diff --git a/build/13-contracts-api.md b/build/13-contracts-api.md
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+++ b/build/13-contracts-api.md
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+# Contracts API
+API for creation and management of smart contracts through Apillon wallets on supported EVM chains.
+Enables developers (even without blockchain experience) to deploy, automate, scale, and efficiently manage smart contracts
+on the blockchain through simple API calls.
+### Get Contract
+> Get contract (available for deploy) by UUID
+GET /contracts/:uuid
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| ---- | ------------------------------------------ | -------- |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of the contract. | true |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| -------- |---------------------|
+| 40421001 | Contract not found. |
+#### Response Fields
+Contract that can be used to create an instance of deployed contract.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| --------------- |------------|-----------------------------------------------------|
+| contractUuid | `string` | Unique identifier for the contract. |
+| contractType | `number` | Type identifier of the contract (described bellow). |
+| chainType | `number` | Type of blockchain the contract is deployed on. |
+| name | `string` | Name of the contract. |
+| description | `string` | Description of the contract. |
+| contractVersion | `string` | Version of the contract. |
+| createTime | `DateTime` | Creation time of the contract. |
+| updateTime | `DateTime` | Update time of the contract. |
+##### Contract Types
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| OTHER | 1 | Other Contracts |
+| ERC_20 | 2 | ERC-20 Compatible Contracts |
+| ERC_721 | 3 | ERC-721 Compatible Contracts |
+| ERC_1155 | 4 | ERC-1155 Compatible Contracts |
+##### Contract Version
+Version of the contract used for deploying.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------------------- | ----------- |--------------------------------------------------------|
+| abi | `Abi[]` | ABI details of the contract (described bellow). |
+| methods | `Method[]` | Methods available in the contract (described bellow). |
+| contract | `Contract` | Metadata about the contract itself (described bellow). |
+| createTime | `DateTime` | Contract creation time. |
+| updateTime | `DateTime` | Contract last update time. |
+###### Contract ABI
+ABI for deployable contract.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| --------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| stateMutability | `string` | State mutability of the function. |
+| type | `string` | Type of the ABI (constructor/function). |
+| inputs | `Input[]` | List of input parameters for the function. |
+| outputs | `Output[]` | List of output parameters for the function. |
+###### Contract Method
+Methods of deployable contract.
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------ |
+| onlyOwner | `boolean` | Whether the method is owner only. |
+| name | `string` | Name of the method. |
+| description | `string` | Description of the method. |
+| createTime | `DateTime` | Creation time of the method. |
+| updateTime | `DateTime` | Update time of the method. |
+curl --location 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/:uuid' --header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+ "id": "f419b53c-e71d-4489-8914-bb92bcca5ebc",
+ "status": 200,
+ "data": {
+ "createTime": "2024-07-11T14:06:19.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-07-11T14:06:19.000Z",
+ "contractUuid": "cc20586e-1468-4316-8366-99c5492c3ed1",
+ "contractType": 2,
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "name": "Generic2 ERC-20",
+ "description": "Generic ERC-20 Non Fungible Token",
+ "contractVersion": {
+ "createTime": "2024-07-11T14:08:09.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-07-11T14:08:09.000Z",
+ "abi": [
+ {
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "constructor",
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "name",
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "symbol",
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function",
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "account",
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "balanceOf",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function",
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "value",
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "burn",
+ "outputs": []
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "methods": [
+ {
+ "createTime": "2024-07-11T14:09:47.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-07-11T14:09:47.000Z",
+ "onlyOwner": true,
+ "name": "burn",
+ "description": "burn"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "contract": null
+ }
+ }
+### List Contracts
+> Get a list of all deployable contracts
+GET /contracts
+#### Query Parameters
+All query parameters from [listing request](1-apillon-api.md#listing-requests), plus:
+| Name | Description | Required |
+|------------|------------------------------------| -------- |
+| chainType | The type of the blockchain chain. | false |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| -------- |----------------------|
+| 40421001 | Contract not found. |
+#### Response
+Response is a list of contracts described [under Response Fields above](#response-fields).
