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94 lines (82 loc) · 3.51 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (82 loc) · 3.51 KB

Paper DOI Code DOI Docker Build

Code and data for:

Stachelek et al. 2020. Granular measures of agricultural land-use influence lake nitrogen and phosphorus differently at macroscales. Ecological Applications. doi:10.1002/eap.2187


Manuscript: manuscript/manuscript.pdf


├── data
│   ├── buffer_lulc
│   ├── cdl
│   │   └── Makefile
│   ├── census
│   ├── gssurgo
│   ├── llids.txt
│   ├── macroag
│   ├── mapbox
│   ├── mcmc
│   ├── nhd
│   └── usgs
├── figures
│   ├── 01_county_extent.Rmd
│   ├── 02_hierarchical_demo.Rmd
│   ├── 03_wetland_potential.Rmd
│   ├── 04_nlcd-versus-cdl.Rmd
│   ├── 05_cafos.Rmd
│   ├── 06_lulc_buffer_demo.Rmd
│   ├── 07_model-selection_nolulc.Rmd
│   ├── 07_model-selection.Rmd
│   ├── 08_exploratory_dotplot.Rmd
│   ├── 09_stream_buffer.Rmd
│   ├── 11_map.Rmd
│   └── Makefile
├── Makefile
├── manuscript
│   ├── appendix.Rmd
│   └── figures.Rmd
├── scripts
│   ├── 00_get_buffers.R
│   ├── 00_get_cdl.R
│   ├── 00_get_census.R
│   ├── 00_get_crp.R
│   ├── 00_get_ep.R
│   ├── 00_get_gis.R
│   ├── 00_get_lulc.R
│   ├── 00_get_ssurgo.R
│   ├── 00_get_tillage.R
│   ├── 00_get_usgs.R
│   ├── 00_list_llids.R
│   ├── 01_process_buffers.R
│   ├── 01_process_cdl.R
│   ├── 01_process_ssurgo.R
│   ├── 02_aggregate_predictors.R
│   ├── 03_model_nolulc.R
│   ├── 03_model.R
│   ├── 99_make_cdl_key.R
│   ├── 99_make_predictor_key.R
│   ├── 99_make_ssurgo_key.R
│   ├── 99_utils.R
│   ├── construct_sql.R
│   └── epi_nutr.R
└── tables
    ├── 01_predictors.Rmd
    ├── 02_cdl_key.Rmd
    ├── 03_model_summary.Rmd
    ├── 04_hu4s.Rmd
    └── Makefile


Primary dependencies include the dplyr, sf, LAGOSNE, nhdR, and brms R packages. See scripts/99_utils.R for a full list.


  • Requires linking to LAGOSNE-GIS as a Docker volume. Get data with the LAGOSNEgis package DOI. Beware that the path to LAGOSNEgis::lagosnegis_path() cannot point to a symlink!
docker pull jsta/beyond_land_use
docker run -e PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> --rm -v ~/.local/share/LAGOS-GIS:/root/.local/share/LAGOS-GIS jsta/beyond_land_use
docker ps # note container "code name"
docker exec -ti <NAME> /bin/bash
make all