3.10.2 (2025-02-04)
- Add grace period to seat reservations expiration (ea8ee57)
- registration: Reapply allow customer groups with zero price (9725673)
- Switch to City of Helsinki's ubi gdal image (e2f504b)
3.10.1 (2025-01-15)
- events: Use espoo api days back conf as int (35abc25)
- Gaierror when attempting to resolve unresolvable hostname in DEBUG (189864c)
3.10.0 (2025-01-08)
- registrations: Add ordering for registrations view (36d8a0b)
- Remove GDPR_DISABLE_API_DELETION setting (4432550)
- Always update offer info_url when creating new registration (6eef8ec)
- registration: Order signups by signup order in excel (122d6cf)
- "fix(registrations): order signups in descending order" (2f7abe8)
3.9.2 (2024-12-11)
- registrations: Order signups in descending order (7b8c47f)
- Bump django from 4.2.16 to 4.2.17 (ed18f6a)
3.9.1 (2024-11-05)
- events: Use django qs functions in max_* and min_duration filters (07b27b3)
- Use django's static root in swagger schema url config (ea21c23)
- Bump werkzeug from 3.0.4 to 3.0.6 (c1f7909)
3.9.0 (2024-10-10)
- gdpr-api: In deletion check for upcoming signups (50b4e48)
- gdpr-api: Prevent deletion when payments ongoing (ac27878)
3.8.0 (2024-09-25)
- espoo-importer: Restrict importing old espoo events (5b6364d)
- events: Add has_user_editable_resources to API (d802de2)
- events: Only superusers can edit org users (eae9327)
- events: Use noreply address for feedback (40cdd77)
- registration: Add lang attr to email base template (6bc7b3c)
- registration: Add title elem to email templates (77c488e)
- registration: Authentication for web store webhooks (f53ddf6)
- registration: Check refund status from a new endpoint (77000ed)
- registration: Only admins can delete signup after event start_time (9d2cdcd)
- registration: Order XLSX primarily by attendee_status (bc345aa)
- registration: Replace general VAT percentage with 25,5 (73a4cf8)
- registration: Suomi.fi info text to invitation email (4cc3610)
- registration: User-friendlier web store API error message (69da441)
- Allow to patch presence_status regardless of price groups (0d7a4c0)
- analytics: Properly use the swappable knox token model (8452c85)
- analytics: Unregister knox.AuthToken from admin site (bae087f)
- Change logger error to info (bacec67)
- Clean all html tags from non-allowed fields (cd2c469)
- Disable GDPR feature not working as intended (cdfaaa5)
- docs: Generate OpenAPI schema in staticbuilder (ebc2794)
- docs: Remove unnecessary description parentheses (b1e0a13)
- Enkora course expiry check and service image urls (4155efe)
- espoo: Sanitize html from incoming texts (91fca34)
- events: Fix error with x_ongoing_OR_set (1453144)
- events: Modeltranslation field reference fixes (dde1994)
- events: Proper ValidationError for invalid image id (3fb28db)
- events: Validation for duplicate event links (8df7b1b)
- regisration: Check ancestor perms for accounts and merchants (0510fcd)
- registration: Allow customer groups with zero price (9a3e035)
- registration: Safer mandatory field validation (85a152d)
- registration: Send VAT as decimal to Talpa (854941b)
- Terms_to_regex outputs correct regex for OR operator (4e39021)
- registration: Fix a couple of slow tests (5bd124e)
- Bump dependencies (de365c1)
- Add missing example for show_all_places parameter (a7ab109)
- espoo: Add docstrings, typehints, comments (776fa83)
- Integrated swagger documentation (834c7b3)
- Remove links for trying out the filters in swagger docs (0555ecb)
- Static OpenAPI yaml generation (c74cf99)
3.7.1 (2024-06-26)
- Changes to Enkora place_map and error logging (bb4328d)
- Handle uncaught expection while processing Enkora event timestamps (430522b)
- registration: Allow large remaining capacities (4a841e3)
3.7.0 (2024-06-24)
- analytics: Data_source endpoint to analytics api (2e513f4)
- registration: Ics support for recurring events (b355998)
- registration: Mandatory maximum attendee capacity (b5e7fc2)
- Scrub sensitive data through sentry_sdk (7658f0e)
- Ensure correct default for checkout language (6d388b2)