+curl --location 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts' --header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+ "id": "b4d24772-be33-4cf4-ba18-a47258fa7152",
+ "status": 200,
+ "data": {
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "id": 5,
+ "createTime": "2024-07-08T09:22:30.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-07-08T09:22:30.000Z",
+ "contract_uuid": "e0688a37-0b8b-4634-a1e4-bdb894866831",
+ "contractType": 3,
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "name": "Generic ERC-1155",
+ "description": "Generic ERC-1155 Non Fungible Token"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 6,
+ "createTime": "2024-07-11T14:06:19.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-07-11T14:06:19.000Z",
+ "contract_uuid": "cc20586e-1468-4316-8366-99c5492c3ed1",
+ "contractType": 2,
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "name": "Generic ERC-20",
+ "description": "Generic ERC-20 Non Fungible Token"
+ }
+ ],
+ "total": 2,
+ "page": 1,
+ "limit": 20
+ }
+### Get Contract ABI
+> Get the ABI of a deployable contract
+GET /contracts/:uuid/abi
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| ---- | --------------------------------- | -------- |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of contract. | true |
+#### Query Parameters
+All query parameters from [listing request](1-apillon-api.md#listing-requests), plus:
+| Name | Description | Required |
+|---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------- |
+| solidityJson | Determines format in which to return ABI (default is solidityJson=false). | false |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| -------- |-------------------------------------------|
+| 40421001 | Contract not found. |
+#### Response Fields
+Endpoint returns ABI methods as an array.
+Array item(s) format depends on value of `solidityJson` passed as query parameter:
+- Human-readable ABI (solidityJson=false)
+- ABI in Solidity JSON format (solidityJson=true)
+### Deploy Contract
+> Deploy an instance of contract
+POST /contracts/:uuid/deploy
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| ---- |------------------------------------------| -------- |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of contract to deploy. | true |
+#### Body Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Required |
+| name | `string` | Name of the contract. | true |
+| description | `string` | Description of the contract. | true |
+| chain | `number` | ID of the blockchain. | true |
+| constructorArguments | `unknown[]` | Arguments for the constructor. | true |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| -------- |---------------------------------|
+| 40421001 | Contract not found. |
+| 42221001 | Data not present. |
+| 50021003 | Contract deploy error. |
+| 50021016 | Failed to get contract version. |
+##### Response Fields
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| --------------- |-------------------|-----------------------------------------------------|
+| contractUuid | `string` | Unique identifier for the contract. |
+| contractType | `number` | Type identifier of the contract (described bellow). |
+| chainType | `number` | Type of blockchain the contract is deployed on. |
+| name | `string` | Name of the contract. |
+| description | `string` | Description of the contract. |
+| contractVersion | `ContractVersion` | Version of the contract (if available). |
+| createTime | `DateTime` | Creation time of the contract. |
+| updateTime | `DateTime` | Update time of the contract. |
+curl --location 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/:uuid/deploy' \
+--header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+--data-raw '{
+ "name": "Test Contract 2",
+ "description": "test description",
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "constructorArguments": ["Test Contract 2", "TC2"],
+ "id": "71ebc623-48cb-4e8a-b24d-213284c9ef9c",
+ "status": 201,
+ "data": {
+ "status": 5,
+ "createTime": "2024-12-03T09:36:50.781Z",
+ "updateTime": null,
+ "contract_uuid": "7641d513-0990-4ffb-be21-2c5f5220bf5c",
+ "project_uuid": "41232f3f-acc0-4d79-b9b5-64e030d30d0b",
+ "name": "Test Contract 2",
+ "description": "test description",
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "version_id": 8,
+ "constructorArguments": ["Test Contract","TC","0x4C2A866EB59511a6aD78db5cd4970464666b745a"],
+ "contractStatus": 2,
+ "contractAddress": "0xe878564779CD04625eE4A02f663014A4C184ed86",
+ "deployerAddress": "0x47df8450ee10ede00a9d5508f89d8d4570aa7b99",
+ "transactionHash": "0xf6f35bcb35e446be9b29432ef7bdd0300ee459b19656b3972010463ca5537aea",
+ "contractVersion": null
+ }
+### Get Deployed Contract
+> Get details of a deployed contract by UUID
+GET /contracts/deployed/:uuid
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of the deployed contract. | true |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| 40300000 | Not allowed to access deployed contract. |
+| 40421002 | Contract not found. |
+#### Response Fields
+| Field | Type | Description |
