The EPA created the US Environmentally-Extended Input Output (USEEIO) life cycle model of goods and services using Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data with EPA data to support Sustainable Materials Management. The model is freely available and in use by experts in industry, academia (24+ US universities), the non-profit sector, and other Federal Agencies. In 2019, EPA awarded a Regional Sustainability and Environmental Sciences Research Program (RESES) grant to work with local communities in Georgia to build their own interfaces to the model. The tools developed are now broadly available to other organizations, states and countries.
View the Input-Output Tools
Learn about our Contributors
Learn about the USEEIO API
View our Online Presentaion and Webinar Video from our Smarter Together Presentation.
- Spring 2020: Develop application concepts, on-board interested communities
- Summer 2020: Modeling and component development
- Fall 2020: Develop prototype applications
- Spring 2021: Electric Vehicle Ecosystem, Coastal Recycling Activated Carbon Feedstocks
- Summer 2021: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Machine Learning for Industry Imputation
- Fall 2021: Sustainable Communities Web Challenge
- Spring and Fall 2022: Beyond Carbon - Environmental Product Pages
USEEIO Versions - Project Areas - Intern Projects - Starter Samples