This document describes how to ingest the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) from the Allen Institute for AI into Solr and Elasticsearch. If you want to build or download Lucene indexes for CORD-19, see this guide.
Follow the instructions here to get access to the data. This version of the guide has been verified to work with the version of 2020/05/26.
From the Solr archives, download the Solr (non -src
) version that matches Anserini's Lucene version to the anserini/
Extract the archive:
mkdir solrini && tar -zxvf solr*.tgz -C solrini --strip-components=1
Start Solr (adjust memory usage with -m
as appropriate):
solrini/bin/solr start -c -m 8G
Run the Solr bootstrap script to copy the Anserini JAR into Solr's classpath and upload the configsets to Solr's internal ZooKeeper:
pushd src/main/resources/solr && ./ ../../../../solrini localhost:9983 && popd
Solr should now be available at http://localhost:8983/ for browsing.
Next, create the collection:
solrini/bin/solr create -n anserini -c cord19
Adjust the schema (if there are errors, follow the instructions below and come back):
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type:application/json' --data-binary @src/main/resources/solr/schemas/cord19.json \
Note: if there are errors from field conflicts, you'll need to reset the configset and recreate the collection (select [All] for the fields to replace):
solrini/bin/solr delete -c cord19
pushd src/main/resources/solr && ./ ../../../../solrini localhost:9983 && popd
solrini/bin/solr create -n anserini -c cord19
We can now index into Solr:
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection Cord19AbstractCollection -generator Cord19Generator \
-threads 8 -input "${DATA_DIR}" \
-solr -solr.index cord19 -solr.zkUrl localhost:9983 \
-storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeContents -storeRaw
Once indexing is complete, you can query in Solr at http://localhost:8983/solr/#/cord19/query
Next, we can stand up an instance of Blacklight to provide a nice search interface; this is exactly the same instance that runs our basic (non-neural) Covidex.
To begin, ensure that you have Ruby 2.6.5+ and Ruby on Rails 6.0+ installed.
Once the approriate ruby and ruby on rails version is installed, navigate to a directory outside of Anserini and clone the Gooselight2:
cd ..
git clone
Then navigate into the gooselight2/covid
directory, and run the following commands. You may need to change to your corresponding Ruby version in the Gemfile
. If a yarn
error occurs with rails db:migrate
run yarn install --check-files
to update yarn:
bundle install
rails db:migrate
rails s
The rails should now be avaliable on http://localhost:3000
From the Elasticsearch, download the correct distribution for your platform to the anserini/
First, unpack and deploy Elasticsearch:
mkdir elastirini && tar -zxvf elasticsearch*.tar.gz -C elastirini --strip-components=1
Upack and deploy Kibana:
tar -zxvf kibana*.tar.gz -C elastirini --strip-components=1
Set up the proper schema using this config:
cat src/main/resources/elasticsearch/index-config.cord19.json \
| curl --user elastic:changeme -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'localhost:9200/cord19' -d @-
Indexing (Abstract, Full-Text, Paragraph):
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection Cord19AbstractCollection -generator Cord19Generator \
-es -es.index cord19 -threads 8 -input path/to/cord19 -storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeContents -storeRaw
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection Cord19FullTextCollection -generator Cord19Generator \
-es -es.index cord19 -threads 8 -input path/to/cord19 -storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeContents -storeRaw
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection Cord19ParagraphCollection -generator Cord19Generator \
-es -es.index cord19 -threads 8 -input path/to/cord19 -storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeContents -storeRaw
We are now able to get visualizations from Kibana at http://localhost:5601
First, from Kibana home tab, connect to the ElasticSearch index that we have created above (or Settings tab -> Kibana -> Index Patterns -> Create Index Patterns).
Provide the index pattern cord19*
, and use publish_time
as the Time Filter field name. You can optionally give this index pattern a custom ID.
Then you can navigate to the Discover tab to run text-based search, or navigate to the Visualize tab to create diagrams and charts.
- Confirmed by @adamyy on 2020-05-29 (commit
) that these instructions work for CORD-19 release of 2020/05/26 - Confirmed by @yxzhu16 on 2020-07-17 (commit
) that these instructions work for CORD-19 release of 2020/06/19 - Confirmed by @LizzyZhang-tutu on 2020-07-26 (commit
) that these instructions work for CORD-19 release of 2020/07/25