Title | Galaxy |
Training dataset: | Nanopore MinION Sequencing of a Monkey Pox Virus (MPXV) from Spain 2022 oubreak. Data is publicly available at SRA with ID ERR10297654. Paper |
Questions: |
Objectives: |
Estimated time: | 40 min |
Nanopore techology is a third generation sequencing technique which allows to get longer sequences, but with reduced sequence quality. Different technologies have different formats, qualities, and specific known biases which make the analysis different among them. In this tutorial, we are going to see an example of how to assemble long reads from a Nanopore sequencing run.
- [SRA ID: ERR10297654](https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/?view=run_browser&acc=ERR10297654&display=metadata
- Click the
icon at the top of the history panel and create a new history with the namenanopore assembly 101 tutorial
as explained here
- Look for
in the tool search bar and selectFaster Download and Extract Reads in FASTQ format from NCBI SRA
- Accession =
- Execute
- Search
using the search toolbox and selectNCBI Accession Download Download sequences from GenBank/RefSeq by accession through the NCBI ENTREZ API
- Select source for IDs > Direct entry
- ID List = NC_063383.1
- Execute
Using SRA and NCBI API downloads data as hidden so we are going to unhidde this data as follows:
- Click on the strikethrough eye (Show hidden)
- Select the strikethrough for ERR10297654 and NC_063383.1 datas.
- Then select the location icon (show active)
- Search
using the search toolbox and selectMap with minimap2 A fast pairwise aligner for genomic and spliced nucleotide sequences
- Will you select a reference genome from your history or use a built-in index?: Use a genome from history and built-in index
- Select NC_063383.1
- Select fastq dataset: ERR10297654
- Select a profile of preset options > Oxford Nanopore Read to reference mapping (map-ont)
- Click execute and wait.
- Search
using the search toolbox and selectSamtools flagstat tabulate descriptive stats for BAM datset
- BAM File to report statistics of > Select Minimap2 bam output
- Click execute and wait.
- Click in the 👁️ and see the bam stats.
Which is the mapping rate?
How many reads do we have in our dataset?
21868This training history is available at: https://usegalaxy.eu/u/s.varona/h/nanopore-assembly-101-tutorial
Note: Nanopore data is known to have more error than short sequencing reads. This is why assembly post-processing is strongly recommended, usually using combined sequencing aproximation with both Nanopore and Illumina reads.