diff --git a/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml b/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml index 05340a29797..1072c8bb082 100644 --- a/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml +++ b/Resources/Changelog/ChangelogADT.yml @@ -763,5 +763,13 @@ Entries: - author: Шрёдингер changes: - {message: Добален принтер форм, type: Add} - id: 55627 #костыль отображения в Обновлениях + id: 55630 #костыль отображения в Обновлениях time: '2023-12-11T04:20:00.0000000+00:00' + +- author: Петр Игнатьевич + changes: + - {message: Добавлены новогодние закуски и блюда и рецепты для их приготовления, type: Add} + - {message: Добавлен НовогодоМат, type: Add} + - {message: В торговые автоматы добавлены праздничные напитки и наборы сладостей, type: Add} + id: 55631 #костыль отображения в Обновлениях + time: '2023-12-11T07:20:00.0000000+00:00' diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl index 18012b3bfb6..dc649924ae2 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Head/hats.ftl @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ ent-ADTClothingHeadHatsBeretCE = берет старшего инженера ent-ADTClothingHeadHatsBeretCentCom = берет центрального командования .desc = Зелённый берет с вышитой эмблемой ЦК. Стиль военного бюрократа. -ent-ADTClothingHeadHatDedMoroz = Колпак Деда Мороза +ent-ADTClothingHeadHatDedMoroz = колпак Деда Мороза .desc = Новогодний колпак Деда Мороза. .suffix = { "Новый Год" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Neck/scarf.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Neck/scarf.ftl index 0d30ffe0ee3..b7c66277a6c 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Neck/scarf.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/Neck/scarf.ftl @@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ ent-ADTClothingNeckBlackFur = черная меховая лента .desc = Эта меховая лента, идеально впишется в ваш праздничный образ. .suffix = { "" } -ent-ADTClothingNeckChefPovarFio = Шейный бант повара +ent-ADTClothingNeckChefPovarFio = шейный бант повара .desc = Модный аксессуар для поваров, имеющий не практическое значение, а скорее чисто эстетическое. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/furcoat.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/furcoat.ftl index 9fcc53c9512..aef44cdb751 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/furcoat.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Clothing/OuterClothing/furcoat.ftl @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ ent-ADTClothingOuterGraySweatshirtTop = серая толстовка-топка ent-ADTClothingOuterBlackSweatshirtTop = черная толстовка-топка .desc = Стильная белая толстовка-топка. Производства компании "Modeling Agency Dar-Vaxed". -ent-ADTClothingOuterBaseChaplainRasy = Ряса священника +ent-ADTClothingOuterBaseChaplainRasy = ряса священника .desc = Верхнее одеяние лиц духовного звания. -ent-ADTClothingOuterSuitChefPovar = Поварская китель Шеф-повара +ent-ADTClothingOuterSuitChefPovar = поварской китель Шеф-повара .desc = Защищает повара от капель раскаленного масла, кипятка, а одежду - от загрязнения. Позволяет носителю называть своих подчиненных огузками, инвалидами и калеками. diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl index 2997a1eabd4..df096336b27 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Flavors/flavor-profiles.ftl @@ -48,3 +48,7 @@ flavor-complex-glyphidstout = как хмель, солод, опьянение, flavor-base-pumpkin = тыквенно flavor-complex-ADTSawdust = как опилки, холод и вера в Капитана + +flavor-complex-olivier = как новый год, овощи, колбаса и майонез +flavor-complex-jellymeat = как холодец +flavor-complex-herring = как рыба, овощи и много жира diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.ftl index fd44f3a886e..bd22dce1e6a 100644 --- a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.ftl +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.ftl @@ -23,4 +23,8 @@ ent-ADTHotChocolateGlass = стакан горячего шоколада .desc = Смотри, не обожги губы. ent-ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass = стакан гипоаллергенного горячего шоколада - .desc = Вкус хуже, чем у обычного, но не опасен для некоторых рас. \ No newline at end of file + .desc = Вкус хуже, чем у обычного, но не опасен для некоторых рас. + +ent-ADTRandomNewYearDrinkSpawner = спавнер случайного новогоднего напитка + .desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc } + .suffix = { "Новый год" } diff --git a/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new_year_food.ftl b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new_year_food.ftl new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bdaa5836e8c --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Locale/ru-RU/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new_year_food.ftl @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +ent-ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake = атмосианский пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького атмосианина. