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bozar42 edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 10 revisions

03: Create A Static Dungeon

Source code.

At the end of this chapter, your dungeon will be filled with floors, walls and actors.

IMAGE: A static dungeon

Create Sprites From A Tilemap

First of all, add a font and a tilemap to resource folder. The GUI font, Fira Code, is created by Nikita Prokopov. The tileset, curses_vector, is created by DragonDePlatino for Dwarf Fortress. Create a new folder sprite which will be used to store sprite scenes.

IMAGE: Load a tilemap

Remove icon node from previous chapter. Add a Sprite node and name it as PC. Follow these steps to cut a sprite off the tilemap. (1) Select PC node. (2) In the Inspector tab, click Sprite -> Texture -> [empty]. In the dropdown menu, select New AtlasTexture. (3) Click Sprite -> Texture -> AtlasTexture. Click Atlas -> [empty]. In the dropdown menu, select Load. (4) Load res://resource/curses_vector_24x36.png.

IMAGE: Select a sprite

(5) Click TextureRegion on the Bottom Panel. (6) Click the up arrows on the lower right corner or press Shift+F12 to expand the panel. (7) Set Snap Mode to Grid Snap. The offsets and steps are 24x36, which corrsepond to the size of each tile (24px wide and 36px high). (8) Drag and drop a rectangular to select @ symbol.

There are two more post-processing steps. Change PC's color to ABB2BF. Save the node as a scene (PC.tscn) in sprite folder. Repeat these steps until your demo looks like the image below. Note that Floor sprite has a greyish color: 495162.

IMAGE: All sprites in the demo

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