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Setting up a development environment

Jonathan Stray edited this page May 29, 2018 · 51 revisions

Initial setup

Requires Python 3.6. We recommend Anaconda.

  • Install npm
  • git clone to clone this repo
  • pip install pipenv for pipenv
  • pipenv sync --dev to install Python packages
  • npm install to install JavaScript packages
  • bin/dev to run database migrations, create the superuser (email admin@localhost password admin123), start compiling JavaScript/CSS files, and run Django
  • Browse to http://localhost:8000 and log in as admin@localhost / admin123
  • You will be prompted to confirm your email. In a separate terminal, cat local_mail/*.log and visit the confirmation URL therein.

Running the server

  • bin/dev to run pending migrations, start compiling JavaScript/CSS files, and run Django
  • Browse to http://localhost:8000

If you test features that send email (such as confirmation email for new accounts) the email will appear in the local_mail folder in your cjworkbench directory.

Running tests

  • pipenv run ./ test for backend tests
  • npm test for frontend tests
  • For integration tests, install Docker and geckodriver and then run ./bin/integration-test for integration tests.

Geckodriver isn't obvious to install. On a Mac, do

tar -xzf geckodriver-v0.20.1-macos.tar.gz
chmod +x geckodriver
sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin

Then run bin/integration-test

This builds (if necessary) and runs a production Docker container and uses it as the server for integration tests. If any of the tests fails, the Docker process keeps running (you can see it with docker ps) and you can re-run any specific test like this:

pipenv run python -m unittest -v integrationtests.lessons.test_load_public_data

To test social account logins

If you want to test logging in with Facebook and Google, you'll need to either manually set up social applications in the Django admin interface, or get or create a file called socialaccounts_secrets.json in the project root. The file contains a list of objects defining a social account, like so:

    'name':'Display Name',
    'provider':'social_acccount_provider', // a full list is here:
    'client_id':'12345', // Your chosen provider's app id/client id -- everyone calls this something different
    'secret':'12345' // Same as above but for client_secret

Once you've created this file run pipenv run ./ load_socialaccounts