An object creation and instantiating structure
class <Name>[(<Parent-Class>)]:
[<class-variable> = <value>]
def __init__(self, atr1, atr2):
self.atr1 = atr1
self.atr2 = atr2
[<other methods]
The basic way of Object Oriented Programming in Python is through classes
Some of the advantages of using class inheritance
- Allows us to create parent and sub classes
- Inherit attributes and methods
- Get all the functionalities of the parent class
- Add or overwrite completely new functionality without affecting the parent class
When a child class calls a method, it will do so by applying the Method Resolution Order. In which Python will climb a chain of inheritance until it finds the appropriate method that resolves the call
When to most used a static method:
- A function that has some logical conection to your class but is not dependant on any specific instance of it
When to most used a class method:
- Provinding alternative ways to instantiate instances of your class. Usually some kind of structured data
In general is not recommended to call this method from the instance level
- In OOP in
a getter is a function that retrieves read only attributes and is implemented through the@property
- In OOP in
And a setter is a way to enable changing the values of read only attributes (encapsulated) and is implemented through the
decorator -
A good use for setters is to restrict what values can be assigned to an attribute. This is caled the encapsulation principle
You must take notice that are in esence just functions so you could extra logic and operations to be executed whenever this special attributes are called
A single entity can handle different version of an object accordingly. So a parent class method can handle instances of it's child method according to that subclass characteristics
A singleton is a class with only one instance. There are some examples of
singletones in Python
such as None
, True
and False
this is what
allows you to compare against them with the is
keyword since it returns
for objects that are the exact same instance
When you define a class you need to define the magic method
that takes the object it self as it's first parameter.
This will execute every time you create a new instance of the class
You can operate on the passed values as much as you want before passing them as attributes or not passed them at all
class Employee:
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.first = first
self.last = last = pay = f"{first}.{last}"
You can define methods like if they were regular
functions. But their first argument must be the instance
itself with self
It's best if this methods are related to the attributes of the instance itself. Otherwise a static method may be more suitable
class Employee:
def __init__(self, first, last):
self.first = first
self.last = last
def add_area(self, area):
self.area = area
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela")
Sometimes you may want to create a method that has some logical relation
to our class but is not dependent on any specific instance or class
variable there fore it does not need the self
or cls
objects passed to it
For this you use the @staticmethod
def is_workday(day):
if day.weekday() == 5 or day.weekday() == 6:
return False
return True
import datetime
my_date =, 7, 10)
print(Employee.is_workday(my_date)) # True
Class method are tied to the whole class itself and are available to
all it's instances. They are identify by the @classmethod
They are most commonly used for:
- Provide alternative ways to create an instance of your class
- Operate on class variables
class Employee:
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.first = first
self.last = last = pay
def from_string(cls, employee_string):
first, last, pay = employee_string.split("-")
return cls(first, last, int(pay))
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela", 1200)
employee_2 = Employee.from_string("Mario-Cubas-980")
While each instance of a class can have it's own attributes, you can also define class variables that affect the whole class and shared by all it's instances
You just need to define them inside the class separate from any other method definition. They are most commonly define at the beginning of the class definition.
class Employee:
raise_amount = 1.04
num_of_employees = 0
To access them you can either:
- Call them from within the class definition as attributes of the class object
class Employee:
num_of_employees = 0
def __init__(self, first, last):
self.first = first
self.last = last
Employee.num_of_employees += 1
- Access them from a class instance
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela")
print(employee_1.num_of_employees) # 1
They do not conflict with an instance attributes even if they have the same name. You just have to be mindful whether you are calling the attribute from the class or the instance
class Employee:
raise_amount = 1.04
def __init__(self, first, last, special_raise=self.raise_amount):
self.first = first
self.last = last
self.raise_amount = special_raise
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela", 1.02)
print(Employee.raise_amount) # 1.04
print(employee_1.raise_amount) # 1.02
When you reference an attribute of an instance Python
will look for that
attribute on the class hierarchy or create it if it doesn't exist anywhere on
the class or it's parents
So it's best practice to still reference class variable by the
instead of by <Class-name>.<class-variable
That way if the user manually changes the attribute it will override the class variable and behave as expected
class Employee:
raise_amount = 1.04
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.first = first
self.last = last = pay
def raise_pay(self): = * self.raise_amount
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela", 1000)
employee_1.raise_amount = 1.05
print( # 1050
If you want a subclass (child) to inherit the attributes and methods from anothe class (parent).
