IndRSA is an R package for individual-level modelling of resource selection.
This is the development area for the package IndRSA
, which provides a series of functions to analyze resource selection of animals at the individual level (instead of using mixed-effects models).
References: Bastille-Rousseau, G., and G. Wittemyer. 2019. Leveraging multidimensional heterogeneity in resource selection to define movement tactics of animals. Ecology Letters 22:1417–1427.
For questions: gbr |at|
You need to use the package devtools
from Hadley Wickham.
The package main functions are rsf_mod
, pop_avg
, aictab_ind
and kfold_ind
. For a list of documented functions see the Reference manual. Examples of how to use the main functions are also provided in the vignette.
As of now, the functions are implemented to take an "ID_Year" as input for individuals in rsf_mod. The underscore "_" is critical for proper use of later functions. Even if your indivduals are over the same period or over multiple years, adding _XXXX is required. This will be fixed in future update.