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ESaaS Engagements Tracker

Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage Known Vulnerabilities

Pivotal Tracker
Heroku Deployment

The goal of this currently bare-bones app, thrown together by Armando Fox with contributions by Andrew Halle, is to enable continuous tracking over time of customer apps developed by the "ESaaS ecosystem" around UC Berkeley CS169 Software Engineering.

The data initially used to populate the app came from this Google spreadsheet.

Since we have had many repeat customers who come back in subsequent semesters to have a new student cohort enhance an existing app, this system will track an app's current status over its lifetime as it is handed off from cohort to cohort.

The main models are:

  • App: a deployable Web app, i.e. a student project. App statuses can fall into two categories:
    1. Deployment statuses:
      • dead: Not deployed, and/or customer not actively using; dormant
      • development: In active development (a team is working on it right now), whether or not deployed in production
      • In use: In production use at a customer site; customer has not expressed interest in further improvements
      • In use and wants improvements: In production, and customer is interested in further development
      • Inactive but wants improvement: An app whose current state isn't functional enough for customer to use yet, but customer is interested in further development to make app useful
      • Pending (deprecated): a customer has suggested an app they want built or improved, but a coach/instructor hasn't yet vetted whether it's a good fit for some student team. This has been replaced by the vetting statuses mentioned below. DO NOT use it anymore
    2. Vetting statuses:
      • Vetting: Pending (not yet vetted)
      • On Hold: We need something from customer during vetting phase
      • Staff Approved: Approved by the faculty during vetting phase
      • Customer Informed: Staff has approved the project and we’ve informed the customer about acceptance and are waiting for them to confirm whether they meet our customer expectations
      • Customer Confirmation Received: Customer has confirmed to meet our expectations
      • Declined by Staff: Project declined by staff during vetting
      • Declined by Customer: Engagement declined by the customer after we accepted the project
      • Declined by Customer – Available Next Semester: Customer is not available this semester but will be available for next semester
      • Backup: We are saving this project as a backup in case a client drops
  • Org: a customer organization for whom the app was developed
  • User: various subcategories, including developer (e.g. student), coach (mentor, GSI), customer contact. Also a principal for authentication: as of now, only a staff member has authorization to edit/destroy.
  • Coaching org: an "organization" whose main function is to provide mentoring/coaching to students building apps. E.g., "UCB CS169 Fall 17" is an org, as is "AgileVentures", and so on. I would propose that each offering of CS169 be its own org, so we can track engagements accurately.

An engagement is a period of time over which a coach interacts with developer(s) to work on an app. During that time, the app is in development status. After the engagement ends, the app is either in In use status (customer is using it; app may be enhanced in future) or dead (customer not using it, because it doesn't meet their needs enough to be usable).

At any given time every app is always part of an engagement, so engagements have a start date but no end date; an engagement ends when the app transitions into another engagement.

So for example, an app that is developed in Spring 2017, used by the customer over the summer, and picked up by another cohort for enhancements in Fall 2017, might have these engagements:

Status Start date Coaching org Coach
development 1/15/2017 CS169 S'17 Tony Lee
maintenance 5/5/2017 AgileVentures Sam Joseph
development 8/23/2017 CS169 F'17 An Ju

Why ESaaS Engagement Tracker?

The goal is to have a robust ecosystem that eventually encompasses not only UCB CS169 but its offshoots: the AgileVentures volunteer-developer corps, ESaaS-like courses at other schools (Texas A&M now emulates UCB's approach and builds software for local nonprofits), etc.

When a new course offering starts, or when a non-course org is looking to source projects, they can look here to find apps in need of enhancement; if greenfield apps are built, they can be registered here so that future dev teams can pick up and enhance them.

Getting the app running locally

You will need Ruby 2.3.1 and Rails 4.2.7 installed.

Clone the repo, and run rake db:setup and then rake db:seed to seed the development database with a subset of the initial data set. You should then be able to use rails server to start the app, and point your browser at http://localhost:3000 to access it.

Logging In (Production)

In production, you login with your GitHub account. Login is only permitted for a user whose github_uid field in the database is set to their GitHub username, e.g. armandofox. So, get someone who already has this field set to set the field for your user record.

You also need to be a coach to navigate through the app and do some core operations (create, update, delete). In order to give permission at database level run rails console on heroku server(heroku run rails console) and create/update a user:

User.create(name: 'USERNAME', email: '[email protected]', github_uid: 'username', user_type: 'coach')

Logging In (Development)

The file db/github_mock_login.yml contains the attributes for a fake user that you can login-as for development work. You will always be logged in as the user whose info appears in this file. Important: You must have run rake db:seed to create the fake orgs, apps, and this user.

