diff --git a/examples/Wikidata - CiTO/001.ttl b/examples/Wikidata - CiTO/001.ttl
index a47cc4a35..04f2253ff 100644
--- a/examples/Wikidata - CiTO/001.ttl
+++ b/examples/Wikidata - CiTO/001.ttl
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ ex:001 a sh:SPARQLExecutable,
sh:SPARQLSelectExecutable ;
rdfs:comment "Lists journals that have CiTO citation intentions defined and returns the number of citation statements as well as the number of citing articles."@en ;
sh:prefixes _:sparql_examples_prefixes ;
- sh:select """PREFIX wd:
-PREFIX wdt:
+ sh:select """PREFIX wd:
+PREFIX wdt:
PREFIX wikibase:
PREFIX rdfs: