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herp edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 18 revisions

NOTE: You may want to try the Cloudbox Varken Feature instead of the community role as it is an easier setup. After the below load up Minor setup is still needed once you're in though. Desi is working on automating this, give him your love :) :

In Cloudbox: git fetch && git checkout feature/varken && sudo ansible-playbook cloudbox.yml --tags varken

  1. Run the role as a normal community role.

    cd ~/community
    sudo ansible-playbook community.yml --tags varken
  2. Edit the settings file, cp /opt/varken/varken.example.ini /opt/varken/varken.ini nano /opt/varken/varken.ini

    Influxdb url, use public ip and update with your Cloudbox username/password.

    Taultulli/arrs, use format as url =

  3. Restart Varken to load updated settings file docker restart varken

  4. Visit grafana - default login is admin and your default CB password. Add data source InfluxDB:

    HTTP: URL = http://influxdb:8086

    InfluxDB Details: Database = varken and User/Pass = Normal cloudbox settings

  5. Grafana Example from Organizrr Discord:

    from: GilbN -- Plex dashboard for Grafana @Grafana-Group for anyone using Varken ( Thought I'd share the dashboard I made (with the help of Rox and Tron): You will need to add the piechart and worldmap plugins for the dashboard to work. Use the variables to set the different data sources.

    To Install PieChart/WorldMap: cd /opt/grafana/plugins && git clone && git clone && docker restart grafana

    Note that Telegraf is needed to pull CPU/Network Info, it can be installed via:

    cd ~/community
    sudo ansible-playbook community.yml --tags telegraf

    Telegraf will need to be added as another Data Source and the Plex Dashboard will need to be configured to use it.

  6. Grafana Examples from Varken Discord:

    Online Users Table Example (Tautulli):

    World Map w/ geoIP

    Device Type Pie Chart:

    Basic Panel Structure

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