diff --git a/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/fighters/_fighters.dm b/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/fighters/_fighters.dm
index b44e62bf267..f6592fd66fb 100644
--- a/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/fighters/_fighters.dm
+++ b/nsv13/code/modules/overmap/fighters/_fighters.dm
@@ -1272,6 +1272,12 @@ due_to_damage: If the removal was caused voluntarily (FALSE), or if it was cause
var/rpm = 0
var/flooded = FALSE
+ . = ..()
+ if(flooded)
+ . += "You can hear liquid sloshing around inside."
+ . += "The combustion chamber is screwed closed."
/obj/item/fighter_component/engine/flooded //made just so I can put it in pilot-specific mail
desc = "A mighty engine capable of propelling small spacecraft to high speeds. Something doesn't seem right, though..."
flooded = TRUE
@@ -1280,8 +1286,9 @@ due_to_damage: If the removal was caused voluntarily (FALSE), or if it was cause
. = ..()
- to_chat(user, "You start to purge [src] of its flooded fuel.")
+ balloon_alert(user, "You start to purge [src] of its flooded fuel.")
if(do_after(user, 10 SECONDS, target=src))
+ balloon_alert(user, "You finish clearing the fuel out of [src].")
flooded = FALSE