+| contractUuid | `string` | Unique identifier of the contract. |
+| projectUuid | `string` | Unique identifier of the project. |
+| name | `string` | Name of the contract. |
+| description | `string` | Description of the contract. |
+| chainType | `ChainType` | Type of the blockchain chain. |
+| chain | `EvmChain` | Specific EVM-compatible blockchain. |
+| versionId | `number` | Version ID of the contract. |
+| constructorArguments | `unknown[]` | Arguments used in the constructor of the contract. |
+| contractStatus | `ContractStatus` | Status of the contract. |
+| contractAddress | `string` | Address where the contract is deployed. |
+| deployerAddress | `string` | Address of the deployer of the contract. |
+| transactionHash | `string` | Transaction hash of the deployment. |
+| contractVersion | `ContractVersion` | Version details for deployed contract (details [above](#get-contract). |
+| createTime | `DateTime` | Collection create time. |
+| updateTime | `DateTime` | Collection last update time. |
+curl --location 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/deployed/:uuid' --header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+ "id": "ec7872ae-0a3d-466e-9b19-7bca8df3dc81",
+ "status": 200,
+ "data": {
+ "status": 5,
+ "createTime": "2024-11-13T14:11:43.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-11-13T14:15:51.000Z",
+ "contractUuid": "e8be60e2-a5d7-4366-92aa-0d3f55c022c4",
+ "projectUuid": "c094c483-857f-4b12-bdd4-e3a316719882",
+ "name": "Test Contract 2",
+ "description": "test description",
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "versionId": 8,
+ "constructorArguments": "null",
+ "contractStatus": 3,
+ "contractAddress": "0x32BaCe3FA12F22E90111adbf2A396a7946B1D046",
+ "deployerAddress": "0x7ddefb047752a969a0fc2a76665f99e1656bc195",
+ "transactionHash": null,
+ "contractVersion": {
+ "createTime": "2024-11-13T14:04:14.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-11-13T14:04:14.000Z",
+ "abi": [
+ {
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "constructor",
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "uri",
+ "internalType": "string",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "adminAddress",
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "type": "address"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "stateMutability": "view",
+ "type": "function",
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "account",
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "id",
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "balanceOf",
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "",
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "stateMutability": "nonpayable",
+ "type": "function",
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "account",
+ "internalType": "address",
+ "type": "address"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "id",
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "value",
+ "internalType": "uint256",
+ "type": "uint256"
+ }
+ ],
+ "name": "burn",
+ "outputs": []
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "methods": [
+ {
+ "createTime": "2024-11-13T14:05:06.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-11-13T14:05:06.000Z",
+ "onlyOwner": true,
+ "name": "burn",
+ "description": "burn"
+ },
+ ...
+ ],
+ "contract": {
+ "createTime": "2024-07-08T09:22:30.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-07-08T09:22:30.000Z",
+ "contractUuid": "e0688a37-0b8b-4634-a1e4-bdb894866831",
+ "contractType": 3,
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "name": "Generic ERC-1155",
+ "description": "Generic ERC-1155 Non Fungible Token",
+ "contractVersion": null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+##### Chain Types
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| SUBSTRATE | 1 | Substrate Chain |
+| EVM | 2 | Ethereum VM Chain |
+##### EVM Chains
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| Astar | 592 | Astar Network |
+| Moonbase | 1287 | Moonbase Network |
+| Moonbeam | 1284 | Moonbeam Network |
+##### Contract Statuses
+| Name | Value | Description |
+| CREATED | 0 | Contract created |
+| DEPLOY_INITIATED | 1 | Deployment initiated |
+| DEPLOYING | 2 | Contract deploying |
+| DEPLOYED | 3 | Contract deployed |
+| TRANSFERRING | 4 | Transferring contract ownership |
+| TRANSFERRED | 5 | Contract ownership transferred |
+| FAILED | 6 | Deployment failed |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| 40300000 | Not allowed to access deployed contracts. |
+### List Deployed Contracts
+> Get a list of deployed contracts
+> Items are paginated and can be filtered and ordered through query parameters.
+GET /contracts/deployed
+#### Query Parameters
+All query parameters from [listing request](1-apillon-api.md#listing-requests) plus:
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| chainType | The type of the blockchain chain. | false |
+| contractStatus | Status of the contract. | false |
+#### Response
+Response is a list of items (shorter version) described [under Response Fields above](#response-fields).
