- A configuration file (_config.yml) : Contains all of the configuration for the book
- A table of contents file (_toc.yml)
- The book’s content
- If .ipynb: Make sure to execute all the cells before saving the file
- If .md: N/A
- Add files to _toc.yml (Files are added as names with no extensions and relative to the book’s root folder.)
- If .ipynb: Make sure to execute all the cells before saving the file
- If .md: N/A
- This allows you to build the book locally. The command below will generate a fully-functioning HTML site using a static site generator.
Run the following command:jupyter-book build PATH_TO_BOOK_ROOT_FOLDER/
- IMP: If you have made many edits, it is recommended to first remove the _build directory then build.
Run the following command:jupyter-book clean -a PATH_TO_BOOK_ROOT_FOLDER/
- push changes to main branch
- Note: Do not push the _build directory
- Note: A GitHub Action is already created to automatically build the book and update the website when a push event happens on main. Nothing else needs to be done.
- JupyterBook Documentation: https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/intro.html
- How to structure and organize content: https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/basics/organize.html
- Command-line interface reference: https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/reference/cli.html