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File metadata and controls

188 lines (152 loc) · 6.21 KB


DieBenutzerumgebung started as an collection of dofiles and an script to manage these. The project now aims to provide a (somewhat) consistent desktop environment experience.

If you have comments, ideas or requests, feel free to get involved.

Main Features

Unified keymaps

I really like consistent keyboard shortcuts. So I started to define desktop wide shortcuts.

For example in my shell CTRL-a/CTRL-e will jump to beginning/end of the line. When editing in VIM these are mapped to increment (CTRL-a) and Scroll without moving cursor (CTRL-e). Since I don't use these shortcuts I remapped them to jump to beginning/end of the line.

Systemwide, application based keybindings/remappings

Because some applications have not configureable shortcuts defined, xkeys.zsh will apply and then load xmodmap and/or xbindkeys configurations for the current focused application (identified by the active WM_CLASS).

More informations on xkeys.zsh can be found here.

Unified themes and style for:

  • bspwm & polybar
  • GTK2 (based on oomox and Numix)
  • GTK3 (based on oomox and Numix)
  • Shell/Terminal

More informations on theming and styling can be found here.

The GTK themes and icons are generated on the fly using oomox.

Also note, that the oomox sources are included so you are able to customize the theme.

Preconfigured applications and packages:


Compatible distributions

  • Debian >=10
  • Ubuntu >=18.04 and Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa (which uses Ubuntu 18.04 as base) should also work.
    • When using Ubuntu 18.04 you'll have to install ansible via PIP, because the one shipped with 18.04 is too old.
  • Other Debian based distributions should work too. You may have to change the sources.


Basic install (like in the video)

These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 19.10.

First we ensure that ansible and git are installed.

sudo apt-get install ansible git

Before you start, you'll need to setup a password for the ansible-vault.

test -e ~/.ansible_vault_password || openssl rand -base64 20 > ~/.ansible_vault_password
chmod 400 ~/.ansible_vault_password

Then you can clone the repository.

git clone --branch=master --single-branch ~/DieBenutzerumgebung

And then you'll setup your environment.

cd ~/DieBenutzerumgebung/inventories/
cp localhost.yml default.yml

Edit default.yml according your needs. More information on how to configure the hosts can be found here.

The minimal change would be to replace your_user with the current user.

For example:

sed "s/your_user/$USER/" -i default.yml

then continue here:

cd ..
cp secrets.example.yml secrets.yml
ansible-vault encrypt secrets.yml
ansible-vault edit secrets.yml
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Finally run the ansible playbook.

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --ask-become-pass

Done. Just logout and login again using the bspwm session.

Upgrade basic install

cd ~/DieBenutzerumgebung/
git pull
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --ask-become-pass



The the source files for all official videos will be released in the DieGebrauchsanweisung repository.

Official YouTube channel

The newest videos can always be found in the official YouTube channel.

Demonstration of some basic features.

Example installation process on a fresh installed Ubuntu 19.10 VM.


Firefox, urxvt running zsh

gVIM (GTK3), urxt running neofetch and pukeskull

GTK2 (Filezilla), GTK3 (oomox, nautilus)

gVIM (GTK3), Firefox and some terminals

gVIM (GTK3), Firefox, and urxvt running ranger

Firefox and two shells