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackBotanicCake = ботанический пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького ботаника. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCandyStick = карамельная трость + .desc = Сладкая палочка в виде трости. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCargoCake = каргонианский пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького каргонца. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackCookieMan = пряничный человечек + .desc = Песочный пряник в виде человека. Начинайте с ног. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackChefCake = шеф-пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького повара. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackDoctorCake = докторский пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького врача. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackGiftCake = пряник-подарок + .desc = Пряник в виде коробочки с подарком. Положите его в коробку для подарков, чертовы любители рекурсий. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackGloveCake = печенье-варежка + .desc = Печенье в виде варежки Деда Мороза. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackJanitoryCake = уборочный пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького уборщика + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackMimeCake = мимский пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького мима. Выпечен при содействии "Общества памяти Ло-Вюда". + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackNukieCake = ядерный пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького плохого засранца в красном. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackClownCake = клоунский пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького клоуна. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackGreytideCake = грейтайдный пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького грейтайдера. Если вы глава отдела - не ешьте. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackScientistCake = научный пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького ученого. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackSecurityCake = щиткурный пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького офицера СБ. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackSnowflakeCake = печенье-снежинка + .desc = Печенье в виде снежинки. Осторожно, хрупкое. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackSnowmanCake = пряник-снеговик + .desc = Пряник в виде маленького снеговика. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackSocksCake = пряник-чулок + .desc = Пряник в виде рождественного чулка. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodSnackTreeCake = елочный пряник + .desc = Пряник в виде маленькой новогодней елочки. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodOlivierSalad = салат оливье + .desc = Закусочный салат русской кухни. Готовится из отварных корнеплодов, огурцов, яиц с мясом или варёной колбасой. И все это - в здоровой майонезной заправке. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodJelliedMeat = холодец + .desc = Специфичное блюдо - сгустившийся до состояния желе бульон с кусочками мяса. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodHerringUnderFurcoat = селёдка под шубой + .desc = Слоёный закусочный салат из филе карпа с отварными корнеплодами и яйцом под майонезом, самый популярный праздничный салат в кухне СССП. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodMeatHam = жареная ветчина с мёдом + .desc = Просоленный и копчёный свиной окорок, покрытый медовой глазурью. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodMeatHamPiece = ломтик ветчины с мёдом + .desc = Аккуратно нарезанный кусочек ветчины. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodCakePudding = пудинг + .desc = Десерт из яиц, сахара, молока и муки, сделанный на водяной бане. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTFoodCakePuddingChristmas = новогодний пудинг + .desc = Мучной десерт, приготовляемый по передаваемому веками английскому рецепту. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTBoxNewYearSnack1 = сладкий подарок "Космонавты" + .desc = Коробка с пряниками, выполненными в виде работников станции. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTBoxNewYearSnack2 = сладкий подарок "Новогодний" + .desc = Коробка со сладостями в новогодней тематике. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTBoxNewYearSnack3 = сладкий подарок "Плохиши" + .desc = Коробка со сладостями в виде самых нелюбимых ребят на станциях. + .suffix = Новый год. + +ent-ADTRandomNewYearFoodSpawner = спавнер случайной новогодней еды + .desc = { ent-MarkerBase.desc } + .suffix = { "Новый год" } + +ent-ADTVendingMachineNewYear = НовогодоМат + .desc = Вендомат с множеством новогодних штучек. + .suffix = Новый год. diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/newyearmat.