- st: simple awesome terminal
- mpv: video watching
- sxiv: image viewing
- ranger: file browser
- tmux: easy multiple terminals
- neovim: the new-vim
- croc: transfer files between machines
- khal: c(k)alendar
- musicbox: listen to netease music
- ibus-rime: CJK typing
- delta: great code comparison
- inkscape: vector graph editor
- gimp: graph editor, substitution for photoshop
- audacity: audio editor
- tesseract: OCR
- latex: awesome writing tool
- JabRef: manage bibtex references
- cmatrix: you enjoy the matrix movie, this is the choice
- compton: transparent windows
- dwm: suckless windows manager
REMIND: the self-hosted things are generally less powerful than the charged ones, except for a few.
- nextcloud: your own cloud storage
- wekan: kanban
- talk: quick network videos
- draw.io: awesome online drawing
- discourse: forum
- wiki.js: wiki pages
- gitea: self-hosted github
- Nzh.js: transform number into Chinese characters
wekan wiki github(gitea) rocket-chat nextcloud discourse draw.io