I've decided to release the original inspiration for this program
You will find the original inspiration in the clockipy_for_windows directory (clockipy_original)
You will also find a new version of the original inspiration in the same directory (clockipy_widget)
- The new version has persistent settings and comes in two versions (.py file and .exe file)
I will be continually working in the clockipy_for_linux directory
Windows users beware that the base models (V-x.0x) will also work on your systems
- Due to the coding in the other versions, they will not work on Windows based systems
Introduced headless versions of all 3 codes! (These versions do not share code with their GUI counterparts!)
- Prints the current time to the console
Currently uses the alarm.wav file exclusively. You may edit the code to use a different audio file
Prints the current time to the console once before prompting the user to set the alarm time
- Alarm can be stopped by typing the word stop
Prompts the user to input the GPIO pin number that the buzzer, or LED, is connected to
Prints the current time to the console once before prompting the user to set the alarm time
- Alarm can be stopped by typing the word stop
Instead of setting the GPIO to constantly High when the alarm is to ring, the GPIO is cycled High and Low multiple times a second
Reverted to basic background coloring
Background image caused freezes
Background is no longer an image but is a solid color
Minor changes to code
Changing Analog Clock Background now changes background of everything at once
Adjusted spacing of marks, numbers, and hands on the analog clock
All versions share the exact same base code
Reorganized the code flow to make debugging and future changes easier
Got rid of any unused code in all versions
Minor coding patch
- Brought back GPIO version
Digital clock has its own customization features
- Added buttons to the left-click menu
Added digital date and time in top left corner
The color of the text is tied to the clock numbers.
- This will be patched in a minor update or new version to have its own definitions to be customized separately.
Now uses a black 1x1 image file as the background
This allows the background to be changed to whatever provided image file
- Changing the background is accessed under the left-click menu
Raspberry Pi GPIO Buzzer version has been taken out due to compatibility issues with new coding
These programs no longer work on Raspberry Pi
- Last compatible version is V-2.x1
Added a snooze button to the alarm popup
Default snooze time is 5 minutes
- This can be adjusted under the left-click popup menu
Added a menu interface that is accessed by left click full of customization options
Changed the alarm display to a button that can be pressed to reset the alarm
- This does not stop the alarm
Instead of opening a top level window when the alarm rings, an overlay is created with the buttons for stopping the alarm
- This gives the aesthetic of looking to be built into the app itself
Changed the alarm functions
Exit program via button in the menu
Minor code changes
Implemented loop for alarm sound in V-1.33
Changed Reset button color to yellow
Added button hold function to rapidly increase the alarm time
- Double-clicking in somewhat rapid succession then holding seems to cause the rapid increment to go even faster.
Initialized alarm variables
Updated check_alarm method
Remodeled alarm_rings method
Moved alarm_window to the center of the screen
Changed alarm_window size
Added a reset_alarm method to reset the alarm display
Added a button to alarm_window
Color coded buttons
Red button stops the alarm
- This keeps the previously set alarm
Green button stops the alarm and resets the alarm display
- This effectively "shuts off" the alarm feature, and allows a new alarm to be set
Updated button and alarm display locations to be static regardless of display size
Redefined the alarm message box to keep the clock running while the dialog alarm message is showing
Relocated and redefined the stop_alarm process to clear the current alarm when it goes off
- Fullscreen first release