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/newyearmat.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f523014bbfb --- /dev/null +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/newyearmat.yml @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +- type: vendingMachineInventory + id: ADTNewYearMateInventory + startingInventory: + ADTBoxNewYearSnack1: 10 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack2: 10 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack3: 10 + ADTSparklerPack: 5 + ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitSweaterHolidayBeige: 2 + ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitSweaterHolidayBlue: 2 + ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitSweaterHolidayRedDark: 2 + ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitSweaterHolidayRedWhite: 2 + ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitElf: 2 + ADTClothingUniformSnowMaiden: 4 + ADTClothingHeadHatsSnowMaiden: 4 + ADTClothingHandsGlovesSnowMaiden: 4 + ADTClothingUniformSchool: 4 + ADTClothingUniformMonkeyHolidaySuit: 2 + ADTClothingUniformRollNeckSnowman: 2 + ADTClothingUniformShirtSpruce: 2 + ADTClothingUniformShirtDeer: 2 + ADTClothingUniformJumpsuitSweaterHoliday: 2 + ADTClothingUniformShirtSnowflake: 2 + ADTClothingUniformShirtSnowman: 2 + ADTClothingOuterDedMoroz: 4 + ADTClothingMaskBorodaDedMoroz: 4 + ADTClothingHeadHatDedMoroz: 4 + ADTClothingHeadHatsElf: 2 + ADTClothingHeadHatsAntenna: 2 + ADTClothingHeadHatsMonkeyHoliday: 2 + ADTClothingHeadHatsCatHoliday: 2 + ADTClothingHeadHornsDeer: 2 + ADTClothingHeadHatChristmas: 2 + ADTClothingHeadChristmasFlower: 2 + ADTClothingHandsGlovesMittensRed: 3 + ADTClothingHandsGlovesMittensBlue: 3 + ADTClothingHandsGlovesMittensGreen: 3 + ADTClothingHandsGlovesMittensRedGreen: 2 + ADTClothingHandsGlovesRed: 2 + ADTClothingHandsGlovesRed2: 2 + ADTClothingFootElfBoots: 2 + ADTClothingFootBootsSnowMaiden: 2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.yml index c0305497673..2f7c9ced660 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.yml @@ -168,3 +168,27 @@ - type: Sprite sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.rsi state: hot_chocolate + +- type: entity + parent: MarkerBase + id: ADTRandomNewYearDrinkSpawner + name: random new year drink spawner + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: green + - sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Drinks/new_year.rsi + state: sbiten_cinnamon_lemon + - type: RandomSpawner + offset: 0 + prototypes: + - ADTMulledWineGlass + - ADTMulledWineColdGlass + - ADTChampagneMandarinGlass + - ADTChristmasMilkshakeGlass + - ADTTeaCinnamonLemonGlass + - ADTSbitenCinnamonLemonGlass + - ADTHotCocoaGlass + - ADTHotChocolateGlass + - ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/new_year.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/new_year.yml index 9f048cb7fbf..950ccb9afe2 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/new_year.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Objects/Consumable/Food/new_year.yml @@ -69,3 +69,621 @@ popup: adt-spike-solution-put - type: Appearance - type: DeleteOnTrigger + +#Печенье +- type: entity + name: atmos cake + parent: FoodSnackBase + id: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + description: atmos cake + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - sweet + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearsnack.rsi + state: atmos + - type: Item + size: Tiny + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + maxVol: 5 + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 2 + +- type: entity + name: botanic cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackBotanicCake + description: botanic cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: botanic + +- type: entity + name: candy stick + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackCandyStick + description: candy stick + components: + - type: Sprite + state: stick + +- type: entity + name: cargo cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackCargoCake + description: cargo cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: cargo + +- type: entity + name: cookie man + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackCookieMan + description: cookie man + components: + - type: Sprite + state: cookieman + +- type: entity + name: chef cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackChefCake + description: chef cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: chef + +- type: entity + name: doctor cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackDoctorCake + description: doctor cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: doctor + +- type: entity + name: gift cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackGiftCake + description: gift cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: gift + +- type: entity + name: glove cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackGloveCake + description: glove cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: glove + +- type: entity + name: janitory cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackJanitoryCake + description: janitory cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: janitory + +- type: entity + name: mime cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackMimeCake + description: mime cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: mime + +- type: entity + name: nukie cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackNukieCake + description: nukie cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: nukie + +- type: entity + name: clown cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackClownCake + description: clown cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: clown + +- type: entity + name: greytide cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackGreytideCake + description: greytide cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: greytide + +- type: entity + name: scientist cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackScientistCake + description: scientist cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: scientist + +- type: entity + name: security cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackSecurityCake + description: security cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: security + +- type: entity + name: snowflake cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackSnowflakeCake + description: snowflake cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: snowflake + +- type: entity + name: snowman cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackSnowmanCake + description: snowman cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: snowman + +- type: entity + name: socks cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackSocksCake + description: socks cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: socks + +- type: entity + name: tree cake + parent: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + id: ADTFoodSnackTreeCake + description: tree cake + components: + - type: Sprite + state: tree + +#Коробки со сладостями + +- type: entity + id: ADTBoxNewYearSnack1 + parent: BaseStorageItem + name: new year snackbox 1 + description: new year snackbox 1 + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearsnack.rsi + state: box1 + - type: Item + size: Large + - type: Storage + maxItemSize: Small + maxTotalWeight: 10 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + storagebase: !type:Container + - type: PhysicalComposition + materialComposition: + Cardboard: 100 + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTFoodSnackAtmosCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackBotanicCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackCargoCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackChefCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackDoctorCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackJanitoryCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackScientistCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackSecurityCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackYellowCandies + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackBunnyCandies + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + name: new year snackbox 2 + description: new year snackbox 2 + parent: ADTBoxNewYearSnack1 + id: ADTBoxNewYearSnack2 + components: + - type: Sprite + state: box2 + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTFoodSnackCandyStick + amount: 2 + - id: ADTFoodSnackCookieMan + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackGiftCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackGloveCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackSnowflakeCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackSnowmanCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackSocksCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackTreeCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackCoinCandies + amount: 1 + +- type: entity + name: new year snackbox 3 + description: new year snackbox 3 + parent: ADTBoxNewYearSnack1 + id: ADTBoxNewYearSnack3 + components: + - type: Sprite + state: box3 + - type: StorageFill + contents: + - id: ADTFoodSnackMimeCake + amount: 1 + - id: ADTFoodSnackNukieCake + amount: 2 + - id: ADTFoodSnackClownCake + amount: 2 + - id: ADTFoodSnackGreytideCake + amount: 2 + - id: ADTFoodSnackCoinCandies + amount: 2 + - id: