# library of emojis for edbrowse. # These are organized into groups. # include the accented letters that you might use here, n tilde, o umlaut, etc. accent { 109 c Circumflex 259 schwa 261 latin g 2c8 vertline 331 low macron } # I need Greek letters for my math stuff. # You might keep these around, just to talk about variants of covid. greek { 391 Alpha 392 Beta 393 Gamma 394 Delta 395 Epsilon 396 Zeta 397 Eta 398 Theta 399 Iota 39a Kappa 39b Lambda 39c Mu 39d Nu 39e Xi 39f Omicron 3a0 Pi 3a1 Rho 3a3 Sigma 3a4 Tau 3a5 Upsilon 3a6 Phi 3a7 Chi 3a8 Psi 3a9 Omega 3b1 alpha 3b2 beta 3b3 gamma 3b4 delta 3b5 epsilon 3b6 zeta 3b7 eta 3b8 theta 3b9 iota 3ba kappa 3bb lambda 3bc mu 3bd nu 3be xi 3bf omicron 3c0 pi 3c1 rho 3c2 final sigma 3c3 sigma 3c4 tau 3c5 upsilon 3c6 phi 3c7 chi 3c8 psi 3c9 omega } # common non-ASCII punctuations punct { 2018 open single quote 2019 close single quote 201c open double quote 201d close double quote 2022 bullet 2026 ellipsis 2032 prime 2033 double prime 2034 triple prime 203c bang bang 203d interrobang 2705 white heavy check mark 2713 check mark 2714 heavy check mark 2122 trade mark } shape { 25a0 black square 25a1 white square 26aa medium white circle 1f534 large red circle 1f535 large blue circle 1f536 large orange diamond 1f539 small blue diamond 1f546 white latin cross } money { a2 cents a3 pounds a5 yen 20ac euro 1f3e6 bank 1f4b0 money bag 1fa99 coin 20bf bitcoin 1f4b2 heavy dollar sign 1f4b5 banknote with dollar sign 1f4b8 money with wings 1f911 money mouth } arrow { 2190 left 2191 up 2192 right 2193 down 21d4 left right double 21d5 up down double } math { d7 times 2153 one third 2154 two thirds 2200 for all 2201 complement 2202 partial differential 2203 there exists 2204 there does not exist 2205 empty set 2207 del 2208 member of 2209 not a member of 220d small contains as member 2211 sum 2250 limit 221a square root 221e infinity 2220 angle 2229 intersection 222a union 222b integral 2245 congruent to 2260 not equal 2261 equivalent 2264 less equal 2265 greatr equal 2282 proper subset of 2283 proper superset of 2284 not a subset of 2285 not a superset of 2286 subset of 2287 superset of 22c5 dot product 2295 direct sum } chess { 2654 white king 2655 white queen 2656 white rook 2657 white bishop 2658 white knight 2659 white pawn 265a black king 265b black queen 265c black rook 265d black bishop 265e black knight 265f black pawn } suit { 2660 black spade 2661 white heart 2662 white diamond 2663 black club 2664 white spade 2665 black heart 2666 black diamond 2667 white club } heart { 2764 original 1f499 blue 1f49a green 1f49b yellow 1f49c purple 1f9e1 orange 1f5a4 black 1f493 beating 1f494 broken 1f495 two hearts 1f496 sparkling 1f497 growing 1f498 arrow 1f49d ribbon 1f49e revolving 1f49f decoration 1f491 couple } hand { 1f446 pointing up 1f447 pointing down 1f448 pointing left 1f449 pointing right 1f44c ok 1f91e fingers crossed 1f91f i love you 262e peace 1f596 vulcan 1f918 horns 1f590 fingers apart 1f44d thumbs up 1f44e thumbs down 1f44b waving 1f44f clapping 1f450 open 1f64f folded 270b raised 270c victory 1f3fd brown victory 270a raised fist 1f3fc brown raised fist 1f595 middle finger } bug { 1fab0 fly 1f99f mosquito 1f577 spider 1f578 spider web 1f982 scorpion 1f41c ant 1f41d honey bee 1f98b butterfly 1f41b bug 