienia tekstu","the shadow opacity ":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cienia ","Shadow distance":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 cienia","the shadow distance of the text":"odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 cienia tekstu","the shadow distance ":"odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 cienia ","Shadow angle":"K\u0105t cienia","the shadow angle of the text":"k\u0105t cienia tekstu","the shadow angle ":"k\u0105t cienia ","Shadow blur radius":"Promie\u0144 rozmycia cienia","the shadow blur radius of the text":"promie\u0144 rozmycia cienia tekstu","the shadow blur radius ":"promie\u0144 rozmycia cienia ","Smoothing":"Wyg\u0142adzanie","Activate or deactivate text smoothing.":"Aktywuj lub dezaktywuj wyg\u0142adzanie kraw\u0119dzi tekstu.","Smooth _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Wygad\u017A _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Style":"Styl","Smooth the text":"Wyg\u0142ad\u017A tekst","Check if an object is smoothed":"Sprawd\u017A czy obiekt jest wyg\u0142adzony","_PARAM0_ is smoothed":"_PARAM0_ jest wyg\u0142adzony","De/activate bold":"W\u0142. / Wy\u0142. pogrubienie","Set bold style of _PARAM0_ : _PARAM1_":"Ustaw pogrubienie _PARAM0_:_PARAM1_","Set bold style":"Ustaw styl pogrubiony","Check if the bold style is activated":"Sprawd\u017A czy pogrubienie jest aktywne","_PARAM0_ bold style is set":"Pogrubienie _PARAM0_ jest ustawione","De/activate italic.":"W\u0142. / Wy\u0142. kursyw\u0119.","Set italic style for _PARAM0_ : _PARAM1_":"Ustaw kursyw\u0119 dla _PARAM0_:_PARAM1_","Set italic":"Ustaw kursyw\u0119","Check if the italic style is activated":"Sprawd\u017A czy kursywa jest aktywna","_PARAM0_ italic style is set":"Kursywa _PARAM0_ jest ustawiona","Underlined":"Podkre\u015Blenie","De/activate underlined style.":"W\u0142\u0105cz/Wy\u0142\u0105cz podkre\u015Blony styl.","Set underlined style of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Ustaw podkre\u015Blenie _PARAM0_:_PARAM1_","Underline":"Podkre\u015Blona","Check if the underlined style of an object is set.":"Sprawd\u017A czy podkre\u015Blenie obiektu jest aktywne.","_PARAM0_ underlined style is activated":"Podkre\u015Blenie _PARAM0_ jest aktywne","Padding":"Dope\u0142nienie","Compare the number of pixels around a text object. If the shadow or the outline around the text are getting cropped, raise this value.":"Por\xF3wnaj ilo\u015B\u0107 pikseli dooko\u0142a obiektu tekstu. Je\u015Bli cie\u0144 albo zarys dooko\u0142a tekstu jest przyci\u0119ty, zwi\u0119ksz t\u0105 warto\u015B\u0107.","the padding":"wype\u0142nianie","Set the number of pixels around a text object. If the shadow or the outline around the text are getting cropped, raise this value.":"Por\xF3wnaj ilo\u015B\u0107 pikseli dooko\u0142a obiektu tekstu. Je\u015Bli cie\u0144 albo zarys dooko\u0142a tekstu jest przyci\u0119ty, zwi\u0119ksz t\u0105 warto\u015B\u0107.","Alignment":"Wyr\xF3wnanie","Set the text alignment of a multiline text object (does not work with single line texts).":"Ustaw wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu wielowierszowego obiektu tekstowego (nie dzia\u0142a z tekstami jednowierszowymi).","Align _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Wyreguluj _PARAM0_:_PARAM1_","Compare the text alignment of a multiline text object.":"Por\xF3wnaj wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu obiektu tekstu wielowierszowego.","the alignment":"wyr\xF3wnanie","Wrapping":"Zawijanie wierszy","De/activate word wrapping. Note that word wrapping is a graphical option,\nyou can't get the number of lines displayed":"De/aktywowa\u0107 zawijanie wierszy. Warto zaznaczy\u0107, \u017Ce zawijanie wierszy jest opcj\u0105 graficzn\u0105,\n nie mo\u017Cesz uzyska\u0107 ilo\u015Bci wy\u015Bwietlanych linii","Activate wrapping style of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Ustaw zawijanie wierszy w _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Test if the word wrapping style of an object is set.":"Sprawd\u017A czy zawijanie wierszy w obiekcie jest aktywne.","_PARAM0_ word wrapping style is activated":"_PARAM0_ zawijanie wierszy jest aktywne","Wrapping width":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 zawijania","Modify the word wrapping width of a Text object.":"Zmodyfikuj szeroko\u015B\u0107 zawijanie wierszy obiektu tekstowego.","the wrapping width":"szeroko\u015B\u0107 zawijania","Test the word wrapping width of a Text object.":"Przetestuj szeroko\u015B\u0107 zawijania wierszy obiektu tekstowego.","Font size":"Rozmiar czcionki","the font size of a text object":"rozmiar czcionki obiektu tekstowego","the font size":"rozmiar czcionki","Modify the angle of a Text object.":"Zmodyfikuj k\u0105t obiektu Tekst.","the angle":"k\u0105t","Compare the value of the angle of a Text object.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 kierunku obiektu tekstowego.","Compare the scale of the text on the X axis":"Por\xF3wnaj skal\u0119 tekstu na osi X","the scale on the X axis":"skala na osi X","Scale to compare to (1 by default)":"Skala do por\xF3wnania (1 domy\u015Blna)","Modify the scale of the text on the X axis (default scale is 1)":"Zmodyfikuj skal\u0119 tekstu na osi X (domy\u015Blna skala to 1)","Scale (1 by default)":"Skala (1 domy\u015Blna)","Compare the scale of the text on the Y axis":"Por\xF3wnaj skal\u0119 tekstu na osi X","the scale on the Y axis":"skala na osi Y","Modify the scale of the text on the Y axis (default scale is 1)":"Zmodyfikuj skal\u0119 tekstu na osi Y (domy\u015Blna skala to 1)","Modify the scale of the specified object (default scale is 1)":"Modyfikuj skal\u0119 wybranego obiektu (domy\u015Blna skala wynosi 1)","X Scale of a Text object":"Rozmiar X obiektu typu tekst","Y Scale of a Text object":"Rozmiar Y obiektu typu tekst","Text opacity":"Przejrzysto\u015B\u0107 czcionki","Change the opacity of a Text. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Zmie\u0144 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 tekstu. 0 to w pe\u0142ni przezroczysty, 255 to nieprzezroczysty (domy\u015Blnie).","Opacity (0-255)":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 (0-255)","Compare the opacity of a Text object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Por\xF3wnaj przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obiekt\xF3w tekstowych, pomi\u0119dzy 0 (przezroczysty) do 255 (nieprzezroczysty).","Opacity to compare to (0-255)":"Przejrzysto\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania","Opacity of a Text object":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obiektu tekstowego","Modify the text":"Modyfikuj tekst","Modify the text of a Text object.":"Zmie\u0144 tekst obiektu tekstowego.","the text":"tekst","Compare the text":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst","Compare the text of a Text object.":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst obiektu tekstowego.","Text to compare to":"Tekst do por\xF3wnania","Alignment of the text when multiple lines are displayed":"Wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu przy wy\u015Bwietlaniu wielu linii","Vertical alignment":"Wyr\xF3wnanie pionowe","Show outline":"Poka\u017C obrys","Show shadow":"Poka\u017C cie\u0144","Reduce initial dimensions to keep aspect ratio":"Zmniejsz pocz\u0105tkowe wymiary, aby zachowa\u0107 proporcje","Rotation around X axis":"Obr\xF3t wok\xF3\u0142 osi X","Default rotation":"Domy\u015Blny obr\xF3t","Rotation around Y axis":"Obr\xF3t wok\xF3\u0142 osi Y","Rotation around Z axis":"Obr\xF3t wok\xF3\u0142 osi Z","Material":"Materia\u0142","Origin point":"Punkt pocz\u0105tkowy","Center point":"Punkt \u015Brodkowy","Allow diagonals":"Zezwalaj na przek\u0105tne","Deceleration":"Zwolnienie tempa","Default controls":"Domy\u015Blna kontrola","Top-Down":"G\xF3ra-d\xF3\u0142","Isometry 2:1 (26.565\xB0)":"Perspektywa izometryczna 2:1 (26.565\xB0)","True Isometry (30\xB0)":"Izometria prawdziwa (30\xB0)","Custom Isometry":"Niestandardowa perspektywa izometryczna","Custom isometry angle (between 1deg and 44deg)":"Niestandardowy k\u0105t izometrii (od 1 do 44 stopni)","If you choose \"Custom Isometry\", this allows to specify the angle of your isometry projection.":"Je\u015Bli wybierzesz \"W\u0142asna izometria\", to pozwala to okre\u015Bli\u0107 k\u0105t rzutu izometrii.","Movement angle offset":"Przesuni\u0119cie k\u0105ta ruchu","Usually 0, unless you choose an *Isometry* viewpoint in which case -45 is recommended.":"Zazwyczaj 0, chyba \u017Ce wybierzesz punkt widzenia *Isometria*, w kt\xF3rym to przypadku -45 jest zalecane.","Top-down movement":"Ruch z lotu ptaka","Allows to move objects in either 4 or 8 directions, with the keyboard or using events.":"Pozwala na przenoszenie obiekt\xF3w w 4 lub 8 kierunkach, z klawiatur\u0105 lub przy u\u017Cyciu zdarze\u0144.","Top-down movement (4 or 8 directions)":"Poruszanie si\u0119 typu \"top-down\" (4 lub 8 kierunk\xF3w)","Move objects left, up, right, and down (and, optionally, diagonally).":"Obiekt mo\u017Ce by\u0107 poruszany w lewo, g\xF3r\u0119, prawo oraz d\xF3\u0142 (opcjonalnie po przek\u0105tnych).","Simulate left key press":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza po lewej stronie","Simulate a press of left key.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie lewego przycisku.","Simulate pressing Left for _PARAM0_":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie lewego _PARAM0_","Top-down controls":"Sterowanie Top-down","Simulate right key press":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie prawego klawisza","Simulate a press of right key.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie prawego przycisku.","Simulate pressing Right for _PARAM0_":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie prawego dla _PARAM0_","Simulate up key press":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza","Simulate a press of up key.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza \"w g\xF3r\u0119\".","Simulate pressing Up for _PARAM0_":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie w g\xF3r\u0119 dla _PARAM0_","Simulate down key press":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza w d\xF3\u0142","Simulate a press of down key.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza \"w d\xF3\u0142\".","Simulate pressing Down for _PARAM0_":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie w d\xF3\u0142 dla _PARAM0_","Simulate control":"Symulacja kontroli","Simulate a press of a key.\nValid keys are Left, Right, Up, Down.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza. \nPrawid\u0142owe klawisze to Lewo, Prawo, G\xF3ra, D\xF3\u0142.","Simulate pressing _PARAM2_ key for _PARAM0_":"Symulacja, \u017Ce klawisz _PARAM2_ zosta\u0142 naci\u015Bni\u0119ty dla _PARAM0_","Key":"Klawisz","Ignore default controls":"Zignoruj domy\u015Blne elementy steruj\u0105ce","De/activate the use of default controls.\nIf deactivated, use the simulated actions to move the object.":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz/aktywuj u\u017Cycie domy\u015Blnych element\xF3w steruj\u0105cych.\nJe\u015Bli s\u0105 one wy\u0142\u0105czone, mo\u017Cesz u\u017Cy\u0107 akcji do symulacji klawiszy i przesuni\u0119cia obiektu.","Ignore default controls for _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Zignoruj domy\u015Bln\u0105 kontrol\u0119 dla _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Ignore controls":"Ignoruj kontrol\u0119 domy\u015Bln\u0105","Simulate stick control":"Symuluj sterowanie joystickiem","Simulate a stick control.":"Zasymuluj kontrol\u0119 joystickiem.","Simulate a stick control for _PARAM0_ with a _PARAM2_ angle and a _PARAM3_ force":"Symuluj sterowanie kijkiem dla _PARAM0_ z k\u0105tem _PARAM2_ i _PARAM3_","Stick angle (in degrees)":"K\u0105t joysticka (w stopniach)","Stick force (between 0 and 1)":"Si\u0142a joysticka (pomi\u0119dzy 0, a 1)","Control pressed or simulated":"Kontrolka sterowania wci\u015Bni\u0119ta lub symulowana","A control was applied from a default control or simulated by an action.":"Kontrola zosta\u0142a zastosowana z domy\u015Blnej kontroli lub symulowana przez akcj\u0119.","_PARAM0_ has the _PARAM2_ key pressed or simulated":"_PARAM0_ ma klawisz _PARAM2_ naci\u015Bni\u0119ty lub symulowany","Top-down state":"Stan top-down","Stick angle":"K\u0105t pocz\u0105tkowy","Return the angle of the simulated stick input (in degrees)":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 k\u0105t symulowanego wej\u015Bcia joysticku (w stopniach)","Is moving":"Porusza si\u0119","Check if the object is moving.":"Sprawd\u017A czy obiekt si\u0119 porusza.","_PARAM0_ is moving":"_PARAM0_ porusza si\u0119","Change the acceleration of the object":"Zmie\u0144 przy\u015Bpieszenie obiektu","Top-down configuration":"Konfiguracja top-down","Acceleration (in pixels per second per second)":"Przyspieszenie (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Compare the acceleration of the object":"Dopasuj przy\u015Bpieszenie obiektu","Acceleration to compare to (in pixels per second per second)":"Przyspieszenie do por\xF3wnania (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Change the deceleration of the object":"Zmie\u0144 zmniejszenie pr\u0119dko\u015Bci obiektu","the deceleration":"zmniejszenie pr\u0119dko\u015Bci","Deceleration (in pixels per second per second)":"Op\xF3\u017Anienie (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Compare the deceleration of the object":"Dopasuj zmniejszenie pr\u0119dko\u015Bci obiektu","Deceleration to compare to (in pixels per second per second)":"Op\xF3\u017Anienie do por\xF3wnania (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Change the maximum speed of the object":"Zmie\u0144 maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Compare the maximum speed of the object":"Dostosuj maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Compare the speed of the object":"Dostosuj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Change the maximum angular speed of the object":"Zmie\u0144 maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105tow\u0105 obiektu","Compare the maximum angular speed of the object":"Dostosuj maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105tow\u0105 obiektu","Compare the rotation offset applied when moving the object":"Por\xF3wnaj przesuni\u0119cie obrotu zastosowane podczas przesuwania obiektu","Angle of movement":"K\u0105t ruchu","Compare the angle of the top-down movement of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj k\u0105t ruchu obiektu z g\xF3ry na d\xF3\u0142.","the angle of movement":"k\u0105t ruchu","Tolerance (in degrees)":"Tolerancja (w stopniach)","Speed on X axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 w osi X","Compare the velocity of the top-down movement of the object on the X axis.":"Por\xF3wnaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ruchu z g\xF3ry do do\u0142u obiektu na osi X.","the speed of movement on X axis":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ruchu na osi X","Speed on the X axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na osi X","Change the speed on the X axis of the movement":"Zmie\u0144 szybko\u015B\u0107 poruszania si\u0119 na osi X","the speed on the X axis of the movement":"szybko\u015B\u0107 poruszania si\u0119 po osi X","Speed on Y axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 w osi Y","Compare the velocity of the top-down movement of the object on the Y axis.":"Por\xF3wnaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ruchu z g\xF3ry do do\u0142u obiektu na osi Y.","the speed of movement on Y axis":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ruchu na osi Y","Speed on the Y axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na osi X","Change the speed on the Y axis of the movement":"Zmie\u0144 szybko\u015B\u0107 poruszania si\u0119 na osi Y","the speed on the Y axis of the movement":"szybko\u015B\u0107 poruszania si\u0119 po osi X","Allow or restrict diagonal movement":"Umo\u017Cliw lub ogranicz uko\u015Bny ruch","Allow diagonal moves for _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Pozw\xF3l na ruchy po przek\u0105tnej dla _PARAM0_:_PARAM2_","Check if the object is allowed to move diagonally":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt mo\u017Ce porusza\u0107 si\u0119 po przek\u0105tnej","Allow diagonal moves for _PARAM0_":"Pozw\xF3l na ruchy po przek\u0105tnej dla _PARAM0_","Enable or disable rotation of the object":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz rotacj\u0119 obiektu","Enable rotation of _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"W\u0142\u0105cz obr\xF3t _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Check if the object is rotated while traveling on its path.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest obracany podczas podr\xF3\u017Cy po \u015Bcie\u017Cce.","_PARAM0_ is rotated when moving":"_PARAM0_ jest obracany podczas ruchu","Acceleration of the object":"Przy\u015Bpieszenie obiektu","Deceleration of the object":"Zmniejszenie pr\u0119dko\u015Bci obiektu","Maximum speed of the object":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Speed of the object":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Angular maximum speed of the object":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa obiektu","Rotation offset applied to the object":"Przesuni\u0119cie obrotu zastosowane do obiektu","Angle of the movement":"K\u0105t ruchu","Angle, in degrees, of the movement":"K\u0105t, w stopniach, ruchu","Speed on the X axis of the movement":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 poruszania si\u0119 po osi X","Speed on the Y axis of the movement":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 ruchu na osi Y","the movement angle offset":"przesuni\u0119cie k\u0105ta ruchu","Precise check":"Dok\u0142adne sprawdzenie","Use the object (custom) collision mask instead of the bounding box, making the behavior more precise at the cost of reduced performance":"Korzystaj z tego obiektu","Draggable Behavior":"Przeci\u0105galne zachowanie","Allows objects to be moved using the mouse (or touch). Add the behavior to an object to make it draggable. Use events to enable or disable the behavior when needed.":"Pozwala przenosi\u0107 obiekty za pomoc\u0105 myszy (lub dotyka). Dodaj zachowanie do obiektu, aby by\u0142o przeci\u0105galne. U\u017Cyj zdarze\u0144, aby w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 lub wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 zachowanie, gdy jest to konieczne.","Draggable object":"Przeci\u0105galny Objekt","Draggable":"Przeci\u0105galny","Move objects by holding a mouse button (or touch).":"Przesu\u0144 obiekty trzymaj\u0105c przycisk myszy (albo przez dotyk).","Being dragged":"Przeci\u0105gany","Check if the object is being dragged.":"Sprawd\u017A czy obiekt jest przeci\u0105gany.","_PARAM0_ is being dragged":"_PARAM0_ jest przeci\u0105gany","Was just dropped":"Dopiero co upuszczony","Check if the object was just dropped after being dragged.":"Sprawd\u017A czy obiekt by\u0142 dopiero co upuszczony zanim zosta\u0142 przeci\u0105gni\u0119ty.","_PARAM0_ was just dropped":"Komenda _PARAM0_ zosta\u0142a zacz\u0119ta","Recreate particles":"Odtworzy\u0107 cz\u0105steczki","Destroy and recreate particles, so as to take changes made to setup of the emitter in account.":"Zniszcz i odtw\xF3rz cz\u0105stki, aby wprowadzi\u0107 zmiany wprowadzone do konfiguracji emitera.","Recreate particles of _PARAM0_":"Odtworzy\u0107 cz\u0105stki _PARAM0_","Setup":"Ustawienia","Rendering first parameter":"Renderowanie pierwszego parametru","Modify first parameter of rendering (Size/Length).\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Zmodyfikuj pierwszy parametr renderowania (Rozmiar / D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107).\nCz\u0105steczki musz\u0105 zosta\u0107 odtworzone, aby uwzgl\u0119dni\u0107 zmiany.","the rendering 1st parameter":"pierwszy parametr renderowania","Test the first parameter of rendering (Size/Length).":"Testuj pierwszy parametr renderowania (rozmiar / d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107).","the 1st rendering parameter":"pierwszy parametr renderowania","Rendering second parameter":"Renderowanie drugiego parametru","Modify the second parameter of rendering (Size/Length).\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Zmie\u0144 drug\u0105 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 renderowania (Wielko\u015B\u0107/D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107).\nCz\u0105steczki musz\u0105 by\u0107 stworzone ponownie, aby zasz\u0142y zmiany.","the rendering 2nd parameter":"drugi parametr renderowania","Test the second parameter of rendering (Size/Length).":"Przetestuj drug\u0105 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 renderowania (Wielko\u015B\u0107/D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107).","the 2nd rendering parameter":"drugi parametr renderowania","Capacity":"Pojemno\u015B\u0107","Change the capacity of the emitter.":"Zmie\u0144 pojemno\u015B\u0107 emitera.","the capacity":"pojemno\u015B\u0107","Common":"Og\xF3lne","Test the capacity of the emitter.":"Ocenia zdolno\u015B\u0107 emitenta.","Capacity to compare to":"Zdolno\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania z","Flow":"Przep\u0142yw","Change the flow of the emitter.":"Modyfikuje przep\u0142yw emitera.","the flow":"przep\u0142yw","Flow (in particles per second)":"Przep\u0142yw (w cz\u0105stkach na sekund\u0119)","Test the flow of the emitter.":"Sprawdza przep\u0142yw emitera.","Flow to compare to (in particles per second)":"Przep\u0142yw do por\xF3wnania z (w cz\u0105steczkach na sekund\u0119)","Particle image (deprecated)":"Obraz cz\u0105steczek (przestarza\u0142e)","Change the image of particles (if displayed).":"Zmie\u0144 obraz cz\u0105steczek (je\u017Celi wy\u015Bwietlane).","Change the image of particles of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 tekstur\u0119 cz\u0105steczek z _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Image to use":"Obraz do u\u017Cycia","Particle image":"Obraz cz\u0105steczek","Image file (or image resource name)":"Plik obrazu (lub nazwa zasobu obrazu)","Test the name of the image displayed by particles.":"Sprawd\u017A nazwe obrazu wy\u015Bwietlanego przez cz\u0105steczki.","the image displayed by particles":"obraz wy\u015Bwietlany przez cz\u0105steczki","Particles image":"Obraz cz\u0105steczek","Name of the image displayed by particles.":"Nazwa obrazu u\u017Cywanego przez cz\u0105steczki.","Particles":"Cz\u0105steczki","Particles number":"Liczba cz\u0105steczek","Particles count":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek","Number of particles currently displayed.":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 aktualnie wy\u015Bwietlonych cz\u0105steczek.","Capacity of the particle tank.":"Ca\u0142kowita ilo\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","Flow of the particles (particles/second).":"Przep\u0142yw cz\u0105steczek (cz\u0105steczki na sekund\u0119).","Emission minimal force":"Minimalna si\u0142a emisji","The minimal emission force of the particles.":"Minimalna si\u0142a emisji cz\u0105steczek.","Emission maximal force":"Emisja maksymalnej si\u0142y","The maximal emission force of the particles.":"Maksymalna si\u0142a emisji cz\u0105steczek.","Emission angle":"K\u0105t emisji","Emission angle of the particles.":"K\u0105t emisji cz\u0105steczek.","Emission angle A":"K\u0105t emisji A","Emission angle B":"K\u0105t emisji B","Angle of the spray cone":"K\u0105t rozwarcia sto\u017Cka","Radius of emission zone":"Promie\u0144 strefy emisji","The radius of the emission zone.":"Promie\u0144 strefy emisji.","X gravity":"X grawitacja","Gravity of particles applied on X-axis.":"Grawitacja cz\u0105stek umieszczonych na osi X.","Y gravity":"Y grawitacja","Gravity of particles applied on Y-axis.":"Grawitacja cz\u0105steczek zosta\u0142a zastosowana na osi Y.","Gravity angle":"K\u0105t grawitacji","Angle of gravity.":"K\u0105t grawitacji.","Gravity":"Grawitacja","Value of gravity.":"Warto\u015B\u0107 grawitacji.","Minimum lifetime of particles":"Minimalny okres istnienia cz\u0105stek","Minimum lifetime of the particles.":"Minimalny okres \u017Cywotno\u015Bci cz\u0105stek.","Maximum lifetime of particles":"Minimalny okres istnienia cz\u0105stek","Maximum lifetime of the particles.":"Maksymalny okres \u017Cywotno\u015Bci cz\u0105stek.","Start color red component":"Obrys komponentu: czerwony","The start color red component of the particles.":"Pocz\u0105tkowy kolor czerwony cz\u0105steczek.","End color red component":"Ko\u0144cowy czerwony komponent","The end color red component of the particles.":"Ko\u0144cowy kolor czerwony cz\u0105steczek.","Start color blue component":"Rozpocznij niebieski komponent","The start color blue component of the particles.":"Pocz\u0105tkowy kolor niebieski cz\u0105steczek.","End color blue component":"Niebieski sk\u0142adnik koloru ko\u0144cowego","The end color blue component of the particles.":"Ko\u0144cowy kolor niebieski cz\u0105steczek.","Start color green component":"Rozpocznij kolor zielony","The start color green component of the particles.":"Pocz\u0105tkowy kolor zielony cz\u0105steczek.","End color green component":"Ko\u0144cowy kolor zielony","The end color green component of the particles.":"Ko\u0144cowy kolor zielony cz\u0105steczek.","Start opacity":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkowa","Start opacity of the particles.":"Pocz\u0105tkowa przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","End opacity":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 ko\u0144cowa","End opacity of the particles.":"Ko\u0144cowa przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","Start size":"Rozmiar pocz\u0105tkowy","Start size of particles.":"Rozmiar pocz\u0105tkowy cz\u0105stek.","End size":"Rozmiar ko\u0144cowy","End size of particles.":"Rozmiar ko\u0144cowy cz\u0105stek.","Jump emitter forward in time":"Przenie\u015B emiter do przodu w czasie","Simulate the passage of time for an emitter, including creating and moving particles":"Symuluj przej\u015Bcie w czasie dla emitera, w\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105c w to tworzenie i poruszanie cz\u0105steczek","Jump _PARAM0_ forward in time by _PARAM1_ seconds":"Przenie\u015B _PARAM0_ o _PARAM1_ sekund w czasie","Seconds of time":"Sekund(y)","Modify minimal emission force of particles.":"Modyfikuje minimaln\u0105 si\u0142\u0119 emisji cz\u0105stek.","the minimal emission force":"minimalna si\u0142a emisji","Modify maximal emission force of particles.":"Zmodyfikuj maksymaln\u0105 si\u0142\u0119 emisji cz\u0105stek.","the maximal emission force":"maksymalna si\u0142a emisji","Modify emission angle.":"Zmodyfikuj k\u0105ta emisji.","the emission angle":"k\u0105t emisji","Test the value of emission angle of the emitter.":"Test warto\u015Bci k\u0105ta emisji nadajnika.","Emission angle 1":"K\u0105t emisji 1","Change emission angle #1":"Zmiana k\u0105ta emisji #1","the 1st emission angle":"k\u0105t pierwszej emisji","Test the value of emission 1st angle of the emitter":"Test warto\u015B\u0107 k\u0105ta emitera nr 1 \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142a cz\u0105stek","Emission angle 2":"K\u0105t emisji 2","Change emission angle #2":"Zmiana k\u0105ta emisji #2","the 2nd emission angle":"k\u0105t drugiej emisji","Test the emission angle #2 of the emitter.":"Test warto\u015B\u0107 k\u0105ta emitera nr 2 \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142a cz\u0105stek.","Modify the angle of the spray cone.":"Zmie\u0144 k\u0105t rozwarcia sto\u017Cka.","the angle of the spray cone":"k\u0105t rozwarcia sto\u017Cka","Test the angle of the spray cone of the emitter":"Test k\u0105t sto\u017Cka rozproszenia emitera","Creation radius":"Promie\u0144 tworzenia","Modify creation radius of particles.\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Zmodyfikuj promie\u0144 tworzenia cz\u0105stek.\nCz\u0105steczki musz\u0105 zosta\u0107 odtworzone, aby uwzgl\u0119dni\u0107 zmiany.","the creation radius":"promie\u0144 tworzenia","Test creation radius of particles.":"Test tworzenia promienia cz\u0105stek.","Minimum lifetime":"Minimalna \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107","Modify particles minimum lifetime. Particles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Zmie\u0144 najmniejszy czas istnienia cz\u0105steczek. Cz\u0105steczki musz\u0105 by\u0107 stworzone ponownie, aby zasz\u0142y zmiany.","the minimum lifetime of particles":"minimalna \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek","Duration (in seconds)":"Czas trwania (w sekundach)","Test minimum lifetime of particles.":"Testuj minimaln\u0105 \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","Duration to compare to (in seconds)":"Czas do por\xF3wnania (w sekundach)","Maximum lifetime":"Maksymalna \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107","Modify particles maximum lifetime.\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Zmodyfikuj maksymaln\u0105 \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.\nCz\u0105steczki musz\u0105 by\u0107 odtworzone w celu uwzgl\u0119dnienia zmian na koncie.","the maximum lifetime of particles":"maksymalna \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek","Test maximum lifetime of particles.":"Testuj maksymaln\u0105 \u017Cywotno\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","Gravity value on X axis":"Warto\u015B\u0107 grawitacji na osi X","Change value of the gravity on X axis.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 grawitacji na osi X.","the gravity on X axis":"grawitacja na osi X","Compare value of the gravity on X axis.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 grawitacji na osi X.","Gravity value on Y axis":"Warto\u015B\u0107 grawitacji na osi Y","Change value of the gravity on Y axis.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 grawitacji na osi Y.","the gravity on Y axis":"grawitacja na osi Y","Compare value of the gravity on Y axis.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 grawitacji na osi Y.","Change gravity angle":"Zmie\u0144 k\u0105t grawitacji","the gravity angle":"k\u0105t grawitacji","Test the gravity angle of the emitter":"Test k\u0105ta grawitacji emitera","Change the gravity of the emitter.":"Zmie\u0144 grawitacj\u0119 nadajnika.","the gravity":"grawitacja","Test the gravity of the emitter.":"Testuj grawitacj\u0119 nadajnika.","Start emission":"Rozpocznij emitowanie","Refill tank (if not infinite) and start emission of the particles.":"Uzupe\u0142nij zbiornik (je\u015Bli nie jest niesko\u0144czony) i zacznij emisje cz\u0105steczek.","Start emission of _PARAM0_":"Zacznij emisje _PARAM0_","Stop emission":"Zatrzymaj emitowanie","Stop the emission of particles.":"Wstrzymaj emisj\u0119 cz\u0105steczek.","Stop emission of _PARAM0_":"Zatrzymaj emisj\u0119 _PARAM0_","Texture":"Tekstura","Particles size":"Rozmiar cz\u0105steczek","Start size (in percents)":"Rozmiar pocz\u0105tkowy (w procentach)","End size (in percents)":"Rozmiar ko\u0144cowy (w procentach)","Start color":"Kolor startowy","Particles color":"Kolor cz\u0105steczek","End color":"Kolor ko\u0144cowy","Particles flow":"Przep\u0142yw cz\u0105steczek","Max particles count":"Maksymalna liczba cz\u0105steczek","Tank":"Zbiornik","Particles flow (particles/seconds)":"Przep\u0142yw cz\u0105steczek (cz\u0105stki/sekund\u0119)","Emitter force min":"Minimalna si\u0142a emitera","Particles movement":"Ruch cz\u0105steczek","Emitter force max":"Maksymalna si\u0142a emitera","Minimum rotation speed":"Minimalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obrotu","Maximum rotation speed":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obrotu","Cone spray angle":"K\u0105t rozpylania sto\u017Cka","Emitter radius":"Promie\u0144 emitera","Gravity X":"Grawitacja X","Particles gravity":"Grawitacja cz\u0105steczek","Gravity Y":"Grawitacja Y","Particles life time":"Czas \u017Cycia cz\u0105steczek","Jump forward in time on creation":"Przeskocz do przodu w czasie przy tworzeniu","Particle system":"System cz\u0105stek","Particles emitter":"Emiter cz\u0105stek","Displays a large number of small particles to create visual effects.":"Pokazuje wiele drobnych cz\u0105stek, tworz\u0105c efekty wizualne.","Modify start color of particles.":"Modyfikuj pocz\u0105tkowy kolor cz\u0105stek.","Change particles start color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor pocz\u0105tkowy cz\u0105stek _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Modify end color of particles.":"Modyfikuj ko\u0144cowy kolor cz\u0105stek.","Change particles end color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor ko\u0144cowy cz\u0105stek _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Modify the start color red component.":"Zmie\u0144 kolor pocz\u0105tkowy niebieskiej cz\u0119\u015Bci.","the start color red component":"Obrys komponentu: czerwony","Value (0-255)":"Warto\u015B\u0107 (0-255)","Compare the start color red component.":"Por\xF3wnaj komponent koloru pocz\u0105tkowego.","Value to compare to (0-255)":"Warto\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania (0-255)","Modify the end color red component.":"Modyfikuj ko\u0144cowy czerwony komponent.","the end color red component":"koniec koloru czerwonego na cz\u0119\u015Bci","Compare the end color red component.":"Por\xF3wnaj koniec koloru czerwonego na cz\u0119\u015Bci.","Modify the start color blue component.":"Zmie\u0144 kolor pocz\u0105tkowy niebieskiej cz\u0119\u015Bci.","the start color blue component":"niebieski komponent pocz\u0105tkowy","Compare the start color blue component.":"Por\xF3wnaj pocz\u0105tkowy kolor niebieskiego komponentu.","Modify the end color blue component.":"Modyfikuj kolor ko\u0144cowy niebieski sk\u0142adnik.","the end color blue component":"niebieski sk\u0142adnik koloru ko\u0144cowego","Compare the end color blue component.":"Por\xF3wnaj kolor ko\u0144cowy niebieski sk\u0142adnik.","Modify the start color green component.":"Modyfikuj kolor pocz\u0105tkowy zielonego komponentu.","the start color green component":"zielony komponent pocz\u0105tkowy","Compare the start color green component.":"Por\xF3wnaj pocz\u0105tkowy kolor zielonego komponentu.","Modify the end color green component.":"Modyfikuj ko\u0144cowy kolor zielonego komponentu.","the end color green component":"ko\u0144cowy kolor zielonego komponentu","Compare the end color green component.":"Por\xF3wnaj ko\u0144cowy kolor zielonego komponentu.","Modify the particle start size.":"Modyfikuj rozmiar pocz\u0105tkowy cz\u0105steczki.","the start size":"rozmiar pocz\u0105tkowy","Compare the particle start size.":"Por\xF3wnaj rozmiar pocz\u0105tkowy cz\u0105steczki.","Modify the particle end size.":"Modyfikuj rozmiar ko\u0144cowy cz\u0105stek.","the end size":"rozmiar ko\u0144cowy","Compare the particle end size.":"Por\xF3wnaj rozmiar ko\u0144c\xF3wki cz\u0105stek.","Modify the start opacity of particles.":"Zmie\u0144 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","the start opacity":"prze\u017Aroczysto\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkowa","Compare the start opacity of particles.":"Por\xF3wnaj pocz\u0105tkow\u0105 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","Modify the end opacity of particles.":"Zmie\u0144 ko\u0144cow\u0105 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","the end opacity":"nieprzezroczysto\u015B\u0107 ko\u0144cowa","Compare the end opacity of particles.":"Por\xF3wnaj ko\u0144cow\u0105 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 cz\u0105steczek.","No more particles":"Nigdy wi\u0119cej cz\u0105stek","Check if the object does not emit particles any longer, so as to destroy it for example.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt nie wytwarza ju\u017C cz\u0105steczek, aby na przyk\u0142ad go usun\u0105\u0107.","_PARAM0_ does not emit any longer":"_PARAM0_ nie emituje wi\u0119cej cz\u0105steczek","Particle rotation min speed":"Minimalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obracania si\u0119 cz\u0105steczek","the minimum rotation speed of the particles":"minimalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obracania si\u0119 cz\u0105steczek","the particles minimum rotation speed":"minimalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obracania si\u0119 cz\u0105steczek","Angular speed (in degrees per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa (w stopniach na sekund\u0119)","Particle rotation max speed":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obracania si\u0119 cz\u0105steczek","the maximum rotation speed of the particles":"maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obracania si\u0119 cz\u0105steczek","the particles maximum rotation speed":"maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obracania si\u0119 cz\u0105steczek","Number of displayed particles":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlanych cz\u0105steczek","the maximum number of displayed particles":"maksymalna ilo\u015B\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlanych cz\u0105steczek","Activate particles additive rendering":"W\u0142\u0105cz renderowanie addytywne cz\u0105steczek","the particles additive rendering is activated":"renderowanie addytywne cz\u0105steczek jest w\u0142\u0105czone","displaying particles with additive rendering activated":"wy\u015Bwietlanie cz\u0105steczek z w\u0142\u0105czonym renderowaniem addytywnym","Shopify":"Shopify","Interact with products and generate URLs for checkouts with your Shopify shop.":"Interakcje produktami i generowanie URL dla sprawdzania twojego sklepu Shopify.","Initialize a shop":"Inicjalizacja sklepu","Initialize a shop with your credentials. Call this action first, and then use the shop name in the other actions to interact with products.":"Zainicjuj sklep za pomoc\u0105 swoich danych uwierzytelniaj\u0105cych. Najpierw wywo\u0142aj t\u0119 akcj\u0119, a nast\u0119pnie u\u017Cyj nazwy sklepu w innych akcjach do interakcji z produktami.","Initialize shop _PARAM1_ (domain: _PARAM2_, appId: _PARAM3_)":"Inicjalizuj sklep _PARAM1_ (domena: _PARAM2_, appId: _PARAM3_)","Shop name":"Nazwa sklepu","Domain (":"Domena (","App Id":"Id aplikacji","Access Token":"Token dost\u0119pu","Get the URL for buying a product":"Pobierz URL dla kupna produktu","Get the URL for buying a product from a shop. The URL will be stored in the scene variable that you specify. You can then use the action to open an URL to redirect the player to the checkout.":"Uzyskaj adres URL do zakupu produktu w sklepie. Adres URL zostanie zapisany w wybranej przez Ciebie zmiennej sceny. Nast\u0119pnie mo\u017Cesz u\u017Cy\u0107 akcji w celu otwarcia adres URL, aby przekierowa\u0107 gracza do zam\xF3wienia.","Get the URL for product #_PARAM2_ (quantity: _PARAM3_, variant: _PARAM4_) from shop _PARAM1_, and store it in _PARAM5_ (or _PARAM6_ in case of error)":"Uzyskaj adres URL produktu nr _PARAM2_ (ilo\u015B\u0107: _PARAM3_, wariant: _PARAM4_) ze sklepu _PARAM1_ i zapisz go w _PARAM5_ (lub _PARAM6_ w przypadku b\u0142\u0119du)","Shop name (initialized with \"Initialize a shop\" action)":"Nazwa sklepu (inicjalozowana z akcj\u0105 \"inicjalizacja sklepu\")","Product id":"Id produktu","Quantity":"Ilo\u015B\u0107","Variant (0 by default)":"Wariant (0 domy\u015Blny)","Scene variable where the URL for checkout must be stored":"Zmienna sceny w kt\xF3rej adres URL zam\xF3wienia musi by\u0107 zapisany","Scene variable containing the error (if any)":"Zmienna sceny zawieraj\u0105ca b\u0142\u0105d (je\u015Bli istnieje)","Shape painter":"Malarz kszta\u0142t\xF3w","This provides an object that can be used to draw arbitrary shapes on the screen using events.":"To sprawia, \u017Ce obiekt mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty do rysowania dowolnych kszta\u0142t\xF3w na ekranie za pomoc\u0105 zdarze\u0144.","Allows you to draw simple shapes on the screen using the events.":"Umo\u017Cliwia rysowanie prostych kszta\u0142t\xF3w na ekranie za pomoc\u0105 zdarze\u0144.","Rectangle":"Prostok\u0105t","Draw a rectangle on screen":"Rysuj prostok\u0105t na ekranie","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a rectangle with _PARAM0_":"Rysuj prostok\u0105t z _PARAM0_ z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_","Drawing":"Rysowanie","Shape Painter object":"Obiekt rysowania kszta\u0142tu","Left X position":"Lewa pozycja X","Top Y position":"G\xF3rna pozycja Y","Right X position":"Pozycja prawego X","Bottom Y position":"Dolna pozycja Y","Draw a circle on screen":"Narysuj ko\u0142o na ekranie","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a circle of radius _PARAM3_ with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj w _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ k\xF3\u0142ko z promieniem _PARAM3_ z _PARAM0_","X position of center":"\u015Arodek pozycji X","Y position of center":"Centrum pozycji Y","Radius (in pixels)":"Promie\u0144 (w pikselach)","X position of start point":"Pozycja X punktu startowego","Y position of start point":"Pozycja Y punktu startowego","X position of end point":"Pozycja X punktu ko\u0144cowego","Y position of end point":"Pozycja Y punktu ko\u0144cowego","Thickness (in pixels)":"Grubo\u015B\u0107 (w pikselach)","Draw a line on screen":"Narysuj lini\u0119 na ekranie","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a line (thickness: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Rysuj z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ lini\u0119 (grubo\u015Bci: _PARAM5_) z _PARAM0_","Ellipse":"Elipsa","Draw an ellipse on screen":"Narysuj elips\u0119 na ekranie","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ an ellipse of width _PARAM3_ and height _PARAM4_ with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj w _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ elipsy szeroko\u015Bci _PARAM3_ i wysoko\u015Bci _PARAM4_ z _PARAM0_","The width of the ellipse":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 elipsy","The height of the ellipse":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 elipsy","Fillet Rectangle":"Zaokr\u0105glij prostok\u0105t","Draw a fillet rectangle on screen":"Rysuj zaokr\u0105glony prostok\u0105t na ekranie","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a fillet rectangle (fillet: _PARAM5_)with _PARAM0_":"Rysuj z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ zaokr\u0105glony prostok\u0105t (zaokr\u0105glenie: _PARAM5_) z _PARAM0_","Fillet (in pixels)":"Zaokr\u0105glenie (w pikselach)","Rounded rectangle":"Zaokr\u0105glony prostok\u0105t","Draw a rounded rectangle on screen":"Narysuj zaokr\u0105glony prostok\u0105t na ekranie","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a rounded rectangle (radius: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Rysuj z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ lini\u0119 (grubo\u015Bci: _PARAM5_) z _PARAM0_","Chamfer Rectangle":"Fazowany Czworok\u0105t","Draw a chamfer rectangle on screen":"Narysuj fazowany czworok\u0105t na ekranie","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a chamfer rectangle (chamfer: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj fazowanego czworok\u0105ta od _PARAM1_;_PARAM2 do _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (faza: _PARAM5_) z _PARAM0_","Chamfer (in pixels)":"Faza (w pikselach)","Torus":"Torus","Draw a torus on screen":"Rysuj torus na ekranie","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a torus with inner radius: _PARAM3_, outer radius: _PARAM4_ and with start arc angle: _PARAM5_\xB0, end angle: _PARAM6_\xB0 with _PARAM0_":"Rysuj w _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ torus z promieniem wewn\u0119trznym: _PARAM3_, promie\u0144 zewn\u0119trzny: _PARAM4_ i k\u0105t \u0142uku pocz\u0105tkowy: _PARAM5_\xB0, k\u0105t ko\u0144cowy: _PARAM6_\xB0 z _PARAM0_","Inner Radius (in pixels)":"Promie\u0144 wewn\u0119trzny (w pikselach)","Outer Radius (in pixels)":"Promie\u0144 zewn\u0119trzny (w pikselach)","Start Arc (in degrees)":"\u0141uk pocz\u0105tkowy (w stopniach)","End Arc (in degrees)":"\u0141uk ko\u0144cowy (w stopniach)","Regular Polygon":"Zwyk\u0142y wielok\u0105t","Draw a regular polygon on screen":"Narysuj zwyk\u0142y wielok\u0105t na ekranie","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a regular polygon with _PARAM3_ sides and radius: _PARAM4_ (rotation: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj zwyk\u0142y wielok\u0105t na _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ z _PARAM3_ stronami i promieniem: _PARAM4_ (k\u0105t obrotu: _PARAM5_) z _PARAM0_","Number of sides of the polygon (minimum: 3)":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 \u015Bcian wielok\u0105ta (minimum: 3)","Rotation (in degrees)":"Obr\xF3t (w stopniach)","Star":"Gwiazdka","Draw a star on screen":"Narysuj gwiazd\u0119 na ekranie","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a star with _PARAM3_ points and radius: _PARAM4_ (inner radius: _PARAM5_, rotation: _PARAM6_) with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj w _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ gwiazdk\u0119 z _PARAM3_ punktami i promieniem: _PARAM4_ (promie\u0144 wewn\u0119trzny: _PARAM5_, obr\xF3cenie: _PARAM6_) z _PARAM0_","Number of points of the star (minimum: 2)":"Liczba punkt\xF3w gwiazdy (minimalnie: 2)","Inner radius (in pixels, half radius by default)":"Promie\u0144 wewn\u0119trzny (w pikselach, p\xF3\u0142promieniu domy\u015Blnie)","Arc":"\u0141uk","Draw an arc on screen. If \"Close path\" is set to yes, a line will be drawn between the start and end point of the arc, closing the shape.":"Narysuj \u0142uk na ekranie. Je\u015Bli \"Zamknij \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119\" jest ustawiona na tak, mi\u0119dzy punktem pocz\u0105tkowym i ko\u0144cowym \u0142uku zostanie narysowana linia zamykaj\u0105ca kszta\u0142t.","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ an arc with radius: _PARAM3_, start angle: _PARAM4_, end angle: _PARAM5_ (anticlockwise: _PARAM6_, close path: _PARAM7_) with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj w _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ \u0142uk o promieniu: _PARAM3_, k\u0105t pocz\u0105tkowy: _PARAM4_, k\u0105t zako\u0144czenia: _PARAM5_ (kierunek wskaz\xF3wek zegara: _PARAM6_, \u015Bcie\u017Cka zamkni\u0119cia: _PARAM7_) z _PARAM0_","Start angle of the arc (in degrees)":"K\u0105t pocz\u0105tkowy \u0142uku (w stopniach)","End angle of the arc (in degrees)":"K\u0105t ko\u0144cowy \u0142uku (w stopniach)","Anticlockwise":"Przeciwny ruchowi wskaz\xF3wek zegara","Close path":"Zamknij \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119","Bezier curve":"Krzywa Beziera","Draw a bezier curve on screen":"Narysuj krzyw\u0105 beziera na ekranie","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM7_;_PARAM8_ a bezier curve (first control point: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_, second control point: _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_) with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ do _PARAM7_;_PARAM8_ krzyw\u0105 beziera (pierwszy punkt kontrolny: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_, drugi punkt kontrolny: _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_) z _PARAM0_","First control point x":"Pierwszy punkt kontrolny x","First control point y":"Pierwszy punkt kontrolny y","Second Control point x":"Drugi punkt kontrolny x","Second Control point y":"Drugi punkt kontrolny y","Destination point x":"Punkt docelowy x","Destination point y":"Punkt docelowy y","Quadratic curve":"Krzywa kwadratowa","Draw a quadratic curve on screen":"Narysuj krzyw\u0105 kwadratow\u0105 na ekranie","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_ a quadratic curve (control point: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_) with _PARAM0_":"Narysuj z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ do _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_ krzyw\u0105 kwadratow\u0105 (punkt kontrolny: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_) z _PARAM0_","Control point x":"Punkt kontrolny x","Control point y":"Punkt kontrolny y","Begin fill path":"Rozpocznij wype\u0142nianie \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Begin to draw a simple one-color fill. Subsequent actions, such as \"Path line\" (in the Advanced category) can be used to draw. Be sure to use \"End fill path\" action when you're done drawing the shape.":"Rozpocznij rysowanie prostego jednokolorowego wype\u0142nienia. Kolejne dzia\u0142ania, takie jak \"Linia \u015Bcie\u017Cki\" (w kategorii zaawansowanej) mog\u0105 by\u0107 u\u017Cyte do rysowania. Pami\u0119taj, aby u\u017Cy\u0107 akcji \"Zako\u0144cz wype\u0142nianie\", gdy sko\u0144czysz rysowanie kszta\u0142tu.","Begins drawing filling of an advanced path with _PARAM0_ (start: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_)":"Zaczyna rysowanie zaawansowanej \u015Bcie\u017Cki _PARAM0_ (start: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_)","Start drawing x":"Rozpocznij rysowanie x","Start drawing y":"Rozpocznij rysowanie y","End fill path":"Zako\u0144cz wype\u0142nianie \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Finish the filling drawing in an advanced path":"\u0417\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0430\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0440\u0438\u0441\u0443\u043D\u043E\u043A \u043F\u043E \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0448\u0438\u0440\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u043C\u0443 \u043F\u0443\u0442\u0438","Finish the filling drawing in an advanced path with _PARAM0_":"Zako\u0144cz rysowanie wype\u0142nienia zaawansowan\u0105 \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0105 za pomoc\u0105 _PARAM0_","Move path drawing position":"Przenie\u015B pozycj\u0119 rysowania \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Move the drawing position for the current path":"Przesu\u0144 pozycj\u0119 rysowania dla bie\u017C\u0105cej \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Move the drawing position of the path to _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ with _PARAM0_":"Przenie\u015B pozycj\u0119 rysowania \u015Bcie\u017Cki do _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ z _PARAM0_","Path line":"Linia \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Add to a path a line to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Dodaj lini\u0119 do pozycji do \u015Bcie\u017Cki. Pocz\u0105tek pochodzi z poprzedniej akcji lub z \u201ERozpocznij \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 wype\u0142nienia\u201D lub \u201EPrzenie\u015B pozycj\u0119 rysowania \u015Bcie\u017Cki\u201D. Domy\u015Blnie pozycja pocz\u0105tkowa b\u0119dzie pozycj\u0105 obiektu.","Add to a path a line to the position _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ with _PARAM0_":"Dodaj do \u015Bcie\u017Cki lini\u0119 do pozycji _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ z _PARAM0_","Path bezier curve":"Krzywa beziera \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Add to a path a bezier curve to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Dodaj do \u015Bcie\u017Cki krzyw\u0105 bezier\u0119 do pozycji. Pocz\u0105tek pochodzi z poprzedniej akcji lub z \u201ERozpocznij \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 wype\u0142nienia\u201D lub \u201EPrzenie\u015B pozycj\u0119 rysowania \u015Bcie\u017Cki\u201D. Domy\u015Blnie pozycja pocz\u0105tkowa b\u0119dzie pozycj\u0105 obiektu.","Add to a path a bezier curve to the position _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_ (first control point: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, second control point: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_) with _PARAM0_":"Dodaj do \u015Bcie\u017Cki krzyw\u0105 bezier\u0119 do pozycji _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_ (pierwszy punkt kontrolny: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, drugi punkt kontrolny: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_), korzystaj\u0105c z _PARAM0_","Path arc":"\u0141uk \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Add to a path an arc to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Dodaj do \u015Bcie\u017Cki krzyw\u0105 bezier\u0119 do pozycji. Pocz\u0105tek pochodzi z poprzedniej akcji lub z \u201ERozpocznij \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 wype\u0142nienia\u201D lub \u201EPrzenie\u015B pozycj\u0119 rysowania \u015Bcie\u017Cki\u201D. Domy\u015Blnie pozycja pocz\u0105tkowa b\u0119dzie pozycj\u0105 obiektu.","Add to a path an arc at the position _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ (radius: _PARAM3_, start angle: _PARAM4_, end angle: _PARAM5_, anticlockwise: _PARAM6_) with _PARAM0_":"Dodaj do \u015Bcie\u017Cki \u0142uk w pozycji _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ (promie\u0144: _PARAM3_, k\u0105t rozpocz\u0119cia: _PARAM4_, k\u0105t zako\u0144czenia: _PARAM5_, przeciwnie do ruchu zegara: _PARAM6_) z _PARAM0_","Center x of circle":"\u015Arodek x okr\u0119gu","Center y of circle":"\u015Arodek y okr\u0119gu","Start angle":"K\u0105t pocz\u0105tkowy","End angle":"K\u0105t ko\u0144cowy","Path quadratic curve":"Krzywa kwadratowa \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Add to a path a quadratic curve to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Dodaj do \u015Bcie\u017Cki krzyw\u0105 kwadratow\u0105 do pozycji. Pocz\u0105tek uk\u0142adu wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych pochodzi z poprzedniej czynno\u015Bci lub z \u201E\u015Bcie\u017Cki wype\u0142nienia\u201D lub \u201Epozycji rysunku \u015Bcie\u017Cki przesuwania\u201D. Domy\u015Blnie pozycj\u0105 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105 b\u0119dzie pozycja obiektu.","Add to a path a quadratic curve to the position _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (control point: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_) with _PARAM0_":"Dodaj do \u015Bcie\u017Cki krzyw\u0105 kwadratow\u0105 do pozycji _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (punkt kontrolny: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_) z _PARAM0_","Close Path":"Zamknij \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119","Close the path of the advanced shape. This closes the outline between the last and the first point.":"Zamknij obw\xF3d kszta\u0142tu. To zamyka obw\xF3d pomi\u0119dzy pierwszym i ostatnim punktem.","Close the path with _PARAM0_":"Zamknij obw\xF3d z _PARAM0_","Clear shapes":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 kszta\u0142ty","Clear the rendered shape(s). Useful if not set to be done automatically.":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 wyrenderowane kszta\u0142t(y). Przydatne, je\u015Bli nie jest to wykonywane automatycznie.","Clear the rendered image of _PARAM0_":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 wyrenderowany obraz _PARAM0_","Clear between frames":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 mi\u0119dzy klatkami","Activate (or deactivate) the clearing of the rendered shape at the beginning of each frame.":"Aktywuj (lub dezaktywuj) czyszczenie rysowanego kszta\u0142tu na pocz\u0105tku ka\u017Cdej klatki.","Clear the rendered image of _PARAM0_ between each frame: _PARAM1_":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 renderowany obraz _PARAM0_ pomi\u0119dzy ka\u017Cd\u0105 ramk\u0105: _PARAM1_","Clear between each frame":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 mi\u0119dzy ka\u017Cd\u0105 klatk\u0105","Check if the rendered image is cleared between frames.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy rysowany obraz jest usuwany mi\u0119dzy klatkami.","_PARAM0_ is clearing its rendered image between each frame":"_PARAM0_ czy\u015Bci jego narysowany obraz pomi\u0119dzy ka\u017Cd\u0105 klatk\u0105","Change the color used when filling":"Zmie\u0144 kolor u\u017Cywany podczas wype\u0142niania","Change fill color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor wype\u0142nienia _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","Filing color red component":"Wype\u0142nianie koloru czerwonego komponentu","Filing color green component":"Wype\u0142nianie koloru zielonego komponentu","Filing color blue component":"Wype\u0142nianie koloru niebieskiego komponentu","Modify the color of the outline of future drawings.":"Modyfikuj kolor konturu dla przysz\u0142ych rysunk\xF3w.","Change outline color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor konturu _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","Outline color red component":"Obrys komponentu: czerwony","Outline color green component":"Obrys komponentu: zielony","Outline color blue component":"Obrys komponentu: niebieski","Outline size":"Rozmiar konturu","Modify the size of the outline of future drawings.":"Zmie\u0144 rozmiar konturu dla przysz\u0142ych rysunk\xF3w.","the size of the outline":"rozmiar konturu","Test the size of the outline.":"Testuj rozmiar konturu.","Fill opacity":"Wype\u0142nij krycie","Modify the opacity level used when filling future drawings.":"Zmie\u0144 poziom przezroczysto\u015Bci u\u017Cywany podczas wype\u0142niania przysz\u0142ych rysunk\xF3w.","the opacity of filling":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 wype\u0142nienia","Test the value of the opacity level used when filling.":"Testuj warto\u015B\u0107 nie prze\u017Aroczysto\u015Bci u\u017Cywanej podczas wype\u0142niania.","Filling opacity":"Nieprzezroczysto\u015B\u0107 wype\u0142nienia","Outline opacity":"Krycie konspektu","Modify the opacity of the outline of future drawings.":"Zmie\u0144 nieprze\u017Aroczysto\u015B\u0107 kontur\xF3w dla przysz\u0142ych rysunk\xF3w.","the opacity of the outline":"prze\u017Aroczysto\u015B\u0107 konturu","Test the opacity of the outline.":"Testuj nieprze\u017Aroczysto\u015B\u0107 konturu.","Use relative coordinates":"U\u017Cyj wzgl\u0119dnych wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych","Set if the object should use relative coordinates (by default) or not. It's recommended to use relative coordinates.":"Ustaw czy obiekt powinien u\u017Cywa\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych wzgl\u0119dnych (domy\u015Blnie) czy nie. Zalecane jest u\u017Cycie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych wzgl\u0119dnych.","Use relative coordinates for _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"U\u017Cyj wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych wzgl\u0119dnych dla _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Use relative coordinates?":"U\u017Cy\u0107 koordynat\xF3w relatywnych?","Relative coordinates":"Wzgl\u0119dne wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dne","Check if the coordinates of the shape painter is relative.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dne rysownika kszta\u0142tu s\u0105 wzgl\u0119dne.","_PARAM0_ is using relative coordinates":"_PARAM0_ korzysta ze wzgl\u0119dnych wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych","Change the center of rotation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_":"Zmie\u0144 \u015Brodek obrotu _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_.\nContextrequest\n \nKlucz: Zmie\u0144 \u015Brodek obrotu _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_.\n#:../Extensions/PrimitiveDrawing/Extension. cpp: 726\nPlik: Gdevelop (Core i rozszerzenia) wiadomo\u015Bci do przet\u0142umaczenia","Collision Mask":"Maska Kolizji","Change the collision mask of an object to a rectangle relatively to the object origin.":"Zmie\u0144 mask\u0119 kolizji obiektu na prostok\u0105t w stosunku do pocz\u0105tku obiektu.","Change the collision mask of _PARAM0_ to a rectangle from _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_":"Zmie\u0144 mask\u0119 kolizji _PARAM0_ na prostok\u0105t z _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_ na _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_","Position":"Pozycja","X drawing coordinate of a point from the scene":"X rysowanie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnej punktu ze sceny","X scene position":"Pozycja X sceny","Y scene position":"Pozycja Y sceny","Y drawing coordinate of a point from the scene":"X rysowanie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnej punktu ze sceny","X scene coordinate of a point from the drawing":"X rysowanie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnej punktu ze sceny","X drawing position":"Pozycja rysowania X","Y drawing position":"Pozycja rysowania Y","Y scene coordinate of a point from the drawing":"Wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dna Y sceny z rysunku","Set anti-aliasing of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zestaw animacji _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","Anti-aliasing quality level":"Jako\u015B\u0107 antyaliasingu","Anti-aliasing type":"Anti-aliasing\nContextrequest\n \nKlucz: Anti-aliasing\n#:../Extensions/PrimitiveDrawing/Extension. cpp: 788\n#:../Extensions/PrimitiveDrawing/Extension. cpp: 789\nPlik: Gdevelop (Core i rozszerzenia) wiadomo\u015Bci do przet\u0142umaczenia","Checks the selected type of anti-aliasing":"Sprawdza wybrany typ antyaliasingu","The anti-aliasing of _PARAM0_ is set to _PARAM1_":"Antyaliasing _PARAM0_ jest ustawiony na _PARAM1_","Type of anti-aliasing to check the object against":"Typ antyaliasingu, aby sprawdzi\u0107 obiekt pod k\u0105tem","Type of anti-aliasing used by a shape painter":"Rodzaj antyalias\xF3w stosowanych przez farb\u0119 kszta\u0142tow\u0105","Returns the type of anti-aliasing in use: none, low, medium, or high.":"Zwraca rodzaj stosowanych antyalias\xF3w: brak, niski, \u015Bredni lub wysoki.","Fill":"Wype\u0142nij","Use absolute coordinates":"U\u017Cyj wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych absolutnych","Clear drawing at each frame":"Czy\u015B\u0107 rysunek przy ka\u017Cdej klatce","When activated, clear the previous render at each frame. Otherwise, shapes are staying on the screen until you clear manually the object in events.":"Gdy aktywowano, czy\u015Bci poprzednie renderowanie w ka\u017Cdej klatce. W przeciwnym wypadku kszta\u0142ty pozostaj\u0105 na ekranie, do momentu manualnego wyczyszczenia obiektu w zdarzeniach.","Antialiasing":"Wyg\u0142adzanie","Antialiasing mode":"Tryb wyg\u0142adzania","Inventories":"Inwentarze","Provides actions and conditions to add an inventory to your game, with items in memory.":"Zapewnia akcje i warunki, aby doda\u0107 do swojej gry zasoby z elementami w pami\u0119ci.","Add an item":"Dodaj element","Add an item in an inventory.":"Dodaj element do inwentarza.","Add a _PARAM2_ to inventory _PARAM1_":"Dodaj _PARAM2_ do inwentarza _PARAM1_","Inventory name":"Nazwa Inwentarza","Item name":"Nazwa elementu","Remove an item":"Usu\u0144 element","Remove an item from an inventory.":"Usu\u0144 element z inwentarza.","Remove a _PARAM2_ from inventory _PARAM1_":"Usu\u0144 _PARAM2_ z inwentarza _PARAM1_","Item count":"Liczba element\xF3w","Compare the number of an item in an inventory.":"Por\xF3wnaj liczb\u0119 element\xF3w w inwentarzu.","the count of _PARAM2_ in _PARAM1_":"liczba _PARAM2_ w _PARAM1_","Has an item":"Posiada element","Check if at least one of the specified items is in the inventory.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy co najmniej jeden z wyszczeg\xF3lnionych element\xF3w znajduje si\u0119 w inwentarzu.","Inventory _PARAM1_ contains a _PARAM2_":"Inwentarz _PARAM1_ zawiera _PARAM2_","Set a maximum count for an item":"Ustaw maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 element\xF3w","Set the maximum number of the specified item that can be added in the inventory. By default, the number allowed for each item is unlimited.":"Ustaw maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 okre\u015Blonego elementu, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce zosta\u0107 dodany do inwentarza. Domy\u015Blnie liczba dozwolona dla ka\u017Cdego elementu jest nieograniczona.","Set the maximum count for _PARAM2_ in inventory _PARAM1_ to _PARAM3_":"Ustaw maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 dla _PARAM2_ w inwenarzu _PARAM1_ do _PARAM3_","Maximum count":"Maksymalna liczba","Set unlimited count for an item":"Ustaw nieograniczon\u0105 liczb\u0119 element\xF3w","Allow an unlimited amount of an object to be in an inventory. This is the case by default for each item.":"Zezwalaj na nieograniczon\u0105 ilo\u015B\u0107 przedmiotu w inwentarzu. Dzieje si\u0119 tak w przypadku ka\u017Cdego elementu.","Allow an unlimited count of _PARAM2_ in inventory _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_":"Zezwalaj na nieograniczon\u0105 liczb\u0119 _PARAM2_ w inwentarzu _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_","Allow an unlimited amount?":"Zezwala\u0107 na nieograniczon\u0105 ilo\u015B\u0107?","Item full":"Element pe\u0142ny","Check if an item has reached its maximum number allowed in the inventory.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dany przedmiot osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0142 maksymaln\u0105 dozwolon\u0105 liczb\u0119 w inwentarzu.","Inventory _PARAM1_ is full of _PARAM2_":"Inwentarz _PARAM1_ jest pe\u0142ny _PARAM2_","Equip an item":"Wyposa\u017Cy\u0107 element","Mark an item as being equipped. If the item count is 0, it won't be marked as equipped.":"Zaznacz element jako wyposa\u017Cenie. Je\u015Bli liczba przedmiot\xF3w wynosi 0, nie b\u0119dzie oznaczona jako wyposa\u017Cona.","Set _PARAM2_ as equipped in inventory _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_":"Ustaw _PARAM2_ jako wyposa\u017Cenie w inwentarzu _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_","Equip?":"Wyposa\u017Cy\u0107?","Item equipped":"Element wyposa\u017Cony","Check if an item is equipped.":"Sprawd\u017A, je\u015Bli element jest wyposa\u017Cony.","_PARAM2_ is equipped in inventory _PARAM1_":"_PARAM2_ jest wyposa\u017Cony w inwentarzu _PARAM1_","Save an inventory in a scene variable":"Zapisz inwentarz w zmiennej sceny","Save all the items of the inventory in a scene variable, so that it can be restored later.":"Zapisz wszystkie przedmioty inwentarza w zmiennej sceny, aby m\xF3c je p\xF3\u017Aniej przywr\xF3ci\u0107.","Save inventory _PARAM1_ in variable _PARAM2_":"Zapisz inwentarz _PARAM1_ w zmiennej _PARAM2_","Load an inventory from a scene variable":"Wczytaj inwentarz ze zmiennej sceny","Load the content of the inventory from a scene variable.":"Za\u0142aduj zawarto\u015B\u0107 inwentarza ze zmiennej sceny.","Load inventory _PARAM1_ from variable _PARAM2_":"Wczytaj zas\xF3b _PARAM1_ do zmiennej _PARAM2_","Get the number of an item in the inventory":"Pobierz numer pozycji zasobu","Item maximum":"Maksymalna ilo\u015B\u0107 przedmiotu","Get the maximum of an item in the inventory, or 0 if it is unlimited":"Uzyskaj maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 danego przedmiot w ekwipunku lub 0, je\u015Bli jest nielimitowany","Deletion margin":"Margines usuni\u0119cia","Margin before deleting the object, in pixels":"Margines przed usuni\u0119ciem obiektu, w pikselach","Destroy Outside Screen Behavior":"Zniszcz na zewn\u0105trz ekranu Zachowanie","This behavior can be used to destroy objects when they go outside of the bounds of the camera. Useful for bullets or other short-lived objects.":"To zachowanie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte do niszczenia obiekt\xF3w, gdy wychodz\u0105 poza granice kamery. Przydatne do pocisk\xF3w lub innych kr\xF3tkotrwa\u0142ych obiekt\xF3w.","Destroy when outside of the screen":"Zniszcz gdy jest po za ekranem","DestroyOutside":"ZniszczPoza","Destroy objects automatically when they go outside of the screen's borders.":"Zniszcz obiekty automatycznie, gdy wychodz\u0105 poza granice ekranu.","Additional border":"Dodatkowe obramowanie","Compare the additional border that the object must cross before being deleted.":"Por\xF3wnaj dodatkowe obramowanie, jakie obiekt musi przekroczy\u0107 zanim zostanie zniszczony.","the additional border":"dodatkowe obramowanie","Destroy outside configuration":"Zniszcz konfiguracj\u0119 zewn\u0119trzn\u0105","Change the additional border that the object must cross before being deleted.":"Zmie\u0144 dodatkowe obramowanie, kt\xF3re musi przej\u015B\u0107 obiekt przed usuni\u0119ciem.","Tiled Sprite Object":"Duszek panelowy","Tiled Sprite":"Duszek panelowy","Displays an image repeated over an area.":"Wy\u015Bwietla obraz powtarzany na obszarze.","Compare the opacity of a Tiled Sprite, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Por\xF3wnaj pokrycie duszka kafelkowego, od 0 (w pe\u0142ni przezroczysty) do 255 (nieprzezroczysty).","Change Tiled Sprite opacity":"Zmie\u0144 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego","Change the opacity of a Tiled Sprite. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Zmie\u0144 pokrycie duszka kafelkowego. 0 jest w pe\u0142ni przezroczyste, 255 jest nieprzezroczyste (domy\u015Blnie).","Tint color":"Odcie\u0144 koloru","Change the tint of a Tiled Sprite. The default color is white.":"Zmie\u0144 og\xF3lny kolor teksturowanego obiektu. Domy\u015Blnie kolor bia\u0142y.","Change tint of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 kolor _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Tint":"Odcie\u0144","Modify the width of a Tiled Sprite.":"Zmie\u0144 szeroko\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego.","Test the width of a Tiled Sprite.":"Sprawd\u017A szeroko\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego.","Modify the height of a Tiled Sprite.":"Zmie\u0144 wysoko\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego.","Test the height of a Tiled Sprite.":"Sprawd\u017A wysoko\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego.","Modify the size of a Tiled Sprite.":"Modyfikuj rozmiar kafelkowego duszka.","Change the size of _PARAM0_: set to _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_":"Zmie\u0144 rozmiar _PARAM0_: ustawiony na _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_","Modify the angle of a Tiled Sprite.":"Zmie\u0144 k\u0105t duszka panelowego.","Image X Offset":"Przesuni\u0119cie obrazu X","Modify the offset used on the X axis when displaying the image.":"Zmie\u0144 przesuni\u0119cie osi X podczas wy\u015Bwietlania obrazu.","the X offset":"przesuni\u0119cie X","Image offset":"Przesuni\u0119cie obrazu","Test the offset used on the X axis when displaying the image.":"Test przesuni\u0119cia osi X podczas wy\u015Bwietlania obrazu.","Return the offset used on the X axis when displaying the image.":"Zwraca przesuni\u0119cie u\u017Cyte na osi X podczas wy\u015Bwietlania obrazu.","Image Y Offset":"Przesuni\u0119cie obrazu Y","Modify the offset used on the Y axis when displaying the image.":"Zmie\u0144 przesuni\u0119cie Y, kiedy obraz jest wy\u015Bwietlany.","the Y offset":"przesuni\u0119cie Y","Test the offset used on the Y axis when displaying the image.":"Test przesuni\u0119cia Y podczas wy\u015Bwietlania obrazu.","Return the offset used on the Y axis when displaying the image.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 przesuni\u0119cie u\u017Cyte na osi Y podczas wy\u015Bwietlania obrazu.","Linked objects":"Po\u0142\u0105czone obiekty","Link two objects":"Po\u0142\u0105cz dwa obiekty","Link two objects together, so as to be able to get one from the other.":"Po\u0142\u0105cz dwa elementy ze sob\u0105, aby m\xF3c dosta\u0107 jeden z drugiego.","Link _PARAM1_ and _PARAM2_":"Po\u0142\u0105cz _PARAM1_ z _PARAM2_","Object 1":"Obiekt 1","Object 2":"Obiekt 2","Unlink two objects":"Od\u0142\u0105cz dwa obiekty","Unlink two objects.":"Od\u0142\u0105cz dwa obiekty.","Unlink _PARAM1_ and _PARAM2_":"Roz\u0142\u0105cz _PARAM1_ od _PARAM2_","Unlink all objects from an object":"Od\u0142\u0105cz wszystkie obiekty od tego obiektu","Unlink all objects from an object.":"Od\u0142\u0105cz wszystkie obiekty od tego obiektu.","Unlink all objects from _PARAM1_":"Od\u0142\u0105cz wszystkie obiekty od _PARAM1_","Take into account linked objects":"Uwzgl\u0119dnij po\u0142\u0105czone obiekty","Take some objects linked to the object into account for next conditions and actions.\nThe condition will return false if no object was taken into account.":"We\u017A pewne obiekty powi\u0105\u017C z obiektem pod uwag\u0119 kolejnych warunk\xF3w i akcji.\nWarunek zwr\xF3ci warto\u015B\u0107 False (fa\u0142sz), je\u015Bli \u017Caden obiekt nie zosta\u0142 uwzgl\u0119dniony.","Take into account all \"_PARAM1_\" linked to _PARAM2_":"We\u017A pod uwag\u0119 wszystkie \"_PARAM1_\" powi\u0105zane z _PARAM2_","Pick these objects...":"Wybierz te obiekty...","...if they are linked to this object":"\u015Bli s\u0105 powi\u0105zane z tym obiektem","Take objects linked to the object into account for next actions.":"Zabierz obiekty powi\u0105zane z obiektem pod k\u0105tem kolejnych dzia\u0142a\u0144.","Gravity on X axis (in m/s\xB2)":"Grawitacja w osi X (w m/s\xB2)","Gravity on Y axis (in m/s\xB2)":"Grawitacja w osi Y (w m/s2\xB2)","X Scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Skala X: liczba pixeli dla jednego metra","Y Scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Skala Y: liczba pixeli dla jednego metra","X scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Skala X: liczba pixeli dla jednego metra","Y scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Skala Y: liczba pixeli dla jednego metra","Box (rectangle)":"Pude\u0142ko (prostok\u0105t)","Custom polygon":"Niestandardowy wielok\u0105t","Shape":"Kszta\u0142t","Dynamic object":"Obiekt statyczny","Fixed rotation":"Naprawiona rotacja","Consider as bullet (better collision handling)":"Postrzeganie jako pocisk (lepsz\u0105 obs\u0142uga kolizji)","Mass density":"G\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 masy","Friction":"Tarcie","Restitution (elasticity)":"Restytucja (elastyczno\u015B\u0107)","Linear Damping":"Liniowa amortyzacja","Angular Damping":"T\u0142umienie k\u0105towe","Platform behavior":"Zachowywanie Platformy","Platformer character":"Posta\u0107 platformowa","Jump and run on platforms.":"Skacz i biec na platformach.","Check if the object is moving (whether it is on the floor or in the air).":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt si\u0119 porusza (czy to na pod\u0142odze lub w powietrzu).","Platformer state":"Stan platformowy","Is on floor":"Stoi na gruncie","Check if the object is on a platform.":"Ocenia, czy obiekt znajduje si\u0119 na platformie.","_PARAM0_ is on floor":"_PARAM0_ stoi na gruncie","Is on ladder":"Jest na drabinie","Check if the object is on a ladder.":"Oce\u0144, czy obiekt znajduje si\u0119 na drabinie.","_PARAM0_ is on ladder":"_PARAM0_ jest na drabinie","Is jumping":"Skacze","Check if the object is jumping.":"Oce\u0144, czy obiekt skacze.","_PARAM0_ is jumping":"_PARAM0_ skacze","Is falling":"Spada","Check if the object is falling.\nNote that the object can be flagged as jumping and falling at the same time: at the end of a jump, the fall speed becomes higher than the jump speed.":"Oce\u0144, czy obiekt spada.\nPami\u0119taj, \u017Ce obiekt mo\u017Ce by\u0107 oznaczony jako przeskakuj\u0105cy i opadaj\u0105cy w tym samym czasie: na ko\u0144cu skoku pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 opadania staje si\u0119 wi\u0119ksza ni\u017C pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku.","_PARAM0_ is falling":"_PARAM0_ spada","Is grabbing platform ledge":"To zabiera p\xF3\u0142k\u0119 platform\u0119","Check if the object is grabbing a platform ledge.":"Ocenia, czy obiekt trzyma kraw\u0119d\u017A platformy.","_PARAM0_ is grabbing a platform ledge":"_PARAM0_ trzyma kraw\u0119d\u017A platformy","Compare the gravity applied on the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj grawitacj\u0119 zastosowan\u0105 na obiekcie.","Platformer configuration":"Konfiguracja Platform\xF3wki","Gravity to compare to (in pixels per second per second)":"Grawitacja do por\xF3wnania (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Change the gravity applied on an object.":"Zmie\u0144 grawitacj\u0119 na\u0142o\u017Con\u0105 na obiekt.","Gravity (in pixels per second per second)":"Grawitacja (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Maximum falling speed":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania","Compare the maximum falling speed of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania obiektu.","the maximum falling speed":"maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 opadania","Change the maximum falling speed of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania obiektu.","If jumping, try to preserve the current speed in the air":"Je\u015Bli skakuj\u0105co, postaraj si\u0119 zachowa\u0107 aktualn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 w powietrzu","Ladder climbing speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 wchodzenia po drabinie","Compare the ladder climbing speed (in pixels per second).":"Por\xF3wnaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 wspinania si\u0119 drabiny (w pikselach na sekund\u0119).","the ladder climbing speed":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 wchodzenia po drabinie","Change the ladder climbing speed.":"Zmie\u0144 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 wspinania si\u0119 po drabinie.","Compare the horizontal acceleration of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj poziome przyspieszenie obiektu.","the horizontal acceleration":"pozioma akceleracja","Change the horizontal acceleration of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 poziome przyspieszenie obiektu.","Compare the horizontal deceleration of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj poziome spowalnianie obiektu.","the horizontal deceleration":"poziomowe zmniejszenie pr\u0119dko\u015Bci","Change the horizontal deceleration of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 poziome spowalnianie obiektu.","Maximum horizontal speed":"Maksymalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pozioma","Compare the maximum horizontal speed of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj maksymaln\u0105 poziom\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","the maximum horizontal speed":"maksymalna pozioma pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Change the maximum horizontal speed of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 maksymaln\u0105 poziom\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Jump speed":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 skoku","Compare the jump speed of the object.Its value is always positive.":"Por\xF3wnaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku obiektu. Ta warto\u015B\u0107 jest zawsze dodatnia.","the jump speed":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku","Change the jump speed of an object. Its value is always positive.":"Zmie\u0144 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku obiektu. Ta warto\u015B\u0107 jest zawsze dodatnia.","Jump sustain time":"Czas trwania skoku","Compare the jump sustain time of the object.This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"Por\xF3wnaj utrzymanie skoku obiektu. Jest to czas, w kt\xF3rym trzymanie przycisku skakania pozwoli na utrzymanie pocz\u0105tkowej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci skoku.","the jump sustain time":"czas trwania skoku","Change the jump sustain time of an object.This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"Zmie\u0144 utrzymanie skoku obiektu. Jest to czas, w kt\xF3rym trzymanie przycisku skakania pozwoli na utrzymanie pocz\u0105tkowej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci skoku.","Allow jumping again":"Zezwalaj na ponowne skakanie","When this action is executed, the object is able to jump again, even if it is in the air: this can be useful to allow a double jump for example. This is not a permanent effect: you must call again this action everytime you want to allow the object to jump (apart if it's on the floor).":"Po wykonaniu tej akcji, obiekt mo\u017Ce ponownie skoczy\u0107, nawet je\u015Bli znajduje si\u0119 w powietrzu: mo\u017Ce to by\u0107 przydatne na przyk\u0142ad w celu umo\u017Cliwienia podw\xF3jnego skoku. To nie jest sta\u0142y efekt: musisz wywo\u0142a\u0107 t\u0119 akcj\u0119 za ka\u017Cdym razem, gdy chcesz zezwoli\u0107 obiektowi na skok (chyba, \u017Ce jest na ziemi).","Allow _PARAM0_ to jump again":"Pozw\xF3l _PARAM0_ na ponowny skok","Forbid jumping again in the air":"Zabro\u0144 ponownego skakania w powietrzu","This revokes the effect of \"Allow jumping again\". The object is made unable to jump while in mid air. This has no effect if the object is not in the air.":"To anuluje efekt \"Zezw\xF3l na ponowny skok\". Obiekt nie mo\u017Ce wykona\u0107 skoku w powietrzu. Nie zadzia\u0142a je\u015Bli obiekt nie znajduje si\u0119 w powietrzu.","Forbid _PARAM0_ to air jump":"Zabro\u0144 _PARAM0_ skakania w powietrzu","Abort jump":"Przerwij skok","Abort the current jump and stop the object vertically. This action doesn't have any effect when the character is not jumping.":"Przerwij obecny skok i zatrzymaj obiekt pionowo. Ta akcja nie ma \u017Cadnego efektu, gdy posta\u0107 nie skacze.","Abort the current jump of _PARAM0_":"Przerwij obecny skok _PARAM0_","Can jump":"Mo\u017Cna skaka\u0107","Check if the object can jump.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt mo\u017Ce skoczy\u0107.","_PARAM0_ can jump":"_PARAM0_ mo\u017Ce skoczy\u0107","Simulate a press of the left key.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie lewego klawisza.","Platformer controls":"Sterowanie platformowe","Simulate a press of the right key.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie prawego klawisza.","Simulate a press of the up key (used when on a ladder).":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza g\xF3ra (u\u017Cywany gdy jest na drabinie).","Simulate a press of the down key (used when on a ladder).":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza w d\xF3\u0142 (u\u017Cywany gdy jest na drabinie).","Simulate ladder key press":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza drabina","Simulate a press of the ladder key (used to grab a ladder).":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza drabina (u\u017Cywanego do \u0142apanie drabiny).","Simulate pressing Ladder key for _PARAM0_":"Symulacja naci\u015Bni\u0119cia klawisza Drabiny dla _PARAM0_","Simulate release ladder key press":"Symuluje puszczenie przycisku drabiny","Simulate a press of the Release Ladder key (used to get off a ladder).":"Symuluje klikniecie przycisku opuszczenia drabiny (u\u017Cywany by zej\u015B\u0107 z drabiny).","Simulate pressing Release Ladder key for _PARAM0_":"Symuluje klikniecie przycisku opuszczenia drabiny dla _PARAM0_","Simulate jump key press":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza skoku","Simulate a press of the jump key.":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza skacz.","Simulate pressing Jump key for _PARAM0_":"Symuluj naci\u015Bni\u0119cie klawisza skacz dla _PARAM0_","Simulate release platform key press":"Symuluje puszczenie przycisku platformy","Simulate a press of the release platform key (used when grabbing a platform ledge).":"Symuluje klikni\u0119cie przycisku opuszczenia platformy (u\u017Cywany podczas trzymania kraw\u0119dzi).","Simulate pressing Release Platform key for _PARAM0_":"Symuluje klikniecie przycisku opuszczenia drabiny dla _PARAM0_","Simulate a press of a key.\nValid keys are Left, Right, Jump, Ladder, Release Ladder, Up, Down.":"Symulacja naci\u015Bni\u0119cia klawisza.\nPrawid\u0142owe klawisze to Lewo, Prawo, Skok, Drabina, G\xF3ra, D\xF3\u0142.","Platform grabbing":"Chwytanie platformy","Enable (or disable) the ability of the object to grab platforms when falling near to one.":"W\u0142\u0105cz (lub wy\u0142\u0105cz) mo\u017Cliwo\u015B\u0107 przechwytywania platform przez obiekt podczas opadania w pobli\u017Cu.","Allow _PARAM0_ to grab platforms: _PARAM2_":"Pozw\xF3l _PARAM0_ na zbieranie platform: _PARAM2_","Can grab platforms":"Potrafi chwyci\u0107 platfromy","Check if the object can grab the platforms.":"Ocenia, czy obiekt znajduje si\u0119 na platformie.","_PARAM0_ can grab the platforms":"_PARAM0_ mo\u017Ce przej\u0105\u0107 platformy","Current falling speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 opadania","Compare the current falling speed of the object. Its value is always positive.":"Por\xF3wnaj obecn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania obiektu. Ta warto\u015B\u0107 jest zawsze dodatnia.","the current falling speed":"aktualna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania","Change the current falling speed of the object. This action doesn't have any effect when the character is not falling or is in the first phase of a jump.":"Zmie\u0144 obecn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania obiektu. Ta akcja nie ma \u017Cadnego efektu, gdy posta\u0107 nie spada lub gdy jest w pierwszej fazie skoku.","Current jump speed":"Bie\u017C\u0105ca pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku","Compare the current jump speed of the object. Its value is always positive.":"Por\xF3wnaj obecn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku. Ta warto\u015B\u0107 jest zawsze dodatnia.","the current jump speed":"bie\u017C\u0105ca pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku","Current horizontal speed":"Bie\u017C\u0105ca pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pozioma","Change the current horizontal speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"Zmie\u0144 obecn\u0105 poziom\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu. Obiekt porusza si\u0119 w lewo z ujemnymi warto\u015Bciami i w prawo z pozytywnymi","the current horizontal speed":"bie\u017C\u0105ca pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pozioma","Compare the current horizontal speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"Por\xF3wnaj obecn\u0105 poziom\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu. Obiekt porusza si\u0119 w lewo z ujemnymi warto\u015Bciami i w prawo z pozytywnymi","Return the gravity applied on the object (in pixels per second per second).":"Odczytaj grawitacj\u0119 dzia\u0142aj\u0105c\u0105 na obiekt (w pikselach na sekund\u0119 do kwadratu).","Return the maximum falling speed of the object (in pixels per second).":"Odczytaj maksymaln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119).","Return the ladder climbing speed of the object (in pixels per second).":"Odczytaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu wspinania si\u0119 po drabinie (w pikselach na sekund\u0119).","Return the horizontal acceleration of the object (in pixels per second per second).":"Odczytaj poziome przyspieszenie obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119 do kwadratu).","Return the horizontal deceleration of the object (in pixels per second per second).":"Odczytaj poziome spowolnienie obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119 kwadrat).","Return the maximum horizontal speed of the object (in pixels per second).":"Odczytaj maksymaln\u0105 poziom\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119).","Return the jump speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.":"Odczytaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119). Ta warto\u015B\u0107 jest zawsze dodatnia.","Return the jump sustain time of the object (in seconds).This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"Odczytaj d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 utrzymania skoku obiektu (w sekundach). Jest to czas, w kt\xF3rym trzymanie przycisku skakania pozwoli na utrzymanie pocz\u0105tkowej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci skoku.","Current fall speed":"Aktualna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 opadania","Return the current fall speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.":"Odczytaj obecn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119). Ta warto\u015B\u0107 jest zawsze dodatnia.","Return the current horizontal speed of the object (in pixels per second). The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"Odczytaj obecn\u0105 poziom\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119). Obiekt porusza si\u0119 w lewo z ujemnymi warto\u015Bciami i w prawo z dodatnimi","Return the current jump speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.":"Odczytaj obecn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 skoku obiektu (w pikselach na sekund\u0119). Ta warto\u015B\u0107 jest zawsze dodatnia.","Platform":"Platforma","Flag objects as being platforms which characters can run on.":"Oznacz obiekty jako platformy, po kt\xF3rych postacie mog\u0105 chodzi\u0107.","Platform type":"Typ platformy","Change the platform type of the object: Platform, Jump-Through, or Ladder.":"Zmie\u0144 typ platformy obiektu: Platforma, Przeskok lub Drabina.","Set platform type of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Ustaw typ platformy _PARAM0_ w _PARAM2_","Character is on given platform":"Posta\u0107 jest na danej platformie","Check if a platformer character is on a given platform.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy na danej platformie znajduje si\u0119 posta\u0107 platformowa.","_PARAM0_ is on platform _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ is on platform _PARAM2_","Platforms":"Platformy","Jump":"Skok","Maximum time (in seconds) during which the jump strength is sustained if the jump key is held - allowing variable height jumps.":"Maksymalny czas (w sekundach), podczas kt\xF3rego si\u0142a skoku jest utrzymana, je\u015Bli klawisz skoku jest trzymany - pozwala na zmienn\u0105 wysoko\u015B\u0107 skok\xF3w.","Max. falling speed":"Maks. pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 spadania","Ladder":"Drabina","Walk":"Ruch","Slope max. angle":"Maksymalny k\u0105t nachylenia","Can grab platform ledges":"Potrafi chwyta\u0107 p\xF3\u0142ki platformy","Ledge":"Kraw\u0119d\u017A","Automatically grab platform ledges without having to move horizontally":"Automatycznie chwy\u0107 k\u0105t platformy bez muszenie rusza\u0107 si\u0119 poziomowo","Grab offset on Y axis":"Uchwyt - przesuni\u0119cie na osi Y","Grab tolerance on X axis":"Tolerancja chwytania na osi X","Use frame rate dependent trajectories (deprecated, it's recommended to leave this unchecked)":"U\u017Cyj wy\u015Bwietlania klatek zale\u017Cne trajektorie (przestarza\u0142e, rekomendujemy to nie dotyka\u0107)","Deprecated options":"Przestarza\u0142e opcje","Can go down from jumpthru platforms":"Mo\u017Ce spada\u0107 z przeskakiwanle platformy","Jumpthru platform":"Platforma Jumpthru (spr\u0119\u017Cyna)","Ledges can be grabbed":"Platform\u0119 mo\u017Cna z\u0142apa\u0107","Panel Sprite (9-patch) Object":"Duszek panelowy (9-patch)","Panel Sprite (\"9-patch\")":"Duszek panelowy (\"9-patch\")","An image with edges and corners that are stretched separately from the full image.":"Obraz z kraw\u0119dziami i naro\u017Cnikami, kt\xF3re rozci\u0105gaj\u0105 si\u0119 niezale\u017Cnie od ca\u0142ego obrazu.","Compare the opacity of a Panel Sprite, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Por\xF3wnaj krycie Duszka panelu od 0 (w pe\u0142ni przezroczysty) do 255 (nieprzezroczysty).","Change Panel Sprite opacity":"Zmie\u0144 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego","Change the opacity of a Panel Sprite. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Zmie\u0144 nieprzezroczysto\u015B\u0107 duszka panelu. 0 jest w pe\u0142ni przezroczyste, 255 jest nieprzezroczyste (domy\u015Blnie).","Panel Sprite":"Duszek panelowy","Change the tint of a Panel Sprite. The default color is white.":"Zmie\u0144 og\xF3lny kolor teksturowanego obiektu. Domy\u015Blnie kolor bia\u0142y.","Modify the width of a Panel Sprite.":"Modyfikuj szeroko\u015B\u0107 Panelu Sprite.","Size and angle":"Rozmiar i k\u0105t","Check the width of a Panel Sprite.":"Sprawd\u017A szeroko\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego.","Modify the height of a Panel Sprite.":"Modyfikuj wysoko\u015B\u0107 Panelu Sprite.","Check the height of a Panel Sprite.":"Sprawd\u017A wysoko\u015B\u0107 duszka panelowego.","Image name (deprecated)":"Nazwa obrazu (przestarza\u0142e)","Change the image of a Panel Sprite.":"Zmiana obrazu Panelu Sprite.","Set image _PARAM1_ on _PARAM0_":"Za\u0142\u0105cz obraz _PARAM1_ do _PARAM0_","Image name":"Nazwa obrazu","Left":"Lewo","Margins":"Marginesy","Right":"Prawo","Text Input":"Pole tekstowe","A text field the player can type text into.":"Pole tekstowe do kt\xF3rego gracz mo\u017Ce wpisywa\u0107 tekst.","Initial value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkowa","Placeholder":"Zast\u0119pca","Font size (px)":"Rozmiar czcionki (w pikselach)","Input type":"Typ warto\u015Bci","By default, a \"text\" is single line. Choose \"text area\" to allow multiple lines to be entered.":"Domy\u015Blnie \"tekst\" jest jednolinijkowy. Wybierz \"obszar tekstowy\", aby umo\u017Cliwi\u0107 wprowadzanie wielu linii.","Field":"Pole","Disabled":"Wy\u0142\u0105czone","Field appearance":"Wygl\u0105d pola","Border appearance":"Wygl\u0105d obramowania","Max length":"Maksymalna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107","The maximum length of the input value (this property will be ignored if the input type is a number).":"The maximum length of the input value (this property will be ignored if the input type is a number).","Text alignment":"Wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu","Text input":"Wprowadzanie tekstu","Return the text.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 tekst.","the placeholder":"zast\u0119pca","Font name":"Nazwa czcionki","the font name":"nazwa czcionki","Set the font of the object.":"Ustaw czcionk\u0119 obiektu.","Set the font of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw czcionk\u0119 _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","the input type":"typ warto\u015Bci","Set the text color of the object.":"Ustaw kolor tekstu obiektu.","Set the text color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw kolor tekstu _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Set the fill color of the object.":"Ustaw kolor wype\u0142nienia obiektu.","Set the fill color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw kolor wype\u0142nienia _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","the fill opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque)":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 wype\u0142nienia, mi\u0119dzy 0 (pe\u0142na przezroczysto\u015B\u0107) a 255 (nieprzezroczysto\u015B\u0107)","the fill opacity":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 wype\u0142nienia","Border color":"Kolor obramowania","Set the border color of the object.":"Ustaw kolor obramowania obiektu.","Set the border color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw kolor obramowania _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Border opacity":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obramowania","the border opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque)":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obramowania, mi\u0119dzy 0 (pe\u0142na przezroczysto\u015B\u0107) i 255 (nieprzezroczyste)","the border opacity":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obramowania","Border width":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 obramowania","the border width":"szeroko\u015B\u0107 obramowania","Read-only":"Tylko do odczytu","the text input is read-only":"pole tekstowe jest tylko do odczytu","read-only":"tylko do odczytu","Read-only?":"Tylko do odczytu?","the text input is disabled":"pole tekstowe jest wy\u0142\u0105czone","disabled":"wy\u0142\u0105czone","the opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque)":"przezroczysto\u015B\u0107, mi\u0119dzy 0 (ca\u0142kowicie przezroczysta) a 255 (nieprzezroczysta)","Focused":"Aktywne","Check if the text input is focused (the cursor is in the field and player can type text in).":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wprowadzanie tekstu jest aktywne (kursor jest w polu i gracz mo\u017Ce wprowadza\u0107 tekst).","_PARAM0_ is focused":"_PARAM0_ jest aktywne","Input is submitted":"Input is submitted","Check if the input is submitted, which usually happens when the Enter key is pressed on a keyboard, or a specific button on mobile virtual keyboards.":"Check if the input is submitted, which usually happens when the Enter key is pressed on a keyboard, or a specific button on mobile virtual keyboards.","_PARAM0_ value was submitted":"_PARAM0_ value was submitted","Focus":"Aktywacja","Focus the input so that text can be entered (like if it was touched/clicked).":"Aktywuj pole tekstowe, aby mo\u017Cna by\u0142o wprowadza\u0107 tekst (tak jakby zosta\u0142o dotkni\u0119te/klikni\u0119te).","Focus _PARAM0_":"Aktywuj _PARAM0_","Spine (experimental)":"Spine (eksperymentalnie)","Displays a Spine animation.":"Wy\u015Bwietl animacj\u0119 Spine.","Spine":"Spine","Display and smoothly animate a 2D object with skeletal animations made with Spine. Use files exported from Spine (json, atlas and image).":"Wy\u015Bwietl i sprawnie animuj obiekt 2D przy pomocy animacji szkieletowych wykonanych w Spine. U\u017Cyj plik\xF3w eksportowanych ze Spine (json, atlas, i obraz).","Edit animations":"Edytuj animacje","Animation mixing duration":"Czas mieszania animacji","the duration of the smooth transition between 2 animations (in second)":"czas trwania p\u0142ynnego przej\u015Bcia mi\u0119dzy 2 animacjami (w sekundach)","the animation mixing duration":"czas trwania mieszania animacji","Animations and images":"Animacje i obrazy","Point attachment X position":"Pozycja punktu zaczepienia X","x position of spine point attachment":"pozycja punktu zaczepienia X Spine","x position of spine _PARAM1_ point attachment for _PARAM2_ slot":"pozycja punktu zaczepienia X Spine _PARAM1_ dla slotu _PARAM2_","Attachment name":"Nazwa zaczepienia","Slot name (use \"\" if names are the same)":"Nazwa slotu (u\u017Cyj \"\" je\u015Bli nazwy s\u0105 takie same)","Point attachment Y position":"Pozycja punktu zaczepienia Y","y position of spine point attachment":"pozycja punktu zaczepienia Y Spine","y position of spine _PARAM1_ point attachment for _PARAM2_ slot":"pozycja punktu zaczepienia Y Spine _PARAM1_ dla slotu _PARAM2_","Device vibration":"Wibracje urz\u0105dzenia","Vibrate":"Wibracje","Vibrate (Duration in ms).":"Wibracje (trwanie w milisekundach).","Start vibration for _PARAM0_ ms":"Zacznij wibracje na _PARAM0_ ms","Vibrate by pattern":"Wibracja ze wzoru","Vibrate (Duration in ms). You can add multiple comma-separated values where every second value determines the period of silence between two vibrations. This is a string value so use quotes.":"Wibracje (D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 w ms). Mo\u017Cesz doda\u0107 wiele warto\u015Bci oddzielonych przecinkami, gdzie co drugi okres ciszy pomi\u0119dzy dwoma wibracjami. Jest to warto\u015B\u0107 ci\u0105gu, wi\u0119c u\u017Cyj cudzys\u0142owu.","Intervals (for example \"500,100,200\"":"Interwa\u0142y (np. \u201E500,100,200\u201D","Stop vibration":"Zatrzymaj wibracje","Stop the vibration":"Zatrzymaj wibracje","Allow your game to send scores to your leaderboards.":"Pozw\xF3l Twojej grze na wysy\u0142anie wynik\xF3w do Twoich ranking\xF3w.","Save player score":"Zapisz wynik gracza","Save the player's score to the given leaderboard. If the player is connected, the score will be attached to the connected player (unless disabled).":"Zapisz wynik gracza do danej tablicy wynik\xF3w. Je\u017Celi gracz jest pod\u0142\u0105czony, wynik zostanie do\u0142\u0105czony do po\u0142\u0105czonego gracza (chyba \u017Ce opcja jest wy\u0142\u0105czona).","Send to leaderboard _PARAM1_ the score _PARAM2_ with player name: _PARAM3_":"Wy\u015Blij do tablicy wynik\xF3w _PARAM1_ wynik _PARAM2_ z nazw\u0105 gracza: _PARAM3_","Save score":"Zapisz wynik","Score to register for the player":"Rejestracja wyniku gracza","Name to register for the player":"Rejestracja nazwy gracza","Let this empty to let the leaderboard auto-generate a player name (e.g: \"Player23464\"). You can configure this in the leaderboard administration.":"Pozostaw puste, aby umo\u017Cliwi\u0107 automatyczne generowanie nazwy gracza (np. \"Player23464\"). Mo\u017Cesz skonfigurowa\u0107 to w administracji tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Save connected player score":"Zapisz wynik po\u0142\u0105czonego gracza","Save the connected player's score to the given leaderboard.":"Zapisz wynik po\u0142\u0105czonego gracza do danej tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Send to leaderboard _PARAM1_ the score _PARAM2_ for the connected player":"Wy\u015Blij do tablicy wynik\xF3w _PARAM1_ wynik _PARAM2_ dla pod\u0142\u0105czonego gracza","Always attach scores to the connected player":"Zawsze do\u0142\u0105czaj wynik do po\u0142\u0105czonego gracza","Set if the score sent to a leaderboard is always attached to the connected player - if any. This is on by default.":"Ustaw, je\u017Celi wynik wysy\u0142any do tablicy wynik\xF3w jest zawsze do\u0142\u0105czony do po\u0142\u0105czonego gracza - je\u015Bli istnieje. Domy\u015Blnie jest to w\u0142\u0105czone.","Always attach the score to the connected player: _PARAM1_":"Zawsze do\u0142\u0105czaj wynik do po\u0142\u0105czonego gracza: _PARAM1_","Enable?":"W\u0142\u0105czy\u0107?","Last score save has errored":"Ostatni zapis wyniku wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d","Check if the last attempt to save a score has errored.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy twoja ostatnia pr\xF3ba zapisania wyniku spowodowa\u0142a b\u0142\u0105d.","Last score save in leaderboard _PARAM0_ has errored":"Ostatnia pr\xF3ba zapisania wyniku na tablicy wynik\xF3w spowodowa\u0142a b\u0142\u0105d","If no leaderboard is specified, will return the value related to the last leaderboard save action.":"Je\u017Celi nie okre\u015Blono tablicy wynik\xF3w, to zw\xF3ci warto\u015B\u0107 zwi\u0105zan\u0105 z ostatni\u0105 akcj\u0105 zapisu tablicy wyniku.","Last score save has succeeded":"Ostatni zapis wyniku si\u0119 powi\xF3d\u0142","Check if the last attempt to save a score has succeeded.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy ostatnia pr\xF3ba zapisania wyniku si\u0119 powiod\u0142a.","Last score save in leaderboard _PARAM0_ has succeeded":"Ostatni zapis wynik\xF3w w rankingu _PARAM0_ zako\u0144czony powodzeniem","If no leaderboard is specified, will return the value related to the last leaderboard save action that successfully ended.":"Je\u017Celi nie okre\u015Blono tablicy wynik\xF3w, to zwr\xF3ci warto\u015B\u0107 zwi\u0105zan\u0105 z ostatni\u0105 akcj\u0105 zapisu tablicy wyniku zako\u0144czonej powodzeniem.","Score is saving":"Wynik si\u0119 zapisuje","Check if a score is currently being saved in leaderboard.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wynik jest zapisywany na tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Score is saving in leaderboard _PARAM0_":"Wynik zapisuje w tablicy wynik\xF3w _PARAM0_","Closed by player":"Zamkni\u0119te przez gracza","Check if the player has just closed the leaderboard view.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gracz w\u0142a\u015Bnie zamkn\u0105\u0142 widok tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Player has just closed the leaderboard view":"Gracz w\u0142a\u015Bnie zamkn\u0105\u0142 widok tablicy wynik\xF3w","Display leaderboard":"Poka\u017C tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Error of last save attempt":"B\u0142\u0105d ostatniej pr\xF3by zapisu","Get the error of the last save attempt.":"Pobierz b\u0142\u0105d ostatniej pr\xF3by zapisu.","Leaderboard display has errored":"B\u0142\u0105d wy\u015Bwietlania tablicy wynik\xF3w","Check if the display of the leaderboard errored.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wy\u015Bwietlanie tablicy wynik\xF3w nie powiod\u0142o si\u0119.","Leaderboard display has loaded":"Wy\u015Bwietlanie tablicy wynik\xF3w zosta\u0142o za\u0142adowane","Check if the display of the leaderboard has finished loading and been displayed on screen.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wy\u015Bwietlanie tablicy wynik\xF3w zako\u0144czy\u0142o si\u0119 i zosta\u0142o wy\u015Bwietlone na ekranie.","Leaderboard display has loaded and is displayed on screen":"Wy\u015Bwietlanie tablicy wynik\xF3w zosta\u0142o za\u0142adowane i jest wy\u015Bwietlone na ekranie","Leaderboard display is loading":"Wy\u015Bwietlanie tablicy wynik\xF3w jest wczytywane","Check if the display of the leaderboard is loading.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wy\u015Bwietlanie tablicy wynik\xF3w jest wczytywane.","Format player name":"Sformatuj nazw\u0119 gracza","Formats a name so that it can be submitted to a leaderboard.":"Sformatuj nazw\u0119 tak, \u017Ceby mog\u0142a by\u0107 zapisana na tablicy wynik\xF3w.","Raw player name":"Surowa nazwa gracza","Display the specified leaderboard on top of the game. If a leaderboard was already displayed on top of the game, the new leaderboard will replace it.":"Wy\u015Bwietla okre\u015Blon\u0105 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w na g\xF3rze gry. Je\u017Celi tablica wynik\xF3w by\u0142a ju\u017C wy\u015Bwietlona na g\xF3rze gry, nowa tablica wynik\xF3w zast\u0105pi j\u0105.","Display leaderboard _PARAM1_ (display a loader: _PARAM2_)":"Wy\u015Bwietl tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w _PARAM1_ (wy\u015Bwietl \u0142adowanie: _PARAM2_)","Display loader while leaderboard is loading":"Wy\u015Bwietl \u0142adowanie podczas \u0142adowania tablicy wynik\xF3w","Close current leaderboard":"Zamknij aktualn\u0105 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w","Close the leaderboard currently displayed on top of the game.":"Zamknij tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w wy\u015Bwietlon\u0105 aktualnie na g\xF3rze gry.","Close current leaderboard displayed on top of the game":"Zamknij aktualn\u0105 tablic\u0119 wynik\xF3w wy\u015Bwietlan\u0105 na g\xF3rze gry","Device sensors":"czujniki urz\u0105dze\u0144","Allow the game to access the sensors of a mobile device.":"Umo\u017Cliwi\u0107 dost\u0119p do gry czujnik\xF3w urz\u0105dzenia mobilnego.","Sensor active":"czujnik aktywny","The condition is true if the device orientation sensor is currently active":"Warunek jest spe\u0142niony, gdy czujnik orientacji urz\u0105dzenie jest aktualnie aktywna","Orientation sensor is active":"czujnik po\u0142o\u017Cenia jest aktywnym","Orientation":"Orientacja","Compare the value of orientation alpha":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 orientacji alfa","Compare the value of orientation alpha. (Range: 0 to 360\xB0)":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 orientacji alfa. (Zakres: 0 do 360 \xB0 C)","the orientation alpha":"alfa orientacji","Sign of the test":"Znak testu","Value":"Warto\u015B\u0107","Compare the value of orientation beta":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 orientacji beta","Compare the value of orientation beta. (Range: -180 to 180\xB0)":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 orientacji beta. (Zakres: -180 do 180 \xB0 C)","the orientation beta":"beta orientacji","Compare the value of orientation gamma":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 orientacji gamma","Compare the value of orientation gamma. (Range: -90 to 90\xB0)":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 orientacji gamma. (Zakres: -90 do 90 \xB0 C)","the orientation gamma":"gamma orientacji","Activate orientation sensor":"Uaktywnij czujnik orientacji","Activate the orientation sensor. (remember to turn it off again)":"Aktywowa\u0107 czujnik orientacji. (Nale\u017Cy pami\u0119ta\u0107, aby w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 go ponownie)","Activate the orientation sensor.":"Aktywowa\u0107 czujnik orientacji.","Deactivate orientation sensor":"Wy\u0142\u0105czenie Czujnik orientacji","Deactivate the orientation sensor.":"Dezaktywowa\u0107 czujnik orientacji.","Is Absolute":"jest absolutna","Get if the devices orientation is absolute and not relative":"Uzyskaj je\u015Bli orientacja urz\u0105dzenia jest absolutna i nie krewny","Alpha value":"warto\u015B\u0107 alfa","Get the devices orientation Alpha (compass)":"Uzyska\u0107 orientacj\u0119 urz\u0105dzenia Alpha (kompas)","Beta value":"warto\u015B\u0107 beta","Get the devices orientation Beta":"Pobierz Beta orientacji urz\u0105dzenia","Gamma value":"warto\u015B\u0107 gamma","Get the devices orientation Gamma value":"Uzyskaj urz\u0105dze\u0144 orientacyjn\u0105 warto\u015B\u0107 gamma","The condition is true if the device motion sensor is currently active":"Warunek jest spe\u0142niony, gdy czujnik ruchu urz\u0105dzenie jest aktualnie aktywna","Motion sensor is active":"Czujnik ruchu jest aktywna","Motion":"Ruch","Compare the value of rotation alpha":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 obrot\xF3w alfa","Compare the value of rotation alpha. (Note: few devices support this sensor)":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 obrot\xF3w alfa. (Uwaga: niekt\xF3re urz\u0105dzenia obs\u0142uguj\u0105 ten czujnik)","the rotation alpha":"alfa obrotowy","Value (m/s\xB2)":"Warto\u015B\u0107 (m / s\xB2)","Compare the value of rotation beta":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 obrotu beta","Compare the value of rotation beta. (Note: few devices support this sensor)":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 obrotu beta. (Uwaga: niekt\xF3re urz\u0105dzenia obs\u0142uguj\u0105 ten czujnik)","the rotation beta":"beta obrotowy","Compare the value of rotation gamma":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 obrotu gamma","Compare the value of rotation gamma. (Note: few devices support this sensor)":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 obrotu gamma. (Uwaga: niekt\xF3re urz\u0105dzenia obs\u0142uguj\u0105 ten czujnik)","the rotation gamma":"gamma obrotowy","Compare the value of acceleration on X-axis":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 przyspieszenia na osi X","Compare the value of acceleration on the X-axis (m/s\xB2).":"Por\xF3wnanie warto\u015Bci przyspieszenia na osi X (m / s\xB2).","the acceleration X":"Przyspieszenie X","Compare the value of acceleration on Y-axis":"Por\xF3wnanie warto\u015Bci przyspieszenia w kierunku Y","Compare the value of acceleration on the Y-axis (m/s\xB2).":"Por\xF3wnanie warto\u015Bci przyspieszenia w kierunku Y (m / s\xB2).","the acceleration Y":"Przyspieszenie Y","Compare the value of acceleration on Z-axis":"Por\xF3wnanie warto\u015Bci przyspieszenia na osi","Compare the value of acceleration on the Z-axis (m/s\xB2).":"Por\xF3wnanie warto\u015Bci przyspieszenia w kierunku osi (m / s\xB2).","the acceleration Z":"The Z przyspieszenie","Activate motion sensor":"Uaktywnij czujnik ruchu","Activate the motion sensor. (remember to turn it off again)":"Aktywacja czujnika ruchu. (Nale\u017Cy pami\u0119ta\u0107, aby w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 go ponownie)","Activate the motion sensor.":"Aktywacja czujnika ruchu.","Deactivate motion sensor":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz czujnik ruchu","Deactivate the motion sensor.":"Dezaktywowa\u0107 czujnik ruchu.","Get the devices rotation Alpha":"Uzyskaj urz\u0105dze\u0144 obr\xF3t Alpha","Get the devices rotation Beta":"Pobierz Beta urz\u0105dzenia rotacji","Get the devices rotation Gamma":"Uzyskaj urz\u0105dze\u0144 obr\xF3t Gamma","Acceleration X value":"Przyspieszenie warto\u015B\u0107 X","Get the devices acceleration on the X-axis (m/s\xB2)":"Uzyska\u0107 przyspieszenie urz\u0105dze\u0144, na osi X (m / s\xB2)","Acceleration Y value":"Przyspieszenie warto\u015B\u0107 Y","Get the devices acceleration on the Y-axis (m/s\xB2)":"Uzyska\u0107 przyspieszenie urz\u0105dze\u0144, na osi Y (m / s\xB2)","Acceleration Z value":"Przyspieszenie warto\u015B\u0107 Z","Get the devices acceleration on the Z-axis (m/s\xB2)":"Uzyska\u0107 przyspieszenie urz\u0105dze\u0144 o osi (m / s\xB2)","Debugger Tools":"Debugger Narz\u0119dzia","Allow to interact with the editor debugger from the game.":"Pozwalaj\u0105 na interakcj\u0119 z debuggera edytora z gry.","Pause game execution":"wykonanie pauza gry","This pauses the game, useful for inspecting the game state through the debugger. Note that events will be still executed until the end before the game is paused.":"To zatrzymuje gr\u0119, przydatne do kontroli stanu gry przez debugger. Nale\u017Cy pami\u0119ta\u0107, \u017Ce zdarzenia b\u0119d\u0105 nadal wykonywane do ko\u0144ca przed gra jest wstrzymana.","Draw collisions hitboxes and points":"Rysuj obszar kolizji (hitbox) i punkt\xF3w","This activates the display of rectangles and information on screen showing the objects bounding boxes (blue), the hitboxes (red) and some points of objects.":"To aktywuje wy\u015Bwietlanie prostok\u0105t\xF3w i informacji na ekranie pokazuj\u0105cych pola ograniczaj\u0105ce obiekty (niebieskie), obszar kolizji-hitboxy (czerwone) i niekt\xF3re punkty obiekt\xF3w.","Enable debugging view of bounding boxes/collision masks: _PARAM1_ (include invisible objects: _PARAM2_, point names: _PARAM3_, custom points: _PARAM4_)":"W\u0142\u0105cz widok debugowania p\xF3l ograniczaj\u0105cych/masek kolizji: _PARAM1_ (uwzgl\u0119dnij niewidzialne obiekty: _PARAM2_, nazwy punkt\xF3w: _PARAM3_, punkty niestandardowe: _PARAM4_)","Enable debug draw":"W\u0142\u0105cz rysowanie debugowania","Show collisions for hidden objects":"Poka\u017C kolizje dla ukrytych obiekt\xF3w","Show points names":"Poka\u017C nazwy punkt\xF3w","Show custom points":"Poka\u017C punkty niestandardowe","Log a message to the console":"Wy\u015Blij wiadomo\u015B\u0107 do konsoli","Logs a message to the debugger's console.":"Wysy\u0142a wiadomo\u015B\u0107 do konsoli debugowania.","Log message _PARAM0_ of type _PARAM1_ to the console in group _PARAM2_":"Wy\u015Blij wiadomo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ typu _PARAM1_ do konsoli w grupie _PARAM2_","3D physics engine":"Silnik fizyczny 3D","A static object won't move (perfect for obstacles). Dynamic objects can move. Kinematic will move according to forces applied to it only (useful for characters or specific mechanisms).":"Obiekt statyczny nie b\u0119dzie si\u0119 porusza\u0142 (idealne na przeszkody). Obiekty dynamiczne mog\u0105 si\u0119 porusza\u0107. Kinematyczny b\u0119dzie si\u0119 porusza\u0142 wy\u0142\u0105cznie zgodnie z przy\u0142o\u017Conymi do niego si\u0142ami (przydatne dla postaci lub okre\u015Blonych mechanizm\xF3w).","Considered as a bullet":"Uznany za pocisk","Useful for fast moving objects which requires a more accurate collision detection.":"Przydatne dla szybko poruszaj\u0105cych si\u0119 obiekt\xF3w, kt\xF3re wymagaj\u0105 dok\u0142adniejszego wykrywania kolizji.","Physics body advanced settings":"Ustawienia zaawansowane fizyki cia\u0142a","If enabled, the object won't rotate and will stay at the same angle. Useful for characters for example.":"Je\u017Celi w\u0142\u0105czone, obiekt nie b\u0119dzie si\u0119 obraca\u0142 i pozostanie pod tym samym k\u0105tem. Przydatne, na przyk\u0142ad, dla postaci.","Density":"G\u0119sto\u015B\u0107","Define the weight of the object, according to its size. The bigger the density, the heavier the object.":"Okre\u015Bl wag\u0119 obiektu w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od jego rozmiaru. Im wi\u0119ksza g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107, tym ci\u0119\u017Cszy obiekt.","The friction applied when touching other objects. The higher the value, the more friction.":"Tarcie stosowane podczas dotykania innych obiekt\xF3w. Im wy\u017Csza warto\u015B\u0107, tym wi\u0119ksze tarcie.","Restitution":"Zwrot","The \"bounciness\" of the object. The higher the value, the more other objects will bounce against it.":"\"Spr\u0119\u017Cysto\u015B\u0107\" obiektu. Im wy\u017Csza warto\u015B\u0107, tym wi\u0119cej innych obiekt\xF3w odbije si\u0119 od niego.","Simulate realistic object physics with gravity, forces, etc.":"Symuluj realistyczn\u0105 fizyk\u0119 obiekt\xF3w z u\u017Cyciem grawitacji, si\u0142 itp.","Edit shape and advanced settings":"Edytuj kszta\u0142t i zaawansowane ustawienia","World scale":"Skala \u015Bwiata","Return the world scale.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 skal\u0119 \u015Bwiata.","Global":"Globalna","World gravity on X axis":"Grawitacja \u015Bwiata na osi X","the world gravity on X axis":"grawitacja \u015Bwiata na osi X","While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.":"Podczas gdy obiekt jest potrzebny, opcja b\u0119dzie zastosowana do wszystkich obiekt\xF3w wykorzystuj\u0105cych zachowanie.","Gravity (in Newton)":"Grawitacja (w Newtonach)","World gravity on Y axis":"Grawitacja \u015Bwiata na osi Y","the world gravity on Y axis":"grawitacja \u015Bwiata na osi Y","World gravity on Z axis":"Grawitacja \u015Bwiata na osi Z","the world gravity on Z axis":"grawitacja \u015Bwiata na osi Z","Is dynamic":"Jest dynamiczny","Check if an object is dynamic.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest dynamiczny.","_PARAM0_ is dynamic":"_PARAM0_ jest dynamiczny","Dynamics":"Dynamika","Is static":"Jest statyczny","Check if an object is static.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest statyczny.","_PARAM0_ is static":"_PARAM0_ jest statyczny","Is kinematic":"Jest kinematyczny","Check if an object is kinematic.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest kinematyczny.","_PARAM0_ is kinematic":"_PARAM0_ jest kinematyczny","Is treated as a bullet":"Jest traktowany jako pocisk","Check if the object is being treated as a bullet.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest traktowany jako pocisk.","_PARAM0_ is treated as a bullet":"_PARAM0_ jest traktowany jako pocisk","Treat as bullet":"Traktuj jako pocisk","Treat the object as a bullet. Better collision handling on high speeds at cost of some performance.":"Traktuj obiekt jako pocisk. Lepsze radzenie sobie z kolizjami o wysokich pr\u0119dko\u015Bciach kosztem wydajno\u015Bci.","Treat _PARAM0_ as bullet: _PARAM2_":"Traktuj _PARAM0_ jako pocisk: _PARAM2_","Treat as bullet?":"Czy traktowa\u0107 jako pocisk?","Has fixed rotation":"Ma sta\u0142\u0105 rotacj\u0119","Check if an object has fixed rotation.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt ma sta\u0142y obr\xF3t.","_PARAM0_ has fixed rotation":"_PARAM0_ ma sta\u0142\u0105 rotacj\u0119","Enable or disable an object fixed rotation. If enabled the object won't be able to rotate.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz sta\u0142y obr\xF3t obiektu. Je\u015Bli w\u0142\u0105czone, obiekt nie b\u0119dzie m\xF3g\u0142 si\u0119 obraca\u0107.","Set _PARAM0_ fixed rotation: _PARAM2_":"Ustaw sta\u0142y obr\xF3t _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Fixed rotation?":"Sta\u0142a rotacja?","Shape scale":"Skala kszta\u0142tu","Modify an object shape scale. It affects custom shape dimensions, if custom dimensions are not set the body will be scaled automatically to the object size.":"Zmodyfikuj skal\u0119 kszta\u0142tu obiektu. Wp\u0142ywa na niestandardowe wymiary kszta\u0142tu. Je\u015Bli niestandardowe wymiary nie s\u0105 ustawione, cia\u0142o zostanie automatycznie przeskalowane do rozmiaru obiektu.","the shape scale":"skala kszta\u0142tu","Body settings":"Ustawienia cia\u0142a","the object density. The body's density and volume determine its mass.":"g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 obiektu. G\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 i obj\u0119to\u015B\u0107 cia\u0142a okre\u015Blaj\u0105 jego mas\u0119.","the density":"g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107","the object friction. How much energy is lost from the movement of one object over another. The combined friction from two bodies is calculated as 'sqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)'.":"tarcie obiektu. Ile energii traci si\u0119 podczas ruchu jednego obiektu po drugim. \u0141\u0105czne tarcie dw\xF3ch cia\u0142 oblicza si\u0119 jako 'sqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)'.","the friction":"tarcie","the object restitution. Energy conservation on collision. The combined restitution from two bodies is calculated as 'max(bodyA.restitution, bodyB.restitution)'.":"spr\u0119\u017Cysto\u015B\u0107 obiektu. Zachowanie energii podczas kolizji. \u0141\u0105czn\u0105 spr\u0119\u017Cysto\u015B\u0107 dw\xF3ch cia\u0142 oblicza si\u0119 jako 'max(bodyA.restitution, bodyB.restitution)'.","the restitution":"elastyczno\u015B\u0107","Linear damping":"Liniowa amortyzacja","the object linear damping. How much movement speed is lost across the time.":"t\u0142umienie liniowe obiektu. Ile pr\u0119dko\u015Bci ruchu jest tracone w czasie.","the linear damping":"liniowa amortyzacja","Angular damping":"T\u0142umienie k\u0105towe","the object angular damping. How much angular speed is lost across the time.":"t\u0142umienie k\u0105towe obiektu. Ile pr\u0119dko\u015Bci k\u0105towej jest tracone w czasie.","the angular damping":"liniowa amortyzacja","Gravity scale":"Skala grawitacji","the object gravity scale. The gravity applied to an object is the world gravity multiplied by the object gravity scale.":"skala grawitacji obiektu. Grawitacja dzia\u0142aj\u0105ca na obiekt to grawitacja \u015Bwiata pomno\u017Cona przez skal\u0119 grawitacji obiektu.","the gravity scale":"skala grawitacji","Layer enabled":"Warstwa w\u0142\u0105czona","Check if an object has a specific layer enabled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt ma w\u0142\u0105czon\u0105 okre\u015Blon\u0105 warstw\u0119.","_PARAM0_ has layer _PARAM2_ enabled":"_PARAM0_ ma warstw\u0119 _PARAM2_ w\u0142\u0105czon\u0105","Filtering":"Filtrowanie","Layer (1 - 8)":"Warstwa (1 - 8)","Enable layer":"W\u0142\u0105cz warstw\u0119","Enable or disable a layer for an object. Two objects collide if any layer of the first object matches any mask of the second one and vice versa.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz warstw\u0119 obiektu. Dwa obiekty koliduj\u0105 ze sob\u0105, je\u015Bli jakakolwiek warstwa pierwszego obiektu pasuje do kt\xF3rejkolwiek maski drugiego i odwrotnie.","Enable layer _PARAM2_ for _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz warstw\u0119 _PARAM2_ dla _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Mask enabled":"Maska w\u0142\u0105czona","Check if an object has a specific mask enabled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt ma w\u0142\u0105czon\u0105 okre\u015Blon\u0105 mask\u0119.","_PARAM0_ has mask _PARAM2_ enabled":"_PARAM0_ ma mask\u0119 _PARAM2_ w\u0142\u0105czon\u0105","Mask (1 - 8)":"Maska (1 - 8)","Enable mask":"W\u0142\u0105cz mask\u0119","Enable or disable a mask for an object. Two objects collide if any layer of the first object matches any mask of the second one and vice versa.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz mask\u0119 dla obiektu. Dwa obiekty koliduj\u0105 si\u0119, je\u015Bli jakakolwiek warstwa pierwszego obiektu pasuje do kt\xF3rejkolwiek maski drugiego i odwrotnie.","Enable mask _PARAM2_ for _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz mask\u0119 _PARAM2_ dla _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Linear velocity X":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniowa X","the object linear velocity on X.":"the object linear velocity on X.","the linear velocity on X":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniowa na X","Velocity":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Linear velocity Y":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniowa X","the object linear velocity on Y.":"the object linear velocity on Y.","the linear velocity on Y":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniowa na osi Y","Linear velocity Z":"Linear velocity Z","the object linear velocity on Z.":"the object linear velocity on Z.","the linear velocity on Z":"the linear velocity on Z","Linear velocity":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniowa","the object linear velocity length.":"the object linear velocity length.","the linear velocity length":"Liniow\u0105 d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Angular velocity X":"Angular velocity X","the object angular velocity around X.":"the object angular velocity around X.","the angular velocity around X":"the angular velocity around X","Angular velocity Y":"Angular velocity Y","the object angular velocity around Y.":"the object angular velocity around Y.","the angular velocity around Y":"the angular velocity around Y","Angular velocity Z":"Angular velocity Z","the object angular velocity around Z.":"the object angular velocity around Z.","the angular velocity around Z":"the angular velocity around Z","Apply force (at a point)":"Apply force (at a point)","Apply a force to the object over time. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Zastosuj si\u0142\u0119 do obiektu w miar\u0119 up\u0142ywu czasu. To \"przy\u015Bpiesza\" obiekt i musi by\u0107 u\u017Cyte w ka\u017Cdej klatce.","Apply a force of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM5_ ; _PARAM6_ ; _PARAM7_":"Apply a force of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM5_ ; _PARAM6_ ; _PARAM7_","Forces & impulses":"Si\u0142y i impulsy","X component (N)":"Sk\u0142adnik x (n)","Y component (N)":"Sk\u0142adnik T (N)","Z component (N)":"Z component (N)","A force is like an acceleration but depends on the mass.":"Si\u0142a jest jak przy\u015Bpieszenie, ale zale\u017Cy od masy.","Application point on X axis":"Punkt zastosowania na osi X","Application point on Y axis":"Punkt zastosowania na osi Y","Application point on Z axis":"Application point on Z axis","Use `MassCenterX` and `MassCenterY` expressions to avoid any rotation.":"U\u017Cyj wyra\u017Cenia `MassCenterX` i `MassCenterY`, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 rotacji.","Apply force (at center)":"Apply force (at center)","Apply a force of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_":"Apply a force of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_","Apply force toward position":"Zastosuj si\u0142\u0119 w kierunku pozycji","Apply a force to the object over time to move it toward a position. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Zastosuj si\u0142\u0119 obiektu w czasie, aby przesun\u0105\u0107 go w kierunku pozycji. To \"przy\u015Bpiesza\" obiekt i musi by\u0107 u\u017Cywane w ka\u017Cdej klatce.","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_":"Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_","Length (N)":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 (N)","Apply impulse (at a point)":"Apply impulse (at a point)","Apply an impulse to the object. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Zastosuj impuls do obiektu. Natychmiastowo zmienia pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107, na przyk\u0142ad daj\u0105c pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105.","Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM5_ ; _PARAM6_ ; _PARAM7_":"Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM5_ ; _PARAM6_ ; _PARAM7_","X component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"Komponent X (N\xB7s lub kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","Y component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"Komponent Y (N\xB7s lub kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","Z component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"Z component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","An impulse is like a speed addition but depends on the mass.":"Impuls jest jak dodatek pr\u0119dko\u015Bci, ale zale\u017Cy od masy.","Use `MassCenterX`, `MassCenterY` and `MassCenterZ` expressions to avoid any rotation.":"Use `MassCenterX`, `MassCenterY` and `MassCenterZ` expressions to avoid any rotation.","Apply impulse (at center)":"Apply impulse (at center)","Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_":"Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_","Apply impulse toward position":"Zastosuj impuls w kierunku pozycji","Apply an impulse to the object to move it toward a position. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Zastosuj impuls do obiektu, aby przesun\u0105\u0107 go w kierunku pozycji. Natychmiastowo zmienia pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107, na przyk\u0142ad daj\u0105c pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105.","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_":"Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_","Length (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 (N\xB7s lub kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","Apply torque (rotational force)":"Zastosuj moment obrotowy (si\u0142a obrotowa)","Apply a torque (also called \"rotational force\") to the object. It \"accelerates\" an object rotation and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Zastosuj moment obrotowy (zwany r\xF3wnie\u017C \"si\u0142\u0105 obrotow\u0105\") do obiektu. To \"przy\u015Bpiesza\" obr\xF3t obiektu i musi by\u0107 u\u017Cyte w ka\u017Cdej klatce.","Apply a torque of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an":"Apply a torque of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an","Torque around X (N\xB7m)":"Torque around X (N\xB7m)","Torque around Y (N\xB7m)":"Torque around Y (N\xB7m)","Torque around Z (N\xB7m)":"Torque around Z (N\xB7m)","A torque is like a rotation acceleration but depends on the mass.":"Moment obrotowy jest jak przy\u015Bpieszenie obrotowe, ale zale\u017Cy od masy.","Apply angular impulse (rotational impulse)":"Zastosuj impuls k\u0105towy (impuls obrotowy)","Apply an angular impulse (also called a \"rotational impulse\") to the object. It instantly changes the rotation speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Zastosuj impuls k\u0105towy (zwany r\xF3wnie\u017C \"impulsem obrotowym\") do obiektu. Natychmiastowo zmienia pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obrotow\u0105, na przyk\u0142ad daj\u0105c pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105.","Apply angular impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an":"Apply angular impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an","Angular impulse around X (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Angular impulse around X (N\xB7m\xB7s)","Angular impulse around Y (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Angular impulse around Y (N\xB7m\xB7s)","Angular impulse around Z (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Angular impulse around Z (N\xB7m\xB7s)","An impulse is like a rotation speed addition but depends on the mass.":"Impuls jest jak dodatek pr\u0119dko\u015Bci obrotowej, ale zale\u017Cy od masy.","Mass":"Masa","Return the mass of the object (in kilograms)":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 mas\u0119 obiektu (w kilogramach)","Inertia around X":"Inertia around X","Return the inertia around X axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)":"Return the inertia around X axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)","Inertia around Y":"Inertia around Y","Return the inertia around Y axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)":"Return the inertia around Y axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)","Inertia around Z":"Inertia around Z","Return the inertia around Z axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)":"Return the inertia around Z axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)","Mass center X":"\u015Arodek masy X","Mass center Y":"\u015Arodek masy Y","Check if two objects collide.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dwa obiekty koliduj\u0105.","_PARAM0_ is colliding with _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ koliduje z _PARAM2_","Collision started":"Kolizja rozpocz\u0119ta","Check if two objects just started colliding during this frame.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dwa obiekty w\u0142a\u015Bnie zacz\u0119\u0142y kolidowa\u0107 si\u0119 podczas tej klatki.","_PARAM0_ started colliding with _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ rozpocz\u0119\u0142o kolizj\u0119 z _PARAM2_","Collision stopped":"Kolizja zatrzymana","Check if two objects just stopped colliding at this frame.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dwa obiekty w\u0142a\u015Bnie przesta\u0142y kolidowa\u0107 w tej klatce.","_PARAM0_ stopped colliding with _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ przesta\u0142o kolidowa\u0107 z _PARAM2_","Jump height":"Jump height","Forward acceleration":"Forward acceleration","Forward deceleration":"Forward deceleration","Max. forward speed":"Max. forward speed","Sideways acceleration":"Sideways acceleration","Sideways deceleration":"Sideways deceleration","Max. sideways speed":"Max. sideways speed","3D physics character":"3D physics character","Simulate move forward key press":"Simulate move forward key press","Simulate a press of the move forward key.":"Simulate a press of the move forward key.","Simulate pressing Forward key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Forward key for _PARAM0_","Character controls":"Character controls","Simulate move backward key press":"Simulate move backward key press","Simulate a press of the move backward key.":"Simulate a press of the move backward key.","Simulate pressing Backward key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Backward key for _PARAM0_","Simulate move right key press":"Simulate move right key press","Simulate a press of the move right key.":"Simulate a press of the move right key.","Simulate pressing Right key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Right key for _PARAM0_","Simulate move left key press":"Simulate move left key press","Simulate a press of the move left key.":"Simulate a press of the move left key.","Simulate pressing Left key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Left key for _PARAM0_","When this action is executed, the object is able to jump again, even if it is in the air: this can be useful to allow a double jump for example. This is not a permanent effect: you must call again this action every time you want to allow the object to jump (apart if it's on the floor).":"When this action is executed, the object is able to jump again, even if it is in the air: this can be useful to allow a double jump for example. This is not a permanent effect: you must call again this action every time you want to allow the object to jump (apart if it's on the floor).","Character state":"Character state","Should bind object and forward angle":"Should bind object and forward angle","Check if the object angle and forward angle should be kept the same.":"Check if the object angle and forward angle should be kept the same.","Keep _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle the same":"Keep _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle the same","Character configuration":"Character configuration","Enable or disable keeping the object angle and forward angle the same.":"Enable or disable keeping the object angle and forward angle the same.","Should bind _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle: _PARAM2_":"Should bind _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle: _PARAM2_","Keep object angle and forward direction the same":"Keep object angle and forward direction the same","Forward angle":"Forward angle","Compare the angle used by the character to go forward.":"Compare the angle used by the character to go forward.","Forward angle of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_ \xB1 _PARAM3_\xB0":"Forward angle of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_ \xB1 _PARAM3_\xB0","Change the angle used by the character to go forward.":"Change the angle used by the character to go forward.","the forward angle":"the forward angle","Forward angle of the character":"Forward angle of the character","Return the angle used by the character to go forward.":"Return the angle used by the character to go forward.","Current forward speed":"Current forward speed","the current forward speed of the object. The object moves backward with negative values and forward with positive ones":"the current forward speed of the object. The object moves backward with negative values and forward with positive ones","the current forward speed":"the current forward speed","the forward acceleration of an object.":"the forward acceleration of an object.","the forward acceleration":"the forward acceleration","the forward deceleration of an object.":"the forward deceleration of an object.","the forward deceleration":"the forward deceleration","Forward max speed":"Forward max speed","the forward max speed of the object.":"the forward max speed of the object.","the forward max speed":"the forward max speed","Current sideways speed":"Current sideways speed","the current sideways speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"the current sideways speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones","the current sideways speed":"the current sideways speed","the sideways acceleration of an object.":"the sideways acceleration of an object.","the sideways acceleration":"the sideways acceleration","the sideways deceleration of an object.":"the sideways deceleration of an object.","the sideways deceleration":"the sideways deceleration","Sideways max speed":"Sideways max speed","the sideways max speed of the object.":"the sideways max speed of the object.","the sideways max speed":"the sideways max speed","the jump speed of an object. Its value is always positive.":"the jump speed of an object. Its value is always positive.","the jump sustain time of an object. This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"the jump sustain time of an object. This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.","the gravity applied on an object.":"the gravity applied on an object.","the maximum falling speed of an object.":"the maximum falling speed of an object.","Check if a 3D physics character is on a given platform.":"Check if a 3D physics character is on a given platform.","AdMob":"AdMob","Allow to display AdMob banners, app open, interstitials, rewarded interstitials and rewarded video ads.":"Pozwala wy\u015Bwietla\u0107 banery AdMob, otwarte aplikacje, reklamy przerywnikowe, nagradzane reklamy przerywnikowe i nagradzane reklamy wideo.","AdMob Android App ID":"AdMob Android App ID","AdMob iOS App ID":"AdMob iOS App ID","Enable test mode":"W\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 tryb testowy","Activate or deactivate the test mode (\"development\" mode).\nWhen activated, tests ads will be served instead of real ones.\n\nIt is important to enable test ads during development so that you can click on them without charging advertisers. If you click on too many ads without being in test mode, you risk your account being flagged for invalid activity.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz tryb testowy (tryb \"development\").\nGdy jest w\u0142\u0105czony, wy\u015Bwietlane b\u0119d\u0105 reklamy testowe zamiast prawdziwych.\n\nWa\u017Cne jest, aby w\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 reklamy testowe podczas tworzenia, aby mo\u017Cna by\u0142o w nie klika\u0107 bez obci\u0105\u017Cania reklamodawc\xF3w. Klikanie zbyt wielu reklam bez trybu testowego mo\u017Ce spowodowa\u0107 oznaczenie konta jako nieprawid\u0142owe.","Enable test mode (serving test ads, for development): _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz tryb testowy (wy\u015Bwietlanie reklam testowych, do tworzenia): _PARAM0_","Enable test mode?":"W\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 tryb testu?","App open loading":"\u0141adowanie otwartej aplikacji","Check if an app open is currently loading.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy otwarta aplikacja jest obecnie \u0142adowana.","App open is loading":"Otwarta aplikacja jest \u0142adowana","App open ready":"Otwarta aplikacja gotowa","Check if an app open is ready to be displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy otwarta aplikacja jest gotowa do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","App open is ready":"Otwarta aplikacja jest gotowa","App open showing":"Otwarta aplikacja wy\u015Bwietlana","Check if there is an app open being displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy otwarta aplikacja jest wy\u015Bwietlana.","App open is showing":"Otwarta aplikacja jest wy\u015Bwietlana","App open errored":"B\u0142\u0105d otwarcia aplikacji","Check if there was an error while loading the app open.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania otwartej aplikacji.","App open had an error":"Otwarta aplikacja napotka\u0142a b\u0142\u0105d","Load app open":"Za\u0142aduj otwart\u0105 aplikacj\u0119","Start loading an app open (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test app open will be displayed.":"Rozpocznij \u0142adowanie otwartej aplikacji (kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlana automatycznie po zako\u0144czeniu \u0142adowania).\nJe\u015Bli tryb testowy jest w\u0142\u0105czony, zostanie wy\u015Bwietlona otwarta aplikacja testowa.","Load app open with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (landscape: _PARAM2_, display automatically when loaded: _PARAM3_)":"Za\u0142aduj otwart\u0105 aplikacj\u0119 z reklamami Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (poziomo: _PARAM2_, wy\u015Bwietl automatycznie po za\u0142adowaniu: _PARAM3_)","Android app open ID":"Android app open ID","iOS app open ID":"iOS app open ID","Display in landscape? (portrait otherwise)":"Wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 w orientacji poziomej? (w przeciwnym przypadku pionowo)","Displayed automatically when loading is finished?":"Wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 automatycznie po zako\u0144czeniu \u0142adowania?","Show app open":"Poka\u017C otwart\u0105 aplikacj\u0119","Show the app open that was loaded. Will work only when the app open is fully loaded.":"Poka\u017C otwart\u0105 aplikacj\u0119, kt\xF3ra zosta\u0142a za\u0142adowana. Dzia\u0142a tylko wtedy, gdy otwarta aplikacja jest w pe\u0142ni za\u0142adowana.","Show the loaded app open":"Poka\u017C za\u0142adowan\u0105 otwart\u0105 aplikacj\u0119","Banner showing":"Baner pokazuj\u0105cy","Check if there is a banner being displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wy\u015Bwietlany jest baner.","Banner is showing":"Baner jest wy\u015Bwietlany","Banner configured":"Baner skonfigurowany","Check if there is a banner correctly configured ready to be shown.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy poprawnie skonfigurowany baner jest gotowy do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Banner is configured":"Baner jest skonfigurowany","Banner loaded":"Baner za\u0142adowany","Check if there is a banner correctly loaded ready to be shown.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy poprawnie za\u0142adowany baner jest gotowy do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Banner is loaded":"Baner jest za\u0142adowany","Banner had an error":"Baner mia\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d","Check if there was a error while displaying a banner.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wy\u015Bwietlania banera.","Banner ad had an error":"Baner reklamowy mia\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d","Configure the banner":"Skonfiguruj baner","Configure a banner, which can then be displayed.\nIf a banner is already displayed, it will be removed\nIf test mode is set, a test banner will be displayed.\n\nOnce a banner is positioned (at the top or bottom of the game), it can't be moved anymore.":"Skonfiguruj baner, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlony.\nJe\u017Celi baner jest ju\u017C wy\u015Bwietlony, to zostanie usuni\u0119ty\nJe\u017Celi w\u0142\u0105czony jest tryb testowy, baner testowy zostanie wy\u015Bwietlony.\n\nPo umieszczeniu banera (na g\xF3rze lub na dole gry), nie b\u0119dzie mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci go przemieszczenia.","Configure the banner with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_, display at top: _PARAM2_":"Skonfiguruj baner z Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_, wy\u015Bwietl u g\xF3ry: _PARAM2_","Android banner ID":"Android banner ID","iOS banner ID":"iD banera iOS","Display at top? (bottom otherwise)":"Wy\u015Bwietlaj u g\xF3ry? (w przeciwnym razie na dole)","Show banner":"Poka\u017C baner","Show the banner that was previously set up.":"Poka\u017C baner, kt\xF3ry by\u0142 ustawiony poprzednio.","Hide banner":"Ukryj baner","Hide the banner. You can show it again with the corresponding action.":"Ukryj baner. Mo\u017Cesz go ponownie pokaza\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 odpowiedniej akcji.","Interstitial loading":"Reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca si\u0119\xA0\u0142aduje","Check if an interstitial is currently loading.":"Sprawd\u017A czy reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca jest w trakcie \u0142adowania.","Interstitial is loading":"Reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca si\u0119 \u0142aduje","Interstitial ready":"Reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca gotowa","Check if an interstitial is ready to be displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A czy reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca jest gotowa do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Interstitial is ready":"Reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca jest gotowa","Interstitial showing":"Reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca jest pokazywana","Check if there is an interstitial being displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wy\u015Bwietlana jest reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca.","Interstitial is showing":"Reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca jest wy\u015Bwietlana","Interstitial had an error":"Reklama przerywnikowa mia\u0142a b\u0142\u0105d","Check if there was a error while loading the interstitial.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas \u0142adowania reklamy przerywnikowej.","Interstitial ad had an error":"Reklama przerywnikowa mia\u0142a b\u0142\u0105d","Load interstitial":"Za\u0142aduj reklam\u0119 wynagradzaj\u0105c\u0105","Start loading an interstitial (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test interstitial will be displayed.":"Rozpocznij wczytywanie reklamy przerywnikowej (kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlona automatycznie po zako\u0144czonym \u0142adowaniu).\nJe\u017Celi tryb testowy jest w\u0142\u0105czony, zostanie wy\u015Bwietlona reklama testowa.","Load interstitial with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (display automatically when loaded: _PARAM2_)":"Wczytaj reklam\u0119 przerywnikow\u0105 z Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (wy\u015Bwietl automatycznie po wczytaniu: _PARAM2_)","Android interstitial ID":"ID kodu Androida","iOS interstitial ID":"iD kodu iOS","Show interstitial":"Poka\u017C reklam\u0119 wynagradzaj\u0105c\u0105","Show the interstitial that was loaded. Will work only when the interstitial is fully loaded.":"Poka\u017C reklam\u0119 przerywnikow\u0105, kt\xF3ra zosta\u0142a wczytana. Opcja dzia\u0142a tylko wtedy, gdy reklama przerywnikowa jest w pe\u0142ni wczytana.","Show the loaded interstitial":"Poka\u017C wczytan\u0105 reklam\u0119 przerywnikow\u0105","Rewarded interstitial loading":"Wczytywanie nagradzanej reklamy przerywnikowej","Check if a rewarded interstitial is currently loading.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nagradzana reklama przerywnikowa jest obecnie wczytywana.","Rewarded interstitial is loading":"Nagradzana reklama przerywnikowa jest wczytywana","Rewarded interstitial ready":"Gotowa nagradzana reklama przerywnikowa","Check if a rewarded interstitial is ready to be displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca jest gotowa do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Rewarded interstitial is ready":"Nagradzana reklama przerywnikowa jest gotowa","Rewarded interstitial showing":"Wy\u015Bwietlanie nagradzanej reklamy przerywnikowej","Check if there is a rewarded interstitial being displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy reklama wynagradzaj\u0105ca jest wy\u015Bwietlona.","Rewarded interstitial is showing":"Nagradzana reklama przerywnikowa jest wy\u015Bwietlona","Rewarded interstitial had an error":"B\u0142\u0105d nagradzanej reklamy przerywnikowej","Check if there was a error while loading the rewarded interstitial.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wczytywania nagradzanej reklamy przerywnikowej.","Rewarded Interstitial had an error":"Nagradzana reklama przerywnikowa mia\u0142a b\u0142\u0105d","Rewarded Interstitial reward received":"Otrzymanie nagrody z reklamy przerywnikowej","Check if the reward of the rewarded interstitial was given to the user.\nYou can mark this reward as cleared, so that the condition will be false and you can show later another rewarded interstitial.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nagroda z reklamy przerywnikowej zosta\u0142a przekazana u\u017Cytkownikowi.\nMo\u017Cesz oznaczy\u0107 nagrod\u0119 jako wyczyszczon\u0105, aby warunek by\u0142 fa\u0142szywy i mo\u017Cna by\u0142o p\xF3\u017Aniej wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 kolejn\u0105 nagradzan\u0105 reklam\u0119 przerywnikow\u0105.","User got the reward of the rewarded interstitial (and clear this reward: _PARAM0_)":"U\u017Cytkownik otrzyma\u0142 nagrod\u0119 z reklamy przerywnikowej (i wyczy\u015B\u0107 t\u0119 nagrod\u0119: _PARAM0_)","Clear the reward (needed to show another rewarded interstitial)":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 nagrod\u0119 (potrzebne, aby pokaza\u0107 kolejn\u0105 nagrod\u0119 reklamow\u0105)","Load rewarded interstitial":"Wczytanie nagradzanej reklamy","Start loading a rewarded interstitial (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test rewarded interstitial will be displayed.\nThis is similar to a rewarded video, but can be displayed at any time, and the user can close it.":"Rozpocznij wczytywanie nagradzanej reklamy (kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlona automatycznie po zako\u0144czeniu wczytywania).\nJe\u017Celi tryb testowy jest w\u0142\u0105czony, zostanie wy\u015Bwietlona nagradzana reklama testowa.\nJest to podobne do nagradzanego wideo, ale mo\u017Ce by\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlone w ka\u017Cdej chwili, a u\u017Cytkownik mo\u017Ce j\u0105 zamkn\u0105\u0107.","Load rewarded interstitial with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (display automatically when loaded: _PARAM2_)":"Wczytaj nagradzan\u0105 reklam\u0119 z Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (wy\u015Bwietl automatycznie po wczytaniu: _PARAM2_)","Android rewarded interstitial ID":"ID nagradzanej reklamy (Android)","Show rewarded interstitial":"Poka\u017C nagradzan\u0105 reklam\u0119","Show the rewarded interstitial that was loaded. Will work only when the rewarded interstitial is fully loaded.":"Poka\u017C nagradzan\u0105 reklam\u0119 przerywnikow\u0105, kt\xF3ra zosta\u0142a wczytana. Opcja zadzia\u0142a tylko wtedy, gdy reklama zostanie w pe\u0142ni wczytana.","Show the loaded rewarded interstitial":"Poka\u017C wczytan\u0105 nagradzan\u0105 reklam\u0119 przerywnikow\u0105","Mark the reward of the rewarded interstitial as claimed":"Oznacz nagrod\u0119 z reklamy przerywnikowej jako odebran\u0105","Mark the rewarded interstitial reward as claimed. Useful if you used the condition to check if the reward was given to the user without clearing the reward.":"Oznacz nagrod\u0119 z reklamy przerywnikowej jako odebran\u0105. Przydatne, je\u017Celi zosta\u0142 u\u017Cyty warunek sprawdzaj\u0105cy, czy nagroda zosta\u0142a przyznana u\u017Cytkownikowi bez wyczyszczenia nagrody.","Rewarded video loading":"Wczytanie nagradzanego wideo","Check if a rewarded video is currently loading.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nagradzane wideo jest aktualnie wczytywane.","Rewarded video is loading":"Nagradzane wideo jest wczytywane","Rewarded video ready":"Gotowe nagradzane wideo","Check if a rewarded video is ready to be displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo jest gotowe do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Rewarded video is ready":"Nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo jest gotowe","Rewarded video showing":"Wy\u015Bwietlenie nagradzaj\u0105cego wideo","Check if there is a rewarded video being displayed.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo jest wy\u015Bwietlone.","Rewarded video is showing":"Nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo jest wy\u015Bwietlane","Rewarded video had an error":"B\u0142\u0105d nagradzaj\u0105cego wideo","Check if there was a error while loading the rewarded video.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d podczas wczytywania nagradzaj\u0105cego wideo.","Rewarded video ad had an error":"Nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo reklamowe mia\u0142o b\u0142\u0105d","Rewarded Video reward received":"Otrzymano nagrod\u0119 z wideo","Check if the reward of the rewarded video was given to the user.\nYou can mark this reward as cleared, so that the condition will be false and you can show later another rewarded video.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nagroda z wideo zosta\u0142a przyznana u\u017Cytkownikowi.\nMo\u017Cesz oznaczy\u0107 nagrod\u0119 jako wyczyszczon\u0105, aby warunek by\u0142 fa\u0142szywy, a nast\u0119pnie mo\u017Cesz pokaza\u0107 kolejne nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo.","User got the reward of the rewarded video (and clear this reward: _PARAM0_)":"U\u017Cytkownik otrzyma\u0142 nagrod\u0119 z wideo (i wyczy\u015B\u0107 t\u0119 nagrod\u0119: _PARAM0_)","Clear the reward (needed to show another rewarded video)":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 nagrod\u0119 (potrzebne, aby pokaza\u0107 kolejne nagrodzaj\u0105ce wideo)","Load rewarded video":"Wczytaj nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo","Start loading a reward video (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test video will be displayed.":"Rozpocznij wczytywanie nagradzaj\u0105cego wideo (kt\xF3re mo\u017Ce by\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlone automatycznie po zako\u0144czeniu wczytania).\nJe\u017Celi tryb testowy jest w\u0142\u0105czony, zostanie wy\u015Bwietlone testowe wideo.","Load reward video with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (display automatically when loaded: _PARAM2_)":"Wczytaj nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo z Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (wy\u015Bwietl automatycznie po wczytaniu: _PARAM2_)","Android reward video ID":"ID pliku wideo nagrody Android","iOS reward video ID":"ID pliku wideo nagrody iOS","Show rewarded video":"Poka\u017C nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo","Show the reward video that was loaded. Will work only when the video is fully loaded.":"Poka\u017C nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo, kt\xF3re zosta\u0142o wczytane. Opcja dzia\u0142a tylko wtedy, gdy wideo jest w pe\u0142ni wczytane.","Show the loaded reward video":"Poka\u017C wczytane nagradzaj\u0105ce wideo","Mark the reward of the rewarded video as claimed":"Oznacz nagrod\u0119 z wideo jako odebran\u0105","Mark the rewarded video reward as claimed. Useful if you used the condition to check if the reward was given to the user without clearing the reward.":"Oznacz nagrod\u0119 z wideo jako odebran\u0105. Przydatne, je\u017Celi zosta\u0142 u\u017Cyty warunek sprawdzaj\u0105cy, czy nagroda zosta\u0142a przyznana u\u017Cytkownikowi bez wyczyszczenia nagrody.","Allow your game to send scores and interact with the Facebook Instant Games platform.":"Zezw\xF3l swojej grze na wysy\u0142anie wynik\xF3w i interakcj\u0119 z platform\u0105 Facebook Instant Games.","Save player data":"Zapisz dane gracza","Save the content of the given scene variable in the player data, stored on Facebook Instant Games servers":"Zapisz zawarto\u015B\u0107 zmiennej sceny w danych gracza, przechowywanych na serwerach Facebook Instant Games","Save the content of _PARAM1_ in key _PARAM0_ of player data (store success message in _PARAM2_ or error in _PARAM3_)":"Zapisz zawarto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM1_ w kluczu _PARAM0_ danych gracza (zapisz wiadomo\u015B\u0107 powodzenia w _PARAM2_ lub b\u0142\u0105d w _PARAM3_)","Player data":"Dane gracza","Variable where to store the success message (optional)":"Zmienna, w kt\xF3rej przechowana ma by\u0107 wiadomo\u015B\u0107 powodzenia (opcjonalne)","Variable where to store the error message (optional, if an error occurs)":"Zmienna, w kt\xF3rej przechowana ma by\u0107 wiadomo\u015B\u0107 b\u0142\u0119du (opcjonalne, je\u017Celi b\u0142\u0105d wyst\u0105pi)","Load player data":"Za\u0142aduj dane gracza","Load the player data with the given key in a variable":"Za\u0142aduj dane gracza z kluczem podanym w zmiennej","Load player data with key _PARAM0_ in _PARAM1_ (or error in _PARAM2_)":"Za\u0142aduj dane gracza z kluczem _PARAM0_ w _PARAM1_ (lub b\u0142\u0119dem w _PARAM2_)","Data key name (e.g: \"Lives\")":"Nazwa klucza danych (np. \"\u017Bycia\")","Variable where to store loaded data":"Zmienna gdzie przechowywa\u0107 za\u0142adowane dane","Save the score, and optionally the content of the given variable in the player score, for the given metadata.":"Zapisz wynik i opcjonalnie zawarto\u015B\u0107\xA0danej zmiennej w wyniku gracza dla danych metadanych.","In leaderboard _PARAM0_, save score _PARAM1_ for the player and extra data from _PARAM2_ (store success message in _PARAM3_ or error in _PARAM4_)":"W tabeli wynik\xF3w _PARAM0_, zapisz wynik _PARAM1_ dla gracza i dodatkowe dane z _PARAM2_ (zapisz wiadomo\u015B\u0107\xA0o powodzeniu w _PARAM3_ lub b\u0142\u0105d w _PARAM4_)","Optional variable with metadata to save":"Opcjonalna zmienna z metadanymi do zapisania","Load player entry":"Za\u0142aduj wpis gracza","Load the player entry in the given leaderboard":"Za\u0142aduj wpis gracza w danej tablicy wynik\xF3w","Load player entry from leaderboard _PARAM0_. Set rank in _PARAM1_, score in _PARAM2_ (extra data if any in _PARAM3_ and error in _PARAM4_)":"Za\u0142aduj wpis gracza z tablicy lider\xF3w _PARAM0_. Ustaw rang\u0119 w _PARAM1_, wynik w _PARAM2_ (dodatkowe dane, je\u015Bli wyst\u0119puj\u0105 w _PARAM3_ i b\u0142\u0105d w _PARAM4_)","Leaderboard name (e.g: \"PlayersBestTimes\")":"Nazwa tabeli lider\xF3w (np .: \u201ENajlepsi gracze\u201D)","Variable where to store the player rank (of -1 if not ranked)":"Zmienne miejsce przechowywania rangi gracza (-1 je\u015Bli nie ma rangi)","Variable where to store the player score (of -1 if no score)":"Zmienne miejsce przechowywania wyniku gracza (-1, je\u015Bli nie ma wyniku)","Variable where to store extra data (if any)":"Zmienne miejsce przechowywania dodatkowych danych (je\u015Bli istniej\u0105)","Check if ads are supported":"Sprawd\u017A, czy reklamy s\u0105 obs\u0142ugiwane","Check if showing ads is supported on this device (only mobile phones can show ads)":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wy\u015Bwietlanie reklam jest obs\u0142ugiwane na tym urz\u0105dzeniu (tylko telefony kom\xF3rkowe mog\u0105 wy\u015Bwietla\u0107 reklamy)","Ads can be shown on this device":"Reklamy mog\u0105 by\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlane na tym urz\u0105dzeniu","Is the interstitial ad ready":"Czy reklama pe\u0142noekranowa jest gotowa","Check if the interstitial ad requested from Facebook is loaded and ready to be shown.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy reklama pe\u0142noekranowa \u017C\u0105dana z Facebooka jest za\u0142adowana i gotowa do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","The interstitial ad is loaded and ready to be shown":"Reklama pe\u0142noekranowa jest za\u0142adowana i gotowa do wy\u015Bwietlenia","Load and prepare an interstitial ad":"Za\u0142aduj i przygotuj reklam\u0119 pe\u0142noekranow\u0105","Request and load an interstitial ad from Facebook, so that it is ready to be shown.":"Zam\xF3w i za\u0142aduj reklam\u0119 pe\u0142noekranow\u0105 z Facebooka, aby by\u0142a gotowa do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Request and load an interstitial ad from Facebook (ad placement id: _PARAM0_, error in _PARAM1_)":"Popro\u015B i za\u0142aduj reklam\u0119 pe\u0142noekranow\u0105 z Facebooka (identyfikator miejsca docelowego reklamy: _PARAM0_, b\u0142\u0105d w _PARAM1_)","The Ad Placement id (can be found while setting up the ad on Facebook)":"Identyfikator miejsca docelowego reklamy (mo\u017Cna go znale\u017A\u0107 podczas konfigurowania reklamy na Facebooku)","Show the loaded interstitial ad":"Poka\u017C za\u0142adowan\u0105 reklam\u0119 pe\u0142noekranow\u0105","Show the interstitial ad previously loaded in memory. This won't work if you did not load the interstitial before.":"Poka\u017C reklam\u0119 pe\u0142noekranow\u0105 uprzednio za\u0142adowan\u0105 do pami\u0119ci. To nie zadzia\u0142a, je\u015Bli wcze\u015Bniej nie \u0142adowa\u0142e\u015B reklamy pe\u0142noekranowej.","Show the interstitial ad previously loaded in memory (if any error, store it in _PARAM0_)":"Poka\u017C reklam\u0119 pe\u0142noekranow\u0105 poprzednio za\u0142adowan\u0105 do pami\u0119ci (w razie wyst\u0105pienia b\u0142\u0119du zapisz j\u0105 w _PARAM0_)","Is the rewarded video ready":"Czy nagrodzony film jest gotowy","Check if the rewarded video requested from Facebook is loaded and ready to be shown.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy nagrodzony film wideo z Facebooka jest za\u0142adowany i gotowy do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","The rewarded video is loaded and ready to be shown":"Nagrodzone wideo jest \u0142adowane i gotowe do pokazania","Load and prepare a rewarded video":"Za\u0142aduj i przygotuj film nagradzaj\u0105cy","Request and load a rewarded video from Facebook, so that it is ready to be shown.":"Za\u017C\u0105daj i za\u0142aduj nagradzaj\u0105cy film z Facebooka, aby by\u0142 gotowy do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Request and load a rewarded video from Facebook (ad placement id: _PARAM0_, error in _PARAM1_)":"Za\u017C\u0105daj i za\u0142aduj nagrodzony film z Facebooka (identyfikator miejsca docelowego reklamy: _PARAM0_, b\u0142\u0105d w _PARAM1_)","Show the loaded rewarded video":"Poka\u017C za\u0142adowane video nagradzaj\u0105ce","Show the rewarded video previously loaded in memory. This won't work if you did not load the video before.":"Poka\u017C nagrane wcze\u015Bniej wideo nagradzaj\u0105ce za\u0142adowane z pami\u0119ci. To nie zadzia\u0142a, je\u015Bli wcze\u015Bniej nie za\u0142adowa\u0142e\u015B wideo.","Show the rewarded video previously loaded in memory (if any error, store it in _PARAM0_)":"Poka\u017C nagrodzony film wcze\u015Bniej za\u0142adowany do pami\u0119ci (je\u015Bli wyst\u0105pi b\u0142\u0105d, zapisz go w _PARAM0_)","Player identifier":"Identyfikator gracza","Get the player unique identifier":"Uzyskaj unikalny identyfikator gracza","Player name":"Nazwa gracza","Get the player name":"Uzyskaj nazw\u0119 gracza","BBCode Text Object":"Obiekt tekstowy BBCode","BBCode text":"Tekst BBCode","Base color":"Kolor g\u0142\xF3wny","Base size":"Rozmiar podstawowy","Base alignment":"Podstawowe wyr\xF3wnanie","Word wrapping":"Zawijanie wierszy","Visible on start":"Widoczne na pocz\u0105tku","BBText":"BBText","Displays a rich text label using BBCode markup (allowing to set parts of the text as bold, italic, use different colors and shadows).":"Wy\u015Bwietla bogat\u0105 etykiet\u0119 tekstow\u0105 za pomoc\u0105 znacznika BBCode (pozwalaj\u0105c na ustawianie cz\u0119\u015Bci tekstu jako pogrubion\u0105, kursyw\u0105, u\u017Cyj r\xF3\u017Cnych kolor\xF3w i cieni).","Compare the value of the BBCode text.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 tekstu BBCode.","the BBCode text":"tekst BBCode","Set BBCode text":"Ustaw tekst BBCode","Get BBCode text":"Pobierz tekst BBCode","Color (R;G;B)":"Kolor (R;G;B)","Set base color":"Ustaw kolor podstawowy","Set base color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw kolor podstawowy _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Compare the value of the base opacity of the text.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 podstawowej przezroczysto\u015Bci tekstu.","the base opacity":"podstawowa przezroczysto\u015B\u0107","Set base opacity":"Ustaw podstawow\u0105 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107","Get the base opacity":"Pobierz podstawow\u0105 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107","Compare the base font size of the text.":"Por\xF3wnaj podstawowy rozmiar czcionki tekstu.","the base font size":"podstawowy rozmiar czcionki","Set base font size":"Ustaw podstawowy rozmiar czcionki","Get the base font size":"Pobierz podstawowy rozmiar czcionki","Font family":"Rodzina czcionki","Compare the value of font family":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 rodziny czcionki","the base font family":"podstawowa rodzina czcionki","Set font family":"Ustaw rodzin\u0119 czcionek","Get the base font family":"Pobierz podstawow\u0105 rodzin\u0119 czcionki","Check the current text alignment.":"Sprawd\u017A bie\u017C\u0105ce wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu.","The text alignment of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Change the alignment of the text.":"Zmie\u0144 wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu.","text alignment":"wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu","Get the text alignment":"Pobierz wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu","Word wrap":"Zawijanie wierszy","Check if word wrap is enabled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy opcja zawijania tekstu jest w\u0142\u0105czona.","Word wrap is enabled":"Zawijanie tekstu jest w\u0142\u0105czone","Set word wrap":"Ustaw zawijanie tekstu","Activate word wrap for _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Aktywuj zawijanie tekstu _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Compare the width, in pixels, after which the text is wrapped on next line.":"Por\xF3wnaj szeroko\u015B\u0107 w pikselach, po kt\xF3rej tekst jest zawijany do nast\u0119pnej linii.","Change the width, in pixels, after which the text is wrapped on next line.":"Zmie\u0144 szeroko\u015B\u0107 w pikselach, po kt\xF3rej tekst jest zawijany do nast\u0119pnej linii.","Get the wrapping width":"Pobierz szeroko\u015B\u0107 zawijania","3D":"3D","Support for 3D in GDevelop.":"Wsparcie dla 3D w GDevelop.","3D capability":"Obs\u0142uga 3D","Move the object in 3D space.":"Przesu\u0144 obiekt w przestrzeni 3D.","Z (elevation)":"Z (wysoko\u015B\u0107)","the Z position (the \"elevation\")":"pozycja Z (wysoko\u015B\u0107)","the Z position":"pozycja Z","Center Z position":"Wy\u015Brodkuj pozycj\u0119 Z","the Z position of the center of rotation":"pozycja Z \u015Brodka obrotu","the Z position of the center":"pozycja Z \u015Brodka","Position/Center":"Pozycja/\u015Arodek","Depth (size on Z axis)":"G\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107 (rozmiar na osi Z)","the depth (size on Z axis)":"g\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107 (rozmiar na osi Z)","the depth":"g\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107","Scale on Z axis":"Skaluj na osi Z","the scale on Z axis of an object (default scale is 1)":"skala na osi Z obiektu (domy\u015Blna skala wynosi 1)","the scale on Z axis scale":"skala na osi Z","Flip the object on Z":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 obiekt na Z","Flip the object on Z axis":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 obiekt na osi Z","Flip on Z axis _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 na osi Z _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Flipped on Z":"Odwr\xF3cono na Z","Check if the object is flipped on Z axis":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest odwr\xF3cony na osi Z","_PARAM0_ is flipped on Z axis":"_PARAM0_ jest odwr\xF3cony na osi Z","Rotation on X axis":"Obr\xF3t na osi X","the rotation on X axis":"obr\xF3t na osi X","Rotation on Y axis":"Obr\xF3t na osi Y","the rotation on Y axis":"obr\xF3t na osi Y","Turn around X axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 wok\xF3\u0142 osi X","Turn the object around X axis. This axis doesn't move with the object rotation.":"Obr\xF3\u0107 obiekt wok\xF3\u0142 osi X. Ta o\u015B nie przesuwa si\u0119 z obrotem obiektu.","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around X axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ z _PARAM2_\xB0 wok\xF3\u0142 osi X","Rotation angle":"K\u0105t obrotu","Turn around Y axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 wok\xF3\u0142 osi Y","Turn the object around Y axis. This axis doesn't move with the object rotation.":"Obr\xF3\u0107 obiekt wok\xF3\u0142 osi Y. Ta o\u015B nie przesuwa si\u0119 z obrotem obiektu.","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around Y axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ z _PARAM2_\xB0 wok\xF3\u0142 osi Y","Turn around Z axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 wok\xF3\u0142 osi Z","Turn the object around Z axis. This axis doesn't move with the object rotation.":"Obr\xF3\u0107 obiekt wok\xF3\u0142 osi Z. Ta o\u015B nie przesuwa si\u0119 z obrotem obiektu.","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around Z axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ z _PARAM2_\xB0 wok\xF3\u0142 osi Z","3D Model":"Model 3D","An animated 3D model.":"Animowany model 3D.","Compare the width of an object.":"Por\xF3wnaj szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Compare the height of an object.":"Por\xF3wnaj wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","the depth's scale of an object":"skala g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bci obiektu","the depth's scale":"skala g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bci","Flip on Z axis _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 na osi Z _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM1_\xB0 around X axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ z _PARAM1_\xB0 wok\xF3\u0142 osi X","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM1_\xB0 around Y axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ z _PARAM1_\xB0 wok\xF3\u0142 osi Y","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM1_\xB0 around Z axis":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ z _PARAM1_\xB0 wok\xF3\u0142 osi Z","Animation (by number)":"Animacja (wg liczby)","the number of the animation played by the object (the number from the animations list)":"numer animacji odtwarzanej przez obiekt (liczba z listy animacji)","the number of the animation":"numer animacji","Animation (by name)":"Animacja (wg nazwy)","the animation played by the object":"animacja odtwarzana przez obiekt","the animation":"animacja","Animation name":"Nazwa animacji","Pause the animation":"Zatrzymaj animacj\u0119","Pause the animation of the object":"Wstrzyma\u0107 animacj\u0119 obiektu","Pause the animation of _PARAM0_":"Wstrzyma\u0107 animacj\u0119 _PARAM0_","Resume the animation":"Wzn\xF3w animacj\u0119","Resume the animation of the object":"Wzn\xF3w animacj\u0119 obiektu","Resume the animation of _PARAM0_":"Wzn\xF3w animacj\u0119 _PARAM0_","Animation speed scale":"Skala pr\u0119dko\u015Bci animacji","the animation speed scale (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower)":"skala pr\u0119dko\u015Bci animacji (1 = domy\u015Blna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107, >1 = szybsza i <1 = wolniejsza)","the animation speed scale":"skala pr\u0119dko\u015Bci animacji","Speed scale":"Skala pr\u0119dko\u015Bci","Animation paused":"Animacja wstrzymana","Check if the animation of an object is paused.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy animacja obiektu jest wstrzymana.","The animation of _PARAM0_ is paused":"Animacja dla _PARAM0_ jest zarzymana","Animation finished":"Animacja zako\u0144czona","Check if the animation being played by the Sprite object is finished.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy animacji odtwarzanych przez obiekt Sprite jest zako\u0144czona.","The animation of _PARAM0_ is finished":"Animacja _PARAM0_ zako\u0144czona","Enable texture transparency":"W\u0142\u0105cz przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 tekstury","Enabling texture transparency has an impact on rendering performance.":"W\u0142\u0105czenie przezroczysto\u015Bci tekstury wp\u0142ywa na wydajno\u015B\u0107 renderowania.","Texture settings":"Ustawienia tekstur","Faces orientation":"Orientacja powierzchni","The top of each image can touch the **top face** (Y) or the **front face** (Z).":"G\xF3rna cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 ka\u017Cdego obrazu mo\u017Ce dotyka\u0107 **g\xF3rnej powierzchni** (Y) lub **przedniej powierzchni** (Z).","Face orientation":"Orientacja powierzchni","Textures":"Tekstury","Back face orientation":"Orientacja tylnej powierzchni","The top of the image can touch the **top face** (Y) or the **bottom face** (X).":"G\xF3rna cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 obrazu mo\u017Ce dotyka\u0107 **g\xF3rnej powierzchni** (Y) lub **dolnej powierzchni** (X).","Tile":"Tafla","Face visibility":"Widoczno\u015B\u0107 powierzchni","Material type":"Rodzaj materia\u0142u","3D Box":"Pude\u0142ko 3D","A box with images for each face":"Pude\u0142ko z obrazami dla ka\u017Cdej powierzchni","3D cube":"Kostka 3D","a face should be visible":"powierzchnia powinna by\u0107 widoczna","having its _PARAM1_ face visible":"posiadaj\u0105cy widoczn\u0105 _PARAM1_ powierzchni\u0119","Face":"Powierzchnia","Visible?":"Widoczna?","Face image":"Obraz powierzchni","Change the image of the face.":"Zmie\u0144 obraz powierzchni.","Change the image of _PARAM1_ face of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Zmie\u0144 obraz _PARAM1_ powierzchni _PARAM0_ na _PARAM2_","Camera Z position":"Pozycja Z kamery","the camera position on Z axis":"pozycja kamery na osi Z","Camera number (default : 0)":"Numer kamery (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Camera X rotation":"Obr\xF3t kamery X","the camera rotation on X axis":"obr\xF3t kamery na osi X","Camera Y rotation":"Obr\xF3t kamery Y","the camera rotation on Y axis":"obr\xF3t kamery na osi Y","Look at an object":"Skieruj kamer\u0119 na obiekt","Change the camera rotation to look at an object. The camera top always face the screen.":"Zmie\u0144 obr\xF3t kamery tak, aby by\u0142a skierowana na obiekt. G\xF3ra kamery zawsze jest skierowana na ekran.","Change the camera rotation of _PARAM2_ to look at _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 obr\xF3t kamery _PARAM2_, aby skierowa\u0142a si\u0119 na _PARAM1_","Layers and cameras":"Warstwy i kamery","Stand on Y instead of Z":"Sta\u0144 na Y zamiast Z","Look at a position":"Skieruj kamer\u0119 na pozycj\u0119","Change the camera rotation to look at a position. The camera top always face the screen.":"Zmie\u0144 obr\xF3t kamery, aby skierowa\u0142a si\u0119 na pozycj\u0119. G\xF3ra kamery zawsze jest skierowana na ekran.","Change the camera rotation of _PARAM4_ to look at _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_":"Zmie\u0144 obr\xF3t kamery _PARAM4_, aby skierowa\u0142a si\u0119 na _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_","Camera near plane":"Kamera bliskiej p\u0142aszczyzny","the camera near plane distance":"odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 kamery od bliskiej p\u0142aszczyzny","Distance (> 0)":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 (> 0)","Camera far plane":"Kamera dalekiej p\u0142aszczyzny","the camera far plane distance":"odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 kamery od dalekiej p\u0142aszczyzny","Camera field of view (fov)":"Pole widzenia kamery (fov)","the camera field of view":"pole widzenia kamery","Field of view in degrees (between 0\xB0 and 180\xB0)":"Pole widzenia w stopniach (od 0\xB0 do 180\xB0)","Fog (linear)":"Mg\u0142a (liniowa)","Linear fog for 3D objects.":"Liniowa mg\u0142a dla obiekt\xF3w 3D.","Fog color":"Kolor mg\u0142y","Distance where the fog starts":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107, na kt\xF3rej zaczyna si\u0119 mg\u0142a","Distance where the fog is fully opaque":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107, na kt\xF3rej mg\u0142a jest ca\u0142kowicie g\u0119sta","Fog (exponential)":"Mg\u0142a (wyk\u0142adnicza)","Exponential fog for 3D objects.":"Mg\u0142a wyk\u0142adnicza dla obiekt\xF3w 3D.","Ambient light":"\u015Awiat\u0142o otoczenia","A light that illuminates all objects from every direction.":"\u015Awiat\u0142o o\u015Bwietlaj\u0105ce wszystkie obiekty z ka\u017Cdego kierunku.","Light color":"Kolor \u015Bwiat\u0142a","Intensity":"Intensywno\u015B\u0107","Directional light":"\u015Awiat\u0142o kierunkowe","A very far light source like the sun.":"Bardzo daleko \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142a \u015Bwiat\u0142a, jak s\u0142o\u0144ce.","3D world top":"\u015Awiat 3D z g\xF3ry","Elevation (in degrees)":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 (w stopniach)","Maximal elevation is reached at 90\xB0.":"Maksymaln\u0105 wysoko\u015B\u0107 osi\u0105ga si\u0119 przy 90\xB0.","Hemisphere light":"\u015Awiat\u0142o p\xF3\u0142kulowe","A light that illuminates objects from every direction with a gradient.":"\u015Awiat\u0142o o\u015Bwietlaj\u0105ce obiekty z ka\u017Cdego kierunku gradientem.","Sky color":"Kolor nieba","Ground color":"Kolor gruntu","Hue and saturation":"Odcie\u0144 i nasycenie","Adjust hue and saturation.":"Dostosuj odcie\u0144 i nasycenie.","Hue in degrees (between -180 and 180)":"Odcie\u0144 w stopniach (od -180 do 180)","Saturation (between -1 and 1)":"Nasycenie (od -1 do 1)","Exposure":"Na\u015Bwietlenie","Adjust exposure.":"Dostosuj na\u015Bwietlenie.","Exposure (positive value)":"Na\u015Bwietlenie (warto\u015B\u0107 dodatnia)","Bloom":"Po\u015Bwiata","Apply a bloom effect.":"Zastosuj efekt po\u015Bwiaty.","Strength (between 0 and 3)":"Si\u0142a (od 0 do 3)","Radius (between 0 and 1)":"Promie\u0144 (od 0 do 1)","Threshold (between 0 and 1)":"Pr\xF3g (od 0 do 1)","Brightness and contrast.":"Jasno\u015B\u0107 i kontrast.","Adjust brightness and contrast.":"Ustaw jasno\u015B\u0107 i kontrast.","Brightness (between -1 and 1)":"Jasno\u015B\u0107 (od -1 do 1)","Contrast (between -1 and 1)":"Kontrast (od -1 do 1)","Dialogue Tree":"Drzewo dialogowe","Load dialogue tree from a scene variable":"Wczytaj drzewo dialogowe ze zmiennej sceny","Load a dialogue data object - Yarn JSON format, stored in a scene variable. Use this command to load all the Dialogue data at the beginning of the game.":"Wczytaj obiekt danych dialogowych - format Yarn JSON zapisany w zmiennej sceny. U\u017Cyj tej komendy, aby wczyta\u0107 wszystkie dane dialogowe na pocz\u0105tku gry.","Load dialogue data from scene variable _PARAM0_":"Wczytaj dane dialogu ze zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","Scene variable that holds the Yarn JSON data":"Zmienna sceny zawieraj\u0105ca dane Yarn JSON","Load dialogue tree from a JSON file":"Wczytaj drzewo dialogowe z pliku JSON","Load a dialogue data object - Yarn JSON format, stored in a JSON file. Use this command to load all the Dialogue data at the beginning of the game.":"Wczytaj obiekt danych dialogowych - format Yarn JSON zapisany w pliku JSON. U\u017Cyj tej komendy, aby wczyta\u0107 wszystkie dane dialogowe na pocz\u0105tku gry.","Load dialogue data from JSON file _PARAM1_":"Wczytaj dane dialogu z pliku JSON _PARAM1_","JSON file that holds the Yarn JSON data":"Plik JSON zawieraj\u0105cy dane Yarn JSON","Start dialogue from branch":"Rozpocz\u0105\u0107 dialog z bran\u017Cy","Start dialogue from branch. Use this to initiate the dialogue from a specified branch.":"Rozpocz\u0105\u0107 dialog z ga\u0142\u0119zi. U\u017Cyj tego, aby zainicjowa\u0107 dialog z okre\u015Blonej bran\u017Cy.","Start dialogue from branch _PARAM0_":"Rozpocznij dialog z bran\u017Cy _PARAM0_","Dialogue branch":"dialog oddzia\u0142","Stop running dialogue":"Zatrzymaj dialog dzia\u0142a","Stop the running dialogue. Use this to interrupt dialogue parsing.":"Zatrzymaj dialog z systemem. S\u0142u\u017Cy do analizowania przerwania dialogu.","Go to the next dialogue line":"Przejd\u017A do nast\u0119pnej linii dialogu","Go to the next dialogue line. Use this to advance to the next dialogue line when the player presses a button.":"Przejd\u017A do nast\u0119pnej linii dialogu. U\u017Cyj tego, aby przej\u015B\u0107 do nast\u0119pnej linii dialogu, gdy gracz naciska przycisk.","Confirm selected option":"Potwierd\u017A wybran\u0105 opcj\u0119","Set the selected option as confirmed, which will validate it and go forward to the next node. Use other actions to select options (see \"select next option\" and \"Select previous option\").":"Ustaw wybran\u0105 opcj\u0119 jak potwierdzono, kt\xF3ry b\u0119dzie go zatwierdzi\u0107 i przej\u015B\u0107 do nast\u0119pnego w\u0119z\u0142a. Korzysta\u0107 z innych dzia\u0142a\u0144, aby wybra\u0107 opcje (patrz \u201Ewybra\u0107 nast\u0119pn\u0105 opcj\u0119 \u201D i \u201EWybierz poprzedniej opcji \u201D).","Select next option":"Wybierz nast\u0119pn\u0105 opcj\u0119","Select next option (add 1 to selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.":"Wybierz nast\u0119pn\u0105 opcj\u0119 (dodaj 1 do wybranego numeru opcji). U\u017Cyj tego, gdy linia dialogowa jest typu \"Opcje\", a gracz nacisn\u0105\u0142 przycisk, aby zmieni\u0107 wybran\u0105 opcj\u0119.","Select previous option":"Wybierz poprzedni\u0105 opcj\u0119","Select previous option (subtract 1 from selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.":"Wybierz poprzedni\u0105 opcj\u0119 (odejmij 1 od wybranego numeru opcji). U\u017Cyj tego, gdy linia dialogowa jest typu \"Opcje\", a gracz nacisn\u0105\u0142 przycisk, aby zmieni\u0107 wybran\u0105 opcj\u0119.","Select option by number":"Wybierz opcj\u0119 liczby","Select option by number. Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.":"Wybierz opcj\u0119 za numer. U\u017Cyj tego kiedy linia dialog jest typu \u201Eopcji \u201D, a gracz nacisn\u0105\u0142 przycisk, aby zmieni\u0107 wybran\u0105 opcj\u0119.","Select option at index _PARAM0_":"Wyb\xF3r opcji na indeks _PARAM0_","Option index number":"Opcja numer indeksu","Scroll clipped text":"Przewi\u0144 Clipped tekst","Scroll clipped text. Use this with a timer and \"get clipped text\" when you want to create a typewriter effect. Every time the action runs, a new character appears from the text.":"Przewi\u0144 obci\u0119ty tekst. U\u017Cyj tego z zegarem i \u201Edosta\u0107 tekst przyci\u0119tego \u201D, gdy chcemy uzyska\u0107 efekt pisania. Za ka\u017Cdym razem, akcja przebiega nowa posta\u0107 pojawia si\u0119 w tek\u015Bcie.","Complete clipped text scrolling":"Kompletna Clipped przewijanie tekstu","Complete the clipped text scrolling. Use this action whenever you want to skip scrolling.":"Wype\u0142nij przyci\u0119te przewijanie tekstu. U\u017Cyj tej czynno\u015Bci, gdy chcesz pomin\u0105\u0107 przewijanie.","Set dialogue state string variable":"zmienna ci\u0105g stan zestaw dialog","Set dialogue state string variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.":"Ustaw stan dialogu zmienna ci\u0105g. U\u017Cyj tego, aby ustawi\u0107 zmienn\u0105 \u017Ce dane dialog u\u017Cywa.","Set dialogue state string variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw stan dialogu zmienna ci\u0105g _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","State variable name":"Nazwa zmiennej stanu","New value":"Nowa warto\u015B\u0107","Set dialogue state number variable":"Zestaw dialog zmienna liczba stan","Set dialogue state number variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.":"Set numer stan dialogu zmienna. U\u017Cyj tego, aby ustawi\u0107 zmienn\u0105 \u017Ce dane dialog u\u017Cywa.","Set dialogue state number variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw stan dialogu zmienna liczba _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","Set dialogue state boolean variable":"zmienna boolean Ustaw stan dialogu","Set dialogue state boolean variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.":"Ustaw stan dialogu zmienna logiczna. U\u017Cyj tego, aby ustawi\u0107 zmienn\u0105 \u017Ce dane dialog u\u017Cywa.","Set dialogue state boolean variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw stan dialogu zmienna logiczna _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","Save dialogue state":"Zapisz stan dialogu","Save dialogue state. Use this to store the dialogue state into a variable, which can later be used for saving the game. That way player choices can become part of the game save.":"Zapisz stan dialogu. S\u0142u\u017Cy do przechowywania stanu dialogu do zmiennej, kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 p\xF3\u017Aniej wykorzystywane do zapisywania gry. \u017Be wybory graczy spos\xF3b mo\u017Ce sta\u0107 si\u0119 cz\u0119\u015Bci\u0105 gry oszcz\u0119dzania.","Save dialogue state to _PARAM0_":"Zapisz stan dialog _PARAM0_","Global Variable":"zmienna globalna","Load dialogue state":"Stan dialogu obci\u0105\u017Cenie","Load dialogue state. Use this to restore dialogue state, if you have stored in a variable before with the \"Save state\" action.":"Dialog stan obci\u0105\u017Cenia. U\u017Cyj tego, aby przywr\xF3ci\u0107 stan dialogu, je\u015Bli przechowywany w zmiennej zanim z \u201EZapisz pa\u0144stwowego \u201D dzia\u0142ania.","Load dialogue state from _PARAM0_":"Obci\u0105\u017Cenie stan dialog z _PARAM0_","Clear dialogue state":"Jasny stan dialogu","Clear dialogue state. This resets all dialogue state accumulated by the player choices. Useful when the player is starting a new game.":"Jasny stan dialogu. Ten stan dialogu resetuje wszystkie nagromadzone przez gracza wybor\xF3w. Przydatne, gdy gracz zaczyna now\u0105 gr\u0119.","Get the current dialogue line text":"Pobierz aktualny tekst wiersza dialog","Returns the current dialogue line text":"Zwraca bie\u017C\u0105cy tekst wiersza dialog","Get the number of options in an options line type":"Pobiera liczb\u0119 opcji w rodzaju linii opcje","Get the text of an option from an options line type":"Pobierz tekst opcji z linii typu opcje","Get the text of an option from an options line type, using the option's Number. The numbers start from 0.":"Pobierz tekst opcji z linii typu opcje, u\u017Cywaj\u0105c numeru opcji. Numeracja rozpoczyna si\u0119 od 0.","Option Index Number":"G\u0142\xF3wna opcja Number","Get a Horizontal list of options from the options line type":"Pobierz poziom\u0105 list\u0119 opcji z linii typu opcje","Get the text of all available options from an options line type as a horizontal list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->":"Pobierz tekst wszystkich dost\u0119pnych opcji z linii typu opcje jako poziomej listy. Mo\u017Cna tak\u017Ce przekaza\u0107 ci\u0105g kursora wybranej opcji, kt\xF3ry domy\u015Blnie jest ->","Options Selection Cursor":"Wyb\xF3r opcji Kursor","Get a Vertical list of options from the options line type":"Pobierz pionow\u0105 list\u0119 opcji z linii typu opcje","Get the text of all available options from an options line type as a vertical list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->":"Pobierz tekst wszystkich dost\u0119pnych opcji z linii typu opcje jako pionowej listy. Mo\u017Cna tak\u017Ce przekaza\u0107 ci\u0105g kursora wybranej opcji, kt\xF3ry domy\u015Blnie jest ->","Get the number of the currently selected option":"Uzyska\u0107 numer aktualnie wybranej opcji","Get the number of the currently selected option. Use this to help you render the option selection marker at the right place.":"Uzyska\u0107 numer aktualnie wybranej opcji. U\u017Cyj tego, aby pom\xF3c uczyni\u0107 marker selekcyjny opcja na w\u0142a\u015Bciwym miejscu.","Get dialogue line text clipped":"Uzyskaj obci\u0119ty tekst wiersza dialog","Get dialogue line text clipped by the typewriter effect. Use the \"Scroll clipped text\" action to control the typewriter effect.":"Uzyskaj tekst wiersza dialog przyci\u0119te przez efekt do pisania. U\u017Cyj \u201EScroll przyci\u0119te tekstu \u201D dzia\u0142a\u0144 w celu kontroli wp\u0142ywu maszynie.","Get the title of the current branch of the running dialogue":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A tytu\u0142 bie\u017C\u0105cego oddzia\u0142u dialogu z systemem","Get the tags of the current branch of the running dialogue":"Uzyskaj tag\xF3w obecnego oddzia\u0142u dialogu z systemem","Get a tag of the current branch of the running dialogue via its index":"Uzyskaj znacznik bie\u017C\u0105cego oddzia\u0142u dialogu z systemem za po\u015Brednictwem indeksu","Tag Index Number":"Tag indeksowy","Get the parameters of a command call":"Uzyskaj parametry wywo\u0142ania polecenia","Get the parameters of a command call - <>":"Uzyskaj parametry wywo\u0142ania polecenia - < >","parameter Index Number":"Parametr indeksowy","Get the number of parameters in the currently passed command":"Pobiera liczb\u0119 parametr\xF3w w aktualnie przekazywane polecenia","Get parameter from a Tag found by the branch contains tag condition":"Uzyskaj parametru z tag found przez oddzia\u0142 zawiera warunek tag","Get a list of all visited branches":"Uzyska\u0107 list\u0119 wszystkich odwiedzanych oddzia\u0142\xF3w","Get the full raw text of the current branch":"Uzyska\u0107 pe\u0142ny surowy tekst bie\u017C\u0105cego oddzia\u0142u","Get the number stored in a dialogue state variable":"Pobierz liczb\u0119 zapisan\u0105 w zmiennej stanu dialogu","Dialogue state variable name":"Nazwa dialogowej zmiennej stanu","Get the string stored in a dialogue state variable":"Pobierz ci\u0105g zapisany w dialogowej zmiennej stanu","Command is called":"Polecenie jest nazywany","Check if a specific Command is called. If it is a <>, you can even get the parameter with the CommandParameter expression.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blonego polecenia jest tzw. Je\u015Bli jest to < >, Mo\u017Cna nawet uzyska\u0107 parametr ekspresji CommandParameter.","Command <<_PARAM0_>> is called":"Komenda << _ _ >> PARAM0 nazywa","Command String":"komenda String","Dialogue line type":"Dialog typ linii","Check if the current dialogue line line is one of the three existing types. Use this to set what logic is executed for each type.\nThe three types are as follows:\n- text: when displaying dialogue text.\n- options: when displaying [[branching/options]] for dialogue choices.\n-command: when <> are triggered by the dialogue data.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy bie\u017C\u0105ca linia dialogowa jest jednym z trzech istniej\u0105cych typ\xF3w. U\u017Cyj tego, aby ustawi\u0107 logik\u0119 dla ka\u017Cdego typu.\nTrzy typy s\u0105 nast\u0119puj\u0105ce:\n- tekst: podczas wy\u015Bwietlania tekstu dialogu.\n- opcje: podczas wy\u015Bwietlania [[branching/options]] dla wyboru dialogu.\n- komenda: gdy <> s\u0105 uruchamiane przez dane dialogowe.","The dialogue line is _PARAM0_":"Linia dialog jest _PARAM0_","type":"rodzaj","Dialogue is running":"Dialog jest uruchomiony","Check if the dialogue is running. Use this to for things like locking the player movement while speaking with a non player character.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dialog jest uruchomiony. U\u017Cyj tego, aby takie rzeczy jak blokuj\u0105c ruch gracza podczas m\xF3wienia o bohater niezale\u017Cny.","Dialogue has branch":"Dialog ma oddzia\u0142","Check if the dialogue has a branch with specified name. Use this to check if a dialogue branch exists in the loaded dialogue data.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dialog ma oddzia\u0142 z okre\u015Blon\u0105 nazw\u0105. U\u017Cyj tego, aby sprawdzi\u0107, czy istnieje ga\u0142\u0105\u017A dialog w za\u0142adowanym danych dialogu.","Dialogue has a branch named _PARAM0_":"Dialog posiada fili\u0119 o nazwie _PARAM0_","Branch name":"Nazwa filii","Has selected option changed":"Wybra\u0142a opcj\u0119 zmieni\u0142o","Check if a selected option has changed when the current dialogue line type is options. Use this to detect when the player has selected another option, so you can re-draw where the selection arrow is.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wybrana opcja zmieni\u0142a si\u0119, gdy pr\u0105d jest typ linii dialog opcje. U\u017Cyj tego, aby wykry\u0107, gdy gracz wybra\u0142 inn\u0105 opcj\u0119, wi\u0119c mo\u017Cna ponownie narysowa\u0107 gdzie strza\u0142ka wyb\xF3r jest.","Selected option has changed":"Wybrana opcja nie zmieni\u0142o","Current dialogue branch title":"Obecny dialog tytu\u0142 oddzia\u0142","Check if the current dialogue branch title is equal to a string. Use this to trigger game events when the player has visited a specific dialogue branch.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy aktualny tytu\u0142 oddzia\u0142 dialog jest r\xF3wny ci\u0105g. U\u017Cyj tego, aby wyzwala\u0107 zdarzenia gry, gdy gracz odwiedzi\u0142 oddzia\u0142 specyficzny dialog.","The current dialogue branch title is _PARAM0_":"Tytu\u0142 obecny oddzia\u0142 dialog jest _PARAM0_","title name":"Nazwa tytu\u0142","Current dialogue branch contains a tag":"Aktualny oddzia\u0142 dialog zawiera znacznik","Check if the current dialogue branch contains a specific tag. Tags are an alternative useful way to <> to drive game logic with the dialogue data.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy bie\u017C\u0105ca ga\u0142\u0105\u017A dialog zawiera znacznik konkretnego. Tagi s\u0105 alternatyw\u0105 u\u017Cytecznym sposobem < > Jecha\u0107 gra logiczna z danymi dialogu.","The current dialogue branch contains a _PARAM0_ tag":"Obecny oddzia\u0142 dialog zawiera znacznik _PARAM0_","tag name":"Nazwa znacznika","Branch title has been visited":"Tytu\u0142 oddzia\u0142 zosta\u0142 odwiedzi\u0142","Check if a branch has been visited":"Sprawd\u017A, czy oddzia\u0142 zosta\u0142 odwiedzi\u0142","Branch title _PARAM0_ has been visited":"Tytu\u0142 Oddzia\u0142 _PARAM0_ zosta\u0142a odwiedzona","branch title":"tytu\u0142 oddzia\u0142","Compare dialogue state string variable":"Por\xF3wnaj zmienna ci\u0105g stan dialogu","Compare dialogue state string variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.":"Por\xF3wnaj zmienn\u0105 string stan dialogu. U\u017Cyj tego, aby wyzwala\u0107 zdarzenia gry poprzez zmienne dialogu.","Dialogue state string variable _PARAM0_ is equal to _PARAM1_":"zmienna ci\u0105g stan dialogu _PARAM0_ jest r\xF3wna _PARAM1_","State variable":"Zmienna stanu","Equal to":"R\xF3wny","Compare dialogue state number variable":"Por\xF3wnaj zmienna liczba stan dialogu","Compare dialogue state number variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.":"Por\xF3wnaj dialogu zmienn\u0105 liczb\u0105 stan. U\u017Cyj tego, aby wyzwala\u0107 zdarzenia gry poprzez zmienne dialogu.","Dialogue state number variable _PARAM0_ is equal to _PARAM1_":"Dialog zmienna liczba stan _PARAM0_ jest r\xF3wna _PARAM1_","Compare dialogue state boolean variable":"Zmienna logiczna por\xF3wna\u0107 stan dialogu","Compare dialogue state variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.":"Por\xF3wnaj zmienn\u0105 stanu dialogu. U\u017Cyj tego, aby wyzwala\u0107 zdarzenia gry poprzez zmienne dialogu.","Dialogue state boolean variable _PARAM0_ is equal to _PARAM1_":"Stan zmiennej _PARAM0_ dialog logiczna jest r\xF3wna _PARAM1_","Clipped text has completed scrolling":"Obci\u0119ty tekst zako\u0144czy przewijanie","Check if the clipped text scrolling has completed. Use this to prevent the player from going to the next dialogue line before the typing effect has revealed the entire text.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obci\u0119te przewijanie tekstu zosta\u0142a zako\u0144czona. U\u017Cyj tego, aby uniemo\u017Cliwi\u0107 graczowi przej\u015Bcie do nast\u0119pnej linii dialogu przed efektem wpisuj\u0105c ujawni\u0142 ca\u0142y tekst.","Allow players to connect to lobbies and play together.":"Umo\u017Cliw graczom pod\u0142\u0105czenie do poczekalni i wsp\xF3ln\u0105 gr\u0119.","Open Game Lobbies":"Otw\xF3rz poczekalni\u0119 gry (lobby)","Open the game lobbies window, where players can join lobbies or see the one they are in.":"Otw\xF3rz okno poczekalni gry (lobby), w kt\xF3rym gracze mog\u0105 do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 do poczekalni lub zobaczy\u0107, w kt\xF3rej s\u0105 obecni.","Open the game lobbies":"Otw\xF3rz poczekalnie gry","Lobbies":"Poczekalnie","Allow players to close the lobbies window":"Pozw\xF3l graczom zamkn\u0105\u0107 okno poczekalni","Allow players to close the lobbies window. Allowed by default.":"Pozw\xF3l graczom zamkn\u0105\u0107 okno poczekalni. Domy\u015Blnie: pozwolenie.","Allow players to close the lobbies window: _PARAM1_":"Pozw\xF3l graczom zamkn\u0105\u0107 okno poczekalni: _PARAM1_","Show close button":"Poka\u017C przycisk zamknij","End Lobby Game":"Zako\u0144cz gr\u0119 w poczekalni (lobby)","End the lobby game. This will trigger the \"Lobby game has just ended\" condition.":"Zako\u0144cz gr\u0119 w poczekalni. Uruchomi warunek \"Gra w poczekalni zosta\u0142a zako\u0144czona\".","End the lobby game":"Zako\u0144cz gr\u0119 w poczekalni","Leave Game Lobby":"Opu\u015B\u0107 poczekalni\u0119 gry","Leave the current game lobby. This will trigger the \"Player has left\" condition on the other players, and the \"Lobby game has ended\" condition on the player leaving.":"Opu\u015B\u0107 aktualn\u0105 poczekalni\u0119 gry. Uruchomi to warunek \"Gracz opu\u015Bci\u0142\" dla innych graczy oraz warunek \"Gra w poczekalni si\u0119 zako\u0144czy\u0142a\" dla wychodz\u0105cego gracza.","Leave the game lobby":"Opu\u015B\u0107 poczekalni\u0119 gry (lobby)","Send custom message to other players":"Wy\u015Blij niestandardow\u0105 wiadomo\u015B\u0107 do innych graczy","Send a custom message to other players in the lobby, with an automatic retry system if it hasn't been received. Use with the condition 'Message has been received' to know when the message has been properly processed by the host.":"Wy\u015Blij niestandardow\u0105 wiadomo\u015B\u0107 do innych graczy w poczekalni, z automatycznym systemem ponownej pr\xF3by, je\u017Celi wiadomo\u015B\u0107 nie zosta\u0142a odebrana. U\u017Cyj warunku \"Wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a otrzymana\", aby wiedzie\u0107, kiedy wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a poprawnie przetworzona przez hosta.","Send message _PARAM0_ to other players with content _PARAM1_":"Wy\u015Blij wiadomo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do innych graczy z tre\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM1_","Message name":"Nazwa wiadomo\u015Bci","Message content":"Tre\u015B\u0107 wiadomo\u015Bci","Send custom message to other players with a variable":"Wy\u015Blij niestandardow\u0105 wiadomo\u015B\u0107 do innych graczy ze zmienn\u0105","Send a custom message to other players in the lobby containing a variable, with an automatic retry system if it hasn't been received. Use with the condition 'Message has been received' to know when the message has been properly processed by the host.":"Wy\u015Blij niestandardow\u0105 wiadomo\u015B\u0107 do innych graczy w poczekalni zawieraj\u0105c\u0105 zmienn\u0105, z automatycznym systemem ponownej pr\xF3by, je\u017Celi nie zosta\u0142a odebrana. U\u017Cyj warunku 'Wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a otrzymana', aby wiedzie\u0107, kiedy wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a poprawnie przetworzona przez hosta.","Send message _PARAM0_ to other players with variable _PARAM1_":"Wy\u015Blij wiadomo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do innych graczy ze zmienn\u0105 _PARAM1_","Get message variable":"Pobierz zmienn\u0105 wiadomo\u015Bci","Store the data of the specified message in a variable. Use with the condition 'Message has been received' to know when the message has been properly processed by the host.":"Zapisz dane okre\u015Blonej wiadomo\u015Bci w zmiennej. U\u017Cyj warunku 'Wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a otrzymana', aby wiedzie\u0107, kiedy wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a poprawnie przetworzona przez hosta.","Save message _PARAM0_ data in _PARAM1_":"Zapisz dane wiadomo\u015Bci _PARAM0_ w _PARAM1_","Lobbies window is open":"Okno poczekalni jest otwarte","Check if the lobbies window is open.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okno poczekalni jest otwarte.","Lobby game has just started":"Gra w poczekalni w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 rozpocz\u0119\u0142a","Check if the lobby game has just started.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gra w poczekalni w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 rozpocz\u0119\u0142a.","Lobby game has started":"Gra w poczekalni si\u0119 rozpocz\u0119\u0142a","Lobby game is running":"Gra w poczekalni jest uruchomiona","Check if the lobby game is running.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gra w poczekalni jest uruchomiona.","Lobby game has just ended":"Gra w poczekalni w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 zako\u0144czy\u0142a","Check if the lobby game has just ended.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gra w poczekalni w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 zako\u0144czy\u0142a.","Lobby game has ended":"Gra w poczekalni si\u0119 zako\u0144czy\u0142a","Custom message has been received from another player":"Niestandardowa wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a odebrana od innego gracza","Check if a custom message has been received from another player. Will be true only for one frame.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy niestandardowa wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a odebrana od innego gracza. B\u0119dzie prawd\u0105 tylko dla jednej klatki.","Message _PARAM0_ has been received":"Wiadomo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ zosta\u0142a odebrana","Objects synchronization rate":"Wska\u017Anik synchronizacji obiekt\xF3w","objects synchronization rate (between 1 and 60, default is 30 times per second)":"szybko\u015B\u0107 synchronizacji obiekt\xF3w (pomi\u0119dzy 1 a 60, domy\u015Blnie 30 razy na sekund\u0119)","objects synchronization rate":"szybko\u015B\u0107 synchronizacji obiekt\xF3w","Sync rate":"Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 synchronizacji","Player is host":"Gracz jest hostem","Check if the player is the host. (Player 1 is the host)":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gracz jest hostem. (Gracz 1 jest hostem)","Any player has left":"Kt\xF3rykolwiek gracz opu\u015Bci\u0142","Check if any player has left the lobby game.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy kt\xF3ry\u015B z graczy opu\u015Bci\u0142 gr\u0119 w poczekalni.","Player has left":"Gracz opu\u015Bci\u0142","Check if the player has left the lobby game.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dany gracz opu\u015Bci\u0142 gr\u0119 w poczekalni.","Player _PARAM0_ has left":"Gracz _PARAM0_ opu\u015Bci\u0142","Player number":"Numer gracza","Player number that just left":"Numer gracza, kt\xF3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie opu\u015Bci\u0142","Returns the player number of the player that has just left the lobby.":"Zwraca numer gracza, kt\xF3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie opu\u015Bci\u0142 poczekalni\u0119.","Any player has joined":"Jaki\u015B gracz do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142","Check if any player has joined the lobby.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy jaki\u015B gracz do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142 do poczekalni.","Player has joined":"Gracz do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142","Check if the player has joined the lobby.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gracz do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142 do poczekalni.","Player _PARAM0_ has joined":"Gracz _PARAM0_ do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142","Player number that just joined":"Numer gracza, kt\xF3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142","Returns the player number of the player that has just joined the lobby.":"Zwraca numer gracza, kt\xF3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie do\u0142\u0105czy\u0142 do poczekalni.","Host is migrating":"Host przenosi sesj\u0119","Check if the host is migrating, in order to adapt the game state (like pausing the game).":"Sprawd\u017A, czy host przenosi sesj\u0119, aby dostosowa\u0107 stan gry (np. wstrzymuj\u0105c gr\u0119).","Configure lobby game to end when host leaves":"Ustaw, aby gra w poczekalni ko\u0144czy\u0142a si\u0119, gdy host opu\u015Bci","Configure the lobby game to end when the host leaves. This will trigger the \"Lobby game has just ended\" condition. (Default behavior is to migrate the host)":"Ustaw, aby gra w poczekalni ko\u0144czy\u0142a si\u0119, kiedy host opu\u015Bci. Spowoduje to uruchomienie warunku \u201EGra w poczekalni w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 zako\u0144czy\u0142a\u201D. (Domy\u015Blnie host przenosi sesj\u0119)","End lobby game when host leaves":"Zako\u0144cz gr\u0119 w poczekalni, gdy host opu\u015Bci","Message data":"Dane wiadomo\u015Bci","Returns the data received when the specified message was received from another player.":"Zwraca otrzymane dane, gdy okre\u015Blona wiadomo\u015B\u0107 zosta\u0142a odebrana od innego gracza.","Message sender":"Nadawca wiadomo\u015Bci","Returns the player number of the sender of the specified message.":"Zwraca numer gracza nadawcy okre\u015Blonej wiadomo\u015Bci.","Number of players in lobby":"Liczba graczy w poczekalni","the number of players in the lobby":"liczba graczy w poczekalni","Player is connected":"Gracz jest po\u0142\u0105czony","Check if the specified player is connected to the lobby.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blony gracz jest po\u0142\u0105czony z poczekalni\u0105.","Player _PARAM0_ is connected":"Gracz _PARAM0_ jest po\u0142\u0105czony","The position of the player in the lobby (1, 2, ...)":"Pozycja gracza w poczekalni (1, 2, \u2026)","Current player number in lobby":"Bie\u017C\u0105cy numer gracza w poczekalni","the current player number in the lobby (1, 2, ...)":"aktualny numer gracza w poczekalni (1, 2, \u2026)","the current player number in the lobby":"bie\u017C\u0105cy numer gracza w poczekalni","Player username in lobby":"Nazwa u\u017Cytkownika gracza w poczekalni","Get the username of the player in the lobby.":"Pobierz nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika gracza w poczekalni.","Current player username in lobby":"Bie\u017C\u0105ca nazwa u\u017Cytkownika w poczekalni","Get the username of the current player in the lobby.":"Pobierz nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika bie\u017C\u0105cego gracza w poczekalni.","Player ping in lobby":"Ping gracza w poczekalni","Get the ping of the player in the lobby.":"Pobierz ping gracza w poczekalni.","Current player ping in lobby":"Bie\u017C\u0105cy ping gracza w poczekalni","Get the ping of the current player in the lobby.":"Pobierz ping bie\u017C\u0105cego gracza w poczekalni.","Player variable ownership":"W\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 zmiennej gracza","the player owning the variable":"gracz posiadaj\u0105cy zmienn\u0105","the player owning the variable _PARAM1_":"gracz posiadaj\u0105cy zmienn\u0105 _PARAM1_","Only root variables can change ownership. Arrays and structures children are synchronized with their parent.":"Tylko zmienne g\u0142\xF3wne mog\u0105 zmienia\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciciela. Podrz\u0119dne elementy tablic i struktur s\u0105 synchronizowane z ich nadrz\u0119dnymi elementami.","Take ownership of variable":"Przejmij w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 zmiennej","Take the ownership of the variable. It will then be synchronized to other players, with the current player as the owner.":"Przejmij w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 zmiennej. Nast\u0119pnie zostanie ona zsynchronizowana z innymi graczami, z bie\u017C\u0105cym graczem jako w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem.","Take ownership of _PARAM1_":"Przej\u0119cie w\u0142asno\u015Bci _PARAM1_","Remove ownership of variable":"Usu\u0144 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 zmiennej","Remove the ownership of the variable. It will still be synchronized to other players, but the host owns it.":"Usu\u0144 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 zmiennej. B\u0119dzie ona nadal zsynchronizowana z innymi graczami, ale host b\u0119dzie jej w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem.","Remove ownership of _PARAM1_":"Usu\u0144 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 _PARAM1_","Disable variable synchronization":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz synchronizacj\u0119 zmiennych","Disable synchronization of the variable over the network. It will not be sent to other players anymore.":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz synchronizacj\u0119 zmiennej przez sie\u0107. Nie b\u0119dzie ona ju\u017C wysy\u0142ana do innych graczy.","Disable synchronization of _PARAM1_":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz synchronizacj\u0119 _PARAM1_","Player owning the object":"Gracz posiadaj\u0105cy obiekt","Who is synchronizing the object to the players. If this is an object controlled by a player, then assign the player number. Otherwise just leave \"Host\" and the host of the game will synchronize the object to the players. (Note: you can change the ownership of the object during the game with corresponding actions).":"Kto synchronizuje obiekt z graczami. Je\u017Celi jest to obiekt kontrolowany przez gracza, przypisz numer gracza. W przeciwnym wypadku zostaw \"Host\", aby gospodarz gry zsynchronizowa\u0142 obiekt z graczami. (Uwaga: mo\u017Cesz zmieni\u0107 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 obiektu podczas gry za pomoc\u0105 odpowiednich akcji).","Action when player disconnects":"Akcja podczas roz\u0142\u0105czenia gracza","Multiplayer object":"Obiekt wieloosobowy","Allow the object to be synchronized with other players in the lobby.":"Pozw\xF3l obiektowi na synchronizacj\u0119 z innymi graczami w poczekalni.","Player object ownership":"W\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 obiektu gracza","the player owning the object":"gracz posiadaj\u0105cy obiekt","the player owning the instance":"gracz posiadaj\u0105cy instancj\u0119","Is object owned by current player":"Czy obiekt jest w\u0142asno\u015Bci\u0105 bie\u017C\u0105cego gracza","Check if the object is owned by the current player, as a player or the host.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest w\u0142asno\u015Bci\u0105 bie\u017C\u0105cego gracza, jako gracza lub hosta.","Object _PARAM0_ is owned by current player":"Obiekt _PARAM0_ jest w\u0142asno\u015Bci\u0105 bie\u017C\u0105cego gracza","Take ownership of object":"Przejmij w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Take the ownership of the object. It will then be synchronized to other players, with the current player as the owner.":"Przejmij w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 obiektu. Nast\u0119pnie zostanie on zsynchronizowany z innymi graczami, z bie\u017C\u0105cym graczem jako w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem.","Take ownership of _PARAM0_":"Przej\u0119cie w\u0142asno\u015Bci _PARAM0_","Remove object ownership":"Usu\u0144 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Remove the ownership of the object from the player. It will still be synchronized to other players, but the host owns it.":"Usu\u0144 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 obiektu z gracza. B\u0119dzie on nadal synchronizowany z innymi graczami, ale host b\u0119dzie jego w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem.","Remove ownership of _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_","Enable (or disable) the synchronization of a behavior":"W\u0142\u0105cz (lub wy\u0142\u0105cz) synchronizacj\u0119 zachowania","Enable or disable the synchronization of a behavior over the network. If disabled, the behavior's current state will not be sent to other players anymore.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz synchronizacj\u0119 zachowania przez sie\u0107. Je\u017Celi wy\u0142\u0105czone, obecny stan zachowania nie b\u0119dzie wysy\u0142any do innych graczy.","Enable synchronization of _PARAM2_ for _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz synchronizacj\u0119 _PARAM2_ dla _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Multiplayer behavior":"Zachowanie wieloosobowe","Object behavior":"Zachowanie obiektu","Enable synchronization":"W\u0142\u0105cz synchronizacj\u0119","P2P":"P2P","Event triggered by peer":"Zdarzenie wywo\u0142ane przez urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne","Triggers once when a connected client sends the event":"Wywo\u0142uje si\u0119 jeden raz, gdy pod\u0142\u0105czony klient wysy\u0142a zdarzenie","Event _PARAM0_ received from other client (data loss: _PARAM1_)":"Zdarzenie _PARAM0_ otrzymane od innego klienta (utrata danych: _PARAM1_)","Event name":"Nazwa zdarzenia","Data loss allowed?":"Dozwolona utrata danych?","Is P2P ready":"P2P jest gotowy","True if the peer-to-peer extension initialized and is ready to use.":"Prawda je\u015Bli rozszerzenie peer-to-peer zosta\u0142o zainicjowane i jest gotowe do u\u017Cycia.","Is P2P ready?":"Czy P2P jest gotowy?","An error occurred":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d","Triggers once when an error occurs. Use P2P::GetLastError() expression to get the content of the error if you want to analyse it or display it to the user.":"Wywo\u0142uje si\u0119 jeden raz, gdy wyst\u0105pi b\u0142\u0105d. U\u017Cyj wyra\u017Cenia P2P::GetLastError(), aby uzyska\u0107 tre\u015B\u0107 b\u0142\u0119du, je\u015Bli chcesz analizowa\u0107 je lub wy\u015Bwietli\u0107 go do u\u017Cytkownika.","P2P error occurred":"Wyst\u0105pi\u0142 b\u0142\u0105d P2P","Peer disconnected":"Urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne roz\u0142\u0105czy\u0142o si\u0119","Triggers once when a peer disconnects.":"Wywo\u0142uje si\u0119 jeden raz, gdy urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne si\u0119 roz\u0142\u0105czy.","P2P peer disconnected":"Urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne P2P roz\u0142\u0105czy\u0142o si\u0119","Peer Connected":"Urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne po\u0142\u0105czy\u0142o si\u0119","Triggers once when a remote peer initiates a connection.":"Wywo\u0142uje sie jeden raz, gdy urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne inicjuje po\u0142\u0105czenie.","P2P peer connected":"Urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne P2P po\u0142\u0105czy\u0142o si\u0119","Connect to another client":"Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z innym klientem","Connects the current client to another client using its id.":"\u0141\u0105czy bie\u017C\u0105cy klienta do innego klienta korzystaj\u0105cego z jego id.","Connect to P2P client _PARAM0_":"Po\u0142\u0105cz z P2P klienta _PARAM0_","ID of the other client":"ID innego klienta","Connect to a broker server":"Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z serwerem brokera","Connects the extension to a broker server.":"\u0141\u0105czy rozszerzenie z serwerem brokera.","Connect to the broker server at http://_PARAM0_:_PARAM1_/":"Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z serwerem brokera pod adresem http://_PARAM0_:_PARAM1_/","Host":"Gospodarz","Port":"Port","Path":"Scie\u017Cka","SSl enabled?":"SSL w\u0142\u0105czony?","Use a custom ICE server":"U\u017Cyj niestandardowego serwera ICE","Disables the default ICE (STUN or TURN) servers list and use one of your own. Note that it is recommended to add at least 1 self-hosted STUN and TURN server for games that are not over LAN but over the internet. This action can be used multiple times to add multiple servers. This action needs to be called BEFORE connecting to the broker server.":"Wy\u0142\u0105cza domy\u015Bln\u0105 list\u0119 serwer\xF3w ICE (STUN lub TURN) i u\u017Cywa jednego z w\u0142asnych. Zauwa\u017C, \u017Ce zaleca si\u0119 dodanie co najmniej 1 w\u0142asnego serwera STUN i TURN dla gier, kt\xF3re nie dzia\u0142aj\u0105 w sieci LAN, ale w Internecie. Ta akcja mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cywana wielokrotnie, aby doda\u0107 wiele serwer\xF3w. Ta akcja musi by\u0107 wywo\u0142ana PRZED po\u0142\u0105czeniem z serwerem brokera.","Use ICE server _PARAM0_ (username: _PARAM1_, password: _PARAM2_)":"U\u017Cyj serwera ICE _PARAM0_ (u\u017Cytkownik: _PARAM1_, has\u0142o: _PARAM2_)","URL to the ICE server":"Adres URL do serwera ICE","(Optional) Username":"(Opcjonalnie) Nazwa u\u017Cytkownika","(Optional) Password":"(Opcjonalnie) Has\u0142o","Disable IP address sharing":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz udost\u0119pnianie adresu IP","Disables the sharing of IP addresses with the other peers. This action needs to be called BEFORE connecting to the broker server.":"Wy\u0142\u0105cza udost\u0119pnianie adres\xF3w IP innym uczestnikom. Ta akcja musi by\u0107 wywo\u0142ana PRZED po\u0142\u0105czeniem si\u0119 z serwerem brokera.","Disable IP sharing: _PARAM0_":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz udost\u0119pnianie IP: _PARAM0_","Disable sharing of IP addresses":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz udost\u0119pnianie adres\xF3w IP","Connect to the default broker server":"Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z domy\u015Blnym serwerem brokera","Connects to the default broker server.":"\u0141\u0105czy si\u0119 z domy\u015Blnym serwerem brokera.","Override the client ID":"Zast\u0105p ID klienta","Overrides the client ID of the current game instance with a specified ID. Must be called BEFORE connecting to a broker.":"Nadpisuje identyfikator klienta bie\u017C\u0105cej instancji gry okre\u015Blonym ID. Musi by\u0107 wywo\u0142ane PRZED pod\u0142\u0105czeniem si\u0119 do brokera.","Override the client ID with _PARAM0_":"Nadpisz ID klienta nowym: _PARAM0_","ID":"ID","Trigger event on all connected clients":"Wywo\u0142aj zdarzenie u wszystkich pod\u0142\u0105czonych klient\xF3w","Triggers an event on all connected clients":"Wywo\u0142uje zdarzenie u wszystkich pod\u0142\u0105czonych klient\xF3w","Trigger event _PARAM0_ on all connected clients (extra data: _PARAM1_)":"Wywo\u0142aj zdarzenie _PARAM0_ u wszystkich po\u0142\u0105czonych klient\xF3w (dodatkowe dane: _PARAM1_)","Extra data (optional)":"Dodatkowe dane (opcjonalnie)","Trigger event on a specific client":"Wywo\u0142aj zdarzenie u konkretnego klienta","Triggers an event on a specific connected client":"Wywo\u0142uje zdarzenie u konkretnego klienta","Trigger event _PARAM1_ on client _PARAM0_ (extra data: _PARAM2_)":"Wywo\u0142aj zdarzenie _PARAM1_ u klienta _PARAM0_ (dodatkowe dane: _PARAM2_)","Trigger event on all connected clients (variable)":"Wywo\u0142aj zdarzenie u wszystkich pod\u0142\u0105czonych klient\xF3w (zmienna)","Variable containing the extra data":"Zmienna zawieraj\u0105ca dodatkowe dane","Trigger event on a specific client (variable)":"Wywo\u0142aj zdarzenie u konkretnego klienta (zmienna)","Get event data (variable)":"Pobierz dane zdarze\u0144 (zmienna)","Store the data of the specified event in a variable. Check in the conditions that the event was received using the \"Event received\" condition.":"Przechowywa\u0107 dane okre\u015Blonego zdarzenia w zmiennej. Sprawdzi\u0107 w warunkach, \u017Ce zdarzenie zosta\u0142o odebranych za pomoc\u0105 \u201E \u201D odebranego zdarzenia warunek.","Overwrite _PARAM1_ with variable sent with last trigger of _PARAM0_":"Zast\u0105p _PARAM1_ zmiennej przes\u0142ana wraz z ostatnim spu\u015Bcie _PARAM0_","Variable where to store the received data":"Zmienna gdzie przechowywa\u0107 otrzymane dane","Disconnect from a peer":"Roz\u0142\u0105cz dane urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne","Disconnects this client from another client.":"Od\u0142\u0105cza tego klienta od innego klienta.","Disconnect from client _PARAM0_":"Roz\u0142\u0105cz od klienta _PARAM0_","Disconnect from all peers":"Roz\u0142\u0105cz wszystkie urz\u0105dzenia r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne","Disconnects this client from all other clients.":"Od\u0142\u0105cza tego klienta od wszystkich innych klient\xF3w.","Disconnect from all clients":"Roz\u0142\u0105cz wszystkie urz\u0105dzenia","Disconnect from broker":"Roz\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z serwerem brokera","Disconnects the client from the broker server.":"Roz\u0142\u0105cza klienta z serwera brokera.","Disconnect the client from the broker":"Od\u0142\u0105cz klienta od brokera","Disconnect from all":"Od\u0142\u0105cz od wszystkich","Disconnects the client from the broker server and all other clients.":"Od\u0142\u0105cza klienta od serwera brokera i wszystkich innych klient\xF3w.","Disconnect the client from the broker and other clients":"Od\u0142\u0105cz klienta od brokera i innych klient\xF3w","Get event data":"Uzyska\u0107 dane o zdarzeniach","Returns the data received when the specified event was last triggered":"Zwraca dane odbierane gdy okre\u015Blone zdarzenie zosta\u0142o wywo\u0142ane ostatni","Get event sender":"Pobierz nadawc\u0119 zdarzenia","Returns the id of the peer that triggered the event":"Zwraca id urz\u0105dzenia r\xF3wnorz\u0119dnego, kt\xF3re wywo\u0142a\u0142o zdarzenie","Get client ID":"Uzyskaj identyfikator klienta","Gets the client ID of the current game instance":"Pobiera identyfikator klienta z bie\u017C\u0105cej instancji gry","Get last error":"Uzyskaj ostatni b\u0142\u0105d","Gets the description of the last P2P error":"Pobiera opis ostatniego b\u0142\u0119du P2P","Get last disconnected peer":"Uzyskaj ostatnie od\u0142\u0105czone urz\u0105dzenie r\xF3wnorz\u0119dne","Gets the ID of the latest peer that has disconnected.":"Pobiera identyfikator ostatnio roz\u0142\u0105czonego urz\u0105dzenia r\xF3wnorz\u0119dnego.","Get ID of the connected peer":"Uzyskaj identyfikator pod\u0142\u0105czonego urz\u0105dzenia r\xF3wnorz\u0119dnego","Gets the ID of the newly connected peer.":"Pobiera identyfikator nowo po\u0142\u0105czonego urz\u0105dzenia r\xF3wnorz\u0119dnego.","Spatial sound":"D\u017Awi\u0119k przestrzenny","Allow positioning sounds in a 3D space. The stereo system of the device is used to simulate the position of the sound and to give the impression that the sound is located somewhere around the player.":"Pozwala na pozycjonowanie d\u017Awi\u0119k\xF3w w przestrzeni 3D. System stereo urz\u0105dzenia s\u0142u\u017Cy do symulacji po\u0142o\u017Cenia d\u017Awi\u0119ku i do wywo\u0142ania wra\u017Cenia, \u017Ce d\u017Awi\u0119k znajduje si\u0119 gdzie\u015B wok\xF3\u0142 gracza.","Set position of sound":"Ustaw po\u0142o\u017Cenie d\u017Awi\u0119ku","Sets the spatial position of a sound. When a sound is at a distance of 1 to the listener, it's heard at 100% volume. Then, it follows an *inverse distance model*. At a distance of 2, it's heard at 50%, and at a distance of 4 it's heard at 25%.":"Ustawia po\u0142o\u017Cenie przestrzenne d\u017Awi\u0119ku. Kiedy d\u017Awi\u0119k znajduje si\u0119 w odleg\u0142o\u015Bci 1 od s\u0142uchacza, jest s\u0142yszalny na 100% g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015Bci. Nast\u0119pnie jest zastosowany *odwrotny model odleg\u0142o\u015Bci*. W odleg\u0142o\u015Bci 2, jest s\u0142yszalny na 50%, a w odleg\u0142o\u015Bci 4, na 25%.","Set position of sound on channel _PARAM1_ to position _PARAM2_, _PARAM3_, _PARAM4_":"Ustaw po\u0142o\u017Cenie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale _PARAM1_ na pozycj\u0119 _PARAM2_, _PARAM3_, _PARAM4_","Channel":"Kana\u0142","Listener position":"Pozycja s\u0142uchacza","Change the spatial position of the listener/player.":"Zmie\u0144 po\u0142o\u017Cenie przestrzenne s\u0142uchacza/gracza.","Change the listener position to _PARAM0_, _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_":"Zmie\u0144 pozycj\u0119 s\u0142uchacza na _PARAM0_, _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_","Provides an object to display a video on the scene. The recommended file format is MPEG4, with H264 video codec and AAC audio codec, to maximize the support of the video on different platform and browsers.":"Obiekt do wy\u015Bwietlenia wideo na scenie. Zalecany format pliku to MPEG4, z kodekiem wideo H264 i kodekiem audio AAC, gdy\u017C rozszerza to wsparcie wideo na wi\u0119cej platform i przegl\u0105darek.","Loop the video":"Wideo w p\u0119tli","Playback settings":"Ustawienia odtwarzania","Video volume (0-100)":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 wideo (0-100)","Displays a video.":"Wy\u015Bwietl wideo.","Play a video":"Odtw\xF3rz wideo","Play a video (recommended file format is MPEG4, with H264 video codec and AAC audio codec).":"Odtw\xF3rz wideo (zalecany format pliku to MPEG4, z kodekiem wideo H264 i kodekiem audio AAC).","Play the video of _PARAM0_":"Odtw\xF3rz wideo _PARAM0_","Video object":"Obiekt wideo","Pause a video":"Wstrzymanie wideo","Pause the specified video.":"Zatrzymaj konkretne wideo.","Pause video _PARAM0_":"Zatrzymaj wideo _PARAM0_","Loop a video":"P\u0119tla wideo","Loop the specified video.":"Zap\u0119tl konkretne wideo.","Loop video of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Zap\u0119tlone wideo _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Activate loop":"Aktywuj p\u0119tle","Mute a video":"Wycisz wideo","Mute, or unmute, the specified video.":"Wycisz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz wyciszenie konkretnego wideo.","Mute video of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Wycisz wideo u\u017Cytkownika _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Activate mute":"Aktywuj wycisznie","Current time":"Aktualny czas","Set the time of the video":"Ustaw czas wideo","the time":"czas","Position (in seconds)":"Pozycja (w sekundach)","Volume":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107","Set the volume of the video object.":"Ustaw g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 obiektu wideo.","the volume":"g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107","Volume (0-100)":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 (0-100)","Get the volume":"Uzyskaj g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107","Get the volume of a video object, between 0 (muted) and 100 (maximum).":"Uzyskaj g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 obiektu wideo od 0 (wyciszony) do 100 (maksymalny).","Is played":"Jest odtwarzane","Check if a video is played.":"Sprawd\u017A czy wideo jest odtwarzane.","_PARAM0_ is played":"_PARAM0_ jest odtwarzane","Is paused":"Jest zatrzymane","Check if the video is paused.":"Sprawd\u017A czy wideo jest zatrzymane.","_PARAM0_ is paused":"_PARAM0_ jest wstrzymana","Is looped":"Jest w p\u0119tli","Check if the video is looped.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy film jest w p\u0119tli.","_PARAM0_ is looped":"_PARAM0_ jest w p\u0119tli","Compare the current volume of a video object.":"Por\xF3wnaj obecn\u0105 g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 obiektu wideo.","Volume to compare to (0-100)":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania (0-100)","Is muted":"Jest wyciszony","Check if a video is muted.":"Sprawd\u017A czy wideo jest wyciszone.","_PARAM0_ is muted":"_PARAM0_ jest wyciszony","Get current time":"Uzyskaj aktualny czas","Return the current time of a video object (in seconds).":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 bie\u017C\u0105cy czas obiektu wideo (w sekundach).","Get the duration":"Uzyskaj czas trwania","Return the duration of a video object (in seconds).":"Zwraca czas trwania obiektu wideo (w sekundach).","Compare the duration of a video object":"Por\xF3wnaj czas trwania obiektu widro","the duration (in seconds)":"czas trwania (w sekundach)","Compare the current time of a video object":"Por\xF3wnaj obecny czas obiektu wideo","the current time (in seconds)":"aktualny czas (w sekundach)","Time to compare to (in seconds)":"Czas do por\xF3wnania (w sekundach)","Is ended":"Jest sko\u0144czony","Check if a video is ended":"Sprawd\u017A czy wideo si\u0119 sko\u0144czy\u0142o","_PARAM0_ is ended":"_PARAM0_ si\u0119 ko\u0144czy\u0142","Set opacity":"Ustaw przezroczysto\u015B\u010D","Set opacity of the specified video object.":"Ustaw przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 okre\u015Blonego obiektu wideo.","Compare the opacity of a video object":"Por\xF3wnaj krycie obiektu wideo","Get current opacity":"Pobierz aktualn\u0105 prze\u017Aroczysto\u015B\u0107","Return the opacity of a video object":"Zwraca krycie obiektu wideo","Set playback speed":"Ustaw szybko\u015B\u0107 odtarzania","Set playback speed of the specified video object, (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower).":"Ustaw pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 odtwarzania okre\u015Blonego obiektu wideo (1 = pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 domy\u015Blna,> 1 = szybciej i <1 = wolniej).","the playback speed":"szybko\u015B\u0107 odtwarzania","Playback speed (1 by default)":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 odtwarzania (domy\u015Blnie 1)","Playback speed ":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 powt\xF3rki ","Compare the playback speed of a video object":"Por\xF3wnaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 powt\xF3rki obiektu wideo","Get current playback speed":"Uzyskaj aktualn\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 odtwarzania","Return the playback speed of a video object":"Zwraca pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 odtwarzania obiektu wideo","Bitmap Text":"Tekst bitmapowy","Displays a text using a \"Bitmap Font\" (an image representing characters). This is more performant than a traditional Text object and it allows for complete control on the characters aesthetic.":"Wy\u015Bwietla tekst u\u017Cywaj\u0105c \"czcionki bitmapowej\" (obraz reprezentuj\u0105cy znaki). Opcja ta jest bardziej wydajna ni\u017C tradycyjny obiekt tekstowy i umo\u017Cliwia pe\u0142n\u0105 kontrol\u0119 nad estetyk\u0105 znak\xF3w.","Bitmap Atlas":"Atlas bitmapowy","Text scale":"Skala tekstu","Font tint":"Ton czcionki","Bitmap text":"Tekst bitmapowy","the font size, defined in the Bitmap Font":"rozmiar czcionki, okre\u015Blony w czcionce mapy bitowej","the scale (1 by default)":"skala (domy\u015Blnie jest 1)","the font name (defined in the Bitmap font)":"nazwa czcionki (okre\u015Blona w czcionce Bitmap)","Set the tint of the Bitmap Text object.":"Ustaw ton obiektu tekstu mapy bitowej.","Set tint of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw ton _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Bitmap files resources":"Zasoby plik\xF3w bitmapowych","Change the Bitmap Font and/or the atlas image used by the object.":"Zmie\u0144 czcionk\u0119 bitmapow\u0105 i/lub obraz atlasu u\u017Cywany przez obiekt.","Set the bitmap font of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ and the atlas to _PARAM2_":"Ustaw czcionk\u0119 bitmapow\u0105 _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_ i atlas na _PARAM2_","Bitmap font resource name":"Nazwa zasobu czcionki bitmapowej","Texture atlas resource name":"Nazwa atlasu tekstury","the text alignment":"wyr\xF3wnanie tekstu","Alignment (\"left\", \"right\" or \"center\")":"Wyr\xF3wnanie (\"lewo\", \"prawo\" lub \"\u015Brodek\")","Change the alignment of a Bitmap text object.":"Zmie\u0144 wyr\xF3wnanie obiektu tekstowego bitmapy.","Set the alignment of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw wyr\xF3wnanie _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","_PARAM0_ word wrap is enabled":"_PARAM0_ zawijanie tekstu jest w\u0142\u0105czone","De/activate word wrapping.":"W\u0142\u0105cz/Wy\u0142\u0105cz zawijanie tekstu.","Activate word wrap of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"W\u0142\u0105cz zawijanie tekstu _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Activate word wrap":"W\u0142\u0105cz zawijanie tekstu","the width, in pixels, after which the text is wrapped on next line":"szeroko\u015B\u0107 w pikselach, po kt\xF3rej tekst jest zawijany na nast\u0119pn\u0105 lini\u0119","Lights":"\u015Awiat\u0142a","Light Obstacle Behavior":"Zachowanie \u015Bwiat\u0142o Przeszkoda","Flag objects as being obstacles to light. The light emitted by light objects will be stopped by the object.":"Oznacz obiekty jako przeszkody dla \u015Bwiat\u0142a. \u015Awiat\u0142o emitowane przez obiekty b\u0119dzie zatrzymywane przez ten obiekt.","Debug mode":"Tryb debugowania","When activated, display the lines used to render the light - useful to understand how the light is rendered on screen.":"Po w\u0142\u0105czeniu wy\u015Bwietla linie u\u017Cywane do renderowania \u015Bwiat\u0142o - przydatne do zrozumienia, w jaki spos\xF3b \u015Bwiat\u0142o staje si\u0119 na ekranie.","Light texture (optional)":"Lekka konsystencja (opcjonalnie)","A texture to be used to display the light. If you don't specify a texture, the light is rendered as fading from bright, in its center, to dark.":"Tekstury by\u0107 u\u017Cywany do wy\u015Bwietlania \u015Bwiat\u0142a. Je\u015Bli nie okre\u015Blisz tekstury, \u015Bwiat\u0142o jest renderowany jako blakni\u0119cie od jasnych, w jego centrum, do ciemno\u015Bci.","Light":"\u015Awiat\u0142o","Displays a light on the scene, with a customizable radius and color. Add then the Light Obstacle behavior to the objects that must act as obstacle to the lights.":"Wy\u015Bwietla \u015Bwiat\u0142o na scenie, z konfigurowalny promienia i koloru. Dodaj to \u015Bwiat\u0142o zachowanie przeszkod\u0105 dla obiekt\xF3w, kt\xF3re musz\u0105 dzia\u0142a\u0107 jako przeszkoda dla \u015Bwiat\u0142a.","Light radius":"Promie\u0144 \u015Bwiat\u0142a","Set the radius of light object":"Ustaw promie\u0144 \u015Bwiat\u0142a obiektu","Set the radius of _PARAM0_ to: _PARAM1_":"Ustaw promie\u0144 _PARAM0_ do: _PARAM1_","Set the color of light object in format \"R;G;B\" string.":"Ustawi\u0107 kolor \u015Bwiat\u0142a obiektu w formacie \u201ER G, B \u201D string.","Set the color of _PARAM0_ to: _PARAM1_":"Ustaw kolor _PARAM0_ do: _PARAM1_","Adjustment":"Dostosowanie","Adjust gamma, contrast, saturation, brightness, alpha or color-channel shift.":"Dostosuj gamm\u0119, kontrast, nasycenie, jasno\u015B\u0107, alf\u0119 lub przesuni\u0119cie koloru.","Gamma (between 0 and 5)":"Gamma (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Saturation (between 0 and 5)":"Nasycenie (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Contrast (between 0 and 5)":"Kontrast (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Brightness (between 0 and 5)":"Jasno\u015B\u0107 (od 0 do 5)","Red (between 0 and 5)":"Czerwony (mi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Green (between 0 and 5)":"Zielony (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Blue (between 0 and 5)":"Niebieski (od 0 do 5)","Alpha (between 0 and 1, 0 is transparent)":"Alfa (od 0 do 1, 0 jest przezroczyste)","Advanced bloom":"zaawansowane kwitn\u0105","Applies a bloom effect.":"Stosuje efekt po\u015Bwiaty.","Bloom Scale (between 0 and 2)":"Skala po\u015Bwiaty (mi\u0119dzy 0 i 2)","Brightness (between 0 and 2)":"Jasno\u015B\u0107 (od 0 do 2)","Blur (between 0 and 20)":"Rozmycie (od 0 do 20)","Quality (between 0 and 20)":"Jako\u015B\u0107 (mi\u0119dzy 0 a 20)","Padding for the visual effect area":"Obszar wype\u0142niaj\u0105cy efekt\xF3w wizualnych","ASCII":"ASCII","Render the image with ASCII characters only.":"Renderowanie obrazu z tylko znaki ASCII.","Size (between 2 and 20)":"Wielko\u015B\u0107 (mi\u0119dzy 2 i 20)","Beveled edges":"uko\u015Bnymi kraw\u0119dziami","Add beveled edges around the rendered image.":"Dodaj fazowane kraw\u0119dzie wok\xF3\u0142 renderowanego obrazu.","Rotation (between 0 and 360)":"Obr\xF3t (od 0 do 360)","Outer strength (between 0 and 5)":"Wytrzyma\u0142o\u015B\u0107 zewn\u0119trzna (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Distance (between 10 and 20)":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 (pomi\u0119dzy 10 i 20)","Light alpha (between 0 and 1)":"\u015Awiat\u0142o alfa (od 0 do 1)","Light color (color of the outline)":"Barwa \u015Bwiat\u0142a (kolor konturu)","Shadow color (color of the outline)":"kolor cie\u0144 (kolor konturu)","Shadow alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Cie\u0144 alfa (od 0 do 1)","Black and White":"Czarny i bia\u0142y","Alter the colors to make the image black and white":"Zmienia\u0107 kolory, aby obraz czarno-bia\u0142y","Opacity (between 0 and 1)":"Nieprzezroczysto\u015B\u0107 (od 0 do 1)","Blending mode":"Tryb mieszania","Alter the rendered image with the specified blend mode.":"Zmieniaj\u0105 wyrenderowane obrazy z okre\u015Blonym trybie mieszania.","Mode (0: Normal, 1: Add, 2: Multiply, 3: Screen)":"Tryb (0: normalny, 1: dodawanie 2: wielokrotny, 3: Ekran)","Blur (Gaussian, slow - prefer to use Kawase blur)":"Rozmycie (Gaussian, wolne - preferowane u\u017Cycie rozmycia Kawase)","Blur the rendered image. This is slow, so prefer to use Kawase blur in most cases.":"Rozmyj renderowany obraz. Jest to powolne, wi\u0119c w wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci przypadk\xF3w lepiej u\u017Cy\u0107 rozmycia Kawase.","Blur intensity":"intensywno\u015B\u0107 plamy","Number of render passes. An high value will cause lags/poor performance.":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 renderowanie przepustki. Du\u017Ca warto\u015B\u0107 spowoduje LGD / s\u0142ab\u0105 wydajno\u015B\u0107.","Resolution":"Rozk\u0142ad","Kernel size (one of these values: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)":"Wielko\u015B\u0107 ziaren (jedna z nast\u0119puj\u0105cych warto\u015Bci: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)","Brightness":"Jasno\u015B\u0107","Make the image brighter.":"Dokona\u0107 ja\u015Bniejszy obraz.","Brightness (between 0 and 1)":"Jasno\u015Bci (od 0 do 1)","Bulge Pinch":"wybrzuszenie Pinch","Bulges or pinches the image in a circle.":"Wybrzuszenia lub szczypty zdj\u0119cia w okr\u0119gu.","Center X (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"\u015Arodek X (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 1, 0.5 to \u015Brodek obrazu)","Center Y (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"\u015Arodek Y (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 1, 0.5 to \u015Brodek obrazu)","strength (between -1 and 1)":"Si\u0142a (od -1 do 1)","-1 is strong pinch, 0 is no effect, 1 is strong bulge":"-1 silne szczypanie, 0 oznacza brak efektu, 1 silne wybrzuszenie","Color Map":"Kolor Mapa","Change the color rendered on screen.":"Zmieni\u0107 kolor renderowany na ekranie.","Color map texture for the effect":"Kolor mapa tekstury dla efektu","You can change colors of pixels by modifying a reference color image, containing each colors, called the *Color Map Texture*. To get started, **download** [a default color map texture here](":"Mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107 kolor pikseli przez modyfikacj\u0119 odniesienia koloru obrazu, zawieraj\u0105cy ka\u017Cdy kolor, zwany *Kolor mapy tekstury*. Aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107, **pobierz** [domy\u015Blny kolor mapy tekstury tutaj](","Disable anti-aliasing (\"nearest\" pixel rounding)":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz anty-aliasing ( "najbli\u017Cszy " pixel zaokr\u0105glenie)","Mix":"Miesza\u0107","Mix value of the effect on the layer (in percent)":"Miesza\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 efektu na warstwie (w procentach)","Color Replace":"Zast\u0105p kolor","Effect replacing a color (or similar) by another.":"Wp\u0142yw zast\u0105pienia koloru (lub podobn\u0105) przy drugim.","Original Color":"Oryginalny kolor","New Color":"Nowy kolor","Epsilon (between 0 and 1)":"Epsilon (od 0 do 1)","Tolerance/sensitivity of the floating-point comparison between colors (lower = more exact, higher = more inclusive)":"Tolerancja/czu\u0142o\u015B\u0107 por\xF3wnania zmiennoprzecinkowego kolor\xF3w (ni\u017Csza = dok\u0142adniejsza, wy\u017Csza = wi\u0119cej w\u0142\u0105cznie)","CRT":"CRT","Apply an effect resembling old CRT monitors.":"Zastosuj efekt przypominaj\u0105cy starych monitor\xF3w CRT.","Line width (between 0 and 5)":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 linii (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Line contrast (between 0 and 1)":"kontrast linia (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 1)","Noise (between 0 and 1)":"Szum (od 0 do 1)","Curvature (between 0 and 10)":"Krzywizna (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 10)","Show vertical lines":"Poka\u017C linie pionowe","Noise size (between 0 and 10)":"wielko\u015B\u0107 szumu (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 10)","Vignetting (between 0 and 1)":"Winietowanie (od 0 do 1)","Vignetting alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Winietowanie alfa (od 0 do 1)","Vignetting blur (between 0 and 1)":"Rozmycie winietowania (od 0 do 1)","Interlaced Lines Speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 linii z przeplotem","0: Pause, 0.5: Half speed, 1: Normal speed, 2: Double speed, etc...":"0: Pauza, 0,5: pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 po\u0142owa, 1: Normalna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107, 2: Double speed, itp ...","Noise Frequency":"Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 ha\u0142asu","Displacement":"Wyporno\u015B\u0107","Uses the pixel values from the specified texture (called the displacement map) to perform a displacement of an object.":"U\u017Cywa warto\u015Bci pikseli z okre\u015Blonego tekstury (zwanej mapy przemieszcze\u0144) w celu przemieszczenia obiektu.","Displacement map texture":"Przemieszczenie mapa tekstury","Displacement map texture for the effect. To get started, **download** [a default displacement map texture here](":"Przemieszczenie tekstury mapy dla efektu. Aby rozpocz\u0105\u0107, **pobierz** [domy\u015Blny przemieszczenie tekstury mapy tutaj](","Dot":"Kropka","Applies a dotscreen effect making objects appear to be made out of black and white halftone dots like an old printer.":"Stosuje dotscreen nadaj\u0105c obiekty wydaj\u0105 si\u0119 by\u0107 wykonane z czarnych i bia\u0142ych punkt\xF3w rastrowych jak starej drukarce.","Scale (between 0.3 and 1)":"Skala (pomi\u0119dzy 0,3 a 1)","Angle (between 0 and 5)":"K\u0105t (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Drop shadow":"cie\u0144","Add a shadow around the rendered image.":"Doda\u0107 cie\u0144 oko\u0142o wype\u0142nion\u0105 obrazu.","Quality (between 1 and 20)":"Jako\u015Bci (od 1 do 20)","Alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Alfa (od 0 do 1)","Distance (between 0 and 50)":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 (od 0 do 50)","Color of the shadow":"Kolor cienia","Shadow only (shows only the shadow when enabled)":"Cie\u0144 tylko (widoczna jest tylko cie\u0144 gdy jest w\u0142\u0105czona)","Glitch":"Usterka","Applies a glitch effect to an object.":"Dotyczy efekt glitch do obiektu.","Slices (between 2 and infinite)":"Plastry (mi\u0119dzy 2 do niesko\u0144czono\u015Bci)","Offset (between -400 and 400)":"Przesuni\u0119cie (mi\u0119dzy -400 i 400)","Direction (between -180 and 180)":"Kierunku (z zakresu od -180 do 180)","Fill Mode (between 0 and 4)":"Tryb nape\u0142niania (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 4)","The fill mode of the space after the offset.(0: TRANSPARENT, 1: ORIGINAL, 2: LOOP, 3: CLAMP, 4: MIRROR)":"Spos\xF3b nape\u0142niania przestrzeni po korekcji., (0: 1: przejrzyste, oryginalny, 2: powtarzanie, 3: CLAMP, 4: lustrzane)","Average":"\u015Aredni","Min Size":"minimum","Sample Size":"Wielko\u015B\u0107 pr\xF3bki","Animation Frequency":"Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 animacja","Red X offset (between -50 and 50)":"Czerwony X przesuni\u0119cie (od -50 do 50)","Red Y offset (between -50 and 50)":"Czerwony Y przesuni\u0119cie (od -50 do 50)","Green X offset (between -50 and 50)":"Zielone przesuni\u0119cie X (mi\u0119dzy -50 i 50)","Green Y offset (between -50 and 50)":"Zielone przesuni\u0119cie Y (mi\u0119dzy -50 i 50)","Blue X offset (between -50 and 50)":"Niebieski X przesuni\u0119cie (od -50 do 50)","Blue Y offset (between -50 and 50)":"Niebieski Y przesuni\u0119cie (od -50 do 50)","Glow":"Po\u015Bwiata","Add a glow effect around the rendered image.":"Doda\u0107 efekt po\u015Bwiaty wok\xF3\u0142 renderowanego obrazu.","Inner strength (between 0 and 20)":"Si\u0142a wewn\u0119trzna (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 20)","Outer strength (between 0 and 20)":"Wytrzyma\u0142o\u015B\u0107 zewn\u0119trzna (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 20)","Color (color of the outline)":"Kolor (kolor konturu)","Godray":"Promie\u0144 \u015Bwiat\u0142\u0105 (Godray)","Apply and animate atmospheric light rays.":"Zastosuj i animowa\u0107 atmosferyczne promienie \u015Bwietlne.","Parallel (parallel rays)":"R\xF3wnoleg\u0142ych promieni (r\xF3wnoleg\u0142e)","Animation Speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 animacji","Lacunarity (between 0 and 5)":"Lakunarno\u015B\u0107 (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Angle (between -60 and 60)":"K\u0105t (mi\u0119dzy -60 i 60)","Gain (between 0 and 1)":"Zdobycie (od 0 do 1)","Light (between 0 and 60)":"\u015Awiat\u0142a (od 0 do 60)","Center X (between 100 and 1000)":"\u015Arodkowej X (mi\u0119dzy 100 i 1000)","Center Y (between -1000 and 100)":"Centralna Y (mi\u0119dzy -1000 i 100)","HSL Adjustment":"Dostosowanie HSL","Adjust hue, saturation and lightness.":"Dostosuj odcie\u0144, nasycenie i jasno\u015B\u0107.","Lightness (between -1 and 1)":"Jasno\u015B\u0107 (od -1 do 1)","Colorize from the grayscale image":"Koloryzuj z obrazu w skali szaro\u015Bci","Blur (Kawase, fast)":"Rozmycie (Kawase, szybkie)","Blur the rendered image, with much better performance than Gaussian blur.":"Rozmyj renderowany obraz, o znacznie lepszej wydajno\u015Bci ni\u017C rozmycie Gaussa.","Pixelize X (between 0 and 10)":"Pixelize X (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 10)","Pixelize Y (between 0 and 10)":"Pixelize y (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 10)","Light Night":"\u015Bwiat\u0142o Noc","Alter the colors to simulate night.":"Zmienia\u0107 kolory symulowa\u0107 noc.","Motion Blur":"Rozmycie ruchu","Blur the rendered image to give a feeling of speed.":"Rozmycie renderowanego obrazu, aby da\u0107 poczucie pr\u0119dko\u015Bci.","Velocity on X axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na osi X","Velocity on Y axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na osi Y","Kernel size (odd number between 3 and 25)":"Rozmiar j\u0105dra (liczba nieparzysta mi\u0119dzy 3 a 25)","Quality of the blur.":"Jako\u015B\u0107 rozmycia.","Offset":"Przesuni\u0119cie","Dark Night":"Ciemna noc","Alter the colors to simulate a dark night.":"Zmienia\u0107 kolory symulowa\u0107 ciemna noc.","Intensity (between 0 and 1)":"Intensywno\u015Bci (od 0 do 1)","Noise":"Ha\u0142as","Add some noise on the rendered image.":"Dodaj troch\u0119 ha\u0142asu na renderowanego obrazu.","Noise intensity (between 0 and 1)":"nat\u0119\u017Cenie ha\u0142asu (od 0 do 1)","Old Film":"stare kino","Add a Old film effect around the rendered image.":"Doda\u0107 efekt starego filmu wok\xF3\u0142 renderowanego obrazu.","Sepia (between 0 and 1)":"Sepii (od 0 do 1)","The amount of saturation of sepia effect, a value of 1 is more saturation and closer to 0 is less, and a value of 0 produces no sepia effect":"Kwota nasycenia efektu sepii, warto\u015B\u0107 1 jest bardziej nasycenie i bli\u017Cej 0 jest mniejsze, a warto\u015B\u0107 0 powoduje \u017Cadnego efektu sepii","Noise Size (between 0 and 10)":"Wielko\u015B\u0107 ha\u0142asu (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 10)","Scratch (between -1 and 1)":"Zarysowanie (od -1 do 1)","Scratch Density (between 0 and 1)":"Zarysowania g\u0119sto\u015Bci (od 0 do 1)","Scratch Width (between 1 and 20)":"Zarysowa\u0107 szeroko\u015B\u0107 (pomi\u0119dzy 1 a 20)","Vignetting Alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Winietowanie alfa (od 0 do 1)","Vignetting Blur (between 0 and 1)":"Winietowanie obrazu (od 0 do 1)","Draws an outline around the rendered image.":"Rysuje kontur wok\xF3\u0142 renderowanego obrazu.","Thickness (between 0 and 20)":"Grubo\u015B\u0107 (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 20)","Color of the outline":"Kolor obrysu","Pixelate":"pikselizacja","Applies a pixelate effect, making display objects appear 'blocky'.":"Dotyczy efekt pikselizacja, dzi\u0119ki czemu pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 obiekty wy\u015Bwietlane \u201Etopornie\u201D.","Size of the pixels (10 pixels by default)":"Wielko\u015B\u0107 pikseli (10 pikseli domy\u015Blnie)","Radial Blur":"Rozmycie promieniowe","Applies a Motion blur to an object.":"Stosuje poruszenie si\u0119 obiektu.","The maximum size of the blur radius, -1 is infinite":"Maksymalnej wielko\u015Bci promienia rozmycia, -1 jest niesko\u0144czona","Angle (between -180 and 180)":"K\u0105t (od -180 do 180)","The angle in degree of the motion for blur effect":"K\u0105t, pod wzgl\u0119dem stopnia ruchu na efekt rozmycia","Kernel Size (between 3 and 25)":"Wielko\u015B\u0107 ziaren (mi\u0119dzy 3 i 25)","The kernel size of the blur filter (Odd number)":"Wielko\u015B\u0107 j\u0105dra filtru rozmycia (liczba nieparzysta)","Reflection":"Odbicie","Applies a reflection effect to simulate the reflection on water with waves.":"Stosuje efekt odbicia do symulacji odbicia na wodzie z fal.","Reflect the image on the waves":"Odzwierciedla\u0107 obraz na falach","Vertical position of the reflection point":"Pionowe po\u0142o\u017Cenie punktu odbicia","Default is 50% (middle). Smaller numbers produce a larger reflection, larger numbers produce a smaller reflection.":"Domy\u015Blnie wynosi 50% (w \u015Brodku). Mniejsze numery produkowa\u0107 wi\u0119ksze odbicie wi\u0119ksze numery produkowa\u0107 mniejsze odbicie.","Amplitude start":"amplituda pocz\u0105tek","Starting amplitude of waves (0 by default)":"Pocz\u0105wszy od amplitudy fal (domy\u015Blnie 0)","Amplitude ending":"amplituda zako\u0144czenie","Ending amplitude of waves (20 by default)":"Ko\u0144cz\u0105c amplituda fal (domy\u015Blnie 20)","Wave length start":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 fali pocz\u0105tek","Starting wave length (30 by default)":"Pocz\u0105wszy od d\u0142ugo\u015Bci fali (30 domy\u015Blnie)","Wave length ending":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 fali zako\u0144czenie","Ending wave length (100 by default)":"Zako\u0144czenie d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 fali (100 domy\u015Blnie)","Alpha start":"pocz\u0105tek alfa","Starting alpha (1 by default)":"Pocz\u0105wszy alfa 1 (domy\u015Blnie)","Alpha ending":"Alpha zako\u0144czenie","Ending alpha (1 by default)":"Zako\u0144czenie alfa 1 (domy\u015Blnie)","RGB split (chromatic aberration)":"Podzia\u0142 RGB (aberracja chromatyczna)","Applies a RGB split effect also known as chromatic aberration.":"Stosuje RGB efekt podzia\u0142u znany r\xF3wnie\u017C jako aberracji chromatycznej.","Red X offset (between -20 and 20)":"Red X przesuni\u0119cie (od -20 do 20)","Red Y offset (between -20 and 20)":"Czerwony Y przesuni\u0119cie (od -20 do 20)","Green X offset (between -20 and 20)":"Zielone przesuni\u0119cie X (mi\u0119dzy -20 i 20)","Green Y offset (between -20 and 20)":"Zielone przesuni\u0119cie Y (mi\u0119dzy -20 i 20)","Blue X offset (between -20 and 20)":"Niebieski X przesuni\u0119cie (od -20 do 20)","Blue Y offset (between -20 and 20)":"Niebieski Y przesuni\u0119cie (od -20 do 20)","Sepia":"Sepia","Alter the colors to sepia.":"Zmienia\u0107 kolory sepii.","Shockwave":"Fala uderzeniowa","Deform the image the way a drop deforms a water surface.":"Deformuj obraz w spos\xF3b, w jaki kropla deformuje powierzchni\u0119 wody.","Elapsed time":"Czas up\u0142yni\u0119ty","Spreading speed (in pixels per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 rozpraszania (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Amplitude":"Amplituda","Wavelength":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 fali","Maximum radius (0 for infinity)":"Maksymalny promie\u0144 (0 dla niesko\u0144czono\u015Bci)","Center on X axis":"Centrum na osi X","Center on Y axis":"Wy\u015Brodkuj na osi Y","Tilt shift":"przesuni\u0119cie pochylenia","Render a tilt-shift-like camera effect.":"Renderowania tilt-shift-jak efekt aparatu.","Blur (between 0 and 200)":"Plama (od 0 do 200)","Gradient blur (between 0 and 2000)":"Gradient rozmycia (mi\u0119dzy 0 i 2000)","Twist":"Skr\u0119ca\u0107","Applies a twist effect making objects appear twisted in the given direction.":"Dotyczy obiekty pojawiaj\u0105 skr\u0119cone w danym kierunku do podejmowania efekt skr\u0119t.","The radius of the twist":"Promie\u0144 skr\u0119tu","Angle (between -10 and 10)":"K\u0105t (mi\u0119dzy 10 i 10)","The angle in degree of the twist":"K\u0105t o stopniu skr\u0119cenia","Offset X (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"Offset X (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 1, 0,5 to obraz w \u015Brodku)","Offset Y (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"Przesuni\u0119cie y (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 1, 0,5 to obraz w \u015Brodku)","Zoom blur":"zoom rozmycie","Applies a Zoom blur.":"Stosuje rozmycie Zoom.","Inner radius":"promie\u0144 wewn\u0119trzny","strength (between 0 and 5)":"Si\u0142a (pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 5)","Advanced window management":"Zaawansowane zarz\u0105dzanie oknem","Provides advanced features related to the game window positioning and interaction with the operating system.":"Udost\u0119pnia zaawansowane funkcje zwi\u0105zane z pozycjonowaniem okna gry i interakcji z systemem operacyjnym.","Window focus":"Okno aktywne","Make the window gain or lose focus.":"Dokona\u0107 wzmocnienia okna lub straci\u0107 ostro\u015B\u0107.","Focus the window: _PARAM0_":"Skupi\u0107 si\u0119 okno: _PARAM0_","Windows, Linux, macOS":"Windows, Linux, macOS","Focus the window?":"Skupi\u0107 si\u0119 okno?","Window focused":"Okno z gr\u0105 jest tym aktywnym","Checks if the window is focused.":"Sprawdza, czy okno z gr\u0105 jest tym aktywnym.","The window is focused":"Okno z gr\u0105 jest tym aktywnym","Window visibility":"Widoczno\u015B\u0107 okna","Make the window visible or invisible.":"Sprawiaj\u0105, \u017Ce okno widoczne lub niewidoczne.","Window visible: _PARAM0_":"Okno widoczne: _PARAM0_","Show window?":"Poka\u017C okno?","Window visible":"Okno widoczne","Checks if the window is visible.":"Sprawdza, czy okno jest widoczne.","The window is visible":"Okno jest widoczne","Maximize the window":"Maksymalizuj okno","Maximize or unmaximize the window.":"Maksymalizacja lub unmaximize okno.","Maximize window: _PARAM0_":"Maksymalizacja okna: _PARAM0_","Maximize window?":"Maksymalizacja okna?","Window maximized":"Zmaksymalizowane okno","Checks if the window is maximized.":"Sprawdza, czy okno jest zmaksymalizowane.","The window is maximized":"Okno jest zmaksymalizowane","Minimize the window":"Minimalizuj okno","Minimize or unminimize the window.":"Zminimalizowa\u0107 lub unminimize okno.","Minimize window: _PARAM0_":"zminimalizowa\u0107 okno: _PARAM0_","Minimize window?":"Minimalizuj okno","Window minimized":"Okno zminimalizowane","Checks if the window is minimized.":"Sprawdza czy okno jest zminimalizowane.","The window is minimized":"Okno jest zminimalizowane","Enable the window":"W\u0142\u0105cz okno","Enables or disables the window.":"W\u0142\u0105cza / wy\u0142\u0105cza okno.","Enable window: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz okno: _PARAM0_","Enable window?":"W\u0142\u0105cz okno?","Window enabled":"Okno w\u0142\u0105czone","Checks if the window is enabled.":"Sprawdza czy okno jest w\u0142\u0105czone.","The window is enabled":"Okno jest w\u0142\u0105czone","Allow resizing":"Pozostawi\u0107 rozmiaru","Enables or disables resizing of the window by the user.":"W\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza mo\u017Cliwo\u015B\u0107 zmiany rozmiaru okna przez u\u017Cytkownika.","Enable window resizing: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz zmiany rozmiaru okna: _PARAM0_","Allow resizing?":"Pozostawi\u0107 rozmiaru?","Window resizable":"zmienny rozmiar okna","Checks if the window can be resized.":"Sprawdza, czy okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zmieniany.","The window can be resized":"Okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zmieniany","Allow moving":"Pozostawi\u0107 w ruchu","Enables or disables moving of the window by the user.":"W\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza ruchome okna przez u\u017Cytkownika.","Enable window moving: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz okno krocz\u0105ce: _PARAM0_","Allow moving?":"Pozostawi\u0107 w ruchu?","Window movable":"okno ruchome","Checks if the window can be moved.":"Sprawdza, czy okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 przeniesiony.","The window can be moved":"Okno mo\u017Cna przesuwa\u0107","Allow maximizing":"Pozostawi\u0107 maksymalizacji","Enables or disables maximizing of the window by the user.":"W\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza maksymalizacji okna przez u\u017Cytkownika.","Enable window maximizing: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz maksymalizacja okna: _PARAM0_","Allow maximizing?":"Pozostawi\u0107 maksymalizacji?","Window maximizable":"okno maximizable","Checks if the window can be maximized.":"Sprawdza czy okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zmaksymalizowane.","The window can be maximized":"Okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zmaksymalizowane","Allow minimizing":"W\u0142\u0105cz minimalizacj\u0119","Enables or disables minimizing of the window by the user.":"W\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza minimalizowanie okna przez u\u017Cytkownika.","Enable window minimizing: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz minimalizacji okna: _PARAM0_","Allow minimizing?":"Pozostawi\u0107 minimalizuj\u0105c?","Window minimizable":"okno minimizable","Checks if the window can be minimized.":"Sprawdza, czy okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 minimalizowane.","The window can be minimized":"Okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zminimalizowane","Allow full-screening":"Umo\u017Cliwienia pe\u0142nego ods\u0142oni\u0119cia","Enables or disables full-screening of the window by the user.":"W\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza pe\u0142ny przesiewowe okna przez u\u017Cytkownika.","Enable window full-screening: _PARAM0_":"okno pe\u0142ne przesiewowe umo\u017Cliwiaj\u0105: _PARAM0_","Allow full-screening?":"Pozwala na pe\u0142n\u0105 przesiewowe?","Window full-screenable":"Okno pe\u0142nej skriningowa\u0107","Checks if the window can be full-screened.":"Sprawdza, czy okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 pe\u0142ne os\u0142oni\u0119ty.","The window can be set in fullscreen":"Okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 ustawiony w trybie pe\u0142noekranowym","Allow closing":"Zezw\xF3l na zamkni\u0119cie","Enables or disables closing of the window by the user.":"W\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza zamykanie okna przez u\u017Cytkownika.","Enable window closing: _PARAM0_":"Umo\u017Cliwi\u0107 zamykanie okna: _PARAM0_","Allow closing?":"Zezwoli\u0107 na zamkni\u0119cie?","Window closable":"okno zamykany","Checks if the window can be closed.":"Sprawdza czy okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zamkni\u0119te.","The window can be closed":"Okno mo\u017Ce by\u0107 zamkni\u0119te","Make the window always on top":"Ustaw okno zawsze na g\xF3rze","Puts the window constantly above all other windows.":"Umieszcza okno stale nad wszystkimi innymi oknami.","Make window always on top: _PARAM0_, level: _PARAM1_":"Zrobi\u0107 okna zawsze na wierzchu: _PARAM0_, Poziom: _PARAM1_","Enable always on top?":"W\u0142\u0105cz zawsze na wierzchu?","Level":"Poziom","Window always on top":"Okno zawsze na wierzchu","Checks if the window is always on top.":"Sprawdza, czy okno jest zawsze na wierzchu.","The window is always on top":"Okno jest zawsze na wierzchu","Enable kiosk mode":"W\u0142\u0105cz tryb kiosku","Puts the window in kiosk mode. This prevents the user from exiting fullscreen.":"Umieszcza okno w trybie kiosku. To sprawia, \u017Ce u\u017Cytkownik, kt\xF3ry opuszcza ca\u0142ym ekranie.","Enable kiosk mode: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz tryb kiosku: _PARAM0_","Enable kiosk mode?":"W\u0142\u0105cz tryb kiosku?","Kiosk mode":"tryb kiosku","Checks if the window is currently in kiosk mode.":"Sprawdza, czy okno jest obecnie w trybie kiosku.","The window is in kiosk mode":"Okno jest w trybie kiosku","Enable window shadow":"W\u0142\u0105cz okno cie\u0144","Enables or disables the window shadow.":"W\u0142\u0105czenie lub wy\u0142\u0105czenie tle okna.","Enable window shadow: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz okno cie\u0144: _PARAM0_","Enable shadow?":"W\u0142\u0105cz cie\u0144?","Checks if the window currently has it's shadow enabled.":"Sprawdza, czy okno ma obecnie jego cie\u0144 w\u0142\u0105czona.","The window has a shadow":"Okno posiada cie\u0144","Enable content protection":"W\u0142\u0105cza ochron\u0119 zawarto\u015Bci","Enables or disables the content protection mode. This should prevent screenshots of the game from being taken.":"W\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza tryb Content Protection. Powinno to zapobiec screeny z gry przed podj\u0119te.","Enable content protection: _PARAM0_":"W\u0142\u0105cz ochron\u0119 zawarto\u015Bci: _PARAM0_","Enable content protection?":"W\u0142\u0105cz ochron\u0119 zawarto\u015Bci?","Allow focusing":"Pozostawi\u0107 koncentruj\u0105c","Allow or disallow the user to focus the window.":"Zezwoli\u0107 lub zabroni\u0107 u\u017Cytkownikowi skupi\u0107 si\u0119 okno.","Allow to focus the window: _PARAM0_":"Pozwalaj\u0105 skupi\u0107 si\u0119 okno: _PARAM0_","Allow focus?":"Pozwalaj\u0105 skupi\u0107?","Flash the window":"Miga\u0107 okno","Make the window flash or end flashing.":"Zrobi\u0107 lamp\u0119 okna lub ko\u0144cu miganie.","Make the window flash: _PARAM0_":"Zrobi\u0107 lamp\u0119 okno: _PARAM0_","Flash the window?":"Miga przez okno?","Window opacity":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 okna","Changes the window opacity.":"Zmienia przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 okna.","Set the window opacity to _PARAM0_":"Ustawi\u0107 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 okna do _PARAM0_","New opacity":"Nowa przezroczysto\u015B\u0107","Window position":"Pozycja okna","Changes the window position.":"Zmienia pozycj\u0119 okna.","Set the window position to _PARAM0_;_PARAM1_":"Ustaw pozycj\u0119 okna na _PARAM0_;_PARAM1_","Window X position":"Pozycja okna w osi X","Returns the current window X position.":"Zwraca aktualn\u0105 pozycj\u0119 okna w osi X.","Window Y position":"Pozycja okna w osi Y","Returns the current window Y position.":"Zwraca aktualn\u0105 pozycj\u0119 okna w osi Y.","Returns the current window opacity (a number from 0 to 1, 1 being fully opaque).":"Zwraca bie\u017C\u0105ce okno krycie (liczb\u0119 od 0 do 1, gdzie 1 oznacza ca\u0142kowicie nieprzezroczysta).","Steamworks (Steam) (experimental)":"Steamworks (Steam) (eksperymentalnie)","Adds integrations for Steam's Steamworks game development SDK.":"Dodaje integracje dla Steamworks game development SDK.","Steam App ID":"Steam App ID","Require Steam to launch the game":"Wymaga Steam do uruchomienia gry","Claim achievement":"Odbierz osi\u0105gni\u0119cie","Marks a Steam achievement as obtained. Steam will pop-up a notification with the achievement's data defined on the Steamworks partner website.":"Oznacza osi\u0105gni\u0119cie Steam jako uzyskane. Steam wy\u015Bwietli powiadomienie z danymi osi\u0105gni\u0119cia zdefiniowanymi na stronie partnerskiej Steamworks.","Claim steam achievement _PARAM0_":"Odbierz osi\u0105gni\u0119cie Steam _PARAM0_","Achievement ID":"ID osi\u0105gni\u0119cia","Unclaim achievement":"Usu\u0144 osi\u0105gni\u0119cie","Removes a player's Steam achievement.":"Usuwa osi\u0105gni\u0119cie Steam gracza.","Unclaim Steam achievement _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 osi\u0105gni\u0119cie Steam _PARAM0_","Has achievement":"Posiada osi\u0105gni\u0119cie","Checks if a player owns one of this game's Steam achievement.":"Sprawdza, czy gracz posiada jedno z osi\u0105gni\u0119\u0107 Steam tej gry.","Player has previously claimed the Steam achievement _PARAM0_":"Gracz wcze\u015Bniej odebra\u0142 osi\u0105gni\u0119cie Steam _PARAM0_","Steam ID":"Steam ID","The player's unique Steam ID number. Note that it is too big a number to load correctly as a traditional number (\"floating point number\"), and must be used as a string.":"Unikalny numer Steam gracza. Zauwa\u017C, \u017Ce liczba jest zbyt du\u017Ca, aby wczyta\u0107 poprawnie jako tradycyjn\u0105 liczb\u0119 (\"floating point number\") i musi by\u0107 u\u017Cyta jako ci\u0105g znak\xF3w (string).","The player's registered name on Steam.":"Zarejestrowana nazwa gracza na Steam.","Country code":"Kod kraju","The player's country represented as its two-letter code.":"Kraj gracza reprezentowany jako dwuliterowy kod.","Steam Level":"Poziom Steam","Obtains the player's Steam level":"Uzyskaj poziom Steam gracza","Steam rich presence":"Steam rich presence (rozszerzona obecno\u015B\u0107)","Changes an attribute of Steam's rich presence. Allows other player to see exactly what the player's currently doing in the game.":"Zmiana atrybutu Steam rich presence. Umo\u017Cliwia innym graczom dok\u0142adne zobaczenie, co gracz aktualnie robi w grze.","Set steam rich presence attribute _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw atrybut Steam rich presence _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Rich presence":"Rich Presence (rozszerzona obecno\u015B\u0107)","Is Steamworks Loaded":"Czy Steamworks jest wczytany","Checks whether the Steamworks SDK could be properly loaded. If steam is not installed, the game is not running on PC, or for any other reason Steamworks features will not be able to function, this function will trigger allowing you to disable functionality that relies on Steamworks.":"Sprawdza, czy Steamworks SDK mo\u017Ce by\u0107 poprawnie wczytany. Je\u015Bli Steam nie jest zainstalowany, gra nie jest uruchomiona na PC lub z jakiegokolwiek innego powodu funkcje Steamworks nie b\u0119d\u0105 mog\u0142y dzia\u0142a\u0107, ta funkcja zostanie uruchomiona, umo\u017Cliwiaj\u0105c wy\u0142\u0105czenie funkcji opartych na Steamworks.","Steamworks is properly loaded":"Steamworks jest poprawnie wczytany","Utilities":"Narz\u0119dzia","Steam AppID":"Steam AppID","Obtains the game's Steam app ID, as declared in the games properties.":"Uzyskaj Steam app ID gry, jak okre\u015Blono we w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach gry.","Current time (from the Steam servers)":"Aktualny czas (z serwer\xF3w Steam)","Obtains the real current time from the Steam servers, which cannot be faked by changing the system time.":"Uzyskaj aktualny czas rzeczywisty z serwer\xF3w Steam, kt\xF3ry nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 podrobiony przez zmian\u0119 czasu w systemie.","Is on Steam Deck":"Jest na Steam Deck","Checks whether the game is currently running on a Steam Deck or not.":"Sprawdza, czy gra jest aktualnie uruchomiona na Steam Deck.","Game is running on a Steam Deck":"Gra jest uruchomiona na Steam Deck","Create a lobby":"Utw\xF3rz poczekalni\u0119 (lobby)","Creates a new steam lobby owned by the player, for other players to join.":"Tworzy now\u0105 poczekalni\u0119 Steam nale\u017C\u0105c\u0105 do gracza, aby inni gracze mogli do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107.","Create a lobby visible to _PARAM0_ with max. _PARAM1_ players (store results in _PARAM2_)":"Utw\xF3rz poczekalni\u0119 widoczn\u0105 dla _PARAM0_ z maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0105 graczy: _PARAM1_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_)","Matchmaking":"Dopasowanie","Get a list of lobbies":"Pobierz list\u0119 poczekalni (lobby)","Fills an array variable with a list of lobbies for the player to join.":"Wype\u0142nia zmienn\u0105 tablicy list\u0105 poczekalni, do kt\xF3rych gracz mo\u017Ce do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107.","Fill _PARAM0_ with a list of lobbies":"Wype\u0142nij _PARAM0_ list\u0105 poczekalni","Join a lobby (by ID)":"Do\u0142\u0105cz do poczekalni (przez ID)","Join a Steam lobby, using its lobby ID.":"Do\u0142\u0105cz do poczekalni Steam, u\u017Cywaj\u0105c jej ID.","Join lobby _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Do\u0142\u0105cz do poczekalni _PARAM0_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM1_)","Leave current lobby":"Opu\u015B\u0107 bie\u017C\u0105c\u0105 poczekalni\u0119","Marks the player as having left the current lobby.":"Oznacza gracza jako opuszczaj\u0105cego bie\u017C\u0105c\u0105 poczekalni\u0119.","Leave the current lobby":"Opu\u015B\u0107 bie\u017C\u0105c\u0105 poczekalni\u0119","Matchmaking/Current lobby":"Dopasowywanie/Bie\u017C\u0105ca poczekalnia","Open invite dialogue":"Otw\xF3rz okno zaproszenia","Opens the steam invitation dialogue to let the player invite their Steam friends to the current lobby. Only works if the player is currently in a lobby.":"Otwiera okno zaproszenia Steam, aby gracz m\xF3g\u0142 zaprosi\u0107 swoich znajomych Steam do bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni. Dzia\u0142a tylko wtedy, gdy gracz jest obecny w poczekalni.","Open lobby invitation dialogue":"Otw\xF3rz okno zaproszenia do poczekalni","Set a lobby attribute":"Ustaw atrybut poczekalni","Sets an attribute of the current lobby. Attributes are readable to anyone that can see the lobby. They can contain public information about the lobby like a description, or for example a P2P ID for knowing where to connect to join this lobby.":"Ustaw atrybut bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni. Atrybuty s\u0105 widoczne dla ka\u017Cdego, kto widzi poczekalni\u0119. Mog\u0105 zawiera\u0107 publiczne informacje o poczekalni, jak opis lub na przyk\u0142ad ID P2P, aby wiedzie\u0107, gdzie po\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 si\u0119, aby do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 do tej poczekalni.","Set current lobby attribute _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Ustaw bie\u017C\u0105cy atrybut poczekalni _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_)","Set the lobby joinability":"Ustaw mo\u017Cliwo\u015B\u0107 do\u0142\u0105czenia do poczekalni","Sets whether other users can join the current lobby or not.":"Ustaw, czy inni u\u017Cytkownicy mog\u0105 do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 do bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni, czy nie.","Make current lobby joinable: _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Ustaw bie\u017C\u0105c\u0105 poczekalni\u0119 jako dost\u0119pn\u0105: _PARAM0_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM1_)","Get the lobby's members":"Pobierz cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni","Gets the Steam ID of all players in the current lobby.":"Pobierz Steam ID wszystkich graczy w bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni.","Store the array of all players in _PARAM0_":"Zapisz tablic\u0119 wszystkich graczy w _PARAM0_","Get a lobby's members":"Pobierz cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni","Gets the Steam ID of all players in a lobby.":"Pobiera Steam ID wszystkich graczy w poczekalni.","Store the array of all players of lobby _PARAM0_ in _PARAM1_":"Zapisz tablic\u0119 wszystkich graczy z poczekalni _PARAM0_ w _PARAM1_","Current lobby's ID":"ID bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni","The ID of the current lobby, useful for letting other players join it.":"Identyfikator bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni, u\u017Cyteczne dla umo\u017Cliwienia innym graczom do\u0142\u0105czenia.","Attribute of the lobby":"Atrybut poczekalni","Obtains the value of one of the current lobby's attributes.":"Uzyskuje warto\u015B\u0107 jednego z atrybut\xF3w bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni.","Member count of the lobby":"Liczba cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni","Obtains the current lobby's member count.":"Uzyskuje liczb\u0119 cz\u0142onk\xF3w bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni.","Member limit of the lobby":"Limit cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni","Obtains the current lobby's maximum member limit.":"Uzyskuje limit maksymalnej liczby cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni.","Owner of the lobby":"W\u0142a\u015Bciciel poczekalni","Obtains the Steam ID of the user that owns the current lobby.":"Uzyskuje Steam ID w\u0142a\u015Bciciela bie\u017C\u0105cej poczekalni.","Attribute of a lobby":"Atrybut poczekalni (lobby)","Obtains the value of one of a lobby's attributes.":"Uzyskuje warto\u015B\u0107 jednego z atrybut\xF3w poczekalni.","Member count of a lobby":"Liczba cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni","Obtains a lobby's member count.":"Uzyskuje liczb\u0119 cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni.","Member limit of a lobby":"Limit cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni","Obtains a lobby's maximum member limit.":"Uzyskuje maksymaln\u0105 liczb\u0119 cz\u0142onk\xF3w poczekalni.","Owner of a lobby":"W\u0142a\u015Bciciel poczekalni","Obtains the Steam ID of the user that owns a lobby.":"Uzyskuje Steam ID w\u0142a\u015Bciciela poczekalni.","Player owns an application":"Gracz jest w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem aplikacji","Checks if the current user owns an application on Steam.":"Sprawdza, czy bie\u017C\u0105cy u\u017Cytkownik posiada aplikacj\u0119 na Steam.","App _PARAM0_ owned on Steam":"Aplikacja _PARAM0_ jest w\u0142asno\u015Bci\u0105 na Steam","Steam Apps":"Aplikacje Steam","Player installed an application":"Gracz zainstalowa\u0142 aplikacj\u0119","Checks if the current user has a Steam application currently installed.":"Sprawdza, czy bie\u017C\u0105cy u\u017Cytkownik ma zainstalowan\u0105 aplikacj\u0119 Steam.","App _PARAM0_ installed from Steam":"Aplikacja _PARAM0_ zainstalowana ze Steam","Player installed DLC":"Gracz zainstalowa\u0142 DLC","Checks if the current user has installed a piece of DLC.":"Sprawdza, czy bie\u017C\u0105cy u\u017Cytkownik zainstalowa\u0142 fragment DLC.","DLC _PARAM0_ installed from Steam":"DLC _PARAM0_ zainstalowany ze Steam","Get installed app path":"Pobiera zainstalowan\u0105 \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 aplikacji","Gets the path to an installed Steam application.":"Pobiera \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do zainstalowanej aplikacji Steam.","Player has a VAC ban":"Gracz posiada VAC ban","Checks if the current user has a VAC ban on their account.":"Sprawdza, czy bie\u017C\u0105cy u\u017Cytkownik ma na\u0142o\u017Conego VAC bana na swoje konto.","Player cannot be exposed to violence":"Gracz nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 nara\u017Cony na przemoc","Checks if the current user may only be exposed to low violence, due to e.g. their age and content restrictions in their country.":"Sprawdza, czy bie\u017C\u0105cy u\u017Cytkownik mo\u017Ce by\u0107 nara\u017Cony na nisk\u0105 przemoc np. ze wzgl\u0119du na wiek i ograniczenia tre\u015Bci w swoim kraju.","Player bought the game":"Gracz zakupi\u0142 gr\u0119","Checks if the current user actually bought & owns the game. If the \"Require Steam\" checkbox has been checked in the game properties, this will always be true as Steam will not allow to launch the game if it is not owned. Can be used to display an anti-piracy message instead of straight up blocking the launch of the game.":"Sprawdza, czy bie\u017C\u0105cy u\u017Cytkownik faktycznie zakupi\u0142 i posiada gr\u0119. Je\u017Celi pole \"wymagaj steam\" zosta\u0142o zaznaczone we w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach gry, b\u0119dzie to zawsze prawdziwe, poniewa\u017C Steam nie pozwoli na uruchomienie gry, je\u015Bli nie jest w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem. Opcja mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta do wy\u015Bwietlenia komunikatu antypirackiego zamiast blokowania uruchamiania gry.","Game language":"J\u0119zyk gry","Gets the language the user set in the Steam game properties.":"Pobiera j\u0119zyk, jaki zosta\u0142 ustawiony przez u\u017Cytkownika we w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach gry.","Current beta name":"Bie\u017C\u0105ca nazwa bety","Gets the name of the beta the player enrolled to in the Steam game properties.":"Pobiera nazw\u0119 bety, kt\xF3r\u0105 gracz zapisa\u0142 we w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bciach gry Steam.","Current app build ID":"ID kompilacji bie\u017C\u0105cej aplikacji","Gets the ID of the current app build.":"Pobiera ID bie\u017C\u0105cej kompilacji aplikacji.","Digital action activated":"Akcja cyfrowa aktywowana","Triggers when a digital action (a button that is either pressed or not) of a Steam Input controller has been triggered.":"Wyzwala si\u0119, gdy cyfrowa akcja (przycisk, kt\xF3ry jest wci\u015Bni\u0119ty lub nie) kontrolera Steam zostanie uruchomiona.","Digital action _PARAM1_ of controller _PARAM0_ has been activated":"Cyfrowa akcja _PARAM1_ kontrolera _PARAM0_ zosta\u0142a aktywowana","Activate an action set":"Aktywuj zestaw akcji","Activates a Steam Input action set of a Steam Input controller.":"Aktywuje zestaw wej\u015Bcia zestawu akcji kontrolera Steam.","Activate action set _PARAM1_ of controller _PARAM0_":"Aktywuj zestaw akcji _PARAM1_ kontrolera _PARAM0_","Controller count":"Liczba kontroler\xF3w","The amount of connected Steam Input controllers.":"Liczba pod\u0142\u0105czonych kontroler\xF3w wej\u015Bciowych Steam.","Analog X-Action vector":"Analogowy wektor X-Action","The action vector of a Steam Input analog joystick on the X-axis, from 1 (all right) to -1 (all left).":"Wektor akcji na wej\u015Bciowym analogu joysticka na osi X, od 1 (wszystko prawo) do -1 (wszystko lewo).","Analog Y-Action vector":"Analogowy wektor Y-Action","The action vector of a Steam Input analog joystick on the Y-axis, from 1 (all up) to -1 (all down).":"Wektor akcji na wej\u015Bciowym analogu joysticka na osi Y, od 1 (wszystko g\xF3ra) do -1 (wszystko d\xF3\u0142).","Is Steam Cloud enabled?":"Czy chmura (Steam Cloud) jest w\u0142\u0105czona?","Checks whether steam cloud has been enabled or not for this application.":"Sprawdza, czy chmura Steam zosta\u0142a w\u0142\u0105czona, czy nie dla tej aplikacji.","Steam Cloud is enabled":"Chmura Steam jest w\u0142\u0105czona","Cloud Save":"Zapis w chmurze","File exists":"Plik istnieje","Checks if a file exists on Steam Cloud.":"Sprawdza, czy plik istnieje w chmurze Steam.","File _PARAM0_ exists on Steam Cloud":"Plik _PARAM0_ istnieje w chmurze Steam","Write a file":"Zapisz plik","Writes a file onto the Steam Cloud.":"Zapisuje plik w chmurze.","Write _PARAM1_ into the file _PARAM0_ on Steam Cloud (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Zapisz _PARAM1_ do pliku _PARAM0_ w chmurze Steam (zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_)","Delete a file":"Usu\u0144 plik","Deletes a file from the Steam Cloud.":"Usuwa plik z chmury Steam.","Delete file _PARAM0_ from Steam Cloud (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Usu\u0144 plik _PARAM0_ z chmury Steam (zapisz wynik w _PARAM1_)","Read a file":"Wczytaj plik","Reads a file from Steam Cloud and returns its contents.":"Wczytuje plik z chmury Steam i zwraca jego zawarto\u015B\u0107.","Create a Workshop item":"Utw\xF3rz przedmiot warsztatu","Creates an item owned by the current player on the Steam Workshop. This only assignes an ID to an item for the user - use the action \"Update workshop item\" to set the item data and upload the workshop file.":"Tworzy przedmiot b\u0119d\u0105cy w\u0142asno\u015Bci\u0105 bie\u017C\u0105cego gracza w warsztacie (Steam Workshop). To przypisuje tylko ID przedmiotowy u\u017Cytkownikowi - u\u017Cyj polecenia akcji \"Aktualizuj przedmiot warsztatu\", aby ustawi\u0107 dane przedmiotu i przes\u0142a\u0107 plik warsztatu.","Create a Workshop item and store its ID in _PARAM0_":"Utw\xF3rz przedmiot warsztatu i zapisz jego ID w _PARAM0_","Workshop":"Warsztat","Update a Workshop item":"Aktualizuj przedmiot warsztatu","Releases an update to a Workshop item owned by the player. If you leave a field empty, it will be kept unmodified as it was before the update.":"Wydaje aktualizacj\u0119 do przedmiotu warsztatu nale\u017C\u0105cego do gracza. Je\u017Celi zostawisz pole puste, b\u0119dzie ono niemodyfikowane, tak jak by\u0142o przed aktualizacj\u0105.","Update the Workshop item _PARAM0_ with itemId title description changeNote previewPath contentPath tags visibility":"Aktualizuj przedmiot warsztatu _PARAM0_ z widocznymi tagami itemId, title, description, changeNote, previewPath, contentPath","Workshop Item ID":"ID przedmiotu warsztatu","Title":"Tytu\u0142","Changelog":"Dziennik zmian","Path to the preview image file":"\u015Acie\u017Cka do podgl\u0105du pliku obrazu","Path to the file with the item's file":"\u015Acie\u017Cka do pliku z przedmiotem","Tags":"Tagi","Subscribe to a Workshop item":"Subskrybuj do przedmiotu warsztatu","Makes the player subscribe to a workshop item. This will cause it to be downloaded and installed ASAP.":"Sprawia, \u017Ce gracz subskrybuje przedmiot warsztatu. Spowoduje to pobranie i zainstalowanie najszybciej jak to tylko mo\u017Cliwe.","Subscribe to Workshop item _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Subskrybuj przedmiot warsztatu _PARAM0_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM1_)","Unsubscribe to a Workshop item":"Anuluj subskrypcj\u0119 przedmiotu warsztatu","Makes the player unsubscribe to a workshop item. This will cause it to removed after quitting the game.":"Sprawia, \u017Ce gracz rezygnuje z subskrypcji przedmiotu warsztatu. Spowoduje to jego usuni\u0119cie po opuszczeniu gry.","Unsubscribe to Workshop item _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Anuluj subskrypcj\u0119 przedmiotu warsztatu _PARAM0_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM1_)","Download a Workshop item":"Pobierz przedmiot warsztatu","Initiates the download of a Workshop item now.":"W\u0142a\u015Bnie rozpocz\u0119to pobieranie przedmiotu warsztatu.","Start downloading workshop item _PARAM0_ now, pause other downloads: _PARAM1_":"Rozpocznij teraz pobieranie przedmiotu warsztatu _PARAM0_, wstrzymaj inne pobierania: _PARAM1_","Check workshop item state":"Sprawdza stan przedmiotu warsztatu","Check whether a state flag is set for a Workshop item.":"Sprawdza czy flaga stanu zosta\u0142a ustawiona dla przedmiotu warsztatu.","Flag _PARAM1_ is set on Workshop item _PARAM0_":"Flaga _PARAM1_ jest ustawiona w przedmiocie warsztatu _PARAM0_","Workshop item installation location":"\u015Acie\u017Cka instalacji przedmiotu warsztatu","The file path to the contents file of an installed workshop item.":"\u015Acie\u017Cka do pliku zawarto\u015Bci zainstalowanego przedmiotu warsztatu.","Workshop item size":"Rozmiar przedmiotu warsztatu","The size on disk taken by the contents file of an installed workshop item.":"Rozmiar na dysku zabrany przez plik zawarto\u015Bci zainstalowanego przedmiotu warsztatu.","Workshop item installation time":"Czas instalacji przedmiotu warsztatu","The timestamp of the last time the contents file of an installed workshop item was updated.":"Znacznik czasu ostatniej aktualizacji pliku zawarto\u015Bci zainstalowanego przedmiotu warsztatu.","Workshop item download progress":"Post\u0119p pobierania przedmiotu warsztatu","The amount of data that has been downloaded by Steam for a currrently downloading item so far.":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 danych, jakie zosta\u0142y do tej pory pobrane przez Steam dla aktualnie pobieranego przedmiotu.","Workshop/Download":"Warsztat/Pobieranie","Workshop item download total":"Ca\u0142kowita liczba pobra\u0144 przedmiot\xF3w warsztatu","The amount of data that needs to be downloaded in total by Steam for a currrently downloading item.":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 danych, jakie musz\u0105 by\u0107 pobrane w ca\u0142o\u015Bci przez Steam dla aktualnie pobieranego przedmiotu.","Physics Engine 2.0":"Fizyka Silnik 2.0","Can be put to sleep by the engine":"Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u015Bpiony przez silnik","Allows the physics engine to stop computing interaction with the object when it's not touched. It's recommended to keep this on.":"Pozwala silnikowi fizyki zatrzyma\u0107 obliczenia interakcji z obiektem, gdy nie jest dotykany. Zalecane jest, aby ta opcja by\u0142a w\u0142\u0105czona.","Define the weight of the object, according to its size. The biggeer the density, the heavier the object.":"Ustal wag\u0119 obiektu w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od rozmiaru. Im wi\u0119ksza g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107, tym ci\u0119\u017Cszy obiekt.","Simulate realistic object physics with gravity, forces, joints, etc.":"Symuluj realistyczn\u0105 fizyk\u0119 obiektu za pomoc\u0105 grawitacji, si\u0142, staw\xF3w, itp.","Compare the world gravity on X axis.":"Por\xF3wnaj grawitacj\u0119 \u015Bwiata na osi X.","Compare the world gravity on Y axis.":"Por\xF3wnaj grawitacj\u0119 \u015Bwiata na osi Y.","World gravity":"Grawitacja \u015Bwiata","Modify the world gravity.":"Modyfikuj grawitacj\u0119 \u015Bwiata.","Set the world gravity of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Ustaw grawitacj\u0119 \u015Bwiata _PARAM0_ na _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_","World time scale":"Skala czasu \u015Bwiata","Compare the world time scale.":"Por\xF3wnaj skal\u0119 czasu \u015Bwiata.","the world time scale":"skala czasu \u015Bwiata","Time scale to compare to (1 by default)":"Skala czasu do por\xF3wnania (domy\u015Blnie 1)","Modify the world time scale.":"Modyfikuj skal\u0119 czasu \u015Bwiata.","Set the world time scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Ustaw skal\u0119 czasu \u015Bwiata _PARAM0_ na _PARAM2_","Time scale (1 by default)":"Skala czasu (domy\u015Blnie 1)","Set as dynamic":"Ustaw jako dynamiczny","Set an object as dynamic. Is affected by gravity, forces and velocities.":"Ustaw obiekt tak dynamiczny. Ma wp\u0142yw grawitacji, si\u0142y i pr\u0119dko\u015Bci.","Set _PARAM0_ as dynamic":"Ustaw _PARAM0_ jako dynamiczny","Set as static":"Ustaw jako statyczny","Set an object as static. Is not affected by gravity, and can't be moved by forces or velocities at all.":"Ustaw obiekt jako statyczny. Nie ma wp\u0142ywu na grawitacj\u0119 i nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 przeniesiony si\u0142\u0105 lub pr\u0119dko\u015Bciami.","Set _PARAM0_ as static":"Ustaw _PARAM0_ jako statyczne","Set as kinematic":"Ustaw jako kinematyczny","Set an object as kinematic. Is like a static body but can be moved through its velocity.":"Ustaw obiekt jako kinematyczny. Jest jak cia\u0142o statyczne, ale mo\u017Ce by\u0107 poruszane przez jego pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107.","Set _PARAM0_ as kinematic":"Ustaw _PARAM0_ jako kinematyczny","Is sleeping allowed":"U\u015Bpienie jest dozwolone","Check if an object can sleep.":"Check if an object can sleep.","_PARAM0_ can sleep":"_PARAM0_ mo\u017Cna u\u015Bpi\u0107","Sleeping allowed":"U\u015Bpienie jest dozwolone","Allow or not an object to sleep. If enabled the object will be able to sleep, improving performance for non-currently-moving objects.":"Pozw\xF3l lub nie u\u015Bpi\u0107 obiektu. Je\u015Bli w\u0142\u0105czone, obiekt b\u0119dzie m\xF3g\u0142 u\u015Bpi\u0107, poprawiaj\u0105c wydajno\u015B\u0107 dla obiekt\xF3w nieporuszaj\u0105cych si\u0119 obecnie.","Allow _PARAM0_ to sleep: _PARAM2_":"Pozw\xF3l _PARAM0_ u\u015Bpi\u0107: _PARAM2_","Can sleep?":"Czy mog\u0119 spa\u0107?","Is sleeping":"\u015Api\u0119","Check if an object is sleeping.":"Check if an object is sleeping.","_PARAM0_ is sleeping":"_PARAM0_ \u015Bpi","Modify an object shape scale. It affects custom shape dimensions and shape offset, if custom dimensions are not set the body will be scaled automatically to the object size.":"Modyfikuj skal\u0119 kszta\u0142tu obiektu. Wp\u0142ywa na niestandardowe wymiary kszta\u0142tu i przesuni\u0119cie kszta\u0142tu, je\u015Bli niestandardowe wymiary nie s\u0105 ustawione, tre\u015B\u0107 zostanie automatycznie przeskalowana do rozmiaru obiektu.","Test an object density.":"Testuj g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","the _PARAM0_ density":"g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_","Modify an object density. The body's density and volume determine its mass.":"Zmodyfikuj g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 obiektu. G\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 i obj\u0119to\u015B\u0107 okre\u015Bla jego mas\u0119.","Density of the object":"G\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Get the density of an object.":"Pobierz g\u0119sto\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Test an object friction.":"Sprawd\u017A tarcie obiektu.","the _PARAM0_ friction":"tarcie _PARAM0_","Modify an object friction. How much energy is lost from the movement of one object over another. The combined friction from two bodies is calculated as 'sqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)'.":"Zmodyfikuj tarcie obiektu. Ile energii jest traconej podczas poruszania si\u0119 jednego obiektu na drugim. \u0141\u0105czne tarcie dw\xF3ch cia\u0142 oblicza si\u0119 jako \u201Esqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)\u201D.","Friction of the object":"Starcie obiektu","Get the friction of an object.":"Uzyskaj tarcie obiektu.","Test an object restitution.":"Testuj przywr\xF3cenie obiektu.","the _PARAM0_ restitution":"przywr\xF3cenie _PARAM0_","Modify an object restitution. Energy conservation on collision. The combined restitution from two bodies is calculated as 'max(bodyA.restitution, bodyB.restitution)'.":"Modyfikuj przywr\xF3cenie obiektu. Oszcz\u0119dno\u015B\u0107 energii w przypadku kolizji. \u0141\u0105czny zwrot z dw\xF3ch organ\xF3w oblicza si\u0119 jako \u201Emax(bodyA.restitution, bodyB.restitution)\u201D.","Restitution of the object":"Elastyczno\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Get the restitution of an object.":"Uzyskaj elastyczno\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Test an object linear damping.":"Testuj liniow\u0105 amortyzacj\u0119 obiektu.","the _PARAM0_ linear damping":"liniowe t\u0142umienie _PARAM0_","Modify an object linear damping. How much movement speed is lost across the time.":"Zmodyfikuj liniow\u0105 t\u0142umienie obiektu. Ile szybko\u015Bci ruchu jest utracone w czasie.","Linear damping of the object":"T\u0142umienie liniowe obiektu","Get the linear damping of an object.":"Uzyskaj liniowe t\u0142umienie obiektu.","Test an object angular damping.":"Test t\u0142umienia k\u0105towego obiektu.","the _PARAM0_ angular damping":"t\u0142umienie k\u0105towe _PARAM0_","Modify an object angular damping. How much angular speed is lost across the time.":"Zmodyfikuj t\u0142umienie k\u0105towe obiektu. Ile pr\u0119dko\u015Bci k\u0105towej jest tracone w czasie.","Angular damping of the object":"T\u0142umienie k\u0105towe obiektu","Get the angular damping of an object.":"Zdob\u0105d\u017A t\u0142umienie k\u0105towe obiektu.","Test an object gravity scale.":"Sprawd\u017A skal\u0119 grawitacji obiektu.","the _PARAM0_ gravity scale":"skala grawitacji _PARAM0_","Modify an object gravity scale. The gravity applied to an object is the world gravity multiplied by the object gravity scale.":"Zmodyfikuj skal\u0119 grawitacji obiektu. Grawitacja obiektu to grawitacja \u015Bwiata pomno\u017Cona przez skal\u0119 grawitacji obiektu.","Gravity scale of the object":"Skala grawitacji obiektu","Get the gravity scale of an object.":"Pobierz skal\u0119 grawitacji obiektu.","Layer (1 - 16)":"Warstwa (1 - 16)","Mask (1 - 16)":"Maska (1 - 16)","Test an object linear velocity on X.":"Testuj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniow\u0105 obiektu na X.","Modify an object linear velocity on X.":"Modyfikuj liniow\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu na osi X.","Linear velocity on X axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniowa na osi X","Get the linear velocity of an object on X axis.":"Uzyskaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniow\u0105 obiektu na osi X.","Test an object linear velocity on Y.":"Testuj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniow\u0105 obiektu na Y.","Modify an object linear velocity on Y.":"Modyfikuj liniow\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obiektu na osi Y.","Linear velocity on Y axis":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniowa na osi Y","Get the linear velocity of an object on Y axis.":"Uzyskaj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniow\u0105 obiektu na osi Y.","Test an object linear velocity length.":"Test pr\u0119dko\u015Bci liniowej obiektu.","Get the linear velocity of an object.":"Uzyskaj pr\u0119dko\u015Bci liniowej obiektu.","Linear velocity angle":"K\u0105t pr\u0119dko\u015Bci liniowej","Test an object linear velocity angle.":"Testuj liniowy k\u0105t pr\u0119dko\u015Bci obiektu.","the linear velocity angle":"k\u0105t pr\u0119dko\u015Bci liniowej","Compare the linear velocity angle of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj k\u0105t pr\u0119dko\u015Bci liniowej obiektu.","Linear velocity towards an angle":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 liniowa w kierunku k\u0105ta","Set the linear velocity towards an angle.":"Ustaw pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniow\u0105 w kierunku k\u0105ta.","Set the linear velocity of _PARAM0_ towards angle: _PARAM2_ degrees, speed: _PARAM3_ pixels per second":"Ustaw pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 liniow\u0105 _PARAM0_ k\u0105ta: _PARAM2_ stopni, pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107: _PARAM3_ pikseli na sekund\u0119","Get the linear velocity angle of an object.":"Uzyskaj k\u0105t pr\u0119dko\u015Bci liniowej obiektu.","Angular velocity":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa","Test an object angular velocity.":"Testowanie obiektu pr\u0119dko\u015Bci\u0105 k\u0105tow\u0105.","the angular velocity":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa","Angular speed to compare to (in degrees per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa do por\xF3wnania (w stopniach na sekund\u0119)","Modify an object angular velocity.":"Modyfikacji obiektu pr\u0119dko\u015Bci\u0105 k\u0105tow\u0105.","Get the angular velocity of an object.":"Uzyska\u0107 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105tow\u0105 obiektu.","Apply force":"Zastosuj si\u0142\u0119","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Zastosuj do _PARAM0_ si\u0142\u0119 _PARAM2 _; _ PARAM3_","Apply force (angle)":"Zastosuj si\u0142\u0119 (k\u0105t)","Apply a force to the object over time using polar coordinates. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Zastosuj si\u0142\u0119 do obiektu w czasie za pomoc\u0105 wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych polarnych. To \"przy\u015Bpiesza\" obiekt i musi by\u0107 u\u017Cywane w ka\u017Cdej klatce.","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of angle _PARAM2_ and length _PARAM3_":"Zastosuj do _PARAM0_ si\u0142\u0119 _PARAM2_ k\u0105t i d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM3_","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Zastosuj do _PARAM0_ si\u0142\u0119 d\u0142ugo\u015Bci _PARAM2_ kierunku _PARAM3 _; _ PARAM4_","Apply impulse":"Zastosuj impuls","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Zastosuj do _PARAM0_ impuls z _PARAM2 _; _ PARAM3_","Apply impulse (angle)":"Zastosuj impuls (k\u0105t)","Apply an impulse to the object using polar coordinates. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Zastosuj impuls do obiektu za pomoc\u0105 wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych polarnych. Natychmiastowo zmienia pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107, na przyk\u0142ad daj\u0105c pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 pocz\u0105tkow\u0105.","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of angle _PARAM2_ and length _PARAM3_ (applied at _PARAM4_;_PARAM5_)":"Stosuje si\u0119 do _PARAM0_ impuls, _PARAM2_ k\u0105t i d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM3_ (stosowany w _PARAM4 _; _ PARAM5_)","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (applied at _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_)":"Stosuje si\u0119 do _PARAM0_ impuls o d\u0142ugo\u015Bci _PARAM2_ kierunku _PARAM3 _; _ PARAM4_ (stosowany w _PARAM5 _; _ PARAM6_)","Apply to _PARAM0_ a torque of _PARAM2_":"Zastosuj do _PARAM0_ momentem _PARAM2_","Torque (N\xB7m)":"Moment obrotowy (N\xB7m)","Apply to _PARAM0_ an angular impulse of _PARAM2_":"Zastosuj do _PARAM0_ k\u0105towe impuls _PARAM2_","Angular impulse (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Impuls k\u0105towy (N\xB7m\xB7s)","Inertia":"Bezw\u0142adno\u015B\u0107","Return the rotational inertia of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2)":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 bezw\u0142adno\u015B\u0107 obrotow\u0105 obiektu (w kilogramach \xB7 metrach\xB2)","Joint first object":"Wsp\xF3lny pierwszy obiekt","Check if an object is the first object on a joint.":"Check if an object is the first object on a joint.","_PARAM0_ is the first object for joint _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ pierwszy obiekt, do wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Joints":"Stawy","Joint ID":"ID Stawu","Joint second object":"Wsp\xF3lne drugi obiekt","Check if an object is the second object on a joint.":"Check if an object is the second object on a joint.","_PARAM0_ is the second object for joint _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ jest drugi obiekt do wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Joint first anchor X":"Wsp\xF3lne pierwsza kotwica X","Joint first anchor Y":"Wsp\xF3lne pierwsza kotwica Y","Joint second anchor X":"Wsp\xF3lne druga kotwica X","Joint second anchor Y":"Druga kotwica stawna Y","Joint reaction force":"Wsp\xF3lna si\u0142a reakcji","Test a joint reaction force.":"Sprawdzi\u0107 wsp\xF3ln\u0105 si\u0142\u0119 reakcyjn\u0105.","the joint _PARAM2_ reaction force":"po\u0142\u0105czona si\u0142a reakcji _PARAM2_","Joint reaction torque":"Wsp\xF3lna si\u0142a reakcji","Test a joint reaction torque.":"Pr\xF3ba momentu obrotowego reakcji \u0142\u0105cznej.","the joint _PARAM2_ reaction torque":"moment reakcji po\u0142\u0105czenia _PARAM2_","Remove joint":"Usu\u0144 stawy","Remove a joint from the scene.":"Usu\u0144 z\u0142\u0105cze ze sceny.","Remove joint _PARAM2_":"Usu\u0144 po\u0142\u0105czenie _PARAM2_","Add distance joint":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie dystansowe","Add a distance joint between two objects. The length is converted to meters using the world scale on X. The frequency and damping ratio are related to the joint speed of oscillation and how fast it stops.":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie odleg\u0142o\u015Bci mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 jest przeliczana na metry przy u\u017Cyciu skali \u015Bwiata na X. Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 i wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia zale\u017C\u0105 od szybko\u015Bci oscylacji staw\xF3w i szybko\u015Bci zatrzymania.","Add a distance joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie odleg\u0142o\u015Bci mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ i _PARAM4_","Joints/Distance":"Staro\u017Cytne/Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107","First object":"Pierwszy obiekt","Anchor X on first body":"Kotwica X na pierwszym korpusie","Anchor Y on first body":"Kotwica Y na pierwszym organizmie","Second object":"Drugi obiekt","Anchor X on second body":"Kotwica X na drugim korpusie","Anchor Y on second body":"Kotwica Y na drugim ciele","Length (-1 to use current objects distance) (default: -1)":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 (-1 aby u\u017Cy\u0107 bie\u017C\u0105cej odleg\u0142o\u015Bci obiekt\xF3w) (domy\u015Blnie: -1)","Frequency (Hz) (non-negative) (default: 0)":"Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 (Hz) (nieujemna) (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Damping ratio (non-negative) (default: 1)":"Wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia (nieujemny) (domy\u015Blnie: 1)","Allow collision between connected bodies? (default: no)":"Zezwalaj na kolizj\u0119 po\u0142\u0105czonych cia\u0142? (domy\u015Blnie: nie)","Variable where to store the joint ID (default: none)":"Zmienna gdzie przechowywa\u0107 wsp\xF3lny ID (domy\u015Blnie: non)","Distance joint length":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 po\u0142\u0105czenia","Modify a distance joint length.":"Zmodyfikuj d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 po\u0142\u0105czenia odleg\u0142o\u015Bci.","the length for distance joint _PARAM2_":"d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 po\u0142\u0105czenia odleg\u0142o\u015Bci _PARAM2_","Distance joint frequency":"Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 \u0142\u0105czenia odleg\u0142o\u015Bci","Modify a distance joint frequency.":"Modyfikuj cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 \u0142\u0105czenia odleg\u0142o\u015Bci.","the frequency for distance joint _PARAM2_":"cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 po\u0142\u0105czenia odleg\u0142o\u015Bci _PARAM2_","Distance joint damping ratio":"Stosunek t\u0142umienia z\u0142\u0105czy","Modify a distance joint damping ratio.":"Zmodyfikuj stosunek t\u0142umienia po\u0142\u0105czenia na odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107.","the damping ratio for distance joint _PARAM2_":"wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia dla po\u0142\u0105czenia odleg\u0142o\u015Bciowego _PARAM2_","Add revolute joint":"Dodaj obw\xF3d rewolucyjny","Add a revolute joint to an object at a fixed point. The object is attached as the second object in the joint, so you can use this for gear joints.":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie obrotowe do obiektu w sta\u0142ym punkcie. Obiekt jest do\u0142\u0105czony jako drugi obiekt w stawie, wi\u0119c mo\u017Cesz u\u017Cy\u0107 go do staw\xF3w z\u0119batych.","Add a revolute joint to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Dodaj obracane po\u0142\u0105czenie do _PARAM0_ w _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_","Joints/Revolute":"Joint/Revolute","X anchor":"X kotwica","Y anchor":"Y kotwica","Enable angle limits? (default: no)":"W\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 limity k\u0105ta? (domy\u015Blnie: nie)","Reference angle (default: 0)":"K\u0105t odniesienia (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Minimum angle (default: 0)":"Minimalny k\u0105t (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Maximum angle (default: 0)":"Maksymalny k\u0105t (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Enable motor? (default: no)":"W\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 silnik? (domy\u015Blnie: nie)","Motor speed (default: 0)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 silnika (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Motor maximum torque (default: 0)":"Maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Add revolute joint between two bodies":"Dodaj z\u0142\u0105cze rewolucyjne pomi\u0119dzy dwoma cia\u0142ami","Add a revolute joint between two objects. The reference angle determines what is considered as the base angle at the initial state.":"Dodaj \u0142\u0105cznik obrotowy pomi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. K\u0105t odniesienia okre\u015Bla to, co jest uwa\u017Cane za k\u0105t podstawowy w stanie pocz\u0105tkowym.","Add a revolute joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj obw\xF3d obrotowy mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_","Revolute joint reference angle":"Przegub k\u0105ta","Revolute joint current angle":"Przegub k\u0105t pr\u0105d","Revolute joint angular speed":"Przegub pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa","Revolute joint limits enabled":"w\u0142\u0105czona Przegub limity","Check if a revolute joint limits are enabled.":"Check if a revolute joint limits are enabled.","Limits for revolute joint _PARAM2_ are enabled":"Limity dla Przegub _PARAM2_ s\u0105 w\u0142\u0105czone","Enable revolute joint limits":"W\u0142\u0105cz Przegub limit\xF3w","Enable or disable a revolute joint angle limits.":"W\u0142\u0105czanie i wy\u0142\u0105czanie zawiasowych granice k\u0105ta po\u0142\u0105czenia.","Enable limits for revolute joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz limity Przegub _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Revolute joint limits":"Przegub limity","Modify a revolute joint angle limits.":"Modyfikowanie zawiasowych granice k\u0105ta po\u0142\u0105czenia.","Set the limits to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ for revolute joint _PARAM2_":"Ustawi\u0107 limity _PARAM3 _; _ PARAM4_ dla Przegub _PARAM2_","Minimum angle":"Minimalny k\u0105t","Maximum angle":"maksymalny k\u0105t","Revolute joint minimum angle":"Przegub minimalnego k\u0105ta","Revolute joint maximum angle":"Przegub Maksymalny k\u0105t","Revolute joint motor enabled":"w\u0142\u0105czona Przegub silnik","Check if a revolute joint motor is enabled.":"Check if a revolute joint motor is enabled.","Motor of revolute joint _PARAM2_ is enabled":"Silnik Przegub _PARAM2_ jest w\u0142\u0105czona","Enable revolute joint motor":"W\u0142\u0105cz Przegub silnik","Enable or disable a revolute joint motor.":"W\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 lub wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 Przegub silnik.","Enable motor for revolute joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz silnik na Przegub _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Revolute joint motor speed":"Przegub pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 silnika","Modify a revolute joint motor speed.":"Modyfikowanie Przegub pr\u0119dko\u015Bci silnika.","the motor speed for revolute joint _PARAM2_":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 silnika dla Przegub _PARAM2_","Revolute joint max motor torque":"Przegub max moment obrotowy silnika","Modify a revolute joint maximum motor torque.":"Modyfikowanie Przegub maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika.","the maximum motor torque for revolute joint _PARAM2_":"Maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika na Przegub _PARAM2_","Revolute joint maximum motor torque":"Przegub Maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika","Revolute joint motor torque":"Przegub obrotowy silnika","Add prismatic joint":"Dodaj pryzmatyczny przegub","Add a prismatic joint between two objects. The translation limits are converted to meters using the world scale on X.":"Dodaj pryzmatyczny przegub mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. Granice t\u0142umaczeniowe s\u0105 konwertowane do licznik\xF3w z wykorzystaniem skali \u015Bwiatowej na X.","Add a prismatic joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj pryzmatyczny przegub mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ i _PARAM4_","Joints/Prismatic":"Przeguby / Prismatic","Axis angle":"k\u0105t osi","Enable limits? (default: no)":"W\u0142\u0105cz limity? (Default: no)","Minimum translation (default: 0)":"T\u0142umaczenie minimalna (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Maximum translation (default: 0)":"T\u0142umaczenie maksymalna (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Motor maximum force (default: 0)":"Si\u0142a maksymalna silnika (domy\u015Blnie: 0)","Prismatic joint axis angle":"O\u015B przegubu pryzmatycznego k\u0105t","Prismatic joint reference angle":"Przegubu pryzmatycznego k\u0105ta","Prismatic joint current translation":"Pryzmatyczny przegub t\u0142umaczenie pr\u0105d","Prismatic joint current speed":"Pryzmatyczny przegub pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 aktualna","Prismatic joint speed":"Pryzmatyczny przegub pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107","Prismatic joint limits enabled":"w\u0142\u0105czona pryzmatyczne wsp\xF3lne granice","Check if a prismatic joint limits are enabled.":"Check if a prismatic joint limits are enabled.","Limits for prismatic joint _PARAM2_ are enabled":"Limity dla graniastos\u0142upa wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_ s\u0105 w\u0142\u0105czone","Enable prismatic joint limits":"W\u0142\u0105czanie pryzmatyczne wsp\xF3lnych granic","Enable or disable a prismatic joint limits.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz granice po\u0142\u0105cze\u0144 pryzmatycznych.","Enable limits for prismatic joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz ograniczenia dla po\u0142\u0105czenia pryzmatycznego _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Prismatic joint limits":"Wsp\xF3lne warto\u015Bci graniczne dla pirat\xF3w","Modify a prismatic joint limits.":"Zmodyfikuj limity staw\xF3w pryzmatycznych.","Set the limits to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ for prismatic joint _PARAM2_":"Ustaw limity na _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ dla stawu pryzmatycznego _PARAM2_","Minimum translation":"Minimalne t\u0142umaczenie","Maximum translation":"Maksymalne t\u0142umaczenie","Prismatic joint minimum translation":"Minimalne t\u0142umaczenie pryzmatyczne","Prismatic joint maximum translation":"Maksymalne t\u0142umaczenie pryzmatyczne","Prismatic joint motor enabled":"Pr\u0105dnicowy silnik z\u0142\u0105czny","Check if a prismatic joint motor is enabled.":"Check if a prismatic joint motor is enabled.","Motor for prismatic joint _PARAM2_ is enabled":"Silnik dla stawu pryzmatycznego _PARAM2_ jest w\u0142\u0105czony","Enable prismatic joint motor":"W\u0142\u0105cz silnik pryzmatyczny","Enable or disable a prismatic joint motor.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz silnik staw\xF3w pryzmatycznych.","Enable motor for prismatic joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz silnik dla po\u0142\u0105czenia pryzmatycznego _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Prismatic joint motor speed":"Pryzmatyczna wsp\xF3lna pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obrotowa silnika","Modify a prismatic joint motor speed.":"Zmodyfikuj pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 obrotow\u0105 pryzmatyczn\u0105.","the motor force for prismatic joint _PARAM2_":"si\u0142a nap\u0119dowa stawu pryzmatycznego _PARAM2_","Prismatic joint max motor force":"Maksymalna si\u0142a silnicza pryzmatyczna","Modify a prismatic joint maximum motor force.":"Zmie\u0144 maksymaln\u0105 si\u0142\u0119 nap\u0119dow\u0105 pryzmatyczn\u0105.","the maximum motor force for prismatic joint _PARAM2_":"maksymalna si\u0142a silnika dla stawu pryzmatycznego _PARAM2_","Prismatic joint maximum motor force":"Maksymalna si\u0142a nap\u0119dowa w nap\u0119dzie pryzmatycznym","Prismatic joint motor force":"Si\u0142a silnika po\u0142\u0105czona pryzmatycznie","Add pulley joint":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie ko\u0142a pasowego","Add a pulley joint between two objects. Lengths are converted to meters using the world scale on X.":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie ko\u0142a pasowego mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. D\u0142ugo\u015Bci s\u0105 przeliczane na metry przy u\u017Cyciu skali \u015Bwiatowej na X.","Add a pulley joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie ko\u0142a pasowego mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_","Joints/Pulley":"Przeguby / bloczek","Ground anchor X for first object":"kotwica ziemia X dla pierwszego obiektu","Ground anchor Y for first object":"Ziemia kotwica Y dla pierwszego obiektu","Ground anchor X for second object":"kotwica ziemia X dla drugiego obiektu","Ground anchor Y for second object":"Ziemia kotwica Y dla drugiego obiektu","Length for first object (-1 to use anchor positions) (default: -1)":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 dla pierwszego obiektu (-1 do stanowisk u\u017Cycie kotwicznych) (domy\u015Blnie: -1)","Length for second object (-1 to use anchor positions) (default: -1)":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 dla drugiego obiektu (-1 do stanowisk u\u017Cycie kotwicznych) (domy\u015Blnie: -1)","Ratio (non-negative) (default: 1":"Stosunek (nieujemna) (domy\u015Blnie: 1","Pulley joint first ground anchor X":"Ko\u0142o pasowe wsp\xF3lny pierwszy zarzut kotwica X","Pulley joint first ground anchor Y":"Ko\u0142o pasowe wsp\xF3lny pierwszy zarzut kotwica Y","Pulley joint second ground anchor X":"Ko\u0142o pasowe wsp\xF3lny drugi zarzut kotwica X","Pulley joint second ground anchor Y":"Ko\u0142o pasowe wsp\xF3lny drugi zarzut kotwica Y","Pulley joint first length":"Ko\u0142o pasowe wsp\xF3lny pierwszy d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107","Pulley joint second length":"Ko\u0142o pasowe joint druga d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107","Pulley joint ratio":"Wsp\xF3lny stosunek pasowe","Add gear joint":"Dodaj bieg\xF3w przegub","Add a gear joint between two joints. Attention: Gear joints require the joints to be revolute or prismatic, and both of them to be attached to a static body as first object.":"Dodaj przegub przek\u0142adni mi\u0119dzy dwoma stawami. Uwaga: staw\xF3w bieg\xF3w wymagaj\u0105 staw\xF3w by\u0107 zawini\u0119ty pryzmatyczny i obie z nich jest przymocowana do korpusu w pierwszym obiektem statycznym.","Add a gear joint between joints _PARAM2_ and _PARAM3_":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta bieg\xF3w mi\u0119dzy staw\xF3w _PARAM2_ i _PARAM3_","Joints/Gear":"Przeguby / bieg\xF3w","First joint ID":"Pierwszy wsp\xF3lny identyfikator","Second joint ID":"Drugi wsp\xF3lny identyfikator","Ratio (non-zero) (default: 1)":"Stosunek (niezerowa) (domy\u015Blnie: 1)","Gear joint first joint":"Bieg wsp\xF3lny pierwszy wsp\xF3lny","Gear joint second joint":"Wsp\xF3lny bieg drugi wsp\xF3lny","Gear joint ratio":"Wsp\xF3lny Prze\u0142o\u017Cenie","Modify a Gear joint ratio.":"Modyfikowanie staw\xF3w prze\u0142o\u017Cenia.","the ratio for gear joint _PARAM2_":"stosunek do przek\u0142adni wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Add mouse joint":"Dodaj z\u0142\u0105cze myszy","Add a mouse joint to an object (makes the object move towards a specific point).":"Dodaj \u0142\u0105cznik myszy do obiektu (sprawia, \u017Ce obiekt porusza si\u0119 w kierunku okre\u015Blonego punktu).","Add a mouse joint to _PARAM0_":"Dodaj z\u0142\u0105cze myszy na _PARAM0_","Joints/Mouse":"Przeguby / mysz","Target X":"Cel X","Target Y":"Cel Y","Maximum force (N) (non-negative) (default: 500)":"Maksymalna si\u0142a (N) (nie-ujemne) (domy\u015Blnie: 500)","Frequency (Hz) (positive) (default: 10)":"Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 (Hz) (dodatnia) (domy\u015Blnie: 10)","Mouse joint target":"Mysz wsp\xF3lny cel","Set a mouse joint target.":"Postawi\u0142 sobie za cel wsp\xF3lne myszy.","Set the target position of mouse joint _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Ustaw pozycj\u0119 docelow\u0105 myszy wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_ z _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3 _; _ PARAM4_","Mouse joint target X":"Wsp\xF3lny cel myszy X","Mouse joint target Y":"Myszy wsp\xF3lny cel T","Mouse joint max force":"Myszy staw\xF3w si\u0142a maksymalna","Set a mouse joint maximum force.":"Ustaw myszy wsp\xF3lne si\u0142y maksymalnej.","the maximum force for mouse joint _PARAM2_":"Maksymalna si\u0142a dla myszy wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Mouse joint maximum force":"Mysz wsp\xF3lna si\u0142a maksymalna","Mouse joint frequency":"Mysz wsp\xF3lna cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107","Set a mouse joint frequency.":"Ustaw cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 staw\xF3w myszy.","the frequency for mouse joint _PARAM2_":"cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 dla myszy wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Mouse joint damping ratio":"Myszy wsp\xF3lny wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia","Set a mouse joint damping ratio.":"Ustaw wska\u017Anik myszy wsp\xF3lne t\u0142umienia.","the damping ratio for mouse joint _PARAM2_":"wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia dla myszy wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Add wheel joint":"Dodaj ko\u0142o stawu","Add a wheel joint between two objects. Higher frequencies means higher suspensions. Damping determines oscillations, critical damping of 1 means no oscillations.":"Dodaj przegub ko\u0142a mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. Wy\u017Csze cz\u0119stotliwo\u015Bci oznacza wy\u017Csze zawiesin. Okre\u015Bla t\u0142umienie oscylacji t\u0142umienia krytycznego 1 oznacza brak oscylacji.","Add a wheel joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj przegub ko\u0142a pomi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ i _PARAM4_","Joints/Wheel":"Przeguby / opony","Frequency (Hz) (non-negative) (default: 10)":"Cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 (Hz) (nieujemna) (domy\u015Blnie: 10)","Wheel joint axis angle":"Wsp\xF3lna o\u015B ko\u0142a k\u0105t","Wheel joint current translation":"Ko\u0142o staw\xF3w t\u0142umaczenie pr\u0105d","Wheel joint current speed":"Ko\u0142o staw\xF3w pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 aktualna","Wheel joint speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 ko\u0142a staw\xF3w","Wheel joint motor enabled":"w\u0142\u0105czony silnik ko\u0142o staw\xF3w","Check if a wheel joint motor is enabled.":"Check if a wheel joint motor is enabled.","Motor for wheel joint _PARAM2_ is enabled":"Silnik do k\xF3\u0142 wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_ jest w\u0142\u0105czona","Enable wheel joint motor":"W\u0142\u0105cz ko\u0142a wsp\xF3lny silnik","Enable or disable a wheel joint motor.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz ko\u0142o wsp\xF3lny silnik.","Enable motor for wheel joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz silnik na ko\u0142a wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Wheel joint motor speed":"Ko\u0142o wsp\xF3lne obroty silnika","Modify a wheel joint motor speed.":"Modyfikowanie ko\u0142a wsp\xF3ln\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 silnika.","the motor speed for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 silnika na ko\u0142a wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Wheel joint max motor torque":"Ko\u0142o stawu max moment obrotowy silnika","Modify a wheel joint maximum motor torque.":"Modyfikowa\u0107 ko\u0142o staw\xF3w maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika.","the maximum motor torque for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"Maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika na ko\u0142a wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Wheel joint maximum motor torque":"Ko\u0142o wsp\xF3lny maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika","Wheel joint motor torque":"Ko\u0142o wsp\xF3lny moment silnika","Wheel joint frequency":"Ko\u0142o staw\xF3w cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107","Modify a wheel joint frequency.":"Modyfikowanie ko\u0142a wsp\xF3ln\u0105 cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107.","the frequency for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 dla k\xF3\u0142 wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Wheel joint damping ratio":"Ko\u0142o wsp\xF3lny wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia","Modify a wheel joint damping ratio.":"Modyfikowanie stosunku wsp\xF3lne ko\u0142a t\u0142umienia.","the damping ratio for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia dla ko\u0142a wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Add weld joint":"Dodaj zgrzeiny","Add a weld joint between two objects.":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta spoiny pomi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami.","Add a weld joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta spoiny mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ i _PARAM4_","Joints/Weld":"Przeguby / Weld","Weld joint reference angle":"Spoina k\u0105ta odniesienia","Weld joint frequency":"Spoina wsp\xF3lnej cz\u0119stotliwo\u015Bci","Modify a weld joint frequency.":"Modyfikowanie zgrzeiny cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107.","the frequency for weld joint _PARAM2_":"cz\u0119stotliwo\u015B\u0107 dla zgrzeiny _PARAM2_","Weld joint damping ratio":"Spoina wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia","Modify a weld joint damping ratio.":"Modyfikowanie stosunku zgrzewanego t\u0142umienia.","the damping ratio for weld joint _PARAM2_":"wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik t\u0142umienia dla zgrzeiny _PARAM2_","Add rope joint":"Add lina staw\xF3w","Add a rope joint between two objects. The maximum length is converted to meters using the world scale on X.":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta liny mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. Maksymalna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 przekszta\u0142ca si\u0119 m z wykorzystaniem skali \u015Bwiatowej na X.","Add a rope joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta liny mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ i _PARAM4_","Joints/Rope":"Przeguby / Lina","Maximum length (-1 to use current objects distance) (default: -1)":"Maksymalna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 (-1 u\u017Cywa\u0107 aktualnych obiekt\xF3w na odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107) (domy\u015Blnie: -1)","Rope joint max length":"Maksymalna \u0142\u0105czna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 liny","Modify a rope joint maximum length.":"Modyfikowa\u0107 d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 liny wsp\xF3lny maksymaln\u0105.","the maximum length for rope joint _PARAM2_":"maksymalna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 liny dla wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Rope joint maximum length":"Maksymalna d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 liny staw\xF3w","Add friction joint":"Wsp\xF3lny dodatek tarcie","Add a friction joint between two objects.":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta tarcia pomi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami.","Add a friction joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta tarcia mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ i _PARAM4_","Joints/Friction":"Przeguby / Friction","Maximum force (non-negative)":"Maksymalna si\u0142a (nieujemna)","Maximum torque (non-negative)":"Maksymalny moment obrotowy (nieujemna)","Friction joint max force":"Maksymalna si\u0142a tarcia staw\xF3w","Modify a friction joint maximum force.":"Modyfikacji tarcia wsp\xF3lny zesp\xF3\u0142 maksimum.","the maximum force for friction joint _PARAM2_":"Maksymalna si\u0142a tarcia dla wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Friction joint maximum force":"Maksymalna si\u0142a tarcia wsp\xF3lne","Friction joint max torque":"Moment tarcia wsp\xF3lne max","Modify a friction joint maximum torque.":"Modyfikowanie tarcia wsp\xF3lny maksymalny moment obrotowy.","the maximum torque for friction joint _PARAM2_":"Maksymalny moment tarcia dla wsp\xF3lnej _PARAM2_","Friction joint maximum torque":"Tarcie wsp\xF3lny maksymalny moment","Add motor joint":"Wsp\xF3lny dodatek motor","Add a motor joint between two objects. The position and angle offsets are relative to the first object.":"Dodaj po\u0142\u0105czenie silnika pomi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. Odsuni\u0119cia pozycji i k\u0105ta s\u0105 okre\u015Blone wzgl\u0119dem pierwszego obiektu.","Add a motor joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM2_":"Dodaj skr\u0119ta silnika mi\u0119dzy _PARAM0_ i _PARAM2_","Joints/Motor":"Przeguby / Silnik","Offset X position":"Przesuni\u0119cie pozycji X","Offset Y position":"Przesuni\u0119cie pozycji Y","Offset Angle":"K\u0105t offsetu","Correction factor (default: 1)":"wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik korekcyjny (domy\u015Blnie: 1)","Motor joint offset":"wsp\xF3lny silnik offsetu","Modify a motor joint offset.":"Modyfikowanie po\u0142\u0105czenia silnika offset.","Set offset to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ for motor joint _PARAM2_":"Ustaw offset _PARAM3 _; _ PARAM4_ dla silnika wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Offset X":"przesuni\u0119cie X","Offset Y":"przesuni\u0119cie Y","Motor joint offset X":"wsp\xF3lny silnik przesuni\u0119cie X","Motor joint offset Y":"wsp\xF3lny silnik przesuni\u0119cie Y","Motor joint angular offset":"Silnik wsp\xF3lny k\u0105towe","Modify a motor joint angular offset.":"Modyfikowa\u0107 wsp\xF3lny silnik k\u0105towe.","the angular offset for motor joint _PARAM2_":"przesuni\u0119cie k\u0105towe dla silnika wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Motor joint max force":"Silnik wsp\xF3lna si\u0142a max","Modify a motor joint maximum force.":"Modyfikowanie wsp\xF3lnej si\u0142y maksymalnej silnika.","the maximum force for motor joint _PARAM2_":"si\u0142a maksymalna dla silnika wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Motor joint maximum force":"Silnik wsp\xF3lna si\u0142a maksymalna","Motor joint max torque":"Silnik max moment obrotowy przegub","Modify a motor joint maximum torque.":"Modyfikacji silnika wsp\xF3lny maksymalny moment obrotowy.","the maximum torque for motor joint _PARAM2_":"Maksymalny moment obrotowy silnika do wsp\xF3lnej _PARAM2_","Motor joint maximum torque":"Moment maksymalny wsp\xF3lny silnik","Motor joint correction factor":"Silnik wsp\xF3lny czynnik korekcji","Modify a motor joint correction factor.":"Zmodyfikowa\u0107 wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik korekcyjny wsp\xF3lny silnik.","the correction factor for motor joint _PARAM2_":"wsp\xF3\u0142czynnik koryguj\u0105cy silnika wsp\xF3lnego _PARAM2_","Player Authentication":"Uwierzytelnianie gracza","Allow your game to authenticate players.":"Pozw\xF3l Twojej grze uwierzytelnia\u0107 graczy.","Display authentication banner":"Wy\u015Bwietl baner uwierzytelniania","Display an authentication banner at the top of the game screen, for the player to log in.":"Wy\u015Bwietla baner uwierzytelniania u g\xF3ry ekranu gry, by gracz m\xF3g\u0142 si\u0119 zalogowa\u0107.","Display an authentication banner":"Wy\u015Bwietl baner uwierzytelnienia","Hide authentication banner":"Ukryj baner uwierzytelniania","Hide the authentication banner from the top of the game screen.":"Ukrywa baner uwierzytelniania, kt\xF3ry znajduje si\u0119 na g\xF3rze ekranu.","Hide the authentication banner":"Ukryj baner uwierzytelniania","Open authentication window":"Otw\xF3rz okno uwierzytelniania","Open an authentication window for the player to log in.":"Otwiera okno uwierzytelniania gracza, by si\u0119 zalogowa\u0142.","Open an authentication window":"Otw\xF3rz okno uwierzytelniania","Authentication window is open":"Okno uwierzytelniania jest otwarte","Check if the authentication window is open.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okno uwierzytelniania jest otwarte.","Log out the player":"Wyloguj gracza","Log out the player.":"Wylogowuje gracza.","Get the username of the authenticated player.":"Pobierz nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika uwierzytelnionego gracza.","User ID":"ID u\u017Cytkownika","Get the unique user ID of the authenticated player.":"Pobierz unikalny identyfikator u\u017Cytkownika uwierzytelnionego gracza.","Player is authenticated":"Gracz jest uwierzytelniony","Check if the player is authenticated.":"Pobierz unikalny identyfikator u\u017Cytkownika uwierzytelnionego gracza.","Player has logged in":"Gracz si\u0119 zalogowa\u0142","Check if the player has just logged in.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gracz w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 zalogowa\u0142.","Firebase":"Firebase","Use Google Firebase services (database, functions, storage...) in your game.":"U\u017Cyj us\u0142ug Google Firebase (baza danych, funkcje, pami\u0119\u0107\u2026) w swojej grze.","Firebase configuration string":"Ci\u0105g konfiguracyjny Firebase","Enable analytics":"W\u0142\u0105cz analityk\u0119","Enables Analytics for that project.":"W\u0142\u0105cz analityk\u0119 dla projektu.","Log an Event":"Rejestruj zdarzenie","Triggers an Event/Conversion for the current user on the Analytics.Can also pass additional data to the Analytics":"Wyzwala zdarzenie/konwersj\u0119 dla bie\u017C\u0105cego u\u017Cytkownika w analityce. Mo\u017Ce r\xF3wnie\u017C przekaza\u0107 dodatkowe dane do analityki","Trigger Event _PARAM0_ with argument _PARAM1_":"Wyzw\xF3l zdarzenie _PARAM0_ z argumentem _PARAM1_","Event Name":"Nazwa zdarzenia","Additional Data":"Dodatkowe dane","User UID":"UID u\u017Cytkownika","Changes the current user's analytics identifier. This is what let Analytics differentiate user, so it should always be unique for each user. For advanced usage only.":"Zmienia identyfikator analityki bie\u017C\u0105cego u\u017Cytkownika. To jest to, co pozwala analityce rozr\xF3\u017Cnia\u0107 u\u017Cytkownik\xF3w, wi\u0119c powinien by\u0107 zawsze unikalny dla ka\u017Cdego u\u017Cytkownika. Tylko do zaawansowanego u\u017Cytkowania.","Set current user's ID to _PARAM0_":"Ustaw ID bie\u017C\u0105cego u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM0_","New Unique ID":"Nowe unikalne ID","Set a user's property":"Ustaw w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 u\u017Cytkownika","Sets an user's properties.Can be used to classify user in Analytics.":"Ustawia w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci u\u017Cytkownika. Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cywane do klasyfikacji u\u017Cytkownik\xF3w w analityce.","Set property _PARAM0_ of the current user to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ bie\u017C\u0105cego u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM1_","Property Name":"Nazwa W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Property Data":"Dane w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci","Get Remote setting as String":"Pobierz zdalne ustawienie jako ci\u0105g znak\xF3w","Get a setting from Firebase Remote Config as a string.":"Pobierz ustawienie ze zdalnej konfiguracji Firebase jako ci\u0105g znak\xF3w.","Remote Config":"Konfiguracja zdalna","Setting Name":"Nazwa ustawienia","Get Remote setting as Number":"Pobierz zdalne ustawienie jako numer","Get a setting from Firebase Remote Config as Number.":"Pobierz ustawienie ze zdalnej konfiguracji Firebase jako numer.","Set Remote Config Auto Update Interval":"Ustaw interwa\u0142 automatycznej aktualizacji zdalnej konfiguracji","Sets Remote Config Auto Update Interval.":"Ustawia interwa\u0142 automatycznej aktualizacji zdalnej konfiguracji.","Set Remote Config Auto Update Interval to _PARAM0_":"Ustaw interwa\u0142 automatycznej aktualizacji zdalnej konfiguracji na _PARAM0_","Update Interval in ms":"Interwa\u0142 aktualizacji w ms","Set the default configuration":"Ustaw domy\u015Bln\u0105 konfiguracj\u0119","As the Remote Config is stored online, you need to set default values or the Remote Config expressions to return while there is no internet or the config is still loading.":"Poniewa\u017C zdalna konfiguracja jest przechowywana online, musisz ustawi\u0107 domy\u015Blne warto\u015Bci lub zdalne wyra\u017Cenia konfiguracyjne, aby powr\xF3ci\u0142y, gdy nie ma internetu lub konfiguracja wci\u0105\u017C si\u0119 wczytuje.","Set default config to _PARAM0_":"Ustaw domy\u015Bln\u0105 konfiguracj\u0119 na _PARAM0_","Structure with defaults":"Struktura z domy\u015Blnymi warto\u015Bciami","Force sync the configuration":"Wymu\u015B synchronizacj\u0119 konfiguracji","Use this to sync the Remote Config with the client at any time.":"U\u017Cyj tego, aby zsynchronizowa\u0107 zdaln\u0105 konfiguracj\u0119 z klientem w dowolnym momencie.","Synchronize Remote Config":"Synchronizuj zdaln\u0105 konfiguracj\u0119","Create account with email":"Stw\xF3rz konto z E-mailem","Create an account with email and password as credentials.":"Utw\xF3rz konto z adresem email i has\u0142em jako dane logowania.","Create account with email _PARAM0_ and password _PARAM1_ (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Utw\xF3rz konto z adresem email _PARAM0_ i has\u0142em _PARAM1_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_)","Authentication":"Uwierzytelnianie","Callback variable with state (ok or error)":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego z stanem (ok lub b\u0142\u0105d)","Sign into an account with email":"Zaloguj si\u0119 na konto za pomoc\u0105 adresu e-mail","Sign into an account with email and password as credentials. ":"Zaloguj si\u0119 do konta za pomoc\u0105 adresu e-mail i has\u0142a jako po\u015Bwiadczenia. ","Connect to account with email _PARAM0_ and password _PARAM1_ (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z kontem przy pomocy adresu email _PARAM0_ i has\u0142a _PARAM1_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_)","Log out of the account":"Wyloguj si\u0119 z konta","Logs out of the current account. ":"Wyloguj si\u0119 z bie\u017C\u0105cego konta. ","Log out from the account":"Wyloguj si\u0119 z konta","Sign into an account via an external provider":"Zaloguj si\u0119 do konta przez zewn\u0119trznego dostawc\u0119","Signs into an account using an external provider's system. The available providers are: \"google\", \"facebook\", \"github\" and \"twitter\".\nProvider authentication only works in the browser! Not on previews or pc/mobile exports.":"Zaloguj si\u0119 do konta za pomoc\u0105 systemu zewn\u0119trznego dostawcy. Dost\u0119pni dostawcy to: \"google\", \"facebook\", \"github\" i \"twitter\".\nAutoryzacja dostawcy dzia\u0142a tylko w przegl\u0105darce! Nie dzia\u0142a na podgl\u0105dzie ani eksporcie Pc/Mobile.","Connect to account via provider _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Po\u0142\u0105cz si\u0119 z kontem przez dostawc\u0119 _PARAM0_ (zapisz wynik w _PARAM1_)","Provider":"Dostawca","Sign In as an anonymous guest":"Zaloguj si\u0119 jako go\u015B\u0107","Sign into a temporary anonymous account.":"Zaloguj si\u0119 na tymczasowe anonimowe konto.","Authenticate anonymously (store result in _PARAM0_)":"Uwierzytelniaj anonimowo (zapisz wynik w _PARAM0_)","Is the user signed in?":"U\u017Cytkownik ju\u017C jest zalogowany?","Checks if the user is signed in. \nYou should always use this before actions requiring authentications.":"Sprawdza, czy u\u017Cytkownik jest zalogowany. \nNale\u017Cy u\u017Cy\u0107 tego przed czynno\u015Bciami wymagaj\u0105cymi uwierzytelnienia.","Check for authentication":"Sprawd\u017A uwierzytelnianie","User authentication token":"Token uwierzytelniania u\u017Cytkownika","Get the user authentication token. The token is the proof of authentication.":"Pobierz token uwierzytelniania u\u017Cytkownika. Token jest dowodem uwierzytelniania.","Is the user email address verified":"Czy adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika jest zweryfikowany","Checks if the email address of the user got verified.":"Sprawdza, czy adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika zosta\u0142 zweryfikowany.","The email of the user is verified":"Adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika jest zweryfikowany","Authentication/User Management":"Uwierzytelnianie/Zarz\u0105dzanie u\u017Cytkownikami","User email address":"Adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika","Return the user email address.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika.","Accounts creation time":"Data utworzenia konta","Return the accounts creation time.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 dat\u0119 utworzenia konta.","User last login time":"Ostatnie logowanie u\u017Cytkownika","Return the user last login time.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 ostatnie logowanie u\u017Cytkownika.","User display name":"Wy\u015Bwietlana nazwa u\u017Cytkownika","Return the user display name.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 wy\u015Bwietlan\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika.","User phone number":"Numer telefonu u\u017Cytkownika","Return the user phone number.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 numer telefonu u\u017Cytkownika.","Return the user Unique IDentifier. Use that to link data to an user instead of the name or email.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 unikalny identyfikator u\u017Cytkownika. U\u017Cyj tego, aby po\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 dane z u\u017Cytkownikiem zamiast nazwy lub adresu e-mail.","User tenant ID":"ID dzier\u017Cawcy","Return the user tenant ID. For advanced usage only.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 ID dzier\u017Cawcy u\u017Cytkownika. Tylko dla zaawansowanego u\u017Cytkownika.","User refresh token":"Token od\u015Bwie\u017Cania u\u017Cytkownika","Return the user refresh token. For advanced usage only.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 token od\u015Bwie\u017Cania u\u017Cytkownika. Tylko dla zaawansowanego u\u017Cytkownika.","Profile picture URL":"URL obrazka profilowego","Gets an URL to the user profile picture.":"Pobiera adres URL do obrazka profilowego u\u017Cytkownika.","Send a password reset email":"Wy\u015Blij e-mail z resetem has\u0142a","Send a password reset link per email.":"Wy\u015Blij link do zresetowania has\u0142a na e-mail.","Email of the user whose password must be reset":"E-mail u\u017Cytkownika, kt\xF3rego has\u0142o musi by\u0107 zresetowane","Send a verification email":"Wy\u015Blij e-mail weryfikacyjny","Send a link per email to verify the user email.":"Wy\u015Blij link na e-mail, aby zweryfikowa\u0107 adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika.","Display name":"Wy\u015Bwietlana nazwa","Sets the user display name.":"Ustawia wy\u015Bwietlan\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika.","Set the user's display name to _PARAM0_":"Ustaw wy\u015Bwietlan\u0105 nazw\u0119 u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM0_","New display name":"Nowa wy\u015Bwietlana nazwa","Profile picture":"Zdj\u0119cie profilowe","Change the user profile picture URL to a new one.":"Zmie\u0144 adres URL zdj\u0119cia profilowego u\u017Cytkownika na nowy.","Change the user's profile picture URL to _PARAM0_":"Zmie\u0144 adres URL zdj\u0119cia profilowego u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM0_","New profile picture URL":"Adres URL nowego zdj\u0119cia profilowego","User email":"Adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user's email address.":"To dzia\u0142anie jest niebezpieczne, wi\u0119c wymaga ponownego uwierzytelnienia.\nZmienia adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika.","Change the user's email to _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM4_ (send verification email: _PARAM3_)":"Zmie\u0144 adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM0_ i zapisz jako _PARAM4_ (wy\u015Blij e-mail weryfikacyjny: _PARAM3_)","Authentication/User Management/Advanced":"Uwierzytelnianie/Zarz\u0105dzanie u\u017Cytkownikami/Zaawansowane","Old email":"Stary adres e-mail","New email":"Nowy adres e-mail","Send a verification email before doing the change?":"Wys\u0142a\u0107 e-mail weryfikacyjny przed wprowadzeniem zmiany?","User email (Provider)":"Adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika (Dostawca)","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user's email address.\nThis is the same as Change the user email but reauthenticates via an external provider.":"Akcja ta jest niebezpieczna, wi\u0119c wymaga ponownego uwierzytelnienia.\nZmienia adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika.\nOperacja ta jest taka sama co zmiana adresu e-mail u\u017Cytkownika, ale ponowne uwierzytelnienie odbywa si\u0119 za po\u015Brednictwem zewn\u0119trznego dostawcy.","Change the user's email to _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (send verification email: _PARAM1_)":"Zmie\u0144 adres e-mail u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_ (wy\u015Blij e-mail weryfikacyjny: _PARAM1_)","User password":"Has\u0142o u\u017Cytkownika","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user password.":"Akcja ta jest niebezpieczna, wi\u0119c wymaga ponownego uwierzytelnienia.\nZmienia has\u0142o u\u017Cytkownika.","Change the user password to _PARAM2_ and store result in _PARAM4_ (send verification email: _PARAM3_)":"Zmie\u0144 has\u0142o u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM2_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM4_ (wy\u015Blij e-mail weryfikacyjny: _PARAM3_)","Old password":"Stare has\u0142o","New password":"Nowe has\u0142o","User password (Provider)":"Has\u0142o u\u017Cytkownika (dostawca)","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user password.\nThis is the same as \"Change the user password\" but reauthenticates via an external provider.":"Akcja ta jest niebezpieczna, wi\u0119c wymaga ponownego uwierzytelnienia.\nZmienia has\u0142o u\u017Cytkownika. Operacja jest taka sama jak \"Zmie\u0144 has\u0142o u\u017Cytkownika\", ale ponownie uwierzytelnia si\u0119 za po\u015Brednictwem zewn\u0119trznego dostawcy.","Change the user password to _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (send verification email: _PARAM1_)":"Zmie\u0144 has\u0142o u\u017Cytkownika na _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_ (wy\u015Blij e-mail weryfikacyjny: _PARAM1_)","New Password":"Nowe Has\u0142o","Delete the user account":"Usu\u0144 konto u\u017Cytkownika","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nDeletes the user account.":"Akcja ta jest niebezpieczna, wi\u0119c wymaga ponownego uwierzytelnienia.\nUsuwa konto u\u017Cytkownika.","Delete the user account and store result in _PARAM2_":"Usu\u0144 konto u\u017Cytkownika i zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_","Delete the user account (Provider)":"Usu\u0144 konto u\u017Cytkownika (dostawca)","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nDeletes the user account.\nThis is the same as \"Delete the user account\" but reauthenticates via an external provider.":"Akcja ta jest niebezpieczna, wi\u0119c wymaga ponownego uwierzytelnienia.\nUsuwa konto u\u017Cytkownika. Operacja jest taka sama jak \"Usu\u0144 konto u\u017Cytkownika\", ale ponownie uwierzytelnia si\u0119 za po\u015Brednictwem zewn\u0119trznego dostawcy.","Delete the user account and store result in _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 konto u\u017Cytkownika i zapisz wynik w _PARAM0_","Enable performance measuring":"W\u0142\u0105cz pomiar wydajno\u015Bci","Enables performance measuring.":"W\u0142\u0105cza pomiar wydajno\u015Bci.","Performance Measuring":"Pomiar wydajno\u015Bci","Create a custom performance tracker":"Utw\xF3rz niestandardowy znacznik wydajno\u015Bci","Creates a new custom performance tracker (If it doesn't already exists). They are used to measure performance of custom events.":"Utw\xF3rz nowy niestandardowy znacznik wydajno\u015Bci (je\u015Bli nie istnieje). S\u0105 one u\u017Cyte w celu pomiaru wydajno\u015Bci niestandardowych zdarze\u0144.","Create performance tracker: _PARAM0_":"Utw\xF3rz znacznik wydajno\u015Bci: _PARAM0_","Tracker Name":"Nazwa znacznika","Start a tracer":"Rozpocznij znacznik","Start measuring performance for that tracer":"Rozpocznij pomiar wydajno\u015Bci tego znacznika","Start performance measuring on tracer _PARAM0_":"Rozpocznij pomiar wydajno\u015Bci znacznika _PARAM0_","Stop a tracer":"Zatrzymaj znacznik","Stop measuring performance for that tracer":"Zatrzymaj pomiar wydajno\u015Bci dla tego znacznika","Stop performance measuring on tracer _PARAM0_":"Zatrzymaj pomiar wydajno\u015Bci znacznika _PARAM0_","Record performance":"Zapisz wydajno\u015B\u0107","Record performance for a delimited period of time. Use this if you want to measure the performance for a specified duration.":"Zapisuj wydajno\u015B\u0107 przez okre\u015Blony czas. U\u017Cyj tego, je\u017Celi chcesz zmierzy\u0107 wydajno\u015B\u0107 przez okre\u015Blony czas.","Record performance for _PARAM1_ms with a delay of _PARAM2_ms (store in tracker _PARAM0_)":"Zapisz wydajno\u015B\u0107 dla _PARAM1_ms z op\xF3\u017Anieniem _PARAM2_ms (zapisz w znaczniku _PARAM0_)","Delay before measuring start (in ms)":"Op\xF3\u017Anienie przed rozpocz\u0119ciem pomiaru (w ms)","Measuring duration (in ms)":"Czas trwania pomiaru (w ms)","Call a HTTP function":"Wywo\u0142aj funkcj\u0119 HTTP","Calls a HTTP function by name, and store the result in a variable.":"Wywo\u0142uje funkcj\u0119 HTTP wed\u0142ug nazwy i zapisuje wynik w zmiennej.","Call HTTP Function _PARAM0_ with parameter(s) _PARAM1_ (Callback variables: Value: _PARAM2_ State: _PARAM3_)":"Wywo\u0142aj funkcj\u0119 HTTP _PARAM0_ z parametrami _PARAM1_ (zmienne zwrotne: warto\u015B\u0107: _PARAM2_ stan: _PARAM3_)","HTTP Function Name":"Nazwa funkcji HTTP","Parameter(s) as JSON or string.":"Parametry jako JSON lub ci\u0105g znak\xF3w.","Callback variable with returned value":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego ze zwr\xF3con\u0105 warto\u015Bci\u0105","Get server timestamp":"Pobierz znacznik czasu serwera","Set a field to the timestamp on the server when the request arrives there":"Ustaw pole na znacznik czasu na serwerze, kiedy przyb\u0119dzie \u017C\u0105danie","Cloud Firestore Database":"Baza danych chmury Firestore","Start a query":"Rozpocznij zapytanie","Start a query on a collection. A query allows to get a filtered and ordered list of documents in a collection.":" Rozpocznij zapytanie w kolekcji. Zapytanie pozwala uzyska\u0107 filtrowan\u0105 i uporz\u0105dkowan\u0105 list\u0119 dokument\xF3w w kolekcji.","Create a query named _PARAM0_ for collection _PARAM1_":"Utw\xF3rz zapytanie o nazwie _PARAM0_ dla kolekcji _PARAM1_","Cloud Firestore Database/Queries/Create":"Baza danych chmury Firestore/Zapytania/Utw\xF3rz","Query name":"Nazwa zapytania","Collection":"Kolekcja","Start a query from another query":"Rozpocznij zapytanie z innego zapytania","Start a query with the same collection and filters as another one.":"Rozpocznij zapytanie z t\u0105 sam\u0105 kolekcj\u0105 i filtrami co inne.","Create a query named _PARAM0_ from query _PARAM1_":"Utw\xF3rz zapytanie o nazwie _PARAM0_ z zapytania _PARAM1_","Source query name":"Nazwa zapytania \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142owego","Filter by field value":"Filtruj wed\u0142ug pola warto\u015Bci","Only match the documents that have a field passing a check.":"Dopasuj tylko dokumenty, kt\xF3re maj\u0105 pole spe\u0142niaj\u0105ce warunek.","Filter query _PARAM0_ to only keep documents whose field _PARAM1__PARAM2__PARAM3_":"Filtruj zapytanie _PARAM0_, aby przechowywa\u0107 tylko dokumenty, kt\xF3rych pole _PARAM1__PARAM2__PARAM3_","Cloud Firestore Database/Queries/Filters":"Baza danych chmury Firestore/Zapytania/Filtry","Field to check":"Pole do sprawdzenia","Check type":"Rodzaj sprawdzenia","Value to check":"Warto\u015B\u0107 do sprawdzenia","Filter by field text":"Filtruj wed\u0142ug tekstu pola","Filter query _PARAM0_ to remove documents whose field _PARAM1_ is not _PARAM2__PARAM3_":"Filtruj zapytanie _PARAM0_, aby usun\u0105\u0107 dokumenty, kt\xF3rych pole _PARAM1_ nie jest _PARAM2__PARAM3_","Text to check":"Tekst do sprawdzenia","Order by field value":"Sortuj wed\u0142ug warto\u015Bci pola","Orders all documents in the query by a the value of a field.":"Sortuje wszystkie dokumenty w zapytaniu wed\u0142ug warto\u015Bci pola.","Order query _PARAM0_ by field _PARAM1_ (direction: _PARAM2_)":"Sortuj zapytanie _PARAM0_ wed\u0142ug pola _PARAM1_ (kierunek: _PARAM2_)","Field to order by":"Pole do sortowania wed\u0142ug","Direction (ascending or descending)":"Kierunek (rosn\u0105co lub malej\u0105co)","Limit amount of documents":"Ogranicz liczb\u0119 dokument\xF3w","Limits the amount of documents returned by the query. Can only be used after an order filter.":"Ogranicza liczb\u0119 dokument\xF3w zwracanych przez zapytanie. Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte tylko po filtrze sortowania.","Limit query _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ documents (begin from the end: _PARAM2_)":"Ogranicz zapytanie _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_ dokument\xF3w (rozpocznij od ko\u0144ca: _PARAM2_)","Amount to limit by":"Liczba do ograniczenia przez","Begin from the end":"Rozpocznij od ko\u0144ca","Skip some documents":"Pomi\u0144 niekt\xF3re dokumenty","Removes documents before or after a certain value on the field ordered by in a query. Can only be used after an order filter.":"Usuwa dokumenty przed lub po okre\u015Blonej warto\u015Bci pola w zapytaniu. Mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte tylko po filtrze sortowania.","Skip documents with fields (before: _PARAM2_) value _PARAM1_ in query _PARAM0_ (include documents at that value: _PARAM3_)":"Pomi\u0144 dokumenty z polami (przed: _PARAM2_) warto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM1_ w zapytaniu _PARAM0_ (do\u0142\u0105cz dokumenty dla tej warto\u015Bci: _PARAM3_)","The value of the field ordered by to skip after":"Warto\u015B\u0107 pola, wed\u0142ug kt\xF3rego nast\u0119puje pomini\u0119cie","Skip documents before?":"Pomin\u0105\u0107 dokumenty wcze\u015Bniej?","Include documents which field value equals the value to skip after?":"Do\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 dokumenty, kt\xF3rych warto\u015B\u0107 pola jest r\xF3wna warto\u015Bci do pomini\u0119cia?","Run a query once":"Uruchom zapytanie raz","Runs the query once and store results in a scene variable.":"Uruchamia zapytanie raz i zapisuje wynik w zmiennej sceny.","Run query _PARAM0_ and store results into _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Uruchom zapytanie _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik do _PARAM1_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Cloud Firestore Database/Queries/Run":"Baza danych chmury Firestore/Zapytania/Uruchom","Callback variable where to load the results":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego, gdzie wczyta\u0107 wyniki","Callback variable with state (ok or error message)":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego ze stanem (komunikat OK lub b\u0142\u0105d)","Continuously run (watch) a query":"Ci\u0105g\u0142e uruchomienie (\u015Bledzenie) zapytania","Runs a query continuously, so that every time a new documents starts or stops matching the query, or a document that matches the query has been changed, the variables will be filled with the new results.":"Uruchamia zapytanie w spos\xF3b ci\u0105g\u0142y, tak \u017Ce za ka\u017Cdym razem, gdy nowe dokumenty zaczynaj\u0105 lub przestaj\u0105 pasowa\u0107 do zapytania, lub dokument pasuj\u0105cy do zapytania zostanie zmieniony, zmienne zostan\u0105 wype\u0142nione nowymi wynikami.","Run query _PARAM0_ continuously and store results into _PARAM1_ each time documents matching the query are changed (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Uruchom zapytanie _PARAM0_ w spos\xF3b ci\u0105g\u0142y i zapisuj wyniki do _PARAM1_ za ka\u017Cdym razem, gdy dokumenty pasuj\u0105ce do zapytania s\u0105 zmieniane (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Enable persistence":"W\u0142\u0105cz utrwalanie","When persistence is enabled, all data that is fetched from the database is being automatically stored to allow to continue accessing the data if cut off from the network, instead of waiting for reconnection.\nThis needs to be called before any other firestore operation, otherwise it will fail.":"Kiedy utrwalanie jest w\u0142\u0105czone, wszystkie dane pobierane z bazy danych s\u0105 automatycznie przechowywane, co pozwala na dalszy dost\u0119p do danych w przypadku odci\u0119cia od sieci, zamiast czeka\u0107 na ponowne po\u0142\u0105czenie.\nOpcja ta musi by\u0107 wywo\u0142ana przed jak\u0105kolwiek inn\u0105 operacj\u0105 firestore, w przeciwnym razie zako\u0144czy si\u0119 niepowodzeniem.","Disable persistence":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz utrwalanie","Disables the storing of fetched data and clear all the data that has been stored.\nThis needs to be called before any other firestore operation, otherwise it will fail.":"Wy\u0142\u0105cza przechowywanie pobranych danych i czy\u015Bci wszystkie przechowywane dane.\nOpcja ta musi by\u0107 wywo\u0142ana przed jak\u0105kolwiek inn\u0105 operacj\u0105 firestore, w przeciwnym razie zako\u0144czy si\u0119 niepowodzeniem.","Re-enable network":"Ponownie w\u0142\u0105cz sie\u0107","Re-enables the connection to the database after disabling it.":"Ponownie w\u0142\u0105cza po\u0142\u0105czenie z baz\u0105 danych po jego wy\u0142\u0105czeniu.","Disable network":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz sie\u0107","Disables the connection to the database.\nWhile the network is disabled, any read operations will return results from cache, and any write operations will be queued until the network is restored.":"Wy\u0142\u0105cza po\u0142\u0105czenie z baz\u0105 danych.\nPodczas gdy sie\u0107 jest wy\u0142\u0105czona, wszelkie operacje odczytu zwr\xF3c\u0105 wyniki z pami\u0119ci podr\u0119cznej, a wszystkie operacje zapisu b\u0119d\u0105 umieszczone w kolejce do czasu przywr\xF3cenia sieci.","Write a document to firestore":"Zapisz dokument do firestore","Writes a document (variable) to cloud firestore.":"Zapisuje dokument (zmienn\u0105) do chmury firestore.","Write _PARAM2_ to firestore in document _PARAM1_ of collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Zapisz _PARAM2_ do firestore w dokumencie _PARAM1_ kolekcji _PARAM0_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Cloud Firestore Database/Documents":"Baza danych chmury Firestore/Dokumenty","Document":"Dokument","Variable to write":"Zmienna do zapisu","Add a document to firestore":"Dodaj dokument do Firestore","Adds a document (variable) to cloud firestore with a unique name.":"Dodaje dokument (zmienn\u0105) do chmury Firestore z unikaln\u0105 nazw\u0105.","Add _PARAM1_ to firestore collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Dodaj _PARAM1_ do kolekcji Firestore _PARAM0_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Write a field in firestore":"Zapisz pole w Firestore","Writes a field of a firestore document.":"Zapisuje pole dokumentu Firestore.","Write _PARAM3_ to firestore in field _PARAM2_ of document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM4_, merge instead of overwriting: _PARAM5_)":"Zapisz _PARAM3_ w polu Firestore _PARAM2_ dokumentu _PARAM1_ w kolekcji _PARAM0_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM4_, scalanie zamiast nadpisania: _PARAM5_)","Cloud Firestore Database/Fields":"Baza danych chmury Firestore/Pola","Field to write":"Pole do zapisu","Value to write":"Warto\u015B\u0107 do zapisu","If the document already exists, merge them instead of replacing the old one?":"Je\u015Bli dokument ju\u017C istnieje, scal go zamiast zast\u0119powa\u0107 stary?","Update a document in firestore":"Aktualizuj dokument w Firestore","Updates a firestore document (variable).":"Aktualizuje dokument (zmienn\u0105) Firestore.","Update firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ with _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Aktualizuj dokument Firestore _PARAM1_ w kolekcji _PARAM0_ z _PARAM2_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Variable to update with":"Zmienna do aktualizacji","Update a field of a document":"Aktualizuj pole dokumentu","Updates a field of a firestore document.":"Aktualizuje pole dokumentu Firestore.","Update field _PARAM2_ of firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ with _PARAM3_ (store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Aktualizuj pole _PARAM2_ dokumentu Firestore _PARAM1_ w kolekcji _PARAM0_ z _PARAM3_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM4_)","Field to update":"Pole do aktualizacji","Delete a document in firestore":"Usu\u0144 dokument w Firestore","Deletes a firestore document (variable).":"Usuwa dokument (zmienn\u0105) Firestore.","Delete firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Usu\u0144 dokument Firestore _PARAM1_ w kolekcji _PARAM0_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Delete a field of a document":"Usu\u0144 pole dokumentu","Deletes a field of a firestore document.":"Usuwa pole dokumentu Firestore.","Delete field _PARAM2_ of firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ with (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Usu\u0144 pole _PARAM2_ dokumentu Firestore _PARAM1_ w kolekcji _PARAM0_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Field to delete":"Pole do usuni\u0119cia","Get a document from firestore":"Pobierz dokument z Firestore","Gets a firestore document and store it in a variable.":"Pobiera dokument Firestore i zapisuje go w zmiennej.","Load firestore document _PARAM1_ from collection _PARAM0_ into _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Wczytaj dokument Firestore _PARAM1_ z kolekcji _PARAM0_ do _PARAM2_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Callback variable where to load the document":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego, gdzie za\u0142adowa\u0107 dokument","Get a field of a document":"Pobierz pole dokumentu","Return the value of a field in a firestore document.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 pola z dokumentu Firestore.","Load field _PARAM2_ of firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ into _PARAM3_ (store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Wczytaj pole _PARAM2_ dokumentu Firestore _PARAM1_ z kolekcji _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM4_)","Field to get":"Pole do pobrania","Callback variable where to store the field's value":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego, gdzie przechowa\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 pola","Check for a document's existence":"Sprawdzenie istnienia dokumentu","Checks for the existence of a document. Sets the result variable to true if it exists else to false.":"Sprawdza istnienie dokumentu. Ustawia wynik zmiennej na prawd\u0119 (true), je\u015Bli istnieje, w przeciwnym razie na fa\u0142sz (false).","Check for existence of _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Sprawd\u017A istnienie _PARAM1_ w kolekcji _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Callback variable where to store the result":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego, gdzie przechowywa\u0107 wynik","Check for existence of a document's field":"Sprawdzenie istnienia pola dokumentu","Checks for the existence of a field in a document. Sets the result variable to 1 if it exists else to 2.":"Sprawdza istnienie pola w dokumencie. Ustawia wynik zmiennej na 1, je\u015Bli istnieje, w przeciwnym razie na 2.","Check for existence of _PARAM2_ in document _PARAM1_ of collection _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM3_ (store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Sprawdzenie istnienia _PARAM2_ w dokumencie _PARAM1_ z kolekcji _PARAM0_ i zapisanie wyniku w _PARAM3_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM4_)","Callback Variable where to store the result":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego, gdzie przechowywa\u0107 wynik","List all documents of a collection":"Lista wszystkich dokument\xF3w kolekcji","Generates a list of all document names in a collection, and stores it as a structure.":"Generuje list\u0119 wszystkich nazw dokument\xF3w w kolekcji i przechowuje j\u0105 jako struktur\u0119.","List all documents in _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Lista wszystkich dokument\xF3w w _PARAM0_ i zapisanie wyniku w _PARAM1_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Upload a file":"Prze\u015Blij plik","Upload a file to firebase Storage.":"Prze\u015Blij plik do pami\u0119ci Firebase.","Save _PARAM0_ in location _PARAM1_ to Firebase storage and store access URL in _PARAM3_ (Format: _PARAM2_, Store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Zapisz _PARAM0_ w lokalizacji _PARAM1_ do pami\u0119ci Firebase i zapisz URL dost\u0119pu w _PARAM3_ (Format: _PARAM2_, stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM4_)","Storage":"Pami\u0119\u0107","Upload ID":"ID przes\u0142ania","File content":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107 pliku","Storage path":"\u015Acie\u017Cka pami\u0119ci","File content format":"Format zawarto\u015Bci pliku","Callback variable with the url to the uploaded file":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego z adresem URL do przes\u0142anego pliku","Get Download URL":"Pobierz pobierany adres URL","Get a unique download URL for a file.":"Pobierz unikalny adres URL pobierania pliku.","Get a download url for _PARAM0_ and store it in _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Pobierz adres URL do pobrania dla _PARAM0_ i zapisz go w _PARAM1_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Storage path to the file":"\u015Acie\u017Cka pami\u0119ci do pliku","Write a variable to Database":"Zapisz zmienn\u0105 do bazy danych","Writes a variable to Database.":"Zapisuje zmienn\u0105 do bazy danych.","Write _PARAM1_ to Database in _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Zapisz _PARAM1_ do bazy danych w _PARAM0_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Realtime Database":"Baza danych w czasie rzeczywistym","Write a field in Database":"Zapisz pole w bazie danych","Writes a field of a Database document.":"Zapisuje pole dokumentu bazy danych.","Write _PARAM2_ in field _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Zapisz _PARAM2_ w polu _PARAM1_ z _PARAM0_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Update a document in Database":"Aktualizuj dokument w bazie danych","Updates a variable on the database.":"Aktualizuje zmienn\u0105 w bazie danych.","Update variable _PARAM0_ with _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Aktualizuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM0_ z _PARAM1_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Updates a field of a Database document.":"Aktualizuje pole dokumentu bazy danych.","Update field _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ with _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Aktualizuj pole _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_ z _PARAM2_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Delete a database variable":"Usu\u0144 zmienn\u0105 bazy danych","Deletes a variable from the database.":"Usuwa zmienn\u0105 z bazy danych.","Delete variable _PARAM0_ from database (store result state in _PARAM1_)":"Usu\u0144 zmienn\u0105 _PARAM0_ z bazy danych (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM1_)","Delete a field of a variable":"Usu\u0144 pole zmiennej","Deletes a field of a variable on the database.":"Usuwa pole zmiennej z bazy danych.","Delete field _PARAM1_ of variable _PARAM0_ on the database (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Usu\u0144 pole _PARAM1_ zmiennej _PARAM0_ w bazie danych (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Get a variable from the database":"Pobierz zmienn\u0105 z bazy danych","Gets a variable from the database and store it in a Scene variable.":"Pobiera zmienn\u0105 z bazy danych i zapisuje j\u0105 w zmiennej scenowej.","Load database variable _PARAM0_ into _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Wczytaj zmienn\u0105 bazy danych _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Callback variable where to store the data":"Zmienna wywo\u0142ania zwrotnego, gdzie przechowywa\u0107 dane","Get a field of a variable":"Pobierz pole zmiennej","Return the value of a field in a variable from the database and store it in a scene variable.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 pola w zmiennej z bazy danych i zapisz j\u0105 w zmiennej scenowej.","Load field _PARAM1_ of database variable _PARAM0_ into _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Wczytaj pole _PARAM1_ zmiennej bazy danych _PARAM0_ do _PARAM2_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Check for a variable's existence":"Sprawd\u017A istnienia zmiennej","Checks for the existence of a variable. Sets the result variable to 1 if it exists else to 2.":"Sprawdza istnienie zmiennej. Ustawia wynik zmiennej na 1, je\u017Celi istnieje, w przeciwnym razie 2.","Check for existence of _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Sprawd\u017A istnienie _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM1_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM2_)","Check for existence of a variable's field":"Sprawdzanie istnienia pola zmiennej","Checks for the existence of a field in a variable. Sets the result variable to 1 if it exists else to 2.":"Sprawdza istnienie pola w zmiennej. Ustawia wynik zmiennej na 1, je\u017Celi istnieje, w przeciwnym razie 2.","Check for existence of _PARAM1_ in database variable _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Sprawd\u017A istnienie _PARAM1_ w zmiennej bazie danych _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM2_ (stan wyniku zapisz w _PARAM3_)","Screenshot":"Zrzut ekranu","Take screenshot":"Zr\xF3b zrzut ekranu","Take a screenshot of the game, and save it to a png file (supported only when running on Windows/Linux/macOS).":"Zr\xF3b zrzut ekranu gry i zapisz go do pliku png (obs\u0142ugiwanego tylko w systemie Windows/Linux/macOS).","Take a screenshot and save at _PARAM1_":"Zr\xF3b zrzut ekranu i zapisz w _PARAM1_","Save path":"Zapisz \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119","File system":"Pliki","Access the filesystem of the operating system.":"Dost\u0119p do systemu plik\xF3w systemu operacyjnego.","File or directory exists":"Plik lub katalog istnieje","Check if the file or directory exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy plik lub katalog istnieje.","The path _PARAM0_ exists":"\u015Acie\u017Cka _PARAM0_ istnieje","Windows, Linux, MacOS":"Windows, Linux, MacOS","Path to file or directory":"\u015Acie\u017Cka do pliku lub katalogu","Create a directory":"Utw\xF3rz katalog","Create a new directory at the specified path.":"Utw\xF3rz nowy katalog w wybranej lokalizacji.","Create directory _PARAM0_":"Stw\xF3rz katalog _PARAM0_","Directory":"Katalog","(Optional) Variable to store the result. 'ok': task was successful, 'error': an error occurred.":"(Opcjonalnie) Zapisz wynik w zmiennej. 'ok': sukces, 'b\u0142\u0105d': niepowodzenie.","Save a text into a file":"Zapisz tekst do pliku","Save a text into a file. Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Zapisz tekst do pliku. U\u017Cyj tego tylko na ma\u0142ych plikach, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anienia (lag\xF3w) lub zawieszenia (freeze) podczas wykonywania gry.","Save _PARAM0_ into file _PARAM1_":"Zapis _PARAM0_ do pliku _PARAM1_","Save a text into a file (Async)":"Zapisz tekst w pliku (Async)","Save a text into a file asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Zapisz tekst do pliku asynchronicznie. U\u017Cyj tego dla du\u017Cych plik\xF3w, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anie\u0144 lub zawieszenia podczas wykonywania gry. Zmienna \u201Eresult\u201D jest aktualizowana po zako\u0144czeniu operacji.","Windows, Linux, MacOS/Asynchronous":"Windows, Linux, MacOS/Asynchronicznie","Save a scene variable into a JSON file":"Zapisz zmienn\u0105 sceny w pliku JSON","Save a scene variable (including, for structure, all the children) into a file in JSON format. Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Zapisz zmienn\u0105 sceny (uwzgl\u0119dniaj\u0105c, dla struktury, wszystkie podrz\u0119dne) do pliku w formacie JSON. U\u017Cyj tego tylko na ma\u0142ych plikach, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anienia (lag\xF3w) lub zawieszenia (freeze) podczas wykonywania gry.","Save scene variable _PARAM0_ into file _PARAM1_ as JSON":"Zapisz zmienn\u0105 sceny _PARAM0_ do pliku _PARAM1_ jako JSON","Save a scene variable into a JSON file (Async)":"Zapisz zmienn\u0105 sceny w pliku JSON (asynchronicznie)","Save the scene variable (including, for structures, all the children) into a file in JSON format, asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Zapisz zmienn\u0105 sceny (w tym, dla struktur, wszystkie elementy podrz\u0119dne) do pliku w formacie JSON, asynchronicznie. U\u017Cyj tego dla du\u017Cych plik\xF3w, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anie\u0144 lub zawieszenia podczas wykonywania gry. Zmienna 'wynik' jest aktualizowana po zako\u0144czeniu operacji.","Load a text from a file (Async)":"Za\u0142aduj tekst z pliku (Async)","Load a text from a file, asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The content of the file will be available in the scene variable after a small delay (usually a few milliseconds). The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Za\u0142aduj tekst z pliku, asynchronicznie. U\u017Cyj tego dla du\u017Cych plik\xF3w, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anie\u0144 lub zawieszenia podczas wykonywania gry. Zawarto\u015B\u0107 pliku b\u0119dzie dost\u0119pna w zmiennej sceny po niewielkim op\xF3\u017Anieniu (zwykle kilka milisekund). Zmienna \u201Eresult\u201D jest aktualizowana po zako\u0144czeniu operacji.","Load text from _PARAM1_ into scene variable _PARAM0_ (Async)":"Wczytaj tekst z _PARAM1_ do zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_ (asynchronicznie)","Load path":"Wczytaj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119","Normalize the file content (recommended)":"Normalizuj zawarto\u015B\u0107 pliku (zalecane)","This replaces Windows new lines characters (\"CRLF\") by a single new line character.":"Zast\u0119puje nowe znaki linii Windows (\"CRLF\") pojedynczym znakiem nowej linii.","Load a text from a file":"Wczytaj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 z pliku","Load a text from a file. Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Wczytaj tekst z pliku. U\u017Cyj tego tylko na ma\u0142ych plikach, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anienia (lag\xF3w) lub zawieszenia (freeze) podczas wykonywania gry.","Load text from _PARAM1_ into scene variable _PARAM0_":"Wczytaj tekst z _PARAM1_ do zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","Load a scene variable from a JSON file":"Wczytaj zmienn\u0105 sceny z pliku JSON","Load a JSON formatted text from a file and convert it to a scene variable (potentially a structure variable with children). Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Wczytaj sformatowany tekst z pliku JSON i konwertuj go na zmienn\u0105 sceny (potencjalnie zmienn\u0105 strukturaln\u0105 z podrz\u0119dnymi). U\u017Cyj tego tylko na ma\u0142ych plikach, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anienia (lag\xF3w) lub zawieszenia (freeze) podczas wykonywania gry.","Load JSON from _PARAM1_ into scene variable _PARAM0_":"Za\u0142aduj JSON z _PARAM1_ do zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","Load a scene variable from a JSON file (Async)":"Za\u0142aduj zmienn\u0105 sceny z pliku JSON (Async)","Load a JSON formatted text from a file and convert it to a scene variable (potentially a structure variable with children), asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The content of the file will be available as a scene variable after a small delay (usually a few milliseconds). The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Za\u0142aduj tekst w formacie JSON z pliku i przekonwertuj go na zmienn\u0105 sceny (potencjalnie zmienn\u0105 strukturaln\u0105 z podfunkcjami), asynchronicznie. U\u017Cyj tego dla du\u017Cych plik\xF3w, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 op\xF3\u017Anie\u0144 lub zawieszenia podczas wykonywania gry. Zawarto\u015B\u0107 pliku b\u0119dzie dost\u0119pna jako zmienna sceny po niewielkim op\xF3\u017Anieniu (zwykle kilka milisekund). Zmienna 'wynik' jest aktualizowana po zako\u0144czeniu operacji.","Delete a file from the filesystem.":"Usu\u0144 plik z systemu plik\xF3w.","Delete the file _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 plik _PARAM0_","File path":"\u015Acie\u017Cka pliku","Delete a file (Async)":"Usu\u0144 plik (Async)","Delete a file from the filesystem asynchronously. The option result variable will be updated once the file is deleted.":"Usu\u0144 plik z systemu plik\xF3w asynchronicznie. Zmienna wynikowa opcji zostanie zaktualizowana po usuni\u0119ciu pliku.","Read a directory":"Odczytaj katalog","Reads the contents of a directory (all files and sub-directories) and stores them in an array.":"Odczytuje zawarto\u015B\u0107 katalogu (wszystkie pliki i podkatalogi) i przechowuje je w tablicy.","Read the directory _PARAM0_ into _PARAM1_":"Odczytaj katalog _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","Directory path":"\u015Acie\u017Cka katalogu","Variable to store the result":"Zmienna do zapisania wyniku","Desktop folder":"Folder pulpitu","Get the path to the desktop folder.":"Uzyskaj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do folderu na pulpicie.","Documents folder":"Folder dokument\xF3w","Get the path to the documents folder.":"Pobierz \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do folderu dokument\xF3w.","Pictures folder":"Folder zdj\u0119\u0107","Get the path to the pictures folder.":"Pobierz \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do folderu zdj\u0119\u0107.","Game executable file":"Plik wykonywalny gry","Get the path to this game executable file.":"Uzyskaj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do tego pliku wykonywalnego gry.","Game executable folder":"Katalog wykonywalny gry","Get the path to this game executable folder.":"Uzyskaj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do tego folderu wykonywalnego gry.","Userdata folder (for application settings)":"Folder danych u\u017Cytkownika (do ustawie\u0144 aplikacji)","Get the path to userdata folder (for application settings).":"Uzyskaj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do folderu danych u\u017Cytkownika (do ustawie\u0144 aplikacji).","User's Home folder":"Folder g\u0142\xF3wny u\u017Cytkownika","Get the path to the user home folder.":"Uzyskaj \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do folderu g\u0142\xF3wnego u\u017Cytkownika.","Temp folder":"Folder tymczasowy","Get the path to temp folder.":"Pobierz \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119 do folderu tymczasowego.","Path delimiter":"Ogranicznik \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Get the operating system path delimiter.":"Pobierz ogranicznik \u015Bcie\u017Cki systemu operacyjnego.","Get directory name from a path":"Uzyskaj nazw\u0119 katalogu ze \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Returns the portion of the path that represents the directories, without the ending file name.":"Zwraca cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 \u015Bcie\u017Cki, kt\xF3ra reprezentuje katalogi, bez ko\u0144cowej nazwy pliku.","File or folder path":"\u015Acie\u017Cka do pliku lub katalogu","Get file name from a path":"Pobierz nazw\u0119 pliku ze \u015Bcie\u017Cki","Returns the name of the file with its extension, if any.":"Zwraca nazw\u0119 pliku z jego rozszerzeniem, je\u015Bli istnieje.","Get the extension from a file path":"Pobierz rozszerzenie ze \u015Bcie\u017Cki pliku","Returns the extension of the file designated by the given path, including the extension period. For example: \".txt\".":"Zwraca rozszerzenie pliku wskazanego przez dan\u0105 \u015Bcie\u017Ck\u0119, w tym okresie przed\u0142u\u017Cenia. Na przyk\u0142ad: "txt ".","Tilemap file (Tiled or LDtk)":"Plik Tilemap (Tiled lub LDtk)","This is the file that was saved or exported from Tiled or LDtk.":"Plik zapisany lub eksportowany z programu Tiled lub LDtk.","LDtk or Tiled":"LDtk lub Tiled","Tileset JSON file (optional)":"Plik Tileset JSON (opcjonalnie)","Optional: specify this if you've saved the tileset in a different file as the Tiled tilemap.":"Opcjonalnie: okre\u015Bl to, je\u017Celi zestaw tafli (tileset) zosta\u0142 zapisany w innym pliku ni\u017C Tilemap Tiled.","Tiled only":"Tylko Tiled","Atlas image":"Obraz atlasu","The Atlas image containing the tileset.":"Obraz atlasu zawieraj\u0105cy zestaw tafli (tileset).","Display mode":"Tryb wy\u015Bwietlania","Layer index to display":"Indeks warstwy do wy\u015Bwietlenia","If \"index\" is selected as the display mode, this is the index of the layer to display.":"Je\u017Celi \"indeks\" jest wybrany jako tryb wy\u015Bwietlania, jest to indeks warstwy do wy\u015Bwietlenia.","Level index to display":"Indeks poziomu do wy\u015Bwietlenia","Select which level to render via its index (LDtk)":"Wybierz poziom do renderowania przez indeks (LDtk)","Animation FPS":"Animacja FPS","External Tilemap (Tiled/LDtk)":"Zewn\u0119trzna tilemapa (Tiled/LDtk)","Displays a tiled-based map, made with the Tiled editor ( or the LDtk editor (":"Wy\u015Bwietla map\u0119 opart\u0105 na taflach, wykonan\u0105 przy pomocy edytora Tiled ( lub edytora LDtk (","Check the tilemap file (Tiled or LDtk) being used.":"Sprawd\u017A u\u017Cywany plik Tilemap (Tiled lub LDtk).","The tilemap file of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Plik Tilemap _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Tile map":"Mapa taflowa (Tile map)","Set the Tiled or LDtk file containing the Tilemap data to display. This is usually the main file exported from Tiled/LDtk.":"Ustaw plik Tiled lub LDtk zawieraj\u0105cy dane Tilemap do wy\u015Bwietlenia. Zazwyczaj jest to g\u0142\xF3wny plik eksportowany z Tiled/LDtk.","Set the tilemap file of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw plik Tilemap _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Tileset JSON file":"Plik Tileset JSON","Check the tileset JSON file being used.":"Sprawd\u017A u\u017Cywany plik Tileset JSON.","The tileset JSON file of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Plik Tileset JSON _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Set the JSON file with the tileset data (sometimes that is embedded in the Tilemap, so not needed)":"Ustaw plik JSON z danymi zestawu kafli (czasami jest on zamieszczony w Tilemap, wi\u0119c nie jest potrzebny)","Set the tileset JSON file of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw plik tileset JSON _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Compare the value of the display mode.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 trybu wy\u015Bwietlania.","The display mode of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Tryb wy\u015Bwietlania _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Set the display mode":"Ustaw tryb wy\u015Bwietlania","Set the display mode of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw tryb wy\u015Bwietlania _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Layer index":"Indeks warstw","Compare the value of the layer index.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 indeksu warstwy.","the layer index":"indeks warstwy","Set the layer index of the Tilemap.":"Ustaw indeks warstwy Tilemap.","Get the layer index being displayed":"Pobierz wy\u015Bwietlany indeks warstwy","Level index":"Indeks poziomu","the level index being displayed.":"wy\u015Bwietlany indeks poziomu.","the level index":"indeks poziomu","Compare the animation speed scale.":"Por\xF3wnaj skal\u0119 szybko\u015Bci animacji.","Speed scale to compare to (1 by default)":"Skala szybko\u015Bci do por\xF3wnania (domy\u015Blnie 1)","Set the animation speed scale of the Tilemap.":"Ustaw skal\u0119 szybko\u015Bci animacji Tilemap.","Speed scale (1 by default)":"Skala szybko\u015Bci (domy\u015Blnie 1)","Get the Animation speed scale":"Uzyskaj skal\u0119 szybko\u015Bci animacji","Animation speed (FPS)":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 animacji (FPS)","Compare the animation speed.":"Por\xF3wnaj szybko\u015B\u0107 animacji.","the animation speed (FPS)":"szybko\u015B\u0107 animacji (FPS)","Animation speed to compare to (in frames per second)":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 animacji do por\xF3wnania (w klatkach na sekund\u0119)","Set the animation speed of the Tilemap.":"Ustaw szybko\u015B\u0107 animacji Tilemap.","Animation speed (in frames per second)":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 animacji (w klatkach na sekund\u0119)","Get the animation speed (in frames per second)":"Uzyskaj szybko\u015B\u0107 animacji (w klatkach na sekund\u0119)","Columns":"Kolumny","Number of columns.":"Liczba kolumn.","Rows":"Wiersze","Number of rows.":"Liczba wierszy.","Tile size in pixels.":"Rozmiar tafli w pikselach.","Tile ids with hit box":"Identyfikatory tafli z hitboxami","The list of tile ids with a hit box (separated by commas).":"Lista identyfikator\xF3w tafli z hitboxami (oddzielonych przecinkami).","Displays a tiled-based map.":"Wy\u015Bwietla map\u0119 opart\u0105 na taflach.","Edit tileset and collisions":"Edytuj tileset i kolizje","Tileset column count":"Liczba kolumn tilesetu","Get the number of columns in the tileset.":"Pobierz liczb\u0119 kolumn w zestawie tileset.","Tileset row count":"Liczba wierszy tilesetu","Get the number of rows in the tileset.":"Pobierz liczb\u0119 wierszy w zestawie tileset.","Scene X coordinate of tile":"Wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dna X tafli w scenie","Get the scene X position of the center of the tile.":"Pobierz pozycj\u0119 X \u015Brodka tafli w scenie.","Grid X":"Siatka X","Grid Y":"Siatka Y","Scene Y coordinate of tile":"Wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dna Y tafli w scenie","Get the scene Y position of the center of the tile.":"Pobierz pozycj\u0119 Y \u015Brodka tafli w scenie.","Tile map grid column coordinate":"Wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dna kolumny siatki tilemapy","Get the grid column coordinates in the tile map corresponding to the scene coordinates.":"Pobierz wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dne kolumny siatki na tilemapie odpowiadaj\u0105ce wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnym sceny.","Position X":"Pozycja X","Position Y":"Pozycja Y","Tile map grid row coordinate":"Wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dna wiersza siatki tilemapy","Get the grid row coordinates in the tile map corresponding to the scene coordinates.":"Pobierz wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dne wiersza siatki na tilemapie odpowiadaj\u0105ce wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnym sceny.","Tile (at position)":"Tafla (na pozycji)","the id of the tile at the scene coordinates":"identyfikator tafli na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny","the tile id in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_":"id tafli w _PARAM0_ na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_","Flip tile vertically (at position)":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 pionowo (w pozycji)","Flip tile vertically at scene coordinates.":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 pionowo na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny.","Flip tile vertically in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 pionowo w _PARAM0_ na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Flip tile horizontally (at position)":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 poziomo (w pozycji)","Flip tile horizontally at scene coordinates.":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 poziomo na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny.","Flip tile horizontally in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 poziomo w _PARAM0_ na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Remove tile (at position)":"Usu\u0144 tafl\u0119 (w pozycji)","Remove the tile at the scene coordinates.":"Usu\u0144 tafl\u0119 ze wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny.","Remove tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_":"Usu\u0144 tafl\u0119 w _PARAM0_ na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_","Tile (on the grid)":"Tafla (na siatce)","the id of the tile at the grid coordinates":"identyfikator tafli na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki","the tile id at grid coordinates _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_":"identyfikator tafli na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_","Flip tile vertically (on the grid)":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 pionowo (na siatce)","Flip tile vertically at grid coordinates.":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 pionowo na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki.","Flip tile vertically in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 pionowo w _PARAM0_ przy wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Flip tile horizontally (on the grid)":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 poziomo (na siatce)","Flip tile horizontally at grid coordinates.":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 poziomo na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki.","Flip tile horizontally in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 tafl\u0119 poziomo w _PARAM0_ przy wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Remove tile (on the grid)":"Usu\u0144 tafl\u0119 (na siatce)","Remove the tile at the grid coordinates.":"Usu\u0144 tafl\u0119 na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki.","Remove tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_":"Usu\u0144 tafl\u0119 w _PARAM0_ przy wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_","Tile flipped horizontally (at position)":"Tafla odwr\xF3cona poziomo (w pozycji)","Check if tile at scene coordinates is flipped horizontally.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy tafla na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny jest odwr\xF3cona poziomo.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped horizontally":"Tafla w _PARAM0_ na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ jest odwr\xF3cona poziomo","Tile flipped vertically (at position)":"Tafla odwr\xF3cona pionowo (w pozycji)","Check if tile at scene coordinates is flipped vertically.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy tafla na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny jest odwr\xF3cona pionowo.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped vertically":"Tafla w _PARAM0_ na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych sceny _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ jest odwr\xF3cona pionowo","Tile flipped horizontally (on the grid)":"Tafla odwr\xF3cona poziomo (na siatce)","Check if tile at grid coordinates is flipped horizontally.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy tafla na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki jest odwr\xF3cona poziomo.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped horizontally":"Tafla w _PARAM0_ przy wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ jest odwr\xF3cona poziomo","Tile flipped vertically (on the grid)":"Tafla odwr\xF3cona pionowo (na siatce)","Check if tile at grid coordinates is flipped vertically.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy tafla na wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki jest odwr\xF3cona pionowo.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped vertically":"Tafla w _PARAM0_ przy wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych siatki _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ jest odwr\xF3cona pionowo","Grid row count":"Liczba wierszy siatki","the grid row count in the tile map":"liczba wierszy siatki na mapie tafli","the grid row count":"liczba wierszy siatki","Grid column count":"Liczba kolumn siatki","the grid column count in the tile map":"liczba kolumn siatki na mapie tafli","the grid column count":"liczba kolumn siatki","Tilemap JSON file":"Plik JSON z map\u0105 kafelk\xF3w","This is the JSON file that was saved or exported from Tiled. LDtk is not supported yet for collisions.":"Ten plik JSON zosta\u0142 zapisany lub exportowany z programu Tiled. Edytor LDtk nie posiada obs\u0142ugi kolizji.","Optional, don't specify it if you've not saved the tileset in a different file.":"Opcjonalnie, nie zaznaczaj tego, je\u015Bli zestaw tafli nie zosta\u0142 zapisany w innym pliku.","Class filter":"Filtr klasy","Only the tiles with the given class (set in Tiled 1.9+) will have hitboxes created.":"Tylko tafle z dan\u0105 klas\u0105 (ustawione w Tiled 1.9+) b\u0119d\u0105 mia\u0142y stworzon\u0105 kolizj\u0119 hitbox\xF3w.","Use all layers":"U\u017Cyj wszystkich warstw","When activated, it displays the hitboxes in the given color.":"Gdy w\u0142\u0105czono, wy\u015Bwietli kolizj\u0119 hitbox\xF3w w danym kolorze.","External Tilemap (Tiled/LDtk) collision mask":"Zewn\u0119trzna maska kolizji Tilemap (Tiled/LDtk)","Invisible object handling collisions with parts of a tilemap.":"Niewidzialny obiekt odpowiadaj\u0105cy za kolizj\u0119 z cz\u0119\u015Bciami tilemap.","Check the Tilemap JSON file being used.":"Sprawd\u017A u\u017Cywany plik Tilemap JSON.","The Tilemap JSON file of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Plik Tilemap JSON _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Tile map collision mask":"Maska kolizji Tilemap","Set the JSON file containing the Tilemap data to display. This is usually the JSON file exported from Tiled.":"Ustaw plik JSON zawieraj\u0105cy dane Tilemap do wy\u015Bwietlenia. Zazwyczaj jest to plik JSON wyeksportowany z Tiled.","Set the Tilemap JSON file of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw plik Tilemap JSON _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","The Tilemap object can be used to display tile-based objects. It's a good way to create maps for RPG, strategy games or create objects by assembling tiles, useful for platformer, retro-looking games, etc...":"Obiekt Tilemap mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cywany do wy\u015Bwietlania obiekt\xF3w bazuj\u0105cych na taflach. To dobry spos\xF3b na tworzenie map dla RPG, gier strategicznych lub tworzenie obiekt\xF3w poprzez montowanie tafli, przydatne dla platform\xF3wek, gier retro, itd...","Tweening":"Tweenowanie","Animate object properties over time. This allows smooth transitions, animations or movement of objects to specified positions.":"Animuj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci obiektu w czasie. Umo\u017Cliwia to g\u0142adkie przej\u015Bcia, animacje lub przesuni\u0119cie obiekt\xF3w do okre\u015Blonej pozycji.","Ease":"\u0141agodzenie","Tween between 2 values according to an easing function.":"Tweenowanie mi\u0119dzy 2 warto\u015Bciami zgodnie z funkcj\u0105 \u0142agodzenia.","Easing":"\u0141agodzenie","From value":"Od warto\u015Bci","To value":"Do warto\u015Bci","Weighting":"Wa\u017Cenie","From 0 to 1.":"Od 0 do 1.","Tween a number in a scene variable":"Tweenowanie liczby w zmiennej sceny","Tweens a scene variable's numeric value from one number to another.":"Tweenuje warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej sceny z jednej liczby do drugiej.","Tween variable _PARAM2_ from _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms with easing _PARAM6_ as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM2_ od _PARAM3_ do _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM6_ jako _PARAM1_","Scene Tweens":"Tweensy sceny","Tween Identifier":"Identyfikator tweenowania","The variable to tween":"Zmienna do tweenowania","Final value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 ko\u0144cowa","Duration (in milliseconds)":"Czas trwania (w milisekundach)","Tweens a scene variable's numeric value from its current value to a new one.":"Tweenuje warto\u015B\u0107 numeryczn\u0105 zmiennej sceny od jej bie\u017C\u0105cej warto\u015Bci do nowej.","Tween variable _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ over _PARAM4_ms with easing _PARAM5_ as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_ przez _PARAM4_ms z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ jako _PARAM1_","Tween variable _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","Tween a scene value":"Tweenuj warto\u015B\u0107 sceny","Tweens a scene value that can be use with the expression Tween::Value.":"Tweenuje warto\u015B\u0107 sceny, kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta z wyra\u017Ceniem Tween::Value.","Tween the value from _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj warto\u015B\u0107 od _PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","Exponential interpolation":"Interpolacja wyk\u0142adnicza","Tween a layer value":"Tweenuj warto\u015B\u0107 warstwy","Tweens a layer value that can be use with the expression Tween::Value.":"Tweenuje warto\u015B\u0107 warstwy, kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta z wyra\u017Ceniem Tween::Value.","Tween the value of _PARAM7_ from _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj warto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM7_ od _PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","Tween the camera position":"Tweenuj po\u0142o\u017Cenie kamery","Tweens the camera position from the current one to a new one.":"Tweenuje po\u0142o\u017Cenie kamery od bie\u017C\u0105cej do nowej.","Tween camera on layer _PARAM4_ to _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ over _PARAM5_ms with easing _PARAM6_ as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj kamer\u0119 na warstwie _PARAM4_ do _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ przez _PARAM5_ms z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM6_ jako _PARAM1_","Target X position":"Po\u0142o\u017Cenie X celu","Target Y position":"Po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y celu","Tween camera on layer _PARAM4_ to _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj kamer\u0119 na warstwie _PARAM4_ do _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","Tween the camera zoom":"Tweenuj zoom kamery","Tweens the camera zoom from the current zoom factor to a new one.":"Tweenuje powi\u0119kszenie kamery z aktualnego poziomu powi\u0119kszenia do nowego.","Tween the zoom of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ over _PARAM4_ms with easing _PARAM5_ as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj powi\u0119kszenie kamery na warstwie _PARAM3_ do _PARAM2_ przez _PARAM4_ms z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ jako _PARAM1_","Target zoom":"Cel powi\u0119kszenia","Tween the zoom of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj powi\u0119kszenie kamery na warstwie _PARAM3_ do _PARAM2_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","Tween the camera rotation":"Tweenuj obr\xF3t kamery","Tweens the camera rotation from the current angle to a new one.":"Tweenuje obr\xF3t kamery od aktualnego k\u0105ta do nowego.","Tween the rotation of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ over _PARAM4_ms with easing _PARAM5_ as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj obr\xF3t kamery na warstwie _PARAM3_ do _PARAM2_ przez _PARAM4_ms z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ jako _PARAM1_","Target rotation (in degrees)":"Cel obrotu (w stopniach)","Tween the rotation of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj obr\xF3t kamery na warstwie _PARAM3_ do _PARAM2_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","Tween number effect property":"Tweenuj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci efektu liczby","Tweens a number effect property from its current value to a new one.":"Tweenuje w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 efektu liczby z bie\u017C\u0105cej warto\u015Bci do nowej.","Tween the property _PARAM5_ for effect _PARAM4_ of _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM6_ over _PARAM7_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 _PARAM5_ dla efektu _PARAM4_ od _PARAM3_ do _PARAM2_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM6_ przez _PARAM7_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","Effect name":"Nazwa efektu","Property name":"Nazwa w\u0142asno\u015Bci","Tween color effect property":"W\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 efektu Tweenowania koloru","Tweens a color effect property from its current value to a new one.":"Tweenuje w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 efektu koloru od bie\u017C\u0105cej warto\u015Bci do nowej.","Tween the color property _PARAM5_ for effect _PARAM4_ of _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM6_ over _PARAM7_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Tweenuj w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 koloru _PARAM5_ dla efektu _PARAM4_ _PARAM3_ do _PARAM2_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM6_ przez _PARAM7_ sekund jako _PARAM1_","To color":"Do koloru","Scene tween exists":"Tweenowanie sceny istnieje","Check if the scene tween exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy tweenowanie sceny istnieje.","Scene tween _PARAM1_ exists":"Tweenowanie sceny _PARAM1_ istnieje","Scene tween is playing":"Tweenowanie sceny jest aktywne","Check if the scene tween is currently playing.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy tweenowanie sceny jest aktualnie aktywne.","Scene tween _PARAM1_ is playing":"Tweenowanie sceny _PARAM1_ jest aktywne","Scene tween finished playing":"Tweenowanie sceny zosta\u0142o zako\u0144czone","Check if the scene tween has finished playing.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy tweenowanie sceny zosta\u0142o zako\u0144czone.","Scene tween _PARAM1_ has finished playing":"Tweenowanie sceny _PARAM1_ zosta\u0142o zako\u0144czone","Pause a scene tween":"Wstrzymaj tweenowanie sceny","Pause the running scene tween.":"Wstrzymaj uruchomione tweenowanie sceny.","Pause the scene tween _PARAM1_":"Wstrzymaj tweenowanie sceny _PARAM1_","Stop a scene tween":"Zatrzymaj tweenowanie sceny","Stop the running scene tween.":"Zatrzymaj uruchomione tweenowanie sceny.","Stop the scene tween _PARAM1_ (jump to the end: _PARAM2_)":"Zatrzymaj tweenowanie sceny _PARAM1_ (przejd\u017A na koniec: _PARAM2_)","Jump to the end":"Przejd\u017A na koniec","Resume a scene tween":"Wzn\xF3w tweenowanie sceny","Resume the scene tween.":"Wzn\xF3w tweenowanie sceny.","Resume the scene tween _PARAM1_":"Wzn\xF3w tweenowanie sceny _PARAM1_","Remove a scene tween":"Usu\u0144 tweenowanie sceny","Remove the scene tween. Call this when the tween is no longer needed to free memory.":"Usu\u0144 tweenowanie sceny. Wywo\u0142aj t\u0119 opcj\u0119, kiedy tweenowanie nie jest ju\u017C potrzebne, aby zwolni\u0107 pami\u0119\u0107.","Remove the scene tween _PARAM1_":"Usu\u0144 tweenowanie sceny _PARAM1_","Tween progress":"Post\u0119p tweenowania","the progress of a tween (between 0.0 and 1.0)":"post\u0119p tweenowania (od 0.0 do 1.0)","the progress of the scene tween _PARAM1_":"post\u0119p tweenowania sceny _PARAM1_","Tween value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 tweenowania","Return the value of a tween. It is always 0 for tweens with several values.":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 tweenowania. Wynosi zawsze 0 dla tweenowania z kilkoma warto\u015Bciami.","Tween":"Tweenowanie","Smoothly animate position, angle, scale and other properties of objects.":"P\u0142ynnie animuj pozycj\u0119, k\u0105t, skal\u0119 i inne w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci obiekt\xF3w.","Add object variable tween":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 obiektu tweenowania","Add a tween animation for an object variable.":"Dodaj tweenowanie animacji dla zmiennej obiektowej.","Tween the variable _PARAM3_ of _PARAM0_ from _PARAM4_ to _PARAM5_ with easing _PARAM6_ over _PARAM7_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM3_ z _PARAM0_ od _PARAM4_ do _PARAM5_ z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM6_ przez _PARAM7_ms jako _PARAM2_","Destroy this object when tween finishes":"Zniszcz ten obiekt po zako\u0144czeniu tweenowania","Tween a number in an object variable":"Tweenuj liczb\u0119 w zmiennej obiektu","Tweens an object variable's numeric value from its current value to a new one.":"Tweenuje warto\u015B\u0107 numeryczn\u0105 zmiennej obiektu od jej bie\u017C\u0105cej warto\u015Bci do nowej.","Tween the variable _PARAM3_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM3_ _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ms jako _PARAM2_","Tween the variable _PARAM3_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM3_ _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween an object value":"Tweenuj warto\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Tweens an object value that can be use with the object expression Tween::Value.":"Tweenuje warto\u015B\u0107 obiektu, kt\xF3ra mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta z wyra\u017Ceniem obiektu Tween::Value.","Tween the value of _PARAM0_ from _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj warto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ od _PARAM3_ do _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object position":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 obiektu","Tweens an object position from its current position to a new one.":"Tweenuje pozycj\u0119 obiektu od jego bie\u017C\u0105cej pozycji do nowej.","Tween the position of _PARAM0_ to x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 _PARAM0_ na x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ms jako _PARAM2_","To X":"Do X","To Y":"Do Y","Tween the position of _PARAM0_ to x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 _PARAM0_ na x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object X position":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 X obiektu","Tweens an object X position from its current X position to a new one.":"Tweenuje pozycj\u0119 X obiektu od aktualnej pozycji X do nowej.","Tween the X position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 X _PARAM0_ na _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","Tween the X position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 X _PARAM0_ na _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object Z position":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 Z obiektu","Tweens an object Z position (3D objects only) from its current Z position to a new one.":"Tweenuje pozycj\u0119 Z obiektu (tylko dla obiekt\xF3w 3D) od aktualnej pozycji Z do nowej.","Tween the Z position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 Z _PARAM0_ na _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","To Z":"Do Z","Tween the Z position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 Z _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM3_","Tween object width":"Tweenuj szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Tweens an object width from its current width to a new one.":"Tweenuje szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu od jego bie\u017C\u0105cej szeroko\u015Bci do nowej.","Tween the width of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj szeroko\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","To width":"Do szeroko\u015Bci","Tween the width of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj szeroko\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object height":"Tweenuj wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Tweens an object height from its current height to a new one.":"Tweenuje wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu od jego bie\u017C\u0105cej wysoko\u015Bci do nowej.","Tween the height of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj wysoko\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","To height":"Do wysoko\u015Bci","Tween the height of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj wysoko\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object depth":"Tweenuj g\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Tweens an object depth (suitable 3D objects only) from its current depth to a new one.":"Tweenuje g\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107 obiektu (tylko dla obiekt\xF3w 3D) od aktualnej g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bci do nowej.","Tween the depth of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj g\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","To depth":"Do g\u0142\u0119boko\u015Bci","Tween the depth of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tweenuj g\u0142\u0119boko\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM3_","Tween object Y position":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 Y obiektu","Tweens an object Y position from its current Y position to a new one.":"Tweenuje pozycj\u0119 Y obiektu od aktualnej pozycji Y do nowej.","Tween the Y position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 Y _PARAM0_ na _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","Tween the Y position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj pozycj\u0119 Y _PARAM0_ na _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object angle":"Tweenuj k\u0105t obiektu","Tweens an object angle from its current angle to a new one.":"Tweenuje k\u0105t obiektu od aktualnego k\u0105ta do nowego.","Tween the angle of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_\xB0 with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj k\u0105t _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_\xB0 z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","To angle (in degrees)":"Do k\u0105ta (w stopniach)","Tween the angle of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_\xB0 with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj k\u0105t _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_\xB0 z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object rotation on X axis":"Tweenuj obr\xF3t obiektu na osi X","Tweens an object rotation on X axis from its current angle to a new one.":"Tweenuje obr\xF3t obiektu na osi X od aktualnego k\u0105ta do nowego.","Tween the rotation on X axis of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_\xB0 with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tweenuj obr\xF3t na osi X _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_\xB0 z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM3_","Tween object rotation on Y axis":"Tweenuj obr\xF3t obiektu na osi Y","Tweens an object rotation on Y axis from its current angle to a new one.":"Tweenuje obr\xF3t obiektu na osi Y od aktualnego k\u0105ta do nowego.","Tween the rotation on Y axis of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_\xB0 with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tweenuj obr\xF3t na osi Y _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_\xB0 z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM3_","Tween object scale":"Tweenuj skal\u0119 obiektu","Tweens an object scale from its current scale to a new one (note: the scale can never be less than 0).":"Tweenuje skal\u0119 obiektu od aktualnej skali do nowej (uwaga: skala nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 mniejsza ni\u017C 0).","Tween the scale of _PARAM0_ to X-scale: _PARAM3_, Y-scale: _PARAM4_ (from center: _PARAM8_) with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj skal\u0119 _PARAM0_ do skala-X: _PARAM3_, skala-Y: _PARAM4_ (z \u015Brodka: _PARAM8_) z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ms jako _PARAM2_","To scale X":"Do skali X","To scale Y":"Do skali Y","Scale from center of object":"Skaluj ze \u015Brodka obiektu","Tweens an object scale from its current scale to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Tweenuje skal\u0119 obiektu od aktualnej skali do nowej (uwaga: skala nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 0 lub mniej).","Tween the scale of _PARAM0_ to X-scale: _PARAM3_, Y-scale: _PARAM4_ (from center: _PARAM8_) with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj skal\u0119 _PARAM0_ do skala-X: _PARAM3_, skala-Y: _PARAM4_ (z \u015Brodka: _PARAM8_) z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM5_ przez _PARAM6_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tweens an object scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Tweenuje skal\u0119 obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej (uwaga: skala nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 0 lub mniej).","Tween the scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj skal\u0119 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ (z \u015Brodka: _PARAM7_) z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","To scale":"Do skali","Tween object X-scale":"Tweenuj skal\u0119-X obiektu","Tweens an object X-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be less than 0).":"Tweenuje skal\u0119-X obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej (uwaga: skala nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 mniejsza ni\u017C 0).","Tween the X-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj skal\u0119-X _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ (z \u015Brodka: _PARAM7_) z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","Tweens an object X-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Tweenuje skal\u0119-X obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej (uwaga: skala nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 0 lub mniej).","Tween the X-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj skal\u0119-X _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ (z \u015Brodka: _PARAM7_) z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object Y-scale":"Tweenuj skal\u0119-Y obiektu","Tweens an object Y-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be less than 0).":"Tweenuje skal\u0119-Y obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej (uwaga: skala nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 mniejsza ni\u017C 0).","Tween the Y-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj skal\u0119-Y _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ (z \u015Brodka: _PARAM7_) z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","Tweens an object Y-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Tweenuje skal\u0119-Y obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej (uwaga: skala nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 0 lub mniej).","Tween the Y-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj skal\u0119-Y _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ (z \u015Brodka: _PARAM7_) z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween text size":"Tweenuj rozmiar tekstu","Tweens the text object character size from its current value to a new one (note: the size can never be less than 1).":"Tweenuje rozmiar tekstowy obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej (uwaga: rozmiar nigdy nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 mniejszy ni\u017C 1).","Tween the character size of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj rozmiar czcionki _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","To character size":"Do wielko\u015Bci znak\xF3w","Tween the character size of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj rozmiar czcionki _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object opacity":"Tweenuj przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Tweens the object opacity from its current value to a new one (note: the value shall stay between 0 and 255).":"Tweenuje przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej (uwaga: warto\u015B\u0107 musi zosta\u0107 w przedziale 0-255).","Tween the opacity of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","To opacity":"Do przezroczysto\u015Bci","Tween the opacity of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_ and destroy: _PARAM6_":"Tweenuj przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_ i zniszcz: _PARAM6_","Tween the property _PARAM6_ for effect _PARAM5_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tweenuj w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 _PARAM6_ dla efektu _PARAM5_ od _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM7_ przez _PARAM8_ sekund jako _PARAM3_","Effect capability":"Obs\u0142uga efektu","Tween the color property _PARAM6_ for effect _PARAM5_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tweenuj w\u0142asno\u015B\u0107 koloru _PARAM6_ dla efektu _PARAM5_ od _PARAM0_ do _PARAM4_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM7_ przez _PARAM8_ sekund jako _PARAM3_","Tween object color":"Tweenuj kolor obiektu","Tweens the object color from its current value to a new one. Format: \"128;200;255\" with values between 0 and 255 for red, green and blue":"Tweenuje kolor obiektu od aktualnej warto\u015Bci do nowej. Format: \"128;200;255\" z warto\u015Bciami od 0 do 255 dla czerwonego, zielonego i niebieskiego","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj kolor _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodzeniem _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ms jako _PARAM2_","Tween on the Hue/Saturation/Lightness (HSL)":"Tweenuj odcie\u0144/nasycenie/jasno\u015B\u0107 (HSL)","Useful to have a more natural change between colors.":"Przydatne do bardziej naturalnego przej\u015Bcia mi\u0119dzy kolorami.","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj kolor _PARAM0_ do _PARAM3_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM4_ przez _PARAM5_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween object HSL color":"Tweenuj kolory HSL obiektu","Tweens the object color using Hue/Saturation/Lightness. Hue is in degrees, Saturation and Lightness are between 0 and 100. Use -1 for Saturation and Lightness to let them unchanged.":"Tweenuje kolory obiektu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c odcie\u0144/nasycenie/jasno\u015B\u0107 (HSL). Odcie\u0144 jest okre\u015Blony w stopniach, nasycenie i jasno\u015B\u0107 okre\u015Blone przy pomocy warto\u015Bci 0-100. U\u017Cyj -1 dla nasycenia i jasno\u015Bci, aby nie uleg\u0142y zmianie.","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ using HSL to H: _PARAM3_ (_PARAM4_), S: _PARAM5_, L: _PARAM6_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ms as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj kolory _PARAM0_ u\u017Cywaj\u0105c HSL, odcie\u0144: _PARAM3_ (PARAM4_), nasycenie: _PARAM5_, jasno\u015B\u0107: _PARAM6_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM7_ przez _PARAM8_ms jako _PARAM2_","To Hue (in degrees)":"Do odcienia (w stopniach)","Animate Hue":"Animuj odcie\u0144","To Saturation (0 to 100, -1 to ignore)":"Do nasycenia (0-100, -1 dla ignorowania)","To Lightness (0 to 100, -1 to ignore)":"Do jasno\u015Bci (0-100, -1 dla ignorowania)","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ using HSL to H: _PARAM3_ (_PARAM4_), S: _PARAM5_, L: _PARAM6_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tweenuj kolor _PARAM0_ u\u017Cywaj\u0105c HSL, odcie\u0144: _PARAM3_ (_PARAM4_), nasycenie: _PARAM5_, jasno\u015B\u0107: _PARAM6_ z \u0142agodno\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM7_ przez _PARAM8_ sekund jako _PARAM2_","Tween exists":"Tweenowanie istnieje","Check if the tween animation exists.":"Sprawd\u017A czy tweenowanie istnieje.","Tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_ exists":"Tweenuj _PARAM2_ na _PARAM0_ istnieje","Tween is playing":"Tweenowanie jest odtwarzane","Check if the tween animation is currently playing.":"Sprawd\u017A czy tweenowanie jest aktualnie odtwarzane.","Tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_ is playing":"Tweenowanie _PARAM2_ na _PARAM0_ trwa","Tween finished playing":"Tweenowanie zako\u0144czone","Check if the tween animation has finished playing.":"Sprawd\u017A czy tweenowanie zosta\u0142o zako\u0144czone.","Tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_ has finished playing":"Tweenowanie _PARAM2_ na _PARAM0_ zosta\u0142o zako\u0144czone","Pause a tween":"Wstrzymaj tweenowanie","Pause the running tween animation.":"Wstrzymuje uruchomione tweenowanie.","Pause the tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_":"Wstrzymaj tweenowanie _PARAM2_ na _PARAM0_","Stop a tween":"Zatrzymaj tweenowanie","Stop the running tween animation.":"Zatrzymaj uruchomione tweenowanie.","Stop the tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_":"Zatrzymaj tweenowanie _PARAM2_ na _PARAM0_","Jump to end":"Przejd\u017A do ko\u0144ca","Resume a tween":"Wzn\xF3w tweenowanie","Resume the tween animation.":"Wzn\xF3w animacj\u0119 tweenowania.","Resume the tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_":"Wzn\xF3w tweenowanie _PARAM2_ na _PARAM0_","Remove a tween":"Usu\u0144 tweenowanie","Remove the tween animation from the object.":"Usu\u0144 animacj\u0119 tweenowania z obiektu.","Remove the tween _PARAM2_ from _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 tweenowanie _PARAM2_ z _PARAM0_","the progress of the tween _PARAM2_":"post\u0119p tweenowania _PARAM2_","A text must start with a double quote (\").":"Tekst musi zaczyna\u0107 si\u0119 od cudzys\u0142owu (\").","A text must end with a double quote (\"). Add a double quote to terminate the text.":"Tekst musi ko\u0144czy\u0107 si\u0119 cudzys\u0142owem (\"). Dodaj cudzys\u0142\xF3w, aby domkn\u0105\u0107 tekst.","A number was expected. You must enter a number here.":"Oczekiwano liczby. Musisz tutaj wprowadzi\u0107 liczb\u0119.","Called ComputeChangesetForVariablesContainer on variables containers that are different - they can't be compared.":"Wywo\u0142ano ComputeChangesetForVariablesContainer na kontenerach zmiennych, kt\xF3re s\u0105 inne - nie mo\u017Cna ich por\xF3wnywa\u0107.","You need to specify the name of the child variable to access. For example: `MyVariable.child`.":"Nale\u017Cy poda\u0107 nazw\u0119 zmiennej podrz\u0119dnej do dost\u0119pu. Przyk\u0142ad: `MyVariable.child`.","You need to specify the name of the child variable to access. For example: `MyVariable[0]`.":"Nale\u017Cy poda\u0107 nazw\u0119 zmiennej podrz\u0119dnej do dost\u0119pu. Przyk\u0142ad: `MyVariable[0]`.","An object variable or expression should be entered.":"Nale\u017Cy wprowadzi\u0107 zmienn\u0105 obiektu lub wyra\u017Cenie.","This variable does not exist on this object or group.":"Okre\u015Blona zmienna nie istnieje dla tego obiektu lub grupy.","This variable only exists on some objects of the group. It must be declared for all objects.":"Okre\u015Blona zmienna istnieje tylko na niekt\xF3rych obiektach grupy. Musi by\u0107 zadeklarowana dla wszystkich obiekt\xF3w.","This group is empty. Add an object to this group first.":"Ta grupa jest pusta. Najpierw dodaj obiekt do tej grupy.","No child variable with this name found.":"Nie znaleziono zmiennej podrz\u0119dnej o takiej nazwie.","Accessing a child variable of a property is not possible - just write the property name.":"Dost\u0119p do zmiennej podrz\u0119dnej w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci nie jest mo\u017Cliwy - po prostu wpisz nazw\u0119 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci.","Behaviors can't be used as a value in expressions.":"Zachowanie nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyte jako warto\u015B\u0107 w wyra\u017Ceniach.","Accessing a child variable of a parameter is not possible - just write the parameter name.":"Dost\u0119p do zmiennej podrz\u0119dnej parametru nie jest mo\u017Cliwy - po prostu wpisz nazw\u0119 parametru.","This parameter is not a string, number or boolean - it can't be used in an expression.":"Parametr nie jest ci\u0105giem, liczb\u0105 ani warto\u015Bci\u0105 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) - nie mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty w wyra\u017Ceniu.","This object doesn't exist.":"Ten obiekt nie istnieje.","This behavior is not attached to this object.":"To zachowanie nie jest do\u0142\u0105czone do tego obiektu.","Enter the name of the function to call.":"Wprowad\u017A nazw\u0119 funkcji do wywo\u0142ania.","Cannot find an expression with this name: ":"nie mo\u017Ce znale\u017A\u0107 wyraz o tej nazwie:","Double check that you've not made any typo in the name.":"Sprawd\u017A dwa razy, \u017Ce nie zrobi\u0142em \u017Cadnego liter\xF3wk\u0119 w nazwie.","You tried to use an expression that returns a number, but a string is expected. Use `ToString` if you need to convert a number to a string.":"Pr\xF3bowa\u0142e\u015B u\u017Cy\u0107 ekspresji zwracaj\u0105cej numer, lecz wymagany jest napis.","You tried to use an expression that returns a number, but another type is expected:":"Pr\xF3bowa\u0142e\u015B u\u017Cy\u0107 ekspresji zwracaj\u0105cej liczb\u0119, lecz wymagany jest inny typ:","You tried to use an expression that returns a string, but a number is expected. Use `ToNumber` if you need to convert a string to a number.":"Pr\xF3bowa\u0142e\u015B u\u017Cy\u0107 ekspresji zwracaj\u0105cej napis, lecz wymagana jest liczba.","You tried to use an expression that returns a string, but another type is expected:":"Pr\xF3bowa\u0142e\u015B u\u017Cy\u0107 ekspresji zwracaj\u0105cej napis, lecz wymagany jest inny typ:","You tried to use an expression with the wrong return type:":"Pr\xF3bowa\u0142e\u015B u\u017Cy\u0107 ekspresji ze z\u0142ym typem zwrotu:","The number of parameters must be exactly ":"Liczba parametr\xF3w musi by\u0107 dok\u0142adnie","The number of parameters must be: ":"Liczba parametr\xF3w musi by\u0107: ","You have not entered enough parameters for the expression.":"Nie wprowadzono wystarczaj\u0105cej liczby parametr\xF3w dla wyra\u017Cenia.","This parameter was not expected by this expression. Remove it or verify that you've entered the proper expression name.":"Parametr ten nie by\u0142 oczekiwany przez tego wyra\u017Cenia. Usun\u0105\u0107 go lub upewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce wpiszesz nazw\u0119 w\u0142a\u015Bciwej ekspresji.","A variable name was expected but something else was written. Enter just the name of the variable for this parameter.":"Oczekiwano nazwy zmiennej, ale co\u015B innego zosta\u0142o zapisane. Wprowad\u017A tylko nazw\u0119 zmiennej dla tego parametru.","An object name was expected but something else was written. Enter just the name of the object for this parameter.":"Oczekiwano nazwy obiektu, a zosta\u0142o wpisane co\u015B innego. Do tego parametru trzeba wpisa\u0107 tylko nazw\u0119 obiektu.","This function is improperly set up. Reach out to the extension developer or a GDevelop maintainer to fix this issue":"Funkcja ta jest niew\u0142a\u015Bciwie skonfigurowany. Dotrze\u0107 do autora przed\u0142u\u017Cacza lub opiekuna GDevelop aby naprawi\u0107 ten problem","Unable to copy \"":"Nie mo\u017Cna skopiowa\u0107 \"","\" to \"":"\" do \"","\".":"\".","Sounds and music":"D\u017Awi\u0119ki i muzyka","GDevelop provides several conditions and actions to play audio files. They can be either long music or short sound effects.":"GDevelop zapewnia kilka warunk\xF3w i akcji do odtwarzania plik\xF3w audio. Mog\u0105 to by\u0107 d\u0142ugie melodie lub kr\xF3tkie efekty d\u017Awi\u0119kowe.","Sounds on channels":"D\u017Awi\u0119ki na kana\u0142ach","Play a sound on a channel":"Otw\xF3rz d\u017Awi\u0119k na kanale","Play a sound (small audio file) on a specific channel,\nso you'll be able to manipulate it.":"Odtwarzanie d\u017Awi\u0119ku (ma\u0142y plik audio) na kanale konkretnego, n, dzi\u0119ki czemu b\u0119dziemy w stanie go manipulowa\u0107.","Play the sound _PARAM1_ on the channel _PARAM2_, vol.: _PARAM4_, loop: _PARAM3_":"Odtw\xF3rz _PARAM1_ d\u017Awi\u0119ku na _PARAM2_ kana\u0142u obj .: _PARAM4_, p\u0119tla: _PARAM3_","Audio file (or audio resource name)":"Plik audio (lub nazwa zasobu audio)","Channel identifier":"Identyfikator kana\u0142u","Repeat the sound":"Powt\xF3rz d\u017Awi\u0119k","From 0 to 100, 100 by default.":"Od 0 do 100, 100 domy\u015Blnie.","Pitch (speed)":"Skok (pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107)","1 by default.":"1 domy\u015Blnie.","Stop the sound of a channel":"Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale","Stop the sound on the specified channel.":"Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na okre\u015Blonych kana\u0142ach.","Stop the sound of channel _PARAM1_":"Zatrzyma\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119k kana\u0142u _PARAM1_","Pause the sound of a channel":"Zapauzuj odtwarzany d\u017Awi\u0119k na kanale","Pause the sound played on the specified channel.":"Zapauzuj odtwarzanie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na okre\u015Blonych kana\u0142ach.","Pause the sound of channel _PARAM1_":"Pauza d\u017Awi\u0119k kana\u0142u _PARAM1_","Resume playing a sound on a channel":"Wzn\xF3w odtwarzanie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale","Resume playing a sound on a channel that was paused.":"Wzn\xF3w odtwarzanie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale, kt\xF3ry zosta\u0142 wstrzymany.","Resume the sound of channel _PARAM1_":"Wzn\xF3w d\u017Awi\u0119k kana\u0142u _PARAM1_","Play a music file on a channel":"Odtw\xF3rz plik muzyczny na kanale","Play a music file on a specific channel,\nso you'll be able to interact with it later.":"Odtw\xF3rz plik muzyczny na konkretnym kanale,\nby m\xF3c operowa\u0107 nim p\xF3\u017Aniej.","Play the music _PARAM1_ on channel _PARAM2_, vol.: _PARAM4_, loop: _PARAM3_":"Odtw\xF3rz muzyk\u0119 _PARAM1_ na kanale _PARAM2_, g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107: _PARAM4_, zap\u0119tlenie: _PARAM3_","Music on channels":"Muzyka na kana\u0142ach","Stop the music on a channel":"Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie muzyki na kanale","Stop the music on the specified channel":"Zatrzymaj odtwarzanie muzyki na okre\u015Blonym kanale","Stop the music of channel _PARAM1_":"Zatrzyma\u0107 muzyk\u0119 kana\u0142u _PARAM1_","Pause the music of a channel":"Zatrzymaj muzyk\u0119 na kanale","Pause the music on the specified channel.":"Zatrzymaj muzyk\u0119 na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","Pause the music of channel _PARAM1_":"Wstrzyma\u0107 muzyk\u0119 kana\u0142u _PARAM1_","Resume playing a music on a channel":"Wzn\xF3w odtwarzanie muzyki na kanale","Resume playing a music on a channel that was paused.":"Wzn\xF3w odtwarzanie muzyki na kanale, kt\xF3ry zosta\u0142 wstrzymany.","Resume the music of channel _PARAM1_":"Wzn\xF3w muzyk\u0119 na kana\u0142e _PARAM1_","Volume of the sound on a channel":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku w kanale","This action modifies the volume of the sound on the specified channel.":"Ta akcja modyfikuje g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","the volume of the sound on channel _PARAM1_":"g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale _PARAM1_","Volume of the music on a channel":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 muzyki na kanale","This action modifies the volume of the music on the specified channel.":"Ta akcja modyfikuje g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 muzyki na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","the volume of the music on channel _PARAM1_":"g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 muzyki na kanale _PARAM1_","Game global volume":"Globalna g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 gry","This action modifies the global volume of the game.":"Ta akcja modyfikuje globaln\u0105 g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 gry.","the global sound level":"\u015Bwiatowy poziom d\u017Awi\u0119ku","Pitch of the sound of a channel":"Pitch d\u017Awi\u0119ku kana\u0142u","This action modifies the pitch (speed) of the sound on a channel.":"Ta akcja modyfikuje ton (pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107) d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale.","the pitch of the sound on channel _PARAM1_":"skok d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale _PARAM1_","Pitch (1 by default)":"Ton (domy\u015Blnie 1)","Pitch of the music on a channel":"Pitch muzyki na kanale","This action modifies the pitch of the music on the specified channel.":"Ta akcja modyfikuje ton muzyki na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","the pitch of the music on channel _PARAM1_":"skok muzyki na kanale _PARAM1_","Playing offset of the sound on a channel":"Gra przesuni\u0119cie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale","This action modifies the playing offset of the sound on a channel":"Akcja ta modyfikuje gr\u0119 przesuni\u0119cie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale","the playing offset of the sound on channel _PARAM1_":"granie przesuni\u0119cie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na kanale _PARAM1_","Playing offset of the music on a channel":"Gra przesuni\u0119cie muzyki na kanale","This action modifies the playing offset of the music on the specified channel":"Dzia\u0142anie to modyfikuje gry przesuni\u0119cie muzyki na okre\u015Blonym kanale","the playing offset of the music on channel _PARAM1_":"Przesuni\u0119cie granie muzyki na kanale _PARAM1_","Play a sound":"Odtw\xF3rz d\u017Awi\u0119k","Play a sound.":"Odtw\xF3rz d\u017Awi\u0119k.","Play the sound _PARAM1_, vol.: _PARAM3_, loop: _PARAM2_":"Odtwarza\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119k _PARAM1_, obj .: _PARAM3_, p\u0119tl\u0119: _PARAM2_","Play a music file":"Odtw\xF3rz plik muzyczny","Play a music file.":"Odtw\xF3rz plik muzyczny.","Play the music _PARAM1_, vol.: _PARAM3_, loop: _PARAM2_":"Odtwarza\u0107 muzyk\u0119 _PARAM1_, obj .: _PARAM3_, p\u0119tl\u0119: _PARAM2_","Preload a music file":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj plik muzyczny","Preload a music file in memory.":"Wst\u0119pnie za\u0142aduj plik muzyczny do pami\u0119ci.","Preload the music file _PARAM1_":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj plik muzyczny _PARAM1_","Loading":"Wczytywanie","Preload a sound file":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj plik d\u017Awi\u0119kowy","Preload a sound file in memory.":"Wst\u0119pnie za\u0142aduj plik d\u017Awi\u0119kowy do pami\u0119ci.","Preload the sound file _PARAM1_":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj plik d\u017Awi\u0119kowy _PARAM1_","Sound file (or sound resource name)":"Plik d\u017Awi\u0119kowy (lub nazwa zasobu d\u017Awi\u0119ku)","Unload a music file":"Roz\u0142aduj plik muzyczny","Unload a music file from memory. Unloading a music file will cause any music playing it to stop.":"Roz\u0142aduje plik muzyczny z pami\u0119ci. Roz\u0142adowanie pliku muzycznego spowoduje zatrzymanie ka\u017Cdej odtwarzanej muzyki.","Unload the music file _PARAM1_":"Roz\u0142aduj plik muzyczny _PARAM1_","Unload a sound file":"Roz\u0142aduj plik d\u017Awi\u0119kowy","Unload a sound file from memory. Unloading a sound file will cause any sounds playing it to stop.":"Roz\u0142aduje plik d\u017Awi\u0119kowy z pami\u0119ci. Roz\u0142adowanie pliku d\u017Awi\u0119kowego spowoduje zatrzymanie ka\u017Cdego odtwarzanego d\u017Awi\u0119ku.","Unload the sound file _PARAM1_":"Roz\u0142aduj plik d\u017Awi\u0119kowy _PARAM1_","Unload all audio":"Roz\u0142aduj ca\u0142e audio","Unload all the audio in memory. This will cause every sound and music of the game to stop.":"Roz\u0142aduje ca\u0142e audio z pami\u0119ci. Spowoduje to zatrzymanie ka\u017Cdego d\u017Awi\u0119ku i muzyki w grze.","Unload all audio files":"Roz\u0142aduj wszystkie pliki audio","Fade the volume of a sound played on a channel.":"Wycisz g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku odtwarzanego na kanale.","Fade the volume of a sound played on a channel to the specified volume within the specified duration.":"Wycisz g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku odtwarzanego na kanale do okre\u015Blonej g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015Bci w okre\u015Blonym czasie.","Fade the sound on channel _PARAM1_ to volume _PARAM2_ within _PARAM3_ seconds":"Wycisz d\u017Awi\u0119k na kanale _PARAM1_ do g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015Bci _PARAM2_ w ci\u0105gu _PARAM3_ sekund","Final volume (0-100)":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 ko\u0144cowa (0-100)","Fading time in seconds":"Czas wyciszenia w sekundach","Fade the volume of a music played on a channel.":"Wycisz g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 muzyki odtwarzanej na kanale.","Fade the volume of a music played on a channel to the specified volume within the specified duration.":"Wycisz g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 muzyki odtwarzanej na kanale do okre\u015Blonej g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015Bci w okre\u015Blonym czasie.","Fade the music on channel _PARAM1_ to volume _PARAM2_ within _PARAM3_ seconds":"Wycisz muzyk\u0119 na kanale _PARAM1_ do g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015Bci _PARAM2_ w ci\u0105gu _PARAM3_ sekund","A music file is being played":"Plik muzyczny jest odtwarzany","Test if the music on a channel is being played":"Sprawd\u017A, czy muzyka na kanale jest odtwarzany","Music on channel _PARAM1_ is being played":"Muzyka na kanale _PARAM1_ jest odtwarzana","A music file is paused":"Plik muzyczny jest zapauzowany","Test if the music on the specified channel is paused.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy muzyka na okre\u015Blonym kanale jest wstrzymana.","Music on channel _PARAM1_ is paused":"Muzyka na kanale _PARAM1_ jest wstrzymana","A music file is stopped":"Plik muzyczny jest zatrzymany","Test if the music on the specified channel is stopped.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy muzyka na okre\u015Blonym kanale jest zatrzymany.","Music on channel _PARAM1_ is stopped":"Muzyka na kanale _PARAM1_ jest zatrzymany","A sound is being played":"D\u017Awi\u0119k jest odtwarzany","Test if the sound on a channel is being played.":"Sprawdzi\u0107, czy d\u017Awi\u0119k w kanale jest odtwarzany.","Sound on channel _PARAM1_ is being played":"D\u017Awi\u0119k na kanale _PARAM1_ jest odtwarzana","A sound is paused":"D\u017Awi\u0119k jest wstrzymany","Test if the sound on the specified channel is paused.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy d\u017Awi\u0119k na okre\u015Blonym kanale jest wstrzymana.","Sound on channel _PARAM1_ is paused":"D\u017Awi\u0119k na kanale _PARAM1_ jest zatrzymany","A sound is stopped":"D\u017Awi\u0119k jest zatrzymany","Test if the sound on the specified channel is stopped.":"Testuj czy d\u017Awi\u0119k na okre\u015Blonym kanale jest zatrzymany.","Sound on channel _PARAM1_ is stopped":"D\u017Awi\u0119k na kanale _PARAM1_ jest zatrzymany","Test the volume of the sound on the specified channel.":"Sprawd\u017A g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","Test the volume of the music on a specified channel. The volume is between 0 and 100.":"Przetestowa\u0107 g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 muzyki na okre\u015Blonym kanale. Obj\u0119to\u015B\u0107 wynosi mi\u0119dzy 0 a 100.","Global volume":"Og\xF3lna g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107","Test the global sound level. The volume is between 0 and 100.":"Przetestowa\u0107 globalny poziom d\u017Awi\u0119ku. Obj\u0119to\u015B\u0107 wynosi mi\u0119dzy 0 a 100.","the global game volume":"globalny wolumen gra","Test the pitch of the sound on the specified channel. 1 is the default pitch.":"Przetestowa\u0107 wysoko\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku na okre\u015Blonym kanale. 1 jest podzia\u0142k\u0105 domy\u015Blna.","Pitch to compare to (1 by default)":"Ton do por\xF3wnania (domy\u015Blnie 1)","Test the pitch (speed) of the music on a specified channel.":"Sprawd\u017A ton (pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107) muzyki na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","Test the playing offset of the sound on the specified channel.":"Przetestuj gr\u0119 przesuni\u0119cie d\u017Awi\u0119ku na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","Position to compare to (in seconds)":"Pozycja do por\xF3wnania (w sekundach)","Test the playing offset of the music on the specified channel.":"Przetestuj gr\u0119 przesuni\u0119cie muzyki na okre\u015Blonym kanale.","Sound playing offset":"odtwarzanie d\u017Awi\u0119ku offsetu","Sounds":"D\u017Awi\u0119ki","Music playing offset":"Odtwarzanie muzyki offsetu","Sound volume":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 d\u017Awi\u0119ku","Music volume":"G\u0142o\u015Bno\u015B\u0107 muzyki","Sound's pitch":"D\u017Awi\u0119k na boisku","Music's pitch":"Muzyka boiska","Global volume value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 og\xF3lnej g\u0142o\u015Bno\u015Bci","Sound level":"Poziom d\u017Awi\u0119ku","Animatable capability":"Obs\u0142uga animowalna","Animate objects.":"Animowalne obiekty.","the animation played by the object using the animation number (from the animations list)":"animacja odtwarzana przez obiekt przy u\u017Cyciu numeru animacji (z listy animacji)","Animation index":"Indeks animacji","the animation played by the object using the name of the animation":"animacja odtwarzana przez obiekt przy u\u017Cyciu nazwy animacji","Pause the animation of the object.":"Wstrzymaj animacj\u0119 obiektu.","Resume the animation of the object.":"Wzn\xF3w animacj\u0119 obiektu.","Animation elapsed time":"Up\u0142yni\u0119ty czas animacji","the elapsed time from the beginning of the animation (in seconds)":"czas, kt\xF3ry up\u0142yn\u0105\u0142 od pocz\u0105tku animacji (w sekundach)","the animation elapsed time":"up\u0142yni\u0119ty czas animacji","Elapsed time (in seconds)":"Up\u0142yni\u0119ty czas (w sekundach)","Animation duration":"Czas trwania animacji","Return the current animation duration (in seconds).":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 aktualny czas trwania animacji (w sekundach).","Apply visual effects to objects.":"Zastosuj efekty wizualne do obiekt\xF3w.","Enable an object effect":"W\u0142\u0105cz efekt obiektu","Enable an effect on the object":"W\u0142\u0105cz efekt na obiekcie","Enable effect _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz efekt _PARAM2_ na _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Effect property (number)":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 efektu (numer)","Change the value of a property of an effect.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci efektu.","You can find the property names (and change the effect names) in the effects window.":"Mo\u017Cesz znale\u017A\u0107 nazwy w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci (i zmieni\u0107 nazwy efekt\xF3w) w oknie efekt\xF3w.","Set _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ for effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_":"Ustaw _PARAM3_ na _PARAM4_ dla efektu _PARAM2_ z _PARAM0_","Effect property (string)":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 efektu (ci\u0105g)","Change the value (string) of a property of an effect.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 (ci\u0105g) w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci efektu.","Effect property (enable or disable)":"W\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 efektu (w\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz)","Enable or disable a property of an effect.":"W\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107 efektu.","Enable _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM4_":"W\u0142\u0105cz _PARAM3_ dla efektu _PARAM2_ _PARAM0_: _PARAM4_","Enable this property":"W\u0142\u0105cz t\u0119 w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107","Effect is enabled":"Efekt jest w\u0142\u0105czony","Check if the effect on an object is enabled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy efekt na obiekcie jest w\u0142\u0105czony.","Effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"Efekt _PARAM2_ z _PARAM0_ jest w\u0142\u0105czony","Flippable capability":"Obs\u0142uga odwracania","Flip objects.":"Obr\xF3\u0107 obiekty.","Flip horizontally _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Przerzu\u0107 poziomo _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Flip vertically _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Przerzu\u0107 pionowo _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Text capability":"Obs\u0142uga tekstu","Access objects text.":"Dost\u0119p do tekstu obiekt\xF3w.","Resizable capability":"Obs\u0142uga zmiany rozmiaru","Change the object dimensions.":"Zmie\u0144 wymiary obiektu.","Change the width of the object.":"Zmie\u0144 szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Compare the width of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Change the height of the object.":"Zmie\u0144 wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Compare the height of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Change the size of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 rozmiar obiektu.","Change the size of _PARAM0_: set to _PARAM2_ x _PARAM3_":"Zmie\u0144 rozmiar _PARAM0_: ustaw na _PARAM2_ x _PARAM3_","Opacity capability":"Obs\u0142uga przezroczysto\u015Bci","Change the object opacity.":"Zmie\u0144 przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 obiektu.","Scalable capability":"Obs\u0142uga skalowania","Change the object scale.":"Zmie\u0144 skal\u0119 obiektu.","the scale of the object (default scale is 1)":"skala obiektu (domy\u015Blna skala wynosi 1)","the scale on X axis of the object (default scale is 1)":"skala na osi X obiektu (domy\u015Blna skala wynosi 1)","the scale on X axis":"skala na osi X","the scale on Y axis of the object (default scale is 1)":"skala na osi Y obiektu (domy\u015Blna skala wynosi 1)","the scale on Y axis":"skala na osi Y","Event functions":"Funkcje zdarzenia","Advanced control features for functions made with events.":"Zaawansowane funkcje kontroli dla funkcji wykonanych zdarzeniami.","Set number return value":"Numer zestaw warto\u015B\u0107 zwracana","Set the return value of the events function to the specified number (to be used with \"Expression\" functions).":"Ustawi\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 zwracana wydarze\u0144 funkcjonowa\u0107 do podanej liczby (do stosowania z \u201E \u201D Expression funkcji).","Set return value to number _PARAM0_":"Ustaw warto\u015B\u0107 powr\xF3t do numeru _PARAM0_","The number to be returned":"Liczba do zwr\xF3cenia","Set text return value":"Ustaw warto\u015B\u0107 zwracana tekst","Set the return value of the events function to the specified text (to be used with \"String Expression\" functions).":"Ustawi\u0107 warto\u015B\u0107 zwracana wydarze\u0144 funkcjonowa\u0107 do danego tekstu (do stosowania z \u201E \u201D wyra\u017Cenie \u0142a\u0144cuchowe funkcji).","Set return value to text _PARAM0_":"Ustaw warto\u015B\u0107 powr\xF3t do _PARAM0_ tekstu","The text to be returned":"Tekst do zwr\xF3cenia","Set condition return value":"Ustaw stan Warto\u015B\u0107 zwracana","Set the return value of the Condition events function to either true (condition will pass) or false.":"Ustaw warto\u015B\u0107 zwracan\u0105 wydarze\u0144 Warunek funkcjonowa\u0107 albo true (stan minie) lub fa\u0142sz.","Set return value of the condition to _PARAM0_":"Ustaw warto\u015B\u0107 zwracana Warunkiem _PARAM0_","Should the condition be true or false?":"Czy warunek powinien by\u0107 prawd\u0105 czy fa\u0142szem?","Copy function parameter to variable":"Kopiuj parametr funkcji do zmiennej","Copy a function parameter (also called \"argument\") to a variable. The parameter type must be a variable.":"Skopiuj parametr funkcji (zwany tak\u017Ce \"argumentem\") do zmiennej. Typ parametru musi by\u0107 zmienn\u0105.","Copy the parameter _PARAM0_ into the variable _PARAM1_":"Kopiuj parametr _PARAM0_ do zmiennej _PARAM1_","Copy variable to function parameter":"Kopiuj zmienn\u0105 do parametru funkcji","Copy a variable to function parameter (also called \"argument\"). The parameter type must be a variable.":"Skopiuj zmienn\u0105 do parametru funkcji (zwanego r\xF3wnie\u017C \"argumentem\"). Rodzaj parametru musi by\u0107 zmienn\u0105.","Copy the variable _PARAM1_ into the parameter _PARAM0_":"Kopiuj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM1_ do parametru _PARAM0_","Check if a function parameter is set to true (or yes)":"Sprawd\u017A, czy parametr funkcji jest ustawiony jako prawda (lub tak)","Check if the specified function parameter (also called \"argument\") is set to True or Yes. If the argument is a string, an empty string is considered as \"false\". If it's a number, 0 is considered as \"false\".":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blony parametr funkcji (zwany r\xF3wnie\u017C \"argumentem\") jest ustawiony jako prawda lub tak. Je\u017Celi argument jest ci\u0105giem, to pusty ci\u0105g jest uwa\u017Cany za \"fa\u0142sz\". Je\u017Celi jest to liczba, to 0 jest uwa\u017Cane za \"fa\u0142sz\".","Parameter _PARAM0_ is true":"Parametr _PARAM0_ jest prawdziwy","Get function parameter value":"Uzyskaj funkcji warto\u015Bci parametru","Get function parameter (also called \"argument\") value. You don't need this most of the time as you can simply write the parameter name in an expression.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 parametru funkcji (zwanego r\xF3wnie\u017C \"argumentem\"). W wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci przypadk\xF3w ta opcja b\u0119dzie ci niepotrzebna, gdy\u017C mo\u017Cesz po prostu zapisa\u0107 nazw\u0119 parametru w wyra\u017Ceniu.","Get function parameter text":"Uzyskaj tekst parametru funkcja","Get function parameter (also called \"argument\") text. You don't need this most of the time as you can simply write the parameter name in an expression.":"Uzyskaj tekst parametru funkcji (zwanego r\xF3wnie\u017C \"argumentem\"). W wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci przypadk\xF3w ta opcja b\u0119dzie ci niepotrzebna, gdy\u017C mo\u017Cesz po prostu zapisa\u0107 nazw\u0119 parametru w wyra\u017Ceniu.","Compare function parameter value":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 parametru funkcji","Compare function parameter (also called \"argument\") value.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 parametru funkcji (zwanego r\xF3wnie\u017C \"argumentem\").","Parameter _PARAM0_":"Parametr _PARAM0_","Compare function parameter text":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst parametru funkcji","Compare function parameter (also called \"argument\") text.":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst parametru funkcji (zwanego r\xF3wnie\u017C \"argumentem\").","Sprite are animated object which can be used for most elements of a game.":"Sprite s\u0105 animowane przedmiot, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cywany do wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci element\xF3w gry.","Animated object which can be used for most elements of a game.":"Animowany obiekt, kt\xF3ry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty dla wi\u0119kszo\u015Bci element\xF3w gry.","Sprite opacity":"Przezroczysto\u015B\u0107 duszka","Change the opacity of a Sprite. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Zmie\u0144 krycie Sprite. 0 jest ca\u0142kowicie przezroczysty, 255 jest nieprzezroczysty (domy\u015Blnie).","Change the animation":"Zmie\u0144 animacj\u0119","Change the animation of the object, using the animation number in the animations list.":"Zmie\u0144 animacj\u0119 obiektu, u\u017Cywaj\u0105c numeru animacji na li\u015Bcie animacji.","Change the animation (by name)":"Zmie\u0144 animacj\u0119 (wg nazwy)","Change the animation of the object, using the name of the animation.":"Zmie\u0144 animacj\u0119 obiektu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c nazwy animacji.","Set animation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 animacj\u0119 _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Change the direction":"Zmie\u0144 kierunek","Change the direction of the object.\nIf the object is set to automatically rotate, the direction is its angle.\nIf the object is in 8 directions mode, the valid directions are 0..7":"Zmian\u0119 kierunku obiektu. N Je\u015Bli obiekt jest skonfigurowany do automatycznego obracania, kierunek jest jego k\u0105t. N Je\u015Bli obiekt jest w trybie 8 kierunkach, wa\u017Cne kierunki s\u0105 0..7","the direction":"kierunek","Current frame":"Aktualny numer klatki","Modify the current frame of the object":"Zmie\u0144 numer bie\u017C\u0105cej klatki obiektu","the animation frame":"ramka animacji","Play the animation":"Odtw\xF3rz animacj\u0119","Play the animation of the object":"Odtw\xF3rz animacj\u0119 obiektu","Play the animation of _PARAM0_":"Odtw\xF3rz animacj\u0119 _PARAM0_","Modify the animation speed scale (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower).":"Zmie\u0144 skal\u0119 pr\u0119dko\u015Bci animacji (1 = domy\u015Blnie, >1 = szybciej & <1 = wolniej).","Object to be rotated":"Obiekt do obr\xF3cenia","Angular speed (degrees per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa (stopnie na sekund\u0119)","Modify the scale of the width of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 skal\u0119 szeroko\u015Bci obiektu.","Modify the scale of the height of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 skal\u0119 wysoko\u015Bci obiektu.","Change the width of a Sprite object.":"Zmie\u0144 szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu Sprite.","Compare the width of a Sprite object.":"Por\xF3wnaj szeroko\u015B\u0107 duszka.","Change the height of a Sprite object.":"Zmieni\u0107 wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu Sprite.","Compare the height of a Sprite object.":"Por\xF3wnaj wysoko\u015B\u0107 duszka.","Current animation":"Aktualna animacja","Compare the number of the animation played by the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj numer animacji odtwarzanej przez obiekt.","Current animation name":"Aktualna nazwa animacji","Check the animation played by the object.":"Sprawd\u017A animacj\u0119 odtwarzan\u0105 przez obiekt.","The animation of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Animacja _PARAM0_ jest _PARAM1_","Current direction":"Aktualny kierunek","Compare the direction of the object. If 8 direction mode is activated for the sprite, the value taken for direction will be from 0 to 7. Otherwise, the direction is in degrees.":"Por\xF3wnaj kierunek obiektu. Je\u015Bli aktywowany jest tryb 8 kierunk\xF3w sprite, warto\u015B\u0107 przyjmowana dla kierunku wynosi od 0 do 7. W przeciwnym razie kierunek jest w stopniach.","Compare the index of the current frame in the animation displayed by the specified object. The first frame in an animation starts at index 0.":"Por\xF3wnaj indeks bie\u017C\u0105cej ramki w animacji wy\u015Bwietlanej przez okre\u015Blony obiekt. Pierwsza ramka animacja rozpoczyna si\u0119 indeks 0.","Compare the scale of the width of an object.":"Test skali szeroko\u015Bci obiektu.","Compare the scale of the height of an object.":"Test skali wysoko\u015Bci obiektu.","Compare the opacity of a Sprite, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Por\xF3wnanie nieprzezroczysto\u015B\u0107 ikonki, od 0 (w pe\u0142ni przezroczyste) do 255 (matowa).","Blend mode":"Przenikanie","Compare the number of the blend mode currently used by an object":"Por\xF3wnaj liczb\u0119 tryb mieszania aktualnie u\u017Cywanego przez obiekt","the number of the current blend mode":"numer aktualnego trybu mieszania","Change the tint of an object. The default color is white.":"Zmie\u0144 kolor obiektu. Domy\u015Blnym kolorem jest bia\u0142y.","Change the number of the blend mode of an object.\nThe default blend mode is 0 (Normal).":"Zmieni\u0107 numer trybu mieszania obiektu. N Domy\u015Blny tryb mieszanka jest 0 (normalny).","Change Blend mode of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 tryb Blend _PARAM0_ do _PARAM1_","X position of a point":"Pozycja X punktu","Name of the point":"Nazwa punktu","Y position of a point":"Pozycja Y punktu","Direction of the object":"Kierunek obiektu","Animation of the object":"Animacja obiektu","Name of the animation of the object":"Nazwa animacji obiektu","Current frame of the animation of the object":"Aktualna klatka animacji obiektu","Number of frames":"Liczba klatek","Number of frames in the current animation of the object":"Liczba klatek w aktualnej animacji obiektu","Scale of the width of an object":"Przeskaluj szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Scale of the height of an object":"Przeskaluj wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Collision (Pixel perfect)":"Kolizja (dok\u0142adno\u015B\u0107 pikseli)","The condition is true if there is a collision between the two objects.\nThe test is pixel-perfect.":"Warunek jest spe\u0142niony, je\u017Celi istnieje kolizja mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami. N Test jest pixel-perfect.","_PARAM0_ is in collision with _PARAM1_ (pixel perfect)":"_PARAM0_ jest w kolizji z _PARAM1_ (pixel perfect)","Mathematical tools":"Narz\u0119dzia matematyczne","Random integer":"Losowa liczba ca\u0142kowita","Maximum value":"Maksymalna warto\u015B\u0107","Random integer in range":"Losow\u0105 liczb\u0119 ca\u0142kowit\u0105 w zakresie","Minimum value":"Minimalna warto\u015B\u0107","Random float":"Losowe p\u0142ywak","Random float in range":"Losowe p\u0142ywak w zakresie","Random value in steps":"Losowa warto\u015B\u0107 w krokach","Step":"Krok","Normalize a value between `min` and `max` to a value between 0 and 1.":"Normalizuj warto\u015B\u0107 pomi\u0119dzy `min` i `max` do warto\u015Bci pomi\u0119dzy 0 i 1.","Remap a value between 0 and 1.":"Przeskaluj warto\u015B\u0107 mi\u0119dzy 0 a 1.","Min":"min","Max":"max","Clamp (restrict a value to a given range)":"Zacisk (ograniczaj\u0105 warto\u015B\u0107 do danego zasi\u0119gu)","Restrict a value to a given range":"Ograniczanie warto\u015Bci danego zakresu","Difference between two angles":"R\xF3\u017Cnica mi\u0119dzy dwoma k\u0105tami","First angle, in degrees":"Pierwszy k\u0105t, w stopniach","Second angle, in degrees":"Drugi k\u0105t, w stopniach","Angle between two positions":"K\u0105t mi\u0119dzy dwoma pozycjami","Compute the angle between two positions (in degrees).":"Oblicz k\u0105t pomi\u0119dzy dwoma pozycjami (w stopniach).","First point X position":"Pozycja X pierwszego punktu","First point Y position":"Pozycja Y pierwszego punktu","Second point X position":"Pozycja X drugiego punktu","Second point Y position":"Pozycja Y drugiego punktu","Distance between two positions":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 mi\u0119dzy dwoma pozycjami","Compute the distance between two positions.":"Oblicz odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 mi\u0119dzy dwoma pozycjami.","Modulo":"Modulo","x mod y":"x mod y","x (as in x mod y)":"x (jak w mod y)","y (as in x mod y)":"y (jak w mod y)","Minimum of two numbers":"Minimum dw\xF3ch liczb","First expression":"Pierwsze wyra\u017Cenie","Second expression":"Drugie wyra\u017Cenie","Maximum of two numbers":"Maksimum dw\xF3ch liczb","Absolute value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 bezwzgl\u0119dna","Arccosine":"Arcus cosinus","Arccosine, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.":"Arccosine, zwr\xF3\u0107 k\u0105t (w radianie). `ToDeg` pozwala na przekszta\u0142cenie go w stopnie.","Hyperbolic arccosine":"Arcus cosinus hiperboliczny","Arcsine":"Arcus sinus","Arcsine, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.":"Arcsine, zwr\xF3\u0107 k\u0105t (w radianie). `ToDeg` pozwala na przekszta\u0142cenie go w stopnie.","Arctangent":"Tangens po \u0142uku","Arctangent, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.":"Arctangent, zwraca k\u0105t (w radianie). `ToDeg` pozwala na przekszta\u0142cenie go w stopnie.","2 argument arctangent":"2 argumenty tangensu","2 argument arctangent (atan2)":"2 argumentu arcus tangens (atan2)","Hyperbolic arctangent":"Tangens hiperboliczny","Cube root":"Pierwiastek sze\u015Bcienny","Ceil (round up)":"Ceil (zaokr\u0105glanie w g\xF3r\u0119)","Round number up to an integer":"Zaokr\u0105glij w g\xF3r\u0119 jako liczba ca\u0142kowita","Ceil (round up) to a decimal point":"Zaokr\u0105glij w g\xF3r\u0119 do punktu dziesi\u0119tnego","Round number up to the Nth decimal place":"Zaokr\u0105glij liczb\u0119 w g\xF3r\u0119 do N-tego miejsca po przecinku","Floor (round down)":"Floor (zaokr\u0105glanie w d\xF3\u0142)","Round number down to an integer":"Zaokr\u0105glij w d\xF3\u0142 jako liczba ca\u0142kowita","Floor (round down) to a decimal point":"Zaokr\u0105glij w d\xF3\u0142 do punktu dziesi\u0119tnego","Round number down to the Nth decimal place":"Zaokr\u0105glij liczb\u0119 w d\xF3\u0142 do N-tego miejsca po przecinku","Cosine":"Cosinus","Cosine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.":"Cosinus k\u0105ta (w radianach). Je\u017Celi chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107 stopni, u\u017Cyj`ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.","Hyperbolic cosine":"Cosinus hiperboliczny","Cotangent":"Cotangens","Cotangent of a number":"Cotangens liczby","Cosecant":"Cosecans","Cosecant of a number":"Cosecans liczby","Round":"Zaokr\u0105glij","Round a number":"Zaokr\u0105glij liczb\u0119","Round to a decimal point":"Zaokr\u0105glij do punktu dziesi\u0119tnego","Round a number to the Nth decimal place":"Zaokr\u0105glij liczb\u0119 do N-tego miejsca po przecinku","Exponential":"Wyk\u0142adniczy","Exponential of a number":"Wyk\u0142adnik liczby","Logarithm":"Logarytm","Base-2 logarithm":"Logarytm o podstawie 2","Base 2 Logarithm":"Logarytm o podstawie 2","Base-10 logarithm":"Logarytm dziesi\u0119tny","Nth root":"Pierwiastek n-tego stopnia","Nth root of a number":"Pierwiastek n-tego stopnia liczby","N":"N","Power":"Pot\u0119guj","Raise a number to power n":"Podnie\u015B liczb\u0119 to pot\u0119gi n","The exponent (n in x^n)":"Wyk\u0142adnik (n in x^n)","Secant":"Secans","Sign of a number":"Znak liczby","Return the sign of a number (1,-1 or 0)":"Zwraca znak liczby (1, -1 lub 0)","Sine":"Sinus","Sine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.":"Sinus k\u0105ta (w radianach). Je\u017Celi chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107 stopni, u\u017Cyj `ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.","Hyperbolic sine":"Sinus hiperboliczny","Square root":"Pierwiastek kwadratowy","Square root of a number":"Pierwiastek kwadratowy liczby","Tangent":"Tangens","Tangent of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `tan(ToRad(45))`.":"Tangens k\u0105ta (w radianach). Je\u017Celi chcesz u\u017Cy\u0107 stopni, u\u017Cyj `ToRad`: `tan(ToRad(45))`.","Hyperbolic tangent":"Tangens hiperboliczny","Truncation":"Obci\u0119cie","Truncate a number":"Obci\u0105\u0107 liczb\u0119","Lerp (Linear interpolation)":"Lerp (interpolacja liniowa)","Linearly interpolate a to b by x":"Interpoluj liniowo z a do b przez x","a (in a+(b-a)*x)":"a (w a+(b-a)*x)","b (in a+(b-a)*x)":"b (w a+(b-a)*x)","x (in a+(b-a)*x)":"x (w a+(b-a)*x)","X position from angle and distance":"Pozycja X od k\u0105ta i odleg\u0142o\u015Bci","Compute the X position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Oblicz po\u0142o\u017Cenie X, gdy podano k\u0105t i odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 wzgl\u0119dem pocz\u0105tku (0;0). Jest to r\xF3wnie\u017C znane jako uzyskanie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych kartezja\u0144skich wektora 2D przy u\u017Cyciu jego wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych polarnych.","Y position from angle and distance":"Pozycja Y od k\u0105ta i odleg\u0142o\u015Bci","Compute the Y position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Oblicz po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y, gdy podano k\u0105t i odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 wzgl\u0119dem pocz\u0105tku (0;0). Jest to r\xF3wnie\u017C znane jako uzyskanie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych kartezja\u0144skich wektora 2D przy u\u017Cyciu jego wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych polarnych.","Number Pi (3.1415...)":"Liczba Pi (3.1415\u2026)","The number Pi (3.1415...)":"Liczba Pi (3.1415\u2026)","Lerp (Linear interpolation) between two angles":"Lerp (interpolacja liniowa) pomi\u0119dzy dwoma k\u0105tami","Linearly interpolates between two angles (in degrees) by taking the shortest direction around the circle.":"Liniowa interpolacja mi\u0119dzy dwoma k\u0105tami (w stopniach) przyjmuj\u0105c najkr\xF3tszy kierunek wok\xF3\u0142 okr\u0119gu.","Starting angle, in degrees":"Pocz\u0105tkowy k\u0105t, w stopniach","Destination angle, in degrees":"K\u0105t docelowy, w stopniach","Interpolation value between 0 and 1.":"Warto\u015B\u0107 interpolacji mi\u0119dzy 0 i 1.","Create objects from an external layout":"Tw\xF3rz elementy z zewn\u0119trznego uk\u0142adu","Create objects from an external layout.":"Utw\xF3rz obiekt z zewn\u0119trznego uk\u0142adu.","Create objects from the external layout named _PARAM1_":"Tw\xF3rz elementy z zewn\u0119trznego uk\u0142adu o nazwie _PARAM1_","X position of the origin":"Pozycja X pochodzenia","Y position of the origin":"Pozycja Y pochodzenia","Z position of the origin":"Pozycja Z \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142a","Conversion":"Konwersja","Text > Number":"Tekst > liczba","Convert the text to a number":"Konwertuj tekst na liczb\u0119","Text to convert to a number":"Tekst do konwersji na liczb\u0119","Number > Text":"Liczba > Tekst","Convert the result of the expression to text":"Konwertuj rezultat wyra\u017Cenia na tekst","Expression to be converted to text":"Wyra\u017Cenie do konwersji na tekst","Number > Text ( without scientific notation )":"Liczba > Tekst (bez notacji naukowej)","Convert the result of the expression to text, without using the scientific notation":"Przekonwertowa\u0107 wynik wyra\u017Cenia do tekstu, nie u\u017Cywaj\u0105c notacji naukowej","Degrees > Radians":"Stopnie > Radiany","Converts the angle, expressed in degrees, into radians":"Przekszta\u0142ca k\u0105t wyra\u017Cony w stopniach, do radianach","Radians > Degrees":"Radiany > Stopnie","Converts the angle, expressed in radians, into degrees":"Przekszta\u0142ca k\u0105t wyra\u017Cony w radianach na stopnie","Angle, in radians":"K\u0105t, w radianach","Convert variable to JSON":"Konwertuj zmienn\u0105 do JSON","Convert a variable to JSON":"Konwertuj zmienn\u0105 do JSON","JSON":"JSON","The variable to be stringified":"Zmienna do przekszta\u0142cenia na ci\u0105g (string)","Convert global variable to JSON":"Konwertuj zmienn\u0105 globaln\u0105 do JSON","Convert a global variable to JSON":"Konwertuj zmienn\u0105 globaln\u0105 do JSON","The global variable to be stringified":"Zmienna globalna by\u0107 stringified","Convert object variable to JSON":"Konwertuj obiekt do JSON","Convert an object variable to JSON":"Konwertuj obiekt do JSON","The object with the variable":"Obiekt ze zmienn\u0105","The object variable to be stringified":"Zmienna obiektu do stringified","Convert JSON to a scene variable":"Konwersja JSON zmiennej sceny","Parse a JSON object and store it into a scene variable":"Przetwarza obiekt JSON i przechowywa\u0107 go do zmiennej sceny","Convert JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into variable _PARAM1_":"Konwertuj ci\u0105g JSON _PARAM0_ i zapisz go w zmiennej _PARAM1_","JSON string":"\u0141a\u0144cuch znak\xF3w JSON","Variable where store the JSON object":"Zmienna przechowuj\u0105ca obiekt JSON","Convert JSON to global variable":"Konwertuj JSON do zmiennej globalnej","Parse a JSON object and store it into a global variable":"Przetwarza obiekt JSON i przechowywa\u0107 go do zmiennej globalnej","Convert JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into global variable _PARAM1_":"Konwertuj ci\u0105g JSON _PARAM0_ i zapisz go w zmiennej globalnej _PARAM1_","Global variable where store the JSON object":"Zmienna globalna przechowuj\u0105ca obiekt JSON","Convert JSON to a variable":"Konwertuj JSON do zmiennej","Parse a JSON object and store it into a variable":"Przetw\xF3rz obiekt JSON i zapisz go w zmiennej","Variable where to store the JSON object":"Zmienna do przechowania obiektu JSON","Convert JSON to object variable":"Konwertuj JSON do zmiennej obiektu","Parse a JSON object and store it into an object variable":"Przetwarza obiekt JSON i przechowywa\u0107 go do zmiennej obiektowej","Parse JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into variable _PARAM2_ of _PARAM1_":"Analizowa\u0107 JSON _PARAM0_ ci\u0105g i przechowywa\u0107 j\u0105 w zmiennej _PARAM2_ z _PARAM1_","Object variable where store the JSON object":"Zmienna obiektu przechowuj\u0105ca obiekt JSON","Existence of a group":"Istnienie grupy","Check if an element (example : PlayerState/CurrentLevel) exists in the stored data.\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Nale\u017Cy sprawdzi\u0107, czy element (np PlayerState / CurrentLevel) wyst\u0119puje w przechowywanych danych n przeznaczone s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w..","_PARAM1_ exists in storage _PARAM0_":"_PARAM1_ istnieje w pami\u0119ci _PARAM0_","Storage name":"Nazwa pami\u0119ci","Group":"Grupa","Load a storage in memory":"Za\u0142aduj okre\u015Blon\u0105 pami\u0119\u0107 do pami\u0119ci","This action loads the specified storage in memory, so you can write and read it.\nYou can open and write without using this action, but it will be slower.\nIf you use this action, do not forget to unload the storage from memory.":"Ta akcja \u0142aduje okre\u015Blon\u0105 pami\u0119\u0107 do pami\u0119ci, dzi\u0119ki czemu mo\u017Cesz j\u0105 odczytywa\u0107 i zapisywa\u0107.\nMo\u017Cesz otworzy\u0107 i zapisa\u0107 bez u\u017Cycia tej akcji, ale b\u0119dzie to wolniejsze.\nJe\u017Celi u\u017Cywasz tej akcji, nie zapomnij wy\u0142adowa\u0107 okre\u015Blon\u0105 pami\u0119ci z pami\u0119ci.","Load storage _PARAM0_ in memory":"Za\u0142aduj pami\u0119\u0107 _PARAM0_ do pami\u0119ci","Close a storage":"Zamknij pami\u0119\u0107","This action closes the structured data previously loaded in memory, saving all changes made.":"Ta akcja zamyka ustrukturyzowanych danych poprzednio za\u0142adowany do pami\u0119ci, zapisuj\u0105c wszystkie zmiany.","Close structured data _PARAM0_":"Blisko strukturze danych _PARAM0_","Save a value":"Zapisz warto\u015B\u0107","Save the result of the expression in the stored data, in the specified element.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Zapisz wynik wyra\u017Cenia w przechowywanych danych, w podanym elemencie.\nOkre\u015Bl struktur\u0119 prowadz\u0105c\u0105 do elementu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c / (przyk\u0142ad: Root/Level/Current)\nSpacje s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w.","Save _PARAM2_ in _PARAM1_ of storage _PARAM0_":"Zapisz _PARAM2_ w _PARAM1_ pami\u0119ci _PARAM0_","Save a text":"Zapisz tekst","Save the text in the specified storage, in the specified element.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Zapisz tekst w okre\u015Blonej pami\u0119ci, w okre\u015Blonym elemencie.\nOkre\u015Bl struktur\u0119 prowadz\u0105c\u0105 do elementu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c / (przyk\u0142ad: Root/Level/Current)\nSpacje s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w.","Load a value":"Wczytaj warto\u015B\u0107","Load the value saved in the specified element and store it in a scene variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Wczytaj warto\u015B\u0107 zapisan\u0105 w okre\u015Blonym elemencie i zapisz j\u0105 w zmiennej sceny.\nOkre\u015Bl struktur\u0119 prowadz\u0105c\u0105 do elementu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c / (przyk\u0142ad: Root/Level/Current)\nSpacje s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w.","Load _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_ and store value in _PARAM3_":"Wczytaj _PARAM1_ z pami\u0119ci _PARAM0_ i zapisz warto\u015B\u0107 w _PARAM3_","Load the value saved in the specified element and store it in a variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Wczytaj warto\u015B\u0107 zapisan\u0105 w okre\u015Blonym elemencie i zapisz j\u0105 w zmiennej.\nOkre\u015Bl struktur\u0119 prowadz\u0105c\u0105 do elementu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c / (przyk\u0142ad: Root/Level/Current)\nSpacje s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w.","Load a text":"Wczytaj tekst","Load the text saved in the specified element and store it in a scene variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Wczytaj tekst zapisany w okre\u015Blonym elemencie i zapisz go w zmiennej sceny.\nOkre\u015Bl struktur\u0119 prowadz\u0105c\u0105 do elementu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c / (przyk\u0142ad: Root/Level/Current)\nSpacje s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w.","Load _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_ and store as text in _PARAM3_":"Wczytaj _PARAM1_ z pami\u0119ci _PARAM0_ i zapisz jako tekst w _PARAM3_","Load the text saved in the specified element and store it in a variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Wczytaj tekst zapisany w okre\u015Blonym elemencie i zapisz go w zmiennej.\nOkre\u015Bl struktur\u0119 prowadz\u0105c\u0105 do elementu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c / (przyk\u0142ad: Root/Level/Current)\nSpacje s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w.","Delete an element":"Usu\u0144 element","This action deletes the specified element from the specified storage.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Ta akcja usuwa okre\u015Blony element z okre\u015Blonej pami\u0119ci. \n Okre\u015Bl struktur\u0119 prowadz\u0105c\u0105 do elementu u\u017Cywaj\u0105c / (przyk\u0142ad: Root/Level/Current).\nSpacje s\u0105 zabronione w nazwach element\xF3w.","Delete _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 _PARAM1_ z pami\u0119ci _PARAM0_","Clear a storage":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 pami\u0119\u0107","Clear the specified storage, removing all data saved in it.":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 okre\u015Blon\u0105 pami\u0119\u0107, usuwaj\u0105c wszystkie zapisane w niej dane.","Delete storage _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 pami\u0119\u0107 _PARAM0_","A storage exists":"Pami\u0119\u0107 istnieje","Test if the specified storage exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blona pami\u0119\u0107 istnieje.","Storage _PARAM0_ exists":"Pami\u0119\u0107 _PARAM0_ istnieje","Execute a command":"Wykonaj polecenie","This action executes the specified command.":"Ta czynno\u015B\u0107 wykonuje okre\u015Blone polecenie.","Execute _PARAM0_":"Wykonaj _PARAM0_","Command":"Polecenie","Allows your game to respond to keyboard input. Note that this does not work with on-screen keyboard on touch devices: use instead conditions related to touch when making a game for mobile/touchscreen devices.":"Pozwala twojej grze odpowiada\u0107 na wprowadzanie klawiatury. Uwaga: opcja nie dzia\u0142a z klawiatur\u0105 na ekranie na urz\u0105dzeniach dotykowych: u\u017Cyj warunk\xF3w zwi\u0105zanych z dotykiem podczas tworzenia gry dla urz\u0105dze\u0144 mobilnych/dotykowych.","Key pressed":"Klawisz wci\u015Bni\u0119ty","Check if a key is pressed":"Sprawd\u017A, czy klawisz jest wci\u015Bni\u0119ty","_PARAM1_ key is pressed":"Zosta\u0142 wci\u015Bni\u0119ty klawisz _PARAM1_","Key to check":"Key to check","Key released":"Klawisz zwolniony","Check if a key was just released":"Sprawd\u017A, czy klawisz zosta\u0142 w\u0142a\u015Bnie zwolniony","_PARAM1_ key is released":"Klawisz _PARAM1_ zosta\u0142 zwolniony","Any key pressed":"Dowolny klawisz wci\u015Bni\u0119ty","Check if any key is pressed":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dowolny klawisz jest wci\u015Bni\u0119ty","Any key is pressed":"Dowolny klawisz jest naci\u015Bni\u0119ty","Any key released":"Puszczono dowolny klawisz","Check if any key is released":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dowolny klawisz jest zwolniony","Any key is released":"Dowolny klawisz zosta\u0142 puszczony","Last pressed key":"Ostatni wci\u015Bni\u0119ty klawisz","Get the name of the latest key pressed on the keyboard":"Uzyska\u0107 nazw\u0119 najnowszej naci\u015Bni\u0119ciu klawisza na klawiaturze","Text manipulation":"Manipulacja tekstem","Insert a new line":"Wstaw nowy wiersz","Get character from code point":"Wirtualny charakter z punktu kodowego","Code point":"Punkt kodu","Uppercase a text":"Zmie\u0144 litery tekstu na du\u017Ce","Lowercase a text":"Zmie\u0144 litery tekstu na ma\u0142e","Get a portion of a text":"Pobierz fragment tekstu","Start position of the portion (the first letter is at position 0)":"Pozycja pocz\u0105tkowa cz\u0119\u015Bci (pierwsza litera jest w pozycji 0)","Length of the portion":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 porcji","Get a character from a text":"Wydob\u0105d\u017A znak z tekstu","Position of the character (the first letter is at position 0)":"Pozycja znaku (pierwsza litera jest w pozycji 0)","Repeat a text":"Powt\xF3rz tekst","Text to repeat":"Tekst do powt\xF3rzenia","Repetition count":"Licznik powt\xF3rze\u0144","Length of a text":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 tekstu","Search in a text":"Wyszukaj w tek\u015Bcie","Search in a text (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)":"Szukaj w tek\u015Bcie (powr\xF3t pozycj\u0119 wyniku lub -1, je\u015Bli nie znaleziono)","Text to search for":"Tekst do wyszukania","Search the last occurrence in a text":"Szukaj ostatniego wyst\u0105pienia w tek\u015Bcie","Search the last occurrence in a string (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)":"Szukaj ostatniego wyst\u0105pienia w ci\u0105gu (zwraca pozycj\u0119 wyniku, od pocz\u0105tku ci\u0105gu znak\xF3w, lub -1, je\u017Celi nie znaleziono)","Search in a text, starting from a position":"Szukaj w tek\u015Bcie, zaczynaj\u0105c od pozycji","Search in a text, starting from a position (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)":"Wyszukiwanie w tek\u015Bcie, zaczynaj\u0105c od po\u0142o\u017Cenia (powr\xF3t do po\u0142o\u017Cenia w wyniku lub -1, gdy nie znaleziono)","Position of the first character in the string to be considered in the search":"Pozycja pierwszego znaku w ci\u0105gu nale\u017Cy uzna\u0107 w poszukiwaniu","Search the last occurrence in a text, starting from a position":"Szukaj ostatniego wyst\u0105pienia w tek\u015Bcie, zaczynaj\u0105c od pozycji","Search in a text the last occurrence, starting from a position (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)":"Szukaj ostatniego wyst\u0105pienia w tek\u015Bcie, zaczynaj\u0105c od pozycji (zwraca pozycj\u0119 wyniku, od pocz\u0105tku ci\u0105gu znak\xF3w, lub -1, je\u017Celi nie znaleziono)","Position of the last character in the string to be considered in the search":"Pozycja ostatniego znaku w ci\u0105gu nale\u017Cy uzna\u0107 w poszukiwaniu","Replace the first occurrence of a text by another.":"Zast\u0105p pierwsze wyst\u0105pienie tekstu innym tekstem.","Text in which the replacement must be done":"Tekst, w kt\xF3rym zast\u0105pienie ma by\u0107 wykonane","Text to find inside the first text":"Tekst do znalezienia wewn\u0105trz pierwszego tekstu","Replacement to put instead of the text to find":"Zamiennik do wprowadzenia zamiast tekstu do znalezienia","Replace all occurrences of a text by another.":"Zast\u0105p wszystkie wyst\u0105pienia tekstu innym tekstem.","Text in which the replacement(s) must be done":"Tekst, w kt\xF3rym zast\u0105pienie ma by\u0107 wykonane","Asynchronous functions":"Funkcje asynchroniczne","Functions that defer the execution of the events after it.":"Funkcje, kt\xF3re op\xF3\u017Aniaj\u0105 wykonanie zdarze\u0144 po nim.","Async event":"Zdarzenie asynchroniczne","Internal event for asynchronous actions":"Zdarzenie wewn\u0119trzne dla akcji asynchronicznych","End asynchronous function":"Zako\u0144cz funkcj\u0119 asynchroniczn\u0105","Mark an asynchronous function as finished. This will allow the actions and subevents following it to be run.":"Oznacz funkcj\u0119 asynchroniczn\u0105 jako zako\u0144czon\u0105. Pozwoli to na uruchomienie akcji i zdarze\u0144 podrz\u0119dnych.","Game window and resolution":"Okno gry i rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107","De/activate fullscreen":"W\u0142./wy\u0142. pe\u0142ny ekran","This action activates or deactivates fullscreen.":"Ta akcja w\u0142\u0105cza lub wy\u0142\u0105cza pe\u0142ny ekran.","Activate fullscreen: _PARAM1_ (keep aspect ratio: _PARAM2_)":"Aktywacja FULLSCREEN: _PARAM1_ (stosunek zachowaniem proporcji: _PARAM2_)","Activate fullscreen":"W\u0142\u0105cz pe\u0142ny ekran","Keep aspect ratio (HTML5 games only, yes by default)":"Zachowaj format obrazu (tylko gry HTML5, tak domy\u015Blnie)","Fullscreen activated?":"Fullscreen aktywowane?","Check if the game is currently in fullscreen.":"Sprawdza czy gra jest teraz w trybie pe\u0142noekranowym.","The game is in fullscreen":"Gra jest w trybie pe\u0142noekranowym","Window's margins":"Marginesy okna","This action changes the margins, in pixels, between the game frame and the window borders.":"Ta akcja zmienia marginesy w pikselach pomi\u0119dzy ram\u0105 gry i granice okiennych.","Set margins of game window to _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_;_PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Ustaw marginesy okna gry do _PARAM1 _; _ param2 _; _ param3 _; _ PARAM4_","Game resolution":"Rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gry","Changes the resolution of the game, effectively changing the game area size. This won't change the size of the window in which the game is running.":"Zmienia rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gry, skutecznie zmieniaj\u0105c rozmiar obszaru gry. To nie zmieni rozmiar okna, w kt\xF3rym gra jest uruchomiona.","Set game resolution to _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_":"Ustaw rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gra _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_","Game window size":"Rozmiar okna gry","Changes the size of the game window. Note that this will only work on platform supporting this operation: games running in browsers or on mobile phones can not update their window size. Game resolution can still be updated.":"Zmienia rozmiar okna gry. Zauwa\u017C, \u017Ce opcja dzia\u0142a tylko na platformach wspieraj\u0105cych t\u0119 operacj\u0119: gry dzia\u0142aj\u0105ce w przegl\u0105darkach lub na telefonach nie mog\u0105 zaktualizowa\u0107 rozmiaru okna. Rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gry mo\u017Ce by\u0107 nadal aktualizowana.","Set game window size to _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_ (also update game resolution: _PARAM3_)":"Ustaw rozmiar okna gry do _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_ (r\xF3wnie\u017C rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 Aktualizacja gry: _PARAM3_)","Also update the game resolution? If not, the game will be stretched or reduced to fit in the window.":"R\xF3wnie\u017C aktualizowa\u0107 rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gry? Je\u015Bli nie, to gra zostanie rozci\u0105gni\u0119ty lub zmniejszony, aby zmie\u015Bci\u0107 si\u0119 w oknie.","Center the game window on the screen":"Centrum okna gry na ekranie","This action centers the game window on the screen. This only works on Windows, macOS and Linux (not when the game is executed in a web-browser or on iOS/Android).":"Akcja ta centruje okno gry na ekranie. To dzia\u0142a tylko na Windows, MacOS i Linux (gdy gra nie jest wykonywany w przegl\u0105darce internetowej lub na iOS / Android).","Center the game window":"Centrum okna gry","Game resolution resize mode":"Tryb zmiany rozdzielczo\u015Bci gry","Set if the width or the height of the game resolution should be changed to fit the game window - or if the game resolution should not be updated automatically.":"Ustaw je\u015Bli szeroko\u015B\u0107 lub wysoko\u015B\u0107 rozdzielczo\u015Bci gra powinna zosta\u0107 zmieniona w celu dopasowania okna gry - lub je\u015Bli rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gry nie powinny by\u0107 aktualizowane automatycznie.","Set game resolution resize mode to _PARAM1_":"Zestaw gra tryb rozdzielczo\u015Bci resize do _PARAM1_","Resize mode":"tryb Resize","Empty to disable resizing. \"adaptWidth\" will update the game width to fit in the window or screen. \"adaptHeight\" will do the same but with the game height.":"Puste, aby wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 skalowanie. \u201EAdaptWidth \u201D zaktualizuje szeroko\u015B\u0107 gr\u0119 aby zmie\u015Bci\u0107 si\u0119 w oknie lub na ekranie. \u201EAdaptHeight \u201D zrobi to samo, ale z wysoko\u015Bci\u0105 gry.","Automatically adapt the game resolution":"Automatycznie dostosowa\u0107 rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gry","Set if the game resolution should be automatically adapted when the game window or screen size change. This will only be the case if the game resolution resize mode is configured to adapt the width or the height of the game.":"Ustaw je\u015Bli rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gra powinna by\u0107 dostosowana automatycznie, gdy okno gry lub zmiany rozmiaru ekranu. B\u0119dzie to przypadek tylko je\u015Bli tryb rozdzielczo\u015Bci Resize gra jest skonfigurowany tak, aby dostosowa\u0107 szeroko\u015B\u0107 lub wysoko\u015B\u0107 grze.","Automatically adapt the game resolution: _PARAM1_":"Automatycznie dostosowa\u0107 rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 gry: _PARAM1_","Update resolution during the game to fit the screen or window size?":"Zaktualizowa\u0107 rozdzielczo\u015B\u0107 podczas gry, aby dopasowa\u0107 do ekranu lub rozmiaru okna?","Window's icon":"Ikona okna","This action changes the icon of the game's window.":"Ta akcja zmienia ikon\u0119 okna gry.","Use _PARAM1_ as the icon for the game's window.":"U\u017Cyj _PARAM1_ jako ikony okna gry.","Name of the image to be used as the icon":"Nazwa pliku wykorzystywanego jako ikona","Window's title":"Tytu\u0142 okna","This action changes the title of the game's window.":"Ta akcja zmienia tytu\u0142 okna gry.","Change window title to _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 tytu\u0142 okna na _PARAM1_","New title":"Nowy tytu\u0142","Width of the scene window":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 okna sceny","Width of the scene window (or scene canvas for HTML5 games)":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 okna sceny (lub scena p\u0142\xF3tno dla gier HTML5)","Height of the scene window":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 okna sceny","Height of the scene window (or scene canvas for HTML5 games)":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 okna sceny (lub scena p\u0142\xF3tno dla gier HTML5)","Width of the screen/page":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 ekranu/strony","Width of the screen (or the page for HTML5 games in browser)":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 ekranu (lub strony dla gier HTML5 w przegl\u0105darce)","Height of the screen/page":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 ekranu/strony","Height of the screen (or the page for HTML5 games in browser)":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 ekranu (lub strony dla gier HTML5 w przegl\u0105darce)","Color depth":"G\u0142\u0119bia koloru","Variable value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 zmiennej","Compare the number value of a variable.":"Grupa zawieraj\u0105ce zdarzenia.","The variable _PARAM0_":"Zmienna _PARAM0_","Compare the text (string) of a variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst (ci\u0105g) zmiennej.","Compare the boolean value of a variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej.","The variable _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Zmienna _PARAM0_ jest _PARAM1_","Check if the value is":"Sprawd\u017A, czy warto\u015B\u0107 jest","Change variable value":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 zmiennej","Modify the number value of a variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej.","the variable _PARAM0_":"zmienna _PARAM0_","Change text variable":"Zmie\u0144 zmienn\u0105 tekstow\u0105","Modify the text (string) of a variable.":"Zmie\u0144 tekst (ci\u0105g) zmiennej.","Change boolean variable":"Zmie\u0144 zmienn\u0105 logiczn\u0105 (boolean)","Modify the boolean value of a variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej.","Change the variable _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 zmienn\u0105 _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Number of children":"Liczba element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych","Compare the number of children in an array variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj liczb\u0119 element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w zmiennej tablicowej.","The number of children in the array variable _PARAM0_":"Liczba element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Arrays and structures":"Tablice i struktury","Array variable":"Zmienna tablicowa","Child existence":"Istnienie elementu podrz\u0119dnego","Check if the specified child of the structure variable exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blony element podrz\u0119dny zmiennej struktury istnieje.","Child _PARAM1_ of variable _PARAM0_ exists":"Element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM1_ zmiennej _PARAM0_ istnieje","Name of the child":"Nazwa elementu podrz\u0119dnego","Remove a child":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny","Remove a child from a structure variable.":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny ze zmiennej strukturalnej.","Remove child _PARAM1_ from structure variable _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM1_ ze zmiennej strukturalnej _PARAM0_","Structure variable":"Zmienna struktury","Child's name":"Nazwa elementu podrz\u0119dnego","Clear children":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 elementy podrz\u0119dne","Remove all the children from the structure or array variable.":"Usu\u0144 wszystkie elementy podrz\u0119dne ze struktury lub zmiennej tablicowej.","Clear children from variable _PARAM0_":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 elementy podrz\u0119dne ze zmiennej _PARAM0_","Structure or array variable":"Struktura lub zmienna tablicowa","Add existing variable":"Dodaj istniej\u0105c\u0105 zmienn\u0105","Adds an existing variable at the end of an array variable.":"Dodaje istniej\u0105c\u0105 zmienn\u0105 na ko\u0144cu zmiennej tablicowej.","Add variable _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM1_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Variable with the content to add":"Zmienna z zawarto\u015Bci\u0105 do dodania","The content of the variable will *be copied* and added at the end of the array.":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107 zmiennej zostanie *skopiowana* i dodana na ko\u0144cu tablicy.","Add text variable":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 tekstow\u0105","Adds a text (string) at the end of a array variable.":"Dodaje tekst (ci\u0105g) na koniec zmiennej tablicowej.","Add the value _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Dodaj warto\u015B\u0107_PARAM1_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Text to add":"Tekst do dodania","Add variable array value":"Dodaj warto\u015B\u0107 zmiennej tablicowej","Adds a number at the end of an array variable.":"Dodaje liczb\u0119 na koniec zmiennej tablicowej.","Number to add":"Liczba do dodania","Add boolean variable":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 logiczn\u0105 (boolean)","Adds a boolean at the end of an array variable.":" Dodaje warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) na koniec zmiennej tablicowej.","Boolean to add":"Warto\u015B\u0107 logiczna do dodania","Remove variable by index":"Usu\u0144 zmienn\u0105 przez indeks","Removes a variable at the specified index of an array variable.":"Usuwa zmienn\u0105 z okre\u015Blonego indeksu zmiennej tablicowej.","Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from array variable _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 zmienn\u0105 z indeksu _PARAM1_ ze zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Index to remove":"Indeks do usuni\u0119cia","First text child":"Pierwszy tekstowy element podrz\u0119dny","Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej, je\u017Celi jest to tekst (ci\u0105g).","First number child":"Pierwszy liczbowy element podrz\u0119dny","Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a number.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej, je\u017Celi jest to liczba.","Last text child":"Ostatni tekstowy element podrz\u0119dny","Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej, je\u017Celi jest to tekst (ci\u0105g).","Last number child":"Ostatni liczbowy element podrz\u0119dny","Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a number.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej, je\u017Celi jest to liczba.","Number variable":"Zmienna liczbowa","Compare the number value of a scene variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej sceny.","The number of scene variable _PARAM0_":"Liczba zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","External variables/Scene variables":"Zmienne zewn\u0119trzne/Zmienne sceny","Text variable":"Zmienna tekstowa","Compare the text (string) of a scene variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst (ci\u0105g) zmiennej sceny.","The text of scene variable _PARAM0_":"Tekst zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","Boolean variable":"Zmienna logiczna (boolean)","Compare the boolean value of a scene variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej sceny.","The boolean value of scene variable _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Warto\u015B\u0107 logiczna (boolean) zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Check if the specified child of the scene structure variable exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blony element podrz\u0119dny zmiennej struktury sceny istnieje.","Child _PARAM1_ of scene variable _PARAM0_ exists":"Element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM1_ zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_ istnieje","External variables/Scene variables/Arrays and structures":"Zmienne zewn\u0119trzne/Zmienne sceny/Tablice i struktury","Check if the specified child of the global structure variable exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blony element podrz\u0119dny zmiennej strukturalnej globalnej istnieje.","Child _PARAM1_ of global variable _PARAM0_ exists":"Element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM1_ globalnej zmiennej _PARAM0_ istnieje","External variables/Global variables/Arrays and structures":"Zmienne zewn\u0119trzne/Zmienne globalne/Tablice i struktury","Compare the number value of a global variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej globalnej.","the global variable _PARAM0_":"zmienna globalna _PARAM0_","External variables/Global variables":"Zmienne zewn\u0119trzne/Zmienne globalne","Compare the text (string) of a global variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst (ci\u0105g) zmiennej globalnej.","the text of the global variable _PARAM0_":"tekst zmiennej globalnej _PARAM0_","Compare the boolean value of a global variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej globalnej.","The boolean value of global variable _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"Warto\u015B\u0107 logiczna (boolean) zmiennej globalnej _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Change number variable":"Zmie\u0144 zmienn\u0105 liczbow\u0105","Modify the number value of a scene variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej sceny.","the scene variable _PARAM0_":"_PARAM0_ zmienna scena","Modify the text (string) of a scene variable.":"Zmie\u0144 tekst (ci\u0105g) zmiennej sceny.","the text of scene variable _PARAM0_":"tekst zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","Modify the boolean value of a scene variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej sceny.","Set the boolean value of scene variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","New Value:":"Nowa warto\u015B\u0107:","Toggle boolean variable":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz zmienn\u0105 logiczn\u0105 (boolean)","Toggle the boolean value of a scene variable.":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej sceny.","If it was true, it will become false, and if it was false it will become true.":"Je\u017Celi by\u0142a ustawiona prawda, to zostanie ustawione fa\u0142sz, i je\u017Celi by\u0142o fa\u0142sz, to b\u0119dzie prawda.","Toggle the boolean value of scene variable _PARAM0_":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","Modify the number value of a global variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej globalnej.","Modify the text (string) of a global variable.":"Zmie\u0144 tekst (ci\u0105g) zmiennej globalnej.","the text of global variable _PARAM0_":"tekst zmiennej globalnej _PARAM0_","Modify the boolean value of a global variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej globalnej.","Set the boolean value of global variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw warto\u015Bc logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej globalnej _PARAM0_ na _PARAM1_","Toggle the boolean value of a global variable.":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej globalnej.","Toggle the boolean value of global variable _PARAM0_":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej globalnej _PARAM0_","Remove a child from a scene structure variable.":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny ze zmiennej strukturalnej sceny.","Remove child _PARAM1_ from scene structure variable _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM1_ ze zmiennej strukturalnej sceny _PARAM0_","Remove a child from a global structure variable.":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny ze zmiennej strukturalnej globalnej.","Remove child _PARAM1_ from global structure variable _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM1_ ze zmiennej strukturalnej globalnej _PARAM0_","Remove all the children from the scene structure or array variable.":"Usu\u0144 wszystkie elementy podrz\u0119dne ze struktury sceny lub zmiennej tablicowej.","Clear children from scene variable _PARAM0_":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 elementy podrz\u0119dne zmiennej sceny _PARAM0_","Remove all the children from the global structure or array variable.":"Usu\u0144 wszystkie elementy podrz\u0119dne ze struktury globalnej lub zmiennej tablicowej.","Clear children from global variable _PARAM0_":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 elementy podrz\u0119dne globalnej zmiennej _PARAM0_","Adds an existing variable at the end of a scene array variable.":"Dodaje istniej\u0105c\u0105 zmienn\u0105 na koniec zmiennej tablicowej sceny.","Scene variable with the content to add":"Zmienna sceny z zawarto\u015Bci\u0105 do dodania","Adds a text (string) at the end of a scene array variable.":"Dodaje tekst (ci\u0105g) na koniec zmiennej tablicowej sceny.","Add text _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Dodaj tekst _PARAM1_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Add number variable":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 liczbow\u0105","Adds a number at the end of a scene array variable.":"Dodaje liczb\u0119 na koniec zmiennej tablicowej sceny.","Add number _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Dodaj liczb\u0119 _PARAM1_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Adds a boolean at the end of a scene array variable.":"Dodaje warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) na koniec zmiennej tablicowej sceny.","Add boolean _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Dodaj warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) _PARAM1_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Removes a variable at the specified index of a scene array variable.":"Usuwa zmienn\u0105 w okre\u015Blonym indeksie zmiennej tablicowej sceny.","Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from scene array variable _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 zmienn\u0105 z indeksu _PARAM1_ ze zmiennej tablicowej sceny _PARAM0_","Compare the number of children in a scene array variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj liczb\u0119 element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w zmiennej tablicowej sceny.","Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej sceny, je\u017Celi jest to tekst (ci\u0105g).","Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej sceny, je\u017Celi jest to liczba.","Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej sceny, je\u017Celi jest to tekst (ci\u0105g).","Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej sceny, je\u017Celi jest to liczba.","Adds an existing variable at the end of a global array variable.":"Dodaje istniej\u0105c\u0105 zmienn\u0105 na koniec zmiennej tablicowej globalnej.","Removes a variable at the specified index of a global array variable.":"Usuwa zmienn\u0105 w okre\u015Blonym indeksie zmiennej tablicowej globalnej.","Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from global array variable _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 zmienn\u0105 z indeksu _PARAM1_ ze zmiennej tablicowej globalnej _PARAM0_","Adds a text (string) at the end of a global array variable.":"Dodaje tekst (ci\u0105g) na koniec zmiennej tablicowej globalnej.","Adds a number at the end of a global array variable.":"Dodaje liczb\u0119 na koniec zmiennej tablicowej globalnej.","Adds a boolean at the end of a global array variable.":"Dodaje warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) na koniec zmiennej tablicowej globalnej.","Compare the number of children in a global array variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj liczb\u0119 element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w zmiennej tablicowej globalnej.","The number of children of the array variable _PARAM0_":"Liczba element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM0_","Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej globalnej, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna tekstowa (ci\u0105g).","Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable":"Warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej globalnej, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna liczbowa","Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej globalnej, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna tekstowa (ci\u0105g).","Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable":"Warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej globalnej, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna liczbowa","Number of children in a global array or structure variable":"Liczba element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w globalnej tablicy lub zmiennej struktury","Array or structure variable":"Tablica lub zmienna struktury","Number of children in a scene array or structure variable":"Liczba element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w tablicy scenowej lub zmiennej struktury","Number value of a scene variable":"Warto\u015B\u0107 liczbowa zmiennej sceny","Text of a scene variable":"Tekst zmiennej sceny","Number value of a global variable":"Warto\u015B\u0107 liczbowa zmiennej sceny","Name of the global variable":"Nazwa zmiennej globalnej","Text of a global variable":"Tekst zmiennej globalnej","Actions and conditions to manipulate the scenes during the game.":"Akcje i warunki manipulowania scenami podczas gry.","Current scene name":"Obecna nazwa sceny","Name of the current scene":"Nazwa obecnej sceny","At the beginning of the scene":"Przy rozpocz\u0119ciu sceny","Is true only when scene just begins.":"Jest prawd\u0105 tylko wtedy, gdy scena w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 zaczyna.","Scene just resumed":"Scena w\u0142a\u015Bnie wznowiona","The scene has just resumed after being paused.":"Scena w\u0142a\u015Bnie wznowiona po zapauzowaniu.","Does scene exist":"Czy scena istnieje","Check if a scene exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy scena istnieje.","Scene _PARAM1_ exists":"Scena _PARAM1_ istnieje","Name of the scene to check":"Nazwa sceny do sprawdzenia","Change the scene":"Zmie\u0144 scen\u0119","Stop this scene and start the specified one instead.":"Zatrzymaj t\u0119 scen\u0119 i rozpocz\u0105\u0107 okre\u015Blon\u0105 zamiast jednego.","Change to scene _PARAM1_":"Zmie\u0144 na scen\u0119 _PARAM1_","Name of the new scene":"Nazwa nowej sceny","Stop any other paused scenes?":"Zatrzyma\u0107 ka\u017Cd\u0105 inn\u0105 wstrzyman\u0105 scen\u0119?","Pause and start a new scene":"Zapauzuj i rozpocznij now\u0105 scen\u0119","Pause this scene and start the specified one.\nLater, you can use the \"Stop and go back to previous scene\" action to go back to this scene.":"Wstrzyma\u0107 t\u0119 scen\u0119 i rozpocz\u0105\u0107 okre\u015Blon\u0105 jeden. N P\xF3\u017Aniej mo\u017Cna u\u017Cy\u0107 \u201EZatrzymaj i wr\xF3ci\u0107 do poprzedniej sceny \u201D dzia\u0142ania, aby wr\xF3ci\u0107 do tej sceny.","Pause the scene and start _PARAM1_":"Zapauzuj scen\u0119 i rozpocznij _PARAM1_","Stop and go back to previous scene":"Zatrzymaj i powr\xF3\u0107 do poprzedniej sceny","Stop this scene and go back to the previous paused one.\nTo pause a scene, use the \"Pause and start a new scene\" action.":"Zatrzymaj t\u0119 scen\u0119 i wr\xF3ci\u0107 do poprzedniego wstrzymanej jeden. N Aby wstrzyma\u0107 scen\u0119, u\u017Cyj \u201EPauza i rozpocz\u0105\u0107 now\u0105 scen\u0119 \u201D dzia\u0142anie.","Stop the scene and go back to the previous paused one":"Zatrzymaj scen\u0119 i wr\xF3\u0107 do zapauzowanej poprzedniej","Quit the game":"Wyjd\u017A z gry","Change the background color of the scene.":"Zmie\u0144 kolor t\u0142a sceny.","Set background color to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw kolor t\u0142a dla _PARAM1_","Disable input when focus is lost":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz wej\u015Bcie gdy fokus jest tracone","mouse buttons must be taken into account even\nif the window is not active.":"Przyciski myszy musi by\u0107 brane pod uwag\u0119 nawet n je\u015Bli okno nie jest aktywne.","Disable input when focus is lost: _PARAM1_":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz wej\u015Bcie gdy ostro\u015B\u0107 jest stracone: _PARAM1_","Deactivate input when focus is lost":"Wy\u0142\u0105czanie danych wej\u015Bciowych, gdy fokus jest utracony","Game has just resumed":"Gra w\u0142a\u015Bnie wznowi\u0142a","Check if the game has just resumed from being hidden. It happens when the game tab is selected, a minimized window is restored or the application is put back on front.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy gra w\u0142a\u015Bnie zosta\u0142a w\u0142a\u015Bnie wznowiona z ukrycia. Dzieje si\u0119 tak po wybraniu zak\u0142adki gry, zminimalizowane okno zosta\u0142o przywr\xF3cone lub aplikacja zostanie przywr\xF3cona do przodu.","Preload scene":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj scen\u0119","Preload a scene resources as soon as possible in background.":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj zasoby sceny tak szybko jak tylko jest to mo\u017Cliwe w tle.","Preload scene _PARAM1_ in background":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj scen\u0119 _PARAM1_ w tle","Scene loading progress":"Post\u0119p \u0142adowania sceny","The progress of resources loading in background for a scene (between 0 and 1).":"Post\u0119p wczytywania zasob\xF3w w tle dla sceny (od 0 do 1).","_PARAM0_ loading progress":"_PARAM0_ post\u0119p \u0142adowania","Scene preloaded":"Scena wst\u0119pnie wczytana","Check if scene resources have finished to load in background.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy zasoby sceny zako\u0144czy\u0142y si\u0119 za\u0142adowywa\u0107 w tle.","Scene _PARAM1_ was preloaded in background":"Scena _PARAM1_ zosta\u0142a wst\u0119pnie wczytana w tle","Camera center X position":"Ustaw X w centrum kamery","the X position of the center of a camera":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie X \u015Brodka kamery","the X position of camera _PARAM4_ (layer: _PARAM3_)":"pozycja X aparatu _PARAM4_ (warstwa: _PARAM3_)","Camera center Y position":"Ustaw Y w centrum kamery","the Y position of the center of a camera":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y \u015Brodka kamery","the Y position of camera _PARAM4_ (layer: _PARAM3_)":"Pozycja Y aparatu _PARAM4_ (warstwa: _PARAM3_)","Width of a camera":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 kamery","the width of a camera of a layer":"szeroko\u015B\u0107 kamery warstwy","the width of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"szeroko\u015B\u0107 aparatu _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Camera number":"Numer kamery","Height of a camera":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 kamery","the height of a camera of a layer":"wysoko\u015B\u0107 kamery warstwy","the height of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"wysoko\u015B\u0107 aparatu _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Camera left border position":"Pozycja lewego obramowania kamery","the position of the left border of a camera":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie lewego obramowania kamery","the position of the left border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie lewego obramowania kamery _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Camera right border position":"Pozycja prawego obramowania kamery","the position of the right border of a camera":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie prawego obramowania kamery","the position of the right border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie prawego obramowania kamery _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Camera top border position":"Pozycja g\xF3rnego obramowania kamery","the position of the top border of a camera":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie g\xF3rnego obramowania kamery","the position of the top border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie g\xF3rnego obramowania kamery _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Camera bottom border position":"Pozycja dolnego obramowania kamery","the position of the bottom border of a camera":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie dolnego obramowania kamery","the position of the bottom border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie dolnego obramowania kamery _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Angle of a camera of a layer":"K\u0105t kamery warstwowej","the angle of rotation of a camera (in degrees)":"k\u0105t obrotu kamery (w stopniach)","the angle of camera (layer: _PARAM3_, camera: _PARAM4_)":"k\u0105ta kamery (warstwa: _PARAM3_ kamera: _PARAM4_)","Add a camera to a layer":"Dodaj kamer\u0119 do warstwy","This action adds a camera to a layer":"Ta czynno\u015B\u0107 powoduje dodanie kamery do warstwy","Add a camera to layer _PARAM1_":"Dodaj kamer\u0119 do warstwy _PARAM1_","Render zone: Top left side: X Position (between 0 and 1)":"Renderowanie strefy: w lewym g\xF3rnym rogu: X Pozycja (mi\u0119dzy 0 a 1)","Render zone: Top left side: Y Position (between 0 and 1)":"Renderowanie strefy: g\xF3ry z lewej strony: y Pozycja (od 0 do 1)","Render zone: Bottom right side: X Position (between 0 and 1)":"Renderowanie strefie: na dole po prawej stronie: Pozycja X (od 0 do 1)","Render zone: Bottom right side: Y Position (between 0 and 1)":"Renderowanie strefie: na dole po prawej stronie: y Pozycja (od 0 do 1)","Delete a camera of a layer":"Usu\u0144 warstw\u0119 kamery","Remove the specified camera from a layer":"Usuwa kamer\u0119 z okre\u015Blonej warstwy","Delete camera _PARAM2_ from layer _PARAM1_":"Usu\u0144 kamer\u0119 _PARAM2_ z warstwy _PARAM1_","Modify the size of a camera":"Zmie\u0144 rozmiar kamery","This action modifies the size of a camera of the specified layer. The zoom will be reset.":"Ta czynno\u015B\u0107 zmienia rozmiar kamery na okre\u015Blonej warstwie. Zoom zostanie zresetowany.","Change the size of camera _PARAM2_ of _PARAM1_ to _PARAM3_*_PARAM4_":"Zmie\u0144 rozmiar aparatu _PARAM2_ z _PARAM1_ do _PARAM3 _ * _ PARAM4_","Modify the render zone of a camera":"Modyfikuj stref\u0119 czyni\u0105 z aparatu","This action modifies the render zone of a camera of the specified layer.":"Ta akcja modyfikuje stref\u0119 renderowania kamery okre\u015Blonej warstwy.","Set the render zone of camera _PARAM2_ from layer _PARAM1_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_":"Ustaw obszar renderowania kamery _PARAM2_ z warstwy _PARAM1_ na _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_","Camera zoom":"Zoom kamery","Change camera zoom.":"Zmie\u0144 zoom aparatu.","Change camera zoom to _PARAM1_ (layer: _PARAM2_, camera: _PARAM3_)":"Zmie\u0144 zoom kamery na _PARAM1_ (warstwa: _PARAM2_, kamera: _PARAM3_)","Value (1:Initial zoom, 2:Zoom x2, 0.5:Unzoom x2...)":"Warto\u015B\u0107 (1: Pocz\u0105tkowa powi\u0119kszenia 2: Powi\u0119kszenie x2, 0,5: Unzoom x2 ...)","Compare the zoom of a camera of a layer.":"Por\xF3wnaj powi\u0119kszenie kamery warstwy.","Zoom of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"Powi\u0119kszenie kamery _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Zoom":"Powi\u0119kszenie","Center the camera on an object within limits":"Wy\u015Brodkuj kamer\u0119 na obiekcie (limity)","Center the camera on the specified object, without leaving the specified limits.":"Wy\u015Brodkuj kamer\u0119 na okre\u015Blonym obiekcie, bez przekraczania okre\u015Blonych limit\xF3w.\nLepiej wywo\u0142a\u0107 akcj\u0119 na ko\u0144cu zdarze\u0144 odpowiedzialnych za \n pozycjonowanie i ruch obiektu.","Center the camera on _PARAM1_ (limit : from _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_;_PARAM5_) (layer: _PARAM7_, camera: _PARAM8_)":"Wy\u015Brodkuj kamer\u0119 na _PARAM1_ (limit: od _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_ do _PARAM4_; _PARAM5_) (warstwa: _PARAM7_, kamera: _PARAM8_)","Top left side of the boundary: X Position":"Top lewej stronie granicy: X Pozycja","Top left side of the boundary: Y Position":"Top lewej stronie granicy: Y Pozycja","Bottom right side of the boundary: X Position":"Na dole po prawej stronie granicy: X Position","Bottom right side of the boundary: Y Position":"Na dole po prawej stronie granicy: Y Position","Anticipate the movement of the object (yes by default)":"Przewidywa\u0107 ruch obiektu (tak domy\u015Blnie)","Enforce camera boundaries":"Wymu\u015B granice kamery","Enforce camera boundaries by moving the camera back inside specified boundaries.":"Wymu\u015B granice kamery poprzez przesuni\u0119cie kamery z powrotem do okre\u015Blonych granic.","Enforce camera boundaries (left: _PARAM1_, top: _PARAM2_ right: _PARAM3_, bottom: _PARAM4_, layer: _PARAM5_)":"Wymu\u015B granice kamery (lewo: _PARAM1_, g\xF3ra: _PARAM2_, prawo: _PARAM3_, do\u0142: _PARAM4_, warstwa: _PARAM5_)","Left bound X Position":"Lewa granica po\u0142o\u017Cenia X","Top bound Y Position":"G\xF3rna granica po\u0142o\u017Cenia Y","Right bound X Position":"Prawa granica po\u0142o\u017Cenia X","Bottom bound Y Position":"Dolna granica po\u0142o\u017Cenia Y","Center the camera on an object":"Centrowanie kamery na obiekcie","Center the camera on the specified object.":"Wy\u015Brodkuj kamer\u0119 na okre\u015Blonym obiekcie.\nNajlepiej wywo\u0142a\u0107 to dzia\u0142anie na ko\u0144cu zdarze\u0144 odpowiedzialnych za\npozycjonowanie i przesuwanie obiektu.","Center camera on _PARAM1_ (layer: _PARAM3_)":"Wy\u015Brodkuj kamer\u0119 na _PARAM1_ (warstwa: _PARAM3_)","Show a layer":"Poka\u017C warstw\u0119","Show a layer.":"Poka\u017C warstw\u0119.","Show layer _PARAM1_":"Wy\u015Bwietl warstw\u0119 _PARAM1_","Hide a layer":"Ukryj warstw\u0119","Hide a layer.":"Ukryj warstw\u0119.","Hide layer _PARAM1_":"Ukryj warstw\u0119 _PARAM1_","Visibility of a layer":"Widoczno\u015B\u0107 warstwy","Test if a layer is set as visible.":"Sprawdzenie, czy warstwa jest ustawiony jako widoczny.","Layer _PARAM1_ is visible":"Warstwa _PARAM1_ jest widoczny","Set _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ for effect _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"Zestaw _PARAM3_ do _PARAM4_ dla efektu _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_","Enable _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_: _PARAM4_":"W\u0142\u0105czanie _PARAM3_ dla efektu _PARAM2_ warstwy _PARAM1_: _PARAM4_","Layer effect is enabled":"Efekt warstwa jest w\u0142\u0105czona","The effect on a layer is enabled":"Wp\u0142yw na warstwie jest w\u0142\u0105czona","Effect _PARAM2_ on layer _PARAM1_ is enabled":"Efekt _PARAM2_ na warstwie _PARAM1_ jest w\u0142\u0105czona","Enable layer effect":"Uzyskanie efektu warstw\u0119","Enable an effect on a layer":"Umo\u017Cliwi\u0107 wp\u0142yw na warstwie","Enable effect _PARAM2_ on layer _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz efekt _PARAM2_ na warstwie _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_","Enable":"W\u0142\u0105cz","Layer time scale":"Warstwa skali czasu","Compare the time scale applied to the objects of the layer.":"Por\xF3wnaj skal\u0119 czasu zastosowan\u0105 do obiekt\xF3w warstwy.","the time scale of layer _PARAM1_":"czasokresu warstwy _PARAM1_","Change the time scale applied to the objects of the layer.":"Zmieni\u0107 skal\u0119 czasow\u0105 stosowane do obiekt\xF3w warstwy.","Set the time scale of layer _PARAM1_ to _PARAM2_":"Ustaw skal\u0119 czasu warstwy _PARAM1_ na _PARAM2_","Scale (1: Default, 2: 2x faster, 0.5: 2x slower...)":"Skala (1: Domy\u015Blnie, 2: 2x szybciej 0,5: 2x wolniej ...)","Layer default Z order":"Domy\u015Blny \"Z order\" tej warstwy","Compare the default Z order set to objects when they are created on a layer.":"Por\xF3wnaj domy\u015Bln\u0105 kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z ustawion\u0105 na obiekty po ich utworzeniu na warstwie.","the default Z order of objects created on _PARAM1_":"domy\u015Blna kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z obiekt\xF3w utworzonych na _PARAM1_","Change the default Z order set to objects when they are created on a layer.":"Zmie\u0144 domy\u015Bln\u0105 kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z ustawion\u0105 na obiekty po ich utworzeniu na warstwie.","Set the default Z order of objects created on _PARAM1_ to _PARAM2_":"Ustaw domy\u015Bln\u0105 \"Kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z\" obiektu utworzonego na _PARAM1_ do _PARAM2_","New default Z order":"Nowa domy\u015Blna \"Kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z\"","Set the ambient light color of the lighting layer in format \"R;G;B\" string.":"Ustaw kolor warstwy o\u015Bwietlenia w formacie \"R;G;B\".","Set the ambient color of the lighting layer _PARAM1_ to _PARAM2_":"Ustaw kolor warstwy o\u015Bwietlenia _PARAM1_ na _PARAM2_","X position of the top left side point of a render zone":"Pozycja X g\xF3ry po lewej stronie punktu strefy nadania","Y position of the top left side point of a render zone":"Pozycja Y g\xF3ry po lewej stronie punktu strefy nadania","X position of the bottom right side point of a render zone":"Pozycja X prawym dolnym punkcie bocznym renderowania strefy","Y position of the bottom right side point of a render zone":"Pozycja Y prawym dolnym punkcie bocznym renderowania strefy","Zoom of a camera of a layer":"Powi\u0119kszenie kamery warstwy","Returns the time scale of the specified layer.":"Zwraca skal\u0119 czasu okre\u015Blonej warstwy.","Default Z Order for a layer":"Domy\u015Blna kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z dla warstwy","Timers and time":"Stopery i czas","Value of a scene timer":"Warto\u015B\u0107 stopera sceny","Test the elapsed time of a scene timer.":"Sprawd\u017A czas stopera sceny.","The timer _PARAM2_ is greater than _PARAM1_ seconds":"Czas stopera_PARAM2_ jest wi\u0119kszy ni\u017C _PARAM1_ sekund","Time in seconds":"Czas w sekundach","Timer's name":"Nazwa stopera","Compare the elapsed time of a scene timer. This condition doesn't start the timer.":"Por\xF3wnaj czas stopera sceny. Ten warunek nie uruchamia stopera.","The timer _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ seconds":"Stoper _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ sekund","Time scale":"Skala czasu","Compare the time scale of the scene.":"Por\xF3wnaj skal\u0119 czasow\u0105 sceny.","the time scale of the scene":"skala czasowa sceny","Scene timer paused":"Stoper sceny zapauzowany","Test if the specified scene timer is paused.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dany stoper sceny jest zapauzowany.","The timer _PARAM1_ is paused":"Stoper _PARAM1_ jest wstrzymany","Start (or reset) a scene timer":"Rozpocznij (lub zresetuj) stoper sceny","Reset the specified scene timer, if the timer doesn't exist it's created and started.":"Zresetuj dany stoper sceny, a je\u015Bli stoper nie istnieje, to stw\xF3rz go i uruchom.","Start (or reset) the timer _PARAM1_":"Rozpocznij (lub zresetuj) stoper _PARAM1_","Pause a scene timer":"Zapauzuj stoper sceny","Pause a scene timer.":"Zapauzuj stoper sceny.","Pause timer _PARAM1_":"Zapauzuj stoper _PARAM1_","Unpause a scene timer":"Wzn\xF3w stoper sceny","Unpause a scene timer.":"Wzn\xF3w stoper sceny.","Unpause timer _PARAM1_":"Wzn\xF3w stoper _PARAM1_","Delete a scene timer":"Usu\u0144 stoper sceny","Delete a scene timer from memory.":"Usu\u0144 stoper sceny z pami\u0119ci.","Delete timer _PARAM1_ from memory":"Usu\u0144 stoper _PARAM1_ z pami\u0119ci","Change the time scale of the scene.":"Zmie\u0144 skal\u0119 czasow\u0105 sceny.","Set the time scale of the scene to _PARAM1_":"Ustaw skal\u0119 czasow\u0105 sceny na _PARAM1_","Wait X seconds":"Poczekaj X sekund","Waits a number of seconds before running the next actions (and sub-events).":"Czeka okre\u015Blon\u0105 liczb\u0119 sekund przed uruchomieniem nast\u0119pnych akcji (i podzdarze\u0144).","Wait _PARAM0_ seconds":"Czekaj _PARAM0_ sekund","Time to wait in seconds":"Czas oczekiwania w sekundach","Time elapsed since the last frame":"Czas, jaki up\u0142yn\u0105\u0142 od ostatniej klatce","Time elapsed since the last frame rendered on screen":"Czas, jaki up\u0142yn\u0105\u0142 od ostatniej klatki renderowane na ekranie","Scene timer value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 stopera sceny","Time elapsed since the beginning of the scene":"Czas, jaki up\u0142yn\u0105\u0142 od pocz\u0105tku sceny","Returns the time scale of the scene.":"Zwraca skal\u0119 czasu sceny.","Hour: hour - Minutes: min - Seconds: sec - Day of month: mday - Months since January: mon - Year since 1900: year - Days since Sunday: wday - Days since Jan 1st: yday - Timestamp (ms): timestamp\"":"Godzina: godzina - minuty: min - Sekundy: s - Dzie\u0144 miesi\u0105ca: mday - Miesi\u0105ce od stycznia: Pon - od roku 1900: rok - Dni od niedzieli: wday - Dni od Jana 1: yday - znacznik czasu (ms): datownik "","Common features that can be used for all objects in GDevelop.":"Wsp\xF3lne cechy, kt\xF3re mog\u0105 by\u0107 stosowane do wszystkich obiekt\xF3w w GDevelop.","Movement using forces":"Ruch przy u\u017Cyciu si\u0142","Base object":"Obiekt bazowy","Compare the X position of the object.":"Por\xF3wnaj pozycj\u0119 X obiektu.","the X position":"pozycja X","Change the X position of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 po\u0142o\u017Cenie x obiektu.","Compare the Y position of an object.":"Por\xF3wnaj pozycj\u0119 Y obiektu.","the Y position":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y","Change the Y position of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y obiektu.","Change the position of an object.":"Zmie\u0144 po\u0142o\u017Cenie obiektu.","Change the position of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (x axis), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (y axis)":"Zmian\u0119 po\u0142o\u017Cenia _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (o\u015B x), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (o\u015B Y)","Modification's sign":"Znak modyfikacji","Center position":"Wy\u015Brodkuj pozycj\u0119","Change the position of an object, using its center.":"Zmie\u0144 po\u0142o\u017Cenie obiektu, u\u017Cywaj\u0105c jego \u015Brodka.","Change the position of the center of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (x axis), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (y axis)":"Zmie\u0144 po\u0142o\u017Cenie \u015Brodka _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (o\u015B x), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (o\u015B y)","Center X position":"Pozycja \u015Brodka X","the X position of the center of rotation":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie X \u015Brodka obrotu","the X position of the center":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie X \u015Brodka","Center Y position":"Pozycja \u015Brodka Y","the Y position of the center of rotation":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y \u015Brodka obrotu","the Y position of the center":"po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y \u015Brodka","Bounding box left position":"Pozycja lewej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) left position":"pozycja lewej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego (obszar otaczaj\u0105cy obiekt)","the bounding box left position":"pozycja lewej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","Position/Bounding Box":"Pozycja/Obszar ograniczaj\u0105cy","Bounding box top position":"Pozycja g\xF3rnej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) top position":"pozycja g\xF3rnej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego (obszar otaczaj\u0105cy obiekt)","the bounding box top position":"pozycja g\xF3rna kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","Bounding box right position":"Pozycja prawej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) right position":"pozycja prawej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego (obszar otaczaj\u0105cy obiekt)","the bounding box right position":"pozycja prawej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","Bounding box bottom position":"Pozycja dolna kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) bottom position":"pozycja dolnej kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego (obszar otaczaj\u0105cy obiekt)","the bounding box bottom position":"pozycja dolna kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","Bounding box center X position":"Pozycja \u015Brodkowa X obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) center X position":"pozycja \u015Brodkowa X kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego (obszar otaczaj\u0105cy obiekt)","the bounding box center X position":"pozycja \u015Brodkowa X obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","Bounding box center Y position":"Pozycja \u015Brodkowa Y obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) center Y position":"pozycja \u015Brodkowa Y kraw\u0119dzi obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego (obszar otaczaj\u0105cy obiekt)","the bounding box center Y position":"pozycja \u015Brodkowa Y obszaru ograniczaj\u0105cego","Put around a position":"Umie\u015B\u0107 wok\xF3\u0142 pozycji","Position the center of the given object around a position, using the specified angle and distance.":"Umiejscowienia \u015Brodka ci\u0119\u017Cko\u015Bci danego obiektu wok\xF3\u0142 pozycji u\u017Cyciu okre\u015Blonego k\u0105ta i odleg\u0142o\u015Bci.","Put _PARAM0_ around _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, with an angle of _PARAM4_ degrees and _PARAM3_ pixels distance.":"Umie\u015Bci\u0107 _PARAM0_ oko\u0142o _PARAM1 _; _ PARAM2_ o k\u0105cie stopni _PARAM4_ i odleg\u0142o\u015Bci _PARAM3_ pikseli.","Change the angle of rotation of an object (in degrees).":"Zmie\u0144 k\u0105t obrotu obiektu (w stopniach).","Rotate":"Obr\xF3\u0107","Rotate an object, clockwise if the speed is positive, counterclockwise otherwise.":"Obracanie obiektu, zgodnie ze wskaz\xF3wkami zegara, je\u015Bli pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 jest dodatnia, przeciwnie inaczej.","Rotate _PARAM0_ at speed _PARAM1_ deg/second":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ z szybko\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM1_ stopni/sekund\u0119","Rotate toward angle":"Obr\xF3t w kierunku k\u0105ta","Rotate an object towards an angle with the specified speed.":"Obracanie w kierunku przedmiotu k\u0105tem do okre\u015Blonej pr\u0119dko\u015Bci.","Rotate _PARAM0_ towards _PARAM1_ at speed _PARAM2_ deg/second":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ w kierunku _PARAM1_ z szybko\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM2_ stopni/sekund\u0119","Angle to rotate towards (in degrees)":"K\u0105t obraca\u0107 si\u0119 w kierunku (w stopniach)","Enter 0 for an immediate rotation.":"Wprowad\u017A 0 do natychmiastowego obrotu.","Rotate toward position":"Obr\xF3\u0107 w kierunku pozycji","Rotate an object towards a position, with the specified speed.":"Obracanie przedmiotu do po\u0142o\u017Cenia z okre\u015Blon\u0105 pr\u0119dko\u015Bci\u0105.","Rotate _PARAM0_ towards _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ at speed _PARAM3_ deg/second":"Obr\xF3\u0107 _PARAM0_ w kierunku _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ z szybko\u015Bci\u0105 _PARAM3_ stopni/sekund\u0119","Add a force":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119","Add a force to an object. The object will move according to all of the forces it has.":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119 do obiektu. Obiekt porusza si\u0119 zgodnie ze wszystkimi si\u0142ami, kt\xF3re ma.","Add to _PARAM0_ _PARAM3_ force of _PARAM1_ p/s on X axis and _PARAM2_ p/s on Y axis":"Dodanie _PARAM0_ _PARAM3_ si\u0142y _PARAM1_ p / s na osi X i _PARAM2_ P / S w osi Y","Speed on X axis (in pixels per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na osi X (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Speed on Y axis (in pixels per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 na osi Y (w pikselach na sekund\u0119)","Force multiplier":"si\u0142a mno\u017Cnik","Add a force (angle)":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119 (k\u0105t)","Add a force to an object. The object will move according to all of the forces it has. This action creates the force using the specified angle and length.":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119 do obiektu. Obiekt porusza si\u0119 wszystkimi si\u0142ami, kt\xF3re ma. Ta akcja tworzy si\u0142\u0119 o okre\u015Blonym k\u0105cie i d\u0142ugo\u015Bci.","Add to _PARAM0_ _PARAM3_ force, angle: _PARAM1_ degrees and length: _PARAM2_ pixels":"Dodaj do _PARAM0_ _PARAM3_ \u017Cycie, k\u0105t: stopni _PARAM1_ i d\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107: _PARAM2_ pikseli","Add a force to move toward a position":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119, aby przesun\u0105\u0107 w kierunku pozycji","Add a force to an object to make it move toward a position.":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119 do obiektu, aby przesun\u0105\u0107 go w kierunku pozycji.","Move _PARAM0_ toward _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ with _PARAM4_ force of _PARAM3_ pixels":"Ruszaj _PARAM0_ w kierunku _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ z _PARAM4_ si\u0142\u0105 _PARAM3_ pikseli","Stop the object":"Zatrzymaj obiekt","Stop the object by deleting all of its forces.":"Zatrzymaj obiekt, usuwaj\u0105c wszystkie jego si\u0142y.","Stop _PARAM0_ (remove all forces)":"Zatrzymaj _PARAM0_ (usuni\u0119cie wszystkich si\u0142)","Delete the object":"Usu\u0144 obiekt","Delete the specified object.":"Usuwa okre\u015Blony obiekt.","Delete _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 _PARAM0_","Z order":"Z kolejno\u015B\u0107","Modify the Z-order of an object":"Zmodyfikowanie kolejno\u015Bci z obiektu","the z-order":"z-order","Move the object to a different layer.":"Przenie\u015B\u0107 obiekt do innej warstwy.","Put _PARAM0_ on the layer _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ umie\u015Bci\u0107 na warstwie _PARAM1_","Move it to this layer":"Przenie\u015B do tej warstwy","Modify the number value of an object variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej obiektu.","the variable _PARAM1_":"zmienna _PARAM1_","Modify the text of an object variable.":"Zmie\u0144 tekst zmiennej obiektu.","Modify the boolean value of an object variable.":"Zmie\u0144 warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej obiektu.","Change the variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Zmie\u0144 zmienn\u0105 _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Compare the number value of an object variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 liczbow\u0105 zmiennej obiektu.","Compare the text of an object variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj tekst zmiennej obiektu.","Compare the boolean value of an object variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej obiektu.","The variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_":"Zmienna _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_ jest _PARAM2_","the text of variable _PARAM1_":"tekst zmiennej _PARAM1_","Set the boolean value of variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Ustaw warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej _PARAM1_ z _PARAM0_ na _PARAM2_","Toggles the boolean value of an object variable.":"Prze\u0142\u0105cza warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej obiektu.","Toggle the boolean value of variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Prze\u0142\u0105cz warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) zmiennej _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_","Check if the specified child of the object structure variable exists.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy okre\u015Blony element podrz\u0119dny struktury obiektu zmiennej istnieje.","Child _PARAM2_ of variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ exists":"Element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM2_ zmiennej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_ istnieje","Variables/Arrays and structures":"Zmienne/Tablice i struktury","Remove a child from an object structure variable.":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny ze struktury zmiennej obiektu.","Remove child _PARAM2_ from variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 element podrz\u0119dny _PARAM2_ ze zmiennej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Remove all the children from the object array or structure variable.":"Usu\u0144 wszystkie elementy podrz\u0119dne z tablicy obiekt\xF3w lub zmiennej struktury.","Clear children from variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Wyczy\u015B\u0107 elementy podrz\u0119dne zmiennej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Hide":"Ukryj","Hide the specified object.":"Ukryj konkretny obiekt.","Hide _PARAM0_":"Ukryj _PARAM0_","Show the specified object.":"Poka\u017C okre\u015Blony obiekt.","Show _PARAM0_":"Poka\u017C _PARAM0_","Compare the angle of the specified object.":"Por\xF3wnaj k\u0105ta okre\u015Blonego obiektu.","the angle (in degrees)":"k\u0105t (w stopniach)","Z-order":"Kolejno\u015B\u0107-Z","Compare the Z-order of the specified object.":"Por\xF3wnaj kolejno\u015Bci z okre\u015Blonego obiektu.","the Z-order":"kolejno\u015B\u0107 Z","Current layer":"Obecna warstwa","Check if the object is on the specified layer.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt znajduje si\u0119 na okre\u015Blonej warstwie.","_PARAM0_ is on layer _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ jest warstw\u0105 _PARAM1_","Check if an object is visible.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest widoczny.","_PARAM0_ is visible (not marked as hidden)":"_PARAM0_ jest widoczny (nie oznaczone jako ukryty)","Object is stopped (no forces applied on it)":"Obiekt jest zatrzymany (brak dzia\u0142aj\u0105cych na niego si\u0142)","Check if an object is not moving":"Sprawd\u017A czy obiekt si\u0119 nie porusza","_PARAM0_ is stopped":"Obiekt _PARAM0_ jest zatrzymany","Speed (from forces)":"Szybko\u015B\u0107 (wynikaj\u0105ca z si\u0142)","Compare the overall speed of an object":"Por\xF3wnaj og\xF3ln\u0105 szybko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","the overall speed":"og\xF3ln\u0105 szybko\u015B\u0107","Angle of movement (using forces)":"K\u0105t ruchu (z u\u017Cyciem si\u0142)","Compare the angle of movement of an object according to the forces applied on it.":"Por\xF3wnaj k\u0105t ruchu obiektu w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od zastosowanych na nim si\u0142.","Angle of movement of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_ (tolerance: _PARAM2_ degrees)":"K\u0105t ruchu _PARAM0_ jest _PARAM1_ (tolerancja: _PARAM2_ stopni)","Angle of movement of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_ \xB1 _PARAM2_\xB0":"K\u0105t ruchu_PARAM0_ wynosi _PARAM1_ \xB1 _PARAM2_\xB0","The boolean value of variable _PARAM1_ of object _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_":"Warto\u015B\u0107 logiczna (boolean) zmiennej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_","Adds a text (string) to the end of an object array variable.":"Dodaje tekst (ci\u0105g znak\xF3w) na ko\u0144cu zmiennej tablicy obiekt\xF3w.","Add value _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Dodaj warto\u015B\u0107 _PARAM2_ do zmiennej tablicy _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Adds a number to the end of an object array variable.":"Dodaje liczb\u0119 na ko\u0144cu zmiennej tablicy obiekt\xF3w.","Adds a boolean to the end of an object array variable.":"Dodaje warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) na ko\u0144cu zmiennej tablicy obiekt\xF3w.","Adds an existing variable to the end of an object array variable.":"Dodaje istniej\u0105c\u0105 zmienn\u0105 na ko\u0144cu zmiennej tablicy obiekt\xF3w.","Add variable _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Dodaj zmienn\u0105 _PARAM2_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","The content of the object variable will *be copied* and added at the end of the array.":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107 zmiennej obiektu zostanie skopiowana i dodana na ko\u0144cu tablicy.","Add text _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Dodaj tekst _PARAM2_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Add number _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Dodaj liczb\u0119 _PARAM2_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Add boolean _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Dodaj warto\u015B\u0107 logiczn\u0105 (boolean) _PARAM2_ do zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Removes a variable at the specified index of an object array variable.":"Usuwa zmienn\u0105 na okre\u015Blonym indeksie zmiennej tablicy obiekt\xF3w.","Remove variable at index _PARAM2_ from array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Usu\u0144 zmienn\u0105 w indeksie _PARAM2_ ze zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Compare the number of children in an object array variable.":"Por\xF3wnaj liczb\u0119 element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w zmiennej tablicowej obiektu.","The number of children in the array variable _PARAM1_":"Liczba element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w zmiennej tablicowej _PARAM1_","Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej obiektu, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna tekstowa (ci\u0105g znak\xF3w).","Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 pierwszego elementu zmiennej tablicowej obiektu, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna liczbowa.","Get the value of the last element of an object array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej obiektu, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna tekstowa (ci\u0105g znak\xF3w).","Get the value of the last element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.":"Uzyskaj warto\u015B\u0107 ostatniego elementu zmiennej tablicowej obiektu, je\u017Celi jest to zmienna liczbowa.","Behavior activated":"Zachowanie aktywowane","Check if the behavior is activated for the object.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy zachowanie jest aktywowane dla obiektu.","Behavior _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is activated":"Zachowanie _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_ jest aktywne","De/activate a behavior":"W\u0142\u0105cz/Wy\u0142\u0105cz zachowanie","De/activate the behavior for the object.":"W\u0142\u0105cz/Wy\u0142\u0105cz zachowanie okre\u015Blone dla obiektu.","Activate behavior _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Aktywuj zachowanie _PARAM1_ z _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Activate?":"Aktywowa\u0107?","Add a force to move toward an object":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119, aby przej\u015B\u0107 do obiektu","Add a force to an object to make it move toward another.":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119 do obiektu, aby porusza\u0107 si\u0119 w kierunku drugiego.","Move _PARAM0_ toward _PARAM1_ with _PARAM3_ force of _PARAM2_ pixels":"Przesu\u0144 _PARAM0_ w kierunku _PARAM1_ z _PARAM3_ si\u0142\u0105 _PARAM2_ pikseli","Target Object":"Obiekt docelowy","Add a force to move around an object":"Doda\u0107 si\u0142y do poruszania si\u0119 obiektu","Add a force to an object to make it rotate around another.\nNote that the movement is not precise, especially if the speed is high.\nTo position an object around a position more precisely, use the actions in category \"Position\".":"Dodaj si\u0142\u0119 do obiektu, aby obraca\u0107 si\u0119 wok\xF3\u0142 drugiego. N Zauwa\u017C, \u017Ce ruch nie jest precyzyjny, szczeg\xF3lnie je\u015Bli pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 jest wysoka. N W celu umieszczenia obiektu w obr\u0119bie pozycji bardziej precyzyjnie, nale\u017Cy dzia\u0142ania w kategorii "stanowiska \u201D.","Rotate _PARAM0_ around _PARAM1_ at _PARAM2_ deg/sec and _PARAM3_ pixels away":"Obr\xF3t _PARAM0_ oko\u0142o _PARAM1_ w _PARAM2_ stopni / s, a _PARAM3_ pikseli oddalony","Rotate around this object":"Obr\xF3t wok\xF3\u0142 tego obiektu","Speed (in degrees per second)":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 (w stopniach na sekund\u0119)","Distance (in pixels)":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 (w pikselach)","Put the object around another":"Umie\u015B\u0107 obiekt dooko\u0142a innego","Position an object around another, with the specified angle and distance. The center of the objects are used for positioning them.":"Umieszczenia obiektu wok\xF3\u0142 drugiego, z podaniem k\u0105ta i odleg\u0142o\u015Bci. \u015Arodek obiekt\xF3w s\u0105 przeznaczone do ich po\u0142o\u017Cenia.","Put _PARAM0_ around _PARAM1_, with an angle of _PARAM3_ degrees and _PARAM2_ pixels distance.":"Umie\u015Bci\u0107 _PARAM0_ wok\xF3\u0142 _PARAM1_, o k\u0105cie stopni _PARAM3_ i odleg\u0142o\u015Bci _PARAM2_ pikseli.","\"Center\" Object":"\"Wy\u015Brodkuj\" obiekt","Separate objects":"Oddziel obiekty","Move an object away from another using their collision masks.\nBe sure to call this action on a reasonable number of objects\nto avoid slowing down the game.":"Przenie\u015B\u0107 obiekt z dala od siebie za pomoc\u0105 maski kolizji. N Pami\u0119taj, aby wywo\u0142a\u0107 t\u0119 akcj\u0119 na odpowiedniej liczbie obiekt\xF3w n, aby unikn\u0105\u0107 spowolnienia gry.","Move _PARAM0_ away from _PARAM1_ (only _PARAM0_ will move)":"Przenie\u015B _PARAM0_ od _PARAM1_ (tylko _PARAM0_ ruszy)","Objects (won't move)":"Przedmiot\xF3w (nie ruszy)","Ignore objects that are touching each other on their edges, but are not overlapping (default: no)":"Ignorowa\u0107 obiekty, kt\xF3re stykaj\u0105 si\u0119 ze sob\u0105 na ich kraw\u0119dziach, ale nie pokrywaj\u0105 si\u0119 (default: no)","Point inside object":"Temperatura wewn\u0105trz obiektu","Test if a point is inside the object collision masks.":"Sprawdzi\u0107, czy punkt znajduje si\u0119 wewn\u0105trz maski obiekt kolizji.","_PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ is inside _PARAM0_":"_PARAM1 _; _ PARAM2_ jest wewn\u0105trz _PARAM0_","X position of the point":"Pozycja X punkcie","Y position of the point":"Pozycja Y punkcie","The cursor/touch is on an object":"Kursor/dotyk znajduje si\u0119 na obiekcie","Test if the cursor is over an object, or if the object is being touched.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy kursor jest na obiekcie lub czy obiekt jest dotykany.","The cursor/touch is on _PARAM0_":"Kursor/dotyk jest na _PARAM0_","Mouse and touch":"Mysz i dotyk","Accurate test (yes by default)":"Precyzyjny test (tak domy\u015Blnie)","Value of an object timer":"Warto\u015B\u0107 stopera obiektu","Test the elapsed time of an object timer.":"Sprawd\u017A czas stopera obiektu.","The timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is greater than _PARAM2_ seconds":"Czas stopera _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_ jest wi\u0119kszy ni\u017C _PARAM2_ sekundy","Compare the elapsed time of an object timer. This condition doesn't start the timer.":"Por\xF3wnaj czas stopera obiektu. Ten warunek nie uruchamia stopera.","The timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ seconds":"Stoper _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ sekund","Object timer paused":"Stoper obiektu zapauzowany","Test if specified object timer is paused.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dany stoper obiektu jest wstrzymany.","The timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is paused":"Stoper _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_ jest zapauzowany","Start (or reset) an object timer":"Rozpocznij (lub zresetuj) stoper obiektu","Reset the specified object timer, if the timer doesn't exist it's created and started.":"Rozpocznij stoper okre\u015Blonego obiektu, je\u015Bli stoper istnieje, lub zresetuj go, je\u015Bli zosta\u0142 utworzony i uruchomiony.","Start (or reset) the timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Rozpocznij (lub zresetuj) stoper _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Pause an object timer":"Zapauzuj stoper obiektu","Pause an object timer.":"Zapauzuj stoper obiektu.","Pause timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Zapauzuj stoper _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Unpause an object timer":"Wzn\xF3w stoper obiektu","Unpause an object timer.":"Wzn\xF3w stoper obiektu.","Unpause timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Wzn\xF3w stoper _PARAM1_ obiektu _PARAM0_","Delete an object timer":"Usu\u0144 stoper obiektu","Delete an object timer from memory.":"Usu\u0144 stoper obiektu z pami\u0119ci.","Delete timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ from memory":"Usu\u0144 stoper _PARAM1_r obiektu _PARAM0_ z pami\u0119ci","X position of the object":"Pozycja obiektu w osi X","Y position of the object":"Pozycja obiektu w osi Y","Current angle, in degrees, of the object":"Obecny k\u0105t obiektu w stopniach","X coordinate of the sum of forces":"Wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dna X sumy si\u0142","Y coordinate of the sum of forces":"Wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dna Y sumy si\u0142","Angle of the sum of forces":"K\u0105t sumy si\u0142","Angle of the sum of forces (in degrees)":"K\u0105t sumy si\u0142 (w stopniach)","Length of the sum of forces":"D\u0142ugo\u015B\u0107 sumy si\u0142","Width of the object":"Szeroko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Height of the object":"Wysoko\u015B\u0107 obiektu","Z-order of an object":"Kolejno\u015B\u0107-Z obiektu","Distance between two objects":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami","Square distance between two objects":"Pierwiastek z odleg\u0142o\u015Bci mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami","Distance between an object and a position":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 mi\u0119dzy obiektem a pozycj\u0105","Square distance between an object and a position":"Odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 kwadratowa mi\u0119dzy obiektem a pozycj\u0105","Number value of an object variable":"Warto\u015B\u0107 liczbowa zmiennej obiektu","Number of children in an object array or structure variable":"Liczba element\xF3w podrz\u0119dnych w tablicy obiekt\xF3w lub zmiennej struktury","Text of an object variable":"Tekst zmiennej obiektu","Object timer value":"Warto\u015B\u0107 stopera obiektu","Angle between two objects":"K\u0105t mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami","Compute the angle between two objects (in degrees). If you need the angle to an arbitrary position, use AngleToPosition.":"Oblicz k\u0105t mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami (w stopniach). Je\u017Celi potrzebujesz k\u0105ta do arbitralnej pozycji, u\u017Cyj AngleToPosition.","Compute the X position when given an angle and distance relative to the starting object. This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Oblicz po\u0142o\u017Cenie X, gdy podano k\u0105t i odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 wzgl\u0119dem obiektu pocz\u0105tkowego. Jest to r\xF3wnie\u017C znane jako uzyskanie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych kartezja\u0144skich wektora 2D przy u\u017Cyciu jego wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych polarnych.","Compute the Y position when given an angle and distance relative to the starting object. This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Oblicz po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y, gdy podano k\u0105t i odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 wzgl\u0119dem obiektu pocz\u0105tkowego. Jest to r\xF3wnie\u017C znane jako uzyskanie wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych kartezja\u0144skich wektora 2D przy u\u017Cyciu jego wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych polarnych.","Angle between an object and a position":"K\u0105t mi\u0119dzy obiektem a pozycj\u0105","Compute the angle between the object center and a \"target\" position (in degrees). If you need the angle between two objects, use AngleToObject.":"Oblicz k\u0105t mi\u0119dzy \u015Brodkiem obiektu a pozycj\u0105 \"celu\" (w stopniach). Je\u017Celi potrzebujesz k\u0105ta pomi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami, u\u017Cyj AngleToObject.","Enable effect _PARAM1_ on _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"W\u0142\u0105cz efekt _PARAM1_ na _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Set _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Ustaw _PARAM2_ na _PARAM3_ dla efektu _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_","Enable _PARAM2_ for effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"W\u0142\u0105cz _PARAM2_ dla efektu _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"Effect _PARAM1_ _PARAM0_ jest w\u0142\u0105czony","Include in parent collision mask":"Uwzgl\u0119dnij w masce kolizji elementu nadrz\u0119dnego","Include or exclude a child from its parent collision mask.":"Uwzgl\u0119dnij lub wyklucz element podrz\u0119dny z maski kolizji elementu nadrz\u0119dnego.","Include _PARAM0_ in parent object collision mask: _PARAM1_":"Uwzgl\u0119dnij _PARAM0_ w masce kolizji obiektu nadrz\u0119dnego: _PARAM1_","Create an object":"Utw\xF3rz obiekt","Create an object at specified position":"Utw\xF3rz obiekt w podanej pozycji","Create object _PARAM1_ at position _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ (layer: _PARAM4_)":"Stw\xF3rz obiekt _PARAM1_ na pozycji _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ (warstwa: _PARAM4_)","Object to create":"Utw\xF3rz obiekt","Create an object from its name":"Utw\xF3rz obiekt o nazwie","Among the objects of the specified group, this action will create the object with the specified name.":"W\u015Br\xF3d obiekt\xF3w okre\u015Blonej grupy akcja ta utworzy obiekt o podanej nazwie.","Among objects _PARAM1_, create object named _PARAM2_ at position _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (layer: _PARAM5_)":"W\u015Br\xF3d obiekt\xF3w _PARAM1_, utw\xF3rz obiekt o nazwie _PARAM2_ w pozycji _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (warstwa: _PARAM5_)","Group of potential objects":"Grupa potencjalnych obiekt\xF3w","Group containing objects that can be created by the action.":"Grupa zawieraj\u0105ca obiekty, kt\xF3re mog\u0105 by\u0107 tworzone przez dzia\u0142anie.","Name of the object to create":"Nazwa obiektu do utworzenia","Text representing the name of the object to create. If no objects with this name are found in the group, no object will be created.":"Tekst reprezentuj\u0105cy nazw\u0119 obiektu do stworzenia. Je\u015Bli \u017Cadne obiekty o tej nazwie znajduj\u0105 si\u0119 w grupie, zostanie utworzony \u017Caden obiekt.","Pick all instances":"Wybierz wszystkie instancje","Pick all instances of the specified object(s). When you pick all instances, the next conditions and actions of this event work on all of them.":"Odbi\xF3r wszystkie wyst\u0105pienia okre\u015Blonego obiektu (obiekt\xF3w). Kiedy wybra\u0107 wszystkie instancje, nast\u0119pny warunki i dzia\u0142ania tych prac zdarze\u0144 na wszystkie z nich.","Pick all instances of _PARAM1_":"Wybra\u0107 wszystkie instancje _PARAM1_","Pick a random object":"Wybierz element losowo","Pick one object from all the specified objects. When an object is picked, the next conditions and actions of this event work only on that object.":"Wybra\u0107 jeden przedmiot ze wszystkich wymienionych obiekt\xF3w. Gdy obiekt jest zrywane, kolejne warunki i dzia\u0142ania tej pracy zdarzenia tylko na tym obiekcie.","Pick a random _PARAM1_":"Wybierz losowo _PARAM1_","Apply movement to all objects":"Zastosuj do wszystkich obiekt\xF3w ruch","Moves all objects according to the forces they have. GDevelop calls this action at the end of the events by default.":"Przenosi wszystkie obiekty zgodnie z si\u0142ami, kt\xF3re maj\u0105. GDevelop domy\u015Blnie wywo\u0142uje t\u0119 akcj\u0119 na ko\u0144cu zdarze\u0144.","An object is moving toward another (using forces)":"Obiekt porusza si\u0119 w stron\u0119 innego (przy u\u017Cyciu si\u0142)","Check if an object moves toward another.