- Support for Php 8.2
- Support for PHP 8.0 and 8.1
- Switch to Laminas Mime package, minimum Magento version is now 2.3.5
- Don't send the same named attachment twice
- Support for PHP 7.4
- Support for Magento 2.4.0
- Mislabeled admin setting
- Reworked email identification to strictly cover supported types only
- Ability to attach invoices to the shipping confirmation email
- Model\Api\PdfRendererInterface getFileName method signature changed
- Updated comments for latest Magento Coding Standards
- Adjustments for new email handling in Magento 2.3.3 Removed Plugin\TransportFactory with most functionality now handled by Plugin\MimeMessageFactory, Method signature changes for Model\EmailEventDispatcher
- Use previous releases for earlier versions of Magento
- Removed support for Php 7.0
- Adjust for changed core behaviour around plain text emails
- AttachmentInterface::getFilename(true) now provides the base64 encoded name of the attachment
- PHPStan to development tools
- Some parameter type issues
- Adopt latest Magento Coding Standards
- MFTF tweak if not run in isolation
- Reverse additional return types
- Reverse adding return types to maintain 2.2.8 compatibility
- Compatibility with Magento 2.2.8
- Initial MFTF acceptance test
- Reverse 7.1 features as Magento Marketplace does not yet support it
- Use newer php features (minimum 7.1)
- Add compatibility with Magento 2.3.0 and handle upgrade of Zend_Mail, for earlier versions of Magento use previous versions Constructor change in Model\EmailEventDispatcher
- explicitly state Zend\Mime dependency
- Ability to customise affect the final filename
- Reorganised unit tests
- Code Quality improvement - use class constants
- Fixed integration tests
- Major rewrite - removed all preferences, use plugins on TransportBuilder and TransportFactory instead
- Adjusted tests to provide for Pdf Customiser transforming T&Cs to Pdfs
- Package name renamed to fooman/emailattachments-implementation-m2, installation should be via metapackage fooman/emailattachments-m2
- Increased version number by 100 to differentiate from metapackage
- Moved attachment code into separate class Constructor change Observer\AbstractObserver
- Attachments are also added to emails sent separately
- Support for PHP 7.1
- Support for Magento 2.2.0
- Make CheckoutAgreements dependency explicit
- Ability for integration test to check for attachment name
- Translations of file names (thanks Manuel)
- Add note to "Attach Order as Pdf" that it requires the Print Order Pdf extension
- Widen dependencies in preparation for Magento 2.1.0
- Add missing configuration setting for attaching T&Cs to shipping email
- Release for Marketplace
- Integration tests now support Pdf Customiser supplied attachments
- Change project folder structure to src/ and tests/ (not applicable for Marketplace version)
- Initial release for Magento 2