Hey there. Looks like you want to contribute with an issue. Great. Here's what you have to do:
- Have a look through the Botania FAQ, to see if your issue has been solved already;
- Read through the steps on Bug Reporting 101;
- Note the following points:
- Issues regarding MCPC+/Cauldron that are not reproducible with forge only are not accepted;
- Issues regarding outdated versions of the mod are not accepted;
- Duplicate issues or issues that have been solved already (use the search feature!) will be closed without asking.
- Do not tag your issues' names. "Something Broke" is prefered to "[Bug] Something Broke" because there's a proper label system in place.
- Report the Issue!
You can find me at most times on #vazkii @ irc.esper.net, if you need to speak with me about the issue you would report.