The file config/application.yml.asc is an encrypted version of the file containing the GitHub application key and secret for OmniAuth. You shouldn't need to change it, but if you do, get the encryption key from @armandofox so that you can decrypt, modify, then re-encrypt and commit application.yml.asc.

If you want to have GitHub OAuth on the development environment or on the heroku deployment environment, you have to register your app here. After you register and obtain Client ID and Client Secret, add the keys to config/application.yml. Make sure you set the authorization callback URL to <homepage-url>/auth/github/callback

Setting Environment Variables

We used figaro gem to upload app environment variables. You can add secret keys in config/application.yml. Important: since you are storing security-sensitive information, remember to add this file to .gitignore. The following keys are needed to correctly run the app:

  • secret_key_base: this is used to encrypt and sign session in order to safely send session back and forth in cookies
  • github_key, github_secret: these are used for login with GitHub

Although the app mocks the GitHub OAuth mechanism for test and development environment, you still need to add a "mock key" to config/applicaiton.yml. For example:

  secret_key_base: test
  github_key: test
  github_secret: test

  secret_key_base: development
  github_key: development
  github_secret: development

However, we think it is a good practice to have a mock key that resembles a real key. You can easily generate a key using rake secret.

To upload the keys to a Heroku app, run figaro heroku:set -e production.

After setting environment variables using figaro, you can access them by ENV["YOURKEY"] or Figaro.env.YOURKEY. Refer the documentation for more information.

Email Configuration

To enable email delivery functionality, technically you can use any third-party email delivery service as you wish. But the easiest way in this app is to register and use a Sendgrid API key by setting

SENDGRID_API_KEY: <your_sendgrid_api_key>

in config/application.yml

For local testing purpose, this is also acceptable:

export SENDGRID_API_KEY='<your_sendgrid_api_key>'

in your favorite shell.

Uploading Images with AWS S3

Since Heroku wipes out all data when dyno server is down, we used AWS S3 Bucket to store the images. After you open an account for AWS, you will need the following keys (in config/application.yml):

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: <your_aws_access_key_id>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: <your_aws_secret_access_key>
S3_BUCKET_NAME: <your_s3_bucket_name>
AWS_REGION: <your_aws_region>
S3_HOST_NAME: <your_s3_host_name>

Running Unit/Integration Tests

We used Cucumber/Capybara for integration tests, and RSpec for unit tests. You can run tests using:

bundle exec cucumber
bundle exec rspec

To test javascript behaviors, Cucumber uses Selenium Webdriver as default. This requires you to have a geckodriver, and Firefox browser. If you want to use other drivers (e.g. chromedriver) refer to Capybara webpage to configure default webdriver.

If you do not want to download a new webdriver, you can skip scenarios which require webdriver by:

bundle exec cucumber --tags ~@javascript

SP19 Engagement: Main Features

  • 9 vetting statuses added to support vetting phase. pending should be obsolete
    • Staff can add vetting comments
    • Apps listing page can show only the apps in vetting
    • Repo URL is optional when creating a new app for vetting
  • Each app has features for vetting purpose.
  • Each engagement has features for deployment purpose
  • Display app counts per each status on apps listing page
  • The ability to "email to organizations" from single point of contact
  • Support for rich text editing and display, such as bold, italic and ordered/unordered listing
  • Pagination for apps, Orgs and Users
  • Enhanced search bar with checkboxes. Description of each app is searchable
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Org names and user names are clickable.
    • Clicking Back button when editing app redirects to the app's show page instead of the apps listing page
    • Move Edit App and Back buttons to the top right of the page
    • Show app status in the app's show page

FA17 Engagement: Main Features

  • New App, Org, and User can be created all at once, with proper association
  • Every user can "post" comments on an App, Org, and User
    • App has different types of comments
    • Any class that inherits Commentable can have many comments
  • More comprehensive customer feedback through a feedback form with ratings/comments
  • Aggregates customer feedbacks from all iterations of an engagement, and display averages on each category
  • User supports different types (e.g. Student, Staff/Coach, Customer)
  • Exports Engagement information as a CSV file
  • each User contains a profile image
    • we are using Amazon S3 to store images on production environment, because Heroku has ephemeral filesystem. If you want to run this app on heroku server, you will have to create another Amazon S3 account and setup the configuration(Instruction).
  • Authorization to edit/destroy only to "Coach"
  • Autocomplete dropdown list (select2)
  • Major Bootstrap styling

High priority feature list

  1. Add user contact info and a way to track user meeting notes
  2. Google or Facebook or LinkedIn login for customer contacts
  3. Manage customer feedback as a active record, not a json string
  4. Add multiple user types (e.g. CS169 staff can be both a coach and a client)
  5. Mailing customer feedback forms to customers for each iteration (Sendgrid)
  6. More authorizations to different types of users
    • A user cannot edit/delete other users unless it is a staff/coach