\nThe first object must move.":"Sprawdzi\u0107, je\u015Bli obiekt przemieszcza si\u0119 w kierunku drugiego. N Pierwszy obiekt musi przej\u015B\u0107.","_PARAM0_ is moving toward _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ zmierza w kierunku _PARAM1_","Compare the distance between two objects.\nIf condition is inverted, only objects that have a distance greater than specified to any other object will be picked.":"Por\xF3wnanie odleg\u0142o\u015Bci mi\u0119dzy dwoma przedmiotami. N Je\u015Bli warunek ten jest odwr\xF3cony tylko obiekty, kt\xF3re maj\u0105 wi\u0119ksz\u0105 odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 ni\u017C okre\u015Blona do innego obiektu zostanie wybrane.","_PARAM0_ distance to _PARAM1_ is below _PARAM2_ pixels":"_PARAM0_ odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 _PARAM1_ jest poni\u017Cej _PARAM2_ pikseli","Pick all objects":"Wybierz wszystkie obiekty","Pick all the specified objects. When you pick all objects, the next conditions and actions of this event work on all of them.":"Wybra\u0107 wszystkie wymienione obiekty. Kiedy wybra\u0107 wszystkie obiekty, nast\u0119pny warunki i dzia\u0142ania tych prac zdarze\u0144 na wszystkie z nich.","Pick all _PARAM1_ objects":"Wybra\u0107 wszystkie obiekty _PARAM1_","Pick nearest object":"Odbi\xF3r najbli\u017Cszego obiektu","Pick the object of this type that is nearest to the specified position. If the condition is inverted, the object farthest from the specified position is picked instead.":"Odbi\xF3r obiektu tego typu, kt\xF3ry jest najbli\u017Cej okre\u015Blonej pozycji. Je\u015Bli warunek ten jest odwr\xF3cony najdalej przedmiot z okre\u015Blonej pozycji, a nie jest odbierany.","Pick the _PARAM0_ that is nearest to _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_":"Wybierz _PARAM0_ kt\xF3ry jest najbli\u017Cej _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_","Number of objects":"Liczba obiekt\xF3w","Count how many of the specified objects are currently picked, and compare that number to a value. If previous conditions on the objects have not been used, this condition counts how many of these objects exist in the current scene.":"Ilu z wymienionych obiekt\xF3w s\u0105 obecnie zbierane i por\xF3wna\u0107 t\u0119 liczb\u0119 do warto\u015Bci. Je\u015Bli nie zosta\u0142y wykorzystane dotychczasowe warunki dotycz\u0105ce obiekt\xF3w, warunek ten liczy si\u0119 ilu z tych obiekt\xF3w istnie\u0107 w obecnej scenie.","the number of _PARAM0_ objects":"liczba obiekt\xF3w _PARAM0_","Number of object instances on the scene":"Liczba instancji obiektu na scenie","the number of instances of the specified objects living on the scene":"liczba instancji okre\u015Blonych obiekt\xF3w zamieszczonych na scenie","the number of _PARAM1_ living on the scene":"liczba _PARAM1_ zamieszczonych na scenie","Number of object instances currently picked":"Liczba aktualnie wybranych instancji obiektu","the number of instances picked by the previous conditions (or actions)":"liczba instancji wybranych przez poprzednie warunki (lub akcje)","the number of _PARAM0_ currently picked":"liczba _PARAM0_ aktualnie wybranych","Test the collision between two objects using their collision masks.":"Sprawd\u017A kolizj\u0119 mi\u0119dzy dwoma obiektami za pomoc\u0105 ich masek kolizji.","_PARAM0_ is in collision with _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ jest w kolizji z _PARAM1_","An object is turned toward another":"Obiekt jest odwr\xF3ci\u0142 si\u0119 do innego","Check if an object is turned toward another":"Sprawd\u017A, czy obiekt jest odwr\xF3ci\u0142 si\u0119 do innego","_PARAM0_ is rotated towards _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ jest obr\xF3cony w kierunku _PARAM1_","Name of the object":"Nazwa obiektu","Name of the second object":"Nazwa drugiego obiektu","Angle of tolerance, in degrees (0: minimum tolerance)":"K\u0105t tolerancji, w stopniach (0: minimalna tolerancja)","_PARAM0_ is turned toward _PARAM1_ \xB1 _PARAM2_\xB0":"_PARAM0_ jest obr\xF3cony w stron\u0119 _PARAM1_ \xB1 _PARAM2_\xB0","Raycast":"Rzucanie promieni","Sends a ray from the given source position and angle, intersecting the closest object.\nThe intersected object will become the only one taken into account.\nIf the condition is inverted, the object to be intersected will be the farthest one within the ray radius.":"Wysy\u0142a promie\u0144 od danego po\u0142o\u017Cenia \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142a i k\u0105ta, przecinaj\u0105c najbli\u017Cszy obiekt.\nPrzeci\u0119ty obiekt stanie si\u0119 jedynym branym pod uwag\u0119.\nJe\u017Celi warunek jest odwr\xF3cony, to obiekt do przeci\u0119cia b\u0119dzie najdalej po\u0142o\u017Cony w promieniu.","Cast a ray from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, angle: _PARAM3_ and max distance: _PARAM4_px, against _PARAM0_, and save the result in _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_":"Wywo\u0142aj promie\u0144 z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, k\u0105t: _PARAM3_ i maksymalna odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107: _PARAM4_ px, przeciwko _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_","Objects to test against the ray":"Przedmioty do testu na promie\u0144","Ray source X position":"\u0179r\xF3d\u0142o promienia, pozycja X","Ray source Y position":"\u0179r\xF3d\u0142o promienia, pozycja Y","Ray angle (in degrees)":"K\u0105t promienia (w stopniach)","Ray maximum distance (in pixels)":"Maksymalny dystans promienia (w pixelach)","Result X position scene variable":"Skutkowa\u0107 X zmienna pozycja sceny","Scene variable where to store the X position of the intersection. If no intersection is found, the variable won't be changed.":"Sceny zmienne miejsce przechowywania pozycji X na skrzy\u017Cowaniu. Je\u015Bli nie przeci\u0119cie zostanie znaleziony, zmienna ta nie zostanie zmieniona.","Result Y position scene variable":"Skutkowa\u0107 zmiennej Y pozycja sceny","Scene variable where to store the Y position of the intersection. If no intersection is found, the variable won't be changed.":"Sceny zmienn\u0105 gdzie zapisa\u0107 po\u0142o\u017Cenie Y skrzy\u017Cowania. Je\u015Bli nie przeci\u0119cie zostanie znaleziony, zmienna ta nie zostanie zmieniona.","Raycast to position":"Raycast do pozycji","Sends a ray from the given source position to the final point, intersecting the closest object.\nThe intersected object will become the only one taken into account.\nIf the condition is inverted, the object to be intersected will be the farthest one within the ray radius.":"Wysy\u0142a promie\u0144 od danego po\u0142o\u017Cenia \u017Ar\xF3d\u0142a do punktu ko\u0144cowego, przecinaj\u0105c najbli\u017Cszy obiekt.\nPrzeci\u0119ty obiekt stanie si\u0119 jedynym branym pod uwag\u0119.\nJe\u017Celi warunek jest odwr\xF3cony, to obiekt do przeci\u0119cia b\u0119dzie najdalej po\u0142o\u017Cony w promieniu.","Cast a ray from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ against _PARAM0_, and save the result in _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_":"Wywo\u0142aj promie\u0144 z _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ do _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ przeciwko _PARAM0_ i zapisz wynik w _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_","Ray target X position":"Stanowisko docelowe promieni X","Ray target Y position":"Stanowisko docelowe Y promie\u0144","Count the number of the specified objects being currently picked in the event":"Policzy\u0107 z wymienionych obiekt\xF3w s\u0105 obecnie zbierane w przypadku","Return the name of the object":"Zwraca nazw\u0119 obiektu","Object layer":"Warstw\u0119 przedmiotem","Return the name of the layer the object is on":"Zwraca nazw\u0119 warstwy obiekt jest na","Multitouch":"Multidotyk","The mouse wheel is scrolling up":"Ko\u0142o myszy porusza si\u0119 w g\xF3r\u0119","Check if the mouse wheel is scrolling up. Use MouseWheelDelta expression if you want to know the amount that was scrolled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy ko\u0142o mysz porusza si\u0119 w g\xF3r\u0119. U\u017Cyj wyra\u017Cenia MouseWheelDelta je\u015Bli chcesz zna\u0107 kwot\u0119, kt\xF3ra zosta\u0142a przewijane.","The mouse wheel is scrolling down":"Rolka do przewijania","Check if the mouse wheel is scrolling down. Use MouseWheelDelta expression if you want to know the amount that was scrolled.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy k\xF3\u0142ka myszki przesuwa si\u0119 w d\xF3\u0142. U\u017Cyj wyra\u017Cenia MouseWheelDelta je\u015Bli chcesz zna\u0107 kwot\u0119, kt\xF3ra zosta\u0142a przewijane.","De/activate moving the mouse cursor with touches":"W\u0142\u0105cz/Wy\u0142\u0105cz przesuwanie kursora myszki za pomoc\u0105 dotkni\u0119\u0107","When activated, any touch made on a touchscreen will also move the mouse cursor. When deactivated, mouse and touch positions will be completely independent.\nBy default, this is activated so that you can simply use the mouse conditions to also support touchscreens. If you want to have multitouch and differentiate mouse movement and touches, just deactivate it with this action.":"Po aktywacji, ka\u017Cdy dotyk wykonany na ekranie dotykowym b\u0119dzie r\xF3wnie\u017C przesun\u0105\u0107 kursor myszy. Gdy wy\u0142\u0105czona, myszy i dotykowe pozycje b\u0119d\u0105 ca\u0142kowicie niezale\u017Cne. N Domy\u015Blnie ta jest aktywna, dzi\u0119ki czemu mo\u017Cna po prostu u\u017Cy\u0107 myszki do warunk\xF3w r\xF3wnie\u017C obs\u0142ugiwa\u0107 ekrany dotykowe. Je\u015Bli chcesz mie\u0107 multitouch i r\xF3\u017Cnicowania ruch\xF3w myszy i dotyka, po prostu wy\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 go z tego dzia\u0142ania.","Move mouse cursor when touching screen: _PARAM1_":"Przesuni\u0119cie kursora myszy przy dotykaniu ekranu: _PARAM1_","Activate (yes by default when game is launched)":"Activate (tak jest domy\u015Blnie, gdy gra jest uruchomiona)","Center cursor horizontally":"Kursor do \u015Brodka w poziomie","Put the cursor in the middle of the screen horizontally.":"Umie\u015B\u0107 kursor na \u015Brodku ekranu w poziomie.","Center cursor vertically":"Wy\u015Brodkuj kursor pionowo","Put the cursor in the middle of the screen vertically.":"Umie\u015B\u0107 kursor w \u015Brodku ekranu w pionie.","Hide the cursor":"Ukryj kursor","Hide the cursor.":"Ukryj kursor.","Show the cursor":"Wy\u015Bwietl kursor","Show the cursor.":"Wy\u015Bwietl kursor.","Position the cursor of the mouse":"Ustaw kursor myszy","Position the cursor at the given coordinates.":"Ustaw kursor na podanych wsp\xF3\u0142rz\u0119dnych.","Position cursor at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_":"Po\u0142o\u017Cenie kursora w _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_","Center the cursor":"Wy\u015Brodkuj kursor","Center the cursor on the screen.":"Centrum kursora na ekranie.","Cursor X position":"Pozycja X Kursora","the X position of the cursor or of a touch":"pozycja X kursora lub dotyku","the cursor (or touch) X position":"pozycja X kursora (lub dotyku)","Cursor Y position":"Pozycja Y Kursora","the Y position of the cursor or of a touch":"pozycja Y kursora lub dotyku","the cursor (or touch) Y position":"pozycja Y kursora (lub dotyku)","Mouse cursor X position":"Pozycja X kursora myszy","the X position of the mouse cursor":"pozycja X kursora myszy","the mouse cursor X position":"pozycja X kursora myszy","Mouse cursor Y position":"Pozycja Y kursora myszy","the Y position of the mouse cursor":"pozycja Y kursora myszy","the mouse cursor Y position":"pozycja Y kursora myszy","Mouse cursor is inside the window":"Kursor myszy jest wewn\u0105trz okna","Check if the mouse cursor is inside the window.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy kursor myszy jest wewn\u0105trz okna.","The mouse cursor is inside the window":"Kursor myszy jest wewn\u0105trz okna","Mouse button pressed or touch held":"Naci\u015Bni\u0119to przycisk myszy lub dotkni\u0119to ekranu","Check if the specified mouse button is pressed or if a touch is in contact with the screen.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dany przycisk myszy jest wci\u015Bni\u0119ty lub czy dotyk jest w kontakcie z ekranem.","Touch or _PARAM1_ mouse button is down":"Dotkni\u0119to ekranu lub wci\u015Bni\u0119to _PARAM1_ przycisk myszy","Button to check":"Przycisk do sprawdzenia","Mouse button released":"Przycisk myszy zosta\u0142 zwolniony","Check if the specified mouse button was released.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dany przycisk myszy zosta\u0142 zwolniony.","Touch or _PARAM1_ mouse button is released":"Touch or _PARAM1_ mouse button is released","Touch X position":"Pozycja X dotkni\u0119cia","the X position of a specific touch":"pozycja X danego dotyku","the touch #_PARAM1_ X position":"dotyk # pozycja _PARAM1_ X","Touch identifier":"Identyfikator dotyku","Touch Y position":"Pozycja Y dotkni\u0119cia","the Y position of a specific touch":"pozycja Y danego dotyku","the touch #_PARAM1_ Y position":"dotyk # pozycja _PARAM1_ Y","A new touch has started":"Rozpocz\u0119\u0142o si\u0119 nowe dotkni\u0119cie","Check if a touch has started. The touch identifier can be accessed using LastTouchId().\nAs more than one touch can be started, this condition is only true once for each touch: the next time you use it, it will be for a new touch, or it will return false if no more touches have just started.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dotkni\u0119cie zosta\u0142o uruchomione. Identyfikator dotyku mo\u017Ce by\u0107 dost\u0119pny przy pomocy LastTouchId().\nPoniewa\u017C mo\u017Cna rozpozna\u0107 wi\u0119cej ni\u017C jedno dotkni\u0119cie, ten warunek jest spe\u0142niony tylko raz dla ka\u017Cdego dotkni\u0119cia: nast\u0119pnym razem, gdy go u\u017Cyjesz, b\u0119dzie mia\u0142 nowy dotyk lub zwr\xF3ci fa\u0142sz, je\u017Celi nie rozpocznie si\u0119 ju\u017C \u017Caden dotyk.","A touch has ended":"Dotyk zako\u0144czony","Check if a touch has ended. The touch identifier can be accessed using LastEndedTouchId().\nAs more than one touch can be ended, this condition is only true once for each touch: the next time you use it, it will be for a new touch, or it will return false if no more touches have just ended.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dotkni\u0119cie zosta\u0142o zako\u0144czone. Identyfikator dotyku mo\u017Ce by\u0107 dost\u0119pny przy pomocy LastEndedTouchId().\nPoniewa\u017C mo\u017Cna rozpozna\u0107 wi\u0119cej ni\u017C jedno dotkni\u0119cie, ten warunek jest spe\u0142niony tylko raz dla ka\u017Cdego dotkni\u0119cia: nast\u0119pnym razem, gdy go u\u017Cyjesz, b\u0119dzie mia\u0142 nowy dotyk lub zwr\xF3ci fa\u0142sz, je\u017Celi nie zako\u0144czy si\u0119 ju\u017C \u017Caden dotyk.","Check if a touch has just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchId() and StartedTouchCount().":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dotkni\u0119cie w\u0142a\u015Bnie rozpocz\u0119\u0142o si\u0119 na tej klatce. Identyfikator dotyku mo\u017Ce by\u0107 dost\u0119pny za pomoc\u0105 StartedTouchId() i StartedTouchCount().","Started touch count":"Ilo\u015B\u0107 rozpocz\u0119tych dotkni\u0119\u0107","The number of touches that have just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchId().":"Liczba dotkni\u0119\u0107, kt\xF3re w\u0142a\u015Bnie rozpocz\u0119\u0142y si\u0119 na tej klatce. Identyfikator dotyku mo\u017Cna uzyska\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 StartedTouchId().","Started touch identifier":"Identyfikator rozpocz\u0119tego dotyku","The identifier of the touch that has just started on this frame. The number of touches can be accessed using StartedTouchCount().":"Identyfikator dotyku, kt\xF3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie rozpocz\u0105\u0142 si\u0119 na tej klatce. Liczb\u0119 dotkni\u0119\u0107 mo\u017Cna uzyska\u0107 przy pomocy StartedTouchCount().","Touch index":"Indeks dotyku","Check if a touch has just started or the mouse left button has been pressed on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseId() and StartedTouchOrMouseCount().":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dotkni\u0119cie si\u0119 w\u0142a\u015Bnie rozpocz\u0119\u0142o lub czy lewy przycisk myszy zosta\u0142 naci\u015Bni\u0119ty na tej klatce. Identyfikator dotyku mo\u017Ce by\u0107 dost\u0119pny przy pomocy StartedTouchOrMouseId() i StarterTouchOrMouseCount().","The number of touches (including the mouse) that have just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseId().":"Liczba dotkni\u0119\u0107 (w\u0142\u0105cznie z mysz\u0105), kt\xF3re w\u0142a\u015Bnie rozpocz\u0119\u0142y si\u0119 na tej klatce. Identyfikator dotyku mo\u017Cna uzyska\u0107 przy pomocy StartedTouchOrMouseId().","The identifier of the touch or mouse that has just started on this frame. The number of touches can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseCount().":"Identyfikator dotkni\u0119cia lub myszy, kt\xF3ry w\u0142a\u015Bnie si\u0119 rozpocz\u0105\u0142 na tej klatce. Liczb\u0119 dotkni\u0119\u0107 mo\u017Cna uzyska\u0107 za pomoc\u0105 StartedTouchOrMouseCount().","Check if a touch has ended or a mouse left button has been released.":"Sprawd\u017A, czy dotkni\u0119cie zako\u0144czy\u0142o si\u0119 lub czy lewy przycisk myszy zosta\u0142 zwolniony.","The touch with identifier _PARAM1_ has ended":"Dotkni\u0119cie z identyfikatorem _PARAM1_ si\u0119 zako\u0144czy\u0142o","Mouse wheel: Displacement":"K\xF3\u0142ko myszy: Przemieszczenie","Mouse wheel displacement":"przemieszczenie ko\u0142a myszy","Identifier of the last touch":"Identyfikator ostatnim kontakcie","Identifier of the last ended touch":"Identyfikator ostatniego zako\u0144czonego kontakcie","Features to send web requests, communicate with external \"APIs\" and other network related tasks.":"Funkcje do wysy\u0142ania \u017C\u0105da\u0144 sieciowych, komunikacji z zewn\u0119trznymi \"API\" i innymi zadaniami zwi\u0105zanymi z sieci\u0105.","Send a request to a web page":"Wy\u015Blij \u017C\u0105danie do strony internetowej","Send an asynchronous request to the specified web page.\n\nPlease note that for the web games, the game must be hosted on the same host as specified below, except if the server is configured to answer to all requests (cross-domain requests).":"Wy\u015Blij asynchronicznego \u017C\u0105dania do okre\u015Blonej strony internetowej. N n Nale\u017Cy pami\u0119ta\u0107, \u017Ce dla gier internetowych, gra musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 na tym samym serwerze, jak okre\u015Blono poni\u017Cej, z wyj\u0105tkiem, gdy serwer jest skonfigurowany tak, aby odpowiedzie\u0107 na wszystkie \u017C\u0105dania (cross-domain upraszanie).","Send a _PARAM2_ request to _PARAM0_ with body: _PARAM1_, and store the result in _PARAM4_ (or in _PARAM5_ in case of error)":"Wy\u015Blij wniosek _PARAM2_ do _PARAM0_ z cia\u0142a: _PARAM1_ i zapisa\u0107 wynik w _PARAM4_ (lub w _PARAM5_ w przypadku b\u0142\u0119du)","URL (API or web-page address)":"URL (API lub strona WWW adres)","Example: \"\". Using *https* is highly recommended.":"Przyk\u0142ad: "HTTPS: // ". Korzystanie * https * jest wysoce zalecana.","Request body content":"Zawarto\u015B\u0107 cia\u0142a \u017C\u0105danie","Request method":"Metoda \u017C\u0105dania","If empty, \"GET\" will be used.":"Je\u017Celi pusty \u201EGET \u201D b\u0119dzie u\u017Cywany.","Content type":"Typ zawarto\u015Bci","If empty, \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" will be used.":"Je\u015Bli puste, zostan\u0105 wykorzystane "application / x-www-form-urlencoded ".","Variable where to store the response":"Zmienna gdzie przechowywa\u0107 odpowied\u017A","The response of the server will be stored, as a string, in this variable. If the server returns *JSON*, you may want to use the action \"Convert JSON to a scene variable\" afterwards, to explore the results with a *structure variable*.":"Odpowied\u017A serwera b\u0119d\u0105 przechowywane w postaci ci\u0105gu znak\xF3w w tej zmiennej. Je\u015Bli powr\xF3ci serwera * * JSON, mo\u017Ce chcesz u\u017Cywa\u0107 akcj\u0119 \u201EConvert JSON zmiennej sceny \u201D potem, w celu zbadania rezultat\xF3w przy zmiennej * Struktura *.","Variable where to store the error message":"Zmienna gdzie przechowywa\u0107 informacj\u0119 o b\u0142\u0119dzie","Optional, only used if an error occurs. This will contain the [\"status code\"]( if the server returns a status >= 400. If the request was not sent at all (e.g. no internet or CORS issues), the variable will be set to \"REQUEST_NOT_SENT\".":"Opcjonalnie, u\u017Cywane tylko w przypadku wyst\u0105pienia b\u0142\u0119du. Zawiera [\"kod statusu\"]( je\u015Bli serwer zwraca status >= 400. Je\u015Bli \u017C\u0105danie nie zosta\u0142o w og\xF3le wys\u0142ane (np. brak problem\xF3w z internetem lub CORS), zmienna zostanie ustawiona na \"REQUEST_NOT_SENT\".","Open a URL (web page) or a file":"Otw\xF3rz adres URL (stron\u0119 internetow\u0105) lub plik","This action launches the specified file or URL, in a browser (or in a new tab if the game is using the Web platform and is launched inside a browser).":"Dzia\u0142anie to uruchamia okre\u015Blony plik lub URL w przegl\u0105darce (lub w nowej karcie, je\u015Bli gra si\u0119 za pomoc\u0105 platformy internetowej i jest uruchamiany wewn\u0105trz przegl\u0105darki).","Open URL _PARAM0_ in a browser (or new tab)":"Otw\xF3rz URL _PARAM0_ w przegl\u0105darce (lub nowej karcie)","URL (or filename)":"URL (lub nazwa pliku)","Download a file":"Pobierz plik","Download a file from a web site":"Pobierz plik ze strony internetowej","Download file _PARAM1_ from _PARAM0_ under the name of _PARAM2_":"Pobierz plik _PARAM1_ z _PARAM0_ pod nazw\u0105 _PARAM2_","Host (for example :":"Host (np. :","Path to file (for example : /folder/file.txt)":"\u015Acie\u017Cka do pliku (np. : /folder/file.txt)","Save as":"Zapisz jako","Enable (or disable) metrics collection":"W\u0142\u0105cz (lub wy\u0142\u0105cz) kolekcj\u0119 metryk","Enable, or disable, the sending of anonymous data used to compute the number of sessions and other metrics from your game players.\nBe sure to only send metrics if in accordance with the terms of service of your game and if they player gave their consent, depending on how your game/company handles this.":"W\u0142\u0105cz, lub wy\u0142\u0105cz wysy\u0142anie anonimowych danych u\u017Cywanych do obliczania liczby sesji i innych metryk od twoich graczy.\nUpewnij si\u0119, \u017Ce wysy\u0142asz metryki wtedy, gdy jest to zgodne z warunkami korzystania z gry i je\u015Bli gracz wyrazi\u0142 na to zgod\u0119, w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od tego, jak twoja gra/firma to obs\u0142uguje.","Enable analytics metrics: _PARAM1_":"W\u0142\u0105cz wska\u017Aniki analityczne: _PARAM1_","Enable the metrics?":"W\u0142\u0105czy\u0107 metryki?","Events and control flow":"Zdarzenia i kontrola przep\u0142ywu","This condition always returns true (or always false, if the condition is inverted).":"Ten warunek zawsze zwr\xF3ci prawd\u0119 (albo zawsze fa\u0142sz, je\u015Bli warunek jest odwr\xF3cony).","Or":"Lub","Check if one of the sub conditions is true":"Sprawd\u017A, czy jeden z podwarunk\xF3w jest prawdziwy","If one of these conditions is true:":"Je\u015Bli spe\u0142niony jest jeden z poni\u017Cszych warunk\xF3w:","And":"I","Check if all sub conditions are true":"Sprawd\u017A, czy wszystkie podwarunki s\u0105 prawdziwe","If all of these conditions are true:":"Je\u015Bli wszystkie podane warunki s\u0105 prawdziwe:","Not":"Nie","Return the contrary of the result of the sub conditions":"Powr\xF3t przeciwnie na skutek warunk\xF3w sub","Invert the logical result of these conditions:":"Odwr\xF3\u0107 logicznego wyniku tych warunk\xF3w:","Trigger once while true":"Wywo\u0142aj raz przy spe\u0142nieniu pozosta\u0142ych warunk\xF3w","Run actions only once, for each time the conditions have been met.":"Prowadzone dzia\u0142ania tylko raz, za ka\u017Cdym razem warunki zosta\u0142y spe\u0142nione.","Trigger once":"Wywo\u0142aj raz","Compare two numbers":"Por\xF3wnaj dwa numery","Compare the two numbers.":"Por\xF3wna\u0107 dwie liczby.","_PARAM0_ _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_","Compare two strings":"Por\xF3wnanie dw\xF3ch ci\u0105g\xF3w","Compare the two strings.":"Por\xF3wna\u0107 dwa ci\u0105gi.","First string expression":"Pierwszy wyraz ci\u0105g","Second string expression":"Drugie wyra\u017Cenie \u0142a\u0144cuchowe","Standard event":"Standardowe wydarzenie","Standard event: Actions are run if conditions are fulfilled.":"Standardowe zdarze\u0144: Dzia\u0142ania s\u0105 prowadzone, je\u017Celi s\u0105 spe\u0142nione warunki.","Link external events":"Po\u0142\u0105cz zdarzenia zewn\u0119trzne","Link to external events.":"Po\u0142\u0105czenie do zdarze\u0144 zewn\u0119trznych.","Event displaying a text in the events editor.":"Zdarzenie wy\u015Bwietlaj\u0105ce tekst w edytorze zdarze\u0144.","While":"Dop\xF3ki","Repeat the event while the conditions are true.":"Powtarzaj zdarzenie, gdy warunki s\u0105 prawdziwe.","Repeat":"Powt\xF3rz","Repeat the event for a specified number of times.":"Powtarzaj zdarzenie przez okre\u015Blon\u0105 ilo\u015B\u0107 razy.","For each object":"Dla ka\u017Cdego obiektu","Repeat the event for each specified object.":"Powt\xF3rzy\u0107 dla ka\u017Cdego zdarzenia okre\u015Blonego obiektu.","For each child variable (of a structure or array)":"Dla ka\u017Cdej zmiennej podrz\u0119dnej (struktury lub tablicy)","Repeat the event for each child variable of a structure or array.":"Powt\xF3rz zdarzenie dla ka\u017Cdej zmiennej podrz\u0119dnej struktury lub tablicy.","Event group":"Grupa zdarze\u0144","Group containing events.":"Grupa zawieraj\u0105ca zdarzenia.","Return .":"Zwr\xF3\u0107 .","Compare .":"Por\xF3wnaj .","Check if .":"Sprawd\u017A, czy .","Set (or unset) if .":"Ustaw (w\u0142\u0105cz lub wy\u0142\u0105cz), je\u017Celi .","Change .":"Zmie\u0144 .","Set _PARAM0_ as : ":"Ustaw _PARAM0_ na : ","Change : ":"Zmie\u0144 : ","Change of _PARAM0_: ":"Zmie\u0144 _PARAM0_: ","Change : ":"Zmie\u0144 : ","_PARAM0_ is ":"_PARAM0_ to ","":"","Value to compare":"Warto\u015B\u0107 do por\xF3wnania"," of _PARAM0_ ":" z _PARAM0_ "," ":" ","Smooth the image":"Wyg\u0142ad\u017A obraz","Preload as sound":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj jako d\u017Awi\u0119k","Loads the fully decoded file into cache, so it can be played right away as Sound with no further delays.":"\u0141aduje w pe\u0142ni zdekodowany plik do pami\u0119ci podr\u0119cznej, dzi\u0119ki czemu mo\u017Ce by\u0107 odegrany jako d\u017Awi\u0119k bez dalszych op\xF3\u017Anie\u0144.","Preload as music":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj jako muzyk\u0119","Prepares the file for immediate streaming as Music (does not wait for complete download).":"Przygotowuje plik do natychmiastowego przesy\u0142ania strumieniowego jako muzyka (nie czeka na ca\u0142kowite pobranie).","Preload in cache":"Wst\u0119pnie wczytaj do pami\u0119ci podr\u0119cznej","Loads the complete file into cache, but does not decode it into memory until requested.":"\u0141aduje ca\u0142y plik do pami\u0119ci podr\u0119cznej, ale nie dekoduje go do pami\u0119\u0107 dop\xF3ki nie zostanie wywo\u0142any.","Disable preloading at game startup":"Wy\u0142\u0105cz wst\u0119pne wczytywanie przy starcie gry","The expression has extra character at the end that should be removed (or completed if your expression is not finished).":"Wyra\u017Cenie ma dodatkowy znak na ko\u0144cu, kt\xF3re powinny by\u0107 usuni\u0119te (lub skompletowanego je\u015Bli wyra\u017Cenie nie jest gotowy).","Missing a closing parenthesis. Add a closing parenthesis for each opening parenthesis.":"Brakuje nawiasu zamykaj\u0105cego. Dodaj nawias zamykaj\u0105cy dla ka\u017Cdego nawiasu otwieraj\u0105cego.","Missing a closing bracket. Add a closing bracket for each opening bracket.":"Brakuj\u0105cy nawias zamykaj\u0105cy. Dodaj nawias zamykaj\u0105cy dla ka\u017Cdego wspornika otwarcia.","A name should be entered after the dot.":"Nazwa powinna by\u0107 wpisana po kropce.","A dot or bracket was expected here.":"Oczekiwano tutaj kropki lub nawiasu.","An opening parenthesis was expected here to call a function.":"Spodziewano si\u0119 tu otwarcie nawiasu wywo\u0142a\u0107 funkcj\u0119.","The list of parameters is not terminated. Add a closing parenthesis to end the parameters.":"Lista parametr\xF3w nie jest zako\u0144czone. Dodaj nawias zamykaj\u0105cy, aby zako\u0144czy\u0107 parametry.","You've used an operator that is not supported. Operator should be either +, -, / or *.":"U\u017Cy\u0142e\u015B operatora, kt\xF3ry nie jest obs\u0142ugiwany. Operator powinien by\u0107 +, -, / lub *.","You've used an \"unary\" operator that is not supported. Operator should be either + or -.":"U\u017Cy\u0142e\u015B \"jednoargumentowego\" operatora, kt\xF3ry nie jest obs\u0142ugiwany. Operator powinien by\u0107 + lub -.","You've used an operator that is not supported. Only + can be used to concatenate texts.":"U\u017Cy\u0142e\u015B operatora, kt\xF3ry nie jest obs\u0142ugiwany. Tylko + mo\u017Ce by\u0107 stosowany do tekst\xF3w z\u0142\u0105czy\u0107.","Operators (+, -, /, *) can't be used with an object name. Remove the operator.":"Operatory (+, -, /, *) nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 wykorzystane w nazwie obiektu. Usu\u0144 operator.","Operators (+, -, /, *) can't be used in variable names. Remove the operator from the variable name.":"Operatory (+, -, /, *) nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 wykorzystane w nazwach zmiennych. Usu\u0144 operator z nazwy zmiennej.","You've used an operator that is not supported. Only + can be used to concatenate texts, and must be placed between two texts (or expressions).":"U\u017Cy\u0142e\u015B operatora, kt\xF3ry nie jest obs\u0142ugiwany. Tylko + mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyty do \u0142\u0105czenia tekst\xF3w i musi znajdowa\u0107 si\u0119 mi\u0119dzy dwoma tekstami (b\u0105d\u017A wyra\u017Ceniami).","Operators (+, -) can't be used with an object name. Remove the operator.":"Operatory (+, -) nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 wykorzystane w nazwie obiektu. Usu\u0144 operator.","Operators (+, -) can't be used in variable names. Remove the operator from the variable name.":"Operatory (+, -) nie mog\u0105 by\u0107 wykorzystane w nazwach zmiennych. Usu\u0144 operator z nazwy zmiennej.","You entered a number, but a text was expected (in quotes).":"Wprowadzono numer, ale spodziewano si\u0119 tekst (w cudzys\u0142owie).","You entered a number, but this type was expected:":"Wprowadzono numer, ale spodziewano si\u0119 tego typu:","You entered a text, but a number was expected.":"Wprowadzono tekst, ale spodziewano liczb\u0105.","You entered a text, but this type was expected:":"Wprowadzono tekst, ale spodziewano si\u0119 tego typu:","No object, variable or property with this name found.":"Nie znaleziono obiektu, zmiennej ani w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015Bci o tej nazwie.","You entered a variable, but this type was expected:":"Wprowadzono zmienn\u0105, ale oczekiwany jest nast\u0119puj\u0105cy rodzaj:","You can't use the brackets to access an object variable. Use a dot followed by the variable name, like this: `MyObject.MyVariable`.":"Nie mo\u017Cna u\u017Cy\u0107 nawias\xF3w do uzyskania dost\u0119pu do zmiennej obiektu. U\u017Cyj kropki poprzedzonej nazw\u0105 zmiennej, tak jak: `MyObject.MyVariable`.","You must wrap your text inside double quotes (example: \"Hello world\").":"trzeba zawin\u0105\u0107 tekst wewn\u0105trz cudzys\u0142owach (na przyk\u0142ad: \u201EHello World \u201D).","You must enter a number.":"Musisz poda\u0107 liczb\u0119.","You must enter a number or a text, wrapped inside double quotes (example: \"Hello world\"), or a variable name.":"Nale\u017Cy wprowadzi\u0107 liczb\u0119 lub tekst, wpisanego w cudzys\u0142\xF3w podw\xF3jny (przyk\u0142ad: \"Witaj \u015Bwiecie\") lub nazw\u0119 zmiennej.","You've entered a name, but this type was expected:":"Wprowadzi\u0142e\u015B nazw\u0119, ale oczekiwano tego typu:","You must enter a number or a valid expression call.":"Musisz wprowadzi\u0107 liczb\u0119, b\u0105d\u017A poprawne wywo\u0142anie wyra\u017Cenia.","You must enter a text (between quotes) or a valid expression call.":"Musisz wprowadzi\u0107 tekst (Pomi\u0119dzy cudzys\u0142owie) b\u0105d\u017A poprawne wywo\u0142anie wyra\u017Cenia.","You must enter a variable name.":"Musisz poda\u0107 nazw\u0119 zmiennej.","You must enter a valid object name.":"Musisz poda\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciw\u0105 nazw\u0119 obiektu.","You must enter a valid expression.":"Musisz poda\u0107 w\u0142a\u015Bciwe wyra\u017Cenie.","This variable has the same name as a property. Consider renaming one or the other.":"Zmienna ta posiada tak\u0105 sam\u0105 nazw\u0119 jak w\u0142a\u015Bciwo\u015B\u0107. Rozwa\u017C zmian\u0119 jednej lub drugiej nazwy.","This variable has the same name as a parameter. Consider renaming one or the other.":"Zmienna ta posiada tak\u0105 sam\u0105 nazw\u0119 jak parametr. Rozwa\u017C zmian\u0119 jednej lub drugiej nazwy.","No variable with this name found.":"Nie znaleziono zmiennej o takiej nazwie.","Undefined":"Niezdefiniowane","Dimensionless":"Bezwymiarowe","degree":"stopie\u0144","second":"sekunda","pixel":"piksel","pixel per second":"piksel na sekund\u0119","How much distance is covered per second.":"Jaka odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 jest pokonana przez sekund\u0119.","pixel per second, per second":"piksel na sekund\u0119, na sekund\u0119","How much speed is gained (or lost) per second.":"Ile pr\u0119dko\u015Bci si\u0119 zyskuje (lub traci) na sekund\u0119.","Force (in Newton)":"Si\u0142a (w Newtonach)","meter kilogram per second, per second":"metr kilograma na sekund\u0119, na sekund\u0119","A unit to measure forces.":"Jednostka do pomiaru si\u0142.","Angular speed":"Pr\u0119dko\u015B\u0107 k\u0105towa","degree per second":"stopie\u0144 na sekund\u0119","How much angle is covered per second.":"Ile k\u0105ta jest pokryte przez sekund\u0119."}}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/newIDE/app/src/locales/pt_BR/messages.js b/newIDE/app/src/locales/pt_BR/messages.js index 5b476db32fa6..8b12bf35cdd3 100644 --- a/newIDE/app/src/locales/pt_BR/messages.js +++ b/newIDE/app/src/locales/pt_BR/messages.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -/* eslint-disable */module.exports={languageData:{"plurals":function(n,ord){var s=String(n).split("."),i=s[0];if(ord)return"other";return i==0||i==1?"one":"other"}},messages:{"\"{0}\" will be the new build of this game published on Continue?":function(a){return["\"",a("0"),"\" ser\xE1 a nova compila\xE7\xE3o desse jogo publicado em Deseja continuar?"]},"\"{0}\" will be unpublished on Continue?":function(a){return["\"",a("0"),"\"ser\xE1 despublicado em Deseja continuar?"]},"% of parent":"% de parentesco","% of total":"% do total","(Events)":"(Eventos)","(Object)":"(Objeto)","(deleted)":"(exclu\xEDdo)","(or paste actions)":"(ou colar a\xE7\xF5es)","(or paste conditions)":"(ou colar condi\xE7\xF5es)","(yet!)":"(ainda!)","* (multiply by)":"* (multiplicar por)","**{0}**/{maxLength} characters. You'll receive your answer by email.":function(a){return["**",a("0"),"**/",a("maxLength")," caracteres. Voc\xEA receber\xE1 sua resposta por e-mail."]},"+ (add)":"+ (somar)","+ {0} tag(s)":function(a){return["+ ",a("0")," tag(s)"]},", objects /*{parameterObjects}*/":function(a){return[", objetos /*",a("parameterObjects"),"*/"]},"- (subtract)":"- (subtrair)","/ (divide by)":"/ (dividir por)","/* Click here to choose objects to pass to JavaScript */":"/* Clique aqui para escolher objetos para passar para JavaScript */","0,date":"0,data","0,date,date0":"0,data,data0","0,number,number0":"0,n\xFAmero,n\xFAmero0","1 child":"1 filho","1 day ago":"1 dia atr\xE1s","1 hour ago":"1 hora atr\xE1s","1 minute":"1 minuto","1 new feedback":"1 nova opini\xE3o","1 review":"1 avalia\xE7\xE3o","1) Create a Certificate Signing Request and a Certificate":"1) Criar uma solicita\xE7\xE3o de assinatura de certificado e um certificado","100% (Default)":"100% (Padr\xE3o)","100+ exports created":"Mais de 100 exporta\xE7\xF5es criadas","10th":"10.\xBA","1st":"1.\xBA","1st secondary editor":"1\xBA editor secund\xE1rio","2 previews in 2 windows":"Duas pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es em 2 janelas","2) Upload the Certificate generated by Apple":"2) Upload the Certificate generated by Apple","200%":"200%","2D effects":"Efeitos 2D","2D object":"Objeto 2D","2nd":"2.\xBA","2nd secondary editor":"2\xBA editor secund\xE1rio","3 previews in 3 windows":"Tr\xEAs pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es em 3 janelas","3) Upload one or more Mobile Provisioning Profiles":"3) Envio de um ou mais perfis de aprovisionamento m\xF3vel","3-part tutorial to creating and publishing a game from scratch.":"Tutorial em 3 partes para criar e publicar um jogo do zero.","300%":"300%","3D effects":"Efeitos 3D","3D model":"Modelo 3D","3D models":"Modelos 3D","3D object":"Objeto 3D","3D particle emitter":"Emissor de part\xEDculas 3D","3D platforms":"Plataforma 3D","3D settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es 3D","3D sprite":"Sprite 3D","3D text":"Texto 3D","3rd":"3.\xBA","3rd secondary editor":"3\xBA editor secund\xE1rio","4 previews in 4 windows":"Quatro pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es em 4 janelas","400%":"400%","4th":"4.\xBA","500%":"500%","5th":"5.\xBA","600%":"600%","6th":"6.\xBA","700%":"700%","7th":"7.\xBA","800%":"800%","8th":"8.\xBA","9th":"9.\xBA","< (less than)":"< (menor que)","<0>For every child in<1><2/>{0}, store the child in variable<3><4/>{1}, the child name in<5><6/>{2}and do:":function(a){return["<0>Para cada vari\xE1vel filha em<1><2/>",a("0"),", armazene a vari\xE1vel filha na vari\xE1vel<3><4/>",a("1"),", o nome da vari\xE1vel filha em<5><6/>",a("2"),"e fa\xE7a:"]},"<0>Share your game and start collecting data from your players to better understand them.":"<0>Compartilhe seu jogo e comece a coletar dados de seus jogadores para entend\xEA-los melhor.","":"","":"","":"","":""," (optional)":" (opcional)","":"","":"","= (equal to)":"= (igual a)","= (set to)":"= (definir como)","> (greater than)":"> (maior que)","A bar that represents a resource in the game (health, mana, ammo, etc).":"Uma barra que representa um recurso no jogo (sa\xFAde, mana, muni\xE7\xE3o, etc).","A condition that can be used in other events sheet. You can define the condition parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Uma condi\xE7\xE3o que pode ser usada em outra planilha de eventos. Voc\xEA pode definir os par\xE2metros de condi\xE7\xE3o: objetos, textos, n\xFAmeros, camadas, etc ...","A condition that can be used on objects with the behavior. You can define the condition parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Uma condi\xE7\xE3o que pode ser usada em outra planilha de eventos. Voc\xEA pode definir os par\xE2metros de condi\xE7\xE3o: objetos, textos, n\xFAmeros, camadas, etc...","A condition that can be used on the object. You can define the condition parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"A condition that can be used on the object. You can define the condition parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...","A critical error occurred in the {componentTitle}.":function(a){return["Um erro critico ocorreu no ",a("componentTitle"),"."]},"A functioning save has been found!":"Foi encontrado um save funcional!","A game to publish":"Um jogo para publicar","A global object with this name already exists. Please change the group name before setting it as a global group":"Um objeto global com este nome j\xE1 existe. Por favor, mude o nome do grupo antes de configur\xE1-lo como um grupo global","A global object with this name already exists. Please change the object name before setting it as a global object":"J\xE1 existe um objeto global com este nome. Favor renome\xE1-lo antes de defini-lo como objeto global","A lighting layer was created. Lights will be placed on it automatically. You can change the ambient light color in the properties of this layer":"Uma camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o foi criada. Luzes ser\xE3o colocadas aqui automaticamente. Voc\xEA pode alterar a cor da luz ambiente nas propriedades desta camada","A link or file will be created but the game will not be registered.":"Um link de teste ser\xE1 criado, mas o jogo n\xE3o ser\xE1 registrado.","A new physics engine (Physics Engine 2.0) is now available. You should prefer using it for new game. For existing games, note that the two behaviors are not compatible, so you should only use one of them with your objects.":"Um novo motor de f\xEDsica (Physics Engine 2.0) est\xE1 dispon\xEDvel. Voc\xEA deve preferir us\xE1-lo para um novo jogo. Para jogos existentes, note que os dois comportamentos n\xE3o s\xE3o compat\xEDveis, ent\xE3o voc\xEA deve usar apenas um deles com seus objetos.","A new secure window will open to complete the purchase.":"Uma nova janela segura ir\xE1 abrir-se para completar a compra.","A new update is available!":"Uma nova atualiza\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 dispon\xEDvel!","A new update is being downloaded...":"Uma nova atualiza\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 sendo baixada...","A new update will be installed after you quit and relaunch GDevelop":"Uma nova atualiza\xE7\xE3o ser\xE1 instalada depois que voc\xEA sair e reiniciar o GDevelop","A new window":"Uma nova janela","A scale under 1 on a Bitmap text object can downgrade the quality text, prefer to remake a bitmap font smaller in the external bmFont editor.":"Uma escala inferior a 1 em um objeto de texto de Bitmap pode diminuir a qualidade do texto, prefira refazer a fonte de bitmap com uma fonte menor no editor externo de bmFont.","A student account cannot be an admin of your team.":"Uma conta de estudante n\xE3o pode ser um administrador de sua equipe.","A temporary image to help you visualize the shape/polygon":"Uma imagem tempor\xE1ria para ajud\xE1-lo a visualizar a forma/pol\xEDgono","A toggle switch that users can click or touch.":"Um bot\xE3o que os usu\xE1rios podem clicar ou tocar.","API Issuer ID: {0}":function(a){return["ID do Emissor API: ",a("0")]},"API Issuer given by Apple":"Emissor da API fornecido pela Apple","API key given by Apple":"Emissor da API fornecido pela Apple","API key: {0}":function(a){return["Chave da API: ",a("0")]},"APK (for testing on device or sharing outside Google Play)":"APK (para teste no dispositivo ou compartilhamento fora do Google Play)","Abandon":"Abandonar","About GDevelop":"Sobre o GDevelop","About dialog":"Sobre di\xE1logo","About education plan":"Sobre o plano de educa\xE7\xE3o","Accept":"Aceitar","Access GDevelop\u2019s resources for teaching game development and promote careers in technology.":"Acesse os recursos para ensinar desenvolvimento de jogos e promover carreiras em tecnologia.","Access project history, name saves, restore older versions.<0/>Upgrade to a Pro plan to get started!":"Acesse o hist\xF3rico do projeto, nomeie vers\xF5es e restaure vers\xF5es mais antigas. <0/>Atualize para um plano Pro para come\xE7ar!","Access public profile":"Acessar Perfil P\xFAblico","Achievements":"Conquistas","Action":"A\xE7\xE3o","Action with operator":"A\xE7\xE3o com operador","Actions":"A\xE7\xF5es","Activated":"Ativado","Active":"Ativo","Active until {0}":function(a){return["Ativo at\xE9 ",a("0")]},"Active, we will get in touch to get the campaign up!":"Ativado com sucesso, entraremos em contato para come\xE7armos a campanha!","Ad revenue sharing off":"Compartilhamento de receita de an\xFAncios desligado","Ad revenue sharing on":"Compartilhamento de receita de an\xFAncios ativado","Adapt automatically":"Adaptar automaticamente","Adapt collision mask?":"Adaptar m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o?","Add":"Adicionar","Add a 2D effect":"Adicionar um efeito 2D","Add a 3D effect":"Adicionar um efeito 3D","Add a Long Description":"Adicionar uma descri\xE7\xE3o completa","Add a New Extension":"Adicionar uma nova extens\xE3o","Add a behavior":"Adicionar um comportamento","Add a certificate/profile first":"Adicionar um certificado/perfil primeiro","Add a collaborator":"Adicionar colaborador","Add a comment":"Adicionar um coment\xE1rio","Add a folder":"Adicionar uma pasta","Add a function":"Adicionar uma fun\xE7\xE3o","Add a health bar to this jumping character, losing health when hitting spikes.":"Adiciona uma barra de vida nesse personagem que pula, o personagem perde uma vida quando bate em um espinho.","Add a layer":"Adicionar uma camada","Add a link to your donation page. It will be displayed on your profile and game pages.":"Adicione um link para a sua p\xE1gina de doa\xE7\xF5es. Ele ser\xE1 mostrado no seu perfil e nos seus jogos publicados em","Add a local variable":"Adicione uma vari\xE1vel local","Add a local variable to the selected event":"Adicionar uma vari\xE1vel local ao evento selecionado","Add a new behavior to the object":"Adicionar um novo comportamento para o objeto","Add a new empty event":"Adicionar um novo evento vazio","Add a new event":"Adicionar um novo evento","Add a new folder":"Adicionar uma nova pasta","Add a new group":"Adicionar um novo grupo","Add a new group...":"Adicionar um novo grupo...","Add a new object":"Adicionar um novo objeto","Add a new option":"Adicionar uma nova op\xE7\xE3o","Add a parameter":"Adicionar um par\xE2metro","Add a parameter below":"Adicionar um par\xE2metro abaixo","Add a point":"Adicionar um ponto","Add a property":"Adicionar uma propriedade","Add a property below":"Adicionar uma propriedade abaixo","Add a scene":"Adicionar uma cena","Add a sprite":"Adicione um sprite","Add a sub-condition":"Adicionar uma sub-condi\xE7\xE3o","Add a sub-event to the selected event":"Adicionar um sub-evento ao evento selecionado","Add a teacher":"Adicionar professor","Add a time attack mode, where you have to reach the end as fast as possible.":"Adiciona um modo contra o rel\xF3gio, nesse modo voc\xEA precisa chegar ao final o mais r\xE1pido poss\xEDvel.","Add a variable":"Adicionar uma vari\xE1vel","Add a vertex":"Adicionar um v\xE9rtice","Add action":"Adicionar a\xE7\xE3o","Add again":"Adicionar novamente","Add an Auth Key first":"Adicione uma chave de autentica\xE7\xE3o primeiro","Add an animation":"Adicionar uma anima\xE7\xE3o","Add an event":"Adicionar um Evento","Add an external layout":"Adicionar um layout externo","Add an object":"Adicionar um objeto","Add any object variable to the group":"Adicione qualquer vari\xE1vel de objeto ao grupo","Add asset":"Adicionar um ativo","Add child":"Adicionar filho/disc\xEDpulo","Add collaborator":"Adicionar colaborador","Add collision mask":"Adicionar m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o","Add condition":"Adicionar condi\xE7\xE3o","Add external events":"Adicionar eventos externos","Add instance to the scene":"Adicionar inst\xE2ncia \xE0 cena","Add leaderboards to your online Game":"Adicione tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o ao seu jogo online","Add lighting layer":"Adicionar camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o","Add new":"Adicionar novo","Add or edit":"Adicionar ou editar","Add or edit variables...":"Adicione ou edite vari\xE1veis...","Add personality to your game and publish it online.":"Adicione personalidade ao seu jogo e publique-o online.","Add player logins to your game and add a leaderboard.":"Adicione logins de jogadores ao seu jogo e tamb\xE9m uma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o.","Add student":"Adicionar aluno","Add teacher":"Adicionar professor","Add the assets":"Adicionar os ativos","Add these assets to my scene":"Adicionar esses ativos na minha cena","Add these assets to the project":"Adicione estes ativos ao projeto","Add this asset to my scene":"Adicionar esses ativos na minha cena","Add this asset to the project":"Adicione este ativo ao projeto","Add to project":"Adicionar ao projeto","Add to the scene":"Adicionar \xE0 cena","Add variable":"Adicionar vari\xE1vel","Add your Discord username to get access to a dedicated channel if you have a Gold or Pro subscription! Join the [GDevelop Discord](":"Adicione seu nome de usu\xE1rio Discord para obter acesso a um canal dedicado se voc\xEA tiver uma assinatura Gold ou Pro! Junte-se ao [Discord do GDevelop](","Add your Discord username to get access to a dedicated channel! Join the [GDevelop Discord](":"Adicione seu nome de usu\xE1rio Discord para obter acesso a um canal dedicado se voc\xEA tiver uma assinatura Gold ou Pro! Junte-se ao [Discord do GDevelop](","Add your first animation":"Adicione sua primeira anima\xE7\xE3o","Add your first behavior":"Adicione seu primeiro comportamento","Add your first characters to the scene and throw your first objects.":"Adicione seus primeiros personagens \xE0 cena e jogue seus primeiros objetos.","Add your first effect":"Adicione seu primeiro efeito","Add your first event":"Adicione seu primeiro evento","Add your first global variable":"Adicione sua primeira vari\xE1vel global","Add your first instance variable":"Adicione sua vari\xE1vel de primeira inst\xE2ncia","Add your first object group variable":"Adicione sua primeira vari\xE1vel de grupo de objetos","Add your first object variable":"Adicione sua primeira vari\xE1vel de objeto","Add your first parameter":"Adicione seu primeiro par\xE2metro","Add your first property":"Adicionar sua primeira propriedade","Add your first scene variable":"Adicione sua primeira vari\xE1vel de cena","Add...":"Adicionar...","Adding...":"Adicionando...","Additive rendering":"Renderiza\xE7\xE3o aditiva","Adjust height to fill screen (extend or crop)":"Ajustar altura para preencher a tela (estender ou cortar)","Adjust width to fill screen (extend or crop)":"Ajustar largura para preencher a tela (estender ou cortar)","Ads":"An\xFAncios","Advanced":"Avan\xE7ado","Advanced course":"Curso avan\xE7ado","Advanced options":"Op\xE7\xF5es avan\xE7adas","Advanced properties":"Propriedades avan\xE7adas","Adventure":"Aventura","All":"todas","All asset packs":"Todos os pacotes de ativos","All behaviors being directly referenced in the events:":"Todos os comportamentos sendo referenciados diretamente nos eventos:","All builds":"Todas as compila\xE7\xF5es","All categories":"Todas as categorias","All current entries will be deleted, are you sure you want to reset this leaderboard? This can't be undone.":"Todas as entradas atuais ser\xE3o exclu\xEDdas, tem certeza que deseja redefinir esta tabela? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","All entries":"Todas as entradas","All entries are displayed.":"Todas as entradas s\xE3o exibidas.","All exports":"Todas as exporta\xE7\xF5es","All feedbacks processed":"Todos os coment\xE1rios processados","All game templates":"Todos os modelos de jogos","All objects potentially used in events: {0}":function(a){return["Todos os objetos potencialmente utilizados em eventos: ",a("0")]},"All the entries of {0} will be deleted too. This can't be undone.":function(a){return["Todas as entradas de ",a("0")," ser\xE3o removidas tamb\xE9m. Essa a\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o pode ser desfeita."]},"All your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to cancel?":"Todas as suas altera\xE7\xF5es ser\xE3o perdidas. Tem a certeza de que quer cancelar?","All your games were played more than {0} times in total!":function(a){return["Todos os seus jogos foram jogados mais que ",a("0")," no total!"]},"Allow players to join after the game has started":"Permitir que jogadores entrem ap\xF3s o jogo come\xE7ar","Allow to display advertisements on the game page on":"Permite exibir an\xFAncios na p\xE1gina do jogo no","Almost done...":"Quase pronto...","Alpha":"Alfa","Alphabet":"Alfabeto","Already a member?":"J\xE1 \xE9 um membro?","Already added":"J\xE1 adicionado","Already cancelled - will expire in the future":"J\xE1 cancelado - expirar\xE1 no futuro","Already in project":"J\xE1 est\xE1 no projeto","Already installed":"J\xE1 instalado","Alright let's see what we have for you...":"Certo, vamos ver o que temos para voc\xEA...","Always":"Sempre","Always display the preview window on top of the editor":"Sempre exibe a janela de visualiza\xE7\xE3o em cima das outras","Always visible":"Sempre vis\xEDvel","Ambient light color":"Cor da luz ambiente","An action that can be used in other events sheet. You can define the action parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Uma a\xE7\xE3o que pode ser usada em outras folhas de eventos. Voc\xEA pode definir os par\xE2metros da a\xE7\xE3o: objetos, textos, n\xFAmeros, camadas, etc...","An action that can be used on objects with the behavior. You can define the action parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Uma condi\xE7\xE3o que pode ser usada em outra planilha de eventos. Voc\xEA pode definir os par\xE2metros de condi\xE7\xE3o: objetos, textos, n\xFAmeros, camadas, etc...","An action that can be used on the object. You can define the action parameters: objects, texts, numbers, layers, etc...":"Uma condi\xE7\xE3o que pode ser usada no objeto. Voc\xEA pode definir os par\xE2metros: objetos, textos, n\xFAmeros, camadas, etc...","An animated sprite in 3D.":"Um sprite animado em 3D.","An error happened":"Um erro aconteceu","An error happened when retrieving the game's configuration. Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao recuperar as configura\xE7\xF5es do jogo. Verifique a sua conex\xE3o com a Internet ou tente mais tarde.","An error happened while cashing out. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao sacar. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error happened while loading the certificates.":"Ocorreu um erro ao carregar os certificados.","An error happened while loading this extension. Please check that it is a proper extension file and compatible with this version of GDevelop":"Ocorreu um erro ao carregar esta extens\xE3o. Por favor, verifique se \xE9 um arquivo de extens\xE3o adequado e compat\xEDvel com esta vers\xE3o do GDevelop","An error happened while purchasing this product. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao comprar este produto. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error happened while registering the game. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao registrar o jogo. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error happened while removing the collaborator. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao remover o colaborador. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error happened while sending your question. Please verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao transferir seus cr\xE9ditos. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error happened while transferring your credits. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao transferir seus cr\xE9ditos. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error happened while unregistering the game. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao cancelar o registrar do jogo. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a \u201Cinternet\u201D ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error has occurred during functions generation. If GDevelop is installed, verify that nothing is preventing GDevelop from writing on disk. If you're running GDevelop online, verify your internet connection and refresh functions from the Project Manager.":"Ocorreu um erro durante a gera\xE7\xE3o de fun\xE7\xF5es. Se o GDevelop estiver instalado, verifique se nada est\xE1 impedindo o GDevelop de escrever no disco. Se voc\xEA estiver executando o GDevelop online, verifique sua conex\xE3o de internet e atualize as fun\xE7\xF5es do Gerenciador de Projetos.","An error has occurred in functions. Click to reload them.":"Ocorreu um erro nas fun\xE7\xF5es. Clique para recarreg\xE1-las.","An error occured while generating the certificate.":"Ocorreu um erro ao carregar os certificados.","An error occured while storing the auth key.":"Ocorreu um erro ao armazenar a chave de autentica\xE7\xE3o.","An error occured while storing the provisioning profile.":"Ocorreu um erro ao armazenar o perfil de provisionamento.","An error occurred in the {componentTitle}.":function(a){return["Ocorreu um erro no ",a("componentTitle"),"."]},"An error occurred when creating a new leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Um erro ocorreu ao criar um placar, por favor feche este di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred when deleting the entry, please try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao excluir a entrada, tente novamente.","An error occurred when deleting the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao excluir o placar, por favor feche a caixa de di\xE1logo e tente novamente.","An error occurred when deleting the project. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao deletar o projeto. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred when downloading the tutorials.":"Um erro ocorreu enquanto estava baixando os tutoriais.","An error occurred when fetching the entries of the leaderboard, please try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao buscar as entradas do placar, por favor tente novamente.","An error occurred when fetching the leaderboards, please close the dialog and reopen it.":"Ocorreu um erro ao buscar as tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo e reabra-a.","An error occurred when fetching the store content. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao buscar o conte\xFAdo da loja. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred when opening or saving the project. Try again later or choose another location to save the project to.":"Um erro ocorreu ao abrir ou salvar o projeto. Tente novamente depois ou escolha outro local para salvar o projeto.","An error occurred when opening the project. Check that your internet connection is working and that your browser allows the use of cookies.":"Um erro ocorreu enquanto abria o projeto. Verifique se sua conex\xE3o \xE0 \u201Cinternet\u201D est\xE1 funcionando e se seu navegador concorda em usar os \u201Ccookies\u201D.","An error occurred when resetting the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao redefinir a tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred when retrieving leaderboards, please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao recuperar as tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o. Tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred when saving the project, please verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o projeto, por favor verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred when saving the project. Please try again by choosing another location.":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o projeto. Por favor, tente novamente escolhendo outro local.","An error occurred when saving the project. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o projeto. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred when sending the form, please verify your internet connection and try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o projeto, por favor verifique sua conex\xE3o com a \u201Cinternet\u201D ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred when setting the leaderboard as default, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao definir a tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o como padr\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred when updating the appearance of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar a apar\xEAncia da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred when updating the display choice of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar a escolha de exibi\xE7\xE3o da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred when updating the name of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar o nome da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred when updating the sort direction of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar a dire\xE7\xE3o de classifica\xE7\xE3o da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred when updating the visibility of the leaderboard, please close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar a visibilidade da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","An error occurred while changing the password. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao alterar a senha. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred while creating the accounts.":"Ocorreu um erro ao criar as contas.","An error occurred while creating the group. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao criar o grupo. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred while exporting your game. Verify your internet connection and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao exportar seu jogo. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com internet e tente novamente.","An error occurred while generating some icons. Verify that the image is valid and try again.":"Um erro aconteceu durante a cria\xE7\xE3o de alguns \xEDcones. Verifique que a imagem \xE9 v\xE1lida e tente novamente.","An error occurred while loading audio resources.":"Um erro aconteceu ao carregar recursos de \xE1udio.","An error occurred while loading fonts.":"Um error aconteceu ao carregar as fontes.","An error occurred while loading your builds. Verify your internet connection and try again.":"Ocorreu um erro ao carregar as compila\xE7\xF5es. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet e tente novamente.","An error occurred while renaming the group name. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao renomear o nome do grupo. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred while retrieving feedbacks for this game.":"Ocorreu um erro ao recuperar feedbacks para este jogo.","An error occurred while searching for a result. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro enquanto procur\xE1vamos por um resultado. Por favor, tente mais tarde.","An error occurred while trying to recover your project last versions. Please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro ao tentar recuperar as \xFAltimas vers\xF5es do projeto. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred, please try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro. Tente novamente mais tarde.","An error occurred.":"Ocorreu um erro.","An error occurred. Please try again.":"Um erro ocorreu. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","An expression that can be used in formulas. Can either return a number or a string, and take some parameters.":"Uma express\xE3o que pode ser usada em f\xF3rmulas. Pode retornar um n\xFAmero ou uma string e pegar alguns par\xE2metros.","An expression that can be used on objects with the behavior. Can either return a number or a string, and take some parameters.":"Uma express\xE3o que pode ser usada em objetos com o comportamento. Pode retornar um n\xFAmero ou uma string e assumir alguns par\xE2metros.","An expression that can be used on the object. Can either return a number or a string, and take some parameters.":"Uma express\xE3o que pode ser usada no objeto. Pode retornar tanto um n\xFAmero ou uma \"string\", e leva alguns par\xE2metros.","An extension with this name already exists in the project. Importing this extension will replace it: are you sure you want to continue?":"Uma extens\xE3o com este nome j\xE1 existe no projeto. A importa\xE7\xE3o desta extens\xE3o ir\xE1 substitu\xED-la: voc\xEA tem certeza que deseja continuar?","An external editor is opened.":"Um editor externo est\xE1 aberto.","An internet connection is required to administrate your game's leaderboards.":"\xC9 necess\xE1ria uma conex\xE3o com a Internet para administrar as tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o do seu jogo.","An object that can be moved, rotated and scaled in 2D.":"Um objeto que pode ser movido, girado e redimensionado em 2D.","An object that can be moved, rotated and scaled in 3D.":"Um objeto que pode ser movido, girado e redimensionado em 3D.","An unexpected error happened. Please contact us for more details.":"Ocorreu um erro inesperado. Por favor, entre em contato conosco para obter mais detalhes.","An unexpected error happened. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Ocorreu um erro inesperado. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","An unknown error happened, ensure your password is entered correctly.":"Ocorreu um erro desconhecido, certifique-se de que sua senha foi digitada corretamente.","An unknown error happened.":"Ocorreu um erro desconhecido.","An update is installing.":"Uma atualiza\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 sendo instalada.","An update is ready to be installed. Close ALL GDevelop apps or tabs in your browser, then open it again.":"Uma atualiza\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 pronta para ser instalada. Feche todos os aplicativos ou abas do \"GDevelop\" no navegador, depois abra novamente.","Analytics":"Analytics","Analyze Objects Used in this Event":"Analisar objetos usados neste evento","And others...":"e outros...","And {remainingResultsCount} more results.":function(a){return["E mais ",a("remainingResultsCount")," resultados."]},"Android":"Android","Android App Bundle (for publishing on Google Play)":"Android App Bundle (para publica\xE7\xE3o no Google Play)","Android Build":"Compila\xE7\xE3o Android","Android builds":"Compila\xE7\xF5es do Android","Android icons and Android 12+ splashscreen":"\xCDcones do Android e Splashscreen do Android 12+","Android mobile devices (Google Play, Amazon)":"Dispositivos m\xF3veis Android (Google Play, Amazon)","Angle":"\xC2ngulo","Animation":"Anima\xE7\xE3o","Animation #{animationIndex}":function(a){return["Anima\xE7\xE3o #",a("animationIndex")]},"Animation #{i} {0}":function(a){return["Anima\xE7\xE3o #",a("i")," ",a("0")]},"Animations":"Anima\xE7\xF5es","Animations are a sequence of images.":"Anima\xE7\xF5es s\xE3o uma sequ\xEAncia de imagens.","Anonymous":"An\xF4nimo","Anonymous players":"Jogadores an\xF4nimos","Another personal website, page, etc.":"Outro site pessoal, p\xE1gina de, etc.","Answer":"Resposta","Answer a 1-minute survey to personalize your \u201CGet started\u201D content.":"Responda a uma pesquisa de 1 minuto para personalizar o seu conte\xFAdo \"Come\xE7ar\".","Anti-aliasing":"Suaviza\xE7\xE3o de serrilhado","Antialising for 3D":"Antisserrilhamento para 3D","Any additional properties will appear here if you add behaviors to objects, like Physics behavior.":"Quaisquer propriedades adicionais aparecer\xE3o aqui, se adicionado comportamentos a objetos, como o comportamento de f\xEDsica (Physics behavior).","Any object":"Qualquer objeto","Any submitted score that is higher than the set value will not be saved in the leaderboard.":"Qualquer pontua\xE7\xE3o enviada que seja maior do que o valor definido n\xE3o ser\xE1 salva na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o.","Any submitted score that is lower than the set value will not be saved in the leaderboard.":"Qualquer pontua\xE7\xE3o enviada que seja maior do que o valor definido n\xE3o ser\xE1 salva na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o.","Any unsaved changes in the project will be lost.":"Quaisquer altera\xE7\xF5es n\xE3o salvas no projeto ser\xE3o perdidas.","Anyone can access it.":"Qualquer pessoa pode acessar isso.","Anyone with the link can see it, but it is not listed in your game's leaderboards.":"Qualquer pessoa com o link pode ver isso, mas isso n\xE3o est\xE1 listado no placar do seu jogo.","App or tool":"Aplicativo ou ferramenta","Appearance":"Apar\xEAncia","Apple":"Ma\xE7\xE3","Apple App Store":"Apple App Store","Apple Certificates & Profiles":"Certificados e perfis da Apple","Apple mobile devices (App Store)":"Dispositivos m\xF3veis Apple (App Store)","Apply":"Aplicar","Apply changes":"Aplicar altera\xE7\xF5es","Apply changes to preview":"Aplicar altera\xE7\xF5es na pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Apply changes to the running preview":"Aplicar altera\xE7\xF5es na pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o em execu\xE7\xE3o","Archive accounts":"Arquivar contas","Archive {0} accounts":function(a){return["Arquivar ",a("0")," contas"]},"Archive {0} accounts?":function(a){return["Arquivar ",a("0")," contas?"]},"Archived accounts":"Contas arquivadas","Are you sure you want to change your plan? Your next payment will be pro-rated.":"Tem certeza de que deseja alterar seu plano? Seu pr\xF3ximo pagamento ser\xE1 proporcional.","Are you sure you want to delete this entry? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza que quer deletar essa entrada? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to quit GDevelop?":"Tem certeza que deseja sair do GDevelop?","Are you sure you want to remove these external events? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza de que deseja remover esses eventos externos? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to remove this animation?":"Tem certeza que deseja remover esta anima\xE7\xE3o?","Are you sure you want to remove this animation? You will lose the custom collision mask you have set for this object.":"Tem certeza que deseja remover este anima\xE7\xE3o? Voc\xEA perder\xE1 a m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o personalizada que definiu para este objeto.","Are you sure you want to remove this behavior? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza que deseja remover esse comportamento? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to remove this extension? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza de que deseja remover esta extens\xE3o? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to remove this external layout? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza de que deseja remover este layout externo? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to remove this folder and all its content (objects {0})? This can't be undone.":function(a){return["Tem certeza que deseja remover esta pasta e todo seu conte\xFAdo (objetos ",a("0"),")? Isso n\xE3o poder\xE1 ser desfeito."]},"Are you sure you want to remove this folder and with it the object {0}? This can't be undone.":function(a){return["Tem certeza que deseja remover esta pasta e, com ela, o objeto ",a("0"),"? Isso n\xE3o poder\xE1 ser desfeito."]},"Are you sure you want to remove this function? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza de que deseja remover esta fun\xE7\xE3o? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to remove this group? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza que deseja remover este grupo? Essa a\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o poder\xE1 ser desfeita.","Are you sure you want to remove this object? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza de que deseja remover este objeto? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to remove this scene? This can't be undone.":"Tem certeza de que deseja remover esta cena? Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito.","Are you sure you want to reset all shortcuts to their default values?":"Tem certeza que deseja redefinir todos os atalhos para os valores padr\xE3o?","Are you sure you want to unregister this game?{0}If you haven't saved it, it will disappear from your games dashboard and you won't get access to player services, unless you register it again.":function(a){return["Voc\xEA tem certeza de que quer cancelar o registro desse jogo? ",a("0"),"Se voc\xEA n\xE3o o salvou, ele desaparecer\xE1 do seu painel de jogos e voc\xEA n\xE3o vai ter acesso aos servi\xE7os de jogador, a menos que voc\xEA registre-o novamente."]},"Are you teaching or learning game development?":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 ensinando ou aprendendo desenvolvimento de jogo?","Around 1 or 2 months":"Cerca de 1 ou 2 meses","Around 3 to 5 months":"Cerca de 3 a 5 meses","Array":"Matriz","As a percent of the game width.":"Como uma porcentagem da largura do jogo.","As a teacher, you will use one seat in the plan so make sure to include yourself!":"Como professor, voc\xEA usar\xE1 um lugar no plano, ent\xE3o certifique-se de se incluir!","Ask a question":"Fa\xE7a uma pergunta","Ask any question":"Fazer qualquer pergunta","Ask any question, get an answer":"Fa\xE7a qualquer pergunta, obtenha uma resposta","Ask every time":"Perguntar sempre","Ask your questions to the community":"Fa\xE7a suas perguntas para a comunidade","Asset Store":"Loja de Ativos","Asset pack not found":"Pacote de ativos n\xE3o foi encontrado","Asset pack not found - An error occurred, please try again later.":"Pacote de ativos n\xE3o encontrado \u2014 Um erro ocorreu, por favor tente novamente mais tarde.","Asset packs will be linked to your user account and available for all your projects. Log-in or sign-up to purchase this pack (or restore your existing purchase).":"Os pacotes ativos ser\xE3o vinculados \xE0 sua conta de usu\xE1rio e estar\xE3o dispon\xEDveis para todos os seus projetos. Fa\xE7a login ou cadastre-se para comprar este pacote (ou restaurar sua compra existente).","Asset store dialog":"Di\xE1logo da loja de ativos","Assets":"Ativos","Assets (coming soon!)":"Ativos (em breve!)","Associated resource name":"Nome do recurso associado","Asynchronous":"Ass\xEDncrono","Atlas":"Atlas","Atlas resource":"Recurso Atlas","Attached object":"Objeto anexado","Audio":"Audio","Audio resource":"Recurso de \xE1udio","Audio type":"Categoria de \xE1udio","Audios":"\xC1udios","Auth Key (App Store upload)":"Chave de Autentica\xE7\xE3o (Upload da App Store)","Auth Key for upload to App Store Connect":"Chave de autentica\xE7\xE3o para envio para a App Store Connect","Authors":"Autores","Auto download and install updates (recommended)":"Baixar e instalar atualiza\xE7\xF5es automaticamente (recomendado)","Auto-save project on preview":"Salvar projeto automaticamente na visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Automated":"Automatizado","Automatic collision mask activated. Click on the button to replace it with a custom one.":"M\xE1scara de colis\xE3o autom\xE1tica ativada. Clique no bot\xE3o para substitu\xED-la por uma personalizada.","Automatic creation of lighting layer":"Cria\xE7\xE3o autom\xE1tica de camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o","Automatically follow the base layer.":"Seguir automaticamente a camada base.","Automatically log in as a player in preview":"Fazer login automaticamente como um jogador na pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Automatically open the diagnostic report at preview":"Abrir automaticamente o relat\xF3rio de diagn\xF3stico na pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Automatically re-open the project edited during last session":"Reabrir automaticamente o projeto editado durante a \xFAltima sess\xE3o","Automatically take a screenshot in game previews":"Tire automaticamente uma captura de tela nas pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es do jogo","Average user feedback":"Feedback m\xE9dio do usu\xE1rio","Back":"Voltar","Back (Additional button, typically the Browser Back button)":"Voltar (Bot\xE3o adicional, normalmente o bot\xE3o Voltar do Navegador)","Back face":"Face traseira","Back to discover":"Volte para descobrir","Back to {0}":function(a){return["Retornar para ",a("0")]},"Background":"Plano de fundo","Background and cameras":"Fundo e c\xE2meras","Background color":"Cor de Fundo","Background color:":"Cor de fundo:","Background fade in duration (in seconds)":"Dura\xE7\xE3o do surgimento gradual do plano de fundo (em segundos)","Background image":"Imagem de fundo","Backgrounds":"Planos de fundo","Base layer":"Camada base","Base layer properties":"Propriedades da camada b\xE1sica","Be careful with this action, you may have problems exiting the preview if you don't add a way to toggle it back.":"Tenha cuidado com esta a\xE7\xE3o, voc\xEA pode ter problemas para sair da visualiza\xE7\xE3o se n\xE3o adicionar uma forma de altern\xE1-la de volta.","Before installing this asset, it's strongly recommended to update these extensions{0}Do you want to update it now ?":function(a){return["Antes de instalar este ativo, \xE9 altamente recomend\xE1vel atualizar estas extens\xF5es",a("0"),"Voc\xEA deseja atualiz\xE1-lo agora?"]},"Before you go, make sure that you've unpublished all your games on Otherwise they will stay visible to the community. Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone.":"Antes de ir, certifique-se de que voc\xEA cancelou a publica\xE7\xE3o de todos os seus jogos no Caso contr\xE1rio, eles permanecer\xE3o vis\xEDveis para a comunidade. Tem certeza que deseja apagar permanentemente sua conta? Esta a\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o pode ser desfeita.","Before you go...":"Antes de voc\xEA ir...","Beginner course":"Curso iniciante","Behavior":"Comportamento","Behavior (for the previous object)":"Comportamento (para o objeto anterior)","Behavior Configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o do comportamento","Behavior name":"Nome do comportamento","Behavior properties":"Propriedades do comportamento","Behavior type":"Tipo de comportamento","Behaviors":"Comportamentos","Behaviors add features to objects in a matter of clicks.":"Comportamentos adicionam recursos a objetos em quest\xE3o de clique.","Behaviors are attached to objects and make them alive. The rules of the game can be created using behaviors and events.":"Comportamentos est\xE3o anexados a objetos e os tornam vivos. As regras do jogo podem ser criadas usando comportamentos e eventos.","Behaviors of {objectOrGroupName}: {0} ;":function(a){return["Comportamentos de ",a("objectOrGroupName"),": ",a("0")," ;"]},"Bio":"Biografia","Bitmap Font":"Fonte Bitmap","Bitmap font resource":"Recurso de fonte bitmap","Blocked on GDevelop?":"Bloqueado no GDevelop?","Blur radius":"Raio de desfoque","Bold":"Negrito","Boolean":"Boleano","Boolean (checkbox)":"Booleano (caixa de sele\xE7\xE3o)","Bottom":"Abaixo","Bottom bound":"Borda inferior","Bottom bound should be greater than right bound":"A borda inferior deve ser maior que a borda direita","Bottom center (on Y axis)":"Centro inferior (no eixo Y)","Bottom center (on Z axis)":"Centro inferior (no eixo Z)","Bottom face":"Face inferior","Bottom left corner":"Canto inferior esquerdo","Bottom margin":"Margem inferior","Bottom right corner":"Canto inferior direito","Bounce rate":"Taxa de retorno","Box":"Caixa","Branding":"Marca","Branding and Loading screen":"Logo e tela de carregamento","Bring to front":"Trazer para a frente","Browse":"Navegar","Browse all":"Navegue em todos","Browse all templates":"Navegar por todos os modelos","Browse assets":"Explorar ativos","Browser":"Navegador","Build and download":"Criar e baixar","Build could not start or errored. Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"A compila\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o p\xF4de ser iniciada ou ocorreu um erro. Por favor, verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Build game mechanics":"Construa mec\xE2nicas de jogos","Build is starting...":"A compila\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 iniciando...","Build open for feedbacks":"Compila\xE7\xE3o aberta a coment\xE1rios","Build started!":"Constru\xE7\xE3o iniciada!","Building":"Constru\xE7\xE3o","Bundles":"Pacotes","Buy GDevelop goodies and swag":"Compre itens do GDevelop e swag","Buy for {0} credits":function(a){return["Compre por ",a("0")," cr\xE9ditos"]},"Buy for {formattedProductPriceText}":function(a){return["Compre para ",a("formattedProductPriceText")]},"By canceling your subscription, you will lose all your premium features at the end of the period you already paid for. Continue?":"Ao cancelar sua assinatura, voc\xEA perder\xE1 todos os seus recursos premium ao final do per\xEDodo que j\xE1 pagou. Continuar?","By creating an account and using GDevelop, you agree to the [Terms and Conditions](":"Criando uma conta e usando GDevelop, voc\xEA concorda com os [Termos e condi\xE7\xF5es](","Calibrating sensors":"Calibrando sensores","Camera":"C\xE2mera","Camera positioning":"Posicionamento da c\xE2mera","Camera type":"Tipo de c\xE2mera","Can't check if the game is registered online.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel verificar se o jogo est\xE1 registrado online.","Can't load the announcements. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar os an\xFAncios. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load the credits packages. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel carregar os pacotes de cr\xE9ditos. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load the extension registry. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel carregar o registro de extens\xE3o. Verifique a sua conex\xE3o de Internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load the games. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar os jogos. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load the licenses. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar as licen\xE7as. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load the profile. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel carregar o perfil. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a Internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load the results. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar os resultados. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load the tutorials. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel carregar os tutoriais. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a Internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't load your game earnings. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel carregar os seus ganhos de jogo. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a \"internet\" ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Can't properly export the game.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel exportar o jogo corretamente.","Can't upload your game to the build service.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel carregar seu jogo para o servi\xE7o de cria\xE7\xE3o.","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancel and close":"Cancelar e Fechar","Cancel and upgrade my subscription":"Cancelar e atualizar minha assinatura","Cancel anytime":"Cancelar a qualquer momento","Cancel changes":"Cancelar altera\xE7\xF5es","Cancel editing":"Cancelar a edi\xE7\xE3o","Cancel edition":"Cancelar edi\xE7\xE3o","Cancel subscription":"Cancelar assinatura","Cancel your changes?":"Cancelar as altera\xE7\xF5es?","Cancel your subscription":"Cancelar sua assinatura","Cancel your subscription?":"Cancelar sua assinatura?","Cannot filter on both asset packs and assets at the same time. Try clearing one of the filters!":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel filtrar os pacotes e arquivos ao mesmo tempo. Tente limpar um dos filtros!","Cannot see the exports":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel ver as exporta\xE7\xF5es","Cannot update thumbnail":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel atualizar a miniatura","Capsule":"C\xE1psula","Case insensitive":"Ignorar mai\xFAsculas e min\xFAsculas","Cash out":"Sacar","Category (shown in the editor)":"Categoria (mostrado no editor)","Cell height (in pixels)":"Altura da c\xE9lula (em pixels)","Cell width (in pixels)":"Largura da c\xE9lula (em pixels)","Center":"Centro","Certificate and provisioning profile":"Certificado e perfil de aprovisionamento","Certificate type: {0}":function(a){return["Tipo de certificado: ",a("0")]},"Change editor zoom":"Alterar zoom do editor","Change my email":"Alterar meu e-mail","Change the name in the project properties.":"Mude o nome nas propriedades de jogo.","Change the package name in the game properties.":"Mude o nome nas propriedades de jogo.","Change thumbnail":"Modificar a miniatura","Change your email":"Alterar seu email","Changes saved":"Altera\xE7\xF5es salvas","Chapter":"Cap\xEDtulo","Chapter materials":"Materiais de cap\xEDtulo","Characters":"Personagens","Check again for new updates":"Buscar atualiza\xE7\xF5es novamente","Check out":"Finalizar","Check that the file exists, that this file is a proper game created with GDevelop and that you have the authorization to open it.":"Verifique se o arquivo existe, que esse arquivo \xE9 um jogo criado com o GDevelop e que voc\xEA possui autoriza\xE7\xE3o para abrir ele.","Check that you don't have any blocked popup (if so, allow them and retry) and that you have the authorization for reading the file you're trying to access.":"Verifique se n\xE3o h\xE1 nenhum popup bloqueado (se tiver, desbloqueie ele e tente novamente) e que voc\xEA tem autoriza\xE7\xE3o para ler o arquivo que est\xE1 tentando acessar.","Check the logs to see if there is an explanation about what went wrong, or try again later.":"Verifique os logs para ver se h\xE1 uma explica\xE7\xE3o sobre o que deu errado, ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Checking for update...":"Verificando atualiza\xE7\xF5es...","Checking tools":"Verificando as ferramentas","Choose":"Escolher","Choose GDevelop language":"Escolha o idioma do GDevelop","Choose a Auth Key":"Escolha uma chave de autentica\xE7\xE3o","Choose a file":"Escolher um arquivo","Choose a folder for the new game":"Escolha uma pasta para o novo jogo","Choose a font":"Escolha uma fonte","Choose a function, or a function of a behavior, to edit its events.":"Escolha uma fun\xE7\xE3o, ou uma fun\xE7\xE3o de um comportamento, para editar seus eventos.","Choose a function, or a function of a behavior, to set the parameters that it accepts.":"Escolha uma fun\xE7\xE3o, ou uma fun\xE7\xE3o de comportamento, para definir os par\xE2metros de seus eventos.","Choose a key":"Escolha uma tecla","Choose a layer":"Escolha uma camada","Choose a leaderboard":"Escolha um placar","Choose a leaderboard (optional)":"Escolha uma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o (opcional)","Choose a mouse button":"Escolha um bot\xE3o do mouse","Choose a new behavior function (\"method\")":"Escolha uma nova fun\xE7\xE3o comportamental (\"m\xE9todo\")","Choose a new extension function":"Escolha uma nova fun\xE7\xE3o de extens\xE3o","Choose a new object function (\"method\")":"Escolha uma nova fun\xE7\xE3o de objeto (\"m\xE9todo\")","Choose a new object type":"Escolha um novo tipo de objeto","Choose a parameter":"Escolha um par\xE2metro","Choose a provisioning profile":"Escolha um perfil de provisionamento","Choose a scene":"Escolha uma cena","Choose a subscription":"Escolher uma assinatura","Choose a subscription to enjoy the best of game creation.":"Escolha uma assinatura para aproveitar o melhor da cria\xE7\xE3o de jogos.","Choose a value":"Escolha um valor","Choose a workspace folder":"Escolha uma pasta para o workspace","Choose an animation":"Escolher uma anima\xE7\xE3o","Choose an animation and frame to edit the collision masks":"Escolha uma anima\xE7\xE3o e um quadro para editar as m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o","Choose an animation and frame to edit the points":"Escolha uma anima\xE7\xE3o e quadro para editar os pontos","Choose an effect":"Escolher um efeito","Choose an element to inspect in the list":"Escolha um elemento para inspecionar na lista","Choose an export folder":"Escolha uma pasta de Exporta\xE7\xE3o","Choose an external layout":"Escolher um layout externo","Choose an icon for the extension":"Selecione um \xEDcone para a extens\xE3o","Choose an object":"Escolha um objeto","Choose an object to add to the group":"Escolher um objeto para adicionar ao grupo","Choose an operator":"Escolha um operador","Choose an option":"Escolha uma op\xE7\xE3o","Choose and add an event":"Escolher e adicione um evento","Choose and add an event...":"Escolher e adicionar um evento...","Choose and enter a package name in the game properties.":"Escolha e insira um nome para o pacote nas propriedades de jogo.","Choose another location":"Escolha outro local","Choose file":"Escolhar o arquivo","Choose folder":"Escolher Pasta","Choose from asset store":"Escolher da loja de recursos","Choose one or more files":"Escolha um ou mais arquivos","Choose the 3D model file (.glb) to use":"Escolha o arquivo de modelo 3D (.glb) a ser usado","Choose the JSON/LDtk file to use":"Escolha o arquivo JSON/LDtk para usar","Choose the associated scene:":"Escolha a cena associada:","Choose the atlas file (.atlas) to use":"Escolha o arquivo do atlas (.atlas) a ser utilizado","Choose the audio file to use":"Escolher o arquivo de \xE1udio a ser usado","Choose the bitmap font file (.fnt, .xml) to use":"Escolha o arquivo de fonte de bitmap (.fnt, .xml) a ser usado","Choose the effect to apply":"Escolha o efeito para aplicar","Choose the font file to use":"Escolha o arquivo de fonte para usar","Choose the image file to use":"Escolha um arquivo de imagem para usar","Choose the json file to use":"Escolher o arquivo json a ser usado","Choose the scene":"Escolher a cena","Choose the spine json file to use":"Escolha o arquivo json de Spine para usar","Choose the tileset to use":"Escolha o tileset a ser usado","Choose the upload key to use to identify your Android App Bundle. In most cases you don't need to change this. Use the \"Old upload key\" if you used to publish your game as an APK and you activated Play App Signing before switching to Android App Bundle.":"Escolha a chave de envio para identificar o seu Android App Bundle. Na maioria dos casos voc\xEA n\xE3o precisa mudar isso. Use a \"Chave de upload antiga\" se voc\xEA costumava publicar seu jogo como um APK e voc\xEA ativou a Assinatura do Play App antes de trocar para o Android App Bundle.","Choose the video file to use":"Escolher o arquivo de v\xEDdeo a ser usado","Choose this plan":"Escolher este plano","Choose where to add the assets:":"Escolha onde adicionar os assets:","Choose where to create the game":"Escolher o local para criar o jogo","Choose where to create your projects":"Escolha onde criar seus projetos","Choose where to export the game":"Escolha para onde voc\xEA quer exportar o jogo","Choose where to load the project from":"Escolha onde deseja salvar o projeto","Choose where to save the project to":"Escolha onde salvar o projeto","Choose your game art":"Escolher a arte do seu jogo","Circle":"C\xEDrculo","Claim":"Reivindicar","Claim this pack":"Reivindicar este pacote","Classrooms":"Salas de aula","Clear all filters":"Limpar todos os filtros","Clear the rendered image between each frame":"Limpar a imagem renderizada entre cada quadro.","Click here to test the link.":"Clique aqui para testar o link.","Click on an instance on the canvas or an object in the list to display their properties.":"Clique em uma inst\xE2ncia na tela ou em um objetivo na lista para exibir as propriedades dessa sele\xE7\xE3o.","Click on the tilemap grid to activate or deactivate hit boxes.":"Clique na grade do Tilemap para ativar ou desativar caixas de colis\xE3o.","Close":"Fechar","Close GDevelop":"Fechar o GDevelop","Close Instances List Panel":"Fechar painel de listas de inst\xE2ncias","Close Layers Panel":"Fechar Painel de Camadas","Close Object Groups Panel":"Fechar Painel de Grupos de Objetos","Close Objects Panel":"Fechar Painel de Objetos","Close Project":"Fechar projeto","Close Properties Panel":"Fechar Painel de Propriedades","Close all":"Fechar tudo","Close all tasks":"Fechar todas as tarefas","Close and launch a new preview":"Fechar e iniciar uma nova pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Close others":"Fechar outros","Close project":"Fechar projeto","Close the project? Any changes that have not been saved will be lost.":"Fechar o projeto? Qualquer altera\xE7\xE3o que n\xE3o foi salva ser\xE1 perdida.","Co-op Multiplayer":"Multijogador Cooperativo","Code editor Theme":"Tema do editor de c\xF3digo","Collaborators":"Colaboradores","Collapse All":"Recolher tudo","Collect at least {0} USD to cash out your earnings":function(a){return["Acumule pelo menos ",a("0")," USD para sacar seus ganhos"]},"Collect feedback from players":"Colete feedback de jogadores","Collect game feedback":"Colete feedback do jogo","Collisions handling with the Physics engine":"Colis\xF5es que lidam com o motor de f\xEDsica","Color":"Cor","Color (text)":"Cor (texto)","Color:":"Cor:","Column title":"T\xEDtulo da coluna","Come back to latest version":"Volte para a vers\xE3o mais recente","Coming in {0}":function(a){return["Em ",a("0")]},"Coming soon":"Em breve","Command palette keyboard shortcut":"Atalho de teclado da Paleta de comando","Comment":"Comentar","Community Discord Chat":"Chat da Comunidade do Discord","Community Forums":"F\xF3runs da comunidade","Community extension":"Extens\xE3o da comunidade","Community helper":"Auxiliar da comunidade","Community-made":"Feito pela comunidade","Companies, studios and agencies":"Empresas, est\xFAdios e ag\xEAncias","Company name or full name":"Nome da empresa ou nome completo","Compare all the advantages of the different plans in this <0>big feature comparison table.":"Compare todas as vantagens dos diferentes planos desta <0>grande tabela de compara\xE7\xE3o de recursos.","Complete your payment on the web browser":"Complete seu pagamento no navegador","Complete your purchase with the app store.":"Conclua sua compra com a app store.","Completely alone":"Completamente sozinho","Compressing before upload...":"Comprimindo antes de enviar...","Condition":"Condi\xE7\xE3o","Conditions":"Condi\xE7\xF5es","Configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o","Configure the external events":"Configurar eventos externos","Configure the external layout":"Configure o layout externo","Configure tile\u2019s hit boxes":"Configurar caixas de colis\xE3o dos Tiles","Confirm":"Confirma\xE7\xE3o","Confirm the opening":"Confirme a abertura","Confirm your email":"Confirme Seu E-mail","Confirming your subscription":"Confirmando sua inscri\xE7\xE3o","Congratulations on completing this selection of guided lessons! Find all lessons in the Learn section.":"Parab\xE9ns por concluir esta sele\xE7\xE3o de li\xE7\xF5es guiadas! Encontre todas as li\xE7\xF5es na se\xE7\xE3o \"Aprender\".","Congratulations! You've finished this tutorial!":"Parab\xE9ns! Voc\xEA terminou este tutorial!","Connected players":"Jogadores conectados","Console":"Terminal","Consoles":"Consoles","Contact us for more information.":"Contate-nos para mais informa\xE7\xF5es.","Contact:":"Contato:","Contains text":"Cont\xE9m texto","Content":"Conte\xFAdo","Content for Teachers":"Conte\xFAdo para professores","Continue":"Continuar","Continue anyway":"Continuar mesmo assim","Continue editing":"Continuar editando","Continue with Apple":"Continuar com Apple","Continue with Github":"Continuar com o GitHub","Continue with Google":"Continuar com o Google","Contribute to GDevelop":"Contribua para o GDevelop","Contributions":"Contribui\xE7\xF5es","Contributor options":"Op\xE7\xF5es do colaborador","Contributors":"Contribuidores","Contributors, in no particular order:":"Contribuidores, em ordem n\xE3o espec\xEDfica:","Control your spaceship with a joystick, while avoiding asteroids.":"Controle a sua nave espacial com um controle, evitando os asteroides.","Convert":"Converter","Copied to clipboard!":"Copiado para a \xE1rea de transfer\xEAncia!","Copy":"Copiar","Copy active credentials":"Copiar credenciais ativas","Copy all":"Copiar tudo","Copy all behaviors":"Copiar todos os comportamentos","Copy all effects":"Copiar todos os efeitos","Copy build link":"Copiar link da compila\xE7\xE3o","Copy email address":"Copiar endere\xE7o de email","Copy file path":"Copiar caminho do arquivo","Copy them into the project folder":"Copi\xE1-los para a pasta do projeto","Copy {0} credentials":function(a){return["Copiar ",a("0")," credenciais"]},"Cordova":"Cordova","Could not cancel your subscription":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel cancelar sua assinatura","Could not cash out":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel sacar","Could not create the object":"O objeto n\xE3o p\xF4de ser criado","Could not delete the build. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel excluir a compila\xE7\xE3o. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Could not install the asset":"O asset n\xE3o p\xF4de ser instalado","Could not launch the preview":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel iniciar a pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Could not load the project versions. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar as vers\xF5es do projeto. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Could not purchase this product":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel comprar este produto","Could not swap asset":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel trocar o recurso","Could not transfer your credits":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel transferir os seus cr\xE9ditos","Could not update the build name. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel atualizar o nome da compila\xE7\xE3o. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Couldn't find a subscription matching your account. Please get in touch with us to fix this issue.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel encontrar uma assinatura que corresponda \xE0 sua conta. Por favor, entre em contato conosco para corrigir este problema.","Couldn't find a subscription price matching your account. Please get in touch with us to fix this issue.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel encontrar um pre\xE7o de assinatura que corresponda \xE0 sua conta. Por favor, entre em contato conosco para corrigir este problema.","Country name":"Nome do pa\xEDs","Courses":"Cursos","Create":"Criar","Create Extensions for GDevelop":"Criar Extens\xF5es para GDevelop","Create a GDevelop account to continue":"Criar uma conta no GDevelop para continuar","Create a GDevelop account to save your changes and keep personalizing your game":"Crie uma conta GDevelop para gravar as altera\xE7\xF5es e continuar personalizando o seu jogo","Create a certificate signing request that will be asked by Apple to generate a full certificate.":"Crie uma solicita\xE7\xE3o de assinatura de certificado que ser\xE1 solicitada pela Apple para gerar um certificado completo.","Create a game":"Crie um jogo","Create a leaderboard":"Criar uma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o","Create a new extension":"Criar uma nova extens\xE3o","Create a new game":"Criar um novo jogo","Create a new group":"Criar um novo grupo","Create a new instance on the scene (will be at position 0;0):":"Criar uma nova inst\xE2ncia na cena (estar\xE1 na posi\xE7\xE3o 0;0):","Create a new project":"Criar um novo projeto","Create a new room":"Criar sala","Create a project first to add assets from the asset store":"Crie um projeto primeiro para adicionar os conte\xFAdos da loja de assets","Create a project first to add this asset":"Crie um projeto antes de adicionar este asset","Create a room and drag and drop members in it.":"Crie uma sala e arraste e solte membros nela.","Create a signing request":"Crie uma solicita\xE7\xE3o de assinatura","Create account":"Criar conta","Create accounts":"Criar contas","Create an API key on the [App Store Connect API page]( Give it a name and **administrator** rights. Download the \"Auth Key\" file and upload it here along with the required information you can find on the page.":"Crie uma chave de API na p\xE1gina [App Store Connect API]( D\xEA um nome e direitos de **administrador**. Baixe o arquivo \"Chave de Autentica\xE7\xE3o\" e envie-o aqui juntamente com as informa\xE7\xF5es necess\xE1rias que voc\xEA pode encontrar na p\xE1gina.","Create an Account":"Crie uma nova conta","Create an account":"Criar uma conta","Create an account first to send your question.":"Crie uma conta primeiro para enviar a sua pergunta.","Create an account or login first to export your game using online services.":"Crie uma conta ou fa\xE7a login primeiro para exportar seu jogo usando os servi\xE7os online.","Create an account to get started with GDevelop and access to cloud projects, cloud builds, game analytics, leaderboards and more.":"Crie uma conta para come\xE7ar a usar a GDevelop e acesse projetos em nuvem, vers\xF5es em nuvem, an\xE1lises de jogos, tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o e muito mais.","Create an account to register your games and to get access to metrics collected anonymously, like the number of daily players and retention of the players after a few days.":"Crie uma conta para registrar seus jogos e ter acesso a m\xE9tricas coletadas anonimamente, como o n\xFAmero de jogadores di\xE1rios e a reten\xE7\xE3o dos jogadores ap\xF3s alguns dias.","Create an account to store your project online.":"Criar uma conta para armazenar seu projeto online.","Create and Publish a Fling game":"Crie e publique um jogo de aremesso","Create game":"Criar jogo","Create iOS certificate":"Criar certificado para iOS","Create installation file":"Criar arquivo de instala\xE7\xE3o","Create my account":"Criar minha conta","Create new folder...":"Criar nova pasta...","Create new game":"Criar um novo jogo","Create new leaderboards now":"Criar novas tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o agora","Create or search for new extensions":"Crie ou procure por novas extens\xF5es","Create package for Android":"Crie um pacote para o Android","Create package for iOS":"Criar pacote para iOS","Create section":"Criar se\xE7\xE3o","Create with Jfxr":"Criar com Jfxr","Create with Piskel":"Criar com Piskel","Create with Yarn":"Criar com Yarn","Create your Apple certificate for iOS":"Crie seu certificado Apple para iOS","Create your Auth Key to send your game to App Store Connect":"Crie sua Chave de Autentica\xE7\xE3o para enviar seu jogo para a App Store Connect","Create your certificate and \"provisioning profile\" thanks to your Apple Developer account. We'll guide you with a step by step process.":"Crie o seu certificado e \"perfil de provisionamento\" gra\xE7as \xE0 sua conta de desenvolvedor da Apple. Vamos gui\xE1-lo com um processo passo a passo.","Create your first project using one of our templates or start from scratch.":"Crie seu primeiro projeto usando um de nossos modelos ou comece do zero.","Create your game's first leaderboard":"Crie a primeira tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o do seu jogo","Created objects":"Objetos criados","Created on {0}":function(a){return["Criado em ",a("0")]},"Creating new project":"Criando projeto","Creator profile":"Perfil de criador","Credit out":"Sacar cr\xE9dito","Credits available: {0}":function(a){return["Cr\xE9ditos dispon\xEDveis: ",a("0")]},"Credits given":"Cr\xE9ditos entregues","Credits will be linked to your user account. Log-in or sign-up to purchase them!":"Os cr\xE9ditos ser\xE3o vinculados \xE0 sua conta de usu\xE1rio. Fa\xE7a login ou inscreva-se para compr\xE1-los!","Current build online":"Compila\xE7\xE3o atual online","Custom CSS":"CSS personalizado","Custom css value cannot exceed {LEADERBOARD_APPEARANCE_CUSTOM_CSS_MAX_LENGTH} characters.":function(a){return["O valor CSS personalizado n\xE3o pode exceder ",a("LEADERBOARD_APPEARANCE_CUSTOM_CSS_MAX_LENGTH")," caracteres."]},"Custom display":"Exibi\xE7\xE3o personalizada","Custom object name":"Nome de objeto personalizado","Custom objects can't contain both 2D or 3D.<0/>Please select either 2D instances or 3D instances.":"Objetos personalizados n\xE3o pode contar 2D e 3D simultaneamente. <0/>Por favor, seleciona apesar uma op\xE7\xE3o 2D ou 3D.","Custom size":"Tamanho customizado","Custom upload key (not available yet)":"Chave personalizada de envio (ainda n\xE3o dispon\xEDvel)","Cut":"Recortar","Cylinder":"Cilindro","Dark (colored)":"Escuro (colorido)","Dark (plain)":"Escuro (simples)","Date":"Data","Date from which entries are taken into account: {0}":function(a){return["Data a partir da qual as entradas s\xE3o consideradas: ",a("0")]},"Dealing with data integration from external sources":"Lidando com integra\xE7\xE3o de dados de fontes externas","Debugger":"Depurador","Debugger is starting...":"Iniciando Depurador...","Declare <0><1/>{variableName} as <2><3/>{0} with <4>{1}":function(a){return["Declare <0><1/>",a("variableName")," como <2><3/>",a("0")," com <4>",a("1"),"\n#: < - Maior que\n#: > - Menor que"]},"Declare your app on App Store Connect and then register a key so that your game can be automatically uploaded when built. It's perfect to try your game with testers on Apple TestFlight.":"Declare seu aplicativo na App Store Connect e registre uma chave para que seu jogo possa ser carregado automaticamente quando constru\xEDdo. \xC9 perfeito testar seu jogo com testadores no Apple TestFlight.","Default":"Padr\xE3o","Default (visible)":"Padr\xE3o (vis\xEDvel)","Default camera behavior":"Comportamento padr\xE3o da c\xE2mera","Default height (in pixels)":"Altura padr\xE3o (em pixels)","Default name for created objects":"Nome padr\xE3o para objetos criados","Default orientation":"Orienta\xE7\xE3o padr\xE3o","Default size":"Tamanho padr\xE3o","Default upload key (recommended)":"Chave de upload padr\xE3o (recomendado)","Default value":"Valor padr\xE3o","Default visibility":"Visibilidade padr\xE3o","Default width (in pixels)":"Largura padr\xE3o (em pixels)","Define custom password":"Definir senha personalizada","Delete":"Excluir","Delete Entry":"Excluir entrada","Delete Leaderboard":"Excluir Classifica\xE7\xE3o","Delete account":"Excluir conta","Delete build":"Excluir compila\xE7\xE3o","Delete collision mask":"Apagar m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o","Delete game":"Excluir jogo","Delete my account":"Excluir minha conta","Delete object":"Deletar objeto","Delete option":"Excluir op\xE7\xE3o","Delete project":"Excluir projeto","Delete score {0} from {1}":function(a){return["Excluir pontua\xE7\xE3o ",a("0")," de ",a("1")]},"Delete selection":"Deletar \xE1rea selecionada","Delete the layer":"Excluir a camada","Delete the selected event(s)":"Excluir o evento selecionado(s)","Delete the selected instances from the scene":"Excluir as inst\xE2ncias selecionadas do cen\xE1rio","Delete the selected resource":"Excluir o recurso selecionado","Delete when out of particles":"Excluir quando estiver sem part\xEDculas","Dependencies":"Depend\xEAncias","Dependencies allow to add additional libraries in the exported games. NPM dependencies will be included for Electron builds (Windows, macOS, Linux) and Cordova dependencies will be included for Cordova builds (Android, iOS). Note that this is intended for usage in JavaScript events only. If you are only using standard events, you should not worry about this.":"As depend\xEAncias permitem adicionar bibliotecas adicionais nos jogos exportados. Depend\xEAncias NPM ser\xE3o inclu\xEDdas para compila\xE7\xF5es Electron (Windows, macOS, Linux) e depend\xEAncias Cordova ser\xE3o inclu\xEDdas para compila\xE7\xF5es Cordova (Android, iOS). Observe que isso se destina ao uso apenas em eventos JavaScript. Se voc\xEA estiver usando apenas eventos padr\xE3o, n\xE3o se preocupe com isso.","Dependency type":"Tipo de depend\xEAncia","Deprecated":"Obsoleto","Deprecated action":"A\xE7\xE3o obsoleta","Deprecated condition":"Condi\xE7\xE3o obsoleta","Depth":"Profundidade","Description":"Descri\xE7\xE3o","Description (markdown supported)":"Descri\xE7\xE3o (suportado por markdown)","Description, displayed in editor":"Descri\xE7\xE3o, exibida no editor","Description, displayed in editor (automatically prefixed by \"Compare\" or \"Return\")":"Descri\xE7\xE3o mostrada no editor (automaticamente prefixada por \"Compare\" ou \"Return\")","Desktop":"Computador","Desktop & Mobile landscape":"Paisagem da \xC1rea de Trabalho & Port\xE1til","Desktop (Windows, macOS and Linux) icon":"\xCDcone do Desktop (Windows, macOS e Linux)","Desktop Full HD":"\xC1rea de trabalho full HD","Desktop builds":"Compila\xE7\xF5es de desktop","Details":"Detalhes","Developer options":"Op\xE7\xF5es do desenvolvedor","Development (debugging & testing on a registered iPhone/iPad)":"Desenvolvimento (depura\xE7\xE3o e teste em um iPhone/iPad)","Development tools required":"Ferramentas de desenvolvimento necess\xE1rias","Device orientation (for mobile)":"Orienta\xE7\xE3o do dispositivo (para dispositivos m\xF3veis)","Diagnostic report":"Relat\xF3rio de Diagn\xF3stico","Dialog backdrop click behavior":"Comportamento do clique no fonto do di\xE1logo","Dialogs":"Di\xE1logos","Did you forget your password?":"Voc\xEA esqueceu sua senha?","Different objects":"Objetos diferentes","Direction":"Dire\xE7\xE3o","Direction #{i}":function(a){return["Dire\xE7\xE3o #",a("i")]},"Disable GDevelop splash at startup":"Desativar a abertura do GDevelop na inicializa\xE7\xE3o","Disable login buttons in leaderboard":"Desativar bot\xF5es de login no ranking","Discard changes and open events":"Descartar altera\xE7\xF5es e abrir eventos","Discord":"Discord","Discord server, e.g:":"Servidor Discord, ex.:","Discord user not found":"Usu\xE1rio do Discord n\xE3o encontrado","Discord username":"Nome de usu\xE1rio do Discord","Discord username sync failed":"Falha na sincroniza\xE7\xE3o do nome de usu\xE1rio do Discord","Discover the ecosystem":"Descubra o ecossistema","Display GDevelop logo at startup (in exported game)":"Exibir logo do GDevelop na inicializa\xE7\xE3o (no jogo exportado)","Display GDevelop watermark after the game is loaded (in exported game)":"Exibe a marca d'\xE1gua do GDevelop ap\xF3s o jogo ser carregado (no jogo exportado)","Display What's New when a new version is launched (recommended)":"Exibir o que h\xE1 de novo quando uma nova vers\xE3o \xE9 lan\xE7ada (recomendado)","Display a text in 3D.":"Exibe um texto em 3D.","Display as time":"Exibir como tempo","Display assignment operators in Events Sheets":"Exibir operadores de atribui\xE7\xE3o nas Folhas de Eventos","Display both 2D and 3D objects (default)":"Exibir objetos 2D e 3D (padr\xE3o)","Display object thumbnails in Events Sheets":"Exibir miniaturas de objetos nas folhas de eventos","Display profiling information in scene editor":"Exibindo informa\xE7\xE3o de perfilamento no editor de cenas","Display save reminder after significant changes in project":"Exibir lembrete de salvamento ap\xF3s mudan\xE7as significativas no projeto","Displayed score":"Pontua\xE7\xE3o exibida","Displays a large number of particles to create visual effects.":"Exibe um grande n\xFAmero de part\xEDculas para criar efeitos visuais.","Distance":"Dist\xE2ncia","Do nothing":"N\xE3o fazer nada","Do you have a Patreon? Ko-fi? Paypal?":"Voc\xEA tem um Patreon? Ko-fi? Paypal?","Do you have game development experience?":"Voc\xEA tem experi\xEAncia em desenvolvimento de jogos?","Do you need any help?":"Precisa de ajuda?","Do you really want to permanently delete your account?":"Voc\xEA realmente quer deletar permanentemente sua conta?","Do you want to continue?":"Voc\xEA quer continuar?","Do you want to quit the customization? All your changes will be lost.":"Deseja sair da personaliza\xE7\xE3o? Todas as suas altera\xE7\xF5es ser\xE3o perdidas.","Do you want to refactor your project?":"Voc\xEA quer refatorar seu projeto?","Do you wish to continue?":"Deseja continuar?","Documentation":"Documenta\xE7\xE3o","Don't have an account yet?":"Ainda n\xE3o possui uma conta?","Don't play the animation when the object is far from the camera or hidden (recommended for performance)":"N\xE3o reproduza a anima\xE7\xE3o quando o objeto estiver longe da c\xE2mera ou escondido (recomendado para desempenho)","Don't save this project now":"N\xE3o salve este projeto agora","Don't show this screen on next startup":"N\xE3o mostrar esta tela na pr\xF3xima inicializa\xE7\xE3o","Donate link":"Link de doa\xE7\xF5es","Done":"Conclu\xEDdo","Done!":"Conclu\xEDdo!","Download":"Baixar","Download (APK)":"Baixar (APK)","Download (Android App Bundle)":"Baixar (Android App Bundle)","Download GDevelop desktop version":"Baixar GDevelop na vers\xE3o desktop","Download a copy":"Baixar uma c\xF3pia","Download log files":"Baixar arquivos de log","Download pack sounds":"Baixar sons do pacote","Download the Instant Game archive":"Baixe o arquivo de Jogo Instant\xE2neo","Download the certificate file (.cer) generated by Apple and upload it here. GDevelop will keep it securely stored.":"Baixe o arquivo de certificado (.cer) gerado pela Apple e envie-o aqui. O GDevelop ir\xE1 mant\xEA-lo armazenado de forma segura.","Download the compressed game and resources":"Baixe o jogo compactado e os arquivos","Download the exported game":"Baixe o jogo exportado","Download the latest version of GDevelop to check out this example!":"Baixe a vers\xE3o mais recente do GDevelop para conferir este exemplo!","Download the request file":"Baixar o arquivo de solicita\xE7\xE3o","Downloading game resources...":"Baixando recursos do jogo...","Draft created:":"Rascunho criado:","Draw":"Desenhar","Draw the shapes relative to the object position on the scene":"Desenhe as formas relativas \xE0 posi\xE7\xE3o do objeto na cena","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Duplicate selection":"Duplicar \xE1rea selecionada","Duration":"Dura\xE7\xE3o","Dynamic":"Din\xE2mico","Each character, player, obstacle, background, item, etc. is an object. Objects are the building blocks of your game.":"Cada personagem, jogador, obst\xE1culo, fundo, item, etc. \xE9 um objeto. Objetos s\xE3o os blocos de constru\xE7\xE3o do seu jogo.","Earn an exclusive badge":"Ganhe um emblema exclusivo","Ease of use":"Facilidade de uso","Easiest":"Muito f\xE1cil","Edge":"Aresta","Edit":"Editar","Edit Grid Options":"Editar Op\xE7\xF5es do Grid","Edit Object Variables":"Editar Vari\xE1veis do Objeto","Edit behaviors":"Editar comportamentos","Edit build name":"Editar nome da compila\xE7\xE3o","Edit children":"Editar filhos","Edit collision masks":"Editar m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o","Edit comment":"Editar coment\xE1rio","Edit details":"Editar detalhes","Edit effects":"Editar efeitos","Edit effects ({effectsCount})":function(a){return["Editar efeitos (",a("effectsCount"),")"]},"Edit global variables":"Editar vari\xE1veis globais","Edit group":"Editar grupo","Edit layer effects...":"Editar efeitos da camada...","Edit layer...":"Editar camada...","Edit lighting properties":"Editar propriedades de ilumina\xE7\xE3o","Edit loading screen":"Editar tela de carregamento","Edit my profile":"Editar meu perfil","Edit name":"Editar nome","Edit object":"Editar objeto","Edit object behaviors...":"Editar comportamentos do objeto...","Edit object effects...":"Editar efeitos do objeto...","Edit object group...":"Editar grupo de objetos...","Edit object variables":"Editar vari\xE1veis do objeto","Edit object variables...":"Editar vari\xE1veis do objeto...","Edit object {0}":function(a){return["Editar objeto",a("0")]},"Edit object...":"Editar objeto...","Edit points":"Editar pontos","Edit properties":"Editar propriedades","Edit scene properties":"Editar propriedades da cena","Edit scene variables":"Editar vari\xE1veis da cena","Edit this action events":"Editar este evento de a\xE7\xE3o","Edit this behavior":"Editar este comportamento","Edit this condition events":"Editar esta condi\xE7\xE3o do evento","Edit with Jfxr":"Editar com Jfxr","Edit with Piskel":"Editar com Piskel","Edit with Yarn":"Editar com Yarn","Edit your GDevelop profile":"Editar seu perfil GDevelop","Edit your profile to pick a username!":"Edite seu perfil para escolher um nome de usu\xE1rio!","Edit {0}":function(a){return["Editar ",a("0")]},"Edit {objectName}":function(a){return["Editar ",a("objectName")]},"Editor":"Editor","Editor without transitions":"Editor sem transi\xE7\xF5es","Education curriculum and resources":"Curr\xEDculo educacional e recursos","Educational":"Educacional","Effect name:":"Nome do efeito:","Effects":"Efeitos","Effects cannot have empty names":"Efeitos n\xE3o podem ter nomes vazios","Effects create visual changes to the object.":"Efeitos criam altera\xE7\xF5es visuais no objeto.","Either this game is not registered or you are not its owner, so you cannot see its builds.":"Ou este jogo n\xE3o est\xE1 registrado, ou voc\xEA n\xE3o \xE9 o propriet\xE1rio dele, portanto n\xE3o pode ver suas compila\xE7\xF5es.","Email":"Email","Email sent to {0}, waiting for validation...":function(a){return["Email enviado para ",a("0"),", aguardando valida\xE7\xE3o..."]},"Email verified":"E-mail verificado","Embedded file name":"Nome do arquivo incorporado","Embedded help and tutorials":"Ajuda e tutoriais incorporados","Emit all ambient light":"Emitir toda a luz ambiente","Empty free text":"Texto livre vazio","Empty project":"Projeto vazio","Enable \"Close project\" shortcut ( {0} ) to close preview window":function(a){return["Ativar o atalho \"Fechar projeto\" ( ",a("0")," ) para fechar a janela de visualiza\xE7\xE3o"]},"Enable ads and revenue sharing on the game page":"Ativar an\xFAncios e compartilhamento de receitas na p\xE1gina do jogo","Enabled":"Habilitado","End of Google Drive support":"Suporte ao Fim do Google Drive","End of jam":"Fim da jam","End opacity (0-255)":"Opacidade final (0-255)","Enforce only auto-generated player names":"For\xE7ar apenas nomes de jogadores gerados automaticamente","Ensure that you are connected to internet and that the URL used is correct, then try again.":"Certifique-se de que voc\xEA est\xE1 conectado \xE0 internet e que a URL usada est\xE1 correta, e ent\xE3o tente novamente.","Ensure this scene has the same objects, behaviors and variables as the ones used in these events.":"Certifique-se de que esta cena tenha os mesmos objetos, comportamentos e vari\xE1veis que os usados nesses eventos.","Ensure you don't have any typo in your username and that you have joined the GDevelop Discord server.":"Certifique-se de n\xE3o ter nenhum erro de digita\xE7\xE3o em seu nome de usu\xE1rio e que voc\xEA entrou no servidor Discord do GDevelop.","Enter a version in the game properties.":"Insira uma vers\xE3o nas propriedades do jogo.","Enter the effect name":"Digite o nome do efeito","Enter the expression parameters":"Digite os par\xE2metros da express\xE3o","Enter the leaderboard id":"Insira o identificador do placar","Enter the leaderboard id as a text or an expression":"Insira o Id da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o como um texto ou uma express\xE3o","Enter the name of an object.":"Digite o nome de um objeto.","Enter the name of the object":"Digite o nome do objeto","Enter the parameter name (mandatory)":"Digite o nome do par\xE2metro (obrigat\xF3rio)","Enter the property name":"Digite o nome da propriedade","Enter the sentence that will be displayed in the events sheet":"Digite a frase que ser\xE1 exibida na folha de eventos","Enter the text to be displayed":"Digite o texto a ser exibido","Enter the text to be displayed by the object":"Digite o texto a ser exibido pelo objeto","Enter your Discord username":"Digite seu nome de usu\xE1rio Discord","Enter your code here":"Entre com seu c\xF3digo aqui","Entire games":"Jogos completos","Erase":"Apagar","Error":"Erro","Error loading Auth Keys.":"Erro ao carregar as chaves de autentica\xE7\xE3o.","Error loading certificates.":"Erro ao carregar certificados.","Error retrieving the examples":"Erro ao obter os exemplos","Error retrieving the extensions":"Erro ao obter as extens\xF5es","Error when claiming asset pack":"Erro ao coletar pacote de ativos","Error when sending survey.":"Erro ao enviar pesquisa.","Error while building of the game. Check the logs of the build for more details.":"Erro ao construir o jogo. Verifique os logs da compila\xE7\xE3o para mais detalhes.","Error while building the game. Check the logs of the build for more details.":"Erro ao construir o jogo. Verifique os logs da compila\xE7\xE3o para mais detalhes.","Error while building the game. Try again later. Your internet connection may be slow or one of your resources may be corrupted.":"Erro ao construir o jogo. Tente novamente mais tarde. Sua conex\xE3o com a internet pode ser lenta ou um de seus recursos pode estar corrompido.","Error while checking update":"Erro ao verificar atualiza\xE7\xF5es","Error while compressing the game.":"Erro ao comprimir o jogo.","Error while downloading the game resources. Check your internet connection and that all resources of the game are valid in the Resources editor.":"Erro ao baixar os recursos do jogo. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet e se todos os recursos do jogo s\xE3o v\xE1lidos no editor de Recursos.","Error while exporting the game.":"Erro ao exportar o jogo.","Error while loading builds":"Erro ao carregar builds","Error while loading the Spine Texture Atlas resource ( {0} ).":function(a){return["Erro ao carregar o recurso Atlas de Spine ( ",a("0"),")."]},"Error while loading the Spine resource ( {0} ).":function(a){return["Erro ao carregar o recurso Atlas de Spine ( ",a("0"),")."]},"Error while loading the asset. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Erro ao carregar o recurso. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Error while loading the collaborators. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Erro ao carregar os colaboradores. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Error while loading the marketing plans. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Erro ao carregar o recurso. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Error while uploading the game. Check your internet connection or try again later.":"Erro ao carregar o jogo. Verifique a sua conex\xE3o com a Internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Escape key behavior when editing an parameter inline":"Comportamento da tecla de escape ao editar um par\xE2metro embutido","Events":"Eventos","Events Sheet":"Folha de Eventos","Events analysis":"An\xE1lise de eventos","Events define the rules of a game.":"Os eventos definem as regras de um jogo.","Events functions extension":"Extens\xE3o de fun\xE7\xF5es de eventos","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), after the events from the events sheet of the scene.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados em cada quadro (cerca de 60 vezes por segundo), ap\xF3s os eventos da folha de eventos da cena.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), before the events from the events sheet of the scene.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados em cada quadro (cerca de 60 vezes por segundo), antes dos eventos da folha de eventos da cena.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), for every object that has the behavior attached, after the events from the events sheet.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados em cada quadro (cerca de 60 vezes por segundo), para cada objeto que possui o comportamento anexado, ap\xF3s os eventos da folha de eventos.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), for every object that has the behavior attached, before the events from the events sheet are launched.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados em cada quadro (cerca de 60 vezes por segundo), para cada objeto que tem o comportamento anexado, antes que os eventos da folha de eventos sejam lan\xE7ados.","Events that will be run at every frame (roughly 60 times per second), for every object, after the events from the events sheet.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados em cada quadro (cerca de 60 vezes por segundo), para cada objeto, ap\xF3s os eventos da folha de eventos.","Events that will be run once when a scene is about to be unloaded from memory. The previous scene that was paused will be resumed after this.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez quando uma cena estiver prestes a ser descarregada da mem\xF3ria. O cen\xE1rio anterior que foi pausado ser\xE1 retomado depois disso.","Events that will be run once when a scene is paused (another scene is run on top of it).":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados quando uma cena for pausada (outra cena \xE9 executada em cima dela).","Events that will be run once when a scene is resumed (after it was previously paused).":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados quando uma cena for retomada (depois de ter sido pausada anteriormente).","Events that will be run once when a scene of the game is loaded, before the scene events.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez quando uma cena do jogo for carregada, antes dos eventos de cena.","Events that will be run once when the behavior is deactivated on an object (step events won't be run until the behavior is activated again).":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez quando o comportamento for desativado em um objeto (eventos da etapa n\xE3o ser\xE3o executados at\xE9 que o comportamento seja ativado novamente).","Events that will be run once when the behavior is re-activated on an object (after it was previously deactivated).":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez quando o comportamento for reativado em um objeto (depois de ter sido desativado anteriormente).","Events that will be run once when the first scene of the game is loaded, before any other events.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez quando a primeira cena do jogo for carregada, antes de quaisquer outros eventos.","Events that will be run once, after the object is removed from the scene and before it is entirely removed from memory.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez, ap\xF3s o objeto ser removido da cena e antes dele ser completamente removido da mem\xF3ria.","Events that will be run once, when an object is created with this behavior being attached to it.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez, quando um objeto \xE9 criado com esse comportamento sendo anexado a ele.","Events that will be run once, when an object is created.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados uma vez, quando um objeto \xE9 criado.","Events that will be run when the preview is being hot-reloaded.":"Eventos que ser\xE3o executados quando a visualiza\xE7\xE3o estiver sendo recarregada.","Every animation from the GLB file is already in the list.":"Cada anima\xE7\xE3o do arquivo GLB j\xE1 est\xE1 na lista.","Every animation from the Spine file is already in the list.":"Cada anima\xE7\xE3o do arquivo Spine j\xE1 est\xE1 na lista.","Ex: $":"Ex: $","Ex: coins":"Ex: moedas","Example: Check if the object is flashing.":"Exemplo: Verifica se o objeto est\xE1 piscando.","Example: Equipped shield name":"Exemplo: Nome do Escudo Equipado","Example: Flash the object":"Exemplo: Piscar o objeto","Example: Is flashing":"Exemplo: Est\xE1 piscando","Example: Make the object flash for 5 seconds.":"Exemplo: Fa\xE7a o objeto piscar por 5 segundos.","Example: Remaining life":"Exemplo: Vida Restante","Example: Return the name of the shield equipped by the player.":"Exemplo: Retorna o nome do escudo equipado pelo jogador.","Example: Return the number of remaining lives for the player.":"Exemplo: Retorna o n\xFAmero de vidas restantes para o jogador.","Examples ({0})":function(a){return["Exemplos (",a("0"),")"]},"Exchange your earnings with GDevelop credits, and use them on the GDevelop store":"Troque seus ganhos com cr\xE9ditos GDevelop e use-os na loja GDevelop","Exclude attribution requirements":"Excluir requisitos de atribui\xE7\xE3o","Existing behaviors":"Comportamentos existentes","Existing effects":"Efeitos existentes","Existing parameters":"Par\xE2metros existentes","Existing properties":"propriedade existente","Exit without saving":"Sair sem salvar","Expand All to Level":"Expandir tudo para o n\xEDvel","Expand all sub folders":"Expandir todas as subpastas","Expand inner area with parent":"Expandir a \xE1rea interna com o pai","Experiment with the leaderboard colors using the playground":"Experimente as cores da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o usando o playground","Expert":"Especialista","Explain and give some examples of what can be achieved with this extension.":"Explique e d\xEA alguns exemplos do que \xE9 poss\xEDvel alcan\xE7ar com esta extens\xE3o.","Explain what the behavior is doing to the object. Start with a verb when possible.":"Explique o comportamento que est\xE1 fazendo ao objeto. Comece com um verbo quando poss\xEDvel.","Explanation after an object is installed from the store":"Explica\xE7\xE3o depois que um objeto \xE9 instalado da loja","Explore by category":"Explore por categoria","Export (web, iOS, Android)...":"Exportar (web, iOS, Android)...","Export as a HTML5 game":"Exportar como jogo HTML5","Export as a pack":"Exportar como um pacote","Export as assets":"Exportar como arquivos","Export extension":"Exportar extens\xE3o","Export game":"Exportar jogo","Export in progress...":"Exporta\xE7\xE3o em andamento...","Export name":"Nome de exporta\xE7\xE3o","Export the scene objects to a file and learn more about the submission process in the documentation.":"Exportar objetos da cena para um arquivo e aprender mais sobre o processo de envio na documenta\xE7\xE3o.","Export to a file":"Exportar para um arquivo","Export your game":"Exportar seu jogo","Export {0} assets":"Exportar como arquivos","Exporting...":"Exportando...","Exports":"Exportar","Expression":"Express\xE3o","Expression and condition":"Express\xE3o e condi\xE7\xE3o","Extend":"Estender","Extend Featuring":"Estender Apresenta\xE7\xE3o","Extend width or height to fill screen (without cropping the game area)":"Estenda largura ou altura para preencher a tela (sem recortar a \xE1rea do jogo)","Extension":"Extens\xE3o","Extension (storing the custom object)":"Extens\xE3o (armazenando objetivo personalizado)","Extension (storing the function)":"Extens\xE3o (armazenando a fun\xE7\xE3o)","Extension global variables":"Extens\xE3o de vari\xE1vel global","Extension scene variables":"Extens\xE3o de vari\xE1vel de cena","Extension update":"Sc:(multifuncional)","Extension variables":"Vari\xE1veis de extens\xE3o","Extensions":"Extens\xF5es","Extensions ({0})":function(a){return["Extens\xF5es (",a("0"),")"]},"Extensions search":"Pesquisa de extens\xF5es","External events":"Eventos externos","External layout":"Layout externo","External layout name":"Nome do layout externo","External layouts":"Layouts externos","Extra source files (experimental)":"Arquivos de origens extras (experimental)","Extract":"Extrair","Extract Events to a Function":"Extrair Eventos para uma Fun\xE7\xE3o","Extract as a custom object":"Extrair como um objeto personalizado","Extract as an external layout":"Extrair como um \"layout\" externo","Extract the events in a function":"Extrair os eventos em uma fun\xE7\xE3o","Extreme score must be equal or higher than {extremeAllowedScoreMin}.":function(a){return["A pontua\xE7\xE3o m\xE1xima deve ser igual ou superior a ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMin"),"."]},"Extreme score must be lower than {extremeAllowedScoreMax}.":function(a){return["A pontua\xE7\xE3o extrema deve ser menor que ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMax"),"."]},"FPS:":"FPS:","Facebook":"Facebook","Facebook Games":"Jogos do Facebook","Facebook Instant Games":"Jogos instant\xE2neos do Facebook","False":"Falso","False (not checked)":"Falso (n\xE3o verificado)","Far plane distance":"Dist\xE2ncia do plano distante","Featuring already active":"Apresenta\xE7\xE3o j\xE1 ativa","Feedbacks":"Feedbacks","Field of view (in degrees)":"Campo de vis\xE3o (em graus)","File":"Arquivo","File history":"Hist\xF3rico do arquivo","File name":"Nome do arquivo","File(s) from your device":"Arquivo(s) do seu dispositivo","Fill automatically":"Preencher automaticamente","Fill color":"Cor de preenchimento","Fill opacity (0-255)":"Opacidade do preenchimento (0-255)","Filter the logs by group":"Filtrar os logs por grupo","Filters":"Filtros","Find how to implement the most common game mechanics and more":"Saiba como implementar mec\xE2nicas comuns de um jogo e muito mais","Find the complete documentation on everything":"Encontre a documenta\xE7\xE3o completa sobre tudo","Find your finished game on the \u201CBuild\u201D section. Or restart the tutorial by clicking on the card.":"Encontre o seu jogo finalizado na se\xE7\xE3o \"Construir\". Ou reinicie o tutorial clicando no cart\xE3o.","Finish and close":"Concluir e fechar","Finished":"Finalizado","Fire a Bullet":"Disparar Proj\xE9til","Fire bullets in this Asteroids game. Get ready for a Star Wars show.":"Atirar balas nesse jogo de asteroides. Se prepare para um espet\xE1culo de Star Wars.","First (before other files)":"Primeiro (antes dos outros arquivos)","First editor":"Primeiro editor","First name":"Primeiro nome","Fit content to window":"Ajustar conte\xFAdo \xE0 janela","Fit to content":"Ajustar ao conte\xFAdo","Fix those issues to get the campaign up!":"Corrija esses problemas para fazer a campanha!","Flip along Z axis":"Inverter o eixo Z","Flip horizontally":"Inverter horizontalmente","Flip vertically":"Inverter verticalmente","Flow of particles (particles/seconds)":"Fluxo de part\xEDculas (part\xEDculas/segundos)","Folders":"Pastas","Follow":"Siga","Follow this Castlevania-type chraracter with the camera, while the background scrolls.":"Siga este personagem do tipo Castlevania com a c\xE2mera, enquanto o fundo estiver rolando.","Font":"Fonte","Font resource":"Recurso de fonte","Fonts":"Fontes","For Education":"Para a educa\xE7\xE3o","For Individuals":"Para Indiv\xEDduos","For Teams":"Para Equipes","For a given video resource, only one video will be played in memory and displayed. If you put this object multiple times on the scene, all the instances will be displaying the exact same video (with the same timing and paused/played/stopped state).":"Para um determinado recurso de v\xEDdeo, apenas um v\xEDdeo ser\xE1 reproduzido na mem\xF3ria e exibido. Se voc\xEA colocar este objeto v\xE1rias vezes na cena, todas as inst\xE2ncias exibir\xE3o exatamente o mesmo v\xEDdeo (com o mesmo tempo e estado pausado/reproduzido/parado).","For a pixel type font, you must disable the Smooth checkbox related to your texture in the game resources to disable anti-aliasing.":"Para uma fonte de tipo pixel voc\xEA deve desativar a caixa de sele\xE7\xE3o de Smooth relacionada \xE0 sua textura nos recursos de jogo para desativar o anti-aliasing.","For most games, the default automatic loading of resources will be fine. This action should only be used when trying to avoid loading screens from appearing between scenes.":"Para a maioria dos jogos, o carregamento autom\xE1tico padr\xE3o de recursos ser\xE1 adequado. Esta a\xE7\xE3o s\xF3 deve ser utilizada ao tentar evitar que telas de carregamento apare\xE7am entre as cenas.","For teachers and educators having the GDevelop Education subscription. Ready to use resources for teaching.":"Para professores e educadores que t\xEAm a assinatura do GDevelop Education pronta. Pronto para usar recursos para ensinar.","For the 3D change to take effect, close and reopen all currently opened scenes.":"Para a altera\xE7\xE3o 3D ter efeito, feche e reabra todas as cenas atualmente abertas.","For the lifecycle functions to be executed, you need the extension to be used in the game, either by having at least one action, condition or expression used, or a behavior of the extension added to an object. Otherwise, the extension won't be included in the game.":"Para que as fun\xE7\xF5es do ciclo de vida sejam executadas, voc\xEA precisa da extens\xE3o para ser usada no jogo, seja por ter pelo menos uma a\xE7\xE3o, condi\xE7\xE3o ou express\xE3o usada, ou um comportamento da extens\xE3o adicionada a um objeto. Caso contr\xE1rio, a extens\xE3o n\xE3o ser\xE1 inclu\xEDda no jogo.","For universities, extra curricular classes and summer camps.":"Para universidades, aulas extracurriculares e acampamentos de ver\xE3o.","Force display both 2D and 3D objects":"For\xE7ar exibi\xE7\xE3o de objetos 2D e 3D","Force display only 2D objects":"For\xE7ar exibi\xE7\xE3o apenas de objetos 2D","Force display only 3D objects":"For\xE7ar exibi\xE7\xE3o apenas de objetos 3D","Form sent with success. You should receive an email in the next minutes.":"Formul\xE1rio enviado com sucesso. Voc\xEA deve receber um e-mail nos pr\xF3ximos minutos.","Forums":"F\xF3runs","Forward (Additional button, typically the Browser Forward button)":"Avan\xE7ar (Bot\xE3o adicional, normalmente o bot\xE3o de avan\xE7ar do navegador)","Frame":"Quadro","Frame #{i}":function(a){return["Frame #",a("i")]},"Free":"Gratuito","Free instance":"Liberar inst\xE2ncia","From the same author":"Do mesmo autor","Front face":"Face frontal","Full Game Asset Packs":"Pacotes de Asset de Jogos Completos","Full name displayed in editor":"Nome completo exibido no editor","Fun":"Divers\xE3o","Function Configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o de Fun\xE7\xE3o","Function name":"Nome da fun\xE7\xE3o","Function type":"Tipo de fun\xE7\xE3o","Functions":"Fun\xE7\xF5es","GDevelop 5":"GDevelop 5","GDevelop Cloud":"Nuvem do GDevelop","GDevelop Website":"Site do GDevelop","GDevelop app":"Aplicativo GDevelop","GDevelop auto-save":"GDevelop salvar automaticamente","GDevelop automatically saved a newer version of this project on {0}. This new version might differ from the one that you manually saved. Which version would you like to open?":function(a){return["GDevelop salvou automaticamente uma vers\xE3o mais recente deste projeto no ",a("0"),". Esta nova vers\xE3o pode ser diferente da que voc\xEA salvou manualmente. Qual vers\xE3o voc\xEA gostaria de abrir?"]},"GDevelop credits":"Cr\xE9ditos GDevelop","GDevelop games on":"Jogos GDevelop no","GDevelop is a full-featured, open-source game engine. Build and publish games for any mobile, desktop or web game store. It's super fast, easy to learn and powered by a community making it better every day.":"GDevelop \xE9 um motor de jogos completo de c\xF3digo aberto. Crie e publique jogos para qualquer plataforma, mobile, desktop ou web. \xC9 r\xE1pido, f\xE1cil de aprender e desenvolvido pela comunidade deixando ele a cada dia melhor.","GDevelop logo style":"Estilo da logo do GDevelop","GDevelop was created by Florian \"4ian\" Rival.":"O GDevelop foi criado por Florian \"4ian\" Rival.","GDevelop was upgraded to a new version! Check out the changes.":"O GDevelop foi atualizado para uma nova vers\xE3o! Confira as mudan\xE7as.","GDevelop watermark placement":"Localiza\xE7\xE3o da marca d'\xE1gua GDevelop","GDevelop website":"Site do GDevelop","GDevelop will save your progress, so you can take a break if you need.":"GDevelop salvar\xE1 o seu progresso, assim voc\xEA pode fazer uma pausa se voc\xEA precisar.","GDevelop's Business plan":"Plano de Neg\xF3cios do GDevelop's","GDevelop's Education plan":"Plano educacional do GDevelop","GDevelop's Gold plan":"Plano Ouro do GDevelop","GDevelop's Silver plan":"Plano Prata do Gdevelop","GDevelop's Startup plan":"Plano de inicializa\xE7\xE3o do GDevelop","GLB animation name":"Nome da anima\xE7\xE3o GLB","Game Dashboard":"Painel do jogo","Game Info":"Informa\xE7\xF5es do Jogo","Game Scenes":"Cenas de Jogo","Game already registered":"Jogo j\xE1 registrado","Game background":"Plano de fundo do jogo","Game configuration has been saved":"As configura\xE7\xF5es do jogo foram salvas","Game description":"Descri\xE7\xE3o do jogo","Game earnings":"Ganhos de jogo","Game export":"Exporta\xE7\xE3o de Jogo","Game for teaching or learning":"Jogo para ensinar ou aprender","Game leaderboards":"Gerenciar rankings","Game mechanic":"Mec\xE2nica de jogo","Game name":"Nome do jogo","Game name in the game URL":"Nome do jogo na URL do jogo","Game not found":"Jogo n\xE3o encontrado","Game personalisation":"Personaliza\xE7\xE3o do jogo","Game preview #{id}":"Pr\xE9via do Jogo","Game properties":"Est\xFAdio do jogo","Game resolution height":"Altura da Resolu\xE7\xE3o do Jogo","Game resolution resize mode (fullscreen or window)":"Modo de redimensionamento da resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo (tela cheia ou janela)","Game resolution width":"Largura da Resolu\xE7\xE3o do Jogo","Game scene size":"Tamanho da cena do jogo","Game settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es do jogo","Game template not found":"Modelo de jogo n\xE3o encontrado","Game template not found - An error occurred, please try again later.":"Modelo de jogo n\xE3o encontrado - Ocorreu um erro, por favor tente novamente mais tarde.","Game templates will be linked to your user account and available for all your projects. Log-in or sign-up to purchase this game template. (or restore your existing purchase).":"Os modelos de jogos estar\xE3o vinculados \xE0 sua conta de usu\xE1rio e dispon\xEDveis para todos os seus projetos. Fa\xE7a login ou cadastre-se para adquirir este modelo de jogo. (ou restaure sua compra existente).","Gamepad":"Controle","Games":"Jogos","Games to learn or teach something":"Jogos para aprender ou ensinar algo","Gaming portals (, Poki, Facebook...)":"Portais de jogos (, Poki, Facebook...)","General":"Geral","General:":"Geral:","Generate a link":"Gerar link","Generate a new link":"Gerar um novo link","Generate a shareable link to your game.":"Gere um link compartilh\xE1vel para o seu jogo.","Generate all your icons from 1 file":"Gerar \xEDcones a partir de um arquivo","Generate expression and action":"Gerar express\xE3o e a\xE7\xE3o","Generate random name":"Gerar nome aleat\xF3rio","Generate random prompt":"Gerar prompt aleat\xF3rio","Generate report at each preview":"Gerar relat\xF3rio em cada visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Generating your student\u2019s accounts...":"Gerando as contas dos seus alunos...","Genres":"G\xEAneros","Get Featuring":"Seja apresentando","Get GDevelop Premium":"Obtenha GDevelop Premium","Get Premium":"Obtenha o Premium","Get Started":"Iniciar","Get a GDevelop subscription to increase the limits.":"Obtenha uma assinatura do GDevelop para aumentar os limites.","Get a Gold or Pro subscription to claim your role on the [GDevelop Discord](":"Obtenha uma assinatura Gold ou Pro para reivindicar seu papel no [Discord do GDevelop](","Get a Sub":"Obter uma inscri\xE7\xE3o","Get a pro subscription to get full leaderboard customization.":"Obtenha uma assinatura Pro para obter personaliza\xE7\xE3o completa dos ranking.","Get a pro subscription to unlock custom CSS.":"Obtenha uma assinatura Pro para desbloquear o CSS personalizado.","Get a sample in your email":"Receba uma amostra no seu e-mail","Get a silver or gold subscription to disable GDevelop branding.":"Obtenha uma assinatura de prata ou ouro para desabilitar a marca do GDevelop.","Get a silver or gold subscription to unlock color customization.":"Obtenha uma assinatura prata ou ouro para desbloquear a personaliza\xE7\xE3o de cores.","Get a startup subscription to invite collaborators into your project.":"Obtenha uma assinatura inicial para convidar colaboradores para o seu projeto.","Get a subscription":"Obtenha uma assinatura","Get a subscription to unlock this packaging.":"Obtenha uma assinatura para desbloquear este pacote.","Get a yearly subscription and enjoy discounts up to {0}%!":function(a){return["Obtenha uma assinatura anual e aproveite descontos de at\xE9 ",a("0"),"%!"]},"Get access":"Obter acesso","Get credit packs":"Obter pacotes de cr\xE9dito","Get lesson with Edu":"Tenha uma aula com Edu","Get more leaderboards":"Obtenha mais rankings","Get more players":"Consiga mais jogadores","Get more players on your game":"Obtenha mais jogadores no seu jogo","Get our teaching resources":"Obtenha nossos recursos de ensino","Get perks and cloud benefits when getting closer to your game launch. <0>Learn more":"Ganhe benef\xEDcios na nuvem e conquistas quando estiver pr\xF3ximo do lan\xE7amento de seu jogo <0>Saiba mais<0>","Get premium":"Obtenha o Premium","Get started section":"Se\xE7\xE3o de primeiros passos","Get started with game creation":"Inicie com cria\xE7\xE3o de jogos","Get the app":"Baixe o app","Get the most out of GDevelop and get your games out in no time.":"Aproveite ao m\xE1ximo o GDevelop e lance seus jogos rapidamente.","Get {0}!":function(a){return["Obter ",a("0"),"!"]},"GitHub repository":"Reposit\xF3rio no GitHub","Github":"GitHub","Give feedback on a game!":"D\xEA uma opini\xE3o sobre um jogo!","Global Groups":"Grupos Globais","Global Objects":"Objetos Globais","Global elements help to manage objects across multiple scenes and it is recommended for the most used objects. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to set as global group?":"Elementos globais ajudam a gerenciar objetos em v\xE1rias cenas, recomendado para os objetos mais usados. Essa a\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o poder\xE1 ser desfeita. Deseja definir como grupo global?","Global elements help to manage objects across multiple scenes and it is recommended for the most used objects. This action cannot be undone. Do you want to set as global object?":"Elementos globais ajudam a gerenciar objetos em v\xE1rias cenas, recomendado para os objetos mais usados. Esta a\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o poder\xE1 ser desfeita. Deseja definir como objeto global?","Global groups":"Global groups","Global objects":"Global objects","Global objects in the project":"Objetos globais no projeto","Global variable":"Vari\xE1vel global","Global variables":"Vari\xE1veis globais","Go back":"Voltar","Go back to {translatedExpectedEditor}{sceneMention} to keep creating your game.":function(a){return["Volte para ",a("translatedExpectedEditor"),a("sceneMention")," para continuar criando seu jogo."]},"Go to [Apple Developer Certificates list]( and click on the + button. Choose **Apple Distribution** (for app store) or **Apple Development** (for testing on device). When requested, upload the request file you downloaded.":"V\xE1 para [Lista de certificados de desenvolvedor da Apple]( e clique no bot\xE3o +. Escolha **Apple Distribution** (para loja de app) ou **Apple Development** (para testes em dispositivo). Quando solicitado, carregue o arquivo solicitado que voc\xEA baixou.","Go to [Apple Developer Profiles list]( and click on the + button. Choose **App Store Connect** or **iOS App Development**. Then, choose *Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID*, then the certificate you created earlier. For development, you can choose [the devices you registered]( Finish by downloading the generated file and upload it here so it can be stored securely by GDevelop.":"V\xE1 para [Lista de Perfis de Desenvolvedores Apple( e clique no bot\xE3o +. Escolha **App Store Connect** ou **iOS App Development**. Ent\xE3o, escolha *Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID*, depois o certificado que voc\xEA criou mais cedo. Para desenvolvimento, voc\xEA pode escolher [os dispositivos que voc\xEA registrou]( Termine baixando o arquivo gerado e fa\xE7a o upload dele aqui para que ele possa ser armazenado de forma segura pelo GDevelop.","Go to first page":"Ir para a primeira p\xE1gina","Google":"Google","Google Drive":"Google Drive","Google Drive could not be loaded. Check that you are not offline and have a proper internet connection, then try again.":"O Google Drive n\xE3o p\xF4de ser carregado. Verifique se voc\xEA n\xE3o est\xE1 offline e tem a conex\xE3o de internet adequada e tente novamente.","Google Drive support will be dropped on January 31st.<0/>Save your project in the GDevelop Cloud to make sure you can access it past this date.":"O suporte do Google Drive ser\xE1 encerrado em 31 de janeiro.<0/>Salve seu projeto no GDevelop Cloud para garantir que voc\xEA possa acess\xE1-lo ap\xF3s esta data.","Google Play (or other stores)":"Google Play (ou outras lojas)","Got it":"Entendi","Gravity on particles on X axis":"Gravidade em part\xEDculas no eixo X","Gravity on particles on Y axis":"Gravidade em part\xEDculas no eixo Y","Group name":"Nome do grupo","Group name cannot be empty.":"O nome do grupo n\xE3o pode ficar vazio.","Group: {0}":function(a){return["Grupo: ",a("0")]},"Groups":"Grupos","Guided lessons":"Li\xE7\xF5es orientadas","Guides and tutorials":"Guias e Tutoriais","HTML5":"HTML5","HTML5 (external websites)":"HTML5 (sites externos)","Has animations":"Tem anima\xE7\xF5es","Have you changed your usage of GDevelop?":"Voc\xEA mudou o seu uso do GDevelop?","Having the same collision masks for all animations will erase and reset all the other animations collision masks. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these collision masks amongst all the animations of the object?":"Ter as mesmas m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o para todas as anima\xE7\xF5es causar\xE1 a remo\xE7\xE3o e redefini\xE7\xE3o de todas as outras m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o. Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito. Tem certeza de que deseja compartilhar essas m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o com todas as anima\xE7\xF5es do objeto?","Having the same collision masks for all frames will erase and reset all the other frames collision masks. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these collision masks amongst all the frames of the animation?":"Ter as mesmas m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o para todos os quadros causar\xE1 a remo\xE7\xE3o e redefini\xE7\xE3o de todas as outras m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o. Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito. Tem certeza de que deseja compartilhar essas m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o com todos os quadros da anima\xE7\xE3o?","Having the same points for all animations will erase and reset all the other animations points. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these points amongst all the animations of the object?":"Ter os mesmos pontos para todas as anima\xE7\xF5es apagar\xE1 e redefinir\xE1 todos os outros pontos da anima\xE7\xE3o. Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito. Tem certeza que deseja compartilhar estes pontos entre todas as anima\xE7\xF5es do objeto?","Having the same points for all frames will erase and reset all the other frames points. This can't be undone. Are you sure you want to share these points amongst all the frames of the animation?":"Ter os mesmos pontos para todos os quadros apagar\xE1 e redefinir\xE1 todos os outros pontos dos quadros. Isso n\xE3o pode ser desfeito. Tem certeza de que deseja compartilhar esses pontos entre todos os quadros da anima\xE7\xE3o?","Health bar":"Barra de Vida","Height":"Altura","Help":"Ajuda","Help for this action":"Ajuda para esta a\xE7\xE3o","Help for this condition":"Ajuda para esta condi\xE7\xE3o","Help page URL":"URL da p\xE1gina de ajuda","Help to Translate GDevelop":"Ajude a traduzir o GDevelop","Hidden":"Oculto","Hidden on":"Escondido em","Hide community behaviors (not officially reviewed)":"Ocultar comportamentos da comunidade (n\xE3o oficialmente revisado)","Hide deprecated behaviors (prefer not to use anymore)":"Ocultar comportamentos obsoletos (prefiro n\xE3o usar mais)","Hide details":"Ocultar detalhes","Hide layer":"Ocultar camada","Hide lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Ocultar fun\xE7\xF5es do ciclo de vida (avan\xE7ado)","Hide other lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Ocultar outras fun\xE7\xF5es do ciclo de vida (avan\xE7ado)","Hide the layer":"Ocultar a camada","Hide the leaderboard":"Ocultar a classifica\xE7\xE3o","Hide the menu bar in the preview window":"Ocultar a barra do menu na janela de visualiza\xE7\xE3o","High quality":"Qualidade alta","Higher is better":"Maior \xE9 melhor","Higher is better (max: {formattedScore})":function(a){return["Maior \xE9 melhor (M\xE1ximo: ",a("formattedScore"),")"]},"Highlight background color":"Real\xE7ar cor de fundo","Highlight text color":"Real\xE7ar a cor do texto","Hobbyists and indie devs":"Amadores e desenvolvedores indie","Home page":"P\xE1gina Inicial","Horizontal flip":"Espelhar horizontalmente","Horror":"Terror","How are you learning game dev?":"Como voc\xEA est\xE1 aprendendo desenvolvimento de jogos?","How are you working on your projects?":"Como voc\xEA est\xE1 trabalhando em seus projetos?","Huge":"Enorme","I am learning game development":"Estou aprendendo desenvolvimento de jogos","I am teaching game development":"Eu estou ensinando desenvolvimento de jogos","I don\u2019t have a specific deadline":"N\xE3o tenho um prazo espec\xEDfico","I have encountered bugs or performance problems":"Encontrei erros ou problemas de desempenho","I want to receive the GDevelop Newsletter":"Eu quero receber boletins de noticias do GDevelop","I want to receive weekly stats about my games":"Quero receber estat\xEDsticas semanais sobre meus jogos","I'll do it later":"Farei isso mais tarde","I'm building a video game or app":"Estou criando um videogame ou aplicativo","I'm learning or teaching game development":"Estou aprendendo ou ensinando desenvolvimento de jogos","I'm struggling to create what I want":"Tenho dificuldades para criar o que quero","I've stopped using GDevelop":"Eu parei de usar GDevelop","IDE":"IDE","IPA for App Store":"IPA para App Store","IPA for testing on registered devices":"IPA para testar em dispositivos registrados","Icon URL":"URL do \xEDcone","Icons":"\xCDcones","Identifier":"Identificador","Identifier (text)":"Identificador (texto)","Identifier name":"Nome do identificador","If activated, players won't be able to log in and claim a score just sent without being already logged in to the game.":"Se ativado, jogadores n\xE3o ser\xE3o capazes de entrar e reivindicar uma pontua\xE7\xE3o enviada sem estar logado no jogo.","If checked, player names will always be auto-generated, even if the game sent a custom name. Helpful if you're having a leaderboard where you want full anonymity.":"Se marcado, os nomes dos jogadores sempre ser\xE3o gerados automaticamente, mesmo que o jogo tenha enviado um nome personalizado. \xC9 \xFAtil se voc\xEA tiver uma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o onde deseja o anonimato completo.","If no previous condition or action used the specified object(s), the picked instances count will be 0.":"Se nenhuma condi\xE7\xE3o ou a\xE7\xE3o anterior usou o(s) objeto(s) especificado(s), a contagem de inst\xE2ncias escolhidas ser\xE1 0.","If the parameter is a string or a number, you probably want to use the expressions \"GetArgumentAsString\" or \"GetArgumentAsNumber\", along with the conditions \"Compare two strings\" or \"Compare two numbers\".":"Se o par\xE2metro for uma string ou um n\xFAmero, voc\xEA provavelmente vai querer usar as express\xF5es \"GetArgumentAsString\" ou \"GetArgumentAsNumber\", junto com as condi\xE7\xF5es \"Comparar duas strings\" ou \"Comparar dois n\xFAmeros\".","If you close this window while the build is being done, you can see its progress and download the game later by clicking on See All My Builds below.":"Se voc\xEA fechar esta janela durante a compila\xE7\xE3o, voc\xEA pode ver seu progresso e baixar o jogo mais tarde clicando em Ver Todas as Minhas Compila\xE7\xF5es abaixo.","If you don't have access to it, restart GDevelop. If you still can't access it, please contact us.":"Se voc\xEA n\xE3o tiver acesso a ele, reinicie a GDevelop. Caso ainda n\xE3o consiga acess\xE1-lo, entre em contato conosco.","If you have a popup blocker interrupting the opening, allow the popups and try a second time to open the project.":"Se voc\xEA tiver um bloqueador de pop-up interrompendo a abertura, permita os pop-ups e tente uma segunda vez abrir o projeto.","If you skip this step, you can still do it manually later from the leaderboards panel in your Games Dashboard.":"Se voc\xEA pular esta etapa, voc\xEA ainda pode faz\xEA-lo manualmente mais tarde no painel de tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o em seu Painel de Jogos.","Ignore and continue":"Ignorar e continuar","Image":"Imagem","Image resource":"Recurso da imagem","Implementing in-project monetization":"Implementando monetiza\xE7\xE3o no projeto","Import":"Importar","Import extension":"Importar extens\xE3o","Import images":"Importar imagens","Import one or more animations that are available in this Spine file.":"Importar uma ou mais anima\xE7\xF5es que est\xE3o dispon\xEDveis neste arquivo Spine.","Importing project resources":"Importando recursos do projeto","Importing resources outside from the project folder":"Importando recursos fora da pasta do projeto","Improve and publish your Game":"Melhore e publique seu jogo","In around a year":"Em cerca de um ano","In order to purchase a marketing boost, log-in and select a game in your dashboard.":"Para adquirir um impulso de \u2018marketing\u2019, fa\xE7a \u2018login\u2019 e selecione um jogo em seu painel.","In order to see your objects in the scene, you need to add an action \"Create objects from external layout\" in your events sheet.":"Para ver seus objetos na cena, voc\xEA precisa adicionar uma a\xE7\xE3o \"Criar objetos a partir de layout externo\" na folha de eventos.","In order to use these external events, you still need to add a \"Link\" event in the events sheet of the corresponding scene":"Para utilizar estes eventos externos, voc\xEA ainda precisa adicionar um evento \"Link\" na folha de eventos da cena correspondente","In pixels.":"Em pixels.","In pixels. 0 to ignore.":"Em pixels. 0 para ignorar.","In this tutorial you will learn:":"Neste tutorial, voc\xEA aprender\xE1:","In-game obstacles":"Obst\xE1culos no jogo","Include events from":"Incluir eventos de","Included in this bundle":"Inclu\xEDdo neste pacote","Incompatible with the object":"Incompat\xEDvel com objeto","Increase version number to {0}":function(a){return["Aumentar o n\xFAmero da vers\xE3o para ",a("0")]},"Indent Scale in Events Sheet":"Escala da Indenta\xE7\xE3o na Folha de Eventos","Initial text of the variable":"Texto inicial da vari\xE1vel","Initial text to display":"Texto inicial a ser exibido","Input":"Entrada","Insert new...":"Inserir novo...","Inspectors":"Inspetores","Instagram":"Instagram","Install again":"Instalar novamente","Install all the assets":"Instalar todos os recursos","Install font":"Instalar fonte","Install in project":"Instalar no projeto","Install the missing assets":"Instalar os recursos ausentes","Installed as an app. No updates available.":"Instalado como um aplicativo. Sem atualiza\xE7\xF5es dispon\xEDveis.","Installing assets...":"Instalando recursos...","Instance":"Inst\xE2ncia","Instance Variables":"Vari\xE1veis de Inst\xE2ncia","Instance properties":"Propriedades da inst\xE2ncia","Instance variables":"Vari\xE1veis de inst\xE2ncia","Instance variables overwrite the default values of the variables of the object.":"As vari\xE1veis da inst\xE2ncia substituem os valores padr\xE3o das vari\xE1veis do objeto.","Instance variables:":"Vari\xE1veis de inst\xE2ncia:","Instances":"Inst\xE2ncias","Instances List":"Lista de inst\xE2ncias","Instances editor":"Editor de inst\xE2ncias","Instances editor rendering":"Renderiza\xE7\xE3o do editor de inst\xE2ncias","Instances editor.":"Editor de inst\xE2ncias.","Instances list":"Lista de inst\xE2ncias","Instant":"Instant\xE2nea","Instant Games":"Jogos Instant\xE2neos","Instant or permanent force":"For\xE7a instant\xE2nea ou permanente","Instead of <0>{0}":function(a){return["Instead of <0>",a("0"),""]},"Instruction editor":"Editor de instru\xE7\xF5es","Interactive content":"Conte\xFAdo interativo","Intermediate course":"Curso intermedi\xE1rio","Internal Name":"Nome Interno","Invalid email address":"Endere\xE7o de e-mail inv\xE1lido","Invalid email address.":"Endere\xE7o de e-mail inv\xE1lido.","Invalid file":"Arquivo inv\xE1lido","Invert Condition":"Inverter Condi\xE7\xE3o","Invert condition":"Inverter a condi\xE7\xE3o","Invite":"Convidar","Invite collaborators":"Convidar colaboradores","Is there anything that you struggle with while working on your projects?":"H\xE1 alguma coisa com a qual voc\xEA luta enquanto trabalha em seus projetos?","Isometric":"Isom\xE9trico","It is included in the bundle {0}.":function(a){return["Est\xE1 inclu\xEDdo no pacote ",a("0"),"."]},"It is now choosing objects from the asset store...":"Agora est\xE1 escolhendo objetos da loja de assets...","It is now placing everything in the scene...":"Agora est\xE1 colocando tudo em cena...","It looks like the build has timed out, please try again.":"Parece que a compila\xE7\xE3o expirou. Por favor, tente novamente.","It seems you entered a name with a quote. Variable names should not be quoted.":"Parece que voc\xEA inseriu um nome entre aspas. Nomes de vari\xE1veis n\xE3o devem estar entre aspas.","It's missing a feature (please specify)":"Est\xE1 faltando um recurso (por favor, especifique)","It's probably tired.":"Provavelmente est\xE1 cansado.","Italic":"It\xE1lico",", Poki, CrazyGames...":", Poki, LoucoGames...","JSON resource":"Recurso JSON","JavaScript file":"Arquivos JavaScript","JavaScript files are imported as is (no compilation and not available in JavaScript code block autocompletions). Make sure your extension is used by the game (at least one action/condition used in a scene), otherwise the files won't be imported.":"Arquivos JavaScript s\xE3o importados como (sem compila\xE7\xE3o e n\xE3o est\xE3o dispon\xEDveis no bloco de c\xF3digo JavaScript). Certifique-se de que sua extens\xE3o seja usada pelo jogo (pelo menos uma a\xE7\xE3o/condi\xE7\xE3o usada em uma cena), caso contr\xE1rio, os arquivos n\xE3o ser\xE3o importados.","JavaScript files must be imported by an extension - by choosing it the extension properties. Otherwise, it won't be loaded by the game.":"Arquivos JavaScript devem ser importados por uma extens\xE3o - ao escolher as propriedades da extens\xE3o. Caso contr\xE1rio, n\xE3o ser\xE1 carregado pelo jogo.","Join the discussion":"Participe da discuss\xE3o","Joystick controls":"Controles de joystick","Joystick for touchscreens.":"Controle para tela de toque.","Json":"Json","Jump forward in time on creation (in seconds)":"Avan\xE7ar no tempo de cria\xE7\xE3o (em segundos)","Just now":"Agora mesmo","Just one second please...":"S\xF3 um segundo, por favor...","Keep centered (best for game content)":"Manter centrado (melhor para conte\xFAdo de jogo)","Keep learning":"Continue aprendendo","Keep model material":"Manter material do modelo","Keep ratio":"Manter propor\xE7\xE3o","Keep subscription":"Manter assinatura","Keep the new project linked to this game":"Mantenha o novo projeto vinculado a este jogo","Keep their original location":"Manter a localiza\xE7\xE3o original","Keep top-left corner fixed (best for content that can extend)":"Mantenha o canto superior esquerdo fixo (melhor para conte\xFAdo que pode ser estendido)","Keyboard":"Teclado","Keyboard Key (deprecated)":"Keyboard Key (deprecated)","Keyboard Key (text)":"Tecla do Teclado (texto)","Keyboard Shortcuts":"Atalhos do teclado","Keyboard key":"Tecla do Teclado","Keyboard key (text)":"Keyboard key (text)","Kinematic":"Cinem\xE1tico","Label":"R\xF3tulo","Lack of Graphics & Animation":"Falta de gr\xE1ficos e anima\xE7\xE3o","Lack of Marketing & Publicity":"Falta de Marketing e Publicidade","Lack of Music & Sound":"Falta de m\xFAsica e som","Landscape":"Paisagem","Language":"Idioma","Last (after other files)":"\xDAltimo (ap\xF3s outros arquivos)","Last edited":"\xDAltima edi\xE7\xE3o","Last edited:":"\xDAltima edi\xE7\xE3o","Last modified":"\xDAltima modifica\xE7\xE3o","Last name":"Sobrenome","Last run collected on {0} frames.":function(a){return["\xDAltima execu\xE7\xE3o coletada em ",a("0")," frames."]},"Latest save":"\xDAltimo salvamento","Launch network preview over WiFi/LAN":"Iniciar pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o em rede atrav\xE9s de WiFi/LAN","Launch new preview":"Iniciar nova pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Launch preview in...":"Iniciar pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o em...","Launch preview with debugger and profiler":"Iniciar pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o com depurador e profiler.","Launch preview with diagnostic report":"Iniciar pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o com relat\xF3rio de diagn\xF3stico","Layer":"Camada","Layer (text)":"Camada (texto)","Layer effect (text)":"Efeito de camada (texto)","Layer effect name":"Nome do efeito da camada","Layer effect property (text)":"Propriedade de efeito de camada (texto)","Layer effect property name":"Nome da propriedade do efeito de camada","Layer where instances are added by default":"Camada onde inst\xE2ncias s\xE3o adicionadas por padr\xE3o","Layers":"Camadas","Layers list":"Lista de camadas","Layers:":"Camadas:","Layouts":"disposi\xE7\xE3o","Leaderboard":"Placares de Lideran\xE7a","Leaderboard (text)":"Quadro de l\xEDderes (texto)","Leaderboard appearance":"Apar\xEAncia da classifica\xE7\xE3o","Leaderboard name":"Nome da classifica\xE7\xE3o","Leaderboard options":"Op\xE7\xF5es de classifica\xE7\xE3o","Leaderboards":"Classifica\xE7\xE3o","Leaderboards help retain your players":"A classifica\xE7\xE3o ajuda a reter seus jogadores","Learn":"Aprender","Learn More":"Saiba mais","Learn about revenue on":"Aprenda sobre o rendimento no","Learn all the game-building mechanics of GDevelop":"Aprenda todas as mec\xE2nicas de constru\xE7\xE3o de jogos no GDevelop","Learn by doing":"Aprender fazendo","Learn everything about GDevelop from the ground up":"Aprenda do zero tudo sobre o GDevelop","Learn game making":"Aprenda a criar jogos","Learn how to make <0>multiplayer games with GDevelop.":"Aprenda a fazer <0>jogos multijogador com o GDevelop.","Learn how to use <0>leaderboards on GDevelop.":"Aprenda a usar <0>classifica\xE7\xF5es no GDevelop.","Learn more":"Saiba mais","Learn more about Instant Games publication":"Saiba mais sobre a publica\xE7\xE3o de Jogos Instant\xE2neos","Learn more about manual builds":"Saiba mais sobre compila\xE7\xF5es manuais","Learn more about publishing to platforms":"Saiba mais sobre publica\xE7\xE3o em plataformas","Learn section":"Se\xE7\xE3o de aprendizagem","Learn the fundamental principles of GDevelop":"Aprenda os princ\xEDpios fundamentais do GDevelop","Leave":"Sair","Leave and lose all changes":"Sair e perder todas as altera\xE7\xF5es","Leave it empty to use the default group":"Deixe em branco para usar o grupo padr\xE3o","Leave it empty to use the default group for this extension.":"Deixe em branco para usar o grupo padr\xE3o para esta extens\xE3o.","Leave the customization?":"Deixar a customiza\xE7\xE3o?","Leave the tutorial":"Deixar o tutorial","Left (primary)":"Esquerda (prim\xE1ria)","Left bound":"Borda esquerda","Left bound should be smaller than right bound":"A borda esquerda deve ser menor que a borda direita","Left face":"Face esquerda","Left margin":"Margem esquerda","Length":"Comprimento","Less than a month":"Menos de um m\xEAs","Let the user select":"Deixe o usu\xE1rio escolher","Let users select a numerical value by dragging a slider.":"Permitir que os usu\xE1rios selecionem um valor num\xE9rico arrastando um controle deslizante.","Let's finish your game, shall we?":"Vamos finalizar o seu jogo, vamos l\xE1?","Let's go":"Vamos l\xE1","Level {0}":function(a){return["N\xEDvel ",a("0")]},"License":"Licen\xE7a","Licensing":"Licenciamento","Lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Fun\xE7\xF5es do ciclo de vida (avan\xE7ado)","Lifecycle functions only included when extension used":"Fun\xE7\xF5es do ciclo de vida somente inclu\xEDdas quando a extens\xE3o for usada","Lifecycle methods":"M\xE9todos de ciclo de vida","Light (colored)":"Claro (colorido)","Light (plain)":"Claro (simples)","Light object automatically put in lighting layer":"Objeto de luz colocado automaticamente na camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o","Lighting settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es de ilumina\xE7\xE3o","Limit cannot be empty, uncheck or fill a value between {extremeAllowedScoreMin} and {extremeAllowedScoreMax}.":function(a){return["O limite n\xE3o pode ser vazio, desmarque ou preencha com um valor entre ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMin")," e ",a("extremeAllowedScoreMax"),"."]},"Limit scores":"Limite das pontua\xE7\xF5es","Line":"Linha","Line color":"Cor da linha","Linear (antialiased rendering, good for most games)":"Linear (renderiza\xE7\xE3o com antialiasing, boa para a maioria dos jogos)","Lines length":"Comprimento das linhas","Lines thickness":"Espessura das linhas","Links can't be used outside of a scene.":"Links n\xE3o podem ser usados fora de uma cena.","Linux (AppImage)":"Linux (AppImage)","Live preview (apply changes to the running preview)":"Pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o ao vivo (aplicar altera\xE7\xF5es na visualiza\xE7\xE3o em execu\xE7\xE3o)","Load autosave":"Carregar save autom\xE1tico","Load local lesson":"Carregar li\xE7\xE3o local","Load more...":"Carregar mais...","Loading Position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o do carregamento","Loading screen":"Carregando tela","Loading the game link...":"Carregando o link do jogo...","Loading the game...":"Carregando o jogo...","Loading your profile...":"Carregando seu perfil...","Loading...":"Carregando...","Lobby":"Sala","Lobby configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o do Lobby","Local Variable":"Vari\xE1vel Local","Local variables":"Vari\xE1veis locais","Locate file":"Localizar Arquivo","Location":"Localiza\xE7\xE3o","Lock layer":"Bloquear camada","Lock position/angle in the editor":"Bloquear posi\xE7\xE3o/\xE2ngulo no editor","Locked":"Bloqueado","Log in":"Entrar","Log in to enter a prompt":"Fa\xE7a \u2018login\u2019 para inserir um comando","Log in to your account":"Acesse sua conta","Log-in to purchase these credits":"Fa\xE7a login para comprar estes cr\xE9ditos","Log-in to purchase this item":"Fa\xE7a o login para comprar este item","Login":"Login","Login now":"Fa\xE7a login agora","Login with GDevelop":"Entrar com GDevelop","Logo and progress fade in delay (in seconds)":"Atraso no surgimento gradual do logotipo e progresso (em segundos)","Logo and progress fade in duration (in seconds)":"Dura\xE7\xE3o do surgimento gradual do logotipo e progresso (em segundos)","Logout":"Sair","Long":"Longo","Long description":"Descri\xE7\xE3o longa","Long press for more events":"Mantenha pressionado para mais op\xE7\xF5es","Long press for quick menu":"Pressione e segure para abrir o menu r\xE1pido","Looks like the AI service is not available. Please try again later or create a project without a prompt.":"Parece que o servi\xE7o de IA n\xE3o est\xE1 dispon\xEDvel. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde ou crie um projeto sem aviso pr\xE9vio.","Looks like your project isn't there!{0}Your project must be stored on your computer.":function(a){return["Parece que seu projeto n\xE3o est\xE1 l\xE1!",a("0"),"seu projeto deve ser armazenado em seu computador."]},"Loop":"Repeti\xE7\xE3o","Low quality":"Qualidade baixa","Lower is better":"Mais baixo \xE9 melhor","Lower is better (min: {formattedScore})":function(a){return["Menor \xE9 melhor (M\xEDnimo: ",a("formattedScore"),")"]},"Make a character move like in a retro Pokemon game.":"Fa\xE7a um personagem se mover como em um jogo retr\xF4 de Pok\xE9mon.","Make a knight jump and run in this platformer game.":"Fa\xE7a um cavaleiro saltar e correr neste jogo de plataforma.","Make asynchronous":"Tornar ass\xEDncrono","Make complete games step by step":"Fa\xE7a jogos completos passo a passo","Make private":"Tornar privado","Make public":"Tornar p\xFAblico","Make sure to set up a light in the effects of the layer or chose \"No lighting effect\" - otherwise the object will appear black.":"Certifique-se de configurar uma luz nos efeitos da camada ou escolha \"Sem efeito de luz\" - caso contr\xE1rio o objeto ir\xE1 aparecer preto.","Make sure to verify all your events creating objects, and optionally add an action to set the Z order back to 0 if it's important for your game. Do you want to continue (recommended)?":"Certifique-se de verificar todos os eventos que criam objetos, e, opcionalmente, adicione uma a\xE7\xE3o para definir a ordem Z de volta para 0 se for importante para o seu jogo. Deseja continuar (recomendado)?","Make sure you create your GitHub account, star the repository called 4ian/GDevelop, enter your username here and try again.":"Certifique-se de criar a sua conta no GitHub, adicione o reposit\xF3rio chamado 4ian/GDevelop, insira seu nome de usu\xE1rio aqui e tente novamente.","Make sure you follow the GDevelop account and try again.":"Certifique-se de seguir a conta GDevelop e tente novamente.","Make sure you have a proper internet connection or try again later.":"Certifique-se de que voc\xEA est\xE1 conectado \xE0 internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Make sure you star the repository called 4ian/GDevelop with your GitHub user and try again.":"Certifique-se de marcar o reposit\xF3rio chamado 4ian/GDevelop com o seu usu\xE1rio do GitHub e tente novamente.","Make sure you're online, have a proper internet connection and try again. If you download and use GDevelop desktop application, you can also run previews without any internet connection.":"Certifique-se que voc\xEA est\xE1 online, tem uma conex\xE3o \xE1 internet apropriada e tente novamente. Se voc\xEA baixar e usar o aplicativo para \xE1rea de trabalho do GDevelop, voc\xEA tamb\xE9m pode executar pr\xE9vias sem nenhuma conex\xE3o \xE1 internet.","Make sure your username is correct, follow the GDevelop account and try again.":"Certifique-se de que seu nome de usu\xE1rio esteja correto, siga a conta GDevelop e tente novamente.","Make synchronous":"Tornar s\xEDncrono","Make the leaderboard public":"Torne a classifica\xE7\xE3o p\xFAblica","Make the purpose of the property easy to understand":"Fa\xE7a o prop\xF3sito da propriedade ser f\xE1cil de entender","Make your game title":"Fa\xE7a o t\xEDtulo do seu jogo","Make your game visible to the GDevelop community and to the world with <0>Marketing Boosts.":"Torne seu jogo vis\xEDvel para a comunidade GDevelop e para o mundo com <0>Booster de Marketing.","Make your game visible to the GDevelop community and to the world with Marketing Boosts.":"Torne seu jogo vis\xEDvel para a comunidade GDevelop e para o mundo com Booster de \u2018marketing\u2019.","Make your game visible to the GDevelop community and to the world with Marketing Boosts. <0>Read more about how they increase your views.":"Torne o seu jogo vis\xEDvel para a comunidade GDevelop e para o mundo com Impulsos de Marketing. <0>Saiba mais sobre como eles aumentam as suas visualiza\xE7\xF5es.","Making \"{objectOrGroupName}\" global would conflict with the following scenes that have a group or an object with the same name:{0}Continue only if you know what you're doing.":function(a){return["Fazer \"",a("objectOrGroupName"),"\" global iria entrar em conflito com as seguintes cenas que t\xEAm um grupo ou um objeto com o mesmo nome:",a("0"),"Continuar apenas se voc\xEA souber o que est\xE1 fazendo."]},"Manage":"Gerenciar","Manage game online":"Gerenciar jogo \u2018online\u2019","Manage leaderboards":"Gerenciar tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o","Manage payments":"Gerenciar pagamentos","Manage seats":"Gerenciar Assentos","Manage subscription":"Gerenciar assinatura","Manual build":"Constru\xE7\xE3o manual","Mark all as read":"Marcar tudo como lido","Mark all as solved":"Marcar todos como resolvidos","Mark as read":"Marcar como lido","Mark as unread":"Marcar como n\xE3o lido","Marketing campaigns":"Campanhas de marketing","Maximum FPS (0 for unlimited)":"FPS m\xE1ximo (0 para ilimitado)","Maximum Fps is too low":"FPS M\xE1ximo muito baixo","Maximum emitter force applied on particles":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima de emiss\xE3o aplicada em part\xEDculas","Maximum number of particles displayed":"N\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de part\xEDculas exibidas","Maximum number of players per lobby":"N\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de jogadores por lobby","Maximum score":"Pontua\xE7\xE3o m\xE1xima","Maybe later":"Talvez mais tarde","Me":"Eu","Mean played time":"Tempo m\xE9dio jogado","Measurement unit":"Unidade de medida","Medium":"M\xE9dio","Medium quality":"Qualidade m\xE9dia","Menu":"Menu","Middle (Auxiliary button, usually the wheel button)":"Meio (bot\xE3o auxiliar, geralmente o bot\xE3o da roda do mouse)","Minimize":"Minimizar","Minimum FPS":"FPS m\xEDnimo","Minimum Fps is too low":"FPS M\xEDnimo muito baixo","Minimum duration of the screen (in seconds)":"Dura\xE7\xE3o m\xEDnima da tela (em segundos)","Minimum emitter force applied on particles":"For\xE7a m\xEDnima de emissor aplicada em part\xEDculas","Minimum number of players to start the lobby":"N\xFAmero m\xEDnimo de jogadores para iniciar o lobby","Minimum score":"Pontua\xE7\xE3o m\xEDnima","Missing behaviors for object \"{objectName}\"":function(a){return["Faltando comportamentos para o objeto \"",a("objectName"),"\""]},"Missing objects":"Objetos faltantes","Missing scene variables":"Faltando vari\xE1veis de cena","Missing some contributions? If you are the author, create a Pull Request on the corresponding GitHub repository after adding your username in the authors of the example or the extension - or directly ask the original author to add your username.":"Faltam algumas contribui\xE7\xF5es? Se voc\xEA \xE9 o autor, crie uma Pull Request no reposit\xF3rio GitHub correspondente depois de adicionar seu nome de usu\xE1rio aos autores do exemplo ou da extens\xE3o - ou pe\xE7a diretamente ao autor original para adicionar seu nome de usu\xE1rio.","Missing texture atlas name in the Spine file.":"Nome do atlas de textura ausente no arquivo Spine.","Missing texture for an atlas in the Spine file.":"Textura ausente para um atlas no arquivo Spine.","Missing variables for object \"{objectName}\"":function(a){return["Falta vari\xE1veis para o objeto \"",a("objectName"),"\""]},"Mixed":"Mista","Mixed values":"Valores mistos","Mobile":"Celular","Mobile portrait":"Retrato m\xF3vel","Model origin":"Origem do modelo","Modifying":"Modificando","Month":"M\xEAs","Monthly":"Mensalmente","Monthly, {0}":function(a){return["Monthly, ",a("0")]},"Monthly, {0} per seat":function(a){return["Monthly, ",a("0")," per seat"]},"More than 6 months":"Mais de 6 meses","Most browsers will require the user to have interacted with your game before allowing any video to play. Make sure that the player click/touch the screen at the beginning of the game before starting any video.":"A maioria dos navegadores ir\xE1 exigir que o usu\xE1rio tenha interagido com seu jogo antes de permitir que qualquer v\xEDdeo seja reproduzido. Certifique-se de que o jogador clique/toque na tela no in\xEDcio do jogo antes de iniciar qualquer v\xEDdeo.","Most monitors have a refresh rate of 60 FPS. Setting a maximum number of FPS under 60 will force the game to skip frames, and the real number of FPS will be way below 60, making the game laggy and impacting the gameplay negatively. Consider putting 60 or more for the maximum number or FPS, or disable it by setting 0.":"A maioria dos monitores tem uma taxa de atualiza\xE7\xE3o de 60 FPS. Definir um n\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de FPS com menos de 60 ir\xE1 for\xE7ar o jogo a ignorar quadros e o n\xFAmero real de FPS ser\xE1 muito inferior a 60, tornando o jogo vagaroso e afetando a jogabilidade negativamente. Considere colocar 60 ou mais para o n\xFAmero m\xE1ximo ou FPS, ou desativar o limite usando o valor 0.","Most sessions (all time)":"Mais sess\xF5es (todos os tempos)","Most sessions (past 7 days)":"Maioria das sess\xF5es (\xFAltimos 7 dias)","Mouse button":"Bot\xE3o do mouse","Mouse button (deprecated)":"Mouse button (deprecated)","Mouse button (text)":"Bot\xE3o do mouse (texto)","Move Events into a Group":"Mover Eventos para um Grupo","Move down":"Mover para baixo","Move events into a new group":"Mover eventos para um novo grupo","Move instances":"Mover inst\xE2ncias","Move objects":"Mover objetos","Move objects from layer {0} to:":function(a){return["Mover objetos da camada ",a("0")," para:"]},"Move to bottom":"Mover para o fundo","Move to folder":"Mover para pasta","Move to position {index}":function(a){return["Mover para a posi\xE7\xE3o ",a("index")]},"Move to top":"Mover para o topo","Move up":"Mover para cima","Movement":"Movimento","Multiplayer":"Multiplayer","Multiplayer lobbies":"Lobbies multijogador","Multiple files, saved in folder next to the main file":"V\xE1rios arquivos, salvos na pasta ao lado do arquivo principal","Multiple frames":"M\xFAltiplos quadros","Multiple states":"M\xFAltiplos estados","Multitouch Joystick":"Joystick multitouch","Music":"M\xFAsica","Musics will only be played if the user has interacted with the game before (by clicking/touching it or pressing a key on the keyboard). This is due to browser limitations. Make sure to have the user interact with the game before using this action.":"M\xFAsicas s\xF3 ser\xE3o reproduzidos se o usu\xE1rio interagir com o jogo antes (clicando/tocando nele ou pressionando uma tecla no teclado). Isso deve-se a limita\xE7\xF5es do navegador. Certifique-se de que o usu\xE1rio interaja com o jogo antes de usar esta a\xE7\xE3o.","My Profile":"Meu Perfil","My manual save":"Meu salve manual","My profile":"Meu perfil","MyObject":"MeuObjeto","NPM":"NPM","Name":"Nome","Name (optional)":"Nome (opcional)","Name displayed in editor":"Nome exibido no editor","Name of the external layout":"Nome do layout externo","Name version":"Vers\xE3o do nome","Near plane distance":"Dist\xE2ncia do plano pr\xF3ximo","Nearest (no antialiasing, good for pixel perfect games)":"Mais pr\xF3ximo (sem antialiasing, bom para jogos feitos em pixel art)","Network":"Rede","Never":"Nunca","New":"Novo","New Apple Certificate/Profile":"Novo certificado/perfil da Apple","New Auth Key (App Store upload)":"Nova Chave de Autentica\xE7\xE3o (Upload da App Store)","New Event Below":"Novo Evento Abaixo","New Object dialog":"Caixa de di\xE1logo Novo objeto","New extension name":"Novo nome da extens\xE3o","New group name":"Nome do novo grupo","New interactive services for clients":"Novos servi\xE7os interativos para clientes","New lesson every month with the Education subscription":"Nova li\xE7\xE3o todos os meses com a assinatura Education","New object":"Novo objeto","New object from scratch":"Novo objeto do zero","New resource":"Novo recurso","Next":"Pr\xF3ximo","Next actions (and sub-events) will wait for this action to be finished before running.":"As pr\xF3ximas a\xE7\xF5es (e sub-eventos) aguardar\xE3o essa a\xE7\xE3o ser finalizada para ser executada.","Next page":"Pr\xF3xima p\xE1gina","Next: Game logo":"Pr\xF3ximo: Logotipo do jogo","Next: Tweak Gameplay":"Pr\xF3ximo: Ajustar Gameplay","No":"N\xE3o","No GDevelop user with this email can be found.":"Nenhum usu\xE1rio GDevelop com este e-mail foi encontrado.","No atlas image configured.":"Nenhuma imagem de atlas configurada.","No bio defined.":"Nenhuma biografia definida.","No changes to the game size":"Sem mudan\xE7as no tamanho do jogo","No children":"Sem filhos","No data to show yet. Share your game creator profile with more people to get more players!":"Ainda n\xE3o h\xE1 dados para mostrar. Compartilhe seu perfil de criador de jogos com mais pessoas para obter mais jogadores!","No discord username defined. Add it and get a Gold, Pro or Education subscription to claim your role on the [GDevelop Discord](":"Nenhum nome de usu\xE1rio definido no Discord, adicione-o e obtenha uma assinatura Gold, Pro ou Education para reivindicar sua fun\xE7\xE3o no [GDevelop Discord] (https://","No discord username defined. Add it to claim your role on the [GDevelop Discord](":"Nenhum nome de usu\xE1rio discord definido. Adicione-o e obtenha uma assinatura Gold ou Pro para reivindicar sua fun\xE7\xE3o no [GDevelop Discord](","No entries":"Sem dados","No experience at all":"Nenhuma experi\xEAncia","No game matching your search.":"Nenhum jogo corresponde \xE0 sua pesquisa.","No information about available updates.