ADTFoodSnackBlackCandies + amount: 1 + +#новогодние блюда + +- type: entity + name: olivier salad + parent: FoodBowlBase + id: ADTFoodOlivierSalad + description: olivier salad + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - ADTOlivier + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi + layers: + - state: bowl + - state: olivier + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + maxVol: 15 + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 9 + - ReagentId: Vitamin + Quantity: 3 + +- type: entity + name: jellied meat + parent: FoodMeatBase + id: ADTFoodJelliedMeat + description: jellied meat + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Tag + tags: + - Cooked + - Meat + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi + layers: + #- state: plate_small + - state: jellymeat + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - ADTJellymeat + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 6 + - ReagentId: Protein + Quantity: 8 + - type: Item + size: Normal + - type: Food + transferAmount: 5 + trash: FoodPlateSmall + +- type: entity + name: herring under furcoat + parent: FoodMeatBase + id: ADTFoodHerringUnderFurcoat + description: herring under furcoat + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Tag + tags: + - Cooked + - Meat + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi + layers: + - state: plate_small + - state: herring + - type: FlavorProfile + flavors: + - ADTHerringUnderFurcoat + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 9 + - ReagentId: Protein + Quantity: 3 + - ReagentId: Vitamin + Quantity: 3 + - type: Item + size: Normal + - type: Food + transferAmount: 6 + trash: FoodPlateSmall + +- type: entity + name: ham + parent: FoodMeatBase + id: ADTFoodMeatHam + description: ham + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Tag + tags: + - Cooked + - Meat + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi + layers: + - state: plate + - state: ham + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 18 + - ReagentId: Protein + Quantity: 6 + - type: SliceableFood + count: 6 + slice: ADTFoodMeatHamPiece + - type: Item + size: Normal + - type: Food + transferAmount: 4 + trash: FoodPlate + +- type: entity + name: ham piece + parent: FoodMeatBase + id: ADTFoodMeatHamPiece + description: ham piece + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Tag + tags: + - Cooked + - Meat + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi + layers: + - state: hampiece + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 3 + - ReagentId: Protein + Quantity: 1 + - type: Item + size: Normal + - type: Food + transferAmount: 6 + +- type: entity + name: pudding + parent: FoodCakeBase + id: ADTFoodCakePudding + description: pudding + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi + layers: + #- state: plate_small + - state: pudding + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 12 + - ReagentId: Protein + Quantity: 3 + - ReagentId: Vitamin + Quantity: 3 + - type: Item + size: Normal + - type: Food + transferAmount: 6 + trash: FoodPlateSmall + +- type: entity + name: christmas pudding + parent: FoodCakeBase + id: ADTFoodCakePuddingChristmas + description: christmas pudding + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi + layers: + #- state: plate_small + - state: christmaspudding + - type: SolutionContainerManager + solutions: + food: + reagents: + - ReagentId: Nutriment + Quantity: 15 + - ReagentId: Protein + Quantity: 3 + - ReagentId: Vitamin + Quantity: 4 + - type: Item + size: Normal + - type: Food + transferAmount: 6 + trash: FoodPlateSmall + +#рецепты + +- type: microwaveMealRecipe + id: ADTFoodOlivierSaladRecipe + name: olivier salad recipe + result: ADTFoodOlivierSalad + time: 15 + reagents: + Mayo: 5 + solids: + FoodBowlBig: 1 + FoodPotato: 2 + FoodMeat: 1 + FoodCarrot: 1 + FoodEgg: 1 + +- type: microwaveMealRecipe + id: ADTFoodJelliedMeatRecipe + name: jellied meat recipe + result: ADTFoodJelliedMeat + time: 20 + reagents: + Water: 15 + TableSalt: 5 + UncookedAnimalProteins: 10 + solids: + FoodMeat: 1 + FoodPlateSmall: 1 + +- type: microwaveMealRecipe + id: ADTFoodHerringUnderFurcoatRecipe + name: herring under furcoat recipe + result: ADTFoodHerringUnderFurcoat + time: 15 + reagents: + Mayo: 5 + solids: + FoodCarrot: 2 + FoodEgg: 1 + FoodMeatFish: 1 + FoodPlateSmall: 1 + +- type: microwaveMealRecipe + id: ADTFoodMeatHamRecipe + name: ham with mead recipe + result: ADTFoodMeatHam + time: 25 + reagents: + Blackpepper: 5 + TableSalt: 5 + solids: + FoodMeat: 2 + FoodPlate: 1 + +- type: microwaveMealRecipe + id: ADTFoodCakePuddingRecipe + name: puding recipe + result: ADTFoodCakePudding + time: 10 + reagents: + Water: 15 + Milk: 10 + Flour: 10 + Sugar: 15 + Egg: 6 + solids: + FoodPlateSmall: 1 + +- type: microwaveMealRecipe + id: ADTFoodCakePuddingChristmasRecipe + name: christmas puding recipe + result: