Releases: Countly/countly-server
Releases · Countly/countly-server
Countly Version 22.09.2
- [applications] cleaning up checksum_salt on update, showing value on fetch
- [crashes] fixed negated trend handling of the crashes home widget
- [dashboards] fixed too small graph widgets
- [dashboards] overflow of text in notes fixed
- [dashboards] show latest update date for report manager widgets
- [data-manager] fixed description column
- [device_list] added latest Apple devices
- [devices] app version series legend was missing
- [docker] dependencies for puppeteer
- [export] fixed using export file name
- [logger] convertToCap only when needed
- [logger] Incoming Data Logs datatable sorting change
- [overview] fixed ordering of home widgets doesn't work in CE
- [remote-config] removed programmatic audit report
- [report-manager] taskmanager calling directly using processRequest on task rerun
- [settings] disable city data tracking when country is disabled
- [slipping-away-users] hide user button in CE
- [slipping-away-users] table width arranged
- [star-rating] fixes sorting on rating table
- [two-factor-auth] fix permission call in two factor auth
- [views] fixed bounce rate average in graph
Enterprise fixes:
- [cohorts] query transformation and operation limit fixed
- [crashes-jira] create jira button bugfix
- [drill] add 'recalculate' button for drill widgets
- [drill] fixes for dashboard widgets
- [drill] fixes for event timeline
- [drill] showing last updated on drill widgets
- [formulas] bucket fixes for formulas
- [formulas] fixes for dashboard widgets
- [funnels] did not do first step user list
- [revenue] dashboard widget for revenue
- [revenue] fixed sorting columns
Countly Version 22.09.1
- [2fa] fix permission call in two factor auth
- [api] remove duplicate code and process device type correctly
- [api] top events check fixes
- [apps] app lock tooltip text fixed and localized
- [apps] app management sidebar app icon margin alignment
- [crashes] fixes new crash dispatch
- [crashes] use common styles for the tab element
- [dashboards] note in dashboards escaping fixed
- [device-list] add missing Apple devices
- [events] check for existience of map key in overview
- [hooks] fix app filter for new crashes
- [hooks] fixes for data formatting
- [members] update default profile image sprite
- [push] fixing ampersand encoding in button URLs & on click URL
- [scripts] fixes for expire scripts to do not drop indexes on ttl change, but rather modifly value
- [server-stats] fixed issues with incorrectly calculated data points for periods: "month", "day"
- [settings] country data tracking can be disabled
- [ui] cly-vue-radio-block - use common trend styles
- [ui] common styles for the tab element & trend up, down, neutral and negated states
- [ui] fixes for datepickers, who uses second not milisecond format
- [ui] prevent map zoom via scroll wheel
- [ui] remove spaces before % throughout the dashboard
- [ui] set drawer element z-index for it to be above the table loading mask
- [ui] vertically center some no-data elements in Analytics > Technology
- [upgrade] fix stopping on error
- [upgrade] improvement for upgrade script to do parallel upgrade for collection
Enterprise fixes:
- [attribution] use common styles for the tab element & use correct trend values
- [cohorts] in mongo update $pull And $push CANT be in same call!!
- [cohorts] period selection fixes
- [concurrent_users] online users home widget max numbers margin alignment
- [data-manager] fix for status update not showing up
- [data-manager] fix projections for data masking
- [drill] fix time formatter
- [drill] update duration on each session duration change
- [formulas] pass [CLY]_session as default if none of events is set. To have duration in query builder after
- [groups] check for empty group permission when creating permission set in drawer
- [groups] fix groupID in group drawer
- [retention] fix in case of undefined parameter
- [revenue] use common styles for the tab element
Countly Server Version 22.09
We are thrilled to announce new, improved, and optimized cohort processing that allows seeing results in real-time when data arrives and react to cohort events.
