The stats function provides statistics about how and how much books are being used.
The URL used to access this function always contains stats
followed by a category
and a rowtype
Currently the only option is reading
- book - stats about a specific book
- per-book - stats about a group of books, one row per book
- per-day - stats about a group of books, one row per day
- the client will often aggregate these by week or month
- overview - stats about a group of books, pre-aggregated
A payload is required with a filter
of type
parseDBQuery?: {
url: string;
options: AxiosRequestConfig;
method: string | undefined;
bookId?: string;
bookInstanceId?: string;
branding?: string;
country?: string;
fromDate?: string;
toDate?: string;
One of the following sets will be provided:
group of books based on a parse query
- parseDBQuery - A parse query, in the form of an axios request, generated by and passed through directly to us.
single book
- bookId
- bookInstanceId
group of books based on other parameters
- [This is basically obsolete. It still works but there are no active collections which use it.]
- branding
- country
Optional. If not provided, will use min/max dates available.
- fromDate - A date in format YYYY-MM-DD, used to filter the results to a specific time range.
- toDate - A date in format YYYY-MM-DD, used to filter the results to a specific time range.
See ../