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peer-webrtc simplifies the implementation of WebRTC connections by providing a straightforward API for establishing peer-to-peer communication. It's ideal for developers looking to integrate real-time audio, video, and data channels into their applications with minimal setup.


  • Easy Setup: Simplifies the creation and management of WebRTC connections.
  • Real-Time Communication: Supports both audio/video streaming and data channels.
  • Flexible API: Offers customizable event handlers for handling various WebRTC events.


Install peer-webrtc using npm:

npm install peer-webrtc

Install peer-webrtc using yarn:

yarn add peer-webrtc

Use peer-webrtc with CDN:

<script type="module">
	import PeerWebRTC from ''

	const peer = new PeerWebRTC(true, mediaStream, rtcConfig);

Basic Usage

Creating a Peer Connection

To start using peer-webrtc, create a new instance of the PeerWebRTC class. You need to specify whether the peer is an initiator and optionally provide a media stream and configuration for the RTCPeerConnection.

import PeerWebRTC from 'peer-webrtc';

// Create a new PeerWebRTC instance
const peer = new PeerWebRTC(true, mediaStream, rtcConfig);
  • initiator: A boolean indicating if this peer initiates the connection.
  • mediaStream: An optional MediaStream object for audio/video streams.
  • rtcConfig: Optional configuration for the RTCPeerConnection.

Setting Up Event Handlers

You can define callbacks for various events such as receiving a signal, connection state changes, incoming data, and new streams.

peer.onSignal(async (sdp) => {
  // Send SDP to the remote peer

peer.onConnect(() => {
  console.log('Connection established!');

peer.onDisconnect(() => {
  console.log('Connection lost.');

peer.onData((data) => {
  console.log('Received data:', data);

peer.onStream((stream) => {
  // Attach the stream to a video element or handle it as needed
  const videoElement = document.getElementById('remoteVideo');
  videoElement.srcObject = stream;

Handling Incoming Signals

When you receive a signal from the remote peer, use the signal method to process it. This will handle SDP offers and answers automatically.

async function receiveRemoteSignal(sdp) {
  await peer.signal(sdp);

Adding ICE Candidates

To manage ICE candidates, provide a callback to handle them and add remote candidates as they arrive.

peer.onIceCandidate((candidate) => {
  // Send the ICE candidate to the remote peer

async function addRemoteIceCandidate(candidate) {
  await peer.addIceCandidate(candidate);

Sending Data

You can send data over the established data channel using the send method.

peer.send('Hello, peer!');


To gracefully close the connection, use the disconnect method.


Advanced Usage

Custom RTCPeerConnection Configuration

You can pass a custom configuration object to the RTCPeerConnection constructor via the rtcConfig parameter. This is useful for specifying ICE servers or other advanced settings.

const rtcConfig = {
  iceServers: [
    { urls: '' },
    { urls: '', username: 'user', credential: 'pass' }

const peer = new PeerWebRTC(true, mediaStream, rtcConfig);

Working with Media Streams

To send audio or video, pass a MediaStream object when creating the PeerWebRTC instance. You can obtain a media stream using the getUserMedia API.

navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: true })
  .then((stream) => {
    const peer = new PeerWebRTC(true, stream);
  .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error accessing media devices.', error);

API Reference


new PeerWebRTC(initiator, stream, config);
  • initiator: Boolean - Indicates if the peer is the connection initiator.
  • stream: MediaStream - Optional media stream for audio/video.
  • config: Object - Optional RTCPeerConnection configuration.


  • onSignal(callback): Register a callback to handle signaling data.
  • onIceCandidate(callback): Register a callback to handle ICE candidates.
  • onConnect(callback): Register a callback to handle connection establishment.
  • onDisconnect(callback): Register a callback to handle connection closure.
  • onData(callback): Register a callback to handle received data.
  • onStream(callback): Register a callback to handle received media streams.
  • signal(sdp): Process an incoming SDP signal.
  • addIceCandidate(candidate): Add a remote ICE candidate.
  • send(data): Send data over the data channel.
  • disconnect(): Close the connection.


peer-webrtc is MIT licensed.