simple aave flashbot to borrow and use FUnds without collateral
What you need -testnet token(ETH) to pay for gasfee and transaction cost sepolia facuet for example for etehreum testnet
-get USDC Testnet token from AAVE
-deploy flashloan contract to sepoliaChain send USDC to the smartcontract, this is to pay back the interesst for the funds you borrowed
-run function fn_RequestFlashLoan enter here tokenaddress of usdc and specify teh amount of usdc you want to borrow for example if you want to borrow 1000USDC convert this to WEI so 1000 usdc is 1000000000 WEI (usdc has 6 decimals)
make profit and send me some of it joethereum.eth
AAVE V3 Testnet addresses