For example you may have some methods and attributes that you want all off your classes to share but want other subclasses to have distinct attributes and methods
To get acces to the atributes from the parent class you will
need to use the super()
This will also inherit any class variables that where defined in the
parent class and execute all the code inside the parents __init__
class Manager(Employee):
def __init__(self, first, last, pay, employees=None):
super().__init__(first, last, pay)
# You never want to pass mutable data types (list, dicts) as default args
if employees is None:
self.employees = []
self.employees = employees
def add_emp(self, emp):
if emp not in self.employees:
def remove_emp(self, emp):
if emp in self.employees:
def list_emps(self):
for emp in self.employees:
print("--->", emp.full_name())
manager_1 = Manager("Juan", "Gambino", 2000, [employee_1, employee_2])
You can create a singleton class by storing the first instance of the class as an attribute. Later attempts at creating an instance simply return the stored instance
- In this case we are going to do it using a decorator that wraps and turns a class into a singleton class
import functools
def singleton(cls):
"""Make a class a Singleton class (only one instance)"""
def wrapper_singleton(*args, **kwargs):
if not wrapper_singleton.instance:
wrapper_singleton.instance = cls(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper_singleton.instance
wrapper_singleton.instance = None
return wrapper_singleton
class TheOne:
first_one = TheOne()
another_one = TheOne()
id(first_one) # 140094218762280
id(another_one) # 140094218762280
first_one is another_one # True
NOTE: Singleton classes are not really used as often in Python as in other languages. The effect of a singleton is usually better implemented as a global variable in a module.
You can use a special magic attribute __dict__
to display all the
attributes that belong to an object (be it class or instance)
It will convert all your attributes in a {key: value} pair dictionary format. So it's great for debugging and testing purposes
print(Employee.__dict__) # All the atributes for class level
print(employee_1.__dict__) # All atributes for instance level
If you use the isinstance()
built-in to check if an object is an
instance of a class. This is also a good way to determine if a value
is of a certain type
value = 5
print(isinstance(value, int)) # True
- This in OOP terms is defined as encapsulation:
Attributes for which only got one opportunity for setting their value and then we can't change the value anymore. This is usefull if we don't want our users to mess with the values of the class instance after it has been instantiated
To define an encapsulated attribute we created using a method with the
Then when we define our attribute value for the first time we need to
prefix _
before the attribute name to enable us to define our
encapsulated attribute based on a regular attribute
But the _
prefixed attribute could still be accesible as an attribute to the
class instance. If we want to prevent total acces to the attribute is we can
prefix it with double underscores (__
) to turn it into a private attribute
class Employee:
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.__first = first
self._last = last = pay
def first(self):
return self.__first
def last(self):
return self._last
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela", 1000)
print(employee_1.__first) # Can't acces __first
print(employee_1._last) # "Vilela"
print(employee_1.first) # "Daniel"
employee_1.first = "Juan # Can't modify atribute
print(employee_1.last) # "Hello"\n"Vilela"
When you difine a property (encapsultaed attribute) it's value can't be changed later through the normal means.
If you want to do so you will need to define a setter function. This function will allow you to change the value of the property when called.
You implemented by using a special decorator @<attribute-name>.setter
class Employee:
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self.__first = first
self._last = last = pay
def first(self):
return self.__first
def last(self):
return self._last
def first(self, value):
self.__first = value
def last(self, value):
self._last = value
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela", 1000)
print(employee_1.first) # "Daniel"
employee_1.first = "Jose"
print(employee_1.first) # "Jose"
employee_1.last = "Moreno" # "M"
print(employee_1.last) # "Moreno"
A good use for setters is for restricting what values can be given to the attributes of an instance of a class after it has been instantiated
class Employee:
def __init__(self, first, last, pay):
self._first = first
self.last = last = pay
def first(self):
return self.__first
def first(self, value):
if value.isdigit():
raise ValueError("Can't asign numbers to first name")
self.__first = value
employee_1 = Employee("Daniel", "Vilela", 1000)
employee_1.first = "135" # "Can't asign numbers to first name"
This are methods that you don't want the user of your class to have acces to. Since it might be that you only need them inside the logic of your class definition
This is called abstraction in which we only exposed to the user the attributes and methods that are relevant to the user
The way we achive this is by prefixing double underscore (__
) before the
method name
class Employee:
def __init__(self, first, last):
self.first = first
self.last = last
def __myPrivateMethod(self):