1f41e ladybug 1f997 cricket } # they're not all fish but you get the idea fish { 1f41f fish 1f420 tropical fish 1f421 blow fish 1f988 shark 1f42c dolphin 1f40b whale 1f433 spouting whale 1f419 octopus 1f41a spiral shell } bird { 1f426 bird 1f426^2b1b blackbird 1f427 penguin 1f413 rooster 1f414 chicken 1f423 hatching chick 1f424 baby chick 1f983 turkey 1f986 duck 1f9a2 swan 1fabf goose 1f985 eagle 1f989 owl 1f54a peace dove } animal { 1f408 cat 1f431 cat face 1f415 dog 1f436 dog face 1f429 poodle 1f40e horse 1f434 horse face 1f410 goat 1f411 sheep 1f40f ram 1f412 monkey 1f416 pig 1f437 pig face 1f417 boar 1f418 elephant 1f404 cow 1f402 ox 1f403 water buffalo 1f981 lion face 1f405 tiger 1f406 leopard 1f407 rabbit 1f42a dromedary 1f42b bactrian 1f43b bear face 1f43c panda face 1f428 koala 1f43f chipmunk 1f98a fox face 1f98c deer 1f98d gorilla 1f98f rhinoceros 1f99b hippo 1f992 giraffe face 1f993 zebra 1f998 kangaroo 1f400 rat 1f439 hamster face 1f987 bat 1f40a crocodile 1f40c snail 1f40d snake 1f422 turtle 1f438 frog face 1f980 crab 1f99e lobster 1f98e lizard 1f996 t rex 1f43e paw prints } music { 266d flat 266f sharp 1f3b5 note 1f3b6 notes 1f3bc score 1f3b7 saxophone 1f3b8 guitar 1f3b9 keyboard 1f3ba trumpet 1f3bb violin 1fa88 flute 1f941 drum with drumsticks 1f514 bell } party { 1f64c hands up celebration 1f389 party popper 1f388 balloon 1f38a confetti ball 1f381 wrapped present 2728 sparkles 1f382 birthday cake 1f37b clinking beer mugs 1f942 clinking glasses 1f37e bottle with popping cork 1f973 face with party horn and party hat } clock { 1f550 clock face 1 oclock 1f551 clock face 2 oclock 1f552 clock face 3 oclock 1f553 clock face 4 oclock 1f554 clock face 5 oclock 1f555 clock face 6 oclock 1f556 clock face 7 oclock 1f557 clock face 8 oclock 1f558 clock face 9 oclock 1f559 clock face 10 oclock 1f55a clock face 11 oclock 1f55b clock face 12 oclock 1f55c clock face one thirty 1f55d clock face two thirty 1f55e clock face three thirty 1f55f clock face four thirty 1f560 clock face five thirty 1f561 clock face six thirty 1f562 clock face seven thirty 1f563 clock face eight thirty 1f564 clock face nine thirty 1f565 clock face ten thirty 1f566 clock face eleven thirty 1f567 clock face twelve thirty 23f0 alarm clock 1f570 mantel clock 23f1 stopwatch 23f2 timer } # there are a lot of these; you may not want all of them. face { 263a white smiling face 1f600 grin 1f601 grin smile 1f929 grin with star eyes 1f92a grin large eye small eye 1f60f smirk 1f603 open mouth 1f642 slightly smiling 1f604 smile open mouth smiling eyes 1f60a smile smile 1f60d smile with heart eyes 1f970 smile with 3 hearts 1f92d smile with smiling eyes and hand covering mouth 1f626 frown with open mouth 1f641 slightly frowning 1f617 kissing 1f618 blow a kiss 1f619 kiss smile 1f61a kiss closed eyes 1f606 closed eyes 1f609 wink 1f61b tongue out 1f61c tongue out and winking 1f61d tongue out and closed eyes 1f62e face with open mouth 1f636 no mouth 1f644 rolling eyes 1f97a pleading eyes 1f92b finger on lips 1f910 zipper mouth 1f92c serious with symbols covering mouth 1f974 uneven eyes and wavy mouth 1f928 one eyebrow raised 1f602 tears of joy 1f62d cry out loud 1f60c relieved 1f611 vacant 1f612 amused 1f614 pensive 1f914 thinking 1f615 confused 1f616 confounded 1f61e disappointed 1f625 disappointed