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File metadata and controls

130 lines (97 loc) · 6.01 KB

SMRT-SV Genotyper

The SMRT-SV genotyper takes a VCF of structural variant (SV) calls and some number of sample alignment files (BAM/CRAM) containing short-read Illumina data. In each sample, it searches for evidence of each SV calls and attempts to assign a genotype (0/0, 0/1, or 1/1).

Using the reference FASTA SVs were called against, the genotyper builds an ALT-reference by taking the primary contigs from the SV reference and adding local-assembly contigs from SMRT-SV as ALT sequences. BWA-MEM is then used to remap all short-reads to this ALT reference. Therefore, each SV has both a primary (from primary contigs) and alt (from SV contigs) representation, and so reads associated with the presence or the absense of an SV have a place to map. This greatly improves sensitivity over genotyping methods that use the reference without SV ALTs, which is especially true for insertions. However, this comes at the high cost of remapping all sequence reads to the ALT reference.


The SMRT-SV genotyper requires two input files, a genotyper config file and a table of short-read samples. These files may be called anything, but in the following examples, we will use genotyper.json and

We recommend running the genotype in its own directory separate from other project files. Do no run in the SMRT-SV install directory. To setup, change to a clean location with no files, create the configuration and sample table in that location, and run the genotyper from there.

Genotyper config

Example configuration file:

  "sample_manifest": "",
  "sv_reference": "/path/to/hg38.no_alt.fa",
  "sv_calls": "/path/to/sv_calls.vcf.gz",
  "sv_contigs": "/path/to/assemble/local_assemblies.bam",
  "model": "30x-4",
  "min_call_depth": 8
  • sample_manifest: Location of the sample table (see next section)
  • sv_reference: Reference FASTA SVs were called against
  • sv_calls: VCF of SV calls.
  • sv_contigs: A BAM of SV-containing contigs
  • model: Genotyping model
  • min_call_depth: Minimum breakpoint alignment depth over both reference and alternate breakpoints needed to make a call
    • SVs that do not have this many reads over breakpoints are given a no-call genotype (./.)

The VCF must be output by SMRT-SV or be similar to SMRT-SV. It requires INFO fields CONTIG, CONTIG_START, and CONTIG_END. These are the name of the local assembly containing the SV (CONTIG) and BED-like coordinates of the SV breakpoints on that contig (CONTIG_START and CONTIG_END). These contigs must be found in the BAM referenced by sv_contigs.

Currently, the reference file must be an uncompressed FASTA. We are expecting to add support for gzipped and bgzipped FASTA files, but that will currently not work correctly.

The genotyping model is the name of a directory in files/gtmodel. Several models were trained at different read depths and with no-call cut-off criteria. For high-coverage data, we used 30x-4 with a min_call_depth of 8. For low-coverage 1000 Genomes data, we used 8x2 with a min_call_depth of 2.

Sample table

The sample table contains each sample to be genotyped, sample sex, and paths to their alignment files (BAM or CRAM).

Example sample table:

sample1	F	/path/to/sample1.cram
sample2	M	/path/to/sample2.cram
sample3	M	/path/to/sample3.cram
sample4	U	/path/to/sample4.cram


  • SAMPLE: Name of the sample. These become sample columns in the output VCF.
  • SEX: Male (M), Female (F), or unknown (U). Used to correct genotypes on sex chromosome.
  • DATA: Path to an alignment file (BAM or CRAM)

To support aligned CRAM files, an optional REF column may be specified to point to the reference each sample is to. If the REF column is present and the value is not NA for a sample, then that reference is used to read the alignment file. If the reference has been seen by samtools or htslib before, it may be cached in ~/.cache/hts-ref, and in this case, the REF field may not be required for to read these CRAM files.


To run, call smrtsv from the install directory and run the genotype module. It will need the

/path/to/smrtsv genotype <genotyper.json>



${SMRTSV_DIR}/smrtsv --jobs 10 genotype genotyper.json variants.vcf.gz

Example distributed:


${SMRTSV_DIR}/smrtsv --cluster-config=${SMRTSV_DIR}/cluster.eichler.json --drmaalib /path/to/ --distribute --jobs 20 genotype genotyper.json variants.vcf.gz


All VCF fields up to the FILTER column are copied from the input VCF. INFO is altered after building the VCF using vcffixup in vcflib.

The FORMAT of each sample is GT:GQ:GL:DPR:DPA

  • GT: Genotype.
    • ./.: No call. Insufficient read depth over breakpoints to make a genotype call.
    • 0/0: Homozygous reference (absent).
    • 0/1: Heterozygous (present in one copy).
    • 1/1: Homozygous (present in two copies).
  • GQ: Genotype quality computed as a PHRED-scaled score of genotype density (see below).
  • GL: Genotype likelihood based on the relative genotype density predicted by the genotype model (see below).
  • DPR: Read read depth over reference breakpoints.
  • DPA: Read depth over alternate breakpoints on SV contig.

Note: For male samples, 0/1 will never be observed on chromosome X. However, X is present in only one copy, so allele number calculations should adjust for this.

GQ and GL FORMAT fields

Given a set of features (breakpoint depth, split reads, intsert size, etc), the relative density of each genotype call (0/0, 0/1, and 1/1) is computed by the machine learning model, and the sum of these three densities adds up to 1. This is encoded in the GL field as a comma-separated list for 0/0, 0/1, and 1/1, respectively. For example, 0.0441,0.8809,0.0750 is a 0/1 call with a relative density of 0.8809 (compared to 0.0441 for 0/0 and 0.0750 for 1/1).

The genotype quality is a Phred-scaled score of the maximum likelihood. It is computed as 10 * -log10(1 - D), where D is relative density of the accepted genotype call (0.8809 in the example above).