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 informa\xE7\xF5es sobre atualiza\xE7\xF5es dispon\xEDveis.","No inspector, choose another element in the list or toggle the raw data view.":"Nenhum inspetor, escolha outro elemento na lista ou alterne a visualiza\xE7\xE3o de dados brutos.","No leaderboard chosen":"Nenhuma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o escolhida","No leaderboards":"Sem classifica\xE7\xE3o","No lighting effect":"Sem efeito de ilumina\xE7\xE3o","No link defined.":"Sem link definido.","No new animation":"Nenhuma nova anima\xE7\xE3o","No options":"Sem op\xE7\xF5es","No preview running. Run a preview and you will be able to inspect it with the debugger":"Nenhuma pr\xE9via em execu\xE7\xE3o. Execute uma pr\xE9via e voc\xEA poder\xE1 inspecion\xE1-la com o depurador","No project to open":"Nenhum projeto para abrir","No projects found for this game. Open manually a local project to have it added to the game dashboard.":"Nenhum projeto encontrado para este jogo. Abra manualmente um projeto local para que ele seja adicionado ao painel do jogo.","No projects yet.":"Nenhum projeto ainda.","No recent project":"Nenhum projeto recente","No result":"Nenhum resultado","No results":"Nenhum resultado","No results found. The search is only available in English at the moment.":"Nenhum resultado foi encontrado. No momento, a pesquisa est\xE1 dispon\xEDvel apenas em ingl\xEAs.","No results returned for your search. Try something else or typing at least 2 characters.":"Nenhum resultado retornou da sua pesquisa. Tente outra coisa ou digite pelo menos 2 caracteres.","No results returned for your search. Try something else!":"Nenhum resultado retornou para sua pesquisa. Tente outra coisa!","No results returned for your search. Try something else, browse the categories or create your object from scratch!":"Nenhum resultado retornado para sua pesquisa. Tente outra coisa, navegue pelas categorias ou crie seu objeto do zero!","No shortcut":"Nenhum atalho","No similar asset was found.":"Nenhum ativo semelhante foi encontrado.","No thumbnail":"Sem miniatura","No thumbnail for your game, you can update it in your Game Dashboard!":"Sem miniatura para o seu jogo, voc\xEA pode atualiz\xE1-la no seu Painel de Jogos!","No update available. You're using the latest version!":"Nenhuma atualiza\xE7\xE3o dispon\xEDvel. Voc\xEA est\xE1 usando a vers\xE3o mais recente!","No, close project":"N\xE3o, fechar projeto","None":"Nenhum(a)","Not compatible":"N\xE3o compat\xEDvel","Not installed as an app. No updates available.":"N\xE3o instalado como um app. Nenhuma atualiza\xE7\xE3o dispon\xEDvel.","Not now, thanks!":"Agora n\xE3o, obrigado!","Not on mobile":"N\xE3o dispon\xEDvel em dispositivos m\xF3veis","Not published":"N\xE3o publicado","Not set":"N\xE3o definido","Not stored":"N\xE3o armazenado","Not sure how many credits you need? Check <0>this guide to help you decide.":"N\xE3o tem certeza de quantos cr\xE9ditos voc\xEA precisa? Confira <0>este guia para ajud\xE1-lo a decidir.","Not visible":"N\xE3o vis\xEDvel","Note that the distinction between what is a mobile device and what is not is becoming blurry (with devices like iPad pro and other \"desktop-class\" tablets). If you use this for mobile controls, prefer to check if the device has touchscreen support.":"Note que a distin\xE7\xE3o entre o que \xE9 um dispositivo m\xF3vel e o que n\xE3o \xE9 tem se tornado t\xEAnue (com dispositivos como iPad pro e outros tablets de \"classe desktop\"). Se voc\xEA usar isto para controles m\xF3veis, prefira verificar se o dispositivo tem suporte \xE0 touchscreen.","Note that this option will only have an effect when saving your project on your computer's filesystem from the desktop app. Read about [using Git or GitHub with projects in multiple files](":"Observe que esta op\xE7\xE3o s\xF3 ter\xE1 efeito ao salvar seu projeto no sistema de arquivos do seu computador a partir do aplicativo de desktop. Leia sobre [usar Git ou GitHub com projetos em v\xE1rios arquivos](","Note: write _PARAMx_ for parameters, e.g: Flash _PARAM1_ for 5 seconds":"Nota: escreva _PARAMx_ para par\xE2metros, por exemplo: Flash _PARAM1_ por 5 segundos","Nothing corresponding to your search. Choose an object first or browse the list of actions/conditions.":"Nada correspondente \xE0 sua pesquisa. Escolha um objeto primeiro ou procure a lista de a\xE7\xF5es / condi\xE7\xF5es.","Nothing corresponding to your search. Try browsing the list instead.":"Nada correspondente \xE0 sua pesquisa. Tente navegar na lista.","Nothing to configure for this behavior.":"Nada para configurar neste comportamento.","Notifications":"Notifica\xE7\xF5es","Number":"N\xFAmero","Number between 0 and 1":"N\xFAmero entre 0 e 1","Number of entries to display":"N\xFAmero de dados para exibir","Number of particles in tank (-1 for infinite)":"N\xFAmero de part\xEDculas no tanque (-1 para infinito)","Number of seats":"N\xFAmero de assentos","Number of students":"N\xFAmero de alunos","OK":"Aceitar","OWNED":"OBTIDO","Object":"Objeto","Object Configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o de objeto","Object Groups":"Grupos de Objetos","Object Name":"Nome do Objeto","Object Variables":"Vari\xE1veis do objeto","Object animation (text)":"Anima\xE7\xE3o de objeto (texto)","Object animation name":"Nome da anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Object center":"Centro do objeto","Object editor":"Editor de objetos","Object effect (text)":"Efeito do objeto (texto)","Object effect name":"Nome do efeito do objeto","Object effect property (text)":"Propriedade de efeito de objeto (texto)","Object effect property name":"Nome da propriedade do efeito do objeto","Object filters":"Filtros de objeto","Object groups":"Grupos de objetos","Object groups list":"Lista de grupos de objetos","Object name":"Nome do objeto","Object on which this behavior can be used":"Objeto no qual esse comportamento pode ser usado","Object point (text)":"Ponto de objeto (texto)","Object point name":"Nome do ponto de objeto","Object properties":"Propriedades do objeto","Object type":"Tipo de objeto","Object variable":"Vari\xE1vel do objeto","Object's children":"Object's children","Object's children groups":"Object's children groups","Object's groups":"Object's groups","Objects":"Objetos","Objects and characters":"Objetos e personagens","Objects created using events on this layer will be given a \"Z order\" of {0}, so that they appear in front of all objects of this layer. You can change this using the action to change an object Z order, after using an action to create it.":function(a){return["Objetos criados usando eventos nesta camada receber\xE3o uma \"ordem Z\" de ",a("0"),", para que eles apare\xE7am na frente de todos os objetos desta camada. Voc\xEA pode alterar isso usando a a\xE7\xE3o para alterar uma ordem Z do objeto, ap\xF3s usar uma a\xE7\xE3o para cri\xE1-lo."]},"Objects groups":"Grupos de objetos","Objects list":"Lista de objetos","Objects on {0}":function(a){return["Objetos em ",a("0")]},"Objects or groups being directly referenced in the events: {0}":function(a){return["Objetos ou grupos diretamente referenciados nos eventos: ",a("0")]},"Objects used with wrong actions or conditions":"Objetos usados com a\xE7\xF5es ou condi\xE7\xF5es erradas","Oh no! Your subscription from the redemption code has expired. You can renew it by redeeming a new code or getting a new subscription.":"Ah n\xE3o! Sua assinatura do c\xF3digo de resgate expirou. Voc\xEA pode renov\xE1-la se resgatar um novo c\xF3digo ou obter uma nova assinatura.","Oh. We lost contact with the AI.":"Oh. N\xF3s perdemos contato com a IA.","Ok":"Ok","Old, legacy upload key (only if you used to publish your game as an APK and already activated Play App Signing)":"Chave de envio antiga (somente se voc\xEA costumava publicar seu jogo como um APK e j\xE1 ativou o Play App Signing)","Omit":"Ocultar","On Itch and/or Newgrounds":"No Itch e/ou Newgrounds","On Poki and/or CrazyGames":"No Poki e/ou CrazyGames","On Steam and/or Epic Games":"No Steam e/ou Epic Games","On game page only":"Apenas na p\xE1gina do jogo","On my own":"Por conta pr\xF3pria","Once removed, you'll need to generate a new certificate. Provisioning profiles will also be removed.":"Uma vez removido, voc\xEA precisar\xE1 gerar um novo certificado. Perfis de provisionamento tamb\xE9m ser\xE3o removidos.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and the assets will be added to your account automatically.":"Assim que estiver pronto, volte ao GDevelop e os ativos ser\xE3o adicionados \xE0 sua conta automaticamente.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and the credits will be added to your account automatically.":"Quando terminar, volte ao GDevelop e os cr\xE9ditos ser\xE3o adicionados \xE0 sua conta automaticamente.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and the game template will be added to your account automatically.":"Quando terminar, volte ao GDevelop e o modelo do jogo ser\xE1 adicionado \xE0 sua conta automaticamente.","Once you're done, come back to GDevelop and your account will be upgraded automatically, unlocking the extra exports and online services.":"Quando estiver pronto, volte ao GDevelop e sua conta ser\xE1 atualizada automaticamente, desbloqueando as exporta\xE7\xF5es extras e servi\xE7os online.","Once you're done, start adding some functions to the behavior. Then, test the behavior by adding it to an object in a scene.":"Quando terminar, comece a adicionar algumas fun\xE7\xF5es ao comportamento. Em seguida, teste o comportamento adicionando-o a um objeto em uma cena.","One project at a time \u2014 Upgrade for more":"Um projeto de cada vez \u2014 Fa\xE7a o upgrade para mais","One-click packaging":"Empacotamento em um clique","Only PNG, JPEG and WEBP files are supported.":"Somente arquivos PNG, JPEG e WEBP s\xE3o suportados.","Only best entry":"Apenas a melhor entrada","Only cloud projects can be displayed here. If the user has created local projects, they need to be saved as cloud projects to be visible.":"Somente projetos em nuvem podem ser exibidos aqui. Se o usu\xE1rio criou projetos locais, eles precisam ser salvos como projetos na nuvem para ficarem vis\xEDveis.","Only player's best entries are displayed.":"Apenas as melhores entradas do jogador s\xE3o exibidas.","Oops! Looks like this game has no logo set up, you can continue to the next step.":"Opa! Parece que este jogo n\xE3o tem nenhum logo configurado, voc\xEA pode continuar para a pr\xF3xima etapa.","Opacity":"Opacidade","Opacity (0 - 255)":"Opacidade (0-255)","Open":"Abrir","Open Apple Developer":"Abrir Apple Developer","Open Debugger":"Abrir Depurador","Open Game dashboard":"Abrir painel de jogo","Open Instances List Panel":"Abrir painel de listas de inst\xE2ncias","Open Layers Panel":"Abrir Painel de Camadas","Open My Profile":"Abrir meu perfil","Open Object Groups Panel":"Abrir Painel de Grupos de Objetos","Open Objects Panel":"Abrir Painel de Objetos","Open Properties Panel":"Abrir Painel de Propriedades","Open Recent":"Abrir recente","Open a new project? Any changes that have not been saved will be lost.":"Abrir um novo projeto? Qualquer altera\xE7\xE3o que n\xE3o tenha sido salva ser\xE1 perdida.","Open a project":"Abrir um projeto","Open advanced settings":"Abrir configura\xE7\xF5es avan\xE7adas","Open all tasks":"Abrir todas as tarefas","Open build link":"Abrir link de compila\xE7\xE3o","Open command palette":"Abrir paleta de comandos","Open events sheet":"Open events sheet","Open extension settings":"Abrir configura\xE7\xF5es de extens\xE3o","Open extension...":"Abrir extens\xE3o...","Open external events...":"Abrir eventos externos...","Open external layout...":"Abrir layout externo...","Open file":"Abrir arquivo","Open folder":"Abrir pasta","Open game for player feedback":"Abrir o jogo para feedback dos jogadores","Open in Store":"Abrir na Loja","Open in a larger editor":"Abra em um editor maior","Open in editor":"Abrir no editor","Open lesson":"Abrir li\xE7\xE3o","Open project":"Abrir projeto","Open project icons":"Abrir \xEDcones do projeto","Open project manager":"Abrir gerenciador de projetos","Open project properties":"Abrir propriedades do projeto","Open project resources":"Abrir recursos do projeto","Open quick customization":"Abrir customiza\xE7\xE3o r\xE1pida","Open recent project...":"Abrir projeto recente...","Open resource in browser":"Abrir recurso no navegador","Open scene editor":"Open scene editor","Open scene events":"Abrir eventos de cena","Open scene properties":"Abrir propriedades da cena","Open scene variables":"Abrir vari\xE1veis da cena","Open scene...":"Abrir cena...","Open settings":"Abrir configura\xE7\xF5es","Open template":"Abrir modelo","Open the console":"Abra o console","Open the exported game folder":"Abrir a Pasta de Exporta\xE7\xE3o","Open the performance profiler":"Abrir a ferramenta de an\xE1lise de desempenho","Open the project":"Abrir o projeto","Open the project folder":"Abrir a pasta do projeto","Open the properties panel":"Abrir Painel de Propriedades","Open version":"Vers\xE3o aberta","Open version history":"Abrir hist\xF3rico de vers\xF5es","Open visual editor":"Abrir editor visual","Open visual editor for the object":"Abrir editor visual para o objeto","Open...":"Abrir...","Opening latest save...":"Abrindo o \xFAltimo salvamento...","Opening older version...":"Abrindo a vers\xE3o anterior...","Opening portal":"Abrindo o portal","Operation not allowed":"Opera\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o permitida","Operator":"Operador","Optimize for Pixel Art":"Otimizar para Pixel Art","Optional animation name":"Nome da anima\xE7\xE3o opcional","Optionally, explain the purpose of the property in more details":"Opcionalmente, explique o prop\xF3sito da propriedade com mais detalhes","Options":"Op\xE7\xF5es","Or flash this QR code:":"Ou escaneie este c\xF3digo QR:","Origin":"Origem","Orthographic camera":"C\xE2mera ortogr\xE1fica","Other":"Outros","Other actions":"Outras a\xE7\xF5es","Other conditions":"Outras Condi\xE7\xF5es","Other lifecycle methods":"Outros m\xE9todos de ciclo de vida","Other reason (please specify)":"Outro motivo (por favor especifique)","Outdated extension":"Extens\xE3o desatualizada","Outline":"Contorno","Outline color":"Cor de contorno","Outline opacity (0-255)":"Opacidade de contorno (0-255)","Outline size (in pixels)":"Tamanho do contorno (em pixels)","Override children configuration":"Substituir a configura\xE7\xE3o dos filhos","Overriding the ID may have unwanted consequences, such as blocking the ability to connect to any peer. Do not use this feature unless you really know what you are doing.":"Substituir o ID pode ter consequ\xEAncias indesejadas, como bloquear a capacidade de se conectar a qualquer par. N\xE3o use este recurso a menos que voc\xEA realmente saiba o que est\xE1 fazendo.","Overwrite":"Substituir","Owned":"Possui","Owned by another scene":"Propriedade de outra cena","Owner":"Propriet\xE1rio","Owners":"Propriet\xE1rios","P2P is merely a peer-to-peer networking solution. It only handles the connection to another player, and the exchange of messages. Higher-level tasks, such as synchronizing the game state, are left to by implemented by you. Use the THNK Framework if you seek an easy, performant and flexible higher-level solution.":"P2P \xE9 apenas uma solu\xE7\xE3o de rede peer-to-peer. Gerencia apenas a conex\xE3o com outro jogador e a troca de mensagens. As tarefas de n\xEDvel superior, como a sincroniza\xE7\xE3o do estado do jogo, s\xE3o deixadas para voc\xEA implementar. Use o THNK Framework se voc\xEA procura uma solu\xE7\xE3o f\xE1cil, com desempenho e flexibilidade de n\xEDvel superior.","Pack sounds":"Sons do pacote","Pack type":"Tipo do pacote","Package game files":"Empacotar arquivos do jogo","Package name (for iOS and Android)":"Nome do pacote (para iOS e Android)","Package the game for iOS, using your Apple Developer account.":"Empacote o jogo para iOS, usando sua conta do Apple Developer.","Packaging":"Empacotamento","Packaging your game for Android will create an APK file that can be installed on Android phones or an Android App Bundle that can be published to Google Play.":"Empacotar seu jogo para Android criar\xE1 um arquivo APK que pode ser instalado em telefones Android ou um Android App Bundle que pode ser publicado no Google Play.","Packaging...":"Empacotando...","Paint":"Pintar","Paint a Level with Tiles":"Pinte um n\xEDvel com blocos","Panel sprite":"Sprite do Painel","Panel sprite button":"Bot\xE3o do painel de Sprite","Panel sprites":"Painel de sprites","Parameter #{0} :":function(a){return["Par\xE2metro #",a("0"),":"]},"Parameter name":"Nome do par\xE2metro","Parameters":"Par\xE2metros","Parameters allow function users to give data.":"Os par\xE2metros permitem que os usu\xE1rios da fun\xE7\xE3o forne\xE7am dados.","Parameters can't have children.":"Parameters can't have children.","Particle emitters":"Emissor de part\xEDculas","Particle end size (in percents)":"Tamanho final das part\xEDculas (em porcentagem)","Particle maximum lifetime (in seconds)":"Tempo m\xE1ximo de vida das part\xEDculas (em segundos)","Particle maximum rotation speed (degrees/second)":"Velocidade m\xE1xima de rota\xE7\xE3o de part\xEDculas (graus/segundo)","Particle minimum lifetime (in seconds)":"Tempo m\xEDnimo de vida de part\xEDculas (em segundos)","Particle minimum rotation speed (degrees/second)":"Velocidade m\xEDnima de rota\xE7\xE3o de part\xEDculas (graus/segundo)","Particle start size (in percents)":"Tamanho inicial das part\xEDculas (em porcentagem)","Particle type":"Tipo de part\xEDculas","Particles end color":"Cor final das part\xEDculas","Particles start color":"Cor inicial das part\xEDculas","Particles start height":"Altura inicial das part\xEDculas","Particles start width":"Largura inicial das part\xEDculas","Password":"Senha","Password cannot be empty":"A senha n\xE3o pode estar em branco","Paste":"Colar","Paste action(s)":"Colar a\xE7\xF5es","Paste and Match Style":"Colar e corresponder estilo","Paste condition(s)":"Colar condi\xE7\xF5es","Paste {clipboardObjectName}":function(a){return["Colar ",a("clipboardObjectName")]},"Paste {clipboardObjectName} as a Global Object":function(a){return["Colar ",a("clipboardObjectName")," como um objeto global"]},"Paste {clipboardObjectName} as a Global Object inside folder":function(a){return["Colar ",a("clipboardObjectName")," como um Objeto Global na pasta"]},"Paste {clipboardObjectName} inside folder":function(a){return["Colar ",a("clipboardObjectName")," na pasta"]},"Pause":"Pausar","Pause the game (from the toolbar) or hit refresh (on the left) to inspect the game":"Pause o jogo (da barra de ferramentas) ou clique em atualizar (\xE0 esquerda) para inspecionar o jogo","Pay {0} credits":function(a){return["Pague ",a("0")," cr\xE9ditos"]},"Paypal secure":"Paypal secure","Peer to peer IP address leak warning/THNK recommendation":"Aviso de vazamento de endere\xE7os IP entre pares e THNK","Peer to peer data-loss notice":"Aviso de perda de dados entre pares","Permanent":"Permanente","Permanently delete the leaderboard?":"Excluir permanentemente a classifica\xE7\xE3o?","Permanently delete the project?":"Excluir permanentemente o projeto?","Personal license for claim with Gold or Pro subscription":"Licen\xE7a pessoal para reivindica\xE7\xE3o com assinatura Gold ou Pro","Personal or company website":"Site pessoal ou da empresa","Personal website, page, etc.":"Site pessoal, p\xE1gina de etc.","Personalize your suggested content":"Personalize seu conte\xFAdo sugerido","Perspective camera":"C\xE2mera prospectiva","Pixel size":"Tamanho do pixel","Place 3D platforms in this 2D platformer, creating a path to the end.":"Coloque plataformas 3D nessa plataforma 2D, criando um caminho para o final.","Platform default":"Padr\xE3o da plataforma","Platformer":"Plataforma","Play":"Jogar","Play a game":"Jogar um jogo","Play game":"Jogar","Play section":"Reproduzir se\xE7\xE3o","Played > 10 minutes":"Jogado > 10 minutos","Played > 15 minutes":"Jogado > 15 minutos","Played > 3 minutes":"Jogado > 3 minutos","Played > 5 minutes":"Jogado > 5 minutos","Played time":"Tempo de jogo","Player":"Jogador","Player best entry":"Melhor entrada do jogador","Player feedback off":"Feedback do jogador desligado","Player feedback on":"Feedback do jogador ligado","Player name prefix (for auto-generated player names)":"Prefixo do nome do jogador (para nomes de jogador gerados automaticamente)","Player services":"Servi\xE7os do jogador","Player {0} left a feedback message on {1}: \"{2}...\"":function(a){return["Jogador ",a("0")," deixou uma mensagem de feedback em ",a("1"),": \"",a("2"),"...\""]},"Players":"Jogadores","Playground":"Playground","Please <0>backup your game file and save your game to ensure that you don't lose anything. You can try to reload this panel or restart GDevelop.":"Por favor <0>fa\xE7a backup de seu arquivo de jogo e salve seu jogo para garantir que voc\xEA n\xE3o perca nada. Voc\xEA pode tentar recarregar este painel ou reiniciar o GDevelop.","Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"Por favor, verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Please double check online the changes to make sure that you are aware of anything new in this version that would require you to adapt your project.":"Por favor, verifique online as altera\xE7\xF5es para ter certeza de que voc\xEA est\xE1 ciente de qualquer coisa nova nesta vers\xE3o que exija que voc\xEA adapte seu projeto.","Please enter a name for your project.":"Por favor, digite um nome para o seu projeto.","Please enter a name that is at least one character long and 50 at most.":"Por favor, insira um nome que tenha no m\xEDnimo um caractere e no m\xE1ximo 50 caracteres.","Please enter a valid URL, starting with https://":"Por favor, digite um URL v\xE1lido, come\xE7ando com https://","Please enter a valid URL, starting with https://discord":"Por favor, digite um URL v\xE1lido, come\xE7ando com https://","Please enter an email address.":"Por favor insira um endere\xE7o de email.","Please explain your use of GDevelop.":"Explique o seu uso do GDevelop.","Please fill out every field.":"Por favor, preencha todos os campos.","Please get in touch with us to find a solution.":"Por favor, entre em contato conosco para encontrar uma solu\xE7\xE3o.","Please log out and log in again to verify your identify, then change your email.":"Fa\xE7a logout e login novamente para confirmar sua identidade, e ent\xE3o alterar seu e-mail.","Please login to access free samples of the Education plan resources.":"Por favor, fa\xE7a \"login\" para acessar amostras gratuitas dos recursos do Plano de Educacional.","Please note that your device should be connected on the same network as this computer.":"Por favor, note que seu dispositivo deve estar conectado na mesma rede que este computador.","Please pick a short username with only alphanumeric characters as well as _ and -":"Por favor, escolha um nome curto com apenas caracteres alfanum\xE9ricos","Please prefer using the new action \"Enforce camera boundaries\" which is more flexible.":"Por favor, prefira usar a nova a\xE7\xE3o \"For\xE7ar limites da c\xE2mera\" que seja mais flex\xEDvel.","Please tell us more":"Por favor, conte-nos mais","Please wait":"Por favor, aguarde","Please wait while we scan your project to find a solution.":"Por favor, aguarde enquanto escaneamos seu projeto para encontrar uma solu\xE7\xE3o.","Please wait...":"Por favor, aguarde...","Point name":"Nome do ponto","Points":"Pontos","Polygon":"Pol\xEDgono","Polygon is not convex!":"O pol\xEDgono n\xE3o \xE9 convexo!","Polygon with {verticesCount} vertices":function(a){return["Pol\xEDgono com ",a("verticesCount")," v\xE9rtices"]},"Portrait":"Retrato","Prefabs (Ready-to-use Objects)":"Pr\xE9-fabs (Objetos prontos para uso)","Preferences":"Prefer\xEAncias","Prefix":"Prefixo","Premium":"Premium","Prepare your game for Facebook Instant Games so that it can be play on Facebook Messenger. GDevelop will create a compressed file that you can upload on your Facebook Developer account.":"Prepare seu jogo para os Jogos Instant\xE2neos do Facebook para poder jogar no Facebook Messenger. O GDevelop criar\xE1 um arquivo compactado que voc\xEA poder\xE1 carregar na sua conta de desenvolvedor do Facebook.","Preparing the leaderboard for your game...":"Preparando a tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o para o seu jogo...","Press a shortcut combination...":"Pressione uma combina\xE7\xE3o de atalho...","Prevent selection in the editor":"Impedir a sele\xE7\xE3o no editor","Preview":"Visualizar","Preview over wifi":"Pr\xE9-visualizar via wifi","Preview {animationName}":function(a){return["Pr\xE9-visualizar ",a("animationName")]},"Previous page":"P\xE1gina anterior","Private":"Privado","Profile":"Perfil","Profiler":"Profiler","Progress bar":"Barra de progresso","Progress bar color":"Cor da barra de progresso","Progress bar fade in delay and duration will be applied to GDevelop logo.":"A barra de progresso desaparece com o tempo e a dura\xE7\xE3o ser\xE1 aplicada ao logotipo do GDevelop.","Progress bar height":"Altura da barra de progresso","Progress bar maximum width":"Largura m\xE1xima da barra de progresso","Progress bar minimum width":"Largura m\xEDnima da barra de progresso","Progress bar width":"Largura da barra de progresso","Progress fade in delay (in seconds)":"Progresso fade no atraso (em segundos)","Progress fade in duration (in seconds)":"Progresso fade em dura\xE7\xE3o (em segundos)","Project":"Projecto","Project file list":"Lista de arquivos do projeto","Project file type":"Tipo de arquivo de projeto","Project files":"Arquivos do projeto","Project icons":"\xCDcones do Projeto","Project is opened":"Projeto aberto","Project manager":"Gerenciador de projetos","Project name":"Nome do projeto","Project name cannot be empty.":"O nome do projeto n\xE3o pode estar vazio.","Project name changed":"Nome do projeto alterado","Project not found":"Projeto n\xE3o encontrado","Project not saved":"Projeto n\xE3o salvo","Project package names should not begin with com.example":"Os nomes dos pacotes de projeto n\xE3o devem come\xE7ar com com.example","Project properly saved":"Projeto salvo corretamente","Project properties":"Propriedades do projeto","Project saved":"Projeto salvo","Project was modified":"Projeto foi modificado","Project {projectName} will be deleted. You will no longer be able to access it.":function(a){return["Projeto ",a("projectName")," ser\xE1 exclu\xEDdo. Voc\xEA n\xE3o poder\xE1 mais acess\xE1-lo."]},"Projects":"Projetos","Projects in disabled accounts will not be deleted. All disabled accounts can be reactivated after 15 days.":"Projetos em contas desativadas n\xE3o ser\xE3o exclu\xEDdos. Todas as contas desativadas podem ser reativadas ap\xF3s 15 dias.","Promoting your game to the community":"Promovendo seu jogo para a comunidade","Promotions + Earn credits":"Promo\xE7\xF5es + Ganhe cr\xE9ditos","Properties":"Propriedades","Properties & Icons":"Properties & Icons","Properties can't have children.":"Properties can't have children.","Properties store data inside behaviors.":"Propriedades armazenam dados dentro dos comportamentos.","Properties store data inside objects.":"Propriedades armazenam dados dentro de objetos.","Property name in events: `{parameterName}`":function(a){return["Nome da propriedade nos eventos: `",a("parameterName"),"`"]},"Props":"Propriedades","Provisioning profiles":"Provisionando perfis","Public":"P\xFAblico","Public on":"P\xFAblico no","Publish":"Publicar","Publish game":"Publicar jogo","Publish game on":"Publicar jogo no","Publish new version":"Publicar nova vers\xE3o","Publish on":"Publicar no","Publish on to let players try your game":"Publique no para que os jogadores experimentem seu jogo","Publish this build on":"Publicar esta compila\xE7\xE3o em","Publish to Android, iOS, unlock more cloud projects, leaderboards, collaboration features and more online services. <0>Learn more":"Publique para Android, iOS, desbloqueie mais projetos em nuvem, classifica\xE7\xF5es, recursos de colabora\xE7\xE3o e mais servi\xE7os online. <0>Saiba mais","Publisher name":"Nome do editor","Publishing on":"Publicar jogo no","Publishing to, the GDevelop gaming platform. Games can be played from any device.":"Publicando no, a plataforma de jogos do GDevelop. Jogos podem ser jogados de qualquer dispositivo.","Purchase":"Comprar","Purchase Spine":"Comprar Spine","Purchase credits":"Comprar Cr\xE9ditos","Purchase seats":"Comprar Assentos","Purchase the Education subscription":"Comprar a assinatura Educacional","Purchase with {usageCreditPrice} credits":function(a){return["Comprar com ",a("usageCreditPrice")," cr\xE9ditos"]},"Purchase {0}":function(a){return["Comprar ",a("0")]},"Puzzle":"Quebra-cabe\xE7a","Quadrilateral":"Quadril\xE1tero","Quick Customization settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es de Personaliza\xE7\xE3o R\xE1pida","Quick Customization: Behavior properties":"Personaliza\xE7\xE3o R\xE1pida: Propriedades do comportamento","Quit tutorial":"Sair do tutorial","R;G;B, like 100;200;180":"R;G;B, como 100;200;180","RPG":"RPG","Racing":"Corrida","Radius":"Raio","Radius of the emitter":"Raio do emissor","Rank this comment as bad":"Marcar este coment\xE1rio como ruim","Rank this comment as good":"Marcar este coment\xE1rio como bom","Rank this comment as great":"Marcar este coment\xE1rio como \xF3timo","Re-install":"Reinstalar","React to lights":"Reagir \xE0s luzes","Read":"Lido","Read & Write":"Leitura e Grava\xE7\xE3o","Read only":"Somente leitura","Read the doc":"Leia o documento","Read the wiki page for more info about the dataloss mode.":"Leia a p\xE1gina wiki para mais informa\xE7\xF5es sobre o modo dataloss.","Read tutorial":"Ler tutorial","Ready-made games":"Jogos prontos","Receive a copy of GDevelop\u2019s teaching resources:<0>Extract of our ready-to-teach Curriculum<1>Poster with GDevelop's core concepts to use in your classroom<2>\u201CGame Development as an Educational wonder\u201D PDF":"Receba uma c\xF3pia dos materiais de ensino do GDevelop: <0>Extrair o nosso curr\xEDculo pronto para ensinar<1>Poster com os conceitos principais do GDevelop, para usar em sua sala de aula<2>PDF \"Desenvolvimento de Jogos como uma Maravilha Educacional\". ","Receive weekly stats about your game by email":"Receba estat\xEDsticas semanais sobre seu jogo por e-mail","Recharge your account to purchase this item.":"Recarregue sua conta para comprar este item.","Recommendations":"Recomenda\xE7\xF5es","Recommended":"Recommended","Recommended for you":"Recomendado para voc\xEA","Recovering older version...":"Recuperando a vers\xE3o mais antiga...","Red and Green heroes running side by side carrying their diamonds":"Her\xF3is vermelhos e verdes correndo lado a lado carregando seus diamantes","Red hero sharing knowledge with pink cloud students":"Her\xF3i vermelho compartilhando conhecimento com estudantes de nuvem rosa","Red hero taking care of their diamond":"Her\xF3i vermelho cuidando de seu diamante","Reddit":"Reddit","Redeem":"Resgatar","Redeem a code":"Resgatar um c\xF3digo","Redemption code":"C\xF3digo de resgate","Redo":"Refazer","Redo the last changes":"Desfazer \xFAltimas altera\xE7\xF5es","Redo the survey":"Refazer a pesquisa","Refine your search with more specific keywords.":"Refine your search with more specific keywords.","Refresh":"Atualizar","Refresh dashboard":"Atualizar o dashboard","Refresh games":"Atualizar jogos","Register or publish your game first to see its exports.":"Registre ou publique seu jogo primeiro para ver suas exporta\xE7\xF5es.","Register the project":"Registre o projeto","Related expression and condition":"Express\xE3o e condi\xE7\xE3o relacionadas","Relational operator":"Operador Relacional","Remember that your access to this resource is exclusive to your account.":"Lembre-se de que seu acesso a esse recurso \xE9 exclusivo para sua conta.","Remix a game in 2 minutes":"Remix a game in 2 minutes","Remix an existing game":"Remix an existing game","Remove":"Remover","Remove behavior":"Remover comportamento","Remove certificate":"Remover certificado","Remove collaborator":"Remover colaborador","Remove entry":"Remover dados","Remove folder and object":"Remover pasta e objeto","Remove folder and objects":"Remover pasta e objetos","Remove from list":"Remover da lista","Remove function":"Remover fun\xE7\xE3o","Remove group":"Remover grupo","Remove object":"Remover objeto","Remove objects":"Remover objetos","Remove objects from the scene list":"Remover objetos da lista de cenas","Remove project from list":"Remove project from list","Remove resources with invalid path":"Remover recursos com caminho inv\xE1lido","Remove shortcut":"Remover atalho","Remove the Long Description":"Remover a descri\xE7\xE3o longa","Remove the animation":"Remover anima\xE7\xE3o","Remove the sprite":"Remover sprite","Remove this Auth Key":"Remover esta Chave de Autentica\xE7\xE3o","Remove this certificate":"Remover este certificado","Remove this certificate?":"Remover este certificado?","Remove unlimited":"Remove unlimited","Remove unused...":"Remover n\xE3o utilizados...","Rename":"Renomear","Rendering type":"Tipo de renderiza\xE7\xE3o","Repeat <0>{0} times:":function(a){return["Repita <0>",a("0"),"vezes:"]},"Repeat borders and center textures (instead of stretching them)":"Repetir bordas e centralizar texturas (em vez de estic\xE1-las)","Repeat for each instance of<0>{0}:":function(a){return["Repetir para cada inst\xE2ncia de<0>",a("0"),":"]},"Repeat these:":"Repita estes:","Replace":"Substituir","Replace existing extension":"Substituir extens\xE3o existente","Replay":"Repetir","Report a wrong translation":"Relatar tradu\xE7\xE3o incorreta","Report an issue":"Relatar um problema","Report anyway":"Denunciar mesmo assim","Report this comment as abusive, harmful or spam":"Reportar este coment\xE1rio como abusivo, prejudicial ou spam","Required behavior":"Comportamento obrigat\xF3rio","Reset":"Redefinir","Reset Debugger layout":"Redefinir layout do Depurador","Reset Extension Editor layout":"Redefinir layout do Editor de Extens\xF5es","Reset Resource Editor layout":"Redefinir layout do Editor de Recursos","Reset Scene Editor (small window) layout":"Redefinir layout do Editor de cenas (janela pequena)","Reset Scene Editor layout":"Redefinir layout do Editor de cena","Reset all shortcuts to default":"Redefinir todos os atalhos para o padr\xE3o","Reset and hide children configuration":"Redefinir e ocultar a configura\xE7\xE3o dos filhos","Reset hidden announcements":"Redefinir avisos ocultos","Reset hidden embedded explanations":"Redefinir explica\xE7\xF5es incorporadas ocultas","Reset hidden embedded tutorials":"Redefinir explica\xE7\xF5es (tutoriais) incorporadas ocultas","Reset leaderboard":"Resetar classifica\xE7\xE3o","Reset leaderboard {0}":function(a){return["Resetar leaderboard ",a("0")]},"Reset password":"Redefinir senha","Reset requested the {0} . Please wait a few minutes...":function(a){return["Redefinir o pedido de ",a("0")," . Por favor, aguarde alguns minutos..."]},"Reset to automatic collision mask":"Redefinir para a m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o autom\xE1tica","Reset to default":"Restaurar padr\xF5es","Reset your password":"Redefinir sua senha","Resizable button with text customization.":"Bot\xE3o redimension\xE1vel com personaliza\xE7\xE3o de texto.","Resolution and rendering":"Resolu\xE7\xE3o e renderiza\xE7\xE3o","Resource (JavaScript only)":"Recurso (JavaScript apenas)","Resource URL":"URL do recurso","Resource bar (continuous)":"Barra de recursos (continua\xE7\xE3o)","Resource bar (separated units)":"Barra de recursos (unidades separadas)","Resource file path copied to clipboard":"Caminho do arquivo de recurso copiado para \xE1rea de transfer\xEAncia","Resource name":"Nome do recurso","Resource type":"Tipo de recurso","Resource(s) URL(s) (one per line)":"URL(s) do(s) recurso(s) (uma por linha)","Resources":"Recursos","Resources (any kind)":"Recursos (qualquer tipo)","Resources are automatically added to your project whenever you add an image, a font or a video to an object or when you choose an audio file in events. Choose a resource to display its properties.":"Os recursos s\xE3o automaticamente adicionados ao seu projeto sempre que voc\xEA adiciona uma imagem, uma fonte ou um v\xEDdeo a um objeto ou quando escolhe um arquivo de \xE1udio nos eventos. Escolha um recurso para exibir as suas propriedades.","Restart":"Reiniciar","Restart the Tutorial":"Reiniciar o tutorial","Restart tutorial":"Reiniciar tutorial","Restarting the preview from scratch is required":"Reiniciar a pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o do zero \xE9 necess\xE1rio","Restore a previous purchase":"Restaurar uma compra anterior","Restore accounts":"Restaurar contas","Restore this version":"Restaurar esta vers\xE3o","Retry":"Tentar de novo","Rework the game":"Rework the game","Right (secondary)":"Direita (secund\xE1ria)","Right bound":"Borda direita","Right bound should be greater than left bound":"A borda direita deve ser maior que a borda esquerda","Right face":"Face direita","Right margin":"Margem direita","Right-click for more events":"Clique com o bot\xE3o direito do mouse para mais informa\xE7\xF5es","Right-click for quick menu":"Clique direito para menu r\xE1pido","Room: {0}":function(a){return["Sala: ",a("0")]},"Rooms":"Salas","Root folder":"Pasta raiz","Rotation":"Rota\xE7\xE3o","Rotation (X)":"Rota\xE7\xE3o (X)","Rotation (Y)":"Rota\xE7\xE3o (Y)","Rotation (Z)":"Rota\xE7\xE3o (Z)","Round pixels when rendering, useful for pixel perfect games.":"Arredondar pixels ao renderizar, \xFAtil para jogos pixel perfect.","Round to X decimal point":"Arredondar para x casas decimais","Run a preview":"Executar uma pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Run a preview (with loading & branding)":"Executar uma pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o (com carregamento e marca\xE7\xE3o)","Run a preview and you will be able to inspect it with the debugger.":"Execute uma pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o e voc\xEA poder\xE1 inspecion\xE1-la com o depurador.","Run on this computer":"Executar neste computador","Save":"Salvar","Save Project":"Salvar projeto","Save and continue":"Salvar e continuar","Save as main version":"Salvar como vers\xE3o principal","Save as...":"Salvar como...","Save in the \"Downloads\" folder":"Salvar na pasta de Download","Save project":"Salvar projeto","Save project as":"Salvar projeto como","Save project as...":"Salvar projeto como...","Save your changes or close the external editor to continue.":"Salve as altera\xE7\xF5es ou feche o editor externo para continuar.","Save your game":"Salvar seu jogo","Save your project":"Salve o seu projeto","Save your project before using the version history.":"Salve seu projeto antes de usar o hist\xF3rico de vers\xF5es.","Saving project":"Salvando o projeto","Saving...":"Salvando...","Scale mode (also called \"Sampling\")":"Modo de escala (tamb\xE9m chamado de \"Sampling\")","Scaling factor":"Fator de escala","Scaling factor to apply to the default dimensions":"Fator de escala a ser aplicado nas dimens\xF5es padr\xE3o","Scan in the project folder for...":"Procurar na pasta do projeto por...","Scan missing animations":"Escanear anima\xE7\xF5es faltando","Scene":"Cena","Scene Groups":"Grupos de Cenas","Scene Objects":"Objetos da Cena","Scene background color":"Cor do fundo da cena","Scene groups":"Scene groups","Scene name":"Nome da cena","Scene name (text)":"Nome da cena (texto)","Scene objects":"Scene objects","Scene properties":"Propriedades da cena","Scene variable":"Vari\xE1vel de cena","Scene variable (deprecated)":"Vari\xE1vel de cena (depreciada)","Scene variables":"Vari\xE1veis de cena","Scenes":"Cenas","Scope":"Escopo","Score":"Pontua\xE7\xE3o","Score column settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es da coluna de pontua\xE7\xE3o","Score display":"Exibi\xE7\xE3o de pontua\xE7\xE3o","Score multiplier":"Multiplicador de pontua\xE7\xE3o","Scores sort order":"Ordem da pontua\xE7\xE3o","Search":"Pesquisar","Search GDevelop wiki":"Pesquisar na GDevelop wiki","Search and replace in parameters":"Procurar e substituir nos par\xE2metros","Search assets":"Pesquisar recursos","Search behaviors":"Pesquisar comportamentos","Search by name":"Pesquisar por nome","Search examples":"Pesquisar exemplos","Search extensions":"Pesquisar extens\xF5es","Search for New Extensions":"Procurar por Novas Extens\xF5es","Search for new actions in extensions":"Procurar por novas a\xE7\xF5es em extens\xF5es","Search for new conditions in extensions":"Procurar por novas condi\xE7\xF5es em extens\xF5es","Search functions":"Pesquisar fun\xE7\xF5es","Search in event sentences":"Procurar em senten\xE7as do evento","Search in events":"Procurar nos eventos","Search in project":"Pesquisar no projeto","Search in:":"Pesquisar em:","Search instances":"Pesquisar inst\xE2ncias","Search object groups":"Pesquisar grupos de objetos","Search objects":"Pesquisar objetos","Search objects or actions":"Pesquisar objetos ou a\xE7\xF5es","Search objects or conditions":"Pesquisar objetos ou condi\xE7\xF5es","Search panel":"Painel de pesquisa","Search properties":"Propriedades da pesquisa","Search resources":"Pesquisar recursos","Search results":"Resultados da pesquisa","Search the shop":"Search the shop","Search variables":"Pesquisar vari\xE1veis","Search {searchPlaceholderObjectName} actions":function(a){return["Pesquisar a\xE7\xF5es de ",a("searchPlaceholderObjectName")]},"Search {searchPlaceholderObjectName} conditions":function(a){return["Pesquisar condi\xE7\xF5es de ",a("searchPlaceholderObjectName")]},"Search/import extensions":"Buscar/importar extens\xF5es","Seats":"Seats","Seats available:":"Lugares dispon\xEDveis:","Section name":"Nome da se\xE7\xE3o","Secure Checkout:":"Pagamento Seguro:","See Marketing Boosts":"See Marketing Boosts","See all":"Ver tudo","See all exports":"Ver todas as exporta\xE7\xF5es","See all in the game dashboard":"See all in the game dashboard","See all projects":"See all projects","See all release notes":"Veja todas as notas de lan\xE7amentos","See all the release notes":"Ver todas as notas de lan\xE7amentos","See more":"Ver mais","See plans":"Ver planos","See projects":"Ver projetos","See resources":"Ver recursos","See the releases notes online":"Veja as notas de lan\xE7amentos online","See this bundle":"Ver este pacote","See yearly subs":"Veja as assinaturas anuais","Select All":"Selecionar tudo","Select a game":"Select a game","Select a genre":"Selecione um g\xEAnero","Select a key":"Select a key","Select a layer":"Selecione uma camada","Select a mouse button":"Select a mouse button","Select a scene":"Selecione uma cena","Select a thumbnail":"Selecionar uma miniatura","Select a value":"Selecione um valor","Select all active":"Selecionar todos os ativos","Select an animation":"Selecione uma anima\xE7\xE3o","Select an author":"Select an author","Select an effect":"Selecionar um efeito","Select an effect property":"Selecione uma propriedade de efeito","Select an external layout":"Selecione um layout externo","Select an image":"Selecione uma imagem","Select an owner":"Selecione um dono","Select instances on scene ({instanceCountOnScene})":function(a){return["Selecione inst\xE2ncias em cena (",a("instanceCountOnScene"),")"]},"Select log groups to display":"Selecione os grupos de log para exibir","Select the controls that apply:":"Select the controls that apply:","Select the leaderboard from a list":"Selecione a classifica\xE7\xE3o de uma lista","Select the usernames of the authors of this project. They will be displayed in the selected order, if you publish this game as an example or in the community.":"Selecione os nomes de usu\xE1rio dos autores deste projeto. Eles ser\xE3o exibidos na ordem selecionada, se voc\xEA publicar este jogo como um exemplo ou na comunidade.","Select the usernames of the contributors to this extension. They will be displayed in the order selected. Do not see your name? Go to the Profile section and create an account!":"Selecione os nomes de usu\xE1rios dos contribuidores para esta extens\xE3o. Eles ser\xE3o exibidos na ordem selecionada. N\xE3o v\xEA seu nome? V\xE1 para a se\xE7\xE3o Perfis e crie uma conta!","Select the usernames of the owners of this project to let them manage this game builds. Be aware that owners can revoke your ownership.":"Selecione os nomes de usu\xE1rio dos propriet\xE1rios deste projeto para permitir que eles gerenciem as compila\xE7\xF5es deste jogo. Esteja ciente que os propriet\xE1rios podem revogar sua propriedade.","Select up to 3 genres for the game to be visible on's categories pages!":"Selecione at\xE9 3 g\xEAneros para o jogo ser vis\xEDvel nas p\xE1ginas de categorias do!","Selected instances will be moved to a new custom object.":"Selected instances will be moved to a new custom object.","Selected instances will be moved to a new external layout.":"As inst\xE2ncias selecionadas ser\xE3o movidas para um novo \"layout\" externo.","Send":"Enviar","Send a new form":"Enviar um novo formul\xE1rio","Send crash reports during previews to GDevelop":"Send crash reports during previews to GDevelop","Send it again":"Reenviar","Send the Auth Key":"Enviar a Chave de Autentica\xE7\xE3o","Send the question":"Send the question","Send to back":"Mandar para tr\xE1s","Sentence in Events Sheet":"Senten\xE7a na Folha de Eventos","Sentence in Events Sheet (automatically suffixed by \"of _PARAM0_\")":"Frase na Folha de Eventos (sufixo automaticamente por \"de _PARAM0_\")","Serial: {0}":function(a){return["S\xE9rie: ",a("0")]},"Service seems to be unavailable, please try again later.":"O servi\xE7o parece estar indispon\xEDvel, por favor tente mais tarde.","Sessions":"Sessions","Set as default":"Definir como padr\xE3o","Set as global":"Definir como global","Set as global group":"Definir como grupo global","Set as global object":"Definir como um objeto global","Set as start scene":"Definir como cena inicial","Set shortcut":"Definir atalho","Set to false":"Definir como falso","Set to true":"Definir como verdadeiro","Set to unlimited":"Set to unlimited","Set up new leaderboards for this game":"Configure novas tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o para este jogo","Setting the minimum number of FPS below 20 will increase a lot the time that is allowed between the simulation of two frames of the game. If case of a sudden slowdown, or on slow computers, this can create buggy behaviors like objects passing beyond a wall. Consider setting 20 as the minimum FPS.":"Definir o n\xFAmero m\xEDnimo de FPS abaixo de 20 aumentar\xE1 muito o tempo permitido entre a simula\xE7\xE3o de dois quadros do jogo. Isto pode criar comportamentos incorretos como objetos atravessando paredes em caso de lentid\xE3o repentina ou em computadores lentos. Considere definir 20 como o FPS m\xEDnimo.","Settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es","Setup grid":"Configurar grade","Shadow":"Sombra","Share":"Compartilhar","Share dialog":"Janela de compartilhamento","Share same collision masks for all animations":"Compartilhe as mesmas m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o para todas as anima\xE7\xF5es","Share same collision masks for all sprites of this animation":"Compartilhe as mesmas m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o para todos os sprites desta anima\xE7\xE3o","Share same points for all animations":"Compartilhar os mesmos pontos para todas as anima\xE7\xF5es","Share same points for all sprites of this animation":"Compartilhar os mesmos pontos para todos os sprites desta anima\xE7\xE3o","Share your game":"Compartilhe seu jogo","Share your game on and collect players feedback about your game.":"Share your game on and collect players feedback about your game.","Share your game with your friends or teammates.":"Share your game with your friends or teammates.","Sharing online":"Compartilhando online","Sharing the final file with the client":"Compartilhando o arquivo final com o cliente","Shooter":"Atirador","Shop":"Loja","Shop section":"Se\xE7\xE3o de loja","Short":"Curto","Short description":"Descri\xE7\xE3o curta","Short label":"R\xF3tulo curto","Should finish soon.":"Deve terminar em breve.","Show":"Mostrar","Show Home":"Exibir P\xE1gina Inicial","Show Mask":"Mostrar m\xE1scara","Show Project Manager":"Mostrar Gerenciador de Projetos","Show Properties Names":"Exibir Nomes de Propriedades","Show a warning on deprecated actions and conditions":"Mostrar um aviso sobre a\xE7\xF5es e condi\xE7\xF5es obsoletas","Show advanced import options":"Mostrar op\xE7\xF5es avan\xE7adas de importa\xE7\xE3o","Show all feedbacks":"Mostrar todos os coment\xE1rios","Show button to load guided lesson from file and test it.":"Mostrar bot\xE3o para carregar li\xE7\xE3o guiada do arquivo e test\xE1-l\xE1.","Show community (non reviewed) extensions in the list of extensions":"Mostrar extens\xF5es da comunidade (n\xE3o revisadas) na lista de extens\xF5es","Show community behaviors (not officially reviewed)":"Exibir comportamento da comunidade (n\xE3o oficialmente revisado)","Show community extensions (not officially reviewed)":"Mostrar extens\xF5es da comunidade (n\xE3o oficialmente revisadas)","Show deprecated behaviors (prefer not to use anymore)":"Mostrar comportamentos obsoletos (prefere n\xE3o usar mais)","Show deprecated options":"Mostrar op\xE7\xF5es obsoletas","Show details":"Exibir detalhes","Show grid":"Mostrar grade","Show in local folder":"Mostrar na pasta local","Show internal":"Mostrar interno","Show layer":"Mostrar camada","Show less":"Mostrar","Show lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Mostrar fun\xE7\xF5es do ciclo de vida (avan\xE7ado)","Show live assets":"Mostrar m\xEDdias ao vivo","Show more":"Mostrar mais","Show next assets":"Mostrar os pr\xF3ximos ativos","Show objects in 3D in the scene editor":"Mostrar objetos em 3D no editor de cena","Show older":"Mostrar mais antigo","Show other lifecycle functions (advanced)":"Mostrar outras fun\xE7\xF5es do ciclo de vida (avan\xE7ado)","Show previous assets":"Mostrar ativos anteriores","Show progress bar":"Mostrar barra de progresso","Show staging assets":"Mostrar recursos de preparo","Show unread feedback only":"Mostrar apenas coment\xE1rios n\xE3o lidos","Show version history":"Mostrar hist\xF3rico das vers\xF5es","Show/Hide instance properties":"Mostrar/Ocultar propriedades do painel","Showcase":"Vitrine","Showing {0} of {resultsCount}":function(a){return["Exibindo ",a("0")," de ",a("resultsCount")]},"Side view":"Vista lateral","Sign up":"Sign up","Signing Credentials":"Credenciais de assinatura","Signing options":"Op\xE7\xF5es de assinatura","Simple":"Simples","Simulation":"Simula\xE7\xF5es","Single commercial use license for claim with Gold or Pro subscription":"Licen\xE7a de uso comercial \xFAnico para reivindica\xE7\xE3o com assinatura Gold ou Pro","Single file (default)":"Arquivo \xFAnico (padr\xE3o)","Size":"Tamanho","Size:":"Tamanho:","Skip and create from scratch":"Pular e criar do zero","Skip the update":"Pular esta atualiza\xE7\xE3o","Slider":"Deslizador","Socials":"Socials","Some code experience":"Alguma experi\xEAncia de c\xF3digo","Some icons could not be generated.":"Some icons could not be generated.","Some no-code experience":"Alguma experi\xEAncia sem c\xF3digo","Something went wrong":"Algo deu errado","Something went wrong while swapping the asset. Please try again.":"Something went wrong while swapping the asset. Please try again.","Something went wrong while syncing your Discord username. Please try again later.":"Algo deu errado ao sincronizar seu nome de usu\xE1rio do Discord. Tente novamente mais tarde.","Something wrong happened :(":"Aconteceu algo de errado :(","Something wrong happened when claiming the asset pack. Please check your internet connection or try again later.":"Algo errado aconteceu ao solicitar o pacote de ativos. Por favor, verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Sorry":"Desculpe","Sort by most recent":"Ordenar pelo mais recente","Sort order":"Ordenar por","Sound":"Som","Sounds and musics":"Sons e m\xFAsicas","Source file":"Source file","Specific game mechanics":"Mec\xE2nicas espec\xEDficas de jogos","Speech":"Fala","Sphere":"Esfera","Spine Json":"Spine Json","Spine animation name":"Nome da anima\xE7\xE3o Spine","Spine json resource":"Recurso Spine json","Sport":"Esporte","Spray cone angle (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo do cone do Spray (em graus)","Sprite":"Sprite","Sprites":"Sprites","Star GDevelop":"Star GDevelop","Start Network Preview (Preview over WiFi/LAN)":"Iniciar visualiza\xE7\xE3o de rede (pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o via Wi-Fi/LAN)","Start Preview and Debugger":"Iniciar visualiza\xE7\xE3o e depura\xE7\xE3o","Start a new game from this project":"Start a new game from this project","Start a preview to generate a thumbnail!":"Start a preview to generate a thumbnail!","Start all previews from external layout {0}":function(a){return["Iniciar todas as pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es do layout externo ",a("0")]},"Start all previews from scene {0}":function(a){return["Iniciar todas as pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es da cena ",a("0")]},"Start build with credits":"Iniciar compila\xE7\xE3o com cr\xE9ditos","Start by adding a new behavior.":"Comece adicionando um novo comportamento.","Start by adding a new external layout.":"Comece adicionando um novo layout externo.","Start by adding a new function.":"Comece adicionando uma nova fun\xE7\xE3o.","Start by adding a new group.":"Comece adicionando um novo grupo.","Start by adding a new object.":"Comece adicionando um novo objeto.","Start by adding a new scene.":"Comece adicionando uma nova cena.","Start by adding new external events.":"Comece adicionando novos eventos externos.","Start by creating their accounts":"Start by creating their accounts","Start from a template":"Come\xE7ar a partir de um modelo","Start learning":"Start learning","Start next chapter":"Src/InAppTutorial/InAppTutorialDialog. JS: 60","Start opacity (0-255)":"Opacidade inicial (0-255)","Start preview with diagnostic report":"Iniciar pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o com relat\xF3rio de diagn\xF3stico","Start profiling":"Iniciar a an\xE1lise de desempenho","Start profiling and then stop it after a few seconds to see the results.":"Inicie a an\xE1lise e ap\xF3s alguns segundos encerre para ver os resultados.","Start the survey!":"Iniciar a pesquisa!","Start typing a command or searching something...":"Comece a digitar um comando ou procurando algo...","Start typing a username":"Digite um nome de usu\xE1rio","Start your game":"Comece seu jogo","Starting engine":"Iniciando o motor gr\xE1fico","Static":"Est\xE1tico","Stay there":"Ficar l\xE1","Stop music and sounds at the beginning of this scene":"Pare a m\xFAsica e sons no in\xEDcio desta cena","Stop profiling":"Parar a an\xE1lise","Store password":"Armazenar senha","Story-Rich":"Hist\xF3ria-de-Rico","Strategy":"Estrat\xE9gia","String":"String","String (text)":"String (texto)","String from a list of options (text)":"String de uma lista de op\xE7\xF5es (texto)","Stripe secure":"Stripe secure","Structure":"Estrutura","Student":"Student","Student accounts":"Student accounts","Sub Event":"Sub Evento","Submit a free pack":"Envie um pacote gr\xE1tis","Submit a paid pack":"Enviar um pacote pago","Submit a tutorial":"Enviar um tutorial","Submit a tutorial translated in your language":"Envie um tutorial traduzido para o seu idioma","Submit an example":"Enviar um exemplo","Submit and cancel":"Enviar e cancelar","Submit to the community":"Submeter para a comunidade","Submit your project as an example":"Envie seu projeto como um exemplo","Subscribe to Edu":"Inscrever-se no Edu","Subscription outside the app store":"Subscri\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 fora da loja de aplicativos","Subscription with the Apple App store or Google Play store":"Assinatura da Apple App Store ou da Google Play Store","Subscriptions":"Assinaturas","Suffix":"Sufixo","Support What You Love":"Support What You Love","Supported files":"Arquivos suportados","Survival":"Sobreviv\xEAncia","Swap":"Trocar","Swap assets":"Trocar ativos","Swap {0} with another asset":function(a){return["Trocar ",a("0")," por outro asset"]},"Switch to create objects with the highest Z order of the layer":"Mudar para criar objetos com a ordem Z mais alta da camada","Switch to monthly pricing":"Mudar para pre\xE7o mensal","Switch to yearly pricing":"Mudar para pre\xE7o anual","Sync your role on GDevelop's Discord server":"Sincronize seu papel no servidor do Discord do GDevelop","Table settings":"Par\xE2metros da tabela","Tags (comma separated)":"Tags (separadas por v\xEDrgula)","Taking your game further":"Levando seu jogo mais longe","Talking to the AI... beep boop beep boop...":"Falando com IA... pii puu pii puu...","Tasks":"Tasks","Teach":"Teach","Teacher accounts":"Teacher accounts","Teachers, courses and universities":"Professores, cursos e universidades","Team section":"Se\xE7\xE3o do time","Tell us more!...":"Conte-nos mais!...","Template":"Template","Test it out!":"Teste!","Test value":"Valor do teste","Test value (in second)":"Valor do teste (em segundo)","Text":"Texto","Text color":"Cor do texto","Text color:":"Cor do texto:","Text to replace in parameters":"Texto para substituir em par\xE2metros","Text to search in event sentences":"Texto para pesquisar em senten\xE7as do evento","Text to search in parameters":"Texto para pesquisar nos par\xE2metros","Text-based content directly from GDevelop\u2019s site and Wiki.":"Conte\xFAdo baseado em texto diretamente do site e Wiki do GDevelop.","Texts":"Textos","Thank you for supporting GDevelop. Credits were added to your account as a thank you.":"Obrigado por apoiar o GDevelop. Os cr\xE9ditos foram adicionados \xE0 sua conta como um agradecimento.","Thank you for supporting the GDevelop open-source community. Credits were added to your account as a thank you.":"Obrigado por apoiar a comunidade \"open\"-\"source\" do \"GDevelop\". Os cr\xE9ditos foram adicionados \xE0 sua conta como agradecimento.","Thank you for your feedback":"Obrigado por seu feedback","Thanks for following GDevelop. We added credits to your account as a thank you gift.":"Obrigado por seguir o GDevelop. Adicionamos cr\xE9ditos \xE0 sua conta como um presente de agradecimento.","Thanks for getting a subscription and supporting GDevelop!":"Obrigado por obter uma assinatura e apoiar o GDevelop!","Thanks for starring GDevelop repository. We added credits to your account as a thank you gift.":"Obrigado por favoritar o reposit\xF3rio do GDevelop. Adicionamos cr\xE9ditos \xE0 sua conta como um presente de agradecimento.","Thanks for trying GDevelop! Unlock more projects, publishing, multiplayer, courses and much more by upgrading.":"Thanks for trying GDevelop! Unlock more projects, publishing, multiplayer, courses and much more by upgrading.","Thanks to all users of GDevelop! There must be missing tons of people, please send your name if you've contributed and you're not listed.":"Obrigado a todos os usu\xE1rios do GDevelop! Deve haver toneladas de pessoas faltando, por favor envie seu nome se voc\xEA contribuiu e voc\xEA n\xE3o est\xE1 listado.","Thanks to the redemption code you've used, you have this subscription enabled until {0}.":function(a){return["Gra\xE7as ao c\xF3digo de resgate que voc\xEA utilizou, voc\xEA tem esta assinatura ativada at\xE9 ",a("0"),"."]},"That's a lot of unsuccessful login attempts! Wait a bit before trying again or reset your password.":"Isso s\xE3o muitas tentativas de login sem sucesso! Espere um pouco antes de tentar novamente ou redefina sua senha.","The \"{0}\" effect can only be applied once.":function(a){return["O efeito de \"",a("0"),"\" s\xF3 pode ser aplicado uma vez."]},"The AI has accepted your request. It is now thinking about the best way to create your game...":"A IA aceitou o seu pedido. Agora est\xE1 pensando na melhor maneira de criar o seu jogo...","The Atlas embedded in the Spine fine can't be located.":"O Atlas incorporado no arquivo Spine n\xE3o pode ser localizado.","The Education subscription gives access to GDevelop's Game Development curriculum. Co-created with teachers and institutions, it\u2019s a ready-to-use, proven way to implement STEM in your classroom.":"A assinatura Educacional d\xE1 acesso ao curr\xEDculo de Desenvolvimento de Jogos do GDevelop. Co-criado com professores e institui\xE7\xF5es, \xE9 uma maneira comprovada de implementar a Metodologia STEAM em sua sala de aula.","The GDevelop project is open-source, powered by passion and community. Your membership helps the GDevelop company maintain servers, build new features, develop commercial offerings and keep the open-source project thriving. Our goal: make game development fast, fun and accessible to all.":"The GDevelop project is open-source, powered by passion and community. Your membership helps the GDevelop company maintain servers, build new features, develop commercial offerings and keep the open-source project thriving. Our goal: make game development fast, fun and accessible to all.","The URLs must be public and stay accessible while you work on this project - they won't be stored inside the project file. When exporting a game, the resources pointed by these URLs will be downloaded and stored inside the game.":"As URLs devem ser p\xFAblicas e permanecer acess\xEDveis enquanto voc\xEA trabalha neste projeto - elas n\xE3o ser\xE3o armazenadas dentro do arquivo do projeto. Ao exportar um jogo, os recursos apontados por essas URLs ser\xE3o baixados e armazenados dentro do jogo.","The animation name {newName} is already taken":function(a){return["O nome da anima\xE7\xE3o ",a("newName")," j\xE1 est\xE1 sendo usado"]},"The asset pack {0} is now available, go claim it in the shop!":function(a){return["O pacote de ativos ",a("0")," est\xE1 dispon\xEDvel, v\xE1 reivindicar na loja!"]},"The asset pack {0} will be linked to your account {1}.":function(a){return["O pacote de ativos ",a("0")," ser\xE1 vinculado \xE0 sua conta ",a("1"),"."]},"The atlas image is smaller than the tile size.":"The atlas image is smaller than the tile size.","The auth key {lastUploadedApiKey} was properly stored. It can now be used to automatically upload your app to the app store - verify you've declared an app for it.":function(a){return["A chave de autentica\xE7\xE3o ",a("lastUploadedApiKey")," foi armazenada corretamente. Ela agora pode ser usada para carregar automaticamente seu aplicativo na loja de aplicativos - verifique se voc\xEA declarou um aplicativo para ela."]},"The behavior is not attached to this object. Please select another object or add this behavior: {0}":function(a){return["\nO comportamento n\xE3o est\xE1 anexado a este objeto. Selecione outro objeto ou adicione este comportamento: ",a("0")]},"The bounding box is an imaginary rectangle surrounding the object collision mask. Even if the object X and Y positions are not changed, this rectangle can change if the object is rotated or if an animation is being played. Usually you should use actions and conditions related to the object position or center, but the bounding box can be useful to deal with the area of the object.":"A caixa delimitadora \xE9 um ret\xE2ngulo imagin\xE1rio ao redor da m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o do objeto. Mesmo que as posi\xE7\xF5es X e Y do objeto n\xE3o sejam alteradas, este ret\xE2ngulo pode mudar se o objeto for girado ou se uma anima\xE7\xE3o estiver sendo reproduzida. Normalmente voc\xEA deve usar a\xE7\xF5es e condi\xE7\xF5es relacionadas \xE0 posi\xE7\xE3o ou centro do objeto, mas a caixa delimitadora pode ser \xFAtil para lidar com a \xE1rea do objeto.","The certificate was properly generated. Don't forget to create and upload a provisioning profile associated to it.":"O certificado foi gerado corretamente. N\xE3o se esque\xE7a de criar e enviar um perfil de provisionamento associado a ele.","The description of the object should explain what the object is doing, and, briefly, how to use it.":"A descri\xE7\xE3o do objeto deve explicar o que est\xE1 a ser feito e, brevemente, como utiliz\xE1-lo.","The effect name {newName} is already taken":function(a){return["O nome do efeito ",a("newName")," j\xE1 est\xE1 em uso"]},"The email you provided already has a subscription with GDevelop. Please ask them to cancel it before defining them as teacher in your team.":"The email you provided already has a subscription with GDevelop. Please ask them to cancel it before defining them as teacher in your team.","The email you provided could not be found.":"The email you provided could not be found.","The email you provided is already an admin in your team.":"The email you provided is already an admin in your team.","The email you provided is not an admin in your team.":"The email you provided is not an admin in your team.","The extension installed in this project is not up to date. Consider upgrading it before reporting any issue.":"A extens\xE3o instalada neste projeto n\xE3o est\xE1 atualizada. Considere atualiz\xE1-la antes de relatar qualquer problema.","The extension was added to the project. You can now use it in the list of actions/conditions and, if it's a behavior, in the list of behaviors for an object.":"A extens\xE3o foi adicionada ao projeto. Agora voc\xEA pode us\xE1-lo na lista de a\xE7\xF5es/condi\xE7\xF5es e, se for um comportamento, na lista de comportamentos para um objeto.","The far plane distance must be greater than the near plan distance.":"A dist\xE2ncia do plano distante deve ser maior que a do plano pr\xF3ximo.","The field of view cannot be lower than 0\xB0 or greater than 180\xB0.":"O campo de vis\xE3o n\xE3o pode ser menor a 0\xB0 ou maior que 180\xB0.","The file {0} is invalid.":function(a){return["O arquivo ",a("0")," \xE9 inv\xE1lido."]},"The file {0} is too large. Use files that are smaller for your game: each must be less than {1} MB.":function(a){return["O arquivo ",a("0")," \xE9 muito grande. Use arquivos menores para o seu jogo: cada um deve ser menor que ",a("1")," MB."]},"The following file(s) cannot be used for this kind of object: {0}":function(a){return["Os seguintes arquivo(s) n\xE3o podem ser usados para este tipo de objeto: ",a("0")]},"The font size is stored directly inside the font. If you want to change it, export again your font using an external editor like bmFont. Click on the help button to learn more.":"O tamanho da fonte \xE9 armazenado diretamente dentro da fonte. Se voc\xEA quiser alter\xE1-lo, exporte novamente sua fonte usando um editor externo como bmFont. Clique no bot\xE3o de ajuda para saber mais.","The force will only push the object during the time of one frame. Typically used in an event with no conditions or with conditions that stay valid for a certain amount of time.":"A for\xE7a s\xF3 ir\xE1 empurrar o objeto durante o tempo de um quadro. Normalmente usado em um evento sem condi\xE7\xF5es ou com condi\xE7\xF5es que permanecem v\xE1lidas por um determinado per\xEDodo de tempo.","The force will push the object forever, unless you use the action \"Stop the object\". Typically used in an event with conditions that are only true once, or with a \"Trigger Once\" condition.":"A for\xE7a ir\xE1 empurrar o objeto para sempre, a menos que voc\xEA use a a\xE7\xE3o \"Parar o objeto\". Normalmente usado em um evento com condi\xE7\xF5es que s\xF3 s\xE3o verdadeiras uma vez, ou com uma condi\xE7\xE3o \"Ativar Uma Vez\".","The free version is enough for me":"A vers\xE3o gratuita \xE9 suficiente para mim","The game template {0} will be linked to your account {1}.":function(a){return["O 'template' de jogo ",a("0")," ser\xE1 vinculado \xE0 sua conta ",a("1"),"."]},"The game was properly exported. You can now use Electron Builder (you need Node.js installed and to use the command-line on your computer to run it) to create an executable.":"O jogo foi exportado corretamente. Agora voc\xEA pode usar o Electron Builder (voc\xEA precisa do Node.js instalado e usar a linha de comando no seu computador para execut\xE1-lo) para criar um execut\xE1vel.","The game you're trying to open is not registered online. Open the project file, then register it before continuing.":"O jogo que voc\xEA est\xE1 tentando abrir n\xE3o est\xE1 registrado online. Abra o arquivo do projeto, ent\xE3o registre-o antes de continuar.","The icing on the cake":"A cobertura do bolo","The image should be at least 864x864px, and the logo must fit [within a circle of 576px]( Transparent borders are automatically added when generated to help ensuring":"A imagem deve ter no m\xEDnimo 864x864px, e o logotipo deve caber [dentro de um c\xEDrculo de 576px] ( Bordas transparentes s\xE3o adicionadas automaticamente quando geradas para ajudar a garantir isso","The latest save of \"{cloudProjectName}\" is corrupt and cannot be opened.":function(a){return["A \xFAltima grava\xE7\xE3o de \"",a("cloudProjectName"),"\" est\xE1 corrompida e n\xE3o pode ser aberta."]},"The latest save of this project is corrupt and cannot be opened.":function(a){return["A \xFAltima grava\xE7\xE3o de \"",a("cloudProjectName"),"\" est\xE1 corrompida e n\xE3o pode ser aberta."]},"The layer {0} does not contain any object instances. Continue?":function(a){return["A camada ",a("0")," n\xE3o cont\xE9m inst\xE2ncias de objeto. Continuar?"]},"The light object was automatically placed on the Lighting layer.":"O objeto de luz foi colocado automaticamente na camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o.","The lighting layer renders an ambient light on the scene. All lights should be placed on this layer so that shadows are properly rendered. By default, the layer follows the base layer camera. Uncheck this if you want to manually move the camera using events.":"A camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o renderiza uma luz ambiente na cena. Todas as luzes devem ser colocadas nessa camada para que as sombras possam ser renderizadas corretamente. Por padr\xE3o, essa camada segue a c\xE2mera da camada base. Desmarque isso se quiser mover a c\xE2mera manualmente usando eventos.","The link to the asset pack you've followed seems outdated. Why not take a look at the other packs in the asset store?":"O link para o pacote de ativos que voc\xEA seguiu parece desatualizado. Por que n\xE3o dar uma olhada nos outros pacotes da Loja de Ativos?","The link to the game template you've followed seems outdated. Why not take a look at the other templates in the store?":"O link para o template de jogo que voc\xEA seguiu parece desatualizado. Por que n\xE3o dar uma olhada nos outros modelos na loja?","The main account of the Education plan cannot be modified.":"A conta principal do Plano de Educa\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o pode ser modificada.","The monthly free asset pack perk was not part of your plan at the time you got your subscription to GDevelop. To enjoy this perk, please purchase a new subscription.":"O benef\xEDcio do pacote de ativos mensal gratuito n\xE3o fazia parte do seu plano no momento em que voc\xEA adquiriu sua assinatura do GDevelop. Para desfrutar deste benef\xEDcio, por favor, adquira uma nova assinatura.","The more descriptive you are, the better we can match the content we\u2019ll recommend.":"Quanto mais descritivo voc\xEA for, melhor poderemos corresponder ao conte\xFAdo que recomendamos.","The name of your game is empty":"O nome do seu jogo est\xE1 vazio","The name {newName} is already taken":function(a){return["O nome ",a("newName")," j\xE1 est\xE1 em uso"]},"The near plane distance must be strictly greater than 0 and lower than the far plan distance.":"A dist\xE2ncia do plano pr\xF3ximo deve ser estritamente maior que 0 e menor que a do plano distante.","The number of decimal places must be a whole value between {precisionMinValue} and {precisionMaxValue}":function(a){return["O n\xFAmero de casas decimais deve ser um valor inteiro entre ",a("precisionMinValue")," e ",a("precisionMaxValue")]},"The number of displayed entries must be a whole value between {displayedEntriesMinNumber} and {displayedEntriesMaxNumber}":function(a){return["O n\xFAmero de entradas exibidas deve ser um valor inteiro entre ",a("displayedEntriesMinNumber")," e ",a("displayedEntriesMaxNumber")]},"The object does not exist or can't be used here.":"O objeto n\xE3o existe ou n\xE3o pode ser usado aqui.","The package name begins with com.example, make sure you replace it with an unique one to be able to publish your game on app stores.":"O nome do pacote come\xE7a com com.example, certifique-se de substitu\xED-lo por um \xFAnico para poder publicar seu jogo nas lojas de aplicativos.","The package name begins with com.example, make sure you replace it with an unique one, else installing your game might overwrite other games.":"O nome do pacote come\xE7a com com.example, certifique-se de substitu\xED-lo por um exclusivo, caso contr\xE1rio, a instala\xE7\xE3o do seu jogo pode sobrescrever outros jogos.","The package name is containing invalid characters or not following the convention \"xxx.yyy.zzz\" (numbers allowed after a letter only).":"O nome do pacote cont\xE9m caracteres inv\xE1lidos ou n\xE3o segue a conven\xE7\xE3o \"xxx.yyy.zzz\" (n\xFAmeros permitidos somente ap\xF3s uma letra).","The package name is empty.":"O nome do pacote est\xE1 vazio.","The package name is too long.":"O nome do pacote \xE9 muito longo.","The password is invalid.":"Senha inv\xE1lida.","The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.":"A senha digitada est\xE1 incorreta. Por favor, tente novamente.","The polygon is not convex":"O pol\xEDgono n\xE3o \xE9 convexo!","The polygon is not convex. Ensure it is, otherwise the collision mask won't work.":"O pol\xEDgono n\xE3o \xE9 convexo. Assegure-se de que seja, caso contr\xE1rio a m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o n\xE3o funcionar\xE1.","The preview could not be launched because an error happened: {0}.":function(a){return["A pr\xE9via n\xE3o p\xF4de ser executada porque ocorreu um erro: ",a("0"),"."]},"The preview could not be launched because you're offline.":"A pr\xE9via n\xE3o p\xF4de ser iniciada porque voc\xEA est\xE1 offline.","The project could not be saved. Please try again later.":"O projeto n\xE3o p\xF4de ser salvo. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","The project currently opened is not registered online. Register it now to get access to leaderboards, player accounts, analytics and more!":"O projeto atualmente aberto n\xE3o est\xE1 registrado online. Registre-o agora para obter acesso a classifica\xE7\xF5es, contas de jogadores, an\xE1lises e muito mais!","The project currently opened is registered online but you don't have access to it. A link or file will be created but the game will not be registered.":"O projeto atualmente aberto est\xE1 registrado online, mas voc\xEA n\xE3o tem acesso a ele. Um link ou arquivo ser\xE1 criado, mas o jogo n\xE3o ser\xE1 registrado.","The project file appears to be corrupted, but an autosave file exists (backup made automatically by GDevelop on {0}). Would you like to try to load it instead?":function(a){return["O arquivo do projeto parece estar corrompido, mas existe um arquivo de salvamento autom\xE1tico (backup feito automaticamente pelo GDevelop em ",a("0"),"). Gostaria de tentar carreg\xE1-lo em vez disso?"]},"The provisioning profile was properly stored ( {lastUploadedProvisioningProfileName}). If you properly uploaded the certificate before, it can now be used.":function(a){return["O perfil de provisionamento foi armazenado corretamente (",a("lastUploadedProvisioningProfileName"),"). Se voc\xEA enviou o certificado corretamente antes, ele pode ser usado agora."]},"The purchase will be linked to your account once done.":"A compra estar\xE1 vinculada \xE0 sua conta ap\xF3s conclu\xEDda.","The request could not reach the servers, ensure you are connected to internet.":"O pedido n\xE3o p\xF4de acessar os servidores, certifique-se de estar conectado \xE0 internet.","The resource has been downloaded":"O recurso foi baixado","The selected resource is not a proper Spine resource.":"O recurso selecionado n\xE3o \xE9 um recurso de Spine adequado.","The sentence displays one or more wrongs parameters:":"A frase mostra um ou mais par\xE2metros incorretos:","The sentence is probably missing this/these parameter(s):":"A frase provavelmente precisa deste/destes par\xE2metro(s):","The shape used in the Physics behavior is independent from the collision mask of the object. Be sure to use the \"Collision\" condition provided by the Physics behavior in the events. The usual \"Collision\" condition won't take into account the shape that you've set up here.":"A forma usada no comportamento \"F\xEDsica\" \xE9 independente da m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o do objeto. Certifique-se de usar a condi\xE7\xE3o \"Colis\xE3o\" fornecida pelo comportamento \"F\xEDsica\" nos eventos. A condi\xE7\xE3o \"Colis\xE3o\" habitual n\xE3o levar\xE1 em conta a forma que voc\xEA configurou aqui.","The specified external events do not exist in the game. Be sure that the name is correctly spelled or create them using the project manager.":"Os eventos externos especificados n\xE3o existem no jogo. Certifique-se de que o nome est\xE1 corretamente digitado ou os crie usando o gerenciador de projeto.","The subscription of this account comes from outside the app store. Connect with your account on from your web-browser to manage it.":"A assinatura desta conta vem de fora da loja de aplicativos. Conecte-se com sua conta no do seu navegador para gerenci\xE1-la.","The subscription of this account was done using Apple or Google Play. Connect on your account on your Apple or Google device to manage it.":"A assinatura desta conta foi feita usando o Apple ou Google Play. Conecte \xE0 sua conta na sua Apple ou dispositivo Google para gerenci\xE1-la.","The text input will be always shown on top of all other objects in the game - this is a limitation that can't be changed. According to the platform/device or browser running the game, the appearance can also slightly change.":"A entrada de texto sempre ser\xE1 mostrada por cima de todos os outros objetos do jogo - essa \xE9 uma limita\xE7\xE3o que n\xE3o pode ser alterada. Conforme a plataforma/dispositivo ou navegador que esteja executando o jogo, a apar\xEAncia tamb\xE9m pode ser ligeiramente alterada.","The tilemap must be designed in a separated program, Tiled, that can be downloaded on Save your map as a JSON file, then select here the Atlas image that you used and the Tile map JSON file.":"O tilemap deve ser projetado em um programa separado, chamado Tiled, que pode ser baixado no Salve seu mapa como um arquivo JSON, em seguida, selecione aqui a imagem Atlas que voc\xEA utilizou e o arquivo JSON do tilemap.","The usage of a number or expression is deprecated. Please now use only \"Permanent\" or \"Instant\" for configuring forces.":"O uso de um n\xFAmero ou express\xE3o est\xE1 obsoleto. Por favor, use apenas \"Permanente\" ou \"Imediato\" para configurar for\xE7as.","The variable name contains a space - this is not recommended. Prefer to use underscores or uppercase letters to separate words.":"O nome da vari\xE1vel cont\xE9m um espa\xE7o e isso n\xE3o \xE9 recomendado. Prefira usar sublinhados ou letras mai\xFAsculas para separar palavras.","The variable name looks like you're building an expression or a formula. You can only use this for structure or arrays. For example: Score[3].":"O nome da vari\xE1vel parece que voc\xEA est\xE1 criando uma express\xE3o ou uma f\xF3rmula. Voc\xEA s\xF3 pode usar isso para estruturas ou vetores. Por exemplo: Placar[3].","The version history is available for cloud projects only.":"O hist\xF3rico de vers\xF5es est\xE1 dispon\xEDvel apenas para projetos em nuvem.","The version that you've set for the game is invalid.":"A vers\xE3o que voc\xEA definiu para o jogo \xE9 inv\xE1lida.","There are currently no leaderboards created for this game. Open the leaderboards manager to create one.":"Atualmente n\xE3o h\xE1 placares criados para este jogo. Abra o manuseador de placares para criar um.","There are no <0>behaviors on this object.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 <0>comportamentos neste objeto.","There are no <0>effects on this object.":"There are no <0>effects on this object.","There are no <0>variables on this object.":"There are no <0>variables on this object.","There are no objects. Objects will appear if you add some as parameter or add children to the object.":"There are no objects. Objects will appear if you add some as parameter or add children to the object.","There are no objects. Objects will appear if you add some as parameters.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 objetos. Objetos aparecer\xE3o se voc\xEA adicionar alguns como par\xE2metros.","There are no provisioning profile created for this certificate. Create one in the Apple Developer interface and add it here.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 nenhum perfil de provisionamento criado para este certificado. Crie um na interface do desenvolvedor Apple e adicione-o aqui.","There are no variables on this instance.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 vari\xE1veis nesta inst\xE2ncia.","There are unsaved changes":"H\xE1 altera\xE7\xF5es n\xE3o salvas","There are variables used in events but not declared in this list: {0}.":function(a){return["H\xE1 vari\xE1veis usadas em eventos, mas n\xE3o declaradas nesta lista: ",a("0"),"."]},"There are {instancesCountInLayout} object instances on this layer. Should they be moved to another layer?":function(a){return["H\xE1 ",a("instancesCountInLayout")," inst\xE2ncias de objetos nesta camada. Elas devem ser movidas para outra camada?"]},"There are {instancesCount} instances of objects on this layer.":function(a){return["Existem ",a("instancesCount")," inst\xE2ncias de objetos nesta camada."]},"There is no <0>global object yet.":"Ainda n\xE3o h\xE1 <0>objeto global.","There is no global group yet.":"Ainda n\xE3o existe um grupo global.","There is no object in your game or in this scene. Start by adding an new object in the scene editor, using the objects list.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 objeto em seu jogo ou nesta cena. Comece adicionando um novo objeto no editor de cena, usando a lista de objetos.","There is nothing to configure for this behavior. You can still use events to interact with the object and this behavior.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 nada a configurar para esse comportamento. Ainda assim voc\xEA pode usar eventos para interagir com o objeto e este comportamento.","There is nothing to configure for this object. You can still use events to interact with the object.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 nada a configurar para este objeto. Ainda assim voc\xEA pode usar eventos para interagir com o objeto.","There is nothing to configure.":"N\xE3o h\xE1 nada para configurar.","There was an error verifying the URL(s). Please check they are correct.":"Houve um erro ao verificar a(s) URL(s). Por favor, verifique se est\xE3o corretos.","There was an error while canceling your subscription. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Houve um erro ao cancelar sua assinatura. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","There was an error while creating the object \"{0}\". Verify your internet connection or try again later.":function(a){return["Houve um erro ao criar o objeto \"",a("0"),". Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde."]},"There was an error while installing the asset \"{0}\". Verify your internet connection or try again later.":function(a){return["Houve um erro ao instalar o ativo \"",a("0"),"\". Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde."]},"There was an error while making an auto-save of the project. Verify that you have permissions to write in the project folder.":"Houve um erro ao fazer um auto-salvamento do projeto. Verifique se voc\xEA tem permiss\xF5es para escrever na pasta do projeto.","There was an error while updating the game's thumbnail on Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"There was an error while updating the game's thumbnail on Verify your internet connection or try again later.","There was an error while uploading some resources. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Houve um erro ao carregar alguns recursos. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","There was an issue getting the game analytics.":"Houve um problema ao obter a an\xE1lise do jogo.","There was an unknown error when trying to apply the code. Double check the code, try again later or contact us if this persists.":"Houve um erro desconhecido ao tentar aplicar o c\xF3digo. Verifique o c\xF3digo, tente novamente mais tarde ou contate-nos se o erro persistir.","There were errors when importing resources for the project. You can retry (recommended) or continue despite the errors. In this case, the project might be missing some resources.":"There were errors when importing resources for the project. You can retry (recommended) or continue despite the errors. In this case, the project might be missing some resources.","There were errors when preparing new leaderboards for the project.":"Houve erros na prepara\xE7\xE3o de novas tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o para o seu projeto.","These are behaviors":"These are behaviors","These are objects":"These are objects","These behaviors are already attached to the object:{0}Do you want to replace their property values?":function(a){return["Estes comportamentos j\xE1 est\xE3o anexados ao objeto: ",a("0")," Quer substituir seus valores de propriedade?"]},"These effects already exist:{0}Do you want to replace them?":function(a){return["Estes efeitos j\xE1 existem: ",a("0")," Quer substitu\xED-los?"]},"These parameters already exist:{0}Do you want to replace them?":function(a){return["These parameters already exist:",a("0"),"Do you want to replace them?"]},"These properties already exist:{0}Do you want to replace them?":function(a){return["Estas propriedades j\xE1 existem: ",a("0")," Quer substitu\xED-las?"]},"These variables hold additional information and are available on all objects of the group.":"Essas vari\xE1veis possuem informa\xE7\xF5es adicionais e est\xE3o dispon\xEDveis em todos os objetos do grupo.","These variables hold additional information on a project.":"Essas vari\xE1veis possuem informa\xE7\xF5es adicionais em um projeto.","These variables hold additional information on a scene.":"Estas vari\xE1veis cont\xEAm informa\xE7\xF5es adicionais em uma cena.","These variables hold additional information on an object.":"Essas vari\xE1veis cont\xEAm informa\xE7\xF5es adicionais em um objeto.","Thickness":"Espessura","Third editor":"Terceiro editor","Third-party":"Terceirizado","This Auth Key was not sent or is not ready to be used.":"Esta Chave de Autentica\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o foi enviada ou n\xE3o est\xE1 pronta para ser usada.","This account has been deactivated or deleted.":"Esta conta foi deletada ou desativada.","This action cannot be undone.":"This action cannot be undone.","This action is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Instead, use for all your objects the behavior called \"Physics2\" and the associated actions (in this case, all objects must be set up to use Physics2, you can't mix the behaviors).":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 obsoleta e n\xE3o deve ser mais usada. Em vez disso, use para todos os seus objetos o comportamento chamado \"Physics2\" e suas a\xE7\xF5es associadas (neste caso, todos os objetos devem ser configurados para usar o Physics2, voc\xEA n\xE3o pode misturar os comportamentos).","This action is not automatic yet, we will get in touch to gather your bank details.":"This action is not automatic yet, we will get in touch to gather your bank details.","This action will create a new texture and re-render the text each time it is called, which is expensive and can reduce performances. Prefer to avoid changing a lot the character size of a text.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o criar\xE1 uma nova textura e renderizar\xE1 o texto novamente a cada vez que for chamada, o que \xE9 custoso e pode reduzir o desempenho. \xC9 prefer\xEDvel evitar mudar o tamanho de um texto muitas vezes.","This behavior is being used by multiple types of objects. Thus, you can't restrict its usage to any particular object type. All the object types using this behavior are listed here: {0}":function(a){return["Este comportamento est\xE1 sendo usado por v\xE1rios tipos de objetos. Sendo assim, voc\xEA n\xE3o pode restringir seu uso a um tipo espec\xEDfico de objeto. Todos os tipos de objeto usando este comportamento est\xE3o listados aqui: ",a("0")]},"This behavior is unknown. It might be a behavior that was defined in an extension and that was later removed. You should delete it.":"Este comportamento \xE9 desconhecido. Pode ser um comportamento que foi definido em uma extens\xE3o e que foi removido mais tarde. Voc\xEA deve exclu\xED-lo.","This behavior needs an extension update. You may have to do some adaptations to make sure your game still works.{0}Do you want to update it now ?":function(a){return["Este comportamento precisa de uma atualiza\xE7\xE3o da extens\xE3o. Voc\xEA pode ter que fazer algumas adapta\xE7\xF5es para garantir que seu jogo ainda funcione.",a("0")," Voc\xEA quer atualiz\xE1-lo agora?"]},"This behavior will be visible in the scene and events editors.":"This behavior will be visible in the scene and events editors.","This behavior won't be visible in the scene and events editors.":"This behavior won't be visible in the scene and events editors.","This build is old and the generated games can't be downloaded anymore.":"Esta compila\xE7\xE3o \xE9 antiga e os jogos gerados n\xE3o podem mais ser baixados.","This can either be a URL to a web page, or a path starting with a slash that will be opened in the GDevelop wiki. Leave empty if there is no help page, although it's recommended you eventually write one if you distribute the extension.":"Isto pode ser uma URL para uma p\xE1gina da web, ou um caminho que come\xE7a com uma barra que ser\xE1 aberta na wiki do GDevelop. Deixe em branco se n\xE3o houver nenhuma p\xE1gina de ajuda, embora seja recomend\xE1vel que voc\xEA escreva uma se distribuir a extens\xE3o.","This certificate has an unknown type and is probably unable to be used by GDevelop.":"Este certificado tem um tipo desconhecido e provavelmente n\xE3o pode ser usado pelo GDevelop.","This certificate type is unknown and might not work when building the app. Are you sure you want to continue?":"Este tipo de certificado \xE9 desconhecido e pode n\xE3o funcionar ao construir o aplicativo. Tem certeza que deseja continuar?","This certificate was not sent or is not ready to be used.":"Este certificado n\xE3o foi enviado ou n\xE3o est\xE1 pronto para ser usado.","This code is not valid - verify you've entered it properly.":"Este c\xF3digo n\xE3o \xE9 v\xE1lido \u2014 Verifique se voc\xEA o digitou corretamente.","This code was valid but can't be redeemed anymore. If this is unexpected, contact us or the code provider.":"Este c\xF3digo era v\xE1lido, mas n\xE3o pode ser mais resgatado. Caso isso seja inesperado, entre em contato conosco ou com o fornecedor do c\xF3digo.","This condition may have unexpected results when the object is on different floors at the same time, due to the fact that the engine only considers the first floor the object comes into contact with.":"Esta condi\xE7\xE3o pode ter resultados inesperados quando o objeto est\xE1 em diferentes andares ao mesmo tempo, devido ao fato de o motor apenas considerar o primeiro andar com o qual o objeto entra em contato.","This course has subtitles in multiple languages. Find yours in the setting of each video.":"This course has subtitles in multiple languages. Find yours in the setting of each video.","This email is invalid.":"E-mail inv\xE1lido.","This email was already used for another account.":"Este e-mail j\xE1 foi utilizado para outra conta.","This file is an extension file for GDevelop 5. You should instead import it, using the window to add a new extension to your project.":"Este arquivo \xE9 um arquivo de extens\xE3o para GDevelop 5. Em vez disso, voc\xEA deve import\xE1-lo, usando a janela para adicionar uma nova extens\xE3o ao seu projeto.","This file is corrupt":"Este arquivo est\xE1 corrompido","This file is not recognized as a GDevelop 5 project. Be sure to open a file that was saved using GDevelop.":"Este arquivo n\xE3o \xE9 reconhecido como um projeto GDevelop 5. Certifique-se de abrir um arquivo que foi salvo usando o GDevelop.","This function calls itself (it is \"recursive\"). Ensure this is expected and there is a proper condition to stop it if necessary.":"Esta fun\xE7\xE3o se chama a si mesma (ela \xE9 \"recursiva\"). Certifique-se de que isso \xE9 esperado e de que existe uma condi\xE7\xE3o apropriada para interromp\xEA-la, se necess\xE1rio.","This function is asynchronous - it will only allow subsequent events to run after calling the action \"End asynchronous task\" within the function.":"Esta fun\xE7\xE3o \xE9 ass\xEDncrona \u2014 apenas permite que eventos subsequentes sejam executados ap\xF3s chamar a a\xE7\xE3o \"Finalizar tarefa ass\xEDncrona\" na fun\xE7\xE3o.","This function will be visible in the events editor.":"This function will be visible in the events editor.","This function will have a lot of parameters. Consider creating groups or functions for a smaller set of objects so that the function is easier to reuse.":"Esta fun\xE7\xE3o ter\xE1 muitos par\xE2metros. Considere criar grupos ou fun\xE7\xF5es para um conjunto menor de Objetos, para que a fun\xE7\xE3o seja mais f\xE1cil de reutilizar.","This function won't be visible in the events editor.":"Esta fun\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o estar\xE1 vis\xEDvel no editor de eventos.","This game is not registered online. Do you want to register it to access the online features?":"This game is not registered online. Do you want to register it to access the online features?","This game is registered online but you don't have access to it. Ask the owner of the game to add your account to the list of owners to be able to manage it.":"This game is registered online but you don't have access to it. Ask the owner of the game to add your account to the list of owners to be able to manage it.","This game is using leaderboards. GDevelop will create new leaderboards for this game in your account, so that the game is ready to be played and players can send their scores.":"Este jogo est\xE1 usando tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o. O GDevelop criar\xE1 novas tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o para este jogo em sua conta, para que o jogo esteja pronto para ser jogado e os jogadores possam enviar suas pontua\xE7\xF5es.","This group contains objects of different kinds. You'll only be able to use actions and conditions common to all objects with this group.":"Este grupo cont\xE9m objetos de diferentes tipos. Voc\xEA s\xF3 poder\xE1 usar a\xE7\xF5es e condi\xE7\xF5es que sejam comuns a todos os objetos deste grupo.","This group contains objects of the same kind ({type}). You can use actions and conditions related to this kind of objects in events with this group.":function(a){return["Este grupo cont\xE9m objetos do mesmo tipo (",a("type"),"). Voc\xEA pode usar a\xE7\xF5es e condi\xE7\xF5es relacionadas a este tipo de objetos em eventos com este grupo."]},"This is a \"lifecycle function\". It will be called automatically by the game engine. It has no parameters.":"This is a \"lifecycle function\". It will be called automatically by the game engine. It has no parameters.","This is a \"lifecycle method\". It will be called automatically by the game engine for each instance living on the scene having the behavior.":"Este \xE9 um \"M\xE9todo de Ciclo de Vida\". Ele ser\xE1 chamado automaticamente pela Engine do jogo para cada Inst\xE2ncia presente na Cena que possua o Comportamento.","This is a \"lifecycle method\". It will be called automatically by the game engine for each instance living on the scene.":"Este \xE9 um \"m\xE9todo do ciclo de vida\". Ser\xE1 chamado automaticamente pelo motor de jogo para cada inst\xE2ncia que mora na cena.","This is a multichapter tutorial. GDevelop will save your progress so you can take a break when you need it.":"Este \xE9 um tutorial com v\xE1rios cap\xEDtulos. O seu progresso ser\xE1 salvo, para que, voc\xEA possa fazer uma pausa quando precisar.","This is a relative path that will open in the GDevelop wiki.":"Este \xE9 um caminho relativo que ser\xE1 aberto na wiki do GDevelop.","This is all the feedback received on {0} coming from":function(a){return["Estes s\xE3o todos os coment\xE1rios recebidos sobre ",a("0")," vindo da"]},"This is an asynchronous action, meaning that the actions and sub-events following it will wait for it to end. Don't forget to use the action \"End asynchronous function\" to mark the end of the action.":"Esta \xE9 uma a\xE7\xE3o ass\xEDncrona, o que significa que as a\xE7\xF5es e subeventos subsequentes esperar\xE3o at\xE9 que ela termine. N\xE3o se esque\xE7a de usar a a\xE7\xE3o \"Encerrar fun\xE7\xE3o ass\xEDncrona\" para marcar o fim da a\xE7\xE3o.","This is an extension made by a community member \u2014 but not reviewed by the GDevelop extension team. As such, we can't guarantee it meets all the quality standards of official extensions. It could also not be compatible with older GDevelop versions. In case of doubt, contact the author to know more about what the extension does or inspect its content before using it.":"Esta \xE9 uma extens\xE3o feita por um membro da comunidade \u2014 mas n\xE3o revisada pela equipe de extens\xE3o GDevelop. Como tal, n\xE3o podemos garantir que cumpre todas as normas de qualidade das extens\xF5es oficiais. Tamb\xE9m pode n\xE3o ser compat\xEDvel com vers\xF5es mais antigas do GDevelop. Em caso de d\xFAvida, entre em contato com o autor para saber mais sobre o que a extens\xE3o faz ou inspecione seu conte\xFAdo antes de us\xE1-la.","This is link to a webpage.":"Este \xE9 um link para uma p\xE1gina da Web.","This is not a URL starting with \"http://\" or \"https://\".":"Esta n\xE3o \xE9 uma URL que comece com \"http://\" ou \"https://\".","This is recommended as this allows you to earn money from your games. If you disable this, your game will not show any advertisement.":"This is recommended as this allows you to earn money from your games. If you disable this, your game will not show any advertisement.","This is taking longer than expected... We might have lost contact with the AI.":"Isto est\xE1 demorando mais do que o esperado... Podemos ter perdido o contato com a IA.","This is the configuration of your behavior. Make sure to choose a proper internal name as it's hard to change it later. Enter a description explaining what the behavior is doing to the object.":"Esta \xE9 a configura\xE7\xE3o do seu comportamento. Certifique-se de escolher um nome interno adequado, j\xE1 que \xE9 dif\xEDcil alter\xE1-lo mais tarde. Insira uma descri\xE7\xE3o explicando o que o comportamento est\xE1 fazendo ao objeto.","This is the configuration of your object. Make sure to choose a proper internal name as it's hard to change it later.":"Esta \xE9 a configura\xE7\xE3o do seu objeto. Certifique-se de escolher um nome interno adequado, pois \xE9 dif\xEDcil alter\xE1-lo mais tarde.","This is the end of the version history.":"Isto \xE9 o fim do hist\xF3rico de vers\xF5es.","This is the list of builds that you've done for this game. <0/>Note that builds for mobile and desktop are available for 7 days, after which they are removed.":"Esta \xE9 a lista de compila\xE7\xF5es que voc\xEA fez para esse jogo. <0/>Note que as compila\xE7\xF5es para celular e desktop est\xE3o dispon\xEDveis por 7 dias, ap\xF3s o que elas ser\xE3o removidas.","This leaderboard is already resetting, please wait a bit, close the dialog, come back and try again.":"Esta tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o j\xE1 est\xE1 sendo redefinida, aguarde um pouco, feche a caixa de di\xE1logo, volte e tente novamente.","This link is private. You can share it with collaborators, friends or testers.<0/>When you're ready, go to the Game Dashboard and publish it on":"This link is private. You can share it with collaborators, friends or testers.<0/>When you're ready, go to the Game Dashboard and publish it on","This month":"Este M\xEAs","This name is already taken by another extension.":"Este nome j\xE1 \xE9 usado por outra lista.","This name is already taken by another function. Choose another name.":"Este nome j\xE1 est\xE1 sendo usado por outra fun\xE7\xE3o. Escolha outro nome.","This name is not valid. Only use alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z) and underscores.":"Este nome n\xE3o \xE9 v\xE1lido. Use apenas caracteres alfanum\xE9ricos (0-9, a-z) e underlines.","This object does not have any specific configuration. Add it on the scene and use events to interact with it.":"Este objeto n\xE3o possui nenhuma configura\xE7\xE3o espec\xEDfica. Adicione-o na cena e use eventos para interagir com ele.","This object exists, but can't be used here.":"Esse objeto existe, mas n\xE3o pode ser usado aqui.","This object has no behaviors: please add this behavior to the object first.":"Este objeto n\xE3o tem comportamentos: por favor adicione este comportamento ao objeto primeiro.","This object has no properties.":"This object has no properties.","This object misses some behaviors: {0}":function(a){return["Este objeto perde alguns comportamentos: ",a("0")]},"This object will be visible in the scene and events editors.":"This object will be visible in the scene and events editors.","This object won't be visible in the scene and events editors.":"This object won't be visible in the scene and events editors.","This pack is included in this bundle for {0} !":function(a){return["Este pacote est\xE1 inclu\xEDdo neste conjunto para ",a("0"),"!"]},"This password is too weak: please use more letters and digits.":"Esta senha \xE9 muito fraca: use mais letras e d\xEDgitos.","This project cannot be opened":"Este projeto n\xE3o p\xF4de ser aberto","This project has an auto-saved version":"Este projeto tem uma vers\xE3o salva automaticamente","This project was modified by someone else on the {formattedDate} at {formattedTime}. Do you want to overwrite their changes?":function(a){return["Este projeto foi modificado por outra pessoa em ",a("formattedDate")," \xE0s ",a("formattedTime"),". Voc\xEA quer sobrescrever suas altera\xE7\xF5es?"]},"This project was modified by {lastUsernameWhoModifiedProject} on the {formattedDate} at {formattedTime}. Do you want to overwrite their changes?":function(a){return["Este projeto foi modificado por ",a("lastUsernameWhoModifiedProject")," em ",a("formattedDate")," \xE0s ",a("formattedTime"),". Voc\xEA deseja sobrescrever as altera\xE7\xF5es dele?"]},"This resource does not exist in the game":"Este recurso n\xE3o existe no jogo","This scene will be used as the start scene.":"Essa cena ir\xE1 ser usada como a cena inicial.","This setting changes the visibility of the entire layer. Objects on the layer will not be treated as \"hidden\" for event conditions or actions.":"Esta configura\xE7\xE3o altera a visibilidade de toda a camada. Objetos na camada n\xE3o ser\xE3o tratados como \"oculto\" para condi\xE7\xF5es ou a\xE7\xF5es do evento.","This shortcut clashes with another action.":"Este atalho est\xE1 em conflito com outra a\xE7\xE3o.","This sprite uses a rectangle that is as large as the sprite for its collision mask.":"Este sprite usa um ret\xE2ngulo do mesmo tamanho que o sprite como sua m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o.","This template is included in this bundle for {0} !":function(a){return["Este modelo est\xE1 inclu\xEDdo neste pacote para ",a("0"),"!"]},"This tutorial must be unlocked to be accessed.":"Este tutorial deve ser desbloqueado para ser acessado.","This user does not have projects yet.":"Este usu\xE1rio ainda n\xE3o tem projetos.","This user is already a collaborator.":"Este usu\xE1rio j\xE1 \xE9 um colaborador.","This user was not found: have you created your account?":"Este usu\xE1rio n\xE3o foi encontrado: voc\xEA criou sua conta?","This username is already used, please pick another one.":"Este nome de usu\xE1rio j\xE1 esta sendo usado, por favor escolha outro.","This variable does not exist. <0>Click to add it.":"Esta vari\xE1vel n\xE3o existe. <0>Clique para adicion\xE1-la.","This variable has the same name as an object. Consider renaming one or the other.":"Essa vari\xE1vel tem o mesmo nome de um objeto. Considere renomear um ou outro.","This variable is not declared. It's recommended to use the *variables editor* to add it.":"Essa vari\xE1vel n\xE3o foi declarada. \xC9 recomend\xE1vel usar o *editor de vari\xE1veis* para adicion\xE1-la.","This version of GDevelop is:":"Esta vers\xE3o do GDevelop \xE9:","This week":"Essa semana","This will be used when packaging and submitting your application to the stores.":"Isto ser\xE1 usado quando a embalagem e o envio do seu aplicativo para as lojas.","This will export your game as a Cordova project. Cordova is a technology that enables HTML5 games to be packaged for iOS and Android.":"Isso exportar\xE1 seu jogo como um projeto do Cordova. Cordova \xE9 uma tecnologia que permite que jogos HTML5 sejam empacotados para iOS e Android.","This will export your game so that you can package it for Windows, macOS or Linux. You will need to install third-party tools (Node.js, Electron Builder) to package your game.":"Isto ir\xE1 exportar seu jogo para que voc\xEA possa empacot\xE1-lo para Windows, macOS ou Linux. Voc\xEA precisar\xE1 instalar ferramentas de terceiros (Node.js, Electron Builder) para empacotar seu jogo.","This will export your game to a folder. You can then upload it on a website/game hosting service and share it on marketplaces and gaming portals like CrazyGames, Poki, Game Jolt,, Newgrounds...":"Isso ir\xE1 exportar seu jogo para uma pasta. Voc\xEA poder\xE1 upar em sites de jogos e compartilh\xE1-lo em mercados e portais de jogos como CrazyGames, Poki, Game Jolt,, Newgrounds, entre outros.","This year":"Este ano","This/these file(s) are outside the project folder. Would you like to make a copy of them in your project folder first (recommended)?":"Este(s) arquivo(s) est\xE1(\xE3o) fora da pasta do projeto. Voc\xEA gostaria de fazer uma c\xF3pia deles na pasta do seu projeto primeiro (recomendado)?","Through a teacher":"Atrav\xE9s de um professor","Throwing physics":"F\xEDsica de lan\xE7amento","TikTok":"TikTok","Tile Map":"Tile Map","Tile Set":"Tile Set","Tile map resource":"Recurso de Tile map","Tile size":"Tamanho do Tile","Tiled sprite":"Sprite em Tile","Tiled sprites":"Sprites em Tiles","Tilemap":"Tilemap","Tilemap painter":"Pintor de Tilemap","Tilemaps":"Tilemaps","Time (ms)":"Tempo (ms)","Time between frames":"Tempo entre quadros","Time format":"Formato de hora","Time score":"Time score","Timers":"Cron\xF4metros","Timers:":"Cron\xF4metros:","Timestamp: {0}":function(a){return["Hor\xE1rio: ",a("0")]},"Tiny":"Min\xFAsculo","Title cannot be empty.":"O t\xEDtulo n\xE3o pode estar em branco.","To avoid flickering on objects followed by the camera, use sprites with even dimensions.":"Para evitar tremula\xE7\xE3o em objetos seguidos pela c\xE2mera, utilize sprites com as mesmas dimens\xF5es.","To begin, open or create a new project.":"Para come\xE7ar, abra ou crie um novo projeto.","To confirm, type \"{translatedConfirmText}\"":function(a){return["Para confirmar, digite \"",a("translatedConfirmText"),"\""]},"To edit the external events, choose the scene in which it will be included":"Para editar os eventos externos, escolha a cena no qual ser\xE3o inclu\xEDdos","To edit the external layout, choose the scene in which it will be included":"Para editar o layout externo, escolha a cena no qual ser\xE1 inclu\xEDdo","To get this new subscription, we need to stop your existing one before you can pay for the new one. The change will be immediate. You will also lose your redeemed code.":"Para obter essa nova assinatura, precisaremos encerrar a sua j\xE1 existente antes que voc\xEA possa pagar pela nova. A mudan\xE7a ser\xE1 imediata. Voc\xEA tamb\xE9m perder\xE1 seus c\xF3digos resgatados.","To get this new subscription, we need to stop your existing one before you can pay for the new one. This is immediate but your payment will NOT be pro-rated (you will pay the full price for the new subscription). You won't lose any project, game or other data.":"Para obter essa nova assinatura, precisaremos encerrar a sua j\xE1 existente antes que voc\xEA possa pagar pela nova. A mudan\xE7a ser\xE1 imediata e o pagamento N\xC3O ter\xE1 dedu\xE7\xF5es (voc\xEA pagar\xE1 o pre\xE7o cheio pela nova assinatura). Voc\xEA n\xE3o perder\xE1 nenhum projeto, jogo ou outros dados.","To keep using GDevelop cloud, consider deleting old, unused projects.":"Para continuar usando a nuvem do GDevelop, considere deletar projetos antigos e n\xE3o utilizados.","To keep using GDevelop leaderboards, consider deleting old, unused leaderboards.":"Para continuar usando as tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o do GDevelop, considere excluir as tabelas antigas e n\xE3o utilizadas.","To obtain the best pixel-perfect effect possible, go in the resources editor and disable the Smoothing for all images of your game. It will be done automatically for new images added from now.":"Para obter o melhor efeito pixel-perfeito poss\xEDvel, v\xE1 no editor de recursos e desative a Suavidade para todas as imagens do seu jogo. Ser\xE1 feito automaticamente para novas imagens adicionadas a partir de agora.","To preview the shape that the Physics engine will use for this object, choose first a temporary image to use for the preview.":"Para pr\xE9-visualizar a forma que a Engine de \"F\xEDsica\" usar\xE1 para este objeto, escolha primeiro uma imagem tempor\xE1ria a ser usada para a pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o.","To start a timer, don't forget to use the action \"Start (or reset) a scene timer\" in another event.":"Para iniciar um temporizador, n\xE3o esque\xE7a de usar a a\xE7\xE3o \"Iniciar (ou reiniciar) um temporizador de cena\" em outro evento.","To start a timer, don't forget to use the action \"Start (or reset) an object timer\" in another event.":"Para iniciar um temporizador, n\xE3o esque\xE7a de usar a a\xE7\xE3o \"Iniciar (ou reiniciar) um temporizador de objeto\" em outro evento.","To use this formatting, you must send a score expressed in seconds":"Para usar esta formata\xE7\xE3o, voc\xEA deve enviar uma pontua\xE7\xE3o expressa em segundos","Today":"Hoje","Toggle Developer Tools":"Ativar/desativar Ferramentas de Desenvolvedor","Toggle Disabled":"Alternar Desabilitado","Toggle Fullscreen":"Ativar/desativar Tela cheia","Toggle Instances List Panel":"Alternar Painel de Listas de Inst\xE2ncias","Toggle Layers Panel":"Alternar Painel de Camadas","Toggle Object Groups Panel":"Toggle Object Groups Panel","Toggle Objects Panel":"Toggle Objects Panel","Toggle Properties Panel":"Toggle Properties Panel","Toggle Wait the Action to End":"Alternar Esperar a A\xE7\xE3o para Terminar","Toggle disabled event":"Ativar/desativar evento","Toggle grid":"Ligar/Desligar grade","Toggle inverted condition":"Alternar condi\xE7\xE3o invertida","Toggle mask":"Ligar/Desligar m\xE1scara","Toggle switch":"Alternar interruptor","Toggle/edit grid":"Ativar/editar Grid","Top":"Topo","Top bound":"Top bound","Top bound should be smaller than bottom bound":"Top bound should be smaller than bottom bound","Top face":"Top face","Top left corner":"Canto superior esquerdo","Top margin":"Margem superior","Top right corner":"Canto superior direito","Top-Down RPG Pixel Perfect":"Top-Down RPG Pixel Perfect","Top-Left":"Canto Superior Esquerdo","Top-down":"Cima-baixo","Top-left corner":"Top-left corner","Touch (mobile)":"Touch (mobile)","Transform this Plinko game with collectibles that multiply your score.":"Transform this Plinko game with collectibles that multiply your score.","Transform this platformer into a co-op game, where two players can play together.":"Transform this platformer into a co-op game, where two players can play together.","Triangle":"Tri\xE2ngulo","True":"Verdadeiro","True (checked)":"Verdadeiro (verificado)","True or False":"Verdadeiro ou Falso","True or False (boolean)":"Verdadeiro ou Falso (booleano)","Try again":"Try again","Try installing it from the extension store.":"Try installing it from the extension store.","Try it online":"Try it online","Try making your prompt more specific.":"Try making your prompt more specific.","Try something else, browse the packs or create your object from scratch!":"Tente outra coisa, navegue pelos pacotes ou crie seu objeto do zero!","Try your game":"Try your game","Tutorial":"Tutorial","Tweak gameplay":"Tweak gameplay","Twitter":"Twitter","Type":"Tipo","Type a prompt":"Type a prompt","Type a prompt or generate one":"Type a prompt or generate one","Type of License: <0>{0}":function(a){return["Tipo de Licen\xE7a: <0>",a("0"),""]},"Type of License: {0}":function(a){return["Type of License: ",a("0")]},"Type of objects":"Tipo de objetos","Type your email address to delete your account:":"Escreva seu endere\xE7o de email para deletar sua conta:","Type your email to confirm":"Digite seu e-mail para confirmar","Type:":"Tipo:","UI Theme":"Tema de interface do usu\xE1rio (UI)","UI/Interface":"UI/Interface","URL":"URL","Unable to change feedback for this game":"Unable to change feedback for this game","Unable to change quality rating of feedback.":"Unable to change quality rating of feedback.","Unable to change read status of feedback.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel alterar o status de leitura do feedback.","Unable to change your email preferences":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel alterar suas prefer\xEAncias de e-mail","Unable to create a new project for the course chapter. Try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel criar um novo projeto para o tutorial. Tente novamente mais tarde.","Unable to create a new project for the tutorial. Try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel criar um novo projeto para o tutorial. Tente novamente mais tarde.","Unable to create the project":"Unable to create the project","Unable to delete the project":"Unable to delete the project","Unable to download and install the extension. Verify that your internet connection is working or try again later.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel baixar e instalar a extens\xE3o. Verifique se sua conex\xE3o com a internet est\xE1 funcionando ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Unable to download the icon. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel baixar o \xEDcone. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Unable to fetch leaderboards as you are offline.":"Unable to fetch leaderboards as you are offline.","Unable to fetch the example.":"Incapaz de buscar o exemplo.","Unable to find the price for this asset pack. Please try again later.":"Unable to find the price for this asset pack. Please try again later.","Unable to find the price for this game template. Please try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel encontrar o pre\xE7o para este modelo de jogo. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.","Unable to generate project":"Unable to generate project","Unable to get the checkout URL. Please try again later.":"Unable to get the checkout URL. Please try again later.","Unable to load the code editor":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar o editor de c\xF3digo","Unable to load the image":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel carregar a imagem","Unable to load the information about the latest GDevelop releases. Verify your internet connection or retry later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar as informa\xE7\xF5es sobre os \xFAltimos lan\xE7amentos do GDevelop. Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Unable to load the profile, please verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel carregar o perfil, verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Unable to load the tutorial. Please try again later or contact us if the problem persists.":"Unable to load the tutorial. Please try again later or contact us if the problem persists.","Unable to mark one of the feedback as read.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel marcar um dos coment\xE1rios como lidos.","Unable to open the project":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel abrir o projeto","Unable to open the project because this provider is unknown: {storageProviderName}. Try to open the project again from another location.":function(a){return["N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel abrir o projeto porque este provedor \xE9 desconhecido: ",a("storageProviderName"),". Tente abrir o projeto novamente a partir de outro local."]},"Unable to open the project.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel abrir o projeto.","Unable to open this file.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel abrir este arquivo.","Unable to register the game":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel registrar o jogo","Unable to remove collaborator":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel remover o colaborador","Unable to save the project":"Unable to save the project","Unable to start the debugger server! Make sure that you are authorized to run servers on this computer.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel iniciar o servidor de depura\xE7\xE3o! Certifique-se de que voc\xEA est\xE1 autorizado a executar servidores neste computador.","Unable to start the server for the preview! Make sure that you are authorized to run servers on this computer. Otherwise, use classic preview to test your game.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel iniciar o servidor para a visualiza\xE7\xE3o! Certifique-se de que voc\xEA est\xE1 autorizado a executar servidores neste computador. Caso contr\xE1rio, use a visualiza\xE7\xE3o cl\xE1ssica para testar seu jogo.","Unable to unregister the game":"Unable to unregister the game","Unable to update game.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel atualizar o jogo.","Unable to update the game details.":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel atualizar os detalhes do jogo.","Unable to update the game owners or authors. Have you removed yourself from the owners?":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel atualizar os propriet\xE1rios ou autores do jogo. Voc\xEA se removeu dos propriet\xE1rios?","Unable to update the game slug. A slug must be 6 to 30 characters long and only contains letters, digits or dashes.":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel atualizar o slug do jogo. Um slug deve ter entre 6 e 30 caracteres e cont\xE9m apenas letras, d\xEDgitos ou tra\xE7os.","Unable to verify URLs {0} . Please check they are correct.":function(a){return["N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel verificar as URLs ",a("0")," . Por favor, verifique se elas est\xE3o corretas."]},"Understood, I'll check my Apple or Google account":"Understood, I'll check my Apple or Google account","Undo":"Desfazer","Undo the last changes":"Desfazer \xFAltimas altera\xE7\xF5es","Unexpected error":"Erro inesperado","Unfortunately, this extension requires a newer version of GDevelop to work. Update GDevelop to be able to use this extension in your project.":"Infelizmente, esta extens\xE3o requer uma vers\xE3o mais recente do GDevelop para funcionar. Atualize o GDevelop para poder usar esta extens\xE3o em seu projeto.","Unknown behavior":"Comportamento desconhecido","Unknown certificate type":"Unknown certificate type","Unknown game":"Unknown game","Unknown status":"Status desconhecido","Unknown status.":"Status desconhecido.","Unlimited":"Unlimited","Unlimited commercial use license for claim with Gold or Pro subscription":"Unlimited commercial use license for claim with Gold or Pro subscription","Unlock GDevelop's features to build more and faster.":"Unlock GDevelop's features to build more and faster.","Unlock full access to GDevelop to create without limits!":"Desbloqueie acesso total ao GDevelop para criar sem limites!","Unlock layer":"Desbloquear camada","Unlock this lesson to finish the course":"Unlock this lesson to finish the course","Unlock with {0} credits":function(a){return["Unlock with ",a("0")," credits"]},"Unnamed":"Unnamed","Unregister game":"Desregistrar este jogo","Unsaved changes":"Altera\xE7\xF5es n\xE3o salvas","Untitled external events":"Eventos externos sem t\xEDtulo","Untitled external layout":"Layout externo sem t\xEDtulo","Untitled scene":"Cena sem t\xEDtulo","UntitledExtension":"Extens\xE3oSemT\xEDtulo","Up to {0}% discount":function(a){return["Up to ",a("0"),"% discount"]},"Update":"Atualizar","Update (could break the project)":"Atualizar (pode quebrar o projeto)","Update GDevelop to latest version":"Update GDevelop to latest version","Update game page":"Update game page","Update my subscription":"Atualizar minha assinatura","Update resolution during the game to fit the screen or window size":"Atualizar resolu\xE7\xE3o durante o jogo para caber na tela ou no tamanho da janela","Update the extension":"Atualizar extens\xE3o","Update your subscription":"Atualizar sua assinatura","Updates":"Atualiza\xE7\xF5es","Updating...":"Updating...","Upgrade":"Atualiza\xE7\xE3o","Upgrade to GDevelop Premium":"Upgrade to GDevelop Premium","Upgrade to GDevelop Premium to get more leaderboards, storage, and one-click packagings!":"Atualize para GDevelop Premium para obter mais tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o, armazenamento e empacotamentos em um clique!","Upgrade to get more cloud projects, publishing, multiplayer, courses and credits every month with GDevelop Premium.":"Upgrade to get more cloud projects, publishing, multiplayer, courses and credits every month with GDevelop Premium.","Upgrade your GDevelop subscription to unlock this packaging.":"Upgrade your GDevelop subscription to unlock this packaging.","Upgrade your Premium Plan":"Upgrade your Premium Plan","Upgrade your subscription":"Upgrade your subscription","Upload to build service":"Envie para o servi\xE7o de compila\xE7\xE3o","Uploading your game...":"Uploading your game...","Use 3D rendering":"Use 3D rendering","Use GDevelop credits or get a subscription to increase the limits.":"Use GDevelop credits or get a subscription to increase the limits.","Use GDevelop credits or upgrade your subscription to increase the limits.":"Use os cr\xE9ditos do GDevelop ou atualize sua assinatura para aumentar os limites.","Use GDevelop credits to start an export.":"Usar cr\xE9ditos do GDevelop para iniciar uma exporta\xE7\xE3o.","Use a Tilemap to build a level and change it dynamically during the game.":"Use a Tilemap to build a level and change it dynamically during the game.","Use a custom collision mask":"Use uma m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o personalizada","Use a public URL":"Usar uma URL p\xFAblica","Use an expression":"Usar uma express\xE3o","Use as...":"Usar como...","Use custom CSS for the leaderboard":"Use CSS personalizado para a tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o","Use full image as collision mask":"Usar a imagem inteira como m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o","Use icon":"Use icon","Use legacy renderer":"Use legacy renderer","Use same collision mask":"Use a mesma m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o","Use same collision mask for all animations?":"Use same collision mask for all animations?","Use same collision mask for all frames?":"Use same collision mask for all frames?","Use same points":"Use same points","Use same points for all animations?":"Use same points for all animations?","Use same points for all frames?":"Use same points for all frames?","Use this external layout inside this scene to start all previews":"Use este layout externo nesta cena para iniciar todas as pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es","Use this scene to start all previews":"Use esta cena para come\xE7ar todas as pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es","Use your GDevelop credits to purchase lessons in this course; or get a subscription to get them for free.":"Use your GDevelop credits to purchase lessons in this course; or get a subscription to get them for free.","Use your email":"Use your email","User interface":"Interface de usu\xE1rio","User name in the game URL":"Nome de usu\xE1rio na URL do jogo","Username":"Nome de Usu\xE1rio","Usernames are required to choose a custom game URL.":"Nomes de usu\xE1rio s\xE3o necess\xE1rios para escolher um URL personalizado para o jogo.","Users can chose to see only players' best entries or not.":"Os usu\xE1rios podem escolher ver apenas as melhores entradas dos jogadores ou n\xE3o.","Using Nearest Scale Mode":"Usar o modo de escala \"Nearest\" (pixelado)","Using a lot of effects can have a severe negative impact on the rendering performance, especially on low-end or mobile devices. Consider using less effects if possible. You can also disable and re-enable effects as needed using events.":"Usar muitos efeitos pode ter um grave impacto negativo no desempenho de renderiza\xE7\xE3o, especialmente em dispositivos menos potentes. Considere usar menos efeitos se poss\xEDvel. Voc\xEA tamb\xE9m pode desativar e reativar efeitos conforme necess\xE1rio usando eventos.","Using effects":"Usar efeitos","Using empty events based behavior":"Usar comportamento baseado em eventos vazios","Using empty events based object":"Usando eventos vazios baseados em objetos","Using events based behavior":"Usar comportamento baseado em eventos","Using events based object":"Usando eventos baseados em objetos","Using function extractor":"Usar o extrator de fun\xE7\xF5es","Using lighting layer":"Usando camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o","Using non smoothed textures":"Usar texturas n\xE3o suavizadas","Using pixel rounding":"Usando arredondamento de pixel","Using the resource properties panel":"Usar o painel de propriedades de recursos","Using too much effects":"Usar efeitos demais","Validate these parameters":"Validar estes par\xE2metros","Variable":"Vari\xE1vel","Variables":"Vari\xE1veis","Variables declared in all objects of the group will be visible in event expressions.":"Variables declared in all objects of the group will be visible in event expressions.","Variables list":"Variables list","Verify that you have the authorization for reading the file you're trying to access.":"Verifique se voc\xEA tem autoriza\xE7\xE3o para ler o arquivo que est\xE1 tentando acessar.","Verify your internet connection and try again later.":"Verifique sua conex\xE3o de internet e tente novamente mais tarde.","Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"Verifique sua conex\xE3o com a internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","Verify your internet connection to access your personalized content.":"Verifique sua conex\xE3o de internet para acessar seu conte\xFAdo personalizado.","Version":"Vers\xE3o","Version number (X.Y.Z)":"N\xFAmero da vers\xE3o (X.Y.Z)","Version {0}":function(a){return["Vers\xE3o ",a("0")]},"Version {0} ({1} available)":function(a){return["Vers\xE3o ",a("0")," (",a("1")," dispon\xEDvel)"]},"Vertical flip":"Inverter verticalmente","Video":"V\xEDdeo","Video format supported can vary according to devices and browsers. For maximum compatibility, use H.264/mp4 file format (and AAC for audio).":"O formato de v\xEDdeo suportado pode variar de acordo com os dispositivos e navegadores. Para obter compatibilidade m\xE1xima, use o formato de arquivo H.264/mp4 (e AAC para \xE1udio).","Video game":"Video game","Video resource":"Recurso de v\xEDdeo","View":"Exibi\xE7\xE3o","Viewers":"Visualizadores","Viewpoint":"Ponto de vista","Visibility":"Visibilidade","Visibility and instances ordering":"Visibility and instances ordering","Visibility in quick customization dialog":"Visibility in quick customization dialog","Visible":"Vis\xEDvel","Visible in editor":"Vis\xEDvel no editor","Visible in the search and your profile":"Visible in the search and your profile","Visual Effects":"Efeitos visuais","Visual appearance":"Apar\xEAncia visual","Visual appearance (advanced)":"Apar\xEAncia visual (avan\xE7ado)","Visual effect":"Efeito visual","Visuals":"Visuais","Wait for the action to end before executing the actions (and subevents) following it":"Aguarde a a\xE7\xE3o terminar antes de executar as a\xE7\xF5es (e subeventos) que a seguem","Waiting for the purchase confirmation...":"Aguardando a confirma\xE7\xE3o da compra...","Waiting for the subscription confirmation...":"Aguardando a confirma\xE7\xE3o da assinatura...","Wallet":"Wallet","Warning":"Aten\xE7\xE3o","Watch changes in game engine (GDJS) sources and auto import them (dev only)":"Assista mudan\xE7as nos c\xF3digos-fonte da Engine de jogo (GDJS) e importe-as automaticamente (apenas para desenvolvedores)","Watch the project folder for file changes in order to refresh the resources used in the editor (images, 3D models, fonts, etc.)":"Assista \xE0 pasta do projeto para altera\xE7\xF5es de arquivos a fim de atualizar os recursos utilizados no editor (imagens, modelos 3D, fontes, etc.)","Watch tutorial":"Assistir ao tutorial","We could not check your follow":"We could not check your follow","We could not find your GitHub star":"We could not find your GitHub star","We could not find your GitHub user and star":"We could not find your GitHub user and star","We could not find your user":"We could not find your user","We couldn't find a version to go back to.":"N\xE3o conseguimos encontrar uma vers\xE3o para a qual retornar.","We couldn't find your project.{0}If your project is stored on a different computer, launch GDevelop on that computer.{1}Otherwise, use the \"Open project\" button and find it in your filesystem.":function(a){return["We couldn't find your project.",a("0"),"If your project is stored on a different computer, launch GDevelop on that computer.",a("1"),"Otherwise, use the \"Open project\" button and find it in your filesystem."]},"We couldn't load your cloud projects. Verify your internet connection or try again later.":"N\xE3o conseguimos carregar os seus projetos salvos na nuvem. Verifique a sua conex\xE3o com a Internet ou tente novamente mais tarde.","We have found a non-corrupt save from {0} available for modification.":function(a){return["We have found a non-corrupt save from ",a("0")," available for modification."]},"Web":"Web","Web Build":"Compila\xE7\xE3o Web","Web builds":"Compila\xE7\xF5es Web","Welcome back!":"Welcome back!","Welcome to GDevelop!":"Bem-vindo ao GDevelop!","What are you using GDevelop for?":"Para que voc\xEA est\xE1 usando o GDevelop?","What is your goal with GDevelop?":"What is your goal with GDevelop?","What kind of projects are you building?":"Que tipo de projetos voc\xEA est\xE1 construindo?","What kind of projects do you want to build with GDevelop?":"What kind of projects do you want to build with GDevelop?","What would you like to do with this uncorrupted version of your project?":"What would you like to do with this uncorrupted version of your project?","What's new in GDevelop?":"O que h\xE1 de novo no GDevelop?","What's new?":"O que h\xE1 de novo?","When checked, will only display the best score of each player (only for the display below).":"Quando marcado, apenas ir\xE1 exibir a melhor pontua\xE7\xE3o de cada jogador (apenas para a exibi\xE7\xE3o abaixo).","When do you plan to finish or release your projects?":"Quando voc\xEA planeja terminar ou liberar seus projetos?","When previewing the game in the editor, this duration is ignored (the game preview starts as soon as possible).":"Ao visualizar o jogo no editor, essa dura\xE7\xE3o \xE9 ignorada (a pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o do jogo come\xE7a o mais r\xE1pido poss\xEDvel).","When you create an object using an action, GDevelop now sets the Z order of the object to the maximum value that was found when starting the scene for each layer. This allow to make sure that objects that you create are in front of others. This game was created before this change, so GDevelop maintains the old behavior: newly created objects Z order is set to 0. It's recommended that you switch to the new behavior by clicking the following button.":"Quando voc\xEA cria um objeto usando uma a\xE7\xE3o, GDevelop agora define a ordem Z do objeto para o valor m\xE1ximo que foi encontrado ao iniciar a cena para cada camada. Isso permite garantir que os objetos que voc\xEA criar estejam na frente de outros. Este jogo foi criado antes desta mudan\xE7a, portanto o GDevelop mant\xE9m o comportamento antigo: a ordem Z dos objetos rec\xE9m criados \xE9 definida como 0. \xC9 recomend\xE1vel que voc\xEA mude para o novo comportamento clicando no bot\xE3o a seguir.","Where are you planing to publish your project(s)?":"Onde voc\xEA est\xE1 planejando publicar seu(s) projeto(s)?","Where to store this project":"Onde armazenar este projeto","While these conditions are true:":"Enquanto essas condi\xE7\xF5es forem verdadeiras:","Width":"Largura","Window":"Janela","Window title":"T\xEDtulo da janela","Windows (auto-installer file)":"Windows (arquivo auto-instalador)","Windows (exe)":"Windows (exe)","Windows (zip file)":"Windows (arquivo zip)","Windows (zip)":"Windows (arquivo zip)","Windows, MacOS and Linux":"Windows, MacOS and Linux","Windows, MacOS, Linux (Steam, MS Store...)":"Windows, MacOS, Linux (Steam, MS Store...)","Windows, macOS & Linux":"Windows, macOS e Linux","Windows/macOS/Linux (manual)":"Windows/macOS/Linux (manual)","Windows/macOS/Linux Build":"Windows/macOS/Linux Compila\xE7\xE3o","With an established team of people during the whole project":"With an established team of people during the whole project","With at least one other person":"With at least one other person","Would you like to describe your projects?":"Would you like to describe your projects?","Would you like to open the non-corrupt version instead?":"Would you like to open the non-corrupt version instead?","Write your question as precisely as possible. Tell where you're blocked or what you want to do.":"Write your question as precisely as possible. Tell where you're blocked or what you want to do.","X":"X","X offset (in pixels)":"Deslocamento X (em pixels)","Y":"Y","Y offset (in pixels)":"Deslocamento Y (em pixels)","Year":"Ano","Yearly":"Yearly","Yearly, {0}":function(a){return["Yearly, ",a("0")]},"Yearly, {0} per seat":function(a){return["Yearly, ",a("0")," per seat"]},"Yes":"Sim","Yes or No":"Sim ou N\xE3o","Yes or No (boolean)":"Sim ou N\xE3o (booleano)","Yes, discard my changes":"Sim, descartar minhas altera\xE7\xF5es","Yesterday":"Ontem","You already have an account for this email address with a different provider (Google, Apple or GitHub). Please try with one of those.":"You already have an account for this email address with a different provider (Google, Apple or GitHub). Please try with one of those.","You already have an active {translatedName} featuring for your game {0}. Check your emails or discord, we will get in touch with you to get the campaign up!":function(a){return["You already have an active ",a("translatedName")," featuring for your game ",a("0"),". Check your emails or discord, we will get in touch with you to get the campaign up!"]},"You already have these {0} assets installed, do you want to add them again?":function(a){return["Voc\xEA j\xE1 tem esses ",a("0")," ativos instalados, deseja adicion\xE1-los novamente?"]},"You already have {0} asset(s) in your scene. Do you want to add the remaining {1} one(s)?":function(a){return["Voc\xEA j\xE1 tem ",a("0")," ativo(s) em sua cena. Deseja adicionar os ",a("1")," restantes?"]},"You already own this pack!":"Voc\xEA j\xE1 tem esse pacote!","You already own this product":"You already own this product","You already own this template!":"You already own this template!","You already used this code - you can't reuse a code multiple times.":"You already used this code - you can't reuse a code multiple times.","You are about to delete an object":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 prestes a deletar um projeto","You are about to delete the project {projectName}, which is currently opened. If you proceed, the project will be closed and you will lose any unsaved changes. Do you want to proceed?":function(a){return["You are about to delete the project ",a("projectName"),", which is currently opened. If you proceed, the project will be closed and you will lose any unsaved changes. Do you want to proceed?"]},"You are about to quit the tutorial.":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 prestes a sair do tutorial.","You are about to remove \"{0}\" from the list of your projects.{1}It will not delete it from your disk and you can always re-open it later. Do you want to proceed?":function(a){return["You are about to remove \"",a("0"),"\" from the list of your projects.",a("1"),"It will not delete it from your disk and you can always re-open it later. Do you want to proceed?"]},"You are about to remove the last sprite of this object, which has a custom collision mask. The custom collision mask will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?":"You are about to remove the last sprite of this object, which has a custom collision mask. The custom collision mask will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?","You are about to remove {0}{1} from the list of collaborators. Are you sure?":function(a){return["You are about to remove ",a("0"),a("1")," from the list of collaborators. Are you sure?"]},"You are about to use {assetPackCreditsAmount} credits to purchase the asset pack {0}. Continue?":function(a){return["You are about to use ",a("assetPackCreditsAmount")," credits to purchase the asset pack ",a("0"),". Continue?"]},"You are about to use {creditsAmount} credits to purchase the chapter \"{0}\". Continue?":function(a){return["You are about to use ",a("creditsAmount")," credits to purchase the chapter \"",a("0"),"\". Continue?"]},"You are about to use {gameTemplateCreditsAmount} credits to purchase the game template {0}. Continue?":function(a){return["You are about to use ",a("gameTemplateCreditsAmount")," credits to purchase the game template ",a("0"),". Continue?"]},"You are about to use {planCreditsAmount} credits to extend the game featuring {translatedName} for your game {0} and push it to the top of Continue?":function(a){return["You are about to use ",a("planCreditsAmount")," credits to extend the game featuring ",a("translatedName")," for your game ",a("0")," and push it to the top of Continue?"]},"You are about to use {planCreditsAmount} credits to purchase the game featuring {translatedName} for your game {0}. Continue?":function(a){return["You are about to use ",a("planCreditsAmount")," credits to purchase the game featuring ",a("translatedName")," for your game ",a("0"),". Continue?"]},"You are about to use {usageCreditPrice} credits to start this build. Continue?":function(a){return["You are about to use ",a("usageCreditPrice")," credits to start this build. Continue?"]},"You are in raw mode. You can edit the fields, but be aware that this can lead to unexpected results or even crash the debugged game!":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 no modo bruto. Voc\xEA pode editar os campos, mas esteja ciente de que isso pode levar a resultados inesperados ou at\xE9 mesmo travar o jogo depurado!","You are missing out on asset store discounts and other benefits! Verify your email address. Didn't receive it?":"You are missing out on asset store discounts and other benefits! Verify your email address. Didn't receive it?","You are not connected. Create an account to build your game for Android, Windows, macOS and Linux in one click, and get access to metrics for your game.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o est\xE1 conectado. Crie uma conta para criar seu jogo para Android, Windows, macOS e Linux em um clique, e tenha acesso a m\xE9tricas para o seu jogo.","You are not owner of this project, so you cannot invite collaborators.":"You are not owner of this project, so you cannot invite collaborators.","You are not the owner of this game, ask the owner to add you as an owner to see its exports.":"You are not the owner of this game, ask the owner to add you as an owner to see its exports.","You can <0>help to translate GDevelop in your language.":"Voc\xEA pode <0>ajudar a traduzir o GDevelop no seu idioma.","You can also ask your question on <0>the forum, on <1>the GDevelop Discord server or <2>book fast professional support.":"You can also ask your question on <0>the forum, on <1>the GDevelop Discord server or <2>book fast professional support.","You can also launch a preview from this external layout, but remember that it will still create objects from the scene, as well as trigger its events. Make sure to disable any action loading the external layout before doing so to avoid having duplicate objects!":"Voc\xEA tamb\xE9m pode lan\xE7ar uma pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o deste layout externo, mas lembre-se de que ainda vai criar objetos da cena, bem como acionar seus eventos. Certifique-se de desativar qualquer a\xE7\xE3o para carregar o layout externo antes de fazer isso para evitar ter objetos duplicados!","You can configure the following properties and they will be applied as soon as you share your game with an export to":"You can configure the following properties and they will be applied as soon as you share your game with an export to","You can contribute and <0>create your own themes.":"Voc\xEA pode contribuir e <0>criar seus pr\xF3prios temas.","You can download the file of your game to continue working on it using the full GDevelop version:":"Voc\xEA pode baixar o arquivo do seu jogo para continuar trabalhando nele usando a vers\xE3o completa do GDevelop:","You can export the extension to a file to easily import it in another project. If your extension is providing useful and reusable functions or behaviors, consider sharing it with the GDevelop community!":"Voc\xEA pode exportar a extens\xE3o para um arquivo para facilmente import\xE1-lo em outro projeto. Se sua extens\xE3o fornece fun\xE7\xF5es ou comportamentos \xFAteis e reutiliz\xE1veis, considere compartilh\xE1-la com a comunidade GDevelop!","You can find your cloud projects in the Build section of the homepage.":"You can find your cloud projects in the Build section of the homepage.","You can now compile the game by yourself using Cordova command-line tool to iOS (XCode is required) or Android (Android SDK is required).":"Agora voc\xEA pode compilar o jogo sozinho usando a ferramenta de linha de comando Cordova para iOS (XCode \xE9 necess\xE1rio) ou Android (Android SDK \xE9 necess\xE1rio).","You can now create a game on Facebook Instant Games, if not already done, and upload the generated archive.":"Agora voc\xEA pode criar um jogo para os Jogos Instant\xE2neos do Facebook, se ainda n\xE3o foi feito, e fazer o upload do arquivo gerado.","You can now go back to the asset store to use the assets in your games.":"You can now go back to the asset store to use the assets in your games.","You can now go back to the store to use your new game template.":"You can now go back to the store to use your new game template.","You can now upload the game to a web hosting service to play it.":"You can now upload the game to a web hosting service to play it.","You can now use them across the app!":"Agora voc\xEA pode us\xE1-los em todo o aplicativo!","You can only install up to {MAX_ASSETS_TO_INSTALL} assets at once. Try filtering the assets you would like to install, or install them one by one.":function(a){return["Voc\xEA s\xF3 pode instalar at\xE9 ",a("MAX_ASSETS_TO_INSTALL")," recursos de uma s\xF3 vez. Tente filtrar os ativos que deseja instalar ou instale-os um por um."]},"You can open the command palette by pressing {commandPaletteShortcut}.":function(a){return["Voc\xEA pode abrir a paleta de comandos pressionando ",a("commandPaletteShortcut"),"."]},"You can save your project to come back to it later. What do you want to do?":"Voc\xEA pode salvar seu projeto para voltar-lhe mais tarde. O que voc\xEA quer fazer?","You can select more than one.":"Voc\xEA pode selecionar mais de um.","You can use credits to feature a game or purchase asset packs and game templates in the store!":"You can use credits to feature a game or purchase asset packs and game templates in the store!","You can wait a bit more, or try refining your prompt.":"Voc\xEA pode esperar um pouco mais ou tentar refinar seu promotor.","You can't delete your account while you have an active subscription. Please cancel your subscription first.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o pode excluir sua conta enquanto tiver uma assinatura ativa. Por favor, cancele sua assinatura primeiro.","You cannot add yourself as a collaborator.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o pode se adicionar como colaborador.","You cannot do this.":"N\xE3o pode fazer isso.","You cannot unregister a game that has active leaderboards. To delete them, access the player services, and delete them one by one.":"You cannot unregister a game that has active leaderboards. To delete them, access the player services, and delete them one by one.","You currently have a subscription, applied thanks to a redemption code, valid until {0}. If you redeem another code, your existing subscription will be canceled and not redeemable anymore!":function(a){return["Atualmente voc\xEA tem uma assinatura aplicada gra\xE7as a um c\xF3digo de resgate v\xE1lido ate ",a("0")," Se voc\xEA resgatar outro c\xF3digo, sua assinatura existente ser\xE1 cancelada e n\xE3o poder\xE1 mais ser resgatada!"]},"You currently have a subscription. If you redeem a code, the existing subscription will be cancelled and replaced by the one given by the code.":"Atualmente voc\xEA tem uma assinatura. Se voc\xEA resgatar um c\xF3digo, a assinatura existente ser\xE1 cancelada e substitu\xEDda pela assinatura fornecida pelo c\xF3digo.","You don't have a thumbnail":"You don't have a thumbnail","You don't have any Android builds for this game.":"You don't have any Android builds for this game.","You don't have any builds for this game.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o tem nenhuma compila\xE7\xE3o para este jogo.","You don't have any desktop builds for this game.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o possui nenhuma vers\xE3o de desktop para este jogo.","You don't have any feedback for this export.":"You don't have any feedback for this export.","You don't have any feedback for this game.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o tem nenhum coment\xE1rio para este jogo.","You don't have any iOS builds for this game.":"You don't have any iOS builds for this game.","You don't have any students yet.":"Voc\xEA ainda n\xE3o tem nenhum aluno.","You don't have any unread feedback for this export.":"You don't have any unread feedback for this export.","You don't have any unread feedback for this game.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o tem nenhum feedback n\xE3o lido para este jogo.","You don't have any web builds for this game.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o tem nenhuma compila\xE7\xE3o da web para este jogo.","You don't have enough available seats to restore those accounts.":"You don't have enough available seats to restore those accounts.","You don't have enough rights to add a new admin.":"You don't have enough rights to add a new admin.","You don't have enough rights to manage those accounts.":"You don't have enough rights to manage those accounts.","You don't have permissions to add collaborators.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o tem permiss\xE3o para adicionar colaboradores.","You don't have permissions to delete this project.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o tem permiss\xE3o para excluir este projeto.","You don't have permissions to save this project. Please choose another location.":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o tem permiss\xE3o para salvar este projeto. Escolha outro local.","You don't need to add the @ in your username":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o precisa adicionar o @ no seu nome de usu\xE1rio","You don't own any pack yet!":"Voc\xEA ainda n\xE3o tem nenhum pacote!","You don\u2019t have any feedback about your game. Share your game and start collecting player feedback.":"You don\u2019t have any feedback about your game. Share your game and start collecting player feedback.","You have 0 notifications.":"You have 0 notifications.","You have <0>{remainingBuilds} build remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 24h.":function(a){return["You have <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," build remaining \u2014 you have used ",a("usageRatio")," in the past 24h."]},"You have <0>{remainingBuilds} build remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 30 days.":function(a){return["You have <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," build remaining \u2014 you have used ",a("usageRatio")," in the past 30 days."]},"You have <0>{remainingBuilds} builds remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 24h.":function(a){return["You have <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," builds remaining \u2014 you have used ",a("usageRatio")," in the past 24h."]},"You have <0>{remainingBuilds} builds remaining \u2014 you have used {usageRatio} in the past 30 days.":function(a){return["You have <0>",a("remainingBuilds")," builds remaining \u2014 you have used ",a("usageRatio")," in the past 30 days."]},"You have a build currently running, you can see its progress via the exports button at the bottom of this dialog.":"You have a build currently running, you can see its progress via the exports button at the bottom of this dialog.","You have an active subscription":"Voc\xEA possui uma assinatura ativa","You have reached the maximum number of games you can register! You can unregister games in your Games Dashboard.":"Voc\xEA atingiu o n\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de jogos que pode registrar! Voc\xEA pode cancelar o registro de jogos no seu Painel de Jogos.","You have reached the maximum number of guest collaborators for your subscription. Ask this user to get a Startup subscription!":"Voc\xEA atingiu o n\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de colaboradores convidados para sua assinatura. Pe\xE7a a este usu\xE1rio para obter uma assinatura do (Superstar)!","You have to wait {0} days before you can reactivate an archived account.":function(a){return["You have to wait ",a("0")," days before you can reactivate an archived account."]},"You have unlocked full access to GDevelop to create without limits!":"Voc\xEA desbloqueou acesso total ao GDevelop para criar sem limites!","You have unsaved changes in your project.":"Voc\xEA tem altera\xE7\xF5es n\xE3o salvas no seu projeto.","You haven't contributed any examples":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o contribuiu com nenhum exemplo","You haven't contributed any extensions":"Voc\xEA n\xE3o contribuiu com nenhuma extens\xE3o","You just added an instance to a hidden layer (\"{0}\"). Open the layer panel to make it visible.":function(a){return["Voc\xEA acabou de adicionar uma inst\xE2ncia a uma camada oculta (\"",a("0"),"\"). Abra o painel de camadas para torn\xE1-lo vis\xEDvel."]},"You might like":"Voc\xEA pode gostar de","You must be connected to use online export services.":"Voc\xEA deve estar conectado para usar os servi\xE7os de exporta\xE7\xE3o \u2018ligado\u2019.","You must be logged in to invite collaborators.":"Voc\xEA deve estar logado para convidar colaboradores.","You must own a Spine license to publish a game with a Spine object.":"You must own a Spine license to publish a game with a Spine object.","You must select a key.":"Voc\xEA deve selecionar uma chave.","You must select a valid key. \"{0}\" is not valid.":function(a){return["You must select a valid key. \"",a("0"),"\" is not valid."]},"You must select a valid key. \"{value}\" is not valid.":function(a){return["Voc\xEA deve selecionar uma chave v\xE1lida. \"",a("value"),"\" n\xE3o \xE9 v\xE1lido."]},"You must select a valid value. \"{value}\" is not valid.":function(a){return["You must select a valid value. \"",a("value"),"\" is not valid."]},"You must select a value.":"You must select a value.","You must select at least one user to be the author of the game.":"You must select at least one user to be the author of the game.","You must select at least one user to be the owner of the game.":"Voc\xEA deve selecionar pelo menos um usu\xE1rio para ser o propriet\xE1rio do jogo.","You need a Apple Developer account to create a certificate.":"You need a Apple Developer account to create a certificate.","You need a Apple Developer account to create an API key that will automatically publish your app.":"You need a Apple Developer account to create an API key that will automatically publish your app.","You need to first save your project to the cloud to invite collaborators.":"Voc\xEA precisa primeiro salvar seu projeto na nuvem para convidar colaboradores.","You need to login first to see your builds.":"Voc\xEA precisa primeiro estar logado para ver suas compila\xE7\xF5es.","You need to login first to see your game feedbacks.":"Voc\xEA precisa entrar primeiro para ver seus coment\xE1rios do jogo.","You need to save this project as a cloud project to install premium assets. Please save your project and try again.":"Voc\xEA precisa salvar este projeto como um projeto em nuvem para instalar ativos premio. Salve seu projeto e tente novamente.","You need to save this project as a cloud project to install this asset. Please save your project and try again.":"Voc\xEA precisa salvar este projeto como um projeto na nuvem para instalar este ativo. Salve seu projeto e tente novamente.","You received {0} credits thanks to your subscription":function(a){return["You received ",a("0")," credits thanks to your subscription"]},"You seem to be offline":"Voc\xEA parece estar sem rede","You should have received an email containing instructions to reset and set a new password. Once it's done, you can use your new password in GDevelop.":"Voc\xEA deve ter recebido um e-mail contendo instru\xE7\xF5es para zerar e definir uma nova senha. Feito isso, voc\xEA pode usar sua nova senha no GDevelop.","You will get access to special discounts on the GDevelop asset store, as well as weekly stats about your games.":"Voc\xEA ter\xE1 acesso a descontos especiais na loja de ativos GDevelop, bem como estat\xEDsticas semanais sobre seus jogos.","You will lose all custom collision masks. Do you want to continue?":"Voc\xEA perder\xE1 todas as m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o personalizadas. Voc\xEA quer continuar?","You will lose any progress made with the external editor. Do you wish to cancel?":"You will lose any progress made with the external editor. Do you wish to cancel?","You'll convert {0} USD to {1} credits.":function(a){return["You'll convert ",a("0")," USD to ",a("1")," credits."]},"You're about to add 1 asset.":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 prestes a adicionar 1 recurso.","You're about to add {0} assets.":function(a){return["Voc\xEA est\xE1 prestes a adicionar ",a("0")," recursos."]},"You're about to cash out {0} USD.":function(a){return["You're about to cash out ",a("0")," USD."]},"You're about to open (or re-open) a project. Click on \"Open the Project\" to continue.":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 prestes a abrir (ou reabrir) um projeto. Clique em \"Abrir o projeto\" para continuar.","You're about to restart this multichapter guided lesson.":"You're about to restart this multichapter guided lesson.","You're awesome!":"You're awesome!","You're leaving the game tutorial":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 saindo do tutorial do jogo","You're now logged out":"Agora voc\xEA est\xE1 desconectado","You're trying to save changes made to a previous version of your project. If you continue, it will be used as the new latest version.":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 tentando salvar altera\xE7\xF5es feitas em uma vers\xE3o anterior do seu projeto. Se voc\xEA continuar, ela ser\xE1 usada como a nova vers\xE3o mais recente.","You're {missingCredits} credits short.":function(a){return["You're ",a("missingCredits")," credits short."]},"You've made some changes here. Are you sure you want to discard them and open the behavior events?":"Voc\xEA fez algumas altera\xE7\xF5es aqui. Tem certeza de que deseja descart\xE1-los e abrir os eventos de comportamento?","You've made some changes here. Are you sure you want to discard them and open the function?":"Voc\xEA fez algumas altera\xE7\xF5es aqui. Tem certeza de que quer descart\xE1-las e abrir a Fun\xE7\xE3o?","You've reached the limit of cloud projects you can have. Delete some existing cloud projects of yours before trying again.":"Voc\xEA atingiu o limite de projetos em nuvem que voc\xEA pode ter. Exclua alguns dos seus projetos em nuvem existentes antes de tentar novamente.","You've reached your limit":"You've reached your limit","You've reached your limit of questions. Wait a bit and try again tomorrow, or get a subscription to unlock more questions!":"You've reached your limit of questions. Wait a bit and try again tomorrow, or get a subscription to unlock more questions!","You've reached your maximum of {0} leaderboards for your game":function(a){return["Voc\xEA atingiu o m\xE1ximo de ",a("0")," placares para seu jogo"]},"You've reached your maximum storage of {maximumCount} cloud projects":function(a){return["You've reached your maximum storage of ",a("maximumCount")," cloud projects"]},"You've used all your daily pre-made AI scenes! Generate as many as you want with a subscription.":"Voc\xEA usou todas as suas cenas di\xE1rias de IA pr\xE9-fabricadas! Gere quantos quiser com uma assinatura.","YouTube channel (tutorials and more)":"Canal no YouTube (tutoriais e muito mais)","Your Discord username":"Seu nome de usu\xE1rio do Discord","Your account has been deleted!":"A sua conta foi deletada!","Your account is upgraded, with the extra exports and online services. If you wish to change later, come back to your profile and choose another plan.":"Sua conta foi atualizada, com as exporta\xE7\xF5es extras e servi\xE7os online. Se voc\xEA quiser mudar mais tarde, volte ao seu perfil e escolha outro plano.","Your browser will now open to enter your payment details.":"Seu navegador agora ser\xE1 aberto para inserir seus detalhes de pagamento.","Your computer":"Seu computador","Your feedback is valuable to help us improve our premium services. Why are you canceling your subscription?":"Your feedback is valuable to help us improve our premium services. Why are you canceling your subscription?","Your free trial will expire in {0} hours.":function(a){return["Your free trial will expire in ",a("0")," hours."]},"Your game has some invalid elements, please fix these before continuing:":"Seu jogo tem alguns elementos inv\xE1lidos. Corrija-os antes de continuar:","Your game is hidden on":"Your game is hidden on","Your game is not published on":"Your game is not published on","Your game may not be registered, create one in the leaderboard manager.":"Your game may not be registered, create one in the leaderboard manager.","Your game will be deleted. This action is irreversible. Do you want to continue?":"Your game will be deleted. This action is irreversible. Do you want to continue?","Your game will be exported and packaged online as a stand-alone game for Windows, Linux and/or macOS.":"Seu jogo ser\xE1 exportado e empacotado on-line como um jogo instal\xE1vel para Windows, Linux e/ou macOS.","Your game won't work if you open the index.html file on your computer. You must upload it to a web hosting platform (, Poki, CrazyGames etc...) or a web server to run it.":"Your game won't work if you open the index.html file on your computer. You must upload it to a web hosting platform (, Poki, CrazyGames etc...) or a web server to run it.","Your game {0} received a feedback message: \"{1}...\"":function(a){return["Your game ",a("0")," received a feedback message: \"",a("1"),"...\""]},"Your game {0} received {1} feedback messages":function(a){return["Your game ",a("0")," received ",a("1")," feedback messages"]},"Your game {0} was played more than {1} times!":function(a){return["Your game ",a("0")," was played more than ",a("1")," times!"]},"Your latest changes could not be applied to the preview(s) being run. You should start a new preview instead to make sure that all your changes are reflected in the game.":"Suas \xFAltimas altera\xE7\xF5es n\xE3o puderam ser aplicadas \xE0(s) pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o(\xF5es) sendo executadas. Voc\xEA deve iniciar uma nova pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o em vez disso para certificar-se de que todas as suas altera\xE7\xF5es est\xE3o refletidas no jogo.","Your membership helps the GDevelop company maintain servers, build new features and keep the open-source project thriving. Our goal: make game development fast, fun and accessible to all.":"Your membership helps the GDevelop company maintain servers, build new features and keep the open-source project thriving. Our goal: make game development fast, fun and accessible to all.","Your name":"Seu nome","Your need to first create your account, or login, to upload your own resources.":"Voc\xEA precisa criar sua conta ou fazer login para poder enviar seus pr\xF3prios arquivos.","Your need to first save your game on GDevelop Cloud to upload your own resources.":"Voc\xEA precisa primeiro salvar seu jogo na nuvem do GDevelop para carregar seus pr\xF3prios arquivos.","Your new plan is now activated.":"Seu novo plano foi ativado.","Your password must be between 8 and 30 characters long.":"Your password must be between 8 and 30 characters long.","Your plan:":"Your plan:","Your preview is ready! On your mobile or tablet, open your browser and enter in the address bar:":"Sua pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 pronta! No seu celular ou tablet, abra seu navegador e insira na barra de endere\xE7os:","Your project is saved in the same folder as the application. This folder will be deleted when the application is updated. Please choose another location if you don't want to lose your project.":"Seu projeto \xE9 salvo na mesma pasta do aplicativo. Esta pasta ser\xE1 exclu\xEDda quando o aplicativo for atualizado. Escolha outro local se n\xE3o quiser perder seu projeto.","Your project name has changed, this will also save the whole project, continue?":"O nome do seu projeto foi alterado, isso tamb\xE9m ir\xE1 salvar o seu projeto inteiro, continuar?","Your purchase has been processed!":"Sua compra foi processada!","Your question":"Your question","Your question has been sent! You'll receive your answer by email.":"Your question has been sent! You'll receive your answer by email.","Your question is too short":"Your question is too short","Your question must be at least {minLength} characters long.":function(a){return["Your question must be at least ",a("minLength")," characters long."]},"Your search and filters did not return any result.":"Your search and filters did not return any result.","Your search and filters did not return any result.<0/>If you need support for a specific language, please contact us.":"Your search and filters did not return any result.<0/>If you need support for a specific language, please contact us.","Your subscription could not be cancelled. Please try again later!":"Sua assinatura n\xE3o p\xF4de ser cancelada. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde!","Your subscription has been canceled":"Your subscription has been canceled","Your subscription is being cancelled: you will lose the benefits at the end of the period you already paid for.":"Sua assinatura est\xE1 sendo cancelada:voc\xEA perder\xE1 os benef\xEDcios ao final do per\xEDodo j\xE1 pago. ","Your team does not have enough seats for a new admin.":"Your team does not have enough seats for a new admin.","You\u2019re about to permanently delete your GDevelop account You will no longer be able to log into the app with this email address.":"Voc\xEA est\xE1 prestes a excluir permanentemente sua conta de do GDevelop. Voc\xEA n\xE3o poder\xE1 mais entrar no aplicativo com este endere\xE7o de e-mail.","You\u2019ve reached the maximum amount of available seats. <0>Increase the number of seats on your subscription to invite more students and collaborators.":"You\u2019ve reached the maximum amount of available seats. <0>Increase the number of seats on your subscription to invite more students and collaborators.","Z":"Z","Z Order":"Ordem Z","Z Order of objects created from events":"Ordem Z dos objetos criados a partir de eventos","Z max bound":"Z max bound","Z max bound should be greater than Z min bound":"Z max bound should be greater than Z min bound","Z min bound":"Z min bound","Z min bound should be smaller than Z max bound":"Z min bound should be smaller than Z max bound","Zoom In":"Ampliar","Zoom Out":"Reduzir","Zoom in":"Aumentar zoom","Zoom in (you can also use Ctrl + Mouse wheel)":"Aumentar o zoom (voc\xEA tamb\xE9m pode usar Ctrl + scroll do mouse)","Zoom out":"Diminuir zoom","Zoom out (you can also use Ctrl + Mouse wheel)":"Diminuir o zoom (voc\xEA tamb\xE9m pode usar Ctrl + scroll do mouse)","Zoom to fit content":"Zoom para ajustar ao conte\xFAdo","Zoom to fit selection":"Amplia\xE7\xE3o para ajustar a sele\xE7\xE3o","Zoom to initial position":"Amplia\xE7\xE3o para a posi\xE7\xE3o inicial","[Follow GDevelop]( and enter your TikTok username here to get {rewardValueInCredits} free credits as a thank you!":function(a){return["[Follow GDevelop]( and enter your TikTok username here to get ",a("rewardValueInCredits")," free credits as a thank you!"]},"[Follow GDevelop]( and enter your Twitter username here to get {rewardValueInCredits} free credits as a thank you!":function(a){return["[Follow GDevelop]( and enter your Twitter username here to get ",a("rewardValueInCredits")," free credits as a thank you!"]},"[Star the GDevelop repository]( and add your GitHub username here to get {rewardValueInCredits} free credits as a thank you!":function(a){return["[Star the GDevelop repository]( and add your GitHub username here to get ",a("rewardValueInCredits")," free credits as a thank you!"]},"a permanent":"permanente","add":"adicionar","an instant":"uma inst\xE2ncia","by":"por","contains":"cont\xE9m","date,date":"data,data","date,date,date0":"data, data, data0","day,date,date0":"dia, data, data0","delete":"excluir","divide by":"dividir por","ends with":"termina com","false":"falso","":"jogos","iOS":"iOS","iOS & Android (manual)":"iOS e Android (manual)","iOS (iPhone and iPad) icons":"\xEDcones para iOS (iPhone e iPad)","iOS Build":"iOS Build","iOS builds":"iOS builds","in {elementsWithWords}":function(a){return["em ",a("elementsWithWords")]},"leaderboard.":"leaderboard.","leaderboards.":"leaderboards.","macOS (zip file)":"macOS (arquivo zip)","macOS (zip)":"macOS (compress\xE3o de ficheiros)","minutes":"minutos","multiply by":"multiplicar por","no":"n\xE3o","or":"ou","set to":"definir como","set to false":"set to false","set to true":"set to true","starts with":"inicia com","subtract":"subtrair","the events sheet":"A ficha de eventos","the home page":"a tela de in\xEDcio","the scene editor":"o editor de cena","toggle":"toggle","true":"verdadeiro","username":"Nome de usu\xE1rio","yes":"sim","{0}":function(a){return[a("0")]},"{0} % of players with more than {1} minutes":function(a){return[a("0")," % de jogadores com mais de ",a("1")," minutos"]},"{0} (default)":function(a){return[a("0")," (Padr\xE3o)"]},"{0} Assets":function(a){return[a("0")," Ativos"]},"{0} builds":function(a){return[a("0")," Compila\xE7\xF5es"]},"{0} chapters":function(a){return[a("0")," chapters"]},"{0} children":function(a){return[a("0")," filhos"]},"{0} credits":function(a){return[a("0")," credits"]},"{0} exports created":function(a){return[a("0")," exports created"]},"{0} exports ongoing...":function(a){return[a("0")," exports ongoing..."]},"{0} minutes per player":function(a){return[a("0")," minutos por jogador"]},"{0} new feedbacks":function(a){return[a("0")," new feedbacks"]},"{0} of {1} completed":function(a){return[a("0")," of ",a("1")," completed"]},"{0} options":function(a){return[a("0")," Alternativas"]},"{0} part":function(a){return[a("0")," part"]},"{0} players with more than {1} minutes":function(a){return[a("0")," jogadores com mais de ",a("1")," minutos"]},"{0} projects":function(a){return[a("0")," projects"]},"{0} properties":function(a){return[a("0")," Propriedades"]},"{0} reviews":function(a){return[a("0")," reviews"]},"{0} sessions":function(a){return[a("0")," sess\xF5es"]},"{0} variables":function(a){return[a("0")," Vari\xE1veis"]},"{0} weeks":function(a){return[a("0")," weeks"]},"{0} will be added to your account {1}.":function(a){return[a("0")," Ser\xE1 adicionado \xE0 sua conta ",a("1")]},"{0}% bounce rate":function(a){return["Taxa de retorno de ",a("0"),"%"]},"{0}'s projects":function(a){return["Projetos de ",a("0")]},"{0}+ (Available with a subscription)":function(a){return[a("0"),"+ (Available with a subscription)"]},"{0}/{1} achievements":function(a){return[a("0"),"/",a("1")," conquistas"]},"{daysAgo} days ago":function(a){return[a("daysAgo")," days ago"]},"{durationInMinutes} minutes":function(a){return[a("durationInMinutes")," Minutos"]},"{functionNode} action from {extensionNode} extension is missing.":function(a){return["A a\xE7\xE3o ",a("functionNode")," da extens\xE3o ",a("extensionNode")," est\xE1 ausente."]},"{functionNode} action on behavior {behaviorNode} from {extensionNode} extension is missing.":function(a){return["A a\xE7\xE3o ",a("functionNode")," no comportamento ",a("behaviorNode")," da extens\xE3o ",a("extensionNode")," est\xE1 ausente."]},"{functionNode} condition from {extensionNode} extension is missing.":function(a){return["A condi\xE7\xE3o ",a("functionNode")," da extens\xE3o ",a("extensionNode")," est\xE1 ausente."]},"{functionNode} condition on behavior {behaviorNode} from {extensionNode} extension is missing.":function(a){return["A condi\xE7\xE3o ",a("functionNode")," no comportamento ",a("behaviorNode")," da extens\xE3o ",a("extensionNode")," est\xE1 ausente."]},"{gameCount} of your games were played more than {0} times in total!":function(a){return[a("gameCount")," of your games were played more than ",a("0")," times in total!"]},"{hoursAgo} hours ago":function(a){return[a("hoursAgo")," hours ago"]},"{minutesAgo} minutes ago":function(a){return[a("minutesAgo")," minutes ago"]},"{objectName} variables":function(a){return[a("objectName")," variables"]},"{planCreditsAmount} credits":function(a){return[a("planCreditsAmount")," credits"]},"{price} every {0} months":function(a){return[a("price")," every ",a("0")," months"]},"{price} every {0} weeks":function(a){return[a("price")," every ",a("0")," weeks"]},"{price} every {0} years":function(a){return[a("price")," every ",a("0")," years"]},"{price} per month":function(a){return[a("price")," per month"]},"{price} per seat, each month":function(a){return[a("price")," per seat, each month"]},"{price} per seat, each week":function(a){return[a("price")," per seat, each week"]},"{price} per seat, each year":function(a){return[a("price")," per seat, each year"]},"{price} per seat, every {0} months":function(a){return[a("price")," per seat, every ",a("0")," months"]},"{price} per seat, every {0} weeks":function(a){return[a("price")," per seat, every ",a("0")," weeks"]},"{price} per seat, every {0} years":function(a){return[a("price")," per seat, every ",a("0")," years"]},"{price} per week":function(a){return[a("price")," per week"]},"{price} per year":function(a){return[a("price")," per year"]},"{resultsCount} results":function(a){return[a("resultsCount")," resultados"]},"~{0} minutes.":function(a){return["~",a("0")," minutos."]},"\u201CPlayer feedback\u201D is off, turn it on to start collecting feedback on your game.":"\u201CPlayer feedback\u201D is off, turn it on to start collecting feedback on your game.","\u201CStart\u201D screen":"\"Tela inicial","\u201CYou win\u201D message":"Mensagem \u201CVoc\xEA venceu\u201D","\u2260 (not equal to)":"\u2260 (diferente que)","\u2264 (less or equal to)":"\u2264 (menor ou igual que)","\u2265 (greater or equal to)":"\u2265 (maior ou igual que)","\u274C Game configuration could not be saved, please try again later.":"\u274C Game configuration could not be saved, please try again later.","\uD83C\uDF89 Congrats on getting the {translatedName} featuring for your game {0}!":function(a){return["\uD83C\uDF89 Congrats on getting the ",a("translatedName")," featuring for your game ",a("0"),"!"]},"\uD83C\uDF89 You can now follow your new chapter!":"\uD83C\uDF89 You can now follow your new chapter!","\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your assets!":"\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your assets!","\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your credits!":"\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your credits!","\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your template!":"\uD83C\uDF89 You can now use your template!","\uD83C\uDF89 Your request has been saved. Lay back, we'll contact you shortly.":"\uD83C\uDF89 Your request has been saved. Lay back, we'll contact you shortly.","\uD83D\uDC4B Good to see you {username}!":function(a){return["\uD83D\uDC4B \xC9 bom ver voc\xEA ",a("username"),"!"]},"\uD83D\uDC4B Good to see you!":"\uD83D\uDC4B Bom te ver!","\uD83D\uDC4B Welcome to GDevelop {username}!":function(a){return["\uD83D\uDC4B Bem-vindo ao GDevelop ",a("username"),"!"]},"\uD83D\uDC4B Welcome to GDevelop!":"\uD83D\uDC4B Bem-vindo ao GDevelop!","Change the width of an object.":"Altere a largura de um objeto.","the width":"a largura","Change the height of an object.":"Altere a altura de um objeto.","the height":"a altura","Scale":"Escala","Modify the scale of the specified object.":"Modifica a escala do objeto especificado.","the scale":"a escala","Scale on X axis":"Escalar no eixo X","the width's scale of an object":"A escala da largura de um objeto","the width's scale":"a escala da largura","Scale on Y axis":"Escala no eixo Y","the height's scale of an object":"A Escala da altura de um objeto","the height's scale":"A Escala da altura","Flip the object horizontally":"Inverter o objeto horizontalmente","Flip horizontally _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Inverter horizontalmente _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Activate flipping":"Ativar invers\xE3o","Flip the object vertically":"Inverter o objeto verticalmente","Flip vertically _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Inverter verticalmente _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Horizontally flipped":"Horizontalmente invertido","Check if the object is horizontally flipped":"Verifica se o objeto est\xE1 invertido horizontalmente","_PARAM0_ is horizontally flipped":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 invertido horizontalmente","Vertically flipped":"Verticalmente invertido","Check if the object is vertically flipped":"Verifica se o objeto est\xE1 invertido verticalmente","_PARAM0_ is vertically flipped":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 invertido verticalmente","the opacity of an object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque)":"compara a opacidade de um objeto de Texto 0 (completamente transparente) e 255(opaco)","the opacity":"a opacidade","Change ":"Altera ","Check the property value for .":"Verifique o valor da propriedade para .","Property of _PARAM0_ is true":"Propriedade do _PARAM0_ \xE9 verdadeiro","Update the property value for .":"Atualize o valor da propriedade para .","Set property value for of _PARAM0_ to ":"Definir valor da propriedade para de _PARAM0_ para ","New value to set":"Novo valor a definir","Toggle":"Alternar","Toggle the property value for .\nIf it was true, it will become false, and if it was false it will become true.":"Alterna o valor da propriedade para..\n Se for verdadeiro, ele se tornar\xE1 falso, e se for falso, ele se tornar\xE1 verdade.","Toggle property of _PARAM0_":"Alternar propriedade de _PARAM0_","the property value for ":"O valor da propriedade "," property":" propriedade"," shared property":" propriedade compartilhada","Center of rotation":"Centro de rota\xE7\xE3o","Change the center of rotation of an object relatively to the object origin.":"Altere o centro de rota\xE7\xE3o de um objeto em rela\xE7\xE3o \xE0 origem do objeto.","Change the center of rotation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_":"Altere o centro de rota\xE7\xE3o do _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_","X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X","Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y","Z position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Z","Change the center of rotation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_":"Altere o centro de rota\xE7\xE3o do _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_","Unable to write ":"N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel gravar ","Error during exporting! Unable to export events:\n":"Erro durante a exporta\xE7\xE3o. N\xE3o \xE9 poss\xEDvel exportar eventos: \n","Error during export:\n":"Erro durante a exporta\xE7\xE3o:\n","Consider objects touching each other, but not overlapping, as in collision (default: no)":"Considerar objetos tocando uns aos outros, mas n\xE3o sobrepostos, como em colis\xE3o (padr\xE3o: n\xE3o)","Javascript code":"C\xF3digo JavaScript","Insert some Javascript code into events":"Inserir algum c\xF3digo Javascript em eventos","HTML5 (Web and Android games)":"HTML5 (jogos Web e Android)","HTML5 and javascript based games for web browsers.":"Jogos baseados em HTML5 e javascript para navegadores web.","Enables the creation of 2D games that can be played in web browsers. These can also be exported to Android with third-party tools.":"Permite a cria\xE7\xE3o de jogos 2D que podem ser jogados em navegadores da web. Estes tamb\xE9m podem ser exportados para Android com ferramentas de terceiros.","Spine json":"Spine json","Window left":"Janela \xE1 esquerda","Window right":"Janela da direita","Proportional":"Proporcional","Window center":"Centro da janela","No anchor":"Sem \xE2ncora","Window top":"Janela superior","Window bottom":"Parte inferior da janela","relativeToOriginalWindowSize":"relativoAoTamanhoOriginaldaJanela","Anchor relatively to original window size":"\xC2ncora relativamente ao tamanho original da janela","otherwise, objects are anchored according to the window size when the object is created.":"caso contr\xE1rio, os objetos s\xE3o ancorados de acordo com o tamanho da janela quando o objeto \xE9 criado.","Left edge":"Borda esquerda","Anchor the left edge of the object on X axis.":"Ancore a borda esquerda do objeto no eixo X.