Note: If internet connection is slow, we can also distribute the example data via an USB stick (ask your instructor ;) ).
Example data: We will work example data on the HPC:
# go to workplace folder
cd /scratch/$USER/......
conda activate envs/workshop
# test
NanoPlot --help
flye --version
# Switch to a path on your system where you want to store your data and results
cd /scratch/$USER
# Create new folder
mkdir nanopore-workshop
cd nanopore-workshop
cp -r /scratch/Tausch/2023-RKI-NGS-Workshop/data/ngs_kurs/<folder> /scratch/$USER/nanopore-workshop/data/
# double-check that everything is in place:
ls -lah
# all good? Let's move on to QC!
cd nanopore-workshop
cat <folder>/barcodeXX/*.fastq.gz > data/<file>.fastq.gz
ls -lah
cd nanopore-workshop
NanoPlot -t 4 --fastq <file>.fastq.gz --title "Raw reads" \
--color darkslategrey --N50 --loglength -f png -o nanoplot/raw
# Note: we use 1 kb as the minimum length cutoff as an example. For your "real" samples other parameters might be better. Do QC before.
filtlong --min_length 1000 --keep_percent 90 \
--target_bases 500000000 <file>.fastq.gz > <file>-filtered.fastq
# Check the quality:
NanoPlot -t 4 --fastq <file>-filtered.fastq --title "Filtered reads" \
--color darkslategrey --N50 --loglength -f png -o nanoplot/clean
# run the assembly, this will take a bit time
flye --nano-raw <file>-filtered.fastq -o flye_output_<file> -t <cores> --meta --genome-size 5M
# the final output genome assembly will be in flye_output/assembly.fasta
minimap2 -ax map-ont flye_output_<file>/assembly.fasta <file>-filtered.fastq > <file>-mapping.sam
###5.1 Visualization of the mapping (IGV)
# first, we need to convert the SAM file into a sorted BAM file to load it subsequently in IGV
samtools view -bS <file>-mapping.sam | samtools sort -@ 4 > <file>-mapping.sorted.bam
samtools index <file>-mapping.sorted.bam
# start IGV browser and load the assembly (FASTA) and BAM file, inspect the output
igv &
# load mapping file as 'primary assembly'
# -> <file>-mapping.sorted.bam
# load assembly file as 'Reference/consensus file'
# -> flye_output_<file>/assembly.fasta
# run racon, as input you need the reads, the mapping file, and the assembly you want to polish
racon -t 4 <file>-filtered.fastq <file>-mapping.sam flye_output_<file>/assembly.fasta > <file>-consensus-racon.fasta
# map to new consensus
minimap2 -ax map-ont <file>-consensus-racon.fasta <file>-filtered.fastq > <file>-consensus-mapping.sam
# now look at it in tablet or IGV again
igv &
# load mapping file as 'primary assembly'
# -> <file>-consensus-mapping.sorted.bam
# load assembly file as 'Reference/consensus file'
# -> flye_output_<file>/assembly.fasta
is not in your current workshop
environment because it was conflicting with the other tools. That's why we need a separate Conda environment for Medaka
- Make a new environment for
might have many dependencies that conflict
- an alternative to
can be much faster in solving your environment, e.g. here for the toolmedaka
- thus, let us install
and then installmedaka
mamba create -y -p envs/medaka "medaka>=1.8.0"
conda activate envs/medaka
# Run Medaka
# ATTENTION: it is always good to assign an appropriate Medaka model -m based on
# the performed basecalling! Here, we use some example model for the E. coli
# data. Adjust that in the following Exercise!
# If you are on the RKI HPC: due to restrictions it might be even difficult to run other Medaka models because
# they need to be downloaded first.
medaka_consensus -i <file>-filtered.fastq -d <file>-consensus-racon.fasta -o <file>-medaka -m r941_min_sup_g507 -t 4
# now look at it in tablet or IGV again
igv &
# compare alle three assemblies
bwa index draft.fasta
bwa mem -t 16 -a draft.fasta reads_1.fastq.gz > alignments_1.sam
bwa mem -t 16 -a draft.fasta reads_2.fastq.gz > alignments_2.sam --in1 alignments_1.sam --in2 alignments_2.sam --out1 filtered_1.sam --out2 filtered_2.sam
polypolish draft.fasta filtered_1.sam filtered_2.sam > polished.fasta
conda activate envs/assembly-stats
assembly-stats flye_output/assembly.fasta
conda activate envs/quast
quast --help