ADTFoodCakePuddingChristmas + time: 10 + reagents: + Water: 15 + Milk: 10 + Flour: 10 + Sugar: 15 + Egg: 6 + solids: + FoodPlateSmall: 1 + ADTFoodSnackCandyStick: 2 + +#спавнер еды +- type: entity + parent: MarkerBase + id: ADTRandomNewYearFoodSpawner + name: random new year food spawner + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: Sprite + layers: + - state: green + - sprite: ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearsnack.rsi + state: stick + - type: RandomSpawner + offset: 0 + prototypes: + - ADTFoodOlivierSalad + - ADTFoodJelliedMeat + - ADTFoodHerringUnderFurcoat + - ADTFoodMeatHam + - ADTFoodCakePudding + - ADTFoodCakePuddingChristmas + - ADTBoxNewYearSnack1 + - ADTBoxNewYearSnack2 + - ADTBoxNewYearSnack3 + - ADTFoodMeatChickenBaked + - ADTFoodMeatChickenBakedWithVegetables + - ADTFoodMeatChickenBakedWing + - ADTFoodMeatChickenBakedLeg + #chance: 0.7 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml index 7727a3c7e76..49c6d7f810e 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Entities/Structures/Machines/vending_machines.yml @@ -64,3 +64,37 @@ radius: 1.8 energy: 1.6 color: "#c2adff" + +- type: entity + parent: VendingMachine + id: ADTVendingMachineNewYear + name: NewYearMate + description: A vending machine for New Year things. + suffix: New Year + components: + - type: VendingMachine + pack: ADTNewYearMateInventory + offState: off + brokenState: broken + normalState: normal-unshaded + denyState: deny-unshaded + #- type: Advertise + # pack: ClothesMateAds + - type: Speech + - type: Tag + tags: + - DroneUsable + - type: Sprite + sprite: ADT/Structures/Machines/VendingMachines/newyearmate.rsi + layers: + - state: "off" + map: ["enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.Base"] + - state: "off" + map: ["enum.VendingMachineVisualLayers.BaseUnshaded"] + shader: unshaded + - state: panel + map: ["enum.WiresVisualLayers.MaintenancePanel"] + - type: PointLight + radius: 1.8 + energy: 1.6 + color: "#1ca9d4" diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Flavors/flavors.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Flavors/flavors.yml index 5937aff9787..39e6d491df7 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Flavors/flavors.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/ADT/Flavors/flavors.yml @@ -215,3 +215,18 @@ id: ADTSbitenCinnamonLemon flavorType: Complex description: flavor-complex-sbiten-cimmanon-lemon + +- type: flavor + id: ADTOlivier + flavorType: Complex + description: flavor-complex-olivier + +- type: flavor + id: ADTJellymeat + flavorType: Complex + description: flavor-complex-jellymeat + +- type: flavor + id: ADTHerringUnderFurcoat + flavorType: Complex + description: flavor-complex-herring diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/botany.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/botany.yml index 447500cfc60..e4a68b2fb29 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/botany.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/botany.yml @@ -87,6 +87,6 @@ - id: PeaSeeds - id: CocoaSeeds - id: ADTBuckwheatSeeds - - id: ADTPumpkinSeeds + - id: ADTMandarinSeeds amount: 3 #- id: ADTCocoaSeeds diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chang.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chang.yml index 282f58535b0..62438a1bc2a 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chang.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/chang.yml @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: ChangInventory startingInventory: + ADTBoxNewYearSnack1: 3 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack2: 3 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack3: 3 FoodCondimentPacketSoy: 5 FoodSnackCookieFortune: 5 DrinkRamen: 3 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/coffee.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/coffee.yml index 2d65fa1f71e..b3018102844 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/coffee.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/coffee.yml @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ -- type: vendingMachineInventory +- type: vendingMachineInventory id: HotDrinksMachineInventory startingInventory: + ADTMulledWineGlass: 2 + ADTMulledWineColdGlass: 2 + ADTChampagneMandarinGlass: 2 + ADTChristmasMilkshakeGlass: 2 + ADTTeaCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTSbitenCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTHotCocoaGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass: 2 DrinkHotCoffee: 5 DrinkCafeLatte: 5 DrinkTeacup: 5 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cola.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cola.yml index 2f9ce3d3ae6..d1780e97569 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cola.