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API calls to SemEHR index

Honghan Wu edited this page Nov 7, 2017 · 6 revisions

Types of documents

SemEHR contains four types of documents as follows.

  • patient: patients;
  • ctx_concept: contextualised concepts;
  • eprdoc: clinical notes;
  • medprofile: structured medical profiles.


API call

URL Prefix http://IP_ADDR:PORT/INDEX/patient/

  1. Query patients (/_search/)

    RESTful Examples:

    • query patients by keyword hepatitis: /_search/?q=hepatitis
    • query patients by UMLS concept - CUI C0019158 (hepatitis): /_search/?q=C0019158
    • query patients by contextualised concept - EB07A6EF908CFC11B1B003E1B1CFA6C6 (CUI:C0019158, negation:Affirmed, temporality:Recent, experiencer:Patient): /_search/?q=EB07A6EF908CFC11B1B003E1B1CFA6C6

    Python examples:

query patients by keyword hepatitis

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

es_host = 'http://IP_ADDR:PORT/'
index_name = 'INDEX'
doc_type = 'patient'
query = 'hepatitis'
es = Elasticsearch([es_host])
results =, doc_type=doc_type, body={'query': {'term': {'_all': query}}, 'size': 1})
print results

query patients by contextualised concept - EB07A6EF908CFC11B1B003E1B1CFA6C6

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

es_host = 'http://IP_ADDR:PORT/'
index_name = 'INDEX'
doc_type = 'patient'
query = 'hepatitis'
es = Elasticsearch([es_host])
results =, doc_type=doc_type, body={'query': {'term': {'anns.contexted_concept': 'EB07A6EF908CFC11B1B003E1B1CFA6C6'}}, 'size': 1})
print results
  1. Get patient data by id (/id)

    RESTful Example:

    • get patient by id - 99836 /99836/

    Python Example:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

es_host = 'http://IP_ADDR:PORT/'
index_name = 'INDEX'
doc_type = 'patient'
query = 'hepatitis'
patient_id = '99836'
es = Elasticsearch([es_host])
result = es.get(index_name, patient_id, doc_type=doc_type)
print result

data structure

Patient's properties including anns (annotations), articles (clinical notes of the patient) and id (patient id).

  • anns (indexed; stored; list of JSON object) all annotations identified in all the patient's clinical notes
    • CUI (type: keyword) the UMLS concept ID of the annotation;
    • appearances (type: list of JSON object) where the annotation appears;
      • date (type: date, in ticks) the date of the containing document;
      • eprid (type: keyword) the containing document id;
      • offset_end (type: long) the end offset of the original string in the containing document;
      • offset_start (type: long) the start offset of the original string in the containing document;
    • contexted_concept (type: keyword) the id of the contextualised concept (MD5 code of the string CUI_VoNEGATION_VoEXPERIENCER_VoTEMPORALITY).
  • articles (indexed; not stored; type: list of JSON object) all clinical notes of the patient
    • eprid (type: keyword) the id of the clinical note
    • fulltext (type: text) the full text of the clinical note
  • id (indexed; stored; type: keyword) the patient id
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