\n#: ../Extens\xF5es/Comportamentoda\xE2ncora/Comportamentoda\xE2ncora.cpp:74","Right edge":"Borda direita","Anchor the right edge of the object on X axis.":"Ancore a borda direita do objeto no eixo X.","Top edge":"Borda superior","Anchor the top edge of the object on Y axis.":"Ancore a borda superior do objeto no eixo Y.","Bottom edge":"Borda inferior","Anchor the bottom edge of the object on Y axis.":"Ancore a borda inferior do objeto no eixo Y.","Stretch object when anchoring right or bottom edge (deprecated, it's recommended to leave this unchecked and anchor both sides if you want Sprite to stretch instead.)":"Esticar o objeto ao ancorar a borda direita ou inferior (obsoleto, \xE9 recomend\xE1vel deixar isso desmarcado e ancorar ambos os lados se voc\xEA quiser que o Sprite se estique.)","Anchor":"\xC2ncora","Anchor objects to the window's bounds.":"Ancore objetos nos limites da janela.","Allows diagonals":"Permitir diagonais","Path smoothing":"Suaviza\xE7\xE3o de caminho","Acceleration":"Acelera\xE7\xE3o","Max. speed":"Velocidade m\xE1xima","Rotation speed":"Velocidade de rota\xE7\xE3o","Rotate object":"Rotacionar objeto","Angle offset":"Deslocamento angular","Cell width":"Cell width","Virtual Grid":"Grade Virtual","Cell height":"Altura da c\xE9lula","X offset":"Deslocamento em X","Y offset":"Deslocamento em Y","Extra border size":"Tamanho da borda extra","Collision":"Colis\xE3o","Smoothing max cell gap":"Diferen\xE7a m\xE1xima de c\xE9lulas da suaviza\xE7\xE3o","It's recommended to leave a max gap of 1 cell. Setting it to 0 disable the smoothing.":"\xC9 recomendado deixar um intervalo m\xE1ximo de 1 c\xE9lula. Definir como 0 desativa a suaviza\xE7\xE3o.","Pathfinding behavior":"Comportamento Busca de trajet\xF3ria/Panthfinding","Pathfinding":"Buscar trajet\xF3ria","Move objects to a target while avoiding all objects that are flagged as obstacles.":"Mova objetos para um alvo enquanto desvia de todos os objetos que est\xE3o sinalizados como obst\xE1culos.","Move to a position":"Mover para uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Move the object to a position":"Mover o objeto para uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Move _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Mover _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_","Movement on the path":"Movimento no caminho","Destination X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do destino","Destination Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o de destino Y","Path found":"Trajet\xF3ria encontrada","Check if a path has been found.":"Verifique se um caminho foi encontrado.","A path has been found for _PARAM0_":"Foi encontrado um trajet\xF3rio para _PARAM0_","Destination reached":"Destino alcan\xE7ado","Check if the destination was reached.":"Verifique se o destino foi alcan\xE7ado.","_PARAM0_ reached its destination":"_PARAM0_ chegou ao seu destino","Width of the cells":"Largura das c\xE9lulas","Change the width of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Altere a largura das c\xE9lulas da grade virtual.","the width of the virtual cells":"a largura das c\xE9lulas virtuais","Virtual grid":"Grade/Grid virtual","Width of the virtual grid":"Largura da grade/grid virtual","Compare the width of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Compare a largura das c\xE9lulas da grade/grid virtual.","Height of the cells":"Altura das c\xE9lulas","Change the height of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Alterar a altura das c\xE9lulas da grelha virtual.","the height of the virtual cells":"A altura das c\xE9lulas virtuais","Height of the virtual grid":"Altura da grelha virtual","Compare the height of the cells of the virtual grid.":"Compare a altura das c\xE9lulas da grelha virtual.","Change the acceleration when moving the object":"Alterar a acelera\xE7\xE3o quando mover o objeto","the acceleration on the path":"A acelera\xE7\xE3o no percurso","Pathfinding configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o de Buscar Trajet\xF3ria","Compare the acceleration when moving the object":"Comparar a acelera\xE7\xE3o quando mover o objeto","the acceleration":"A acelera\xE7\xE3o","Maximum speed":"Velocidade m\xE1xima","Change the maximum speed when moving the object":"Alterar a velocidade m\xE1xima quando mover o objeto","the max. speed on the path":"a velocidade m\xE1xima no percurso","Max speed (in pixels per second)":"Velocidade m\xE1xima (em pixel por segundo)","Compare the maximum speed when moving the object":"Comparar a velocidade m\xE1xima quando mover o objeto","the max. speed":"A velocidade m\xE1xima","Max speed to compare to (in pixels per second)":"Velocidade m\xE1xima para comparar (em pixels por segundo)","Speed":"Velocidade","Change the speed of the object on the path":"Altere a velocidade do objeto no percurso","the speed on the path":"a velocidade m\xE1xima no percurso","Speed (in pixels per second)":"Velocidade (em pixels por segundo)","Speed on its path":"Velocidade em seu caminho","Compare the speed of the object on its path.":"Comparar a velocidade do objeto no caminho.","the speed":"A velocidade","Speed to compare to (in pixels per second)":"Velocidade m\xE1xima para comparar (em pixels por segundo)","Angle of movement on its path":"\xC2ngulo de movimento no caminho","Compare the angle of movement of an object on its path.":"Comparar o \xE2ngulo de movimento de um objeto em seu caminho.","Angle of movement of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_ \xB1 _PARAM3_\xB0":"\xC2ngulo de movimento do _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM2_ + _PARAM3_\xB0","Angle, in degrees":"\xC2ngulo, em graus","Tolerance, in degrees":"Toler\xE2ncia, em graus","Angular maximum speed":"Velocidade angular m\xE1xima","Change the maximum angular speed when moving the object":"Alterar a velocidade angular m\xE1xima ao mover o objeto","the max. angular speed on the path":"a velocidade angular m\xE1xima no percurso","Max angular speed (in degrees per second)":"Velocidade angular (em graus por segundo)","Compare the maximum angular speed when moving the object":"Comparar a velocidade angular m\xE1xima ao mover o objeto","the max. angular speed":"A velocidade angular m\xE1xima","Max angular speed to compare to (in degrees per second)":"Velocidade m\xE1xima para comparar (em pixels por segundo)","Rotation offset":"Deslocamento de rota\xE7\xE3o","Change the rotation offset applied when moving the object":"Alterar a desloca\xE7\xE3o da rota\xE7\xE3o aplicada ao mover o objeto","the rotation offset on the path":"a desloca\xE7\xE3o da rota\xE7\xE3o no percurso","Angle (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo (em graus)","Compare the rotation offset when moving the object":"Comparar o deslocamento de rota\xE7\xE3o ao mover o objeto","the rotation offset":"A desloca\xE7\xE3o da rota\xE7\xE3o","Angle to compare to (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo para comparar (em graus)","Extra border":"Borda extra","Change the size of the extra border applied to the object when planning a path":"Alterar o tamanho da borda extra aplicada ao objeto, ao planear um percurso","the size of the extra border on the path":"o tamanho da borda extra no percurso","Compare the size of the extra border applied to the object when planning a path":"Compare o tamanho da borda extra aplicada ao objeto, ao planear um caminho","Diagonal movement":"Movimento Diagonal","Allow or restrict diagonal movement on the path":"Permitir ou restringir movimentos diagonais no caminho","Allow diagonal movement for _PARAM0_ on the path: _PARAM2_":"Permitir movimento diagonal para _PARAM0_ no caminho: _PARAM2_","Allow?":"Permitir?","Check if the object is allowed to move diagonally on the path":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 autorizado a se mover diagonalmente no caminho","Diagonal moves allowed for _PARAM0_":"Movimentos diagunais permitidos para _PARAM0_","Rotate the object":"Rotacionar o objeto","Enable or disable rotation of the object on the path":"Habilitar ou desabilitar a rota\xE7\xE3o do objeto no caminho","Enable rotation of _PARAM0_ on the path: _PARAM2_":"Ativar a rota\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ no caminho: _PARAM2_","Rotate object?":"Rotacionar o objeto?","Object rotated":"Objeto rotacionado","Check if the object is rotated when traveling on its path.":"Verifique se o objeto \xE9 girado enquanto viaja em seu caminho.","_PARAM0_ is rotated when traveling on its path":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 rotacionado quando viaja em seu caminho","Get a waypoint X position":"Obter um ponto de passagem (waypoint X) X posi\xE7\xE3o","Get next waypoint X position":"Obter a pr\xF3xima posi\xE7\xE3o do waypoint X","Node index (start at 0!)":"\xCDndice do n\xF3 (inicia em 0!)","Get a waypoint Y position":"Obter uma posi\xE7\xE3o de waypoint Y","Get next waypoint Y position":"Obter a pr\xF3xima posi\xE7\xE3o waypoint Y","Index of the next waypoint":"\xCDndice do pr\xF3ximo waypoint","Get the index of the next waypoint to reach":"Obter o \xEDndice do pr\xF3ximo waypoint a ser alcan\xE7ado","Waypoint count":"Contagem de waypoint","Get the number of waypoints on the path":"Obter o n\xFAmero de pontos de passagem no percurso","Last waypoint X position":"\xDAltima posi\xE7\xE3o de waypoint X","Last waypoint Y position":"\xDAltima posi\xE7\xE3o de waypoint Y","Acceleration of the object on the path":"Acelera\xE7\xE3o do objeto no percurso","Maximum speed of the object on the path":"Velocidade m\xE1xima do objeto no caminho","Speed of the object on the path":"Velocidade do objeto no caminho","Angular maximum speed of the object on the path":"Velocidade angular m\xE1xima do objeto no caminho","Rotation offset applied the object on the path":"Deslocamento de rota\xE7\xE3o aplicado ao objeto no caminho","Extra border applied the object on the path":"Borda extra aplicada ao objeto no caminho","Width of a cell":"Largura de uma c\xE9lula","Height of a cell":"Altura de uma c\xE9lula","Grid X offset":"Deslocamento na grade X","X offset of the virtual grid":"Deslocamento X da grade virtual","Grid Y offset":"Deslocamento na grade Y","Y offset of the virtual grid":"Deslocamento Y da grade virtual","Obstacle for pathfinding":"Obst\xE1culo para a trajet\xF3ria","Flag objects as being obstacles for pathfinding.":"Sinalize objetos como sendo obst\xE1culos para pathfinding.","Cost":"Custo","Change the cost of going through the object.":"Alterar o custo de passar pelo objeto.","the cost":"o custo","Obstacles":"Obst\xE1culos","Compare the cost of going through the object":"Comparar o custo de passar pelo objeto","Should object be impassable":"Deve o objeto ser intranspon\xEDvel","Decide if the object is an impassable obstacle.":"Decida se o objeto \xE9 um obst\xE1culo intranspon\xEDvel.","Set _PARAM0_ as an impassable obstacle: _PARAM2_":"Definir _PARAM0_ como um obst\xE1culo impenetr\xE1vel: _PARAM2_","Impassable":"Intransit\xE1vel","Impassable obstacle":"Obst\xE1culo impenetr\xE1vel","Check if the obstacle is impassable.":"Verifique se o obst\xE1culo \xE9 intranspon\xEDvel.","_PARAM0_ is impassable":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 impenetr\xE1vel","Obstacle cost":"Custo do obst\xE1culo","Cost (if not impassable)":"Custo (se n\xE3o for impenetr\xE1vel)","System information":"Informa\xE7\xE3o de sistema","Get information about the system and device running the game.":"Obt\xE9m informa\xE7\xF5es sobre o sistema e dispositivo executando o jogo.","Is a mobile device":"\xC9 um dispositivo m\xF3vel","Check if the device running the game is a mobile device (phone or tablet on iOS, Android or other mobile devices). The game itself might be a web game or distributed as a native mobile app (to check this precisely, use other conditions).":"Verifica se o dispositivo executando o jogo \xE9 um dispositivo m\xF3vel (telefone ou tablet no iOS, Android ou outros dispositivos m\xF3veis). O pr\xF3prio jogo pode ser um jogo da web ou distribu\xEDdo como um aplicativo nativo (para verificar isso exatamente, use outras condi\xE7\xF5es).","The device is a mobile device":"O dispositivo \xE9 um dispositivo m\xF3vel","Is a native mobile app":"\xC9 um aplicativo m\xF3vel nativo","Check if the game is running as a native mobile app (iOS or Android app).":"Verifica se o jogo est\xE1 rodando como um aplicativo m\xF3vel nativo (app iOS ou Android).","The game is running as a native mobile app":"O jogo est\xE1 rodando como um aplicativo m\xF3vel nativo","Is a native desktop app":"\xC9 um aplicativo nativo para 'desktop'","Check if the game is running as a native desktop app.":"Verifica se o jogo est\xE1 rodando como um aplicativo nativo de desktop.","The game is running as a native desktop app":"O jogo est\xE1 rodando como um aplicativo nativo de desktop","Is WebGL supported":"\xC9 suportado pelo WebGL","Check if GPU accelerated WebGL is supported on the target device.":"Verifique se a GPU acelerada WebGL \xE9 suportada no dispositivo de destino.","WebGL is available":"WebGL est\xE1 dispon\xEDvel","Is the game running as a preview":"O jogo est\xE1 sendo executado como uma pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xE3o","Check if the game is currently being previewed in the editor. This can be used to enable a \"Debug mode\" or do some work only in previews.":"Verifique se o jogo est\xE1 sendo pr\xE9-visualizado no editor. Isto pode ser usado para habilitar um \"Modo de depura\xE7\xE3o\" ou fazer algum trabalho apenas nas pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es.","The game is being previewed in the editor":"O jogo est\xE1 sendo pr\xE9-visualizado no editor","Device has a touchscreen":"O dispositivo tem uma touchscreen","Check if the device running the game has a touchscreen (typically Android phones, iPhones, iPads, but also some laptops).":"Verifica se o dispositivo que est\xE1 executando o jogo tem uma touchscreen (normalmente telefones Android, iPhones, iPads, mas tamb\xE9m alguns laptops).","The device has a touchscreen":"O dispositivo tem uma touchscreen","Text object":"Objeto de texto","An object that can be used to display any text on the screen: remaining life counter, some indicators, menu buttons, dialogues...":"Um objeto que pode ser usado para exibir qualquer texto na tela: contador de vidas restantes, alguns indicadores, bot\xF5es de menu, di\xE1logos...","Displays a text on the screen.":"Exibe um texto na tela.","Change the font of the text.":"Altere a fonte do texto.","Change font of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Alterar a fonte de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Font resource name":"Nome do recurso da fonte","Change the color of the text. The color is white by default.":"Altere a cor do texto. A cor \xE9 branca por padr\xE3o.","Change color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Alterar a cor de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Gradient":"Gradiente","Change the gradient of the text.":"Alterar o gradiente do texto.","Change gradient of _PARAM0_ to colors _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ _PARAM5_, type _PARAM1_":"Alterar o gradiente de _PARAM0_ to colors _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ _PARAM5_, digite _PARAM1_","Gradient type":"Tipo de gradiente","First Color":"Primeira cor","Second Color":"Segunda cor","Third Color":"Terceira Cor","Fourth Color":"Quarta Cor","Change the outline of the text. A thickness of 0 disables the outline.":"Altere o contorno do texto. Uma espessura de 0 desabilita o esbo\xE7o.","Change outline of _PARAM0_ to color _PARAM1_ with thickness _PARAM2_":"Alterar o contorno de _PARAM0_ para a cor _PARAM1_ com espessura _PARAM2_","Enable outline":"Habilitar contorno","Enable or disable the outline of the text.":"Habilita ou desabilita o contorno do texto.","Enable the outline of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Ativar o contorno de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Outline enabled":"Contorno habilitado","Check if the text outline is enabled.":"Verifique se o contorno do texto est\xE1 habilitado.","The outline of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"O contorno de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 habilitado","Change the outline color of the text.":"Alterar a cor do contorno do texto.","Change the text outline color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Alterar a cor do contorno de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Outline thickness":"Espessura do contorno","the outline thickness of the text":"a espessura do contorno do texto","the text outline thickness":"a espessura do contorno do texto","Text shadow":"Sombra de texto","Change the shadow of the text.":"Altere a sombra do texto.","Change the shadow of _PARAM0_ to color _PARAM1_ distance _PARAM2_ blur _PARAM3_ angle _PARAM4_":"Altere a sombra de _PARAM0_ to color _PARAM1_ distance _PARAM2_ blur _PARAM3_ angle _PARAM4_","Blur":"Desfoque","Enable shadow":"Habilitar sombra","Enable or disable the shadow of the text.":"Habilita ou desabilita a sombra do texto.","Enable the shadow of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Ativar a sombra de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Show the shadow":"Mostrar a sombra","Shadow enabled":"Sombra ativada","Check if the text shadow is enabled.":"Verifique se a sombra do texto est\xE1 habilitada.","The shadow of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"A sombra de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 ativada","Shadow color":"Cor da sombra","Change the shadow color of the text.":"Altere a cor da sombra do texto.","Change the shadow color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Alterar a cor de sombra do _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Shadow opacity":"Opacidade da sombra","the shadow opacity of the text":"a opacidade da sombra do texto","the shadow opacity ":"a opacidade da sombra ","Shadow distance":"Dist\xE2ncia da sombra","the shadow distance of the text":"a dist\xE2ncia da sombra do texto","the shadow distance ":"a dist\xE2ncia da sombra ","Shadow angle":"\xC2ngulo da sombra","the shadow angle of the text":"o \xE2ngulo de sombra do texto","the shadow angle ":"o \xE2ngulo da sombra","Shadow blur radius":"Raio de desfoque de sombra","the shadow blur radius of the text":"o raio de desfoque de sombra do texto","the shadow blur radius ":"o raio de desfoque de sombra","Smoothing":"Suaviza\xE7\xE3o","Activate or deactivate text smoothing.":"Ativar ou desativar a suaviza\xE7\xE3o de texto.","Smooth _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Suavizar_PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Style":"Estilo","Smooth the text":"Suavize o texto","Check if an object is smoothed":"Verifique se um objeto \xE9 suavizado","_PARAM0_ is smoothed":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 suavizado","De/activate bold":"Desativar/ativar estilo negrito","Set bold style of _PARAM0_ : _PARAM1_":"Definir estilo negrito de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Set bold style":"Definir estilo negrito","Check if the bold style is activated":"Verifique se o estilo negrito est\xE1 ativado","_PARAM0_ bold style is set":"Estilo de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 definido como negrito","De/activate italic.":"Desativar/ativar estilo it\xE1lico.","Set italic style for _PARAM0_ : _PARAM1_":"Definir estilo it\xE1lico para _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Set italic":"Definir estilo it\xE1lico","Check if the italic style is activated":"Verifique se o estilo it\xE1lico est\xE1 ativado","_PARAM0_ italic style is set":"Estilo de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 definido como it\xE1lico","Underlined":"Sublinhado","De/activate underlined style.":"Ativar/desativar o estilo sublinhado.","Set underlined style of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Definir o estilo de _PARAM0_ como sublinhado: _PARAM1_","Underline":"Sublinhado","Check if the underlined style of an object is set.":"Verifique se o estilo sublinhado de um objeto est\xE1 definido.","_PARAM0_ underlined style is activated":"Estilo sublinhado de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 ativado","Padding":"Margem Interna","Compare the number of pixels around a text object. If the shadow or the outline around the text are getting cropped, raise this value.":"Compare o n\xFAmero de pixels em torno de um objeto de texto. Se a sombra ou o contorno em torno do texto est\xE3o sendo cortados, aumente este valor.","the padding":"o espa\xE7amento","Set the number of pixels around a text object. If the shadow or the outline around the text are getting cropped, raise this value.":"Define o n\xFAmero de pixels em torno de um objeto de texto. Se a sombra ou o contorno em torno do texto est\xE3o sendo cortados, aumente este valor.","Alignment":"Alinhamento","Set the text alignment of a multiline text object (does not work with single line texts).":"Defina o alinhamento de texto de um objeto de texto multilinha (n\xE3o funciona com textos de linha \xFAnica).","Align _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Suavizar_PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Compare the text alignment of a multiline text object.":"Compare o alinhamento do texto de um objeto de texto em v\xE1rias linhas.","the alignment":"o alinhamento","Wrapping":"Embrulho","De/activate word wrapping. Note that word wrapping is a graphical option,\nyou can't get the number of lines displayed":"Des/ativar quebra de palavra. Note que a quebra de palavra \xE9 uma op\xE7\xE3o gr\xE1fica,\nvoc\xEA n\xE3o consegue obter o n\xFAmero de linhas exibidas","Activate wrapping style of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Ativar estilo de empacotamento de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Test if the word wrapping style of an object is set.":"Teste se o estilo de quebra de linha de um objeto est\xE1 definido.","_PARAM0_ word wrapping style is activated":"O _PARAM0_ estilo de quebra de palavras est\xE1 ativado","Wrapping width":"Wrapping width","Modify the word wrapping width of a Text object.":"Modifique a largura da quebra de linha de um objeto de texto.","the wrapping width":"the wrapping width","Test the word wrapping width of a Text object.":"Teste a largura da quebra de linha de um objeto de texto.","Font size":"Tamanho da Fonte","the font size of a text object":"o tamanho da fonte de um objeto de texto","the font size":"o tamanho da fonte","Modify the angle of a Text object.":"Modifica o \xE2ngulo de um objeto de texto.","the angle":"o \xE2ngulo","Compare the value of the angle of a Text object.":"Compare o valor do \xE2ngulo de um objeto de texto.","Compare the scale of the text on the X axis":"Comparar a escala do texto no eixo X","the scale on the X axis":"a escala no eixo X","Scale to compare to (1 by default)":"Escala para comparar com (1 por padr\xE3o)","Modify the scale of the text on the X axis (default scale is 1)":"Modificar a escala do texto no eixo X (a escala padr\xE3o \xE9 1)","Scale (1 by default)":"a escala (1 por padr\xE3o)","Compare the scale of the text on the Y axis":"Comparar a escala do texto no eixo Y","the scale on the Y axis":"a escala no eixo Y","Modify the scale of the text on the Y axis (default scale is 1)":"Modificar a escala do texto no eixo Y (a escala padr\xE3o \xE9 1)","Modify the scale of the specified object (default scale is 1)":"Modificar a escala do objeto especificado (a escala padr\xE3o \xE9 1)","X Scale of a Text object":"Tamanho X de um objeto de texto","Y Scale of a Text object":"Tamanho Y de um objeto de texto","Text opacity":"Opacidade do texto","Change the opacity of a Text. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Alterar a opacidade de um Texto. 0 \xE9 completamente transparente, 255 \xE9 opaco (padr\xE3o).","Opacity (0-255)":"Opacidade (0-255)","Compare the opacity of a Text object, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Compara a opacidade de um objeto de Texto 0 (completamente transparente) e 255(opaco).","Opacity to compare to (0-255)":"Opacidade para comparar (0-255)","Opacity of a Text object":"Opacidade de um objeto de Texto","Modify the text":"Modificar o texto","Modify the text of a Text object.":"Modificar o texto de um Objeto de texto.","the text":"o texto","Compare the text":"Comparar o texto","Compare the text of a Text object.":"Comparar o texto de um Objeto de texto.","Text to compare to":"Texto para comparar","Alignment of the text when multiple lines are displayed":"Alinhamento do texto quando v\xE1rias linhas s\xE3o exibidas","Vertical alignment":"Alinhamento vertical","Show outline":"Mostrar esbo\xE7o","Show shadow":"Mostrar sombra","Reduce initial dimensions to keep aspect ratio":"Reduza as dimens\xF5es iniciais para manter a propor\xE7\xE3o","Rotation around X axis":"Rota\xE7\xE3o em torno do eixo X","Default rotation":"Rota\xE7\xE3o padr\xE3o","Rotation around Y axis":"Rota\xE7\xE3o em torno do eixo Y","Rotation around Z axis":"Rota\xE7\xE3o em torno do eixo Z","Material":"Material","Origin point":"Ponto de origem","Center point":"Ponto central","Allow diagonals":"Permitir diagonais","Deceleration":"Desacelera\xE7\xE3o","Default controls":"Controles padr\xE3o","Top-Down":"Top-Down","Isometry 2:1 (26.565\xB0)":"Isometria 2:1 (26.565\xB0)","True Isometry (30\xB0)":"Isometria verdadeira (30\xB0)","Custom Isometry":"Isometria Personalizada","Custom isometry angle (between 1deg and 44deg)":"\xC2ngulo isom\xE9trico personalizado (entre 1deg e 44deg)","If you choose \"Custom Isometry\", this allows to specify the angle of your isometry projection.":"Se voc\xEA escolher \"Isometria Personalizada\", isso permite especificar o \xE2ngulo da sua proje\xE7\xE3o de isometria.","Movement angle offset":"Deslocamento do \xE2ngulo de movimento","Usually 0, unless you choose an *Isometry* viewpoint in which case -45 is recommended.":"Geralmente 0, a menos que voc\xEA escolha um ponto de vista \"Isom\xE9trico\", no qual no caso, -45 \xE9 recomendado.","Top-down movement":"Movimento em TopDown","Allows to move objects in either 4 or 8 directions, with the keyboard or using events.":"Permite mover objetos em 4 ou 8 dire\xE7\xF5es, com o teclado ou atrav\xE9s de eventos.","Top-down movement (4 or 8 directions)":"Movimento em TopDown (4 ou 8 dire\xE7\xF5es)","Move objects left, up, right, and down (and, optionally, diagonally).":"Mova objetos para esquerda, cima, direita e baixo (e, opcionalmente, diagonalmente).","Simulate left key press":"Simula o pressionamento da tecla esquerda","Simulate a press of left key.":"Simular o pressionar da tecla esquerda.","Simulate pressing Left for _PARAM0_":"Simule pressionando Esquerda para _PARAM0_","Top-down controls":"Controles de cima abaixo","Simulate right key press":"Simula o pressionamento da tecla direita","Simulate a press of right key.":"Simular o pressionar da tecla direita.","Simulate pressing Right for _PARAM0_":"Simular o pressionar da tecla Direita para _PARAM0_","Simulate up key press":"Simula o pressionamento da tecla para cima","Simulate a press of up key.":"Simular o pressionar da tecla para cima.","Simulate pressing Up for _PARAM0_":"Simule pressionar tecla para cima para _PARAM0_","Simulate down key press":"Simula o pressionamento da tecla para baixo","Simulate a press of down key.":"Simular o pressionar da tecla para baixo.","Simulate pressing Down for _PARAM0_":"Simule pressionar tecla para baixo para _PARAM0_","Simulate control":"Simular controle","Simulate a press of a key.\nValid keys are Left, Right, Up, Down.":"Simular a press\xE3o de uma tecla. N As teclas v\xE1lidas s\xE3o Esquerda, Direita, Cima, Baixo.","Simulate pressing _PARAM2_ key for _PARAM0_":"Simular que est\xE1 pressionando _PARAM2_ para _PARAM0_","Key":"Tecla","Ignore default controls":"Ignorar controles padr\xE3o","De/activate the use of default controls.\nIf deactivated, use the simulated actions to move the object.":"Desativar/ativar o uso de controles padr\xE3o.\n Se desativado, use o simulador de a\xE7\xF5es para mover o objeto.","Ignore default controls for _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Ignorar controles padr\xE3o para _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Ignore controls":"Ignorar controles","Simulate stick control":"Simular controle anal\xF3gico","Simulate a stick control.":"Simula um controle anal\xF3gico.","Simulate a stick control for _PARAM0_ with a _PARAM2_ angle and a _PARAM3_ force":"Simulate a stick control for _PARAM0_ with a _PARAM2_ angle and a _PARAM3_ force","Stick angle (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo do anal\xF3gico (em graus)","Stick force (between 0 and 1)":"For\xE7a do anal\xF3gico (entre 0 e 1)","Control pressed or simulated":"Controle pressionado ou simulado","A control was applied from a default control or simulated by an action.":"Um controle foi aplicado de um controle padr\xE3o ou foi simulado por uma a\xE7\xE3o.","_PARAM0_ has the _PARAM2_ key pressed or simulated":"_PARAM0_ tem a tecla _PARAM2_ pressionada ou simulada","Top-down state":"Estado de cima abaixo","Stick angle":"\xC2ngulo da alavanca","Return the angle of the simulated stick input (in degrees)":"Retorna o \xE2ngulo da entrada simulada da alavanca (em graus)","Is moving":"Est\xE1 se movendo","Check if the object is moving.":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1-se movendo.","_PARAM0_ is moving":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 se movendo","Change the acceleration of the object":"Alterar a acelera\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Top-down configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o de cima abaixo","Acceleration (in pixels per second per second)":"Acelera\xE7\xE3o (em pixels por segundo)","Compare the acceleration of the object":"Comparar a acelera\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Acceleration to compare to (in pixels per second per second)":"Acelera\xE7\xE3o para comparar (em pixel por segundo)","Change the deceleration of the object":"Mudar a desacelera\xE7\xE3o do objeto","the deceleration":"A desacelera\xE7\xE3o","Deceleration (in pixels per second per second)":"Desacelera\xE7\xE3o (em pixel por segundo)","Compare the deceleration of the object":"Comparar a desacelera\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Deceleration to compare to (in pixels per second per second)":"Desacelera\xE7\xE3o para comparar (em pixel por segundo)","Change the maximum speed of the object":"Alterar a velocidade m\xE1xima do objeto","Compare the maximum speed of the object":"Comparar a velocidade m\xE1xima do objeto","Compare the speed of the object":"Comparar a velocidade do objeto","Change the maximum angular speed of the object":"Alterar a velocidade angular m\xE1xima do objeto","Compare the maximum angular speed of the object":"Comparar a velocidade angular m\xE1xima do objeto","Compare the rotation offset applied when moving the object":"Comparar o deslocamento de rota\xE7\xE3o aplicado enquanto mover o objeto","Angle of movement":"\xC2ngulo de movimento","Compare the angle of the top-down movement of the object.":"Compara o \xE2ngulo da movimenta\xE7\xE3o top-down do objeto.","the angle of movement":"o \xE2ngulo de movimenta\xE7\xE3o","Tolerance (in degrees)":"Toler\xE2ncia (em graus)","Speed on X axis":"Velocidade no eixo X","Compare the velocity of the top-down movement of the object on the X axis.":"Comparar a velocidade do movimento de cima para baixo do objecto no eixo X.","the speed of movement on X axis":"a velocidade de movimento no eixo X","Speed on the X axis":"Velocidade no eixo X","Change the speed on the X axis of the movement":"Muda a velocidade no eixo X do movimento","the speed on the X axis of the movement":"a velocidade no eixo X do movimento","Speed on Y axis":"Velocidade no eixo Y","Compare the velocity of the top-down movement of the object on the Y axis.":"Comparar o \xE2ngulo do frete superior para baixo do objeto.","the speed of movement on Y axis":"a velocidade de movimento no eixo Y","Speed on the Y axis":"Velocidade no eixo Y","Change the speed on the Y axis of the movement":"Muda a velocidade no eixo Y do movimento","the speed on the Y axis of the movement":"a velocidade no eixo Y do movimento","Allow or restrict diagonal movement":"Permitir ou restringir movimento diagonal","Allow diagonal moves for _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Permitir movimentos na diagonal para _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Check if the object is allowed to move diagonally":"Verifica se o objeto est\xE1 autorizado a se mover diagonalmente","Allow diagonal moves for _PARAM0_":"Permitir movimentos diagonais para _PARAM0_","Enable or disable rotation of the object":"Ativar ou desativar a rota\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Enable rotation of _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Ativar a rota\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Check if the object is rotated while traveling on its path.":"Verifique se o objeto \xE9 girado enquanto viaja em seu caminho.","_PARAM0_ is rotated when moving":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 rotacionado ao se mover","Acceleration of the object":"Acelera\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Deceleration of the object":"Desacelera\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Maximum speed of the object":"Velocidade m\xE1xima do objeto","Speed of the object":"Velocidade do objeto","Angular maximum speed of the object":"Velocidade angular m\xE1xima do objeto","Rotation offset applied to the object":"Deslocamento de rota\xE7\xE3o aplicado ao objeto","Angle of the movement":"\xC2ngulo do movimento","Angle, in degrees, of the movement":"\xC2ngulo, em graus do movimento","Speed on the X axis of the movement":"Velocidade do movimento no eixo X","Speed on the Y axis of the movement":"Velocidade do movimento no eixo Y","the movement angle offset":"o deslocamento do \xE2ngulo de movimento","Precise check":"Checagem precisa","Use the object (custom) collision mask instead of the bounding box, making the behavior more precise at the cost of reduced performance":"Use a m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o de objeto (personalizada) em vez da caixa delimitadora, tornando o comportamento mais preciso ao custo de desempenho reduzido","Draggable Behavior":"Comportamento Arrast\xE1vel","Allows objects to be moved using the mouse (or touch). Add the behavior to an object to make it draggable. Use events to enable or disable the behavior when needed.":"Permite que os objetos sejam movidos utilizando o mouse (ou toque). Adicione este comportamento a um objeto para torn\xE1-lo arrast\xE1vel. Use eventos para ativar ou desativar este comportamento quando necess\xE1rio.","Draggable object":"Objeto arrast\xE1vel","Draggable":"Arrast\xE1vel","Move objects by holding a mouse button (or touch).":"Mova objetos segurando um bot\xE3o do mouse (ou toque).","Being dragged":"Sendo arrastado","Check if the object is being dragged.":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 sendo arrastado.","_PARAM0_ is being dragged":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 sendo arrastado","Was just dropped":"Acabou de ser solto","Check if the object was just dropped after being dragged.":"Verifique se o objeto acabou de ser solto ap\xF3s ser arrastado.","_PARAM0_ was just dropped":"_PARAM0_ acabou de ser solto","Recreate particles":"Recriar part\xEDculas","Destroy and recreate particles, so as to take changes made to setup of the emitter in account.":"Destruir e recriar part\xEDculas, a fim de levar as altera\xE7\xF5es feitas nas configura\xE7\xF5es do emissor da conta.","Recreate particles of _PARAM0_":"Recriar part\xEDculas do _PARAM0_","Setup":"Configura\xE7\xE3o","Rendering first parameter":"Renderizando primeiro par\xE2metro","Modify first parameter of rendering (Size/Length).\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Modifique o primeiro par\xE2metro de renderiza\xE7\xE3o (Tamanho/Comprimento).\n As part\xEDculas devem ser recriadas para levar em considera\xE7\xE3o as altera\xE7\xF5es.","the rendering 1st parameter":"a renderiza\xE7\xE3o do primeiro par\xE2metro","Test the first parameter of rendering (Size/Length).":"Teste o primeiro par\xE2metro de renderiza\xE7\xE3o (Tamanho/Comprimento).","the 1st rendering parameter":"o primeiro par\xE2metro de renderiza\xE7\xE3o","Rendering second parameter":"Renderizando segundo par\xE2metro","Modify the second parameter of rendering (Size/Length).\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Modifique o segundo par\xE2metro de renderiza\xE7\xE3o (Tamanho/Comprimento).\n As part\xEDculas devem ser recriadas para levar em considera\xE7\xE3o as altera\xE7\xF5es.","the rendering 2nd parameter":"a renderiza\xE7\xE3o do segundo par\xE2metro","Test the second parameter of rendering (Size/Length).":"Teste o segundo par\xE2metro de renderiza\xE7\xE3o (Tamanho/Comprimento).","the 2nd rendering parameter":"o segundo par\xE2metro de renderiza\xE7\xE3o","Capacity":"Capacidade","Change the capacity of the emitter.":"Altere a capacidade do emissor.","the capacity":"a capacidade","Common":"Comum","Test the capacity of the emitter.":"Testar a capacidade do emissor.","Capacity to compare to":"Capacidade para comparar com","Flow":"Fluxo","Change the flow of the emitter.":"Mudar o fluxo do emissor.","the flow":"o fluxo","Flow (in particles per second)":"Fluxo (em part\xEDculas por segundo)","Test the flow of the emitter.":"Testar o fluxo do emissor.","Flow to compare to (in particles per second)":"Velocidade m\xE1xima para comparar (em pixels por segundo)","Particle image (deprecated)":"Imagem de part\xEDculas (obsoleto)","Change the image of particles (if displayed).":"Altere a imagem das part\xEDculas (se exibida).","Change the image of particles of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Mudar a imagem das part\xEDculas do _PARAM0_ para o _PARAM1_","Image to use":"Imagem a ser usada","Particle image":"Imagem de part\xEDcula","Image file (or image resource name)":"Arquivo de imagem (ou nome do recurso de imagem)","Test the name of the image displayed by particles.":"Teste de nome da imagem colocada por part\xEDculas.","the image displayed by particles":"a imagem posta por part\xEDculas","Particles image":"Part\xEDculas de imagem","Name of the image displayed by particles.":"Nome da imagem exibida pelas part\xEDculas.","Particles":"Part\xEDculas","Particles number":"N\xFAmero de part\xEDculas","Particles count":"Contagem de part\xEDculas","Number of particles currently displayed.":"N\xFAmero de part\xEDculas exibidas atualmente.","Capacity of the particle tank.":"Capacidade do tanque de part\xEDculas.","Flow of the particles (particles/second).":"Fluxo das part\xEDculas (part\xEDculas/segundo).","Emission minimal force":"For\xE7a m\xEDnima de emiss\xE3o","The minimal emission force of the particles.":"A for\xE7a de emiss\xE3o m\xEDnima das part\xEDculas.","Emission maximal force":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima de emiss\xE3o","The maximal emission force of the particles.":"A for\xE7a m\xE1xima de emiss\xE3o das part\xEDculas.","Emission angle":"\xC2ngulo de emiss\xE3o","Emission angle of the particles.":"\xC2ngulo de emiss\xE3o das part\xEDculas.","Emission angle A":"\xC2ngulo do emissor A","Emission angle B":"\xC2ngulo do emissor B","Angle of the spray cone":"\xC2ngulo do cone de pulveriza\xE7\xE3o","Radius of emission zone":"Raio da zona de emiss\xE3o","The radius of the emission zone.":"O raio da zona de emiss\xE3o.","X gravity":"Gravidade X","Gravity of particles applied on X-axis.":"Gravidade de part\xEDculas aplicadas no eixo X.","Y gravity":"gravidade Y","Gravity of particles applied on Y-axis.":"Gravidade das part\xEDculas aplicadas no eixo Y.","Gravity angle":"\xC2ngulo da gravidade","Angle of gravity.":"\xC2ngulo de gravidade.","Gravity":"Gravidade","Value of gravity.":"Valor da gravidade.","Minimum lifetime of particles":"Tempo de vida minimo de part\xEDculas","Minimum lifetime of the particles.":"Vida \xFAtil m\xEDnima das part\xEDculas.","Maximum lifetime of particles":"Tempo de vida m\xE1ximo das part\xEDculas","Maximum lifetime of the particles.":"Vida \xFAtil m\xE1xima das part\xEDculas.","Start color red component":"Iniciar componente de cor vermelha","The start color red component of the particles.":"A cor inicial do componente vermelho das part\xEDculas.","End color red component":"Componente vermelho de cor final","The end color red component of the particles.":"A cor final do componente vermelho das part\xEDculas.","Start color blue component":"Iniciar componente de cor azul","The start color blue component of the particles.":"A cor inicial do componente azul das part\xEDculas.","End color blue component":"Componente azul de cor final","The end color blue component of the particles.":"A cor final do componente azul das part\xEDculas.","Start color green component":"Iniciar componente de cor verde","The start color green component of the particles.":"O componente de cor verde inicial das part\xEDculas.","End color green component":"Componente de cor verde final","The end color green component of the particles.":"A cor final do componente verde das part\xEDculas.","Start opacity":"Iniciar opacidade","Start opacity of the particles.":"Inicie a opacidade das part\xEDculas.","End opacity":"Opacidade final","End opacity of the particles.":"Opacidade final das part\xEDculas.","Start size":"Tamanho inicial","Start size of particles.":"Comece o tamanho das part\xEDculas.","End size":"Tamanho final","End size of particles.":"Tamanho final das part\xEDculas.","Jump emitter forward in time":"Avan\xE7ar o emissor no tempo para frente","Simulate the passage of time for an emitter, including creating and moving particles":"Simular a passagem do tempo para um emissor, incluindo a cria\xE7\xE3o e movimenta\xE7\xE3o de part\xEDculas.","Jump _PARAM0_ forward in time by _PARAM1_ seconds":"Avan\xE7ar _PARAM0_ no tempo em _PARAM1_ segundos.","Seconds of time":"Tempo em segundos","Modify minimal emission force of particles.":"Modifica a for\xE7a m\xEDnima de emiss\xE3o das part\xEDculas.","the minimal emission force":"a for\xE7a m\xEDnima de emiss\xE3o","Modify maximal emission force of particles.":"Modifica a for\xE7a m\xE1xima de emiss\xE3o de part\xEDculas.","the maximal emission force":"a m\xE1xima for\xE7a de emiss\xE3o","Modify emission angle.":"Modifica o \xE2ngulo de emiss\xE3o.","the emission angle":"o \xE2ngulo da emiss\xE3o","Test the value of emission angle of the emitter.":"Teste o valor do \xE2ngulo de emiss\xE3o do emissor.","Emission angle 1":"\xC2ngulo de emiss\xE3o 1","Change emission angle #1":"Modificar o \xE2ngulo de emiss\xE3o #1","the 1st emission angle":"o primeiro \xE2ngulo de emiss\xE3o","Test the value of emission 1st angle of the emitter":"Testar o valor de emiss\xE3o do 1\xBA \xE2ngulo do emissor","Emission angle 2":"\xC2ngulo de emiss\xE3o 2","Change emission angle #2":"Modificar o \xE2ngulo de emiss\xE3o #2","the 2nd emission angle":"o 2\xBA \xE2ngulo de emiss\xE3o","Test the emission angle #2 of the emitter.":"Testar o valor de emiss\xE3o do 2\xBA \xE2ngulo do emissor.","Modify the angle of the spray cone.":"Modifica o \xE2ngulo do cone de pulveriza\xE7\xE3o.","the angle of the spray cone":"o \xE2ngulo do cone de pulveriza\xE7\xE3o","Test the angle of the spray cone of the emitter":"Testar o \xE2ngulo do cone de pulveriza\xE7\xE3o do emissor","Creation radius":"Raio de cria\xE7\xE3o","Modify creation radius of particles.\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Modificar o raio de cria\xE7\xE3o de part\xEDculas.\nPart\xEDculas precisam ser recriadas para levar as altera\xE7\xF5es na conta.","the creation radius":"o raio de cria\xE7\xE3o","Test creation radius of particles.":"Testar o raio de cria\xE7\xE3o de part\xEDculas.","Minimum lifetime":"Tempo de vida m\xEDnimo","Modify particles minimum lifetime. Particles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Modifica o tempo de vida m\xEDnimo das part\xEDculas. As part\xEDculas precisam ser recriadas para considerar as altera\xE7\xF5es.","the minimum lifetime of particles":"o tempo de vida m\xEDnimo das part\xEDculas","Duration (in seconds)":"Dura\xE7\xE3o (em segundos)","Test minimum lifetime of particles.":"Testar tempo m\xEDnimo de vida das part\xEDculas.","Duration to compare to (in seconds)":"Dura\xE7\xE3o para comparar (em segundos)","Maximum lifetime":"Tempo de vida m\xE1ximo","Modify particles maximum lifetime.\nParticles have to be recreated in order to take changes in account.":"Modifica o tempo de vida m\xE1ximo das part\xEDculas. \nPart\xEDculas precisam ser recriadas para que as altera\xE7\xF5es sejam exibidas.","the maximum lifetime of particles":"a dura\xE7\xE3o de vida m\xE1xima das part\xEDculas","Test maximum lifetime of particles.":"Testar tempo m\xE1ximo de vida das part\xEDculas.","Gravity value on X axis":"Valor da gravidade no eixo X","Change value of the gravity on X axis.":"Alterar valor da gravidade no eixo X.","the gravity on X axis":"a gravidade no eixo X","Compare value of the gravity on X axis.":"Comparar o valor da gravidade no eixo X.","Gravity value on Y axis":"Valor da gravidade no eixo Y","Change value of the gravity on Y axis.":"Alterar o valor da gravidade no eixo Y.","the gravity on Y axis":"a gravidade no eixo Y","Compare value of the gravity on Y axis.":"Comparar o valor da gravidade no eixo Y.","Change gravity angle":"Modificar o \xE2ngulo da gravidade","the gravity angle":"o \xE2ngulo da gravidade","Test the gravity angle of the emitter":"Teste o \xE2ngulo de gravidade do emissor","Change the gravity of the emitter.":"Alterar a gravidade do emissor.","the gravity":"a gravidade","Test the gravity of the emitter.":"Testar a gravidade do emissor.","Start emission":"Iniciar emiss\xE3o","Refill tank (if not infinite) and start emission of the particles.":"Reabaste\xE7a o tanque (se n\xE3o infinito) e inicie a emiss\xE3o das part\xEDculas.","Start emission of _PARAM0_":"Iniciar emiss\xE3o de _PARAM0_","Stop emission":"Pare a emiss\xE3o","Stop the emission of particles.":"Parem com a emiss\xE3o de part\xEDculas.","Stop emission of _PARAM0_":"Pare a emiss\xE3o de _PARAM0_","Texture":"Textura","Particles size":"Tamanho da part\xEDcula","Start size (in percents)":"Tamanho inicial (em percentual)","End size (in percents)":"Tamanho final (em percentual)","Start color":"Cor inicial","Particles color":"Cor da part\xEDcula","End color":"Cor final","Particles flow":"Fluxo de part\xEDculas","Max particles count":"Contagem m\xE1xima de part\xEDculas","Tank":"Tanque","Particles flow (particles/seconds)":"Fluxo de part\xEDculas (part\xEDculas/segundo)","Emitter force min":"For\xE7a m\xEDnima de emiss\xE3o","Particles movement":"Movimento de part\xEDculas","Emitter force max":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima de emiss\xE3o","Minimum rotation speed":"Velocidade m\xEDnima de rota\xE7\xE3o","Maximum rotation speed":"Velocidade m\xE1xima de rota\xE7\xE3o","Cone spray angle":"\xC2ngulo do cone de vaporiza\xE7\xE3o","Emitter radius":"Raio de emiss\xE3o","Gravity X":"Gravidade X","Particles gravity":"Gravidade das part\xEDculas","Gravity Y":"Gravidade Y","Particles life time":"Tempo de vida das part\xEDculas","Jump forward in time on creation":"Avance no tempo na cria\xE7\xE3o","Particle system":"Sistema de part\xEDculas","Particles emitter":"Emissor de part\xEDculas","Displays a large number of small particles to create visual effects.":"Exibe um grande n\xFAmero de pequenas part\xEDculas para criar efeitos visuais.","Modify start color of particles.":"Modificar cor inicial das part\xEDculas.","Change particles start color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Mudar cor inicial das part\xEDculas de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Modify end color of particles.":"Modifique a cor final das part\xEDculas.","Change particles end color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Altere a cor final das part\xEDculas de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Modify the start color red component.":"Modifique o componente vermelho da cor inicial.","the start color red component":"o componente vermelho da cor inicial","Value (0-255)":"Valor (0-255)","Compare the start color red component.":"Compare o componente vermelho da cor inicial.","Value to compare to (0-255)":"Valor a ser comparado (0-255)","Modify the end color red component.":"Modifique o componente vermelho da cor final.","the end color red component":"Cor vermelha","Compare the end color red component.":"Compare o componente vermelho da cor final.","Modify the start color blue component.":"Modifique o componente azul da cor inicial.","the start color blue component":"o componente azul da cor inicial","Compare the start color blue component.":"Compare o componente azul da cor inicial.","Modify the end color blue component.":"Modifique o componente azul da cor final.","the end color blue component":"componente azul da cor final","Compare the end color blue component.":"Compare o componente azul da cor final.","Modify the start color green component.":"Modifique o componente verde da cor inicial.","the start color green component":"Componente verde da cor inicial","Compare the start color green component.":"Compare o componente verde da cor inicial.","Modify the end color green component.":"Modifique o componente verde da cor final.","the end color green component":"componente de cor final verde","Compare the end color green component.":"Compare o componente verde da cor final.","Modify the particle start size.":"Modifique o tamanho inicial da part\xEDcula.","the start size":"o tamanho inicial","Compare the particle start size.":"Compare o tamanho inicial da part\xEDcula.","Modify the particle end size.":"Modifique o tamanho final da part\xEDcula.","the end size":"tamanho final","Compare the particle end size.":"Compare o tamanho final da part\xEDcula.","Modify the start opacity of particles.":"Modifique a opacidade inicial das part\xEDculas.","the start opacity":"Iniciar opacidade","Compare the start opacity of particles.":"Compare a opacidade inicial das part\xEDculas.","Modify the end opacity of particles.":"Modifique a opacidade final das part\xEDculas.","the end opacity":"Finalizar opacidade","Compare the end opacity of particles.":"Compare a opacidade final das part\xEDculas.","No more particles":"N\xE3o h\xE1 mais part\xEDculas","Check if the object does not emit particles any longer, so as to destroy it for example.":"Verifique se o objeto n\xE3o emite mais part\xEDculas, de modo a destru\xED-lo por exemplo.","_PARAM0_ does not emit any longer":"_PARAM0_ n\xE3o emite mais","Particle rotation min speed":"Velocidade m\xEDnima de rota\xE7\xE3o da part\xEDcula","the minimum rotation speed of the particles":"a velocidade de rota\xE7\xE3o m\xEDnima das part\xEDculas","the particles minimum rotation speed":"a velocidade de rota\xE7\xE3o m\xEDnima das part\xEDculas","Angular speed (in degrees per second)":"Velocidade angular (em graus por segundo)","Particle rotation max speed":"Velocidade m\xE1xima de rota\xE7\xE3o da part\xEDcula","the maximum rotation speed of the particles":"a velocidade m\xE1xima de rota\xE7\xE3o das part\xEDculas","the particles maximum rotation speed":"a velocidade m\xE1xima de rota\xE7\xE3o das part\xEDculas","Number of displayed particles":"N\xFAmero de part\xEDculas exibidas","the maximum number of displayed particles":"o n\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de part\xEDculas exibidas","Activate particles additive rendering":"Ativar renderiza\xE7\xE3o aditiva de part\xEDculas","the particles additive rendering is activated":"a renderiza\xE7\xE3o aditiva de part\xEDculas \xE9 ativada","displaying particles with additive rendering activated":"exibindo part\xEDculas com renderiza\xE7\xE3o aditiva ativada","Shopify":"Shopify","Interact with products and generate URLs for checkouts with your Shopify shop.":"Interaja com produtos e gere URLs para caixas com a sua loja do Shopify.","Initialize a shop":"Criar uma loja","Initialize a shop with your credentials. Call this action first, and then use the shop name in the other actions to interact with products.":"Criar uma loja com as suas credenciais. Primeiro use essa a\xE7\xE3o, e depois use o nome da loja nas outras a\xE7\xF5es para interagir com os produtos.","Initialize shop _PARAM1_ (domain: _PARAM2_, appId: _PARAM3_)":"Criar loja _PARAM1_ (dom\xEDnio: _PARAM2_, appId: _PARAM3_)","Shop name":"Nome da loja","Domain (":"Dom\xEDnio (","App Id":"ID do App","Access Token":"C\xF3digo de acesso","Get the URL for buying a product":"Obter o URL para comprar um produto","Get the URL for buying a product from a shop. The URL will be stored in the scene variable that you specify. You can then use the action to open an URL to redirect the player to the checkout.":"Obter URL para comprar um produto da loja. A URL ser\xE1 salva na vari\xE1vel de cena que voc\xEA especificar. Voc\xEA pode ent\xE3o, utilizar uma a\xE7\xE3o para abrir uma URL redirecionando o jogador para o pagamento.","Get the URL for product #_PARAM2_ (quantity: _PARAM3_, variant: _PARAM4_) from shop _PARAM1_, and store it in _PARAM5_ (or _PARAM6_ in case of error)":"Obter o URL para o produto # _PARAM2_ (quantidade: _PARAM3_, variante: _PARAM4_) da loja _PARAM1_ e armazene-o em _PARAM5_ (ou _PARAM6_ em caso de erro)","Shop name (initialized with \"Initialize a shop\" action)":"Nome da loja (inicializado com a a\xE7\xE3o \"Inicializar uma loja\")","Product id":"Id do Produto","Quantity":"Quantidade","Variant (0 by default)":"Variante (0 por padr\xE3o)","Scene variable where the URL for checkout must be stored":"Vari\xE1vel de cena onde a URL para pagamento ser\xE1 armazenada","Scene variable containing the error (if any)":"Vari\xE1vel de cena contendo erro (se houver)","Shape painter":"Pintor de formas","This provides an object that can be used to draw arbitrary shapes on the screen using events.":"Isto fornece um objeto que pode ser usado para desenhar formas arbitr\xE1rias na tela usando eventos.","Allows you to draw simple shapes on the screen using the events.":"Permite que voc\xEA desenhe formas simples na tela usando os eventos.","Rectangle":"Ret\xE2ngulo","Draw a rectangle on screen":"Desenhe um ret\xE2ngulo na tela","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a rectangle with _PARAM0_":"Desenhar de _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ um ret\xE2ngulo com _PARAM0_","Drawing":"Desenhar","Shape Painter object":"Objeto Pintor de Formas","Left X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X esquerda","Top Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y topo","Right X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X direita","Bottom Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y fundo","Draw a circle on screen":"Desenhar um c\xEDrculo na tela","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a circle of radius _PARAM3_ with _PARAM0_":"Desenhe em _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ um c\xEDrculo de raio _PARAM3_ com _PARAM0_","X position of center":" Posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro","Y position of center":" Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do centro","Radius (in pixels)":"Raio ( em pixels)","X position of start point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X da posi\xE7\xE3o inicial","Y position of start point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto inicial","X position of end point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do ponto final","Y position of end point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto final","Thickness (in pixels)":"Espessura (em pixels)","Draw a line on screen":"Desenhar uma linha no ecr\xE3","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a line (thickness: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenho do_PARAM1_; _PARAM2_ para _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_ uma linha (espessura: _PARAM5_) com _PARAM0_","Ellipse":"Elipse","Draw an ellipse on screen":"Desenhar uma elipse no ecr\xE3","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ an ellipse of width _PARAM3_ and height _PARAM4_ with _PARAM0_":"Desenha em _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ uma elipse de largura _PARAM3_ e altura _PARAM4_ com _PARAM0_","The width of the ellipse":"A largura da elipse","The height of the ellipse":"A altura da elipse","Fillet Rectangle":"Ret\xE2ngulo arredondado","Draw a fillet rectangle on screen":"Desenhar um ret\xE2ngulo Arredondado no ecr\xE3","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a fillet rectangle (fillet: _PARAM5_)with _PARAM0_":"Desenhar de _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ um ret\xE2ngulo arredondado (raio: _PARAM5_) com _PARAM0_","Fillet (in pixels)":"filete (em pixels)","Rounded rectangle":"Ret\xE2ngulo arredondado","Draw a rounded rectangle on screen":"Desenhar um ret\xE2ngulo arredondado na tela","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a rounded rectangle (radius: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenhar de _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ um ret\xE2ngulo arredondado (raio: _PARAM5_) com _PARAM0_","Chamfer Rectangle":"Rect\xE2ngulo de Chamfer","Draw a chamfer rectangle on screen":"Desenhe um ret\xE2ngulo chanfrado na tela","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ a chamfer rectangle (chamfer: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenhe de _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ um ret\xE2ngulo de chanfro (chanfro: _PARAM5_) com _PARAM0_","Chamfer (in pixels)":"Chanfro (em pixels)","Torus":"Toro","Draw a torus on screen":"Desenhe um toro na tela","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a torus with inner radius: _PARAM3_, outer radius: _PARAM4_ and with start arc angle: _PARAM5_\xB0, end angle: _PARAM6_\xB0 with _PARAM0_":"Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a torus with inner radius: _PARAM3_, outer radius: _PARAM4_ and with start arc angle: _PARAM5_\xB0, end angle: _PARAM6_\xB0 with _PARAM0_","Inner Radius (in pixels)":"Raio interno (em p\xEDxeis)","Outer Radius (in pixels)":"Raio externo (em p\xEDxeis)","Start Arc (in degrees)":"Iniciar arco (em graus)","End Arc (in degrees)":"Arco final (em graus)","Regular Polygon":"Pol\xEDgono regular","Draw a regular polygon on screen":"Desenhe um pol\xEDgono regular na tela","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a regular polygon with _PARAM3_ sides and radius: _PARAM4_ (rotation: _PARAM5_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenhe em _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ um pol\xEDgono regular com _PARAM3_ lados e raio: _PARAM4_ (rota\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM5_) com _PARAM0_","Number of sides of the polygon (minimum: 3)":"N\xFAmero de lados do pol\xEDgono (m\xEDnimo: 3)","Rotation (in degrees)":"Rota\xE7\xE3o (em graus)","Star":"Estrela","Draw a star on screen":"Desenhar uma estrela na tela","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a star with _PARAM3_ points and radius: _PARAM4_ (inner radius: _PARAM5_, rotation: _PARAM6_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenhar em _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ uma estrela com _PARAM3_ pontos e raio: _PARAM4_ (raio interior: _PARAM5_, rota\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM6_) com _PARAM0_","Number of points of the star (minimum: 2)":"N\xFAmero de pontos da estrela (m\xEDnimo: 2)","Inner radius (in pixels, half radius by default)":"Raio interno (em pixels, meio raio por padr\xE3o)","Arc":"Arco","Draw an arc on screen. If \"Close path\" is set to yes, a line will be drawn between the start and end point of the arc, closing the shape.":"Desenhar um arco na tela. Se \"Fechar trajet\xF3ria\" estiver definido para sim, uma linha ser\xE1 desenhada entre o ponto inicial e final do arco, fechando a forma.","Draw at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ an arc with radius: _PARAM3_, start angle: _PARAM4_, end angle: _PARAM5_ (anticlockwise: _PARAM6_, close path: _PARAM7_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenhe em _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ um arco com raio: _PARAM3_, \xE2ngulo inicial: _PARAM4_, \xE2ngulo final: _PARAM5_ (sentido anti-hor\xE1rio: _PARAM6_, trajet\xF3ria fechada: _PARAM7_) com _PARAM0_","Start angle of the arc (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo inicial do arco (em graus)","End angle of the arc (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo final do arco (em graus)","Anticlockwise":"Anti-hor\xE1rio","Close path":"Trajeto fechado","Bezier curve":"Curva de Bezier","Draw a bezier curve on screen":"Desenhar uma curva de bezier na tela","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM7_;_PARAM8_ a bezier curve (first control point: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_, second control point: _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenhe de _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a _PARAM7_;_PARAM8_ uma curva de bezier (primeiro ponto de controle: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_, segundo ponto de controle: _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_) com _PARAM0_","First control point x":"Primeiro ponto de controle X","First control point y":"Primeiro ponto de controle Y","Second Control point x":"Segundo ponto de controle X","Second Control point y":"Segundo ponto de controle Y","Destination point x":"Ponto de Destino X","Destination point y":"Ponto de Destino Y","Quadratic curve":"Curva quadrada","Draw a quadratic curve on screen":"Desenhar uma curva quadrada na tela","Draw from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_ a quadratic curve (control point: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_) with _PARAM0_":"Desenhe de _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ a _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_ uma curva quadrada (ponto de controle: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_) com _PARAM0_n","Control point x":"Ponto de controle X","Control point y":"Ponto de controle Y","Begin fill path":"Iniciar o trajeto de preenchimento","Begin to draw a simple one-color fill. Subsequent actions, such as \"Path line\" (in the Advanced category) can be used to draw. Be sure to use \"End fill path\" action when you're done drawing the shape.":"Come\xE7a a desenhar um simples preenchimento de uma cor. A\xE7\xF5es posteriores, tais como \" Trajeto de linha\" (na categoria Avan\xE7ado) podem ser utilizadas para desenhar. Certifique-se de utilizar a a\xE7\xE3o \"Fim de linha de preenchimento\" quando terminar de desenhar a forma.","Begins drawing filling of an advanced path with _PARAM0_ (start: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_)":"Come\xE7a a desenhar o preenchimento de um trajeto avan\xE7ado com _PARAM0_ (in\xEDcio: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_)","Start drawing x":"Iniciar desenho x","Start drawing y":"Iniciar o desenho y","End fill path":"Trajeto de preenchimento final","Finish the filling drawing in an advanced path":"Acabar o desenho de enchimento num trajeto avan\xE7ado","Finish the filling drawing in an advanced path with _PARAM0_":"Terminar o desenho de enchimento num trajeto avan\xE7ado com _PARAM0_.","Move path drawing position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o do desenho do trajeto em movimento","Move the drawing position for the current path":"Move a posi\xE7\xE3o do desenho para o trajeto atual","Move the drawing position of the path to _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ with _PARAM0_":"Mover a posi\xE7\xE3o do desenho do trajeto para _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ com _PARAM0_","Path line":"Linha de trajeto","Add to a path a line to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Adicione a um caminho uma linha para uma posi\xE7\xE3o. A origem vem da a\xE7\xE3o anterior ou de \"In\xEDcio do trajeto de preenchimento\" ou \"Mover posi\xE7\xE3o do desenho do trajeto\". Por padr\xE3o, a posi\xE7\xE3o inicial ser\xE1 a posi\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Add to a path a line to the position _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ with _PARAM0_":"Adicionar a um trajeto uma linha para a posi\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ com _PARAM0_","Path bezier curve":"Curva bezier do trajeto","Add to a path a bezier curve to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Adicionar a um trajeto uma curva de bezier a uma posi\xE7\xE3o. A origem vem da a\xE7\xE3o anterior ou de \" Iniciar trajeto de preenchimento\" ou \"Mover posi\xE7\xE3o do desenho do trajeto\". Por padr\xE3o, a posi\xE7\xE3o inicial ser\xE1 a posi\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Add to a path a bezier curve to the position _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_ (first control point: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, second control point: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_) with _PARAM0_":"Adicionar a um trajeto uma curva de bezier a uma posi\xE7\xE3o. _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, segundo ponto de controle: _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_) com _PARAM0_","Path arc":"Arco do trajeto","Add to a path an arc to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Adicionar a um trajeto um arco a uma posi\xE7\xE3o. A origem vem da a\xE7\xE3o anterior ou de \" Iniciar trajeto de preenchimento\" ou \" Mover posi\xE7\xE3o de desenho do trajeto\". Por padr\xE3o, a posi\xE7\xE3o inicial ser\xE1 a posi\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Add to a path an arc at the position _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ (radius: _PARAM3_, start angle: _PARAM4_, end angle: _PARAM5_, anticlockwise: _PARAM6_) with _PARAM0_":"Adicionar a um trajeto um arco na posi\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ (raio: _PARAM3_, \xE2ngulo inicial: _PARAM4_, \xE2ngulo final: _PARAM5_, no sentido anti-hor\xE1rio: _PARAM6_) com _PARAM0_","Center x of circle":"Centro x do c\xEDrculo","Center y of circle":"Centro y do c\xEDrculo","Start angle":"\xC2ngulo inicial","End angle":"\xC2ngulo final","Path quadratic curve":"Curva quadrada do trajeto","Add to a path a quadratic curve to a position. The origin comes from the previous action or from \"Begin fill path\" or \"Move path drawing position\". By default, the start position will be the object's position.":"Adicionar a um trajeto uma curva quadrada a uma posi\xE7\xE3o. A origem vem da a\xE7\xE3o anterior ou de \" Iniciar trajeto de preenchimento\" ou \" Mover posi\xE7\xE3o de desenho do trajeto\". Por padr\xE3o, a posi\xE7\xE3o inicial ser\xE1 a posi\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Add to a path a quadratic curve to the position _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (control point: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_) with _PARAM0_":"Adicionar a um trajeto uma curva quadrada \xE0 posi\xE7\xE3o _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (ponto de controle: _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_) com _PARAM0_","Close Path":"Trajeto fechado","Close the path of the advanced shape. This closes the outline between the last and the first point.":"Fechar o trajeto de forma avan\xE7ada. Fecha-se assim o contorno entre o \xFAltimo e o primeiro ponto.","Close the path with _PARAM0_":"Fechar o trajeto com _PARAM0_","Clear shapes":"limpar formas","Clear the rendered shape(s). Useful if not set to be done automatically.":"Limpe as formas renderizadas(s). \xDAtil se n\xE3o definido para ser feito automaticamente.","Clear the rendered image of _PARAM0_":"Limpar a imagem renderizada de _PARAM0_","Clear between frames":"Claro entre Quadros","Activate (or deactivate) the clearing of the rendered shape at the beginning of each frame.":"Ative (ou desative) a limpeza da forma renderizada no in\xEDcio de cada quadro.","Clear the rendered image of _PARAM0_ between each frame: _PARAM1_":"Apagar a imagem renderizada de _PARAM0_ entre cada quadro: _PARAM1_","Clear between each frame":"Limpar entre cada frame","Check if the rendered image is cleared between frames.":"Verificar se a imagem renderizada \xE9 limpada entre frames.","_PARAM0_ is clearing its rendered image between each frame":"_PARAM0_ esta limpando a sua imagem renderizada entre cada frame","Change the color used when filling":"Mudar a cor utilizada no enchimento","Change fill color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Alterar a cor de preenchimento de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Filing color red component":"Preenchendo componente da cor vermelha","Filing color green component":"Preenchendo componente da cor verde","Filing color blue component":"Preenchendo componente da cor azul","Modify the color of the outline of future drawings.":"Modificar a cor do contorno dos futuros desenhos.","Change outline color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Alterar a cor do contorno de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Outline color red component":"Componente de contorno vermelho","Outline color green component":"Componente de contorno verde","Outline color blue component":"Componente de contorno azul","Outline size":"Tamanho do Contorno","Modify the size of the outline of future drawings.":"Modificar o tamanho do contorno dos futuros desenhos.","the size of the outline":"o tamanho do contorno","Test the size of the outline.":"Testar o tamanho do contorno.","Fill opacity":"Opacidade do preenchimento","Modify the opacity level used when filling future drawings.":"Modificar o n\xEDvel de opacidade utilizado no preenchimento de futuros desenhos.","the opacity of filling":"a opacidade do preenchimento","Test the value of the opacity level used when filling.":"Testar o valor do n\xEDvel de opacidade utilizado no enchimento.","Filling opacity":"Opacidade do preenchimento","Outline opacity":"Opacidade do Contorno","Modify the opacity of the outline of future drawings.":"Modificar a opacidade do esbo\xE7o dos futuros desenhos.","the opacity of the outline":"a opacidade do esbo\xE7o","Test the opacity of the outline.":"Testar a opacidade do esbo\xE7o.","Use relative coordinates":"Usar coordenadas relativas","Set if the object should use relative coordinates (by default) or not. It's recommended to use relative coordinates.":"Configura se o objeto deve usar coordenadas relativas (por padr\xE3o) ou n\xE3o. \xC9 recomendado o uso de coordenadas relativas.","Use relative coordinates for _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Usar coordenadas relativas para _PARAM0_:_PARAM1_","Use relative coordinates?":"Usar coordenadas relativas?","Relative coordinates":"Coordenadas relativas","Check if the coordinates of the shape painter is relative.":"Verifica se as coordenadas do pintor de forma s\xE3o relativas.","_PARAM0_ is using relative coordinates":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 usando coordenadas relativas","Change the center of rotation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_":"Altere o centro de rota\xE7\xE3o do _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_","Collision Mask":"M\xE1scara de Colis\xE3o","Change the collision mask of an object to a rectangle relatively to the object origin.":"Altere a m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o de um objeto para um ret\xE2ngulo em rela\xE7\xE3o \xE0 origem do objeto.","Change the collision mask of _PARAM0_ to a rectangle from _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_":"Altere a m\xE1scara de colis\xE3o de _PARAM0_ para um ret\xE2ngulo de _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_ para _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_","Position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o","X drawing coordinate of a point from the scene":"Coordenada X de desenho de um ponto da cena","X scene position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X da cena","Y scene position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y da cena","Y drawing coordinate of a point from the scene":"Coordenada Y de desenho de um ponto da cena","X scene coordinate of a point from the drawing":"Coordenada X da cena de um ponto do desenho","X drawing position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do desenho","Y drawing position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do desenho","Y scene coordinate of a point from the drawing":"Coordenada Y da cena de um ponto do desenho","Set anti-aliasing of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir antisserrilhamento de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Anti-aliasing quality level":"N\xEDvel de qualidade do Antisserrilhamento","Anti-aliasing type":"Tipo do Antisserrilhamento","Checks the selected type of anti-aliasing":"Verifica o tipo selecionado de antisserrilhamento","The anti-aliasing of _PARAM0_ is set to _PARAM1_":"O Antisserrilhamento de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 definido como _PARAM1_","Type of anti-aliasing to check the object against":"Tipo de antisserrilhamento para verificar contra o objeto","Type of anti-aliasing used by a shape painter":"Tipo de antisserrilhamento usado por um pintor de forma","Returns the type of anti-aliasing in use: none, low, medium, or high.":"Retorna o tipo de antisserrilhamento em uso: nenhum, baixo, m\xE9dio ou alto.","Fill":"Preencher","Use absolute coordinates":"Usar coordenadas absolutas","Clear drawing at each frame":"Desenho claro em cada quadro","When activated, clear the previous render at each frame. Otherwise, shapes are staying on the screen until you clear manually the object in events.":"Quando ativado, limpe a renderiza\xE7\xE3o anterior em cada quadro. Caso contr\xE1rio, as formas permanecer\xE3o na tela at\xE9 que voc\xEA limpe manualmente o objeto nos eventos.","Antialiasing":"Antialiasing","Antialiasing mode":"Modo antialiasing","Inventories":"Invent\xE1rios","Provides actions and conditions to add an inventory to your game, with items in memory.":"Fornece a\xE7\xF5es e condi\xE7\xF5es para adicionar um invent\xE1rio ao seu jogo, com itens em mem\xF3ria.","Add an item":"Adicionar um item","Add an item in an inventory.":"Adiciona um item em um invent\xE1rio.","Add a _PARAM2_ to inventory _PARAM1_":"Adicionar uma _PARAM2_ ao invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_","Inventory name":"Nome do invent\xE1rio","Item name":"Nome do item","Remove an item":"Remover um item","Remove an item from an inventory.":"Remover um item de um invent\xE1rio.","Remove a _PARAM2_ from inventory _PARAM1_":"Remover uma _PARAM2_ do invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_","Item count":"Contagem de itens","Compare the number of an item in an inventory.":"Comparar o n\xFAmero de um item de um invent\xE1rio.","the count of _PARAM2_ in _PARAM1_":"A contagem de _PARAM2_ em _PARAM1_","Has an item":"Tem um item","Check if at least one of the specified items is in the inventory.":"Verifica se pelo menos um dos itens especificados est\xE1 no invent\xE1rio.","Inventory _PARAM1_ contains a _PARAM2_":"Invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_ cont\xE9m um_PARAM2_","Set a maximum count for an item":"Definir uma contagem m\xE1xima para um item","Set the maximum number of the specified item that can be added in the inventory. By default, the number allowed for each item is unlimited.":"Definir o n\xFAmero m\xE1ximo do item especificado que pode ser acrescentado ao invent\xE1rio. Por padr\xE3o, o n\xFAmero permitido para cada item \xE9 ilimitado.","Set the maximum count for _PARAM2_ in inventory _PARAM1_ to _PARAM3_":"Define a contagem m\xE1xima para _PARAM2_ em _PARAM1_ de invent\xE1rio para _PARAM3_","Maximum count":"Contagem m\xE1xima","Set unlimited count for an item":"Definir uma contagem ilimitada para um item","Allow an unlimited amount of an object to be in an inventory. This is the case by default for each item.":"Permitir que uma quantidade ilimitada de um objeto esteja em um invent\xE1rio. Este \xE9 o caso por padr\xE3o para cada item.","Allow an unlimited count of _PARAM2_ in inventory _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_":"Permite uma contagem ilimitada de _PARAM2_ em _PARAM1_ do invent\xE1rio: _PARAM3_","Allow an unlimited amount?":"Permitir uma quantidade ilimitada?","Item full":"Item completado","Check if an item has reached its maximum number allowed in the inventory.":"Verifique se um item atingiu seu n\xFAmero m\xE1ximo permitido no invent\xE1rio.","Inventory _PARAM1_ is full of _PARAM2_":"O invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_ est\xE1 cheio de _PARAM2_","Equip an item":"Equipar um item","Mark an item as being equipped. If the item count is 0, it won't be marked as equipped.":"Marque um item como equipado. Se a contagem de itens for 0, n\xE3o ser\xE1 marcada como equipada.","Set _PARAM2_ as equipped in inventory _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_":"Defina _PARAM2_ conforme equipado no invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_","Equip?":"Equipar?","Item equipped":"Item equipado","Check if an item is equipped.":"Verifique se um item est\xE1 equipado.","_PARAM2_ is equipped in inventory _PARAM1_":"_PARAM2_ est\xE1 equipado no invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_","Save an inventory in a scene variable":"Salvar um invent\xE1rio em uma vari\xE1vel de cena","Save all the items of the inventory in a scene variable, so that it can be restored later.":"Guardar todos os itens do invent\xE1rio em uma vari\xE1vel de cena, para que possa ser restaurado mais tarde.","Save inventory _PARAM1_ in variable _PARAM2_":"Salve o invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_ na vari\xE1vel _PARAM2_","Load an inventory from a scene variable":"Salvar um invent\xE1rio em uma vari\xE1vel de cena","Load the content of the inventory from a scene variable.":"Carrega o conte\xFAdo do invent\xE1rio de uma vari\xE1vel.","Load inventory _PARAM1_ from variable _PARAM2_":"Carregar invent\xE1rio _PARAM1_ para vari\xE1vel _PARAM2_","Get the number of an item in the inventory":"Obter o n\xFAmero de um item no invent\xE1rio","Item maximum":"M\xE1ximo de Itens","Get the maximum of an item in the inventory, or 0 if it is unlimited":"Obtenha o m\xE1ximo de um item no invent\xE1rio, ou 0 se for ilimitado","Deletion margin":"Margem de exclus\xE3o","Margin before deleting the object, in pixels":"Margem antes de excluir o objeto, em pixels","Destroy Outside Screen Behavior":"Destruir comportamento fora da tela","This behavior can be used to destroy objects when they go outside of the bounds of the camera. Useful for bullets or other short-lived objects.":"Este comportamento pode ser usado para destruir objetos quando eles v\xE3o para fora dos limites da c\xE2mera. \xDAtil para proj\xE9teis e outros objetos de curta-dura\xE7\xE3o.","Destroy when outside of the screen":"Destruir quando fora da tela","DestroyOutside":"DestruirFora","Destroy objects automatically when they go outside of the screen's borders.":"Destrua objetos automaticamente quando eles saem da tela.","Additional border":"Borda adicional","Compare the additional border that the object must cross before being deleted.":"Compara a borda adicional que o objeto deve atravessar antes de ser exclu\xEDdo.","the additional border":"a borda adicional","Destroy outside configuration":"Excluir configura\xE7\xE3o externa","Change the additional border that the object must cross before being deleted.":"Altera a borda adicional que o objeto deve atravessar antes de ser exclu\xEDdo.","Tiled Sprite Object":"Objeto Sprite em Grade","Tiled Sprite":"Sprite em Grade","Displays an image repeated over an area.":"Exibe uma imagem repetida ao longo de uma \xE1rea.","Compare the opacity of a Tiled Sprite, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Compare a opacidade de um sprite em grade, entre 0 (totalmente transparente) e 255 (opaco).","Change Tiled Sprite opacity":"Alterar opacidade do Sprite em Grade","Change the opacity of a Tiled Sprite. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Alterar a opacidade de um Sprite em Grade. 0 \xE9 totalmente transparente, 255 \xE9 opaco (padr\xE3o).","Tint color":"Tonalidade da Cor","Change the tint of a Tiled Sprite. The default color is white.":"Altere a tonalidade de um Sprite em Grade. A cor padr\xE3o \xE9 branca.","Change tint of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Alterar a tonalidade de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Tint":"Tonalidade","Modify the width of a Tiled Sprite.":"Modifica a largura de um Sprite em Grade.","Test the width of a Tiled Sprite.":"Teste a largura de um Sprite em Grade.","Modify the height of a Tiled Sprite.":"Modificar a altura de um Sprite em Grade.","Test the height of a Tiled Sprite.":"Testar a altura de um Sprite em Grade.","Modify the size of a Tiled Sprite.":"Modifique o tamanho de um Sprite em Grade.","Change the size of _PARAM0_: set to _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_":"Mude o tamanho do _PARAM0_: Defina ao _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_","Modify the angle of a Tiled Sprite.":"Modificar o \xE2ngulo de um Sprite em Grade.","Image X Offset":"Deslocamento X da Imagem","Modify the offset used on the X axis when displaying the image.":"Modifica o deslocamento usado no eixo X quando exibindo uma imagem.","the X offset":"o deslocamento X","Image offset":"Deslocamento de imagem","Test the offset used on the X axis when displaying the image.":"Teste o deslocamento usado no eixo X quando exibindo uma imagem.","Return the offset used on the X axis when displaying the image.":"Retorna o deslocamento usado no eixo X quando exibindo uma imagem.","Image Y Offset":"Descolamento Y da imagem","Modify the offset used on the Y axis when displaying the image.":"Modifica o deslocamento usado no eixo Y quando exibindo uma imagem.","the Y offset":"o deslocamento Y","Test the offset used on the Y axis when displaying the image.":"Teste o deslocamento usado no eixo Y ao exibir a imagem.","Return the offset used on the Y axis when displaying the image.":"Retorna o deslocamento usado no eixo X quando exibindo uma imagem.","Linked objects":"Objetos vinculados","Link two objects":"Vincular dois objetos","Link two objects together, so as to be able to get one from the other.":"Vincule dois objetos juntos, de modo a conseguir um do outro.","Link _PARAM1_ and _PARAM2_":"Vincular _PARAM1_ e _PARAM2_","Object 1":"Objeto 1","Object 2":"Objeto 2","Unlink two objects":"Desvincular dois objetos","Unlink two objects.":"Desvincula dois objetos.","Unlink _PARAM1_ and _PARAM2_":"Desvincular _PAR\xC2METRO1_ e _PAR\xC2METRO2_","Unlink all objects from an object":"Desvincular todos objetos de um objeto","Unlink all objects from an object.":"Desvincula todos objetos de um objeto.","Unlink all objects from _PARAM1_":"Desvincule todos objetos de _PAR\xC2METRO1_","Take into account linked objects":"Levar em conta objetos vinculados","Take some objects linked to the object into account for next conditions and actions.\nThe condition will return false if no object was taken into account.":"Levar em conta alguns objetos vinculados ao objeto para pr\xF3ximas condi\xE7\xF5es e a\xE7\xF5es.\nA condi\xE7\xE3o retornar\xE1 falso se nenhum objeto for levado em conta.","Take into account all \"_PARAM1_\" linked to _PARAM2_":"Levar em conta todos os \"_PARAM1_\" vinculados ao _PARAM2_","Pick these objects...":"Escolha estes objetos...","...if they are linked to this object":" eles s\xE3o vinculados \xE1 esse objeto","Take objects linked to the object into account for next actions.":"Leva em conta objetos vinculados ao objeto para as pr\xF3ximas a\xE7\xF5es.","Gravity on X axis (in m/s\xB2)":"Gravidade no eixo X (em m/s\xB2)","Gravity on Y axis (in m/s\xB2)":"Gravidade no eixo Y (em m/s\xB2)","X Scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Escala X: n\xFAmero de pixels para 1 metro","Y Scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Escala X: n\xFAmero de pixels para 1 metro","X scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Escala X: n\xFAmero de pixels para 1 metro","Y scale: number of pixels for 1 meter":"Escala X: n\xFAmero de pixels para 1 metro","Box (rectangle)":"Caixa (ret\xE2ngulo)","Custom polygon":"Pol\xEDgono personalizado","Shape":"Forma","Dynamic object":"Objeto din\xE2mico","Fixed rotation":"Rota\xE7\xE3o fixa","Consider as bullet (better collision handling)":"Considerar como uma bala (melhor m\xE3o de colis\xE3o)","Mass density":"Densidade de massa","Friction":"Atrito","Restitution (elasticity)":"Restitui\xE7\xE3o (elasticidade):","Linear Damping":"Amortecimento linear","Angular Damping":"Amortecimento angular","Platform behavior":"Comportamento da plataforma","Platformer character":"Personagem de plataforma","Jump and run on platforms.":"Pule e corra nas plataformas.","Check if the object is moving (whether it is on the floor or in the air).":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 se movendo (seja no ch\xE3o ou no ar).","Platformer state":"Estado de Plataforma","Is on floor":"Est\xE1 no ch\xE3o","Check if the object is on a platform.":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 sobre uma plataforma.","_PARAM0_ is on floor":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 no ch\xE3o","Is on ladder":"Est\xE1 em uma escada","Check if the object is on a ladder.":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 em uma escada.","_PARAM0_ is on ladder":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 em uma escada","Is jumping":"Est\xE1 pulando","Check if the object is jumping.":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 pulando.","_PARAM0_ is jumping":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 pulando","Is falling":"Est\xE1 caindo","Check if the object is falling.\nNote that the object can be flagged as jumping and falling at the same time: at the end of a jump, the fall speed becomes higher than the jump speed.":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 caindo.\nNote que o objeto pode ser marcado como saltando e caindo ao mesmo tempo: no final de um salto, a velocidade de queda se torna mais alta do que a velocidade de pulo.","_PARAM0_ is falling":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 caindo","Is grabbing platform ledge":"Est\xE1 agarrando \xE0 borda de uma plataforma","Check if the object is grabbing a platform ledge.":"Verifica se o objeto est\xE1 agarrando a borda de uma plataforma.","_PARAM0_ is grabbing a platform ledge":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 agarrando a borda de uma plataforma","Compare the gravity applied on the object.":"Compare a gravidade aplicada no objeto.","Platformer configuration":"Configura\xE7\xE3o de Plataforma","Gravity to compare to (in pixels per second per second)":"Gravidade a comparar (em p\xEDxeis por segundo)","Change the gravity applied on an object.":"Mudar a gravidade aplicada a um objeto.","Gravity (in pixels per second per second)":"Gravidade (em p\xEDxeis por segundo)","Maximum falling speed":"Velocidade m\xE1xima de queda","Compare the maximum falling speed of the object.":"Compare a velocidade m\xE1xima de queda do objeto.","the maximum falling speed":"a velocidade m\xE1xima de queda","Change the maximum falling speed of an object.":"Alterar a velocidade m\xE1xima de queda de um objeto.","If jumping, try to preserve the current speed in the air":"Se pular, tente preservar a velocidade atual no ar","Ladder climbing speed":"Velocidade de subida em uma escada","Compare the ladder climbing speed (in pixels per second).":"Compare a velocidade de subida da escada (em pixels por segundo).","the ladder climbing speed":"a velocidade de escalada","Change the ladder climbing speed.":"Altere a velocidade de escalada da escada.","Compare the horizontal acceleration of the object.":"Compare a acelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal do objeto.","the horizontal acceleration":"a acelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal","Change the horizontal acceleration of an object.":"Altere a acelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal de um objeto.","Compare the horizontal deceleration of the object.":"Compare a desacelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal do objeto.","the horizontal deceleration":"a desacelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal","Change the horizontal deceleration of an object.":"Alterar a desacelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal de um objeto.","Maximum horizontal speed":"Velocidade horizontal m\xE1xima","Compare the maximum horizontal speed of the object.":"Compare a velocidade horizontal m\xE1xima do objeto.","the maximum horizontal speed":"a velocidade horizontal m\xE1xima","Change the maximum horizontal speed of an object.":"Alterar a velocidade horizontal m\xE1xima de um objeto.","Jump speed":"Velocidade de salto","Compare the jump speed of the object.Its value is always positive.":"Compare a velocidade do salto do objeto. Seu valor \xE9 sempre positivo.","the jump speed":"a velocidade de salto","Change the jump speed of an object. Its value is always positive.":"Mude a velocidade do salto de um objeto. Seu valor \xE9 sempre positivo.","Jump sustain time":"Tempo de sustenta\xE7\xE3o do salto","Compare the jump sustain time of the object.This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"Compare o tempo de sustenta\xE7\xE3o do pulo de um objeto. Esse \xE9 o tempo durante o qual manter o bot\xE3o de salto pressionado permite manter a velocidade do pulo inicial.","the jump sustain time":"o tempo de sustenta\xE7\xE3o do salto","Change the jump sustain time of an object.This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"Compare o tempo de sustenta\xE7\xE3o do pulo de um objeto. Esse \xE9 o tempo durante o qual manter o bot\xE3o de salto pressionado permite manter a velocidade do pulo inicial.","Allow jumping again":"Permitir pular novamente","When this action is executed, the object is able to jump again, even if it is in the air: this can be useful to allow a double jump for example. This is not a permanent effect: you must call again this action everytime you want to allow the object to jump (apart if it's on the floor).":"Quando esta a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 executada, o objeto \xE9 capaz de pular novamente, mesmo que esteja no ar: isto pode ser \xFAtil para permitir um salto duplo, por exemplo. Isto n\xE3o \xE9 um efeito permanente: voc\xEA deve chamar novamente esta a\xE7\xE3o toda vez que quiser permitir que o objeto pule (exceto se ele estiver no ch\xE3o).","Allow _PARAM0_ to jump again":"Permitir _PARAM0_ saltar novamente","Forbid jumping again in the air":"Proibir saltar de novo no ar","This revokes the effect of \"Allow jumping again\". The object is made unable to jump while in mid air. This has no effect if the object is not in the air.":"Isso revoga o efeito de \"Permitir saltar novamente\". O objeto \xE9 impedido de saltar enquanto estiver no ar. Isso n\xE3o tem efeito se o objeto n\xE3o estiver no ar.","Forbid _PARAM0_ to air jump":"Proibir _PARAM0_ de pular no ar","Abort jump":"Abortar salto","Abort the current jump and stop the object vertically. This action doesn't have any effect when the character is not jumping.":"Cancele o pulo atual e pare o objeto verticalmente. Essa a\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o tem nenhum efeito quando o personagem n\xE3o est\xE1 pulando.","Abort the current jump of _PARAM0_":"Cancelar o pulo atual do _PARAM0_","Can jump":"pode-pular","Check if the object can jump.":"Verifique se o objeto est\xE1 pulando.","_PARAM0_ can jump":"_PARAM0_ pode pular","Simulate a press of the left key.":"Simule um pressionar da tecla esquerda.","Platformer controls":"Controle de Plataforma","Simulate a press of the right key.":"Simula o pressionar da tecla direita.","Simulate a press of the up key (used when on a ladder).":"Simula o pressionar da tecla para cima (usado quando estiver em uma escada).","Simulate a press of the down key (used when on a ladder).":"Simule o pressionar da tecla para baixo (usado quando estiver em uma escada).","Simulate ladder key press":"Simule pressionar tecla de escada","Simulate a press of the ladder key (used to grab a ladder).":"Simule pressionar tecla escada (usada para agarrar uma escada).","Simulate pressing Ladder key for _PARAM0_":"Simular que est\xE1 pressionando o bot\xE3o de escada para _PARAM0_","Simulate release ladder key press":"Simule pressionar tecla de soltar a escada","Simulate a press of the Release Ladder key (used to get off a ladder).":"Simule pressionar tecla escada (usada para agarrar uma escada).","Simulate pressing Release Ladder key for _PARAM0_":"Simular que esta pressionando o bot\xE3o de escada para _param0_","Simulate jump key press":"Simular tecla de salto","Simulate a press of the jump key.":"Simule o pressionar da tecla pular.","Simulate pressing Jump key for _PARAM0_":"Simular que est\xE1 pressionando a tecla de salto para _PARAM0_","Simulate release platform key press":"Simule pressionar tecla de solta a escada","Simulate a press of the release platform key (used when grabbing a platform ledge).":"Simula o pressionar da tecla soltar plataforma (usado quando segurando a borda de uma plataforma).","Simulate pressing Release Platform key for _PARAM0_":"Simular pressionar tecla de Soltar Plataforma para _PARAM0_","Simulate a press of a key.\nValid keys are Left, Right, Jump, Ladder, Release Ladder, Up, Down.":"Simula o pressionar de uma tecla. \n Teclas v\xE1lidas s\xE3o Esquerda, Direita, Pular, Soltar Escada, Para Cima, Para Baixo.","Platform grabbing":"Agarramento da plataforma","Enable (or disable) the ability of the object to grab platforms when falling near to one.":"Ativar (ou desativar) a habilidade do objeto de pegar plataformas quando estiver perto de uma.","Allow _PARAM0_ to grab platforms: _PARAM2_":"Permitir _PARAM0_ pegar as plataformas: _PARAM2_","Can grab platforms":"Pode agarrar plataformas","Check if the object can grab the platforms.":"Verifique se o objeto pode agarrar as plataformas.","_PARAM0_ can grab the platforms":"_PARAM0_ pode agarrar as plataformas","Current falling speed":"Velocidade de queda atual","Compare the current falling speed of the object. Its value is always positive.":"Compare a velocidade de queda atual do objeto. Seu valor \xE9 sempre positivo.","the current falling speed":"Velocidade de queda atual","Change the current falling speed of the object. This action doesn't have any effect when the character is not falling or is in the first phase of a jump.":"Alterar a velocidade atual de queda do objeto. Essa a\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o tem efeito quando o personagem n\xE3o est\xE1 caindo ou est\xE1 na primeira fase de um salto.","Current jump speed":"Velocidade de salto atual","Compare the current jump speed of the object. Its value is always positive.":"Comparar a velocidade de pulo atual do objeto. Seu valor \xE9 sempre positivo.","the current jump speed":"a velocidade de salto atual","Current horizontal speed":"Velocidade horizontal atual","Change the current horizontal speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"Mudar a velocidade horizontal atual do objeto. O objeto se move para a esquerda com valores negativos e para a direita com valores positivos.","the current horizontal speed":"a velocidade horizontal atual","Compare the current horizontal speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"Comparar a velocidade horizontal atual do objeto. O objeto se move para a esquerda com valores negativos e para a direita com valores positivos.","Return the gravity applied on the object (in pixels per second per second).":"Retorna a gravidade aplicada no objeto (em pixels por segundo).","Return the maximum falling speed of the object (in pixels per second).":"Retorna a velocidade de queda m\xE1xima do objeto (em pixels por segundo).","Return the ladder climbing speed of the object (in pixels per second).":"Retorne a velocidade de escalada do objeto (em pixels por segundo).","Return the horizontal acceleration of the object (in pixels per second per second).":"Retorna a acelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal do objeto (em pixels por segundo).","Return the horizontal deceleration of the object (in pixels per second per second).":"Retorna a desacelera\xE7\xE3o horizontal do objeto (em pixels por segundo).","Return the maximum horizontal speed of the object (in pixels per second).":"Retorna a velocidade horizontal m\xE1xima do objeto (em pixels por segundo).","Return the jump speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.":"Retorna a velocidade do pulo do objeto (em pixels por segundo). Seu valor \xE9 sempre positivo.","Return the jump sustain time of the object (in seconds).This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"Retorna o tempo de sustenta\xE7\xE3o do pulo do objeto (em segundos). Esse \xE9 o tempo durante o qual manter o bot\xE3o de pulo pressionado permite que a velocidade do pulo inicial seja mantida.","Current fall speed":"Velocidade atual de queda","Return the current fall speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.":"Retorna a velocidade de queda atual do objeto (em pixels por segundo). Seu valor \xE9 sempre positivo.","Return the current horizontal speed of the object (in pixels per second). The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"Retorna a velocidade horizontal atual do objeto (em pixels por segundo). O objeto se move para a esquerda com valores negativos, e para a direita com valores positivos.","Return the current jump speed of the object (in pixels per second). Its value is always positive.":"Retorna a velocidade do pulo atual do objeto (em pixels por segundo). Seu valor \xE9 sempre positivo.","Platform":"Plataforma","Flag objects as being platforms which characters can run on.":"Sinalizar objetos como sendo plataformas em que os personagens podem ser executados.","Platform type":"Tipo de plataforma","Change the platform type of the object: Platform, Jump-Through, or Ladder.":"Alterar o tipo de plataforma do objeto: Plataforma, Pulo atrav\xE9s ou Escada.","Set platform type of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Definir o tipo de plataforma de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM2_","Character is on given platform":"O personagem est\xE1 na plataforma determinada","Check if a platformer character is on a given platform.":"Verifique se um personagem de plataforma est\xE1 em uma determinada plataforma.","_PARAM0_ is on platform _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 na plataforma _PARAM2_","Platforms":"Plataformas","Jump":"Pular","Maximum time (in seconds) during which the jump strength is sustained if the jump key is held - allowing variable height jumps.":"Tempo m\xE1ximo (em segundos) durante o qual a for\xE7a do salto \xE9 sustentada se a tecla de salto \xE9 mantida pressionada - permitindo alturas de salto vari\xE1veis.","Max. falling speed":"Velocidade max. de queda","Ladder":"Escada","Walk":"Andar","Slope max. angle":"\xC2ngulo de Inclina\xE7\xE3o max.","Can grab platform ledges":"Pode agarrar nas bordas da plataforma","Ledge":"Sali\xEAncia","Automatically grab platform ledges without having to move horizontally":"Pegue automaticamente as bordas da plataforma sem ter que se mover horizontalmente","Grab offset on Y axis":"Dist\xE2ncia de agarramento da borda no eixo Y","Grab tolerance on X axis":"Dist\xE2ncia de toler\xE2ncia de agarramento da borda no eixo X","Use frame rate dependent trajectories (deprecated, it's recommended to leave this unchecked)":"Use trajet\xF3rias dependentes da taxa de quadros (obsoleto, \xE9 recomend\xE1vel deixar isso desmarcado)","Deprecated options":"A\xE7\xE3o obsoleta","Can go down from jumpthru platforms":"Pode descer de plataformas de salto","Jumpthru platform":"Plataforma atravess\xE1vel","Ledges can be grabbed":"Bordas podem ser agarradas","Panel Sprite (9-patch) Object":"Objeto painel Sprite (9-patch)","Panel Sprite (\"9-patch\")":"Painel Sprite (\"9-patch\")","An image with edges and corners that are stretched separately from the full image.":"Uma imagem com bordas e cantos que s\xE3o esticados separadamente da imagem completa.","Compare the opacity of a Panel Sprite, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Comparar a opacidade de um Painel Sprite, entre 0 (totalmente transparente) a 255 (opaco).","Change Panel Sprite opacity":"Alterar a opacidade do painel Sprite","Change the opacity of a Panel Sprite. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Altere a opacidade de um Painel Sprite. 0 \xE9 totalmente transparente, 255 \xE9 opaco (padr\xE3o).","Panel Sprite":"Sprite do Painel","Change the tint of a Panel Sprite. The default color is white.":"Altera a tonalidade de um Painel de Sprite. A cor padr\xE3o \xE9 branca.","Modify the width of a Panel Sprite.":"Modifica a largura de um Painel de Sprites.","Size and angle":"Tamanho e \xE2ngulo","Check the width of a Panel Sprite.":"Verifica a largura de um painel Sprite.","Modify the height of a Panel Sprite.":"Modifica a altura de um Painel de Sprites.","Check the height of a Panel Sprite.":"Verifica a altura de um painel Sprite.","Image name (deprecated)":"Nome da Imagem (obsoleto)","Change the image of a Panel Sprite.":"Mude a imagem de um painel de Sprite.","Set image _PARAM1_ on _PARAM0_":"Colocar imagem _PARAM1_ na _PARAM0_","Image name":"Nome da Imagem","Left":"Esquerda","Margins":"Margens","Right":"Direita","Text Input":"Entrada de Texto","A text field the player can type text into.":"Um campo de texto onde o jogador pode digitar texto.","Initial value":"Valor inicial","Placeholder":"Espa\xE7o reservado","Font size (px)":"Tamanho da fonte (px)","Input type":"Tipo de entrada","By default, a \"text\" is single line. Choose \"text area\" to allow multiple lines to be entered.":"Por padr\xE3o, um \"texto\" \xE9 uma linha \xFAnica. Escolha \"\xE1rea de texto\" para permitir que v\xE1rias linhas sejam inseridas.","Field":"Campo","Disabled":"Desativado","Field appearance":"Apar\xEAncia do campo","Border appearance":"Apar\xEAncia da borda","Max length":"Comprimento m\xE1ximo","The maximum length of the input value (this property will be ignored if the input type is a number).":"O comprimento m\xE1ximo do valor de entrada (esta propriedade ser\xE1 ignorada se o tipo de entrada for um n\xFAmero). ","Text alignment":"Alinhamento de texto","Text input":"Entrada de texto","Return the text.":"Retornar o texto.","the placeholder":"o espa\xE7o reservado","Font name":"Nome da fonte","the font name":"o nome da fonte","Set the font of the object.":"Define a fonte do objeto.","Set the font of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir a fonte de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","the input type":"o tipo de entrada","Set the text color of the object.":"Define a cor do texto do objeto.","Set the text color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define a cor do texto de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Set the fill color of the object.":"Define a cor de preenchimento do objeto.","Set the fill color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define a cor de preenchimento de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","the fill opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque)":"a opacidade de preenchimento, entre 0 (totalmente transparente) e 255 (opaco)","the fill opacity":"a opacidade de preenchimento","Border color":"Cor da borda","Set the border color of the object.":"Defina a cor da borda do objeto.","Set the border color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Coloque a cor da borda do _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Border opacity":"Opacidade da borda","the border opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque)":"a opacidade da borda, entre 0 (totalmente transparente) e 255 (opaco)","the border opacity":"a opacidade da borda","Border width":"Largura da borda","the border width":"a largura da borda","Read-only":"Somente leitura","the text input is read-only":"a entrada do texto \xE9 somente leitura","read-only":"somente leitura","Read-only?":"Somente-leitura?","the text input is disabled":"a entrada de texto est\xE1 desativada","disabled":"desativado","the opacity, between 0 (fully transparent) and 255 (opaque)":"a opacidade, entre 0 (totalmente transparente) e 255 (opaco)","Focused":"Focado","Check if the text input is focused (the cursor is in the field and player can type text in).":"Verifique se a entrada de texto est\xE1 focada (o cursor est\xE1 no campo e o jogador pode digitar o texto).","_PARAM0_ is focused":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 focado","Input is submitted":"A entrada foi enviada ","Check if the input is submitted, which usually happens when the Enter key is pressed on a keyboard, or a specific button on mobile virtual keyboards.":"Verifique se a entrada foi enviada, o que geralmente acontece quando a tecla Enter \xE9 pressionada em um teclado, ou um bot\xE3o espec\xEDfico em teclados virtuais m\xF3veis.","_PARAM0_ value was submitted":"_PARAM0_ value was submitted","Focus":"Focar","Focus the input so that text can be entered (like if it was touched/clicked).":"Foque a entrada para que o texto possa ser inserido (como se fosse tocado/clicado).","Focus _PARAM0_":"Foco _PARAM0_","Spine (experimental)":"Coluna (experimental)","Displays a Spine animation.":"Exibe uma anima\xE7\xE3o da coluna vertebral.","Spine":"Coluna","Display and smoothly animate a 2D object with skeletal animations made with Spine. Use files exported from Spine (json, atlas and image).":"Exiba e anime suavemente um objeto 2D com anima\xE7\xF5es de esqueleto feitas com Opine. Use arquivos exportados do Opine (Json, atlas e imagem).","Edit animations":"Editar anima\xE7\xF5es","Animation mixing duration":"Dura\xE7\xE3o da mixagem da anima\xE7\xE3o","the duration of the smooth transition between 2 animations (in second)":"a dura\xE7\xE3o da transi\xE7\xE3o suave entre 2 anima\xE7\xF5es (em segundos)","the animation mixing duration":"a dura\xE7\xE3o da mixagem da anima\xE7\xE3o","Animations and images":"Anima\xE7\xF5es e imagens","Point attachment X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do ponto anexado","x position of spine point attachment":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do ponto Spine anexado","x position of spine _PARAM1_ point attachment for _PARAM2_ slot":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do ponto Spine _PARAM1_ anexado para o espa\xE7o _PARAM2_","Attachment name":"Nome do anexo","Slot name (use \"\" if names are the same)":"Nome do slot (use \"\" se os nomes forem iguais)","Point attachment Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto anexado","y position of spine point attachment":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto Spine anexado","y position of spine _PARAM1_ point attachment for _PARAM2_ slot":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto Spine _PARAM1_ anexado para o espa\xE7o _PARAM2_","Device vibration":"Vibra\xE7\xE3o do dispositivo","Vibrate":"Vibrar","Vibrate (Duration in ms).":"Vibrar (Dura\xE7\xE3o em ms).","Start vibration for _PARAM0_ ms":"Iniciar vibra\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ ms","Vibrate by pattern":"Padr\xE3o de vibra\xE7\xE3o","Vibrate (Duration in ms). You can add multiple comma-separated values where every second value determines the period of silence between two vibrations. This is a string value so use quotes.":"Vibrar (Dura\xE7\xE3o em ms). \xC9 poss\xEDvel adicionar m\xFAltiplos valores separados por v\xEDrgula, onde cada valor em segundos determina o per\xEDodo de sil\xEAncio entre duas vibra\xE7\xF5es. Este \xE9 um valor string, por isso use aspas.","Intervals (for example \"500,100,200\"":"Intervalos (por exemplo, \"500,100,200\"","Stop vibration":"Parar vibra\xE7\xE3o","Stop the vibration":"Parar a vibra\xE7\xE3o","Allow your game to send scores to your leaderboards.":"Permita que seu jogo envie pontua\xE7\xF5es para suas tabelas de classifica\xE7\xE3o.","Save player score":"Salvar a pontua\xE7\xE3o do jogador","Save the player's score to the given leaderboard. If the player is connected, the score will be attached to the connected player (unless disabled).":"Salvar a pontua\xE7\xE3o do jogador na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o. Se o jogador estiver conectado, a pontua\xE7\xE3o ser\xE1 anexada ao jogador conectado (a n\xE3o ser que esteja desativado).","Send to leaderboard _PARAM1_ the score _PARAM2_ with player name: _PARAM3_":"Enviar para o placar _PARAM1_ a pontua\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ com o nome do jogador: _PARAM3_","Save score":"Salvar pontua\xE7\xE3o","Score to register for the player":"Pontua\xE7\xE3o para se registrar para o jogador","Name to register for the player":"Nome para se registrar para o jogador","Let this empty to let the leaderboard auto-generate a player name (e.g: \"Player23464\"). You can configure this in the leaderboard administration.":"Deixe isto vazio para permitir que o placar de classifica\xE7\xE3o gere automaticamente um nome de jogador (ex: \"Jogador23464\"). Voc\xEA pode configurar isso na administra\xE7\xE3o do placar.","Save connected player score":"Salvar pontua\xE7\xE3o do jogador conectado","Save the connected player's score to the given leaderboard.":"Salvar a pontua\xE7\xE3o do jogador conectado na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o fornecida.","Send to leaderboard _PARAM1_ the score _PARAM2_ for the connected player":"Enviar para a tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ a pontua\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ para o jogador conectado","Always attach scores to the connected player":"Sempre anexa pontua\xE7\xF5es ao jogador conectado","Set if the score sent to a leaderboard is always attached to the connected player - if any. This is on by default.":"Defina se a pontua\xE7\xE3o enviada para uma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o estar\xE1 sempre anexada ao jogador conectado - se houver. Isto \xE9 ativado por padr\xE3o.","Always attach the score to the connected player: _PARAM1_":"Sempre anexa pontua\xE7\xF5es ao jogador conectado: _PARAM1_","Enable?":"Habilitar?","Last score save has errored":"Erro ao salvar a \xFAltima pontua\xE7\xE3o","Check if the last attempt to save a score has errored.":"Verifique se a \xFAltima tentativa de salvar uma pontua\xE7\xE3o falhou.","Last score save in leaderboard _PARAM0_ has errored":"A \xFAltima pontua\xE7\xE3o salva na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ falhou","If no leaderboard is specified, will return the value related to the last leaderboard save action.":"Se nenhuma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o for especificada, retornar\xE1 o valor relacionado \xE0 \xFAltima a\xE7\xE3o de salvamento da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o.","Last score save has succeeded":"A \xFAltima pontua\xE7\xE3o salva foi bem-sucedida","Check if the last attempt to save a score has succeeded.":"Verifique se a \xFAltima tentativa de salvar uma pontua\xE7\xE3o foi bem-sucedida.","Last score save in leaderboard _PARAM0_ has succeeded":"A \xFAltima pontua\xE7\xE3o salva na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ foi bem-sucedida","If no leaderboard is specified, will return the value related to the last leaderboard save action that successfully ended.":"Se nenhuma tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o for especificada, retornar\xE1 o valor relacionado \xE0 \xFAltima a\xE7\xE3o de salvamento da tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o que terminou com \xEAxito.","Score is saving":"A pontua\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 salvando","Check if a score is currently being saved in leaderboard.":"Verifique se uma pontua\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 sendo salva na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o.","Score is saving in leaderboard _PARAM0_":"A pontua\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 sendo salva na tabela de classifica\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_","Closed by player":"Fechado pelo jogador","Check if the player has just closed the leaderboard view.":"Verificar se o jogador fechou o p\xF3dio.","Player has just closed the leaderboard view":"Jogador fechou o p\xF3dio","Display leaderboard":"Mostrar o placar","Error of last save attempt":"Erro da \xFAltima tentativa de salvamento","Get the error of the last save attempt.":"Obtenha o erro da \xFAltima tentativa de salvamento.","Leaderboard display has errored":"A exibi\xE7\xE3o do placar apresentou erro","Check if the display of the leaderboard errored.":"Verifica se a exibi\xE7\xE3o do placar est\xE1 errada.","Leaderboard display has loaded":"A exibi\xE7\xE3o do placar carregou","Check if the display of the leaderboard has finished loading and been displayed on screen.":"Verifica se a exibi\xE7\xE3o do placar terminou de carregar e apareceu na tela.","Leaderboard display has loaded and is displayed on screen":"A exibi\xE7\xE3o do placar terminou de carregar e apareceu na tela","Leaderboard display is loading":"A exibi\xE7\xE3o do placar est\xE1 carregando","Check if the display of the leaderboard is loading.":"Verifica se a exibi\xE7\xE3o do placar est\xE1 carregando.","Format player name":"Formatar nome do jogador","Formats a name so that it can be submitted to a leaderboard.":"Formata um nome para poder ser submetida ao placar.","Raw player name":"Nome do jogador original","Display the specified leaderboard on top of the game. If a leaderboard was already displayed on top of the game, the new leaderboard will replace it.":"Exibe o placar especificado acima do jogo. Se um placar j\xE1 tiver sido exibido acima do jogo, o novo placar o substituir\xE1.","Display leaderboard _PARAM1_ (display a loader: _PARAM2_)":"Mostrar placar _PARAM1_ (exibir um carregador: _PARAM2_)","Display loader while leaderboard is loading":"Exibe carregador enquanto o placar estiver carregando","Close current leaderboard":"Fechar placar atual","Close the leaderboard currently displayed on top of the game.":"Fecha o placar mostrado atualmente acima do jogo.","Close current leaderboard displayed on top of the game":"Fecha o placar atual mostrado acima do jogo","Device sensors":"Sensores do dispositivo","Allow the game to access the sensors of a mobile device.":"Permitir que o jogo acesse os sensores de um dispositivo m\xF3vel.","Sensor active":"Sensor ativo","The condition is true if the device orientation sensor is currently active":"A condi\xE7\xE3o \xE9 verdadeira se o sensor de orienta\xE7\xE3o do dispositivo estiver ativo","Orientation sensor is active":"Sensor de orienta\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 ativo","Orientation":"Orienta\xE7\xE3o","Compare the value of orientation alpha":"Comparar o valor da orienta\xE7\xE3o alfa","Compare the value of orientation alpha. (Range: 0 to 360\xB0)":"Comparar o valor da orienta\xE7\xE3o alfa. (Intervalo: 0 a 360\xB0)","the orientation alpha":"a orienta\xE7\xE3o alfa","Sign of the test":"Sinal do teste","Value":"Valor","Compare the value of orientation beta":"Comparar o valor da orienta\xE7\xE3o beta","Compare the value of orientation beta. (Range: -180 to 180\xB0)":"Comparar o valor da orienta\xE7\xE3o beta. (Intervalo: -180 a 180\xB0)","the orientation beta":"a orienta\xE7\xE3o beta","Compare the value of orientation gamma":"Comparar o valor da orienta\xE7\xE3o gama","Compare the value of orientation gamma. (Range: -90 to 90\xB0)":"Comparar o valor da orienta\xE7\xE3o gama. (Intervalo: -90 a 90\xB0)","the orientation gamma":"a orienta\xE7\xE3o gama","Activate orientation sensor":"Ativar sensor de orienta\xE7\xE3o","Activate the orientation sensor. (remember to turn it off again)":"Ativar o sensor de orienta\xE7\xE3o. (lembre-se de desativ\xE1-lo novamente)","Activate the orientation sensor.":"Ativar o sensor de orienta\xE7\xE3o.","Deactivate orientation sensor":"Desativar sensor de orienta\xE7\xE3o","Deactivate the orientation sensor.":"Desativar o sensor de orienta\xE7\xE3o.","Is Absolute":"\xC9 Absoluto","Get if the devices orientation is absolute and not relative":"Obter se a orienta\xE7\xE3o do dispositivo \xE9 absoluta e n\xE3o relativa","Alpha value":"Valor alfa","Get the devices orientation Alpha (compass)":"Obter a orienta\xE7\xE3o dos dispositivos Alfa (b\xFAssola)","Beta value":"Valor Beta","Get the devices orientation Beta":"Obter a orienta\xE7\xE3o dos dispositivos Beta","Gamma value":"Valor Gama","Get the devices orientation Gamma value":"Obter o valor Gama da orienta\xE7\xE3o dos dispositivos","The condition is true if the device motion sensor is currently active":"A condi\xE7\xE3o \xE9 verdadeira se o sensor de movimento do dispositivo estiver ativo","Motion sensor is active":"Sensor de movimento est\xE1 ativo","Motion":"Movimento","Compare the value of rotation alpha":"Comparar o valor da rota\xE7\xE3o alfa","Compare the value of rotation alpha. (Note: few devices support this sensor)":"Comparar o valor da rota\xE7\xE3o alfa. (Nota: poucos dispositivos suportam este sensor)","the rotation alpha":"a rota\xE7\xE3o alfa","Value (m/s\xB2)":"Valor (m/s2)","Compare the value of rotation beta":"Comparar o valor da rota\xE7\xE3o beta","Compare the value of rotation beta. (Note: few devices support this sensor)":"Comparar o valor da rota\xE7\xE3o beta. (Nota: poucos dispositivos suportam este sensor)","the rotation beta":"a rota\xE7\xE3o beta","Compare the value of rotation gamma":"Comparar o valor da rota\xE7\xE3o gama","Compare the value of rotation gamma. (Note: few devices support this sensor)":"Comparar o valor da rota\xE7\xE3o gama. (Nota: poucos dispositivos suportam este sensor)","the rotation gamma":"a rota\xE7\xE3o gama","Compare the value of acceleration on X-axis":"Comparar o valor da acelera\xE7\xE3o no eixo X","Compare the value of acceleration on the X-axis (m/s\xB2).":"Comparar o valor da acelera\xE7\xE3o no eixo X (m/s2).","the acceleration X":"a acelera\xE7\xE3o X","Compare the value of acceleration on Y-axis":"Comparar o valor da acelera\xE7\xE3o no eixo Y","Compare the value of acceleration on the Y-axis (m/s\xB2).":"Comparar o valor da acelera\xE7\xE3o no eixo Y (m/s2).","the acceleration Y":"a acelera\xE7\xE3o Y","Compare the value of acceleration on Z-axis":"Comparar o valor da acelera\xE7\xE3o no eixo Z","Compare the value of acceleration on the Z-axis (m/s\xB2).":"Comparar o valor da acelera\xE7\xE3o no eixo Z (m/s2).","the acceleration Z":"a acelera\xE7\xE3o Z","Activate motion sensor":"Ativar sensor de movimento","Activate the motion sensor. (remember to turn it off again)":"Ativar o sensor de movimento. (lembre-se de desativ\xE1-lo novamente)","Activate the motion sensor.":"Ativar o sensor de movimento.","Deactivate motion sensor":"Desativar sensor de movimento","Deactivate the motion sensor.":"Desativar o sensor de movimento.","Get the devices rotation Alpha":"Obter rota\xE7\xE3o Alfa do dispositivo","Get the devices rotation Beta":"Obter a rota\xE7\xE3o de dispositivos Beta","Get the devices rotation Gamma":"Obter a rota\xE7\xE3o Gama do dispositivo","Acceleration X value":"Valor X da acelera\xE7\xE3o","Get the devices acceleration on the X-axis (m/s\xB2)":"Obter a acelera\xE7\xE3o do dispositivo no eixo X (m/s\xB2)","Acceleration Y value":"Valor Y da acelera\xE7\xE3o","Get the devices acceleration on the Y-axis (m/s\xB2)":"Obter a acelera\xE7\xE3o do dispositivo no eixo Y (m/s\xB2)","Acceleration Z value":"Valor Z da acelera\xE7\xE3o","Get the devices acceleration on the Z-axis (m/s\xB2)":"Obter a acelera\xE7\xE3o do dispositivo no eixo Z (m/s\xB2)","Debugger Tools":"Ferramentas do Depurador","Allow to interact with the editor debugger from the game.":"Permite interagir com o depurador do editor.","Pause game execution":"Pausar a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo","This pauses the game, useful for inspecting the game state through the debugger. Note that events will be still executed until the end before the game is paused.":"Isto pausa o jogo, \xFAtil para inspecionar o estado do jogo atrav\xE9s do depurador. Note que eventos ainda ser\xE3o executados at\xE9 o final do jogo ser pausado.","Draw collisions hitboxes and points":"Desenha pontos e caixas de colis\xF5es","This activates the display of rectangles and information on screen showing the objects bounding boxes (blue), the hitboxes (red) and some points of objects.":"Isto ativa a exibi\xE7\xE3o de ret\xE2ngulos e informa\xE7\xF5es na tela mostrando as caixas delimitadoras dos objetos (azul), as caixas de colis\xE3o (vermelhas) e alguns pontos de objetos.","Enable debugging view of bounding boxes/collision masks: _PARAM1_ (include invisible objects: _PARAM2_, point names: _PARAM3_, custom points: _PARAM4_)":"Ativa a visualiza\xE7\xE3o de depura\xE7\xE3o das m\xE1scaras de caixas delimitadoras/de colis\xE3o: _PARAM1_ (inclui objetos invis\xEDveis: _PARAM2_, nomes dos pontos: _PARAM3_, pontos personalizados: _PARAM4_)","Enable debug draw":"Habilita desenho de depura\xE7\xE3o","Show collisions for hidden objects":"Mostra colis\xF5es para objetos ocultos","Show points names":"Mostra os nomes dos pontos","Show custom points":"Mostra os pontos personalizados","Log a message to the console":"Registra uma mensagem para o console.","Logs a message to the debugger's console.":"Registra uma mensagem para o console do depurador.","Log message _PARAM0_ of type _PARAM1_ to the console in group _PARAM2_":"Registrar a mensagem _PARAM0_ do tipo _PARAM1_ para o console no grupo _PARAM2_","3D physics engine":"Motor de f\xEDsica 3D","A static object won't move (perfect for obstacles). Dynamic objects can move. Kinematic will move according to forces applied to it only (useful for characters or specific mechanisms).":"Um objeto est\xE1tico n\xE3o se mover\xE1 (perfeito para obst\xE1culos). Objetos din\xE2micos podem se mover. Cinem\xE1tica se mover\xE1 conforme as for\xE7as aplicadas apenas (\xFAtil para personagens ou mecanismos espec\xEDficos).","Considered as a bullet":"Considerado como uma bala","Useful for fast moving objects which requires a more accurate collision detection.":"\xDAtil para objetos de movimento r\xE1pido que requerem uma detec\xE7\xE3o de colis\xE3o mais precisa.","Physics body advanced settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es avan\xE7adas do corpo de f\xEDsica","If enabled, the object won't rotate and will stay at the same angle. Useful for characters for example.":"Se ativado, o objeto n\xE3o girar\xE1 e permanecer\xE1 no mesmo \xE2ngulo. \xDAtil para personagens, por exemplo.","Density":"Densidade","Define the weight of the object, according to its size. The bigger the density, the heavier the object.":"Defina o peso do objeto, de acordo com seu tamanho. Quanto maior a densidade, mais pesado o objeto.","The friction applied when touching other objects. The higher the value, the more friction.":"O atrito aplicado ao tocar outros objetos. Quanto maior o valor, mais fric\xE7\xE3o.","Restitution":"Restitui\xE7\xE3o","The \"bounciness\" of the object. The higher the value, the more other objects will bounce against it.":"A \"elasticidade\" do objeto. Quanto maior o valor, mais outros objetos ir\xE3o saltar contra ele.","Simulate realistic object physics with gravity, forces, etc.":"Simule f\xEDsica realista de objetos com gravidade, for\xE7as, etc.","Edit shape and advanced settings":"Edite o formato e configura\xE7\xF5es avan\xE7adas","World scale":"Escala mundial","Return the world scale.":"Retorna a escala mundial.","Global":"Global","World gravity on X axis":"Gravidade do mundo no eixo X","the world gravity on X axis":"a gravidade do mundo no eixo X","While an object is needed, this will apply to all objects using the behavior.":"Enquanto um objeto for necess\xE1rio, isso ser\xE1 aplicado a todos os objetos usando o comportamento.","Gravity (in Newton)":"Gravidade (em Newton)","World gravity on Y axis":"Gravidade do mundo no eixo Y","the world gravity on Y axis":"a gravidade do mundo no eixo Y","World gravity on Z axis":"Gravidade mundial no eixo Z","the world gravity on Z axis":"A gravidade do mundo no eixo Z","Is dynamic":"\xC9 din\xE2mico","Check if an object is dynamic.":"Verifique se um objeto \xE9 din\xE2mico.","_PARAM0_ is dynamic":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 din\xE2mico","Dynamics":"Din\xE2mica","Is static":"\xC9 est\xE1tico","Check if an object is static.":"Verifique se um objeto \xE9 est\xE1tico.","_PARAM0_ is static":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 est\xE1tico","Is kinematic":"\xC9 cinem\xE1tico","Check if an object is kinematic.":"Verifique se um objeto \xE9 cinem\xE1tico.","_PARAM0_ is kinematic":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 cinem\xE1tico","Is treated as a bullet":"\xC9 tratado como proj\xE9til","Check if the object is being treated as a bullet.":"Testar se um objeto est\xE1 sendo tratado como um proj\xE9til.","_PARAM0_ is treated as a bullet":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 considerado como uma bala","Treat as bullet":"Tratar como proj\xE9til","Treat the object as a bullet. Better collision handling on high speeds at cost of some performance.":"Tratar o objeto como um proj\xE9til. Melhor manipula\xE7\xE3o de colis\xE3o em altas velocidades ao custo de algum desempenho.","Treat _PARAM0_ as bullet: _PARAM2_":"Tratar o _PARAM0_ como proj\xE9til: _PARAM2_","Treat as bullet?":"Tratar como proj\xE9til?","Has fixed rotation":"Possui rota\xE7\xE3o fixa","Check if an object has fixed rotation.":"Verifique se um objeto tem rota\xE7\xE3o fixa.","_PARAM0_ has fixed rotation":"_PARAM0_ tem rota\xE7\xE3o fixa","Enable or disable an object fixed rotation. If enabled the object won't be able to rotate.":"Ativar ou desativar a rota\xE7\xE3o fixa de um objeto. Se ativado, o objeto n\xE3o ser\xE1 capaz de rotacionar.","Set _PARAM0_ fixed rotation: _PARAM2_":"Definir _PARAM0_ rota\xE7\xE3o fixa: _PARAM2_","Fixed rotation?":"Rota\xE7\xE3o fixa?","Shape scale":"Escala de forma","Modify an object shape scale. It affects custom shape dimensions, if custom dimensions are not set the body will be scaled automatically to the object size.":"Modifica a escala de forma de um objeto. Isso afeta as dimens\xF5es personalizadas e o deslocamento da forma, se as dimens\xF5es personalizadas n\xE3o estiverem definidas, o corpo ser\xE1 dimensionado automaticamente para o tamanho do objeto.","the shape scale":"a escala de forma","Body settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es do corpo","the object density. The body's density and volume determine its mass.":"A densidade do objeto. A densidade e o volume do corpo determinam sua massa.","the density":"a densidade","the object friction. How much energy is lost from the movement of one object over another. The combined friction from two bodies is calculated as 'sqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)'.":"A fric\xE7\xE3o do objeto. Quanta energia \xE9 perdida do movimento de um objeto sobre outro. O atrito combinado de dois corpos \xE9 calculado como 'sqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)'.","the friction":"o atrito","the object restitution. Energy conservation on collision. The combined restitution from two bodies is calculated as 'max(bodyA.restitution, bodyB.restitution)'.":"A restitui\xE7\xE3o do objeto. Conserva\xE7\xE3o da energia na colis\xE3o. A restitui\xE7\xE3o combinada de dois corpos \xE9 calculada como 'max(corpoA.restitui\xE7\xE3o, corpo-a.restitution)'.","the restitution":"a restitui\xE7\xE3o","Linear damping":"Amortecimento linear","the object linear damping. How much movement speed is lost across the time.":"O ajuste linear do objeto. Quanto velocidade de movimento \xE9 perdida ao longo do tempo.","the linear damping":"o amortecimento linear","Angular damping":"Amortecimento angular","the object angular damping. How much angular speed is lost across the time.":"O ajuste linear do objeto. Quanto velocidade linear \xE9 perdida ao longo do tempo.","the angular damping":"o amortecimento angular","Gravity scale":"Escala de gravidade","the object gravity scale. The gravity applied to an object is the world gravity multiplied by the object gravity scale.":"A escala de gravidade do objeto. A gravidade aplicada a um objeto \xE9 a gravidade do mundo multiplicada pela escala de gravidade do objeto.","the gravity scale":"a escala de gravidade","Layer enabled":"Camada habilitada","Check if an object has a specific layer enabled.":"Verifique se um objeto tem uma camada espec\xEDfica habilitada.","_PARAM0_ has layer _PARAM2_ enabled":"_PARAM0_ tem camada _PARAM2_ habilitada","Filtering":"Filtragem","Layer (1 - 8)":"Camada (1 - 8)","Enable layer":"Habilitar camada","Enable or disable a layer for an object. Two objects collide if any layer of the first object matches any mask of the second one and vice versa.":"Habilitar ou desabilitar uma camada para um objeto. Dois objetos colidem se qualquer camada do primeiro objeto corresponde a qualquer m\xE1scara do segundo e vice-versa.","Enable layer _PARAM2_ for _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"Habilitar camada _PARAM2_ para _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Mask enabled":"M\xE1scara habilitada","Check if an object has a specific mask enabled.":"Verifique se um objeto tem uma m\xE1scara espec\xEDfica habilitada.","_PARAM0_ has mask _PARAM2_ enabled":"_PARAM0_ tem m\xE1scara _PARAM2_ habilitada","Mask (1 - 8)":"M\xE1scara (1 - 8)","Enable mask":"Habilitar m\xE1scara","Enable or disable a mask for an object. Two objects collide if any layer of the first object matches any mask of the second one and vice versa.":"Habilitar ou desabilitar uma m\xE1scara para um objeto. Dois objetos colidem se qualquer camada do primeiro objeto corresponde a qualquer m\xE1scara do segundo e vice-versa.","Enable mask _PARAM2_ for _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"Habilitar m\xE1scara _PARAM2_ para _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Linear velocity X":"Velocidade linear X","the object linear velocity on X.":"A velocidade linear do objeto no X.","the linear velocity on X":"a velocidade linear em X","Velocity":"Velocidade","Linear velocity Y":"Velocidade linear Y","the object linear velocity on Y.":"A velocidade linear do objeto em Y.","the linear velocity on Y":"a velocidade linear em Y","Linear velocity Z":"Velocidade linear Z","the object linear velocity on Z.":"A velocidade linear do objeto em Z.","the linear velocity on Z":"A velocidade linear em Z","Linear velocity":"Velocidade linear","the object linear velocity length.":"O comprimento linear da velocidade do objeto.","the linear velocity length":"o comprimento linear da velocidade","Angular velocity X":"Velocidade angular X","the object angular velocity around X.":"the object angular velocity around X.","the angular velocity around X":"the angular velocity around X","Angular velocity Y":"Velocidade angular Y","the object angular velocity around Y.":"the object angular velocity around Y.","the angular velocity around Y":"the angular velocity around Y","Angular velocity Z":"Velocidade angular Z","the object angular velocity around Z.":"the object angular velocity around Z.","the angular velocity around Z":"the angular velocity around Z","Apply force (at a point)":"Aplicar for\xE7a (em um ponto)","Apply a force to the object over time. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Aplique uma for\xE7a ao objeto temporalmente. Ele \"acelera\" um objeto e deve ser usado em todos os quadros durante um tempo.","Apply a force of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM5_ ; _PARAM6_ ; _PARAM7_":"Aplicar uma for\xE7a de_PARAM2_;_PARAM3_;_PARAM4_para_PARAM0_at_PARAM5_;_PARAM6_;_PARAM7_","Forces & impulses":"For\xE7as & Impulsos","X component (N)":"Componente X (N)","Y component (N)":"Componente Y (N)","Z component (N)":"Componente Z (N)","A force is like an acceleration but depends on the mass.":"Uma for\xE7a \xE9 como uma acelera\xE7\xE3o, mas depende da massa.","Application point on X axis":"Ponto de aplica\xE7\xE3o no eixo X","Application point on Y axis":"Ponto de aplica\xE7\xE3o no eixo Y","Application point on Z axis":"Ponto de aplica\xE7\xE3o no eixo Z","Use `MassCenterX` and `MassCenterY` expressions to avoid any rotation.":"Use `MassCenterX` and `MassCenterY` expressions to avoid any rotation.","Apply force (at center)":"Aplicar for\xE7a (ao centro)","Apply a force of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_":"Apply a force of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_","Apply force toward position":"Aplicar for\xE7a em dire\xE7\xE3o \xE0 posi\xE7\xE3o","Apply a force to the object over time to move it toward a position. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Apply a force to the object over time to move it toward a position. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_":"Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_","Length (N)":"Comprimento (N)","Apply impulse (at a point)":"Aplicar impulso (em um ponto)","Apply an impulse to the object. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Apply an impulse to the object. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.","Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM5_ ; _PARAM6_ ; _PARAM7_":"Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM5_ ; _PARAM6_ ; _PARAM7_","X component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"X component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","Y component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"Y component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","Z component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"Z component (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","An impulse is like a speed addition but depends on the mass.":"An impulse is like a speed addition but depends on the mass.","Use `MassCenterX`, `MassCenterY` and `MassCenterZ` expressions to avoid any rotation.":"Use `MassCenterX`, `MassCenterY` and `MassCenterZ` expressions to avoid any rotation.","Apply impulse (at center)":"Apply impulse (at center)","Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_":"Apply an impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ at the center of _PARAM0_","Apply impulse toward position":"Aplicar impulso em dire\xE7\xE3o \xE0 posi\xE7\xE3o","Apply an impulse to the object to move it toward a position. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Apply an impulse to the object to move it toward a position. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_":"Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ ; _PARAM5_","Length (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)":"Length (N\xB7s or kg\xB7m\xB7s\u207B\xB9)","Apply torque (rotational force)":"Aplica um torque (for\xE7a rotativa)","Apply a torque (also called \"rotational force\") to the object. It \"accelerates\" an object rotation and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Apply a torque (also called \"rotational force\") to the object. It \"accelerates\" an object rotation and must be used every frame during a time period.","Apply a torque of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an":"Apply a torque of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an","Torque around X (N\xB7m)":"Torque around X (N\xB7m)","Torque around Y (N\xB7m)":"Torque around Y (N\xB7m)","Torque around Z (N\xB7m)":"Torque around Z (N\xB7m)","A torque is like a rotation acceleration but depends on the mass.":"A torque is like a rotation acceleration but depends on the mass.","Apply angular impulse (rotational impulse)":"Aplica um impulso angular (impulso rotativo)","Apply an angular impulse (also called a \"rotational impulse\") to the object. It instantly changes the rotation speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Apply an angular impulse (also called a \"rotational impulse\") to the object. It instantly changes the rotation speed, to give an initial speed for instance.","Apply angular impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an":"Apply angular impulse of _PARAM2_ ; _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_ to _PARAM0_ an","Angular impulse around X (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Angular impulse around X (N\xB7m\xB7s)","Angular impulse around Y (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Angular impulse around Y (N\xB7m\xB7s)","Angular impulse around Z (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Angular impulse around Z (N\xB7m\xB7s)","An impulse is like a rotation speed addition but depends on the mass.":"Um impulso \xE9 como um acr\xE9scimo na velocidade de rota\xE7\xE3o, mas depende da massa.","Mass":"Massa","Return the mass of the object (in kilograms)":"Retorna a massa do objeto (em quilogramas)","Inertia around X":"Inertia around X","Return the inertia around X axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)":"Return the inertia around X axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)","Inertia around Y":"Inertia around Y","Return the inertia around Y axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)":"Return the inertia around Y axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)","Inertia around Z":"Inertia around Z","Return the inertia around Z axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)":"Return the inertia around Z axis of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2) when for its default rotation is (0\xB0; 0\xB0; 0\xB0)","Mass center X":"Centro de massa X","Mass center Y":"Centro de massa Y","Check if two objects collide.":"Verifique se dois objetos colidem.","_PARAM0_ is colliding with _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 em colis\xE3o com _PARAM2_","Collision started":"A colis\xE3o come\xE7ou","Check if two objects just started colliding during this frame.":"Verifique se dois objetos come\xE7aram a colidir durante este quadro.","_PARAM0_ started colliding with _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ come\xE7ou a colidir com _PARAM2_","Collision stopped":"A colis\xE3o parou","Check if two objects just stopped colliding at this frame.":"Verifique se dois objetos pararam de colidir neste quadro.","_PARAM0_ stopped colliding with _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ parou de colidir com _PARAM2_","Jump height":"Jump height","Forward acceleration":"Forward acceleration","Forward deceleration":"Forward deceleration","Max. forward speed":"Max. forward speed","Sideways acceleration":"Sideways acceleration","Sideways deceleration":"Sideways deceleration","Max. sideways speed":"Max. sideways speed","3D physics character":"3D physics character","Simulate move forward key press":"Simulate move forward key press","Simulate a press of the move forward key.":"Simulate a press of the move forward key.","Simulate pressing Forward key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Forward key for _PARAM0_","Character controls":"Character controls","Simulate move backward key press":"Simulate move backward key press","Simulate a press of the move backward key.":"Simulate a press of the move backward key.","Simulate pressing Backward key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Backward key for _PARAM0_","Simulate move right key press":"Simulate move right key press","Simulate a press of the move right key.":"Simulate a press of the move right key.","Simulate pressing Right key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Right key for _PARAM0_","Simulate move left key press":"Simulate move left key press","Simulate a press of the move left key.":"Simulate a press of the move left key.","Simulate pressing Left key for _PARAM0_":"Simulate pressing Left key for _PARAM0_","When this action is executed, the object is able to jump again, even if it is in the air: this can be useful to allow a double jump for example. This is not a permanent effect: you must call again this action every time you want to allow the object to jump (apart if it's on the floor).":"When this action is executed, the object is able to jump again, even if it is in the air: this can be useful to allow a double jump for example. This is not a permanent effect: you must call again this action every time you want to allow the object to jump (apart if it's on the floor).","Character state":"Character state","Should bind object and forward angle":"Should bind object and forward angle","Check if the object angle and forward angle should be kept the same.":"Check if the object angle and forward angle should be kept the same.","Keep _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle the same":"Keep _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle the same","Character configuration":"Character configuration","Enable or disable keeping the object angle and forward angle the same.":"Enable or disable keeping the object angle and forward angle the same.","Should bind _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle: _PARAM2_":"Should bind _PARAM0_ angle and forward angle: _PARAM2_","Keep object angle and forward direction the same":"Keep object angle and forward direction the same","Forward angle":"Forward angle","Compare the angle used by the character to go forward.":"Compare the angle used by the character to go forward.","Forward angle of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_ \xB1 _PARAM3_\xB0":"Forward angle of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_ \xB1 _PARAM3_\xB0","Change the angle used by the character to go forward.":"Change the angle used by the character to go forward.","the forward angle":"the forward angle","Forward angle of the character":"Forward angle of the character","Return the angle used by the character to go forward.":"Return the angle used by the character to go forward.","Current forward speed":"Current forward speed","the current forward speed of the object. The object moves backward with negative values and forward with positive ones":"the current forward speed of the object. The object moves backward with negative values and forward with positive ones","the current forward speed":"the current forward speed","the forward acceleration of an object.":"the forward acceleration of an object.","the forward acceleration":"the forward acceleration","the forward deceleration of an object.":"the forward deceleration of an object.","the forward deceleration":"the forward deceleration","Forward max speed":"Forward max speed","the forward max speed of the object.":"the forward max speed of the object.","the forward max speed":"the forward max speed","Current sideways speed":"Current sideways speed","the current sideways speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones":"the current sideways speed of the object. The object moves to the left with negative values and to the right with positive ones","the current sideways speed":"the current sideways speed","the sideways acceleration of an object.":"the sideways acceleration of an object.","the sideways acceleration":"the sideways acceleration","the sideways deceleration of an object.":"the sideways deceleration of an object.","the sideways deceleration":"the sideways deceleration","Sideways max speed":"Sideways max speed","the sideways max speed of the object.":"the sideways max speed of the object.","the sideways max speed":"the sideways max speed","the jump speed of an object. Its value is always positive.":"the jump speed of an object. Its value is always positive.","the jump sustain time of an object. This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.":"the jump sustain time of an object. This is the time during which keeping the jump button held allow the initial jump speed to be maintained.","the gravity applied on an object.":"the gravity applied on an object.","the maximum falling speed of an object.":"the maximum falling speed of an object.","Check if a 3D physics character is on a given platform.":"Check if a 3D physics character is on a given platform.","AdMob":"AdMob","Allow to display AdMob banners, app open, interstitials, rewarded interstitials and rewarded video ads.":"Permitir a exibi\xE7\xE3o de \u201Cbanners\u201D da AdMob, abertura de aplicativos, intersticiais, intersticiais premiados e an\xFAncios em v\xEDdeo premiados.","AdMob Android App ID":"AdMob Android App ID","AdMob iOS App ID":"AdMob iOS App ID","Enable test mode":"Ativar modo de teste","Activate or deactivate the test mode (\"development\" mode).\nWhen activated, tests ads will be served instead of real ones.\n\nIt is important to enable test ads during development so that you can click on them without charging advertisers. If you click on too many ads without being in test mode, you risk your account being flagged for invalid activity.":"Ative ou desative o modo de teste (modo de \"desenvolvimento\").\nQuando ativado, an\xFAncios de teste ser\xE3o mostrados ao inv\xE9s dos verdadeiros.\n\n\xC9 importante ativar os an\xFAncios de teste durante o desenvolvimento, assim voc\xEA pode clicar neles sem carregar anunciantes. Se voc\xEA clicar em muitos an\xFAncios sem estar no modo de teste, sua conta corre o risco de ser sinalizada por atividade inv\xE1lida.","Enable test mode (serving test ads, for development): _PARAM0_":"Ativa o modo de teste (mostrar an\xFAncios de teste, para desenvolvimento): _PARAM0_","Enable test mode?":"Ativar modo de teste?","App open loading":"Carregamento aberto do aplicativo","Check if an app open is currently loading.":"Verifique se um aplicativo aberto est\xE1 carregando.","App open is loading":"A abertura do aplicativo est\xE1 carregando","App open ready":"Aplicativo aberto pronto","Check if an app open is ready to be displayed.":"Verifique se um aplicativo aberto est\xE1 pronto para ser exibido.","App open is ready":"A abertura do aplicativo est\xE1 pronta","App open showing":"Exibi\xE7\xE3o de abertura do aplicativo","Check if there is an app open being displayed.":"Verifique se h\xE1 um aplicativo aberto sendo exibido.","App open is showing":"Aplicativo aberto \xE9 vis\xEDvel","App open errored":"Aplica\xE7\xE3o aberta conteve um erro","Check if there was an error while loading the app open.":"Verificar se houve um erro durante a inicializa\xE7\xE3o do aplicativo aberto.","App open had an error":"Aplicativo aberto conteve um erro","Load app open":"Carregando aplica\xE7\xE3o","Start loading an app open (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test app open will be displayed.":"Start loading an app open (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test app open will be displayed.","Load app open with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (landscape: _PARAM2_, display automatically when loaded: _PARAM3_)":"Load app open with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (landscape: _PARAM2_, display automatically when loaded: _PARAM3_)","Android app open ID":"Android app open ID","iOS app open ID":"iOS app open ID","Display in landscape? (portrait otherwise)":"Display in landscape? (portrait otherwise)","Displayed automatically when loading is finished?":"Exibido automaticamente quando o carregamento estiver terminado?","Show app open":"Show app open","Show the app open that was loaded. Will work only when the app open is fully loaded.":"Show the app open that was loaded. Will work only when the app open is fully loaded.","Show the loaded app open":"Show the loaded app open","Banner showing":"Apari\xE7\xE3o do Banner","Check if there is a banner being displayed.":"Cheque se aqui o banner est\xE1 sendo mostrado.","Banner is showing":"O Banner est\xE1 aparecendo","Banner configured":"Banner configured","Check if there is a banner correctly configured ready to be shown.":"Check if there is a banner correctly configured ready to be shown.","Banner is configured":"Banner is configured","Banner loaded":"Banner loaded","Check if there is a banner correctly loaded ready to be shown.":"Check if there is a banner correctly loaded ready to be shown.","Banner is loaded":"Banner is loaded","Banner had an error":"Banner apresentou um erro","Check if there was a error while displaying a banner.":"Verifica se houve um erro ao exibir um banner.","Banner ad had an error":"Banner de an\xFAncio apresentou um erro","Configure the banner":"Configurar o banner","Configure a banner, which can then be displayed.\nIf a banner is already displayed, it will be removed\nIf test mode is set, a test banner will be displayed.\n\nOnce a banner is positioned (at the top or bottom of the game), it can't be moved anymore.":"Configure a banner, which can then be displayed.\nIf a banner is already displayed, it will be removed\nIf test mode is set, a test banner will be displayed.\n\nOnce a banner is positioned (at the top or bottom of the game), it can't be moved anymore.","Configure the banner with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_, display at top: _PARAM2_":"Configura o banner com um ID da unidade de an\xFAncio Android: _PARAM0_, ID da unidade de an\xFAncio iOS: _PARAM1_, exibir no topo: _PARAM2_","Android banner ID":"Id do Banner do Android","iOS banner ID":"iD do Banner do IOS","Display at top? (bottom otherwise)":"Mostrar no topo? (inferior caso contr\xE1rio)","Show banner":"Mostrar Banner","Show the banner that was previously set up.":"Mostrar o banner que foi configurado anteriormente.","Hide banner":"Ocultar banner","Hide the banner. You can show it again with the corresponding action.":"Ocultar o banner. Voc\xEA pode mostrar novamente com a a\xE7\xE3o correspondente.","Interstitial loading":"Interstitial est\xE1 a carregar","Check if an interstitial is currently loading.":"Verificar se uma interstitial est\xE1 atualmente carregando.","Interstitial is loading":"Interstitial est\xE1 a carregar","Interstitial ready":"Interstitial est\xE1 pronto","Check if an interstitial is ready to be displayed.":"Verificar se uma intersticial est\xE1 pronto para ser exibido.","Interstitial is ready":"Interstitial est\xE1 pronto","Interstitial showing":"A Intersticial est\xE1 a mostrar","Check if there is an interstitial being displayed.":"Verificar o intersticial est\xE1 sendo exibido.","Interstitial is showing":"Intersticial est\xE1 mostrando","Interstitial had an error":"Intersticial ocorreu um erro","Check if there was a error while loading the interstitial.":"Verifique se houve um erro ao carregar o intergovernamental.","Interstitial ad had an error":"O an\xFAncio intersticial teve um erro","Load interstitial":"Carregar intersticial","Start loading an interstitial (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test interstitial will be displayed.":"Come\xE7ar a carregar um intersticial (que pode ser exibido automaticamente quando o terminar carregamento).\nSe o modo de teste estiver definido, um intersticial de teste ser\xE1 exibido.","Load interstitial with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (display automatically when loaded: _PARAM2_)":"Carregar um intersticial com o ID: _PARAM0_, da unidade Android e o ID: _PARAM1_, da unidade iOS. (exibir automaticamente quando carregado: _PARAM2_)","Android interstitial ID":"ID intersticial do Android","iOS interstitial ID":"ID intersticial do iOS","Show interstitial":"Mostrar intersticial","Show the interstitial that was loaded. Will work only when the interstitial is fully loaded.":"Mostra o intersticial que foi carregado. S\xF3 funcionar\xE1 quando o v\xEDdeo estiver totalmente carregado.","Show the loaded interstitial":"Mostrar o intersticial carregado","Rewarded interstitial loading":"Rewarded interstitial loading","Check if a rewarded interstitial is currently loading.":"Check if a rewarded interstitial is currently loading.","Rewarded interstitial is loading":"Rewarded interstitial is loading","Rewarded interstitial ready":"Rewarded interstitial ready","Check if a rewarded interstitial is ready to be displayed.":"Check if a rewarded interstitial is ready to be displayed.","Rewarded interstitial is ready":"O intersticial premiado est\xE1 pronto","Rewarded interstitial showing":"Exibi\xE7\xE3o de intersticial premiado","Check if there is a rewarded interstitial being displayed.":"Verifique se h\xE1 um intersticial premiado sendo exibido.","Rewarded interstitial is showing":"O intersticial premiado est\xE1 sendo exibido","Rewarded interstitial had an error":"Rewarded interstitial had an error","Check if there was a error while loading the rewarded interstitial.":"Check if there was a error while loading the rewarded interstitial.","Rewarded Interstitial had an error":"Rewarded Interstitial had an error","Rewarded Interstitial reward received":"Rewarded Interstitial reward received","Check if the reward of the rewarded interstitial was given to the user.\nYou can mark this reward as cleared, so that the condition will be false and you can show later another rewarded interstitial.":"Check if the reward of the rewarded interstitial was given to the user.\nYou can mark this reward as cleared, so that the condition will be false and you can show later another rewarded interstitial.","User got the reward of the rewarded interstitial (and clear this reward: _PARAM0_)":"User got the reward of the rewarded interstitial (and clear this reward: _PARAM0_)","Clear the reward (needed to show another rewarded interstitial)":"Clear the reward (needed to show another rewarded interstitial)","Load rewarded interstitial":"Load rewarded interstitial","Start loading a rewarded interstitial (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test rewarded interstitial will be displayed.\nThis is similar to a rewarded video, but can be displayed at any time, and the user can close it.":"Start loading a rewarded interstitial (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test rewarded interstitial will be displayed.\nThis is similar to a rewarded video, but can be displayed at any time, and the user can close it.","Load rewarded interstitial with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (display automatically when loaded: _PARAM2_)":"Load rewarded interstitial with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (display automatically when loaded: _PARAM2_)","Android rewarded interstitial ID":"Android rewarded interstitial ID","Show rewarded interstitial":"Show rewarded interstitial","Show the rewarded interstitial that was loaded. Will work only when the rewarded interstitial is fully loaded.":"Show the rewarded interstitial that was loaded. Will work only when the rewarded interstitial is fully loaded.","Show the loaded rewarded interstitial":"Show the loaded rewarded interstitial","Mark the reward of the rewarded interstitial as claimed":"Mark the reward of the rewarded interstitial as claimed","Mark the rewarded interstitial reward as claimed. Useful if you used the condition to check if the reward was given to the user without clearing the reward.":"Mark the rewarded interstitial reward as claimed. Useful if you used the condition to check if the reward was given to the user without clearing the reward.","Rewarded video loading":"Rewarded video loading","Check if a rewarded video is currently loading.":"Check if a rewarded video is currently loading.","Rewarded video is loading":"Rewarded video is loading","Rewarded video ready":"Rewarded video ready","Check if a rewarded video is ready to be displayed.":"Check if a rewarded video is ready to be displayed.","Rewarded video is ready":"Rewarded video is ready","Rewarded video showing":"Rewarded video showing","Check if there is a rewarded video being displayed.":"Check if there is a rewarded video being displayed.","Rewarded video is showing":"Rewarded video is showing","Rewarded video had an error":"Rewarded video had an error","Check if there was a error while loading the rewarded video.":"Verifique se houve um erro ao carregar o v\xEDdeo recompensado.","Rewarded video ad had an error":"Rewarded video ad had an error","Rewarded Video reward received":"Rewarded Video reward received","Check if the reward of the rewarded video was given to the user.\nYou can mark this reward as cleared, so that the condition will be false and you can show later another rewarded video.":"Check if the reward of the rewarded video was given to the user.\nYou can mark this reward as cleared, so that the condition will be false and you can show later another rewarded video.","User got the reward of the rewarded video (and clear this reward: _PARAM0_)":"User got the reward of the rewarded video (and clear this reward: _PARAM0_)","Clear the reward (needed to show another rewarded video)":"Clear the reward (needed to show another rewarded video)","Load rewarded video":"Load rewarded video","Start loading a reward video (that can be displayed automatically when the loading is finished).\nIf test mode is set, a test video will be displayed.":"Come\xE7ar a carregar um v\xEDdeo de recompensa (que pode ser exibido automaticamente quando o terminar carregamento).\nSe o modo de teste estiver definido, um v\xEDdeo de teste ser\xE1 exibido.","Load reward video with Android ad unit ID: _PARAM0_, iOS ad unit ID: _PARAM1_ (display automatically when loaded: _PARAM2_)":"Carregar um v\xEDdeo de recompensa com o ID: _PARAM0_, da unidade Android e o ID: _PARAM1_, da unidade iOS. (exibir automaticamente quando carregado: _PARAM2_)","Android reward video ID":"ID do v\xEDdeo de recompensa do Android","iOS reward video ID":"ID do v\xEDdeo de recompensa do iOS","Show rewarded video":"Show rewarded video","Show the reward video that was loaded. Will work only when the video is fully loaded.":"Mostrar o v\xEDdeo de recompensa que foi carregado. S\xF3 funcionar\xE1 quando o v\xEDdeo estiver totalmente carregado.","Show the loaded reward video":"Mostrar o v\xEDdeo de recompensa carregado","Mark the reward of the rewarded video as claimed":"Mark the reward of the rewarded video as claimed","Mark the rewarded video reward as claimed. Useful if you used the condition to check if the reward was given to the user without clearing the reward.":"Mark the rewarded video reward as claimed. Useful if you used the condition to check if the reward was given to the user without clearing the reward.","Allow your game to send scores and interact with the Facebook Instant Games platform.":"Permitir que o seu jogo envie pontua\xE7\xF5es e interaja com o Facebook Instant Games.","Save player data":"Salvar dados do jogador","Save the content of the given scene variable in the player data, stored on Facebook Instant Games servers":"Salvar o conte\xFAdo da vari\xE1vel de cena dada nos dados do jogador, armazenados nos servidores de Jogos Instant\xE2neos do Facebook","Save the content of _PARAM1_ in key _PARAM0_ of player data (store success message in _PARAM2_ or error in _PARAM3_)":"Salve o conte\xFAdo do _PARAM1_ na chave _PARAM0_ dos dados do jogador ( armazene a mensagem de sucesso no _PARAM2_ ou o erro no _PARAM3_)","Player data":"Dados do Jogador","Variable where to store the success message (optional)":"Vari\xE1vel onde se armazenar a mensagem de sucesso (opcional)","Variable where to store the error message (optional, if an error occurs)":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar a mensagem de erro (opcional, se ocorrer um erro)","Load player data":"Carregar dados do jogador","Load the player data with the given key in a variable":"Carregar os dados do jogador com a chave dada numa vari\xE1vel","Load player data with key _PARAM0_ in _PARAM1_ (or error in _PARAM2_)":"Carregar dados do jogador com a chave _PARAM0_ em _PARAM1_ (ou erro em _PARAM2_)","Data key name (e.g: \"Lives\")":"Nome chave de dados (por exemplo: \"Vive\")","Variable where to store loaded data":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar dados carregados","Save the score, and optionally the content of the given variable in the player score, for the given metadata.":"Salvar a pontua\xE7\xE3o, e opcionalmente o conte\xFAdo da vari\xE1vel dada na pontua\xE7\xE3o do jogador, para os metadados dados.","In leaderboard _PARAM0_, save score _PARAM1_ for the player and extra data from _PARAM2_ (store success message in _PARAM3_ or error in _PARAM4_)":"No quadro de l\xEDderes _PARAM0_, guardar pontua\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ para o jogador e dados extra de _PARAM2_ (guardar mensagem de sucesso em _PARAM3_ ou erro em _PARAM4_)","Optional variable with metadata to save":"Vari\xE1vel opcional com metadados para salvar","Load player entry":"Carregar a entrada do jogador","Load the player entry in the given leaderboard":"Carregar a entrada do jogador na tabela de lideran\xE7a dada","Load player entry from leaderboard _PARAM0_. Set rank in _PARAM1_, score in _PARAM2_ (extra data if any in _PARAM3_ and error in _PARAM4_)":"Carregar a entrada do jogador a partir do quadro de l\xEDderes _PARAM0_. Definir classifica\xE7\xE3o em _PARAM1_, pontua\xE7\xE3o em _PARAM2_ (dados extra se houver em _PARAM3_ e erro em _PARAM4_)","Leaderboard name (e.g: \"PlayersBestTimes\")":"Nome do Leaderboard (por exemplo: \"PlayersBestTimes\")","Variable where to store the player rank (of -1 if not ranked)":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar a classifica\xE7\xE3o do jogador (de -1 se n\xE3o estiver classificado)","Variable where to store the player score (of -1 if no score)":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar a pontua\xE7\xE3o do jogador (de -1 se n\xE3o houver pontua\xE7\xE3o)","Variable where to store extra data (if any)":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar dados extra (se houver)","Check if ads are supported":"Verificar se os an\xFAncios s\xE3o suportados","Check if showing ads is supported on this device (only mobile phones can show ads)":"Verifique se os an\xFAncios s\xE3o suportados neste dispositivo (apenas telem\xF3veis podem mostrar an\xFAncios)","Ads can be shown on this device":"Os an\xFAncios podem ser mostrados neste dispositivo","Is the interstitial ad ready":"O an\xFAncio intersticial est\xE1 pronto","Check if the interstitial ad requested from Facebook is loaded and ready to be shown.":"Verificar se o an\xFAncio intersticial solicitado no Facebook est\xE1 carregado e pronto para ser mostrado.","The interstitial ad is loaded and ready to be shown":"O an\xFAncio intersticial est\xE1 carregado e pronto para ser mostrado","Load and prepare an interstitial ad":"Carregar e preparar um an\xFAncio intersticial","Request and load an interstitial ad from Facebook, so that it is ready to be shown.":"Solicitar e carregar um an\xFAncio intersticial do Facebook, para que esteja pronto para ser mostrado.","Request and load an interstitial ad from Facebook (ad placement id: _PARAM0_, error in _PARAM1_)":"Solicitar e carregar um an\xFAncio intersticial do Facebook (id de coloca\xE7\xE3o de an\xFAncio: _PARAM0_, erro em _PARAM1_)","The Ad Placement id (can be found while setting up the ad on Facebook)":"O ID de coloca\xE7\xE3o de an\xFAncio (pode ser encontrado durante a cria\xE7\xE3o do an\xFAncio no Facebook)","Show the loaded interstitial ad":"Mostrar o an\xFAncio intersticial carregado","Show the interstitial ad previously loaded in memory. This won't work if you did not load the interstitial before.":"Mostrar o an\xFAncio intersticial carregado anteriormente na mem\xF3ria. Isto n\xE3o vai funcionar se voc\xEA n\xE3o carregou o intersticial antes.","Show the interstitial ad previously loaded in memory (if any error, store it in _PARAM0_)":"Mostrar o an\xFAncio intersticial previamente carregado na mem\xF3ria (se houver algum erro, armazene-o em _PARAM0_)","Is the rewarded video ready":"O v\xEDdeo premiado est\xE1 pronto","Check if the rewarded video requested from Facebook is loaded and ready to be shown.":"Verificar se o v\xEDdeo premiado solicitado no Facebook est\xE1 carregado e pronto a ser exibido.","The rewarded video is loaded and ready to be shown":"O v\xEDdeo premiado est\xE1 carregado e pronto para ser exibido","Load and prepare a rewarded video":"Carregar e preparar um v\xEDdeo recompensado","Request and load a rewarded video from Facebook, so that it is ready to be shown.":"Pedir e carregar um v\xEDdeo premiado do Facebook, para que esteja pronto a ser mostrado.","Request and load a rewarded video from Facebook (ad placement id: _PARAM0_, error in _PARAM1_)":"Solicitar e carregar um v\xEDdeo premiado do Facebook (an\xFAncio de coloca\xE7\xE3o id: _PARAM0_, erro em _PARAM1_)","Show the loaded rewarded video":"Mostrar o v\xEDdeo premiado carregado","Show the rewarded video previously loaded in memory. This won't work if you did not load the video before.":"Mostrar o v\xEDdeo premiado previamente carregado em mem\xF3ria. Isto n\xE3o funcionar\xE1 se n\xE3o tiver carregado o v\xEDdeo antes.","Show the rewarded video previously loaded in memory (if any error, store it in _PARAM0_)":"Mostrar o v\xEDdeo premiado previamente carregado na mem\xF3ria (se houver algum erro, guarde-o em _PARAM0_)","Player identifier":"Identificador do jogador","Get the player unique identifier":"Obter o identificador \xFAnico do jogador","Player name":"Nome do jogador","Get the player name":"Obter o nome do jogador","BBCode Text Object":"Texto do Objeto BBCode","BBCode text":"Texto BBCode","Base color":"Cor principal","Base size":"Tamanho base","Base alignment":"Alinhamento base","Word wrapping":"Quebra de linha","Visible on start":"Vis\xEDvel ao iniciar","BBText":"BBText","Displays a rich text label using BBCode markup (allowing to set parts of the text as bold, italic, use different colors and shadows).":"Exibe um r\xF3tulo de texto rico usando marca\xE7\xE3o BBCode (permitindo definir partes do texto como negrito, it\xE1lico, usar diferentes cores e sombras).","Compare the value of the BBCode text.":"Compare o valor do texto BBCode.","the BBCode text":"o texto BBCode","Set BBCode text":"Definir texto BBCode","Get BBCode text":"Obter texto BBCode","Color (R;G;B)":"Cor (R;G;B)","Set base color":"Definir cor base","Set base color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir cor base de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Compare the value of the base opacity of the text.":"Compare o valor da opacidade base do texto.","the base opacity":"a opacidade base","Set base opacity":"Definir opacidade base","Get the base opacity":"Obter a opacidade base","Compare the base font size of the text.":"Compare o tamanho da fonte base do texto.","the base font size":"o tamanho da fonte base","Set base font size":"Definir tamanho da fonte base","Get the base font size":"Obter o tamanho da fonte base","Font family":"Fam\xEDlia da fonte","Compare the value of font family":"Comparar o valor da fam\xEDlia de fontes","the base font family":"a fam\xEDlia de fontes base","Set font family":"Definir fam\xEDlia de fontes","Get the base font family":"Obter a fam\xEDlia de fontes base","Check the current text alignment.":"Verifique o alinhamento de texto atual.","The text alignment of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"O alinhamento do texto de _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Change the alignment of the text.":"Altere o alinhamento do texto.","text alignment":"text alignment","Get the text alignment":"Obter o alinhamento do texto","Word wrap":"Quebra de Linha","Check if word wrap is enabled.":"Verifica se a quebra de linha est\xE1 habilitada.","Word wrap is enabled":"Quebra de palavras est\xE1 habilitada","Set word wrap":"Definir quebra de palavra","Activate word wrap for _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Ativar quebra de palavra para _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Compare the width, in pixels, after which the text is wrapped on next line.":"Compare a largura, em pixels, ap\xF3s a qual o texto \xE9 quebrado para a pr\xF3xima linha.","Change the width, in pixels, after which the text is wrapped on next line.":"Altere a largura, em pixels, ap\xF3s a qual o texto ser\xE1 quebrado para a pr\xF3xima linha.","Get the wrapping width":"Obter a largura da quebra","3D":"3D","Support for 3D in GDevelop.":"Suporte ao 3D no GDevelop.","3D capability":"Capacidade 3D","Move the object in 3D space.":"Move the object in 3D space.","Z (elevation)":"Z (eleva\xE7\xE3o)","the Z position (the \"elevation\")":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Z (a \"eleva\xE7\xE3o\")","the Z position":"posi\xE7\xE3o Z","Center Z position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o (Z) central","the Z position of the center of rotation":"the Z position of the center of rotation","the Z position of the center":"the Z position of the center","Position/Center":"Posi\xE7\xE3o/Centro","Depth (size on Z axis)":"Profundidade (tamanho no eixo Z)","the depth (size on Z axis)":"a profundidade (tamanho no eixo Z)","the depth":"a profundidade","Scale on Z axis":"Escala no eixo Z","the scale on Z axis of an object (default scale is 1)":"the scale on Z axis of an object (default scale is 1)","the scale on Z axis scale":"the scale on Z axis scale","Flip the object on Z":"Inverter o objeto em Z","Flip the object on Z axis":"Inverter o objeto no eixo Z","Flip on Z axis _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Virar no eixo Z _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Flipped on Z":"Invertido em Z","Check if the object is flipped on Z axis":"Verifique se o objeto \xE9 virado no eixo Z","_PARAM0_ is flipped on Z axis":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 virado no eixo Z","Rotation on X axis":"Rota\xE7\xE3o no eixo X","the rotation on X axis":"a rota\xE7\xE3o no eixo X","Rotation on Y axis":"Rota\xE7\xE3o no eixo Y","the rotation on Y axis":"a rota\xE7\xE3o no eixo Y","Turn around X axis":"Virar eixo X","Turn the object around X axis. This axis doesn't move with the object rotation.":"Vira o objeto em torno do eixo X. Este eixo n\xE3o se move com a rota\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around X axis":"Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around X axis","Rotation angle":"\xC2ngulo de rota\xE7\xE3o","Turn around Y axis":"Virar o eixo Y","Turn the object around Y axis. This axis doesn't move with the object rotation.":"Vire o objeto em torno do eixo Y. Este eixo n\xE3o se move com a rota\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around Y axis":"Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around Y axis","Turn around Z axis":"Virar eixo Z","Turn the object around Z axis. This axis doesn't move with the object rotation.":"Vire o objeto em torno do eixo Z. Este eixo n\xE3o se move com a rota\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around Z axis":"Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM2_\xB0 around Z axis","3D Model":"Modelo 3D","An animated 3D model.":"An animated 3D model.","Compare the width of an object.":"Compare a largura de um objeto.","Compare the height of an object.":"Compare a altura de um objeto.","the depth's scale of an object":"a escala da profundidade de um objeto","the depth's scale":"escala da profundidade","Flip on Z axis _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Inverter no eixo Z _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM1_\xB0 around X axis":"Virar _PARAM0_ de _PARAM1_\xB0 em torno do eixo X","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM1_\xB0 around Y axis":"Virar _PARAM0_ de _PARAM1_\xB0 em torno do eixo Y","Turn _PARAM0_ from _PARAM1_\xB0 around Z axis":"Virar _PARAM0_ de _PARAM1_\xB0 em torno do eixo Z","Animation (by number)":"Anima\xE7\xE3o (por n\xFAmero)","the number of the animation played by the object (the number from the animations list)":"o n\xFAmero da anima\xE7\xE3o reproduzida pelo objeto (o n\xFAmero da lista de anima\xE7\xF5es)","the number of the animation":"o n\xFAmero da anima\xE7\xE3o","Animation (by name)":"Anima\xE7\xE3o (por nome)","the animation played by the object":"a anima\xE7\xE3o tocada pelo objeto","the animation":"a anima\xE7\xE3o","Animation name":"Nome da anima\xE7\xE3o","Pause the animation":"Pausar a anima\xE7\xE3o","Pause the animation of the object":"Pausa a anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Pause the animation of _PARAM0_":"Pausar a anima\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_","Resume the animation":"Resumir a anima\xE7\xE3o","Resume the animation of the object":"Resumir a anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Resume the animation of _PARAM0_":"Resumir a anima\xE7\xE3o do _PARAM0_","Animation speed scale":"Escala de velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o","the animation speed scale (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower)":"A escala da velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o (1 = A velocidade normal, >1 = r\xE1pida e <1 = lenta)","the animation speed scale":"a escala de velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o","Speed scale":"Escala de velocidade","Animation paused":"Anima\xE7\xE3o em pausa","Check if the animation of an object is paused.":"Verifique se a anima\xE7\xE3o de um objeto est\xE1 em pausa.","The animation of _PARAM0_ is paused":"A anima\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 em pausa","Animation finished":"Anima\xE7\xE3o finalizada","Check if the animation being played by the Sprite object is finished.":"Verifique se a anima\xE7\xE3o reproduzida pelo objeto Sprite est\xE1 terminada.","The animation of _PARAM0_ is finished":"A anima\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 finalizada","Enable texture transparency":"Ativar transpar\xEAncia da textura","Enabling texture transparency has an impact on rendering performance.":"Ativar a transpar\xEAncia da textura tem um impacto na renderiza\xE7\xE3o de desempenho","Texture settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es de textura","Faces orientation":"Orienta\xE7\xE3o da face","The top of each image can touch the **top face** (Y) or the **front face** (Z).":"A parte superior de cada imagem pode tocar a **face superior** (Y) ou a **face frontal** (Z).","Face orientation":"Orienta\xE7\xE3o da face","Textures":"Texturas","Back face orientation":"Orienta\xE7\xE3o da face traseira","The top of the image can touch the **top face** (Y) or the **bottom face** (X).":"A parte superior da imagem pode tocar a **face superior** (Y) ou a **face inferior** (X).","Tile":"Tile","Face visibility":"Visibilidade da face","Material type":"Tipo de material","3D Box":"Caixa 3D","A box with images for each face":"A box with images for each face","3D cube":"Cubo 3D","a face should be visible":"Uma face deve estar vis\xEDvel","having its _PARAM1_ face visible":"Tendo sua face _PARAM1_ vis\xEDvel","Face":"Face","Visible?":"Vis\xEDvel?","Face image":"Imagem da face","Change the image of the face.":"Alterar imagem da face.","Change the image of _PARAM1_ face of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Alterar a imagem da _PARAM1_ face de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM2_","Camera Z position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Z da c\xE2mera","the camera position on Z axis":"A posi\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera na \xE2ncora Z","Camera number (default : 0)":"N\xFAmero da c\xE2mera (padr\xE3o: 0)","Camera X rotation":"Rota\xE7\xE3o X da c\xE2mera","the camera rotation on X axis":"a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera no eixo X","Camera Y rotation":"Rota\xE7\xE3o Y da c\xE2mera","the camera rotation on Y axis":"a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera no eixo Y","Look at an object":"Olhe para um objeto","Change the camera rotation to look at an object. The camera top always face the screen.":"Altere a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera para olhar para um objeto. A c\xE2mera superior est\xE1 sempre voltada para a tela.","Change the camera rotation of _PARAM2_ to look at _PARAM1_":"Altere a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera de _PARAM2_ para observar _PARAM1_","Layers and cameras":"Camadas e c\xE2meras","Stand on Y instead of Z":"Fique em Y ao inv\xE9s de Z","Look at a position":"Olha para uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Change the camera rotation to look at a position. The camera top always face the screen.":"Mude a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera para olhar para uma posi\xE7\xE3o. O topo da c\xE2mera sempre olha para a tela.","Change the camera rotation of _PARAM4_ to look at _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_":"Alterar a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera de _PARAM4_ para olhar em _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_","Camera near plane":"C\xE2mera perto do avi\xE3o","the camera near plane distance":"a c\xE2mera perto de dist\xE2ncia de avi\xE3o","Distance (> 0)":"Dist\xE2ncia (> 0)","Camera far plane":"C\xE2mera de avi\xE3o longe","the camera far plane distance":"a c\xE2mera \xE0 dist\xE2ncia do avi\xE3o","Camera field of view (fov)":"Campo da c\xE2mera de exibi\xE7\xE3o (fov)","the camera field of view":"o campo de vis\xE3o da c\xE2mera","Field of view in degrees (between 0\xB0 and 180\xB0)":"Campo de exibi\xE7\xE3o em graus (entre 0\xB0 e 180\xB0)","Fog (linear)":"Fog (linear)","Linear fog for 3D objects.":"N\xE9voa linear para objetos 3D.","Fog color":"Cor do nevoeiro","Distance where the fog starts":"Dist\xE2ncia onde come\xE7a o nevoeiro","Distance where the fog is fully opaque":"Dist\xE2ncia onde o nevoeiro \xE9 totalmente opaco","Fog (exponential)":"Fog (exponential)","Exponential fog for 3D objects.":"N\xE9voa exponencial para objetos 3D.","Ambient light":"Luz ambiente","A light that illuminates all objects from every direction.":"Uma luz que ilumina todos os objetos de qualquer dire\xE7\xE3o.","Light color":"Cor do LED","Intensity":"Intensidade","Directional light":"Luz direcional","A very far light source like the sun.":"Uma fonte de luz muito distante como o sol.","3D world top":"Topo do mundo 3D","Elevation (in degrees)":"Eleva\xE7\xE3o (em graus)","Maximal elevation is reached at 90\xB0.":"Altitude m\xE1xima atingida em 90\xB0.","Hemisphere light":"Luz do hemisf\xE9rio","A light that illuminates objects from every direction with a gradient.":"Uma luz que ilumina objetos de cada dire\xE7\xE3o com um gradiente.","Sky color":"Cor do c\xE9u","Ground color":"Cor do solo","Hue and saturation":"Hue and saturation","Adjust hue and saturation.":"Adjust hue and saturation.","Hue in degrees (between -180 and 180)":"Matiz em graus (entre -180 e 180)","Saturation (between -1 and 1)":"Satura\xE7\xE3o (entre -1 e 1)","Exposure":"Exposure","Adjust exposure.":"Adjust exposure.","Exposure (positive value)":"Exposure (positive value)","Bloom":"Bloom","Apply a bloom effect.":"Apply a bloom effect.","Strength (between 0 and 3)":"Strength (between 0 and 3)","Radius (between 0 and 1)":"Radius (between 0 and 1)","Threshold (between 0 and 1)":"Limite (entre 0 e 1)","Brightness and contrast.":"Brightness and contrast.","Adjust brightness and contrast.":"Adjust brightness and contrast.","Brightness (between -1 and 1)":"Brightness (between -1 and 1)","Contrast (between -1 and 1)":"Contrast (between -1 and 1)","Dialogue Tree":"\xC1rvore de Di\xE1logo","Load dialogue tree from a scene variable":"Carregar \xE1rvore de di\xE1logo de uma vari\xE1vel de cena","Load a dialogue data object - Yarn JSON format, stored in a scene variable. Use this command to load all the Dialogue data at the beginning of the game.":"Carregar um objeto de dados de di\xE1logo - Formato JSON do Yarn, armazenado em uma vari\xE1vel de cena. Use este comando para carregar todos os dados do Di\xE1logo no in\xEDcio do jogo.","Load dialogue data from scene variable _PARAM0_":"Carregar dados de di\xE1logo da vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_","Scene variable that holds the Yarn JSON data":"Scene variable that holds the Yarn JSON data","Load dialogue tree from a JSON file":"Load dialogue tree from a JSON file","Load a dialogue data object - Yarn JSON format, stored in a JSON file. Use this command to load all the Dialogue data at the beginning of the game.":"Load a dialogue data object - Yarn JSON format, stored in a JSON file. Use this command to load all the Dialogue data at the beginning of the game.","Load dialogue data from JSON file _PARAM1_":"Load dialogue data from JSON file _PARAM1_","JSON file that holds the Yarn JSON data":"JSON file that holds the Yarn JSON data","Start dialogue from branch":"Iniciar di\xE1logo da se\xE7\xE3o","Start dialogue from branch. Use this to initiate the dialogue from a specified branch.":"Iniciar di\xE1logo pela se\xE7\xE3o. Use isto para iniciar o di\xE1logo a partir de uma se\xE7\xE3o espec\xEDfico.","Start dialogue from branch _PARAM0_":"Iniciar di\xE1logo da se\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_","Dialogue branch":"Se\xE7\xE3o de di\xE1logo","Stop running dialogue":"Parar de executar di\xE1logo","Stop the running dialogue. Use this to interrupt dialogue parsing.":"Para o di\xE1logo em execu\xE7\xE3o. Use isso para interromper o processo de di\xE1logo.","Go to the next dialogue line":"Ir para a pr\xF3xima linha de di\xE1logo","Go to the next dialogue line. Use this to advance to the next dialogue line when the player presses a button.":"Vai para a pr\xF3xima linha de di\xE1logo. Use isto para avan\xE7ar para a pr\xF3xima linha de di\xE1logo quando o jogador pressionar um bot\xE3o.","Confirm selected option":"Confirm selected option","Set the selected option as confirmed, which will validate it and go forward to the next node. Use other actions to select options (see \"select next option\" and \"Select previous option\").":"Define a op\xE7\xE3o selecionada como confirmada, que ir\xE1 valid\xE1-la e avan\xE7ar para o pr\xF3ximo n\xF3. Use outras a\xE7\xF5es para selecionar op\xE7\xF5es (ver \"selecionar pr\xF3xima op\xE7\xE3o\" e \"Selecionar op\xE7\xE3o anterior\").","Select next option":"Select next option","Select next option (add 1 to selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.":"Select next option (add 1 to selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.","Select previous option":"Select previous option","Select previous option (subtract 1 from selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.":"Select previous option (subtract 1 from selected option number). Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.","Select option by number":"Selecionar op\xE7\xE3o por n\xFAmero","Select option by number. Use this when the dialogue line is of type \"options\" and the player has pressed a button to change selected option.":"Seleciona a op\xE7\xE3o por n\xFAmero. Use isto quando a linha de di\xE1logo for do tipo \"op\xE7\xF5es\" e o jogador pressionar um bot\xE3o para alterar a op\xE7\xE3o selecionada.","Select option at index _PARAM0_":"Selecionar a op\xE7\xE3o no \xEDndice de _PARAM0_","Option index number":"N\xFAmero de op\xE7\xE3o de \xEDndice","Scroll clipped text":"Rolar texto recortado","Scroll clipped text. Use this with a timer and \"get clipped text\" when you want to create a typewriter effect. Every time the action runs, a new character appears from the text.":"Rolar recorte de texto. Use isso com um temporizador e \"obter recorte de texto\" quando voc\xEA quiser criar um efeito de m\xE1quina de escrever. Toda vez que a a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 executada, um novo caractere aparece do texto.","Complete clipped text scrolling":"Completar rolagem de recorte de texto","Complete the clipped text scrolling. Use this action whenever you want to skip scrolling.":"Completa a rolagem de recorte de texto. Use esta a\xE7\xE3o sempre que voc\xEA quiser ignorar a rolagem.","Set dialogue state string variable":"Definir vari\xE1vel de string do estado de di\xE1logo","Set dialogue state string variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.":"Define vari\xE1vel de string do estado de di\xE1logo. Use isto para definir uma vari\xE1vel que os dados de di\xE1logo est\xE3o usando.","Set dialogue state string variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir vari\xE1vel de string do estado de di\xE1logo _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","State variable name":"Nome da vari\xE1vel de estado","New value":"Novo valor","Set dialogue state number variable":"Definir vari\xE1vel de n\xFAmero do estado do di\xE1logo","Set dialogue state number variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.":"Definir o n\xFAmero do estado do di\xE1logo. Use isto para definir uma vari\xE1vel que os dados de di\xE1logo est\xE3o usando.","Set dialogue state number variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir a vari\xE1vel de n\xFAmero doestado do di\xE1logo _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Set dialogue state boolean variable":"Definir a vari\xE1vel booleana do estado do di\xE1logo","Set dialogue state boolean variable. Use this to set a variable that the dialogue data is using.":"Defina a vari\xE1vel booleana do estado do di\xE1logo. Use isso para definir uma vari\xE1vel que os dados de di\xE1logo est\xE3o usando.","Set dialogue state boolean variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir vari\xE1vel booleana do estado de di\xE1logo _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Save dialogue state":"Salvar estado do di\xE1logo","Save dialogue state. Use this to store the dialogue state into a variable, which can later be used for saving the game. That way player choices can become part of the game save.":"Salvar estado do di\xE1logo. Use isto para armazenar o estado do di\xE1logo em uma vari\xE1vel, que pode ser usada mais tarde para salvar o jogo. Desta forma, as escolhas dos jogadores podem se tornar parte do jogo salvo.","Save dialogue state to _PARAM0_":"Salvar estado do di\xE1logo em _PARAM0_","Global Variable":"Vari\xE1vel global","Load dialogue state":"Carregar estado do di\xE1logo","Load dialogue state. Use this to restore dialogue state, if you have stored in a variable before with the \"Save state\" action.":"Carregar estado do di\xE1logo. Use isto para restaurar o estado do di\xE1logo, se voc\xEA tiver armazenado em uma vari\xE1vel antes com a a\xE7\xE3o \"Salvar estado\".","Load dialogue state from _PARAM0_":"Carregar estado do di\xE1logo de _PARAM0_","Clear dialogue state":"Limpar estado do di\xE1logo","Clear dialogue state. This resets all dialogue state accumulated by the player choices. Useful when the player is starting a new game.":"Limpar estado do di\xE1logo. Isto redefine todo o estado do di\xE1logo acumulado pelas escolhas do jogador. \xDAtil quando o jogador est\xE1 iniciando um novo jogo.","Get the current dialogue line text":"Obter o texto atual da linha de di\xE1logo","Returns the current dialogue line text":"Retorna o texto atual da linha de di\xE1logo","Get the number of options in an options line type":"Obter o n\xFAmero de op\xE7\xF5es em um tipo de linha de Op\xE7\xF5es","Get the text of an option from an options line type":"Get the text of an option from an options line type","Get the text of an option from an options line type, using the option's Number. The numbers start from 0.":"Get the text of an option from an options line type, using the option's Number. The numbers start from 0.","Option Index Number":"N\xFAmero do \xCDndice de Op\xE7\xF5es","Get a Horizontal list of options from the options line type":"Get a Horizontal list of options from the options line type","Get the text of all available options from an options line type as a horizontal list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->":"Get the text of all available options from an options line type as a horizontal list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->","Options Selection Cursor":"Cursor de Sele\xE7\xE3o de Op\xE7\xF5es","Get a Vertical list of options from the options line type":"Get a Vertical list of options from the options line type","Get the text of all available options from an options line type as a vertical list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->":"Get the text of all available options from an options line type as a vertical list. You can also pass the selected option's cursor string, which by default is ->","Get the number of the currently selected option":"Obter o n\xFAmero da op\xE7\xE3o atualmente selecionada","Get the number of the currently selected option. Use this to help you render the option selection marker at the right place.":"Obter o n\xFAmero da op\xE7\xE3o atualmente selecionada. Use isso para ajud\xE1-lo a renderizar o marcador de sele\xE7\xE3o de op\xE7\xF5es no lugar certo.","Get dialogue line text clipped":"Obter texto da linha de di\xE1logo recortado","Get dialogue line text clipped by the typewriter effect. Use the \"Scroll clipped text\" action to control the typewriter effect.":"Obter texto de linha de di\xE1logo recortado pelo efeito da m\xE1quina de escrever. Use a a\xE7\xE3o \"Scroll clipped text\" para controlar o efeito de m\xE1quina de escrever.","Get the title of the current branch of the running dialogue":"Obter o t\xEDtulo da se\xE7\xE3o atual do di\xE1logo em execu\xE7\xE3o","Get the tags of the current branch of the running dialogue":"Obtenha as tags da se\xE7\xE3o atual do di\xE1logo em execu\xE7\xE3o","Get a tag of the current branch of the running dialogue via its index":"Obtenha o t\xEDtulo da se\xE7\xE3o atual do di\xE1logo em execu\xE7\xE3o pelo seu \xEDndice","Tag Index Number":"N\xFAmero do \xEDndice da tag","Get the parameters of a command call":"Obter os par\xE2metros de uma chamada de comando","Get the parameters of a command call - <>":"Obter os par\xE2metros de uma chamada de comando - <>","parameter Index Number":"par\xE2metro N\xFAmero do \xCDndice","Get the number of parameters in the currently passed command":"Obter o n\xFAmero de par\xE2metros no comando passado no momento","Get parameter from a Tag found by the branch contains tag condition":"Obter o par\xE2metro de uma tag encontrada pela se\xE7\xE3o cont\xE9m condi\xE7\xE3o da tag","Get a list of all visited branches":"Obter uma lista de todas as se\xE7\xF5es visitadas","Get the full raw text of the current branch":"Obter o texto bruto da se\xE7\xE3o atual","Get the number stored in a dialogue state variable":"Get the number stored in a dialogue state variable","Dialogue state variable name":"Dialogue state variable name","Get the string stored in a dialogue state variable":"Get the string stored in a dialogue state variable","Command is called":"O comando \xE9 chamado","Check if a specific Command is called. If it is a <>, you can even get the parameter with the CommandParameter expression.":"Verifique se um comando espec\xEDfico \xE9 convocado. Se ele \xE9 um <>, voc\xEA pode obter o par\xE2metro com a express\xE3o \"CommandParameter\".","Command <<_PARAM0_>> is called":"O comando <_PARAM0_>> \xE9 chamado","Command String":"String de comando","Dialogue line type":"Tipo de linha de di\xE1logo","Check if the current dialogue line line is one of the three existing types. Use this to set what logic is executed for each type.