A Jisc-funded project to create an archive service for Research Data. Funded under the 'Research at Risk' Data Spring programme.
Originally developed by:
- Tom Higgins - University of Manchester
- Mary McDerby - University of Manchester
- Robin Taylor - University of Edinburgh
- Claire Knowles - University of Edinburgh
- Stuart Lewis - University of Edinburgh
Project website: http://datavaultplatform.org/
- Clone from Github: https://github.com/DataVault/datavault.git
- Install MySQL: https://www.mysql.com/
- Setup database and username to match those in build.properties:
- CREATE USER 'datavault'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'datavault';
- CREATE DATABASE datavault;
- GRANT ALL ON datavault.* TO 'datavault'@'localhost';
- Install RabbitMQ: https://www.rabbitmq.com
- Start up RabbitMQ - should get a healthy startup message
- Follow the RabbitMQ Browser admin tool instructions: https://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html
- Create a RabbitMQ user in the RabbitMQ admin tool with the username and password as defined in build.properties
- Grant permissions for the new user to access the '/' virtual host
- Go into the data-vault home directory and run 'mvn package'
- Start the worker by:
- 'cd datavault-worker/target'
- java -cp datavault-worker-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.datavaultplatform.worker.WorkerManager
- Deploy the datavault-webapp and default-broker to a servlet container (e.g. Tomcat)
- Start webserver