- Ensure correct default for order language (a8ce79f)
- registration: Validate PriceGroup description max_length (c03ccd4)
- Use correct timezone for lastValidPurchaseDateTime (2531a92)
- Use geomodelserializer in analytics api (6e2e6f0)
3.6.0 (2024-06-11)
- Action endpoints for getting merchants and accounts (4722c52)
- Add lang parameter to checkout URLs (dd4da32)
- Add name and address_locality fields to analytics API (507287b)
- Allow multiple accounts per organization (90e13e2)
- Allow multiple merchants per organization (99bbece)
- Always use the partial refund Talpa endpoint (42835c6)
- Check order and payment before refunds (3da4bcb)
- Command for removing expired admin permissions (244db58)
- Don't allow cancelling event with payments (afa6b2b)
- events-api: Match audience in keyword_* filters (0b42f0b)
- Filtering by modified time to data analytics api (4c2fd93)
- gdpr-api: Add translations to gdpr data (95120f9)
- Merchant and account selections for registration (5bfd796)
- Prevent deleting signup with refund or cancellation (2c17cb3)
- Refund and cancel payment through webhooks (8ab3d92)
- Remove webhook attendee_status update (34420ed)
- Rest api for data analytics (6559870)
- Use new enkora api translations endpoint (55c8c6f)
- Vat code mapping for vat percentage (16b67bb)
- Catch GDALException when receiving a bad srid in query params (66a19eb)
- Don't always include all translated fields (79051b7)
3.5.0 (2024-05-28)
- Add create_instant_refunds method to WebStoreOrderAPIClient (1c9842c)
- Add readiness and healthz endpoints (5a6a229)
- Allow partial signup payment refunds (2e4c25a)
- Allow registration admin to signup to closed enrolment (56fb1ab)
- Cancel signups on event deletion or cancellation (a898459)
- Create new merchant in Talpa if Paytrail merchant ID changed (17b31af)
- Create product mapping if missing during signup (ff52b15)
- Don't require organization membership from superusers (23ea303)
- Improve payment refund and cancellation processing (d1b0a17)
- Move signups to attending on capacity increase (5fd2ded)
- Remove apikey auth from web store webhooks (6a712f5)
- Remove helmet importer (473c7bd)
- Sentry returns git commit hash (5b7b4b4)
- Store orderItemId from web store response (d59dbee)
- Update product mapping if Talpa merchant ID is changed (5e91cec)
- Use LINKED_EVENTS_UI_URL as merchant.url (5e885c0)
- Change Enkora importer date interval and yso mappings (46b7e4a)
- Upgrade dependencies (2949084)
- Update importer documentation (d0e8dc0)
3.4.1 (2024-05-02)
- Broken graph.preferredLabel call in YSO importer (a7c012b)
- Use https for importing yso keywords (1f95b42)
- Use https for tprek importer (d0c5f42)
3.4.0 (2024-04-23)
- Accounts to API (7cf83a7)
- Add client for the Talpa Product Experience API (196b278)
- Add refund request to WebStorePaymentAPIClient (fcd6073)
- Add Talpa accounts to Django admin (2258030)
- Create Talpa product mapping and accounting for paid registrations (4988630)
- Don't update merchant in Talpa if data has not changed (f2cd537)
- Further Enkora importer improvements as agreed with KUVA/Liikunta (4579fdd)
- Refund cancelled paid signups (0fc3431)
- Add missing recurring event cancellation and refund texts (dfd24c2)
- Add missing recurring event payment expiration texts (5fec021)
- Allow multiple product mappings for merchants and accounts (fc37fe7)
- Financial admin with admin role can POST or PUT organization data (ea035a5)
- Flaky notification date and time format tests (cac3f3d)
- Improve Swedish translations (45d3e49)
- Make merchant_id a read_only field in API (dec1438)
- Mark transferred signup with payment as attending (360ac2d)
- Signup unpaid order cancellation (234f917)
- Upgrade dependencies to newer versions (0816f1f)
3.3.1 (2024-03-27)
- Use sort in error log (5adbb7d)
3.3.0 (2024-03-26)
- Allow only same VAT percentage for registration price groups (f715b0c)
- Use the same VAT percentage in registration price group admin (845a705)
- Make espoo importer ignore orphaned events (e06238c)