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/cola.yml @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: RobustSoftdrinksInventory startingInventory: + ADTMulledWineGlass: 2 + ADTMulledWineColdGlass: 2 + ADTChampagneMandarinGlass: 2 + ADTChristmasMilkshakeGlass: 2 + ADTTeaCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTSbitenCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTHotCocoaGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass: 2 DrinkColaCan: 4 DrinkGrapeCan: 2 DrinkRootBeerCan: 2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/discount.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/discount.yml index ddf79432175..bddd1eea031 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/discount.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/discount.yml @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ -- type: vendingMachineInventory +- type: vendingMachineInventory id: DiscountDansInventory startingInventory: + ADTBoxNewYearSnack1: 3 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack2: 3 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack3: 3 FoodSnackCheesie: 3 FoodSnackChips: 3 FoodSnackBoritos: 3 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pwrgame.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pwrgame.yml index 96513fca8a8..3382b88de0b 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pwrgame.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/pwrgame.yml @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: PwrGameInventory startingInventory: + ADTMulledWineGlass: 2 + ADTMulledWineColdGlass: 2 + ADTChampagneMandarinGlass: 2 + ADTChristmasMilkshakeGlass: 2 + ADTTeaCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTSbitenCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTHotCocoaGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass: 2 DrinkPwrGameCan: 4 DrinkEnergyDrinkCan: 4 DrinkGrapeCan: 2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/seeds.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/seeds.yml index 3c239131c9c..1a540bec516 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/seeds.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/seeds.yml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: MegaSeedServitorInventory startingInventory: - ADTPumpkinSeeds: 5 + ADTMandarinSeeds: 5 AloeSeeds: 3 AmbrosiaVulgarisSeeds: 3 AppleSeeds: 5 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/snack.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/snack.yml index d08a64f0644..e8c55861a1d 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/snack.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/snack.yml @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: GetmoreChocolateCorpInventory startingInventory: + ADTBoxNewYearSnack1: 3 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack2: 3 + ADTBoxNewYearSnack3: 3 FoodSnackRaisins: 3 FoodSnackChocolate: 3 FoodSnackCnDs: 3 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/soda.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/soda.yml index bed9ce3d593..ace4dea8009 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/soda.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/soda.yml @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: SodaInventory startingInventory: + ADTMulledWineGlass: 2 + ADTMulledWineColdGlass: 2 + ADTChampagneMandarinGlass: 2 + ADTChristmasMilkshakeGlass: 2 + ADTTeaCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTSbitenCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTHotCocoaGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass: 2 DrinkColaCan: 3 DrinkGrapeCan: 3 DrinkRootBeerCan: 3 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/spaceup.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/spaceup.yml index d71f6284dde..7ed953e8e0f 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/spaceup.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/spaceup.yml @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: SpaceUpInventory startingInventory: + ADTMulledWineGlass: 2 + ADTMulledWineColdGlass: 2 + ADTChampagneMandarinGlass: 2 + ADTChristmasMilkshakeGlass: 2 + ADTTeaCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTSbitenCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTHotCocoaGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass: 2 DrinkSpaceUpCan: 3 DrinkSpaceMountainWindCan: 3 DrinkGrapeCan: 2 diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/starkist.