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Mike Smorul edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 17 revisions

Ubuntu/Debian Linux

Installation (Ubuntu 18.04)

In order to install CCExtractor you need to have the following libraries installed: gcc tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev

You can install them using apt-get or paste this in your terminal

sudo apt-get install -y gcc
sudo apt-get install -y libcurl4-gnutls-dev
sudo apt-get install -y tesseract-ocr
sudo apt-get install -y libtesseract-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libleptonica-dev

Note: On Ubuntu Version 14.04 (Trusty) and earlier, you should build leptonica and tesseract from source


There are 3 ways to set up ccextractor depending on your choice.

  1. First and easiest way is to go in the linux folder and use the build script. cd linux && ./build

  2. Standard linux compilation through Autoconf scripts. You'll need to have autoconf installed using apt-get. ./ && ./configure && make

  3. Using Cmake. mkdir build && cd build; cmake ../src/ && make

After Installation you can now use CCExtractor. To use it call CCExtractor from the terminal by doing ./ccextractor <file>


To use CCExtractor with a gui you will additionally need to install GLEW and GLFW

In order to compile it you'll need to configure it using autoconf. The only difference passing the -with-gui option to


./ && ./configure --with-gui && make

Once set up you can run the GUI interface from the terminal ./ccextractorGUI



In Order to install CCExtractor you need to have the following libraries installed: gcc,tesseract-devel Don't worry tesseract-devel comes default with leptonica

You can install them using yum or paste this in your terminal

sudo yum install -y gcc
sudo yum install -y tesseract-devel


There are 3 ways to set up ccextractor depending on your choice.

  1. First and easiest way is to go in the linux folder and use the build script. cd linux && ./build

  2. Standard linux compilation through Autoconf scripts. You'll need to have autoconf and automake installed using yum to generate configuration script.

./ && ./configure && make

  1. Using Cmake. mkdir build && cd build; cmake ../src/ && make

After Installation you can now use CCExtractor. To use it call CCExtractor from the terminal by doing ./ccextractor <file>


To use CCExtractor with a gui you will additionally need to install GLEW and GLFW

In order to compile it you'll need to configure it using autoconf. The only difference passing the -with-gui option to ./configure.

./ && ./configure --with-gui && make

Once set up you can run the GUI interface from the terminal ./ccextractorGUI



In Order to install CCExtractor on your MacOS device you need to have the following libraries installed: pkg-config, autoconf,automake, libtool, tesseract, leptonica

You can install them using homebrew or paste this in your terminal

brew install pkg-config
brew install autoconf automake libtool
brew install tesseract
brew install leptonica 

To verify that leptonica and tesseract are succesfully installed run pkg-config to check for errors. You can test by using this command:

pkg-config --exists --print-errors tesseract
pkg-config --exists --print-errors lept


There are 3 ways to set up ccextractor depending on your choice.

  1. First and easiest way is to go in the mac folder and use the build script. cd mac && ./build.command

  2. Standard linux compilation through Autoconf scripts.

./ && ./configure && make

  1. Using Cmake. mkdir build && cd build; cmake ../src/ && make

After Installation you can now use CCExtractor. To use it call CCExtractor from the terminal by doing ./ccextractor <file>


To use CCExtractor with a gui you will additionally need to install GLEW and GLFW. You can do that by installing it via homebrew using:

brew install glfw
brew install glew

In order to compile it you'll need to configure it using autoconf. The only difference passing the -with-gui option to ./configure.

./ && ./configure --with-gui && make

Once set up you can run the GUI interface from the terminal ./ccextractorGUI



Step 1: Clone and setup solution

Option 1: Download via Visual Studio (Github extension for VS required)

This method takes advantage of GitHub extension for Visual Studio, so you can work on the ccextractor repo from within Visual Studio.

Click "Download for Visual Studio"

Click "Download for Visual Studio". Confirm the browser prompt (if any). Visual Studio will load; now click Clone.

Click on "Solutions and Folders", then "ccextractor.sln".

Solutions and Folders >> ccextractor.sln

Option 2: Download ZIP

If you don't want to download via VS, you can click "Download ZIP" on ccextractor's GitHub page. After extracting the downloaded ZIP, open windows/ directory to locate ccextractor.vcxproj, ccextractorGUI.vcxproj (blue arrows) and ccextractor.sln (red arrow).

Project Files

Step 2. Re-target and Build

By default, the projects are targeted at VS 2015 on WinXP. You will need to re-target the projects; otherwise you'll get an error.

In Solution Explorer, right-click >> Properties for the two projects. Update the VS version and Windows SDK version to parameters which match your installation.

Properties, that you have to change

CCextractor should be built with configuration options Debug-Full or Release-Full, as shown below.

Note: After this step, you may need to repeat the previous step of re-targeting the projects.

config options

Right click and select build to compile the project and generate the executables.

Building button

Find the executable file in Debug-Full or Release-Full folder, based on selected configuration.

Path to Binaries


Configurations options are: (Debug|Release)-Full

Configurations options include dependent libraries which are used for OCR.

Building Installation Packages

Arch Linux

Go to the package_creators folder using cd and run the ./

Redhat Package Manager (rpm) based Linux Distributions

Go to the package_creators folder using cd and run the ./