\nThe three types are as follows:\n- text: when displaying dialogue text.\n- options: when displaying [[branching/options]] for dialogue choices.\n-command: when <> are triggered by the dialogue data.":"Verifique se a linha de linha de di\xE1logo atual \xE9 um dos tr\xEAs tipos existentes. Use isto para definir qual l\xF3gica \xE9 executada para cada tipo.\nOs tr\xEAs tipos s\xE3o os seguintes:\n- texto: quando exibindo texto de di\xE1logo.\n- op\xE7\xF5es: ao exibir [[branching/options]] para escolhas de di\xE1logo.\n-comando: quando <> \xE9 acionado pelos dados de di\xE1logo.","The dialogue line is _PARAM0_":"A linha de di\xE1logo \xE9 _PARAM0_","type":"tipo","Dialogue is running":"Di\xE1logo em execu\xE7\xE3o","Check if the dialogue is running. Use this to for things like locking the player movement while speaking with a non player character.":"Verifique se o di\xE1logo est\xE1 rodando. Use isto para coisas como bloquear o movimento do jogador enquanto fala com um personagem n\xE3o jogador.","Dialogue has branch":"Di\xE1logo tem se\xE7\xE3o","Check if the dialogue has a branch with specified name. Use this to check if a dialogue branch exists in the loaded dialogue data.":"Verifique se o di\xE1logo tem um ramo com o nome especificado. Use isto para verificar se existe uma se\xE7\xE3o de di\xE1logo nos dados de di\xE1logo.","Dialogue has a branch named _PARAM0_":"O di\xE1logo tem uma se\xE7\xE3o chamada _PARAM0_","Branch name":"Nome da se\xE7\xE3o","Has selected option changed":"Op\xE7\xE3o selecionada foi alterada","Check if a selected option has changed when the current dialogue line type is options. Use this to detect when the player has selected another option, so you can re-draw where the selection arrow is.":"Verifique se uma op\xE7\xE3o selecionada mudou quando a linha de di\xE1logo atual \xE9 uma op\xE7\xE3o. Use isto para detectar quando o jogador selecionou outra op\xE7\xE3o, ent\xE3o voc\xEA pode re-desenhar onde est\xE1 a seta de sele\xE7\xE3o.","Selected option has changed":"Op\xE7\xE3o selecionada foi alterada","Current dialogue branch title":"T\xEDtulo atual da se\xE7\xE3o de di\xE1logo","Check if the current dialogue branch title is equal to a string. Use this to trigger game events when the player has visited a specific dialogue branch.":"Verifique se o t\xEDtulo atual do ramo de di\xE1logo \xE9 igual a uma string. Use isso para acionar eventos do jogo quando o jogador tiver visitado uma se\xE7\xE3o de di\xE1logo espec\xEDfica.","The current dialogue branch title is _PARAM0_":"O t\xEDtulo atual da se\xE7\xE3o de di\xE1logo \xE9 _PARAM0_","title name":"nome do t\xEDtulo","Current dialogue branch contains a tag":"A se\xE7\xE3o de di\xE1logo atual cont\xE9m uma tag","Check if the current dialogue branch contains a specific tag. Tags are an alternative useful way to <> to drive game logic with the dialogue data.":"Verifique se o ramo de di\xE1logo atual cont\xE9m uma tag espec\xEDfica. Tags s\xE3o uma forma alternativa \xFAtil para <> para conduzir a l\xF3gica dos jogos com os dados do di\xE1logo.","The current dialogue branch contains a _PARAM0_ tag":"A se\xE7\xE3o de di\xE1logo atual cont\xE9m uma tag _PARAM0_","tag name":"nome da etiqueta","Branch title has been visited":"T\xEDtulo da se\xE7\xE3o foi visitado","Check if a branch has been visited":"Verifique se uma se\xE7\xE3o foi visitada","Branch title _PARAM0_ has been visited":"T\xEDtulo da se\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ foi visitado","branch title":"t\xEDtulo da se\xE7\xE3o","Compare dialogue state string variable":"Compare vari\xE1vel de string do estado de di\xE1logo","Compare dialogue state string variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.":"Compare a vari\xE1vel de string de estado de di\xE1logo. Use isto para acionar eventos de jogo atrav\xE9s de vari\xE1veis de di\xE1logo.","Dialogue state string variable _PARAM0_ is equal to _PARAM1_":"Vari\xE1vel de string de estado de di\xE1logo _PARAM0_ \xE9 igual a _PARAM1_","State variable":"Vari\xE1vel de Estado","Equal to":"Igual a","Compare dialogue state number variable":"Compare a vari\xE1vel de n\xFAmero do estado do di\xE1logo","Compare dialogue state number variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.":"Compare a vari\xE1vel de n\xFAmero do estado do di\xE1logo. Use isto para acionar eventos de jogo atrav\xE9s de vari\xE1veis de di\xE1logo.","Dialogue state number variable _PARAM0_ is equal to _PARAM1_":"A vari\xE1vel de n\xFAmero do estado do di\xE1logo _PARAM0_ \xE9 igual a _PARAM1_","Compare dialogue state boolean variable":"Compare vari\xE1vel booleana do estado de di\xE1logo","Compare dialogue state variable. Use this to trigger game events via dialogue variables.":"Compare a vari\xE1vel de estado do di\xE1logo. Use isso para acionar eventos de jogo atrav\xE9s de vari\xE1veis de di\xE1logo.","Dialogue state boolean variable _PARAM0_ is equal to _PARAM1_":"A vari\xE1vel booleana do estado do di\xE1logo _PARAM0_ \xE9 igual a _PARAM1_","Clipped text has completed scrolling":"O texto recortado concluiu a rolagem","Check if the clipped text scrolling has completed. Use this to prevent the player from going to the next dialogue line before the typing effect has revealed the entire text.":"Verificar se a rolagem de texto recortado foi conclu\xEDda. Use isso para evitar que o jogador v\xE1 para a pr\xF3xima linha de di\xE1logo antes que o efeito de digita\xE7\xE3o revele todo o texto.","Allow players to connect to lobbies and play together.":"Allow players to connect to lobbies and play together.","Open Game Lobbies":"Open Game Lobbies","Open the game lobbies window, where players can join lobbies or see the one they are in.":"Open the game lobbies window, where players can join lobbies or see the one they are in.","Open the game lobbies":"Open the game lobbies","Lobbies":"Lobbies","Allow players to close the lobbies window":"Allow players to close the lobbies window","Allow players to close the lobbies window. Allowed by default.":"Allow players to close the lobbies window. Allowed by default.","Allow players to close the lobbies window: _PARAM1_":"Allow players to close the lobbies window: _PARAM1_","Show close button":"Show close button","End Lobby Game":"End Lobby Game","End the lobby game. This will trigger the \"Lobby game has just ended\" condition.":"End the lobby game. This will trigger the \"Lobby game has just ended\" condition.","End the lobby game":"End the lobby game","Leave Game Lobby":"Leave Game Lobby","Leave the current game lobby. This will trigger the \"Player has left\" condition on the other players, and the \"Lobby game has ended\" condition on the player leaving.":"Leave the current game lobby. This will trigger the \"Player has left\" condition on the other players, and the \"Lobby game has ended\" condition on the player leaving.","Leave the game lobby":"Leave the game lobby","Send custom message to other players":"Send custom message to other players","Send a custom message to other players in the lobby, with an automatic retry system if it hasn't been received. Use with the condition 'Message has been received' to know when the message has been properly processed by the host.":"Envie uma mensagem personalizada para outros jogadores no lobby, com um sistema de repeti\xE7\xE3o autom\xE1tica, caso n\xE3o tenha sido recebida. Use com a condi\xE7\xE3o 'A mensagem foi recebida' para saber quando a mensagem foi processada corretamente pelo host.","Send message _PARAM0_ to other players with content _PARAM1_":"Send message _PARAM0_ to other players with content _PARAM1_","Message name":"Message name","Message content":"Message content","Send custom message to other players with a variable":"Enviar mensagem personalizada para outros jogadores com uma vari\xE1vel","Send a custom message to other players in the lobby containing a variable, with an automatic retry system if it hasn't been received. Use with the condition 'Message has been received' to know when the message has been properly processed by the host.":"Envie uma mensagem personalizada para outros jogadores no lobby que contenham uma vari\xE1vel, com um sistema de repeti\xE7\xE3o autom\xE1tica caso ainda n\xE3o tenha sido recebido. Use com a condi\xE7\xE3o 'Mensagem foi recebida' para saber quando a mensagem foi processada corretamente pelo host.","Send message _PARAM0_ to other players with variable _PARAM1_":"Enviar mensagem _PARAM0_ para outros jogadores com vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_","Get message variable":"Obter vari\xE1vel de mensagem","Store the data of the specified message in a variable. Use with the condition 'Message has been received' to know when the message has been properly processed by the host.":"Armazena os dados da mensagem especificada em uma vari\xE1vel. Use com a condi\xE7\xE3o 'Mensagem foi recebida' para saber quando a mensagem foi processada corretamente pelo host.","Save message _PARAM0_ data in _PARAM1_":"Salvar dados da mensagem _PARAM0_ em _PARAM1_","Lobbies window is open":"Lobbies window is open","Check if the lobbies window is open.":"Check if the lobbies window is open.","Lobby game has just started":"Lobby game has just started","Check if the lobby game has just started.":"Check if the lobby game has just started.","Lobby game has started":"Lobby game has started","Lobby game is running":"Lobby game is running","Check if the lobby game is running.":"Check if the lobby game is running.","Lobby game has just ended":"Lobby game has just ended","Check if the lobby game has just ended.":"Check if the lobby game has just ended.","Lobby game has ended":"Lobby game has ended","Custom message has been received from another player":"Mensagem personalizada foi recebida de outro jogador","Check if a custom message has been received from another player. Will be true only for one frame.":"Verifique se uma mensagem personalizada foi recebida de outro jogador. Ser\xE1 verdadeiro apenas para um quadro.","Message _PARAM0_ has been received":"Message _PARAM0_ has been received","Objects synchronization rate":"Objects synchronization rate","objects synchronization rate (between 1 and 60, default is 30 times per second)":"taxa de sincroniza\xE7\xE3o de objetos (entre 1 e 60, o padr\xE3o \xE9 30 vezes por segundo)","objects synchronization rate":"objects synchronization rate","Sync rate":"Sync rate","Player is host":"Player is host","Check if the player is the host. (Player 1 is the host)":"Check if the player is the host. (Player 1 is the host)","Any player has left":"Any player has left","Check if any player has left the lobby game.":"Check if any player has left the lobby game.","Player has left":"Player has left","Check if the player has left the lobby game.":"Check if the player has left the lobby game.","Player _PARAM0_ has left":"Player _PARAM0_ has left","Player number":"Player number","Player number that just left":"Player number that just left","Returns the player number of the player that has just left the lobby.":"Retorna o n\xFAmero do jogador que acabou de sair do lobby.","Any player has joined":"Any player has joined","Check if any player has joined the lobby.":"Check if any player has joined the lobby.","Player has joined":"Player has joined","Check if the player has joined the lobby.":"Check if the player has joined the lobby.","Player _PARAM0_ has joined":"Player _PARAM0_ has joined","Player number that just joined":"Player number that just joined","Returns the player number of the player that has just joined the lobby.":"Retorna o n\xFAmero do jogador que acabou de entrar no lobby.","Host is migrating":"Host is migrating","Check if the host is migrating, in order to adapt the game state (like pausing the game).":"Verifique se o host est\xE1 migrando, a fim de adaptar o estado do jogo (como pausar o jogo).","Configure lobby game to end when host leaves":"Configure lobby game to end when host leaves","Configure the lobby game to end when the host leaves. This will trigger the \"Lobby game has just ended\" condition. (Default behavior is to migrate the host)":"Configure o jogo do lobby para terminar quando o anfitri\xE3o sair. Isso acionar\xE1 a condi\xE7\xE3o \"O jogo do lobby acabou de terminar\". (O comportamento padr\xE3o \xE9 migrar o host)","End lobby game when host leaves":"End lobby game when host leaves","Message data":"Message data","Returns the data received when the specified message was received from another player.":"Retorna os dados recebidos quando a mensagem especificada foi recebida de outro jogador.","Message sender":"Remetente da mensagem","Returns the player number of the sender of the specified message.":"Retorna o n\xFAmero do jogador do remetente da mensagem especificada.","Number of players in lobby":"Number of players in lobby","the number of players in the lobby":"the number of players in the lobby","Player is connected":"Player is connected","Check if the specified player is connected to the lobby.":"Check if the specified player is connected to the lobby.","Player _PARAM0_ is connected":"Player _PARAM0_ is connected","The position of the player in the lobby (1, 2, ...)":"The position of the player in the lobby (1, 2, ...)","Current player number in lobby":"Current player number in lobby","the current player number in the lobby (1, 2, ...)":"the current player number in the lobby (1, 2, ...)","the current player number in the lobby":"the current player number in the lobby","Player username in lobby":"Player username in lobby","Get the username of the player in the lobby.":"Get the username of the player in the lobby.","Current player username in lobby":"Current player username in lobby","Get the username of the current player in the lobby.":"Get the username of the current player in the lobby.","Player ping in lobby":"Player ping in lobby","Get the ping of the player in the lobby.":"Get the ping of the player in the lobby.","Current player ping in lobby":"Current player ping in lobby","Get the ping of the current player in the lobby.":"Get the ping of the current player in the lobby.","Player variable ownership":"Player variable ownership","the player owning the variable":"the player owning the variable","the player owning the variable _PARAM1_":"the player owning the variable _PARAM1_","Only root variables can change ownership. Arrays and structures children are synchronized with their parent.":"Only root variables can change ownership. Arrays and structures children are synchronized with their parent.","Take ownership of variable":"Take ownership of variable","Take the ownership of the variable. It will then be synchronized to other players, with the current player as the owner.":"Take the ownership of the variable. It will then be synchronized to other players, with the current player as the owner.","Take ownership of _PARAM1_":"Take ownership of _PARAM1_","Remove ownership of variable":"Remove ownership of variable","Remove the ownership of the variable. It will still be synchronized to other players, but the host owns it.":"Remove the ownership of the variable. It will still be synchronized to other players, but the host owns it.","Remove ownership of _PARAM1_":"Remove ownership of _PARAM1_","Disable variable synchronization":"Disable variable synchronization","Disable synchronization of the variable over the network. It will not be sent to other players anymore.":"Disable synchronization of the variable over the network. It will not be sent to other players anymore.","Disable synchronization of _PARAM1_":"Disable synchronization of _PARAM1_","Player owning the object":"Player owning the object","Who is synchronizing the object to the players. If this is an object controlled by a player, then assign the player number. Otherwise just leave \"Host\" and the host of the game will synchronize the object to the players. (Note: you can change the ownership of the object during the game with corresponding actions).":"Who is synchronizing the object to the players. If this is an object controlled by a player, then assign the player number. Otherwise just leave \"Host\" and the host of the game will synchronize the object to the players. (Note: you can change the ownership of the object during the game with corresponding actions).","Action when player disconnects":"Action when player disconnects","Multiplayer object":"Objeto Multiplayer","Allow the object to be synchronized with other players in the lobby.":"Allow the object to be synchronized with other players in the lobby.","Player object ownership":"Player object ownership","the player owning the object":"the player owning the object","the player owning the instance":"the player owning the instance","Is object owned by current player":"Is object owned by current player","Check if the object is owned by the current player, as a player or the host.":"Check if the object is owned by the current player, as a player or the host.","Object _PARAM0_ is owned by current player":"Object _PARAM0_ is owned by current player","Take ownership of object":"Take ownership of object","Take the ownership of the object. It will then be synchronized to other players, with the current player as the owner.":"Take the ownership of the object. It will then be synchronized to other players, with the current player as the owner.","Take ownership of _PARAM0_":"Take ownership of _PARAM0_","Remove object ownership":"Remove object ownership","Remove the ownership of the object from the player. It will still be synchronized to other players, but the host owns it.":"Remove the ownership of the object from the player. It will still be synchronized to other players, but the host owns it.","Remove ownership of _PARAM0_":"Remove ownership of _PARAM0_","Enable (or disable) the synchronization of a behavior":"Enable (or disable) the synchronization of a behavior","Enable or disable the synchronization of a behavior over the network. If disabled, the behavior's current state will not be sent to other players anymore.":"Enable or disable the synchronization of a behavior over the network. If disabled, the behavior's current state will not be sent to other players anymore.","Enable synchronization of _PARAM2_ for _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"Enable synchronization of _PARAM2_ for _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Multiplayer behavior":"Comportamento Multiplayer","Object behavior":"Object behavior","Enable synchronization":"Enable synchronization","P2P":"Ponto de acesso","Event triggered by peer":"Evento desencadeado pelo peer","Triggers once when a connected client sends the event":"Ativa uma vez quando um cliente conectado envia o evento","Event _PARAM0_ received from other client (data loss: _PARAM1_)":"Evento _PARAM0_ recebido de outro cliente (perda de dados: _PARAM1_)","Event name":"Nome do evento","Data loss allowed?":"Perda de dados permitida?","Is P2P ready":"Est\xE1 P2P pronto","True if the peer-to-peer extension initialized and is ready to use.":"Verdadeiro se a extens\xE3o peer-to-peer foi inicializada e est\xE1 pronta para uso.","Is P2P ready?":"P2P est\xE1 pronto?","An error occurred":"Ocorreu um erro","Triggers once when an error occurs. Use P2P::GetLastError() expression to get the content of the error if you want to analyse it or display it to the user.":"Ativa uma vez quando ocorre um erro. Use a express\xE3o P2P::GetLastError() para obter o conte\xFAdo do erro se voc\xEA quiser analis\xE1-lo ou mostr\xE1-lo para o usu\xE1rio.","P2P error occurred":"Ocorreu um erro P2P","Peer disconnected":"Peer desconectado","Triggers once when a peer disconnects.":"Ativa uma vez quando um peer desconecta.","P2P peer disconnected":"Peer P2P desconectado","Peer Connected":"Par Conectado","Triggers once when a remote peer initiates a connection.":"Ativa uma vez quando um par remoto inicia uma conex\xE3o.","P2P peer connected":"Par conectado P2P (par para par)","Connect to another client":"Conectar-se a outro cliente","Connects the current client to another client using its id.":"Conecta o cliente atual a outro cliente usando seu id.","Connect to P2P client _PARAM0_":"Conectar ao cliente P2P _PARAM0_","ID of the other client":"ID do outro cliente","Connect to a broker server":"Conecte-se a um servidor corretor","Connects the extension to a broker server.":"Conecta a extens\xE3o a um servidor corretor.","Connect to the broker server at http://_PARAM0_:_PARAM1_/":"Conectar ao servidor corretor em http://_PARAM0_:_PARAM1_/","Host":"Host","Port":"Porta","Path":"Percurso","SSl enabled?":"SSL habilitado?","Use a custom ICE server":"Usar um servidor ICE personalizado","Disables the default ICE (STUN or TURN) servers list and use one of your own. Note that it is recommended to add at least 1 self-hosted STUN and TURN server for games that are not over LAN but over the internet. This action can be used multiple times to add multiple servers. This action needs to be called BEFORE connecting to the broker server.":"Desativa a lista de servidores padr\xE3o ICE (STUN ou TURN) e usa um de sua prefer\xEAncia. Note que \xE9 recomend\xE1vel adicionar pelo menos 1 servidor STUN e TURN auto-hospedado para jogos que n\xE3o estejam em LAN, mas na internet. Esta a\xE7\xE3o pode ser usada v\xE1rias vezes para adicionar m\xFAltiplos servidores. Esta a\xE7\xE3o precisa ser chamada ANTES de se conectar ao servidor intermedi\xE1rio.","Use ICE server _PARAM0_ (username: _PARAM1_, password: _PARAM2_)":"Use o servidor ICE _PARAM0_ (nome de usu\xE1rio: _PARAM1_, senha: _PARAM2_)","URL to the ICE server":"URL para o servidor ICE","(Optional) Username":"(Opcional) Usu\xE1rio","(Optional) Password":"(Opcional) Senha","Disable IP address sharing":"Disable IP address sharing","Disables the sharing of IP addresses with the other peers. This action needs to be called BEFORE connecting to the broker server.":"Disables the sharing of IP addresses with the other peers. This action needs to be called BEFORE connecting to the broker server.","Disable IP sharing: _PARAM0_":"Disable IP sharing: _PARAM0_","Disable sharing of IP addresses":"Disable sharing of IP addresses","Connect to the default broker server":"Conecte-se ao servidor corretor padr\xE3o","Connects to the default broker server.":"Conecta ao servidor corretor padr\xE3o.","Override the client ID":"Substitui o ID do cliente","Overrides the client ID of the current game instance with a specified ID. Must be called BEFORE connecting to a broker.":"Substitui o ID de cliente da inst\xE2ncia atual do jogo por um ID especificado. Deve ser chamado ANTES de se conectar a um intermedi\xE1rio.","Override the client ID with _PARAM0_":"Substitui o ID do cliente com _PARAM0_","ID":"ID","Trigger event on all connected clients":"Ativar evento em todos os clientes conectados","Triggers an event on all connected clients":"Ativa um evento em todos os clientes conectados","Trigger event _PARAM0_ on all connected clients (extra data: _PARAM1_)":"Ativa evento _PARAM0_ em todos os clientes conectados (dados extra: _PARAM1_)","Extra data (optional)":"Dados extra (opcional)","Trigger event on a specific client":"Ativar evento em um cliente espec\xEDfico","Triggers an event on a specific connected client":"Ativa um evento em um cliente conectado espec\xEDfico","Trigger event _PARAM1_ on client _PARAM0_ (extra data: _PARAM2_)":"Ativar evento _PARAM1_ no cliente _PARAM0_ (dados extra: _PARAM2_)","Trigger event on all connected clients (variable)":"Ativar evento em todos os clientes conectados (vari\xE1vel)","Variable containing the extra data":"Vari\xE1vel contendo os dados extras","Trigger event on a specific client (variable)":"Ativar evento em um cliente espec\xEDfico (vari\xE1vel)","Get event data (variable)":"Obter dados do evento (vari\xE1vel)","Store the data of the specified event in a variable. Check in the conditions that the event was received using the \"Event received\" condition.":"Armazene os dados do evento especificado em uma vari\xE1vel. Verifique as condi\xE7\xF5es em que o evento foi recebido usando a condi\xE7\xE3o \"Evento recebido\".","Overwrite _PARAM1_ with variable sent with last trigger of _PARAM0_":"Sobrescrever _PARAM1_ com a vari\xE1vel enviada com a \xFAltima ativa\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_","Variable where to store the received data":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar os dados recebidos","Disconnect from a peer":"Desconectar de um ponto","Disconnects this client from another client.":"Desconecta este cliente de outro cliente.","Disconnect from client _PARAM0_":"Desconectar do cliente _PARAM0_","Disconnect from all peers":"Desconectar de todos os pontos","Disconnects this client from all other clients.":"Desconecta este cliente de todos os outros clientes.","Disconnect from all clients":"Desconectar de todos os clientes","Disconnect from broker":"Desconectar do servidor intermedi\xE1rio","Disconnects the client from the broker server.":"Desconecta o cliente do servidor intermedi\xE1rio.","Disconnect the client from the broker":"Desconectar o cliente do servidor intermedi\xE1rio","Disconnect from all":"Desconectar de Todos","Disconnects the client from the broker server and all other clients.":"Desconecta o cliente do servidor intermedi\xE1rio e de todos os outros clientes.","Disconnect the client from the broker and other clients":"Desconecte o cliente do corretor e de outros clientes","Get event data":"Obter dados do evento","Returns the data received when the specified event was last triggered":"Retorna os dados recebidos quando o evento especificado foi ativado pela \xFAltima vez","Get event sender":"Obt\xE9m o remetente do evento","Returns the id of the peer that triggered the event":"Retorna o ID do par que acionou o evento","Get client ID":"Obter ID do cliente","Gets the client ID of the current game instance":"Obt\xE9m o ID de cliente da atual inst\xE2ncia do jogo","Get last error":"Obter \xFAltimo erro","Gets the description of the last P2P error":"Obt\xE9m a descri\xE7\xE3o do \xFAltimo erro P2P","Get last disconnected peer":"Obter o \xFAltimo peer desconectado","Gets the ID of the latest peer that has disconnected.":"Obt\xE9m o ID do \xFAltimo par que foi desconectado.","Get ID of the connected peer":"Obt\xE9m o ID do par conectado","Gets the ID of the newly connected peer.":"Obt\xE9m o ID do par rec\xE9m-conectado.","Spatial sound":"Som espacial","Allow positioning sounds in a 3D space. The stereo system of the device is used to simulate the position of the sound and to give the impression that the sound is located somewhere around the player.":"Permite o posicionamento de sons em um espa\xE7o 3D. O sistema est\xE9reo do dispositivo \xE9 utilizado para simular a posi\xE7\xE3o do som e para dar a impress\xE3o de que o som est\xE1 localizado em algum lugar ao redor do jogador.","Set position of sound":"Define a posi\xE7\xE3o do som","Sets the spatial position of a sound. When a sound is at a distance of 1 to the listener, it's heard at 100% volume. Then, it follows an *inverse distance model*. At a distance of 2, it's heard at 50%, and at a distance of 4 it's heard at 25%.":"Define a posi\xE7\xE3o espacial de um som. Quando um som est\xE1 a uma dist\xE2ncia de 1 at\xE9 o ouvinte, ele \xE9 ouvido a 100% de volume. Depois, segue um *modelo de dist\xE2ncia inversa*. A uma dist\xE2ncia de 2, \xE9 ouvido a 50%, e a uma dist\xE2ncia de 4 \xE9 ouvido a 25%.","Set position of sound on channel _PARAM1_ to position _PARAM2_, _PARAM3_, _PARAM4_":"Define a posi\xE7\xE3o do som no canal _PARAM1_ para a posi\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_, _PARAM3_, _PARAM4_","Channel":"Canal","Listener position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o do ouvido","Change the spatial position of the listener/player.":"Change the spatial position of the listener/player.","Change the listener position to _PARAM0_, _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_":"Change the listener position to _PARAM0_, _PARAM1_, _PARAM2_","Provides an object to display a video on the scene. The recommended file format is MPEG4, with H264 video codec and AAC audio codec, to maximize the support of the video on different platform and browsers.":"Fornece um objeto para exibir um v\xEDdeo na cena. O formato do arquivo recomendado \xE9 MPEG4, com codec de v\xEDdeo H264 e codec de \xE1udio AAC, para maximizar o suporte ao v\xEDdeo em diferentes plataformas e navegadores.","Loop the video":"Repita o v\xEDdeo","Playback settings":"Configura\xE7\xF5es da reprodu\xE7\xE3o","Video volume (0-100)":"Volume do v\xEDdeo (0-100)","Displays a video.":"Exibe um v\xEDdeo.","Play a video":"Reproduzir um v\xEDdeo","Play a video (recommended file format is MPEG4, with H264 video codec and AAC audio codec).":"Reproduzir um v\xEDdeo (o formato de arquivo) recomendado \xE9 MPEG4, com codec de v\xEDdeo H264 e codec de \xE1udio AAC).","Play the video of _PARAM0_":"Reproduzir o v\xEDdeo de _PARAM0_","Video object":"Objeto de v\xEDdeo","Pause a video":"Pausar um v\xEDdeo","Pause the specified video.":"Pause o v\xEDdeo especificado.","Pause video _PARAM0_":"Pausar v\xEDdeo _PARAM0_","Loop a video":"Colocar um v\xEDdeo em repeti\xE7\xE3o","Loop the specified video.":"V\xEDdeo espec\xEDfico em repeti\xE7\xE3o.","Loop video of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Loop do v\xEDdeo de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Activate loop":"Ativar loop","Mute a video":"Silenciar um v\xEDdeo","Mute, or unmute, the specified video.":"Silenciar, ou n\xE3o, o v\xEDdeo especificado.","Mute video of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Silenciar o v\xEDdeo de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_: _PARAM1_","Activate mute":"Ativar silencioso","Current time":"Tempo Atual","Set the time of the video":"Defina a hora do v\xEDdeo","the time":"O time","Position (in seconds)":"Posi\xE7\xE3o (em segundos)","Volume":"Volume","Set the volume of the video object.":"Defina o volume do objeto de v\xEDdeo.","the volume":"O volume","Volume (0-100)":"Volume (0\u2013100)","Get the volume":"Obter o volume","Get the volume of a video object, between 0 (muted) and 100 (maximum).":"Obtenha o volume de um objeto de v\xEDdeo, entre 0 (mudo) e 100 (m\xE1ximo).","Is played":"\xC9 reproduzido","Check if a video is played.":"Verificar se um v\xEDdeo \xE9 reproduzido.","_PARAM0_ is played":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 reproduzido","Is paused":"Est\xE1 em pausa","Check if the video is paused.":"Verificar se o v\xEDdeo est\xE1 em pausa.","_PARAM0_ is paused":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 pausado","Is looped":"Est\xE1 em loop","Check if the video is looped.":"Verificar se o v\xEDdeo est\xE1 em loop.","_PARAM0_ is looped":"PARAM0_ est\xE1 em loop","Compare the current volume of a video object.":"Comparar o volume atual de um objeto de v\xEDdeo.","Volume to compare to (0-100)":"Volume para comparar com (0\u2013100)","Is muted":"Est\xE1 mudo","Check if a video is muted.":"Verifica se um v\xEDdeo est\xE1 no mudo.","_PARAM0_ is muted":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 mudo","Get current time":"Obt\xE9m a hora atual","Return the current time of a video object (in seconds).":"Retorna a dura\xE7\xE3o de um objeto de v\xEDdeo (em segundos).","Get the duration":"Obt\xE9m a dura\xE7\xE3o","Return the duration of a video object (in seconds).":"Retorna a dura\xE7\xE3o de um objeto de v\xEDdeo (em segundos).","Compare the duration of a video object":"Compara a dura\xE7\xE3o de um objeto de video","the duration (in seconds)":"A dura\xE7\xE3o (em segundos)","Compare the current time of a video object":"Compare o tempo atual de um objeto de v\xEDdeo","the current time (in seconds)":"O tempo atual (em segundos)","Time to compare to (in seconds)":"Tempo para comparar (em segundos)","Is ended":"Terminou","Check if a video is ended":"Verifique se o v\xEDdeo terminou","_PARAM0_ is ended":"_PARAM0_ terminou","Set opacity":"Defina a opacidade","Set opacity of the specified video object.":"Defina a opacidade do objeto de v\xEDdeo especificado.","Compare the opacity of a video object":"Comparar a opacidade de um objeto de v\xEDdeo","Get current opacity":"Obt\xE9m a opacidade atual","Return the opacity of a video object":"Retorna a opacidade de um objeto de v\xEDdeo","Set playback speed":"Definir a velocidade de reprodu\xE7\xE3o","Set playback speed of the specified video object, (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower).":"Definir a velocidade de reprodu\xE7\xE3o de um objeto de v\xEDdeo especifico, (1 = a velocidade padr\xE3o, >1 = mais r\xE1pido e <1 = mais lento).","the playback speed":"a velocidade de reprodu\xE7\xE3o","Playback speed (1 by default)":"Velocidade de reprodu\xE7\xE3o (1 por padr\xE3o)","Playback speed ":"Velocidade de reprodu\xE7\xE3o ","Compare the playback speed of a video object":"Comparar a velocidade de reprodu\xE7\xE3o de um objeto de v\xEDdeo","Get current playback speed":"Obt\xE9m a velocidade atual de reprodu\xE7\xE3o","Return the playback speed of a video object":"Retornar a velocidade de reprodu\xE7\xE3o de um objeto de v\xEDdeo","Bitmap Text":"Texto Bitmap","Displays a text using a \"Bitmap Font\" (an image representing characters). This is more performant than a traditional Text object and it allows for complete control on the characters aesthetic.":"Exibe um texto usando uma \"Fonte Bitmap\" (uma imagem representando caracteres). Isso \xE9 mais eficaz do que um objeto de texto tradicional, e permite total controle na est\xE9tica dos caracteres.","Bitmap Atlas":"Bitmap Atlas","Text scale":"Escala do texto","Font tint":"Tonalidade da fonte","Bitmap text":"Texto Bitmap","the font size, defined in the Bitmap Font":"o tamanho da fonte, definido na Fonte Bitmap","the scale (1 by default)":"a escala (1 por padr\xE3o)","the font name (defined in the Bitmap font)":"o nome da fonte (definido na Fonte Bitmap)","Set the tint of the Bitmap Text object.":"Define a tonalidade do objeto de Texto Bitmap.","Set tint of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define a tonalidade de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Bitmap files resources":"Recursos de arquivos Bitmap","Change the Bitmap Font and/or the atlas image used by the object.":"Altere a Fonte Bitmap e/ou o mapa de imagem usado pelo objeto.","Set the bitmap font of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ and the atlas to _PARAM2_":"Define a fonte do bitmap de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_ e o mapa para _PARAM2_","Bitmap font resource name":"Nome do recurso de fonte Bitmap","Texture atlas resource name":"Nome do recurso de mapa de textura","the text alignment":"o alinhamento do texto","Alignment (\"left\", \"right\" or \"center\")":"Alinhamento (esquerda: \"left\", direita: \"right\" ou centro: \"center\")","Change the alignment of a Bitmap text object.":"Altera o alinhamento de um objeto de texto Bitmap.","Set the alignment of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define o alinhamento de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","_PARAM0_ word wrap is enabled":"Quebra de linha _PARAM0_ est\xE1 habilitada","De/activate word wrapping.":"Des/ativa quebra de linha.","Activate word wrap of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Ativa a quebra de linha de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Activate word wrap":"Ativa a quebra de linha","the width, in pixels, after which the text is wrapped on next line":"a largura, em pixels, ap\xF3s a qual o texto \xE9 quebrado na pr\xF3xima linha","Lights":"Luzes","Light Obstacle Behavior":"Obst\xE1culo de Luz","Flag objects as being obstacles to light. The light emitted by light objects will be stopped by the object.":"Sinalizar objetos como obst\xE1culos \xE0 luz. A luz emitida por objetos de luz ser\xE1 interrompida pelos objetos sinalizados como obst\xE1culo.","Debug mode":"Modo de depura\xE7\xE3o","When activated, display the lines used to render the light - useful to understand how the light is rendered on screen.":"Quando ativado, exibe as linhas usadas para renderizar a luz - \xFAtil para entender como a luz \xE9 exibida na tela.","Light texture (optional)":"Textura de luz (opcional)","A texture to be used to display the light. If you don't specify a texture, the light is rendered as fading from bright, in its center, to dark.":"Uma textura a ser usada para exibir a luz. Se voc\xEA n\xE3o especificar uma textura, a luz \xE9 renderizada brilhando em seu centro at\xE9 gradativamente ir perdendo intensidade ao longo da dist\xE2ncia.","Light":"Luz","Displays a light on the scene, with a customizable radius and color. Add then the Light Obstacle behavior to the objects that must act as obstacle to the lights.":"Exibe uma luz na cena, com um raio e cor personaliz\xE1veis. Adicione ent\xE3o o comportamento de Obst\xE1culo de luz aos objetos que devem atuar como obst\xE1culos para as luzes.","Light radius":"Raio de luz","Set the radius of light object":"Definir o raio de objeto de luz","Set the radius of _PARAM0_ to: _PARAM1_":"Definir o raio de _PARAM0_ para: _PARAM1_","Set the color of light object in format \"R;G;B\" string.":"Definir a cor do objeto de luz no formato \"R;G;B\".","Set the color of _PARAM0_ to: _PARAM1_":"Definir a cor de _PARAM0_ para: _PARAM1_","Adjustment":"Ajustes","Adjust gamma, contrast, saturation, brightness, alpha or color-channel shift.":"Ajustar gama, contraste, satura\xE7\xE3o, brilho, alfa ou mudan\xE7a de canal de cor.","Gamma (between 0 and 5)":"Gama (entre 0 e 5)","Saturation (between 0 and 5)":"Satura\xE7\xE3o (entre 0 e 5)","Contrast (between 0 and 5)":"Contraste (entre 0 e 5)","Brightness (between 0 and 5)":"Brilho (entre 0 e 5)","Red (between 0 and 5)":"Vermelho (entre 0 e 5)","Green (between 0 and 5)":"Verde (entre 0 e 5)","Blue (between 0 and 5)":"Azul (entre 0 e 5)","Alpha (between 0 and 1, 0 is transparent)":"Alfa (entre 0 e 1, 0 \xE9 transparente)","Advanced bloom":"Brilho avan\xE7ado","Applies a bloom effect.":"Aplica um efeito de brilho.","Bloom Scale (between 0 and 2)":"Escala de luminosidade (entre 0 e 2)","Brightness (between 0 and 2)":"Brilho (entre 0 e 2)","Blur (between 0 and 20)":"Desfoque (entre 0 e 20)","Quality (between 0 and 20)":"Qualidade (entre 0 e 20)","Padding for the visual effect area":"Preenchimento para a \xE1rea de efeito visual","ASCII":"ASCII","Render the image with ASCII characters only.":"Renderizar a imagem apenas com caracteres ASCII.","Size (between 2 and 20)":"Tamanho (entre 2 e 20)","Beveled edges":"Bordas chanfradas","Add beveled edges around the rendered image.":"Adiciona bordas chanfradas em torno da imagem renderizada.","Rotation (between 0 and 360)":"Rota\xE7\xE3o (entre 0 e 360)","Outer strength (between 0 and 5)":"For\xE7a externa (entre 0 e 5)","Distance (between 10 and 20)":"Dist\xE2ncia (entre 10 e 20)","Light alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Alfa claro (entre 0 e 1)","Light color (color of the outline)":"Cor clara (cor do contorno)","Shadow color (color of the outline)":"Cor sombria (cor do contorno)","Shadow alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Alfa sombrio (entre 0 e 1)","Black and White":"Preto e branco","Alter the colors to make the image black and white":"Alterar as cores para deixar a imagem preta e branca","Opacity (between 0 and 1)":"Opacidade (entre 0 e 1)","Blending mode":"Modo de Mesclagem","Alter the rendered image with the specified blend mode.":"Alterar a imagem renderizada com o modo de mistura especificado.","Mode (0: Normal, 1: Add, 2: Multiply, 3: Screen)":"Modo (0: Normal, 1: Adicionar, 2: Multiplicar, 3: Tela)","Blur (Gaussian, slow - prefer to use Kawase blur)":"Desfoque (Gaussiano, lento - prefira usar desfoque Kawase)","Blur the rendered image. This is slow, so prefer to use Kawase blur in most cases.":"Desfoca a imagem renderizada. Isso \xE9 lento, ent\xE3o prefira usar o desfoque Kawase na maioria dos casos.","Blur intensity":"Intensidade de desfoque","Number of render passes. An high value will cause lags/poor performance.":"N\xFAmero de passes de renderiza\xE7\xE3o. Um valor alto causar\xE1 lags/mau desempenho.","Resolution":"Resolu\xE7\xE3o:","Kernel size (one of these values: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)":"Tamanho do kernel (um desses valores: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)","Brightness":"Brilho","Make the image brighter.":"Tornar a imagem mais clara.","Brightness (between 0 and 1)":"Brilho (entre 0 e 1)","Bulge Pinch":"Inchar ou retrair","Bulges or pinches the image in a circle.":"Incha ou retrai a imagem em um c\xEDrculo.","Center X (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"Centro X (entre 0 e 1, 0.5 \xE9 uma imagem intermedi\xE1ria)","Center Y (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"Centro Y (entre 0 e 1, 0,5 \xE9 imagem intermedi\xE1ria)","strength (between -1 and 1)":"for\xE7a (entre -1 e 1)","-1 is strong pinch, 0 is no effect, 1 is strong bulge":"-1 \xE9 uma forte retra\xE7\xE3o, 0 n\xE3o tem efeito, 1 \xE9 um forte incha\xE7o","Color Map":"Mapa de Cores","Change the color rendered on screen.":"Alterar a cor renderizada na tela.","Color map texture for the effect":"Textura do mapa de cores para o efeito","You can change colors of pixels by modifying a reference color image, containing each colors, called the *Color Map Texture*. To get started, **download** [a default color map texture here](":"Voc\xEA pode alterar as cores dos p\xEDxeis modificando uma imagem colorida de refer\xEAncia, contendo cada cor, chamada *Textura do Mapa de Cores*. Para come\xE7ar, **fa\xE7a transfer\xEAncia ** [de uma textura de mapa de cores padr\xE3o aqui](","Disable anti-aliasing (\"nearest\" pixel rounding)":"Desabilitar anti-aliasing (\"mais pr\xF3ximo\" pixel arredondado)","Mix":"Misturar","Mix value of the effect on the layer (in percent)":"Valor misto do efeito na camada (em porcentagem)","Color Replace":"Substituir Cor","Effect replacing a color (or similar) by another.":"Efeito substituir uma cor (ou similar) por outra.","Original Color":"Cor original","New Color":"Nova Cor","Epsilon (between 0 and 1)":"\xC9psilon (entre 0 e 1)","Tolerance/sensitivity of the floating-point comparison between colors (lower = more exact, higher = more inclusive)":"Toler\xE2ncia/sensibilidade da compara\xE7\xE3o de pontos flutuantes entre cores (menor = mais preciso, maior = mais inclusivo)","CRT":"CRT","Apply an effect resembling old CRT monitors.":"Aplica um efeito que se assemelha aos antigos monitores CRT.","Line width (between 0 and 5)":"Largura da linha (entre 0 e 5)","Line contrast (between 0 and 1)":"Contraste de linha (entre 0 e 1)","Noise (between 0 and 1)":"Ru\xEDdo (entre 0 e 1)","Curvature (between 0 and 10)":"Curvatura (entre 0 e 10)","Show vertical lines":"Mostrar linhas verticais","Noise size (between 0 and 10)":"Tamanho do ru\xEDdo (entre 0 e 10)","Vignetting (between 0 and 1)":"Vinheta (entre 0 e 1)","Vignetting alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Alfa da vinheta (entre 0 e 1)","Vignetting blur (between 0 and 1)":"Desfoque da vinheta (entre 0 e 1)","Interlaced Lines Speed":"Velocidade das Linhas Entrela\xE7adas","0: Pause, 0.5: Half speed, 1: Normal speed, 2: Double speed, etc...":"0: Pausar, 0,5: Metade da velocidade, 1: Velocidade normal, 2: Velocidade dupla etc...","Noise Frequency":"Frequ\xEAncia de ru\xEDdo","Displacement":"Deslocamento","Uses the pixel values from the specified texture (called the displacement map) to perform a displacement of an object.":"Usa os valores de pixel da textura especificada (chamado mapa do deslocamento) para realizar um deslocamento de um objeto.","Displacement map texture":"Textura do mapa de deslocamento","Displacement map texture for the effect. To get started, **download** [a default displacement map texture here](":"Textura do mapa de deslocamento para o efeito. Para come\xE7ar, **baixe** [uma textura padr\xE3o do mapa de deslocamento](","Dot":"Ponto","Applies a dotscreen effect making objects appear to be made out of black and white halftone dots like an old printer.":"Aplica um efeito de tela de ponto que faz com que objetos pare\xE7am ser feitos de pontos pretos e brancos como uma impressora antiga.","Scale (between 0.3 and 1)":"Escala (entre 0.3 e 1)","Angle (between 0 and 5)":"\xC2ngulo (entre 0 e 5)","Drop shadow":"Projetar sombra","Add a shadow around the rendered image.":"Adicionar uma sombra em torno da imagem renderizada.","Quality (between 1 and 20)":"Qualidade (entre 1 e 20)","Alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Alfa (entre 0 e 1)","Distance (between 0 and 50)":"Dist\xE2ncia (entre 0 e 50)","Color of the shadow":"Cor da sombra","Shadow only (shows only the shadow when enabled)":"Apenas sombra (mostra apenas a sombra quando ativada)","Glitch":"Glitch","Applies a glitch effect to an object.":"Aplica um efeito de glitch a um objeto.","Slices (between 2 and infinite)":"Fatias (entre 2 e infinito)","Offset (between -400 and 400)":"Deslocamento (entre -400 e 400)","Direction (between -180 and 180)":"Dire\xE7\xE3o (entre -180 e 180)","Fill Mode (between 0 and 4)":"Modo de preenchimento (entre 0 e 4)","The fill mode of the space after the offset.(0: TRANSPARENT, 1: ORIGINAL, 2: LOOP, 3: CLAMP, 4: MIRROR)":"O modo de preenchimento do espa\xE7o ap\xF3s o deslocamento.(0: TRANSPARENTE, 1: ORIGINAL, 2: LOOP, 3: PRESSIONADO, 4: ESPELHADO)","Average":"M\xE9dia","Min Size":"Tamanho m\xEDnimo","Sample Size":"Tamanho da amostra","Animation Frequency":"Freq\xFC\xEAncia de anima\xE7\xE3o","Red X offset (between -50 and 50)":"Deslocamento em X vermelho (entre -50 e 50)","Red Y offset (between -50 and 50)":"Deslocamento em Y vermelho (entre -50 e 50)","Green X offset (between -50 and 50)":"Deslocamento em X verde (entre -50 e 50)","Green Y offset (between -50 and 50)":"Deslocamento em Y verde (entre -50 e 50)","Blue X offset (between -50 and 50)":"Deslocamento em X azul (entre -50 e 50)","Blue Y offset (between -50 and 50)":"Deslocamento em Y azul (entre -50 e 50)","Glow":"Brilho","Add a glow effect around the rendered image.":"Adicionar um efeito de brilho em torno da imagem renderizada.","Inner strength (between 0 and 20)":"For\xE7a interna (entre 0 e 20)","Outer strength (between 0 and 20)":"For\xE7a externa (entre 0 e 20)","Color (color of the outline)":"Cor (cor do contorno)","Godray":"Raio de luz","Apply and animate atmospheric light rays.":"Aplicar e animar os raios de luz atmosf\xE9rica.","Parallel (parallel rays)":"Paralelo (raios paralelo)","Animation Speed":"Velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o","Lacunarity (between 0 and 5)":"Lacunaridade (entre 0 e 5)","Angle (between -60 and 60)":"\xC2ngulo (entre -60 e 60)","Gain (between 0 and 1)":"Ganho (entre 0 e 1)","Light (between 0 and 60)":"Luz (entre 0 e 60)","Center X (between 100 and 1000)":"Centro X (entre 100 e 1000)","Center Y (between -1000 and 100)":"Centro Y (entre -1000 e 100)","HSL Adjustment":"Ajuste de HSL","Adjust hue, saturation and lightness.":"Ajuste a matiz, satura\xE7\xE3o e brilho.","Lightness (between -1 and 1)":"Brilho (entre -1 e 1)","Colorize from the grayscale image":"Colorir da imagem em escala de cinza","Blur (Kawase, fast)":"Desfoque (Kawase, r\xE1pido)","Blur the rendered image, with much better performance than Gaussian blur.":"Desfoca a imagem renderizada, com um desempenho melhor do que o do desfoque Gaussiano.","Pixelize X (between 0 and 10)":"Pixelizar X (entre 0 e 10)","Pixelize Y (between 0 and 10)":"Pixelizar Y (entre 0 e 10)","Light Night":"Noite clara","Alter the colors to simulate night.":"Alterar as cores para simular a noite.","Motion Blur":"Desfoque de Movimento","Blur the rendered image to give a feeling of speed.":"Desfocar a imagem renderizada para dar uma sensa\xE7\xE3o de velocidade.","Velocity on X axis":"Velocidade no eixo X","Velocity on Y axis":"Velocidade no eixo Y","Kernel size (odd number between 3 and 25)":"Tamanho do Kernel (n\xFAmero \xEDmpar entre 3 e 25)","Quality of the blur.":"Qualidade do desfoque.","Offset":"Deslocamento","Dark Night":"Noite Escura","Alter the colors to simulate a dark night.":"Alterar as cores para simular uma noite escura.","Intensity (between 0 and 1)":"Intensidade (entre 0 e 1)","Noise":"Ru\xEDdo","Add some noise on the rendered image.":"Adicionar um pouco de ru\xEDdo \xE0 imagem renderizada.","Noise intensity (between 0 and 1)":"Intensidade do ru\xEDdo (entre 0 e 1)","Old Film":"Filme Antigo","Add a Old film effect around the rendered image.":"Adicione um efeito de filme antigo em torno da imagem renderizada.","Sepia (between 0 and 1)":"S\xE9pia (entre 0 e 1)","The amount of saturation of sepia effect, a value of 1 is more saturation and closer to 0 is less, and a value of 0 produces no sepia effect":"A quantidade de satura\xE7\xE3o da s\xE9pia. Um valor de 1 \xE9 mais satura\xE7\xE3o e pr\xF3ximo de 0 \xE9 menor, e um valor de 0 n\xE3o produz nenhum efeito s\xE9pia","Noise Size (between 0 and 10)":"Tamanho do ru\xEDdo (entre 0 e 10)","Scratch (between -1 and 1)":"Rabiscado (entre -1 e 1)","Scratch Density (between 0 and 1)":"Densidade do rabisco (entre 0 e 1)","Scratch Width (between 1 and 20)":"Largura do rabisco (entre 1 e 20)","Vignetting Alpha (between 0 and 1)":"Alfa da vinheta (entre 0 e 1)","Vignetting Blur (between 0 and 1)":"Desfoque da vinheta (entre 0 e 1)","Draws an outline around the rendered image.":"Desenha um contorno em torno da imagem renderizada.","Thickness (between 0 and 20)":"Espessura (entre 0 e 20)","Color of the outline":"Cor do contorno","Pixelate":"Pixelizar","Applies a pixelate effect, making display objects appear 'blocky'.":"Aplicar um efeito de pixeliza\xE7\xE3o, fazendo com que os objetos de exibi\xE7\xE3o apare\xE7am 'blocky'.","Size of the pixels (10 pixels by default)":"Tamanho dos pixels (10 pixels por padr\xE3o)","Radial Blur":"Desfoque Radial","Applies a Motion blur to an object.":"Aplicar um desfoque de movimento a um objeto.","The maximum size of the blur radius, -1 is infinite":"O tamanho m\xE1ximo do raio do desfoque, -1 \xE9 infinito","Angle (between -180 and 180)":"\xC2ngulo (entre -180 e 180)","The angle in degree of the motion for blur effect":"O \xE2ngulo em grau de movimento para o efeito de desfoque","Kernel Size (between 3 and 25)":"Tamanho do kernel (entre 3 e 25)","The kernel size of the blur filter (Odd number)":"O tamanho do kernel do filtro de desfoque (n\xFAmero \xEDmpar)","Reflection":"Reflex\xE3o","Applies a reflection effect to simulate the reflection on water with waves.":"Aplicar um efeito de reflex\xE3o para simular a reflex\xE3o sobre a \xE1gua com ondas.","Reflect the image on the waves":"Refletir a imagem nas ondas","Vertical position of the reflection point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o vertical do ponto de reflex\xE3o","Default is 50% (middle). Smaller numbers produce a larger reflection, larger numbers produce a smaller reflection.":"O padr\xE3o \xE9 50% (meio). N\xFAmeros menores produzem um reflexo maior, n\xFAmeros maiores produzem uma reflex\xE3o menor.","Amplitude start":"In\xEDcio da Amplitude","Starting amplitude of waves (0 by default)":"Amplitude inicial das ondas (0 por padr\xE3o)","Amplitude ending":"Amplitude final","Ending amplitude of waves (20 by default)":"Amplitude final das ondas (20 por padr\xE3o)","Wave length start":"In\xEDcio do comprimento da onda","Starting wave length (30 by default)":"Comprimento da onda inicial (30 por padr\xE3o)","Wave length ending":"Comprimento final da onda","Ending wave length (100 by default)":"Comprimento da onda final (100 por padr\xE3o)","Alpha start":"In\xEDcio alfa","Starting alpha (1 by default)":"Alfa inicial (1 por padr\xE3o)","Alpha ending":"Alfa final","Ending alpha (1 by default)":"Alfa final (1 por padr\xE3o)","RGB split (chromatic aberration)":"Divis\xE3o RGB (aberra\xE7\xE3o crom\xE1tica)","Applies a RGB split effect also known as chromatic aberration.":"Aplica um efeito de divis\xE3o de RGB tamb\xE9m conhecido como aberra\xE7\xE3o crom\xE1tica.","Red X offset (between -20 and 20)":"Deslocamento em X vermelho (entre -20 e 20)","Red Y offset (between -20 and 20)":"Deslocamento em Y vermelho (entre -20 e 20)","Green X offset (between -20 and 20)":"Deslocamento em X verde (entre -20 e 20)","Green Y offset (between -20 and 20)":"Deslocamento em Y verde (entre -20 e 20)","Blue X offset (between -20 and 20)":"Deslocamento em X azul (entre -20 e 20)","Blue Y offset (between -20 and 20)":"Deslocamento em Y azul (entre -20 e 20)","Sepia":"S\xE9pia","Alter the colors to sepia.":"Alterar as cores para s\xE9pia.","Shockwave":"Onda de choque","Deform the image the way a drop deforms a water surface.":"Deforma a imagem da mesma forma que uma gota deforma a superf\xEDcie da \xE1gua.","Elapsed time":"Tempo gasto","Spreading speed (in pixels per second)":"Velocidade de propaga\xE7\xE3o (em p\xEDxeis por segundo)","Amplitude":"Amplitude","Wavelength":"Comprimento de onda","Maximum radius (0 for infinity)":"Raio m\xE1ximo (0 para infinito)","Center on X axis":"Centralizar no eixo X","Center on Y axis":"Centralizar no eixo Y","Tilt shift":"Mudan\xE7a de inclina\xE7\xE3o","Render a tilt-shift-like camera effect.":"Renderizar um efeito de c\xE2mera semelhante a uma mudan\xE7a de inclina\xE7\xE3o.","Blur (between 0 and 200)":"Desfoque (entre 0 e 200)","Gradient blur (between 0 and 2000)":"Gradiente de desfoque (entre 0 e 2000)","Twist":"Torcer","Applies a twist effect making objects appear twisted in the given direction.":"Aplicar um efeito de tor\xE7\xE3o que faz com que objetos pare\xE7am distorcidos na dire\xE7\xE3o dada.","The radius of the twist":"O raio da tor\xE7\xE3o","Angle (between -10 and 10)":"\xC2ngulo (entre -10 e 10)","The angle in degree of the twist":"O \xE2ngulo em grau da tor\xE7\xE3o","Offset X (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"Deslocamento X (entre 0 e 1, 0.5 \xE9 imagem intermedi\xE1ria)","Offset Y (between 0 and 1, 0.5 is image middle)":"Deslocamento Y (entre 0 e 1, 0.5 \xE9 imagem intermedi\xE1ria)","Zoom blur":"Desfoque de Zoom","Applies a Zoom blur.":"Aplicar um desfoque de zoom.","Inner radius":"Raio interno","strength (between 0 and 5)":"for\xE7a (entre 0 e 5)","Advanced window management":"Gerenciamento avan\xE7ado de janelas","Provides advanced features related to the game window positioning and interaction with the operating system.":"Fornece recursos avan\xE7ados relacionados com o posicionamento da janela do jogo e intera\xE7\xE3o com o sistema operacional.","Window focus":"Window focus","Make the window gain or lose focus.":"Faz a janela ganhar ou perder o foco.","Focus the window: _PARAM0_":"Focar a janela: _PARAM0_","Windows, Linux, macOS":"Windows, Linux, macOS","Focus the window?":"Focar a janela?","Window focused":"Janela em foco","Checks if the window is focused.":"Verifica se a janela est\xE1 em foco.","The window is focused":"A janela est\xE1 em foco","Window visibility":"Window visibility","Make the window visible or invisible.":"Tornar a janela vis\xEDvel ou invis\xEDvel.","Window visible: _PARAM0_":"Janela vis\xEDvel: _PARAM0_","Show window?":"Mostrar janela?","Window visible":"Janela vis\xEDvel","Checks if the window is visible.":"Verifica se a janela est\xE1 vis\xEDvel.","The window is visible":"A janela est\xE1 vis\xEDvel","Maximize the window":"Maximizar a janela","Maximize or unmaximize the window.":"Maximizar ou restaurar a janela.","Maximize window: _PARAM0_":"Maximizar janela: _PARAM0_","Maximize window?":"Maximizar janela?","Window maximized":"Janela maximizada","Checks if the window is maximized.":"Verifica se a janela est\xE1 maximizada.","The window is maximized":"A janela est\xE1 maximizada","Minimize the window":"Minimizar janela","Minimize or unminimize the window.":"Minimizar ou desminimizar a janela.","Minimize window: _PARAM0_":"Minimizar janela: _PARAM0_","Minimize window?":"Minimizar janela?","Window minimized":"Janela minimizada","Checks if the window is minimized.":"Verifica se a janela est\xE1 minimizada.","The window is minimized":"A janela est\xE1 minimizada","Enable the window":"Habilitar a janela","Enables or disables the window.":"Ative ou desative a janela.","Enable window: _PARAM0_":"Habilitar janela: _PARAM0_","Enable window?":"Ativar Janela?","Window enabled":"Janela Ativada","Checks if the window is enabled.":"Verifica se a janela est\xE1 habilitada.","The window is enabled":"A janela esta ativada","Allow resizing":"Permitir redimensionamento","Enables or disables resizing of the window by the user.":"Habilita ou desabilita o redimensionamento da janela pelo usu\xE1rio.","Enable window resizing: _PARAM0_":"Ativar redimensionamento da janela: _PARAM0_","Allow resizing?":"Permitir redimensionamento?","Window resizable":"Janela redimension\xE1vel","Checks if the window can be resized.":"Verifica se a janela pode ser redimensionada.","The window can be resized":"A janela pode ser redimensionada","Allow moving":"Permitir mover","Enables or disables moving of the window by the user.":"Habilita ou desabilita mover a janela pelo usu\xE1rio.","Enable window moving: _PARAM0_":"Ativar movimento da janela: _PARAM0_","Allow moving?":"Permitir movimento?","Window movable":"Janela mov\xEDvel","Checks if the window can be moved.":"Verifica se a janela pode ser movida.","The window can be moved":"A janela pode ser movida","Allow maximizing":"Permitir maximiza\xE7\xE3o","Enables or disables maximizing of the window by the user.":"Habilita ou desabilita a maximiza\xE7\xE3o da janela pelo usu\xE1rio.","Enable window maximizing: _PARAM0_":"Ativar maximiza\xE7\xE3o da janela: _PARAM0_","Allow maximizing?":"Permitir maximiza\xE7\xE3o?","Window maximizable":"Janela maximiz\xE1vel","Checks if the window can be maximized.":"Verifica se a janela pode ser maximizada.","The window can be maximized":"A janela pode ser maximizada","Allow minimizing":"Permitir minimizar","Enables or disables minimizing of the window by the user.":"Habilita ou desabilita minimizar a janela pelo usu\xE1rio.","Enable window minimizing: _PARAM0_":"Habilitar minimizar a janela: _PARAM0_","Allow minimizing?":"Permitir minimizar?","Window minimizable":"Janela minimiz\xE1vel","Checks if the window can be minimized.":"Verifica se a janela pode ser minimizada.","The window can be minimized":"A janela pode ser minimizada","Allow full-screening":"Permitir Tela Cheia","Enables or disables full-screening of the window by the user.":"Habilita ou desabilita a op\xE7\xE3o Tela Cheia da janela pelo usu\xE1rio.","Enable window full-screening: _PARAM0_":"Ativar a op\xE7\xE3o Tela Cheia: _PARAM0_","Allow full-screening?":"Permitir a op\xE7\xE3o Tela Cheia?","Window full-screenable":"Janela com a op\xE7\xE3o Tela Cheia","Checks if the window can be full-screened.":"Verifica se a janela pode ficar em Tela Cheia.","The window can be set in fullscreen":"A janela pode ser colocada em Tela Cheia","Allow closing":"Permitir fechar","Enables or disables closing of the window by the user.":"Habilita ou desabilita o fechamento da janela pelo usu\xE1rio.","Enable window closing: _PARAM0_":"Ativar fechamento da janela: _PARAM0_","Allow closing?":"Permitir fechar?","Window closable":"Janela que pode ser fechada","Checks if the window can be closed.":"Verifica se a janela pode ser fechada.","The window can be closed":"A janela pode ser fechada","Make the window always on top":"Deixar a janela sempre no topo","Puts the window constantly above all other windows.":"Coloca a janela constantemente acima de todas as outras janelas.","Make window always on top: _PARAM0_, level: _PARAM1_":"Deixar a janela sempre no topo: _PARAM0_, n\xEDvel: _PARAM1_","Enable always on top?":"Ativar a op\xE7\xE3o sempre no topo?","Level":"N\xEDvel","Window always on top":"Janela sempre no topo","Checks if the window is always on top.":"Verifica se a janela est\xE1 sempre no topo.","The window is always on top":"A janela est\xE1 sempre no topo","Enable kiosk mode":"Ativar modo kiosk","Puts the window in kiosk mode. This prevents the user from exiting fullscreen.":"Coloca a janela no modo quiosk. Isso impede o usu\xE1rio de sair da tela cheia.","Enable kiosk mode: _PARAM0_":"Ativar o modo kiosk: _PARAM0_","Enable kiosk mode?":"Ativar modo kiosk?","Kiosk mode":"Modo Kiosk","Checks if the window is currently in kiosk mode.":"Verifica se a janela est\xE1 atualmente no modo kiosk.","The window is in kiosk mode":"A janela est\xE1 no modo kiosk","Enable window shadow":"Habilitar sombra da janela","Enables or disables the window shadow.":"Habilita ou desabilita a sombra da janela.","Enable window shadow: _PARAM0_":"Ativar sombra da janela: _PARAM0_","Enable shadow?":"Ativar sombra?","Checks if the window currently has it's shadow enabled.":"Verifica se a janela atualmente tem as sombras habilitadas.","The window has a shadow":"A janela tem uma sombra","Enable content protection":"Ativar prote\xE7\xE3o de conte\xFAdo","Enables or disables the content protection mode. This should prevent screenshots of the game from being taken.":"Habilita ou desabilita o modo de prote\xE7\xE3o de conte\xFAdo. Isso deve impedir que capturas de tela do jogo sejam tomadas.","Enable content protection: _PARAM0_":"Ativar prote\xE7\xE3o de conte\xFAdo: _PARAM0_","Enable content protection?":"Ativar prote\xE7\xE3o de conte\xFAdo?","Allow focusing":"Permitir foco","Allow or disallow the user to focus the window.":"Permitir ou n\xE3o que o usu\xE1rio coloque a janela em foco.","Allow to focus the window: _PARAM0_":"Permitir focar a janela: _PARAM0_","Allow focus?":"Permitir foco?","Flash the window":"Piscar a janela","Make the window flash or end flashing.":"Faz a janela piscar ou terminar de piscar.","Make the window flash: _PARAM0_":"Fazer a janela piscar: _PARAM0_","Flash the window?":"Piscar a janela?","Window opacity":"Opacidade da janela","Changes the window opacity.":"Altera a opacidade da janela.","Set the window opacity to _PARAM0_":"Definir a opacidade da janela para _PARAM0_","New opacity":"Nova opacidade","Window position":"Window position","Changes the window position.":"Altera a posi\xE7\xE3o da janela.","Set the window position to _PARAM0_;_PARAM1_":"Definir a posi\xE7\xE3o da janela para _PARAM0_;_PARAM1_","Window X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X da Janela","Returns the current window X position.":"Retorna a atual posi\xE7\xE3o X da janela.","Window Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y da janela","Returns the current window Y position.":"Retorna a atual posi\xE7\xE3o Y da janela.","Returns the current window opacity (a number from 0 to 1, 1 being fully opaque).":"Retorna a opacidade atual da janela (um n\xFAmero de 0 a 1, 1 sendo totalmente opaco).","Steamworks (Steam) (experimental)":"Steamworks (Steam) (experimental)","Adds integrations for Steam's Steamworks game development SDK.":"Adds integrations for Steam's Steamworks game development SDK.","Steam App ID":"Steam App ID","Require Steam to launch the game":"Require Steam to launch the game","Claim achievement":"Reivindicar conquista","Marks a Steam achievement as obtained. Steam will pop-up a notification with the achievement's data defined on the Steamworks partner website.":"Marks a Steam achievement as obtained. Steam will pop-up a notification with the achievement's data defined on the Steamworks partner website.","Claim steam achievement _PARAM0_":"Claim steam achievement _PARAM0_","Achievement ID":"ID da Conquista","Unclaim achievement":"Renunciar conquista","Removes a player's Steam achievement.":"Removes a player's Steam achievement.","Unclaim Steam achievement _PARAM0_":"Unclaim Steam achievement _PARAM0_","Has achievement":"Has achievement","Checks if a player owns one of this game's Steam achievement.":"Checks if a player owns one of this game's Steam achievement.","Player has previously claimed the Steam achievement _PARAM0_":"Player has previously claimed the Steam achievement _PARAM0_","Steam ID":"Steam ID","The player's unique Steam ID number. Note that it is too big a number to load correctly as a traditional number (\"floating point number\"), and must be used as a string.":"The player's unique Steam ID number. Note that it is too big a number to load correctly as a traditional number (\"floating point number\"), and must be used as a string.","The player's registered name on Steam.":"The player's registered name on Steam.","Country code":"C\xF3digo do pa\xEDs","The player's country represented as its two-letter code.":"The player's country represented as its two-letter code.","Steam Level":"Steam Level","Obtains the player's Steam level":"Obtains the player's Steam level","Steam rich presence":"Steam rich presence","Changes an attribute of Steam's rich presence. Allows other player to see exactly what the player's currently doing in the game.":"Changes an attribute of Steam's rich presence. Allows other player to see exactly what the player's currently doing in the game.","Set steam rich presence attribute _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Set steam rich presence attribute _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_","Rich presence":"Rich presence","Is Steamworks Loaded":"Is Steamworks Loaded","Checks whether the Steamworks SDK could be properly loaded. If steam is not installed, the game is not running on PC, or for any other reason Steamworks features will not be able to function, this function will trigger allowing you to disable functionality that relies on Steamworks.":"Checks whether the Steamworks SDK could be properly loaded. If steam is not installed, the game is not running on PC, or for any other reason Steamworks features will not be able to function, this function will trigger allowing you to disable functionality that relies on Steamworks.","Steamworks is properly loaded":"Steamworks is properly loaded","Utilities":"Utilities","Steam AppID":"Steam AppID","Obtains the game's Steam app ID, as declared in the games properties.":"Obtains the game's Steam app ID, as declared in the games properties.","Current time (from the Steam servers)":"Current time (from the Steam servers)","Obtains the real current time from the Steam servers, which cannot be faked by changing the system time.":"Obtains the real current time from the Steam servers, which cannot be faked by changing the system time.","Is on Steam Deck":"Is on Steam Deck","Checks whether the game is currently running on a Steam Deck or not.":"Checks whether the game is currently running on a Steam Deck or not.","Game is running on a Steam Deck":"Game is running on a Steam Deck","Create a lobby":"Create a lobby","Creates a new steam lobby owned by the player, for other players to join.":"Creates a new steam lobby owned by the player, for other players to join.","Create a lobby visible to _PARAM0_ with max. _PARAM1_ players (store results in _PARAM2_)":"Create a lobby visible to _PARAM0_ with max. _PARAM1_ players (store results in _PARAM2_)","Matchmaking":"Matchmaking","Get a list of lobbies":"Get a list of lobbies","Fills an array variable with a list of lobbies for the player to join.":"Fills an array variable with a list of lobbies for the player to join.","Fill _PARAM0_ with a list of lobbies":"Fill _PARAM0_ with a list of lobbies","Join a lobby (by ID)":"Join a lobby (by ID)","Join a Steam lobby, using its lobby ID.":"Join a Steam lobby, using its lobby ID.","Join lobby _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Join lobby _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)","Leave current lobby":"Leave current lobby","Marks the player as having left the current lobby.":"Marks the player as having left the current lobby.","Leave the current lobby":"Leave the current lobby","Matchmaking/Current lobby":"Matchmaking/Current lobby","Open invite dialogue":"Open invite dialogue","Opens the steam invitation dialogue to let the player invite their Steam friends to the current lobby. Only works if the player is currently in a lobby.":"Abre a caixa de di\xE1logo de convite do Steam para permitir que o jogador convide seus amigos do Steam para o grupo de press\xE3o atual. S\xF3 funciona se o jogador estiver em um grupo de press\xE3o.","Open lobby invitation dialogue":"Abrir di\xE1logo de convite do sal\xE3o","Set a lobby attribute":"Set a lobby attribute","Sets an attribute of the current lobby. Attributes are readable to anyone that can see the lobby. They can contain public information about the lobby like a description, or for example a P2P ID for knowing where to connect to join this lobby.":"Sets an attribute of the current lobby. Attributes are readable to anyone that can see the lobby. They can contain public information about the lobby like a description, or for example a P2P ID for knowing where to connect to join this lobby.","Set current lobby attribute _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Set current lobby attribute _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ (store result in _PARAM2_)","Set the lobby joinability":"Set the lobby joinability","Sets whether other users can join the current lobby or not.":"Define se outros usu\xE1rios podem ingressar no sal\xE3o atual ou n\xE3o.","Make current lobby joinable: _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Tornar o sal\xE3o atual ingressava: _PARAM0_ (armazenar resultado em _PARAM1_)","Get the lobby's members":"Get the lobby's members","Gets the Steam ID of all players in the current lobby.":"Gets the Steam ID of all players in the current lobby.","Store the array of all players in _PARAM0_":"Store the array of all players in _PARAM0_","Get a lobby's members":"Get a lobby's members","Gets the Steam ID of all players in a lobby.":"Gets the Steam ID of all players in a lobby.","Store the array of all players of lobby _PARAM0_ in _PARAM1_":"Store the array of all players of lobby _PARAM0_ in _PARAM1_","Current lobby's ID":"Current lobby's ID","The ID of the current lobby, useful for letting other players join it.":"The ID of the current lobby, useful for letting other players join it.","Attribute of the lobby":"Attribute of the lobby","Obtains the value of one of the current lobby's attributes.":"Obtains the value of one of the current lobby's attributes.","Member count of the lobby":"Member count of the lobby","Obtains the current lobby's member count.":"Obtains the current lobby's member count.","Member limit of the lobby":"Member limit of the lobby","Obtains the current lobby's maximum member limit.":"Obtains the current lobby's maximum member limit.","Owner of the lobby":"Owner of the lobby","Obtains the Steam ID of the user that owns the current lobby.":"Obtains the Steam ID of the user that owns the current lobby.","Attribute of a lobby":"Attribute of a lobby","Obtains the value of one of a lobby's attributes.":"Obtains the value of one of a lobby's attributes.","Member count of a lobby":"Member count of a lobby","Obtains a lobby's member count.":"Obtains a lobby's member count.","Member limit of a lobby":"Member limit of a lobby","Obtains a lobby's maximum member limit.":"Obtains a lobby's maximum member limit.","Owner of a lobby":"Owner of a lobby","Obtains the Steam ID of the user that owns a lobby.":"Obtains the Steam ID of the user that owns a lobby.","Player owns an application":"Player owns an application","Checks if the current user owns an application on Steam.":"Checks if the current user owns an application on Steam.","App _PARAM0_ owned on Steam":"App _PARAM0_ owned on Steam","Steam Apps":"Steam Apps","Player installed an application":"Player installed an application","Checks if the current user has a Steam application currently installed.":"Checks if the current user has a Steam application currently installed.","App _PARAM0_ installed from Steam":"App _PARAM0_ installed from Steam","Player installed DLC":"Player installed DLC","Checks if the current user has installed a piece of DLC.":"Checks if the current user has installed a piece of DLC.","DLC _PARAM0_ installed from Steam":"DLC _PARAM0_ installed from Steam","Get installed app path":"Get installed app path","Gets the path to an installed Steam application.":"Gets the path to an installed Steam application.","Player has a VAC ban":"Player has a VAC ban","Checks if the current user has a VAC ban on their account.":"Checks if the current user has a VAC ban on their account.","Player cannot be exposed to violence":"Player cannot be exposed to violence","Checks if the current user may only be exposed to low violence, due to e.g. their age and content restrictions in their country.":"Checks if the current user may only be exposed to low violence, due to e.g. their age and content restrictions in their country.","Player bought the game":"O jogador comprou o jogo","Checks if the current user actually bought & owns the game. If the \"Require Steam\" checkbox has been checked in the game properties, this will always be true as Steam will not allow to launch the game if it is not owned. Can be used to display an anti-piracy message instead of straight up blocking the launch of the game.":"Checks if the current user actually bought & owns the game. If the \"Require Steam\" checkbox has been checked in the game properties, this will always be true as Steam will not allow to launch the game if it is not owned. Can be used to display an anti-piracy message instead of straight up blocking the launch of the game.","Game language":"Idioma do jogo","Gets the language the user set in the Steam game properties.":"Obt\xE9m o idioma que o usu\xE1rio definiu nas propriedades do jogo Steam.","Current beta name":"Nome beta atual","Gets the name of the beta the player enrolled to in the Steam game properties.":"Obt\xE9m o nome da vers\xE3o beta onde o jogador se inscreveu nas propriedades do jogo Steam.","Current app build ID":"ID de vers\xE3o atual do aplicativo","Gets the ID of the current app build.":"Obt\xE9m o ID da vers\xE3o atual do aplicativo.","Digital action activated":"A\xE7\xE3o digital ativada","Triggers when a digital action (a button that is either pressed or not) of a Steam Input controller has been triggered.":"Aciona quando uma a\xE7\xE3o digital (um bot\xE3o pressionado ou n\xE3o) de um controlador de entrada Steam \xE9 acionada.","Digital action _PARAM1_ of controller _PARAM0_ has been activated":"A a\xE7\xE3o digital _PARAM1_ do controlador _PARAM0_ foi ativada","Activate an action set":"Ative um conjunto de a\xE7\xF5es","Activates a Steam Input action set of a Steam Input controller.":"Ativa um conjunto de a\xE7\xF5es de entrada Steam de um controlador de entrada Steam.","Activate action set _PARAM1_ of controller _PARAM0_":"Ativar conjunto de a\xE7\xF5es _PARAM1_ do controlador _PARAM0_","Controller count":"Contagem de controles","The amount of connected Steam Input controllers.":"The amount of connected Steam Input controllers.","Analog X-Action vector":"Analog X-Action vector","The action vector of a Steam Input analog joystick on the X-axis, from 1 (all right) to -1 (all left).":"The action vector of a Steam Input analog joystick on the X-axis, from 1 (all right) to -1 (all left).","Analog Y-Action vector":"Analog Y-Action vector","The action vector of a Steam Input analog joystick on the Y-axis, from 1 (all up) to -1 (all down).":"The action vector of a Steam Input analog joystick on the Y-axis, from 1 (all up) to -1 (all down).","Is Steam Cloud enabled?":"Is Steam Cloud enabled?","Checks whether steam cloud has been enabled or not for this application.":"Checks whether steam cloud has been enabled or not for this application.","Steam Cloud is enabled":"Steam Cloud is enabled","Cloud Save":"Cloud Save","File exists":"File exists","Checks if a file exists on Steam Cloud.":"Checks if a file exists on Steam Cloud.","File _PARAM0_ exists on Steam Cloud":"File _PARAM0_ exists on Steam Cloud","Write a file":"Write a file","Writes a file onto the Steam Cloud.":"Writes a file onto the Steam Cloud.","Write _PARAM1_ into the file _PARAM0_ on Steam Cloud (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Write _PARAM1_ into the file _PARAM0_ on Steam Cloud (store result in _PARAM2_)","Delete a file":"Excluir um arquivo","Deletes a file from the Steam Cloud.":"Exclui um arquivo da Steam Nuvem.","Delete file _PARAM0_ from Steam Cloud (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Exclua o arquivo _PARAM0_ do Steam Nuvem (armazene o resultado em _PARAM1_)","Read a file":"Ler um arquivo","Reads a file from Steam Cloud and returns its contents.":"L\xEA um arquivo do Steam Nuvem e retorna seu conte\xFAdo.","Create a Workshop item":"Crie um \u201Citem\u201D da Oficina","Creates an item owned by the current player on the Steam Workshop. This only assignes an ID to an item for the user - use the action \"Update workshop item\" to set the item data and upload the workshop file.":"Cria um \u2018item\u2019 de propriedade do jogador atual no Steam \u201Coficina de trabalho\u201D. Isso atribui apenas um ID a um item para o usu\xE1rio \u2014 use a a\xE7\xE3o \"Atualizar \u2018item\u2019 do \u201Coficina de trabalho\u201D\" para definir os dados do '\u2018item\u2019' e carregar o arquivo do \u201Coficina de trabalho\u201D.","Create a Workshop item and store its ID in _PARAM0_":"Crie um \u201Citem\u201D do (Oficina) de trabalho e armazene seu ID em _PARAM0_","Workshop":"Workshop","Update a Workshop item":"Update a Workshop item","Releases an update to a Workshop item owned by the player. If you leave a field empty, it will be kept unmodified as it was before the update.":"Releases an update to a Workshop item owned by the player. If you leave a field empty, it will be kept unmodified as it was before the update.","Update the Workshop item _PARAM0_ with itemId title description changeNote previewPath contentPath tags visibility":"Update the Workshop item _PARAM0_ with itemId title description changeNote previewPath contentPath tags visibility","Workshop Item ID":"Workshop Item ID","Title":"Title","Changelog":"Registro de altera\xE7\xF5es","Path to the preview image file":"Path to the preview image file","Path to the file with the item's file":"Path to the file with the item's file","Tags":"Tags","Subscribe to a Workshop item":"Subscribe to a Workshop item","Makes the player subscribe to a workshop item. This will cause it to be downloaded and installed ASAP.":"Makes the player subscribe to a workshop item. This will cause it to be downloaded and installed ASAP.","Subscribe to Workshop item _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Subscribe to Workshop item _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)","Unsubscribe to a Workshop item":"Unsubscribe to a Workshop item","Makes the player unsubscribe to a workshop item. This will cause it to removed after quitting the game.":"Makes the player unsubscribe to a workshop item. This will cause it to removed after quitting the game.","Unsubscribe to Workshop item _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Unsubscribe to Workshop item _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)","Download a Workshop item":"Download a Workshop item","Initiates the download of a Workshop item now.":"Initiates the download of a Workshop item now.","Start downloading workshop item _PARAM0_ now, pause other downloads: _PARAM1_":"Start downloading workshop item _PARAM0_ now, pause other downloads: _PARAM1_","Check workshop item state":"Check workshop item state","Check whether a state flag is set for a Workshop item.":"Check whether a state flag is set for a Workshop item.","Flag _PARAM1_ is set on Workshop item _PARAM0_":"Flag _PARAM1_ is set on Workshop item _PARAM0_","Workshop item installation location":"Workshop item installation location","The file path to the contents file of an installed workshop item.":"The file path to the contents file of an installed workshop item.","Workshop item size":"Workshop item size","The size on disk taken by the contents file of an installed workshop item.":"The size on disk taken by the contents file of an installed workshop item.","Workshop item installation time":"Workshop item installation time","The timestamp of the last time the contents file of an installed workshop item was updated.":"The timestamp of the last time the contents file of an installed workshop item was updated.","Workshop item download progress":"Workshop item download progress","The amount of data that has been downloaded by Steam for a currrently downloading item so far.":"The amount of data that has been downloaded by Steam for a currrently downloading item so far.","Workshop/Download":"Workshop/Download","Workshop item download total":"Workshop item download total","The amount of data that needs to be downloaded in total by Steam for a currrently downloading item.":"The amount of data that needs to be downloaded in total by Steam for a currrently downloading item.","Physics Engine 2.0":"Mecanismo da F\xEDsica 2.0","Can be put to sleep by the engine":"Can be put to sleep by the engine","Allows the physics engine to stop computing interaction with the object when it's not touched. It's recommended to keep this on.":"Allows the physics engine to stop computing interaction with the object when it's not touched. It's recommended to keep this on.","Define the weight of the object, according to its size. The biggeer the density, the heavier the object.":"Define the weight of the object, according to its size. The biggeer the density, the heavier the object.","Simulate realistic object physics with gravity, forces, joints, etc.":"Simula f\xEDsica de objetos realistas com gravidade, for\xE7as, articula\xE7\xF5es, etc.","Compare the world gravity on X axis.":"Compara o valor da gravidade do mundo no eixo X.","Compare the world gravity on Y axis.":"Compara o valor da gravidade do mundo no eixo Y.","World gravity":"Gravidade do mundo","Modify the world gravity.":"Modificar a gravidade do mundo.","Set the world gravity of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Define a gravidade do mundo de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_","World time scale":"Escala de tempo do mundo","Compare the world time scale.":"Compara a escala de tempo do mundo.","the world time scale":"a escala de tempo do mundo","Time scale to compare to (1 by default)":"Escala de tempo para compara\xE7\xE3o (1 por padr\xE3o)","Modify the world time scale.":"Modificar a escala de tempo do mundo.","Set the world time scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Define a escala de tempo do mundo de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM2_","Time scale (1 by default)":"Escala de tempo (1 por padr\xE3o)","Set as dynamic":"Definir como din\xE2mico","Set an object as dynamic. Is affected by gravity, forces and velocities.":"Definir um objeto como din\xE2mico. \xC9 afetado por gravidade, for\xE7as e velocidades.","Set _PARAM0_ as dynamic":"Definir _PARAM0_ como din\xE2mico","Set as static":"Definir como est\xE1tico","Set an object as static. Is not affected by gravity, and can't be moved by forces or velocities at all.":"Definir um objeto como est\xE1tico. N\xE3o \xE9 afetado pela gravidade e n\xE3o pode ser movido por for\xE7as ou velocidades.","Set _PARAM0_ as static":"Definir _PARAM0_ como est\xE1tico","Set as kinematic":"Definir como cinem\xE1tico","Set an object as kinematic. Is like a static body but can be moved through its velocity.":"Definir um objeto como cinem\xE1tico. \xC9 como um corpo est\xE1tico, mas pode ser movido atrav\xE9s da sua velocidade vetorial.","Set _PARAM0_ as kinematic":"Definir _PARAM0_ como cinem\xE1tico","Is sleeping allowed":"Est\xE1 permitido dormir","Check if an object can sleep.":"Check if an object can sleep.","_PARAM0_ can sleep":"_PARAM0_ consegue dormir","Sleeping allowed":"Permitido dormir","Allow or not an object to sleep. If enabled the object will be able to sleep, improving performance for non-currently-moving objects.":"Permitir ou n\xE3o um objeto dormir. Se ativado, o objeto ser\xE1 capaz de dormir, melhorando o desempenho para objetos que n\xE3o estejam em movimento atualmente.","Allow _PARAM0_ to sleep: _PARAM2_":"Permitir _PARAM0_ para dormir: _PARAM2_","Can sleep?":"Pode dormir?","Is sleeping":"Est\xE1 dormindo","Check if an object is sleeping.":"Check if an object is sleeping.","_PARAM0_ is sleeping":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 dormindo","Modify an object shape scale. It affects custom shape dimensions and shape offset, if custom dimensions are not set the body will be scaled automatically to the object size.":"Modifica a escala de forma de um objeto. Isso afeta as dimens\xF5es personalizadas e o deslocamento da forma, se as dimens\xF5es personalizadas n\xE3o estiverem definidas, o corpo ser\xE1 dimensionado automaticamente para o tamanho do objeto.","Test an object density.":"Testar a densidade de um objeto.","the _PARAM0_ density":"a densidade do _PARAM0_","Modify an object density. The body's density and volume determine its mass.":"Modificar a densidade de um objeto. A densidade e o volume do corpo determinam sua massa.","Density of the object":"Densidade do objeto","Get the density of an object.":"Obter a densidade de um objeto.","Test an object friction.":"Testar o atrito de um objeto.","the _PARAM0_ friction":"o atrito de _PARAM0_","Modify an object friction. How much energy is lost from the movement of one object over another. The combined friction from two bodies is calculated as 'sqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)'.":"Modificar o atrito de um objeto. Quanto de energia \xE9 perdida do movimento de um objeto sobre outro. O atrito combinado de dois corpos \xE9 calculado como 'sqrt(bodyA.friction * bodyB.friction)'.","Friction of the object":"Atrito do objeto","Get the friction of an object.":"Obter o atrito de um objeto.","Test an object restitution.":"Testar a restitui\xE7\xE3o de um objeto.","the _PARAM0_ restitution":"a restitui\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_","Modify an object restitution. Energy conservation on collision. The combined restitution from two bodies is calculated as 'max(bodyA.restitution, bodyB.restitution)'.":"Modificar a restitui\xE7\xE3o de um objeto. Conserva\xE7\xE3o da energia na colis\xE3o. A reposi\xE7\xE3o combinada de dois corpos \xE9 calculada como 'max(bodyA.restitution, bodyB.restitution)'.","Restitution of the object":"Restitui\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Get the restitution of an object.":"Obter a restitui\xE7\xE3o de um objeto.","Test an object linear damping.":"Testar o amortecimento linear de um objeto.","the _PARAM0_ linear damping":"o amortecimento linear de _PARAM0_","Modify an object linear damping. How much movement speed is lost across the time.":"Modificar o amortecimento linear de um objeto. Quanto de velocidade de movimento \xE9 perdido ao longo do tempo.","Linear damping of the object":"Amortecimento linear do objeto","Get the linear damping of an object.":"Obter o amortecimento linear de um objeto.","Test an object angular damping.":"Testar o amortecimento angular de um objeto.","the _PARAM0_ angular damping":"o amortecimento angular de _PARAM0_","Modify an object angular damping. How much angular speed is lost across the time.":"Modificar o amortecimento angular de um objeto. Quanto de velocidade de movimento \xE9 perdido ao longo do tempo.","Angular damping of the object":"Amortecimento angular do objeto","Get the angular damping of an object.":"Obter o amortecimento angular de um objeto.","Test an object gravity scale.":"Testar a escala de gravidade de um objeto.","the _PARAM0_ gravity scale":"a escala de gravidade de _PARAM0_","Modify an object gravity scale. The gravity applied to an object is the world gravity multiplied by the object gravity scale.":"Modificar a escala de gravidade de um objeto. A gravidade aplicada a um objeto \xE9 a gravidade do mundo multiplicada pela escala de gravidade do objeto.","Gravity scale of the object":"Escala de gravidade do objeto","Get the gravity scale of an object.":"Obter a escala de gravidade de um objeto.","Layer (1 - 16)":"Camada (1 - 16)","Mask (1 - 16)":"M\xE1scara (1 - 16)","Test an object linear velocity on X.":"Testar a velocidade linear de um objeto em X.","Modify an object linear velocity on X.":"Modificar a velocidade linear de um objeto em X.","Linear velocity on X axis":"Velocidade linear no eixo X","Get the linear velocity of an object on X axis.":"Obter a velocidade linear de um objeto no eixo X.","Test an object linear velocity on Y.":"Testar a velocidade linear de um objeto em Y.","Modify an object linear velocity on Y.":"Modificar a velocidade linear de um objeto em Y.","Linear velocity on Y axis":"Velocidade linear no eixo Y","Get the linear velocity of an object on Y axis.":"Obter a velocidade linear de um objeto no eixo Y.","Test an object linear velocity length.":"Testar o comprimento da velocidade linear de um objeto.","Get the linear velocity of an object.":"Obter a velocidade linear de um objeto.","Linear velocity angle":"\xC2ngulo de velocidade linear","Test an object linear velocity angle.":"Teste o \xE2ngulo de velocidade linear de um objeto.","the linear velocity angle":"o \xC2ngulo de velocidade linear","Compare the linear velocity angle of the object.":"Compare the linear velocity angle of the object.","Linear velocity towards an angle":"Linear velocity towards an angle","Set the linear velocity towards an angle.":"Set the linear velocity towards an angle.","Set the linear velocity of _PARAM0_ towards angle: _PARAM2_ degrees, speed: _PARAM3_ pixels per second":"Set the linear velocity of _PARAM0_ towards angle: _PARAM2_ degrees, speed: _PARAM3_ pixels per second","Get the linear velocity angle of an object.":"Obtenha o \xE2ngulo da velocidade linear de um objeto.","Angular velocity":"Velocidade angular","Test an object angular velocity.":"Testar a velocidade angular de um objeto.","the angular velocity":"a velocidade angular","Angular speed to compare to (in degrees per second)":"Velocidade angular para comparar (em graus por segundo)","Modify an object angular velocity.":"Modificar a velocidade angular de um objeto.","Get the angular velocity of an object.":"Obter a velocidade angular de um objeto.","Apply force":"Aplicar for\xE7a","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Aplicar a _PARAM0_ uma for\xE7a de _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_","Apply force (angle)":"Aplica uma for\xE7a (\xE2ngulo)","Apply a force to the object over time using polar coordinates. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.":"Apply a force to the object over time using polar coordinates. It \"accelerates\" an object and must be used every frame during a time period.","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of angle _PARAM2_ and length _PARAM3_":"Aplicar a _PARAM0_ uma for\xE7a de \xE2ngulo _PARAM2_ e comprimento _PARAM3_","Apply to _PARAM0_ a force of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Aplicar a _PARAM0_ uma for\xE7a de comprimento _PARAM2_ em dire\xE7\xE3o a _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_","Apply impulse":"Aplicar impulso","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Aplicar a _PARAM0_ um impulso de _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_","Apply impulse (angle)":"Aplica um impulso (\xE2ngulo)","Apply an impulse to the object using polar coordinates. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.":"Apply an impulse to the object using polar coordinates. It instantly changes the speed, to give an initial speed for instance.","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of angle _PARAM2_ and length _PARAM3_ (applied at _PARAM4_;_PARAM5_)":"Aplicar a _PARAM0_ um impulso de \xE2ngulo _PARAM2_ e comprimento _PARAM3_ (aplicado na _PARAM4_; _PARAM5_)","Apply to _PARAM0_ an impulse of length _PARAM2_ towards _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (applied at _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_)":"Aplicar a _PARAM0_ um impulso de comprimento _PARAM2_ em dire\xE7\xE3o a _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_ (aplicado em _PARAM5_; _PARAM6_)","Apply to _PARAM0_ a torque of _PARAM2_":"Aplicar a _PARAM0_ um torque de _PARAM2_","Torque (N\xB7m)":"Torque (N\xB7m)","Apply to _PARAM0_ an angular impulse of _PARAM2_":"Aplicar ao _PARAM0_ um impulso angular de _PARAM2_","Angular impulse (N\xB7m\xB7s)":"Angular impulse (N\xB7m\xB7s)","Inertia":"In\xE9rcia","Return the rotational inertia of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2)":"Return the rotational inertia of the object (in kilograms \xB7 meters\xB2)","Joint first object":"Objeto prim\xE1rio da jun\xE7\xE3o","Check if an object is the first object on a joint.":"Check if an object is the first object on a joint.","_PARAM0_ is the first object for joint _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 o objeto prim\xE1rio da jun\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_","Joints":"Jun\xE7\xF5es","Joint ID":"ID da jun\xE7\xE3o","Joint second object":"Objeto secund\xE1rio da jun\xE7\xE3o","Check if an object is the second object on a joint.":"Check if an object is the second object on a joint.","_PARAM0_ is the second object for joint _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ \xE9 o objeto secund\xE1rio da jun\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_","Joint first anchor X":"X da \xE2ncora prim\xE1ria da jun\xE7\xE3o","Joint first anchor Y":"Y da \xE2ncora prim\xE1ria da jun\xE7\xE3o","Joint second anchor X":"X da \xE2ncora secund\xE1ria da jun\xE7\xE3o","Joint second anchor Y":"Y da \xE2ncora secund\xE1ria da jun\xE7\xE3o","Joint reaction force":"For\xE7a de rea\xE7\xE3o da jun\xE7\xE3o","Test a joint reaction force.":"Testa a for\xE7a de rea\xE7\xE3o de uma jun\xE7\xE3o.","the joint _PARAM2_ reaction force":"a for\xE7a de rea\xE7\xE3o da jun\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_","Joint reaction torque":"Rea\xE7\xE3o torque da jun\xE7\xE3o","Test a joint reaction torque.":"Testa a rea\xE7\xE3o torque de uma jun\xE7\xE3o.","the joint _PARAM2_ reaction torque":"a rea\xE7\xE3o torque da jun\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_","Remove joint":"Remover jun\xE7\xE3o","Remove a joint from the scene.":"Remove uma jun\xE7\xE3o da cena.","Remove joint _PARAM2_":"Remove a jun\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_","Add distance joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia","Add a distance joint between two objects. The length is converted to meters using the world scale on X. The frequency and damping ratio are related to the joint speed of oscillation and how fast it stops.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia entre dois objetos. O comprimento est\xE1 convertido em metros usando a escala mundial em X. A taxa de frequ\xEAncia e amortecimento est\xE1 relacionada com a velocidade de oscila\xE7\xE3o da jun\xE7\xE3o e o qu\xE3o r\xE1pido ela para.","Add a distance joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM4_","Joints/Distance":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Dist\xE2ncia","First object":"Primeiro objeto","Anchor X on first body":"\xC2ncora X no primeiro corpo","Anchor Y on first body":"\xC2ncora Y no primeiro corpo","Second object":"Segundo objeto","Anchor X on second body":"\xC2ncora X no segundo corpo","Anchor Y on second body":"\xC2ncora Y no segundo corpo","Length (-1 to use current objects distance) (default: -1)":"Comprimento (-1 para usar a dist\xE2ncia de objetos atuais) (padr\xE3o: -1)","Frequency (Hz) (non-negative) (default: 0)":"Frequ\xEAncia (Hz) (n\xE3o-negativo) (padr\xE3o: 0)","Damping ratio (non-negative) (default: 1)":"Taxa de amortecimento (n\xE3o-negativo) (padr\xE3o: 1)","Allow collision between connected bodies? (default: no)":"Permitir colis\xE3o entre os corpos conectados? (Padr\xE3o: n\xE3o)","Variable where to store the joint ID (default: none)":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar a ID da jun\xE7\xE3o (padr\xE3o: nenhum)","Distance joint length":"Comprimento da jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia","Modify a distance joint length.":"Modifica o comprimento de uma jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia.","the length for distance joint _PARAM2_":"o comprimento da jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia _PARAM2_","Distance joint frequency":"Frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia","Modify a distance joint frequency.":"Modifica a frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia.","the frequency for distance joint _PARAM2_":"a frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia _PARAM2_","Distance joint damping ratio":"Taxa de amortecimento da jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia","Modify a distance joint damping ratio.":"Modifica a taxa de amortecimento da jun\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia.","the damping ratio for distance joint _PARAM2_":"a taxa de amortecimento para a articula\xE7\xE3o \xE0 dist\xE2ncia _PARAM2_","Add revolute joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Add a revolute joint to an object at a fixed point. The object is attached as the second object in the joint, so you can use this for gear joints.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa a um objeto em um ponto fixo. O objeto \xE9 ligado como o objeto secund\xE1rio na jun\xE7\xE3o, ent\xE3o voc\xEA pode usar isso para jun\xE7\xF5es de engrenagem.","Add a revolute joint to _PARAM0_ at _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_":"Adicionar uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa a _PARAM0_ em _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_","Joints/Revolute":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Rotativas","X anchor":"\xC2ncora X","Y anchor":"\xC2ncora Y","Enable angle limits? (default: no)":"Habilitar limites de \xE2ngulo? (padr\xE3o: n\xE3o)","Reference angle (default: 0)":"\xC2ngulo de refer\xEAncia (padr\xE3o: 0)","Minimum angle (default: 0)":"\xC2ngulo m\xEDnimo (padr\xE3o: 0)","Maximum angle (default: 0)":"\xC2ngulo m\xE1ximo (padr\xE3o: 0)","Enable motor? (default: no)":"Habilitar motor? (padr\xE3o: n\xE3o)","Motor speed (default: 0)":"Velocidade do motor (padr\xE3o: 0)","Motor maximum torque (default: 0)":"Torque m\xE1ximo do motor (padr\xE3o: 0)","Add revolute joint between two bodies":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa entre dois corpos","Add a revolute joint between two objects. The reference angle determines what is considered as the base angle at the initial state.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa entre dois corpos. O \xE2ngulo de refer\xEAncia determina o que \xE9 considerado como \xE2ngulo base no estado inicial.","Add a revolute joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adicionar uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM4_","Revolute joint reference angle":"\xC2ngulo de refer\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Revolute joint current angle":"\xC2ngulo atual da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Revolute joint angular speed":"Velocidade angular da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Revolute joint limits enabled":"Limites da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa habilitados","Check if a revolute joint limits are enabled.":"Check if a revolute joint limits are enabled.","Limits for revolute joint _PARAM2_ are enabled":"Limites da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa _PARAM2_ est\xE3o habilitados","Enable revolute joint limits":"Habilitar limites da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Enable or disable a revolute joint angle limits.":"Habilita ou desabilita os \xE2ngulos limite de uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa.","Enable limits for revolute joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Habilitar limites da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Revolute joint limits":"Limites da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Modify a revolute joint angle limits.":"Modifica os \xE2ngulos limite de uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa.","Set the limits to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ for revolute joint _PARAM2_":"Definir os limites em _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ para a jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa _PARAM2_","Minimum angle":"\xC2ngulo m\xEDnimo","Maximum angle":"\xC2ngulo m\xE1ximo","Revolute joint minimum angle":"\xC2ngulo m\xEDnimo da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Revolute joint maximum angle":"\xC2ngulo m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Revolute joint motor enabled":"Motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa habilitado","Check if a revolute joint motor is enabled.":"Check if a revolute joint motor is enabled.","Motor of revolute joint _PARAM2_ is enabled":"Motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa _PARAM2_ est\xE1 habilitado","Enable revolute joint motor":"Habilitar motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Enable or disable a revolute joint motor.":"Habilita ou desabilita o motor de uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa.","Enable motor for revolute joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Habilitar motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Revolute joint motor speed":"Velocidade motora da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Modify a revolute joint motor speed.":"Modifica a velocidade motora de uma jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa.","the motor speed for revolute joint _PARAM2_":"a velocidade motora da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa _PARAM2_","Revolute joint max motor torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Modify a revolute joint maximum motor torque.":"Modifica o torque m\xE1ximo do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa.","the maximum motor torque for revolute joint _PARAM2_":"o torque m\xE1ximo do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa _PARAM2_","Revolute joint maximum motor torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Revolute joint motor torque":"Torque do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o rotativa","Add prismatic joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Add a prismatic joint between two objects. The translation limits are converted to meters using the world scale on X.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica entre dois objetos. Os limites de transla\xE7\xE3o est\xE3o convertidos em metros usando a escala mundial em X.","Add a prismatic joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adicionar uma jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM4_","Joints/Prismatic":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Prism\xE1tica","Axis angle":"\xC2ngulo do eixo","Enable limits? (default: no)":"Habilitar limites? (padr\xE3o: n\xE3o)","Minimum translation (default: 0)":"Transla\xE7\xE3o m\xEDnima (padr\xE3o: 0)","Maximum translation (default: 0)":"Transla\xE7\xE3o m\xE1xima (padr\xE3o: 0)","Motor maximum force (default: 0)":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima do motor (padr\xE3o: 0)","Prismatic joint axis angle":"\xC2ngulo do eixo da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint reference angle":"\xC2ngulo de refer\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint current translation":"Transla\xE7\xE3o atual da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint current speed":"Velocidade atual da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint speed":"Velocidade da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint limits enabled":"Limites da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica habilitados","Check if a prismatic joint limits are enabled.":"Check if a prismatic joint limits are enabled.","Limits for prismatic joint _PARAM2_ are enabled":"Limites da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica _PARAM2_ est\xE3o habilitados","Enable prismatic joint limits":"Ativar limites prism\xE1ticos de juntas","Enable or disable a prismatic joint limits.":"Habilita ou desabilita os limites de uma jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica.","Enable limits for prismatic joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Habilitar limites da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Prismatic joint limits":"Limites da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Modify a prismatic joint limits.":"Modifica os limites de uma jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica.","Set the limits to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ for prismatic joint _PARAM2_":"Definir os limites _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ para a jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica _PARAM2_","Minimum translation":"Transla\xE7\xE3o m\xEDnima","Maximum translation":"Transla\xE7\xE3o M\xE1xima","Prismatic joint minimum translation":"Transla\xE7\xE3o m\xEDnima da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint maximum translation":"Transla\xE7\xE3o m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint motor enabled":"Motor da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica habilitado","Check if a prismatic joint motor is enabled.":"Check if a prismatic joint motor is enabled.","Motor for prismatic joint _PARAM2_ is enabled":"Motor da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica _PARAM2_ est\xE1 habilitado","Enable prismatic joint motor":"Habilitar motor da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Enable or disable a prismatic joint motor.":"Habilita ou desabilita o motor de uma jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica.","Enable motor for prismatic joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Habilitar motor da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Prismatic joint motor speed":"Velocidade motora da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Modify a prismatic joint motor speed.":"Modifica a velocidade motora de uma jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica.","the motor force for prismatic joint _PARAM2_":"a for\xE7a motora da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica _PARAM2_","Prismatic joint max motor force":"For\xE7a motora m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Modify a prismatic joint maximum motor force.":"Modifica a for\xE7a motora m\xE1xima de uma jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica.","the maximum motor force for prismatic joint _PARAM2_":"a for\xE7a motora m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica _PARAM2_","Prismatic joint maximum motor force":"For\xE7a motora m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Prismatic joint motor force":"For\xE7a motora da jun\xE7\xE3o prism\xE1tica","Add pulley joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Add a pulley joint between two objects. Lengths are converted to meters using the world scale on X.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana entre dois objetos. Os comprimentos s\xE3o convertidos em metros usando a escala mundial em X.","Add a pulley joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana entre _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_","Joints/Pulley":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Roldana","Ground anchor X for first object":"\xC2ncora X de solo para o primeiro objeto","Ground anchor Y for first object":"\xC2ncora Y de solo para o primeiro objeto","Ground anchor X for second object":"\xC2ncora X de solo para o segundo objeto","Ground anchor Y for second object":"\xC2ncora Y de solo para o segundo objeto","Length for first object (-1 to use anchor positions) (default: -1)":"Comprimento para o primeiro objeto (-1 para usar posi\xE7\xF5es da \xE2ncora)(padr\xE3o: -1)","Length for second object (-1 to use anchor positions) (default: -1)":"Comprimento para o segundo objeto (-1 para usar posi\xE7\xF5es da \xE2ncora)(padr\xE3o: -1)","Ratio (non-negative) (default: 1":"Taxa (n\xE3o-negativa) (padr\xE3o: 1)","Pulley joint first ground anchor X":"Primeira \xE2ncora X de solo da jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Pulley joint first ground anchor Y":"Primeira \xE2ncora Y de solo da jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Pulley joint second ground anchor X":"Primeira \xE2ncora X de solo da jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Pulley joint second ground anchor Y":"Segunda \xE2ncora Y de solo da jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Pulley joint first length":"Comprimento prim\xE1rio da jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Pulley joint second length":"Comprimento secund\xE1rio da jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Pulley joint ratio":"Taxa da jun\xE7\xE3o de roldana","Add gear joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem","Add a gear joint between two joints. Attention: Gear joints require the joints to be revolute or prismatic, and both of them to be attached to a static body as first object.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem entre duas jun\xE7\xF5es. Aten\xE7\xE3o: Jun\xE7\xF5es de engrenagem requerem que as jun\xE7\xF5es sejam rotativas ou prism\xE1ticas, e ambas devem estar ligadas a um corpo est\xE1tico como primeiro objeto.","Add a gear joint between joints _PARAM2_ and _PARAM3_":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem entre as jun\xE7\xF5es _PARAM2_ e _PARAM3_","Joints/Gear":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Engrenagens","First joint ID":"ID da jun\xE7\xE3o prim\xE1ria","Second joint ID":"ID da jun\xE7\xE3o sencund\xE1ria","Ratio (non-zero) (default: 1)":"Taxa (n\xE3o-zero) (padr\xE3o: 1)","Gear joint first joint":"Jun\xE7\xE3o prim\xE1ria da jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem","Gear joint second joint":"Jun\xE7\xE3o secund\xE1ria da jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem","Gear joint ratio":"Taxa da jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem","Modify a Gear joint ratio.":"Modifica uma taxa de jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem.","the ratio for gear joint _PARAM2_":"a taxa para a jun\xE7\xE3o de engrenagem _PARAM2_","Add mouse joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse","Add a mouse joint to an object (makes the object move towards a specific point).":"Adiciona uma liga\xE7\xE3o de mouse a um objeto (faz o objeto se mover em dire\xE7\xE3o a um ponto espec\xEDfico).","Add a mouse joint to _PARAM0_":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse para _PARAM0_","Joints/Mouse":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Mouse","Target X":"Alvo X","Target Y":"Alvo Y","Maximum force (N) (non-negative) (default: 500)":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima (N) (n\xE3o-negativo) (padr\xE3o: 500)","Frequency (Hz) (positive) (default: 10)":"Frequ\xEAncia (Hz) (positivo) (padr\xE3o: 10)","Mouse joint target":"Alvo da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse","Set a mouse joint target.":"Define um alvo da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse.","Set the target position of mouse joint _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Define a posi\xE7\xE3o do alvo da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse _PARAM2_ de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_","Mouse joint target X":"X do alvo da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse","Mouse joint target Y":"Y do objetivo da jun\xE7\xE3o do mouse","Mouse joint max force":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse","Set a mouse joint maximum force.":"Define uma for\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse.","the maximum force for mouse joint _PARAM2_":"a for\xE7a m\xE1xima para a jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse _PARAM2_","Mouse joint maximum force":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse","Mouse joint frequency":"Frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse","Set a mouse joint frequency.":"Defina uma frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse.","the frequency for mouse joint _PARAM2_":"a frequ\xEAncia para a jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse _PARAM2_","Mouse joint damping ratio":"Taxa de amortecimento da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse","Set a mouse joint damping ratio.":"Define a taxa de amortecimento da jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse.","the damping ratio for mouse joint _PARAM2_":"a taxa de amortecimento para a jun\xE7\xE3o de mouse _PARAM2_","Add wheel joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Add a wheel joint between two objects. Higher frequencies means higher suspensions. Damping determines oscillations, critical damping of 1 means no oscillations.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de pneus entre dois objetos. Frequ\xEAncias maiores significam suspens\xF5es mais altas. Amortecimento determina oscila\xE7\xF5es, amortecimento cr\xEDtico de 1 significa sem oscila\xE7\xF5es.","Add a wheel joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adicione uma jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM4_","Joints/Wheel":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Pneus","Frequency (Hz) (non-negative) (default: 10)":"Frequ\xEAncia (Hz) (n\xE3o-negativo) (padr\xE3o: 10)","Wheel joint axis angle":"\xC2ngulo do eixo da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Wheel joint current translation":"Transla\xE7\xE3o atual da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Wheel joint current speed":"Velocidade atual da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Wheel joint speed":"Velocidade da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Wheel joint motor enabled":"Motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu ativado","Check if a wheel joint motor is enabled.":"Check if a wheel joint motor is enabled.","Motor for wheel joint _PARAM2_ is enabled":"O motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu _PARAM2_ est\xE1 ativado","Enable wheel joint motor":"Habilitar motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Enable or disable a wheel joint motor.":"Ativar ou desativar um motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu.","Enable motor for wheel joint _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Habilitar motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Wheel joint motor speed":"Velocidade do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Modify a wheel joint motor speed.":"Modificar velocidade de um motor de jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu.","the motor speed for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"a velocidade do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu _PARAM2_","Wheel joint max motor torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Modify a wheel joint maximum motor torque.":"Modifica o torque m\xE1ximo do motor de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu.","the maximum motor torque for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"o torque m\xE1ximo do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu _PARAM2_","Wheel joint maximum motor torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Wheel joint motor torque":"Torque do motor da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Wheel joint frequency":"Frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Modify a wheel joint frequency.":"Modifica uma frequ\xEAncia de jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu.","the frequency for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"a frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu _PARAM2_","Wheel joint damping ratio":"Taxa de amortecimento da jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu","Modify a wheel joint damping ratio.":"Modifica a taxa de amortecimento de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu.","the damping ratio for wheel joint _PARAM2_":"a taxa de amortecimento para a jun\xE7\xE3o de pneu _PARAM2_","Add weld joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de solda","Add a weld joint between two objects.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de solda entre dois objetos.","Add a weld joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de solda entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM4_","Joints/Weld":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Solda","Weld joint reference angle":"\xC2ngulo de refer\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o de solda","Weld joint frequency":"Frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o de solda","Modify a weld joint frequency.":"Modifica a frequ\xEAncia de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de solda.","the frequency for weld joint _PARAM2_":"a frequ\xEAncia da jun\xE7\xE3o de solda _PARAM2_","Weld joint damping ratio":"Taxa de amortecimento da jun\xE7\xE3o de solda","Modify a weld joint damping ratio.":"Modifica a taxa de amortecimento de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de solda.","the damping ratio for weld joint _PARAM2_":"a taxa de amortecimento para a jun\xE7\xE3o de solda _PARAM2_","Add rope joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de corda","Add a rope joint between two objects. The maximum length is converted to meters using the world scale on X.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de corda entre dois objetos. O comprimento m\xE1ximo \xE9 convertido para metros usando a escala mundial em X.","Add a rope joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adicione uma jun\xE7\xE3o de corda entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM4_","Joints/Rope":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Corda","Maximum length (-1 to use current objects distance) (default: -1)":"Comprimento m\xE1ximo (-1 para usar dist\xE2ncia atual de objetos) (padr\xE3o: -1)","Rope joint max length":"Comprimento m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de corda","Modify a rope joint maximum length.":"Modifica o comprimento m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de corda.","the maximum length for rope joint _PARAM2_":"o comprimento m\xE1ximo para a jun\xE7\xE3o de corda _PARAM2_","Rope joint maximum length":"Comprimento m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de corda","Add friction joint":"Adiciona jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito","Add a friction joint between two objects.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito entre dois objetos.","Add a friction joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM4_":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM4_","Joints/Friction":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Atrito","Maximum force (non-negative)":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima (n\xE3o-negativa)","Maximum torque (non-negative)":"Torque m\xE1ximo (n\xE3o-negativo)","Friction joint max force":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito","Modify a friction joint maximum force.":"Modifica a for\xE7a m\xE1xima de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito.","the maximum force for friction joint _PARAM2_":"a for\xE7a m\xE1xima para a jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito _PARAM2_","Friction joint maximum force":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o atrito","Friction joint max torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito","Modify a friction joint maximum torque.":"Modifica o torque m\xE1ximo de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito.","the maximum torque for friction joint _PARAM2_":"o torque m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito _PARAM2_","Friction joint maximum torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de atrito","Add motor joint":"Adicionar jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Add a motor joint between two objects. The position and angle offsets are relative to the first object.":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de motor entre dois objetos. A posi\xE7\xE3o e o \xE2ngulo de deslocamento s\xE3o relativos ao primeiro objeto.","Add a motor joint between _PARAM0_ and _PARAM2_":"Adiciona uma jun\xE7\xE3o de motor entre _PARAM0_ e _PARAM2_","Joints/Motor":"Jun\xE7\xF5es/Motor","Offset X position":"Deslocar da posi\xE7\xE3o X","Offset Y position":"Deslocar posi\xE7\xE3o Y","Offset Angle":"\xC2ngulo do Deslocamento","Correction factor (default: 1)":"Fator de corre\xE7\xE3o (padr\xE3o: 1)","Motor joint offset":"Deslocamento da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Modify a motor joint offset.":"Modifica o deslocamento de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de motor.","Set offset to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ for motor joint _PARAM2_":"Defina o deslocamento para _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_ para a jun\xE7\xE3o de motor _PARAM2_","Offset X":"Deslocamento X","Offset Y":"Deslocamento Y","Motor joint offset X":"Deslocamento X da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Motor joint offset Y":"Deslocamento Y da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Motor joint angular offset":"Deslocamento angular da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Modify a motor joint angular offset.":"Modifica o deslocamento angular de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de motor.","the angular offset for motor joint _PARAM2_":"o deslocamento angular da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor _PARAM2_","Motor joint max force":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Modify a motor joint maximum force.":"Modifica a for\xE7a m\xE1xima de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de motor.","the maximum force for motor joint _PARAM2_":"a for\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor _PARAM2_","Motor joint maximum force":"For\xE7a m\xE1xima da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Motor joint max torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o do motor","Modify a motor joint maximum torque.":"Modifica o torque m\xE1ximo de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de motor.","the maximum torque for motor joint _PARAM2_":"o torque m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor _PARAM2_","Motor joint maximum torque":"Torque m\xE1ximo da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Motor joint correction factor":"Fator de corre\xE7\xE3o da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor","Modify a motor joint correction factor.":"Modifica o fator de corre\xE7\xE3o de uma jun\xE7\xE3o de motor.","the correction factor for motor joint _PARAM2_":"o fator de corre\xE7\xE3o da jun\xE7\xE3o de motor _PARAM2_","Player Authentication":"Autentica\xE7\xE3o do Jogador","Allow your game to authenticate players.":"Permitir seu jogo a autenticar jogadores.","Display authentication banner":"Exibir banner de autentica\xE7\xE3o","Display an authentication banner at the top of the game screen, for the player to log in.":"Exibe um banner de autentica\xE7\xE3o no topo da tela do jogo, para o jogador se conectar.","Display an authentication banner":"Mostrar um banner de autentica\xE7\xE3o","Hide authentication banner":"Ocultar \u2018banner\u2019 de autentica\xE7\xE3o","Hide the authentication banner from the top of the game screen.":"Oculte o \u2018\u201Cbanner\u201D de autentica\xE7\xE3o na parte superior da tela do jogo.","Hide the authentication banner":"Ocultar o \u201Cbanner\u201D de autentica\xE7\xE3o","Open authentication window":"Abrir janela de autentica\xE7\xE3o","Open an authentication window for the player to log in.":"Abra uma janela de autentica\xE7\xE3o para o jogador se conectar.","Open an authentication window":"Abrir uma janela de autentica\xE7\xE3o","Authentication window is open":"Janela de autentica\xE7\xE3o aberta","Check if the authentication window is open.":"Verifique se a janela de autentica\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 aberta.","Log out the player":"Desconectar o jogador","Log out the player.":"Desconectar o jogador.","Get the username of the authenticated player.":"Obter o nome de usu\xE1rio do jogador autenticado.","User ID":"ID do usu\xE1rio","Get the unique user ID of the authenticated player.":"Obtenha o ID de usu\xE1rio exclusivo do jogador autenticado.","Player is authenticated":"Jogador \xE9 autenticado","Check if the player is authenticated.":"Verifique se o jogador est\xE1 autenticado.","Player has logged in":"O jogador se conectou","Check if the player has just logged in.":"Verifique se o jogador acabou de se conectar.","Firebase":"Firebase","Use Google Firebase services (database, functions, storage...) in your game.":"Usar os servi\xE7os do Google Firebase (banco de dados, fun\xE7\xF5es, armazenamento...) em seu jogo.","Firebase configuration string":"Texto de configura\xE7\xE3o do Firebase","Enable analytics":"Ativar telemetria","Enables Analytics for that project.":"Permite an\xE1lises para esse projeto.","Log an Event":"Registrar um evento","Triggers an Event/Conversion for the current user on the Analytics.Can also pass additional data to the Analytics":"Aciona um Evento/Convers\xE3o para o usu\xE1rio atual na Analytics.Pode tamb\xE9m passar dados adicionais para o Analytics","Trigger Event _PARAM0_ with argument _PARAM1_":"Gatilho o Evento _PARAM0_ com o argumento _PARAM1_","Event Name":"Nome do evento","Additional Data":"Dados adicionais","User UID":"ID de usu\xE1rio","Changes the current user's analytics identifier. This is what let Analytics differentiate user, so it should always be unique for each user. For advanced usage only.":"Altera o identificador de an\xE1lise do usu\xE1rio atual. Isto \xE9 o que permite que o Analytics diferencie o usu\xE1rio, por isso deve ser sempre \xFAnico para cada usu\xE1rio. Apenas para uso avan\xE7ado.","Set current user's ID to _PARAM0_":"Definir o ID do usu\xE1rio atual para _PARAM0_","New Unique ID":"Novo ID \xFAnico","Set a user's property":"Definir propriedade de um usu\xE1rio","Sets an user's properties.Can be used to classify user in Analytics.":"Define as propriedades de um usu\xE1rio. Pode ser usado para classificar o usu\xE1rio na an\xE1lise.","Set property _PARAM0_ of the current user to _PARAM1_":"Definir propriedade _PARAM0_ do usu\xE1rio atual para _PARAM1_","Property Name":"Nome de propriedade","Property Data":"Nome de propriedade","Get Remote setting as String":"Obter a configura\xE7\xE3o remota como String","Get a setting from Firebase Remote Config as a string.":"Obtenha uma configura\xE7\xE3o da configura\xE7\xE3o remota do Firebase como uma string.","Remote Config":"Configura\xE7\xE3o Remota","Setting Name":"Definir Nome","Get Remote setting as Number":"Obter configura\xE7\xE3o remota como n\xFAmero","Get a setting from Firebase Remote Config as Number.":"Obtenha uma configura\xE7\xE3o do Firebase Remote Config como n\xFAmero.","Set Remote Config Auto Update Interval":"Definir Intervalo de Atualiza\xE7\xE3o Autom\xE1tica de Configura\xE7\xE3o Remota","Sets Remote Config Auto Update Interval.":"Define o intervalo de atualiza\xE7\xE3o autom\xE1tica de configura\xE7\xE3o remota.","Set Remote Config Auto Update Interval to _PARAM0_":"Definir Intervalo de Atualiza\xE7\xE3o Autom\xE1tica de Configura\xE7\xE3o Remota para _PARAM0_","Update Interval in ms":"Intervalo de atualiza\xE7\xE3o em ms","Set the default configuration":"Definir a configura\xE7\xE3o padr\xE3o","As the Remote Config is stored online, you need to set default values or the Remote Config expressions to return while there is no internet or the config is still loading.":"Como a configura\xE7\xE3o remota est\xE1 armazenada online, voc\xEA precisa definir valores padr\xE3o ou express\xF5es da Configura\xE7\xE3o Remota para retornar quando n\xE3o h\xE1 internet ou a configura\xE7\xE3o ainda t\xE1 carregando.","Set default config to _PARAM0_":"Definir configura\xE7\xE3o padr\xE3o para _PARAM0_","Structure with defaults":"Estruturar com padr\xF5es","Force sync the configuration":"For\xE7ar a sincroniza\xE7\xE3o da configura\xE7\xE3o","Use this to sync the Remote Config with the client at any time.":"\"\"Use isso para sincronizar a Configura\xE7\xE3o Remota com o Cliente a qualquer momento.\"\".","Synchronize Remote Config":"Sincronizar Configura\xE7\xE3o Remota","Create account with email":"Criar conta com e-mail","Create an account with email and password as credentials.":"Crie uma conta com e-mail e senha como credenciais.","Create account with email _PARAM0_ and password _PARAM1_ (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Criar conta com o e-mail _PARAM0_ e senha _PARAM1_ (armazenamento resulta em _PARAM2_)","Authentication":"Autentica\xE7\xE3o","Callback variable with state (ok or error)":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno com estado (ok ou erro)","Sign into an account with email":"Entre em uma conta com e-mail","Sign into an account with email and password as credentials. ":"Entre em uma conta com e-mail e senha como credenciais. ","Connect to account with email _PARAM0_ and password _PARAM1_ (store result in _PARAM2_)":"Conectar \xE0 conta com e-mail _PARAM0_ e senha _PARAM1_ (armazenamento resulta em _PARAM2_)","Log out of the account":"Deslogar da conta","Logs out of the current account. ":"Deslogar da conta atual. ","Log out from the account":"Deslogar desta conta","Sign into an account via an external provider":"Fa\xE7a login em uma conta atrav\xE9s de um provedor externo","Signs into an account using an external provider's system. The available providers are: \"google\", \"facebook\", \"github\" and \"twitter\".\nProvider authentication only works in the browser! Not on previews or pc/mobile exports.":"Assina uma conta usando o sistema de um provedor externo. Os provedores dispon\xEDveis s\xE3o: \"google\", \"facebook\", \"github\" e \"twitter\".\nA autentica\xE7\xE3o provedor s\xF3 funciona no navegador! N\xE3o est\xE1 nas pr\xE9-visualiza\xE7\xF5es ou exporta\xE7\xF5es de pc/celular.","Connect to account via provider _PARAM0_ (store result in _PARAM1_)":"Conectar \xE0 conta atrav\xE9s do provedor _PARAM0_ (resultado da loja em _PARAM1_)","Provider":"Provedor","Sign In as an anonymous guest":"Entrar como um convidado an\xF4nimo","Sign into a temporary anonymous account.":"Entrar em uma conta an\xF4nima tempor\xE1ria.","Authenticate anonymously (store result in _PARAM0_)":"Autenticar anonimamente (armazenamento do resultado em _PARAM0_)","Is the user signed in?":"O usu\xE1rio est\xE1 conectado?","Checks if the user is signed in. \nYou should always use this before actions requiring authentications.":"Verifique se o usu\xE1rio est\xE1 conectado. \nVoc\xEA deve sempre usar isso antes das a\xE7\xF5es que requerem autentica\xE7\xE3o.","Check for authentication":"Checar por autentica\xE7\xE3o","User authentication token":"S\xEDmbolo de autentica\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio","Get the user authentication token. The token is the proof of authentication.":"Obter o token de autentica\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio. O token \xE9 o comprovante de autentica\xE7\xE3o.","Is the user email address verified":"O endere\xE7o de email est\xE1 verificado","Checks if the email address of the user got verified.":"Verifica se o endere\xE7o de e-mail do usu\xE1rio foi verificado.","The email of the user is verified":"O email do usu\xE1rio est\xE1 verificado","Authentication/User Management":"Autentica\xE7\xE3o/Gerenciamento de Usu\xE1rio","User email address":"Endere\xE7o de Gmail do usu\xE1rio","Return the user email address.":"Retorne o endere\xE7o de e-mail do usu\xE1rio.","Accounts creation time":"Hora de cria\xE7\xE3o das contas","Return the accounts creation time.":"Retorne o hor\xE1rio de cria\xE7\xE3o das contas.","User last login time":"Hora do \xFAltimo \u2018login\u2019 do usu\xE1rio","Return the user last login time.":"Retorne a hora do \xFAltimo \u2018login\u2019 do usu\xE1rio.","User display name":"Nome de exibi\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio","Return the user display name.":"Retorne o nome de exibi\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio.","User phone number":"N\xFAmero de telefone do usu\xE1rio","Return the user phone number.":"Retorne o n\xFAmero de telefone do usu\xE1rio.","Return the user Unique IDentifier. Use that to link data to an user instead of the name or email.":"Retorne o identificador exclusivo do usu\xE1rio. Use isso para vincular dados a um usu\xE1rio em vez do nome ou endere\xE7o eletr\xF4nico.","User tenant ID":"ID do locat\xE1rio do usu\xE1rio","Return the user tenant ID. For advanced usage only.":"Retorne o ID do locat\xE1rio do usu\xE1rio. Apenas para uso atacante.","User refresh token":"Tomento de atualiza\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio","Return the user refresh token. For advanced usage only.":"Retorne o tomento de atualiza\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio. Apenas para uso atacante.","Profile picture URL":"URL da foto do perfil","Gets an URL to the user profile picture.":"Obt\xE9m uma URL para a imagem de perfil do usu\xE1rio.","Send a password reset email":"Enviar um e-mail de redefini\xE7\xE3o de senha","Send a password reset link per email.":"Enviar um link de redefini\xE7\xE3o de senha por e-mail.","Email of the user whose password must be reset":"E-mail do usu\xE1rio cuja senha deve ser redefinida","Send a verification email":"Enviar e-mail de verifica\xE7\xE3o","Send a link per email to verify the user email.":"Enviar um link por e-mail para confirmar o e-mail do usu\xE1rio.","Display name":"Nome de exibi\xE7\xE3o","Sets the user display name.":"Define o nome de exibi\xE7\xE3o do usu\xE1rio.","Set the user's display name to _PARAM0_":"Defina o nome do usu\xE1rio para _PARAM0_","New display name":"Novo nome de exibi\xE7\xE3o","Profile picture":"Foto do perfil","Change the user profile picture URL to a new one.":"Altere o URL da imagem do perfil do usu\xE1rio para um novo.","Change the user's profile picture URL to _PARAM0_":"Altere o URL da foto do perfil do usu\xE1rio para _PARAM0_","New profile picture URL":"URL da foto de novo perfil","User email":"Email do usu\xE1rio","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user's email address.":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 perigosa e requer reautentica\xE7\xE3o.\nAltera o endere\xE7o de email do usu\xE1rio.","Change the user's email to _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM4_ (send verification email: _PARAM3_)":"Altere o e-mail do usu\xE1rio para _PARAM0_ e armazene o resultado em _PARAM4_ (enviar e-mail de verifica\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM3_)","Authentication/User Management/Advanced":"Autentica\xE7\xE3o/Gerenciamento de Usu\xE1rio/Avan\xE7ado","Old email":"E-mail antigo","New email":"Novo e-mail","Send a verification email before doing the change?":"Enviar um e-mail de verifica\xE7\xE3o antes de fazer a altera\xE7\xE3o?","User email (Provider)":"E-mail do usu\xE1rio (Provedor)","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user's email address.\nThis is the same as Change the user email but reauthenticates via an external provider.":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 perigosa e requer reautentica\xE7\xE3o.\nAltera o endere\xE7o de email do usu\xE1rio.\nIsso \xE9 o mesmo que Alterar o e-mail do usu\xE1rio, mas autentica novamente atrav\xE9s de um provedor externo.","Change the user's email to _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (send verification email: _PARAM1_)":"Alterar o e-mail do usu\xE1rio para _PARAM0_ e armazenar o resultado em _PARAM2_ (enviar e-mail de verifica\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM1_)","User password":"Senha do usu\xE1rio","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user password.":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 perigosa e requer reautentica\xE7\xE3o.\nAltera a senha do usu\xE1rio.","Change the user password to _PARAM2_ and store result in _PARAM4_ (send verification email: _PARAM3_)":"Alterar a senha do usu\xE1rio para _PARAM2_ e armazenar o resultado na _PARAM4_ (enviar e-mail de verifica\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM3_)","Old password":"Senha antiga","New password":"Nova Senha","User password (Provider)":"Senha do usu\xE1rio (Provedor)","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nChanges the user password.\nThis is the same as \"Change the user password\" but reauthenticates via an external provider.":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 perigosa e requer reautentica\xE7\xE3o.\nAltera a senha do usu\xE1rio.\nIsso \xE9 o mesmo que \"Alterar a senha do usu\xE1rio\", mas reautentica-se atrav\xE9s de um provedor externo.","Change the user password to _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (send verification email: _PARAM1_)":"Alterar a senha do usu\xE1rio para _PARAM0_ e armazenar o resultado em _PARAM2_ (enviar e-mail de verifica\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM1_)","New Password":"Nova Senha","Delete the user account":"Excluir conta de usu\xE1rio","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nDeletes the user account.":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 perigosa e requer reautentica\xE7\xE3o.\nExclui a conta de usu\xE1rio.","Delete the user account and store result in _PARAM2_":"Excluir conta de usu\xE1rio e resultado da loja em _PARAM2_","Delete the user account (Provider)":"Excluir a conta do usu\xE1rio (Provedor)","This action is dangerous so it requires reauthentication.\nDeletes the user account.\nThis is the same as \"Delete the user account\" but reauthenticates via an external provider.":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o \xE9 perigosa e requer reautentica\xE7\xE3o.\nExclui a conta de usu\xE1rio.\nIsso \xE9 o mesmo que \"Excluir a conta do usu\xE1rio\", mas se autentica novamente atrav\xE9s de um provedor externo.","Delete the user account and store result in _PARAM0_":"Exclua a conta do usu\xE1rio e armazena o resultado em _PARAM0_","Enable performance measuring":"Habilitar medi\xE7\xE3o de desempenho","Enables performance measuring.":"Habilitar medi\xE7\xE3o de desempenho.","Performance Measuring":"Medi\xE7\xE3o de Desempenho","Create a custom performance tracker":"Criar um rastreador de desempenho personalizado","Creates a new custom performance tracker (If it doesn't already exists). They are used to measure performance of custom events.":"Cria um novo rastreador de desempenho personalizado (se ele ainda n\xE3o existir). Eles s\xE3o usados para medir o desempenho de eventos personalizados.","Create performance tracker: _PARAM0_":"Criar rastreador de desempenho: _PARAM0_","Tracker Name":"Nome do rastreador","Start a tracer":"Iniciar um rastreador","Start measuring performance for that tracer":"Inicia a medi\xE7\xE3o do desempenho desse rastreador","Start performance measuring on tracer _PARAM0_":"Inicia a medi\xE7\xE3o do desempenho no rastreador _PARAM0_","Stop a tracer":"Parar um rastreador","Stop measuring performance for that tracer":"Para a medi\xE7\xE3o do desempenho desse rastreador","Stop performance measuring on tracer _PARAM0_":"Para a medi\xE7\xE3o do desempenho no rastreador _PARAM0_","Record performance":"Registrar desempenho","Record performance for a delimited period of time. Use this if you want to measure the performance for a specified duration.":"Registrar desempenho por um per\xEDodo delimitado de tempo. Use isto se voc\xEA deseja medir o desempenho por uma dura\xE7\xE3o especificada.","Record performance for _PARAM1_ms with a delay of _PARAM2_ms (store in tracker _PARAM0_)":"Registrar o desempenho para _PARAM1_ms com um atraso de _PARAM2_ms (armazenar no rastreador _PARAM0_)","Delay before measuring start (in ms)":"Atraso antes de medir o in\xEDcio (em ms)","Measuring duration (in ms)":"Dura\xE7\xE3o da medi\xE7\xE3o (em ms)","Call a HTTP function":"Chamar uma fun\xE7\xE3o HTTP","Calls a HTTP function by name, and store the result in a variable.":"Chama uma fun\xE7\xE3o HTTP por nome e armazena o resultado em uma vari\xE1vel.","Call HTTP Function _PARAM0_ with parameter(s) _PARAM1_ (Callback variables: Value: _PARAM2_ State: _PARAM3_)":"Chamar a fun\xE7\xE3o HTTP _PARAM0_ com o(s) par\xE2metro(s) _PARAM1_ (Vari\xE1veis de retorno: Valor: _PARAM2_ Estado: _PARAM3_)","HTTP Function Name":"Nome da Fun\xE7\xE3o HTTP","Parameter(s) as JSON or string.":"Par\xE2metro(s) como JSON ou string.","Callback variable with returned value":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno com valor retornado","Get server timestamp":"Obter timestamp do servidor","Set a field to the timestamp on the server when the request arrives there":"Defina um campo para o timestamp no servidor quando o pedido chegar l\xE1","Cloud Firestore Database":"Banco de dados de Cloud Firestore","Start a query":"Iniciar uma consulta","Start a query on a collection. A query allows to get a filtered and ordered list of documents in a collection.":"Inicie uma consulta em uma cole\xE7\xE3o. Uma consulta permite obter uma lista filtrada e ordenada de documentos em uma cole\xE7\xE3o.","Create a query named _PARAM0_ for collection _PARAM1_":"Crie uma consulta chamada _PARAM0_ para a cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_","Cloud Firestore Database/Queries/Create":"Cloud Firestore banco de dados/Queridos/Criar","Query name":"Nome da consulta","Collection":"Cole\xE7\xE3o","Start a query from another query":"Inicie uma consulta a partir de outra consulta","Start a query with the same collection and filters as another one.":"Inicie uma consulta com a mesma cole\xE7\xE3o e filtros de outra.","Create a query named _PARAM0_ from query _PARAM1_":"Crie uma consulta chamada _PARAM0_ a partir da consulta _PARAM1_","Source query name":"Nome da consulta de origem","Filter by field value":"Filtrar por valor de campo","Only match the documents that have a field passing a check.":"Corresponder apenas aos documentos que possuem um campo aprovado em uma verifica\xE7\xE3o.","Filter query _PARAM0_ to only keep documents whose field _PARAM1__PARAM2__PARAM3_":"Filtrar a consulta _PARAM0_ para manter apenas documentos cujo campo _PARAM1__PARAM2__PARAM3_","Cloud Firestore Database/Queries/Filters":"Cloud Firestore banco de dados/Queridos/Filtros","Field to check":"Campo a ser verificado","Check type":"Verificar tipo","Value to check":"Valor a verificar","Filter by field text":"Filtrar por texto de campo","Filter query _PARAM0_ to remove documents whose field _PARAM1_ is not _PARAM2__PARAM3_":"Filtre a consulta _PARAM0_ para remover documentos cujo campo _PARAM1_ n\xE3o seja _PARAM2__PARAM3_","Text to check":"Texto a verificar","Order by field value":"Ordenar por valor do campo","Orders all documents in the query by a the value of a field.":"Ordena todos os documentos na consulta pelo valor de um campo.","Order query _PARAM0_ by field _PARAM1_ (direction: _PARAM2_)":"Solicitar consulta _PARAM0_ por campo _PARAM1_ (dire\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM2_)","Field to order by":"Campo para pedir por","Direction (ascending or descending)":"Dire\xE7\xE3o (ascendente ou descendente)","Limit amount of documents":"Limitar quantidade de documentos","Limits the amount of documents returned by the query. Can only be used after an order filter.":"Limita a quantidade de documentos retornados pela consulta. S\xF3 pode ser usado ap\xF3s um filtro de pedido.","Limit query _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_ documents (begin from the end: _PARAM2_)":"Limitar consulta _PARAM0_ a _PARAM1_ documentos (come\xE7ar do final: _PARAM2_)","Amount to limit by":"Quantidade a limitar por","Begin from the end":"Comece do fim","Skip some documents":"Ignorar alguns documentos","Removes documents before or after a certain value on the field ordered by in a query. Can only be used after an order filter.":"Remove documentos antes ou depois de um determinado valor no campo ordenado por uma consulta. S\xF3 pode ser utilizado ap\xF3s um filtro de encomenda.","Skip documents with fields (before: _PARAM2_) value _PARAM1_ in query _PARAM0_ (include documents at that value: _PARAM3_)":"Pule documentos com campos (antes de: _PARAM2_) valor _PARAM1_ na consulta _PARAM0_ (inclua documentos com esse valor: _PARAM3_)","The value of the field ordered by to skip after":"O valor do campo ordenado por para pular depois","Skip documents before?":"Ignorar documentos antes?","Include documents which field value equals the value to skip after?":"Incluir documentos cujo valor de campo \xE9 igual ao valor a ser ignorado?","Run a query once":"Executar uma consulta uma vez","Runs the query once and store results in a scene variable.":"Executa a consulta uma vez e armazena os resultados em uma vari\xE1vel de cena.","Run query _PARAM0_ and store results into _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Execute a consulta _PARAM0_ e armazene os resultados em _PARAM1_ (armazene o estado do resultado em _PARAM2_)","Cloud Firestore Database/Queries/Run":"Banco de dados/consultas/execu\xE7\xE3o do Cloud Firestore","Callback variable where to load the results":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno de chamada onde carregar os resultados","Callback variable with state (ok or error message)":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno de chamada com estado (ok ou mensagem de erro)","Continuously run (watch) a query":"Executar (observar) continuamente uma consulta","Runs a query continuously, so that every time a new documents starts or stops matching the query, or a document that matches the query has been changed, the variables will be filled with the new results.":"Executa uma consulta continuamente, para que cada vez que um novo documento inicia ou pare de corresponder \xE0 consulta, ou um documento que corresponda \xE0 consulta foi alterado, as vari\xE1veis ser\xE3o preenchidas com os novos resultados.","Run query _PARAM0_ continuously and store results into _PARAM1_ each time documents matching the query are changed (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Execute uma consulta _PARAM0_ continuamente e armazene os resultados em _PARAM1_ cada vez que documentos correspondentes \xE0 consulta s\xE3o alterados (estado do resultado de armazenamento em _PARAM2_)","Enable persistence":"Habilita a persist\xEAncia","When persistence is enabled, all data that is fetched from the database is being automatically stored to allow to continue accessing the data if cut off from the network, instead of waiting for reconnection.\nThis needs to be called before any other firestore operation, otherwise it will fail.":"Quando a persist\xEAncia estiver habilitada, todos os dados que s\xE3o obtidos do banco de dados est\xE3o sendo armazenados automaticamente para permitir que continue acessando os dados se desligado da rede em vez de esperar por reconex\xE3o.\nIsto precisa ser chamado antes de qualquer outra opera\xE7\xE3o de restaura\xE7\xE3o, caso contr\xE1rio ela falhar\xE1.","Disable persistence":"Desabilita a persist\xEAncia","Disables the storing of fetched data and clear all the data that has been stored.\nThis needs to be called before any other firestore operation, otherwise it will fail.":"Desabilita o armazenamento de dados obtidos e limpa todos os dados armazenados.\nIsto precisa ser chamado antes de qualquer outra opera\xE7\xE3o de restaura\xE7\xE3o, caso contr\xE1rio ela falhar\xE1.","Re-enable network":"Reativa a rede","Re-enables the connection to the database after disabling it.":"Reativa a conex\xE3o ao banco de dados ap\xF3s desativ\xE1-la.","Disable network":"Desativar rede","Disables the connection to the database.\nWhile the network is disabled, any read operations will return results from cache, and any write operations will be queued until the network is restored.":"Desativa a conex\xE3o com o banco de dados.\nEnquanto a rede estiver desativada, todas as opera\xE7\xF5es de leitura retornar\xE3o os resultados do cache, e quaisquer opera\xE7\xF5es de grava\xE7\xE3o ser\xE3o colocadas na fila at\xE9 que a rede seja restaurada.","Write a document to firestore":"Escreve um documento para a restaura\xE7\xE3o","Writes a document (variable) to cloud firestore.":"Escreve um documento (vari\xE1vel) na Cloud Firestore.","Write _PARAM2_ to firestore in document _PARAM1_ of collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Escrever _PARAM2_ na firestore no docuemento _PARAM1_ da cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM_ (armazenar o estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Cloud Firestore Database/Documents":"Banco de dados/documentos do Nuvem Firestore","Document":"Documento","Variable to write":"Vari\xE1vel para escrever","Add a document to firestore":"Adicione um documento ao firestore","Adds a document (variable) to cloud firestore with a unique name.":"Adiciona um documento (vari\xE1vel) ao cloud firestore com um nome exclusivo.","Add _PARAM1_ to firestore collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Adicione _PARAM1_ \xE0 cole\xE7\xE3o do firestore _PARAM0_ (armazene o estado do resultado em _PARAM2_)","Write a field in firestore":"Escrever um campo na firestore","Writes a field of a firestore document.":"Escreve um campo em um documento na firestore.","Write _PARAM3_ to firestore in field _PARAM2_ of document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM4_, merge instead of overwriting: _PARAM5_)":"_PARAM1_ na cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM4_, mescla em vez de substituir: _PARAM5_)","Cloud Firestore Database/Fields":"Banco de dados/campos do Nuvem Firestore","Field to write":"Campo para escrever","Value to write":"Valor a ser escrito","If the document already exists, merge them instead of replacing the old one?":"Se o documento j\xE1 existir, mescle-os em vez de substituir o antigo?","Update a document in firestore":"Atualiza um documento na restaura\xE7\xE3o","Updates a firestore document (variable).":"Atualiza um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o (vari\xE1vel).","Update firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ with _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Atualiza um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ na cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ com _PARAM2_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Variable to update with":"Vari\xE1vel a ser atualizada com","Update a field of a document":"Atualiza um campo de um documento","Updates a field of a firestore document.":"Atualiza um campo de um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o.","Update field _PARAM2_ of firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ with _PARAM3_ (store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Atualiza um campo _PARAM2_ de um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ na cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ com _PARAM3_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM4_)","Field to update":"Campo a ser atualizado","Delete a document in firestore":"Exclui um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o","Deletes a firestore document (variable).":"Exclui um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o (vari\xE1vel).","Delete firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Exclui um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ na cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM2_)","Delete a field of a document":"Exclui um campo de um documento","Deletes a field of a firestore document.":"Exclui um campo de um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o.","Delete field _PARAM2_ of firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ with (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Exclui um campo _PARAM2_ de um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ na cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Field to delete":"Campo a ser exclu\xEDdo","Get a document from firestore":"Obt\xE9m um documeto para restaura\xE7\xE3o","Gets a firestore document and store it in a variable.":"Obt\xE9m um documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o e o armazena em uma vari\xE1vel.","Load firestore document _PARAM1_ from collection _PARAM0_ into _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Carrega um documento _PARAM1_ da cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ em _PARAM2_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Callback variable where to load the document":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno de chamada onde carregar o documento","Get a field of a document":"Obter um campo de um documento","Return the value of a field in a firestore document.":"Retorne o valor de um campo em um documento estorreira.","Load field _PARAM2_ of firestore document _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ into _PARAM3_ (store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Carregar campo _PARAM2_ do documento de restaura\xE7\xE3o de fibra _PARAM1_ na cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ em _PARAM3_ (armazenar estado do resultado na _PARAM4_)","Field to get":"Campo para obter","Callback variable where to store the field's value":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno onde armazenar o valor do campo","Check for a document's existence":"Verificar a exist\xEAncia de um documento","Checks for the existence of a document. Sets the result variable to true if it exists else to false.":"Checa a exist\xEAncia de um documento. Define o resultado da vari\xE1vel como verdadeiro se existir defina como false.","Check for existence of _PARAM1_ in collection _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Verificar a exist\xEAncia de _PARAM1_ na cole\xE7\xE3o _PARAM0_ e armazenar resultado em _PARAM2_ (armazenar estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Callback variable where to store the result":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno onde armazenar o valor do campo","Check for existence of a document's field":"Verificar a exist\xEAncia de campo de um documento","Checks for the existence of a field in a document. Sets the result variable to 1 if it exists else to 2.":"Verifica a exist\xEAncia de um campo em um documento. Define a vari\xE1vel do resultado como 1 se ele existir diferente de 2.","Check for existence of _PARAM2_ in document _PARAM1_ of collection _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM3_ (store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Verificar a exist\xEAncia de _PARAM2_ no documento _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ de cole\xE7\xE3o e armazenamento de resultado em _PARAM3_ (armazenar estado do resultado em _PARAM4_)","Callback Variable where to store the result":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno onde armazenar o resultado","List all documents of a collection":"Listar todos os documentos de uma cole\xE7\xE3o","Generates a list of all document names in a collection, and stores it as a structure.":"Gera uma lista de todos os nomes de documentos em uma cole\xE7\xE3o e a armazena como uma estrutura.","List all documents in _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Lista todos os documentos em _PARAM0_ e armazena em _PARAM1_ (armazenar estado resultado em _PARAM2_)","Upload a file":"Enviar um arquivo","Upload a file to firebase Storage.":"Envie um arquivo para o armazenamento do fireBase.","Save _PARAM0_ in location _PARAM1_ to Firebase storage and store access URL in _PARAM3_ (Format: _PARAM2_, Store result state in _PARAM4_)":"Salve _PARAM0_ na localiza\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ para o armazenamento do Firebase e armazene a URL de acesso em _PARAM3_ (Formato: _PARAM2_, estado de resultado da loja em _PARAM4_)","Storage":"Armazenamento","Upload ID":"Enviar ID","File content":"Conte\xFAdo do arquivo","Storage path":"Caminho de armazenamento","File content format":"Formato do arquivo","Callback variable with the url to the uploaded file":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno com o URL para o arquivo enviado","Get Download URL":"Obter URL de download","Get a unique download URL for a file.":"Obter uma URL de download \xFAnica para um arquivo.","Get a download url for _PARAM0_ and store it in _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Obter uma url de download para _PARAM0_ e armazen\xE1-la em _PARAM1_ (armazenar estado de resultado em _PARAM2_)","Storage path to the file":"Caminho de armazenamento para o arquivo","Write a variable to Database":"Escrever uma vari\xE1vel para o banco de dados","Writes a variable to Database.":"Escreve uma vari\xE1vel para o Banco de Dados.","Write _PARAM1_ to Database in _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Escrever _PARAM1_ \xE0 base de dados em _PARAM0_ (armazenar o estado do resultado em _PARAM2_)","Realtime Database":"Banco de Dados em Tempo Real","Write a field in Database":"Escrever um campo no banco de dados","Writes a field of a Database document.":"Escreve um campo de um documento de banco de dados.","Write _PARAM2_ in field _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Escrever _PARAM2_ no campo _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ (armazenar estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Update a document in Database":"Atualizar um documento no Banco de Dados","Updates a variable on the database.":"Atualiza uma vari\xE1vel no banco de dados.","Update variable _PARAM0_ with _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Atualize a vari\xE1vel _PARAM0_ com _PARAM1_ (armazene o estado do resultado em _PARAM2_)","Updates a field of a Database document.":"Atualiza um campo de um documento do banco de dados.","Update field _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ with _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Atualizar campo _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ com _PARAM2_ (armazenar estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Delete a database variable":"Excluir uma vari\xE1vel de banco de dados","Deletes a variable from the database.":"Exclui uma vari\xE1vel do banco de dados.","Delete variable _PARAM0_ from database (store result state in _PARAM1_)":"Excluir a vari\xE1vel _PARAM0_ do banco de dados (estado do resultado da armazenagem em _PARAM1_)","Delete a field of a variable":"Apagar um campo de uma vari\xE1vel","Deletes a field of a variable on the database.":"Exclui um campo de uma vari\xE1vel no banco de dados.","Delete field _PARAM1_ of variable _PARAM0_ on the database (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Excluir campo _PARAM1_ da vari\xE1vel _PARAM0_ no banco de dados (armazenar estado resultante em _PARAM2_)","Get a variable from the database":"Obter uma vari\xE1vel do banco de dados","Gets a variable from the database and store it in a Scene variable.":"Obt\xE9m uma vari\xE1vel do banco de dados e armazen\xE1-la em uma vari\xE1vel de cena.","Load database variable _PARAM0_ into _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Carrega a vari\xE1vel do banco de dados _PARAM0_ em _PARAM1_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM2_)","Callback variable where to store the data":"Vari\xE1vel de retorno sobre onde armazenar o dado","Get a field of a variable":"Obt\xE9m um campo de uma vari\xE1vel","Return the value of a field in a variable from the database and store it in a scene variable.":"Retorna o valor de um campo em uma vari\xE1vel do banco de dados e armazena-o em uma vari\xE1vel de cena.","Load field _PARAM1_ of database variable _PARAM0_ into _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Carrega o campo _PARAM1_ da vari\xE1vel _PARAM0_ do banco de dados em _PARAM2_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Check for a variable's existence":"Verifica a exist\xEAncia de uma vari\xE1vel","Checks for the existence of a variable. Sets the result variable to 1 if it exists else to 2.":"Verifica a exist\xEAncia de uma vari\xE1vel. Define a vari\xE1vel resultante para 1 se ela existir, caso contr\xE1rio ser\xE1 2.","Check for existence of _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM1_ (store result state in _PARAM2_)":"Verifica a exist\xEAncia de _PARAM0_ e armazena o resultado em _PARAM1_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM2_)","Check for existence of a variable's field":"Verifica a exist\xEAncia do campo de uma vari\xE1vel","Checks for the existence of a field in a variable. Sets the result variable to 1 if it exists else to 2.":"Verifica a exist\xEAncia de um campo em uma vari\xE1vel. Define a vari\xE1vel resultante para 1 se ela existir, caso contr\xE1rio ser\xE1 2.","Check for existence of _PARAM1_ in database variable _PARAM0_ and store result in _PARAM2_ (store result state in _PARAM3_)":"Verificar a exist\xEAncia de _PARAM1_ na vari\xE1vel _PARAM0_ do banco de dados e armazena o resultado em _PARAM2_ (armazena o estado do resultado em _PARAM3_)","Screenshot":"Captura de Tela","Take screenshot":"Tirar Captura de Tela","Take a screenshot of the game, and save it to a png file (supported only when running on Windows/Linux/macOS).":"Tire uma captura de tela do jogo e salve em um arquivo png (suportado apenas quando executado no Windows/Linux/macOS).","Take a screenshot and save at _PARAM1_":"Tire uma captura de tela e salve em _PARAM1_","Save path":"Salvar trajeto (Trajeto \xE9 a pasta ou caminho selecionado anteriormente)","File system":"Sistema de ficheiros","Access the filesystem of the operating system.":"Acessar o sistema de arquivos do sistema operacional.","File or directory exists":"Arquivo ou diret\xF3rio existe","Check if the file or directory exists.":"Verifique se o arquivo ou diret\xF3rio existe.","The path _PARAM0_ exists":"O caminho _PARAM0_ existe","Windows, Linux, MacOS":"Windows, Linux, MacOS","Path to file or directory":"Caminho para o arquivo ou diret\xF3rio","Create a directory":"Criar um diret\xF3rio","Create a new directory at the specified path.":"Criar um novo diret\xF3rio no caminho especificado.","Create directory _PARAM0_":"Criar diret\xF3rio _PARAM0_","Directory":"Diretorio","(Optional) Variable to store the result. 'ok': task was successful, 'error': an error occurred.":"(Opcional) Vari\xE1vel para armazenar o resultado. 'ok' indica que a tarefa foi conclu\xEDda com sucesso, 'erro' indica que ocorreu um erro.","Save a text into a file":"Salvar um texto em um Arquivo","Save a text into a file. Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Salvar um texto em um arquivo. Somente use isso em arquivos pequenos para evitar qualquer atraso ou travamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo.","Save _PARAM0_ into file _PARAM1_":"Salvar _PARAM0_ para o arquivo _PARAM1_","Save a text into a file (Async)":"Salvar um texto em um arquivo (Async)","Save a text into a file asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Salvar um texto em um arquivo assincronamente. Use isso para arquivos grandes para evitar qualquer lag ou travamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo. O 'Resultado' vari\xE1vel se atualiza quando a opera\xE7\xE3o terminar.","Windows, Linux, MacOS/Asynchronous":"Windows, Linux, MacOS/Ass\xEDncrono","Save a scene variable into a JSON file":"Salvar a cena variavel em um arquivo JSON","Save a scene variable (including, for structure, all the children) into a file in JSON format. Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Salvar uma vari\xE1vel de cena (incluindo, para estrutura, todos os filhos) em um arquivo no formato JSON. Use isso apenas em arquivos pequenos para evitar qualquer atraso ou travamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo.","Save scene variable _PARAM0_ into file _PARAM1_ as JSON":"Salvar vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_ no arquivo _PARAM1_ como JSON","Save a scene variable into a JSON file (Async)":"Salvar uma vari\xE1vel de cena em um arquivo JSON (Async)","Save the scene variable (including, for structures, all the children) into a file in JSON format, asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Salvar a vari\xE1vel de cena (incluindo, para estruturas, todos os filhos) em um arquivo no formato JSON, de forma ass\xEDncrona. Use isso para arquivos grandes para evitar qualquer lag ou congelamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo. A vari\xE1vel 'resultado' \xE9 atualizada quando a opera\xE7\xE3o terminar.","Load a text from a file (Async)":"Carregar um texto de um arquivo (Async)","Load a text from a file, asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The content of the file will be available in the scene variable after a small delay (usually a few milliseconds). The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Carregar um texto de um arquivo, de forma ass\xEDncrona. Use isto para arquivos grandes para evitar qualquer lag ou congelamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo. O conte\xFAdo do arquivo estar\xE1 dispon\xEDvel na vari\xE1vel de cena ap\xF3s um pequeno atraso (geralmente alguns milissegundos). A vari\xE1vel 'resultado' \xE9 atualizada quando a opera\xE7\xE3o termina.","Load text from _PARAM1_ into scene variable _PARAM0_ (Async)":"Carregar o texto de _PARAM1_ dentro da vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_ (Async)","Load path":"Carregar caminho","Normalize the file content (recommended)":"Normalizar o conte\xFAdo do arquivo (recomendado)","This replaces Windows new lines characters (\"CRLF\") by a single new line character.":"Isso substitui os caracteres de novas linhas do Windows (\"CRLF\") por um \xFAnico caractere de nova linha.","Load a text from a file":"Salvar um texto de um arquivo","Load a text from a file. Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Carregar um texto de um arquivo. Use isso apenas em arquivos pequenos para evitar qualquer atraso ou travamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo.","Load text from _PARAM1_ into scene variable _PARAM0_":"Carregar o texto de _PARAM1_ dentro da vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_","Load a scene variable from a JSON file":"Carregar uma vari\xE1vel de cena de um arquivo JSON","Load a JSON formatted text from a file and convert it to a scene variable (potentially a structure variable with children). Only use this on small files to avoid any lag or freeze during the game execution.":"Carregar um texto formatado em JSON de um arquivo e convert\xEA-lo em uma vari\xE1vel de cena (potencialmente uma vari\xE1vel de estrutura com filhos). Use isso apenas em arquivos pequenos para evitar qualquer atraso ou travamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo.","Load JSON from _PARAM1_ into scene variable _PARAM0_":"Carregar JSON de _PARAM1_ dentro da vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_","Load a scene variable from a JSON file (Async)":"Carregar uma vari\xE1vel de cena de um arquivo JSON (Async)","Load a JSON formatted text from a file and convert it to a scene variable (potentially a structure variable with children), asynchronously. Use this for large files to avoid any lag or freeze during game execution. The content of the file will be available as a scene variable after a small delay (usually a few milliseconds). The 'result' variable gets updated when the operation has finished.":"Carregar um texto de um arquivo formatado em JSON e convert\xEA-lo em uma vari\xE1vel de cena (potencialmente uma vari\xE1vel de estrutura com filhos), de forma ass\xEDncrona. Use isso para arquivos grandes para evitar qualquer lag ou congelamento durante a execu\xE7\xE3o do jogo. O conte\xFAdo do arquivo estar\xE1 dispon\xEDvel como vari\xE1vel de cena ap\xF3s um pequeno atraso (geralmente alguns milissegundos). A vari\xE1vel 'resultado' \xE9 atualizada quando a opera\xE7\xE3o termina.","Delete a file from the filesystem.":"Excluir um arquivo do sistema de arquivos.","Delete the file _PARAM0_":"Excluir o arquivo _PARAM0_","File path":"Caminho do arquivo","Delete a file (Async)":"Excluir um arquivo (Async)","Delete a file from the filesystem asynchronously. The option result variable will be updated once the file is deleted.":"Excluir um arquivo do sistema de arquivos de forma ass\xEDncrona. A vari\xE1vel de resultado da op\xE7\xE3o ser\xE1 atualizada assim que o arquivo for exclu\xEDdo.","Read a directory":"Ler um diret\xF3rio","Reads the contents of a directory (all files and sub-directories) and stores them in an array.":"L\xEA o conte\xFAdo de um diret\xF3rio (todos os arquivos e subdiret\xF3rios) e os armazena em uma matriz.","Read the directory _PARAM0_ into _PARAM1_":"Leia o diret\xF3rio _PARAM0_ em _PARAM1_","Directory path":"Caminho do diret\xF3rio","Variable to store the result":"Vari\xE1vel para armazenar o resultado","Desktop folder":"Pasta da \xE1rea de trabalho","Get the path to the desktop folder.":"Obter o caminho para a pasta da \xE1rea de trabalho.","Documents folder":"Pasta de documentos","Get the path to the documents folder.":"Obter o caminho para a pasta de documentos.","Pictures folder":"Pasta de imagens","Get the path to the pictures folder.":"Obter o caminho para a pasta de imagens.","Game executable file":"Arquivo execut\xE1vel do jogo","Get the path to this game executable file.":"Obter o caminho para o arquivo execut\xE1vel desse jogo.","Game executable folder":"Pasta do execut\xE1vel do jogo","Get the path to this game executable folder.":"Obter o patch para esta pasta de jogos execut\xE1veis.","Userdata folder (for application settings)":"Pasta de Dados do Usu\xE1rio (Para configura\xE7\xF5es da aplica\xE7\xE3o)","Get the path to userdata folder (for application settings).":"Obter o path para a pasta userdata (para configura\xE7\xF5es da aplica\xE7\xE3o).","User's Home folder":"Pasta inicial do Usu\xE1rio","Get the path to the user home folder.":"Obter o caminho para a pasta inicial do usu\xE1rio.","Temp folder":"Pasta tempor\xE1ria","Get the path to temp folder.":"Obter o caminho para a pasta tempor\xE1ria.","Path delimiter":"Delimitador de caminho","Get the operating system path delimiter.":"Obter o delimitador de caminho do sistema operacional.","Get directory name from a path":"Obter nome do diret\xF3rio de um caminho","Returns the portion of the path that represents the directories, without the ending file name.":"Retorna a por\xE7\xE3o do caminho que representa os diret\xF3rios, sem o nome final do arquivo.","File or folder path":"Caminho do arquivo ou pasta","Get file name from a path":"Obter nome do arquivo de um caminho","Returns the name of the file with its extension, if any.":"Retorna o nome do arquivo com sua extens\xE3o, se houver.","Get the extension from a file path":"Obter a extens\xE3o de um caminho de arquivo","Returns the extension of the file designated by the given path, including the extension period. For example: \".txt\".":"Retorna a extens\xE3o do arquivo designado pelo caminho informado, incluindo o per\xEDodo de extens\xE3o. Por exemplo: \".txt\".","Tilemap file (Tiled or LDtk)":"Arquivo de Tilemap (Tiled ou LDtk)","This is the file that was saved or exported from Tiled or LDtk.":"Esse \xE9 o arquivo salvo ou exportado de Tiled ou LDtk.","LDtk or Tiled":"LDtk ou Tiled","Tileset JSON file (optional)":"Arquivo JSON Tileset (opcional)","Optional: specify this if you've saved the tileset in a different file as the Tiled tilemap.":"Opcional: especifique se voc\xEA salvou a tileset em um arquivo diferente da tilemap do Tiled.","Tiled only":"Apenas Tiled","Atlas image":"Mapa da imagem","The Atlas image containing the tileset.":"A imagem Atlas contendo o Tileset.","Display mode":"Modo de exibi\xE7\xE3o","Layer index to display":"\xCDndice da camada para exibi\xE7\xE3o","If \"index\" is selected as the display mode, this is the index of the layer to display.":"Se \"index\" for selecionado como modo de exibi\xE7\xE3o, este ser\xE1 o \xEDndice da camada a ser exibida.","Level index to display":"\xCDndice do n\xEDvel a ser exibido","Select which level to render via its index (LDtk)":"Selecione qual n\xEDvel renderizar pelo seu \xEDndice (LDtk)","Animation FPS":"FPS da anima\xE7\xE3o","External Tilemap (Tiled/LDtk)":"Tilemap externo (Tiled/LDtk)","Displays a tiled-based map, made with the Tiled editor ( or the LDtk editor (":"Exibe um mapa baseado em tiles, criado com o editor Tiled ( ou o editor LDtk (","Check the tilemap file (Tiled or LDtk) being used.":"Verificar o arquivo do tilemap (Tiled ou LDtk) sendo usado.","The tilemap file of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"O arquivo de tilemap de _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Tile map":"Mapa de Telhas","Set the Tiled or LDtk file containing the Tilemap data to display. This is usually the main file exported from Tiled/LDtk.":"Defina o arquivo Tiled ou LDtk que cont\xE9m os dados do Tilemap a ser exibido. Geralmente, esse \xE9 o arquivo principal exportado do Tiled/LDtk.","Set the tilemap file of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir o arquivo de tilemap de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM1_","Tileset JSON file":"Arquivo JSON do Tileset","Check the tileset JSON file being used.":"Verifique o arquivo JSON do Tileset em uso.","The tileset JSON file of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"O arquivo JSON do Tileset de _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Set the JSON file with the tileset data (sometimes that is embedded in the Tilemap, so not needed)":"Defina o arquivo JSON com os dados do Tileset (\xE0s vezes est\xE1 incorporado no Tilemap, portanto n\xE3o \xE9 necess\xE1rio)","Set the tileset JSON file of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define o arquivo JSON do Tileset de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Compare the value of the display mode.":"Compara o valor do modo de exibi\xE7\xE3o.","The display mode of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"O modo de exibi\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Set the display mode":"Define o modo de exibi\xE7\xE3o","Set the display mode of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define o modo de exibi\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Layer index":"\xCDndice da camada","Compare the value of the layer index.":"Compara o valor do \xEDndice da camada.","the layer index":"o \xEDndice de camada","Set the layer index of the Tilemap.":"Define o \xEDndice da camada do Tilemap.","Get the layer index being displayed":"Obt\xE9m o \xEDndice da camada sendo exibida","Level index":"\xCDndice de n\xEDvel","the level index being displayed.":"o \xEDndice de n\xEDvel sendo exibido.","the level index":"o \xEDndice de n\xEDvel","Compare the animation speed scale.":"Compara a escala de velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o.","Speed scale to compare to (1 by default)":"Velocidade a ser comparada (1 por padr\xE3o)","Set the animation speed scale of the Tilemap.":"Definir a velocidade de anima\xE7\xE3o do tilemap.","Speed scale (1 by default)":"Velocidade (1 por padr\xE3o)","Get the Animation speed scale":"Obt\xE9m a escala de velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o","Animation speed (FPS)":"Velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o (FPS)","Compare the animation speed.":"Comparar a velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o.","the animation speed (FPS)":"a velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o (FPS)","Animation speed to compare to (in frames per second)":"Velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o para compara\xE7\xE3o (em quadros por segundo)","Set the animation speed of the Tilemap.":"Definir a velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o do tilemap.","Animation speed (in frames per second)":"Velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o (em quadros por segundo)","Get the animation speed (in frames per second)":"Obt\xE9m a velocidade da anima\xE7\xE3o (em quadros por segundo)","Columns":"Colunas","Number of columns.":"N\xFAmero de colunas.","Rows":"Linhas","Number of rows.":"N\xFAmero de linhas.","Tile size in pixels.":"Tamanho do Tile em pixels.","Tile ids with hit box":"Tile ids with hit box","The list of tile ids with a hit box (separated by commas).":"The list of tile ids with a hit box (separated by commas).","Displays a tiled-based map.":"Displays a tiled-based map.","Edit tileset and collisions":"Edit tileset and collisions","Tileset column count":"N\xFAmero de colunas do Tileset","Get the number of columns in the tileset.":"Get the number of columns in the tileset.","Tileset row count":"N\xFAmero de linhas do Tileset","Get the number of rows in the tileset.":"Get the number of rows in the tileset.","Scene X coordinate of tile":"Scene X coordinate of tile","Get the scene X position of the center of the tile.":"Get the scene X position of the center of the tile.","Grid X":"Grid X","Grid Y":"Grid Y","Scene Y coordinate of tile":"Scene Y coordinate of tile","Get the scene Y position of the center of the tile.":"Get the scene Y position of the center of the tile.","Tile map grid column coordinate":"Tile map grid column coordinate","Get the grid column coordinates in the tile map corresponding to the scene coordinates.":"Get the grid column coordinates in the tile map corresponding to the scene coordinates.","Position X":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X","Position Y":"Position Y","Tile map grid row coordinate":"Tile map grid row coordinate","Get the grid row coordinates in the tile map corresponding to the scene coordinates.":"Get the grid row coordinates in the tile map corresponding to the scene coordinates.","Tile (at position)":"Tile (at position)","the id of the tile at the scene coordinates":"the id of the tile at the scene coordinates","the tile id in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_":"the tile id in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_","Flip tile vertically (at position)":"Flip tile vertically (at position)","Flip tile vertically at scene coordinates.":"Flip tile vertically at scene coordinates.","Flip tile vertically in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Flip tile vertically in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Flip tile horizontally (at position)":"Flip tile horizontally (at position)","Flip tile horizontally at scene coordinates.":"Flip tile horizontally at scene coordinates.","Flip tile horizontally in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Flip tile horizontally in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Remove tile (at position)":"Remove tile (at position)","Remove the tile at the scene coordinates.":"Remova o bloco nas coordenadas da cena.","Remove tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_":"Remova o ladrilho em _PARAM0_ nas coordenadas da cena _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_","Tile (on the grid)":"Bloco (na grade)","the id of the tile at the grid coordinates":"the id of the tile at the grid coordinates","the tile id at grid coordinates _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_":"the tile id at grid coordinates _PARAM3_ ; _PARAM4_","Flip tile vertically (on the grid)":"Flip tile vertically (on the grid)","Flip tile vertically at grid coordinates.":"Flip tile vertically at grid coordinates.","Flip tile vertically in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Flip tile vertically in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Flip tile horizontally (on the grid)":"Flip tile horizontally (on the grid)","Flip tile horizontally at grid coordinates.":"Flip tile horizontally at grid coordinates.","Flip tile horizontally in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_":"Flip tile horizontally in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_: _PARAM3_","Remove tile (on the grid)":"Remove tile (on the grid)","Remove the tile at the grid coordinates.":"Remove the tile at the grid coordinates.","Remove tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_":"Remove tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_","Tile flipped horizontally (at position)":"Tile flipped horizontally (at position)","Check if tile at scene coordinates is flipped horizontally.":"Check if tile at scene coordinates is flipped horizontally.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped horizontally":"The tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped horizontally","Tile flipped vertically (at position)":"Tile flipped vertically (at position)","Check if tile at scene coordinates is flipped vertically.":"Check if tile at scene coordinates is flipped vertically.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped vertically":"The tile in _PARAM0_ at scene coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped vertically","Tile flipped horizontally (on the grid)":"Tile flipped horizontally (on the grid)","Check if tile at grid coordinates is flipped horizontally.":"Check if tile at grid coordinates is flipped horizontally.