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File metadata and controls

391 lines (290 loc) · 10.4 KB

MUST BE COMPLETED: Admin Order View Current Order Status Admin Setting Order Status Remove item from cart with one button press Better seed Increment or Decrement cart items

WANT COMPLETED: Images Stand-In photo Admin Retires an Item Retired Items can be viewed, but not added to cart

BOTTOM OF LIST: Add/Remove Items from Categories Clear up waffle Order must belong to User Order must have cats

—– Today March 18th, 2015 —– DONE : Admin Order Index page DONE : Changing Order Status to Enum role (edited) DONE : Create cats and breeds (edited) DONE : Link to each Cat from Order (edited)

################## MILESTONE ONE ##################


001 An item must have a title, description and price

002 An item must belong to at least 1 category

003 The title and description cannot be empty strings

004 The title must be unique for all items in the system

005 The price must be a valid decimial numeric value and be greater than 0

006 The photo is option. If not present, a stand-in photo is used.

007 EXAMPLE ITEM DATA At least 20 items with varying prices. Some should have multiple categories


008 A user must have a valid email which is unique.

009 A user must have a full name which is not blank

010 A user may optionally provide a display name which must be 2-32 characters

011 EXAMPLE USER DATA generate 20 users with valid fields


012 An order must belong to a user

013 An order must be for one or more items being sold

014 EXAMPLE ORDER DATA At least 10 orders with at least 2 at each stage (ordered, completed, cancelled)


015 EXAMPLE CATEGORY DATA At least 5 categories of various sizes


################## MILESTONE TWO ##################

## LOGIN 016 In ‘/login’ I see two form entries and two buttons

017 In ‘/login’ When I fill in the forms validly and click “log in”, redirect to dashboard with flash greeting

018 In ‘/login’ When I fill in the forms invalidly and click “log in”, rerender login with flash “invalid login”

019 In ‘/login’ When I click “not now”, redirect to dashboard with flash guest-greeting

## DASHBOARD 020 In ‘/’ I should see a short description of the website, “need a breed?” list of categories, “ready right meow!” list of cats.

021 In ‘/’ I should see pictures for each cat and category

022 In ‘/’ When I click a cat I should redirect to cat’s path

023 In ‘/’ When I click on a breed I should redirect to breed’s path

## ADMIN DASHBOARD 024 In ‘/admin’ I should see the contents of ‘/admin/inventory’

################## MILESTONE THREE ##################

## BREEDS 025 In ‘/breeds’ I should see a title of “categories” and a list of breeds with pictures

026 In ‘/breeds/:id’ I should see a Carosel of the breed pictures along with a description of the breed, a status of the breed (retired?), and a “add random #{breed} cat to cart” button


027 In ‘/cats’ I should see a title of “cats” and a list of all the cats

028 In ‘/cats/:id’ I should see a picture of the cat as well as a name, breed, status, price, and an “add to cart” button

029 In ‘/admin/cats/:id/edit’ I should see a form for changing the cats: Name, description, breed, status(retired?), image and a save button

################## MILESTONE FOUR ##################


030 In ‘/cart’ I should see a table containing columns for: name, breed, quantity, price, subtotal price (per extra quantity), total price. Also an “order histroy” button, a “continue” button, and a “checkout” button


031 In ‘/users/:id/orders’ I should see a titled “orders” and a table for each order. Above each table should be a order number.

In each table should be a column for purchaser full name, purchaser email, cat name, date, status, quantity, price, and total

032 In ‘/admin/orders’ I should see a title of “order stats” as well as filter buttons for each type of order status(completed, paid, ordered, cancelled) Additionally I should see a list of orders (whose sort changes by filter button) Each with a button to update the status.

033 In ‘/admin/orders’ I should see a title “order” with a table identical to issue 032. Below the table should be buttons to update the status of the order.

################## MILESTONE FIVE ##################


034 Navigation bar to easily access most of the site. This includes: Home button to ‘/’, login/out button to ‘/login’ or ‘/logout’, cart button to ‘/cart’, categories button to ‘/breeds’, orders button to ‘/user/:id/orders’, order status button to ‘/admin/orders’, and inventory button to ‘/admin/inventory’

035 Footer with contact information, link to twitter, etc.

036 Carosel for ‘/breeds/:id’ displaying several pictures per breed.

################## MILESTONE SIX ##################


037 Only Admin should be allowed to view the three views rendering ‘/admin…’

038 Only Admin’s nav bar displays Orders/Inventory

039 When a guest visits any unauthroized portion site, they should be redirected to the dashboard. When they click on any orders button, they should be redirected to login with a flash prompting them to login.

