Control the hub remotely
The software on the hub receives commands over a local network connection and executes the corresponding hub calls.
If your device supports mDNS (Avahi/Zeroconf) open the address http://cleverpet.local to access the remote control.
If mDNS is not supported you need to go directly to http:// or if on Android you may install the "Bonjour Browser" app to browse the local services and click on "Cleverpet interface" to open the remote control.
Supported python version: 3.6+
Communication with the hub is done via the Cleverpet object from the controlpet module in client/python. After instantiating Controlpet with the IP and Port of the hub call .connect()
Communication is happening in a background thread. Messages to the hub are put in a FIFO queue and most calls are asynchronous.
To end communication with the hub call .disconnect()
The hub needs a reinitialization routine after each round played. To ensure that the hub is in a good state call .new_round() after each interaction of your pet with the hub.
A simple game workflow would be
1 Connect
2 Show colors
3 Wait for key press
4 Evaluate result and present treat if correct
5 Evaluate if treat was taken
6 Initialize new round
7 Go back to 2 or disconnect if finished
A simple example can be found here
Required libraries
- hackerpet
- papertrail
Communication with the hub:
TCP Port: 4889
commands are encapsulated in a start marker @ and an end marker ; Text outside those markes is discarded, so if a line based interface like telnet is used the newline characters are ignored.
The end marker can not be escaped inside a command and is prohibited.
Parameters inside a command are separated by : and must start and end with a : as well. For example
List of commands
Request the buttons pressed since the last @buttons; request
returns: @buttons:<int>:;
The integer returned has the first three bits set to the state of the three buttons
Present the treat
returns: @ok;
Parameter 1 ... the number of the light (0,1,2)
Parameter 2 ... How much yellow (0 ... 100)
Parameter 3 ... How much blue (0 ... 100)
Switch on/off a button light
returns: @ok;
Parameter 1 ... The name of the sound to play (one of negative,positive,do,click,squeak,left,middle,right)
returns: @ok;
Allow the hub to do re-initialize. Should be done after each round
returns: @ok;
List of events Events are messages sent by the hub asynchronously
This message is broadcast via UDP on port 4888 and sends the DeviceID of the hub in intervalls
Parameter 1 ... Button that was pressed (1 .. left, 2 .. middle, 4 .. right)
When a button is pressed the hub sends a button_event with the button that has been pressed.
Each button has a minimum interval before sending the next button_event (currently 500ms) to prevent double taps
- Michael Gschwandtner - Initial work