Other improvements
- [apps] app icon change doesn't take effect until clear cache
- [apps] app management Reset & Delete buttons broken hover state
- [apps] fix salt
- [apps] fixed app icon file selection stays the same after switching to another app
- [crashes] get app version from vuex correctly
- [dashboards] fix for widgets with since time period
- [logger] fixed header tab overflow
- [push] fixing ampersand encoding in message URLs
- [ui] datepicker fixes
- [ui] search mixin fixes when value is not string
- [views] fixed displaying users when period is whole year like 2022
- [data-manager] update localization add property name and type
- [logger] collapsable json data
- [plugins] removed plugin version column from feature management
- [security] improved image valdiation
- [security] remove api_keys from requests
- [security] update dependencies
Enterprise fixes:
- [data-manager] fix export for data manager schema
- [data-manager] remove data type tooltip from regenerate drawer
- [data-manager] replace user properties column label with localization
- [drill] localization key updated for View Segments
- [flows] period editing bug fix. +added code to deal with messed up period fields
- [flows] using $substrCP instead of $substr to do not run into problems with special characters
- [retention_segments] breakdown tooltip removed
Enterprise improvements:
- [cohorts] added date control for custom datepicker in Cohort
- [cohorts] real time optimzied cohort generation
- [drill] meta regeneration improvements for speed and user properties
- [performance-monitoring] merge all collections into single apme collection
- [revenue] add currency field
- [surveys] set a new endpoint for retrieving rating widget data
- [users] make name exportable in user profiles
Countly Version 22.08.6
- [2fa] permission fix
- [apps] admin of APP should be able to edit image for app
- [batcher] fix cases when data might still be read from cache even if the cache is disabled
- [core] env variables in tests
- [dbviewer] fixes in dbviewer aggregation pipeline
- [events] fixed . usage in events for some cases
- [logger] change display name of Request Logs to Incoming Data Logs
- [push] allowing editing created messages
- [push] correct formatting for sent number in messages table
- [push] fixes for user merging
- [push] fixing clear job
- [push] fixing errors on push data removals
- [push] more message transferring logging
- [push] removing double message update
- [remote-config] changes to make remote-config params non editable if they are not completed in ab-test
- [remote-config] fix expire for remote config
- [ui] add margin top to settings override warning
- [ui] in dropdowns the scroll bar is not shown by default
- [ui] make app management delete/clear confirmation buttons red
- [ui] multiple localization fixes
Enterprise fixes:
- [active-directory] azure AD multi tenancy support
Countly version 22.08.5
- [apps] admin of app should be able to edit image for app
- [apps] fixed newly created app is locked
- [user-management] fixed group name display if user group_id is not an array
- [crashes] remove os from indexed props in query builder
Enterprise fixes:
- [ab-testing] changes for new endpoint in ab testing
- [groups] added checking for user group_id, it has to be an array
- [drill] added undefined check for _idv parameter
Version 22.08.4
Version 22.08.4
- [config] fixed web configs for config extender
- [core] fixed user picture condition check in user deletion
- [core] prevent app user deletion if there is an error from other plugins
- [db] fixed config variables for docker for different databases
- [events] fixed encoding decoding issue in events
- [linting] fixed codeql issues
- [logger] add debug logs to request logs
- [populator] add more demo pages with links
- [push] reschedule on edits
- [scripts] fixed one liner installer script
- [star-rating] changes for ratings images in countlyFS
- [ui] in dropdowns the scroll bar is not shown by default
- [views] add support for handling SDK provided ids for views
- [views] fixed heatmap top bar check mark
Enterprise fixes:
- [ab-testing] add link click handler for metric breakdown
- [ab-testing] remove target blank from link in metric breakdown
- [active-users] fixed to stop timeout on active users job exit
- [active-users] fixed wrong active user/visitor data
- [cognito] implement cognito authorization code flow
- [concurrent_users] added isNaN control where max item is displayed
