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Application Structure

Sven Loesekann edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 3 revisions


The aplication has a backend and a frontend. The frontend is in src/angular/trader and the backend is in src/main/java/ch/xxx/trader.


The frontend is generated by Angular-Cli and has its standard layout. It has 2 modules declarations. One for the Angular components, pipes, ... and one for all the Angular Material Components.

The components are: The main page is: src/app/quoteoverview/ The services are in: src/app/services/ Each exchange has its detail page like: src/app/bfdetail/ The Login Dialog: src/app/login/ The Orderbook: src/app/orderbooks/

The translations are in the i18n directory


The package structure of the backend is:

trader: For the rest controllers, rewrite filter and authentication provider trader.client: For the client applications to the interfaces AngularAndSpring uses. They are for testing. trader.config: For the 2 configs of the app. The WebSecurityConfig secures the access to the orderbook page and sets the authentication provider. The SchedulingConfig provides a separade thread pool to the scheduled tasks. For the 2 tasks the scheduler runs. The ScheduledTask task imports the quotes once a minute and the the PrepareData task calculates the hourly and daily averages once a day. trader.dto: For the dto classes that are needed by the app.

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