relieved 1f620 angry 1f621 pouting 1f622 crying 1f623 persevering 1f624 triumphant 1f627 anguish 1f61f worried 1f628 fearful 1f631 scream of fear 1f629 weary 1f62b tired 1f971 yawning 1f62a sleepy 1f634 sleeping 1f927 sneezing 1f62c grimace 1f62f hushed 1f632 astonished 1f633 flushed 1f635 dizzy 1f917 hugging 1f922 nauseated 1f92e vomiting 1f605 cold sweat 1f630 open mouth and cold sweat 1f975 overheated 1f976 freezing 1f60b eating 1f924 drooling 1f643 upside down 1f92f shocked face with exploding head 1f5e3 speaking head in silhouette # faces with extra things on them 1f607 halo 1f608 devil horns 1f60e sunglasses 1f920 cowboy hat 1f637 medical mask 1f912 thermometer 1f9d0 monocle } # don't we love our cats catface { 1f638 grin with smiling eyes 1f639 tears of joy 1f63a smile with open mouth 1f63b smile with heart eyes 1f63c wry smile 1f640 weary } # letters to designate a country or area region { 1f1e6 A 1f1e7 B 1f1e8 C 1f1e9 D 1f1ea E 1f1eb F 1f1ec G 1f1ed H 1f1ee I 1f1ef J 1f1f0 K 1f1f1 L 1f1f2 M 1f1f3 N 1f1f4 O 1f1f5 P 1f1f6 Q 1f1f7 R 1f1f8 S 1f1f9 T 1f1fa U 1f1fb V 1f1fc W 1f1fd X 1f1fe Y 1f1ff Z } flags { 1f1e8+1f1e6 canada 1f1e8+1f1f3 china 1f1ea+1f1ec egypt 1f1eb+1f1f7 france 1f1e9+1f1ea germany 1f1ec+1f1e7 great britain 1f1ee+1f1f1 israel 1f1ee+1f1f9 italy 1f1ef+1f1f5 japan 1f1f2+1f1fd mexico 1f1ea+1f1f8 spain 1f1f7+1f1fa russia 1f1fa+1f1f8 united states } office { 1f481 person at desk 1f9d1^1f4bc male office worker 1f469^1f4bc female office worker 1f4bc brief case 1f5a5 desktop computer 1f4bb personal computer 1f5a9 calculator 1f5d2 spiral notebook 1f5d3 spiral calendar 1f4c8 chart upward trend 1f4c9 chart downward trend 1f4ca bar chart 2702 scissors 1f4ce paperclip 2709 envelope 270d writing hand 270f pencil 1f58a ballpoint pen 1f9fb roll of paper 1f4cf ruler 1f4d0 triangular ruler 1f4d5 book 1f4da books 1f4d6 open book 260e telephone 1f4de telephone receiver 1f4f1 cell phone 1f5d1 waste basket } mail { 2709 envelope 1f4e9 arrow pointing down to envelope 1f4e6 package 1f4ea mailbox with lowered flag 1f4eb mailbox with raised flag 1f4ec open mailbox with raised flag 1f4f0 newspaper } fruit { 1f347 grapes 1f348 melon 1f349 watermelon 1f34a tangerine 1f34b lemon 1f34b^1f7e9 lime 1f34c banana 1f34d pineapple 1f34e red apple 1f34f green apple 1f350 pear 1f351 peach 1f352 cherries 1f353 strawberry } food { 1f354 hamburger 1f355 pizza slice 1f357 chicken leg 1f356 meat on the bone 1f32d hot dog 1f32e taco 1f32f burrito 1f953 bacon 1f95a egg 1f35a bowl of rice 1f35b rice with curry 1f35c steaming bowl 1f35d spaghetti 1f35e bread 1f360 roasted sweet potato 1f954 potato 1f955 carrot 1f957 green salad 1f363 sushi 1f368 ice cream 1f366 soft ice cream 1f369 doughnut 1f36a cookie 1f36b chocolate bar 1f36c candy 1f37f popcorn 1f95c peanuts 1f36d lollipop 1f36f honey pot 1f370 shortcake 1f967 pie 1f95e pancakes 1f95f dumpling 1f96a sandwich 1f344 mushroom 1f374 fork and knife 1f37d fork knife and plate } drink { 2615 hot beverage 1f95b glass of milk 1f37c baby bottle 1f375 teacup without handle 1f964 cup with straw 1f377 wine glass 1f378 cocktail glass 1f942 clinking glasses 1f379 tropical drink 1f37a beer mug 1f37b clinking beer mugs 1f37e bottle with popping cork 1f943 tumbler glass } plant { 2698 flower 1f490 bouquet 2618 shamrock 1f33c