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rough Adscript Spec

This specification is not very complete, but still documents Adscript.


Adscript Data Notation is a modified version of EDN. It may become its own spec in the future, but at the moment it is embedded here.

Data types

adn type implementation example
id none (resolved at compile time) f
char unsigned int \A
int int64_t 42
float double 13.37
str char* "hi"
list none (resolved at compile time) (f 1)
hetvec void** ["hi" 2]
homovec T* #[1 2]

Maps are to be defined. (Probably {1 2})



In Adscript there is another native data type: The function. All functions that are not natively implemented are "first-class values".

Functions can be created using the fn function and called using a list:

(fn [<parameters>] <return type> <body>)

;; arguments of variable length
(fn [<parameters>]' <return type> <body>)

For example:

((fn [int i] int i) 1)

Structs (not implemented yet)

By quoting a list you can create a struct data type.

'(int a int b int c)

Additional builtin functions


Defines a compile-time constant.

(def <identifier> <value>)


Defines a data type.

(deft <identifier> <data type>)

(deft int32 i32)
(deft xy '(int32 x int32 y))


Defines non-anonymous functions.

(defn <identifier> [<parameters>] <return type> <body>)

let (not implemented yet)

Defines a "final variable"/"run time constant", works like let in Clojure.

(let <identifier> <value>)
(let a 42)


Defines a variable that can be changed later.

(var <identifier> <value>)
(var a 42)


Sets the value for a variable or array element. It can also be used for setting a pointer's value, please use setptr instead.

(set <id> <value>)
(set <element> <value>)

(set a 42)

(var b #[1 2 4 8 1])
(set (b 4) 16)


Sets the value for a pointer.

(setptr <pointer> <value>)

(var i 21)
(setptr (ref i) 42)

(fn [] )

+, -, *, /, %, |, &, ^, ~, =, <, >, <=, >=, or, and, xor, not

These functions are so obvious that they will be documented later.


A conditional expression, exactly like in Clojure.

(if <condition> <then> <else>)
(if 1 42 10)


Creates a pointer to a reference.

(ref <value>)
(ref (#[1 2 3] 1))


Dereferences a pointer.

(deref <pointer>)
(deref (ref ("ABC*" 3)))

native-llvm (not implemented yet)

Equivalent to the asm "function" in c with llvm IR.

native-c (not implemented yet)

Equivalent to the asm "function" in c but with c code.

native-c++ (not implemented yet)

Equivalent to the asm "function" in c but with c++ code.