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/starkist.yml index 3ae36d4705f..9e7e55efda7 100644 --- a/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/starkist.yml +++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/VendingMachines/Inventories/starkist.yml @@ -1,6 +1,15 @@ - type: vendingMachineInventory id: StarkistInventory startingInventory: + ADTMulledWineGlass: 2 + ADTMulledWineColdGlass: 2 + ADTChampagneMandarinGlass: 2 + ADTChristmasMilkshakeGlass: 2 + ADTTeaCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTSbitenCinnamonLemonGlass: 2 + ADTHotCocoaGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateGlass: 2 + ADTHotChocolateAllergicGlass: 2 DrinkStarkistCan: 4 DrinkGrapeCan: 2 DrinkRootBeerCan: 2 diff --git a/Resources/ServerInfo/ADT/NewRecipes.xml b/Resources/ServerInfo/ADT/NewRecipes.xml index 78e15c9a449..3ec13afab31 100644 --- a/Resources/ServerInfo/ADT/NewRecipes.xml +++ b/Resources/ServerInfo/ADT/NewRecipes.xml @@ -1,8 +1,116 @@ +# Новогодние блюда + +Близится традиционный праздник смены года на Земле, родине всех людей. Потому NanoTrasen предлагает персоналу станций несколько рецептов +для новогодних блюд и закусок. С ними вы можете ознакомиться в этой книге. + +## Запеченая курица, крылышки и ножки + +Начнем с разделки курицы. Первое, что вам следует сделать со свежезарезанной курицой - вооружившись ножом, ощипать её и снять кожу. +Так вы получите целую куриную тушку. Её можно либо еще раз разделать, уже на грудку, крылья и ножки, либо запечь целицом. + + + + + + +Самым простой рецепт запеченой курицы таков: + - 1 целая куриная тушка + - 5 единиц соуса барбекю + - 25 секунд готовки + + + + +При наличии ингредиентов тушку можно нафаршировать мясом и овощами запечь вместе с ними. В результате получится крайне вкусное и сытное блюдо, +которое заслуженно будет центром любого праздничного стола. Рецепт фаршированной курицы таков: + + - 1 целая куриная тушка + - 1 большая тарелка + - 1 капуста + - 1 помидор + - 1 картошка + - 1 початок кукурузы + - 2 сырых мясных котлеты + - 30 секунд готовки + + + + +Если же вы решите разделать тушку на отдельные части - из филе можно сделать стейк или использовать как ингредиент в других блюдах. +А крылышки и ножки - поджарить в микроволновке на 5 секунд и получить небольшую и аппетитную закуску к основному обеду. + + + + + + +## Новогодние салаты и закуски + +Начнем с классики, знакомой многим на станции - салата оливье, селёдки под шубой и холодца! Рецепт оливье таков: + - Миска + - 2 картошки + - Сырое яйцо + - Морковь + - Мясо + - 5 единиц майонеза + - 15 секунд в микроволновке + +Холодец готовится таким образом: + + - Маленькая тарелка + - Мясо + - 15 воды + - 5 соли + - 10 непрожаренных животных протеинов + - 20 секунд в микроволновке + +И, наконец, селёдка под шубой: + + - 2 морковки + - Сырое яйцо + - Филе карпа + - Маленькая тарелка + - 5 единиц майонеза + - 15 секунд в микроволновке + + + + + + +Заменой запеченой курочке может стать ветчина с медом и специями. Для её приготовления вам понадобятся: + - Большая тарелка + - 2 куска мяса + - 5 единиц черного перца + - 5 единиц соли + - 25 секунд в микроволновке + + + + + +## Пудинги + +Для поклонников британской кухни на выбор есть два десерта - обычный пудинг и новогодний. Рецепт такой: + - Маленькая тарелка + - 15 воды + - 10 молока + - 10 муки + - 15 сахара + - 6 яйца + - 10 секунд в микроволновке + +Чтобы сделать новогодний пудинг - добавьте к ингредиентам две карамельных трости, которые можно найти в новогодних сладких подарках. + + + + + # Новые рецепты для объектов NanoTrasen Приветствуем поваров, работников сервиса и всех тех, кто может прочитать эту книгу. -В этом руководстве вы ознакомитесь с новинками кулинарии, допущенными к использованию на объектах NanoTrasen. +В этом руководстве вы ознакомитесь с новинками кулинарии, допущенными к использованию на объектах NanoTrasen. Для начала - ознакомимся с новыми растительными культурами. diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/bowl.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/bowl.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9f91f21ff45 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/bowl.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/christmaspudding.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/christmaspudding.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..07575d31b1a Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/christmaspudding.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/ham.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/ham.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8be25f18d20 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/ham.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/hampiece.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/hampiece.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3ea76225ea2 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/hampiece.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/herring.png b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/herring.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ce0b038b7f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/herring.png differ diff --git a/Resources/Textures/ADT/Objects/Consumable/Food/new-year/newyearfood.rsi/jellymeat.png 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