blossom 1f338 cherry blossom 1f337 tulip 1f339 rose 1f33a hibiscus 1f33b sunflower 1fab4 potted plant 1f33d ear of maize 1f33e ear of rice 1f345 tomato 1f346 egg plant 1f336 hot pepper 1f340 4 leaf clover 1f341 maple leaf 1f342 falling leaf 1f343 fluttering leaf 1f331 seedling 1f330 chestnut 1f332 evergreen 1f333 leafy tree 1f334 palm tree 1f335 cactus } sky { 2609 sun 263c sun with rays 2600 black sun with rays 1f31e sun with face 1f305 sunrise 1f304 sunrise over mountains 1f307 sunset over buildings 1f313 first quarter moon 1f315 full moon 1f317 last quarter moon 1f31f glowing star 1f320 shooting star 2605 black star 2606 white star 1f303 night with stars 1f30c milky way 1f308 rainbow 2604 comet 2601 cloud 1f327 cloud with rain 1f329 cloud with lightning 26c8 cloud with lightning and rain 1f328 snow cloud 1f32a cloud with tornado 1f32b fog } earth { 1f30d globe europe africa 1f30e globe americas 1f30f globe asia australia 1f310 globe with meridians 1f5fa world map } # audio visual av { 1f3a4 microphone 1f9d1^1f3a4 singer 1f3a7 headphone 1f508 speaker 1f4e2 loudspeaker 1f50a speaker with sound waves 1f4fb radio 1f4fa television 1f4f7 camera 1f4f8 camera with flash 1f3a5 movie camera 1f3ae video game } sport { 26be baseball 26be^1f9e4 baseball glove 26bd soccer ball 1f3c8 football 1f3c9 rugby 1f3c0 basketball and hoop 1f3d1 hockey stick and ball 1f3d2 hockey stick and puck 1f3b3 bowling 1f3be tennis racket and ball 1f3bf ski and ski boot 1f3c2 snowboarder 26f8 ice skate 1f3c3 runner 1f3cc golfer 1f45f athletic shoe 1f3c4 surfer 1f3ca swimmer 1f3a3 fishing pole with fish 1f3cb weight lifter 1f3c7 running horse 1f3cd racing motorcycle 1f3c5 sports medal 1f947 first place medal 1f3c6 trophy } xmas { 1f384 christmas tree 1f332 evergreen 1f385 father christmas 1f936 mother christmas 2603 snowman 2744 snowflake 1f381 wrapped present 2763 heart bang ornament 1f31f glowing star 2728 sparkles } wedding { 1f492 wedding 1f470 bride with veil 1f935 man in tuxedo 1f491 couple with heart 1f48d ring 1f490 bouquet 26ea church } # various forms of transportation trans { 2708 airplane 1f6eb airplane leaving 1f6ec airplane arriving 1f681 helicopter 1f680 rocket 1f682 steam locomotive 1f690 minibus 1f691 ambulance 1f692 fire engine 1f693 police car 1f697 automobile 1f698 automobile front 26fd fuel pump 1f699 rv 1f6b2 bicycle 26f5 sailboat 1f6a2 ship 1f6f3 passenger ship 1f6a4 speedboat } myth { 1f409 dragon 1f432 dragon face 1f984 unicorn 1f479 japanese ogre 1f47b ghost 1f47c baby angel 1f47d e t alien 1f47e alien monster 1f47f imp } tools { 1f528 hammer 1fa9a saw 1f527 wrench 1fa9b screwdriver 1f529 nut and bolt 1fa9c ladder 1fab5 wood 26d3 chains } misc { 2614 umbrella with raindrops 1f30b volcano 1f383 jack o lantern 1f393 graduation cap 1f3a8 artist palette 1f58c paint brush 1f3b0 slot machine 1f3b1 billiards 1f3b2 game die 1f3d4 snow capped mountain 1f3d6 beach with umbrella 1f3dd desert island 1f3e2 office building 1f3e5 hospital 1f401 house 1f48b kiss mark 1f4ac speech balloon 1f4ad thought balloon 1f4e3 cheering megaphone 1f511 key 1f525 fire 1f56f candle 1f52b pistol 1f5f3 ballot box with ballot 1f648 see no evil 1f649 hear no evil 1f64a speak no evil 1f6a8 police light 1f6ac smoking 1f6d1 stop sign 26a0 warning 26a1 high voltage 1f923 roll on floor laughing }