AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service. It allows you to run codes without the help of managing servers or provisioning. You have to pay for the computing time when you consume data. There are no charges to be paid when you are not running your code. Using Lambda, you can quickly run codes for any application or backend service virtually, without any administration.
- Other Files: Bundle with de code all files that will be used by the function such as html for email templates.
- AWS Services: determine if the current role assigned for the lambda provides all the permissions for integration with the services that it depends on.
This Config makes the integration to Lambda seamless as it enables requests to be proxied to Lambda with request details available in the event of our handler function.
ITNext - Tutorial - Validating HTTP Requst
A Lambda Authorizer (formerly known as a custom authorizer) placed on an API Gateway is a Lambda function that controls access to your API endpoints. By returning a PolicyDocument the lambda can decide whether or not the request is allowed to pass through to the API Gateway.
- Enriching Requests With AWS Lambda Authorizer(Java)
- Configure a Lambda authorizer using the API Gateway
AWS Lambda and Java Spring Boot: Getting Started
Micronaut Functions deployed in AWS Lambda]