- [crash_symbolication] call return connection test from dashboard
- [crash_symbolication] enable platform and status filter
- [crash_symbolication] fixed crashgroup symbol_id passing
- [crash_symbolication] fixed symbol jobs
- [ldap] expose configs in docker
- [surveys] fixed bar colors on nps chart
- [users] add backlink to index view header
Countly Server Version 22.08.3
Version 22.08.3
- [api] fix bug with new apps and salt, when requests are not rejected
- [applciations] if there is an app key, a new one should not be produced
- [applications] will not be able to edit any Application to have an empty name
- [crashes] pass symbol id from crashgroup for symbolication
- [dbviewer] refresh of all data when changing the collection
- [events] fixes for encoding decoding issues in events overview and details page
- [logger] showing if request is cancelled in logger
- [populator] add multiple heatmap examples
- [populator] cleanup duplicate code in populator
- [populator] populator templates datatable's alignment issue
- [ratings] backward compatibility fixes for emoticons
Enterprise Fixes:
- [block] fixed filtering rule saving issue
- [cohorts] fixed home table alignment issue for Safari browser
Version 22.08.2
- [core] script to remove old permission properties
- [crashes] Fix binary image symbol id check
- [crashes] Fix build uuid check for latest crash
- [crashes] Fix fetch symbols response
- [crashes] Prefill symbol drawer called from binary page
- [crashes] Unescape binary page crash name
- [push] fixed arraybuffer crash
- [push] Fixing wrong reporting of retriable errors
- [push] Mark message as streamable before scheduling starts
Enterprise features:
- [crash_symbolication] Fixed symbol drawer
- [crash_symbolication] Show uploaded file in symbol drawer
- [crash_symbolication] Update symbol file validation
- [surveys] removed usage of formatNumber when passing to metric cards as a prop
- [users] Fixed bug with downloading user export if it went to report manager
- [users] when loading user profile page, check data and show active "export download" button if there is existing export for this user
Version 22.08.1
- [crashes] Add crashgroup toggle symbolication switch
- [crashes] Display threads in crashgroup view
- [crashes] Fix crashgroup refresh action
- [crashes] Fix crashgroup symbolicate action
- [crashes] Fix show symbolication switch
- [crashes] Improve crash group datatable expansion handler
- [crashes] Move datatable row stacktrace actions to dropdown menu
- [crashes] Move stacktrace actions to dropdown menu
- [db] provide different configs for different databases through ENV variables
- [populator] udpated data for populator
- [report-manager] correctly handle case when admin permissions are not given
- [star-rating] changes for adding time in excel for ratings
- [star-rating] emojis backward compatibility fix for ratings
- [star-rating] logo preview dimensions adjusted
Enterprise fixes:
- [crash_symbolication] Fix symbold build id checking
- [crash_symbolication] Update symbolication switch text
- [drill] use random function that is fully supported in nodejs 14
- [oidc] additionally store check in coookie to fallback if session expires
Countly Server Version v22.08
- [core] fix member image endpoint, replace session id with member id
- [dashboards] fixed user overview shows same 'number' for total, returning and new.
- [push] logging sender crashes
- [push] removing EE dependencies from CE
- [star-rating] fix for platform and app version
- [ui] color mismatch is fixed between legend and chart line in multi-legends as chart data changes
- [ui] improvement of selected tab on multiline select element
- [long-tasks] allowing to kill long tasks on DB side
- [push] allowing on-event auto push in CE
Enterprise fixes:
- [ab-testing] improved detail page
- [cohorts] fixing special period handling
- [config-transfer] fixed dashboards export
- [data-manager] Fix transform event drawer regex input
- [funnels] changes for funnel datepicker
- [gateway_processor] fixed processing on error
- [gateway_processor] localization and menu fixes for new UI
- [group] fixes for ui
- [surveys] fixed total responses NaN
- [users] refresh user details page
Enterprise features:
- [data-manager] data redacting for user properties
- [oidc] work with new permissions
- [retention_segments] breakdown by segments
- [revenue] revenue widget for the custom dashboard
- [users] breakdown of users by segments