################## USER STORIES ##################


040 As a Guest When I visit Dashboard ( ‘/’ ) Then I should see a selection(pictures and short descriptions) of breeds under “need a breed” and a selection of cats under “ready right meow”

041 As a Guest When I visit Dashboard ( ‘/’ ) And I click on a breed selection And I am redirected to that breed’s page Then I should see information on the breed including: picture, description, price, name, status, add to cart

042 As a Guest When I visit ‘/breeds’ Then I see a list of breeds each with picture and name

043 As a Guest When I visit ‘/breeds’ And I click on a breed name or picture Then I am linked to the specific breed.

044 As a Guest When I visit Dashboard ( ‘/’ ) And I click on a cat selection And I am redirected to the cat’s path Then I should see information on the cat including: picture name, breed, price, description, status, and add to cart

045 As a Guest When I visit ‘/cats’ Then I see a list of all available cats each with picture and name

046 As a Guest When I visit ‘/cats’ And I click on a cat name or picture Then I see the cat’s page

047 As a Guest When I visit ‘/login’ And I don’t wish to login And I click the “not now” button Then I should see the dashboard

048 As a Guest When I visit ‘/cart’ And I click the “continue” button Then I am redirected to the previous page I was on and if I weren’t on a valid page(dashboard, breeds, cats) Then I am redirected to the dashboard

049 As a Guest When I visit ‘/cart’ And I click the “order history” button Then I am prompted to login at the login page

050 As a Guest When I visit ‘/cart’ And I click the “checkout” button Then I am prompted to login at the login page

051 As a Guest When I am prompted to login from the “order history” button And I login validly Then I see my order page with all my past orders

052 As a Guest When I am prompted to login from the “checkout” button And I login validly Then I see my order page with the cart’s items added to the list of orders

053 As a Guest When I visit any location not listed previously Then I am redirected to dashboard with no flash message


054 As an authenticated User When I visit ‘/user/myid/orders’ Then I am not prompted to login and I see my order list.

055 As an authenticated User When I click any “add to cart” button Then I am redirected to ‘/cart’ with my newest order displayed

056 As an authenticated User When I visit any location not listed previously Then I am redirected to dashboard with no flash message


057 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin’ Then I am redirected to ‘/admin/inventory’ And I see a list of breeds and a list of cats

058 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/inventory’ And I click on an “edit-#{}” button Then I am redirected to ‘/admin/breeds/:id/edit’ And I see information for updating that particular breed

059 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/breeds/:id/edit’ And I fill in the name field And I fill in the description field And I click the “save” button Then I am redirected to that breed’s page And I see the edited breed with it’s new name and description

060 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/breeds/:id/edit’ And I fill in the image field And I click the “save” button Then I am redirected to that breed’s page And I see the edited breed with it’s new image in the carosel

061 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/breeds/:id/edit’ And I click the retire button Then I am redirected to the breed’s page And I see the retried breed with it’s status set to “sold out”

062 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/inventory’ And I click on an “edit-#{}” button Then I am redirected to ‘/admin/cats/:id/edit’ And I see information for updating that particular cat

063 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/cats/:id/edit’ And I fill in the name field And I fill in the description field And I click the “save” button Then I am redirected to that cat’s page And I see the edited cat with it’s new name and description

064 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/cats/:id/edit’ And I fill in the image field And I click the “save” button Then I am redirected to that cat’s page And I see the edited cat with it’s new image

065 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/cats/:id/edit’ And I click the retire button Then I am redirected to the cat’s page And I see the retried cat with it’s status set to “sold out”

066 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/orders’ Then I see a list of orders with filter buttons to sort them

067 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/orders’ And I see an order which is ready And I click on a “paid” button Then I stay on the same page And I see the order status change to “paid”

068 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/orders’ And I see an order which is paid And I click on a “completed” button Then I stay on the same page And I see the order status change to “completed”

069 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/orders’ And I see an order which is either ready, paid, or completed And I click on a “cancelled” button Then I stay on the same page And I see the order status change to “cancelled”

070 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/orders’ And I click on an order’s name Then I am redirected to a ‘/admin/orders/:id’ And I see a table describing that order And buttons to edit that order’s status (ready, paid, completed, cancelled)

071 As an Admin When I visit ‘/admin/orders/:id’ The buttons should function as they do in ‘admin/orders’ Except they link me to the coordinating ‘/users/:id/orders’