+Item is a shorter version because it is a flat object and it doesn't include nested `contractVersion` (with `abi`,
+`methods` and `contract`), instead it exposes some details from this table:
+##### Response Fields
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| contractVersion | `number` | Unique identifier of the contract. |
+| contractType | `ContractType` | Type identifier of the contract (described above). |
+| contractName | `string` | Name of the contract. |
+| contractDescription | `string` | Description of the contract. |
+curl --location 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/deployed' --header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+ "id": "ed374fe6-f912-48f6-b4cb-e0304090d37d",
+ "status": 200,
+ "data": {
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "id": 22,
+ "status": 5,
+ "createTime": "2024-10-01T08:27:13.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-10-01T08:27:13.000Z",
+ "contractUuid": "e4f28996-9a00-46f0-925a-c814becf8a55",
+ "projectUuid": "c094c483-857f-4b12-bdd4-e3a316719882",
+ "name": "Test Contract 1",
+ "description": "description",
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "versionId": 5,
+ "contractStatus": 2,
+ "contractAddress": "0xc74758a5EEeFCeAeF899f2A494854E74C682BFe5",
+ "deployerAddress": "0x7ddefb047752a969a0fc2a76665f99e1656bc195",
+ "contractVersion": 1,
+ "contractType": 3,
+ "contractName": "Generic ERC-1155",
+ "contractDescription": "Generic ERC-1155 Non Fungible Token"
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 23,
+ "status": 5,
+ "createTime": "2024-11-13T14:11:43.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-11-13T14:15:51.000Z",
+ "contractUuid": "e8be60e2-a5d7-4366-92aa-0d3f55c022c4",
+ "projectUuid": "c094c483-857f-4b12-bdd4-e3a316719882",
+ "name": "Test Contract 2",
+ "description": "description",
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "versionId": 8,
+ "contractStatus": 3,
+ "contractAddress": "0x32BaCe3FA12F22E90111adbf2A396a7946B1D046",
+ "deployerAddress": "0x7ddefb047752a969a0fc2a76665f99e1656bc195",
+ "contractVersion": 2,
+ "contractType": 3,
+ "contractName": "Generic ERC-1155",
+ "contractDescription": "Generic ERC-1155 Non Fungible Token"
+ }
+ ],
+ "total": 22,
+ "page": 2,
+ "limit": 20
+ }
+### Call Deployed Contract
+> Execute a write function on a deployed contract
+POST /contracts/deployed/:uuid/call
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| ---- |--------------------------------------------| -------- |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of the contract to call. | true |
+#### Body Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description | Required |
+|-----------------|-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------- |
+| methodName | `string` | Method that is being called on contract. | true |
+| methodArguments | `unknown[]` | An array of arguments that are passed to the contract method when calling it. | true |
+NOTE: See contract ABI for available methods and arguments required for calling them.
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| -------- |-------------------------------------------|
+| 40300000 | Not allowed to access deployed contract. |
+| 42221001 | Data not present. |
+| 50021002 | Contract owner error. |
+| 50021004 | Contract call error. |
+| 50021005 | Contract not deployed. |
+| 50021006 | Contract address missing. |
+#### Response
+Response contains transaction details.