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped horizontally":"The tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped horizontally","Tile flipped vertically (on the grid)":"Tile flipped vertically (on the grid)","Check if tile at grid coordinates is flipped vertically.":"Check if tile at grid coordinates is flipped vertically.","The tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped vertically":"The tile in _PARAM0_ at grid coordinates _PARAM1_ ; _PARAM2_ is flipped vertically","Grid row count":"Grid row count","the grid row count in the tile map":"the grid row count in the tile map","the grid row count":"the grid row count","Grid column count":"Grid column count","the grid column count in the tile map":"the grid column count in the tile map","the grid column count":"the grid column count","Tilemap JSON file":"Arquivo JSON Tilemap","This is the JSON file that was saved or exported from Tiled. LDtk is not supported yet for collisions.":"Este \xE9 o arquivo JSON que foi salvo ou exportado do Tiled. Ainda n\xE3o h\xE1 suporte para colis\xF5es no LDtk.","Optional, don't specify it if you've not saved the tileset in a different file.":"Opcional, n\xE3o especifica se voc\xEA n\xE3o salvou o tileset em um arquivo diferente.","Class filter":"Filtro de classe","Only the tiles with the given class (set in Tiled 1.9+) will have hitboxes created.":"Apenas as telhas com a classe dada (definida em Tiled 1.9+) ter\xE3o caixas de sucesso criadas.","Use all layers":"Usar todas as camadas","When activated, it displays the hitboxes in the given color.":"Quando ativado, ele exibe as caixas de hits na cor dada.","External Tilemap (Tiled/LDtk) collision mask":"External Tilemap (Tiled/LDtk) collision mask","Invisible object handling collisions with parts of a tilemap.":"Objeto invis\xEDvel que lida com colis\xF5es com partes de um ladrilho.","Check the Tilemap JSON file being used.":"Verifica o arquivo JSON do Tilemap em uso.","The Tilemap JSON file of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"O arquivo JSON do Tilemap de _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Tile map collision mask":"M\xE1scara de colis\xE3o de mapas","Set the JSON file containing the Tilemap data to display. This is usually the JSON file exported from Tiled.":"Define o arquivo JSON que cont\xE9m os dados do Tilemap a serem exibidos. Isto geralmente \xE9 o arquivo JSON exportado do Tiled.","Set the Tilemap JSON file of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define o arquivo JSON do Tilemap de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","The Tilemap object can be used to display tile-based objects. It's a good way to create maps for RPG, strategy games or create objects by assembling tiles, useful for platformer, retro-looking games, etc...":"O objeto Tilemap pode ser usado para exibir objetos baseados em blocos. \xC9 uma boa maneira de criar mapas para RPG, jogos de estrat\xE9gia ou criar objetos juntando blocos, \xFAteis para a plataforma, jogos retr\xF4, etc...","Tweening":"Tweening","Animate object properties over time. This allows smooth transitions, animations or movement of objects to specified positions.":"Animar as propriedades do objeto ao longo do tempo. Isso permite a suaviza\xE7\xE3o de transi\xE7\xF5es, anima\xE7\xF5es ou movimentos de objetos para posi\xE7\xF5es especificadas.","Ease":"Suavizar","Tween between 2 values according to an easing function.":"Interpolar entre 2 valores segundo uma fun\xE7\xE3o de suaviza\xE7\xE3o.","Easing":"Facilitar","From value":"Do valor","To value":"Valor do destino","Weighting":"Pondera\xE7\xE3o","From 0 to 1.":"De 0 a 1.","Tween a number in a scene variable":"Interpolar um n\xFAmero em uma vari\xE1vel de cena","Tweens a scene variable's numeric value from one number to another.":"Interpola um valor num\xE9rico de vari\xE1veis de cena de um n\xFAmero para outro.","Tween variable _PARAM2_ from _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms with easing _PARAM6_ as _PARAM1_":"Transi\xE7\xE3o da vari\xE1vel _PARAM2_ de _PARAM3_ para _PARAM4_ durante _PARAM5_ms com easing _PARAM6_ como _PARAM1_","Scene Tweens":"Interpola\xE7\xF5es de Cena","Tween Identifier":"Identificador Tween","The variable to tween":"A vari\xE1vel de interpola\xE7\xE3o","Final value":"Valor final","Duration (in milliseconds)":"Dura\xE7\xE3o (em milissegundos)","Tweens a scene variable's numeric value from its current value to a new one.":"Interpola o valor num\xE9rico de uma vari\xE1vel de cena do seu valor atual para um novo.","Tween variable _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ over _PARAM4_ms with easing _PARAM5_ as _PARAM1_":"Interpola a vari\xE1vel _PARAM2_ para _PARAM3_ sobre _PARAM4_ms com desacelera\xE7\xE3o _PARAM5_ como _PARAM1_","Tween variable _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Interpolar v\xE1riavel _PARAM2_ para _PARAM3_ com suaviza\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM1_","Tween a scene value":"Interpolar um valor de cena","Tweens a scene value that can be use with the expression Tween::Value.":"Interpola um valor de cena que pode ser usado com a express\xE3o Tween::Value.","Tween the value from _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Entre o valor de _PARAM2_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM1_","Exponential interpolation":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o exponencial","Tween a layer value":"Interpolar um valor de camada","Tweens a layer value that can be use with the expression Tween::Value.":"Interpola um valor de camada que pode ser usado com a express\xE3o Tween::Value.","Tween the value of _PARAM7_ from _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Entre o valor de _PARAM7_ de _PARAM2_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM1_","Tween the camera position":"Interpolar a posi\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera","Tweens the camera position from the current one to a new one.":"Interpolar a posi\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera da atual para uma nova.","Tween camera on layer _PARAM4_ to _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ over _PARAM5_ms with easing _PARAM6_ as _PARAM1_":"Interpolar a c\xE2mera na camada _PARAM4_ para _PARAM2_sobre _PARAM3_ para _PARAM5_ms com facilidade _PARAM6_ como _PARAM1_","Target X position":"Atingir posi\xE7\xE3o X","Target Y position":"Atingir posi\xE7\xE3o Y","Tween camera on layer _PARAM4_ to _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera na camada _PARAM4_ para _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM1_","Tween the camera zoom":"Interpolar o zoom da c\xE2mera","Tweens the camera zoom from the current zoom factor to a new one.":"Interp\xF5e o zoom da c\xE2mera do fator de zoom atual para um novo.","Tween the zoom of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ over _PARAM4_ms with easing _PARAM5_ as _PARAM1_":"Interpola o zoom da c\xE2mera na camada _PARAM3_ para _PARAM2_ sobre _PARAM4_ms com a facilidade _PARAM5_ como _PARAM1_","Target zoom":"Zoom alvo","Tween the zoom of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Interpole a amplia\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera na camada _PARAM3_ a _PARAM2_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM1_","Tween the camera rotation":"Interpolar a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera","Tweens the camera rotation from the current angle to a new one.":"Interpolar a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera do \xE2ngulo atual para um novo.","Tween the rotation of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ over _PARAM4_ms with easing _PARAM5_ as _PARAM1_":"Interpola a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera na camada _PARAM3_ para _PARAM2_ sobre _PARAM4_ms com a facilidade de _PARAM5_ como _PARAM1_","Target rotation (in degrees)":"Rota\xE7\xE3o do alvo (em graus)","Tween the rotation of camera on layer _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Entre a rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera na camada _PARAM3_ para _PARAM2_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM1_","Tween number effect property":"Propriedade de efeito de n\xFAmero de interpola\xE7\xE3o","Tweens a number effect property from its current value to a new one.":"Interpola uma propriedade de efeito num\xE9rico de seu valor atual para um novo.","Tween the property _PARAM5_ for effect _PARAM4_ of _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM6_ over _PARAM7_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Entre a propriedade _PARAM5_ para o efeito _PARAM4_ de _PARAM3_ a _PARAM2_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM6_ em _PARAM7_ segundos como _PARAM1_","Effect name":"Nome do efeito","Property name":"Nome da propriedade","Tween color effect property":"Propriedade de efeito de cor de interpola\xE7\xE3o","Tweens a color effect property from its current value to a new one.":"Interpola uma propriedade de efeito de cor de seu valor atual para um novo.","Tween the color property _PARAM5_ for effect _PARAM4_ of _PARAM3_ to _PARAM2_ with easing _PARAM6_ over _PARAM7_ seconds as _PARAM1_":"Entre a propriedade de cor _PARAM5_ para o efeito _PARAM4_ de _PARAM3_ a _PARAM2_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM6_ em _PARAM7_ segundos como _PARAM1_","To color":"Para a cor","Scene tween exists":"A interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena existe","Check if the scene tween exists.":"Verifique se a interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena existe.","Scene tween _PARAM1_ exists":"A interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena _PARAM1_ existe","Scene tween is playing":"A interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena est\xE1 em processo","Check if the scene tween is currently playing.":"Verifique se a interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena est\xE1 sendo processada no momento.","Scene tween _PARAM1_ is playing":"A interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena _PARAM1_ est\xE1 sendo processada","Scene tween finished playing":"A interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena terminou de ser processada","Check if the scene tween has finished playing.":"Verifique se a interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena terminou de ser processada.","Scene tween _PARAM1_ has finished playing":"A interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena _PARAM1_ terminou de ser processada","Pause a scene tween":"Pausar uma interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena","Pause the running scene tween.":"Pausa a interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena em execu\xE7\xE3o.","Pause the scene tween _PARAM1_":"Pause a interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena","Stop a scene tween":"Pausar uma interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena","Stop the running scene tween.":"Pausa a interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena em execu\xE7\xE3o.","Stop the scene tween _PARAM1_ (jump to the end: _PARAM2_)":"Parar a cena interpolada _PARAM1_ (pule para o final: _PARAM2_)","Jump to the end":"Pular para o final","Resume a scene tween":"Retomar uma interpola\xE7\xE3o de cena","Resume the scene tween.":"Retomar a interpola\xE7\xE3o de cena.","Resume the scene tween _PARAM1_":"Retomar a interpola\xE7\xE3o de cena _PARAM1_","Remove a scene tween":"Remover uma interpola\xE7\xE3o de cena","Remove the scene tween. Call this when the tween is no longer needed to free memory.":"Remova a interpola\xE7\xE3o da cena. Chame isso quando a interpola\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o for mais necess\xE1ria para liberar mem\xF3ria.","Remove the scene tween _PARAM1_":"Remova a interpola\xE7\xE3o de cena _PARAM1_","Tween progress":"Progresso entre","the progress of a tween (between 0.0 and 1.0)":"o progresso de uma interpola\xE7\xE3o (entre 0,0 e 1,0)","the progress of the scene tween _PARAM1_":"the progress of the scene tween _PARAM1_","Tween value":"Valor de interpola\xE7\xE3o","Return the value of a tween. It is always 0 for tweens with several values.":"Retorne o valor de uma interpola\xE7\xE3o. \xC9 sempre 0 para interpola\xE7\xF5es com v\xE1rios valores.","Tween":"Anima\xE7\xE3o de Interpola\xE7\xE3o","Smoothly animate position, angle, scale and other properties of objects.":"Anima suavemente a posi\xE7\xE3o, \xE2ngulo, escala e outras propriedades dos objetos.","Add object variable tween":"Adicionar vari\xE1vel de objeto tween","Add a tween animation for an object variable.":"Adicionar um tween anima\xE7\xE3o para uma vari\xE1vel de objetos.","Tween the variable _PARAM3_ of _PARAM0_ from _PARAM4_ to _PARAM5_ with easing _PARAM6_ over _PARAM7_ms as _PARAM2_":"Entre a vari\xE1vel _PARAM3_ de _PARAM0_ de _PARAM4_ a _PARAM5_ com facilidade _PARAM6_ sobre _PARAM7_ms como _PARAM2_.","Destroy this object when tween finishes":"Destruir este objeto quando o tween terminar","Tween a number in an object variable":"Entre um n\xFAmero em uma vari\xE1vel de objeto","Tweens an object variable's numeric value from its current value to a new one.":"Interpola o valor num\xE9rico de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto de seu valor atual para um novo.","Tween the variable _PARAM3_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ms as _PARAM2_":"Entre a vari\xE1vel _PARAM3_ de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ sobre _PARAM6_ms como _PARAM2_","Tween the variable _PARAM3_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a vari\xE1vel _PARAM3_ de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween an object value":"Entre um valor de objeto","Tweens an object value that can be use with the object expression Tween::Value.":"Interpola um valor de objeto que pode ser usado com a express\xE3o de objeto Eveente::Valie.","Tween the value of _PARAM0_ from _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre o valor de _PARAM0_ de _PARAM3_ a _PARAM4_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o do objeto entre","Tweens an object position from its current position to a new one.":"Interpola a posi\xE7\xE3o de um objeto de sua posi\xE7\xE3o atual para uma nova.","Tween the position of _PARAM0_ to x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ms as _PARAM2_":"A posi\xE7\xE3o tween do _PARAM0_ a x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ com a facilidade _PARAM5_ sobre _PARAM6_ms conforme _PARAM2_","To X":"Para X","To Y":"Para Y","Tween the position of _PARAM0_ to x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a posi\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ at\xE9 x: _PARAM3_, y: _PARAM4_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object X position":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o da posi\xE7\xE3o X do objeto","Tweens an object X position from its current X position to a new one.":"Interpola a posi\xE7\xE3o X de um objeto de sua posi\xE7\xE3o X atual para uma nova.","Tween the X position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"A posi\xE7\xE3o X tween do _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com a facilidade _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ms conforme _PARAM2_","Tween the X position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a posi\xE7\xE3o X de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object Z position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o, Z do objeto entre","Tweens an object Z position (3D objects only) from its current Z position to a new one.":"Alternar a posi\xE7\xE3o Z de um objeto (somente objetos 3D adequados) da sua posi\xE7\xE3o Z atual para uma nova.","Tween the Z position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Entre a posi\xE7\xE3o Z de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","To Z":"Para Z","Tween the Z position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Entre a posi\xE7\xE3o Z de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM3_","Tween object width":"Largura do objeto entre","Tweens an object width from its current width to a new one.":"Interpola a largura de um objeto de sua largura atual para uma nova.","Tween the width of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar a cor de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_ com flexibiliza\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","To width":"Para largura","Tween the width of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a largura de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object height":"Altura do objeto entre","Tweens an object height from its current height to a new one.":"Interpola a altura de um objeto de sua altura atual para uma nova.","Tween the height of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Coloque a altura de _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ com a redu\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","To height":"Para altura","Tween the height of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a altura de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object depth":"Profundidade do objeto entre","Tweens an object depth (suitable 3D objects only) from its current depth to a new one.":"Alternar a profundidade de um objeto (somente objetos 3D adequados) da sua profundidade atual para uma nova.","Tween the depth of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Entre a profundidade de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","To depth":"Para profundidade","Tween the depth of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Entre a profundidade de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM3_","Tween object Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o, Y do objeto entre","Tweens an object Y position from its current Y position to a new one.":"Interpola a posi\xE7\xE3o Y de um objeto de sua posi\xE7\xE3o Y atual para uma nova.","Tween the Y position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar a posi\xE7\xE3o Y de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_ com suaviza\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ por _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","Tween the Y position of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a posi\xE7\xE3o Y de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object angle":"Altura do objeto entre","Tweens an object angle from its current angle to a new one.":"Interpola um \xE2ngulo de objeto de seu \xE2ngulo atual para um novo.","Tween the angle of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_\xB0 with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar o \xE2ngulo de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_\xB0 com suaviza\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ por _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","To angle (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo (em graus)","Tween the angle of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_\xB0 with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre o \xE2ngulo de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_\xB0 com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ ao longo de _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object rotation on X axis":"Rota\xE7\xE3o do objeto entre no eixo X","Tweens an object rotation on X axis from its current angle to a new one.":"Interpola uma rota\xE7\xE3o de objeto no eixo X de seu \xE2ngulo atual para um novo.","Tween the rotation on X axis of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_\xB0 with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Entre a rota\xE7\xE3o no eixo X de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_\xB0 com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM3_","Tween object rotation on Y axis":"Rota\xE7\xE3o do objeto entre no eixo Y","Tweens an object rotation on Y axis from its current angle to a new one.":"Interpola uma rota\xE7\xE3o de objeto no eixo Y de seu \xE2ngulo atual para um novo.","Tween the rotation on Y axis of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_\xB0 with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Entre a rota\xE7\xE3o no eixo Y de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM4_\xB0 com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ ao longo de _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM3_","Tween object scale":"Escala do objeto de interpola\xE7\xE3o","Tweens an object scale from its current scale to a new one (note: the scale can never be less than 0).":"Interpola a escalas de um objeto de sua escala atual para uma nova (nota: escalas nunca pode ser menor que 0).","Tween the scale of _PARAM0_ to X-scale: _PARAM3_, Y-scale: _PARAM4_ (from center: _PARAM8_) with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar a escala de _PARAM0_ para a escala-X: _PARAM3_, escala-Y: _PARAM4_ (do centro: _PARAM8) com altera\xE7\xE3o _PARAM5_ sobre _PARAM6_ms como _PARAM2_","To scale X":"Escalonar tamanho horizontal","To scale Y":"Escalonar tamanho vertical","Scale from center of object":"Definir a escala pelo centro do objeto","Tweens an object scale from its current scale to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Interpola a escalas de um objeto de sua escala atual para uma nova (nota: a escala nunca pode ser 0 ou menos).","Tween the scale of _PARAM0_ to X-scale: _PARAM3_, Y-scale: _PARAM4_ (from center: _PARAM8_) with easing _PARAM5_ over _PARAM6_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a escalas de _PARAM0_ e a escala X: _PARAM3_,escala Y: _PARAM4_ (do centro: _PARAM8_) com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM5_ em _PARAM6_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tweens an object scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Interpola a escala de um objeto de seu valor atual para um novo (nota: a escala nunca pode ser 0 ou menos).","Tween the scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Entre a escala de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ (do centro: _PARAM7_) com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM2_","To scale":"Para escadas","Tween object X-scale":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o do objeto em escala X","Tweens an object X-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be less than 0).":"Interpola a escala X de um objeto de seu valor atual para um novo (nota: a escala nunca pode ser menor que 0).","Tween the X-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar a escala-X de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_ (do centro: _PARAM7) com altera\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","Tweens an object X-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Interpola um objeto na escala X do atual para um novo (nota: a escala nunca pode ser 0 ou menos).","Tween the X-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tween the X-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_","Tween object Y-scale":"Tween object Y-scale","Tweens an object Y-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be less than 0).":"Tweens an object Y-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be less than 0).","Tween the Y-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar a escala-Y de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_ (do centro: _PARAM7) com altera\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","Tweens an object Y-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).":"Tweens an object Y-scale from its current value to a new one (note: the scale can never be 0 or less).","Tween the Y-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tween the Y-scale of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ (from center: _PARAM7_) with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_","Tween text size":"Tween text size","Tweens the text object character size from its current value to a new one (note: the size can never be less than 1).":"Tweens the text object character size from its current value to a new one (note: the size can never be less than 1).","Tween the character size of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Entre o tamanho dos caracteres de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com a facilidade _PARAM4_ sobre _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","To character size":"Para o tamanho do caractere","Tween the character size of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Tween the character size of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_","Tween object opacity":"Tween object opacity","Tweens the object opacity from its current value to a new one (note: the value shall stay between 0 and 255).":"Tweens the object opacity from its current value to a new one (note: the value shall stay between 0 and 255).","Tween the opacity of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar a opacidade de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_ com suaviza\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ por _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","To opacity":"Para opacidade","Tween the opacity of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_ and destroy: _PARAM6_":"Tween the opacity of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_ and destroy: _PARAM6_","Tween the property _PARAM6_ for effect _PARAM5_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tween the property _PARAM6_ for effect _PARAM5_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM3_","Effect capability":"Capacidade de efeito","Tween the color property _PARAM6_ for effect _PARAM5_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM3_":"Tween the color property _PARAM6_ for effect _PARAM5_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM4_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM3_","Tween object color":"Cor do objeto de interpola\xE7\xE3o","Tweens the object color from its current value to a new one. Format: \"128;200;255\" with values between 0 and 255 for red, green and blue":"Interpola a cor do objeto de seu valor atual para um novo. Formato: \"128; 200; 255\" com valores entre 0 e 255 para vermelho, verde e azul","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ms as _PARAM2_":"Interpolar a cor de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM3_ com suaviza\xE7\xE3o _PARAM4_ por _PARAM5_ms como _PARAM2_","Tween on the Hue/Saturation/Lightness (HSL)":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o na Matiz/Satura\xE7\xE3o/Luz (HSL)","Useful to have a more natural change between colors.":"\xDAtil para ter uma mudan\xE7a mais natural entre as cores.","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM3_ with easing _PARAM4_ over _PARAM5_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Interpole a cor de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM3_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM4_ em _PARAM5_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween object HSL color":"Cor HSL do objeto de interpola\xE7\xE3o","Tweens the object color using Hue/Saturation/Lightness. Hue is in degrees, Saturation and Lightness are between 0 and 100. Use -1 for Saturation and Lightness to let them unchanged.":"Interpola a cor do objeto usando Matiz/Satura\xE7\xE3o/Luminosidade. Matiz est\xE1 em graus, Satura\xE7\xE3o e Luminosidade est\xE3o entre 0 e 100. Use -1 para Satura\xE7\xE3o e Luminosidade para mant\xEA-los inalterados.","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ using HSL to H: _PARAM3_ (_PARAM4_), S: _PARAM5_, L: _PARAM6_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ms as _PARAM2_":"Ap\xF3s a cor de _PARAM0_ usando HSL para H: _PARAM3_ (_PARAM4_), S: _PARAM5_, L: _PARAM6_ com a redu\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM7_ sobre _PARAM8_ms como _PARAM2_","To Hue (in degrees)":"Para He (em graus)","Animate Hue":"Animar Matiz","To Saturation (0 to 100, -1 to ignore)":"Para Satura\xE7\xE3o (0 a 100, -1 para ignorar)","To Lightness (0 to 100, -1 to ignore)":"Para Leveza (0 a 100, -1 para ignorar)","Tween the color of _PARAM0_ using HSL to H: _PARAM3_ (_PARAM4_), S: _PARAM5_, L: _PARAM6_ with easing _PARAM7_ over _PARAM8_ seconds as _PARAM2_":"Interpole a cor de _PARAM0_ usando HSL para H: _PARAM3_ (_PARAM4_), S: _PARAM5_, L: _PARAM6_ com atenua\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM7_ em _PARAM8_ segundos como _PARAM2_","Tween exists":"Existe interpola\xE7\xE3o","Check if the tween animation exists.":"Verificar se existe anima\xE7\xE3o de interpola\xE7\xE3o.","Tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_ exists":"Existe interpola\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ em _PARAM0_","Tween is playing":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 reproduzindo","Check if the tween animation is currently playing.":"Verificar se a anima\xE7\xE3o de interpola\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 sendo reproduzida no momento.","Tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_ is playing":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ em _PARAM0_ est\xE1 sendo executada","Tween finished playing":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o foi finalizada","Check if the tween animation has finished playing.":"Verifica se a anima\xE7\xE3o interpolada foi finalizada.","Tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_ has finished playing":"Interpola\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ em _PARAM0_ foi finalizada","Pause a tween":"Pausar uma interpola\xE7\xE3o","Pause the running tween animation.":"Pausar a anima\xE7\xE3o de interpola\xE7\xE3o em execu\xE7\xE3o.","Pause the tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_":"Pausar a interpola\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ em _PARAM0_","Stop a tween":"Parar uma interpola\xE7\xE3o","Stop the running tween animation.":"Parar a anima\xE7\xE3o de interpola\xE7\xE3o em execu\xE7\xE3o.","Stop the tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_":"Parar a interpola\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ em _PARAM0_","Jump to end":"Pular at\xE9 o final","Resume a tween":"Retomar uma interpola\xE7\xE3o","Resume the tween animation.":"Retomar a anima\xE7\xE3o de interpola\xE7\xE3o.","Resume the tween _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_":"Retomar a interpola\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ em _PARAM0_","Remove a tween":"Remover uma interpola\xE7\xE3o","Remove the tween animation from the object.":"Remover a anima\xE7\xE3o de interpola\xE7\xE3o do objeto.","Remove the tween _PARAM2_ from _PARAM0_":"Remover a interpola\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ de _PARAM0_","the progress of the tween _PARAM2_":"the progress of the tween _PARAM2_","A text must start with a double quote (\").":"Um texto deve come\xE7ar com aspas (\").","A text must end with a double quote (\"). Add a double quote to terminate the text.":"Um texto deve terminar com aspas (\"). Adicione aspas para encerrar o texto.","A number was expected. You must enter a number here.":"Um n\xFAmero era esperado. Voc\xEA deve inserir um n\xFAmero aqui.","Called ComputeChangesetForVariablesContainer on variables containers that are different - they can't be compared.":"Called ComputeChangesetForVariablesContainer on variables containers that are different - they can't be compared.","You need to specify the name of the child variable to access. For example: `MyVariable.child`.":"You need to specify the name of the child variable to access. For example: `MyVariable.child`.","You need to specify the name of the child variable to access. For example: `MyVariable[0]`.":"You need to specify the name of the child variable to access. For example: `MyVariable[0]`.","An object variable or expression should be entered.":"An object variable or expression should be entered.","This variable does not exist on this object or group.":"This variable does not exist on this object or group.","This variable only exists on some objects of the group. It must be declared for all objects.":"Essa vari\xE1vel s\xF3 existe em alguns objetos do grupo. Ele deve ser declarado para todos os objetos.","This group is empty. Add an object to this group first.":"Esse grupo est\xE1 vazio. Adicione um objeto nesse grupo primeiro.","No child variable with this name found.":"No child variable with this name found.","Accessing a child variable of a property is not possible - just write the property name.":"Accessing a child variable of a property is not possible - just write the property name.","Behaviors can't be used as a value in expressions.":"Behaviors can't be used as a value in expressions.","Accessing a child variable of a parameter is not possible - just write the parameter name.":"Accessing a child variable of a parameter is not possible - just write the parameter name.","This parameter is not a string, number or boolean - it can't be used in an expression.":"This parameter is not a string, number or boolean - it can't be used in an expression.","This object doesn't exist.":"This object doesn't exist.","This behavior is not attached to this object.":"This behavior is not attached to this object.","Enter the name of the function to call.":"Insira o nome da fun\xE7\xE3o a ser chamada.","Cannot find an expression with this name: ":"N\xE3o foi poss\xEDvel encontrar uma express\xE3o com este nome: ","Double check that you've not made any typo in the name.":"Verifique se voc\xEA n\xE3o cometeu algum erro de digita\xE7\xE3o no nome.","You tried to use an expression that returns a number, but a string is expected. Use `ToString` if you need to convert a number to a string.":"Voc\xEA tentou usar uma express\xE3o que retorna um n\xFAmero, mas uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres \xE9 esperada. Use `ToString` se precisar converter um n\xFAmero em uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres.","You tried to use an expression that returns a number, but another type is expected:":"Voc\xEA tentou usar uma express\xE3o que retorna um n\xFAmero, mas outro tipo \xE9 esperado:","You tried to use an expression that returns a string, but a number is expected. Use `ToNumber` if you need to convert a string to a number.":"Voc\xEA tentou usar uma express\xE3o que retornou uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres, mas um n\xFAmero \xE9 esperado. Use `ToNumber` se precisar converter uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres para um n\xFAmero.","You tried to use an expression that returns a string, but another type is expected:":"Voc\xEA tentou usar uma express\xE3o que retorna uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres, mas outro tipo \xE9 esperado:","You tried to use an expression with the wrong return type:":"Voc\xEA tentou usar uma express\xE3o com o tipo de retorno errado:","The number of parameters must be exactly ":"O n\xFAmero de par\xE2metros deve ser preciso ","The number of parameters must be: ":"O n\xFAmero de par\xE2metros deve ser: ","You have not entered enough parameters for the expression.":"You have not entered enough parameters for the expression.","This parameter was not expected by this expression. Remove it or verify that you've entered the proper expression name.":"Este par\xE2metro n\xE3o era esperado por esta express\xE3o. Remova-o ou verifique se voc\xEA digitou o nome de express\xE3o apropriado.","A variable name was expected but something else was written. Enter just the name of the variable for this parameter.":"A variable name was expected but something else was written. Enter just the name of the variable for this parameter.","An object name was expected but something else was written. Enter just the name of the object for this parameter.":"Um nome de objeto era esperado, mas algo mais foi escrito. Digite apenas o nome do objeto para este par\xE2metro.","This function is improperly set up. Reach out to the extension developer or a GDevelop maintainer to fix this issue":"Esta fun\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 configurada incorretamente. Entre em contato com o desenvolvedor da extens\xE3o ou um mantenedor do GDevelop para corrigir este problema","Unable to copy \"":"Incapaz de copiar \"","\" to \"":"\" para \"","\".":"\".","Sounds and music":"Sons e m\xFAsica","GDevelop provides several conditions and actions to play audio files. They can be either long music or short sound effects.":"Oferece diversas condi\xE7\xF5es e a\xE7\xF5es para reproduzir arquivos de \xE1udio. Eles podem ser m\xFAsicas longas ou efeitos sonoros curtos.","Sounds on channels":"Sons nos canais","Play a sound on a channel":"Tocar um som num canal","Play a sound (small audio file) on a specific channel,\nso you'll be able to manipulate it.":"Reproduzir um som (pequeno arquivo de \xE1udio) em um canal espec\xEDfico,\npara que voc\xEA possa manipul\xE1-lo.","Play the sound _PARAM1_ on the channel _PARAM2_, vol.: _PARAM4_, loop: _PARAM3_":"Reproduza a m\xFAsica _PARAM1_ no canal _PARAM2_, vol.: _PARAM4_, loop: _PARAM3_","Audio file (or audio resource name)":"Arquivo de \xE1udio (ou nome do recurso de \xE1udio)","Channel identifier":"Identificador de canal","Repeat the sound":"Repetir o som","From 0 to 100, 100 by default.":"De 0 a 100, 100 por padr\xE3o.","Pitch (speed)":"Tom (velocidade)","1 by default.":"1 por padr\xE3o.","Stop the sound of a channel":"Parar o som de um canal","Stop the sound on the specified channel.":"Para o som no canal especificado.","Stop the sound of channel _PARAM1_":"Parar o som do canal _PARAM1_","Pause the sound of a channel":"Pausar o som de um canal","Pause the sound played on the specified channel.":"Pausa o som tocado no canal especificado.","Pause the sound of channel _PARAM1_":"Pausar o som do canal _PARAM1_","Resume playing a sound on a channel":"Retomar a reprodu\xE7\xE3o de um som em um canal","Resume playing a sound on a channel that was paused.":"Retomar a reprodu\xE7\xE3o de um som em um canal pausado.","Resume the sound of channel _PARAM1_":"Retomar o som do canal _PARAM1_","Play a music file on a channel":"Reproduzir um arquivo de m\xFAsica em um canal","Play a music file on a specific channel,\nso you'll be able to interact with it later.":"Reproduzir um arquivo de m\xFAsica em um canal espec\xEDfico,\npara que voc\xEA possa interagir com ele mais tarde.","Play the music _PARAM1_ on channel _PARAM2_, vol.: _PARAM4_, loop: _PARAM3_":"Reproduzir a m\xFAsica _PARAM1_ no canal _PARAM2_, vol.: _PARAM4_, loop: _PARAM3_","Music on channels":"M\xFAsica nos canais","Stop the music on a channel":"Parar a m\xFAsica em um canal","Stop the music on the specified channel":"Parar a m\xFAsica no canal especificado","Stop the music of channel _PARAM1_":"Parar a m\xFAsica do canal _PARAM1_","Pause the music of a channel":"Pausar a m\xFAsica de um canal","Pause the music on the specified channel.":"Pausar a m\xFAsica no canal especificado.","Pause the music of channel _PARAM1_":"Pausar a m\xFAsica do canal _PARAM1_","Resume playing a music on a channel":"Retomar a reprodu\xE7\xE3o de uma m\xFAsica em um canal","Resume playing a music on a channel that was paused.":"Retomar a reprodu\xE7\xE3o de uma m\xFAsica em um canal pausado.","Resume the music of channel _PARAM1_":"Retomar a m\xFAsica do canal _PARAM1_","Volume of the sound on a channel":"Volume do som em um canal","This action modifies the volume of the sound on the specified channel.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o modifica o volume do som no canal especificado.","the volume of the sound on channel _PARAM1_":"o volume do som no canal _PARAM1_","Volume of the music on a channel":"Volume da m\xFAsica em um canal","This action modifies the volume of the music on the specified channel.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o modifica o volume da m\xFAsica no canal especificado.","the volume of the music on channel _PARAM1_":"o volume da m\xFAsica no canal _PARAM1_","Game global volume":"Volume global do jogo","This action modifies the global volume of the game.":"This action modifies the global volume of the game.","the global sound level":"o n\xEDvel global de som","Pitch of the sound of a channel":"Tom do som de um canal","This action modifies the pitch (speed) of the sound on a channel.":"This action modifies the pitch (speed) of the sound on a channel.","the pitch of the sound on channel _PARAM1_":"o tom do som no canal _PARAM1_","Pitch (1 by default)":"Pitch (1 by default)","Pitch of the music on a channel":"Tom da m\xFAsica em um canal","This action modifies the pitch of the music on the specified channel.":"This action modifies the pitch of the music on the specified channel.","the pitch of the music on channel _PARAM1_":"o tom da m\xFAsica no canal _PARAM1_","Playing offset of the sound on a channel":"Deslocamento de reprodu\xE7\xE3o do som em um canal","This action modifies the playing offset of the sound on a channel":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o modifica o deslocamento de reprodu\xE7\xE3o do som em um canal","the playing offset of the sound on channel _PARAM1_":"o deslocamento de reprodu\xE7\xE3o do som no canal _PARAM1_","Playing offset of the music on a channel":"Deslocamento de reprodu\xE7\xE3o da m\xFAsica em um canal","This action modifies the playing offset of the music on the specified channel":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o modifica o deslocamento de reprodu\xE7\xE3o da m\xFAsica no canal especificado","the playing offset of the music on channel _PARAM1_":"o deslocamento de reprodu\xE7\xE3o da m\xFAsica no canal _PARAM1_","Play a sound":"Reproduzir um som","Play a sound.":"Reproduzir um som.","Play the sound _PARAM1_, vol.: _PARAM3_, loop: _PARAM2_":"Reproduzir o som _PARAM1_, vol.: _PARAM3_, loop: _PARAM2_","Play a music file":"Reproduzir um arquivo de m\xFAsica","Play a music file.":"Reproduzir um arquivo de m\xFAsica.","Play the music _PARAM1_, vol.: _PARAM3_, loop: _PARAM2_":"Reproduzir a m\xFAsica _PARAM1_, vol.: _PARAM3_, loop: _PARAM2_","Preload a music file":"Pr\xE9-carregar um arquivo de m\xFAsica","Preload a music file in memory.":"Pr\xE9-carregar um arquivo de m\xFAsica na mem\xF3ria.","Preload the music file _PARAM1_":"Pr\xE9-carregar o arquivo de m\xFAsica _PARAM1_","Loading":"Carregando","Preload a sound file":"Pr\xE9-carregar um arquivo de som","Preload a sound file in memory.":"Pr\xE9-carregar um arquivo de som na mem\xF3ria.","Preload the sound file _PARAM1_":"Pr\xE9-carregar o arquivo de som _PARAM1_","Sound file (or sound resource name)":"Arquivo de som (ou nome do recurso de som)","Unload a music file":"Descarrega um arquivo de m\xFAsica","Unload a music file from memory. Unloading a music file will cause any music playing it to stop.":"Descarrega um arquivo de m\xFAsica da mem\xF3ria. Descarregar um arquivo de m\xFAsica far\xE1 com que qualquer m\xFAsica seja interrompida.","Unload the music file _PARAM1_":"Descarrega o arquivo de m\xFAsica _PARAM1_","Unload a sound file":"Descarrega um arquivo de som","Unload a sound file from memory. Unloading a sound file will cause any sounds playing it to stop.":"Descarrega um arquivo de som da mem\xF3ria. Descarregar um arquivo de som far\xE1 com que quaisquer sons sendo reproduzidos parem.","Unload the sound file _PARAM1_":"Descarrega o arquivo de som _PARAM1_","Unload all audio":"Descarrega todo o \xE1udio","Unload all the audio in memory. This will cause every sound and music of the game to stop.":"Descarrega todo o \xE1udio na mem\xF3ria. Isso far\xE1 com que todos os sons e m\xFAsicas do jogo parem.","Unload all audio files":"Descarrega todos os arquivos de \xE1udio","Fade the volume of a sound played on a channel.":"Fade the volume of a sound played on a channel.","Fade the volume of a sound played on a channel to the specified volume within the specified duration.":"Fade the volume of a sound played on a channel to the specified volume within the specified duration.","Fade the sound on channel _PARAM1_ to volume _PARAM2_ within _PARAM3_ seconds":"Fade the sound on channel _PARAM1_ to volume _PARAM2_ within _PARAM3_ seconds","Final volume (0-100)":"Volume final (0-100)","Fading time in seconds":"Fading time in seconds","Fade the volume of a music played on a channel.":"Fade the volume of a music played on a channel.","Fade the volume of a music played on a channel to the specified volume within the specified duration.":"Fade the volume of a music played on a channel to the specified volume within the specified duration.","Fade the music on channel _PARAM1_ to volume _PARAM2_ within _PARAM3_ seconds":"Diminua a m\xFAsica no canal _PARAM1_ para o volume _PARAM2_ em _PARAM3_ segundos","A music file is being played":"Um arquivo de m\xFAsica est\xE1 sendo reproduzido","Test if the music on a channel is being played":"Teste se a m\xFAsica est\xE1 sendo tocada em um canal","Music on channel _PARAM1_ is being played":"M\xFAsica no canal _PARAM1_ est\xE1 tocando","A music file is paused":"Um arquivo de m\xFAsica est\xE1 em pausa","Test if the music on the specified channel is paused.":"Teste se a m\xFAsica no canal especificado est\xE1 em pausa.","Music on channel _PARAM1_ is paused":"M\xFAsica no canal _PARAM1_ est\xE1 em pausa","A music file is stopped":"Um arquivo de m\xFAsica foi interrompido","Test if the music on the specified channel is stopped.":"Teste se a m\xFAsica no canal especificado foi interrompido.","Music on channel _PARAM1_ is stopped":"M\xFAsica no canal _PARAM1_ foi interrompida","A sound is being played":"Um som est\xE1 sendo tocado","Test if the sound on a channel is being played.":"Teste se o som em um canal est\xE1 sendo tocado.","Sound on channel _PARAM1_ is being played":"Som no canal _PARAM1_ est\xE1 sendo tocado","A sound is paused":"Um som est\xE1 em pausa","Test if the sound on the specified channel is paused.":"Teste se o som no canal especificado est\xE1 em pausa.","Sound on channel _PARAM1_ is paused":"Som no canal _PARAM1_ est\xE1 em pausa","A sound is stopped":"Um som foi interrompido","Test if the sound on the specified channel is stopped.":"Teste se o som no canal especificado foi parado.","Sound on channel _PARAM1_ is stopped":"Som no canal _PARAM1_ foi interrompido","Test the volume of the sound on the specified channel.":"Test the volume of the sound on the specified channel.","Test the volume of the music on a specified channel. The volume is between 0 and 100.":"Teste o volume da m\xFAsica em um canal especificado. O volume est\xE1 entre 0 e 100.","Global volume":"Volume global","Test the global sound level. The volume is between 0 and 100.":"Teste o n\xEDvel do som global. O volume est\xE1 entre 0 e 100.","the global game volume":"o volume global do jogo","Test the pitch of the sound on the specified channel. 1 is the default pitch.":"Teste o Tom do som no canal especificado. 1 \xE9 o tom padr\xE3o.","Pitch to compare to (1 by default)":"Pitch to compare to (1 by default)","Test the pitch (speed) of the music on a specified channel.":"Test the pitch (speed) of the music on a specified channel.","Test the playing offset of the sound on the specified channel.":"Teste o deslocamento do som no canal especificado.","Position to compare to (in seconds)":"Position to compare to (in seconds)","Test the playing offset of the music on the specified channel.":"Teste o deslocamento de reprodu\xE7\xE3o da m\xFAsica no canal especificado.","Sound playing offset":"Deslocamento do som","Sounds":"Sons","Music playing offset":"Deslocamento da m\xFAsica","Sound volume":"Volume do som","Music volume":"Volume da m\xFAsica","Sound's pitch":"Tom do som","Music's pitch":"Tom da m\xFAsica","Global volume value":"Valor global do volume","Sound level":"N\xEDvel do som","Animatable capability":"Animatable capability","Animate objects.":"Animate objects.","the animation played by the object using the animation number (from the animations list)":"the animation played by the object using the animation number (from the animations list)","Animation index":"Animation index","the animation played by the object using the name of the animation":"the animation played by the object using the name of the animation","Pause the animation of the object.":"Pause the animation of the object.","Resume the animation of the object.":"Resume the animation of the object.","Animation elapsed time":"Tempo decorrido da anima\xE7\xE3o","the elapsed time from the beginning of the animation (in seconds)":"o tempo decorrido desde o in\xEDcio da anima\xE7\xE3o (em segundos)","the animation elapsed time":"o tempo decorrido da anima\xE7\xE3o","Elapsed time (in seconds)":"Tempo decorrido (em segundos)","Animation duration":"Dura\xE7\xE3o da anima\xE7\xE3o","Return the current animation duration (in seconds).":"Retorna a dura\xE7\xE3o da anima\xE7\xE3o atual (em segundos).","Apply visual effects to objects.":"Apply visual effects to objects.","Enable an object effect":"Habilitar um efeito de objeto","Enable an effect on the object":"Habilitar um efeito no objeto","Enable effect _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"Enable effect _PARAM2_ on _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Effect property (number)":"Effect property (number)","Change the value of a property of an effect.":"Change the value of a property of an effect.","You can find the property names (and change the effect names) in the effects window.":"You can find the property names (and change the effect names) in the effects window.","Set _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ for effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_":"Set _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ for effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_","Effect property (string)":"Effect property (string)","Change the value (string) of a property of an effect.":"Change the value (string) of a property of an effect.","Effect property (enable or disable)":"Effect property (enable or disable)","Enable or disable a property of an effect.":"Enable or disable a property of an effect.","Enable _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM4_":"Enable _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM4_","Enable this property":"Enable this property","Effect is enabled":"Efeito est\xE1 ativo","Check if the effect on an object is enabled.":"Verificar se o efeito de um objeto est\xE1 habilitado.","Effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"Effect _PARAM2_ of _PARAM0_ is enabled","Flippable capability":"Flippable capability","Flip objects.":"Flip objects.","Flip horizontally _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Flip horizontally _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Flip vertically _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Flip vertically _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Text capability":"Recurso de texto","Access objects text.":"Acessar texto dos objetos.","Resizable capability":"Resizable capability","Change the object dimensions.":"Change the object dimensions.","Change the width of the object.":"Change the width of the object.","Compare the width of the object.":"Compare the width of the object.","Change the height of the object.":"Change the height of the object.","Compare the height of the object.":"Compare the height of the object.","Change the size of an object.":"Altere o tamanho de um objeto.","Change the size of _PARAM0_: set to _PARAM2_ x _PARAM3_":"Change the size of _PARAM0_: set to _PARAM2_ x _PARAM3_","Opacity capability":"Opacity capability","Change the object opacity.":"Change the object opacity.","Scalable capability":"Scalable capability","Change the object scale.":"Change the object scale.","the scale of the object (default scale is 1)":"the scale of the object (default scale is 1)","the scale on X axis of the object (default scale is 1)":"the scale on X axis of the object (default scale is 1)","the scale on X axis":"the scale on X axis","the scale on Y axis of the object (default scale is 1)":"the scale on Y axis of the object (default scale is 1)","the scale on Y axis":"the scale on Y axis","Event functions":"Fun\xE7\xF5es do evento","Advanced control features for functions made with events.":"Funcionalidades avan\xE7adas de controle para fun\xE7\xF5es feitas com eventos.","Set number return value":"Definir valor de retorno do n\xFAmero","Set the return value of the events function to the specified number (to be used with \"Expression\" functions).":"Definir o valor de retorno da fun\xE7\xE3o de eventos para o n\xFAmero especificado (a ser usado com fun\xE7\xF5es \"Express\xE3o\").","Set return value to number _PARAM0_":"Definir valor de retorno para o n\xFAmero _PARAM0_","The number to be returned":"The number to be returned","Set text return value":"Definir valor de retorno do texto","Set the return value of the events function to the specified text (to be used with \"String Expression\" functions).":"Defina o valor de retorno da fun\xE7\xE3o de eventos para o texto especificado (a ser usado com fun\xE7\xF5es \"String Expression\").","Set return value to text _PARAM0_":"Definir valor de retorno para o texto _PARAM0_","The text to be returned":"The text to be returned","Set condition return value":"Configurar o valor de retorno da condi\xE7\xE3o","Set the return value of the Condition events function to either true (condition will pass) or false.":"Define o valor de retorno da fun\xE7\xE3o Eventos de Condi\xE7\xE3o como verdadeiro (condi\xE7\xE3o ir\xE1 passar) ou falso.","Set return value of the condition to _PARAM0_":"Definir o valor de retorno da condi\xE7\xE3o para _PARAM0_","Should the condition be true or false?":"Should the condition be true or false?","Copy function parameter to variable":"Copy function parameter to variable","Copy a function parameter (also called \"argument\") to a variable. The parameter type must be a variable.":"Copy a function parameter (also called \"argument\") to a variable. The parameter type must be a variable.","Copy the parameter _PARAM0_ into the variable _PARAM1_":"Copy the parameter _PARAM0_ into the variable _PARAM1_","Copy variable to function parameter":"Copy variable to function parameter","Copy a variable to function parameter (also called \"argument\"). The parameter type must be a variable.":"Copy a variable to function parameter (also called \"argument\"). The parameter type must be a variable.","Copy the variable _PARAM1_ into the parameter _PARAM0_":"Copy the variable _PARAM1_ into the parameter _PARAM0_","Check if a function parameter is set to true (or yes)":"Verifica se um par\xE2metro de fun\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 definido como verdadeiro (ou sim)","Check if the specified function parameter (also called \"argument\") is set to True or Yes. If the argument is a string, an empty string is considered as \"false\". If it's a number, 0 is considered as \"false\".":"Verifica se o par\xE2metro especificado da fun\xE7\xE3o (tamb\xE9m chamado \"argumento\") est\xE1 definido como Verdadeiro ou Sim. Se o argumento for uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres, uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres vazia \xE9 considerada \"false\". Se for um n\xFAmero, 0 \xE9 considerado como \"false\".","Parameter _PARAM0_ is true":"O par\xE2metro _PARAM0_ \xE9 verdadeiro","Get function parameter value":"Obter valor do par\xE2metro da fun\xE7\xE3o","Get function parameter (also called \"argument\") value. You don't need this most of the time as you can simply write the parameter name in an expression.":"Obter valor do par\xE2metro da fun\xE7\xE3o (tamb\xE9m chamado \"argumento\"). Voc\xEA n\xE3o precisa disso na maior parte do tempo, pois voc\xEA pode simplesmente escrever o nome do par\xE2metro em uma express\xE3o.","Get function parameter text":"Obter texto do par\xE2metro da fun\xE7\xE3o","Get function parameter (also called \"argument\") text. You don't need this most of the time as you can simply write the parameter name in an expression.":"Obter texto do par\xE2metro da fun\xE7\xE3o (tamb\xE9m chamado \"argumento\"). Voc\xEA n\xE3o precisa disso na maior parte do tempo, pois voc\xEA pode simplesmente escrever o nome do par\xE2metro em uma express\xE3o.","Compare function parameter value":"Compare function parameter value","Compare function parameter (also called \"argument\") value.":"Compare function parameter (also called \"argument\") value.","Parameter _PARAM0_":"Parameter _PARAM0_","Compare function parameter text":"Compare function parameter text","Compare function parameter (also called \"argument\") text.":"Compare function parameter (also called \"argument\") text.","Sprite are animated object which can be used for most elements of a game.":"Sprite \xE9 um objeto animado que pode ser usado para a maioria dos elementos de um jogo.","Animated object which can be used for most elements of a game.":"Animated object which can be used for most elements of a game.","Sprite opacity":"Sprite opacity","Change the opacity of a Sprite. 0 is fully transparent, 255 is opaque (default).":"Alterar a opacidade de um Sprite. 0 \xE9 totalmente transparente, 255 \xE9 opaco (padr\xE3o).","Change the animation":"Alterar a anima\xE7\xE3o","Change the animation of the object, using the animation number in the animations list.":"Altere a anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto, usando o n\xFAmero da anima\xE7\xE3o na lista de anima\xE7\xF5es.","Change the animation (by name)":"Alterar a anima\xE7\xE3o (por nome)","Change the animation of the object, using the name of the animation.":"Altere a anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto usando o nome da anima\xE7\xE3o.","Set animation of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Definir anima\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Change the direction":"Mudar a dire\xE7\xE3o","Change the direction of the object.\nIf the object is set to automatically rotate, the direction is its angle.\nIf the object is in 8 directions mode, the valid directions are 0..7":"Muda a dire\xE7\xE3o do objeto.\nSe o objeto est\xE1 configurado para girar automaticamente, a dire\xE7\xE3o ser\xE1 seu \xE2ngulo.\nSe o objeto estiver no modo de 8 dire\xE7\xF5es, as dire\xE7\xF5es v\xE1lidas s\xE3o 0..7","the direction":"a dire\xE7\xE3o","Current frame":"Quadro atual","Modify the current frame of the object":"Modificar o frame atual do objeto","the animation frame":"o frame da anima\xE7\xE3o","Play the animation":"Reproduzir a anima\xE7\xE3o","Play the animation of the object":"Reproduz a anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Play the animation of _PARAM0_":"Reproduzir a anima\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_","Modify the animation speed scale (1 = the default speed, >1 = faster and <1 = slower).":"Modifica a escala da velocidade de anima\xE7\xE3o (1 = a velocidade padr\xE3o, >1 = mais r\xE1pido e <1 = mais lento).","Object to be rotated":"Objeto a ser girado","Angular speed (degrees per second)":"Velocidade angular (graus por segundo)","Modify the scale of the width of an object.":"Modifica a escala da largura de um objeto.","Modify the scale of the height of an object.":"Modifica a escala da altura de um objeto.","Change the width of a Sprite object.":"Muda a largura do objeto da Sprite.","Compare the width of a Sprite object.":"Compare a largura de um objeto Sprite.","Change the height of a Sprite object.":"Muda a altura do objeto da Sprite.","Compare the height of a Sprite object.":"Compare a altura de um objeto Sprite.","Current animation":"Anima\xE7\xE3o atual","Compare the number of the animation played by the object.":"Compara o n\xFAmero da anima\xE7\xE3o reproduzida pelo objeto.","Current animation name":"Nome da anima\xE7\xE3o atual","Check the animation played by the object.":"Verifique a anima\xE7\xE3o reproduzida pelo objeto.","The animation of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"A anima\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Current direction":"Dire\xE7\xE3o atual","Compare the direction of the object. If 8 direction mode is activated for the sprite, the value taken for direction will be from 0 to 7. Otherwise, the direction is in degrees.":"Compare a dire\xE7\xE3o do objeto. Se o modo de 8 dire\xE7\xF5es estiver ativado para o sprite, o valor tomado para dire\xE7\xE3o ser\xE1 entre 0 e 7. Caso contr\xE1rio, a dire\xE7\xE3o est\xE1 em grau.","Compare the index of the current frame in the animation displayed by the specified object. The first frame in an animation starts at index 0.":"Compare o \xEDndice do frame atual na anima\xE7\xE3o exibida pelo objeto especificado. O primeiro frame em uma anima\xE7\xE3o come\xE7a no \xEDndice 0.","Compare the scale of the width of an object.":"Compare a escala da largura de um objeto.","Compare the scale of the height of an object.":"Compare a escala da altura de um objeto.","Compare the opacity of a Sprite, between 0 (fully transparent) to 255 (opaque).":"Comparar a opacidade de um Sprite, entre 0 (totalmente transparente) a 255 (opaco).","Blend mode":"Modo de mesclagem","Compare the number of the blend mode currently used by an object":"Comparar o n\xFAmero do modo de mistura usado atualmente por um objeto","the number of the current blend mode":"o n\xFAmero do modo de mistura atual","Change the tint of an object. The default color is white.":"Altera a tonalidade de um objeto. A cor padr\xE3o \xE9 branca.","Change the number of the blend mode of an object.\nThe default blend mode is 0 (Normal).":"Altere o n\xFAmero do modo de mesclagem de um objeto.\nO modo de mesclagem padr\xE3o \xE9 0 (Normal).","Change Blend mode of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Mude o modo de mesclagem de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","X position of a point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X de um ponto","Name of the point":"Nome do ponto","Y position of a point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y de um ponto","Direction of the object":"Dire\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Animation of the object":"Anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Name of the animation of the object":"Nome da anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Current frame of the animation of the object":"Quadro atual da anima\xE7\xE3o do objeto","Number of frames":"N\xFAmero de quadros","Number of frames in the current animation of the object":"N\xFAmero de quadros na anima\xE7\xE3o atual do objeto","Scale of the width of an object":"Escala da largura de um objeto","Scale of the height of an object":"Escala da altura de um objeto","Collision (Pixel perfect)":"Colis\xE3o (Pixel perfeito)","The condition is true if there is a collision between the two objects.\nThe test is pixel-perfect.":"A condi\xE7\xE3o \xE9 verdadeira se houver uma colis\xE3o entre dois objetos.\nO teste \xE9 pixel-perfeito.","_PARAM0_ is in collision with _PARAM1_ (pixel perfect)":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 em colis\xE3o com _PARAM1_ (pixel perfeito)","Mathematical tools":"Ferramentas matem\xE1ticas","Random integer":"Aleat\xF3rio com n\xFAmeros inteiros","Maximum value":"Valor m\xE1ximo","Random integer in range":"Aleat\xF3rio com n\xFAmeros inteiros em um intervalo","Minimum value":"Valor m\xEDnimo","Random float":"Aleat\xF3rio com decimais","Random float in range":"Aleat\xF3rio com decimais em um intervalo","Random value in steps":"Valor aleat\xF3rio com etapas","Step":"Etapa","Normalize a value between `min` and `max` to a value between 0 and 1.":"Normaliza um valor entre 'min' e 'max' para um valor entre 0 e 1.","Remap a value between 0 and 1.":"Remapeia um valor entre 0 e 1.","Min":"M\xEDnimo","Max":"M\xE1ximo","Clamp (restrict a value to a given range)":"Clamp (restringe um valor para um determinado intervalo)","Restrict a value to a given range":"Restringir um valor a uma determinada dist\xE2ncia","Difference between two angles":"Diferen\xE7a entre dois \xE2ngulos","First angle, in degrees":"First angle, in degrees","Second angle, in degrees":"Second angle, in degrees","Angle between two positions":"\xC2ngulo entre duas posi\xE7\xF5es","Compute the angle between two positions (in degrees).":"Compute the angle between two positions (in degrees).","First point X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do primeiro ponto","First point Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do primeiro ponto","Second point X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do segundo ponto","Second point Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do segundo ponto","Distance between two positions":"Dist\xE2ncia entre duas posi\xE7\xF5es","Compute the distance between two positions.":"Calcula a dist\xE2ncia entre duas posi\xE7\xF5es.","Modulo":"M\xF3dulo","x mod y":"x mod y","x (as in x mod y)":"x (como em x mod y)","y (as in x mod y)":"y (como em x mod y)","Minimum of two numbers":"M\xEDnimo de dois n\xFAmeros","First expression":"Primeira express\xE3o","Second expression":"Segunda express\xE3o","Maximum of two numbers":"M\xE1ximo de dois n\xFAmeros","Absolute value":"Valor absoluto","Arccosine":"Arco cosseno","Arccosine, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.":"Arccosine, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.","Hyperbolic arccosine":"Arco cosseno hiperb\xF3lico","Arcsine":"Arco seno","Arcsine, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.":"Arcsine, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.","Arctangent":"Arco tangente","Arctangent, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.":"Arctangent, return an angle (in radian). `ToDeg` allows to convert it to degrees.","2 argument arctangent":"Arco tangente de 2 argumentos","2 argument arctangent (atan2)":"Arco tangente de 2 argumentos (atan2)","Hyperbolic arctangent":"Arco tangente hiperb\xF3lico","Cube root":"Raiz c\xFAbica","Ceil (round up)":"Teto (arredondar para cima)","Round number up to an integer":"Arredonda um n\xFAmero para cima at\xE9 um inteiro","Ceil (round up) to a decimal point":"Teto (arredondar acima) um ponto decimal","Round number up to the Nth decimal place":"Arredonde um n\xFAmero para cima at\xE9 a casa decimal","Floor (round down)":"Piso (arredonda para baixo)","Round number down to an integer":"Arredonda um n\xFAmero para baixo at\xE9 um inteiro","Floor (round down) to a decimal point":"Ch\xE3o (arredondar abaixo) um ponto decimal","Round number down to the Nth decimal place":"Arredondar o n\xFAmero para baixo at\xE9 a casa decimal","Cosine":"Cosseno","Cosine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.":"Cosine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.","Hyperbolic cosine":"Cosseno hiperb\xF3lico","Cotangent":"Cotangente","Cotangent of a number":"Cotangente de um n\xFAmero","Cosecant":"Cossecante","Cosecant of a number":"Cossecante de um n\xFAmero","Round":"Arredondar","Round a number":"Arredondar um n\xFAmero","Round to a decimal point":"Arredondar para um ponto decimal","Round a number to the Nth decimal place":"Arredonde um n\xFAmero para a casa decimal","Exponential":"Exponencial","Exponential of a number":"Exponencial de um n\xFAmero","Logarithm":"Logaritmo","Base-2 logarithm":"Logaritmo na base 2","Base 2 Logarithm":"Logaritmo na base 2","Base-10 logarithm":"Logaritmo na base 10","Nth root":"Raiz en\xE9sima","Nth root of a number":"Raiz en\xE9sima de um n\xFAmero","N":"N","Power":"Pot\xEAncia","Raise a number to power n":"Aumentar um n\xFAmero at\xE9 o expoente n","The exponent (n in x^n)":"O expoente (n em x^n)","Secant":"Secante","Sign of a number":"Sinal de um n\xFAmero","Return the sign of a number (1,-1 or 0)":"Retornar o sinal de um n\xFAmero (1, -1 ou 0)","Sine":"Seno","Sine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.":"Sine of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `sin(ToRad(45))`.","Hyperbolic sine":"Seno hiperb\xF3lico","Square root":"Raiz quadrada","Square root of a number":"Raiz quadrada de um n\xFAmero","Tangent":"Tangente","Tangent of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `tan(ToRad(45))`.":"Tangent of an angle (in radian). If you want to use degrees, use`ToRad`: `tan(ToRad(45))`.","Hyperbolic tangent":"Tangente hiperb\xF3lica","Truncation":"Truncamento","Truncate a number":"Truncar um n\xFAmero","Lerp (Linear interpolation)":"Lerp (Interpola\xE7\xE3o linear)","Linearly interpolate a to b by x":"Interpolar linearmente A para b por x","a (in a+(b-a)*x)":"a (em a+(b-a)*x)","b (in a+(b-a)*x)":"b (em a+(b-a)*x)","x (in a+(b-a)*x)":"x (em a+(b-a)*x)","X position from angle and distance":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do \xE2ngulo e dist\xE2ncia","Compute the X position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Calcula a posi\xE7\xE3o X quando dados um \xE2ngulo e dist\xE2ncia relativos \xE0 origem (0;0). Isso tamb\xE9m \xE9 conhecido como obter as coordenadas cartesianas de um vetor 2D, usando as suas coordenadas polares.","Y position from angle and distance":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do \xE2ngulo e dist\xE2ncia","Compute the Y position when given an angle and distance relative to the origin (0;0). This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Calcula a posi\xE7\xE3o Y quando dados um \xE2ngulo e dist\xE2ncia relativos \xE0 origem (0;0). Isso tamb\xE9m \xE9 conhecido como obter as coordenadas cartesianas de um vetor 2D, usando as suas coordenadas polares.","Number Pi (3.1415...)":"N\xFAmero Pi (3.1415...)","The number Pi (3.1415...)":"O n\xFAmero Pi (3.1415...)","Lerp (Linear interpolation) between two angles":"Lerp (Linear interpolation) between two angles","Linearly interpolates between two angles (in degrees) by taking the shortest direction around the circle.":"Linearly interpolates between two angles (in degrees) by taking the shortest direction around the circle.","Starting angle, in degrees":"Starting angle, in degrees","Destination angle, in degrees":"Destination angle, in degrees","Interpolation value between 0 and 1.":"Interpolation value between 0 and 1.","Create objects from an external layout":"Criar objetos a partir de um layout externo","Create objects from an external layout.":"Criar objetos de um layout externo.","Create objects from the external layout named _PARAM1_":"Crie objetos do layout externo chamado _PARAM1_","X position of the origin":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X da origem","Y position of the origin":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y da origem","Z position of the origin":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Z da origem","Conversion":"Convers\xE3o","Text > Number":"Texto > N\xFAmero","Convert the text to a number":"Converter o texto em um n\xFAmero","Text to convert to a number":"Texto para converter em um n\xFAmero","Number > Text":"N\xFAmero > Texto","Convert the result of the expression to text":"Converta o resultado da express\xE3o em texto","Expression to be converted to text":"Express\xE3o a ser convertida em texto","Number > Text ( without scientific notation )":"N\xFAmero > Texto (sem nota\xE7\xE3o cient\xEDfica)","Convert the result of the expression to text, without using the scientific notation":"Converter o resultado da express\xE3o em texto, sem usar a nota\xE7\xE3o cient\xEDfica","Degrees > Radians":"Graus > Radianos","Converts the angle, expressed in degrees, into radians":"Converte o \xE2ngulo, expresso em graus, em radianos","Radians > Degrees":"Radianos > Graus","Converts the angle, expressed in radians, into degrees":"Converte o \xE2ngulo, expresso em radianos, em graus","Angle, in radians":"\xC2ngulo, em radianos","Convert variable to JSON":"Convert variable to JSON","Convert a variable to JSON":"Convert a variable to JSON","JSON":"JSON","The variable to be stringified":"The variable to be stringified","Convert global variable to JSON":"Converter vari\xE1vel global para JSON","Convert a global variable to JSON":"Converter uma vari\xE1vel global para JSON","The global variable to be stringified":"A vari\xE1vel global a ser transformada em string","Convert object variable to JSON":"Converter vari\xE1vel de objeto em JSON","Convert an object variable to JSON":"Converter uma vari\xE1vel de objeto em JSON","The object with the variable":"O objeto com a vari\xE1vel","The object variable to be stringified":"A vari\xE1vel de objeto a ser transformada em string","Convert JSON to a scene variable":"Converter JSON para uma vari\xE1vel de cena","Parse a JSON object and store it into a scene variable":"Analisar um objeto JSON e armazen\xE1-lo em uma vari\xE1vel de cena","Convert JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into variable _PARAM1_":"Convert JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into variable _PARAM1_","JSON string":"String JSON","Variable where store the JSON object":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar o objeto JSON","Convert JSON to global variable":"Converter JSON para vari\xE1vel global","Parse a JSON object and store it into a global variable":"Analisar um objeto JSON e armazen\xE1-lo em uma vari\xE1vel global","Convert JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into global variable _PARAM1_":"Convert JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into global variable _PARAM1_","Global variable where store the JSON object":"Vari\xE1vel global em que armazena o objeto JSON","Convert JSON to a variable":"Convert JSON to a variable","Parse a JSON object and store it into a variable":"Parse a JSON object and store it into a variable","Variable where to store the JSON object":"Variable where to store the JSON object","Convert JSON to object variable":"Converter JSON para vari\xE1vel de objeto","Parse a JSON object and store it into an object variable":"Analisar um objeto JSON e armazen\xE1-lo em uma vari\xE1vel de objeto","Parse JSON string _PARAM0_ and store it into variable _PARAM2_ of _PARAM1_":"Analise a string JSON _PARAM0_ e armazene-a na vari\xE1vel _PARAM2_ de _PARAM1_","Object variable where store the JSON object":"Vari\xE1vel de objeto onde armazenar o objeto JSON","Existence of a group":"Exist\xEAncia de um grupo","Check if an element (example : PlayerState/CurrentLevel) exists in the stored data.\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Verificar se um elemento (exemplo: PlayerState/CurrentLevel) existe nos dados armazenados.\nEspa\xE7os s\xE3o proibidos em nomes de elementos.","_PARAM1_ exists in storage _PARAM0_":"_PARAM1_ existe no armazenamento _PARAM0_","Storage name":"Nome do armazenamento","Group":"Grupo","Load a storage in memory":"Carregar um armazenamento na mem\xF3ria","This action loads the specified storage in memory, so you can write and read it.\nYou can open and write without using this action, but it will be slower.\nIf you use this action, do not forget to unload the storage from memory.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o carrega o armazenamento especificado na mem\xF3ria, para que voc\xEA possa escrev\xEA-lo e l\xEA-lo.\nVoc\xEA pode abrir e gravar sem usar esta a\xE7\xE3o, mas ser\xE1 mais lento.\nSe usar esta a\xE7\xE3o, n\xE3o esque\xE7a de descarregar o arquivo da mem\xF3ria.","Load storage _PARAM0_ in memory":"Carregar armazenamento _PARAM0_ na mem\xF3ria","Close a storage":"Fechar um armazenamento","This action closes the structured data previously loaded in memory, saving all changes made.":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o fecha os dados estruturados carregados anteriormente na mem\xF3ria, salvando todas as altera\xE7\xF5es feitas.","Close structured data _PARAM0_":"Fechar arquivo estruturado _PARAM0_","Save a value":"Save a value","Save the result of the expression in the stored data, in the specified element.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Save the result of the expression in the stored data, in the specified element.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.","Save _PARAM2_ in _PARAM1_ of storage _PARAM0_":"Save _PARAM2_ in _PARAM1_ of storage _PARAM0_","Save a text":"Save a text","Save the text in the specified storage, in the specified element.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Save the text in the specified storage, in the specified element.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.","Load a value":"Load a value","Load the value saved in the specified element and store it in a scene variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Load the value saved in the specified element and store it in a scene variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.","Load _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_ and store value in _PARAM3_":"Load _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_ and store value in _PARAM3_","Load the value saved in the specified element and store it in a variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Load the value saved in the specified element and store it in a variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.","Load a text":"Load a text","Load the text saved in the specified element and store it in a scene variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Load the text saved in the specified element and store it in a scene variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.","Load _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_ and store as text in _PARAM3_":"Load _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_ and store as text in _PARAM3_","Load the text saved in the specified element and store it in a variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Load the text saved in the specified element and store it in a variable.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.","Delete an element":"Excluir um elemento","This action deletes the specified element from the specified storage.\nSpecify the structure leading to the element using / (example : Root/Level/Current)\nSpaces are forbidden in element names.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o exclui o elemento especificado do armazenamento especificado.\nEspecifique a estrutura que leva ao elemento usando / (exemplo: raiz/n\xEDvel/atual)\nEspa\xE7os s\xE3o proibidos em nomes de elementos.","Delete _PARAM1_ from storage _PARAM0_":"Excluir _PARAM1_ do armazenamento _PARAM0_","Clear a storage":"Limpar um armazenamento","Clear the specified storage, removing all data saved in it.":"Limpe o armazenamento especificado, removendo todos os dados salvos nele.","Delete storage _PARAM0_":"Excluir o armazenamento _PARAM0_","A storage exists":"Um armazenamento existe","Test if the specified storage exists.":"Teste se o armazenamento especificado existe.","Storage _PARAM0_ exists":"Armazenamento _PARAM0_ existe","Execute a command":"Executar um comando","This action executes the specified command.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o executa o comando especificado.","Execute _PARAM0_":"Executar _PARAM0_","Command":"Comando","Allows your game to respond to keyboard input. Note that this does not work with on-screen keyboard on touch devices: use instead conditions related to touch when making a game for mobile/touchscreen devices.":"Permite que seu jogo responda \xE0 entradas do teclado. Note que isto n\xE3o funciona com o teclado virtual na tela em dispositivos m\xF3veis: use condi\xE7\xF5es relacionadas ao toque durante a cria\xE7\xE3o de um jogo para dispositivos m\xF3veis/touchscreen.","Key pressed":"Tecla pressionada","Check if a key is pressed":"Checar se uma tecla \xE9 pressionada","_PARAM1_ key is pressed":"A tecla _PARAM1_ est\xE1 pressionada","Key to check":"Key to check","Key released":"Tecla liberada","Check if a key was just released":"Checar se uma tecla foi solta","_PARAM1_ key is released":"Tecla _PARAM1_ foi liberada","Any key pressed":"Qualquer tecla pressionada","Check if any key is pressed":"Check if any key is pressed","Any key is pressed":"Qualquer tecla \xE9 pressionada","Any key released":"Qualquer tecla liberada","Check if any key is released":"Checar se qualquer tecla foi solta","Any key is released":"Qualquer tecla \xE9 liberada","Last pressed key":"\xDAltima tecla pressionada","Get the name of the latest key pressed on the keyboard":"Obter o nome da \xFAltima tecla pressionada no teclado","Text manipulation":"Manipula\xE7\xE3o de texto","Insert a new line":"Inserir uma nova linha","Get character from code point":"Obter caractere de um ponto espec\xEDfico do c\xF3digo","Code point":"Ponto de c\xF3digo","Uppercase a text":"Deixar um texto em mai\xFAsculo","Lowercase a text":"Deixar um texto em min\xFAsculo","Get a portion of a text":"Obter uma por\xE7\xE3o de um texto","Start position of the portion (the first letter is at position 0)":"Posi\xE7\xE3o inicial da por\xE7\xE3o (a primeira letra \xE9 na posi\xE7\xE3o 0)","Length of the portion":"Comprimento da por\xE7\xE3o","Get a character from a text":"Obter um caractere de um texto","Position of the character (the first letter is at position 0)":"Posi\xE7\xE3o do caractere (a primeira letra \xE9 na posi\xE7\xE3o 0)","Repeat a text":"Repetir um texto","Text to repeat":"Texto para repetir","Repetition count":"Contagem de repeti\xE7\xE3o","Length of a text":"Comprimento de um texto","Search in a text":"Pesquisar em um texto","Search in a text (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)":"Procura num texto (retorna a posi\xE7\xE3o do resultado ou -1 se n\xE3o for encontrada)","Text to search for":"Texto para procurar","Search the last occurrence in a text":"Search the last occurrence in a text","Search the last occurrence in a string (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)":"Search the last occurrence in a string (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)","Search in a text, starting from a position":"Procurar em um texto, a partir de uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Search in a text, starting from a position (return the position of the result or -1 if not found)":"Procurar em um texto, come\xE7ando de uma posi\xE7\xE3o (retorne a posi\xE7\xE3o do resultado ou -1 se n\xE3o for encontrado)","Position of the first character in the string to be considered in the search":"Posi\xE7\xE3o do primeiro caractere na string a ser considerado na busca","Search the last occurrence in a text, starting from a position":"Search the last occurrence in a text, starting from a position","Search in a text the last occurrence, starting from a position (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)":"Search in a text the last occurrence, starting from a position (return the position of the result, from the beginning of the string, or -1 if not found)","Position of the last character in the string to be considered in the search":"Posi\xE7\xE3o do \xFAltimo caractere na string a ser considerado na busca","Replace the first occurrence of a text by another.":"Replace the first occurrence of a text by another.","Text in which the replacement must be done":"Text in which the replacement must be done","Text to find inside the first text":"Text to find inside the first text","Replacement to put instead of the text to find":"Replacement to put instead of the text to find","Replace all occurrences of a text by another.":"Replace all occurrences of a text by another.","Text in which the replacement(s) must be done":"Text in which the replacement(s) must be done","Asynchronous functions":"Asynchronous functions","Functions that defer the execution of the events after it.":"Fun\xE7\xF5es que adiam a execu\xE7\xE3o dos eventos depois disso.","Async event":"Evento ass\xEDncrono","Internal event for asynchronous actions":"Evento interno para a\xE7\xF5es ass\xEDncronas","End asynchronous function":"Finalizar fun\xE7\xE3o ass\xEDncrona","Mark an asynchronous function as finished. This will allow the actions and subevents following it to be run.":"Marcar uma fun\xE7\xE3o ass\xEDncrona como conclu\xEDda. Isso permitir\xE1 que as a\xE7\xF5es e sobreventos seguintes sejam executados.","Game window and resolution":"Janela do jogo e resolu\xE7\xE3o","De/activate fullscreen":"Ativar/Desativar tela cheia","This action activates or deactivates fullscreen.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o ativa ou desativa a tela cheia.","Activate fullscreen: _PARAM1_ (keep aspect ratio: _PARAM2_)":"Ativar tela cheia: _PARAM1_ (manter taxa de propor\xE7\xE3o: _PARAM2_)","Activate fullscreen":"Ativar tela cheia","Keep aspect ratio (HTML5 games only, yes by default)":"Manter propor\xE7\xE3o (HTML5 jogos apenas, sim por padr\xE3o)","Fullscreen activated?":"Tela cheia ativada?","Check if the game is currently in fullscreen.":"Verifica se o jogo est\xE1 atualmente em tela cheia.","The game is in fullscreen":"O jogo est\xE1 em tela cheia","Window's margins":"Window's margins","This action changes the margins, in pixels, between the game frame and the window borders.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o altera as margens, em pixels, entre a moldura do jogo e as bordas da janela.","Set margins of game window to _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_;_PARAM3_;_PARAM4_":"Definir margens da janela do jogo para _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_; _PARAM4_","Game resolution":"Resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo","Changes the resolution of the game, effectively changing the game area size. This won't change the size of the window in which the game is running.":"Alterar a resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo, alterando efetivamente o tamanho da \xE1rea do jogo. Isso n\xE3o mudar\xE1 o tamanho da janela em que o jogo est\xE1 sendo executado.","Set game resolution to _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_":"Definir resolu\xE7\xE3o para _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_","Game window size":"Tamanho da janela do jogo","Changes the size of the game window. Note that this will only work on platform supporting this operation: games running in browsers or on mobile phones can not update their window size. Game resolution can still be updated.":"Altera o tamanho da janela do jogo. Observe que isso s\xF3 funcionar\xE1 em plataformas que suportam esta opera\xE7\xE3o: jogos rodando em navegadores ou em celulares n\xE3o podem atualizar o tamanho da janela. A resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo ainda pode ser atualizada.","Set game window size to _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_ (also update game resolution: _PARAM3_)":"Definir o tamanho da janela do jogo para _PARAM1_x_PARAM2_ (tamb\xE9m atualiza a resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo: _PARAM3_)","Also update the game resolution? If not, the game will be stretched or reduced to fit in the window.":"Tamb\xE9m atualizar a resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo? Caso contr\xE1rio, o jogo ser\xE1 esticado ou reduzido para caber na janela.","Center the game window on the screen":"Centralizar a janela do jogo na tela","This action centers the game window on the screen. This only works on Windows, macOS and Linux (not when the game is executed in a web-browser or on iOS/Android).":"Essa a\xE7\xE3o centraliza a janela do jogo na tela. Isto s\xF3 funciona no Windows, macOS e Linux (n\xE3o quando o jogo \xE9 executado em um navegador da web ou no iOS/Android).","Center the game window":"Centralizar a janela do jogo","Game resolution resize mode":"Modo de redimensionamento da resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo","Set if the width or the height of the game resolution should be changed to fit the game window - or if the game resolution should not be updated automatically.":"Configura se a largura ou a altura da resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo deve ser alterada para se encaixar na janela do jogo - ou se a resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo n\xE3o deve ser atualizada automaticamente.","Set game resolution resize mode to _PARAM1_":"Definir modo de redimensionamento da resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo para _PARAM1_","Resize mode":"Modo de redimensionar","Empty to disable resizing. \"adaptWidth\" will update the game width to fit in the window or screen. \"adaptHeight\" will do the same but with the game height.":"Vazio para desabilitar o redimensionamento. \"adaptWidth\" atualizar\xE1 a largura do jogo para caber na janela ou tela. \"adaptHeight\" far\xE1 o mesmo, mas com a altura do jogo.","Automatically adapt the game resolution":"Adaptar automaticamente a resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo","Set if the game resolution should be automatically adapted when the game window or screen size change. This will only be the case if the game resolution resize mode is configured to adapt the width or the height of the game.":"Defina se a resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo deve ser adaptada automaticamente quando a janela ou o tamanho da tela mudarem. Isto s\xF3 ser\xE1 o caso se o modo de redimensionamento da resolu\xE7\xE3o do jogo esteja configurado para adaptar a largura ou a altura do jogo.","Automatically adapt the game resolution: _PARAM1_":"Adaptar automaticamente a resolu\xE7\xE3o de jogo: _PARAM1_","Update resolution during the game to fit the screen or window size?":"Atualizar resolu\xE7\xE3o durante o jogo para se encaixar no tamanho da tela ou da janela?","Window's icon":"\xCDcone do Windows","This action changes the icon of the game's window.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o altera o \xEDcone da janela do jogo.","Use _PARAM1_ as the icon for the game's window.":"Use _PARAM1_ como o \xEDcone da janela do jogo.","Name of the image to be used as the icon":"Nome da imagem a ser usada como o \xEDcone","Window's title":"T\xEDtulo da janela","This action changes the title of the game's window.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o altera o t\xEDtulo da janela do jogo.","Change window title to _PARAM1_":"Alterar o t\xEDtulo da janela para _PARAM1_","New title":"Novo t\xEDtulo","Width of the scene window":"Largura da janela da cena","Width of the scene window (or scene canvas for HTML5 games)":"Largura da janela de cena (ou canvas da cena para jogos HTML5)","Height of the scene window":"Altura da janela da cena","Height of the scene window (or scene canvas for HTML5 games)":"Altura da janela de cena (ou tela de cena para jogos HTML5)","Width of the screen/page":"Largura da tela/p\xE1gina","Width of the screen (or the page for HTML5 games in browser)":"Largura da tela (ou da p\xE1gina de jogos HTML5 no navegador)","Height of the screen/page":"Altura da tela/p\xE1gina","Height of the screen (or the page for HTML5 games in browser)":"Altura da tela (ou da p\xE1gina de jogos HTML5 no navegador)","Color depth":"Profundidade da cor","Variable value":"Valor da vari\xE1vel","Compare the number value of a variable.":"Compare the number value of a variable.","The variable _PARAM0_":"The variable _PARAM0_","Compare the text (string) of a variable.":"Compare the text (string) of a variable.","Compare the boolean value of a variable.":"Compare the boolean value of a variable.","The variable _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"The variable _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_","Check if the value is":"Verifica se o valor \xE9","Change variable value":"Alterar valor da vari\xE1vel","Modify the number value of a variable.":"Modifique o valor num\xE9rico de uma vari\xE1vel.","the variable _PARAM0_":"the variable _PARAM0_","Change text variable":"Alterar vari\xE1vel de texto","Modify the text (string) of a variable.":"Modify the text (string) of a variable.","Change boolean variable":"Alterar vari\xE1vel booliano","Modify the boolean value of a variable.":"Modify the boolean value of a variable.","Change the variable _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_":"Change the variable _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_","Number of children":"Number of children","Compare the number of children in an array variable.":"Compare the number of children in an array variable.","The number of children in the array variable _PARAM0_":"The number of children in the array variable _PARAM0_","Arrays and structures":"Arrays and structures","Array variable":"Vari\xE1vel de matriz","Child existence":"Exist\xEAncia de filho","Check if the specified child of the structure variable exists.":"Check if the specified child of the structure variable exists.","Child _PARAM1_ of variable _PARAM0_ exists":"Child _PARAM1_ of variable _PARAM0_ exists","Name of the child":"Nome do filho","Remove a child":"Remover um filho","Remove a child from a structure variable.":"Remove a child from a structure variable.","Remove child _PARAM1_ from structure variable _PARAM0_":"Remove child _PARAM1_ from structure variable _PARAM0_","Structure variable":"Structure variable","Child's name":"Nome do filho","Clear children":"Clear children","Remove all the children from the structure or array variable.":"Remove all the children from the structure or array variable.","Clear children from variable _PARAM0_":"Clear children from variable _PARAM0_","Structure or array variable":"Structure or array variable","Add existing variable":"Adicionar vari\xE1vel existente","Adds an existing variable at the end of an array variable.":"Adds an existing variable at the end of an array variable.","Add variable _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Add variable _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_","Variable with the content to add":"Variable with the content to add","The content of the variable will *be copied* and added at the end of the array.":"The content of the variable will *be copied* and added at the end of the array.","Add text variable":"Adicionar vari\xE1vel de texto","Adds a text (string) at the end of a array variable.":"Adds a text (string) at the end of a array variable.","Add the value _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Add the value _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_","Text to add":"Texto para adicionar","Add variable array value":"Adicionar valor de matriz de vari\xE1vel","Adds a number at the end of an array variable.":"Adds a number at the end of an array variable.","Number to add":"N\xFAmero a adicionar","Add boolean variable":"Add boolean variable","Adds a boolean at the end of an array variable.":"Adds a boolean at the end of an array variable.","Boolean to add":"Boolean to add","Remove variable by index":"Remove variable by index","Removes a variable at the specified index of an array variable.":"Removes a variable at the specified index of an array variable.","Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from array variable _PARAM0_":"Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from array variable _PARAM0_","Index to remove":"\xCDndice para remover","First text child":"First text child","Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).","First number child":"First number child","Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a number.":"Get the value of the first element of an array variable, if it is a number.","Last text child":"\xDAltima mensagem filho","Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a text (string).","Last number child":"Last number child","Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a number.":"Get the value of the last element of an array variable, if it is a number.","Number variable":"Number variable","Compare the number value of a scene variable.":"Compare the number value of a scene variable.","The number of scene variable _PARAM0_":"The number of scene variable _PARAM0_","External variables/Scene variables":"External variables/Scene variables","Text variable":"Vari\xE1vel texto","Compare the text (string) of a scene variable.":"Compare the text (string) of a scene variable.","The text of scene variable _PARAM0_":"The text of scene variable _PARAM0_","Boolean variable":"Vari\xE1vel booliana","Compare the boolean value of a scene variable.":"Comparar o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel de cena.","The boolean value of scene variable _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"O valor booleano da vari\xE1vel da cena _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Check if the specified child of the scene structure variable exists.":"Check if the specified child of the scene structure variable exists.","Child _PARAM1_ of scene variable _PARAM0_ exists":"Filho _PARAM1_ da vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_ existe","External variables/Scene variables/Arrays and structures":"External variables/Scene variables/Arrays and structures","Check if the specified child of the global structure variable exists.":"Check if the specified child of the global structure variable exists.","Child _PARAM1_ of global variable _PARAM0_ exists":"Filho _PARAM1_ da vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_ existe","External variables/Global variables/Arrays and structures":"External variables/Global variables/Arrays and structures","Compare the number value of a global variable.":"Compare the number value of a global variable.","the global variable _PARAM0_":"a vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_","External variables/Global variables":"External variables/Global variables","Compare the text (string) of a global variable.":"Compare the text (string) of a global variable.","the text of the global variable _PARAM0_":"o texto da vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_","Compare the boolean value of a global variable.":"Compara o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel global.","The boolean value of global variable _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_":"O valor booleano da vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_","Change number variable":"Alterar vari\xE1vel num\xE9rica","Modify the number value of a scene variable.":"Modify the number value of a scene variable.","the scene variable _PARAM0_":"a vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_","Modify the text (string) of a scene variable.":"Modify the text (string) of a scene variable.","the text of scene variable _PARAM0_":"o texto da vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_","Modify the boolean value of a scene variable.":"Modifica o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel de cena.","Set the boolean value of scene variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define o valor booleano da vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","New Value:":"Novo Valor:","Toggle boolean variable":"Toggle boolean variable","Toggle the boolean value of a scene variable.":"Alterne o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel de cena.","If it was true, it will become false, and if it was false it will become true.":"Se for verdadeiro, se tornar\xE1 falso, e se for falso, se tornar\xE1 verdadeiro.","Toggle the boolean value of scene variable _PARAM0_":"Alterna o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_","Modify the number value of a global variable.":"Modifica o valor do n\xFAmero de uma vari\xE1vel global.","Modify the text (string) of a global variable.":"Modify the text (string) of a global variable.","the text of global variable _PARAM0_":"o texto da vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_","Modify the boolean value of a global variable.":"Modifica o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel global.","Set the boolean value of global variable _PARAM0_ to _PARAM1_":"Define o valor booleano da vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_ para _PARAM1_","Toggle the boolean value of a global variable.":"Alterna o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel global.","Toggle the boolean value of global variable _PARAM0_":"Alterna o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel global _PARAM0_","Remove a child from a scene structure variable.":"Remove a child from a scene structure variable.","Remove child _PARAM1_ from scene structure variable _PARAM0_":"Remove child _PARAM1_ from scene structure variable _PARAM0_","Remove a child from a global structure variable.":"Remove a child from a global structure variable.","Remove child _PARAM1_ from global structure variable _PARAM0_":"Remove child _PARAM1_ from global structure variable _PARAM0_","Remove all the children from the scene structure or array variable.":"Remove all the children from the scene structure or array variable.","Clear children from scene variable _PARAM0_":"Limpar filhos da vari\xE1vel de cena _PARAM0_","Remove all the children from the global structure or array variable.":"Remove all the children from the global structure or array variable.","Clear children from global variable _PARAM0_":"Limpar filhos da vari\xE1vel _PARAM0_","Adds an existing variable at the end of a scene array variable.":"Adds an existing variable at the end of a scene array variable.","Scene variable with the content to add":"Vari\xE1vel de cena com o conte\xFAdo a ser adicionado","Adds a text (string) at the end of a scene array variable.":"Adds a text (string) at the end of a scene array variable.","Add text _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Add text _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_","Add number variable":"Adicionar vari\xE1vel num\xE9rica","Adds a number at the end of a scene array variable.":"Adds a number at the end of a scene array variable.","Add number _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Add number _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_","Adds a boolean at the end of a scene array variable.":"Adds a boolean at the end of a scene array variable.","Add boolean _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_":"Add boolean _PARAM1_ to array variable _PARAM0_","Removes a variable at the specified index of a scene array variable.":"Remove uma vari\xE1vel de um \xEDndice especificado da vari\xE1vel da matriz de cena.","Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from scene array variable _PARAM0_":"Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from scene array variable _PARAM0_","Compare the number of children in a scene array variable.":"Compare the number of children in a scene array variable.","Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).","Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.":"Get the value of the first element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.","Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).":"Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a text (string).","Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.":"Get the value of the last element of a scene array variable, if it is a number.","Adds an existing variable at the end of a global array variable.":"Adds an existing variable at the end of a global array variable.","Removes a variable at the specified index of a global array variable.":"Remove uma vari\xE1vel no \xEDndice especificado de uma vari\xE1vel de matriz global.","Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from global array variable _PARAM0_":"Remove variable at index _PARAM1_ from global array variable _PARAM0_","Adds a text (string) at the end of a global array variable.":"Adds a text (string) at the end of a global array variable.","Adds a number at the end of a global array variable.":"Adds a number at the end of a global array variable.","Adds a boolean at the end of a global array variable.":"Adds a boolean at the end of a global array variable.","Compare the number of children in a global array variable.":"Compare the number of children in a global array variable.","The number of children of the array variable _PARAM0_":"The number of children of the array variable _PARAM0_","Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.","Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable":"Value of the first element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable","Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.","Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable":"Value of the last element of a global array variable, if it is a number variable","Number of children in a global array or structure variable":"Number of children in a global array or structure variable","Array or structure variable":"Array or structure variable","Number of children in a scene array or structure variable":"Number of children in a scene array or structure variable","Number value of a scene variable":"Number value of a scene variable","Text of a scene variable":"Texto de uma vari\xE1vel de cena","Number value of a global variable":"Valor num\xE9rico de uma vari\xE1vel global","Name of the global variable":"Nome da vari\xE1vel global","Text of a global variable":"Texto de uma vari\xE1vel global","Actions and conditions to manipulate the scenes during the game.":"A\xE7\xF5es e condi\xE7\xF5es para manipular as cenas durante o jogo.","Current scene name":"Nome da cena atual","Name of the current scene":"Nome da cena atual","At the beginning of the scene":"No come\xE7o da cena","Is true only when scene just begins.":"S\xF3 \xE9 verdade quando a cena come\xE7a.","Scene just resumed":"Cena acabou de ser retomada","The scene has just resumed after being paused.":"A cena acabou de ser retomada ap\xF3s ser pausada.","Does scene exist":"Does scene exist","Check if a scene exists.":"Check if a scene exists.","Scene _PARAM1_ exists":"Scene _PARAM1_ exists","Name of the scene to check":"Name of the scene to check","Change the scene":"Alterar a cena","Stop this scene and start the specified one instead.":"Interromper esta cena e inicie a cena especificada no lugar.","Change to scene _PARAM1_":"Alterar para a cena _PARAM1_","Name of the new scene":"Nome da nova cena","Stop any other paused scenes?":"Interromper quaisquer outras cenas pausadas?","Pause and start a new scene":"Pausar e iniciar uma nova cena","Pause this scene and start the specified one.\nLater, you can use the \"Stop and go back to previous scene\" action to go back to this scene.":"Pausar esta cena e iniciar a cena especificada.\nMais tarde, voc\xEA pode usar a a\xE7\xE3o \"Interromper e voltar \xE0 cena anterior\" para voltar a esta cena.","Pause the scene and start _PARAM1_":"Pausar a cena e iniciar _PARAM1_","Stop and go back to previous scene":"Interromper e voltar \xE0 cena anterior","Stop this scene and go back to the previous paused one.\nTo pause a scene, use the \"Pause and start a new scene\" action.":"Interromper esta cena e voltar para a cena pausada anterior.\nPara pausar uma cena, use a a\xE7\xE3o \"Pausar e iniciar uma nova cena\".","Stop the scene and go back to the previous paused one":"Interrompa a cena e volte para a cena pausada anterior","Quit the game":"Sair do jogo","Change the background color of the scene.":"Alterar a cor de fundo da cena.","Set background color to _PARAM1_":"Definir cor de fundo para _PARAM1_","Disable input when focus is lost":"Desabilitar a entrada quando o foco for perdido","mouse buttons must be taken into account even\nif the window is not active.":"os bot\xF5es do mouse devem ser levados em considera\xE7\xE3o mesmo\nse a janela n\xE3o estiver ativa.","Disable input when focus is lost: _PARAM1_":"Desabilitar a entrada quando o foco for perdido: _PARAM1_","Deactivate input when focus is lost":"Desativar respostas quando fora de foco","Game has just resumed":"Game has just resumed","Check if the game has just resumed from being hidden. It happens when the game tab is selected, a minimized window is restored or the application is put back on front.":"Check if the game has just resumed from being hidden. It happens when the game tab is selected, a minimized window is restored or the application is put back on front.","Preload scene":"Preload scene","Preload a scene resources as soon as possible in background.":"Preload a scene resources as soon as possible in background.","Preload scene _PARAM1_ in background":"Preload scene _PARAM1_ in background","Scene loading progress":"Scene loading progress","The progress of resources loading in background for a scene (between 0 and 1).":"The progress of resources loading in background for a scene (between 0 and 1).","_PARAM0_ loading progress":"_PARAM0_ loading progress","Scene preloaded":"Scene preloaded","Check if scene resources have finished to load in background.":"Check if scene resources have finished to load in background.","Scene _PARAM1_ was preloaded in background":"Scene _PARAM1_ was preloaded in background","Camera center X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro da c\xE2mera","the X position of the center of a camera":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro de uma c\xE2mera","the X position of camera _PARAM4_ (layer: _PARAM3_)":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X da c\xE2mera _PARAM4_ (camada: _PARAM3_)","Camera center Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do centro da c\xE2mera","the Y position of the center of a camera":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y do centro de uma c\xE2mera","the Y position of camera _PARAM4_ (layer: _PARAM3_)":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y da c\xE2mera _PARAM4_ (camada: _PARAM3_)","Width of a camera":"Largura de uma c\xE2mera","the width of a camera of a layer":"a largura de uma c\xE2mera de uma camada","the width of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"a largura da c\xE2mera _PARAM2_ da camada _PARAM1_","Camera number":"N\xFAmero da c\xE2mera","Height of a camera":"Altura de uma c\xE2mera","the height of a camera of a layer":"a altura de uma c\xE2mera de uma camada","the height of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"a altura da c\xE2mera _PARAM2_ da camada _PARAM1_","Camera left border position":"Camera left border position","the position of the left border of a camera":"the position of the left border of a camera","the position of the left border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"the position of the left border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_","Camera right border position":"Camera right border position","the position of the right border of a camera":"the position of the right border of a camera","the position of the right border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"the position of the right border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_","Camera top border position":"Camera top border position","the position of the top border of a camera":"the position of the top border of a camera","the position of the top border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"the position of the top border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_","Camera bottom border position":"Camera bottom border position","the position of the bottom border of a camera":"the position of the bottom border of a camera","the position of the bottom border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"the position of the bottom border of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_","Angle of a camera of a layer":"\xC2ngulo de uma c\xE2mera de uma camada","the angle of rotation of a camera (in degrees)":"o \xE2ngulo de rota\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera (em graus)","the angle of camera (layer: _PARAM3_, camera: _PARAM4_)":"o \xE2ngulo da c\xE2mera (camada: _PARAM3_, c\xE2mera: _PARAM4_)","Add a camera to a layer":"Adicionar uma c\xE2mera a uma camada","This action adds a camera to a layer":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o adiciona uma c\xE2mera a uma camada","Add a camera to layer _PARAM1_":"Adicionar uma c\xE2mera \xE0 camada _PARAM1_","Render zone: Top left side: X Position (between 0 and 1)":"Zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o: Parte superior do lado esquerdo: Posi\xE7\xE3o X (entre 0 e 1)","Render zone: Top left side: Y Position (between 0 and 1)":"Zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o: Parte superior do lado esquerdo: Posi\xE7\xE3o Y (entre 0 e 1)","Render zone: Bottom right side: X Position (between 0 and 1)":"Zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o: Parte inferior do lado direito: Posi\xE7\xE3o X (entre 0 e 1)","Render zone: Bottom right side: Y Position (between 0 and 1)":"Zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o: Parte inferior do lado direito: Posi\xE7\xE3o Y (entre 0 e 1)","Delete a camera of a layer":"Deletar uma c\xE2mera de uma camada","Remove the specified camera from a layer":"Remove a c\xE2mera especificada de uma camada","Delete camera _PARAM2_ from layer _PARAM1_":"Deletar c\xE2mera _PARAM2_ da camada _PARAM1_","Modify the size of a camera":"Modificar o tamanho de uma c\xE2mera","This action modifies the size of a camera of the specified layer. The zoom will be reset.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o modifica o tamanho de uma c\xE2mera da camada especificada. O zoom ser\xE1 redefinido.","Change the size of camera _PARAM2_ of _PARAM1_ to _PARAM3_*_PARAM4_":"Alterar o tamanho da c\xE2mera _PARAM2_ de _PARAM1_ para _PARAM3_ * _PARAM4_","Modify the render zone of a camera":"Modificar a zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o de uma c\xE2mera","This action modifies the render zone of a camera of the specified layer.":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o modifica a zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o de uma c\xE2mera da camada especificada.","Set the render zone of camera _PARAM2_ from layer _PARAM1_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_":"Define a zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o da c\xE2mera _PARAM2_ da camada _PARAM1_PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ _PARAM5_;_PARAM6_","Camera zoom":"Camera zoom","Change camera zoom.":"Mudar zoom da c\xE2mera.","Change camera zoom to _PARAM1_ (layer: _PARAM2_, camera: _PARAM3_)":"Muda o zoom da c\xE2mera para _PARAM1_ (camada: _PARAM2_, c\xE2mera: _PARAM3_)","Value (1:Initial zoom, 2:Zoom x2, 0.5:Unzoom x2...)":"Valor (1:Zoom inicial, 2:Zoom x2, 0.5:Unzoom x2...)","Compare the zoom of a camera of a layer.":"Compare the zoom of a camera of a layer.","Zoom of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"Zoom of camera _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_","Zoom":"Zoom","Center the camera on an object within limits":"Centralizar a c\xE2mera em um objeto dentro dos limites","Center the camera on the specified object, without leaving the specified limits.":"Centraliza a c\xE2mera no objeto especificado, sem deixar os limites especificados.","Center the camera on _PARAM1_ (limit : from _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_;_PARAM5_) (layer: _PARAM7_, camera: _PARAM8_)":"Centralizar a c\xE2mera em _PARAM1_ (limite: de _PARAM2_; _PARAM3_ at\xE9 _PARAM4_; _PARAM5_) (camada: _PARAM7_, c\xE2mera: _PARAM8_)","Top left side of the boundary: X Position":"Lado superior esquerdo das bordas: Posi\xE7\xE3o X","Top left side of the boundary: Y Position":"Lado superior esquerdo das bordas: Posi\xE7\xE3o Y","Bottom right side of the boundary: X Position":"Lado inferior direito das bordas: Posi\xE7\xE3o X","Bottom right side of the boundary: Y Position":"Lado inferior direito das bordas: Posi\xE7\xE3o Y","Anticipate the movement of the object (yes by default)":"Antecipar o movimento do objeto (sim por padr\xE3o)","Enforce camera boundaries":"Impor limites da c\xE2mera","Enforce camera boundaries by moving the camera back inside specified boundaries.":"Impor os limites da c\xE2mera movendo a c\xE2mera para dentro de limites especificados.","Enforce camera boundaries (left: _PARAM1_, top: _PARAM2_ right: _PARAM3_, bottom: _PARAM4_, layer: _PARAM5_)":"For\xE7ar limites da c\xE2mera (esquerda: _PARAM1_, superior: _PARAM2_, direita: _PARAM3_, inferior: _PARAM4_, camada: _PARAM5_)","Left bound X Position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X vinculada \xE0 esquerda","Top bound Y Position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y vinculada ao topo","Right bound X Position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X vinculada \xE0 direita","Bottom bound Y Position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y vinculada \xE0 base","Center the camera on an object":"Centralizar a c\xE2mera em um objeto","Center the camera on the specified object.":"Centralizar a c\xE2mera no objeto especifico.","Center camera on _PARAM1_ (layer: _PARAM3_)":"Centralizar c\xE2mera em _PARAM1_ (camada: _PARAM3_)","Show a layer":"Mostrar uma camada","Show a layer.":"Mostrar uma camada.","Show layer _PARAM1_":"Mostrar a camada _PARAM1_","Hide a layer":"Ocultar uma camada","Hide a layer.":"Ocultar uma camada.","Hide layer _PARAM1_":"Ocultar a camada _PARAM1_","Visibility of a layer":"Visibilidade de uma camada","Test if a layer is set as visible.":"Testa se uma camada est\xE1 definida como vis\xEDvel.","Layer _PARAM1_ is visible":"A camada _PARAM1_ \xE9 vis\xEDvel","Set _PARAM3_ to _PARAM4_ for effect _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_":"Definir _PARAM3_ para _PARAM4_ para o efeito _PARAM2_ da camada _PARAM1_","Enable _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM2_ of layer _PARAM1_: _PARAM4_":"Ativar _PARAM3_ para o efeito _PARAM2_ da camada _PARAM1_: _PARAM4_","Layer effect is enabled":"Efeito de camada ativado","The effect on a layer is enabled":"O efeito em uma camada est\xE1 ativado","Effect _PARAM2_ on layer _PARAM1_ is enabled":"Efeito _PARAM2_ na camada _PARAM1_ est\xE1 ativado","Enable layer effect":"Ativar efeito de camada","Enable an effect on a layer":"Ativar um efeito em uma camada","Enable effect _PARAM2_ on layer _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_":"Ativar o efeito _PARAM2_ na camada _PARAM1_: _PARAM3_","Enable":"Ativado","Layer time scale":"Escala de tempo da camada","Compare the time scale applied to the objects of the layer.":"Compare a escala de tempo aplicada aos objetos da camada.","the time scale of layer _PARAM1_":"a escala de tempo da camada _PARAM1_","Change the time scale applied to the objects of the layer.":"Altera a escala de tempo aplicada aos objetos da camada.","Set the time scale of layer _PARAM1_ to _PARAM2_":"Define a escala de tempo da camada _PARAM1_ para _PARAM2_","Scale (1: Default, 2: 2x faster, 0.5: 2x slower...)":"Escala (1: Padr\xE3o, 2: 2x mais r\xE1pido, 0,5: 2x mais lento...)","Layer default Z order":"Ordem em Z padr\xE3o da camada","Compare the default Z order set to objects when they are created on a layer.":"Compara a ordem em Z padr\xE3o definida para os objetos quando eles s\xE3o criados em uma camada.","the default Z order of objects created on _PARAM1_":"a ordem em Z padr\xE3o dos objetos criados em _PARAM1_","Change the default Z order set to objects when they are created on a layer.":"Altera a ordem em Z padr\xE3o definida para os objetos quando eles s\xE3o criados em uma camada.","Set the default Z order of objects created on _PARAM1_ to _PARAM2_":"Define a ordem em Z padr\xE3o dos objetos criados em _PARAM1_ para _PARAM2_","New default Z order":"Nova ordem em Z padr\xE3o","Set the ambient light color of the lighting layer in format \"R;G;B\" string.":"Define a cor da luz ambiente da camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o em uma sequ\xEAncia de caracteres no formato \"R;G;B\".","Set the ambient color of the lighting layer _PARAM1_ to _PARAM2_":"Define a cor do ambiente da camada de ilumina\xE7\xE3o _PARAM1_ para _PARAM2_","X position of the top left side point of a render zone":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do ponto superior esquerdo de uma zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o","Y position of the top left side point of a render zone":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto superior esquerdo de uma zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o","X position of the bottom right side point of a render zone":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do ponto inferior direito de uma zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o","Y position of the bottom right side point of a render zone":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto inferior direito de uma zona de renderiza\xE7\xE3o","Zoom of a camera of a layer":"Zoom de uma c\xE2mera de uma camada","Returns the time scale of the specified layer.":"Retorna a escala de tempo da camada especificada.","Default Z Order for a layer":"Ordem em Z padr\xE3o para uma camada","Timers and time":"Temporizadores e tempo","Value of a scene timer":"Valor de um temporizador de cena","Test the elapsed time of a scene timer.":"Testa o tempo decorrido de um temporizador de cena.","The timer _PARAM2_ is greater than _PARAM1_ seconds":"O temporizador _PARAM2_ \xE9 maior do que _PARAM1_ segundos","Time in seconds":"Tempo em segundos","Timer's name":"Nome do temporizador","Compare the elapsed time of a scene timer. This condition doesn't start the timer.":"Comparar o tempo decorrido de um temporizador de cena. Esta condi\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o inicia o temporizador.","The timer _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ seconds":"O temporizador _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ segundos","Time scale":"Escala de tempo","Compare the time scale of the scene.":"Comparar a escala de tempo da cena.","the time scale of the scene":"a escala de tempo da cena","Scene timer paused":"Temporizador de cena pausado","Test if the specified scene timer is paused.":"Testa se o temporizador de cena especificado est\xE1 em pausa.","The timer _PARAM1_ is paused":"O temporizador _PARAM1_ est\xE1 em pausa","Start (or reset) a scene timer":"Iniciar (ou redefinir) um temporizador de cena","Reset the specified scene timer, if the timer doesn't exist it's created and started.":"Redefine o temporizador de cena especificado, se o temporizador n\xE3o existir ele \xE9 criado e iniciado.","Start (or reset) the timer _PARAM1_":"Iniciar (ou resetar) o temporizador _PARAM1_","Pause a scene timer":"Pausar um temporizador de cena","Pause a scene timer.":"Pausa um temporizador de cena.","Pause timer _PARAM1_":"Pause o temporizador _PARAM1_","Unpause a scene timer":"Despausar um temporizador de cena","Unpause a scene timer.":"Despausa um temporizador de cena.","Unpause timer _PARAM1_":"Despausar o temporizador _PARAM1_","Delete a scene timer":"Deletar um temporizador de cena","Delete a scene timer from memory.":"Deleta um temporizador de cena da mem\xF3ria.","Delete timer _PARAM1_ from memory":"Deletar o temporizador _PARAM1_ da mem\xF3ria","Change the time scale of the scene.":"Altera a escala de tempo da cena.","Set the time scale of the scene to _PARAM1_":"Definir a escala de tempo da cena para _PARAM1_","Wait X seconds":"Wait X seconds","Waits a number of seconds before running the next actions (and sub-events).":"Espera um n\xFAmero de segundos antes de executar as pr\xF3ximas a\xE7\xF5es (e subeventos).","Wait _PARAM0_ seconds":"Aguarde _PARAM0_ segundos","Time to wait in seconds":"Tempo de espera em segundos","Time elapsed since the last frame":"Tempo decorrido desde o \xFAltimo per\xEDodo","Time elapsed since the last frame rendered on screen":"Tempo decorrido desde o \xFAltimo frame renderizado na tela","Scene timer value":"Valor do temporizador de cena","Time elapsed since the beginning of the scene":"Tempo decorrido desde o come\xE7o da cena","Returns the time scale of the scene.":"Retorna a escala de tempo da cena.","Hour: hour - Minutes: min - Seconds: sec - Day of month: mday - Months since January: mon - Year since 1900: year - Days since Sunday: wday - Days since Jan 1st: yday - Timestamp (ms): timestamp\"":"Hora: hora - minutos: min - segundos: sec - dia do m\xEAs: mday - meses desde janeiro: mon - ano desde 1900: ano - dias desde domingo: wday - dias desde Jan 1st: yday - Marco de tempo (ms): timestamp\"","Common features that can be used for all objects in GDevelop.":"Recursos comuns que podem ser usados para todos os objetos no GDevelop.","Movement using forces":"Movimento usando for\xE7as","Base object":"Objeto base","Compare the X position of the object.":"Compare a posi\xE7\xE3o X do objeto.","the X position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X","Change the X position of an object.":"Muda a posi\xE7\xE3o X de um objeto.","Compare the Y position of an object.":"Compara a posi\xE7\xE3o Y de um objeto.","the Y position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y","Change the Y position of an object.":"Muda a posi\xE7\xE3o Y de um objeto.","Change the position of an object.":"Alterar a posi\xE7\xE3o de um objeto.","Change the position of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (x axis), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (y axis)":"Altere a posi\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (eixo x), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (eixo y)","Modification's sign":"Sinal de modifica\xE7\xE3o","Center position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o central","Change the position of an object, using its center.":"Altera a posi\xE7\xE3o de um objeto, usando o seu centro.","Change the position of the center of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (x axis), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (y axis)":"Altera a posi\xE7\xE3o do centro de _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_ (eixo x), _PARAM3_ _PARAM4_ (eixo y)","Center X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro","the X position of the center of rotation":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro de rota\xE7\xE3o","the X position of the center":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro","Center Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do centro","the Y position of the center of rotation":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y do centro de rota\xE7\xE3o","the Y position of the center":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y do centro","Bounding box left position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o esquerda da caixa delimitadora","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) left position":"a caixa delimitadora (a \xE1rea que encapsula o objeto) posi\xE7\xE3o esquerda","the bounding box left position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o esquerda da caixa delimitadora","Position/Bounding Box":"Posi\xE7\xE3o/caixa delimitadora","Bounding box top position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o superior da caixa delimitadora","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) top position":"a caixa delimitadora (a \xE1rea que encapsula o objeto) posi\xE7\xE3o superior","the bounding box top position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o superior da caixa delimitadora","Bounding box right position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o direita da caixa delimitadora","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) right position":"a caixa delimitadora (a \xE1rea que encapsula o objeto) na posi\xE7\xE3o direita","the bounding box right position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o direita da caixa delimitadora","Bounding box bottom position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o inferior da caixa delimitadora","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) bottom position":"a caixa delimitadora (a \xE1rea que encapsula o objeto) posi\xE7\xE3o inferior","the bounding box bottom position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o inferior da caixa delimitadora","Bounding box center X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro da caixa delimitadora","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) center X position":"a caixa delimitadora (a \xE1rea que encapsula o objeto) centro X posi\xE7\xE3o","the bounding box center X position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X do centro da caixa delimitadora","Bounding box center Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o central Y da caixa delimitadora","the bounding box (the area encapsulating the object) center Y position":"a caixa delimitadora (a \xE1rea que encapsula o objeto) centro da posi\xE7\xE3o Y","the bounding box center Y position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y do centro da caixa delimitadora","Put around a position":"Coloca em volta de uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Position the center of the given object around a position, using the specified angle and distance.":"Posicione o centro do objeto em torno de uma posi\xE7\xE3o, usando um \xE2ngulo e dist\xE2ncia especificados.","Put _PARAM0_ around _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, with an angle of _PARAM4_ degrees and _PARAM3_ pixels distance.":"Colocar _PARAM0_ em torno de _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_, com um \xE2ngulo de _PARAM4_ graus e dist\xE2ncia de _PARAM3_ pixels.","Change the angle of rotation of an object (in degrees).":"Altere o \xE2ngulo de rota\xE7\xE3o de um objeto (em graus).","Rotate":"Rotacionar","Rotate an object, clockwise if the speed is positive, counterclockwise otherwise.":"Gira um objeto, no sentido hor\xE1rio, se a velocidade for positiva, no sentido anti-hor\xE1rio, caso contr\xE1rio.","Rotate _PARAM0_ at speed _PARAM1_ deg/second":"Rotacionar _PARAM0_ na velocidade de _PARAM1_graus/segundo","Rotate toward angle":"Girar em dire\xE7\xE3o ao \xE2ngulo","Rotate an object towards an angle with the specified speed.":"Gire um objeto para um \xE2ngulo com a velocidade especificada.","Rotate _PARAM0_ towards _PARAM1_ at speed _PARAM2_ deg/second":"Rotacionar _PARAM0_ na velocidade de _PARAM1_graus/segundo","Angle to rotate towards (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo a girar na dire\xE7\xE3o (em graus)","Enter 0 for an immediate rotation.":"Digite 0 para uma rota\xE7\xE3o imediata.","Rotate toward position":"Girar em dire\xE7\xE3o \xE0 posi\xE7\xE3o","Rotate an object towards a position, with the specified speed.":"Gira um objeto em dire\xE7\xE3o a uma posi\xE7\xE3o, com a velocidade especificada.","Rotate _PARAM0_ towards _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ at speed _PARAM3_ deg/second":"Gira o _PARAM0_ em dire\xE7\xE3o a _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_ a velocidade _PARAM3_deg/segundo","Add a force":"Adicionar uma for\xE7a","Add a force to an object. The object will move according to all of the forces it has.":"Adicione uma for\xE7a a um objeto. O objeto se mover\xE1 de acordo com todas as for\xE7as que possui.","Add to _PARAM0_ _PARAM3_ force of _PARAM1_ p/s on X axis and _PARAM2_ p/s on Y axis":"Adicionar ao _PARAM0_ _PARAM3_ uma for\xE7a de _PARAM1_ p/s no eixo X e _PARAM2_ p/s no eixo Y","Speed on X axis (in pixels per second)":"Velocidade no eixo X (em pixels por segundo)","Speed on Y axis (in pixels per second)":"Velocidade no eixo Y (em pixels por segundo)","Force multiplier":"Multiplicador de for\xE7a","Add a force (angle)":"Adicionar uma for\xE7a (\xE2ngulo)","Add a force to an object. The object will move according to all of the forces it has. This action creates the force using the specified angle and length.":"Adicione uma for\xE7a a um objeto. O objeto se mover\xE1 de acordo com todas as for\xE7as que possui. Esta a\xE7\xE3o cria a for\xE7a usando o \xE2ngulo e comprimento especificados.","Add to _PARAM0_ _PARAM3_ force, angle: _PARAM1_ degrees and length: _PARAM2_ pixels":"Adicione a _PARAM0_ a for\xE7a de _PARAM3_, \xE2ngulo: _PARAM1_ graus e comprimento: de pixels_PARAM2_","Add a force to move toward a position":"Adicionar uma for\xE7a para se mover em dire\xE7\xE3o a uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Add a force to an object to make it move toward a position.":"Adicionar uma for\xE7a a um objeto para que ele se mova em dire\xE7\xE3o a uma posi\xE7\xE3o.","Move _PARAM0_ toward _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ with _PARAM4_ force of _PARAM3_ pixels":"Move _PARAM0_ em dire\xE7\xE3o a _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_ com a for\xE7a _PARAM4_ de _PARAM3_ pixels","Stop the object":"Parar o objeto","Stop the object by deleting all of its forces.":"Pare o objeto excluindo todas as suas for\xE7as.","Stop _PARAM0_ (remove all forces)":"Parar _PARAM0_ (remover todas as for\xE7as)","Delete the object":"Exclui o objeto","Delete the specified object.":"Deleta o objeto especificado.","Delete _PARAM0_":"Deletar _PARAM0_","Z order":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Z","Modify the Z-order of an object":"Modificar a ordem Z de um objeto","the z-order":"a ordem z","Move the object to a different layer.":"Mova o objeto para uma camada diferente.","Put _PARAM0_ on the layer _PARAM1_":"Colocar _PARAM0_ na camada _PARAM1_","Move it to this layer":"Mova-o para esta camada","Modify the number value of an object variable.":"Modifique o valor num\xE9rico de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto.","the variable _PARAM1_":"a vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_","Modify the text of an object variable.":"Modifique o texto de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto.","Modify the boolean value of an object variable.":"Modifique o valor booliano de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto.","Change the variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Change the variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Compare the number value of an object variable.":"Compare o valor num\xE9rico de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto.","Compare the text of an object variable.":"Compara o texto de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto.","Compare the boolean value of an object variable.":"Compara o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto.","The variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_":"The variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_","the text of variable _PARAM1_":"o texto da vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_","Set the boolean value of variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ to _PARAM2_":"Defina o valor booleano da vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ para _PARAM2_","Toggles the boolean value of an object variable.":"Alterna o valor booleano de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto.","Toggle the boolean value of variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Toggle the boolean value of variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_","Check if the specified child of the object structure variable exists.":"Check if the specified child of the object structure variable exists.","Child _PARAM2_ of variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ exists":"A vari\xE1vel filha _PARAM2_ da vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ existe","Variables/Arrays and structures":"Variables/Arrays and structures","Remove a child from an object structure variable.":"Remove a child from an object structure variable.","Remove child _PARAM2_ from variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Remove a vari\xE1vel filha _PARAM2_ da vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","Remove all the children from the object array or structure variable.":"Remove all the children from the object array or structure variable.","Clear children from variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Apagar vari\xE1veis filhas da vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","Hide":"Ocultar","Hide the specified object.":"Oculta o objeto especificado.","Hide _PARAM0_":"Ocultar _PARAM0_","Show the specified object.":"Mostra o objeto especificado.","Show _PARAM0_":"Mostrar _PARAM0_","Compare the angle of the specified object.":"Compare o \xE2ngulo do objeto especificado.","the angle (in degrees)":"o \xE2ngulo (em graus)","Z-order":"Ordem em Z","Compare the Z-order of the specified object.":"Compara a ordem Z do objeto especificado.","the Z-order":"a ordem no eixo Z","Current layer":"Camada atual","Check if the object is on the specified layer.":"Verifica se o objeto est\xE1 na camada especificada.","_PARAM0_ is on layer _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 na camada _PARAM1_","Check if an object is visible.":"Verifica se um objeto est\xE1 vis\xEDvel.","_PARAM0_ is visible (not marked as hidden)":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 vis\xEDvel (n\xE3o marcado como oculto)","Object is stopped (no forces applied on it)":"Object is stopped (no forces applied on it)","Check if an object is not moving":"Verifica se um objeto n\xE3o est\xE1 se movendo","_PARAM0_ is stopped":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 parado","Speed (from forces)":"Speed (from forces)","Compare the overall speed of an object":"Comparar a velocidade total de um objeto","the overall speed":"a velocidade total","Angle of movement (using forces)":"Angle of movement (using forces)","Compare the angle of movement of an object according to the forces applied on it.":"Compare the angle of movement of an object according to the forces applied on it.","Angle of movement of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_ (tolerance: _PARAM2_ degrees)":"Angle of movement of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_ (tolerance: _PARAM2_ degrees)","Angle of movement of _PARAM0_ is _PARAM1_ \xB1 _PARAM2_\xB0":"\xC2ngulo de movimento do _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM1_ + _PARAM2_\xB0","The boolean value of variable _PARAM1_ of object _PARAM0_ is _PARAM2_":"O valor booleano da vari\xE1vel _PARAM1_ do objeto _PARAM0_ \xE9 _PARAM2_","Adds a text (string) to the end of an object array variable.":"Adiciona um texto (\u201Cstrings\u201D) ao final de uma vari\xE1vel de matriz de objeto.","Add value _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Add value _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_","Adds a number to the end of an object array variable.":"Adiciona um n\xFAmero ao final de uma vari\xE1vel de matriz de objeto.","Adds a boolean to the end of an object array variable.":"Adds a boolean to the end of an object array variable.","Adds an existing variable to the end of an object array variable.":"Adiciona uma vari\xE1vel existente ao final de uma vari\xE1vel de matriz de objeto.","Add variable _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Adicione a vari\xE1vel _PARAM2_ \xE0 vari\xE1vel de matriz _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","The content of the object variable will *be copied* and added at the end of the array.":"O conte\xFAdo da vari\xE1vel do objeto ser\xE1 *ser copiado* e adicionado no final do arrai.","Add text _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Adicione o texto _PARAM2_ \xE0 vari\xE1vel de matriz _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","Add number _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Adicione o n\xFAmero _PARAM2_ \xE0 vari\xE1vel de matriz _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","Add boolean _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Add boolean _PARAM2_ to array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_","Removes a variable at the specified index of an object array variable.":"Remove uma vari\xE1vel no \xEDndice especificado de uma vari\xE1vel de matriz de objeto.","Remove variable at index _PARAM2_ from array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Remove variable at index _PARAM2_ from array variable _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_","Compare the number of children in an object array variable.":"Compare the number of children in an object array variable.","The number of children in the array variable _PARAM1_":"The number of children in the array variable _PARAM1_","Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.","Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.":"Get the value of the first element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.","Get the value of the last element of an object array variable, if it is a text (string) variable.":"Obtenha o valor do \xFAltimo elemento de uma vari\xE1vel de matriz de objeto, se for uma vari\xE1vel de texto (\u2018strings\u2019).","Get the value of the last element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.":"Get the value of the last element of an object array variable, if it is a number variable.","Behavior activated":"Comportamento ativado","Check if the behavior is activated for the object.":"Verifica se o comportamento est\xE1 ativado para o objeto.","Behavior _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is activated":"Comportamento _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 ativado","De/activate a behavior":"Ativar/desativar um comportamento","De/activate the behavior for the object.":"Ativa/desativa o comportamento para o objeto.","Activate behavior _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Ativar o comportamento _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_","Activate?":"Ativar?","Add a force to move toward an object":"Adicionar uma for\xE7a para se mover em dire\xE7\xE3o a um objeto","Add a force to an object to make it move toward another.":"Adicionar uma for\xE7a a um objeto para fazer ele se mover de dire\xE7\xE3o a outro.","Move _PARAM0_ toward _PARAM1_ with _PARAM3_ force of _PARAM2_ pixels":"Move _PARAM0_ em dire\xE7\xE3o a _PARAM1_ com for\xE7a _PARAM3_ de _PARAM2_ pixels","Target Object":"Objeto alvo","Add a force to move around an object":"Adicionar uma for\xE7a para mover em torno de um objeto","Add a force to an object to make it rotate around another.\nNote that the movement is not precise, especially if the speed is high.\nTo position an object around a position more precisely, use the actions in category \"Position\".":"Adiciona uma for\xE7a a um objeto para faz\xEA-lo girar em torno de outro.\nObserve que o movimento n\xE3o \xE9 preciso, especialmente se a velocidade for alta.\nPara posicionar um objeto com mais precis\xE3o, use as a\xE7\xF5es na categoria \"Posi\xE7\xE3o\".","Rotate _PARAM0_ around _PARAM1_ at _PARAM2_ deg/sec and _PARAM3_ pixels away":"Rotacionar _PARAM0_ em torno de _PARAM1_ a _PARAM2_ graus/segundo e _PARAM3_ pixels de dist\xE2ncia","Rotate around this object":"Girar em torno deste objeto","Speed (in degrees per second)":"Velocidade (em graus por segundo)","Distance (in pixels)":"Dist\xE2ncia (em pixels)","Put the object around another":"Coloca o objeto em torno de outro","Position an object around another, with the specified angle and distance. The center of the objects are used for positioning them.":"Posiciona um objeto em torno de outro, com o \xE2ngulo e a dist\xE2ncia especificados. Os centros dos objetos s\xE3o usados para posicion\xE1-los.","Put _PARAM0_ around _PARAM1_, with an angle of _PARAM3_ degrees and _PARAM2_ pixels distance.":"Coloca _PARAM0_ em torno de _PARAM1_, com um \xE2ngulo de _PARAM3_ graus e a _PARAM2_ pixels de dist\xE2ncia.","\"Center\" Object":"Objeto \"Centro\"","Separate objects":"Separa objetos","Move an object away from another using their collision masks.\nBe sure to call this action on a reasonable number of objects\nto avoid slowing down the game.":"Mova um objeto para longe de outro usando suas m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o.\nCertifique-se de chamar esta a\xE7\xE3o em um n\xFAmero razo\xE1vel de objetos\npara evitar deixar o jogo lento.","Move _PARAM0_ away from _PARAM1_ (only _PARAM0_ will move)":"Mova _PARAM0_ para longe de _PARAM1_ (somente _PARAM0_ ser\xE1 movido)","Objects (won't move)":"Objetos (n\xE3o se move)","Ignore objects that are touching each other on their edges, but are not overlapping (default: no)":"Ignorar objetos que est\xE3o tocando uns aos outros em suas bordas, mas n\xE3o est\xE3o se sobrepondo (padr\xE3o: n\xE3o)","Point inside object":"Ponto dentro do objeto","Test if a point is inside the object collision masks.":"Testa se um ponto est\xE1 dentro das m\xE1scaras de colis\xE3o do objeto.","_PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ is inside _PARAM0_":"_PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ est\xE1 dentro de _PARAM0_","X position of the point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do ponto","Y position of the point":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do ponto","The cursor/touch is on an object":"O cursor/toque est\xE1 sobre um objeto","Test if the cursor is over an object, or if the object is being touched.":"Testa se o cursor est\xE1 sobre um objeto, ou se o objeto est\xE1 sendo tocado.","The cursor/touch is on _PARAM0_":"O cursor/toque est\xE1 sobre _PARAM0_","Mouse and touch":"Mouse e toque","Accurate test (yes by default)":"Teste exato (valor padr\xE3o: sim)","Value of an object timer":"Valor de um temporizador de objeto","Test the elapsed time of an object timer.":"Teste o tempo decorrido de um temporizador de objeto.","The timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is greater than _PARAM2_ seconds":"O timer _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ \xE9 maior que _PARAM2_ segundos","Compare the elapsed time of an object timer. This condition doesn't start the timer.":"Comparar o tempo decorrido de um temporizador de objeto. Esta condi\xE7\xE3o n\xE3o inicia o temporizador.","The timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ seconds":"O temporizador _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ _PARAM2_ _PARAM3_ segundos","Object timer paused":"Temporizador de objeto pausado","Test if specified object timer is paused.":"Teste se o temporizador do objeto especificado est\xE1 pausado.","The timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is paused":"O temporizador _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ est\xE1 pausado","Start (or reset) an object timer":"Iniciar (ou redefinir) um temporizador de objeto","Reset the specified object timer, if the timer doesn't exist it's created and started.":"Redefina o cron\xF4metro do objeto especificado; se o cron\xF4metro n\xE3o existir, ele ser\xE1 criado e iniciado.","Start (or reset) the timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Iniciar (ou resetar) o temporizador _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","Pause an object timer":"Pausar um temporizador de objeto","Pause an object timer.":"Pause um temporizador de objeto.","Pause timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Pausar o temporizador _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","Unpause an object timer":"Retomar um temporizador de objeto","Unpause an object timer.":"Retome um temporizador de objeto.","Unpause timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Despausar o temporizador _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_","Delete an object timer":"Excluir um temporizador de objeto","Delete an object timer from memory.":"Deletarr um objeto temporizador da mem\xF3ria.","Delete timer _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ from memory":"Deletar o temporizador _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ da mem\xF3ria","X position of the object":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do objeto","Y position of the object":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do objeto","Current angle, in degrees, of the object":"\xC2ngulo atual do objeto, em graus","X coordinate of the sum of forces":"Coordenada X da soma das for\xE7as","Y coordinate of the sum of forces":"Coordenado Y da soma das for\xE7as","Angle of the sum of forces":"\xC2ngulo da soma das for\xE7as","Angle of the sum of forces (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo da soma das for\xE7as (em graus)","Length of the sum of forces":"Comprimento da soma das for\xE7as","Width of the object":"Largura do objeto","Height of the object":"Altura do objeto","Z-order of an object":"Ordem em Z de um objeto","Distance between two objects":"Dist\xE2ncia entre dois objetos","Square distance between two objects":"Dist\xE2ncia quadrada entre dois objetos","Distance between an object and a position":"Dist\xE2ncia entre um objeto e uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Square distance between an object and a position":"Dist\xE2ncia quadrada entre um objeto e uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Number value of an object variable":"Valor num\xE9rico de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto","Number of children in an object array or structure variable":"Number of children in an object array or structure variable","Text of an object variable":"Texto de uma vari\xE1vel de objeto","Object timer value":"Valor do objeto temporizador","Angle between two objects":"\xC2ngulo entre dois objetos","Compute the angle between two objects (in degrees). If you need the angle to an arbitrary position, use AngleToPosition.":"Compute the angle between two objects (in degrees). If you need the angle to an arbitrary position, use AngleToPosition.","Compute the X position when given an angle and distance relative to the starting object. This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Calcula a posi\xE7\xE3o X quando dados um \xE2ngulo e dist\xE2ncia relativamente ao objeto inicial. Isso tamb\xE9m \xE9 conhecido como obter as coordenadas cartesianas de um vetor 2D, usando as suas coordenadas polares.","Compute the Y position when given an angle and distance relative to the starting object. This is also known as getting the cartesian coordinates of a 2D vector, using its polar coordinates.":"Calcula a posi\xE7\xE3o Y quando dados um \xE2ngulo e dist\xE2ncia relativamente ao objeto inicial. Isso tamb\xE9m \xE9 conhecido como obter as coordenadas cartesianas de um vetor 2D, usando as suas coordenadas polares.","Angle between an object and a position":"\xC2ngulo entre um objeto e uma posi\xE7\xE3o","Compute the angle between the object center and a \"target\" position (in degrees). If you need the angle between two objects, use AngleToObject.":"Compute the angle between the object center and a \"target\" position (in degrees). If you need the angle between two objects, use AngleToObject.","Enable effect _PARAM1_ on _PARAM0_: _PARAM2_":"Habilitar efeito_PARAM1_em_PARAM0_: _PARAM2","Set _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_":"Set _PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_ for effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_","Enable _PARAM2_ for effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_":"Enable _PARAM2_ for effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_: _PARAM3_","Effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is enabled":"Effect _PARAM1_ of _PARAM0_ is enabled","Include in parent collision mask":"Include in parent collision mask","Include or exclude a child from its parent collision mask.":"Include or exclude a child from its parent collision mask.","Include _PARAM0_ in parent object collision mask: _PARAM1_":"Include _PARAM0_ in parent object collision mask: _PARAM1_","Create an object":"Criar um objeto","Create an object at specified position":"Cria um objeto na posi\xE7\xE3o especificada","Create object _PARAM1_ at position _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ (layer: _PARAM4_)":"Create object _PARAM1_ at position _PARAM2_;_PARAM3_ (layer: _PARAM4_)","Object to create":"Objeto a criar","Create an object from its name":"Criar um objeto a partir do seu nome","Among the objects of the specified group, this action will create the object with the specified name.":"Entre os objetos do grupo especificado, essa a\xE7\xE3o criar\xE1 o objeto com o nome especificado.","Among objects _PARAM1_, create object named _PARAM2_ at position _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (layer: _PARAM5_)":"Among objects _PARAM1_, create object named _PARAM2_ at position _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ (layer: _PARAM5_)","Group of potential objects":"Grupo de objetos potenciais","Group containing objects that can be created by the action.":"Grupo contendo objetos que podem ser criados pela a\xE7\xE3o.","Name of the object to create":"Nome do objeto a ser criado","Text representing the name of the object to create. If no objects with this name are found in the group, no object will be created.":"Texto que representa o nome do objeto a criar. Se nenhum objeto com este nome for encontrado no grupo, nenhum objeto ser\xE1 criado.","Pick all instances":"Selecionar todas as inst\xE2ncias","Pick all instances of the specified object(s). When you pick all instances, the next conditions and actions of this event work on all of them.":"Escolha todas as inst\xE2ncias do(s) objeto(s) especificado(s). Quando voc\xEA seleciona todas as inst\xE2ncias, as pr\xF3ximas condi\xE7\xF5es e a\xE7\xF5es deste evento funcionam em todas elas.","Pick all instances of _PARAM1_":"Escolher todas as inst\xE2ncias de _PARAM1_","Pick a random object":"Selecionar um objeto aleat\xF3rio","Pick one object from all the specified objects. When an object is picked, the next conditions and actions of this event work only on that object.":"Seleciona um objeto entre todos os objetos especificados. Quando um objeto \xE9 selecionado, as pr\xF3ximas condi\xE7\xF5es e a\xE7\xF5es deste evento funcionam apenas nesse objeto.","Pick a random _PARAM1_":"Selecionar um _PARAM1_ aleat\xF3rio","Apply movement to all objects":"Aplicar movimento a todos os objetos","Moves all objects according to the forces they have. GDevelop calls this action at the end of the events by default.":"Move todos os objetos de acordo com as for\xE7as que possuem. O GDevelop chama essa a\xE7\xE3o no final dos eventos por padr\xE3o.","An object is moving toward another (using forces)":"Um objeto est\xE1 se movendo em dire\xE7\xE3o a outro (usando for\xE7as)","Check if an object moves toward another.\nThe first object must move.":"Verificar se um objeto se move em dire\xE7\xE3o a outro. \nO primeiro objeto tem que se mover.","_PARAM0_ is moving toward _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 se movendo em dire\xE7\xE3o a _PARAM1_","Compare the distance between two objects.\nIf condition is inverted, only objects that have a distance greater than specified to any other object will be picked.":"Compara a dist\xE2ncia entre dois objetos. \nSe a condi\xE7\xE3o for invertida, ser\xE3o selecionados apenas os objetos que est\xE3o a uma dist\xE2ncia maior do que a especificada de qualquer outro objeto.","_PARAM0_ distance to _PARAM1_ is below _PARAM2_ pixels":"Dist\xE2ncia de _PARAM0_ a _PARAM1_ est\xE1 abaixo de _PARAM2_ pixels","Pick all objects":"Selecionar todos os objetos","Pick all the specified objects. When you pick all objects, the next conditions and actions of this event work on all of them.":"Selecionar todos os objetos especificados. Quando voc\xEA seleciona todos os objetos, as pr\xF3ximas condi\xE7\xF5es e a\xE7\xF5es deste evento funcionam em todos eles.","Pick all _PARAM1_ objects":"Selecionar todos os objetos _PARAM1_","Pick nearest object":"Seleciona o objeto mais pr\xF3ximo","Pick the object of this type that is nearest to the specified position. If the condition is inverted, the object farthest from the specified position is picked instead.":"Seleciona o objeto deste tipo que est\xE1 mais pr\xF3ximo da posi\xE7\xE3o especificada. Se a condi\xE7\xE3o for invertida, o objeto mais distante da posi\xE7\xE3o especificada \xE9 escolhido em vez disso.","Pick the _PARAM0_ that is nearest to _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_":"Selecione o _PARAM0_ que est\xE1 mais pr\xF3ximo de _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_","Number of objects":"N\xFAmero de objetos","Count how many of the specified objects are currently picked, and compare that number to a value. If previous conditions on the objects have not been used, this condition counts how many of these objects exist in the current scene.":"Conta quantos dos objetos especificados est\xE3o selecionados no momento e compara esse n\xFAmero a um valor. Se condi\xE7\xF5es anteriores nos objetos n\xE3o foram usadas, esta condi\xE7\xE3o conta quantos destes objetos existem na cena atual.","the number of _PARAM0_ objects":"o n\xFAmero de objetos _PARAM0_","Number of object instances on the scene":"Number of object instances on the scene","the number of instances of the specified objects living on the scene":"the number of instances of the specified objects living on the scene","the number of _PARAM1_ living on the scene":"the number of _PARAM1_ living on the scene","Number of object instances currently picked":"Number of object instances currently picked","the number of instances picked by the previous conditions (or actions)":"the number of instances picked by the previous conditions (or actions)","the number of _PARAM0_ currently picked":"the number of _PARAM0_ currently picked","Test the collision between two objects using their collision masks.":"Test the collision between two objects using their collision masks.","_PARAM0_ is in collision with _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 em colis\xE3o com _PARAM1_","An object is turned toward another":"Um objeto est\xE1 virado em dire\xE7\xE3o a outro","Check if an object is turned toward another":"Verifique se um objeto est\xE1 virado em dire\xE7\xE3o a outro","_PARAM0_ is rotated towards _PARAM1_":"_PARAM0_ est\xE1 virado na dire\xE7\xE3o de _PARAM1_","Name of the object":"Nome do objeto","Name of the second object":"Nome do segundo objeto","Angle of tolerance, in degrees (0: minimum tolerance)":"\xC2ngulo de toler\xE2ncia, em graus (0: toler\xE2ncia m\xEDnima)","_PARAM0_ is turned toward _PARAM1_ \xB1 _PARAM2_\xB0":"_PARAM0_ is turned toward _PARAM1_ \xB1 _PARAM2_\xB0","Raycast":"Raycast","Sends a ray from the given source position and angle, intersecting the closest object.\nThe intersected object will become the only one taken into account.\nIf the condition is inverted, the object to be intersected will be the farthest one within the ray radius.":"Sends a ray from the given source position and angle, intersecting the closest object.\nThe intersected object will become the only one taken into account.\nIf the condition is inverted, the object to be intersected will be the farthest one within the ray radius.","Cast a ray from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_, angle: _PARAM3_ and max distance: _PARAM4_px, against _PARAM0_, and save the result in _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_":"Lan\xE7a um raio de _PARAM1_; _PARAM2_, \xE2ngulo: _PARAM3_ e dist\xE2ncia m\xE1xima: _PARAM4_px, contra _PARAM0_, e guarda o resultado em _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_","Objects to test against the ray":"Objetos a testar contra o raio","Ray source X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X da fonte de raio","Ray source Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y da fonte de raio","Ray angle (in degrees)":"\xC2ngulo de raio (em graus)","Ray maximum distance (in pixels)":"Dist\xE2ncia m\xE1xima de raio (em pixels)","Result X position scene variable":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X resultante da vari\xE1vel de cena","Scene variable where to store the X position of the intersection. If no intersection is found, the variable won't be changed.":"Vari\xE1vel de cena onde armazenar a posi\xE7\xE3o X da intersec\xE7\xE3o. Se nenhuma interse\xE7\xE3o for encontrada, a vari\xE1vel n\xE3o ser\xE1 alterada.","Result Y position scene variable":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y resultante da vari\xE1vel de cena","Scene variable where to store the Y position of the intersection. If no intersection is found, the variable won't be changed.":"Vari\xE1vel de cena onde armazenar a posi\xE7\xE3o Y da intersec\xE7\xE3o. Se nenhuma interse\xE7\xE3o for encontrada, a vari\xE1vel n\xE3o ser\xE1 alterada.","Raycast to position":"Raycast para posi\xE7\xE3o","Sends a ray from the given source position to the final point, intersecting the closest object.\nThe intersected object will become the only one taken into account.\nIf the condition is inverted, the object to be intersected will be the farthest one within the ray radius.":"Sends a ray from the given source position to the final point, intersecting the closest object.\nThe intersected object will become the only one taken into account.\nIf the condition is inverted, the object to be intersected will be the farthest one within the ray radius.","Cast a ray from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ against _PARAM0_, and save the result in _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_":"Cast a ray from _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_ to _PARAM3_;_PARAM4_ against _PARAM0_, and save the result in _PARAM5_, _PARAM6_","Ray target X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do alvo do raio","Ray target Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do alvo do raio","Count the number of the specified objects being currently picked in the event":"Conta quantos dos objetos especificados est\xE3o atualmente selecionados no evento","Return the name of the object":"Retorna o nome do objeto","Object layer":"Camada de objeto","Return the name of the layer the object is on":"Retorna o nome da camada em que o objeto est\xE1 presente","Multitouch":"Multitoque","The mouse wheel is scrolling up":"A roda do mouse est\xE1 rolando para cima","Check if the mouse wheel is scrolling up. Use MouseWheelDelta expression if you want to know the amount that was scrolled.":"Verifica se a roda do mouse est\xE1 rolando para cima. Use a express\xE3o MouseWheelDelta se quiser saber a quantidade que foi rolada.","The mouse wheel is scrolling down":"A roda do mouse est\xE1 rolando para baixo","Check if the mouse wheel is scrolling down. Use MouseWheelDelta expression if you want to know the amount that was scrolled.":"Verifica se a roda do mouse est\xE1 rolando para baixo. Use a express\xE3o MouseWheelDelta se quiser saber a quantidade que foi rolada.","De/activate moving the mouse cursor with touches":"Ativar/desativar o movimento do cursor do mouse com toques","When activated, any touch made on a touchscreen will also move the mouse cursor. When deactivated, mouse and touch positions will be completely independent.\nBy default, this is activated so that you can simply use the mouse conditions to also support touchscreens. If you want to have multitouch and differentiate mouse movement and touches, just deactivate it with this action.":"Quando ativado, qualquer toque feito em uma tela sens\xEDvel tamb\xE9m mover\xE1 o cursor do mouse. Quando desativado, as posi\xE7\xF5es do mouse e do toque ser\xE3o totalmente independentes.\nPor padr\xE3o isto fica ativado para que voc\xEA possa simplesmente usar as condi\xE7\xF5es do mouse tamb\xE9m em tela sens\xEDveis. Se voc\xEA quiser ter multitoque e diferenciar o movimento de mouse e os toques, basta desativ\xE1-lo com esta a\xE7\xE3o.","Move mouse cursor when touching screen: _PARAM1_":"Mover o cursor do mouse ao tocar na tela: _PARAM1_","Activate (yes by default when game is launched)":"Ativar (sim por padr\xE3o quando o jogo for iniciado)","Center cursor horizontally":"Centralizar o cursor horizontalmente","Put the cursor in the middle of the screen horizontally.":"Coloca o cursor no meio da tela horizontalmente.","Center cursor vertically":"Centralizar o cursor verticalmente","Put the cursor in the middle of the screen vertically.":"Coloca o cursor no meio da tela verticalmente.","Hide the cursor":"Ocultar o cursor","Hide the cursor.":"Ocultar o cursor.","Show the cursor":"Mostrar o cursor","Show the cursor.":"Mostrar o cursor.","Position the cursor of the mouse":"Posicionar o cursor do mouse","Position the cursor at the given coordinates.":"Posiciona o cursor nas coordenadas indicadas.","Position cursor at _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_":"Posiciona o cursor em _PARAM1_;_PARAM2_","Center the cursor":"Centralizar o cursor","Center the cursor on the screen.":"Centraliza o cursor na tela.","Cursor X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do cursor","the X position of the cursor or of a touch":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X do cursor ou de um toque","the cursor (or touch) X position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X do cursor (ou toque)","Cursor Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y do cursor","the Y position of the cursor or of a touch":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y do cursor ou de um toque","the cursor (or touch) Y position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y do cursor (ou toque)","Mouse cursor X position":"Mouse cursor X position","the X position of the mouse cursor":"the X position of the mouse cursor","the mouse cursor X position":"the mouse cursor X position","Mouse cursor Y position":"Mouse cursor Y position","the Y position of the mouse cursor":"the Y position of the mouse cursor","the mouse cursor Y position":"the mouse cursor Y position","Mouse cursor is inside the window":"Cursor do mouse est\xE1 dentro da janela","Check if the mouse cursor is inside the window.":"Verificar se o cursor do mouse est\xE1 dentro da janela.","The mouse cursor is inside the window":"O cursor do mouse est\xE1 dentro da janela","Mouse button pressed or touch held":"Bot\xE3o do mouse pressionado ou toque mantido","Check if the specified mouse button is pressed or if a touch is in contact with the screen.":"Verifica se o bot\xE3o especificado do mouse est\xE1 pressionado ou se um toque est\xE1 em contato com a tela.","Touch or _PARAM1_ mouse button is down":"Toque ou bot\xE3o do mouse _PARAM1_ est\xE1 abaixo","Button to check":"Bot\xE3o a ser verificado","Mouse button released":"Bot\xE3o do mouse liberado","Check if the specified mouse button was released.":"Verifica se o bot\xE3o especificado do mouse foi solto.","Touch or _PARAM1_ mouse button is released":"Touch or _PARAM1_ mouse button is released","Touch X position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o X do toque","the X position of a specific touch":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X de um toque espec\xEDfico","the touch #_PARAM1_ X position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o X do toque #_PARAM1_","Touch identifier":"Identificador de toque","Touch Y position":"Posi\xE7\xE3o Y de toque","the Y position of a specific touch":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y de um toque espec\xEDfico","the touch #_PARAM1_ Y position":"a posi\xE7\xE3o Y do toque #_PARAM1_","A new touch has started":"Um novo toque foi iniciado","Check if a touch has started. The touch identifier can be accessed using LastTouchId().\nAs more than one touch can be started, this condition is only true once for each touch: the next time you use it, it will be for a new touch, or it will return false if no more touches have just started.":"Verifica se um toque foi iniciado. O identificador de toque pode ser acessado usando LastTouchId().\nComo mais de um toque pode ser iniciado, essa condi\xE7\xE3o s\xF3 \xE9 verdadeira uma vez para cada toque: na pr\xF3xima vez que voc\xEA us\xE1-la, ser\xE1 para um novo toque, ou ir\xE1 retornar falso se n\xE3o houver mais toques iniciados.","A touch has ended":"Um toque terminou","Check if a touch has ended. The touch identifier can be accessed using LastEndedTouchId().\nAs more than one touch can be ended, this condition is only true once for each touch: the next time you use it, it will be for a new touch, or it will return false if no more touches have just ended.":"Verifica se um toque foi terminado. O identificador de toque pode ser acessado usando LastEndedTouchId().\nComo mais de um toque pode ser terminado, essa condi\xE7\xE3o s\xF3 \xE9 verdadeira uma vez para cada toque: na pr\xF3xima vez que voc\xEA us\xE1-la, ser\xE1 para um novo toque, ou ir\xE1 retornar falso se n\xE3o houver mais toques terminados.","Check if a touch has just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchId() and StartedTouchCount().":"Verifique se um toque acabou de come\xE7ar neste quadro. Os identificadores de toque podem ser acessados \u200B\u200Busando StartedTouchId() e StartedTouchCount().","Started touch count":"Contagem de toques iniciada","The number of touches that have just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchId().":"O n\xFAmero de toques que acabaram de come\xE7ar neste quadro. Os identificadores de toque podem ser acessados \u200B\u200Busando StartedTouchId().","Started touch identifier":"Identificador de toque iniciado","The identifier of the touch that has just started on this frame. The number of touches can be accessed using StartedTouchCount().":"The identifier of the touch that has just started on this frame. The number of touches can be accessed using StartedTouchCount().","Touch index":"\xCDndice de toque","Check if a touch has just started or the mouse left button has been pressed on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseId() and StartedTouchOrMouseCount().":"Check if a touch has just started or the mouse left button has been pressed on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseId() and StartedTouchOrMouseCount().","The number of touches (including the mouse) that have just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseId().":"The number of touches (including the mouse) that have just started on this frame. The touch identifiers can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseId().","The identifier of the touch or mouse that has just started on this frame. The number of touches can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseCount().":"The identifier of the touch or mouse that has just started on this frame. The number of touches can be accessed using StartedTouchOrMouseCount().","Check if a touch has ended or a mouse left button has been released.":"Check if a touch has ended or a mouse left button has been released.","The touch with identifier _PARAM1_ has ended":"O toque com o identificador _PARAM1_ terminou","Mouse wheel: Displacement":"Roda do mouse: Deslocamento","Mouse wheel displacement":"Deslocamento da roda do mouse","Identifier of the last touch":"Identificador do \xFAltimo toque","Identifier of the last ended touch":"Identificador do \xFAltimo toque finalizado","Features to send web requests, communicate with external \"APIs\" and other network related tasks.":"Recursos para enviar solicita\xE7\xF5es web, se comunicar com \"APIs\" externas e outras tarefas relacionadas \xE0 rede.","Send a request to a web page":"Enviar uma solicita\xE7\xE3o para uma p\xE1gina da web","Send an asynchronous request to the specified web page.\n\nPlease note that for the web games, the game must be hosted on the same host as specified below, except if the server is configured to answer to all requests (cross-domain requests).":"Enviar uma solicita\xE7\xE3o ass\xEDncrona para a p\xE1gina web especificada.\n\nNote que para os jogos da web, o jogo deve ser hospedado no mesmo host conforme especificado abaixo, exceto se o servidor est\xE1 configurado para responder a todas as solicita\xE7\xF5es (solicita\xE7\xF5es de dom\xEDnio cruzado).","Send a _PARAM2_ request to _PARAM0_ with body: _PARAM1_, and store the result in _PARAM4_ (or in _PARAM5_ in case of error)":"Enviar uma solicita\xE7\xE3o _PARAM2_ para _PARAM0_ com corpo: _PARAM1_, e armazenar o resultado em _PARAM4_ (ou em _PARAM5_ em caso de erro)","URL (API or web-page address)":"URL (endere\xE7o da p\xE1gina ou API)","Example: \"\". Using *https* is highly recommended.":"Exemplo: \"\". \xC9 altamente recomendado usar o *https*.","Request body content":"Solicitar conte\xFAdo corporal","Request method":"M\xE9todo de solicita\xE7\xE3o","If empty, \"GET\" will be used.":"Se estiver vazio, \"GET\" ser\xE1 usado.","Content type":"Tipo de conte\xFAdo","If empty, \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" will be used.":"Se vazio, \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" ser\xE1 usado.","Variable where to store the response":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar a resposta","The response of the server will be stored, as a string, in this variable. If the server returns *JSON*, you may want to use the action \"Convert JSON to a scene variable\" afterwards, to explore the results with a *structure variable*.":"A resposta do servidor ser\xE1 armazenada, como uma string, nesta vari\xE1vel. Se o servidor retorna *JSON*, voc\xEA pode querer usar a a\xE7\xE3o \"Converter JSON em uma vari\xE1vel de cena\" depois, para explorar os resultados com uma *vari\xE1vel estrutural*.","Variable where to store the error message":"Vari\xE1vel onde armazenar a mensagem de erro","Optional, only used if an error occurs. This will contain the [\"status code\"]( if the server returns a status >= 400. If the request was not sent at all (e.g. no internet or CORS issues), the variable will be set to \"REQUEST_NOT_SENT\".":"Opcional, somente usado se um erro ocorrer. Isto conter\xE1 o [\"c\xF3digo de status\"]( se o servidor retornar um status >= 400. Se o pedido n\xE3o foi enviado de forma alguma (por exemplo, sem problemas de internet ou de CORS), a vari\xE1vel ser\xE1 definida como \"REQUEST_NOT_SENT\".","Open a URL (web page) or a file":"Abrir uma URL (p\xE1gina web) ou um arquivo","This action launches the specified file or URL, in a browser (or in a new tab if the game is using the Web platform and is launched inside a browser).":"Esta a\xE7\xE3o lan\xE7a o arquivo ou URL especificado, em um navegador (ou em uma nova aba se o jogo estiver usando a plataforma Web e for lan\xE7ado dentro de um navegador).","Open URL _PARAM0_ in a browser (or new tab)":"Abrir URL_PARAM0_ em um navegador (ou nova aba)","URL (or filename)":"URL (ou nome do arquivo)","Download a file":"Baixar um arquivo","Download a file from a web site":"Baixar um arquivo de um site da web","Download file _PARAM1_ from _PARAM0_ under the name of _PARAM2_":"Baixar o arquivo _PARAM1_ de _PARAM0_ sob o nome de _PARAM2_","Host (for example :":"Anfitri\xE3o (por exemplo:","Path to file (for example : /folder/file.txt)":"Caminho para o arquivo (por exemplo: /folder/file.txt)","Save as":"Salvar como","Enable (or disable) metrics collection":"Habilita (ou desabilita) a coleta de m\xE9tricas","Enable, or disable, the sending of anonymous data used to compute the number of sessions and other metrics from your game players.\nBe sure to only send metrics if in accordance with the terms of service of your game and if they player gave their consent, depending on how your game/company handles this.":"Habilita ou desabilita o envio de dados an\xF4nimos utilizados para calcular o n\xFAmero de sess\xF5es e outras m\xE9tricas de seus jogadores do jogo.\nN\xE3o se esque\xE7a de enviar apenas m\xE9tricas caso estejam de acordo com os termos de servi\xE7o do seu jogo e se o jogador conceder a sua aprova\xE7\xE3o, dependendo da forma como o seu jogo/empresa lida com isso.","Enable analytics metrics: _PARAM1_":"Habilita as m\xE9tricas de an\xE1lise: _PARAM1_","Enable the metrics?":"Ativar m\xE9tricas?","Events and control flow":"Eventos e fluxo de controle","This condition always returns true (or always false, if the condition is inverted).":"Essa condi\xE7\xE3o sempre retorna verdadeiro (ou sempre falso, se a condi\xE7\xE3o for invertida).","Or":"Ou","Check if one of the sub conditions is true":"Verifica se uma das sub-condi\xE7\xF5es \xE9 verdadeira","If one of these conditions is true:":"Se uma dessas condi\xE7\xF5es for verdadeira:","And":"E","Check if all sub conditions are true":"Verifica se todas as sub-condi\xE7\xF5es s\xE3o verdadeiras","If all of these conditions are true:":"Se todas essas condi\xE7\xF5es forem verdadeiras:","Not":"N\xE3o","Return the contrary of the result of the sub conditions":"Retornar o contr\xE1rio do resultado das sub-condi\xE7\xF5es","Invert the logical result of these conditions:":"Inverter o resultado l\xF3gico destas condi\xE7\xF5es:","Trigger once while true":"Ativa uma \xFAnica vez enquanto verdadeiro","Run actions only once, for each time the conditions have been met.":"Execute a\xE7\xF5es apenas uma vez, para cada vez que as condi\xE7\xF5es foram atendidas.","Trigger once":"Ativar uma vez","Compare two numbers":"Comparar dois n\xFAmeros","Compare the two numbers.":"Comparar os dois n\xFAmeros.","_PARAM0_ _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_":"_PARAM0_ _PARAM1_ _PARAM2_","Compare two strings":"Comparar duas strings","Compare the two strings.":"Comparar as duas strings.","First string expression":"Primeira express\xE3o da string","Second string expression":"Segunda express\xE3o da string","Standard event":"Evento padr\xE3o","Standard event: Actions are run if conditions are fulfilled.":"Evento padr\xE3o: as a\xE7\xF5es s\xE3o executadas se as condi\xE7\xF5es forem atendidas.","Link external events":"Vincular eventos externos","Link to external events.":"Vincular para eventos externos.","Event displaying a text in the events editor.":"Event displaying a text in the events editor.","While":"Enquanto","Repeat the event while the conditions are true.":"Repeat the event while the conditions are true.","Repeat":"Repetir","Repeat the event for a specified number of times.":"Repeat the event for a specified number of times.","For each object":"Para cada objeto","Repeat the event for each specified object.":"Repita o evento para cada objeto especificado.","For each child variable (of a structure or array)":"Para cada vari\xE1vel filha (de uma estrutura ou matriz)","Repeat the event for each child variable of a structure or array.":"Repete o evento para cada vari\xE1vel filha de uma estrutura ou matriz.","Event group":"Grupo de eventos","Group containing events.":"Grupo contendo eventos.","Return .":"Retorna .","Compare .":"Compara .","Check if .":"Checa se .","Set (or unset) if .":"Set (or unset) if .","Change .":"Altera .","Set _PARAM0_ as : ":"Set _PARAM0_ as : ","Change : ":"Altera : ","Change of _PARAM0_: ":"Alterar de _PARAM0_: ","Change : ":"Alterar : ","_PARAM0_ is ":"_PARAM0_ is ","":"","Value to compare":"Valor a comparar"," of _PARAM0_ ":" de _PARAM0_ "," ":" ","Smooth the image":"Suavizar a imagem","Preload as sound":"Pr\xE9-carregar como som","Loads the fully decoded file into cache, so it can be played right away as Sound with no further delays.":"Carrega o arquivo totalmente decodificado no cache, ent\xE3o ele pode ser tocado diretamente como Som sem mais atrasos.","Preload as music":"Pr\xE9-carregar como m\xFAsica","Prepares the file for immediate streaming as Music (does not wait for complete download).":"Prepara o arquivo para streaming imediato como M\xFAsica (n\xE3o espera o download completo).","Preload in cache":"Pr\xE9-carregar em cache","Loads the complete file into cache, but does not decode it into memory until requested.":"Carrega o arquivo completo no cache, mas n\xE3o decodifica na mem\xF3ria at\xE9 ser solicitado.","Disable preloading at game startup":"Desativar pr\xE9-carregamento na inicializa\xE7\xE3o do jogo","The expression has extra character at the end that should be removed (or completed if your expression is not finished).":"A express\xE3o tem um caractere extra no final que deve ser removido (ou completado se sua express\xE3o n\xE3o estiver finalizada).","Missing a closing parenthesis. Add a closing parenthesis for each opening parenthesis.":"Faltando um par\xEAntese de fechamento. Adicione um par\xEAntese de fechamento para cada par\xEAntese de abertura.","Missing a closing bracket. Add a closing bracket for each opening bracket.":"Falta um colchete de fechamento. Adicione um colchete de fechamento para cada colchete de abertura.","A name should be entered after the dot.":"Um nome deve ser inserido ap\xF3s o ponto.","A dot or bracket was expected here.":"Um ponto ou colchete foi esperado aqui.","An opening parenthesis was expected here to call a function.":"Um par\xEAntese de abertura era esperado aqui, para chamar uma fun\xE7\xE3o.","The list of parameters is not terminated. Add a closing parenthesis to end the parameters.":"A lista de par\xE2metros n\xE3o foi encerrada. Adicione um par\xEAntese de fechamento para finalizar os par\xE2metros.","You've used an operator that is not supported. Operator should be either +, -, / or *.":"Voc\xEA usou um operador que n\xE3o \xE9 suportado. Operador deve ser +, -, / ou *.","You've used an \"unary\" operator that is not supported. Operator should be either + or -.":"Voc\xEA usou um operador \"un\xE1rio\" que n\xE3o \xE9 suportado. Operador deve ser +, -, / ou *.","You've used an operator that is not supported. Only + can be used to concatenate texts.":"Voc\xEA usou um operador que n\xE3o \xE9 suportado. Apenas + pode ser usado para relacionar textos.","Operators (+, -, /, *) can't be used with an object name. Remove the operator.":"Operadores (+, -, /, *) n\xE3o podem ser usados com um nome de objeto. Remova o operador.","Operators (+, -, /, *) can't be used in variable names. Remove the operator from the variable name.":"Operadores (+, -, /, *) n\xE3o podem ser usados em nomes de vari\xE1veis. Remova o operador do nome da vari\xE1vel.","You've used an operator that is not supported. Only + can be used to concatenate texts, and must be placed between two texts (or expressions).":"Voc\xEA usou um operador que n\xE3o \xE9 suportado. Apenas + pode ser usado para relacionar textos, e deve ser colocado entre dois textos (ou express\xF5es).","Operators (+, -) can't be used with an object name. Remove the operator.":"Operadores (+, -) n\xE3o podem ser usados com um nome de objeto. Remova o operador.","Operators (+, -) can't be used in variable names. Remove the operator from the variable name.":"Operadores (+, -) n\xE3o podem ser usados em nomes de vari\xE1veis. Remova o operador do nome da vari\xE1vel.","You entered a number, but a text was expected (in quotes).":"Voc\xEA inseriu um n\xFAmero, mas um texto era esperado (entre aspas).","You entered a number, but this type was expected:":"Voc\xEA inseriu um n\xFAmero, mas este tipo era esperado:","You entered a text, but a number was expected.":"Voc\xEA inseriu um texto, mas um n\xFAmero era esperado.","You entered a text, but this type was expected:":"Voc\xEA inseriu um texto, mas este tipo era esperado:","No object, variable or property with this name found.":"No object, variable or property with this name found.","You entered a variable, but this type was expected:":"You entered a variable, but this type was expected:","You can't use the brackets to access an object variable. Use a dot followed by the variable name, like this: `MyObject.MyVariable`.":"You can't use the brackets to access an object variable. Use a dot followed by the variable name, like this: `MyObject.MyVariable`.","You must wrap your text inside double quotes (example: \"Hello world\").":"Voc\xEA deve cercar seu texto com aspas duplas (exemplo: \"Ol\xE1 mundo\").","You must enter a number.":"Voc\xEA deve inserir um n\xFAmero.","You must enter a number or a text, wrapped inside double quotes (example: \"Hello world\"), or a variable name.":"Voc\xEA deve inserir um n\xFAmero ou um texto entre aspas duplas (exemplo: \"Ol\xE1 mundo\") ou um nome de vari\xE1vel.","You've entered a name, but this type was expected:":"Voc\xEA inseriu um nome, mas este tipo era esperado:","You must enter a number or a valid expression call.":"Voc\xEA deve inserir um n\xFAmero ou uma express\xE3o v\xE1lida.","You must enter a text (between quotes) or a valid expression call.":"Voc\xEA deve inserir um texto (entre aspas) ou uma chamada de express\xE3o v\xE1lida.","You must enter a variable name.":"Voc\xEA precisa inserir um nome de vari\xE1vel.","You must enter a valid object name.":"Voc\xEA precisa inserir um nome v\xE1lido de objeto.","You must enter a valid expression.":"Voc\xEA deve inserir uma express\xE3o v\xE1lida.","This variable has the same name as a property. Consider renaming one or the other.":"This variable has the same name as a property. Consider renaming one or the other.","This variable has the same name as a parameter. Consider renaming one or the other.":"This variable has the same name as a parameter. Consider renaming one or the other.","No variable with this name found.":"No variable with this name found.","Undefined":"Indefinido","Dimensionless":"Sem dimens\xE3o","degree":"grau","second":"segundo","pixel":"pixel","pixel per second":"pixel por segundo","How much distance is covered per second.":"Que dist\xE2ncia \xE9 coberta por segundo.","pixel per second, per second":"pixel por segundo, por segundo","How much speed is gained (or lost) per second.":"Quanta velocidade \xE9 ganha (ou perdida) por segundo.","Force (in Newton)":"For\xE7a (em Newton)","meter kilogram per second, per second":"metro quilograma por segundo, por segundo","A unit to measure forces.":"Uma unidade para medir for\xE7as.","Angular speed":"Velocidade angular","degree per second":"grau por segundo","How much angle is covered per second.":"Que \xE2ngulo \xE9 percorrido por segundo."}}; \ No newline at end of file