Here are the steps to contributing changes in the project
- File an issue
- Get the green light (:rocket: or 👍 reaction or a written confirmation to that work would be accepted). Do this BEFORE submitting a PR
- Submit a PR
Select an appropriate template for your issue type.
- 📝 Add an episode
- 💫 Add a Feature
- 🐛 Report a Bug
Fill out as much information as possible and submit.
PRs will not be approved without an issue_
When submitting a PR please use the following syntax for your PR.
[PR TYPE] <Issue Numer> - Short Summarization of Changes
PR Type should be [ADD, FIX, REMOVE, UPDATE]
Your summary should combine with the PR Type to create a short summary of what is being done.
ADD ## - Episode ## Episode Title
FIX ## - Lints
Updates ## - Adds 'Kathy' to corrections.json