* Depends on Android SDK [v12.3.1](https://github.com/AppLovin/AppLovin-MAX-SDK-Android/releases/tag/release_12_3_1) and iOS SDK [v12.3.1](https://github.com/AppLovin/AppLovin-MAX-SDK-iOS/releases/tag/release_12_3_1).
* Attempt fix at increased CPU usage on app pause on Android. https://github.com/AppLovin/AppLovin-MAX-Cordova/issues/44
* Fix NPE if the integration attempts to show a banner before it is created.
* Fix `destroyMRec` API by adding the missing argument.
* Fix `plugins.xml` using a deprecated CocoaPods repository.
* Add support for clearing all targeting data.
* Add support for targeting data.
* Fix "OnMRecAdExpandedEvent" not being called when MRECs are expanded.
* Remove `NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint` from `Info.plist`.
* Automatically add `NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint` to `Info.plist`.
* Add support for latest SDKs v10.3.1 with new callbacks.
* Add support for latest SDKs v10.3.0 with new callbacks.
* Fallback to SDK key in Android Manifest and Info.plist if not passed programmatically.
* Pass `"countryCode"` in initialization callback.
* Fix crashes for when creative id or placement is nil for an ad.
* Return more data in ad callbacks in addition to `ad.adUnitId` (e.g. `adInfo.creativeId`, `adInfo.networkName`, `adInfo.placement`, `adInfo.revenue`).
* Initial release with support for interstitials, rewarded ads, banners, and MRECs.