This page contains instructions for running BM25 baselines on the MS MARCO passage ranking task. Note that there is a separate MS MARCO document ranking task. We also have a separate page describing document expansion experiments (Doc2query) for this task.
We're going to use the repository's root directory as the working directory. First, we need to download and extract the MS MARCO passage dataset:
mkdir collections/msmarco-passage
wget -P collections/msmarco-passage
# Alternative mirror:
# wget -P collections/msmarco-passage
tar xvfz collections/msmarco-passage/collectionandqueries.tar.gz -C collections/msmarco-passage
To confirm, collectionandqueries.tar.gz
should have MD5 checksum of 31644046b18952c1386cd4564ba2ae69
Next, we need to convert the MS MARCO tsv collection into Anserini's jsonl files (which have one json object per line):
python tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
--collection-path collections/msmarco-passage/collection.tsv \
--output-folder collections/msmarco-passage/collection_jsonl
The above script should generate 9 jsonl files in collections/msmarco-passage/collection_jsonl
, each with 1M lines (except for the last one, which should have 841,823 lines).
We can now index these docs as a JsonCollection
using Anserini:
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -threads 9 -collection JsonCollection \
-generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator -input collections/msmarco-passage/collection_jsonl \
-index indexes/msmarco-passage/lucene-index-msmarco -storePositions -storeDocvectors -storeRaw
Upon completion, we should have an index with 8,841,823 documents. The indexing speed may vary; on a modern desktop with an SSD, indexing takes a couple of minutes.
Since queries of the set are too many (+100k), it would take a long time to retrieve all of them. To speed this up, we use only the queries that are in the qrels file:
python tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
--qrels collections/msmarco-passage/ \
--queries collections/msmarco-passage/ \
--output collections/msmarco-passage/
The output queries file should contain 6980 lines. We can now perform a retrieval run using this smaller set of queries:
sh target/appassembler/bin/SearchMsmarco -hits 1000 -threads 1 \
-index indexes/msmarco-passage/lucene-index-msmarco \
-queries collections/msmarco-passage/ \
-output runs/
Note that by default, the above script uses BM25 with tuned parameters k1=0.82
, b=0.68
The option -hits
specifies the number of documents per query to be retrieved.
Thus, the output file should have approximately 6980 × 1000 = 6.9M lines.
Retrieval speed will vary by machine:
On a modern desktop with an SSD, we can get ~0.07 s/query, so the run should finish in under ten minutes.
We can perform multi-threaded retrieval by changing the -threads
Finally, we can evaluate the retrieved documents using this the official MS MARCO evaluation script:
python tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
collections/msmarco-passage/ runs/
And the output should be like this:
MRR @10: 0.18741227770955546
QueriesRanked: 6980
We can also use the official TREC evaluation tool, trec_eval
, to compute other metrics than MRR@10.
For that we first need to convert runs and qrels files to the TREC format:
python tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
--input runs/ \
--output runs/
python tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
--input collections/msmarco-passage/ \
--output collections/msmarco-passage/
And run the trec_eval
tools/eval/trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval -c -mrecall.1000 -mmap \
collections/msmarco-passage/ runs/
The output should be:
map all 0.1957
recall_1000 all 0.8573
Average precision and recall@1000 are the two metrics we care about the most.
Note that this figure differs slightly from the value reported in Document Expansion by Query Prediction, which uses the Anserini (system-wide) default of k1=0.9
, b=0.4
Tuning was accomplished with the
script, using the queries found here; the basic approach is grid search of parameter values in tenth increments.
There are five different sets of 10k samples (using the shuf
We tuned on each individual set and then averaged parameter values across all five sets (this has the effect of regularization).
Note that we optimized recall@1000 since Anserini output serves as input to later stage rerankers (e.g., based on BERT), and we want to maximize the number of relevant documents the rerankers have to work with.
The tuned parameters using this method are k1=0.82
, b=0.68
Here's the comparison between the Anserini default and tuned parameters:
Setting | MRR@10 | MAP | Recall@1000 |
Default (k1=0.9 , b=0.4 ) |
0.1840 | 0.1926 | 0.8526 |
Tuned (k1=0.82 , b=0.68 ) |
0.1874 | 0.1957 | 0.8573 |
Anserini was upgraded to Lucene 8.0 as of commit 75e36f9
(6/12/2019); prior to that, the toolkit uses Lucene 7.6.
The above results are based on Lucene 8.0, but Lucene 7.6 results can be replicated with v0.5.1;
the effectiveness differences are very small.
For convenience, here are the effectiveness numbers with Lucene 7.6 (v0.5.1):
Setting | MRR@10 | MAP | Recall@1000 |
Default (k1=0.9 , b=0.4 ) |
0.1839 | 0.1925 | 0.8526 |
Tuned (k1=0.82 , b=0.72 ) |
0.1875 | 0.1956 | 0.8578 |
- Results replicated by @ronakice on 2019-08-12 (commit
) - Results replicated by @MathBunny on 2019-08-12 (commit
) - Results replicated by @JMMackenzie on 2020-01-08 (commit
) - Results replicated by @edwinzhng on 2020-01-08 (commit
) - Results replicated by @LuKuuu on 2020-01-15 (commit
) - Results replicated by @kevinxyc1 on 2020-01-18 (commit
) - Results replicated by @nikhilro on 2020-01-21 (commit
) - Results replicated by @yuki617 on 2020-03-29 (commit
) - Results replicated by @weipang142857 on 2020-04-20 (commit
) - Results replicated by @HangCui0510 on 2020-04-23 (commit
) - Results replicated by @x65han on 2020-04-25 (commit
) - Results replicated by @y276lin on 2020-04-26 (commit
) - Results replicated by @stephaniewhoo on 2020-04-26 (commit
) - Results replicated by @eiston on 2020-05-04 (commit
) - Results replicated by @rohilg on 2020-05-09 (commit
) - Results replicated by @wongalvis14 on 2020-05-09 (commit
) - Results replicated by @YimingDou on 2020-05-14 (commit
) - Results replicated by @richard3983 on 2020-05-14 (commit
) - Results replicated by @MXueguang on 2020-05-20 (commit
) - Results replicated by @shaneding on 2020-05-23 (commit
) - Results replicated by @adamyy on 2020-05-28 (commit
) - Results replicated by @kelvin-jiang on 2020-05-28 (commit
) - Results replicated by @TianchengY on 2020-05-28 (commit
) - Results replicated by @stariqmi on 2020-05-28 (commit
) - Results replicated by @justinborromeo on 2020-06-10 (commit
) - Results replicated by @yxzhu16 on 2020-07-03 (commit
) - Results replicated by @LizzyZhang-tutu on 2020-07-13 (commit
) - Results replicated by @estella98 on 2020-07-29
) - Results replicated by @tangsaidi on 2020-08-19
) - Results replicated by @qguo96 on 2020-09-07 (commit
) - Results replicated by @yuxuan-ji on 2020-09-08 (commit
) - Results replicated by @wiltan-uw on 2020-09-09 (commit
) - Results replicated by @JeffreyCA on 2020-09-13 (commit
) - Results replicated by @jhuang265 on 2020-10-15 (commit
) - Results replicated by @rayyang29 on 2020-10-27 (commit
) - Results replicated by @Dahlia-Chehata on 2020-11-11 (commit