- Edit items
- Delete items independently
- Search box
- Translate to català (homeee, espavila)
- Change the PWA language
- Autocomplete name with existing items
- Add multiple lists
- When you click enter on edit/create, it saves it and close
- When you add a new task with the toggle "Add more", reset the form on save
- Each time you come from minimizing the app and it elasped some time, the app will refresh the items automatically.
- Now the app notifies you after 1h. If you click on refresh, after another hour it will prompt the button again.
- (Optimization) When you add an item with the same name as an existing closed one, instead of creating a new one, it marks it as non-bought.
- It edits it's quantity to the new one
- (Optimization) When you add an item with the same name as an existing open one, it adds/replaces its quantity.
- Refactor for optimistic feedback
- Pull to refresh on iOS
- This was bugged. Removed and replaced with a button
- Bottom menu
- Search bar is now showing the items in the bottom instead!! UX problem
- Multitenant option
- Quick way to change between known lists (log out)
- Help page
- BUG: When filtering by search field, the app goes inconsistent when marking as bought.
- BUG: You can enter decimals on the quantity and it breaks on the server.
- Edit the list name?
- Add custom tags to each item.
- Title: Add the icon to the left and the name of the list to the center of the remaining space.
- Posar un boto per descomprar un item
- Fer que es puguin reordenar items
- Compatible with apple watch
- Reordering items
- Recurrent items
- Add image link field
- Add admin panel that only ME can have access to
- Tenir diferents receptes guardades i posar a la llista tots els ingredients d'aquell menjar
- Poder multiplicar les racions per x persones