This repository provides solution that enable the software devleoper and tester for SDV to identify bugs/issues and deploy updated software in the Vehicle. the following Eclipse SDV projects:
- Ankaios - an embedded container and workload orchestrator targeted at automotive HPCs
- eCAL – a fast communication middleware following the pub-sub principle
- Ankaios Dashboard – a graphical user interface for the Ankaios orchestrator
The repository additionally uses the MQtt Broker service provided by:
- HiveMQ - MQTT Broker service built for flexibility, security, and scalability
This product enables a fleet manager or application developer to build and deploy multi-architecture containerized workloads via a CI/CD pipeline to either one vehicle or the entire fleet. The workload provided in this repository can detect predefined events and abnormal sensor values and report them to a cloud backend for a developer to evaluate and improve algorithms. the implemented example workload is set up to detect emergency breaking events and to create reports including attached vehicle data.
The repository contains the following Ankaios workloads
- Log Publisher App
- Administrator workload
It also contains the developer tools
- Synthetic Data Generator
- CI/CD pipeline script and cloud the application
- Reporting API (backend) including a web GUI
The Workload Administrator
connects to an MQTT broker hosted in the Cloud to recieve the deployment workload specification. It communicates with the Ankaios server over its control interface to perform the following actions on one of the HPCs:
- start containerized workloads
- update containerized workloads
- delete containerized workloads
Workload Administrator
is started by Ankaios at the start of the vehicle.
This is an example workload which is available in this repository. The log publisher app subscribes
to the topic eCAL measurment
to retrieve dynamic vehicle sensor data to detect an emergency break
event (trigger). It then communicates with the Reporting REST API
to submit recorded sensor data
in case of a trigger event detection.
The Log Publisher App
is not started during the vehicle start but is created remotely.
The Synthetic Data Generator
is reponsible for artificially producing dynamic vehicle sensor data
to create an emergency breaking scenario. It publishes its sensor data via eCAL to the topic eCAL measurement
The synthetic data can be used to test and validate the trigger event detection logic in the Log Publisher App
In the real test vehicle setup this component is replaced by in-vehicle components publishing real
sensor data to this very topic.
The reporting API is our Cloud Application that will be used to both receive the reports
(they'll be posted at POST /api/reports
) and to visualize them in a user-friendly UI at /reports
Docker and VScode with Dev Container extension. Open the Dev Container in VScode as usual. If it does not work for you, try the following steps:
docker build -t shift2sdv-dev:0.1 --target dev -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile .
Once done, you can start the container and run a bash shell in it:
docker run -it --privileged --name shift2sdv-dev -v <absolute/path/to>/challenge-shift-to-sdv:/workspaces/shift2sdv -p 25551:25551 --workdir /workspaces/shift2sdv shift2sdv-dev:0.1 /bin/bash
From the project folder, navigate to:
cd backend/reports-backend
Run docker/podman compose to build and start the reports dashboard:
docker compose build
docker compose down
docker compose up
Leave the terminal open. The dashboard will be available at this link.
Run the following command to build the container images and start the development deployment:
Inside your Dev Container, log into your container registry with docker. In this repository, a dedicated dockerhub registry is used and already filled with the containerized workloads for demonstration purposes. If you want to update the applications, run
to rebuild and reupload the multi architecture container images to the container registry.
value inside scripts/cicd-last-step
using the reports dashboard address.
If you are running the reports dashboard locally, you can specify the host's ip address.
When done, you can deploy the Log Publisher App
This sends out the MQTT message to start the workload on the target device. the script is made to stop the Log Publisher App
after a minute again.
You can also manually deploy (start or update) an application using MQTT by either sending an Ankaios Manifest to vehicle/{ID}/manifest/apply
can be anything or all for rollout to the entire fleet), or sending a JSON (example defined in scripts/cicd-last-step) to /vehicle/{ID}/workload/start
A workload can be stopped by sending the exact same manifest to vehicle/{ID}/manifest/delete
or just sending the name of the workload (no JSON, just a string) to /vehicle/{ID}/workload/stop
In order to test the Log Publisher App
, we have created the synthetic_vdy
app to publish synthetic measurements to the vehicle_dynamics_synthetic
topic. Run
cd apps/synthetic_vdy
python3 -u ./
Critical reports will appear on the Reporting dashboard when the Log Publisher App
is running.
Workload Administrator
application is ran using Ankaios at vehicle startup and listens for workload updates over MQTT- A newly created containerized application
Log Publisher App
is built, pushed to a container registry and deployed to the vehicle over MQTT (which makes theWorkload Administrator
app and to start it over Ankaios) - Via MQTT, the vehicle workload state change and regular updates of the vehicle are received
- On the Ankaios Dashboard, the running application is visible
- The
Log Publisher App
subscribes to eCAL data, detects an emergency brake and uploads the recording to the cloud over a REST API - Emergency brake reports are visible in the GUI
- Via MQTT, the
Log Publisher App
's trigger condition can be updated, different reports show up on the GUI - Via MQTT, the
Log Publisher App
can be stopped again - The MQTT message received indicate it has in fact stopped
- On the Ankaios Dashboard, the running
Log Publisher App
application has disappeared
More features have been planned for possible future releases
- Dynamic Triggers Configuration: The current release of the "Log Publisher App" only supports recognition of "Emergency Break" events. Our plan to support more triggers is to move away from the current hard-coded approach and to instead provide the triggers configuration trough MQTT. References for this feature can be found at and sample-dynamic-triggers
- Attach Video to Report: The current release reports are formed mostly by vehicle_dynamics data. In order to provide even more detailed information for the manufacturers, we'd like to provide video data together with the report