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Goal of JavaEETestcontainerTry

This project tries to create an integration test example using Testcontainers against an Oracle database with some special requirements:


General requirements:

  • Java 8
  • Oracle Database (12.1)
  • JavaEE 7 application
    • Accessing to Database using Java EE DataSource of application server

Tools inside application:

  • Hibernate as ORM
  • JUnit 5 for tests
  • Testcontainers for integration tests

Database requirements:

  • The user behind the applications data source has only specific DML rights
  • There is another user / datasource available with wider DML rights to prepare tests if required (e.g. preparing test data for special purposes which should not to be in general schema)
  • None of the both users has any DDL rights and they are not the schema owner

Testcontainer requirements:

  • The application schema with main test data should be inside the container image so test preparation

Further requirements:

  • Database uses synonyms to be stage independent


Feel free to contribute!


01 Setting up Oracle Database

Inside the Config/sql folder there are scripts to set up the database. An installed Oracle 12.1 database is needed. Downloadable at Oracle 12c downloads.

The script do:

  • Create a user which serves as the schemauser
  • Create tables using Oracles DEPT EMP example script
  • Creating synonyms on the tables
  • Creating two others users which have
    • select/update privileges (readinguser) on the emp table
    • select/insert/update/delete privileges (writinguser) on both tables

Note: My local installation used used the SID containers. Therefore the connection-URL for me in this project (and the example configuration files) is jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:container

02 Setting up Wildfly 18

This step was only done to verify the correct work of the application and hibernate configuration via manual tests before putting hands on Testcontainers.

If you would like to verify it too you have to do the following things

02.a Configuring Oracle JDBC driver

Put the JDBC jar (e.g. ojdb8.jar ) into the folder <WILDFLY-DIR>\modules\system\layers\base\com\oracle\main. If it doesn't exists (most probably) create it. Also put the file named module.xml (see folder Config/Wildfly18) inside it.

After that you have to configure the server so it knows the driver and configure the datasources. I've put my full standalone.xml of Wildfly (origin folder <WILDFLY-DIR>\standalone\configuration) into the Config/Wildfly18 folder. Inside the <datasources> section there are two datasources (readingDS and writingDS ) defined. Inside the <drivers> section the Oracle JDBC driver is defined. No other changes of the original file have been made.

02.b Creating user for admin console

By default no user for the admin console is created so you have to do this.

Execute the add_user.bat script inside <WILDFLY-DIR>\bin) and add a management user

Source: - wildfly-how-to-add-an-user

02.c Verifyinng the application

After setting up the Wildfly you should be able to access the admin console (http://localhost:9990/).

There you should see the two datasources which should connect successfully.

03 Manual Check of the application setup

After setting up the Wildfly, you should also be able to deploy the EAR of the application after creating it, using a maven build.

You should see a similar output like inside the file Logs/manualTest.log:

  • Hibernates schema validations was successful
  • StartupBean is started
    • First output prints the number of emps successfully
    • Second output is an exception because the readinguser has no rights to delete

Tag overview

Some git tags where created to make it easier setting the project to a explicit state:

Tag State description
initialSetup Setting up database, application and application server.
Application can be deployed manually to verify the correct behavior of the datasource.