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Azure Functions NX Plugin

Develop a full serverless Azure Functions solution in NX monorepo

This plugin allows you to initialize, create, build, run and publish Azure Functions inside your NX workspace.


For NX <= 19, use @nxazure/func version 1.2.0 and lower
For NX >= 20, use @nxazure/func version 1.2.1 and higher

Table of Contents

  1. Quick Start
  2. Features
  3. Known possible issues
  4. Publish to Azure
  5. Limitations

Quick Start

  1. Make sure your environment is set as described in the Azure Functions docs.
  2. Make sure you install the latest Azure Functions Core Tools. The minimum required version is 4.0.5390. You can check your currently installed version by running func --version command.
  3. Create an NX workspace with any method.
npx create-nx-workspace@latest my-org
  1. Add the @nxazure/func package
npm install -D @nxazure/func
  1. Initialize a function app
nx g @nxazure/func:init my-new-app
  1. Add a function to the app
nx g @nxazure/func:new myNewFunc --project=my-new-app --template="HTTP trigger"
  1. Run the function app
nx start my-new-app


  1. Support for TS Config paths (e.g., import { tool } from '@my-org/my-lib')
  2. Support for a single node_modules folder in the root dir (just like in other monorepo solutions)
  3. Environment variables are loaded by NX (from .env files) but they can be overwritten by individual local.settings.json files
  4. All current templates that are supported by the func CLI tool are supported.
  5. Run multiple functions at once nx run-many --target=start --all
  6. Publish the function app straight to your Azure account (az login is required)

Known possible issues

  1. If after creation the build is failing, try updating @types/node and/or typescript versions.
  2. To be able to publish a function to your Azure account, an az login is required first.
  3. If you are using the flat eslint config, you might want to add the following to the end of your base config export:
    ignores: ['apps/**/dist', 'apps/**/_registerPaths.ts'],

Publish to Azure

  1. Sign in to Azure
az login
  1. Make sure you select the correct subscription
az account set --subscription "<subscription ID or name>"

You can learn more about it on Microsoft Learn.

  1. Use the name of your local NX app and the name of your existing function app on Azure to run the publish command:
nx publish <local-app-name> -n <function-app-on-azure>
  1. Wait for the process to finish and the triggers to properly sync


Currently, the plugin supports only TypeScript functions.