diff --git a/sp_Blitz.sql b/sp_Blitz.sql index f52dd28b..05ee61dc 100644 --- a/sp_Blitz.sql +++ b/sp_Blitz.sql @@ -7049,7 +7049,7 @@ IF @ProductVersionMajor >= 10 ''File Configuration'' AS FindingsGroup, ''File growth set to percent'', ''https://www.brentozar.com/go/percentgrowth'' AS URL, - ''The ['' + DB_NAME() + ''] database file '' + f.physical_name + '' has grown to '' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), CONVERT(NUMERIC(38, 2), (f.size / 128.) / 1024.)) + '' GB, and is using percent filegrowth settings. This can lead to slow performance during growths if Instant File Initialization is not enabled.'' + ''The ['' + DB_NAME() + ''] database file '' + f.physical_name + '' has grown to '' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20), CONVERT(NUMERIC(38, 2), (f.size / 128.) / 1024.)) + '' GB, and is using percent filegrowth settings. This can lead to slow performance during growths if Instant File Initialization is not enabled.'' FROM [?].sys.database_files f WHERE is_percent_growth = 1 and size > 128000 OPTION (RECOMPILE);'; END;