+##### Response Fields
+| Name | Type | Description |
+|-------------------|-------------| --------------------------------------------- |
+| transactionUuid | `number` | Unique identifier of the transaction. |
+| address | `string` | Address initiating the transaction. |
+| to | `string` | Recipient address of the transaction. |
+| chain | `Chain` | Chain ID where the transaction was executed. |
+| transactionStatus | `number` | Status of the transaction. |
+| chainType | `ChainType` | Type of blockchain network. |
+| transactionHash | `string` | Hash of the transaction. |
+| referenceTable | `string` | Reference table for the transaction metadata. |
+| referenceId | `string` | Reference identifier for related data. |
+| data | `any` | Additional transaction data (if any). |
+| projectUuid | `string` | Unique identifier of the project. |
+curl --location 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/deployed/:uuid/call' \
+--header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials' \
+--data-raw '{
+ "methodName": "transferOwnership",
+ "methodArguments": ["0x4C2A866EB59511a6aD78db5cd4970464666b745a"]
+ "id": "31809463-6f6b-4406-9409-f3311b1e8dac",
+ "status": 201,
+ "data": {
+ "id": 729,
+ "status": 5,
+ "address": "0x7DdEfb047752a969a0fC2A76665f99E1656bc195",
+ "to": "0x32BaCe3FA12F22E90111adbf2A396a7946B1D046",
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "transactionStatus": 1,
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "transactionHash": "0xbed631198f1c4236b985ed1e22cb966ad6265f05e3b24a4da23c18a4448c2a81",
+ "referenceTable": "contract_deploy",
+ "referenceId": "e8be60e2-a5d7-4366-92aa-0d3f55c022c4",
+ "data": null,
+ "projectUuid": "c094c483-857f-4b12-bdd4-e3a316719882"
+ }
+### Get Deployed Contract ABI
+> Get the ABI of a deployed contract
+GET /contracts/deployed/:uuid/abi
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| ---- |----------------------------------------------| -------- |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of the deployed contract. | true |
+#### Query Parameters
+All query parameters from [listing request](1-apillon-api.md#listing-requests), plus:
+| Name | Description | Required |
+|---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------- |
+| solidityJson | Determines format in which to return ABI (default is solidityJson=false). | false |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| 40300000 | Not allowed to access deployed contract. |
+#### Response
+Endpoint returns ABI methods as an array.
+Array item(s) format depends on value of `solidityJson` passed as query parameter (human-readable ABI or ABI in Solidity JSON format).
+curl --location --request GET 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/deployed/:uuid/abi' --header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+ "id": "6742591f-2b72-4887-890f-02f4f9f4cf5f",
+ "status": 200,
+ "data": [
+ "constructor(string uri, address adminAddress)",
+ "function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) view returns (uint256)",
+ "function burn(address account, uint256 id, uint256 value)",
+ ...
+ ]
+### Archive Deployed Contract
+> Archive a deployed contract
+DELETE /contracts/deployed/:uuid
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| ---- | ------------------------------------------ | -------- |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of the deployed contract. | true |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| -------- |--------------------------------------------|
+| 40300000 | Not allowed to access deployed contract. |
+#### Response
+Response includes details about archived contract.
+##### Response Fields
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| --------------------- |--------------------| --------------------------------------------- |
+| createTime | `DateTime` | Creation time of the contract. |
+| updateTime | `DateTime` | Last update time of the contract. |
+| contractUuid | `string` | Unique identifier for the contract. |
+| projectUuid | `string` | Unique identifier of the project. |
+| name | `string` | Name of the contract. |
+| description | `string` | Description of the contract. |
+| chainType | `number` | Type of blockchain network. |
+| chain | `number` | Chain ID where the contract is deployed. |
+| versionId | `number` | Version ID of the contract. |
+| constructorArguments | `unknown[]` | Arguments used in the contract constructor. |
+| contractStatus | `number` | Status of the contract. |
+| contractAddress | `string` | Address of the deployed contract. |
+| deployerAddress | `string` | Address of the deployer of the contract. |
+| transactionHash | `string` | Transaction hash of the deployment. |
+curl --location --request GET 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/deployed/:uuid/abi' --header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+ "id": "bafa91eb-20ee-48a1-bfeb-b039113efeeb",
+ "status": 200,
+ "data": {
+ "status": 8,
+ "createTime": "2024-11-13T14:11:43.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-12-02T16:04:31.000Z",
+ "contractUuid": "e8be60e2-a5d7-4366-92aa-0d3f55c022c4",
+ "projectUuid": "c094c483-857f-4b12-bdd4-e3a316719882",
+ "name": "Test Contract 2",
+ "description": "description",
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "versionId": 8,
+ "constructorArguments": ["test","0x4C2A866EB59511a6aD78db5cd4970464666b745a"],
+ "contractStatus": 5,
+ "contractAddress": "0x32BaCe3FA12F22E90111adbf2A396a7946B1D046",
+ "deployerAddress": "0x7ddefb047752a969a0fc2a76665f99e1656bc195",
+ "transactionHash": "0x7fb06e6f8aa4987942d8687f60ca48281097971fd23f674834ce0f348ff1cdde",
+ "contractVersion": null
+ }
+### List Contract Transactions
+> Get a list of transactions for deployed contract
+GET /contracts/deployed/:uuid/transactions
+#### URL Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| ---- | ------------------------------------------ | -------- |
+| uuid | Unique identifier of the deployed contract. | true |
+#### Query Parameters
+All query parameters from [listing request](1-apillon-api.md#listing-requests), plus:
+| Name | Description | Required |
+| transactionType | `number` | Type of the transaction. |
+| transactionStatus | `number` | Status of the transaction. |
+#### Possible Errors
+| Code | Description |
+| -------- |-------------------------------------------|
+| 40300000 | Not allowed to access deployed contract. |
+#### Response
+Endpoint returns transactions for deployed contract based on filters.
