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Native PAV

Follow these instructions to install and run PAV natively on a host. These instructions do not apply to Docker or Singularity, which encapsulates the PAV deployment inside a container.

A native deployment is useful if you want more control over PAV, such as distributing it over a cluster, which requires additional cluster configuration. If PAV is run on a single host, containerized PAV (Docker or Singularity) is faster to setup and easier to run.


This documentation will refer to two directories:

  • SITE: Location where PAV code is installed (directory produced by git clone ...). Only required if PAV is run directly (the SITE directory is built into the PAV Docker and Singularity containers).
    • Snakefile in the root of the PAV repository will be in this location.
  • ANALYSIS: Location where analysis is carried out.
    • config.json will be in this location.
    • Output and temporary files are written to this location.

The PAV run scripts will link the SITE and ANALYSIS directories allowing different versions of PAV to be used for different projects.

Install PAV

Pull PAV code

Go to the directory where the SITE directory will be (SITE will be pwd/pav) and pull PAV:

git clone --recursive

There is nothing to compile, PAV and submodule libraries are pure Python.


PAV requires Python 3 with the following Python libraries installed:

  1. BioPython
  2. intervaltree
  3. matplotlib
  4. numpy
  5. pandas
  6. pysam
  7. scipy

Command line tools needed:

  1. minimap2 (default aligner)
  2. lra (optional alternate aligner)
  3. samtools
  4. bedToBigBed (optional, from UCSC browser tools)

Optional tools: The aligner defaults to minimap2, but PAV also supports LRA. PAV only requires the aligner you use, both do not need to be installed. PAV can create browser tracks for variant calls, and if this feature is used, the UCSC browser tools are needed (bedToBigBed). Pre-compiled binaries can be obtained from

Setting up the run directory

Link Snakefile from the SITE directory to the ANALYSIS directory.

Run scripts

To execute via run scripts, go to the run directory and link rundist and runlocal from the PAV install directory


ln -s /path/to/PAV/1.0.0/rundist ./
ln -s /path/to/PAV/1.0.0/runlocal ./

rundist will be used to distribute over a cluster, and runlocal will be used to run the pipeline in the current session. Configuring rundist will require some knowledge for distributing over a cluster.

Both scripts setup some control variables and pass control over to a user-defined script. rundist will search for config/, and runlocal will search for config/ It first searches the run directory, then it searches the PAV install directory. Once found, it calls that script to carry out calling Snakemake. If is not found, PAV will use a built-in default (files/run_scripts/, but the environment must be setup with all PAV's dependencies (Snakemake, python with libraries, minimap2, samtools, etc -- See "Dependencies" in this README).

Generally, you would add your run scripts to the PAV install directory so it could be run for any number of projects. Some runs may need custom resources not typical for other projects, and for those, you can override the script in the PAV install directory with one in the run directory.

Examples for what your config/ and config/ might look like are in comments at the bottom of rundist and runlocal.

After the symbolic link is created and your config/ and/or config/ are in place, PAV is run:

./rundist 20 pav_HG00733_CCS_SS_PG_PRR.vcf.gz


./runlocal 20 pav_HG00733_CCS_SS_PG_PRR.vcf.gz

The first number (20 in the example) is the number of concurrent jobs. Everything else is passed to Snakemake as a target, and there may be multiple targets. If there are no targets, the default rule is run, which reads assemblies.tsv and generates the VCF for all. If you are using wildcards in config.json instead of assemblies.tsv, the targets are required.

Snakemake direct

Examples in this section will assume shell variable PAV is set to the PAV install directory (directory with Snakemake in it).

If PAV was configured to read from assemblies.tsv, then the default rule will run all assemblies.

To run a single sample, request any output file from Snakemake.

For example:

snakemake -s ${PAV}/Snakefile pav_HG00733_CCS_SS_PG_PRR.vcf.gz

Where "HG00733_CCS_SS_PG_PRR" is the name of the sample or assembly to be run.

Additianal errors and information


If PAV hangs for no apparent reason, try running with "OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1" set in the environment. This could be done by adjusting your or or exporting it before running PAV. There is a reasonable explanation here:

This issue was observed in GitHub issue #39. If you see this behavior in the Docker or Singularity container distributed with PAV, please report a bug.