+##### Response Fields
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| `contractUuid` | `string` | UUID of the contract. |
+| `projectUuid` | `string` | UUID of the associated project. |
+| `name` | `string` | Name of the contract. |
+| `description` | `string` | Description of the contract. |
+| `chainType` | `number` | Type of blockchain chain. |
+| `chain` | `number` | ID of the blockchain. |
+| `versionId` | `number` | Version ID of the contract. |
+| `constructorArguments` | `any[]` | Arguments for the constructor. |
+| `contractStatus` | `number` | Status of the contract deployment. |
+| `contractAddress` | `string` | Deployed contract address. |
+| `deployerAddress` | `string` | Address of the deployer. |
+| `transactionHash` | `string` | Transaction hash of deployment. |
+| `contractVersion` | `string` | Version of the contract (nullable). |
+| `createTime` | `Datetime` | Creation time of the contract. |
+| `updateTime` | `Datetime` | Last update time of the contract. |
+curl --location --request GET 'https://api.apillon.io/contracts/deployed/:uuid/transactions' --header 'Authorization: Basic :credentials'
+ "id": "bafa91eb-20ee-48a1-bfeb-b039113efeeb",
+ "status": 200,
+ "data": {
+ "status": 8,
+ "createTime": "2024-11-13T14:11:43.000Z",
+ "updateTime": "2024-12-02T16:04:31.000Z",
+ "contractUuid": "e8be60e2-a5d7-4366-92aa-0d3f55c022c4",
+ "projectUuid": "c094c483-857f-4b12-bdd4-e3a316719882",
+ "name": "Test Contract 2",
+ "description": "description",
+ "chainType": 2,
+ "chain": 1287,
+ "versionId": 8,
+ "constructorArguments": ["test","0x4C2A866EB59511a6aD78db5cd4970464666b745a"],
+ "contractStatus": 5,
+ "contractAddress": "0x32BaCe3FA12F22E90111adbf2A396a7946B1D046",
+ "deployerAddress": "0x7ddefb047752a969a0fc2a76665f99e1656bc195",
+ "transactionHash": "0x7fb06e6f8aa4987942d8687f60ca48281097971fd23f674834ce0f348ff1cdde",
+ "contractVersion": null
+ }
diff --git a/web3-services/10-web3-contracts.md b/web3-services/10-web3-contracts.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c4df7c4
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+# Contracts
+The Apillon Contract Service enables efficient deployment and comprehensive management of smart contracts across multiple
+blockchain networks, providing a seamless and scalable solution for developers and enterprises.
+This service currently supports deploying smart contracts on various EVM-compatible blockchain networks, including:
+- [Astar Network](https://docs.astar.network/docs/build/introduction/astar_family)
+- [Moonbeam Network](https://docs.moonbeam.network/builders/get-started/networks/moonbeam/)
+- [Moonbase Network](https://docs.moonbeam.network/builders/get-started/networks/moonbase/)
+## Contract Deployment
+Deploying a smart contract is straightforward with Apillon's streamlined process. To deploy a smart contract, follow these steps:
+1. Log in to your [Apillon account](https://app.apillon.io/register).
+2. Navigate to the "Contracts" section from the menu on the left and click on "New Smart Contract."
+3. Select the desired smart contract for deployment.
+4. Customize the contract through the provided configuration form and initiate the deployment.
+5. Once deployed, utilize read and write methods to interact directly with the contract.
+## Contract Versioning
+To ensure ongoing security and feature enhancements, Apillon employs versioned smart contracts. Each deployed contract
+maintains a version to guarantee that the appropriate ABI (Application Binary Interface) is used during interactions,
+safeguarding compatibility and providing a stable experience for contract users.
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